Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 08, 1851, Image 3

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'' esslsalfsl.
., . Hahrhburo, Feb. I
SmT. Petitiomt nnd Remonstrances.
Petition asking for the repeal of Ihe law
Jlrohrbiling the circulation of notes under the
denomination of five dollars, issued by bank
In other State than Pennsylvania. One
against the repeal of the kidnapping laws.
Billi Introduced One In extend the juris'
diction of Justices of the Peace; one to au
thorize the erection of three bridges near
HocsR. The House was called to order by
Speaker Cessna, and proceeded to business,
; Billi Reported. Bill authorizing the Go
vernor to subscribe fur 300 copies of Peter A.
ftrntlfnn'a wnrk Oil Sheen and Wool ; a bill
to extend to the Commonwealth the provis
ions of the law which limits suits against
sureties on official bonds to seven years.
Negative Reports. Negative reports were
made on the bill relative to the fees of Alder
men and Justices of the Peace, and the bill
, relative to voluntary assignments for the ben
fit of creditors.
Resolutions. A resolution was passed, in
strnc'.iiig the Committee on Waysand Means
Ho consult with the Auditor General and the
Stale Treasurer, lo devise some means of les
sening the expenses of collecting Ihe StatP)
County, Local and School Taxes.
..Till Passed. -The bill incorporating the
Tennsylvania Steamship Company was taken
tip and passed yeas 50, nays 25.
And the House adjourned.
February 3.
Sisstk. Hills Reported. A select com
mittee reported a bill, wi'h amendments, to
reannex the county of Montour to Columbia
' Bill Introduced Supplement to the act In
evise the Militia system, and in provide for
he training of such only as are uniformed.
Housr.. The Tariff" Resolutions. The Se.
ect Committee, to whom were referred the
esolntions nn the tariff, made three reports,
ne signed by Mr. IVnuiiniin, another by
lessrs Bonham and Biiinlle, und a thiid
iiined by Messrs. Killinger and Brown.
The House then adjourned.
Currespoixlrwe of tlic PnlJic laalget.
Washington, Feb 2, 1851.
The death of Mr. Kaufman was probably
reduced by a ball which had penetrated his
Mty and not been extruded ; in addition to
,nt, .Mr. K. was an invrteiale smoker. He
m ;u excellent member and universally
tett. Many hours tiTter his death, his body
s urlf'ctly warm and his limbs relaxed,
t aigiti s is usually the case with dead bo.
es. Elkcre was something of a warm
oi1iiTe wi his brent, hi-, eyps were not
rlfc, appeared to be in a slumber.
ieblol, iawever, beginning to (low from
nrw'ii h(Pd th nature of his disease,
IfcauU( ('.y have wi-di-d that he may
t ie iwoieii th a day or two jet. His fu'
at WJ ink frface to-morrow.
McPHXitorV t:l (diawn by Mr. Corwin)
i kitter prU 'or lite, Senate to swallow ; but
trill tame t 4itvn. The Supreme Court
tie CiiftaS l?tae put a different constrnc
M on ttk-e swots, law from Ihe Treasury
cuUrf y&r tt'abt; and unless Congress
eiifi t.e Hx, Am tavirt' of 1316 will yield a
yctnaft miuw. Umler the decision of
i U. S.Sivirfm; Cwatt, as it is, large sums
I w (snn tiiie Treasury, and there will
ill pnfcaV fc a deficit. The most per
t law is t'iiewrv mutt, after all, be applied
iifc a ipraiii f salt"1 Ui particular cases.
Vs (Mmi a (fee tsill cuumis down to the
r .i c , - .-.jiT -...oi.tmni.t once, or wn i tnc suuscriucT.
use team tkf freimn--, si tatill amendment , J"OH I VlH K
I be -k M it, svljcfc being g.-rmain to j jackson ,pM j,ln. 851. 3t.
fcili, -xui"it be tedl omt uf order. The i -
if H lJte come sit f.u'iily, ami we shall j NOTICE.
his Ttreitgl'.. Mr. Buchanan is here, and ! Norllllinilirrlnml foilllty, H.
frv-uds are ralfcer Ay of lojiching the I In the Orphans' Court at January Term. A. D
., . - .,.(,.- I 1851. on the Petition of Daniel Gring and Cutha-
isttre, even tijoe wm hereti'nre were . '. , . r .i.
rine his wi!e, late I iilharinC Morrison, one ot the
' be in Ijvmt if IhwT HiH.iments. )pirs ol Saumi l Morrison, late of the Borough of
Strong, if Ileattiirg, tVl" merif the late j Milton, dee'd. The Court grant a Rule upon
IT a mend merit, ) as iuhWlial a mem- ! Llual-rth Moms..,,, h.tcrmarried with John Wor
. . , . . I in. Catharine Morrison, intermarried with Dau-
w i in Iho ttiwms nu-Uanaii j (iring, Nan. y intermarried with No
u It is now certain t'.xt Oa'Ua. Rnchanan a, Prentitc, ShihucI Mnrrisuii, since deceased :
Walker m ipiinfl Jo amwJinjr the j
he cheap postage bill is so amended by
Senate lliat jou would scarcely know it.
three and lve cent rates, as t have nl-
aunenncej in my letter to the Ledger
e been restured ; the chiure f pains and
allies on publishers refusing to publish
list of iincalled fur letters, is entirely
.ken out, and Mr. Matteson's Royal Enr-
made Republican acain. He seems la
' 'er "the higher law to the rules of gram- '
." So make yourself perfectly easy on
core ol '-that amendment." I ilonbt
r much whether there will be time left to
i the law this session, or whether the
se and Senate will aiee. The only way
ass the bill this session, is for the House
ome up to the notions uf the Senate.
is said that Bern, the well known Polish
eral, died at Aleppo in Ihe first part of
ember. Ha lemaiued in the Mouamme
faith to the last, and was buried with
tary honors. With Bern faith was a niat
of small account ; bis business was action
that of the most intense and tumultuous
His only religion was to avenge his
try upon the Russian despotism, and de
y tha tyranny of the Czars. Personally
vas one of the bravest and most generous
eings, a man of most fertile resources and
inal mind, nejitlo Napoleon and Welling,
the great commander of modern times.
was small in stature, but of an active and
ring temperament. Hit will once fixed,
ling thon of impossibility could turn it,
that impossibility he was the last to ad
He was born at Taruow, in Gallicia, in
'j, and was accordingly fifty-five years old
is death.
cntom jo Pa Est DfcKT. -Several Demo
io papers of Indiana urge the nomination
Jul Benton for President. Since hi de
'. in Miissouri, some who previously te
imended General Lane, now aupport Col
i. mrtv pocket is (Treat gulf between
and aMccee. impasMble,h, wb,ch
jdeJ Laxaiua fiom hi Jriena, uie minion
Fine Groceries nnd Tens t
S. W. Cornsr 6th f Arch Street, Philadelphia.
OFFERS for mle all kinds of choice Family
Groceries and selected articles tit his line of
business; Greon and Black TeSsot all qualities
ml nrices 1 Krai Mocha, Old Java and other
kinds of Codec. Sugars, Corn Starch for pud
dings, Farina, Fi(rs in small drums, Layer Kai
ins, Ercnch Clarified Isinglass for jellies ( Extra
While Wheat Rochester and Philadelphia Fa'
mily Flour in W hole and Half Barrels j 'Latour'
Olive Oil) assorted kinds of Sauces and Ketch
ups, Pickles, Olives, Preserved Ginger, Ac, Ac.
tiooils parked lor (lie country anil sent 10 nan
Rond Depot or elsewhere without clinme.
8. V. Cor. Cth A Arch Sis.
Feb. 1, 1851 ly ch. M. A. '50.
TN pHrsunure of an order of the Orphans court of
1 IN orthumlierland county, will be eniKwod to pub
lic sale on Tuesday the 2oth day of February, at
the Public House of William Weaver in tha town
of Shamokin, to wit: Lot No. 3, on which is
erected a frame
Dwelling House,
No. 15 A 16, with a frame Dwelling House
thereon, Nos. 74 & 75, on which is erected a
Also the interest and right of said intestate at the
time of his decease of in and to two ccrtuin lots of
Kind in said town now owned by Rev. J. Hamil
ton. Also lots Nos. 135, 136, 137, A 138, in the
town of Shamokin. Also a piece of land lying
between Franklin street and lot No. 135H, Shakes
pear und Spnrtzheim streets through which the
Kail Koad names. Also a small part of a lot he
ir t lie front part of a lot owned by Harnian Sliv
er, I'rnnling on Commerce sircct, situate in the
town ofShiiniokin, Northumberland county, late
the estate of John C. Hovd, dee'd. Sale to com
mence at 10 o clock, A.M. of said day, when the
terms will lie made known by
13v ordrr of the Court,
Jan. S3, 1851) U-
"IV'OTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad
ministration have been granted to thn sub
scrilier on the estate of Christian Krieger, dee'd.,
late of Lower Augusta township, Northuuibcr
lund county. All persons indebted to said estate,
or having claims against the samo, arc requested
to call on the subscriber for settlement,
Lower Augusta tp., Jan. S3, 1851 (it.
The Rlteiition of the public is called to the ad
vertisement of Mr- Charles C- Tucker, Attorney
and Agent at W'ashigton City- Persons hav
ing claims for bounty Lands or Pensions aro in
formed that the subscriber has made arrangements
for the requisite forms, and claimants calling at
his ollire, eun have their papers prepared and
forwarded to Mr- Tucker at Washington, and
by him be properly attended to before the De
partment there.
Simbury, Jan. 18, 1851
THE undersigned Auditor appointed by the
Orphans' Court of Northumberland county
to make distribution to and among the heirs of
Leonard Flouts, dee'd., hereby notifies all per
sona interested, that he will attend to the duties of
his appointment on the Nth day February, A. D.
1851, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at hisotliceiu the Uor
ough of Suuburv.
CHAS. J. BRUNER, Auditor.
Sunbury, Jan. 18, 1831. 3t,
"H" OST on Saturday the 1 1th inst., on the Tnl
fiA pehoi ken road, between George Conrad's
tavern and this place, a pocket book containing
a S 1 0 note of the Miners' Hank of Pottsville, and
i a $3 note on the Coming Bank. Abo a soldiers
I discharge of John Latsba, and other papers. A
I reward of $5 will be paid for the recovery of the
Pocket book nnd contents try leaving it at tins
leaving a widow Mane.h Morrison (mid no issue,)
now ol the State ot Illinois, rwah .Morrison,
intermarried with William Kenneday, Charles
Morrison, nml Henry Morrison, Margaret, Mary
and Franklin Morrison, heirs And representatives
of said dee'd, requiring them to apiear ut the sta
ted Orphans' Court in April next, then and there
to accept or refuse the said estate at the Valuation
thereof, and ill ease all the heirs and representa
tives, refuse so to do, or to take the salnc, then to
show cause if any they have why the said premi
ses Mionld riot lie sold according to the aft of As'
seiulily in such case made, Sic-.
(VrtilVil from the records of our said Court at
Suubury, the 81I1 day of January, A. D. IBM;
By order of the Court
John P. Pursell, Clk O. C. J
All of which you are hereby required to take
January, IS, 151. Gt.
aivi:ktim:j.: vr
Bounty Land and Pension Agency,
rjMIK uin)(rmnn1 AWury mid General Ag"- at th
J City ul WaeiiiuxU'iL, tier his rrt-iert tn uricuriuii
lijuniv lunula umt JriiUHiS UX tliie enlliled. Uflng r
tuuiifittly 1 M-atfil ut Hit btji ui O ivcrmiieut, Willi Uior
iHijiti uiitj imiiitiitf urtuaiii(;Hire wiiti lliu uwtfiHry Inniut,
miti luuliite ut litiiiit'Ksi, und having ui'ci'imi tt itfidtf r mni
KdilK lik-tl in Uic I; . S. war time., tie tvjrn i n-llllU i ln
tiie M.f(ly uml atti nfuc'tory niijUktiiieiit ui Gtivufiiuiciit
cluinw ot every kind.
liy a lata Act ui uimgreu, u -mnigr iouu n ifraiiiiHi in
the lfu(;ra and lotriier ui' tlt wxr ut ll'i, und ot ilte vim
ri ms IiiUimi wurs, Mure I jlffl. To lbo wlm served inn
iu'iitlis acre: to tlie who curved i-mr in.uitha bO
mcT-; tuui u ilioiM! who aeiveu one intilu 4U acrca.
Arrmiftntniui liavt tweii uuuie with gentlemen m tn
Imnil nruiMM.oii indifferent anrtiima tif the Courttrv, lor
the liwuti'Mi of wurruuia, and the aalc nf the Kitvutat when
itfutui, uu the moat advunuigeoua tenna; the payment
uf Uixca, redeuiiriiou td kimia, aulil fur tuxea; r ilcctl if
dt-Ua; aiHl t the traiiawtiou iti (rent?rul Lw buaiitcas, in
the diifernit Kialea and Territorie.
Ho tendera bia aerv ca to iik'uibera if the nroftai4in at a
dtauiiire, and whf claims tixuiiiat the U-ivernuiciit, are pre
rairea ity a mtiu Ageui, win mate one uau ma usual ie.
The net'esanry forms aitd inalructions, and infiriiuititn m
at I suhjecla Hppertmt'itia tu a aurcetsM'ul jrfoaetmioii ol this
busincaj. will be luriuaUed lo ruguktr CorroaftoiideuU with
out rliuifte.
Teraons ciesirmff nil trnuition of friends iu the army or
navv. will fin ward to him all the particulars known ul' their
aervici tofrelher with a fee ot one dollar, and their anqui-
nea will ite vepueu w uy return 01 mail. AU eoiuiouuica
liutu io (paid,; sua mVlriwd to
(Bn 17, P. O.)
December db, ItvaO
Waahingt-oll, I). C.
Estate of JOHN HAMOR, Deo'd.
TV OTICE Is hereby given that letters of admin.
A ' istrstion have been granted to tha subscri
bers on tha estate of John Hamor, dee'd., late ef
Point township, Northumberland county. All
persons indebted to said estate, ot having claims
against the same, are requested to call on tlx sub
scribers for settlement
Point township, Jan. 11, 1851. 6L
(Bet wens Bndwr No )
A MS now rureivlny rk'h nnd Itenutlfiil awnrtmwt of
J.X. Knnry Pilk and Aiminery wi-m, m wn-en wum
purtirularly hivitr the attention of all Cash Pnrelmeeta, and
will make it an object fir them to give us a call, as we art
determined to sell mir naaortment. Urt Cash, tower than
ever hWora ntTi-rcd in this innrkrt.
Milliners ran sunnlv themselves with ererr nrtirla in
thnr line, at aliout the cost uf iniporiniinn or A option pri
ce. Mnny of our f are manniai'tured expressly for
our own sales, and cannot be suriusscd for besuly or low
Rich IT nt nnd Cnp Rihhons, a fairge variety.
dksnnd HhIimb lor Bonnets.
Cttipfs, Cm o l.insi'S, 'lorHonn snd Illusion Iacss
Triinnunsrs lor Hum, Caps ainl Urrwr.
JWtiiy I.iihI Cae. Party and (prra Ilrad Drews.
Kinhroiderrd Ciini-a. Cullnrs. Ciiirs. and Chemisetts.
I'imbroiderpd KdgiiiKS and InseitittfT, Swiss and Mustin,
i iiimii. nruaw iL v stwiw ieiu. nit mim ijiaiv aiiic
Kmhroidfrnl. nivirt mid Pin in I.lnan rsttlbriC Tlkfs
Olovea and Mills. Kid. Hilk. Lisle Thread Slid Sewinr
iVarfs, rravnrs and Tr.s Hkft.
Swiss, Jjuonett, Hook M up! inn, nnd Ilishnp TsWn.
Einhroidcri-d. Uanmsk nnd Plain Canton Crnpt Shawn.
A Full AMiTimont of fttrnw Otwds.
Prem h nnd American Arlitiriid Fl wers.
With a Innre vunetv not mentioacd above
All wishing to avoid pay hm; I prices will make money
ny caning anti smiatymg ineinseives.
New York, Jan. 1S lSfll 3m.
NOTICE it hereby givtfri to the Collectors of
Northumberland county, that those who do
not Betlle and pay off the amount of taxea placed
in their hands for collection on the ,17th of Fch
ruarv. (on which day the ConimiKsioners will
meet to make any exonerations that may be ne
cessary,) ther will he dealt with according Id taw.
Simbury, Jan. 11, 1S51 Gt.
riHE snliscriber desirous of disposing of her
JL stock of
rrsprrtfully informs tlie pnMic tlint slie will sell
lirr rutin-" stork now on hand, at very reduced
prices. Her stork is miule up of nn assortment of
lasliiniiahlc millinery goods. Also a lot of fash
ionable Fonry Dry Goods, consisting in part, of
Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs,
and linndsomo material, of various kinds, for la
dies' dresses.
Punlmry. Jan. IS, 1S51 If.
TS hereliy given that letters Testamentary have
lieen granted to the suhscrihera on the estate of
the Kov. .las. Kay, late of the Borough of ISor
Ihumlicrlaiid, dee'd. All persons indebted to said
estate or having claims against the same sre rc
qnestcd fe call on the subscribers for settlement
without drlay at tha residence of C. H. Kay, A'or
ihumhcrland'. JAMES 1CAV, ) F
V. II. KAY, l'
Xorthnmliertand, Jan. 18, 1851. 6t.
rpHE Suhsciibcr ort'ers at public sale, on Thurs
JL day the 13th of February, 1851, on the pre
mises, if not previously sold at private sale, the
on which he now resides, situated on the Sham
okin rreek, in Khamokin township, Northumber
land county, about one mile above Snydcrtown,
on the road leading from iSiinbury to Petersburg,
adjoining lauds of John tSinilh, John Hoover and
otners. Tho property contains
263 ACRES,
ahntit 80 neres of which is cleared, thirty icrts
being meadow. The improvements are a
JiyiSt Frame Stabling and a good Stone
raiiirr' 3 Spring House, with a never failing
Spring of water. Also a small
The Danville and Pottsville Rail Road passes
through the said property. The terms of sale,
which will lie reasonable, will lie made known on
the day of sale. Communications may be ad
dressed to the suhscrilier residing in Snydcrtown.
ira Jones.
Siivdertown, Jan. 11, 1851. ts.
TIIE suWribcr respectfully intormi the public
that he has ojieued a Public House, in the
new town of Trevorton, Northumberland county,
and that he is well prepared to uccoimnodute his
guests in the best manner. His house is located
neariy opposite the Company's Store, lie is also
provided witli good stabling suliirieut for SO hor
ses. He trusts hy prompt and careful attention
to business to meet a share of the public patron
age. HENRY
Trevorton, Jan- 11, 1850 tf.
Estate of MARY II. EISELY, Dee'd.
OTICE is hereby given that letters testamen-
tary have lieen srauted to the subscriber on
the Estate of Maty M. Eisely, late of Sunbury,
di-c'd. All persons indebted to sade Estate or
having claims against tho same aro requested to
call on the auliseriia-r and settle the same. For
this purpose he will attend ut the late residence uf
the dee'd, Tuesday and Wednesday the 4 111 and
5tli of February next.
Khanlokin township, Jam 11, 1851. Ct.
Cxtale of JsCOll SVYUm, Dee'd.
TOTICE is hereby given that letters of ad
ministration have been granted to the sub-
tiers on the estate of Jacob Snyder, dee'd., late of
Lower Mahonov township, Northumlicrland coun
ty. All iiersons indebted to said estate, or having
claims against the same, are requested to call on
the subscribers for settlement.
william kebaucii, ) ...
John a. rnvder, s
Lower Mahonoy tshp., Jan. 4, 1851. 3t.
chas. Durnviia,
No. 207 Chesmit Street, front Arcade
TMPORTfin and Manufacturer of all kinds of
Musical Inst rumeuls, Fuucv Articles andTovsi
H is prices are 1 ower than those df any other store
in Philadelphia. All kinds of Musical Iilstru
meuts repaired in the best workmanship, and also
taken in trade.
Philadelphia, May 35, 1850 ly.
In Selinsg-rove, Fa.
liotks, M'attbv and Jewelry,
1 EPAIRED in the bat manner and warranUd
to perlorm well.
AU work inlruirtcd to his cart will be strict!
attended to.
Seliiisgrovs, Nov. 30. 1850. tf.
MMEDIATELY on the Trovdrlon Rail Road
A to
whom liberal wagea will bs paid.
KIM B En CLbA V tn,
Trevorton, Jan. 4, 1851. tf.
lTUllINO liUTTLEH-Breai putnpi, arid
' nipple tubes- A supply of tb4 useful tuts
clt4 iuat received and fur wle by
Sunbury. Jsji- U, 1651
M. 848 Market if., beliteen 7 6th t-,
(South side,)
T'HE Suhscrilier hss opened a new list stdre
and oilers to traders and others who visit the
city, a handsome assortment of hats, caps, of eve
ry variety, nude up of the best material, and in
the latest and best style, and on terms as reasons
bio sscan bo hud In any establishment In Phila
delphia, vizi Fine silk hats ai $2,50) Good do
do at If; 100. Persons from the country who pur-
chase of him, can rely, at all times, On getting a
good article that will please them, and on that is
fully worth the rrldticy paid.
Philadelphia, Nov. 9, 1850.1y.
HAS recently received, among other Sfttcles, a
great variety of New, Cheap and Entertain
ing publications such as
Cospers novels, complete Or Ibparnte.
Herberts Do Rodwtll,
Dumss do Trollope,
Rus do Hallihurtsn,
Reyndols do Marry alt,
Csckton do Orey,
Maxwell do Marsh,
Jerrold do AinswOrth,
Morris do
At the low price of from 85 to 50 cts per volume,
Sunbury, Sept. 8, 1850. tf.
Attorney at Law,
Mliirravlllr. Schuylkill Co., Pn.
BUSINESS will be promptly attended to in the
counties of Schuvlkill, Northumberland,
Union, Columbia and Montour-
Refer to:
A. Jordan. H- Bellas, Sr H- B- Mssssr, Esqrs.,
Sunbury Wm- De Haven, Edward Hughes, Jt
Solemon Shindel, Minersvillo C. M- Hall, M.
Mortimer, Pottsville
Oct. , 1850 lv-
l'ottftvllle, IM.
Will promptly attend to collections and all busi
ness entrusted to his care.
June 10, 18-19,
No. 95 Rate Street.
Second door below Third,
TyHERE all kinds of lasts, &c, of the latest
" ' style and best material, are manufactured
on reasonable terms.
All orders promptly and punctually attended to.
Philadelphia, Nov. 9, 1850 ly.
Public nolice ia hereby eivrn, tlint (he 1'artnenhin hcre-
loi'ure eiisting brl-veti i.iuKt.U & Pll AW, an Comnichirt
fur the nl th Fhil-Jtlt-lplnu mid Wilkttburre
Telegraph I inc' nnd ihe uiUrhuiniii Hiver und North und
Weil tJrancb I'Pitrffraoh l.uu. ia tun any tliss.lVtKl by nm-
tUHl cunseitt. All wr8 m hiiviiiK siirnk'nU-d und p.iift iot
tdfk in "The thiludelithiuiiiid 'ilkk!arro IVIrirruhli Coin
puny." nre respectfully rcqumtrf, t't prewrtt ihtMr rti'i-ipti
for inch rtuymeiitvto KM J. SAIXJKR, K.,of .Iteiitott ii,
Uehitrh county, I',, 1'n'nitlput of the Kiid Cointtnuv. Hint
and receive their cfititieiitea properly Biithenlicnieil there
r ; and nil petaona miviiitr siri'rilen nnd mui tr ttocK in
TheSuquttiaimtt Hiver und North nnd Weat H ranch 'IV le
pra jdi Coiununy," are all reapert fully refpicated to present
ten rtveiptx lr atifii iciynifira to a. c. (, ol the
tnierieuit Hiel. Cheanut atret. oniioaile the ltale House.
Fhi'adrlnha. President of snid Cotniianv, or to T. O. VAN-
LldKN. Treiistirer Dimville. M uitauf connlv. Pn . nnd
eceive their eerlifimtea in due foriii thereior. And All
persona hnvenrehiiiiiaairaiuattlieanid I'lirtnerahip, (tO.l.L
ti 8HAV, re hi ting to the construriion of a-iid Imea wheth
er upon promiaaory note, draft, Ixtokapctninta, or otherwise
nre renpertl'ully requested lo prarnt r-rrect statements of
the aume without delf.v, to J(11 Tli'L'S, F.t . No. 13
Mercantile Isiurary, 1'hiladi'lphiu, win ia authorized to re
ceive and arrange fui aettleuieut of the smne.
A C.OOKfsT..
January ll, lm. JAMKS L. SHAV
t I.OTIIIM noons,
Southwest Corner of Fifth and Market Streets,
VI 7 HO always keeps on hand a large stock of
every variety or clollilni made up of good
materials, and in the latest and best styles. He
would also inform the public, that he pays consi
derable attention in getting up Military Clothing,
in good st vie unci on reasonable terms.
June 15, 1850.. ly
"Eiiconrasc Yocir 0Vll!,,
'VHE suhs-riliers resjiectfiilly call the attention
of the public to their lare and kpleudid assort,
nirllt of every quality and price of
which cannot fail trt reconimeud itself to every one
who will exathiue it, on account of its durable
workmanship and splendid liuish, made up of tho
best stock to be hail in tho city. No ellort is
spared in the nlanuficturo of their ware., and the
subscribers are determined to keep up with the
many improvements which are constantly being
made; i licir stock consists ol .Mahogany
tiofiiA, Divan nnd LountreN,
Jjurcntts srcrcuirfcst sroctoonriis.
and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila
delphia manufacture.
BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and prieei
in short, every article in this line of their business.
They also nianutactura all kinds and qualities
including varieties never hffiire to be had ih
Sunbury, such ti Mihuoisi, Ulii'I Walmt
isiiCi iLin Mint (luiruil a.vii AVixiismr
CHAIRS, Aid rsxcT I' riTooi s, which are of
the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by
none manufactured in the Cities or elsewherei
The subscribers arc determined that there shall
be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture iu
the cities, as every confidence can lx) entertained
alwui the quality and liuish of their wart and
Their articles wilt he disposed of on as gooi
tcrnts as they ran be purchased elsewhere. Couu
try Produce taken in payment for work.
(V UNDERTAKING. Having provided
themselves with a handsome lUtaas, they are
now prepared for Uiidertakinir, and attending fu
nerals, in this vicinityt or at any convenient dis
tance' from this place.
IfT The W are Room is i"n Market Street,
opposite J. Young's store, and nearly opposite
Weaver's Tavern.
Sunbury, Deb U, I860. if.
Just received at thd store of HENRY MAS
SER, a lot of Caps, (jura Shoes, Almanacs,
Queensware, Liquors Ac AU of which will bs
sold at the lowest pries.
Dae. 14, 1850.
Valuable llooki.
LITE or Cubist, handsomely bound, D'Au
aisss's HiaToit or tai RsroaaiTiof,
Blaik Dii'soots iao Lsusiss, full bounded.
For salt at the publishers prices by
Sunbury, Jtry 14, IM.
mTTIt.LtAM HOOVER respectfully Informs
V T his friends and customers that lie has
just returned from Philadelphia, with an excellent
assortment of
which ht) olTers for sate at his liew store at Mas
scr's Mill, Hollowing Run. These goods were
selected with great care, and will be sold at the
lowest prices,
J)rj Goods,
SucA as Cloths, Cassirieres, Sattinets, Mtttltns,
Caltitocs, Muiissdine De Laines, AU
patios. Merinos, Flannels,
Checks, fit'ng
ftmrt.'i iVc.
An assortment of
A general assortment df Groceries, such as
Sugary CoftW) Tea, Alolas
rs, Spices, &c.
Also an assortment of Liquors, such as
Brandy, Hum, Whiskey, Wines, $'.
t"9 Produce of all kinds taken lu exchancd at
the highest rrlarkrt prices.
llUllowmg Kun, Novi 23, 1850, ly;
fpHE subscriliers offer to physicians and dru?
X Rists, a carefully selected stock of drucs and
medicines, which thev will euarantce td be of thn
best quality pure and unadulterated in all cases.
Their facilities for importing foreign drugs and
chemicals ire such, tbnt they are enabled lo sell
them upon the best terms, and nt the same time
to assure their customers of their genuineness.
They have also recently prepared und now of
fer for sale a superior article of
G'tl.t'lAKI) .M4rSlt SlCx,
Resembling; Henry's Mncnesia. free front earbnni
ic acid and rrtuirbness or grittiiless, almost entirely
tasteless, combining in nn equal hulk from thrc
to four times the strength of the common kind,
and sold at about one half the price of Henry's
They have also prepared the ,
Fluid 3Iiijj;iiesi:i,
Which is a new and valuable remedy in acidity
of the stomach, heartburn, nausea, etc., at less
than half the price of the foreign iirticle.
They also have on hand of their own prepara
tion an assortment of
Pure Drugs in Powder,
Neatly put up in t, i and I pound bottles, -such
as Aloes, Rhubarb, iScnna, Senega, Rlmtany, Ki
no, (ium Arabic, Serprnlaria, Ext. Glveyrrh, Ipe
cac, Potassa Sulpb., Potassa Nitrns, Borax, Ppi
gelia, Bucliu, Orris, Cascarilla, Canella Alba,
L'va Ursa. &e.
Great care hits been taken to have these pre
pared from the best selected drugs and in such a
Way as to preserve the characteristics of each ar
ticle without injury.
They have also a variety of
Chemical A: BMi.u itinCeiilical
Preparations of their own manufacture, and add
to the list all the valuable new remedies aS they
become known. Among them may be mentioned
the following :
HydrneyaMic Acid,
Prejmruti'iiis nl' I'uline,
of I'otussa,
I.iqaor Amm onia,
Auua, do.
Phosphate, d.. a nrw re
medy for Rheumatism.
Blue Muss.
Extract of Gentian,
a .niasiii',
11 T'lntxinun.
" Vuleriun, ttiliil, S
new Snd useful remedy.
Prparjii ins u( Mercury,
" Zinc.
Extract ef Senna, fluid, s
pleasant I'm in la administer
t ehildrea.
K.xtiuet of Pnclia Comn.,
" Spclin, '
" .irKiiarilb Com
position fluid,
" do. do, ..lid,
11 ri simple do,
" Col.H jiith Comp.
" do simple.
Sps. .Ether Xitros. V. S,
P., Oils of Copaiva,
Cubiibs, Lrgot, Tohaccr?, &
Litrato Of Iron
and ljuiniiie, Scsqui-Oxile of Iron, an antidote
lor arsenic. Citrate of Magnesia, a new and pleas
ant cathartic medicine, put up in 12 oz. bottles,
$2 per dot. Collodion, or Liquid Adhesive; Plas
ter a convenient application in many surgical
operations, put up iu small vials. Also
A convenient preparation of canthariJes in many
cases where there is a difficulty of applying the
Ordinary blistering plaster. A 'routing of it appli
ed with a camel's hair brush anil covered with oil
silk or some similar substance, will produce a
blister in three hours' time; or when exposed,
in the usual time of about twelve hoilrs.
Physicians and others may depend upon the
faithful and prompt execution of their orders at as
low rules as the best quality of medicines can be
58 t'liesnut streetj Philada.
Laboratory, Cth and .Morris !-'ts. Southwark.
Noveiulier 16, 1850. tf.
VANE8, etc. Just received, a Iarj and han
some assortment of
Toys, Fartey Goods,
canes, violin strings, dominoes, games, puzzles
and tricks, ntotiug ligures, segar eases, work and
fancy boxes, napkin rings, rattles, etc., of every
description, at the lowest prices, Wholesale and in
tail. Call and see
10J North Cth St., Philadelphia, lata of 2d street.
Ni B. Canes neatly mounted, and Fancy
Turning done:
Nov. 1), 1630 3ino.
(Lite er Tin Firm or WatkixsOx &. IlLt,)
J'o. 2i SotM Second Street,
IJ ESPECTFULLY informs his old friends and
' t customers, as wrll as the public generally,
that he has opened an entire new stock of elegant
styles of
Spring & Summer Dress Goods.
His assortment consists of the latest and most desi
rable styles of English, German, French & Ame
rican Goods. Such as Delaines', Tissues, Ucru
gcs,8ilks, Lawns, Muslins, Shaw Is, Hdkll's, Gloves,
and every Variety Of Dress and Fuucy Goods.
Philad. March It), 18.50. ly
Matte Anu( latloti,
Cr. tlh and CUeslnul Srcet, Philadelphia.
CONTINUE to make and sell a finer and more
durable Hat fur the money than any other
establishment in the United Mates standard
pries of Hals $3 00. Gents and Hoy's Cloth and
Glazed Cups, Umbrellas, Csret Hags, Calufy
Panama and rHraw Hats at equally low prices.
May 25, 1800. ly
Bunbury, Pa.
Osfisa in Deer Street, immediately Opposite the
Public School House.
I0f Monies collected sud sit kusiueas pimnplly ud ears
f ally tlnued to.
AprU 20, 1830
A 8 tiia subscriber intends making new arrange
ments in his business on the first of Janua
ry 1831, all persons knowing themselves indebted
lo him, srs requested to call and maks settlement
up to that time, by payment Or giving their note
for tha amount due,
Bunfcury , D3. 8, 18&0-t
A osbat sirsr&psiA cttssr,
! fnnn RKNMKT, or Dm fmirth St.sHsch of Iks
, alter directions of DA HON I.IKHtn, Hi. (rnt
'siologieul C'hemi.t, by . 8. HOUHHTON, M. I).,
No. )l, North Kichtk Wreet, fhlladclphis, P.
This is a truly wonderful remedy for IMIIOt:si1ION1
Cf5fTII"ATIO, and DEMI.ITV, Curing after Ns
tare's own method, by Nature's own ngcnt, tlis GnMrlS
Half a rensnooiiful of this Fluid, Infused tn water,
will digest or dissolve. Firs Pounds of Itonst Href In
alwul two Hours, out of tlis ktnmSch.
yynrTtO is chiefly performed in the stomntlh hy tlis
A aid of n Hiiid which M. r.,. ,h i....v'
in Unit i.rplli, wn,., i s ,t,e of henllh, enlist the (iustns
Juice. 1 his fluid is the Ureal Adveiit of the F.ssl, His
1 oriiylng, Preserving, mid Btimulnliiig Ag. ut of the Slo
nmeli aill imnnines. Without It Iher. will lie no eiges
ti.n, nit p.tiL(.rNi,,ii .,f r.wi .i i.i.. i ;
ni ins lio v j ,t mther s foul, torpid, rnimiil, nnddrsirue.
u j,n' " "f ,,,e wh",e dltelve nppnrntus. A weak,
uau amid, or injured stomach .produces no aond Usstrie
Juice, and hence th. disease, distren and ddility which
PEPSI .k..l.:.r.. . . -. - . .
Pie ol i ,e ;,V " u ' - -! "'."V0"1 "p'"WaK-
fl,M ii i . r, '.in loiiiiu iii nfreju itnutiiumrtt in
i m ili,l pnrts nt the hmnnn it.mineh ofti-r death, und 1.11110
I. 1. .1 r " "" to dluesl itself, or cut ilself up.
Ac It i. ,'!"! !" ,,!e"l"n""-l of aninwls, h. ihe ox. cilf,
won or S'Si, I Wh'::h special
Cijl of d frrsMti,. 1 Ifsn,.i . 1
The lo., V IT" ' " power.-
ii. .... .. ..ii. . ,. '"""""tyone inousiiiKi nines
n,?, . 1. '!"lk.' U,,r"" ''ie,K " "One
part ..t I ,- disso ved in s.sly thousand part, of wst,
wdi lu-c,t nie:.t nnd other food." Disced sioiiuk-Iis pro
dure 110 a n lliiMti . Ii.. uM..a. t .... ..'
,. - ' ..""..i i ,r win. in snow
hut tins want uny he perfectly supplied, we quota th. l'r-
nRl) 1.11:11111. IS hi. H,.,r,ll .rb- ... ...1 1
Chuuiisiiy, s.iys : "An Arlilieiul Digestive Fluid uudUsnu.
to Hie liaslrie Juie . hA ...Hii, i .....
eous ineiiihniue ot the slomuch of thcenlf. in which varimis
srlieles ol h, iiteut ii ml emrs, will Ii. sofiennl. eliang
ed, and dmested, just iu the same manner us they w.nild be
ill uie intniHii rloinneli."
l)r. PF.KKIUA, in his famous Ireatirs nn "Fond snd
Dlel." miltlilioil !, I.'. ....i. t. t7n- v
1 . '-. rim, iirw i,,rn, ewiie
1.). slates Hie simp (jrrait fact, and tho method of
I,;'1" " '" cam iew niguer autiiorities tiiuii IJr.
1)1. COM IU-. in his wri,iii.,.. uni.. ..
of lJii;es:ioii." ohservnl llrat "a dimimition of cum,..
tlly nl Ihe tiastrie .lllire is a proniineiit and ii'il-previiilinu
cause ol llynpep-iu;" und he miles that "s dis'linruuhcd
lirolinvS'ir lit llteili i I......I.... ...I .. 1.. ...n: .
l with llns e ,ni;ilnuil, findins everv lliini; else lo I'nil. had
r..iiiiru. 1.. i,n 1 : ........ 1... 1 ... ... . .
. . : - " ' .Hive, iiiHaiiieu ironi me si'nu(ru 01
llvuiuiiniinn. whic h proved ranuplelelv sneeewiul."
Dr. IIUAIIAM ,.,,,l,. ,1.. r. ;
tnlile lliet, says: '-it is a remarkable l, t in nlmi ,!-.
that Hie si .mai lisof iiniiihls, murenill d in Water, iniuirt
tolhelhlld the propeily of dissolvmir vnrinus nrlichs of
lood. lllld of vlfeeliliu U kind of lirtilieial,. ..I tl,..n.
n ) wise di Herein 110111 the imtuml digestive process."
.... r. i ii.j.v r. i-iear work, the "( heinislry 01 Man,"
(bea dt Ulanelmnl, l'hila. 140. nn. It.-Jl .ni-- o'ri.,1,.
e ivery of PIU'SIN forms a new era in Ihe chemical history
01 IIiltisi noi. From recent rtnnm 1. k,,.i. 11, 0
fiKKl it. as rapidly in nn artificial digrstivu lluitl,
prepiiied Iroin Pepsin, as it is in the uaturul tiastrie Juice
I'lol'cR. tr IirVCI.lCrtv r .1 t..o- .
- : - ' me ,i-iiro,ii i.oiicce 1'iii'a-
dolphin. 111 Ink emit W, irk on II, 1111:111 Physiol.,,,,-, devotes
,.,,,,,. p.i.n,ionu exiimiiittiion ol tins snl.iect.
His experiments wirh llr. Il-j, ti.A il..... :
ol'1" 1 trom the hvinif huiimu stomarh und from aminals
are well known. ' In all enses," he suVs, "diiresiion oieur.
red as porleetl) 111 Hie artificial as iiithniilimildisestioiis."
T)r. Iioriiirrrivs r, r t,,-o,v- 1 ...
... I"' ", "i r.t r-i. narj pronii'
cl Ihe ui. .! marvellous effects, curing eases of Uebililv,
hm iciaijon. Nervous Decline, and Dyspeptic Consumption,
Supposed lo I,,, ,, i. v,.ry ver(te ,' ,le r.,ve ,, j,,,,'
isi!,le to 51 i. d.-mil, of cases iH Ihe limits of this art-
Tliselilent lint iitithcntiratf..t oertilioni... I,, ...a lw
of more tlian TWO III Mill I. 11 u i.-m 1 11 ir a i.i i..
rl'ltl:s In i'i,;in,i..ii.i v.,... ,. J. .."."'
.p. ' ,.Mn, UIHI I , IllOlie.
1 lie." were nntrly nil d.spi-mte eases, and I lie tures were
If i :i irrtvtt KJI V'i i s a vTiiwi im. i .:...... i
ilMM'ul t'.T tfn.l.Mu-v til li.lintiM ilisinl..i "l ii'tir i' 1...
'ever uml Ai'i. ".r In. in. iv.u(...i i . ' T
evil t-rt-f t it Ijiniimr, Mm-iin. mtJ otli-r i!ruCn uin.ii H o
r--, -. p..., ,, cs H-IIV; AllW, Inri'XCfM
111 eiltlliir. ft ml If,. Ii mi in.. iitiU .if nr.l....t 1. ..... .
reooitOilen ih with Intemperance.
1lier. is in form nf fll TI C'Pmt . m.Mi,, . i-.lvs
Which it .lors 11 , .it-111 to leach and remove ul miee." No
mailer how hid they msv be, itlilVFS INSTANT RK-
I.1KF ! A MOKrl.. .1 . ....... .l .1.- .1
. .i., ui, inn unpleasant .viiip.
loms. and 11 only Me.ilj n lie reiealed. for 11 short lime, to
make these im-cis ponnunent. PI KIT V( if HI.00D
and KiOll OF HODV, follow at once. It is purticuktiU
eseellent 111 enses ol .Niuisru, Vouiiline, Craiii,f, S neiioj.
of Ihe pit 01 the Ml ,nuu H distress nl'iur tniiiir. low, eoid,
stale ol the lil md, Heaviness. Lowness ol S.iirits. ilesnoil
deiiev. f.,, i.,ti..,i W....1 1 '.
ei le it '.itiic.., tcitueitt: io iintaiiity, sill-
1'ricc. 1)111 l.II . 1,.. u ...11 .........
cll'cet a l.ta'.ini; cure.
tv sf.nt hy M ail, fkkk of postagf..
For coiuciener of sendii,; u oil parts of the eountrv,
the ilni:sn K.MATTIMt (IF THE PF.PflN it put up
In the l .nii 01 Powders, with directions to lai dissolved III
Waler or Si rup, liy the patient. These .wil. rs e mtoni
inst Ihe sane mailer us the Unties, hat twice Ihe qiruitity
lor the same puce, nnd will he sent by mull, FKhK OF
i .. ." 1. " 1. I't'l.l.Alt true ip'SI-mMill tollr.J.
S. HOL.,11 PON, No. tl .North F.ijthlh slr. el, I'lutadelphia.
Six paebiees fir five d itlart. l'verv paekne.! nnd Ivstla
bears the wnltea sigititure is J. . lloLliH TON, M. IJ ;
sole Pr.'pnct r.
S old by nu'ems ill everv town in the t'niled Plates, and
by lespcclable ile iler. in Medicines penemlly.
FOltSAI.K UY John V. Frllinc, und (lenrsr Dricht.
SiniUnrv. 1'..
iMary A. .fePny
Jollll II. Itlinel
Mutes A; .M cf orinii'ki
S. j. Frou.e,
J 'lin ti. Itenii,
Vilhani Deppm,
Sunbury, Sept. Ht'i, 1836
l'prr Miiliantonj.
' A. Toil, iVor. a.VA, 1850i
Mr. II. B. Mtssliu, Sunbury IV liear Sin
In some portions of the country where we had
advertised our S;irMmri:ia, in ISIS, tho Editors
of some of the iii'rs have seen lit to take tijion
themselves the reslollsihiliiy or continuin.5 the
same after the agreement expired, and in some
cases have had the ireSuiliilion to send us a bill
for the amount. Now we have no oljeclion to
have all the papers in the United Mutes advertise
for us for years, if they are pleased In dj so at
their own en H'iise, but we cannot alt'ord to puy
them unless they have our authority for the work.
We write to you for tho purpose of informing the
Editors, through ydii, trat they arc lit liberty to
advertise as I0119; us they please, hut we mint nol
be held responsible without our Written authority;
No. 1 Mi, Nassau street, New York.
December 4, 1850; tf.
ManufivAury, No. 80 CHESTNUT Street,
ML DAL. awarded by the FRANKLIN IN
STITUTE of Philadelphia iu (ctober,
And the
BTITUTE, nt lhiltimore, Nov. LslS and 18-lU.
J'hilinttlpkia, October 'JGrA, J848.
I have used J. Cellar's Patent Japan Liijuid
and Puste Uluckinq; for some nine months, and
am happy to say that it surpasses any blacking
that I have used these twenty odd years. I find
it holds the polish and preserves the leather bet
thr than any blackiii,r that I have ever tried.
Axuutw It. ('siHbLUK,
No; CT Chestnut Street,
7m. CTJRREY, Manufacturer.
Successor to J. WEI. LA It,
No. 50 Chestnut Street, aboe Second.
Nocmher, 9, 1850. ly.
Indestructible aud IndelliLle
No. 1 SoiitA Third street,
TV TfcRCHANTS and the Writing community
J-'A Sre requested to call and eiainuie tliis INK,
which is wtrrauttd Hot le nrrodt Mttallt J'tlu,
uor chaug itt Voion
f'liultale and Retail,
No. 1 South Tldrd street, Philadelphia.
A liberal discount mad to Merchants and the
For sals by II. D. Master, a gout tor Sunbury
November , 18S0 ly.
lUncljington Nctos.
TlltRtT-rtRT tOMon CM..ees4 MrsslSB.
VVsshikotok, Feb. I.
Mr. Sr-ward pr(vnlR(l n pniiiion from Ro
rhfisii.f, New yor) H.kinjj that tha rpenu
ffm boxes in Ihf) Pos! Oflicpi be paitl into
ths Trrasury, instead of lo the Postmaster;
!', Tdrinus petitions for Ih" modification of
the Tariff, and the repual of Ihe Fugilit
.-NRVn L.HW.
Mr. Clay presented numerous petilionl for
the modification of ihe Tariff.
Mr. Hunter offered the following re$olu
lion, which was adopted ;
Resolved, That the Committee of Finance
be instructed to inquire into the expediency
of coining dollars, half and quarter dollar
composed or gold and silver, In the propor
tion of equal values, according to ihe stand
tlrd between the two metals, as now fixed by
Air. tlale's resululidn, calling for r.orresi
pondence relative to the AmUtud claims)
was taken up and adopted.
Mr. Gwin moved, and tha Senate went
into Executive session.
After a short executive session the doors
were opened, when Mr. Kauffmau's death,
wag announced by a message from the House.
Mr. Rusk said Mr. Kaufman vvaa born in
Cumberland county, Pa., in 18 13. He had
served gallantly in the Texan War ol Inde
pendeiire was twicd elected to and once
ihe Speaker of the Texas House of Represen
tatives. lie was a member of the Texaa
Senate until the annexation. He was then
elected to Congress, and in thisj his second
term, was cut ofT suddenly, in the midst of
brifihl hopes for Hie futtire.
Mr. R. moved the usual resolutions, which
were adopted, w hen the Senate adjourned to
uttend the funeral on Monday.
Hoi's r. Mr. Howard rose after the read
ing of jhe journal anil untiounced the death
of his c&lleactie, David S. Kaufman. Yes
terday, ho said, Mr. Kaufman, at two o'clock,
came to his desk) conversed on subjects of
business relating lo Texiis, then passed out.
No member seemed to bid fairer for longer
life Ha was the image of vigorous and to
bust henllh.
At the close of the day he (Howard) re-
ceived a messtioe that Mr. Kaufman was dy
J"?, anil when he reached his lodgings, hd
found him palo and lifeless, under the cold
hand of death! It seems that he left tha
capitnl at three o'clockj and proceeded to hit
hotel in his carriage, when a friend whom ha
met remaiked that he was ili and pale. Ha
observed that he was unwell and should re
tire to bd. Me did so; in the midst of his
family, apparently nol Very much indisposed
and at about five o'clockj after having con
versed with his wife and childrenj he brealh
cd his last, almost without a struggle and
without pain. The physicians in attendance
pronounced the disease an atTection of the
heart. Summoned by the Great Messenger
so suddenly ami mournfully, reminds us of
what shadows we are, and what shadows we
Mr. Kaufman Was n native of Cumberland
county, Pa., and was born in 1813. Ha
graduated at Princeton College, in 1833
when he removed lo Mississippi, and studied
law with Governor Quitman. He afterwards
lived in Louisiana, and emigrated to Texas,
where, in 1833, he was elected to the Texas
Congteds, and was speaker of the House. Hd
was the ardent friend of Annexation.
Mr. Howaid passed a high eulogium on
tho private and public character of the de
ceased, concluding by offering the usual reso
lutions of regret, and ilia! the members will
attend tile funeral on Monday.
Mi. Morse added a few words; Mr. Kauf
man was formerly one of his constituents,
and he paid him a hinh wrought eulogy.
Mr. MeLanuhan offered a tribute of re
spect. He was a representative of the Coun
ty in which Mr. Kaufman was born. Hd
eulogised the deceased, saying thai he man
fully conquered every difficulty of youth, and
pressed on to ihe nobler purposes of life.
Mr. McClernard, who knew Mr. Kaufman
intimately, ever since the last named came)
to Congiess in 1846. He could not say what
ho felt. The deceased was a courteous and
accomplished fcenllettinp, and a true friend.
Ho was an able and zealous representative.
The resolutions were agreed to, and tha
Housu adjourned as a further mark of respect-
From 1 lie Public Ittger
Messrs, Editors. You know, doubtless,
that eojra ore scarce and dear, lew families
can eet as many as they desire and many
families can get scarcely none at all; To
make eggs plenty and cheap, the hens
must lay, but there's the rub How can
you bring about so desirable a result 1 Far
iners and all keepers of of jidultry please to
listen, I have a prescription fbr you, said to
be infallible, and certain to secure the: re
suit oimed at ) a plentiful supply of eggs.
Here it is. Mix a little hog's lard in the
meal or other food given to hensi It is
averred, and t suppose it to be true, that
piece of lard as large as a walnut will set
a hen to laying immediately after she has
been broken up from silting. Put a little
lard in the food of hens, two or three limes
a week, and they will lay on, and lay on,
and we shall have eggs in abundance
I give this recipe as I have received it. I
suppose it based on truth. Try it and you
will soon know. G.O.
Gbe.t SUuchtkr or Bears And Deer.
Three bears Were recently killed about fiva
miles from ihe St. Croix Falls, by Mr. Ca
doit an old one and two cub. The mother
weighed about four bundled pounds. But
we learn from the veteran hunter) P. F.
Bouchea, that a much greater slaughter was
perpetrated in the flrniii family on the East
Fork of Willow river ; Ihe Bioux Indians
have recently killed forty bears, and upward
of fifiy deei In the woods of thsl rier( nd
Several loads of their
fa I V nia Mil lim -
game, a few days aineef pad our village
on their way, to aienuoia, at. . i.
Wis. lq- '
1 n.;Ai is alwava easier than astooDina
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posture, because il ia mora natural and on
n.i ! hmier aurtrjorted bv another: ao it ia
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easier to be an honest man than a kuava. It
ia also more giaojiul