Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 25, 1851, Image 2

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    g,-J"J''li-J.I.'J I
I It 9 '''l!3H'-?JRL'lfJUWJJ5'illL1l!l.1
On Wednesday Inst, in tlio District Court
of PhiUxtolphia, before Judge Shiuswood, the
mil of the Comitiouwealli atfainet the Hank
of the United Slates was brought to a conclu
sion, eo far as the determination of tho facts
is concerned, by a verdict for llio plaintiff
fur 1,203,750.000. To tho sagacious, ener
pwlic action of the present accounting officers,
Messis. Nickel oml Purviance, the rescue of
this immense sum is to be attributed. It
will bo recollected thai by the charter of tho
Dank, a charter wrung finm the Legislature
by the clamorous solicitation of tho moneyed
interests, aided by the no less engrein nrgru.
riieuts of the bank itself, it was provided
that in lien of luxation, and as the price of the
franchise sold bv the Plate, the bank should
piy to the State Treasurer for tho use of the
common schools, tne sum of two millions of
dollars, in annual instalments of one hundred
thousand each. These) instalments were paid
down to 1841, when tho bank mado a series
of assignments, for tho ostensible purpose of
winding up her affairs, and disbursing the
piepcrty ur-signed among her crodilois. In
stead of doing this, however, the property
so aligned, with tho exception of a few
light dividends, remained in tho hands of tho
tiu.-lees to the amount of more than twenty
million of dollars down to July lust, when the
Commonwealth presented her claim ; the
Indices who were salaried officers, paying
no taxes therefor, and until required in tho
la.-t lew months by the peremptory action of
til.,- liceoui.ling departments, making no re
mi n to the assessor of the amount in their
hands. The defence slated on the trial of
the m, I tor the ui rears of the purchase mini
fy, tint the. bank has since 1S41 ceased the
exoiei.-o of banking privileges, and had made
the assignments in question, was ruled irrel
evant by the court, and a verdict taken for
the amount above rendered. This amount
iiidepiuduntly for all oilier considerations, is
watcely erjniil to what would have been re.
ali.ed by thu taxation of the property assign
ed during the ten j t ins ii been laying in
the tiUAteta' hands) and wo congialulute
tho Departments on tho success with which
their efforts to recover so largo and just an
indebtedness has so far been attended.
)cm. Union.
II. 11. MASSKU, Editor unit Proprietor. .
V. II. PAI.MKH Ii rar nnthiwiwid nenrt t" TCMtiv mile
wriplinn Hiid mlvorlifinn nt his office, in l'liiludrlpl.iti, New
York, Holloa tinil Uulliinoro.
To AnvEBTisRKn. The rirculntion of Hie Pinihury
Aincriean among lt different (owns on the flifqiirhonii
it not rxewded irnjunlk-d by iny paper pul.lilil in North
ei lVniiKylVaiiin.
llunine Nntlres.
We mil the nttriitinn nf our render, who drnl In Millin
ery mid l-'nney Hilk ft-H V. (o the advert isrnieiitnf Freeniaii,
llodces At Co.. New York, wiio ntlrcrlisc a pplriuliil itot'k
of jrnixts.
The Filiniinstnitor of .tolm C Roy.l, dei-M., oclvtTlinrs for
Rile, nt the IloiiHo nt AVm. VVenver, in Slmtnokin, on the
2.lh of February, annie v.ilnnble rail enuitc.
A vnlimhle Knnn nud Tnimery in offered for stile, on Ihe
2Ht tlnv of Kehntiirv, 111 Jiu-lis-m tiiwntliln, liv Mirlnel
Trim, Kxe -utor of th-.- rvli.te of Krnlerirk Trion, dee'd
We also invito Ihe ntt.-nti"i nf our renders In nn nilrer
licfincnt for tlie Side of s tine valuable pmpcrty in Milton,
in this c -unty.
The Atnrrifnn Thi'ilu-riv fluid.? is the tide of n tmeful tit
tle work published 10s Fulton street, New York.
(EF 13!ank Leases for sale at this office.
Piuntinc Jxk. A lew kegs- for sale
for cash at this office.
fjy ConnncTinx. In the published pro
ceedings of the I3ar on the death of Judge
Anthony List week, there were several
omissions. The second resolution should
read "Judgre of all the earth" instead of
"Judge of all the living."
In the -llh Resolution the committee was
omitted which we now republish as fol
lows :
It is becoming mom evident, every day,
that (iold and not Silver is to constitute the
metallic, currency of this country. The Hanks,
v. e believe, all over the Union, are now pay
ing out gold at their counters in preference
to silver, as the littler is daily becoming
scarcer and cannot 1m purchased with gold
tinder u premium of 2? to 3 per cent. Gold
is thus becoming cnneiit throughout the
Union, and as an evidence of lliis fuel we may
stale thai itolwilhsiaudinn; the lare semi
monthly supplies of this metal from California,
the amount in tho vaults of the Hunks does
not greatly increase ; shew iua clearly that tho
surplus must be in the poekels and houses of
tlu people. We are ylad ol this, because the
result will be the establishment of our paper
cuireucy on a more enlarged metalic basis,
and tend to Ihe prevention of ruinous fluctua
tions and changes. What we want now is
th;; establishment bv Congress of Cold only
as the great legal standard of the country for,
large payments, and silver ol a reduced value,
for bu). ill payments and lor change We have
heretofore noticed the impracticability of ma
king two metals a legal tender lor the pay
ment of debts, on account of the impossibility
of preserving their relative values from line
lualion, in consequence of the greater produc
tion of ono metal over the oilier. McCulloch
in his Dictionary stales that "Ihe
value of the precious metals is liable to per
petual changes, and hence, how nccurately so
ever the proporlial juluu as fixed by the
Mint regulations may correspond wilh the
pioporlion w hich lliey actuary bear In each
o:ii.;r in tho market, when the regulation is
made, the. chances are leu to one ihat it will
tpeedily cease to express their lelatiou to each
Wo have full evidenco of Ihe truth ol this
observation in the fact that the gold eagle
coined prior to the Act of Congress of 28th
June, 1 53-1 , was worth, and would biintr, 10
iO-KK dollars in silver, ami that the cold
eagles made since that Act. will now com
mand only 9 70-100 dollars in silver in the
maiUet. Tho result is that our silver coins
rue now purchased daily in large quantities
by the brokers, for the purpose of cvportatioin
hud all ihd community are laboring under
jrreat inconvenience in consequence of it.
This is beginning lo be felt all over the coun
try, for we aro informed by tho Cushieis of
our Hanks that their correspondents in all
quarters are making daily inquiries wether
thev can accomodate them wi;h silver coins
for change. Ev. llulktin.
Orrii-E I'XDi.R Govcuxmkst. "Cirsar, dis
chile -gwine lu w asliingtowu, lo ply for ollis
cb dj giiyment." '-Well, darkey, what you
is trying to git oil now, eh ? 'Spose you want
to bo bearer of patches to Liebeeiy! Dis
chile duu't expatiate hisself from ids 'dnpted
native country. No sahreo ! In do word ob
de sarin toon, I see,
.llrecve d-re do a-tnl s kill dad
An neither In hiuell' hub mid
ilitf is my own, my nutive luud f
tl hiieli there brccve, g 1
Carry him Uu-k tu old Viiyiuny.1 "
;.' n-ii-ow Ctusar, who dose you ulwHys
d.iin'o oir on de heel ob fancy? Dis chile
indibor tear hisself away from Uncle Sam.
INo.v dis is do ollis I ply for and Use great in
Jin. 'nee wid Massa Daniel Webster's waiter,
b.i I giu s 1 get it. Ue gwiue lo ply fur de
pusl of sexlon in Pose Ollis apartment V
'Ves sail, I berry do dettd letters. Sometime
you heal Cu'sar, eh! Sometime, dey hab
money in 'em, und den 1 rille de cuipsel
You see, sah r Vah ! yuh ! yah !"
Itrwlrrtl. That a committee bo nppointpd
by the chairman to transmit lo the bereaved
widow and family of the Hon. Joseph 11. An
thony a copy of these proceedings with an
appropriate letter of condolence on behalf of
tins meetinir. U hereupon the Hon. James
Pollock, Charles Pleasants, and George K.
Miller, Esquires, were appointed for this purpose.
We are highly gratified in being able to
congratulate our readers upon the passnge
of the new postage bill in the House of
Representatives. We trust that it will
soon pass the Senate and become the law ol
the land. By this bill, which will be found
in another column, it will be seen that
newspapers are to circulate free within the
County, or within 30 miles of the place of
publication. This measure should greatly
increase the circulation of the country pa.
pers. Letters weighing a half ounce wilt
be carried any distance for three cents and
three cents additional for every half ounce.
Another important feature is the coinage of
three cent pieces, three fourths silver and
one of copper. This is a coin that has long
been wanted. We should, however, have
preferred two cent, pieces, composed ol sil
ver and copper.
We believe two cents prepaid in all ca
ses would pay better than the above rates,
and would certainly be attended with much
less trouble to the Post Masters. The com
pensation ol the Post Masters we are pleas
ed to see are not to be reduced.
In the Senate Mr. Wm. F. Packer lias
read in place a bill formin;; 20 new Judi
cial districts, In this hill Northumberland,
Union, Juniulta and Perry, is to form one
district, to he called the 7th district. Ly
coming, Clinton, Columbia and Montour is
to form another district. These will both
be pleasant districts-. In politics both are
democratic, and both will no doubt select
competent men to fill the important station
of President Judge.
Mr. Olwine, in the Ilo'ise, has read in
place a bill forming the state into Seven
teen districts. We however looked in vain
for the location of Northumberland county
Mr. Olwine probably intends erecting us
into a separate Judicial district, in anticipa
tion of our future growth. Mr. Olwine's
districts are too large
Mr. Packer's bill.
Full of the Dim Circle of the National
Washington, Jan. 208 20 P. M. The
entire dress circle on the light of the Nation
al Theatre, crowded wilh members of Con
gress, members of the Cabinet and their
families, fell through with a tremendous
crash. God knows how many, if any, aie
killed. A great many severely wounded'
91 o'clock, P. M. The people are all res
rued from the rains, nnd, strange to tell, no
life was lost, nor does it appear that any one
was seriously wounded ; this can hardly be
determined lo night, however, ns many went
oir in carriages without any report of their
injuries being made ; certain it is that many
are badly bruised, several had their faces
cut, and one lady's face is badly disfigured'
Order being restored, the amusements are
going on. The dress circle on the east side
of the house was crowded to overflowing I
shall be in attendance till all is over.
Tub Finr. at New Ori.kans. New Or
leans, January 20. Tho fire in this city on
Saturday morning was the most destructive
we have had since Ihe bi(? fire Inst year. It
occurred in the St. Charles Hotel, which,
with nearly all its splendid furniture, was en
tirely destroyed Clnpp's Church, the Me
thodist Church, the Poydras street Church,
and several other buildings, were destroyed'
The loss is estimated at about $1,000,000.
Counterfeit notes are daily multiplying
scarcely a day passing that some new and
better dovised fraud is not exposed. Yester
day our police discovered, secreted away in
a bottle, eight dillerent descriptions of coun
terfeits, nmounling in all to some three Ihou
sand dullars. There were, tens of Norlhum"
berland, Bank ; tens of the Miner's Hank at
Potlsville ; fives of the Lebanon Hank ; fives
of Ihe Bank of Delawaie ; fives of the Hank
of the Valley of Viiginia ; fives of the liar.
risburg Hank ; threes of the Delaware Cily
Bank ; and twos of the Farmer's Hank
Lancaster. These last named aro '-UclitT1
issues, and the whole batch are said to be
well executed. Some of tho counterfeits
named have been noticed before, and there
is scarcely a doubt that they have been
widely distributed for circulation. The pub
lic, and especially small dealers, should keep
a sharp look-out, ns it is almost impossible
for tho press to furnish descriptions of the
many attempted frauds as fast as they ap
pear. Ledger.
DCT3 The Wkatui:r. We had several
days of cold weather the beginning of the
week. It has since moderated wilh some
indications ol snow, but even these have
vanished in sunshine.
(jy Ice Horses. A number ot our citi
zens were engaged dui ing the present week
in filling their ice houses. The ice was
taken from the river and appeared to be of
ars excellent quality.
r. s. m:n.vtok, and the caici s.
When the editor of the Lew isburg Dem
ocrat talks about the verdancy ol his neigh
bors he should be careful that he does not,
through his own ignorance, fasten the epi
thet upon himself. This he certainly does
most eflectnally in supposing that General
Cameron had but one friend in caucus, be
cause he received but one vote. General
Cameron had quite a number of friends in
that body, probably ns many as Dlack or
Woodward, besides those that did not go
into that political conclave. Hut as he did
nut submit his claims to the caucus, he did
not wish his friends to vote for him there.
It is a fact well known, to all who know
anything of the matter, that some of his
warmest persona! and political friends were
in that caucus. Among them was Henry A.
Muhlenberg, the Senator from Berks. Gen.
The Ilarrisburg Keystone in its last two
numbers contains several Ion winded arti
cles against the TarifT Resolutions of Mr.
Dobbins now before th- Legislature. There
is no use in the Free traders to attempt the
conversion of the people of Pennsylvania
to their doctrines by the learned sophisms
ol political economists. If even the Legis
lature should refuse to pass the resolutions
it will be in opposition to the oft repeated
and expressed wishes of the great majority
Lf.banon Vali.kt Kaii.uoad The Engi
neers who made a survey of this route have
We greatly prefer made a report, nud given an estimate of its
cost at $l,4li2 575 70. The road will be 56i
miles in length, making the distance from
Hariisburg to Philadelphia 1 14 i miles, or 71
miles longer than the loute by way of Lan-
Dkcjmnation of the "Ladies' Candidate ."
Dr. Cogswell, of the Massachusetts llou c
ofTltepresentalives, was among the four relent
ed by that body last w eek lo be voted for for
Governor. He, however, declined, on ihe
rent Democratic ground that if the people
themselves didn't choose to elect him, he
wouldn't havetho office, lie was ihe "Demo
cratio safely candidate," and touching the
party to which he was w holly indebted for
his present political position, he said :
Soon after the Slate election in November,
when il was ascertained who were ihe con
stitutional candidates for the Governorship,
one of the Boston daily, journals represented
me ns tho 'lathes' candidal!',' who hail hum
since hoisted the ficttiennt. Now, sir, I wish
to nvail myself of the present opportunity
publicly to correct a material error, in the
statement of that paper, and beg leave to sny,
that I did not raise, ihe petticoat, for the la
dies kindly raised it for me for which they
are untitled to my heartfelt thanks and last
ing gratitude."
I.NTUiir.sTixu to Fowl Bhi'.edehs. We
are informed on good authority, says the Hus
ton Tianscripl, Ihat Mr. S. S. Lawrence, of
Tyngsbotough. in this Slate, has a Shanghai
pullet, eight months old Ihat has laid furl)
two large sized eggs in forty jive days. One
day she laid two of the above number. Mr.
Lawience, also has one other Shanghai pullet,
seven months old, of Maislfs slock, that has
laid 22 eggs in 23 days, and is laying daily, at
the present date.
Price of Peaches in London. A Loudon
letter, of thu 21st June, says Peaches fur
the past week are meie abundant than they
have been for the pievious mouth, and con
sequently at more available rates varying
accoiding lo quality, from 2(5 shillings to HO
shillings sterliiu, per dozen equal lo S6 50
to S7 50 U. Suites currency. They are of
course raised (like giapes) in hut houses.
Woman's Right. Old Gentleman Say
boy what's the reason your mother don't sew
a patch on your trowsarloons, and send vou
out with a trifle cleaner face ) Hoy Coz
she aint got no time. Old Gent. Aint got
no time? what's the reason she aint? Roy
She's busy getting up resolutions lor the
Woman's Right Convention, so she hasn't
pot a minute to spare for nothing else. Kx
it old gentleman, profoundly musing on
Woman's Right" and the rapid strides of
human progress, and wonderinrr what on
earth people would be getting at next.
Extent of Railway in tiih Wont.n. It
has been estimated bv an English writer on
the subject, that in the beginning ef 184-9,
the total length ol railways in operation in
various parts of the globe, was 18,(.r)(i
miles, on which a capital of J.'3ti3, 5r7,0()0
had been expended. At the same period
tlier was in course of construction 782!)
niiles more, the cosl of which would be
1(1,7 50,000. It is thence concluded
WILL be f xposeil to Public Sale nn tlin pre
mises, on FKIDAY tlip 21t 1ny of Feliru
nry, 1851, in Upper Malionoy township, Nor
tliunilwrlnml coniily, by virtue of thp last Will
and Tcstnment of Frederic k Trion, ile-cuscd.
now in possession of Alirnlmm Kuntzrlman, con
tniiiinff about
One Hundred and Ten Acre,
niljoiniinr lands of Mii'hnrl Ivritz, David Reitr,
Michael Trion, Ac. On which is erected a large
a I.ntj IJnrn, nnd n rrood Loj; Spring House-
Them is also erected on thu premises a large
and excellent
in mwiil order, nnd in a cnd nciudihorhond for
lii'.siiiem. Also a Dwelling House connected
with Ihe Tannery. Aliout
Scventv-Fhe Acres
of shi. 1 lnud are cleared, and of a quality capalils
of a hirrll stuln nl' cullivuti.m. A I .1 . r F H;llT
that the population of Europe and the Uni
ted States will have completed WiHim less j cre ol llie aliovc is excellent
than a quarter of century Si'MS'i miles of j MEADOW LAND,
railroad, at a cost of .i'500,00f),000. 1 The woodland is of a good quality and alsocapa-
in 'ii 1 iiiuvaiton.
Tlin following quaint paragraph was wiil-
5; one of a vonlh, at I'Mlli, in
ten on the torn
Eiii'land :
"Our liiV if 1 nf n viiy'r d y.
S tne ctily I p-'klnst an;1 nwny !
I t'Att'T? l-i'liiiiicr Kt'.p mill :t:e lull n l.
Tin' i.l'1. st 111:111 Iml fn) 1111.I i;..-!lo l-eil !' it hi 1I1 I t tl-.-i liiairsiMit tlw Aiyt
W iiu eom hie so x.r ha tiii: i.kast to r.w.
blc nt cultivation
I There is also mi (lie premises
1 Two Good Orchards.
j It. The road leading iY,,m l,nillc to
j Suiiliury passes thrnntdi ilm premises.
Tin- property will 01,1 ,, rvasonsiMe terms,
I only 11 Mii.ill portion of the purrba,. ,1KmCy ,eig
j reipiiiril lo lie paid down iniiiicliulclv.
It llic property is not s,,M at lU-Umc appointed
CiRNTkm. PuniM.n. The voting lady who'
lets her mother tin the ironing, for fear of
spoiling her hands. The Ini.-s h wears
thin t-hoi.-s on a lainy day,
lleuian who is ashamed lo Le sefcn
w ith his father.
it w ill be rented lor (lie
MlCH.U'.l. TU OX, Kxeeutor
Jackson lp ,J i'i. S.1, l 'jl ts
lo be Sefcll wall
iml the ytuniir uei." i pursuance of an order uflltc Orphans court of
.Norlliiiini'ci-iiiiii'.eia -niy. will he exposed to pub
lic s.ilc mi Taelav t!;e '.'jili day of 1'rliruarv, nt
, tile I ii! lie Jh ti e ot Weaver ill the t..wn
nf lMiiiiiii)in, to wit: i.ot No :, on which is
CIKNTII'IC WO.XDKil ! creeled a Iran. e
Ui'inlirc Until, of iturtnc -hl . ? ir
No. 15 re 1(1. wi'li n f.i' Du'rilinir House
thereon, No. I rV io, 011 w hich i rrvciod a
caster, x luii,, B,a . ...... ... A .Umi,n Caruiaok. Th.! Union Safety
2fi 1-lUlh feet per mile, against 4b leet per
mile on the Lancaster route. This is an im
portant inprovement, ami should secure the
attention of capitalists alorg the w hole valley
of the Schuylkill.
Mkdicai, Use of Salt. In many cases of
disordered stomachs, a teaspoonful of salt is a
certain cure. In the violent internal pain,
termed cliolic, a teaspoonful of salt, dissolved
in a pint of cold water, taken as soon as pos
PKl'.MN, the 'J'n'C
Juice! A oiei.l Dji'iMa (aiier. prepaid!
t rut 1 1 lien. 1. 'I, or lb" 1. .null Siniuai-h ol the Ox,
alter directi.ii s of P. nun Liel'i. the treat
Piiyj-ioloyical ( lietiiil. bv .1. S H.iiiL'hion,
.M. D., No. 11 Ninth Etiib'lh Sii-ot. Philadel
phia 1.1. I ins I- a lii.n womie, re, uein ; A,0 inlr( am, r; ,t of .,;,, j,,,,,, Rt tll8
l,,r IiidtL-eslinn, Pyspepsw. Jami- iee, Liver 1 tilne of ni, (l.:c,-u,c of 111 and u. cerlain lots of
Complaint, Constipation, and fVbihly. cliriu- in si( , w llV,ei i;,,v j jlulnil.
after Nature's own method, by Nature s own . ,,, Au., 1(H .w. iK5) i,:;ii) i;jHi , tl0
aetil, Ihe CiKiric Juice. N-e atlverlisemenl ; ,. ot- .kii- .'.i,i ,.,e,v of land IviiiB
in another column. Iclwicn Krauklin strut nud lot No. lli.'iS, Shakes-
-'." --u.wa .P....PIJ.MI ! pear and Jpurtliiini meets Vt.r-.-ij-Ii which the.
i H It I j "ail lioad pas-eti. Also a "I'lall p ut of a lot be-
" , I ins the trout part of a U o oed I y llariniin fii) -
(.In Ihe lllh inst., by the Kev. A. lietyner, , (l.ti fn,ntitn; on Couiiiier.e s re-t," situate in tho
Mr. Jacob .AIacksi: I r , of Cas lowi..-liii. U town of fhaniokiii, N"orl!!:oul coauty, Into
Miss CIatii aiiink UoliMiiatoiai, ot l!an ip , . the enlule of John I liovd. dee'.h Sale lu cem-
Schuylkiil connlv. ' incnce at lu u cluck, A..M. of .aid la-, when llio
lemis will
commiltee of New York, have started si sub- !
scription to raise the sum of 52,500, to buy J
Daniel Webster a carriage and horses, as a 1
reward for his etlorts in behalf of preserving ;
the Union. So says tho Albany Alias. j
I) 1 1.
of our people. The Keystone, no doubt sible, with a short nap immediately after, is
will stand bv itslheories, however fallacious 1 one of the most efleclual and speedy rume-
they may prove when put into practice.
The Keystone thinks if our people cannot
make iron as cheap as it is made in Etuope,
we should not make any until population
and starvation has brought down laljor to
the European standard. Another of the
fallacies of the Keystone is, that the duty
upon an article imported creates a corres
ponding duty upon the same amount nf the
domestic article consumed. This was also
one of Mr. Walker's theoiies. Tor instance
under the previous tariff coal was subject to
a duty of SI, 75 per ton. If we recollect
riht Gov. Porter informed us that he was
then paying -,1-0 fur the coal used at his
Furnace. Now according to this theory
the Governor's coal should not have cost
him more than t.) cents per ton. So aUo
with nails, which with a duty of 3 cents per
pound, were selling at 3 cents. The idea
dies known, The same will relieve a person
who seems almost dead from teceiving a
heavy fall.
In an apoplectic fit, no time should be lost
in pouring; down sail water, if sufficient sen
sibility remains lo allow of swallowing;; if uolj
ihe head mutt be sponjjed wilh cold water
liulil the same returns, when the sail will
completely nstuie the patient from llio lethargy.
lu case of severe bleeding; at the lung!, and
when other remedies failed, Dr. Ktish, touud
that two teaspoonslul oi salt completely slav
ed the blood. New York Courier.
Mil. Banciioit, the historian, has estima
ted that at least one-third of the while popu
lation of the United Slates are directly de
scended from Ihe twenty-two thousand Puri
tan emigrants who first settled New England.
A YorNi; lady once hinted to n nenllenian
that her thimble was worn out, and asked
what reward she should leceive for her in
dustry, lie made an answer the followiiiii
day, by sending her a new one with ihe fol
low ing lines ;
--1 ft-iiil yoii 11 lliiuiMe, for fiiiirr'R ninil'V,
Wl.ic-li ( hope will lit when vti try it ;
It will Ind y-ai ', it' it's half ns htr.-i,;:
An ll.--- hint wlii. li ..u H.e lo Imv it."T
III ibis place, on Thursday, the 2:1.1 hist.,
Mrs. ELIZABETH YYEITZEL, iigged about
80 yea is.
In this place, on Friday, the 17th inst.,
PETEll OUKlSt ., 11-ed about 13 years.
lit l.'pp-r Maliouox, on the IJMi hist., Mrs.
SAUAU Ti:K'i.'. wi.l i.v of the late Fred'ck
Treon, bgicd C'J yeais, 1 1 niohUis and -0 .lajs.
: he iiuaio kr.own hv
PAl I. LMiUV, Adtu'r.
I!v order of the Coin!. )
Jan. .", loan. 1.-
raSEi'-XA.'.T, HOMCBS & CO,
. I.Mi'Oii l'KII.S AM) .JOEUERS,
(Itftwrt-u Jin :,.:v:iy i.ii.! .N.i-nu ,
HI. 11 'v r tvin.' ;i ru-li :m t i-' -uiii' ! -.'s rlmrnt i f
- t 'A-r- w. Mill
r ;t;i t i.ti.-i r.n iii.ihciiw, 11 ud
i !' I'lih'l, i Wi'' tilUII
X AA.jJ.ilU.Oii'Al.l.!
Jan. 22, IS5I.
Fl.'icit. There is a lair supply of Vlonr,
bill lalie it.qony. Cluif ations lor e.xpori
li-.'l; leiatl t-aiis aie ill tlli'.l a &4 87
rF.r.s in Winter. The New Emjland Far
mer recommend the shading; of beehives in
winter to prevent the bees becomim; wanned
into activity, and leaving ihu hive to be chil
led to death 011 Ihe snow and also states that
bolus found, by weighing, ihat bees con- TE folh.wing is stuck up on Ihe railway,
sume much faster in Ihe dry part of summer, 1 ne;ir ,iia Uh.,,,! iati,,, England ; "Kno
wuen 1110 noweia unoru 110 noney, man 111 . 1Hl, mHttauce aeei.t on bisues bi hor.lei
A I'l.AiN spoken woman reeen!
married w01111.11 and said lo her. ' llow do
conn ive lo iiniu-e yourself !'' 1
"AuniNe V said llie oih-'r, staring ; "do ;
you not know that I have my boiscwoik lo
do ?"
'Ves," said lite other, ' see yon have il
to do, but as il is never done, I eoueluded
you must have somo oilier way of pasciui'
your time.''
I E.xlia Flour .:', a tii- Uvk Fmi'ii Is selling;
j ai Cuiin .1i:ai.--1 h.dd ai 5. 2 87 i.
1 Wiikat Pi ices fiea tv ; M.--s of prime
South-.-iu an. I Pen, 1.1. red a! t I h-' els : pi inn'
"' ' wliiti: at l 1 '.'.'. C.iKN is utnlh ti 1 i a oie
J lur new n elluw .
visited a i Uvk. The al sal" was at 7l c;s.
1 X. I llrl.-y Slil. Ull'l .il liln.l
1 ililiritnily IllVl'e U.f Ii-'.r.i-Wlti
l.ln'.e ii mi . l.;eel lor l!
tl.-l I'l'iiiini ii t" t" u onr ust.
r i-r li....ii; . ili r. 1 In l.CN i.
.M liliners en -'!,.. iy ll.e:
' tl.'-ir a ..-, at nl. . : i.'.- .
. e. s. .M..11V - i ' er I
( our 'i .1 Kit K. CI... 1 t
; Iti.-li It-it -iii-t 1' !:.! '
i t-'.fc Ull'l K.I.I . . It .. .!
j ;, ... 'Is.
I 'ri'liiituini:s l-r !!;..-, I :it
.I'-iiny 1.111.1 i '.1; j. I1:!:-!
1.111','H'l.ll o-.i.t lM'S. f I
j I'-hi1..- -ni- r-.l y.i.,, m.
' 'C'lfi ilni-.L..-. ii! -i
I III.,' -1 ' . i I
vi-ry ur:i.-le in
r An-'li-.n pri
' x ..! 1". r
r 1 e.:nly cr lou
. n I.:
; vinie'v.
i. l.'i.s r.i, i II:. ei- n l.:ictn
1: i ( '. -i.l 1 it :..! l)rr-t--eii.
!. ..IP. Mil 1 l.einio'.-im.
liwil:i.t-. Si-. in- :iu. I .Minlia.
.-.. ii. 'J l.ile '1'lireuJ
p-rinie P
M'lls at -i;:
and hhds.
-1 ,t! s aie now Mea.iy
1.1,11. tioiii -1 1 lo 4a cis :
v. S.d-sof Whi.-l.eyin 1
at : i c!.-.
Kill's Ol'
A I'll i
.-i: 1
.1 Mat--, i:
ii .
I- I -
Cameron was undoubtedly, single handed,
the strongest candidate in the field, but it
was weli known that if he received the
Caucus nomination, that some of the self
constituted Simon Pure democrats would
act, as Clordon V. Mason and others threat
ened to act, two years since, and vote
against liim in convention. These are
lacts "too true to make a joke of ol," and so
is also the fact that before the ballottings
commenced in convention, some of these
same pure anti-Cameron democrats, were
anxious to postpone the election, and en
deavor to bring about a recon.Mderation.
Yet there are those who look upon the
proceedings of these packed Juries, con
trolled by political intriguer?, with as much
reverence as the holy conclave of Cardinals
in Rome. In the latter assemblage the
rival factions generally unite upon, and
elect as Pope, the feeblest and oldest mem
ber of their body, in the hope that they
will be soonest rid of him. Thus it is with
our modern caucuses, and such was the re
suit that returned Cardinal Sturgeon to the
U. S. Senate, six years tince. We hold
that a democrat is, or ought to be, a free
man, and should himself be the judge of the
propriety of going into caucus. Mr. Packer
had a perfect right, as a democrat, to act
as he thought proper in the matter, but in
dependent of this, the convention that nom
inated him, actually instructed him to use
hi pwn discretion, by voting down a reso
lution instructing him to go into caucus.
An Editor in the Western part of New I "c uciieve aemocracy 10 oe yiiuiijiuuu
York is in a bad fix. He dunned a ubscii. I with freedom and liberty, and not a blind
of designating a tarill as whig doctrine is- winter; ihat hives, kept uniformly cool in 0f the Dirockliirs." (!)
sheer nonsense and we are surprised to see cellers, have scaicely lessened 111 honey
such arguments used in a respectable Jour- ll)r""t!l t!iu " inl.r; and that ihe greatest Jos. j On the decease of a cerlain great man not
lial. What Washington, Jcfiersoll al,d j ''avo occurred where bee sheds have f- , much beloved, Ihe follow ing was iiiscib.-d
cea me sum I), exposed aiiernaieiy 10 the Hot 1 in cliaiK upon ins concn House door : 'lie
Jan. :M. 131.
Chain --Tie' r. c lp's of Wheat ate con-(ini-d
10 triiliuir It N. u.i -tlv by wiilioi.s, which
sell at '.'a a lo;l ft. a in ipaiity.
Chun. Is i:t demand nn-l m!--s was at
C4 els. for while and ! c!s. tor yellow.
Oatk. D ili's 01 t.ils al 4l':i4 els.
Wiiiskiiv. Salts ol bbis. al 20 :ts. and
25 cis. for bit. is.
1.4 V Eili If.ti
, "ViTic:-: 1.4 ',,,-t
iniiii.-tratl't.i !
Si'lili-l 011 l!:e e- :i
l..te el" I.ow.-i- Ai.
l.-.itd i itiuiy. .Ml
or li.ivu
lo mil on I'm '-i'-SAM'
I Lower Anj:u.-ta t;.
11 ' !nl in- tiki.
'1 l.r. ;til iiii.I Sew log
!!' tT.
;'. II 1 M.liwls.
I ii ake 111 onry
Kir's itaU
1 1: .. r letters of Ad
r.uitid lo the suli.
iail KrirtrT. dee'd ,.
11:.;: ii l-i .-'.!iip, NorthiunlH-'r--,
y' -..tis t. .1.-! t'-.l to said estute;
,v ;iii;-i the .same, are rc.UeslcJ er lor ;et lenient.
lit. Ki'.llHll'l!, Ad.n'r.
ju.i. '.", .'Sal lit.
Jackson, approved of, can hardly be con
sidered anli-deniocratic measures. Their
arguments were that a free people should
not be dependent upon foreigners for our
manufactures, opt-uaUy fur articles of
prime necessity.
' sun, cold winds and sharp uigghts.
ihat eivelh lo the poor, lendeih unto the Lord. '
1 .. l. uie l.oiu oui-iii unto Hi. s man no-
be r for hi subscription, which he teftised to
pay, and threuteiied to flog; the editor if he
topped the paper. A bad fix, truly.
Fic.utino is lo LUhmeii w hat a thunder
gust is lo nature. Il may knock lhingts about
for a seaon, but it never fail to purify the
neighborhood of ill feeling;, und bring; about
a miu-i-hiuy calm llml it us soothing; lo the
t'jiubaUi.l as a shower is to June.
and slavish adherence to the measures of
corrupt politicians,
fXr" Lati-st News. The main line of
the Pennsylvania Canal is to be opened on
the 15th of February. A warrant for the
arrest of Gov. Quitman has been issued.
Mr. Yulee of Florida lias been defeated as
U. S. Senator und a whig elected.
rifi.,11 A W.ieltMiwtoit ..t ..
" -l"'""-o " u. 1 !U0.
the N. Yoik Express says: "A of j
applications have been made by our foreigju ihs Ptkwaut, daui:liter of the nrlist who
ministers, to be recalled ; but Ihe President i painted Ihe yreat pictuie of Washiuttoii, in
i indexible in icfusiugr them this piivilieg:e
W 11 r a r.
Ta lluw.
Pi:l.:. i
n o 1 -r-.- ii'rici; if
:'" l-eret ,!,-,,-
t and S.jiiuip1 it
I tioi, M.ihoaov
OCT" President Fillmore has declined an
invitation to the World's Fair at London.
lie says before the death of President Tay
lor he had designed attending the fair but
his duties will now- prevent liim. The
London papers regret this, as they say it
would have paved the way lor a visit Irom
Queen Victoria, who would like to visit
her Canadian possessions by way of New
Qy The Crand Jury ol Susquehanna
county having found a bill against Thomas
P. St. John, of New York, lor frauds in
managing the Susquehanna County Bank,
a requisition was mado on the Governor of
New York for his arrest, which was grant
ed, but Mr. St. John having got wind of
llie matter, sloped to another state.
Hakkisburo, Jan. CO. The members of
the Senate and House of Representatives met
in convention this day a! noon, for Ihe pur-
pose of electinjT H Slat Treasurer. The fol
lowing; is the result of the first ballot :
John M. Bickel, Dem. 73
Ner Middleswarih, SO
Mr. Bickel was declared duly elected.
' I ..fiol.l ii-nna inicuioiiu lli-.t 1. 1 l.s
cant this moment, had the President a.-sent.
etl lo iheir wishes; but he is resolved, so far
as consistent with duty, that if mun will ac
cept of outfits, they shall pay their own ex
penses home, or serve out the period of their
More Poisoninc bv Apim.e Hcttcb Mr.
J. Patterson, wile and two daughter, of Wil
liamsport, Ml., says ihe Cleaispring; Sentinel,
have been poisoned by having eaten apple
butter impregnated wilh poison from the gla
zing from the crocks in which the bolter was
laced. The two former are convalescent
but the latter continue very sick.
I'anuetl Hall l.ustou, is now eno.iLie.l cop) oil'
ihat excellent and valuable production of her
Thf. State of Iowa hits ordered a block of
marble for the Washington Mouiimeiil, wilh
the following inscription : "Iowa Her allee-
.:.... in... .1... r l,,l, n ' VOT1CK is he
I1.'..P nnu ..... .1.' " .1... uv.u.T ...'. u j-
1:1 1 1 1.1 1 llie partnership
t.'-..e,;i Win l.ranie.
,1 , iail." on tuc 'J'rcvor-
t li leta Kail Uoad, See
1.11 h. en di-o'.ved si. lee llie
us h iviiu: h i;"d el. linn
uaiiist said linn, me le in.-.-led to rail on the sub-
neri'err, on or hi tore tin" ola'.i ln-1. lor setlleinent,
l.y whom ihe eoat.M. I w:H le lini'hed, by the or
der ol Kinilier l"m.T, K.-ip, prin;-ipal Engineer
of llie Company.
1 5:1k
.1. :J."
intt. .
Ufcw Advcit;'.s.
To tlie IIch$ of Eu&eraia Hall, Dec'd.
Trevor' Jan. 55, 1S31. Ut.
an iieperable rnion.."
The CnruoKKE Indians liavai imposed a
tax 011 all free negroes and niiilalUies among
I he in .
'l'he attintioii .-I ihe n-.d-iie is euilej I i the ad-
11 lo Charles Hall, Ed- vt-itiseinent ul' .Mr Chailrs (' J'ueker, Atlorney
ward Hall, Jer.niiah Hall. Harriet Hall in- nnd Aaent ill V. u.liul.m my- t-rsons nv-
ternmrrieil whh Ch.rhs C. Cook, and Eh.aheth lug elaiu.s tor bounty l.::. or I elisions an- in'
Hall, luirs and 1.,1 r. pu seniaiives of I'.-ter ' f-'ii'-i-d thai ihe Mil.s. riher has made ariansremenW
Hull. de.-M. Si.M.i.ii.i lloev iii tei iiiarii. d with i for the re.iiiisiie l'orins, and i lammnls raiting
Wm. Conrad, and James lloey, jr., by his d'tuir.
Washington, January 20, 1851.
The news ihat Mr. Yulee, Nullifier has
been beaten for U. S. Senator from Florida
has produced great hilarity among; the Whig
and Democratic friends of the Constitution
and the Union. '
A cirl in Pittsfield was struck dumb by
the firing of a canon. A number of married
men have in consequence invited the artille
ry companies to parade upon their premises'
Woouiiow McMuiir ay, a man of seventy,
was found dead in his bed at Tecumseh,
Mich., with indications on his person and
about the room, Ihat he hud died by the
hands of his son. They were both of intem
perate habits, and were last seen intoxica
ted. It seems by a statement made by William
L. Chaplin, at an anti-fugitive slave law con.
vention held at Syracuse, ihat the total cost of
procuring; his release from confinement in
Washington und Maryland was 828,000.
In Fbancf., they press the grape, in the
process of wine treading, with their feet. No
mechanical squeezing would so nicely express
ihat peculiar proportion of the whole mois
ture of the grape which forms the highst fla
vored wine. The feet are sometimes rather
unacquainted wilh the use of soap, but the
argument for cleanliness is that the fermenta
tion flings as scum to the surface every atom
of foreign mailer beld in suspension in the
wine, and that the liquid ultimately obtained
is us exquisitely pure as if humau 4iesh bad
1 uever touched it.
Tun Two Napolkons Foublainpie, in the .
Examiner, says: '-There is Utile dillerence
between the undo and nephew one (gained
battles, Louis substitutes botths."
iliau. J H Zuiiineriimti. Eso.. !.. 11s and Irani re
presentiitiveH of Susannah Hall, whiiwim inter-
innrried with John lloey. der'd., and Polly Hall
who was iiiterinarra d wilh (ieerue Zimmerman,
that l.y virtue ol" a curtain W ill o! I'miiiiuni K.
cirittla, issued out ol' the (' Court i.l' Nor-
the. heart of the army by his Cumxiigii, and , thiimherhed rotniiy lo mrdireeli tl, an imposition
, , 1 1 -1 r v 1 I will Ik-held upon Hi" lveat E.tale of wiiil der'd.
the other by his C liam,,a,sne, for Napoleon s ; . . , n .(.llk.k, A. M. oll
.Momlav llie tld day of Mar -Ii lri.'il, ui which time
his oli'ire, ran lime their papers prcpured ulul
forwarded to .Mr- Tucker lit WushniKtiHi, Slid
bv liim ho properly uttt-udcj to before the De
partmeiil laeie.
V II. P.. MASisEK.
Sunhury, Jan. IS, lal
rjpIHE uni'.ersi-iietl Auditor appointed by the
- lliohans' Court of Norlliiinil-crliirid eouuty
to make distribution to and among the heirs of
The father of a vonni' man who died from 1 near if vou think proiier,
injuries received by tho upsetting of a slaye ! , . ' , J-VMES COVEKT. SlitrilT.
, . , , , 1 fchenlT's Office. Suiihiiry, )
coach, in McLean county, Ohio, last summer -Jull. vflth 151. li.
has recovered 815,000 damages from Messrs, I -
Prlnlr . Cn nf rhiniurn. Ill I llm nrnni-h.lnr i ' JlillUlllC
, , 11 ... 1 lo lll.lKt llill loui.oit o U.IU U...O..U .nv no.-
und paee vou lire herehy warned to Le and up- , 10 . , ... . 0 M
1 ! l.i-oiuud rlotits, deed., r.erchy nolilies all per-
of the coach.
A r ati wishinr lo dissuade his daugh
ter from an thoughts of nialiimony, quoted
the words '.
'She who marries, doelh well ; but she
who mairies nut, doeth belter." The daugh
ter, meekly replied, "Father I am coutent
to do well ; let those do better, who can."
A asked a child what
t-e- spell. The child hesitated. "What do
1 do when I look at you 1" said the mistress.
"Tltquint," replied the pupil.
Ik days gone by, when a man had "bursted
up" iu every profession he followed, his last
resouroe was to keep a writing school. Now
the same class give "readings from Shake-peaie."
jl! in
'jnllE Subscriber who resides iu Philadelphia,
Jl oli'eri lor sale the following proiery in Aid-
ton, oilhuiiiU-iunil rouuly, viz: 1 lie large
iu upper .Milton, formerly occmiietl hy
Messrs Piitn-rsona as a Carrin-u Makers Miop.
The buildim; is (ill feet front on upper Market
street, and 40 feet on l'miit street, und is two
stories hiiih. Also a two story
40 by 25 feet, on the nuine premtnes. The lot is
on the corner of upper Market and Krout slreels,
and is 6U fret front, and 150 feet deep.
'l'he premises would tie vuluuhle for a Foundry
or other uiuiiufuetuiui); purposes, slid will be eold
on reasonable and aeeoinmoJaliiiK term by ap
plying either to JACOU CAKR1GAN,
J. F. WOI.K1NUER, Esq.. Miliou or
H. 11. MASTER, Esq-, buubury.
rhilaJelphu, Jan. SS, ISil if-
. . ., . . .. I...L.. ..r
sons lnU-resieu, lie win uueno 10 uie uu.rr.
Ills apgioinliiicnt on the Mih day February, A. 1).
', at 10 o'clock, A. M, ul his oliire in the Bor-
ou'jh of iSunl.urv.
C'HAS. J. BREWER, Auditor.
Sunliury, Jan. IS, H51 Ul.
85 KKAV A ltD- '
LOST on Saiurd.iy llie 1 lib int., on Uie Tul
pehot ken rosd, U-tweeu lieorge Conrad's
tuveru and this plure, a ptx-ket book containing
a $ 10 note of the Miners' Bank of Potlsville, and
a $3 note on tho Corning Bank. Also a soldiers
discharge of John l.atsha, and other papers. A
reward of t5 w ill be paid for the recovery of the
Pocket hook sad controls by leaving it at thi
oilier, or wilh the suliM-ribcr.
Jarkson tpM Jan. 18, 1851. 3t.
N elertion of ollirers of The Trevorton, Ma-
. U..II !....! .
2 nniiov and DUSUUeUBIIlin .. aoau vuui-
puny, will be beld on Wednesday, January Mlh
inst, at eleven o'clork, A M at the orlice of the
Company, No. 17 Kouih Third 81., Philsdelphia,
Jan 13, li.'n