SUNBUHY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. TBIRTY-FlnST C ONCHESS. Second Session. Washington, Jan. 17, 1851. Mr. Hall moved to lay Uia Mil on the ta ble. ' Mr Jones called for the rending of the bill ll provide for a postage) of three cents on each letter not weighing over half nn ounce --no post-office oj postroute to be diseontin" ticit, or compensation for Postmasters to be diminished in consequence of tho passage of this bill. ' On printed matter of no greater weight than two ounces, tuio cunt. Round books Hot weighing over two mmcps to be deemed mailable matter. Newspnpeis delivered within tho flute where, they are printed) chargeable wilh only half of the foregoing rates. No poslniie on those mailed to Bclual subscribers in the county where they are printed, or within thirty miles from the place of publication. Fifty per cent, to be deduct ed from the postage on magazines, when prepaid. Three cent pieces made throe fourths sil ver, one fourth copper. Stamps as now, to be provided and sold at the post-odicrs. Fnigery of them to be pun ished by fine and imprisonment. Due million and a half of dollars to beap. propriated to meet the. deficiencies in the revenue. Loiters uncalled fir within a period of two weeks, to be pudlihed once only. The Postmaster 'ti"ial to establish suila. ble places of lb pof-it for Inters in cilies and towns, to br collectiM and delivoieil jy car riers, at one or two cent- each. A motion to lay the bill on the table was nexitived veas 61, nays It!) . The question was then taken on m-reentrf to the first amendment of the niL'oal biil, namely substituti-i;! ihreu cents uniform for the throe and five cents postage rates, and was decided in the aUiriiiaiive yeas 121) nays 83. The other amendments was agreed to The one e:ablisliiu penny pus's, by yeas 10fi. nays 6'.i. The bill, the synopsis of which is eiven in the preceding part of this report, was then passed yen 130, nays 73. nr.roiiT Of 111 Freiilml mid Manager In Hie Muck holder' or ttir riillnuVljiliiu and Heading Itull rond Company. The nian.igers submit tie; following state ments of tho business of the liscal year end ing November lit), 1S.10: Traiisportii'ion and Income Airnunt for 12 vtoiilus i'iiij kiV. ol), 1S.)0 t it. Travel (f.'.-'.H. .-(yinl llll'illuh HU-"-L'eri. ""rciif hi tm inrrrh:tniiisf 1 fl l-'iif. 1 I i$ D'i. on Ctt 1.:; ti,.Ani l-ue, :t t 'nihil suiit-s M;iil. !U;o iki l t:u rtveim, Virkir-c (-xpi'ii"f. D!i. ii'T in.e, j: :.'! i ii ."M III !' nt. Din 1:1 J.I J7 On i.-it.:-o en !-;).7l-2 n? 7,i."l :n v .7;!i M til S.7IVJ i '. UjmI aee unit. SiiteriM:eail'Ticp nee 'iir, ltlenit roait rx,ieiip. M, Uoft'Kvay tl.vntiiitMi DllinUJe, l'rriy'il on mijravj c .Ve. M ai.-e vnvi'f iai til. nil railH, Hen's anil rauii. rea'!, Slate, ennnly 11 till citv lne, I'rotit unit I us, iat-rubt, fit.. si.os'.wMtn N-ll pr-'Pt f r (!' y-ar. Total iutcriiit Tor '".ilia iHiDileii tlui.l. He yrtr'a in''"'t on Ikuf'Tji ntiil ia..rl-'e5 t'.i.'.itii), nt fi p:-r ct, Total iiilc M fir tilt" yi::ir. f l.'-:i.ii:i'i 47 V.!Sl.J!S fi ."!) (10 :''il.i.viM U3 'Iknkwai. I'l'Mi. Taret C MitK per leu ten, on tf!i?, , II - ; ti7 I. n loiev rl. il , hp n:ik dtirii:;' I- ttt. nil tiiilin;,' Nov. 8.L I.-.;, s.-!'.t:s K riividem! fun t f T llie r:ir. Which lias lee-ti den Ted ot an I 'I! 'vu : l)ividetnl on preierr-il toe!i. t,. Il iU.-ltn, amh Jim.. :! ).r cent. nnd :ilt On: :i; per e. at , frd -J.e,' ( i) For lialaiiee uttae Or. . f l! en-ejil Fund, inehuliii t)u n i ( leil new I e an 'liven. A. i-., ;n.7ln u5 1'or c si ef lnail, ;ue.. i..r llein ul I'littn, ille, P.W7.-S linking Ilia I fir t o i-1. i.-aed in l-rm. paiille in l-iiii. 'i.'i.lfjO CO linkinjt liitut fa tin In irfMied in IH!I. )ayal.le in l-?tl, T.5.(KSI 00 tlividenil ill e iiiiMI"li stock, ft :r C. iit. on M.1.V.MW, -Jltl.-i-O BJ 6tst tax on itivideinU, ;iil.iiA I'O, l 5 HT cent., 111-4 31 '.nr,;.,.i nj tVirptn lo next yrir, t?IJ.0lii 'J!l It will bo (ilisetvetl thai I ho net prolils, af ter paying all current expenses, are mom than doublu iho whole amount of interest nc cruiiiir on the entire debt of the Company, and that tiller uiakino tho usual appropriation lo the llotiiHval Fund of SS9.132 G3, for per pptnatini; tho road ami iis eipiipiui'itls, the net prolils are $581,230 94, w hiell is equal to u dividend of about 10 per cent on the amount of preferred anil common stoek (5,. 676.632) now outstanding;. Tho Dividend Fund has been mbjected, as will be perceived, lo lare and unusual char jre, which could not be forseen. Number of Cars broken on the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad for the years 1848, (from July 1st, 184S, lo Nov. 30A, 1848.) 1849, and 1850, From July 1st lo December 1st, 184S, 1 car broken for every 1485 ton of coal carried. In the year 1849, 1 ear broken for every 2282 tons of coal cariied. In the year 1850, 1 car broken for every 2490 tons of coal carried. Statement of Rails Removed from the Tracks. In 1848, 1 bar of iron removed for every 266 tons of coal carried. lit 1849, 1 bar of iton removed fur every 314 tons of coal carried. In 1250, 1 bar of iron removed for every 332 tons uf coal carried. Rathkr Bitter. A bachelor' reply to a young lady who sigfinicantly sent him as a present, tome wormwood : I'm (lad your gift is ant s Mi; Muah wi rn might me befall ; The wormwood', bad alone, but won The wormwood and th (at (I). The London correspondent of the Liter erpoul Albion t'atea that Lord Brougham ha lout his tight partly caused by a painful bodily infirmity with which the noble lord waa adlicted. NEW ADV(RTIElt.JIT . NOTICE. Northnmhrrland County, i. In the Orphans' Court at January Term. A. D 1851. on the IVtition of Daniel tir'niR and Cutha rine his wilii Into Catharine Morrison, one of the heirs of Samuel Morrison, Into of the Horouprh of Milton, dee'd. The Court prnnt n Hole upon Elizabeth Morrison, intermarried with John Vvor lin, Ciithnrhic Morrison, intermarried with linn irl f Irintr. Niint y Morrison, intermarried with No nh Prentice, Samuel Morrison, since deci acd i leaving n widow Miiriuli Morrison (and no issue,) now of the State of Illinois. Snruli Morrison, intcrinnrricd with William Krnncdny, Charles Morrio!i, nnd Henry Morrison, Margaret, Mary and Franklin Morrison, heirs nnd representatives of said ilee'd, rcipiiriiiu; them to appear at the sta ted Orphans' Court in April nct, then and thero to accept or refus,- the said estate nt the valuation thereof, mid ill rise nil tli heirs and representa tives, refine so to do. or to take the same, then to show enow if any they have why the said premi ses should not he sold according to the art of As scnihly in such casn nmde, cvi'. Ccrtitied from the records of our s aid Court at Sunbury, the Olh day of January, A. 1'. lSol. 5y order of the Court ) Jolui P. Purscll. Clk O. C. S All of wl ,-ich you are hereby rcipii.-rd to take notice, JAMES COYEUT, Sheriff. January, IS, IS.-) I (it., GZLLI1TG C J. AT KI)l ( i:i) IMMiT.S. TMlIH nulisrrilit r 1. alums ni ti-o.iii;; of her MILI.INKiiV AND FANCY DRY GOODS, respectfully infirm i the peMir that she will sell her entire stud; now nn hntnl. at very reduced urice. 1 b r s'.oi k is made up of an us-mrt'iicnt of tasliiuiab'r millinery iotuihlc Fancy tv t oniis. ,i (so a lot 01 lasu iU, cousi-lini; in part, of rvibLons, Cloves, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, and huiidsiiiuc material, of vaiinus kinds, for la dies' dresses. tfi.ruiLvni roi.i.Mr..;. Suuhtiry. Jan. 1. lsfil. tf. J. fZS rJ2l? .15 a. ' O'l'ICU is iicrehy jiiveu tliat a red heifer with--' out horn and al-oul ten iiioiilSis old eatne to the residence of the sulwcrilicr at Flyslmr, tlinm 'okin township, in ) tolier l:it. 'I'he owner will please nmii1 forward prove properly, pay charges and lake it away. Vl 1.1,1 AM (i. KASE. Elyshur-, Jan. IS, ::oiics TS hcrehy ;iven letters Testamentary h.ivo heen granted to the suliscrihers 011 the estate of the liev. .las. Kay, late of the l.'oromrh of A'or thuniherlanil, dee'd. Ail persons indihted to said palate or having cl.iims icjainst the t-.imc are re qnested te call en th; suhs -rilieis lor srltletuent without delay ill the uf C. il. Kay, Aor tliundierlaud. ,V.E KAY. ) C. 11. KAY, j G-.outor. Noithunihrrlaii'.l, Jan. $, 1S.11. fit. Borjity laiiti and Ptiisio?.! Ageucy, WASIISMCrTOM. c. c. rplli: uii l'TM'.-a-.! Alloni-y m..t lleiiei il . 'nt at l'i" . X i liy i.l .i:-l,iiii'! n. .e.-oi In., ...a ie- in i.tfi uriiie. I iijuniy an'l iiM. jb e i ta eiaitli .1. tt.-in ;- I luaii"ii'.ly I eao il at t!:e m- it i i . reeine, Avilli n II. ur ' ea:li uii. I laii.ili ir ae 'iai. i ll wili the le ee-friry 10111;. nail lo.tliac of I'llsile .1 l: l iiu :ii-''i-s I1 It .".'i.ti-i s anil 1,'ili.s In' ,1 m tie- I . :-. w:ir a ' . Im- e' ..- . l-ii-inle-s . ii the 1. 1 ,-. i- ami m i.:ai : r y j..Ij:iliin lit i' Covi.raaielil :tx el nv:'V k'li.i. tty a l.ile Art i l' r a :rrM. It 'iaijy l.;m.l is- ranteil to j the . liiet ; mnl k l ti-i.i .-i :;:e w .r 01 1 ai-il ' ! liii-v'irj. ii -u Jn.'l:ai w.'ur. i'iei 17. '. T i tf-.-s - u !t i .t i'iI iu:i j ! til 'Mill.-, It.-I ii'-n; to It: '.'.lii. m rivil .mr lil.utl.! r-J I uiti s: lui'l 1 i tli. se v.'lio h"iv.''l "lie ei titd In i"Mi :. A rr.ulu'i tin ills Ii n e.i'!- M iih file lltien of lie: j bfeil pr. t..,i .l in liilleil Si l"t I1 'I : S I tile I'.'intry. I i tile 1 n' ralllf. nil. I i'-i-' stle nt' III.' p.'tt ll', wl:ea i.-sai,l. on t!i-la ..-I n.iv 'ii!:- : :e li rne- ; I r ttie p:'inea' ot" t.ixe.s. ri ilellip1 i ll i f h.nls. fi'ilil f .r IiiVi s : e 'll -eli- n of i!i-liM iniil . r ll.e lnii!r...T t ii n i:. l.nw I.hmiilsi., in tie .I t!'. 'aili tin-1 'I i ri lie lenileis Sel'V il'i'H t-i di..iaiii'e, iiMit v'l;eli I'laiins pirril !- a I i'al Au'i'lit. Wei '("lie in-'-; ey t.-nus an. I in all Slilinlv llnpi-rlMi'lll': ! ' ; Ihisiii.s. vvitl tie liiriiih.ii il t. Hilt ell. me. IVi.iii il-sai.e.' iff -fa-i: haw, Wli! t 'III' lilt i lr ! m ::! f-'ivti-e. tni;e!!li-l Willi a !. rii i will in.1 ii' t i 1 1 t. ii-nde rs ef the pr.i. !:m in at a riiitft tif lee. eniiai'iil. Ill e J.rf :.f:ee nee lial: !e uMlal I". . llll.' tl i:..-. lll'l iilt'lilltlilltnil mi ei'Ti--; fl i !' i-i ef i n til' I Ids 'V ll-l. lus Wiiil- l.f I ill I ariev or : '.a i.vit nf their ie -I th. ir etniiii .: e tiiaiaiiKa' n.-i-Kt'.i!. hinUi M, 1). C. tl'itia lo lie n. !::.' i II Ki . l ) (!' x lii7, l1 eiilti-r M&i9 of JOHir ElAICCr., Iicc'J. VI hi K Vj is iierenv uiwn liii.i letters ol ailaiiu- is hereby ui thai b iters of adit ' is'.r.itiou bae been granted lo the subscri bers on the e-l,itc uf .ii hu liamor. dcc',1., laic of Point tow nslii.i, .nriitiiiulicil.iiid c.e.intx. All petsans ind '!ded to tvii 1 e-'..i!i or h ivittu claims nj'aiiist ll.e lenitc, tire r, ipa-fi-ed lo call on toe ut.b- SCt'iilcl'n fill' M tlletlli-tll. A 1 1 AM ll.Wtli;,) HAM I Fl, UAMUH, jiiiin hamok. Point tov nsiiip, Jan. II. I ,;.jI.- r S Adni'rs. 1 Id. NOTICE TO CCLLrCIOS. IOTJCK is herrhy eiven to the 1,'oheetnrs of ' Aorlliumbi-rlaU'l county, that t'uoc who do t not settle tiud jiay od' tiie amount of taxes placed t in their hands I..r ceil..-ii in on ihe 1 ith of Feb- i ruarv, (on hteii d.iv ilie l 'oiniuis.ioners will I meet to lua'ic tiuv e .onei.iti.iiis Ihal may be nc ccs.-urv,) l!iev will be th ail!i accotiiini; to law chaki.f.s . :: '. vi;k, 1 i.l.! AM V, li.MO r Cotu'rs. l.'.X Siuibiirv, Jan. II. .' ALliKilT. ) -lit. TIM.Mi UOI Tl.i: I1- r a.-t pumps, nud nipple .t sttj ply ot' lbc..e iim'IuI arli I and fur s.ile by .loll.V V- FKil.i.Nii- I-i, Is..".! tf elcs y.i 'i.iiburv, Pl'ISLlC SALK. ffiJlC ubnciibei' iiil'e.'s at public sale, on Tliurs- JL I a y ll.u l'tlii uf l''cn..:iy,, ou the pre mises, if not pr; woasly so.d at privatu sale, the. VALl.-AUI-b; FAU.M on which he, now resiles, situated ou the Sltum okin crt. k, in ll;.mle.ill lo, nsh;p, Aorlhuuihcr Inud eounly, about one mile uluvu Snydert iwu, ou Ihe road Icaiiinj; frum .sunbury to I elrrsliurt;, ailjOiniiu' lauds ot Joint t-i.iHn, Juliu Hoover and mucin. The properly contains 2(i3 ACKKS, about Bt) acres of which is cleared, thirty acres being lurudow. The itiiiruvetueiits are a ,r, TV0 STORY FllAME HOUSE flslfiL , AND KITCIIKN, uilV&m. l'atoe Slablinj und a (jood Stone r-'prini; House, wilh a liner failiuc Spring of wuler. Also a small ORCHARD. The Danville and Pottsiille Hail IJoad passes through the said properly. Tho terms of sale, which will be reasonable, will be made known on the day of sale. Communications may lie ad dressed to the subserilier residing in Suydertown. IRA JO.N'ES. Suydertown, Jan. 11, 1851. ts. TRBVORTON HOUSE, TKEVOKTON, PA. FMHE suliseriber iesNetfully intorms the public X that he has o)icued a Public House, in the new town of Trevurton, .Northumberland county, and that lie is well prepared to accommodate his guests in the best manner. Ilia house is located neariy opposite the Company's Wore. Ho is also provided with good stabling sutlirieut for 20 hor ses. He trusts by prompt and careful attention to business to meet a share of the public patronage- HENRY 11. WEAVEIt Trevorton, Jan 11, J850 If TO CAPITALISTS. rilU'O parties, one of whom owns an interest in A nearly 30.00(1 acres of Tinilwr land nn the watrrs of tho West llranch of the Pusqnelinnna ( the other owimr a llonhlo fStpam Sawmill on th" nmin Hiver helow jS'orthumlierland. These par tips are willing to join their property toetlle as a common stock, provided they enn obtain the aid of a third partv, either as a partner, under the speciul partnership law, or under the general t' nrjxnaUvn orl passed at the session of lS.IU; under this arrangement the money required can he supplied hy one or many. Said Mill is built in the best manner, is nearly new, and is capable of turning out nt least fi,(l(i() feet of lumber every 24 honrg nnd heini; on the I'eiifisylvania Canal; the lumber could he sent to Philadelphia ss fust as manufactured. It is the intention of the par ties to build two other and larger Mills on water powers connected w iili the property so ns to finally lirini? the amount manufactured to ten millions feet per annum. There arc other parties having an interest in tho laud who arc willing to sell on reasonable nnd ueeommodatinir terms. Twkstt ramsAMi iiollviis will be required to sit the business fairly 11 flout and Hin profits of the busi ness will do the rest. The parlies advertising would be-wiMing to nasiqn their interest in the profits of the concern to the pnrty making the advances, for as much as their shares of the ad vance uik'ht be beyond their interest in the pro perty. The person or persons licking the ad vances to have at . option either one third or one half of the property acquired or to be acquir ed. There, is no such other opportunity for an in vestment in Timber lands in this state. For par ticulars apply to A. JOliDAX, Attorney nt I. aw, Sunhurv. N. 13. Something more than one half the above ht-it"d soin would be required beiweru this time and .March next to cut, haul and llout tim ber to the Mill. The Pennsylvania Knquirer and North American, Philadelphia ; and the llaltimorc American, a'"e requested to uive the above adver tisement 6 insertions, tvrry othrr ny, and send their jiapers eonlaiiair.; the advertisement, and their hills as above. Kunbury, Jan. I, 1S31, Ct. tit CJLLIC rOTICE. PnMir wM-f is Itrivliv niivii. t!mt t!ie lirtiirrnJiip h-rf-rniuriM-ximiittrheiu-iicii iiOKU. SII.WY, tVMtr;-b,.m i"r fi- r.ii.s;nicli"ti oi'!iV Pfii!irl,.!iiT mi'1 ilktiiirr T--I--r- !i l.tif' nittl th- S ip pi "hniiiM KiviT hmiI .N"r!h unci NVxi lii;ii.-h 'r.'firiih Lim. is tins iliy disn lvi-l t,y urn. hiitl i- ns"ii:. Ail i'iH'ii lrt iiijr Rtiliwnlrt-d ini'I p-ihl lr a-H'k in "The Phil t-h-lpliia I Wil.vlmrn! Tch-j:r-icli ('mhi- p;iiu." urc rv;"i'titillv ri-ipf'i-il t present lln-ir nci-ipla tor v,vni..,iTst.) i:U I. Sr.r.r.U. Ii.."f Ail'-ittuwn, l,t liih r)np;v , I'ii., Pivsich-iit of tlii'mml Cnnnnny. tunl unci rt-ceiv.T II eir cr rliliciitcs mi-'IimtIv unthfiiiii'nfi'n thcre- 1 r : :i;nl -it"'Him 'im viii:,' hu' rittcl Mini jKiii) Ur vc iti "Tli'' SilStpifh'tmi:! Miv.Tiin l .-i lh :iul West Itrnicll Teh' irrth "'m)iimv' nre tn r s:n'eiiiiily mim'sl'! t' prem-nt It'-Li receipts 1 r fiti-'i pjivtit-'iits t -V. tit)!'.!,!,, ni the t.i.rii':iii tl 't-'l. t ii.'stmi H'.rr?. t-;-p ' -tsii- the S uit' If -ium. ri;'';.ti-!i Vn -t l,it "f .il'l l" njp'iny. ir M T. . VAN All,t'.. Tii-asttrt r' Dnnviilf, M ni -ur r"mily, I'.i., itucl irci'ivo t!'"ir e'-riitic;it f in due I'Tiii )lnTel'"r. And -Ml '?;.- "is I- vm.t cl. itti :t!'-tint thrMid l';Ttiiftliip. itH .!,! A- :;TI ". r"hiin' 1 1 the v m: liicii n t" ciid wt vl't It er np"il pruiiiiFS.ii y ii'ile, cli.'fl. !" ikneei fin', r i Ih'-rwie. :in- niieclm! v r cpn tt tl 1. 1 )i ""'nt rr'---( tiftptnt-i'i of the mm wi'h utt d"! iv. t- .KMiN TIT! S. .. 12 Meri-iut'le I .ihmry , l!iil-:tt Iphiji. h i1 nutlntrizwl to rc efive mid iirrtiicc f n scit!fniL-nt ni' !n- iinn'. J-'innrv II. I'il.lm. .1 WIMS Ml AW j i5 n sl .w: n rjsc I liTAS raosht adrift on the i.Mli of l)eceui!er j ' l..,a ! A lEHHY FLAT about ol) feet louir, and in (.rood order. The own- er y reijucslt d to call, prove property, pay ehnr ! ;es and 1al.e it nw,;y, or el-e it will be disposed j of ucco.'iliii ;o law. j lil'.NJ. F. DIEHL, l ' Sunbury Ferry, j 1 niou county, Jan. 11, lSol. 3t. of IIARY lii. EISELY, Teo'cl O'l'iC!', is hereby piveu that letlers testanien-lai-y have been uranled I., the btibsciiber on the jisi.iie of Mary M. Ihsely, late of Sunbury, decl. .Mi persons indebted to sndo Kstate or bavin.' claims au'tinst t!ie sante nre re.pies'.ed to call on t!,e subsciilier attd settle t!te same. For litis purpose be wiil attend at the lite residence of tlie ilee'd. Tuesday and Wednesday tile 1th and .'ith of February nevt. FK..KU. A. CT.AIiK, Kveeulor. I"..!:!!: !.'.:! t ivvns!;ip, Jan. 11, 1.2.")I. Ot. j I'snxU' V.J irH S'Mi'tJKIl, IJc-:'5. i I "OTICK is lie'cbv tsveii that letlers of ud- I J lititiislra-'ioii hae I, en crante.l lo the sub- hers on the estate of .1 ien!i Snvder. ilee'd.. late of I Lower Malt, itioy towitslno. .orlltninberlau.l conn- t i ty. Aii pets. uis indebted to said estate, or having : claims ;itt the siote. ,ir-' reipie?,:cd io ,'a!l on i ! lite siihst rubers for si-tt'iement. t V, il.l.lAM KF.ilAl'c;?, !j jDii.v a. sny:!:ij. Adiu'is. ' Lower M.ihuuey t-!tp.. .bin. 1, ls.l. lit. ai:i "vVatcii IaTALISImi:Iri., l'u SciL'isjrove, Pa. J EPAIUE1) in Ihe best nninucr und warranted to pertortu well. A 11 -or intruulcd tu his caro w ill he strictly ailein'ed to. e'eiinsrove, A'ov. .'b). ISoO. ti. ! S mill writ Cuiiirr if Fifth and Market Streets, ! l'u 1 1. a 1 1 .: 1. 1 ,t i a, 1 1 0 always keeps on hand a l-irifp slock of' evi'rv v.irti't.' of cbi'liiu:; made up of cood materi ils, nud in ihe latest and best r: les. He i would also inf. nn the public, that he pas consi- ; der.ilile ullenlio'.i in uiitim? up .Military t-'lotliiiii;, in cood st;, lo und on reasonable terms. ! June l.", liS.'iii.- lv j .Ml SK AT. 1NSTI.ITMKXTS. OTITIC-, No, 2 it" Cues it nt Street, fruit Artatlt, Fui la nr. i. hi i . I M l'l lii'l'F.U nud Manufacturer of ail kinds f Al lust rnincnts, Fancy Articles iiudToys. II is prices are I ower th in those of any olhcr fctore in Philadelphia- All Uiuds of Musical Instru ments repaired in the best w orkmanship, und ulo take'l ill trade. Philadelphia, .May '-", l't- l.V. itdiiT. i.. si:tii. Titos, p. u. m:tii. si-vrn it v.vayvwvm. WHOLES A L j: grocers AND CcmirafsCou SHrvciuv.Uss, NO. S9 rHATT STRBET, (Xt-tn liuwi.v's WiiAitr,) halt i mo nr., Will pay particular attention to the sale of GRAIN and all oilier products of the farm. Baltimore, January Hi, IS 50. ly 800 LAEOEEES V ANTED, IMMFDIATFLY on the Trovortou Rail RuaJ to whom liberal wares will be paid. KIMIJEU CLEAVER, Engineer, Trevorton, Jan. 4, 1851. tf. mo it a: xfa uooiYs i Just rrxtived at the store of HENRY MAS SER, lot uf Caps, Gum tslux-s, Almanacs, Queensware, I.bpiors Ac. All of which will ba sold at ths lowest price. Dec. 14, 1850. Valuable Hooks). LIFE or Christ, handsomely hound, D'A ti ll 1 Glut's HtsToai or TE Ri roan atioh, Dlihk Dii-BooKs iso Liuuius, full bounded. Fur sals at the publishers prices hy H. 11. MASSF.R. Sunbury, July U, 1949. W. iM'CAllTY, BOdKJKI. I.HIt, Broadway, SUNBURY, PA. HAS recently received, amount othef articles, great variety of New, Cheap and Entertain ing publications such as Coopers novels, complete or separate. Ilsrhcrta Do Hodwell, Dutniis IirvruloU Cork ton Maxwrll JerroIJ do Trollope, do Halliburton, do Marry att, do Cirry, do Marsh, do Ainsworlh, Mnrris do At the low price of from So to ,'0 cts per volume. Sunbury, fSept. 28, 1H.-.0. if. C. J. WALTON, No. 246 Markrt ft., b-lwren 'I 9th at., (South side.) rillLADEX.PIIIA. rpiIR Subscriber has opened a new lint store, and oilers to traders and others who visit the city, a handsome assortment of hats, enps, of eve ry variety, made up of the best material, and ill the latest and best style, and on terms as reasona ble nscau be had in any establishment in Phila delphia, vi.: l ine silk hats ut 50 ; tiood do do at !r,t(IO. Persons from the country who pur chase of him, cm rely, at all times, on getting a pood article that will please them, and one that is lull v worth the money jiuitl. (J.J.WALTON. Philadelphia, Nov. 9, lS.10.-ly. VS. H.' RnrKF.FEI.LER,' Attorney at Law. Mhirrvt illc. liiiylttill Co.. I'd. "J l"S(NI.S will he promptly attended to in the eotiuiics of Schuylkill, Northumberland, Union, Columbia nnd Montour- Hefer to: A.Jordan. 11- Hellas, & II- !! Mussnr, Esqrs., Sunbury Win-l)e IIaen, Edward Hughes, & Solomon Shiudcl. Miueisville. C. M. Hall, M. Morlinier, Potts ille Oct. 5, tS.')0 lv. C 1 1 A R L K S W . 11 EG I N S , J.T LAV", KNilfxviUo, Will promptly attend to collections nnd all busi ness entrusted to his care. June lfi, IS-1'I. J. E. ZIMMERMAN, JlStlti: V TUB I'CKT, Sunbrjy, Pn. OHieo in V)eer Street, innuedialrly opposite the Public School House. tS" Mnnifii e.illecicd mnl nil hasinewi pioinpt!)- and ciire fullr ulteiiile,! lo. April 1M.')0. AM) 200T-THEE MAKER, . So. !l" Ume Street. Second door below Third, PHtLADKLPIHA. "XfIU:'.Un all kinds of lasts, &p of the latest ' style and best material, are manufactured on reasonable terms. All orders promptly and punctually attended to. Philadelphia, Nov. il, I Sol) l y. h.:w vork f iiiiMit:i.iill4 JOURNEYMEN tSit!H'i'4 iss;x htlloit, Cor. of C'i and Clfftiivt, PhiUulttphia. I mi.m . I I. to make ami sell a liner and more '-' durable lint for the loonev than anv oilier pstablishmuut in the Coiled Slates standard price of Hats lb Cents and Hoy's Cloth ami Ila7.ed Caps, Fin'.re'das, Carpet H.iqs, Cnlafy Panama nnd Straw II its at equally low prices. May 25, If.'n) !y .IOE.V V. l-tltt to. i m foit ri: it s o v Watclicc, Jeweiiy, Plated Ware, Wit I'IM'l' .1S, 112 Chisnt'.t St., hltcch -U .y Stmts. A l.V," A V. keep on band an evcedeut assort incut ( the above articles, which ihey will i-rll on terms ns low us any in lite oily. June 15, I hod. bin ! (Latc rr ri;i Fiiim or WaTkiisiiv ct Hall,) .Vo. 21. St.:-t:t Second SI res!, I Piiiiadclphia, I 1.1 F.XPF.CTFFl.LV informs, his old friends and j eustomers, as well ns the public irencrallv, I that he has opened an entire new stock of elegant ' styles of ! Sprinrj & Euir.mcr Dress Goods. 11 is assortment consists of the latest am! most desi 1 ruble styles of F.itiilish, (iertnaii, French A. Auiti rican Oooils. r"u. ',i as Delaines', Tissues, 1! era ires, Silks, Law ns, M uslins. Shawls, Hdkll's. Cloves, : and every variety of tirc-s and Fancy lioods. 1 I'lnlad. March Hi, ',, -toll. ly "Iu'ir;ve Y;ir Cisvu!'' it a as &i;i:xx. FAsmoNA :ili: maki: of , FURMTUlli: AND CHAWS. r'l!E subscviliets re' ctfully call the attention of the public to theii laru'c nnd splendid assorl ' nient of every ipiality anil pi ice uf ! :.-sei.i-: -ivae;i2. j which Calient fail lo recommend itself loevery one who will t-vamiiie i. on account of its durable v,orkiuaiisbi, ;ud splendid linish, nude up of the j best stock tu be had in the city. A'o effort is ; spared in the luauul'aetuie nf their ware, and the , subscribers are determined lo keep up with the many improvements which nre constantly being j made. Their stock consists of Mahogany SoJ.ih, rtiviiu ami I.oumno, Uurcr. us, SccrctRffrs, SfHc bosrlis, Sim, llitLAhr'AST AMI H1MG TABLES, and also VENETIAN 11LINDS, eijual lo Phila- deiohia inainn'.u lure. BEDSTEAD, of every patn-rn and price, C IT HOARDS. WOltlC AND CANDLE STANDS. TOII.KT TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every nrtiele in this line of their business. Tin y also loauufacturx ull kinds and qualities C II A I liS. including varieties never ls-fore to he had in Munbury, such as Maiioo isv, Ulack Walsut VII Cl IIUII .Mlfl.KbITH AMI WlXIISOR ('HAIRrS, an u rcv Pi m Srom.s, which are of the latest styles, and warranted tu he excelled by none manufactured in the Cilies or elsewhere. 'I'he subscribers are determined that there shall lie no excuse for person, lo purchase furniture in the cilies, as every confidence can be e utertaiiied about the quality and liuUli of their ware and Chairs. Their articles will I disosed of on ss good terms as they can he purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. nr UNDERTAKING. Having provided themselves with a handsome Hkauss, they are how prepared for Undertaking, and attending fu nerals, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. The Ware Room is in Market 8treei, oppo.iln J. Young's store, and nearly oppos; DANIEr. IHA8, u r- GEORGE IEjiflt, Sunbury, pc. 14, 1850;tfa GREAT ARRIVAL OF IM.IAM HOOVER respectfully informs his friends and customers that lie has just returned from Philadelphia, with an excellent assortment or NEW GOODS, which he offers for sale at his new store at Jlas sir's Mill, Hollowinu; Hun. These goods tfcre selected with great care, and will he old at the lowext prices. HIS STOCK CONSISTS up EVKRY VARIETY, Vis Uvy (loods, SiicA ns Chilis. Cossimrre.1, Sallinets, Muslins, Cuiftcors, Mmifadiiic De Laines, AU paccu. ili i'ius, Flannels, Chec k , G i n g Artms. iVc ALSO: An ussortment of HATS, CAPS, (JIM AM) I.I2ATIIKK SHOEfl. aUEENSWARE, HAnDWAKE, IKON and8TFKL, .N AILS, Ac. A general assortment of Groceries, such as Sugir, CofTee, Tea, Molas ses, Spices, etc. Also an assortment of Liquors, such as Brandt), Rum, misUry, Wines, c. Produce ufull kinds taken in exchange at the highest market prices. Hollowing Kun, Aov. S3, IS.'iO, ly, TO PHYSICIANS AND OTIIZRSr TBI HE suhsrrihers offer to phrsieians and druir l Rials, a earefnlly Behteted slock of dru,'S and niedieines, which they wiil Guarantee to bo of the best quality, pure and unadulterated in till cases. 1 heir faeilitii s for iTnportin forc'Mi driins and chemicnls are such, that they aro enaliled lo sell them Uwn the best Jrruia, and at the same time to nwure their customers uf their genuineness. They have also recently prepared and now of fer for sale a superior article of Kcsemblint; Henry's Jlaanesia, free from carbon ic acid and rouuhness or uiittiiiess, altnost entirely tasteless, eoiubiuiii',' in nn equal bulk from three to four times the strcitirlh of the common kind, and sold at about one half the price of Henry's Magnesia. They have i.lso prepared tho Fluid Miinesisi, Which is a new and valuable remedy in acidity of the stomach, heartburn, nausea, ifce., at less than half the price of the foreign nrtiele. They also ll ive on hand of their own prepara tion an assortment of 1'iiro ru;'s in Powder, Xeatly put up in 1, 5 ami pound hollies, such as Aloes, Khubnrb, Senna, Senega, Uli.tnny, Ki no, Cum Arabic, Serpeutariu, Ext. Clvevrrii, Ipe cac, Potass Sulpli., Potassa Aitrus, jjuVux, !Spi relia, liuchu, Orris, Cascarilla, Canella Alba, l.'va I rsa. rVc. (irent care has been taken to have these pre pared from the best sclecle 1 drills and in such a way us to preserve the char.ictcristh of rach or tiele without injury. They hnp uiso a variety of Chemical A; I'linniinccnlical Prepiirntions of their own manufacture, nnd add to the list all t1(. valuable new remedies as thry become known. Anions them may be menliuned the following : Hy.Wy.iiiie Aei.l. iPreiurali .iis i-i Merenrv, lrcpnraliiiiis ol buliiip, i .. r ,ni ' . of 1'olass.i, .. Ztne'. I.iqm.r Alninonia, lllxtraet nf Senna, llni.l. n o,'1"."', I I'lcnsatlt loltlito uililllnlsUT riioSieliiite, il i. nncH-re-! .i ehiiilreti. b.r Itlieinnaiis,,,.,et B" Ilneha Cijinp., , mini. extract in iieateia, !ia, " Sjma(iai i!)ii Com position tlulti, il'. il'. -liJ, Uu minjile do. Coln-ynlli L'outp. Ho siiueli:. lil.iMeiini. " ali iiini. tini.l, n new und nueliil reitinty. fps. .Ether Nitros. U. .S. P., Oil, of Copaiva, Cubebs, Er?ot, Tobric-c, Ac. tiinite of Iron and yiiiniue, Seipti-()yi,!c of Iron, an mitidotc for arsenic. Citrate of Ma;ne.sia, a new ami jileas. ant cathartic medicine, put up in 13 o.. hollies, 4 per doz. Collodion, or l.i.piiil Adhesive Pins ter ; a convenient application in many surgical operations, put up in small vials. Als.i CANTIIAI.IDAL COI.l.t ))OX Oil L'l.IS TKIUNG LKiLID, I A convenient prep nation nf inuthariilcs in many i eases where there is a diliieully of npphine; the i ordinary blisteriie.. plaster. A coatiin; ol it tippli j cd with a camel's hair brush and covered with oil j silk or some similar substance, will produce a blister in three hours' liini-; or when exposed, I in the usual time of about twelve hours. Physicians and others may depend upon the faithful and prompt execution of their orders at us low rales us the l,e.,t ipi.ilny of medicines car, !, purchased. ' CHARLES ELLIS A ( C. .'o' Chcsnut street, Philnda. Laboratory, (iih and Morris !ts. c-'oulhwark. November i, lsoii tf, NEW TOYS, FANCY ARTICLES, H ANF.S, Ac. Just rec ived, a larjc and hand w sonm assortment of Ttrys, Fancy Goods, Canes, violin Etriiiji, duminoes, "nines, puzzles and tricks. nloiii- li;;urcs, seJ lr eases, yvork and fancy boxes, napkin rin-s, rattles, etc., of every description, ut the lowest prices, wholesale and re tail. Call nnd sen GEORGE DOLL'S NEW STORE. 10J North ful, st., PhiUdclphia, late of -JJ strsct. N. I. Canes neatly mounted, and Fancy 1 uniim' done. Nov. 1), 1S.j0. onio. SOUr.EAU'3 IjiJcs.ructiblo eud Lulellibla 7 KITING INK FACTORY. Ao. 1 Swtlh 'Jitird slr.'tt. JEKCHANTS nnd the Wriliuir eomiuunitv are re.ptested lo call and cxaiuinr this INK, which is v.lirnutnl not l enrrmlt M.tu.'te. J'.Us, nor eititne iti Ctjiur, tVholi'K.iio nnd f ; f all, No. 1 .Snuil, Third street, Philadelphiu. A liboral discount made to Merchants and the Trade For sale by II. 1). Masse'r, gent for Sunitury November U, lK.jlt. ly. PATENT JAPAN BLACKING. Mamtfartonj, No. 50 CHESTNUT Street, MEDAL, awarded by the FRANKLIN IN Kl'ITUTE of Philadelphia in October, AND 1IIK FIRST PREMIUM by the MARYLAND IN SS l'U' liullimore, Nov. l!48 and 181'J. I'iiitaitehthia, thtnUr i0rA, 1848. I have used J. ellar's Pulent Japan Liquid und l'ustc lllackiuir for some nine iiiouths, and am happy to say that it surpasses any blacking that I have used these twenty odd years, I tiud it holds the polish and preacm-s the leather hut thr than any blacking that 1 have ever tried. Asnur.w R. Cu a a a ms. No. 07 Chestnut Street, Wm. CURSEY, Manufacturer. Kuceessur to J. WELLAR, No. 50 Chestnut IStreet, uboxo (Second, November, U, 1850. ly. AS the S'j'nsorilr iubands uisking new arrann (neuts In his butjiuowt on the first of Janua j lflt, hU peraiii kuuwing thomselves inJohled K hiut. arj requested to call and make settlement up to that titpe, by payment or giving their notes for the siuouut due. ' " ' n" JOHN W. FKIL1NG. Bnnbury, Pec. S9, 1$30 1& another sciuvriFic woxaci: TEIVSIN! T II K TRU i: DIGSSTIVC FLUID, GASTRIC JUICE I A C.IIT! AT DYSPEPSIA. CtTRSn, i-l from Iti;.i:T, or Ilia r.mrili ftiomurli of His alter dirceti.un of HAHON, tliu gieut slot itri-ul Chemist, by J. S. IIOUUIITUN, M. U., No. It, North F.isltlh Strei-I, Philnilelplitn, J'j. This is o truly wonderful nmeily lor tNliliir.STION, livsi'i:ps;., .r.MMiici:, i,ivi:it comi'laint, COXSTIPATION, ami HKHIUTV, Cttrini alter ,u lure's o u liiethoti, by c. jture's own niri-iit, the Gustno Juieu. CiT llulf a tenniioeiirul of this Fluid. iiir'ie.l in wut.f, will dip-iit or di.-..lve, l ive t'oumls el' K.inut littf iii alioul two liurf, out ol Hie rliiiiim-li. DiGEsrio:-'. DIC,KSTIIl is c-hielly perl'nriTied in )- Bt 'tnneh bylhn uid of a lliui! whieh'lreely exinles ireiu the inner emit hi nmi uiuiii . Hun n M: nni I'll i. p i' r e ir . ua i Juice. Tins fluid is the l, reel nolrem ..i' the l-'ooil. the ' I'urilyiiiir. I'leaerviiiij, nnd riiniiliitinif A-.o-nt of tho si"- I nmel, , iutestiue,. Wiihmii it tlierc wi,l he in (l.i.s. j "".c'uvi.-f'i noi ' rn l nit" i.i kk, m,.i no nuiriiii.,1 , of Mm IkiiIv; hut -.nlher n torpid, piilnlul. unit deftrue- ' tlvor..ii.liti,n,,f the whole dlueslivr-u;inru'.tis. A wen, hull deml, ,.r iniured rloinneli prnli.e, no (.' (i.ilnc I J'.uer, and Ireueu l!m dnease, ditre und debility winch ! PF.I'SIN AND RENNET. riTSIN i. llie ,.l.i-..'..,, rr J .il.... ple.,1 ll;..(iin.trie.l.iie.-. it In l.'inel in "real l'i.ieul!li,ee ill i the solid iiils nf itm luiiimu Ktniimeli utter deu'.h. nun inn- , tlliieei,u.,tl.,t.iM,., to.liieMlils.' itself up- 1 ,".l"!c;leml"',''i,,',''l, ".f "";,""".-''!'""- ' ii' i r ,l us,'d tiv liiruieii. in uiiiliiiii; eliee."--, ' l-.lllei Iteiniet. the ,,.,.. ,,' which Ins I In: heen Ihe Kpeeiill wonder. .1 tlieiimry. Tli eiir.liiuiT of milk i ihe lirt pro- l-.-M of ihirestiiiii. lieuie t p .-ni-n..- !,ie,,tiililli- p- y. r. 1 i.:.w',Ti.;in,uW,V;:r rat'Mr ' diien u . L-..-I liiu-tri-.line.-, ii. :,,,,., , i' (, i,,. To i, ,w hat Hits wiuil me,- ;., peilect!) K.pplied. we laMle tin l.d- lowing r'lENTlFIC EVIDENCE ! . IlAttoX l.tllliltt, in 1,'s ,i! -lini-i! work ir,l I'heiuiviiy. sivsi "An Artnieeil lie.n -'ice ! ii.i.l iiiiiili.ii iiiB lu tin-ii ,.-.rie j.ii..... miiy I...-iri.ii, v ;.r.-;.ireit ir mi tie; uui- eniiy ne ..ii!,riii.. i I thM In f tii-i .i.l. in wlie'i MTinim nrtiei i'..-i. m ii t un.i .-.. wi:i t soft- i. evnn- irhii-i,::.,::'-a,",e mMn"e "" (h" Dr. I'KltKlltA. i i his i.nn--iis tienti-e on 't'o.i.l und lliet." plll'lll-'e-'l in- Knivl.TH ,V. iVri. New York. pie.'H Hi'. I lie nil, ii 're it l'-ie, nut ilceii:.. the lr.i.w el' pn-i-iniiCMl. lliireui'j lew littler j.ulli irllt' M tlinil llr. Perems: Hi. : M I.l-.. a bis v:,l.l-,l.l,.-ri:ii.I-s.... tlie-1'i.yM..K.y i-rviit Hi. u "i, iliiiiiu.iHiin i-i tlu'tlte- on in- Ol ,Jl",.;-'li ll. iiiv.itvi, I nl .inn., ii ... .In., mi toy m im- i,.iFttie Jimi-.s is ii pr..iiiineiii und iiii-previoiinir Iti til" Mate where printed shall bo charejea- Ciltl-"' of lv'.;ii:i ;' mill he ft iti thill "n lllllilnislits 111 ; , , if,. r . prufess ir nil neilienie ii, l.,.i,l,.,l. win. WHS w-veielv millet. : "" "Ml1 01ll ".I I till.! loil'UOlnrr ralt'S. :;:r; ; vr - ti..u ..o ,-.1,..,. si,an be linnt'iiennii!!.. inch proved e n, i.,l. :.-!v (..u-ei-siiil.- i cliiiroed t , port ii u v tiewsiiiiper mailed nnd dei Ur. I.UAIIAM. Ihe I.., w .rU en -Veee. ! ,. .' . 1 ' JUt tnbie l.i.-t,"s-ns: -it ie .-i rciu-irhuhin i.iet in j.i.ysi-.i .. . , ! Hvefril w ithin tho county whi.'is printed, or Hint the f-T-.utiichft iif nniunl?. riineeruted in e-iter. iillivut ! 1 . .-1 ,.C 1 to Ihe. Il, Ihe ,-, iilellv . li,,i, vnri ill. I.rt i. l. of i """J ""' "t IliL plitCO WllUIB pdn- finil. und ut" eiifi-tiui; ii iiimt ol urtltiei il dnrent nn, ol thi'lll . teil. i.l ivi wis--ille.-t.-at truin the tiiiiiinil s-tve pi-oi .-s'.-' j . Ur. ssiMiiN-s -,--ii' wirk. tliu ii.-toistrv n Mini." 1 rovidod, fui lhcr, That tho free circulation (l.eil ,V lllute-ll-i-.'. I'hllll. Ispl. pi,. MV: Tim liis- ! r , ,. .1 ., r , e .very nt l'i;t'si i'.imuti a n-w . ru ia in- ei,ei,.-:,l Icfrv i 01 newspapers Wltlllu tilt-.' county iif their pub of JJur.--;t--o. l-'i -'in r,e.., e.v.e,i,.,.-,i we k..w that ' licalimi. or tin' distance of thirty miles of ilia loud is diss ilveit I'S rupiil.y in in, urliii-en iliL'eitiv.i Until, ! ......j iiiiioui ina prepieed I'rni.i Hcj.iiu, ns it is in ihe 1111:11111! Juieu , pliice of ptiblicaliuii lis hereinbefore Provided itst'lt.,' I ' Pi. r. t iiN(ii.lso ..f tiic J.'".M m r.-Ufi: Piiii;i- j b coiilliiinl lo nctunl sultsci ib?rs ra- ilflplnn, in Iti! 'W. rk en 1 1 1 f t s j-1 1 1 I'ltvsi 1'', cU'vttrs I . ,iw; ... t .t r ti ll ii.Miti.', i-si .N;.i..;,i:.ill.-l.'.r Huh .Mi.j.i.- ; tLU1!,,J, i-ajvis fiui:i t!:u oincc of pubh- II ;c rxpeni'i'-iiN i' it I r. I unii i l . ' m 1 he ( ;isTrir .I nnv, Uilt idll. iiht.-tiit''-) tp'tn the li iny huiM iit nt 'in n-ii iuvl ii.iiit ;iiinii:ils j ' nre w.ii kn )vi -in nil im. iwf.vt, -.I' " -wn j 1 lOMtlcd. furtliLT. Th;tt iif'.v percent, shall I IV. ltlil'l.MTllNSp,e;,i,ri,t,....f I'I'.l'SIN 1,-,. pr -d. Ceil tin- III M ,11: Ti . lions etl'.-el, eiirililT e:i:. S "f Ue!ii:it . K.nieii.i .. rv-o..eiu:e.,,iiiNl t-i- mnipu .; "fl"";"'1 1 t"- v-ry vera,. ..(' me fi ne, ii , .,. Jio-n-llile to i-oe ll.e d.-till!ii ot eiec ei tin- liiillli i l liii.-nd- verli.-. linnl lull i.uilii mi. -..Ii- I i!e- I in e Ii-. u -iv.-u rrilKS. ill I : Tl.-Ll.-l; .(, New )". nn.l II nt : ' lii.n l , , , t 111 . l il. I , t ll l . M li l , l.l.l. It in en-it M'.itvois a NTI 111 1 It: "ml .nt i.-iilur!-.- llsellll l.irtend V ti ills ililel, l.iy.-r l'.i,l,,i!:i,,.t, 1-ec.T nn.l Al-m- . .'r I..I.11,- ir, 11. .1 I'ever :,n,l m,.U: evil eil.euiit i (itiuiue. Mrr.-ury. n id tii-i' di rn.-mi. m i;.e llim, im, i ii o,... liekie-i-i. Alf.l, 1' irUiTMI iii eutum. in, i ti. t .i I,-,., u.-e rn ' iirdeui t., iut. Ii uiiuu.-t ri.i en. 111 s 11. :i!M, wi-,',, liiti-lnperillie.-. ' (il. i) iSiOMACH CO.Ml'r.AlNTS. Th-re iv n , f. Till if I II. I) fi'fl M CI( fl 1 M I'l . M NTS Wlneh il iloc u it aeeiu .i ,.., h ;nl Inii'V- ill No tier li"H i.i.l tie-,- limy I..-, it t.t i:s INSTANT HK- I. lilt! A sillL'le il -S" reluivi.i 1:11 lie- 11'., .leiiillt SVIil;. tollis. mnl it only lieeiln to i- ,pe,,-.!. toi yleirt 'itii'e, to tniike lie-M- irmitril.-eii. p.-roi-tM. nr. IT KIT Y UK I II. I ml) mid 11,1 ll; I ll' III ii iv. ,,ii,.w ,,, i i, p'liiieul.irly exei'llelit in eues ot' N;ile.e;i. Voiuitie-. fi.uep. Sue, less ol Ihe pit .,1 I M. St. ml,. I, ,l,;r,- llt'-.-r eitoi-. I'.w. cold, stale i, Ihe ! nl, ller,v,i,i.-n. l,o!,i .s.u 1.,i,l.. U,siM,-deiu-y. l'.iunci.ition. 'eiikue. teinleiiev l, lu.-.iiii:v, Sui cide, ,Ve. I'riee. I iNi: IK).!,AI per Ii ui . Oneh iltle will otlcn Clfi el U lli.-itlii.. eure. ri-:i'si in si:nt i iv mail, fiii::: in iuistack. i t' tin. eotuitry, me i ni n..- ,ivi..,i.u it.i, i , c rut : ri;rsi is put up 111 tlie I 'lino, I'liu-den., V Itll diree'i iili to Ie ii,s i! id III W.lter "I svrilp. liV li e pi;,, ,. T.-I--M- W.iers C'lllHill .n; tie." h.uiii in i;t, i ,'in ti,,- li-.i'i' i.. l.i.t tw 1',.' .pi aiiev lor ih" vim,' ..I i..,.. :,i;i;iii. s, it i,v mo:. riii:i; OK ri i i .vi, i. t..i i in i-. in ii ,i.m; S'-iii hi -s:-i a . i i l'. I. s. litii i,u loN, N... ii Niirti, r.ii.-i.iiiMrei i, I'hiii.Wjiiiiu. Si ;i:iel,iiu'es lor Vivr d illnrs ': lieai's l In- vi itten fcijiiieure ot J. S liote I'loprl'-t -r. er-.- eii.-l,'.r ii, nl hottlr mil i. Ill i'N M l), S 1.1 li :n'ei,M in i-vi-rv tu, n in I!, t'l.ite.l f.-it-i. mnl l.V leHpei il.-ilermu Me iliernliy. un.l Ie ie lire-lit. Knit SAl.t: l; V Joll.l W. I'lillie. Sini'iurv, l'u. Miirv A. iefav John' II. I: .-I ' IIiim-s ,v M-i-oiin.ek, S. J. frouj... John li. Iteiiu, W illiiuu lf. i,iin. Sun;, nr.. , S. , i. I ph. N"rt!iilli,lieniljid. Mi i hi, S,ii..-r .v.- .n i.wen.viue, Mi-r.Ll1''''1''"'''''"''' KCTICfe TO EDITORS AND OTllKHS. -Ye;e I'm, ,Y',r, "Ti'fi. 1 Si "(. Mr. 11. 1). M hsi:ii, ,sU,bur 1'ti. Dear sii .a so,,,,, puniens me couutiy where we U.,,1 ailvcriiM-d our Siiirsnpiirid.i, in 1S, tho Kditors ofsoiueof the papers hiive K-en fit to take upon i. .... . .. tiicniM im-k tpe roponsiieliiv nt eontiiiuinn the nine niter the ii.rrecineut expire I, i.n l in some eases have had the prouiiiptimi In send us a hill tortile ll ll lino, 1. N.ive ive l.n.1 ... , . ' .1. .... i... . t.. have ll,e papers in t!.'- I'nite.l St.m-s -..dverli.e for us fi.r yens, if lin y me pi.-.n-ed 1.1 J. so ut their o ii t peiise, but we cannot aiijr.l to pay theui unless Ihey bine our iiniltoriiy l.-r lac work. We III .Ie to vim tor ll.e i .1 1 i-i . .... .,l'i,.l'. ,1... I Kdilors. tlirouil, von, t'. ut Ihey me nl bbci'v t advertf.-c as- lon as they please, but we must not be held responsible witaout nttr w ritten uu'iioi'ity . Tl!'i.II'so, sK;1.1..MA a. CO., No. 1 1 !;. Na.'-iau street, Voik. December -1, 130. if. SKCUIID3 & C0 3 L A HI) P. A X I) !' I' E Ij S V ! X C Maaiifarliintl Ii y SliounK i Co. r. 13 fiWun'f St., Flu!,,. foh si.i-: r.Y am. cntifEns: VAKIi NT1H) to wash clerm in haul, ,.,f, or salt w ater, cold or hot, in one third thu lime of any other Soap ever manufactured ; tons disiiensiiii; w ith biiilint;, blcachiiii;. iVe. FI.AN.M'.I.S, CLOTH KS, &c. washed wilh this Soap will never thrinl: or have any harsh or jriiieinv feel, but leave them in th-i: original soft and pliant slate: which is in itself a snllicictil recommendation to puar.iiiu e ils use in all fatnilies. THE FINEST FAMUCS may be washed thoroughly wilh it, without the least injury; giving tlieni a luslro c.jual to newly imported koihIs. TAINT, CREASE & 01 UT uf any destiiplion, can Ihi readily removed by the use of it, without injury lo Ihe article, whether il be the finest dress or ordinary carpet. Ill the ue of slioiirds & (Vs Soap, the most delicate need not feur, us i( w ill not injure or chap the hands, but on ihe contrary act as an einolli Hit, and is not o'dy the vtiir uor wisuin sine ever olU-ri d to ihe public, hut as TOILET SOA1' cannot lw excelled. hurever it has been used it has tiiven perfect satisfaction, and is warranted so lo do, in all ea ses whers fair trial will he atveu iu bllOl KDS i CO., Manufacturers. No. 543 Chcsnut St., Philjilelpiyo,. For Sals by Crocers generally, November l, 150, '' lUaoljingtcin 2Ccu)5. the FortAur. nti orm. The) following i? il,o hill, reducing poslnga wbh r, pnMt. the ll.insH of Ueprese'ntatives on Friday, nnd is now beiore Ihe Seriate for concurrence : An Art Ralitciniz J'os'ase. fee. 1. Hp it pnaclod, be. That letter carried j 10 nmjljl f l(. Unj(,(, SlalM shall la- charged w ill, poula;;,. us lullows : Upon fneh li'ttcr not wci-hinrj over onn half onneo. tlnee r enis ,,,,,1 fr . a. h addi tional half ounce or ftaerinn of hilfnii ounce, throe cenls ; Provided. That no rxist-oHice now in existence shall be diruuiiliuued, nor slmll Ih,. mail service, on any mail roult) in any of the Slates, or Teniiories bo iliseontin l"'(' "r 'lU'illllsll''d In ceitst'iinenefl nf auv ili- ml,, ., , j, ,, , ,.f .,,,..,.,... ,t . """"" roveitites that may result from lliiact. And niovided I'nriher That it ,,,,,, 1 iinill'l, 111.11 II snail lie! Ilia duty ol the Postmaster Cii'iieral , , i , ... i , . 1 ll,;lv 1"'M -oil .ees mill place tho i mail sorvico on iu;w mml tnut,., established, 1 or iiuiy luueulier b. established, in the) Saillt! Illlllllicr IIS t!llllol iu act ll.ul UOt been ,.e, . A., . :i t . ,i r... . ., P'1"' J ." pfOVI.Ifd lllltlll'r, 1 hilt lilt 'uiipensaliou of tho l'ostinusti'is shall not lo ll tfrl i 1 1 islll'i! ill COIISriUleltee llf till! OilS4il29 of ,, . ' Is ,'"s nc 2- And bo it rr,IlPr enae.od, That ,h"m ;l''-l "I'"'' ".spaper, p.niiphlot poriod ictil, mnir.iziiio, bonk and ev- ,.,. ,,, . . . I' oilier description id printed mutter, v-hh l, Minll be uenWtc,l with any matin. script or written matti-r, nud which it tiuv . ' - U't law nil to Irattstnit litiotioh iho mail, of no 1 ,,,.,, , ,,,, '' two ounces, oho cent for i(-,. a.i.ntioimi o,,t,e w nadion of ' an (ii'.uc. uno cent, iloutnl ImoLs. not wi'i"h- . ,1 ' r '"H uv'-'r "inly Olillt'CS, f-hitll lio deeuit'd mall nl,., miltup mnl... it .." e .! maiier turner tin: provisions id this sec- tun, ; Provided, That nowsnapeis delivered : . , ,, 11 in p i-,Im"i' on rmionznies 1 v.l..... ,1... u. I, t : , " "' " l"""'- "' p.en.uu. 1, ...I I... i, l'... ,l. ... I TI ! N - '!- Al"1 " l'l her enacted, That it ; shall In; lawful to coin, at the .Mini nf tliu Uni- 1 , , ' tl'd r ill'.t'S iltu! Its b I .: tie !i ', a Jlii.'CO, (if tho i 1 1 1 1 ' n , 1 1 1; 1 1 : . i r I d Ii'l'.iI value of 3 cents, or ! ol lliieo font l lis silver am! (mi) fourth copper, I ,,, , , ,. , . , . i '" U"-11 ''''v I Ilree-L'lghl!! : iif a Krain, 1 the said coin .-hall bear such I . . , dt'viot'.s ns r,uil ): ci iv spicu i titt-l y ilifTerent ' ,- ,1 , , , , . r . ,. j I'oiti tliu-ii? i,t tips silver c uu. and of Ihe gold ! dniliir, but liavino ti;,' i i-sei ipl ion '-United states ol America," an. I its detiotniiiations nud date; und ihui it aluW be a b'i;al tender jn payments of ilebis lor oil sums of thirty cents uinl under. Sec. 4. And br? il ftiiihor euiicteil, That it i-h.ili bo tin) duty of lii-.' ru-tnta-ter General to provide nnd li:riii!i to nil depu'.y pi.slmas teis. and oilier peisons nppi ng and paying thioeloie. tnilabli) ttnmps of thu deiiuiniua. lion ol" tlirijo emits, tn l.iciiitali; tho pie-pay-iiieul of liie provided tor in this act. And any peiot:s who shall I'timtlei 1'eit, alter or luioii any id tot stumps, or sit, ill knowing ly iiavo in his jiiise.-sioii .my lul.-e, turned or t i ii. , 11 letter sunups, Willi Intent to Use or , -..It ii... . t... it , , i . c.. nn. niiiii. .is t-1 1 ii i .ii-. .-non uc iicemeu lo : be ouilly ol felony, and .-lull bo punished by a lino not i-c'L-cdiu'' live Hundred dollars, or iiiijiiisoiiiiu-iii mil i-Acci'ilii:-' live veurs. i ' - A. ul be it fiiilln-r i-n.iL-n.-d, That there is . . li'Jii'by tippiopii.itoil, out ul any money in tha . T.,..,,,.,.. , .,,1.,.,, , i in.-iii.iiti noi iniiL-i im.-i' appiupi-iaiou, l lie sum ""' '-"l'ls0iK to supply any .Idiei.mcy that may unso in ihe l'lisi-Hiiico Depailmt'iit. Sec. 7. And bii il fin th -r en.ieti'd, That lisis ot h-tti'is u-tii.iiuiii' uncalled fur in any 1' Oii'uo lor the space ul Iwo weeks, in any citv. town, or vtlliim. u 1 1 r n a neu-snaner ' ; ,,,,.,11 .)rj,lU,j siM. Ip-nfuT bu publiheil , . , . , , . ",,cu ('"'.v "' il "'" -pap -t . winch, being j pi'luiiM us neiu'iiiiy as any inner, snail nave. tliu largest circulation wuuiii the raii"e of 1,'livery of raid i);iice, to lu ih-ciuol by thu PoslUUst.-MJet.i'ral, l "d, r such K'ja'atMM) i as !i.ill be pieserilK'.l by him, al a charge ll0 e.yceeiliui: two un.l a halt cents oil each Utter cailed P A :.l tho Postmaster at i stiell Oliico is hereby iliteeled to post ill a 1 conspicuous place in hisdli'.ce a copy of such list uii tlie day or day alter tho publication. lliereol. l'ruridi'd, however, 1 1 tho publish er any p iper heieiii speciii-.'d shall refuse to publi-li tho list of Idlers us provided in this section, !lm Postmaster shall designate soma oilier paper in wlneh Mich lists shall be pub lished: in; ! such pul'li-lu'is, so refusal";, shall bo deprived of ail the beueliisof this act, and, tin- free eehaiico now- provided by law. Sec. K. And bo it further enacted, That it sIi.iU b.) i:i tho power of tho Postmater Ceueral, at all .post-oir.ces. wliem thti Post master aro appointed l v tho i'tcsi.lent of the United Slates, to establish post routes within thu cilies or towns, lo provide for carrying tho letters to tho post ullice by cstublishi'. suitable and convenient places of deposit, and by employing carriers to receive and deposit them in the post o'.nee. and ul all such otliet'S it bhall also bo in his power tu eu'-iao lelteisj lo bo deiiveied by suitubli; cairiers, to be ap-. pointed by him lor that purpose, for which not exceediii'j; one or two cents shall bo chai fied, to bo paid by th'J peiton sendim-; or re-c.-iviug U tiers, and all s'jms to r,cceivod shall bo paid into tho Pot-ullice I'epartineul. Piovided, That tho amount of compensa tion ulluwe.1 by tho Postmaster General to, emticr bhall in uo.caso exceed the amount iaid into the Treasuiy by each town or city under the piovi.ious of this section. Pikm m is about lidding tn hiscoriosity col-' lcvtion, a German who never smokes, and an Irisinan who does not rat potatoes! Mr. B. is also- in se.uch of the disiutuiesled olili-ciau. i