r" SUNBUltY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKiiN JOURNAL A STlUNGOFJTJf MS. Rats and other vermin are kept from grain by a sprinkle of garlic when packing. The MEncmY stoood five degrees below zero, in porlland, Tuesday. Cot.uMnrs, Onto, has a population of 17, SG7; in 1840 it was 6.01S- Satire should not be like a saw, but a sword ; it should cut, not mangle, London haslwo millions of inhabitants; Paris a little over a million. Tuey have a hoj; at Washington with sis legs, four hams, and two tails. rMins nrc wiml to urge us o'er llic wave; IUnsnn the rudder, to tlirwt or wive. At FnANco.NiA, N. II., the mercury Ml to 3(5 degrees below aero on the 31st tilt, Tun PnorntETon of the Minesota Pion eer has issued a prospectus for a daily pa per at St. Paul. Mrs. Forrest and her sister, Mrs. Vnor hies, are employed ns vocalists in the choir ot Trinity Church, New York. Tup. consumpliori of Pitsburjr. coal in Louisville, duriua the past year, is estima ted at 2,000,000 bushels. The Court of Rome has eivr-n general orders to refuse pasports to Italians coming from this country. Wiif. people oiirr nm in the wrone, Knell line tliey mi l i much I"" lone ' Who fimtent walks, but walks nlmy, Is only I'nrlliust from his wuy. TllR prrSftit population of Miclli?nn, ns shown by the census just taken is ii,u,uuu. Increase since 1840, 187,733. A man who was rescued from drowning, o nijiht or two since, in Boston, abused the man who rescued him because he did not five his hid ! At Hostrm, on Sunday evening, the Eal ern Jlailroad Company lost one of their finest ferry boats, by lire. Loss, about $20, 000. A "Sow.. Crx has been patented by Manton, of London, the peculiar feature of which is, that seventy rounds may be fired without stopping to prime. The best continued deceit Will lain ils own contriver; Ami terl'ttly will often client It's author's nurse of every sliver. A lazy woman- is almost as great a nui sance as a lazy man. Ex. Greater. A lazy man you can kick ; a woman you cannot. Vhih, Sun. Stampeh Evr.i.on-.s. It is reported that an amendment is to be uflered to the Cheap Postage Bill, providing for stamped envel opes instead of the free stamps now used. Lv Crawford cotNTV, Pa., during the single year past, there were thirty twins born ! so reports the Marshal. That is the greatest buckwheat cuke county, too. Sin gular coincidence ! An enormovs Cat, caught in the woods near Croswiess, Burlington county, is on exhibiting in Trenton. The True Ameri. can states that it measures 3 feet long and weighs 4-2 lbs. People who are always talking senti ment have usually not very deep leelings. The less water you have in your kettle, the sponer it begins to make a noise and smoke. There are now in the Ohio Penitentia ry one lad of 12 years, three lads ot 1 4, three of 1"), lour of li ! One man ol til), oil"' of 03, one of liii, anil one ol' 74 years of a;re. Tm: deficiencii'!. in the United States ap propriations lor thf fiscal war, as reported on Monday last, by Mr- Uayly, amount to six hundred anil thirty two thuu.au.nd four lllllidred dollars. n , ni(li:, Cad liAittiAiN. 1 wo men, nrt'tiMiiIing to uau ij.vn..n.... i n linve lust returned irom i. aiuoniu, mieiy dropped into one of the St. Louis jewelry 1 btores and exchanged ounces ol brass fit ; ling for some gold watches and jewelry. Cannui. Coal, The AVestern part ol Virginia abounds in llie above named spe cies of coal, for which an increased demand is, it is said, growing up on the Mississippi river and its principal tributaries. "VVni.i., Ciiari.kv," said an anxious pa rent to an urchin of some three years, on Christmas, "what did you find in your stock ing this morning?" "Kind, father," repli ed the hopeful, "why, I found a big hole." The father gave the boy one cent. Soe-iiATi:s used to say to his friends that his wife was his greatest blessing, since she was a neverceasing mother of . alienee, from whom he learned so much within his own doors that all the crosses he met with elsewhere were light to him. Gami:. Immense epiantitips of brants and ducks are now to be found in our mar ket, in addition to our usually large amounts of venison, elk, bear, rabbits, curlew, and unipe, and funning, probably, the best sup plied game markot in the world. Sun Francisco News. Tin: Archdecons of London and Middle Hex Luglands, have been ordered to visit all churches and chapels in which Uoiui.h ceremonies are alleged to be practised, and to report every case in which forms are used not authorized by the rubric or sanc tioned by custom to the JSi.hop ol London. Ir requires X)00 sheep to be kept a whole year to support the Lawrence, Mass. mills wi'.h wool for one single day. They produce 1500 shawls per day, and consume Cochineal to the value of 50,000 per an num. Three years since there was not 5000 inhabitants in Lawrence, and now there are 10,000. Tun JViihop of London has directed the Archdeacons of London and Middlesex to visit all the churches and chapels in which it is alleged that Romish ceremo nies are practised, and to report to him ev ery case in which any ceremonies or forms are used not authorized by the rubric, nor sanctioned by established custom. JcsT in Time. On Saturday morning, a merchant of Boston heard of the lossol out of hit ships. This lost put him in mind , that another of his ships then at sea, was hut partially insured. He, therefore, that forenoon, went to an insurance office,, and took out a policy lor 16,000 insurance upon her. On Sunday the Knslish steamer arrived, bringing the news of the loss of (he second ship. KOOT, trM.tXRItr.AcV ARTIST, No. 140, trncr of Fifth If Chesnut Phila delphia, and 3fi3 litoaihray comer of Franklin Street, New York. CITIZENS AND STRANGERS mn linve a sittiii-r fur Portraits or Miniature, an" receive tlirm beautifully caned, in morocco, Hilk velvet, Pnpirr Macho, or oilier fancy style", T in Medallions, Lockets, Ac, in fo" minutes. Daguerreotypes, Paintings, Drawings, &c. Copied. Out door View., and Miniature, of deceased persons, taken at sliort notice. For Portraits of Adults by our process, and Im proved Instruments, '"" day is quite as la vornlilo or clear weather. For Children, a clear day (between 1 1 and 2) in preferable. E7I' Drc-avoid white, blue or liiiht pink. . Our Oallery with it" "rizo Medal and Works of Art. i open at all hours, and Free. Whether visitors wish pictures taken or Uflt, we shall at all times lie happy to sec them. June SS, 1830. J. K. THOMAS, Ornamental and French Style Frame Manufacturer, 801 Walnut at , between 3d and ith street. PHILADELPHIA. pr.SPECTFU.I.Y directs the nltention oflho public. In his superior styles of Plain and Fancy Frames, which urc of tho latest and most beautiful dt-Hiirns. As n handsome Frame at a LOW PKK'E, lias been much desired, he was induced Kruno months since to commence the manufacture of these Frames. In a sliort time the demand has I hi-en so ureal, that he has been obliged to Increass j his facilities, and new oiler at J i:xci:r.i)ifii.Y l.ow rr.icr:s, Silltrlv. nr tn tliciiinii.tu tin m.oI Iiom ii r! ft il Vrn inr-M Kiiitahlc for Paintings, Prints, Daguerreotypes, Cards, Ac, Ac. Fur Durability L'nsnrpassed. Hotels, Public IJiiililinis, .Steamboats, Stony, Ca binet Furniture, Vc, decorated ill imitation of carved Hose-Wood. t "if Please cull mid see specimens, May 23, lS.jfi ly CITY V A II I N F. T AV AHEIt O O M S , AO. 173 CIIKSXUT STRKK'f, (OPPOS1TIC THE STATE HOI!K.) rillX-ADEX-PHIA. jOFFEHSfbr rale, low for cash or approved city paper, n larje anil well Assorted stock of CAU1XF.T FLli.MTUKE, of tho latest pullcrus and of tho best workmanship. The assortment embraces every articlo, useful or ornamental, com pri.-in? suits of Drawing lioom Furniture in Hose wood and Walnut, exquisitely carved. Kosewood Walnut, and Mahogany Chamber Furniture ; Pa tent Extension Dining Tables. (acknow lodeed to be the best now in use); Library Hook Cases, and a jri-cut variety of plain Parlor and Chamber Furniture. Curtains made and put up in the latest Paris fashions. Spring Mattrasscs, Hair Muttrassos, and Fea ther Hods, made to order, X. 11 All articles purchased at this establish ment nre warranted of the best materials and workmanship, and w ill be packed to carry safely to anv part ot the country. May S5, 1H50. ly VQll 23 CENTS!!! 13 V MKAXSIIF TIIK Plll KKT EsertAi'irs, or, Kery one his own Physician thirti eth edition, with upwards of ! u hundred rii;;rnvinK, show i ing lieeuliar diseases in eve- itr ry snap. m -fej IPS ";,rn,n,i to-J' 01 ,:"s"'l" ftjvrj" . I,,, i rv shape uud form, and inal- itions ol the generative BY WM. YOIXO, M. I. The time has now arrived si?-f'' that iiersoiw sullerin? from neeret diseases, need no more heeonie the vieiim of Ijttuekrry, its hy the prescriptions contained in this hook any one may cure himself, without hind rance to hu.siness, or the knowledge of uny one, and with one tenth Ihe usual ex pence. In addi tion to the general routine of nrivate disease, it fully "";!, lins ll.e cause of manhood's early decline, I with oliservations on mairiime hesides inanv other deran;;cincnU which it would not he pro per to enumerate. lL7Anv person sendinn; twextv-kitk i knt I .,..l...l :,. I..,,.,. ...ni .....;. r .i.; j ,ook) ,,y mM or ,.01,i(,s vvi ,ie ,;, fur 0lp dollar. Atldress, ')!!. W. Yl)i:.(i, No. 13S .SPia Ci: Mreet,PIIII.AOEl.PlIIA,"Post.Imi.l. .-,.,', i i . , r s joi.m, can lie consulted on anv ot tin- Disease; tlfprrilu'il in liitt iiil!'erctit jitililirutimis, at liiK ()l!in 152 SrKL'CK Nirvot, t'very ilay Us (wrca U inul 3 o'clmk. (SuiulavuVxcoptPti.) I'liiiiulcliiliiit, Nov. 1). IS.jO. ly, iysae:se3Ama TOMC MIXTL'KE, Foil the Cure of Fkvkh and Awuk. War ranted. rP lUS liiriAal!ert nieili4 me inay lie r'liri1 on when nrnr. 1. Iv nlrn'.hei mneilie&uiil. n valne is imt muluM.'nth kiH'Wtl. ill li-lufe. the pii.prii't.ir rtein-rt In enlariie Vu tielil ! H life! illl.es .v i:i:ikia-' klMWll ltn Viriite-iiu.il e!iJW'lirhei:il e;ee8 un fXperii'liee.l, It H n. I lies, ii. :i,. elr.1,1- eaey t tlnmiartH ut" tiiilt'i-reri wh'Mire itt awatc luiil Ihey fiui" be upmlily unrt ru'liwillyeuital oi ' ri.VPt? vu Ai'i'i I I.M.UA.Mi Alii h, wilh 'tit tin use n ) is'u'ii8 tlrnj:t, naiiDtvnig ffttiiHtB nr (!.. (Meii-rimi eilreimn' .iiinitie. It in i.ir.-r.-il ttthrpnli- ie nl a l"W priee tit il,nr it williin the rrneh uriill.nsHitrwil hat tii"' wli use it neo,Mthii;; u (lireetuum will inul it u Me Jill.l speeily e'lie l'ir VlVKR AMI IIiil'K. I It ik ii'it a tliireejil.!.' iuiiiht-;iiiiii.r eciiiivtiind hut an iitTee- 11 Ue it mif e:iletilati-i h ri-ui"Ve the rti--ireauJ tl fiL-mtliy i uetit.u t" the Hi.nnaeh unrt lwVellH. I'repar.il only hy .MiinnVH A: t 'o., nnrt m1i) wliolfK-'ilen ninl retail hv K"Wan.t S.m, No. J j.itli tiih Si reel. riiilatlelplua I'riee per Binyle bottle, and per tU'Z. .Iniie "). ll-.ly W. F. PEDBRICK'S (I.ATi: I'AltTMIIl OK CSCIJIIAI K) VantiI .Haiiulactoiy anj I'aijit No 7S North Fourth Street, A I'fcW UllOltS AUUVE CilKURV, WEST blDK, ri:iI.ADELPIIIA. Constantly on hnnil and for sale, at reduced prices, and of superior quality, the fol lutein'' articles, viz: Condi, CnMni't, J.-irKinnerB nail (III Cloth Vnrni.lH'H ; rt iii-j J hiii : II. .it ninl lliu-ii.-btf Vuniluli: lirown, Willi, iiiiiIHkI Sjnrit tin; Tr.nisfrr ilo; Arnl', lli'ii.i' nmi l.' ini'li I'ninti r.' anil 'm niahi-i's1 M.iterinlH ; l'l'TTY IN 111 ANTI'l'IKS. I'AI IS. HIIV, (III,, AMI I'lli: l'AUl ll I n:; l.MMI'.DIA'l l: I Si:; .MillmnV Varni.-li, lilm'inul AciIk; I Mack .l;ii:ni fir Iron; Aillicive tin. ..r ini-v ,nrk: rii'tiiin unit nulnw (ilass: Artists' C. linns. Ury ami ill Till',-. ; Xi-nl's l-',n,t nil : liulil, stilvin', inul i,,Tiii;iii 1,,-jti ; . .-.i.t. nvcr. mm 1.iiiiht Koiiiu : din. .icr'n lliiiil"ll.tll. Alvi, vciy vniicnor Sii'io Jllackini; tti,il Wi.lltiS lnl. June -J'.', 1-jll. liinv.N's isexce of c;ix(ii;i. A new suiiidy of this excellent urticle. iu.t received and for sale hy H. 11. MASSKK. Sunhury, March 10, 1850. I.LANKS. aJJI,ANK.S of eve ry t!t'Kcrij.).iuii can ho hail hy j u .'yiny at tluMjiliie of the Amrricua. pun; 1IITU UHANDV FOK rUESUK-- V1.N(. jijftt rtroiud and for nalo bv H.li. MAbSEU. 'Vlsi;E PATER. Villow TiMue pair fur ! covering gluHti, 6ic.f fur Hule ut the olliec of the Aiiifrieun, P At from the New York r'auton and 1'ekiu X Tea Couijiaijy, For ulo hy J. W. FKILING. Sunhury, Dec. 2, 1K4H IJl.ANK DEEDS viriiited on the best quit lily el' lurcluiiciit jiajHT, void ut Ilm lowijKt jiiief at tUU uil'ae, y uholetulc unil retail. CHERRY PECTORAL: For the Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BROW. OHZTIS, CROUP, ASTH MA, WHOOPXOTO COUGH AND CONSUMPTION. This truly vnliiahlo Xemedy for nil diseases of the Lungs and Throat, has become the chief reli ance of the afflicted ns it is the most certain cure known for the above complaints. While it is a powerful remedial agent in the most desperate and almost hopeless eases of Consumption, it is also, in diminished dosps one of the mildest and most Bgreenble tliuiily medicines for common common coughs and colds. Keuil below the opin ion of men who nre known to the world, and tlie world respect their opinions. FROM PROFESSOR HITCHCOCK. ".lames C. Aver Sir: I have used your "Ciikii tl t P:n to I.,' in my own case of deep-seated lironchitls, and am satisfied from its chemical constitution that it is an admirable compound for ; the relief of lnryuiriiil and bronchial diliicul'.ies. If my opinion as to its superior character call be l of any service you are at liberty to use it us you ! think proper. ! KDWAKl) HITCHCOCK', LI.I),, j President of Amherst College. From (be 'London Lancet." I "AVER'S C1IKKKV PECTORAL is one of i the most valuable preparations that has fallen un- tier our notice. Alter a careful examination, we ' do not hesitate to say we have u larje npprecia . lion of its merits and the fullest conH.leiice ill its i usefulness for coughs anil lung complaints." 1 Dr. Brewster, of Windham Co., Conn., sends j us the fallowing testimony, j ; Dr. .1, C, Aver Dear Sir: I enclose you a certificate from Mrs. Catharine K. C;dy. a highly ' respectable lady of this village, wile of Mr. Seth t Cady, Deputy SherilV, Windham Co., Connccli- cut. Pile cue in her c ise was very prompt, and , has attrac ted general attention, ! W. A. liEEWs'i'Elt, ?u. D. Wkst Kll.l.lM.1.1. Ct.,Sc l. -s His. This may certify that I was alliii ted with a very , severu eou 'li in the winter of '47-H, wliie'i threat- I teneil to 1 1 ri 1 1 i 1 1 ; : i in Consuinp'.iin, I bad tried many medicines in vain, and was cured by the usu of "Aver'ii Chcrrv Pi'ctoral." CATHERINE K'.CADV. From Dr. Drvant, Druggist and Postmaster, Chicopcc Falls, .Mass : Dr. J. C. Aver Dear Fir: Enclosed please find remittance for all the CHERltY PECTORAL last sent inc. I can unhesitatingly say, that no medicine we sell gives such satisfaction as youi's does; nor have 1 ever wen it medicine v!ik:!l ' cured so many cases of Cough and Lung Com plaints. Our l'hisi.'iaus are lining it extensively in their practice, and with the nippiest effects. Truly vouis, D. M. DRVANT. I'll i;p a lien it v J.f. k v I'.n, ciir.M iht, uiwkll, m ass. tV" SuMliy ll.Mirv M;is-r, ti I'lmrv ; Mary A. Mrl'nv, NurtliiitiiiH'rliitut' Dr. lii':ii'!i;trt, r'r- lins!;rovr ; l)r generally. Ii. vkly, iJauville lvceUm and Ui'iiisls July fi, 1 no- .MAIIOdANV AND t AKl'LI 5T2AX fuJLW MIL .L, A.MTtt K.II SSSOJ Corner of Elete :i III and Ridge Rn,id. AM) i CABINETMAKERS av.siiKAL Ft.'RXismxu sroni:, : No. 134 South Srtond Street, leloie Dock St., Villi. MIKI.I'IIIA riHE Btihseriiiers would call t'ie special ntleti- ; JL tion of ( 'aliinet MakiTH and other, to tin ir : very extensive assorlnient of materiaU in their j line, eoitsislin of Mahogany ent ers, lioards and Plank, Hair Ciolh, Curie I Hair, (line, Varnish, i l.oi'Uini; (Mass Plates, Mahogany Knohs, Ued Posls, .Marine 'i'ops, and every dt'seriil!oii of ' :rv Tool, Alc, Cahiiict Makers r.wdiir; out of the Cil v, would find il (,'t'i'atlv to their advantage lo call at our store to purchase such lna'ieri.ils an thev want, connected v,ilh their htisiuess. All our goods are WAUUANTED, of the liest quality, and at very reduced prices. Our Terms are Cash, (no l r ule.) We guarantee to yie every man tho worth of his iimncy. T. cl I.. THOMPSON. X. 15. Maho-any, Walnut and Hand Kail Plank, and Stair liallusleis for iluildcis. als.) M. ii hie Mantles, always on hand, and every de scription of turned work. June 8, lSoll. ly "DEATH'S DOOR." Il'tv frequently dn we litvir this eiieMnn, wliieli in meruit t" t' -livey to till' llliihl 1 lit vni tJt:i-;e, nt' Mekil that a p;itieiit vm Ir.; reitneett tnt ami live. .Mr. li;iin- I bin, ii int-nilter it) tif I rihity I hureh. v:ik. 11.4 Ih' i , tes- ' Sew lift Kelt', ImiHiillt lWll tn Of:itir ilnitr,'1 j lllllllbtll mill .Nervous IJe4ll;ie(e, Wfieii, like llll til 1 -.'.'I .f ! meiey, Wtxlwiiy'ti Hearty Uelnf relieved Jier m Iter ite ci'c ! ikiiii inul resioft-rt her t her ii it-mix in pen.fi le-.iti ij. ! The verv nin':uil Kartwav's Uealv U. .u 1 in :ii;iirl. iK ; M' I'lirilKS ; it iasiaiilly nV.nH irril;:ii..n. relue k hi. ' .i.ttm i iim vnl twe!iitii:s. relieve the in-. si m vi-re ..n- i r;i,-,: I r i,,fc van It'll ns. S-ilils. S .ns, Knij.ij.nit: I cure KheiiinaHsiii. L.ik.Im.- ti nl. I'mah m. Siiui.i, SjiiiMiiH. ;,l' eei,, Weakin'ss in t;,.- ri,!,; ,,) ! JM-1.. S -ie of nil kiu.l, (ialts, U.-nen, i'nutt-, Sjic i 'l'i;i.i.it. Intliienza. lliiai iii C n;:hii. Ot...ls tooth vi lli: ci i;i;d ix onkswum). Tnii, lin'lniiin: nll'ci'li.ilt run lie cavt'il ia nil in..trnit. t' n' tin' III 'III, III III'' llil.'l' 1 ll'-ll'-h tin' ll'TCi', lilt: ii... II la. j I I'juteil. S with Tie I) 'leieiu iui.1 lleiiuer.ini: ,. enri.l Ihu iiiiu enliiely 111:1 lill'l rU'K lli-uilliclu- inline liu; UIISU ih nii.st Kt err, inni lit it nvv itiilmlt'S you w.il li ri-iii-vcd. jiitvi'ii iiatTuany u vni :nri i in in i i;-ul Sjiiisiiis aiiit 1'i.n.ii'K. ?l"i Voihilinif nr I i iiihi ii purlin-;, ' HI ill) IMW'H it Will P'IU' ft i -I t I U IT Vr;ikn. t ;iM'l"r prilll, hfilltll Inr tU'klli-Vi. .o Kr.iilV i(f!li'l IK ''"lllllllft Uli- k-M i-piiu'il l KAUWAV I'll., I'iiUuii MriL-t, iLiiiAM i on. i r ii i ih ii 1 1. Tor.MiiKUdsu ami 'iMii; i uak.is JK UKAi.'TV. IlliVVAY1 Al tUU'ATtl SAP. Itudwiiy" MitlitMU'il S 'nil, HJVir;iiily i h ami tlirituu'h (Mt Ilif lintliii'iiuUe wnrlil its fxtrt'iin'ly itiiimt, puniy in untl u Miihin;; 1'iirciH on Lin kni ; wiiilc hy it iif'.i"ii -in tin pt-iv mul Uk luiiiiitf a;-cr-u.ry Vcwh.m It r.xja h nil illUHllR'H rollt (tie hltlllicr, ilil.lVM 4 VI TV Ii'ti.tt t' 111 Il ihiiuiiUoii. ninl dlVi-unity tliMi.;iti'K till icdiut., toil, pinii!i'iS i) Ih, irri-ftlra, iliM-ul-1 till i -us mul nlliLi' riiLiut'iMis eriiitthr Tin- nuliant lil mr il iinp.nls i i tiic i lu t tin-willin.-s mul (li lii-;ii-y wliii-li U in-l'ict ! iho h'tinis uml Jiriu.". us f;ip;ttutily ! v ttnliit,!; ii. ii.ui u ;iit,i ri-ni"'. ni liilii''Hts ili'lcrtii, ividU'I' It 111 lij..'i.i il.;i I tVMVt- lll l. (ifiiiU ii.t-ii itiii-r liiu ini; will liiul il ul. tf iiii utiuiiua niiil t i nlr ii u.ttf ol llie Hniu, uud ii-iiIlii it tv i t, u:n .unl j.li';iiii:l. Dim ui' 1 1 if- liftit uiul (Tuki of tuniMi.-r. nr I t m nml lit-'i-k wintls i'l wilder; mul iur;:n . s-inl-Min. Kui-e .i iiiAu-.'M riiiMil 'iiiii. i'luiit'4l liiindi, it nii-i.!i-nl.il liiil.in.ui.iU n, i vinu.n ii;l't I' 'Ul.' mul xu nsi vly f-vu nv'nii 'wU-ili.l. lis nirn iiur mul rnroiiuiL' ro.ci in s luvi n!.'i(Mnil it ki U.' Imii t'("iii the til 'mnJiiidii i'l' utln-r mmim'I(i., li'iii ci j;mo- (M 'lll ItlHl lliilllralii.' litlliiUt-li lllie, II) till- l t"ll "1 uiljutt l tin; itixlit Hiiiltk- wiriit. ti 'iu Un- liiinutu trojiiin t iVuZfii n-siluii "I iIm Ire KiiiK. Tin- tiiiMii: will lLiMt luai in iiiuui t hut Kailwity' Al.'iliciitvti m the mtly iin rrKiitithiii lr lie Hkiu uw in n-; lins Iuh U-rii n riilK-il tn by tiur i)"ft ptitiiiH-iit clii-iiiir.ii. li;ilwa h S-Ktii lit Ice . i fin )H'innmi, inilniinif Hiui pi-rmri 'un in-un-ilii'iiis. H mi lit iiHiit mi liu t u'i i rkm i.l tht- ini'uut W illi llie .mi luippy' rrhiitlt tm HM'ti hiMiiiy in iiv prniit'. rs-u tliiit t-iii'li ciiki- ia -iiVi-Ii;m .1 in it h, i.-ml.,! l i Kti'i'l i'ii-'.:i vniii ami liullirr licit liu hiLMt.nure It. (i. U UWAV ii Up' ill curii f.lLi', l'fivv U-i riutil, lifc I'.lkl'H. Tisr;-c:itoviu ou:t:.T ir im:avtv A UWntlANT IIKAU OK .I.(iSV ilAUl. H !U'A t il l AlA.N nLi. Warranted ihe lust ilttir Tonic in vsct ' mr jirt-Khiii' anil iiiiiui u uid uir nun It eleuiiiH-a llic rM.'ulp Irom luii,lriill, kecpa It elenii, eun-a Scurvuy, llulilueaii, uiul Sirea oil liic IKvul aloia lliuhnir from lulling oul, iciulcra it alrouir, lint-, aiiK.illi, anfl mul gliNiay. frraona who liuve loat llu-ir li.ur hy au-Wiuna will Inul a eoiiinlutuuiitiiloli, luHuilvvny'a Cireniiuii Jluliu. It Blan (riyea ll u itok ami Itfiiutiful color, unil will iireveut it from luiiiiiur K'ey. From ua ej'ioile jiurllv, it ia u.lini. ruhly mlupleil I.H lh luur ul ehlklreit ul in. lU"t leiulrr uue. It ia aa. .1.1 in lure luiltlea for eelita per bottle, unit ia wuriunled lliu lie.t linir jircnuiulioii in line, il will not aoil the hut, nip, or the lineal fiilirie. t't, thnl the aieutti ture ol It ADWAY ii CO., ia Uk,ii eucli Little no l.'ir-t-uaaiuu liahu u (jcnuina without ihe ainaluro m lUdvviiy 4 On aiiUT-H. U Muaner, Sunbury. Aug. Ill, lcjU u.ejiii I y CAl'S. An assortiueiit just received, silk HATS at 'J'J.). fur sulc hv All" 11. M.VSSEK. is'uuhury, Dec. 3, 1818. LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUNDICF, DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DEltlUTY, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, AND nit iliwnsrn nrifinir from n ditfmltTrct livr or to Mincli, nuclt tin riMifrtiitim. inwnrd Piles, KiilliiKM.ur IjNmhI t thuhfTid, Afitlily nf tho fttomnch, Nmiwn, Hmrlldirn, ilirutt I'tir FihmI, fiillni'M nr wricht in thu Stoiimcti. Htmr Kriictnli'tim, pinkiiif! or tiiillTm nt the pit f the St'Himrli. iwiTitu)itiK nt' the heftt luirritil nnrl ilitrt'-nlt hnvitliitm", llnltcriim nt Ihclicnri, rh"kiii(r or miffi fitting i-iifuiti'tiift whi-n in ii lyin jviflnrc, Dimnem tif vininn, tl-nft r well ln't"(irr the ti!il, l-'rvr tiivl tltill pimi in the IhuiiI, dcficifiiry of nfr-iinititin, yi'ltowncnnof (lit: nkinnntl ryfft. (vtni in tin? Huh , IkicK, rl'ict, liiuhx, Ar., ful'It'ii HhmIick nl'hfnt Imrntim in ilf llftli. ronnlimt iimigininga of evil, mi'l prprit (iprKW'm of ppirit r.w in: KrrKrn-Ai.i.Y ci hkd py rHKl'AUKll BY Dir.C. M. JACKSON, AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, N. U Arch St., IMiiluilflpliln. Their pjiwfr ovr the iiImivq iliwam" i not rsrHli'il, if eiiiiillfilT hy hiiv ntlier prfttiriilion in the I'liitctl StuHi, id thr riiT' it nitt 1, in nmii) vtfes tiltcj Kkilllul phyRiriiiiia htnl lulled i'lum; liitiirg nm worlhv tlny intention of invalids. Pi pst-rwiiia un'nl virturn in the rri-iiheaiinn of dipvaffi if tin- l.iverinid lewi-r latids. fxercit-ii-f! IhMnont nenrehiiig poWrr in wi akucw anil nilti iiciiH ot the dilutive oig.uif, tin y art-, iilial. nu'e. n riniti and plcnsinl. I nun the M iri' n lirt-. The Vdiior r.i.l. in JM ''Dlt. liMMKI.AMi'. KMiHIIATKH tiKUMvX HlTTF fof I lie cure of l.iVi r t'unipi.niil. .hiiindiee, iyfpepia, Climnir -r .Nt-rvoiis D'-hilily, in dt-Hi-rvmlly finofittf in-'Hi popn-l.-ir incdiciiii-s if ihi-' day. 'riicur Ititlrm have htrn HM tt hy t li 'itHiifulM, n ml ii fru tid at -itr t-lliow o;iy lie ha him Hf rcfi-ived mm i-lfertiial and pTnninciil (fare of hiver ( '"inpl'iinl ir- in the life of ttiM rcinedy. i are ennviared that, 111 tlie iih oi iIm-ki' Jfitti-i'ff, tin pulient roiistantly yaina ilvnmh and viyor a f.iet worthy of jfi'rnt roniilr. mti'iil. Tiiry ave t-:int in taste ami janrll. ami run he lifted hy perH'iiK with lliinnmld'-ih'iitv Kloniarlm wilh fale ty. under imy ciicii:iitiitH'rs. W'e are Kjieakinir from i-x-peririu'e. and to tin inflicted vc advise their nw." Jtn'e M. M. on, ii jreiith iitiin wilh (jn-al Bc ienlitir riiid liiurarv iitiaimnrn's, .nd in his ".New York AVuckly .Mi'ttfeiifjer.'' Jaiiiiury (l. I'iii; "lr. tliitiliiitid'M (ierinnii Hitter. Here i n preparation i whi"h the lr:idnnr prt-fise in the I'liionapprar t" he nn'ini I ni an in reeuiiiiiientiniL', and tin rea"ii ol'vntii. It in I made jiiK-r a prescription ninhed ly one nf the. niont rete I hrnled phynieiaii of ni"dern tinn n. tlie late r. Chr uteplier W'ilhetni I lo-di uw, I'mfi-sffcir to U I ntvermty of Jena, i private IMiynieian to the Kiitif of Prussia, and one of the I reativt nu-dieid writers tii-riiiaiiy ha ever prmluee!. He I wn t'tnphatically I lie enemy of lininlnii:. and tlieicfore it : un dii ine uf wlii'-h he Wiir tin-inventor and aadorjter may , he roiiMih-iitly relied on, e f(ieeia!ty reeoinintnd'il it in ' I.iv-T ('"fa;)l;iint, lyfi(n psi-t. Deliilily. Vriti'jo, Aentily of ! the M nii:ie)i, ijonsi jpa! i-'ii. and all complaints anitnr ti'i'in a divordfp'if e 'inii'i n c t" t'ie .:inaeli, the liver and the I iii'"!ini f. Niae 'i:ii;i'!' Idlita papeif epri f: Their .'oiivic ; t'l.a of it.J -x-e!:--n-,., anil f'-vcraj of the ittitorji pi-ak of : iv elieels ir iti their own i n h v it!ii:tt experience. I nder : thi-si- cir'-miisiniie.-u, we feel warraid !. n't onlv in e.tlliinr th'-. altfM'l- 'ii of our rernh-rx 1- the ntesetit prewnt proprie- 's (Ir. f. ,M. Jacks in'.") preparation, hut 111 rmmiiiiciid i::;; the aitielo In u I alllictisd ' More KriiJ'Hcc. The "Philadelphia HMnr.lay (inxtlr," the liert family tieWHpapcT pul)lislied in thu t'nitwl Statw, the tililor iy of Dr. IhoJlaiuVa German Bittern, "It is ("'!d in thiit w ree.miairinl what are leinird Pa lent .Medicines, to the confidence mid Kilronair of our readernj mid. lh"te'ore, when we ricoinmend lr. llof liind's (ieriiian Hitters, we wo it t he distinctly Htidci sto.nl that we are. n-'t pcaklii oi the ic sriainft of the da , thai are noised alfiit lira hi iff period cad then for Liittcn ait' i thi'V i ..iveit-iiie their unillv race n linveliiel". I'tit ol a inedi'-inc I ar es!ah.i)i. d, iiaivia'stdlv pri.ed, and wl'icii Ii k met the In wriv appioval ot lite I'aenily itsril."' 'I'lni Ila8 medicine will cue i.iver (;inplaint and Dys pejiyia, n one cniidoiih!. tiller ii--inr it us dneelcil. (I aclH tipeejta'.'ill'- iivn the. m "Mi ieh and liver il i prefterahle t't cai"iii l in all Imli 1114 diseases thu ufcet in immediate, 'I'h. y ran l.c adtmiii-tf 1 ' d to l-'enialo or Infant, with Kileiy and lehaMy hem-fit, at any time. ii'.w.Mir. i t -1 r i .- In. oi' t iu ri'.!tfi:rr. il I'.nit-il Hint liili rlininetf-r wlii'-li is tin's t.i ii 1 1 n i n In iiulni'i' cm n 1 1 in tVitins inTii nt Hit: risk of llic lives nl Tlii i s.j n v I r nil nirilii- iiil . rtn u i,nr III m nri' liili'.'riilly llcii'lViil. LOOK W LI.LTo Till: MAIlli Of Till". (ir.NflNI They have tin-wrilleimiviiiliire of t'. l. JACKSON iii'n l!u; vi.ii,er, nail the nuine hlowa in the bottle, U'llli- nnr whieh Hit v nr.. sinit..ii,. l-'or hale, .vli ile.le nu'l ret-iil. Ihe (I'erinun Medicine Store, . 1'JII A Cl'II Sir. i t. one t), i. r M ivv Si".th.'(l itr of 'j;-1 ilnee i'l r.-el . ) I'inl'l 'I'li lii.i, mill liy resiu'l'lalile llelilem enernlly I hr. nielir ,'ii if,,, (.onnliy. Al.io: Tor. ile l,v 11. .1asscii. Snttliurv. Itnd M. A. M'i'av. "r:t "-rl in.'.. Anyii.t IT. I-ill ly SESTS & GO,, i ii I'o un: us or i'o it i. in n Bocks, Prints, Ei.gjavings, Stationary e;iil I iaan: ;iinl !liileiil I(is(i':t- N . S North 2nd ft., hetween Arch it ll.ier, I'll l lj in:l.rn t a. I 1 MrtlU'l'to order and hnve constantly on hand a verv lare iissortinent ofooiUin tho ahove ! runted linen ut wholesale anil retail, l'rincipally : ! CO GO L21 S53 In (h'rman, Latin. (Ireck. llehrew. Fremdi, Ilaliun Sji.iuish and other i.ii. ru. ires ; ( 'his-acs, Iticii.ni aiics. (iriiininei's, iK'ai'itlai'ies. frrhool. Juvenile, I 1'ictiire, Diavviin; and .Vl-nie! ijool.9 lor Architects j Cahitiet, Carriage uiul uther niaiitifacittri'rs. M.U'S.ia.Olili.s and Dlank liooks of every : d.'scriiilion. !-ii'.,'i.(ll,l l.it!iu';iaiihij and ulher lhiiils. r.HMI Al. IXSTIiL.Ml:TS. Aeeordeoiiii, l!an;os, llows for all striln; iitMtrii inents, Dridue and Tailpieces, ClarionetH, Fifes, i l'la:;co!ctH, I'lutes, (iuitars, Octavo Fillies, I'aient : Heads for ( iuitars and Violincc llos, 'riiiuliourines, 'i'ui.inS Forks uud Hummers, Violins, Violin and i Ciiilur I'l'KH, Vinlinecllos and Mli inus for all kinds I of lualrurneiitii W'holesulu and Ketail.-r-Aeeur- denns repaired. Also eonslantly nn hiiml, wholesale and retail, a larie a.w.siirinient of the very la st CEHMAW BROIMZB POWESIt Dutch Metal, French and Florence Leaf Metal j 'rherinoiuelers. lIairpeuciU.-l''aher and other I l.eadpeiieils, lied. White anil Jilack Chalk C'ray ! nits. .Mathematical Instruments, Scailicators,- ,s'prii'.x Lancets l'ocket 1'rescriptinii uud (iold .Si-nles and Weights Letter, I'aucy colored and i L'ilt 1'uper i'layiug Canls and ulher French and !ermau Funcv .rt:ce.'', fr the sale of wliich ! they are the MA.N l.'FACTl'KCKS AliENTS, I July Ii, Im.Mi. ' IIHADY MA UK w 11 Like tliis method to iiilorni the readers of the Siitihurv Aliierieiiu, thai, ehould thev v isit, 1 'hil.ulcllmi, in u licit of Good aiid Cheap Clothing, mul favor Willi u cull, thev sliull not ho lisui i 'iiili'd in o!i. lining the hest ol j'.iriiieiiln nl Hie lowest ensh jirices. We lime now on hand the largest iissortment ever tillered in 1'liiladelpliiu, iiinoiitr wliieli are DUEsS und l-'IK )CK t'O.Vi'S Kioin i5 lo 1'A.N'I'S und i' K.Vl'N I'roin 7,"i els. to :, Vi:i: t'O.Vi'S, CLOAKS, HI Si .SACK CO.Vi'.s' und COA'l'l'EES, all of which shall he sold at such irtces us to uiaktf it un ohjci tfor the lieojile of Siinhtiry und tha stir i jiilullil,' eoii'ilrv lo i Mend to nu llieir Ulronue, i'i:i;i;v k. m'.m:ii,i,l' vv uo. Smilh ll.ist I'uiuir of lith uud .Murket. .Inly Dl, lh.10 jl.oW.WS Essence OF JAMAICA Cl. liEli, iiii evcclieiit urliele. K viiw tv's Medieuled toati for sun hunm, tan, tetter, e. Kuiluuy's Circuasiun llahn, for the huir d.iiid. rull'Ae. Iliidway' Heady Eclii f for Crump, C'liulir, Cholera .Vorluis, cVc. For s ile hy II. 11, MASSEK. r-iinlmry, !uij. 3, 1S50, j"5AV Kl'M An excellent Hrliclc. for sule jSl ly HK.MvV'MASSEK. .Suiiliury Jan. 37th, lSl'J if. p OLD 1'ENs IX SII.VEK CASES. A smull ' lot uu hand and for nulti hv II 11. MAssKK. Fuiihury, April C, 1850. UAIM.VS, rurruiitij, enroll, elieese, pejiper sauce, &e. For alo Hy J. W, MU1.1AU Sunlmry, Dee.S, 1818. EE DIi'.I.K. Justices and Constahh Fee, liills handsouiely tirintei) t,n yaid paiwr, for ale at this olhee. Cotton Vurn, Cott.m Ci,r4 Chain, Cotton I.ajia und Wadilinir, Cutton Outlines, Iteudy made Pantaloons, Heady iiiailo Vests, Congress Knives, Porcelain lined jiiracrving kettles, just received lor sale ly 11. .MASSE it, Bunhury, Dec. 2, 1818. Til pfMMMitinu the puhlir with n rerapily for the treatment x nan rare 01 r kvkb ami Anvtt ami other tnnonn lU'efisen. 110 aivloi'v i neinled. YnM nnmlM-r in the I'nited Mate. who ffiill'er from tliep nireelion in their varied form, nru ronipelled to eek relief from otlnr dourer than the imme- iliuttr prewription tn' the regular phyieinn. It Iwennn ii".'jeorr an oniifi oj mtmannv, at wen 11 01 pnniiriniei em, to hrinu hcfoi lliem a remedy prepared fioin mneh ex penenee, and which may nlti nr n-nt U ajwin an ff., KFFKrTlAL. AND HARK!1.K. TO TIIK roTiTrTin. 'Vhat michin thetrne elmmeter of the lll A t'HUI.Af KMU K, i amply alleged hy the univemd saccewwith which it has hecn employ (hI. iy I'.xlrart fnnn n poininiinicatioti of the Hon aVit. mam WoomiKiiibK, of (ho L. !. Senate, late Governor of .Michifran, Dbtroit. ih't. !2I, lwl(h PotrnR rAnt.i: 0uoot, HiiirSir, I have read Willi much interet, ynr little TKAFTtfK upon the ratises. t r at ment and cmo-' of 1 In fehrile disease wliieli have o extenivi'ly prevail. -d hi oar count rv damn the last lew ni'tatfi an interest increased nod .nlit, hy Hie fact that I h:ve nidi viihrdly i.th red so mneh from 'them. Though I u-cl nnself very ineompetent to jildtre s iffly upon a Sllhh'et. w entlielv professional, yet your theory s.-t-ms to tm wt II reas nieii, mid your conein ioii ins', tmd I think withal, that your pamphlet in caleii lilt fd to produce much pnietical ifood. Speak inp of the irauh'Miie he a s : It fully justified your (tatterinr expectation-, and n. a Rife, luiveiiient, and popu lar remedy, mv own e.pernnce. o far, induce itie to m' lievcthat it wddrovc yreut puhhe Iteuefit. I am pleased to Irani dial vott hate recent Iv estJihliKhed several imehen for it (li(n -Hir 0 .ti thomrh I regret that, with a view t- a more general dissftainali'-n ol it, you, r.lion!d hn e found it necessary to reuiove fnan y er prescit residence uniong us. With much respect have the h"itoi to he, sir. Yi"ir ohliyed wrvant, WW MAM WiKiDlttUn'iV'.. I?" T'roin II011. STHriiKN V. It. 'I iowiikuk.k. of 1 ichi- gan State Senate. M ihe Airnit at I). mit. IfUIMlN'lllAM, ll,KI,1!l Co.. DiC. X Sir von wih me to inform mhi what 1 know of Dr. (IspMid'i India flmhtr irae, or anti-hilioas medicine. 1 do heheve that if Ihe virtue ami eilieacy of tin meliciiie wrn iretteiahy known, the Kt vr.u ami aul'S would diwippear in Micluiran. I piocined a K'f'le in the spring of I'll, and have pood reason 10 hciieve that iuymcIi ami fauutv escaped tite nmie las? srasoii in nojiPrijiU'iicf of js use. I'l-thans in no snnuiif r since the ielllem"at of this f ue pentitst('a. ihe fever and aune l ' ii prevah-at as Hi, last. I have lee i;inicjuli d tins medicine in trmn rous in tanees. and hen 1 1 1 - ills, ase had lu coine fixed and hallh d the kilhf i.hv.Meiai'.s: a ad I have never known it fau. 1- h:is itnivinsuK- ih".iu'i.i i -l linnpy i.l I l. llt-Vf il h:i. Iti-viT lii'.-n cM-i-fl Villi" III'' luli 'lis ilisrlivc-s ill' III. t l- unv iik'tlirinc III r;ii"i ! i-liiii:ili'. 1 nlltb. rcsnrrlf ntlv. svKi'iir.N" v. it. Titowni'.iDni:. A rent f'! Simliurv.-ll. II. M KSSI'.l!; Niirlln'inlii-ttinil. VITIII(iTi.l A :'( .; .Mill, ,a, J. 11. KASl:lt; !WIih ttriive. MA V ,V Kl.Ohf.. May Ii, -4s it VZ&BIG Al HOUSE, 1TAI)LIS11KI") 15 VE.'iKS AC;, liV DM. KiNKKLLX. AT. W. Corner fj 'llanl unit Lniuii Streets, UKTWKKN SI'lil'CK AMI IMXK STIIKKIS, n:i:N i: ns n I'Vlt'ilHV mi'l nninterrmiteil e.leieil 1 r. K. llll- 1 I'""- .pi'iit in tins ni"l ex;.i'il mi. I mi i'".siul ir:ii iili n,-r Inr mul neui. in lie- l r. n ' ii i.-ii ot' nil ill1-!' s il a pnvi.te irit'.ire. I'er.i. his lilhie'iil ,Vllll ll'i'eil, m"ll llieliiHly. llll'-int. IT lee. pimitf m lln' heintiir Ii 'lies, inereiii nil rlieuiunliMii. utrirliir. s. snivel, iliseni nri.ni'' Ir nil y",it!ilnM exeesi s ur iiuliilliln s "f the li. mil. wh.-reliv the n 'iit it ut i' in hus licinie I'lilcchleit, inn nil tri ntnl with Miei't sh. He ch.i ii!.e'i hniiseii nivlri tin- enre i.f llr. K.. luay re liiti' 't..lv eo'iliiie in Ins linii'T :i :t ccill leiunil. unit cnliik-iil-V ri ly U"it his sl,ili us a ,li, s.e.nn. 1 TAW' I'AKTK TI.AI! NOTICi:. Yotlutr Men ea , liuve iiuni'eit tlii'ln.elve. he n l erlnii; plni.tiC'' luiliil'.ji 111 a h.n.it lii 'jtl' iclv U-irin-il lionl ,". ,1 e"ui,'ilii"i nr nl s.'!i nl !l:e eli. e:wi. w iii. hnie u.aiitiy li'lt, i vetl when asleep, nail iletiiy liilhiulnil uitil Ivily, sll-illli! n;,'i' lliitin i't:iti K'. 't'e:L nrs !i;jl i" 'usl Kill ion-ll ilel lilt V 1 "f nil I sen In r enerev, pliysienl lii-iinile null ren er;ii pri'Str: li m. init il inly ;i- il uli liery.iiiT, :iii.-i'i..ur'. iinli Itesii.iii, slii-'eisiiiii ss i f t'ie livei. mil' ex'e:- ilise;:vin nny ';i e,.niiei.;, I vi Ii t1 il: i ' .' ul tin1 pn'i'e (: . vc i.u.e li Ml euii 'l. :i;nl lull vi' T o t .i . t. YOUTH AM) MAM imp. A vigorous lili; or n KIM'.LUa i!'.i sri OXI.V 0"i i !t .k ii pni !.,! i preiiuUUlit death. ; rfrsiTMiiitiii. CKNTS. Tl I with I l:i!'. riiin'i u I'll He' li.ll.n.l Il Ill'llreSSe, II Al,l), illlil sii Tin- vnli'.i:. Will preCeiC ' Iv 'I'll .IIMII' N i i. I, n r .' ve Ol- ins. Itllil,e t.i Vol "ni.MA.XIIHI'll.'in.l Ol.ll M he le nl l,J llll. U U I'"' Uli i liupre,. 'e XMI.'ii'i il .-!Ve., irr. "I nu-. rv u.iil si I lit I i ue uiel .v; nun nut. I I.H-eS. ;i.1,,!LT il will leuril how to jirnv cut ll:e lies- I'.ireni lllletl nl i V'A llrese.l t l'lll III-1' I" tlnll enill-. i nu u l "ter. ,. , f TlllKII ,V I'l.ilu-lelpi.ia. i ' I in",!. I.'ter. d' i'lliN'S. Jr., K I iil '.I.l V S. Iielw '"'II Si I'. r 'i; i.l he .1 'II'.' p:i '., in . ! nl ! I'Ai'i. M I T,V I'leil i l) i m.i: II i .W-!' Olliern Ml.ip l. l,ru:il V : oi'' Mi.i'iciri:: n r.'ii'iip.u;'.- V s r 11 i: It -s rv. . .','" A'P'.irs.l'ee. i.l .vnli tl.e iili.ice vi" i. I -.".It 1 V ..s.-t. i !:; i.'C IhU-M. A CALL TO IIOUSIKEEPEIiS At the Cubltiot Wsare ltioi ul SEli'X 1IOU1T k CO. Markot Siiuare, Also at Ihe corner of Fmru street .V the Railroad SUNUL'IIV, PA. Thiiukfiil for the jialronaL'e of his fricrnls ntul customers dtir:r,u the 17 years he has Keen in luisi ness in this jilaee. he solicits from the jiuli'ie a con tinuance of llu-tr fitors. lluritte; this iieriod he has einleavoreil to keep up wi;'.i t!,e itiitiroveiiients if the tiny, mul litis uccoidiieilv eUeudcd his husi- ness in every or.uicli mul varictv. I lie puliht are therefore invited tu the i.tleiiiiuii uf the present slock of CAIWN'KT X.'AKi: AM) CIIAIIIS, MaN'.'IMCTI'IIIi bv SEBASTIAK K0UPT & CO. At the (Jld Stand, Where in addition to their former stock uf the establishment they now ui.inul'aetui'C Mahogany, ,Walnut & Cane-Seat Chaii-3, Larue- Spring Sent Jtocl;inr Choirs, Dressing liu ream, Centre Tables, .Marble 'fop Wash Stands, und i variety of oilier new style and I'.-tsluotiiuMc E'Ei.-uitiErc. H iving seeurid a llearse and made (lift neces sary urram;,' mi nis for the jiuijioso, thev lire now iii ..ircil lor I lulerlakiiiir in all lis lirauches, in this mi inilv or at any convenient distnucu. Vc iiiuiiU uti.l mi.: rt-st-s. uiul hiifU-uuls too, Here's lur-uiinc i-f ev ry st It- ninl hue, I'roul M.le liiiunls ,1 ivn til kitchen Inl.les, l-'ri'iu riH-kin cliuira to int-kuitr eruillca Sh'MiM yon ii"t hnve rite ren.ly J,in lo puv, We'll wnit awhile for ll Initihler 1,,-lter tiny, tlr lake ituliH'g, iKila, enru, wheat mill rye; llnrk. ln.ip poles, alnvea, or Iniul . r wet ami iliy, (Ir nny tliiiifr hut yokra Hint thresluni; llitila, t'i'iiu piea uud liirkiea down to little qunila. Come on th.-u fi iniuls, come iuii- anil nil. Keep irn.le ii in ivni):, ao "g ies oa t!m hull " t. xr' Orders from a distance pi'uuijitly atleiulcd to und work of all kinds delivered w ilh dij.atch. Sunhurv, March t, IsoU. tf til AI.AHI LIMII A KIM: A 1.11(1 on Moitt: HITTINCi & WATHUMAX, Importers and Tealei J in liquors, No. 2'.'0 Market street, l'iiiladeliilm, FFEI5 for side, the choiiet and best assort " ment ol l.iijuors iu Philadeljihiu, such us Cliamiiaune, bherries. Port, Steek, Claret, Hur guudies, Saiittirn, ltarsae, Maderiu, l.ishon, Tenerille and Sicily Wines, llrimdies of llie choicest brands, viz: Miurlina, Otard, Ponet, Hennesy, &e, Ac. Fine llol'aud I 'in, Monongahcla, fcicotcli and Irish Whiskey, oVc, &t. II, dels and the country trade atipplicd a Phila delphin piiena on the most liU'rul terms. July ia, uau i - ll AZtlKS. A suirior nriiele for sale at Ilia store of UE.MtV MASSEK. Sunlury, Feb. 10, 185U, JJANK NOTE TABLE. CORREVTED WEEKLY, PKVNSYI.VANIA. I CITY cm mrit ..... MAHSACAt'PF.TTH. All ilvrnt vukn J dit V.", ',,tll,,,t ""tm i.i dot All dolveut Imnkg imii All H'llvnit Ivmkfl I dis conxkc:ticlt. All tolvrnt ItniikH (lis 1. . - rt'TRV. nniiK 01 t; mtnlM.p.i..iPM 1 Xi:V YOHIi. CITV. All pnlvent UiitriH . I '"k of Hel.C.chegtrr pur , niiamnwii our nailK 01 licttvslmrif I ,1.. 17 Ilk H'trn under j n.i..k ..r 1 ..... " r Miink '.f MLIilU.. j A, ,lvr,s lk, ' 1 din f ""'"'' Biuilt ,,r NKW JKII5KY. ' k,',f I'"''-''-1'" HclVMlere H.k r L Z 1 I T"10 ,:,r"'"r """K M-"' """V l'r r 1 .m "X m. J K M- .Mi.l"IKt"W.i I'l. .r ,..!. ,l.i H'k rgeC.r Mhm.i,.,, Ilk. Nrwink r l..vl-,.,v,l lli.l.k. m,M,., U. ilk ... llrl,,Mn ,r U .t.n , lbK i-iriM,,.),. A- M. Ilk Tra,l .r t:rl,:"""li , 8 "l' .M.irriBC. Ilmik J'.li. ilnv r.,-.,.- ,. , , .v,,,rn 1 ill. .-wurk Hk' A I,,.. Co i ill. l-. luniri. It'k. HniiK li I id, (imiiirr llnnk ' I1IH iirni.T8 ll-K, liti.-kKf... lir IV .pU.i, ik l'tt(,r,u 1'iirinfiV Ilk, IjiihuMit pur I'riiiiitiiii Hunk I'uniiriV lik. HtoIuiS iir SiiI. mi llunkiiiK C' I'nnil. Ilk Mi liuylkill Ci virl!.Mii.Tr-l (; H,i,,k V ft 11. Ilk Wii'viH'pl.y I'.ihsisiiil,' tlnnk nt Ci.ni.ln, rriinklin Ilk. Wtiali'll I Jilin'stnti: Ilk Kli.iln-iliton lliirrtfliiirti Hunk I (lie Suite ll-mk .V-wiirk lIlH j ;JjH ! fliili- Hunk t ill, flute Hk. . Ilimmviik imr liurii.tiT Kinik p.-ir.r-ii'X brink. V-wtini ill. i.i-iniiMM ;iinK tvir Miti Ii. .V Mini. Hmk I ili .Mllll'IB1 H'k. 1'iltl.Vlllu T MM'tlir:ill,-hl Hunk I fli" 'rnvlorsv'f I .-t HV I'd n ili. Tri'nti'tl Minikin'., rn ir ilm I.'ulin I moil hunk. D'ivit ViiHlli-yv'IrMl.lllrf, "7 l!k ii'iti'. iiiiilfi- ii tis j 1)1.1. AW A II I-;. it llnuirli llnA n:ir Hiilik nl I), lnu-:ir. Wrniiiiiix k, WrlkrtliV i:n jlnik Siin inii I"! lur 1 'TK If'MIK'. . Di-lllWIIII' 1 llV lIMIII ts7'Hflirf iii'ii-. i ,li, i aim:. H.inknf ,..(k.k .', AliTi-inllili' lk. Il:in-:,r lliiln Ilk Viliii'',n.V Uimulyw. vn l-'iinni'.-' Itk St lflu,vne i:ir C:iin l.nhk. AViliuinsUi'i pur t" I'ihIit Wn j ilm All s ili-rnl hunk. ilii. OHIO. AM w'K-Hit UnikK 2 rVs r' Ilk ii. -it'ii miil'-r r.'. . ilin Noifiii r.uioi.iw. All 'Ivriil Imiks ili. i'iuit'r,v, at (in m:v iiAiii'smiti All ilvnt km J ill. vi:i;iHNr. Hunk "f Si AIIbiiu a All ,lvent l,nk i ilm COLUMHIAX SER1RS OF Slrftlimrtfra. The Fund's frknil and 'feather's mm fort. 'VUV. Cnl.rMHlAN CAI.ei I.ATOi:. This woik is nlrei.dy introdeced into some, of the hest Aeadainies .nd n lare initiiher of Schools, where ils u-e he.s uiven decided and universal sa tisf.ieiinii, hotli to teacher and -i 1 1 1 . Il is nirelv 'tiuerieiiii in ns rliameter. Imsed upon our ov n ncaiiltliil th-vhi .(').( ut f'rrt nc;t. It ciililidlis ' " tier, and il is the I' the kind now in use ; hundreds of the most more, the arrant cmculs nr, easiest and clieapest work and it is ,o ciisith re. I v eoniK lent teaeheis and u en of science in ihe I 'ni "ii, who have r 'coniiiii'inleil it. It is the hook,' particularly and rvnres-dy prepared for our Ann- , ric-ll S.-:,.:,. ; ,-y 'i'ict.mr. 'I'm: Yin-Til' Com-mii i an Cam ri.i roii This volume eoiitains 01 puces, w ith ahout '.Mill rxam pics for Rolulion on the slulc. It em'iraees ihe Kiiiiilaiiiriit.il Kules, Cniupoiniil Utiles. Simple and (.'oinpoiini', Ucductioii, Mnub liule i Three, ; l'loportion, iS:e. 'J'li knoii's AiMTiiMi'.Tie u. Tni.r.s, is destined I f-'t' Ihe i.se of voru-jer classes in ilia fSchnols of Ihj l.'niled Slates. A l-eautifiil liule I k and pleas. inn lo children, ai.d Ihe only oiu.nl ihe kind al'anv value. There are Key to hoih Arilhiaelies hound sin ale or tlouhle, lor he convenience of leac'ior j, in which the solutions of ihe ijiiesiioiisarenive.il .lilh much extra mailer for the hlack hoard. Those. Kos me Ihe ino.it eonidele works ol the kind eer I pulilislii-ii, ami eomaiii, lit addition, ahout t ivo j htii.ihi'd examples in .Mensuralion, Vc., I'.n- lue lis.-, of the Teacher. All t lint is w anted is lo have i Ihe ahove honks examined, and no teacher w ho is j iieijiiaiiiteil with the science of Arilhinetic, will . hes'.iate to pronouni e them the he.-t work. thu have ever hceii j.ui'lisiied in thin or any other country. Althotiuh i.,soiil hut a lew months, they have ! nheaily la.'ii iiiir vluccd into the .:i;iit I'uhlie i Schools ol .New Vork City in all ihe S. hool j puhhe mul iriale, exe.-ji) two. in t!ie Cilv of Keadinu. Also, in uhou! iivenlv Aeadainies in th,' ! .-'.ale of i'eniisylvatiia in a lur.-e i.irlion of the Schools in the t'jty of 'iluiin.'loi,. in the t'itv of l.aiu-asli-i-, awl in (lie linroiii,hs of Ilarrisliuri;, Vork, ( 'hanihersiiiir, la'h.nioii. Do'. lestown, l'olta i!le. iiw ieluii';;, eve., iVe. l'or sale I v IIkmiv Mvsskii, Scuhury, Agent for .Xoi-lhiinilM'rl.iud (.'I'liutv. Suulairy, lee. 0, H'H. TK3 PEOPLE'S VADE-MECUM I'OMI'HISIMi A 1'Ul.l.l.l.Tll'N OKOVIIR 000 ' A L V A II I. K 1! K C I 1' K S , In the Useful and utercsl in Arts with feu kiniple nu. I m i .us i:pei iiiirui, iu C'llK.MlSTIIV : J N('I,l.)IA(! Medicines, l'erfuuie.yy, C'heiiiislry Cm ki iy, Furriery, L'vim;, ( 'oniectionaiy, liicsttc l.ciinoliiy .'etc . etc. etc. I'l icedJ cts., lor iifm.v M.sii;i:. is in, s.a!e hy Siu.lmi-v, Dee. P "ATSiTT IrCSwICJIlTSS. i tireeu's Oxyueiiated Ililicr, price reduced, Old Jacob 'J'ownsend's Sai's.ijiui'ilhi, , liaki r's Sarsajiurilhi. Swayne's Syrup of Wild Chrrr , Sway lie's ennil'ujre. 1 Ayru's Cherry Peeloral llr. Drake's Panacea. Dr. Cullen's do I Tihhil's Pain Killer. Dr. II. mil, mil's Herman Hitters' Indian Vcl'iiIuI'Ic Fills Horse and Cattle .!edicii:r For sale by 11 EMI V MASSEIJ. t-tinluirv, July I I, IS 1 !. GTOKII WARE?. r"pilE sii!iseri!er would must respuelfully ill; k form ids friends and it '.-eueroiis ui!iUe, t!,at ho is itiaiiutacturiuir the ia-st ijunliiy ul' STONE VAP.B, ill uli its varieties, uud is jireiariid to sell a littlo cheaper than any other manufacturer in llic I nioii. He is also importing; uud dealiin; moat exten,ively i ill CHINA, CLASS AXD (lUUKXSWARll, which be oilers on the must reasonable terms. , His Potteries are on liond street north of Fay- i ette. and China store and ilwrllinti ut Xo. S, E. ' llalliiiiore street. DAVID PA K Iv, No. 6, E. liultmmre street, 1 Ualtimoiii., .Mary laud. Fehruaiy IS'iO. ly tjTOXE W are, Earthen Ware, KuUii,.', At 4 iii-iiuls, P lines and Cream Xuls. Planes of uli kinds, by 'a!l and Plaster. Just received ami for sale JOIIX W, FKIl.IMi. ."'iiiiliury. Dee. SO, 1 (S 1 l)OIJE' and (lob! Pens, tin hund sevj-ral eop--I ies of the lili' of Christ, and also it number of (rul.l pens which we will sell ut llic Philadelphia juices. For sale ut thUollice. J-EXXEPVVi FATKXT ,s.Sll FAN k TEXIXtiS A cheap and excellent urli clc lor fastcniii'j sasli for sale bv J". W, FRIUXG .iinliun, July 7, 1810. TEXT '1'russei of all kinds, Harrison's writim,' ami uulellilile ink, Collon yarn uud lajis, just received and for sale by J.'w, ruii.ixti. Sunbury, Dec. 3, 1818. tnjmi.EV'.S COFC CXDV. ".i excel V 7 lent remedy lor coughs, colds. For sale at this ollice ADD'S celebrated Horse und Caltle Medi. cine for sale bv 11EXKV MASSKIt auubury Jan. S7Ui, lSJ'j ATIXEUAL W'ATEH, from the Oak Orchard Acid Springs, liijlily valuable in chronic di seases, and tonic rcuieuius. for sale I v IIE.MO' MASSEK. Sunbury, Jimo Si), 1850 tf ISTONB WARE, STOXE milk Pans, stoi Jum and Pitchers, and other articles of stone ware just received and for sale by JOHX W. FEILI.NU. iiuJiUury, Juna 53, 16111. PIIILA. AND READING RAILROAD. PHILA.UKI.PIIIA A.D POTTSVIIJ.E. Office of the Phila. If Reailiiia Iluilrotut C. niildi'liliiit, Alilrch TJ, 1R00. Two Pnseii!rr Traiim Daily, (xrp)it Sunday.) OlNiN nnil (tftnr Aprillirt, I8.")0 two trniim will V. V I10 run oiu-li way, dnily, Iirtwci'n PliiliuleU I'hin and Pottnillc Mnrninjt Line, Atcimmndalinn.y TfPnvr l'liilitlcliliiu at 7i A. iM l'ly ';p Sumlii vk. l,ravc Putlm illr at 7J A. M. daily rxrrpt 8un- Afternoon Line, (Fast Train.. ivcs riiilailcljiliin nt SJ teUvk, duilvr T.NIVPS J Niniilm d. eirrpt, Lrnvca PuLlKvillo lit 81 o'i'lurk. rlxiK- I cent. I"" i cuiKiuys. j'lTw I PnsiM'nnr rannot cnlor the cara unlet proi iir lied with Tirkcta. 'I'''IC pfti riiooii, or fnt tniins, do not Rto)! at An- hurii, AlllinuM! a. llirdslioro, Kojjrr'a Ford, Val-, !' romr, Port Konnnly, Sprinir Mill or Kalla. Mri'ICli. Filly poundn of Ims'imc will lieaU lmviil tn cni'ii jiawnmT in these lino j mid p- K"'i!i;rrs nr.' . vi.n-Sv iirohiliitnl from tHkiinranr- " ''"'-'i-r Init (lirirwfaiiiigupparcl, whicU will lie nt the risk 1,1" ils owner. Uy order of Ihe. 13oail of .MHiiiiueri. A,,,,1 H, 1S.-.0, Secretary. TXCZCNOR'jS Iirn'of IT' nMl1 (,"'PnL""siv. Sv. ." ' "y rt '"frapy and Orthornv. ineludi'iiff n variety of denui.iims, ,,,,,, J tlie Z, ? lick nor. a 1 eaeher ,J- et,lV;,u y.V, ence . ..""Inn.horof ,:;e (,, pulll 1 laclical (,ontmoii Nc inM . ' ,', . ,, . ... ' 'iJ-iiniiion , eve. uio iiii'iii hi i ea.-liers, K'hnol Dim-torn, nrtvSiirlliiiir Hoot- ,1 .1 ' c ' 1,1 Xht" ""vSprlli,,, in, ,i , m,ii,i ins to me ie modern snrlliinri,,,,! UK... in niiou'i-itihy ashein "'L-r'""'ol'tli'iieatest,elie.ipc..t :"'l! r iitliioteil In I'm ......... r U'st :i i r,. i lv' iI, and hi ..i.:i i .i . . '.. ui S"i. 1. ; ' . ' I""""'"'"' m thcrnited " I . ,'. ".I""!":is lo he, ladling "" " .e.iiiiinr iloiilj H, and only renuireji nil euniinn!'iiu on l!ie .;: i'l of luslructora nt'vmnl. tu se cure lor it u iinive? Kch for i lnli,l,,,.i;.,.. .. .1... 1 .. , . into th lust I'llhli.shed. anJ lie l,y lli'Vi, ,. t . . xa. ... .... t. Sunluirv. . ..... nvrr, ,u uun.toH (Opie-iliirevaininaliiiu. can proenro Aiiijusl 1, l,vV.l. WII.MiMv lTI-;VM'limc h ;' '"-."uti the i,ti..,t 'P. fifleiXt 10 tk JL J -' "il I'm iniv nn, i V'llfi'leiti' '.i or 1.1.1..;,.. niiin, : . ' ',:r'",0v"pi'- ' pulilic lor tin -". iiniuKiioniii, auvft ;inse: ', V tela. II. NV'ni't! 1 I,. I -: Vile,!, C I,-... Ol 111 It a llenitu-lu-, In '-::, .-.- . ,r S..l,f '"I 11"-' .ei; .v., -' llli'i.ius Vminiinq, IJiintne' i "'"II Ht th nit '... "1 ti e ,J itaaeli, , el'e,i.,ip!iiii,. 1 Ippres.inn iit'ier rfiliiir, -;"! 'ti' I' I he llruit, I'.. in in liu pi,. if 1 1,,, m, ninth H-ntl .,r ..',v.,i-.', il,e ri.lil ..Jt, ; Sail. !!. nl eouiplexion. V.-.lll 'I' iwu.l, I fl.il lliie;l'u:lr..v- V",; 1 IJeplTJ,,!.,:, ,. .1,.. vir,,, ..A in it.-iLt x- !' l.uNper, it. '1 'Ivipepsii, ,,,,1,1 ,,..,.,..,t mn rjool I'l;. III l I'lnti-.ii lur, ix h I I' ti n. I ills Int. , lull. "'PU'i.tly vc '1 ,1 1 'I' . Ill i-oiiMUIVp- ..'.pre l-'H II'" llll'l-.l 'I'l Wl.h Ihe u; lli-ense iu:.- Ii nt to nil, will, nl which i-onttl- limn .ipe,.',iin,,.,lt'B xist-lii-v l.y inl.lu,. i iU:w. or t MB uc6 oi inlh to ike .e,,.,l'y I pnlil. leei.'ine lireeli ,,M'..r . , ' , i"1' "' '-'"-"i W.Ilpl. IX ni:,ilv- .... :.. , l'':ot.i HoM in Siin' uiv ,v .Ions J.'.MKS WILLIAMS. I'll'lll ii v , Ml. Aline, K i" h r..,i,e . Llir.ir e.. hnller. M:iti,et uM.t ll.e iUQkj ' ul William . i.i -;) t'uii.Ai.ui.rmA, Oia..tijj 3, lets. ai::. .1 ,m,: W'u.ii,,,, , . ' '' : n "ivrs ?mtl I'leukiirr I.. ,nrw thai e '" I'" I'-"'"-' f n!,e c,,;c,f li.pep- " '",v ','," t.'ia.e. Invi- r.vr,;,H)iv a,r "' an, o- lie 'UM Imp,.,- I. ,,.... lh. I ,;., t. eiil"l !,v II. As I tl.ii,' Ice ;i-e,, I,,..,,..;, i,.,..,. 1'- lie is ill, inilv ,',,,. ,., ii in. :.e it. ' i- ,r .... . u pul'l.': .;eii .w'fil'imf nl ef I Ir in the u . I y.ur -ue I'i'iy 1... ten ul pi e;in, , Lip.. ' i . ,1 I'M i in. re: '1 1.. "'"" '" M .on i4.v fen in and ly niil.i't! it ii.lr. it I v;,a eniu. to the nv ist Minnl.- Iik hi. iinH av.H e. ii.uiluti.ii, xe fell.-ll ., ,-e-lnet ,, til l! I IMIllll nn ,(,.,',. '' I fell ii I .si, ,.f t,euv.iU, ,ui,,eli. u.ul. us y. .n h u e it your ail rrti.a- nn', ii to I'l' i'.t. a si-neral leell': ,. ilepiessi,,,! inni iuil..ribnble '.inn. .-s. in il,,. v ir l-:s, hem in" ir m olhem Inch ra- v,.ii.li, k. i-i.-... i . . . e,l'l-ltl nnJ i..se, Vvi,, ,,- ,.,h huppv , neei ; '.'r i,,riunra I. nail. .r. i.,.. irtir "i:,,li,;,ly ,mw,, uvvay. mul mr aPpe. un- r, tM-,.,-,1 H'l,,, !, ,. .,,, urnliiv with iiupiuniv Tea years liuye .,!,.!. unil my e. 'liliil-nee in Iheeuratira V""1 " e'henir Inn of i-.ur.-e ini-i.-n.rt. ur ,, Clliple-rl., C,.,.J .. ,,,,, n: r,.f,'rM,, i'thi-1 U.ee. iy let.1.,.. ;.ul!c vun. Atii:it ki.mf. Ilov.-ley. XVIl lchule Mrn-hnat Te, '' II,. W'li.n ..'it -nynl l-:,,M..,i, linn .-I II-. ' s. iii pr.,,11 ol LI sir. ' A.-u i A IVi.. u A .uth ne rrluncy til Willinini' A.m.ll... i" i rim.Auat.fiit., (irtoher 2i, 1H4 ILM.; I )- ie n sure in rseninmmlin i-onr Aati. Mr. j lien ) It III'. Si tl-i Wi; i :l ti- I'lni I i lliecnrs .i )v Kn-iwia. h'uvo uL,-i, It f il Hie il se. tin. I leivr ls:; ,'utin-lv eiiied. ourc r '. ti'i'i inilv . i:iiv.itu ii. ninvi.EV I IMI.INW. Suiihnr, l' .CFT ii, It'll IllllN' - I -.'ill. Iv r.O3G OINTHT1NT, TOR. BETTER I I'All the foil ..winj i-,-iiili,-i,te from fapt. Bavoe. lb 'I --veil'er )" JW" p"(,uk" '""" U"ul Csplain (f 1'lllS.vliFi.PHiA. OrloUr !tl. 18i. S v.-nil v,-nr aiue.e 1 ,-n all.ieknl wilh H lin-ikini cut on my i ek ,, . f , y..u, .,,.,, , ,,, wn. .- uirneleiinttl,,. II .rl.-r's M,,,,,. ll ai.ui.luullv exienci t'.l.iy. r iny ii,.r. puul il r," h,-l I ',,,,. ,', ,' ,,, I'liee.l. Iluilua l:r , V,,nl IU ,,i ,l.l ...m,..,. '"" " " " II, llj'.;,,te.,,,lx, K line I f w hu-h has i-i-' ,, i-. :,; i i,,i ill I' ll.!. u-e: ., I'l.MI.II'ie,,. ll,..,,,,,,! I ,,,.., n., I I'.','.! I ll.e K,St I '! . .O M . Hv lUe . lite iliM-nsr. sat ol liruetil until I e of ,,i,r ,i,r 0f j,, 1 lu-c of Ihe I V.IS .eiU".-;l. Cllen ue i- ll I ll IV,- ine ,,-. 1 ,t . ..I Ihe :ii.e. I, ., i-el wueees. I Iin , "nitinein i;;;l,iK nppliH f orrosca . eh:i,p..,l I,-,,,,!,. Va pM- , lleitri', , i,. i.nmu.,,,,.,,- , lin;tr.'n-eM milliner Iii Ihe (iiililie. Airent-ltvMiV .M.tv,i:- tnuliurv. Jul) us lelll. Ll9U()Ks;WlNl'S,&a rj llh siihsei'dN-r bus just receiu'.d a new supply of the la-st liijuuis tiiat evor c.a;ne to .Sunlmry. consistimi in part nf Siiierior old pale llnndv. Fine Civjuiae Draitdv. Superior Old Jamaica Spiiiis. New Eiitrlaud Kiiui. Fine Holland Ciu, Superior Old Whiskey Col, Mil l il,i. Superior .Mudeiia Wine, l.i.hon do. ilo. .superior Port Wine. t liii.';iiii.ly-Port do. Sweet Mnla'j.i W'nir. Superior Ciau-t Wine in butlcs. Chumpano do. do. 1IEXKV .MASS EH, .s'iui!urry, May 2(1 1S4U, ? " 1 T 'TL I 1'HIL.A 1ELI1IIA, T SIIAKP1.ESS A. SOXS.havc iii.l received llu.tr stiilv of M'tilXti A XII SI'MJ MM RH (iOODS ol 1 rii'ndly and other styles, to hii'l thev mwte liilcnlioii. SllAWl,sAllde4t.ri,iluuis of Silk, WQuicn and worsted. 1'KEsssH.KS (jiode lihines, Cliaiiielfons, and in at and new fancy styles India Silks and Satin. DliESS (iOODS I. nuns, llareses, Mousse lins. timulnims, Aljiaeas, .Mohairs, and a tha new fabrics. Fl KXISHIXti (;oOD.sl!'.1keUheeliii6 tjuilts, Damask, Sliinius, and all other furnish inn Rtssls. .MEX'S WEAK Cloth, Cassimcres, Cashma-t relts, Drills, estiuqs of nil kinds, and Hovs wear. fcHOE.M AKEKs COODs and Carriaw MT keisaitich s. T. S11AKP1.ESS cV hOXS, Xo. 3? 8. Second Street, Philadehihi'i May S5, 1850 lv 0E OIXTMEXT. A fresh supply of hia a, evcc.Uciil article for Teller, & c, iust received and tut salu by HEXUV MASSEB, buubury, July 28, 1849 ; NOH AXD SPRIXO MORTISE BAT CHES An excellent article, fo- aaU at hall the ll-ual price by J. V. FKlLi.''ll. Sunbury, July 7, CM