Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 25, 1851, Image 4

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    I III LJ ... 1 JJIU1I1- - JLilWUg-'Lii"
Fac to face, the truth cornea out.
To Make an enemy, loan a friend $5.
One of the aublimest things in the world is
plain truth.
The population of Richmond city Va., is
How is it possible to swallow a door ?
Give it tip 1 Why, by bolting it of course.
Not a singlo death occurred at Atkinson
N. H., Inst year. Tho population is COO.
A mind that is conscious of its own recti
tude, disregards the lies of common report.
No sweeter music than the singing of a
Qvef.n VicToniA lias def-igncd a carpet for
the fair of 1851.
Tioga county has a population of 23,037 j
being an increase, in ten years, of 813S.
Choose a calling, that is adapted to your and natural abilities.
Up about Rutlaiul, Yt.. they have snow six
or eight feet deep.
A ulack lead mine has been opened in
New Hampshire.
In Texas, according to the census, the
slave population numbers one third.
A cow eats 100 lbs. of green fond in eve
ry twenty-four hours and yields five quarters
or 10 pounds of milk.
Italy and Germany yield the ptincipal
supply of rags to Great Britain and the Uni
ted Slates.
' Lake Erik was closed to navigation on the
4th inst., and the lights have been discontin
ued for the season.
Two children, at Exmnulli. England, were
ao terrified by some boys who had a mask,
that they lingered for a few days and died.
The Pope has withdrawn from the Ameri
cans in Rome the ripht to worship in the Pro
testant from within the walls of tho city.
It is said that an aunt of Jenny I.ind re
sides near Lynchburg, Va., and visited her
while she was in Richmond.
Rt. Rev. Bishop Southuatb (late of Con
stantinoble,) has declined the proffer of the
Episcopate of California.
A Spanish rRovEan says "A kiss with
out a moustache is an egg without salt."
What wicked people there is in Spain
The fiay State Mills in Lawrence turned
out 315,000 shawls in the past year, and 11,
000 scarfs.
The citizens of MiKvaukie have snberi.
bed over $7000 to secure a concert from Jen
. ny Lind.
How pleasant it is for a father to sit at his
eon's board. It is like tho aged man recli
ning under the oak which he has planted.
The train of half a century ago is becom-
inc fashionable- It ceitainlv adds to a tall
lady's looks.
On Tuesday last, a small child of Mr
Kurfman, in Washington county, Mil., was
burned to death by upsetting a spirit lamp
A Railroad from Gettysburg to York, Pa.,
is being agitated at tho former place. A pub
lie meeting is called.
Why is a father thrashing his disobedient
boy like an eclipse 1 Because it is a hiding of
the sun.
Truth needs no champion ; in tho infinite
Of cverl.mtiim H til! li'T s'lrnh itl-iiles:
Klum NiilnrcV heart her raiutity pulses leap,
Tliouith Nature's vein, In r s;rcr.;:th. im.lyliiir ti'lus.
Victoria's husband, Albert, is three months
vnunuer than herself. At the time of their
marriage, he was between 00 and 21 years of j
Bg!J. j
A vat containing S7,50' worth of porter,
burst, the other day, h Bremish's brewery,
Cork, in Ireland, and washed away some
Musical Bed A German manufacturer is
constructing a musical Led lor the exhibition.
When the occupant enters it, ''soothing airs
will be emitted."
The number of light-houses in the United
States is 313. Of these 10 ara in Louisville.
The number of floating lights is 10, of which
3 aro in Louisaua.
Tub London Quarterly Review speaks of
our national ensign as ''that fast fowl, the an
nexing and squinting eagle with one eye on
Cuba and the other on Quebec."
Letters. A schoolmaster wrote
to a tally :
' Hovr eom'i it, tliii di-lillitfiil weather,
That l" id I eau't dine Ingullicr !'
Eho answered :
My worthy friend, it riniiot lw,
U eaunot ciinc till after T
Milton was one day asked by a friend of
female education, if ho did not intend to in
truct his daughter in the dili'ereiit languages:
"No sir," replied Milton, "one longue is suf
ficient for a woman."
W HF.ii the world has once pot hold of a lie,
it is astonishing how hard it is to get it out of
the world. You beal it about the head, till
it seems to have given up the ghost, and lo !
the next day it is as bealtby as evur, Bui
ver. ,
Strange qi'mtioks are igitated in the de
lating clubs down East. The last was. What
is the difference between a fao simile and a
tick lamiiy. a net tne next win u. wnai is
the difference between the bridge of sighs
and the size of a bridge 1
An Irishwoman who had kept a little gro
eery, was brought to her death bed, and was
a the point of breathing her last, when she
called her husband to her bedside,
"Jemie," she faintly said, "there's Missus
Malluny, she owes me six shillings."
"Och." exclaimed her husband, "Biddy
darlint, ye' re insible to the last."
"Yes dear an there's Missus McCraw, I
we ber a dollar."
"Och, be jabers, and ya're as foolish as
VIT'II.Tj positively euro nil stapes of Xeurnlirin,
Tic Doloroux, Nervous Headache, Cho
lera, Lockjaw, Hydrophobia convulsions I will
restore manhood to its prcstinc vitfor, even after
years of prostration, ond the. only known and cer
tain cure fur low spirits or mental deliilly.
Extract from the. New Yoik-Nun, Oct. 3, 1 !!),
The trh-hatrd l)r Watson, when tulkintr of tho
miraculous power of "Wnlts' Nervous Antidote,
the question win put to him, S'H'hy such a valua
ble remedy for nil nervous direction wns not in
troduced iy the medical faculty !" replied, "That
if it were, there would no louder be any use for n
family, ns nil ilifeases originated from n ilisors-in-iml
firle of the nerves ; the nerves are the main
spriinr of the whole system Keep this in order,
ami both the mind mid hrly must be."
Four ounce phial, 11 dotes, enough for all ordinary-case,
COM) 15 V
Wm. McC A IM' Y, Broadway, Sunbury.
.S'cplcmber, 28, ISTill. if.
S. IF. Cornrr tif'i if Arch Street, Philadelphia.
nfi for sale all kinds of choice Fnmily Groce
ries at the very lowest prices, via:
F.xtra I'ine, superior nnd common Mack and
Orecii Teas; old (iov. Java mid other kinds of
Collce, all qualities of Crushed Light llrown and
Drown Sugars ; best Sperm Oil and Sperm and
Amnntine Candles ; linker's Chocolate, Cocoa
mid Droma; Furiiiu, Tapioca, Saponin! NVhcntcn
(irits; Olive Oil, Isinglass, Ketchups und Sauces
Mnecnruni, Vermicelli, English Split Peas. iScc
They will pack im nil (roods lor the. country
neatly and securely und deliver them promptly at I
any Dcuot or Hotel us desired.
I)A 1U I I.Afli,
S. W. Cor. Gth Arch Sts.
Aui;. 17, IS.'iO lyMuy
No. 140. comer of Fifth le Chesnvt sis., I'hila-
iklphia.and :ili:t H roadway comer of
Franklin Street, New York.
a shtins for Portraits or Miniatures, nnd
receive them beautifully eased, in morocco, Silk
velvet, Papier Maclic, or other fancy styles, or sets
in Medallions, Lockets, eve, ill a lew minutes.
Daguerreotypes, Pointings, Drawings,
ceo. copied.
Out door Yiews, nnd Miniatures of deceased
persons, taken at short notice.
For Portraits ol Adults hv our process, nml Im
proved Instruments, a cfcmi day is quite us fa
vorable lis clear weather.
For Children, a clear day (between 11 and 2)
is preferable. CCaIh Dress avoid white, blue
or light (link.
Our Oallery with ils Six Prize Medals nnd
Works of Art, is open nt all hours, and Free.
Whether visitors wish pictures taken or not, wo
shall nt all limes be happy to see them.
June 22, loot).
Ornamental mid French Style Frame
80i Walnut st , between 31 and 4th street.
0 EsPECTFl'LLY directs the intention of the
- public to his superior styles of Plain nnd
Fancy Frames, which are of the latest and most
beautiful designs.
As a handsome Frame at a LOW PP.ICE,
has been much desired, he was induced some
months since to commence the manufacture of
these Frames. In a short time the demand has
been so jrreat, that he has been obliged to incrcass
his facilities, ami now oiler at
:xci:i:i)i.(ii.Y uiw rniris,
Singly, or in thousands, the most beautiful Frames,
suitable for Puiiitinys, Prints, Daguerreotypes,
1 ards, &c, Ac.
Fur Durability Fasarpnssed.
Hotels, Public Diiildinzs, Steamboats, Stores, ('a
binet Furniture. iVc, decorated in imitation of
curved liose-Wood.
C Please call and see specimens.
May 25, HM ly
GCuriK j. iir..r.i:i.s.
CITY (' A II I x i: T V A it i: It M s ,
no. n:t ciiF.sNiT srnr.iyr,
(ini-o-iiK Tin: stateikum:.)
l ain r. a ! ir ic and w ell a- ...ii
1 stock of
CAiiiMn' lTK.M Ti ;:t'.. m ihe i,
t palti l'liS
ami ol the be.-t .'rl.:.,aihil. i he assort metit
einliraics evciv iiiti -'e, usct'.;1 i-rii.unciilal.cutii
priin soils of llrauii 1" mm l"ti.i.itui-e in Kose
wooil and Walnut, CMui-itcly carved, liui-evv.i.i.l
Wabn.l, ami Mahnuaiiv t "minhi-r Kiiinitiire ; Pa
tent l'vtriiMmi It.uim; Tables, (ai knovv Ii ded to
be the best now in U'.c); Library Uook ('aes,
and a preal variety of plain Pallor and Chamber
( 'iirtaiiis made and put
il) ill the latest Paris
spring Mattras.n, Hair MuttMsses,
and Fea-
ther Ped.-, mane to order,
X. 1!. All arli.-'i s jnircliascil at this establi'i
mint are warr.inlid of the best materials and
uorkmacsl.ip, mid will be packed to carry sat'civ
to any iarl of the countiy.
May 2.1, IN.In. ly
(I.ATK I'AltT.N'llIl OF f.Srlllt.VL-K)
Vm-Mlsli .tl;nsitla toiy und I'ahit
A'ij 7S North Fourth Street,
A FF.W 1)0(1 IK AliOV K CIIKItKY, M UST fclDK,
Constantly on hand and for sale, at reduced
prices, und oj xupirior quality, the Jul
lowing articles, viz :
Coach. Cul.lni-t. Juiianaem' unit Oil rloth Variiiflica :
Divine J.mi ih ; 11- ,t u;nl llariu-HS Varni.h; Hrowii. iult-
Hiiet- It.-. I r-arit ;
I'r.tifir 1 1; Allots'. Ii'n,.
iirh lTiinifis' ami ;lrnw!llr, .M-''Ti;i! : 11 TTV
Qi;.Trnr.!, i-its, uiiy. i oil. and iki:-
I Alici) it'll I i i r.i M l i ir.; .Miniurifc- uriiis.!i.
(ilue uutt Ac'iln; lihrk Jiipitti i'nr Iron ; Adhesive ti , lur
'uutv Vurk : 1'icitiri' nml W'inil 'W 4il;isH ; Ailidtf' t'o-
Inurf. Ory unil in 'i'uhi'ri ; N.'iit'n Oil: (iM, Silwr,
mul (iiTiiiiiu l.t-al ; di'M, SiUiT, unit I't-ppt-r llnnizp ; ti!a-
zir'i lJiuiii'iiutii. AIm. veiy 8uerHir hhe Blu.'kuig and
Wiitiiip Ink.
June tf', li.
A new auptily of this excellent article jiit
received ami for sale by 11. 11. MAi-WElv.
Sunbury, March lb, 1850.
I.AN'K.S of every ile.seiiitiou can be had by
ajijilying at theollico of tho Auierican.
Pvr.r. wiirn: DUAMiy rou i'keseii
Vl.N'Ci, just received and for ale by
11. li. MASS Lit.
Seit. 58, 1650.
flISsUE PAPElt. Yellow Tissue paper t.r
1 covrring glaasra, &r., for sale at tlie elliec ot
the American.
riEAS, from the .New York Canton and FtUiu
M. Tea Coiiitiunv. For iule by
6unhury, Dec 2, 1818
LANK DEEUM priHUd on the belt quality
-f parchment paper, sold at Ihe lowest prices
at this ollice, by wholesale and retail.
Jim. An excellent article, for sale at
halt the usual price by
i W. K1LI.G,
Munburv, July 7. Ibl3-
For Ihn Cnrr f
noAnscriESs, dhow.
This tnilv valunb'.e Xcniedv for all disenses of
the Lun ;i nnd Throat, has become the chief reli
nipec o the n"!i' tcd ns it ii the most certain cure
known f. r the id'ove eoniplaints. Wli'le it is
p.iwerfid remedial aircnis in tho most desjiertite
and a!n'o-t hoiicless case.i of I onsimintion, It is
a!so. in diniiui-hed do--es one of the mildest nnd
most n 'reeable family medicines for common
eoinmon einu-hsnnil cobU. Head below the opiu
ion ofmen who ere known t.i the world, nnd the
World respect their opinions.
".la ires C. Ay er Sir : I have used ynnr ""
Br Pai-roi: !.,' in my own case c:f deev.sentrd
lironchitis, nml nm satisfied from i'.s chemical
constitution that il is an admirable compound for
the rc'icf of lumiejul and bronchial ihli'u-uliies.
If my opinion ns to its sopcrior character can be
of any service you are at liberty to use it ns you
think proper.
President of Amherst College.
From the "I.. union Lancet."
"AYEU'tf CHERRY EECTOltAI, is ono of
the most valuable preparations that has fallen un
der our notice. After a careful examination, wc
do not hci-itate to s.iv we have a liir-ie apprecia
tion of its merits nnd the fullest confidence in its
usefulness for couchs nnd lniiir complaints,
Dr. lirow.-ter. of Windham Co.. Conn., sends
us the following testimonv.
Dr. J. C Aver Dear Sir: I enclose you a
certificate from Mrs. Catharine K. Cadv, a highly
respectable ladv of ibis village, wife of Mr. belli
Cadv, Deputy Sherilf, Windham. Co., Connecti
cut. I'hecvreiu her rise wns very prompt, and
hasaltractcd general attention.
W. A. DKKWSTER, M. D. Kii.i.imi1.v, Ct.,Scpt. 2S 1813.
This mav certify that I wasallliclcd with a very
severe rouah in the winter of 17-8, which threat
tened to tcrininate in Consumption. I had tried
many medicines in vain, nnd was cured by the
use of "Aver s Cherry Pectoral."
From Dr. Drvant, Druggist and Postmaster,
Chiropee Falls, '.lass:
Dr. .1. C. Aver Dear fir: Enclosed please
find remittance for all the CHERRY PIXTOKAJ
last sent me. I can unhesitatingly sav, that no
medicine w e sell eives such satisfaction as voni
docs ; .nor have I ccr seen a medicine which
cured so many cases of Cough nnd I.nng Com
plaints. Our Phisi.-ians are using it extensively
in their practice, and with the happiest ell'ects.
Truly yo.ns, D. M. 1IKYANT.
riir.PAiiKii nv J.e. ah:ii, riii'.Misr,Lowi;Li.,5iAss.
lt'' Sold by Henry Masscr, Sunbury; Mary
A. McCay, Northumberland- Dr. (icarhart, Se
linsgrove; Dr. Eeckly, Danville, und Druggists
July fi, lS.r0 - lyee:lin
Comer of F.hvenlh and i(he Road.
geneum. Funsitmsa STORK,
No. 13-1 Sui'tU Second Street, below Dock St.,
flllE subscribers would call the special utten-
JL linn ot (. alunct .Makers an l otners, to tlietr
very extensive nssorlmetit of materials in their
line, consisting of Mahogany eneers, lioards and
Plank, Hair CI. .Ill, (.'uricd Hair, (title. Varnish,
I.nokiutr (!las Plates, lahoany Knobs, lied
Poiits, .Marble Tops, and every description of
E2as5 w:inb 'H'osjE--, &c.
Cabinet ?.I.d;ers re-itlini out i-ftbe City, would
find il greatly to their sidvautiiue to eall at our
slnre to pufcbaie such materials as they want,
connected Willi their Iiu-inev-;.
All our ptoils are WA Hi! ANTED,
of the best oua'itv, and at verv reduced
i Our Terms are ('ash, (no trad.
' We guarantee Ui uive cvciy
mail the worth of
hi.' iiiiiiicy.
. Walnut and Hand Kail
!lu-'icfs lor Ijiiililers. also
.;, s o:i hand, a.i.l every de-
N. 15.
1 Si.,
Mm i ..j.
SC! I, ' i'HI 11
.1 i n.-
i.l V.
i u-it u .
, v:i
. it..
!- h.U
r,:T l.v
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II It.lLM'l fit'
I . Ill",
in ri.e: U.x'.'h.
y i iippiirii, iln
. in i i ii, i nliiCv s m.
Iln- 1,1-1 B'-VflC ,Nt-u-
. I. Sun's r,r,i.iti(um
it. i'nut'vMS, S;mjiiis,
iU' i.i Mtle i k
IHU.'J. ( I i.l It' It, S(t
i U'Hl Will!
, t'U"i K f.l i'
till ttl.-m. 1.'-
It:..-',. S -I".- ..f i
'l li'H'it-.iZii, II.
Tor-!'!! .Vi 11 :
TVu trl tiinj ;i'!"--c
(llC 111 ItH lll if'
Ic; itrl. S.i with 'I if
t"H r;i,i t curi-1 in ;m iit.itil, t'-ir
T t -Ufl.ts im' i.v iw. ltd- ;i.i.n la irii
I). ii u t mi. I llriiit'-iiiuiti, .ciir;il-
lu'ln-1..: (Mi : w ih-ru lt ikhii
, mi I in a fi-vv iniiiiKcH VMi iil he t-iitiifly
..k,i ii m: i-f n.itl v il wnl arri'Jt tlif ti nt Vl 'li at
Sptnim :mt I'litJiijw. t"p v'ii!itin'.; ir V iiai' li puririnir,
111 :ul i.iif it Will iVi atri'u ill i'"f V.-frilviu-n, t-HH lir
p,im, hr.ilih i".r Bii-ki'i r.H. :i lii!;i '.v Iti ii' i in 'ji iittme ua-Il-csh
fiiiiu il U HADWAV ift liW Spiral.
I l,l (i r TOIIsKT M'Ml ISITI S.
T i:mji; amj kmiancl 'iiik ciiAii;is
or u;: i tv.
R nvA ' Meuu Ai i.i Simp.
K:i'Kv;u's Mftliratisl S Mp, K i I a urtl!iy klUlWIl llHTiHlirh-
o it Iht- i.isliit'iial'le wmU Inr its fxtru-utriy t;l:m.l, putiiy
a i u uikI K'llniiLf I'llti-t 8 on t'U'fckin; while iiy it actioit
on the p .n-niiml llie iiiiimu' rii ii,i y vim-Ik il cxptlK all
iinpiir::n-s lji'ia llu-Miri.ii r, uii.n-i cvrrv li-hili-iu'y tt m
tl.iiiiiiiiiti.m, nml i iirrtu;u!y tiisM( ;iti-H ali rolncit, tan,
l'iinpU-ai, tip ts, i'ir('klct'tJfuuii iiit mul ill lit-r fiiUtiifdu
L-rnpti'nH Tlx nulii.iit hi 'ua ii iiiWiri tn tlie i-la-rk, tlio
'Utnt-e iiU'l i!i !ii-;ii'y wtii'-'l it imltlcr nt' tta) )i:uiil Slid
aruiK. ua ( ipiWiiity iii u lutlmii; iniiaii hi uikI ri'ianviiif -ii-
laiir-.i;. .u-itTtii, r.-mk-r it luili'imaMe t rvrrv tuiM.
i iiit um'ii at'ti-r tit.u in-' will liml it iillaH all iintatimi
uniltinaunu.-cni nl the, u;ul rfiuluia it wilt, bimutli ami
iJiinuij ili hi nt iiiut ilast nf Kiiniiitrr, ur frost ami Weak
win.u til wttjlt-r; ami nn.'iiM Si.t'iiut!niru, iliia.'n ul iiibtjcii
rliilttl-iiiiH, clripputl li:tiiU, in niciileuuU iiiitaiiiiiuitiuii, iti
Virnii a h.ive I'tn'i ami extt UKivt ly ln-en acku 'WU il-:iil. Ilk
ttuni vnti; uiiil riMiffliini; pniiMTtii-H ti.ivt nUanicd il wire
lit u ir ! i la Hi u-iii.'ln "t" oihfr I'-tnia-tim, b it a i liam-
p.-an U'lil it HiifRla nuimif.i-uire, hy tilt; tm all parU
1 thu i.tsai -tt.iiiie wtTM, ir .:u the hanuiij; trupu's to Ihe
ln,.-i a nriiiH th Iru Kiar. llie pnhlic will plcatm
lu-ai in iimul tliit Kalua a .Ita.ML(-J VSwp, ii thr unly
.ilf pr-p;tiatii'U l"r Uh; Mv.a ii w in Vm-; this lias 1k-i u
rrtihrl t hy uar lu-mt pioiaiunit eh -in i.-in. Hial wu
tMup ik iii in'iii p-nhoauuK, iiriiaiiuif uuti pt'rinci.iu'iii. can hr ucul Oil the ll'lHliT fklll UI IhtMlil'.iHt
Willi im nana- nappy n-hans uh iiimji cuauiv m Itl hllnif.
tM thai tuc a i'at.e 14 ciivrlopcj in u spifinliJ bt-i-l oi
sietl nt.'r:iviii!f and lurtlit-r fci.-e lit: it th i:'tiaUire ol' K.
ir. HAiVA w upiui fiu-h cake. 1'ikm ii ciat, lurye
ISA ia xrm.wT i;kai ok cussv haik.
UAUWii'f flilt AsU5i BVLH.
Warranted the best Hair Tunic ia use,
For Urctuaii.r unH Ili-aiilinin tla. liair.
It 'letnisfs tliv Sculp I'mni liaiulrad', keep it clean, eurei
rk-urvtrv. liaMnt-e. mm b-Tfi ai Ihu llfait ilniti the hair
tmin tulitiig out, uinj.-iit u irma;, uae, iiinun, mm mul
Immy. I't-rsvini who huvr UhM liicir hair hy na-kacM will
liiul u ci)iiiplrteaiilaliil in Had way L'irraiiuiii ltalin. It
h!w given it titlark ami tieuatiliiJ t-olor, ami will prevent it
irnin tuniiutf crfv. t mm an enpiime puniy, 11 is uumi
ruhly uttiipleili'H the huir nt chiUirrn of the i "t tenJer
aire. It ia ild ia lurue UtiiU-e lor 25 ctula iter bottle, uiul
ia wuriuatt-i) th brut huir prt-;aiati(n in uw, it will not
oil tli hat, nip, nr the fineu lalaic. Pt.e that (he aigaa.
tiiru oi H AUVAV k CO.. ie uinmi tnu-h bottle ixj Cir-
ruMiaii Jiahu i guiiuiue without the mjjiulun ot Ha J way
C (Jit..
Aubmt H. B. Masner, Sunkury.
Aug. 1U, lsU. cttthuiy
OA PS. An aiisortment just received. AUo
silk HATS ut fur iutt bv
Sunbury, Dc.Sf 1848. -
A ND nil rlipmw nrtiiiia frnm n rtinorrlrTPrl Itvpf of tto
J mnrh, unrli n cniiHiiiviitinn, iiiwurrt l'ilr. Vnlln,MMr
IiI.mmI l( tlio lirairt. Afiililv of tlin Hliinijrh. Nnusen.
If eartl.nm, fliwnst t'.r Foit, fiillnewt or wciuht in the
HtoncH'h, sour Knietntinns. sittkintr or fliilieriu st lt pit
of llie ftomnch, rwiinminir of llic hesil, Inirriiilnml iIuVicmII
brcitliinir, fliltleniiir nl the henrt. rliokinir or suffocnling
elistiliiiuf when inn lyinjx poslare, Diuinrss of vision,
rioisor writs heforcthc tiirhl, l-'cvrr nntl fltill pntn ill lite
henci. deficiency of p'Tspinilion, v.-llownrss of the skin nnd
evrs, jviin in ihe side. Itni'k, cltr"t, lititl'S, A-e., sinlili-n
fltiwlim of heat burning in lite flrxh. coueliiut imaginings
itl evil, nml ffrent ilcprrmioti of spiiitfl,
can hi-: Ki-TKcrrAM.Y crnr.n by
i.M.itu n n .r.n3iAN iiittekk,
lJO Arch St., rhilndrlphtn.
Tiicir pnwrr Tir the nit iy diwMiM'ii in nnt i-YrpMnd. if
fpi.-ilU-d, iiy imy rilirr prruir:iti'ifi in the l'nit"l Stiit'n.
UK thr en re's ititt'.1!, in muny casus niter illuil piiyntfiaim
Ilnw llittint nr wnrthv thov nttfiilinn of iiivniid. i
PnpsrfrMiiK c"'-it in thH ririiiie:itini nf ilifin s vf
tlm l.ivt r iiinl l-vt-r pl.iti'lf, i-xrri'i)ic the nitpl itfnrchiiifr
pouvrn in wcnknrjiN mid nfl'iTiiciiji H ilu- diircctivo orgaiiH,
they arc, withal, irii'r, certain mid plcmmint.
II mui lluBHni Hue.
The Kdilor miiF, Drc
t4J)H. HooFLAMtV (.'KT,Hl(ItTFn fiKHMAN HlTTFRS for
tho enrr nf Iawt Cnmpiiiint, Jaundice. J) npnpeia. Clirnnic
nr .Ncrviiini Urhilitv. in dwrviMllv nnrnf llie iinmt impii-
Inr nwilirincmif the duv. 'riu"Ji: Hitlers littvf heen nwd
by th'Hiindf, mid n friend nt. nnr cllmv myn h ha him
elt ree'ivetl mi ctieeinal f tin l permanent cure of l,iver
("itmplaint iri'tn the nm nf tin rcmeilv. Vt art cnnvinci-d
tlint, in llie iim- nt Itn-pt Uilteri, tlie nnlient cnnm-nitiv
ttniim ulienu'th mid vinr a f;n t wnrthynf cient cnnsiilc
mti'Mi. J hey are pletmaitt in titMc nml ine!i. nml cjiii lie
ned iy perMim with the nmst deli-ate mntnaeii with snle
ty, muter nay cirnniislnnem. Wo are p peak in? t'rnm tx
nerieiiee. mitt tti the uiiii'teil we advice their ne."
Ju'lireM.M. inA!i, n trentletii'Mi with urent yeientifie
nndiiternry iiMiiinnieiiin, ni if I in liis '.Nuw York Weekly
ie-uen?'r,'' Jnnuiirv ((, I-.VI:
"Dr. Hiv.HiindV lierman Hitter. Here i n preparation
whi'ih the leadinc ime in the I nion tinnear to he uimni-
inoiiH in reeonimeiKlinir. und the re,-is'n in nhvmn. It i
made nite.r a nreneripiinti riilnil hv one nf the mnnt eele-
lirated phyirian nf modern time, the lale lr. Chr tephei
Wilhetni HtHiiliind l,it)er-ir to the I'nivcrsity of J enn
private r)iytiei:in to ihe Kin? nf lrnia. nnd one of the
prentivt niiilical writer (iermany ha ever prnditcetl. He
wim emphatically lh cin-my f hnmhiitf. nnd I he it-fore a
ineiiirme nt wlneti he wa the inventor mid nnd'Tcer mav
tic ponfMeiitlv relied on. He p"eially recommended it in
Liver t'omphint. I)ypepsin, IMiiiitv. Vertiito, Acidity of
the t'ii?neh. (. tmMivitioit. and ail complaints nriiiif from
n diordcretl ronditii'ii of tin- Ktmnach, the liver and the
lllleatmep. me IMllladeldhia pajHT expres their . ll VIC
lion -)f it exee!enect nml several of tin: editor peak n
its efTeet from tlieir iwn individual experience. I'mh
1hec eireimiKtanee. we feel warranted, not only in ealtinff
the attenllon nf nnr render to the present present proprie-
ior (ur, m. ,iaeh preparation, out in recommend
iiif; the uiticle tou I ntilieteil ,J
More Evidence.
The "Philadelphia Saturday (iettc.' the lwut family
newspaper puliliKlit-d in the t inted routes, the editor says
Dr. HaoflaiuVs German Bitters.
It i scMi.m tliat we retvinmrnd wliat are terinM Pa
tent .Mt-tl!cmc. to tin cnntidcnee mid iit gmae nt iur
reader; and, thetcforc, when we rec 'iniii'-nil lr. ll'-
l-tini fierinin Hutcr. we wis it to lt; ill! met lv under
tn:.d that we are not pe.-ikin? nf tin nuMriim nf the
day, that are noised nhoirt fnra hi irt permit mid then for-
fi'iMen aitei t l;ey tiai c i me t In ir cailty race nt nnwhiet,
Imt of a medicine es:ililis!n 'l, nnivery illv pri'il. and
wl'irh In met the iienny appinval of thr I'ae'nlty i'-If."
That this medicine will care lavcr Complaint nnd Dys
pepsia, le i nne. can iloulit. after usiii? it n. dtiectcd. It aetN
pccilicnlly titoi t he. H im ich and liver it. is pretlerahle
to cal uiei in nil hiilioiiK dist-jTscn tlu dfrrt is immediate.
They can he administered in remale nr Jnf.nit with s;ilcty
und reliahle htin it, at tiny time.
Tins in'-liciiie ha nt.ained that ImlIi chatacirr which in
necej"." try tor all ni'tticine to at tin ii to induce connietfiitcr
to pat forth n pnri'iii urticlc at the risk nf llie lives of
th-e im; innocently de.ivel.
They have the written iinatnre nf C. M. JACKSON
tivin the wrapper, and the name blown inthe Uittle, wilh-
niir which tln-y tire pui i- n.
Kor sale, wholesale and retail, the
Herman Medicine Store,
Nrt. I'Jf) AIICM Street, nne ilnor h-'l V Sixth, (hte of
i!7 Race street.) Pliilatlelphm. and hy rcjaeiable deains
generally thronj.liont (lie country.
At.o Knr teile by II. Mam KB, fvmlmry, and M. A.
M'Cay. Xoriltiiinlicrland.
AilL'tlst 17. I')!) .y
ZSIT25 &. CO..
Books, Prints, Engravings, Stationary
iilil Vi-anic-s mitl liiNical Inslru-
N.). IS North 2nd St., between Arrh &. Kace,
TMI'OllTto order nnd have constantly on hand
u verv larjie assortment of yooils in the above
named lines at wholesale ami retail. Principally :
Cr) Cci r r"1. c-y
In Cicrman, Lathi. (Ircek, Hebrew, French, Italian
Spanish and other la mill vires ; Classics. Diction
nrics, (irammers. Vocabularies, School, Juvenile,
Picture, rawiti and Model limits for Architects
Cabinet, Carriage and other manufacturers.
MAI'S, (.il.Oli LS and lllank Hooks of every
dcsi'riptioii. Splendid l.ilhoirr.iphic and other
MlStfAt. lSTIt I'M l:TS.
Accordeons, Uanjos, liovvs for all strin' inslru
lni'tits, liridire and Tailpieces, Clarionets, Files,
FlaL'i-o'et-'.. Flutes, (luitars. Octavo Flutes, l'aicut 1
Heads for tiiiitars and 'i'i!i:iccl!os. Tamboiiriues,
I Tuning Folks and I famine,.-. "i dins. iolin and
I (iiiilar Pefi, 'io!iiie. lli.s and Mrin-s tor nil kinds !
( of Instrument Wholesale and lietail. Aeeor- j
i j dcotis repaired.
I Alrio constantly on haiii'., wholesale and retail, 1
I a lar-e asjiirtmeut of the very be -t .
Hutch Metal,--FiTinh and Florence Leal 'Metal
'i'ln-riiioiiH ters, 1 1 in pencils. -l-'aber and other :
I.eadpcuei's, Kul, White and lil.i -!i Cl'.alk (.'ray- i
ons,- Malheniati'-al iMstruiueiits, Sea i ileal ors,
s'prinn Lancets--Pocket l'les.-riptioo and (.old I
Scales and t ights Letter, Fancy colored and j
uilt Paper Pla tn Carib: and other French and I
( Articles, lor tiie sale of w hich 1
ihev are the MAN l TACTl liliiis ACiU.NTS.
July C, 1M.KI
Wl- take thin luctliml to itil'iirtn the icmlcrH nf
tlio Siiiiburv Ainciicaii, that, bliuulil they
visit, l'liilailcliliiii, ill iiiiest of
Good and Cheap Clothing-,
ami fuvor us with a call, thev xhull not be ilisap
Jioiilteil in obtaining the be-,1 of curinciiln at the
lowest cash jiricci. W'e have now on hand the
largest ucsurliiielit ever oll'ereil in rhilailclphia,
anions which uro DHCss unil KUOt'K COA'l'S
from .-jia to $1S, l'A.N'l'.S uuJ KS TS from .5
ct. to !i5, OVEK I OA IS, fbllAKS, 111 !SI-
.NESS SACK COAT.S uu;l t.'OATTKE.S, all of
which shall hr milil at such lirtccs as to mako it
an object for tho pcoplu of Muuburv nml tha sur
roumiiiii country tocxtcinl to us tlieir rmiatjc.
i t. h k v li. m .i;iu.i; c 'jo.
Smith East corner of bill und Market.
July 13, 18.10
' OER, an excellent article.
liinw it's Mciliealci tSoap for sun burns, tun,
tetter, Ac.
Hallway's C'ircaMuii Halm, for the hair dand-
Kudway's Ready Relief for I'ramiw, Cholic,
Ckoleru .Morbus, &c. Tor sale by '
11. 11. MASSER.
Suulmry, Aug. 3, 180.
AV RUM. An rxcrllcnt art ich) for aale
Sunbury Jan. 2Tth, 184a tf.
lot on huiid and for sals bv
fuuhury, April 6, 1850.
TJAISIXS, currants, citron, cbecee,
sauce, Ac. For sule by J. W. fllll
8uubury, Dec 2, 1848.
f7KE BILLS. Justicss and Constables Fee
. 11 ills liaudbonu-ly uriutt'd on card paper, for
ula at this ottu-e.
Cotton Yarn, Cotton Cariet Chain, Cotton Laps
and Wadding, Cotton Outlines, Rt-aily made
Pantaloons, Ready made Vests, Confrressi Knives,
Horcelmn lined preserving kettles, just received
for sale by H.MASSER.
feiutbury, Vc t, 1848.
rr.wsvi.vAMA. i
IT. H. Hunk ivtm lis (ltd1
All Solvent Imukn hii
rni'MTRT, l
All pntvfnl lunik I di
All Molvent Imnkii J din
All ftilvnt iMtnkx dil
m:v YORK.
Ilnnk of riinnilMTfrfiurg 1 t
MfiiiK m i hcntiT i n, vir
I in nk jif Drl.Ci). ClimlcT jmr
Il:iltK nf (irrmiintmvii
Hnnk nf firttnlrtirg
Unnk of Lfwinlnwil
twirl AM rvdvent Itinki di
All rv-lvftiif trinkF 1 dil
IK-lvidtTR Hnnk J H'"
t'uininrrcinl Hnnk i dm
Uink nf MntIMwii 1 di"
Mniitfrninry (,'i Hunk pnr
jittnk nl "rihuinlHTl ml. put
Hnnk nf I'itHiiirt,? di"
Hnuk nf Diitiville
imrlFnr. Hnnk Vmit Unity pnr
(iirliRlr H:nik
1 ilin 1 M., MMtll-tnwn lt. nnr
Cfdnmliin H'k A TVjre Co pariMcelianiep' Hk. Newark p"r
Doyel1own t;:nik pnriMeeh, Hk o Hnrliniton par
Kniton Hank pariMeeh. A .Man. Hk Trent par
Krie Hank S ilisMoni Co Hnnk 2 dt
!vxelnn?e H'kPiltlinru 1 di!Nevark Hk'p A Ins.Cu i dnt
Kxehai'L1-" H k. Itraiieh 1 diOr:au" Hank 5 di
1'armer' H'k, HnekCo nnr1 Pe inleV Hk Patlersnn I di
1nrincr' Hk, ltincniiT parl'riticeton Hank
rwrinei!"-' Hk. Henlin? pariS-dnn Hankiri Co,
I'nrin. Hk S'hn Ikill Co par! Semcrrct Co Hank
F A l. Hk Wa'viM fitiV r.ln'Stiile Hnnk nt t '.oiidcn
Fnitikiin Hk Wanirn Ijdi 'State Hk I'lizaVtliton
Hairifhiirir Hank 1 ili J-'tafc Hank Newark
3 di
1 d
Horn -while 1-Vmk 1 tb-'State Hk. . flitmwick par
I jiiiciit-ler Hnnk par.Siicnex Jiank, Newton di
1-elKtlion 1 1; M i rv pf
Trent-n Hrtnkiite; Co par
ilcrcli. r M -1 1 1 . rianK 1 dis
Cninii Hnnk. D'vt ? di
YnrdlevvMeA DeDrCo1.-,dis
Miner' H'k. p.iltKvdle per
Monon?ahe:a Hank 1 di
V ilk note nndir dm
:tvlor 'c lb ! IJ'-T f j.-, dl"
Hnnk nf Delaware par
Hnnk of Smyrna par
Delaware City Hank par
Hk AVihny'nA Hrsanlyw. pal
I'ariniT'-' Hk S1 e!nwaic pur
I'nioii H-Mik. Wilniin'on par
Fnder RY J di
ct liraMc1! tank par
yonim? i;k, u jikewre par
1 ork H-nk. di
IV Relief note 1 di
Hailknf hetlock A din
MercfintileTik. H:iac'r bitlis
All "Ivcut bank -lis
m;w hwipsiiirf
AM MlveiiJ hanks 5 ib
All ibil vent bank
Jdis t-i Hk notes iiMtler .V 4 dm
2 di- All Ovcnr banks 2 di
J disj;"? I'nder.V, 2J di
Hank of St Albnim
All solvent Uink
run ar ti:.Tsii!
Hy i vans iif thr I'ih-kkt
Km i la I'ii k, or, Kvcry otic
hi own I'liymrian ! thirti
eth n'.iliiin, with upwarils of
a huniln il rnruviiics, show
i l.'l I until iiii-rif'a ill
IP : !2) ry l)iipe mill form, ami nml
ft l, V-i T'. J fel l'ormatioiis of tho iriicrutiv
VtV f.'J lii'l RVKlnm.
The titno hns now arrived
that person suH'crin? from
arprrt (licenses, lieeil no nioro hecotnc the victim
of Quackery, as hv the proscriptions contained in
this hook any one may cure himself, without hind
rance to business, or the knowledge of any one,
and with one tenth the usual ex pence. In addi
tion to the ceneral routine of private disease, it
fully explains the cause of manhood's early decline,
Willi observations on marriage besides many
other derancenienls w hich it would not be pro
per to enumerate.
TA Anv person senilni!? twkntv-I'IVE cknts
enclosed ill a letter, will receive one eopv of this
book, by mail, or live copies will be sent for one
dollar. Address. '-UK. . lll .t!, .tt. 15
M'KrCi; Nrect. rilll.ADKl.rillA."' Post-paid
C VliK. VOl "Alt can he consulted on anv of
the Diseases described in his dillcrent publications,
at Ins Onice. 1.V,' MMU LV. Street, every day be
tween 1) and .'1 o'cbu-k. (Suntlavs'excepted.)
Philadelphia, Nov. 0, IS.'iO. 'ly.
TONIC mixtluf:,
r I "-tliS iiari,-i!li-il n;i.ilii-iiii mav be relii-'l onwtn-ii near.
1. ly niln i reiiii'ilii-s lial. Its valor is n-it Miiheifialv
iinnvn. Ihi-ri-liire. Iln' ii'i-rii tnr ili-!iiri-s tn i-nl.-tmi' tic
I'li-M nl' its ns.-l .ili.e.- l.v- inal.ia-.i kimwn ils virtues tnul eili-erii--
t.i tli'.iiMin.l.-i ut siilteo-i-s i. lmnri' ll-it nvvaii! that, ihey
c:mi lie sj'Ci-ilily ami raillc.-itiycaieil ut
t i: i:it and a(-,i-i-:.
witli'1'!' tin use nf i'ii mi mi5 ilni''-. ii:nii"iiis pnti.iiis of
till' ileli-l.-renl!. elii-CIS ill' lllinilie. It is mien-il In lll Utli
le III a luw pnee tn plai-e it vvittiill the ri'M'-h "I" all. nsmtrsit
hal lliii..e vvli'i us" 11 nee .rilui!' ti ilircetums will li nil it a
ul'e unit spceiiy cine fur
I'KVT.R AMI ll'il k.
It is ll-it a iti. 'Tfi'aliti' iiauKi-atitn; r iiivniinl lint nn nrrri'-hMi-'u- c:ilen!.i'i'il lo ri-nii'Velln- ttisiain.-aiiii:ivi.' hcallhy
ai-li'iii t'i t'c siimi.i'-h anil lnvv'-iii.
'ri-"iri ii enlv l.v .M.-irslii-li , l'-i., ru;-l s 'til'sals
iiii.l r. -iel by liWiiiut & Sin, Xo. St North -h Street,
l'liiliiil.-' i l'rleel per siniih: liutll-', anil per U-iz.
J inn- -Jo. .Vi iy
xx j 1 s. a 15 1: c 1 1 1 1 .4 ,
rj'" SHAKIM.Lss So?
I their supplv of sl'iJI.N
SON'S, have just received
pplv ot S'i;i.(i AND M .Mil l,lv
(illllllS of Friendly and other stvlcs, to which
thev in i;e
sH-'.'Ls All descriptions of Silk, woollen
and worsted.
DUF.S.- SILKS Orode Ilhines, Chameleon,
nnd neal and new fancy st les linlia Sill.s mid
! Silins.
I HIU'.SS (IOODS Lawns. l!arc.:es, Moussc
I litis. ( lio-.'hains, Alpacas, .Mohairs, and all the
' now fal ii---;.
I lTU.M'-llINf: OOODS-Pl.iikets.Shectin-s
Quilif., shiriiot'.s, and all other furnish-
MK.N'jS W t:K-Cloth, CasM:m.rr
n ti ., ):Y--i. Vr-tiuei ii,;ii! kin.!-;, :i ul
IJttvti wear,
iirrtac M a-
kcrs iirtik lt--. '1
y.xK S. St
tc4i!i, Mr.-ft, !Mii!ailcltliia
1IIAL t!M I.I'MIA It: . I.Hil (III STdl'.r.
Importers p.r.d Dcdei-s ia Liquors,
A'.). e.O Marks! street, I'liiladelta.
Cri'ER f ir sale, the cliea t ainl Wnt assort
ment ol I.i'iiir in Philadelphia, such as
Cliainpnsnp, Sherries Port, Stcck, Claret, liur
ttuiiilii's. Saiituru, llarsae, Mailcria, Lisbon,
J cneiillc anil ieily i mcs.
RrainlicM ol Ihe choicest vi. :
Mu-iina, Otiird, l'onet, llcniicsy, Ac, cVc.
I'ine llull iiitl t'in, Moiini(ialicla, Scotch and
Irish Whiskev,
Ifolels nml tlie couiitrv triulo supplied a Phila
delphia prices on thu most liberal terms.
July 13, IHoll
(Vl'OXE W'tirc, Earthen Ware, Raisins, Al
niotiils, P lines and Cream Xuts.
Planes ol all kinds.
bv.'alt and Plaster. Just received and fur sale
funbury, Her. 20, 184!t.
BOOKS and (!old Pens. On hiind several co
ics of the life of Christ, and also a nuinlicr of
gnbl pel
gnlii pens wbieli we will sell at llio Philadelphia
prices. For sale ut thisollice.
TEXIXtiS A cheap and excellent arti
cle lor fastening sash for sale hy
Sunbury, July 7, 1819.
PATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's
w riting and iiulellible ink, Cotton yam and
laps, just received und for sale by
Sunbury, Dec. 2, 1819.
WWII.EVA' COl C tMXUr. An ex..-l.
V lent remedy for couuhs. colds. For sale
at this ollice
ADD'iS celebrated Horse and Catlle Medi
cine for sale by 11EXKV MA.SSEU
Sunbury Jan. 27th, 184
1 T IXERAL WATER, from the Oak Orchard
" Acid Springs, hitthly valuable in chronic di
neuscs, and ionic remruies, for sale
Sunbury, June 29, 18S0 If
STOXE milk Pans, stone Jugs and Pitchers,
aud other articles of stone ware just received
and for sale by JOHN W. FRILIXU.
Sunbury, June 23, 1819.
GEK, for salt by 11. B. MASSER.
Sspt. 38, 18V0.
At the Cabinet Ware lloom of
seivn nourT & CO.
Market Square,
Also at the cornrr nf Fawn street If the Railroad
SUNI5UKY, l'A. ' .
Thnnkful for tho ltatronnje of hi friends and
customers during the 17 years lie han been ill busi
ness in this place, he solicits from the public a con
tinuance of their favors. Durins this period he
has endeavored to keep up with the improvements
of the day, and lias accordingly extended his busi
ness in every branch mid variety. Tbc public are
therefore invited to lite attention of the present
atock of
MAN'JFACTl'Iir.l) nv
At the Old Stand,
Where in addition to tbrir liiTitu r slock of the
establishment Ibev now manufacture
Mahogany, V.Talimt & Cane-Seat Chairs.
Lnrre. SjiriiHi Sent Jtovkiwr Cmirs,
Dressing Jinrr.niis, Centre Tables,
.Maruh Top Wash Slnmls,
and a variety of other
new style und
r.'h io:nn III v Furniture.
llavinir secured a Hearse and mndo the neces
sary itrraiiLi-inrtits for tin- purpose, they are now
prepared b.r I 'iidcrtaUiitj ill all its branches, in
this vicinity or at any convenient distance.
Yr ttt-ii-ls tt'nt itt si r ---.-i.. nml litis!) iii-lti tun,
Iti-rr's fiirtu' n. i- i'f i V'-rv F.!vli- unit htn
Ir"tn suit- Ii rtrU il-ivvn tn ki!i-ttii tilli'i'S,
Kri'itt r"i-t(iiii.r i' Im t is t-i ii'i-kiiiecnt'tli-s
Sti'iuM y itl iril Iinvi the runty John lo pay,
WVI1 wait nwlitli- fir a tiri-jltti-r Iit-tti-f it;ty,
Or titlic i ii h. iinls, r. int. win at mill ryr i
Hark, 1khii p '!i ii. pl-ivrti, nr l:iiii!ii-r wi-t nnd dry,
(Ir nil) tiling lint y iki-s runt t'ln -.linii; Hails,
l-'lnin piiTB anil turkii-R ilnwn 1" li:lti in:ii!s.
Clinic mi t'lrn frii ii'). r-ii'ii; nne tin 1 nl!,
Kei-p tnnli' n niiivli:. si '-t-i s mi tlin irill."
lit Orders from a distance promptly attended
to and work ol a'l ktnds delivered with dispatch.
Sunbury, March 1), ls.'jll. tf
HiCt. ' v: ; -'v ' ;r. ' t; - --i'
-. a -
In pri'scniiii-j llie pniilic vvilh a reiiiily 1..rthe tri'alincnt
nml cure ut l-'i;vr.ll ami A-irK nml nl le-r I.i li-his liimasi-s,
nn iiiol.i'-'y is neeil -il. Vast imliilu r in the l inleil Stales,
who fuller Irutii lli' se nii.-i-l i. his in tiu-ir varieit forms, are
C"itiieleil t'i seek ii'lji l' iri'lll "llnT K 'iirr-es tiiaii Itie iinllie
iliate presi-ripli.'ns i f the reiruiar jil:ysii'iiui. II li'-ei'ines
theref'Te au uleeet "I Inun-inii y. us w- II as "f ialilic tuter
rsl, to lirlnc tiel'i'le tiu llt a renn-ily prepar. il I'liuil uille!t ex
iierii'iice. nail wlii-'i luuy ulwav s In reltt-il ilp-.n ns il'K.
Kl'FKC'f I'AI., AMI UVKVI.i: TO TH K CI '-T I T ITU . . 'I'liat
inch is the llll.' .-liameli-r i'f I'm' IMil t III t. i ;t ; I I-:,
in ainity atti s-nl l.y Ihe universal success with whieii n has
been i-iupi.ij eil.
r? K.xlruet from n ciiniTnuuii-'itinti of the lion. Wu.
tlAM Wnoauuilii.i;, of Ihe I'. S. Senate, late linvciui ef
IlKTnolT, Oct. 21, 1-40.
Doctoh riiATO.i:. Osonon.
Dear Sir. I l-a e re:-. I vvit'i inii.-h interesl. your little
THAKVTI.-o: uiiou li'i' "e:ntsi . ti .-id ni'-nt unil cure" o the
febrile- ihs.'iiH. S which have .1.1 1 Oi'nsi'.i !y r- vaie-il in our
eoiuitry illiiiiar Iheiiii lew lU'ialliv nil interest iil'Telsi'il
no ilonl't. hv the I'-i-'l I h-it I have i'lillvi.lil.iMy st.ii'ereil so
Inui'h fr 1111 1'u iu. Thoie'h I !' I lie. sell' vi ry ine 'iiip.-teiit
to Jllilire snfely Upon s: k:i! Jei t s.i e'i!;r--Iy pr .l'essl"ti:ii. yet
your (lit- iry se-ins to ine well n:'s ii..-i. anil y .nr e niela
siou ins', ati-t I liiiik vi milt. I '--if v-iir paiuplilet is calea
luteil to plislu. e l-iU'-h pr;ie:e- ' ':"sl.
Speitloi!? .11 t!'.' 111.1I: -iei- l ev s : It fatty ins' ifi-il ynur
ftatterm; e.vpi e'-ili' i s. nil ;;s a Hi''.', eouvenienl . 1111.I i 'pu
Inr reme-ly, inv own epi-nenei'. s far. ini'uees utu t 1 he
lieve th-ll il will I r.. e a Mil 'i.!''e l.i-ll' lit. 1 aal pl'-us' i
to learn ihat v..a l;:ice r a'H I'stahiisheit sevenit le.'-i.i'irs
for ils ilisp.'sition iiio'.i'.ii I r'"-'OT 1 11:11 . wilii a view to 11
more iieii'-ral ilis.i nee ei'-n o: 11, y.'U shenli! hnve t'oteul it
iHs'i'ssiiry l i n :i ", e in -in your present resell ui-e itiuoiij. us.
With liali'll rtsoeel I have ihe h"ll .r to he. si-,
V iiir 1 .hieeit si-rviuit.
Wi! 1,1AM v OHIilililiatl'.
n" t'loui lion, Sri ei;n . tf. Tin ivve;ki in. k, nf M ich i
prill Slale Se.'-i-e. t" I1'!- Aeo iit nl llelieit.
:ii:vii.,iia vi. I lu.nvli l'i... Dee l.'t. llt.
Sir von vi ivh ine 1.1 in.'. ouvvl itl l;n"W ol" I r.
Oseoni's 1 111 . 10 I !io! : .0 11,-. ,,r mil i-l,;!i, his lii'-t!ii pie. I 1I0
believe ll, il 1 1" I -a- v 1 1 ! in- a : ;. I e:ii'':'e i ties eie'lii-nii: vvere
ireneiallv kii"VV n, tin 1 K Kit ami A'.ci. woulil ii!sin;iiir ill
1 piiicrri-i! :i No:"" in t!--ri:isni
t't Im-In-vc int ll
l;it ir:i.-iM in rutiv ii' ii. -nl
l'-r! :n in i.u s'i 1 1 iti'r f !,
p'-liilis'i'.i, !i -p l! r- 1- , 1'iitl ri
l 'it. I Inv n- i:iii.-i.'-. ti;i
rilllC'-S, llll-l Wl '"t l!H' 'lis-. "IS.
I'll' Kkl:! "l" p'i li-; 1 ; 1. : tl 1 j
Ins miiv-ffollv p- : n !: i
li' 1 1' 1 1 II ! M'V'T rM-ffi!
VlllLr II"' lull-. lis t!':-. :- l!i
I'-'inily t'"iuti t!it-
I lll-'llt i'f tin; flllf
I MI'-'.-l' it 11s tlo
in '!ntri'T"iii in
t. tix'-il tuff l.HMn(
i-.-.-n il hill. I-
rir.i'tn. iiilI 1 hi't
iiiiilicini' 111 mil'
WV.S V. I? Tiu ni!M)'lK.
. tl. ! ".U ; N..i-imiu,!w'i huiil,
A'j'-nt f r Stiti't.;
WITIMN;'!! tl
cc,TTTTBcrj f-riLiiir.a- neon.
i i
cm o!' i : :(in-.-i-.:j.y at
in. i
' irt!;i.epy. i'lelii.liti
a v:nii'T i.i il. :
Schools in tee
Tieknnr, a 'J'i: i
cin e, unil mi' Ih
Practical 'nun
.I'lti'Ui-. anal ti .1 t-i tlie u-e of
A;i liepiililie, bv Alinon
in r nl' luenlv-tie year's c-vueri-r
nl' I'm' I 'i'!uin!ii'iii Calculators,
ion Sell,, nl Mi iisin -ation, iVc
The attcnti.iii nl' Tc.i
parents, iVc., is iui!ed I
i.'is, Si-lionl lltrectors,
t!:i. new ';ie;iiii Uook,
whHi ciiiii'.inns tu t!i
in Orlhotiraphv nsls-i
best arrange;!, unil 1.
chililit-ii, l!iau any n:
mo !. i ti si,-i:ii!4 iiiul tisanes
nr eticrii tbc neatest, cheapest
tier adapted to llie wanls of
in-r pu'ili.ic.l in the I nilcl
Stats. It is what u purports lobe, a Snellin-'
liook ami imt a l.'e i,iiii4 linuk, nml unlv re.jiiiies
nil e:iaiiiiiuitiim on the part nf Instructors of voulh
to secure lor i'. a universal introduction into the
.Schools of the 1'uited States. ,n...t published, and
liir sale by 1Ii:miv Massimi, Sunbury.
v Here J eacliers und Lnrectors
copies for exaiiiiiiati.iii.
Auu-ust 1, 181!)
call irocure
;rra n rtvi
W sM sf d
' j'lii. sni'scriiicr vnuitii niosi respeclluliv m
m m i m , -, .. . . .
ML form iiis t'ricnils and a ccncroiis ptibli
lie is luanulacturiii'T the best quality ot
in all its varieties, and is prepared to sell a little
cheaper (ban any other manufacturer ill the I'liion.
He is aUo iuijiortiii und dealing must extensively
which he oilers on the most reasonable terms.
His Potteries are on lbnul itrect north of Kay
etle, ami China store und duelling at Xo. 8, K.
Baltimore street.
No. 8, E. Baltimore street,
Bilumous, Marylund.
February 2, IS.')'.). ly
'lHE subscriber has just received a new supply
of the liest liquors that ever Cams to -Sunbury,
consistint; in part of
Suierior old pale Brandy.
Fine CoRiiiae lirandy.
Sujierior Old Jamaica Spirits.
' New England Hum.
Fine Holland (.in.
Siip.-rior Old Whiskey
Common do.
Suieriiir Maderia Wine.
Lisbon do. du.
Superior Port Wine.
Uurgundy Port do.
Sweet Malaira Wind.
Superior Claret Wine in bottles.
Chuuipaguo do. do.
Sunbury, May 1849.
R05E OINTMENT. A fresh supply of thii
excellent article for Teller, 4 e., just received
and for sale by HENltY MAhSEK.
bunbury, July 2S, ISIS
W mi i' tVV.f . . i V ' ! r Si-1 ir?sM WH g
rHtLAOF.t.piriA and rorrsviM.E.
Office of ihe Phila. If Reading Railroad C. )
Philadelphia, March 29, 1850.
Two Passenger Trains Daily, (except Sundaj.
A nnd alter April 1st, 18. i0 two trninf will
be run each way, daily, between PhilaiUI.
plna and 1'otlsville
Mormne Line, (Accommodation.)
Leaves Pliiladelnhia at 71 A. M.. .l.iilv r,,j
Leaves PotlMvillent 7J A. M. daily except Sun-
Afternoon Line, (Fast Train.)
i's Philadelphia nt 2 o'clock, daily,
Leaves Potlsville at 2J o'clock, daily, except
pRsit'iicers cannot enter the ears unless uroti.
deil with Tickets.
The afternoon, or fast trains, do not stop at Au
burn, Althousc's, Dirdsboro', Koyer's Ford, Vtl.
ley r'nrjie, Port Kennedy, fSpring Mill or Falls.
NOTICE. Fifty pounds of hairsaiic will beal
lowed to each passenger in these lines: and Das.
semrers arc expressly prohibited from taking ny.
tliim; as bau'L'iurr but their weuringapnarel, which
tvlll il... :..i, ..r:. "i
.. ... ........ mi.- iii. y,, us owner.
Ly order of the Uoard of Manai
April 13. 1S50.
E,il,n "' 1 eonli.lcncf!. nfli-rr4 t U
.Until it 1- ti.-,nty niiti ll public lurthi-curf of Uv,p.
i..rl,iiliP,.Mia, anil ulliltsctsfuriM,,,, from n', iu.n
Naiiwa, Iteuilaelii.,
Veniii'i, iliinuessiif Siirht.
Htlimis Vomititt.
lliirniiiT rtiKiihun at tlis pit
ol the ainmni-h,
l.ivcr eiiniilaji,l,
ipjirronuii m'tcr witinj.
l'iilaitatliiti of the Hmii.
Dehililyol Ihu crvons Sy.
Ilypoclionilrin, .tnunilicc,
li'Msnl npjiet lie,
Wnsliu nl the strenxili.
I'miii in tlii-pitm Ikf .t,nn.l
nr t'lvvurils the nirlit ttde,
Sulliiwni-M ol ciiiiiilrxios,
lCirpsii f the spinu nni
1-iiiiuieii"e, wilh irequent
... " iiniv "I wain,
Ciiiis'iiiiliiiu mid uneasiness
irriuiiniay ol lmjicr, It
01 the li'ivvels,
tin can-ol ily.i"piash..iilillKrno:lcrtrd, mnn
ell. els m.iy ensae. lor il lav Ihe loiinilntioii for. in ih. is.
els nt cause ol. and very ireiiuently terniinut! s iiiciumurap-
vv-liiil mipresn iipi.H the luiuil llml lo InOt vvilk
Ins dis.-,,,,, may Is- to sport will, the resson w.'ik-heontll.
liit-p man supereiiiineiii in..,iK aniiunl licinps, or to n.
liiilere.-osienee hy nildinj acaiiiimusiitfi ol folly t Hit
prnalty of ii,in. '
IlilR llieilullie Hiieatly put up , l,,t,.,,
iliri'i-tiong , use, i,m ,d i Sunlnirv hr .Innii W.
F"',MV5' .IA.MI-3 Ul'l.l.lAMS.
lestnuonyiif Mr. Aimer Klmes, halter. Mrket .ireet
ahnye sixih. corr h iruiive of the cilieacy a)' WUhmm
Anti-Dyspepuc I'.hxir.
I'liiLAim.riiiA. Oclo'.ler tM.
MK. Jamcs VlU.uys ;
Dear Sn : It mves in. (.rent rleiisnre to know IM I tot
am iupihi preparmo you meilieiue lor the cure of UvipVp
Ha. I T iniuiv of my neiii:iiiilauceshave repeutedl jr' t.kf i
me vv-I.ere it could lie proeuied. kunvvnip tliat I had keen
cured to- 1'. As 1 think i,:,t a pnhlic aekinnvledgirijiit f
Ihe ureiil ti.'iu lit I have receiv ed I'rniu Ihe use of vmir w4
icine is ist only ihie 10 you. Inn mav lie iisetul tii ollin, I
now lir. l,.- il. I'nr several years I sull'i-ntl from llvapap
w. which inereaseil in sueh nn extern that niv heaflri ud
consliliiliou were rapidly jinkinp under it. 1 wm toai.
pell-.l lo restrict ne self p, ihe most simple food, anl tven
Ilea I could not ilne-st. I felt u ..f stren,;!!!, dimneU
iiall.'ii to exeieue, and, iis vim have it in ynur advcrtite
inenl. a Bcnend l.-.-iio nf depression and indesenhuhl
weariness. In the year Isa. heariiiu' olhen high n-
eiuimieii.iat ynur Auli-J)vspeptie Klixir. I proiurnl
U'ld used It weh the iiiosl happv elleet ; under it llltluenr
i uil-ii'ii nun win niess irrinliiallv passiil nwav. and hit apc
I tile n liirm-d wlai h I coiiid cniliiy willi iiiipunhv. Tea
years now elapsed, and my e.inliileiice 01 rh curallr
pi.wi-rs nf y.iiir lii'-.hri,,e Ims ol' clew niereased, lor it
eompli-trly cured ine when I lulled tiiolsiiiii relief Iran any
nthel source. Veiy respecllii'lv vuirs.
, . AltMilt ri.MKS.
Tesliin iny of l-.dward It. Itnwter. Wliolcirilf Merchant
! the firm nf llowlev. AshSnnni-r Ar C.n No i Satli
I xx Inrves. in proof of the ctliiaiey ef Williiiins Anti-Ura-
peptic l.lixir.
I,. , I'lltlAliai.rHiA. (irtoberS9, IH!.
Mr. .1AMFS Wtl.T.NV. :
llear ir : I lake pleasure in reeiuninendinjr yot:r Aati
Dvspeiitie Klixir I'm Ihe cure oi Dvsr.eiisin. I h'ur. 1.1,..
It myself f.11 the disease, have heen entirely cured.
Yours respect fullv.
i:iV vi;l) If.
A.-.evt .KIIIN M" fi:i I.l Mi, iharv. I'a.
.Maicii . I-.V0. I v-
I'Hll.AlfKI. IIII 1
A . If . turner of 'iford and Vnwa Streets,
r:i:i vKKs si'Rttu and imnk stbekts,
IH'TIIKX KAKS of r.xi.'ii.m"e nii'l uiiintTriiit''il
iiri-:i. r up.,,! mi tliis i-ity hivr n-ntlfrctl Dr. K. (m
i. t 'M i prrt nntl -'- -jH.-t ill ticMMnrr i'nr uv iifar.
in tV in :it:urnt m nil ls-:isrM t n privnti' ii:iitir'. Vriiis
ii.!n-t"t Willi i;l k iii hi tin- h -tlv. tur -:ii, .ir l.-js. uim in
11, i- tt'-:iifi.r li'im-n. iit.-r-iii i.i! riu-iuivilisiii. niriciurcM. imvi'I.
itiei'-H HMSilii; ir -ill 'li' It Mill rX'-vs-i. or htitiii ut i-'K i l" llie
hi i'i,l. tvtu-rrliy i;n v n.nnilMii Ii:ik luvi'iut: t-iiii-rlilcil, ore
;il! tn ;il-.l will Ulcer
Mr wit. i .i if.-ji iiiiiiM !i" 'ihiUt ilif 1'iirr of Or. K . iinv r-li'.'i-'ioly
t' in tu.- h..i'.r hk n irinUciiiiiii.aiiit octtitk-ul
v t-lj h(miii Ijis fcliiii ii a j.hv n-i.-m.
I tam: l'AiiTu i lak notick.
cnti-j M.-n .viin li:tve it ilii-iri5tilv(-M 1-v n ri'rWm
ti:irln-.-iiniiit-, mi a liatut Act nicnt ly U-ini,-,l i n.:n rut
V itliivillilHlls tT n srll-M.I 1( di,., jK ..t'" v,-lty , u ,:,lly
! -vcn wlini asli-.-p. ami ilrstn-y f ih inn:! l-i-.h ,
I bIiciiKI :iipiy n.tiiir.lutely. Wcaknr.s .inr c :i 1 tt-riionn!
tlrlii lity I 't i i 'i' iiti-. -ii!ar i-nrryy. phyh al luf(!r.:i!r nml ecu
; fiTtl pr 'Sim' irrilaldily nml till V.rrv m it;.-, t.n. imli-
j!'s:i in, i-'i:ij"..i:n-n " tur liv- i, aim rvrr d.-t-i Snn uny
I w;i imi'i'iiil w i ii lli'Miwnt,-i l ilir pi i.crt'.'il i ;e lime
j I, n! vti:.r rt'I'irr.l.
: A vimirous life or a pipmiUurtMleu!!!.
j hlK!;Ll. on srlf I'rrsmatiun.
I; .'list ';i! ,i:,!:eil is (lilt I vvilli li.'-fil! ll.l. ti.iiCi ir
nine s, eise'i.- (,, l. i-iirriilv. lllf.-ni-il.i
ii it ' i k" I-1 Y I M 'ni.AIAMIiMiDiui.l
:-"!mI he i .-.i.l In nil.
il .i a ! lee aii.l itii i t-s.e, e w.-ii-tiiii!.' it tflvt'li,
il ye us . i liusei y anil s nlei iiii; anil fc-ive lllillllal
ils -.1 l.ieen.
"II lill
ll ii.M,
' I'Y I
euiur.' il will le.-iril hiil-li.prevciit Die ilea-
il eilllliH !l.
!:i'i'-eel -Ji ci'nt". cue!. mill in n li-tl . ml
KI.M:.I. N. W. ounce il TlilKJ)
Is, !ieiC"n Si-nu-i' A I'ine. lMnlii'ii li'lnu.
tnielein el' Hi-
.- V r. nle
dr. 1., hi;
tMO H;,e
V l!! eil!il' e a Ii
"k. iiii.ler eiiv. l 'ie. pel return nl in:..'.
reri.iis:il :i liis'.-lnee In lv ilil.lre;
Ur l. I.y letter. iat-
V'"I.) il.'it I'l-ettri :t Hi ll .liu'.
Pai k -viii.s p .ir.iiiriri-.s
lllUKfTUiV. c.
I'Twiiri!.-.) tie neii'lini; ii reinitiaiiei
UAM.M.i: ur l TlttOfTV.
ami juil upaecnle irom
llii-.K-sell.-rs. .ev- Agents. P-Mliir. r:invnnarra. ainl alr
imIiitf Mijtiiieil M-ch llie uUivt- work at very fciw mica
K.liruliry ll, Is.'hi. ly
1 t'.AI) Hie I'l.H.iwliiir ceilirieine irmn Ciipt. Davoe, taa
1 wi ii kiiuwn unil pnpiilur Sllium U.ul Cujil.'jil (uf Was
Fitu.adklphu, (letrilivr 31. 1EM0.
Sevenil yiiira Biiicc I wilt ntlackeil with a brcukinf eut
oil my ueek 111 tlie T'lrlll nf Teltrr, M'lllell I am
was Ciiiiliaeleil at llie Itarat-r's Mhiii. It gcamtuall) e&teiul
cil iiver ji iv face until it reiiclicil I he Hi;ier wrl of tha
checks. Ilnrini; llie at-veru! imiullia tluit it eontinseal
' -i.'nlnUT' I aseil ilillcreut i.pp'-nliiiiia, anlne of wblch barf
ine clltvi. npprrnny ni iinni. ui nicrt-aaiiii: lue Ularuaf . nui
I'r.iiu ii.ine ul llieln iliil t perceive tlie least beuetil ur.l it I'
0iilieil llie ItosK OiMMKx r. IW the uns of one Jsr of It,'
1 was H-riL-elly cured mid have remained Ires ol Uie adr.'
t have ainea uaeil the Ointme'it. lielillv nppliei! for rough-'
nesa nl' llie lace, lili'tclii's. cluippcit liunils, Jke. Wtla pr
fiH't anceewi. 1 have no hesitation in recoiiliaeailiiif U ia'
the KlrungcHt iiuiniier Ui Ihe pulitic.
A'lenl IIksiiy Masskb, Sunbury.
July s. Mil.
Orcen's Oxygenated llitter, price reduced.
Old Jacob Towusciid'sSarsaparilla.'
Baker's Sarsaparilla.
Swuyne's Myriiji of Wild Cherr,
Swayne'e VermifuRe.
Ay re's Cherry Pectoral
Dr. Drake's Panacea.
Dr. Culleli's do
' Tibbil's Pain Killer.
Dr. lloollaiid's German Bitters:
Indian Vrnelublc Pills
Horse and Cattle Medicines
For sale by HENRY MASSEKl
Sunbury, July 14, 1849.
In the Useful and Interesting Arts with a few'
blmple aud Carious Eiperlmeuts la
T NCLUDnSG Me.licinea, Perfumery, Chemistry
Cookery, Farriery, Dyhig, Confectinnary, Do
mestic. EconoiMy, etc elc etc. Price CI cts., for
Sunbury, Dec. S, 1819.
IJAZOUS. A superior srticlo for aale at the'
store of HENRY MASSER.
feunbury, Feb. 16, 1850,