bi.1!" f" SUNliUllY AMEUlOAiN AND SHAMOKiW JOUJiiN'AL. AXi)T!n:iis"ii:xTiF:c wonueu. TUP SIN! T II K T H t I! GASTRIC JUICE ! A GREAT DYSrErSIA CUr.SXt, l'reimnsl from RKWK'P, nr llie fourth Stomneli nf llie (fx aficr direction" of 11AHON' l.ll-.IIIH, I he. grcnt l'hyl..l'Hl Wienil-I, 1.y .1. S. HOnillTOX, M. 1)., No. II. North Kigtith Wrecl. Philadelphia, l'n. Thie ia a truly wonderful remedy for IN)h;KTION, DYSI'l-JPHA, JAIM'ICI'.. I.1VKI1 COMPLAINT, COXSTH'ATH.N, and PKHII.ITV, taring after Nn- . lura'l own uiclhod, ly Xuturi-' awn agonl, tlici (ortrir Juieis. IIhIC n te;up.oniul of this Fluid, infused in Trntsr, will digest or il'avolvc, I'lve I'innttI nf lluupt Heef in about two hur., out of tlii- Momm-h. DIGESTION. Tin-'STllN i" chiefly performed m h Ftomnvh by th I ) net ! Hti'il Wliicli itvtly rxii'!-l Hem the inner nut m licit 'tr-.viti. win ii in a Maty "I henhh, railed the linsti ic Jnier. Tutf !lmd is the limit Sdvrnt nf the I'. -oil, t tie I'uriivini'. I'riv r i ;ttr. unit fMiinul'itihj; Audit of 0t (( insrli'mid iiiie:iiu.'i;. Willi. ml it tin im wid he iiu di'cN ii i'!ilV(TM II o t'H'll 1111 lilni'd, l IHllMtl'in nf the l nty ; hut Tinder n fmd. lor pal, pal til n I. and desiruc litu r 'uiiiiittii of lliii whole digestive i.ppnrniii!. A weak, ii-ilf I'ct'l. "f injur rl d 'ina.-h pr-Mnc. no p.n-d Ici-ine Jute-, mill hence the disease, diMres., mid dd-ilily which PEPSIN AND UKNNKT. PITSl ip 1 1 if chief element, or iron! l)i;"fiivj Princi ple nl the, (insine ,lun', it i tumid i i :,re.,i nhtuidance in Ids lnt parli nf the hum. in stomach niter death, and ivnn tiiPt. i-inffcfi the f 'in.K'li to idyfst itself, or tin i'w'l ii ; It in nls found in the ut mim-h of iiniiiiiiK ti lite ox. r.ill. ,r. It is tlie ucliTiJil tisol bv l';iriniTfi ill iiiniiiu Iii sl', rnll'tl U.'ii.!-", tlie ftli'i-t i't' wlin)i Un l.nip i"'"'H Hi'' wjul-r . t' il." ! uiy. Tlie fiinHm.; mill is the lir.-t !!! i t ('i'.' ti. u. l p ii-sfssrs (islitiii-liiiiu jm rr. The l. i.i:-!i "i' ;i m.. v:ii! nmit n. " ' 'ue I 't'" .nut I lines I I onu -t i.'ul Ol" iiiiiK. It:. I 'll i. It'l l!' KtiiHP ll:it. U i .art "I 1'- .-n .liss . v-. 1 1 i- mMy I.i -m m-I i irl ot v;il ;:.- it Mi;! "t M I-"' Hi 1.1 i!Htr.' .IiHi-i'. IJ' iliH l i nit i-iMv be ivti'-M-;!y mi;';'! I M'MM ll ple- pMil. 'I' i hU-' i Ac lii l'-.'!' -wi ie H' VS'YWW. r!.-!.,-:i1i-l AniiiTil l nisir y. m;. : "An Am -i 1 the '.I ui' ru t;, l-i- e i.ifi iiL' t:e u.n: i Hi-- c l-'I.iiii jiiiii'ii-'iis nil-.- iMt.iir.-ii ii.nti l in- nr.t- tin-e.iit'. i'i wiii'-li v:iV!"tt! :, will s 'M' in. I. rinin ie in u;:n.-r us :. y w mi l i c !V l:'e:itisu fill "I"' 'ij llufl r !!-s 1 1. in-. i'. :n! I 1, mi l il: jr.-:t .1. ji;-- i;i lit.' s-tiii Ifl t!l llMMl lll !-t tU:;n!l." Dr. I'llKCIItA. i:i h f-tm " ie;." puMi-lifil hv 1'm1';s, :('. Muti'H tin' s iii"'u'"'.i; i'i.-;, u i Af i. f w "Mv. p:i'je in-! I ('.( r 1 1 it 'S tin- im 111 u '! Iiii-Jier until. 'lines lu-iu Ur. i.rt'jiJiniti' 'ii. 'l'h-if iiru w tii. oim. mi iii- hi'i!h . -'-i':n!.'fii -Vh;. s'i i! v l.-il liciiiiiir t' id" ilii" ij'i'tif tity nf'li" .Inlet- i. cauei I vts;ieptti mi l r-t ni im iii'Mie in I. i' J illi I'll tl'i). Ii'n Tcr i:i"-'" I'i the ( i is'i i inn living tininctif. w Inch pr i h. (illAll.Wl. Miilnt . 1 1 ifiil jr: I ai-ii-.-v:unn r . l!,:,t -;. tyi.i-.iMhi-.l i!.:i. !l" w;i! s.'-i-i.'iv ii 1 11 1 "I - im - iv J In !,s: ''se to mil. i' m! I . . 1'i-miei! l"r. tit il.e ff 'l!i;H'h t)l I i' nn;ili-te!v Hiieecs-i'iii.'' hie lam H! U't'iLf mi '-Vi'L'e- : !! l it rem:iik;ili!e I;i"! Ill hyM--I 'U . t it'n:iiui:iS. i.ri''i-;-lied mi w:-:--!', im ;:ti I'ip'iiy o (liss tl in nrinif nvinlsil' ii-:-: u U:ml ( iirnl'einl tf --t n "i' tliem lit tro.ii ! he n:iM:'.i tlljel i e pr t'ltt lit" 51 'llltl'' t ) tin ti i ii i I the f ) i(!. ;m I .! iv i II! I! i lilli' -e Or. SlIi.NS tiie ( h"iii;.'li M:i!i. Ii.:iri'h:.r-I. I'liih. t in. p:. :l-t!) s iy e 'very u I'I ;i'SI t' n-i ; :i m w er i in I lie e of --! Idll. I'l-'MI ee.,it t'Xpi'l ICieni V t.Mt i.. ili.ive. i,s ra,i liv iii I'm !ir;ii':'Uil ''. pre vin-tl t'roii I'eiiii, :c i! i ti liie n i;u;;il i .hi:.' , Pin!: ilHi'lt'.. PioK-.s-nor Ir?r.!S!)N oi" the .JeJlVlH Ml Coll iVlphiu. in Inn n-al vi!imi Hi:ui'i:i P.iy;;i in tfe Ih. m fi:tv p-ies t n:i e:iiiiiii i'i"ii "l t'iiv 111 rXner.lti.'ii' Vl'f l)r. t le. 11 lliont . t the Cjt. o'liaiiie i ! i 'in trie livinu ii'iii:-ii! M n: m !i n:n1 tr' . ."Vt-ies ! . . e .1 1 1 ! Illllltrill rue Well liu 'wii. "iu ii.l f"i s," he s;iys, "iii l en oeei.' -rfil ah pcriertlj in he arh !;-;,; ;i m the i:r.:i 'Mlv ;! i i.."1 AS A DVSFKIIA (TUK!:, nr. iiorumws pr.-mran of im:ps; ti-i. p- Ui- r.l lltf in ( iirii-v.-i!."." e ni: im eiye- -l Deliiaty. t au;iii:ill"H. Nervous T'erlcie. mill lsK'ptie C'Iimimi Ml- ii, mipp'iml to he im the . ery ver:e u (lie jjriw. Ii is nn i' isitile to cive the il- . I imn')' ill I lie limits ef tlii.- .nl vertiltett t hut :ui"ierii,e ite 1 c nit:e,th s h:ive I ll ivell i.f linn rwit nr.siu:i;ii i:i:i kkai:i.i; cl'Ui;s. in! j,, ,. -w .. (u,i 1: f.i .n-. Thew were ne;ii ly a:: th . r.r v s. mitt the eur- ? we- e 11 i 'ii'v rapul ait 1 u ji lei iul. I'M) p rin .iii iii. Il a crr-it NKK Oi' A.S'TI I I'l'l.. tunl parhenhily llteml I t leiitle, iry t i h,!i i'R tliSMif-i. I.iver Coirsi-I il .t, t'Vei im, I Aue. r h.ul'v !i.'-il''(i i't vr :unl Aai'. :o 1. 1 th ell'-el.H of I (limine. Mnt itt v . mi;I I'lle-r tlrn-.s m .mi 1 in Ui?efIivc crjiiiis. i..u-i n l.-iu m.'u.ksh. AI.-. I' f hxi'im lil elltlllL'. lilltl Ihe I ! - i' i-(- n j : lent SJ lMIb. U aiillcrit tee liieiii!- lleiiiih witii I1 tlH'lies ll-'Ililh Willi I'I'-H, iir1. :n.ei'. OU) S'lV.lACH COMPLAINTS. Vro iii no form.:: ti.l -Tt.M ACH COMPLAINTS M It iloes n t k.-i 'il I i--it ?:! i .-t:o :.l I'liee. No There w'tie nvitter ho hid lliev UK! '. A Mliyie.i' n:vi;s i.n.t.t r.i-;- I'll ill- tnii'l'-iiMiii syin. . .i: f 'i u Mi'irt ntiif. I i :l. I flM'I'V 'it'' lil.I'Dl) re "IK'::, ll i-'- .:irl.e.i!:irl' : 1 1 : i ' u . 1 ;:ll:i'S. S'll. ns . till'T r.Clnt.. low. e til!,' , ;: "S i.l S,.ll il. splli .i.i. n ;. I Ins m'.y, 'li I'Mii. ftu-l it t'hiy in -.j.- I i ;. i p .i: 111'iK.e 1!if v;oinl fi'-e! p' rni n..'.:t . mi.! VHiOH tt' lil . I i .nv a i rec!l--nt in en-es i .1 ii,iivi. .:!, nf tlie u oi lit St 'in ich ii- n i ran; oi hi" lil Ih-.a In.---. I.., . neiiev. laiianatl 'll, e li.i.t-r-h a.i c..'r. Pri r. C IV!'. Uni.I.Ai: p. r I. .file ;ieet a Uusuiu him.'. Oar I'oltli! will i I'.ru PKI'MN IN' POWDKIiS. nr r uv mail, t ;ti:i-. or "osTAiir.. 1. r r invi'lii'-K'H' "l" s",i-!if - :.i :.'MI el' ttir Die llli.l-'.STI i: l ATI Hi; i I' Tlili I'KI'SiN l:,7ri III t!ic 1 Mill i'i I 'Wii . .! 1 irei l l Ii- i.e-s ii l-.l 1:1 water or svtii; li li,.1 (m:. 'r:.-'. . i-nneou Jilt (lie biour lielftel us tin-I. i::..-s. l.-e I wie fie i;u:h'hv or!!;cs- ime. f:'i ! i" s . I l-v I ;. Mil. I."! l'lor.iii: f.i hm; . iioLi;ii'li)., .o. I Kit. I. !i s.' t! . irl.i i llr .1. 111 Sllfl t t.llaii 'Ijiitla. ; Six imekriirf fir five it !Urs I'.vrv iv. tifarB !tn: wiillci ai:n:eii.' of .1. S. It' 'I ' :- nti't I.'jItlB j I ton, Jl. I)., ; Hole I'r priel ir. S ilil l' HLr'-ins in fvrv t i n in Hi" l'n. ted Slal l.y tesieel:i!'le itc il'.: in .i ciii.-i n s (,'rjif rul! l-'OIl SAI.I'. BV J lia W. I'ril H7, 'ami U.-.rr Hrinlit. ! hanliury, l'n. .Mar,- A. Me(':iy ei.rt!iiii..l.iraijul. ' JoMi'll. ' Iliivefi flc Me('.'rini',k, M' l'P.vr'isvi'le, S. J. IJl'.'HAl', Si' lll-'Jl' i . .1 i'iii (i. Ite'in. I :;ii r Ai;i i in'ii;:. Vi!li:mi lf;),iii, M:iti.i:io . Siiuliul y, Sept.. I l;!i. 1- " WATTS' NEEVOUS ANTIDOTE physic al 1!i:stoii vi'ivi: TUB WEDICA1. VViNDEK CZ? TK3 I j liosilivelv euro all slaves of Nenral:;ia. ; 'J ic Dolol'oiiv, Acinous Headache, i'ho-' lera, T.ocl.jaw, llydrojihohia con itl-ions ; will ( restore uiaiiho d to its proline ior, i i-n alter ; ears of prostration, and the only kme.Mi a. id ccr- i tain cure for low spirits or mclit il deoiity. I Kxtrurl from t'.ie .New York .s'uu, Oct. II, 11!I, ! Tim rtli '.null d l)r Wutsou, when 1 ilium,' of tlie miraeulous p.iwer of " at!.-,' .Ner.ous Antidote," the question was put to him. ',Vhy bin h a v.ilua- 1 lile remeilv for all ner.oiH all'e -tioiis w .i not iu- tiodueed hy the medical faculty !" leplie.l, "'I hat . if it were, there would no I. inner Im any use for a faculty, as all diseases originated from a di-oi j;jii- j ied strtc of the nerves , the nercs are the main I spring ol Hie v. :Ui!c system iveep tins in onler, und hoth the mind and Imdy must he." Four ounce phial, I'i doses, euou:!h fur all or dinary rases, ONli Dlll.l.AI!. Sill, I) ISV Win. MeCAKTV, Uroadwav, (Sunlnirv. , i.tem!.er, ,'S, IS.'.U if. DAVID I'KASK, IJ'. Curucr C!h .y .1,-ci Snct, I'lulnihli'iiui. I I As for bale all kind of choice l'amily Itioct' ric lit the Very lowest )ricrs, y : Kxlra rine, superior and lelunioii lilack and t.reiii 'I'eas ; old (iuv. J ivu und other kmili of t offee, nil qualities of Crushed l.i-ht liiov. il und llnnvii ,Su;;ais ; U'st fSperm Oil and peiui and Aiuaiiliuu Candles j liakcr's t'hoiolale, Cocoa and liroinai I'arina, Tapioca, Saponin! Win aten (irits; (Uiy Oil, lsin;lass, Keteiuii and rijuees Maeearoni, Vi iiuieclh, lmijhsh split i'cas, i They wid pack up all moo.U for the couutiv neatly and nertucly mid dclm r tlicm prompilv at any Dcpo or Hotel a desired. DAVID PKAsi:, Si. V. Cor. (ith iV Arch (Sis. I'!ihia. Aus. 17, 1S50 iy.May icoiji; .Mv;ooiis : Just roceiveJ at the ttore of lli:.NI!V MAS. t-It, a lot nf Cap, (juiu t-lua s, Alinanars. luecuswure, I.iquo 6.C. All f which will U old at the lowest price. Dee, 14, 1820. Taltiahie Hooka. j 1FK or CuiiiKT, handomely hound, D'Ai'- Kiot' 1 1 IBTOU t ur TH K lilH.HM.IIOV, Hi. Do- niMi I. minus, full bounded. i'ortule at the puhhlur price l.y II. B. S1ASSER. Suiiliury, July U, 184'J, HOOT, Dlttl tfUtr.AX ARTIST, STu. 140. enmrr of Fifth If Chrstwt fin., Phila delphia, mid 3H3 Bronilway corner of Frnnkliii Rtrrcl, New York. CITIZENS AM) STRANfll'RS run line a siltini; for 1'orlriiitn or Mininlurra, nnd rrri'ivr tliom IxMintifiilly rnscd, in morocro, Silk velvet, l'tijiirr Marlic, or olhrr liitiry ntj lcs, or in oli'ilullioiiK, Iioi-ki'H, &c, in a i'cw niinulcs. Daguerreotypes, Paintuigs, Drawings, &c. Copied. Out iloor Virwn, ami Minmtttrrs of ileccaHcd prrDnii, tnkon nt slmrl notico. Tor l'ortrnitdof Ailnltd by ourirorf,ntiil Im provnl IiiHtriiniPiit!", n rloiiilf day is quite u lu voriililo an rlrnr weather. For Cliil.lrrii. a i lear cloy (lirtworn 11 ami 2) is EI' I" Divas avoid wliitc, liluo or li'lit iink. . . Ourtiallcrv will. il P'x TW MnLiU and M'mk!- of Art, oprn at nil liotirK, ami l'rer. W'luMlirr vi-itor wi!i picture taken or not, v.c fh.ill nt all limrs If happy to tl"'iii. June I Hot). J. THOrvSAS, j Ornnmeiitul nnd Trench Style Frame ! Manufacturer, SOi Wtdnvtst , bdtrccn 3.7 cut (h $!rccf. T") KsrKCTn jil.V tliroets tln iittPut'.An f tin- pulilii' to hi sni-mor sty Ira oi' lMniit mid I'atii'v Krntnrs, whifli hit of tin hc ami most. liriUiliCul (liMin. As hiiinlotnr Fninir nt n LOW lM!l('Kt lt:i 1'Crn nun It iliirrd, lio. xa imlnccd noniP inoiitlis ituT to rnminrili c tlio tiianufiirtuiv ot tlirsr rrntnr?!. In a shnrt time ImC fknmml !ms Wit so Bfrral, til-it lie lias Ivom o!'it,'od to itiiTO.tx liis facililics atul in v uH'cr at i:ti:i:iHM.iA' i.ow riiin:H, r-'itiply, or in tlioiisuinlH, tin nmt beautiful Framr, siiit;-ii!r fur l'liimiiis, l'rints, Datrurrrcotypc, Caiil.i, ui'., c. ; I) nihil it if ltt$upnwlt Hotel', I'uMir lV.iili!inL, StrainlioatH, Ntores, (':: I'liiet FurnituH-, uc, deeiTated in imitatio:i of carved Iln-ie-Wcd. t v" i'leasp rail and ser sprimnn, Mav a'l, 18o0 lv c;i:oui: j. isi:.iii:i. c i r v t a n i s i: r w u i: it t) m , .vo. 173 air.sxrr sti:i:i:t, (.1!M! r PTAT8 UOfvK.) irrKI!:tor Kiile, low for rasli or apprned rity p:iper. a lu re and well assorted stoek (if ('.iji.m:t ri;K.rn ;:F.. oi'tiio iciest patterns and of the liest w n!;inan!iip. Tlie assortment emliraees cm rv ar'.i.'ie, twfid or ornamental, eo:n lri!n suits ol' l.'niu in;r lloom l'drnitnre in llose weod a'lil Walnut, e(;uisile!y carved. KiN'Wii d Waliutt, and Mali"". my t 'hinnher 1'iuniline ; l'a tent Kvlension Dining Tallies, (aekiniwled.-ed to lie the liest now in use); l.ihrarv ijook 'a'ies, and a creat variety of pluin Parlor and t'luunlior Furiiiture, Curtains made and put up ill tlie liites! Paris fashions. Sprint .Valtr:i:'es, Hair Mattra ses, nnd Tea tlier ileds, tn:iile, to order, .. ll. All articles piireliased nt thin fstaliiisli ment are warranted of the liest materials nnd workmanship, and will lie packed to cany safely to any part ni the eountrv. Mav So, is.-, '-t m r tt "T" rT?iT i t r2l '25 l-KVI'S!!! eT, li V n i. a . s o.' tii I: 1'oe k ::T l.seri.Ai'irs, or, ljerv one his own Physician ! thirti- llTf jl A . ... ., 4 & . U ; , jj; in,r ..ulinr (!ise;i ttj . ' Ui 9 , ,. npwards of 13.-1 I'. ' oii.e.i?es iu i'e .3. i v hliane and form, nnd ni:il. formation!) of the irenerative s stetn, BV AV.ll. V(H M. I). 1 he time has now urried f".' that pCi'snns Hiilltn'iii'r froui secret lii.-easrs, need no more hecoine the victim of liuac kerv, as hv the prcseiipti.ius contained in i this Imol; any one may cure himself, without hind rance to liiisiuess, or the knowledge of any one, ami one tentli tlie usual evjiciicr. In ndth- lion to the amoral routine of private disease, it tullv exil.iiusl!ie i of manhood's e.nlv decline. Witll ol j other derangements which it would not lie per to enumerate. pro- j L-'Aiiy person sendiii twktv-i ivi: ( i: rs enclosed in a li tter, will receive one ropy of this hook, hy mail, or f.e copies will he senl for one dollar. ' Address, "Dli. V. VOC.N't;, So. l.VJ M'IMjCK rSreet.PnlI,.Di:l,PHI.." Post-paid, IV DK. iOl .Ntl can he coiisiiln d on any of the Diseases deserihed in his dillcicnt pulilicatioiis, at his Oliiee, l.VJ SPKI CF. Sln-ct. evciv day he- j tvveen 11 und ii o'clock. (Sunday s'excejileil.) Philadelphia, -Nov. !), lisfitl. 1. I TONIC MIXTCUE, : Tint thi: Ct'itr. or Ki;vkh and Aiu-k. W 1 it A. NIK n. epitlS uar. oi'.l'-rl iiavtieine ih iv lie rclie-t on w!icn nnr i 1 i a.: .'111. i ri'iiii ilieMall. III. ':i!in" is n-il Miilieii iit I . I Kn 'wo-I'' ' the )'l 'iri.'l..r ili sin-s t'i rnl.iri' l:i- I..- M of its ii I i ii.-s liy tiiaton-.' kn m n iis viilui s an.! -...i.n lo llioiiMinil- ol muIi rcrs wlioare le-t awnie llial ll:e lie speeiu uiul radical:) ciiit-il ol I' and Aia i:. without tiie ne ol p'lisiiiiniiH ilriiL's, nauseous viiions or tit.' ,. :,-l,-r,''il. Tt.-,Is..r.l'll,,ll,-. It is i.ll.-re.l l.i tnr ; illi. le lit a I ov price lo ;!nre it willnn tlie rciu-li of nt!. -ts' r... )j it t i it w Ii i lle II :.-e ,1 .tlni to ilileetiiiiat w lil lu.d It a life nail siesty cine nir 1V. ER AMI llol C. It i ll "1 ft tli'i'l r-r:il .!e n ins.iil nii; e iinjioiin.l lint an nrree a' f' t.ii;ii' e i! 'n! ei-.l h Ilium ii tne .Iimmm-.'aiil iv'e hc.illliv a ii'Mi lie' -t im i--!i imil K i!.. l'n ;.ari il .'ivy liy M:n flisii .V l'o., ami il l wlinl'-naU-.i unit l'.'!:oi In Ituwyml A S'n. No. ',l Nnitii rttti Mii'.-t. l'lli!ai!''lill.:i I'liii' '-l pri' 1 1 1 1 1- lii.Ulr, Ulal 5 ptT li"Z. Jane o.i, 1.", ly V. F. PSDDRIGK'S (i.A i'i: PAi! or c. sruitACK) ai-iktili .llatuilacloi) and I'aint More, No 78 North Fourth Street, A 1'EW IMtlltS ABOVE CIIKUllV, WKSf S1HK, riliLADELPHIA. Constantly on hand und for salt, at redmcd prices, und of.n)nrwr quality, the Jul' oiciiL' artitlis, viz : Coni'li. Calnnrl. .l:iuiiiMei' it i i.l ilil Ctith Ynriii.l'fs ; 1 in; .Iiipan ; 11 t .1 .nni llaiat-Kn ai ; llrowu, liilc in, il Hut i'intit.,; rr.iaM'ta' ii , ; .niis", H'.useai il C.iaill Pain,, is' an.l Vnruutiers' Mat ol l.'.ls ; I't TTV IN 1(1 ANTI'I'II.S. PAIN IS. lili, IN (ill.. AND Pltl: I'AUkU I'Olt IM.Ulvl.IATK I Si: ; Ali.'aiier.' Vllllllsil. ae uii l A. i'ls : 111 irk Jaiian 1 a liua : A,ll, il ,.l..r l iincv Wnrk : t'i nail a n,l"W Cla.-M Artists' I'.. : Ni-nla I'.ks till: (i.4.1. Silver. 1,1. Silv.T. aurt lt',pt-r Itn'Me ; (,1a " vcij baau.ta S;j,e U.a, -1,11.4; iu,tl I. nits. Dry und in Tua and ti-iH' iii 1 .'! ; Zier's Dual Hi't. Aii Wiilinif Ink June '!, Id. OWN S FssF.NCE OF il.(iKlt new supply of this excellent article ju.t rel ived and lor .Ue hy II. li. MAtSMKli. Sunl'iiry, .March id,' 1X.')0. BLA.NK DKKUS printed on the best uualii y cf parchment paja r, nold at the lowtol prii 1 1 at this oliiee, hy wholesale and retail. JiLANKS. BJI.AN U.S tii't'vt ry tlsiritiou van he lml hy a; j , tjio ut the uHite oi the Aiiu'riran. ji:KK W1HTEBKANUY FOU W:iKK- l.Mi, just riwiu-il a nii lor wait bv il. 13. MASSER. Sqit. 185(1. 1 isTE PAITK. Ytlluw Tissue pur for rmerint; glubM;!., &r.t lor kuIo at the oiliec o( the American. 1 MJAS, from the New Vork Canton and iVkin i'ca Company. I'ui jle l,v J. W. FRILLNO. fmibiity, Fee. 3, IS4S CHERRY PECTORAL: for the Curd f COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BROM. OHITIS, CROUP, ASTH XVXA, WHOOFIZfG.COUOH AZfD CONSUMPTION. Thi truly vnlimliln Semedv for all diseases of the I.uncs and Throat, hasheeomc thf chief reli ance of the nlllictcd an it is the most rrrtnin cure known for the nhove coniplaiuts. While ilia powerful remrdial aixrnM In the trlost desperate and nlmost hopeless eases of (', it i aim, nt diminished doseft one ofthe million Rnil most naicealile family medicine for eominou ronimon rotitrlta nnd rolds. holow the opin ion of men who are known to the w orld, and the world respect their opinions., l'KOM PliOKKsSOK HITCHCOCK, '.lames f '. A ver Sir : I have used your "Cum Itv ParTiii:..!.,' in my own ease of deep-iwated liioncliitis, nnd am Kt'.isf.ed from its chemical constitution that i! is an ndtniralile compound for the relief of laryncial und lironchi .l diliieul'.ira. If my opinion a lo its superior character can he of any service vouarc ut li'oerty to use it as you. think proper. KUWAKD linCHCOCIC. 1,1.1)., President of Anihon t College. Vroiti tlie '-London l.aneet." -AYUii'S Clii:ia:V PlirTOKAl. isone of the most valualiie preparations that h..s fallen un der our notice. After n can fill examination, we do not hesilate to say we have n Ifirjc apprecia tion of its merits and the fullest confidence in its usefulness for roughs and luu complaints." I'r. lirewster, of Windham Co., Conn., sends us tiie following testimony. Dr. J.C. Ayer Dear Sir: 1 enrlope you a certificate from .Mrs. Catharine K. ('adv. il highly . respcetahle ladv of Illi illai;e, wife of .Mr. Sctli I l ady, Deputy Sheriff, Windham Co., Connee'i eut. Thccvre in her case was very prompt, and hasattraeted general attention, W. A. Dili; WsTKR, M. 1). ; Wi st Ki i.i.i m.I.v, CI., Sept. iiS IS IS. This in iv certify that I was nlllictcd withaverv ' severe ciiuuli iu the winter of "47-S, which thrcat . tened to terminate in Consumption. I had Iried many medicines in vain, and was cured hy the j usu of "Avcr'n Cherry Pectoral." CATHinU.N'i: K.CADV. From Dr. Ilrvnnt, Dnpruist and Postmaster, Chicopee 1'alU, .Mass: . Dr. .1. C. Aver Dear fir: Kudosed please find rcmi'.;anec'f,i; a!lthcClli:ia;V PIX'TOKAI. la.-t tent me. 1 ran unhesitatingly sav, that no medicine we sell .ivi s such satisfaction as youi's :doc.; nor Jia.e 1 ever seen a medicine which ' cured so many eases of (.'ouiili and l.tunr t 'om- plaints. Our Phisii'iaus are usiu;r it extensively , in tin ir practice, and w ith the happiest effects. ! Truly oms, 1). .M. 1IKYANT. I'ltl.PAIU.II 11 T J.C. IV KIl, (Ill.M IS C,I.OVVKLl., M ASS. ' t Sold liy Henry Masser. Sunliury; Mary , A. McCny, .N'orthumlierlamD Dr. Cenrliart, Se ( lins-rove ; Dr. Ueckly, Danville, and Druists i Hi'iierally . j Ji'lv (I, IS.'O.- lyee:im ! M IIOOAXY VXD MAK11LK. ,4Xt T! !I(i SI2(H , Corner p' l'lcvnilh nntl Hide Iiuad. ; ' AND CABINET MAKERS. a ;:,'.; l i-vttsismsu stor :. .Vo. 1L14 .sV'ii(,'i Second Si reel, below Dock St., Piiihpi:i,1'III . ! r"l!n suliscrilicrs w'ouM call Ihe sjiecial alten i i tiou of Cabinet .Makers and others, to their i very extensive assortment of materials in their ' line, consisting of Mahogany Veneers, Hoards and I Plank, Hair Cloth, Curled Hair, Ulue, Varnish, I.ookimr Class Plates. .Mahoiranv Knohs, Hed Posts, Marhlc '1'ops, and every description of t, . . .... ' Ei:jrM arc ooi, ttc. i Caliinet Makers vesidin; out ofthe City, would I find it j;ieatlv to their ! store to i,iirrii:ii k::i-Ii advantage to call at our material as Ihcv want, connected with their Inisnicss. All our cr.u.ds are W A IMi.WTKD, of the Wsl quality, and at very reduced prices. Our Terms arc Cnh, (no trade.) We guarantee lo (;ie c.ery man the worth of hi i money. T. .V 1.. THOMPSON'. N. H. M ahoiiany, Walnut and Hand Kail Plank, and Stair lialluslers fur liuildrrH, ulso Maihle Mantles, always on hand, and e. civ de scription of turned work. June S, lsitl. lv "DEATH'S DOOR." How friueiitly ((. we hear this rxprewtnti, whh h is ' meant t.. c 'iiw y lu the timut lac Lis. Hn;;c of Nickufi tirji n puiicnt can hr minced in, and live". .Mrs. Hani i) 'li, a inemher i't the Tiuuiy Chinch, wan. us site cxprr. , frr.- Ic if.-h. linili-nt il.iwil I " Ui'ilt IIS dnnr,'1 iiyl.hcu- lli itlsiu and NtTv -lis li.Md.i -hc, when, like an tiugi I of lueiey, liii(lw;iv:s Heady lleti.-f icliuvnl her of tier wveie 1'iii.hainl rest iretlh'-T t" ht-r friends in pi rirct healih 'V ie ver ln.ttanl K'elu.iv licady lielicf in applied. Its ' hetjeiiei il c!l -ets arc cji. nem cd. il k ".tlun, hem-., cc;im- ' s and p'in!i"j: it!y allays irriiaiinn, reducei. m. ' li iiii.,i.ill"ais and sw UiMLfs. rehev. a lh m vl severe Ncn-ra.-;c p-iins, ni vi case pi limns. Seal. Is. S rchf Crupliuns i eaieH Uhi iiin .(if 111, I .'n.iliay... li.'iit. I'aialysiN. Spiamti, S'tniiis. SpaMi;s. .id NeeK. eakuevs ni i iii Side mid Mack, t 're of till koiile. Iiali, l.niises. Chafes. L n e ; Tnroat. liiiiue.ta, ll-t..iseu' .,, Cdit'lis, Colds, '. TtuiTU At nr. ci i;i:i i skciau. I Tau t":!niiii' miVeti u ran he ruled in an ins'aiil, for j tin; in '1111111 liieltil.if t ll'-tics lie lua ve. the p'jjn i iru- lluatcd. S with Tie IVi'f icii; nnd llcitnerania. N' tiral i,t iiiiu hick llcidachc Irnllie the pans wlicie tiie pain I is iu. si ttcverc, mi't in a I' -w nii.iircs y..n nl he tutiicly reliev ed. Takell lllieril llly it Wi.t ai'M l tilt' III St lloletll j Spristan and Cinuiv. stop voiai'iiie; 1 mmdi piij-j-iMi, in 1. ii eases it will tfive t n-nr-l ti ..r Wvakiiess, raw lor p am, health f ir Mckue,-..s. .n He.,d. Uenci is ciiuuie uu ItsiV'iedl.y ItAllWAY V CO.. l& Cnit. n Ptiret. I I.K.AM TON. I T It I tl In IT S. I TO KMliCl.l.tMl Al lAII.Wt'li Tllli CHARMS i Oh' 1:1; VCTY. It AUWAV1 Aifcl'it' A I KM SiiAP. Railway's M-iti-vied S ap, s lai orahly kn iwn fhr..uh. j n it lite iasht'.ii;tl.e wm Id for in exirnuely hlahl, puruy j ua: mid S'iolln;ii- rilcets on the skin ; while hy lis action j on the p rcs uinl the liilhU'r tt cietuiy rskt-lB ll expels Mil I impurities If mi tlie mrfnee, alls every leiuh-ury lo iti : ll.iiimiaiimi, nnd fticeiualiy itiipat'.s 'all rcines, tan, 1 pimples, snnln. frei klei. disc iitili n- and ntlier rutaiie ms ei nplLous Tne tadiiinl Ii, .in ll I input s I i llie iluvlv, lliu i arms. its'rniluli(y ,'. s ...'th.inr inirmi m and rem.'. n.v eu- ( Linens deiceia, render it uidipt 1 1 cvi ry in. lei. ," '" " ''"' " v in' win 11 1 it 1 11 inxivs all 11 1 itatiou 1 nnd tciideriu-h nf tin- tkm. and reult.s li soft smooth and llJetiKUll. During the heat uut! wni"l i ( inter : mul rlnlh'ain, chapped ha. irlu. s li.ic li UKa-xl ' dust of biumiier, nr frost mul bleak in ens. s nf Minh'irn, nt im: ni uisccis ids, nt lent il'.'n, its j.u nsi civ U'oa ttt kaowicdiied. It h mid Tcire 'hli: i.i inifti, have nUahied it ht Ice llmi U.nil thelh Uiinds nt oilirr tvisinettea. h tll nl Kllfo. ' pe 10 till. I d HiUsllf III inul.tcl.uit, !)- tin: U-il I HI nf uUpJJltS nt th-- lashi 'tial.Ie w-'tl.l. f, m the hm nni-,' tmpies t. iti ; fr,.-n r'-ahns nf Ihe lee Kivsr Tlie puhlie wij plcns 1 li.-itr ii mi ud Ihut i;adua s Alctlieaioii tsip. u tlie only ! Ml" pi-"'pai ili"ii t' 1 the t'v.n imw in US': ; dux hns U;u eenil.ed 1 ' hy "Hi lit st p..tniii..-nt laieii.:, (taduav's S up is free fmin poisonous, irrii itini' nn-l pcrnn-i -lis in I j:i . thrills, it; ran lir' ut:d oil the lender skill ol Ihe infant tih ihe r line li ip,.; icsnlis i.m np"ii ln-.nny in ils prune. Sevllial ( 'ndi eakc is tuv.-i"pd in a splendid lihcl nf ' .ec! i".."';ivni',' and llirtllui I he hi-nal i.f e n fl . 1 ii. li ADW A is up"ii eucii ciio. Tucv l rns, bi"e i cake. I tui; ckowim; ok.v.iiiem or iii:al i v 1.-4A lAXLIUAXT HilAD OF OLOSSV HA IK. UAliMA.'o I lUVASsilA.N UA L.V. Warranted tiie l:t JIair Tonic in u$ct For Dremniitf and Heaulif iini tlie linir. It cliams. liit: Sculp fmin liandrulf. keeps it elean. cures Kiirvcvr Uaiduis, and Suies mi the Uead stop ttm hair li' in failing out, lender it strum;, Utiv, sunsiih, snlt und ylossy. Persnns who hnvi- ! .hi tlicir hair hy ickius will nnd u rompicu-mil idnie in Ituilwiiv'i Cireasitm Balm. It aUu gu t s il u d-irk and leuutifui e..r uml will prw.-ot it it.'in lunniiij frrry. I rt'iiiiii rxiiihiif nuiliv, il is uUnu uilii,lnt f, ,1 il liair 01 elal.lreii 01 tli.'uio.t tcnuVr uue. U is 'l't iu luiKe u,,lil, i.,i 'Jj eeuu S-r bottlr. anil 1. wuriuuttsi lliu heat hair ,r,inili,iu 111 ue, it will not iii the hat. cap, 01 the liuem ialirie. Wee that llie aiitua tureol R AUWAV & CO., 1, usi rai-h botlln no Oir. rasaiau liaJiu a. ifeauiua wulioui Ui aiyiuvlura ol iiudwiiy Agent II. B. Muwer, Suubury. Aua 10, ItvM ci-Jiiily C"AP8. An assortment just received. , J nlk 11 A'l'Ji at $-i-i:, lor tale bv Also 1LMASSF.K. Kuubury, Dec. 2, 1849. MVER COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE, DYSFEPSfA. CHRONIC OR il!.iVUJ dkhimty, ihskasu OK THE KIDNEYS, A' NO nil (HmMiwrniTifiiif from a ilirdnrn! livi-r or itiv nmeli, tu'-h imciniBtiiMtlioii, inwHrtl Piles. la i t., it..- 1 i .,;.ii t i. v , i"'i in inn ikum, n' i'mij i c fi"intt ii. .mieiii,! IT',nrtlnin lir-ititt for Fivh(, fnlltienn ir Wricht in the ftomai'h, rtir KriielMitmH, inkiinr of rlnHprmv nt th pit ii inn TMmnneit, nwimninn- oi uieiifnti, iiiirrienintililitlieiiit hreiithiiijf, finite ring nt thf lioirt, phorsiuif or m(Tentiiii? nennniinn 'hrii inn lyinir pnsnii'e. l)tmneM f Vinion, (I'lTHnr wehs lieforr-llie tiiihl, PeVfr mnl iliill pit i n in the lienil, (lefieienrv nf ivrpirtititm, VeHnwiienii nf 1)10 nk in mid rv-n, prdit In thft iiile , Iwiek, rhefit, litul.i. Ac., undileii lltirdiet ol lunt Imrnlnff in the flenh, rnumnnt ininixtniiign of evil, und deprewioh nf ppir lt(tv CAN HK Kl-FKCTlAld.V Cl llVd) MY H0CPLA1TD3 K IXMIRATI l i I It yK IUTTEI19, rtlKI'AKltll BY DR.C, M. JACKSON, AT TII K GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, No. lifl Arrh St., riillndpliihln. Their power nvrr the :iti ive ilipe!f! m not ftrelled, if pmltt d. I v iiny olhrr prrpnriit ion in tii- I'niied tni'e, up tlirnip-i! intent, in ninny e;iic8 u( tt-r kilhiil piijuiriiniii hud tailed. Thfrit; (Jitirrt nre worlhv ihry ntlrntion nf invuliilji. Pornesinj-tm-nt virtue in t ho r-'eidleiition nf tliinviKeii ui Hit! I.iver mid lewi' kI:iiii1m. rxereinieir tlie itiont neurrliinsj powers in weiiknrm ;nid tiiri-rtienfi ni tlie diyrslivc urana, tliey are, wilhul. cnie, rermin rnid phni;iiit. n't'jiil Hie HnHtou Hee l Thr 1.dilnr nid. Vn: 'D. Jlnnvi.AMi Cn.iiTiriATEn Chum ItiTrnm f-T the etirr nf l.ivrr Cftnipl,iiiil..l;iniidief. )VKpepiiiii. Chronic or Nervous DHi lit y, is (lewrvinlly on n'i tin iii-mt nipn. lur me-.iioiiK s of the" diiv. These Mitten Imve liven used hy thommnits, nnd n friend nt nnr elhow wiys he hns hnn Helf received tilt elfeetli;il mid periliiiiieitt ciil'r of 1-iver Cniiiplniiit from Ihe use nf thi remedy. lire rmivineed tlmt, in the nne nf these Hittem, ltn put ieut eniiHtmit ly irniiii stmnirth nnd viirov n fuel wnrthyof reul eonnide niti"ii. Tliey art pJnmil in inste unit ainell, nnd can lr nscil hy piTS-'iis with Ihe moM delieute ioiiiieliH willi Nile ly, under any eireiimsimiecs. We nre npi-iikim: Iroin tx perienee. mid tii i(ih nlllieird -n itdvite I heir use." .liiOLic M . M . XOn. a pniilieinnii with irrrtil sciriliilie in id li'er;iry iiitiiinmeiiis, Mid Ynik Vieiy Mesu.'iitier," .Imiuarj d, 'lr. HooH-nid lierinin Hitters. Here in prepmntii-u wlii 'h tlie IujuIiiih presvei in tlie I ijimn appear lo he immit hioiim in recoinniendinu. mid the renson is ohvious. ll in intnlc niter n piet:riptniii runlml hy one nf the moat pele. hr-ited physieimis of upKieni times, tin lute Hr. Chr steplier W'lllicliii I lo illmid, I'rirfcMt ir in the Tniversity o .leim, pn:ite I'liVMiciiin to the Km? of I'rnrsiu. nnd one ofthe yrcntisd imdinil wiit-rs ' icrnirinv lins ever pnnlneed. He w:is eniphiif ii-:illy the enemy of Inmihiiir, mid thi'tcfore n niriliciii" nf which he wns the invi'iitor mid tind 'rser nuiv hr e.'iillileiilh-relied i.ii, lie ypceiuliv Tei-.iiniiKllded it in l.i vi r I'liiinil-iiiit Ih- 1 1, I, thi v' Vfrlprn. Acid it v nt the stom-tcii. toiisii'tKiiinn, mid nil eompltiints nrivimr Irom ' tl dif inh-red poiidilion iH' tin stonmeh, the liver mid llifi inief! iiics. Nine IMnlndchlliiii papers ex prepi their .on ic. tiou of its rtcellence, mid Several of the edit"ia f peak of itscilrets from their own individual experience. I'nder thi'le eireliiiiKlm.cei. t't-rl v:irrrnit ed. tint nii!v in C.llhilf the tiMeiitlon fif nnr re;idci to the present present propm j tor's (Hr. M. .Ineks n's) prejui ration, Imt in ret- munciul the aiLicle ton I mllii'lnl " More KviiUncc The hiladrlplim Silnrdnv tiaztte," ih bsst fmnily iicvvspnper puhlidheil in Uic l iuted Stales, the editor uys nf Dr. JfoojlnutVs (icrman Hitters. "It f seldom that we ree-muiiend wiiat nre terni'-d In tent .Medicine. t the eonhttenee and pjitronairo nf nnr1 leulers; mid,, when we rreoiiuiieiid I .n f- laud's Iti-rmni Hitters, we w in il tn he distinctly inulei k'imI that we nre n it spe.ikinl nf the if strums of the i day, that me n -ised ithmit 1 i a hii'fpcrioj r-nd th.n for , irotlen nfliM lin y ha cil 'tie their mult) race nl niisehiei. hut if h incilieine Uwt esiahlis'n :, iiiiivci s illv pti;.''d. and I which has net tlie heaity nppionl ol tlie faenliy il.ill J'liat litis medicine will cure l.iver Complaint and Dys I pepsia, n i niie eaiidi'tlht. after irinvi il iiv direct eil. It nets pecilie dly upon tlie si 'iinehmid livei it is preiV' rnhlc j local line) in nil luiu 'lis diseases the cllcct is illi diut They can he ndtiiinistcied tn Ccn.ile or Infant with s ue1 j mid reluihle heurtit, ui tiny time. I hkwap.i; or roi Ni kkthit. This medicine has al.atJird llmi lii-,-1! ciiaun-ter which is j neciHSirv f. .rail medicines tn attain to imhiee e-nintettViters j t" pal I'-nh a ."pin I'ais article ut the n.k nf the lives of iui'Sl' are mid iceill iV Ue.ielVeil, i.ttoK Tin; maiiks or thi: (.i:i iniv They have the written siiiiriture nf C. M, JAt'KSON ep. 'ii the wrapper, mi-l the uunie hlown ill tiie Ik.uIp, wiih mir which tin y arc spill i 'lis, 1'nr Nile, wholesale and retail, the (ermun Muimnc Store, No. 1'J'l AliCH Sfreet, niie donr lv Si.Tlh. (bile of it Hace street.) 'hil.i( t hia. and hy lespeetahle dcjle.s ijeiiTalty thrniiL'lioiit tlie e miitrv. . l-'nr wile hy ,.Mam:s. Pnnhury. ml M. A. .M'i'av. N.iriliimihrrland. Aucust I?. is;o Iv ZESTS &. CO., i m pi. it t t: it s hk for i:i(! n Books, Prints, Engravings, Stationary (Jill i iaiiic snitl .lIiiMlcal lustru mcufw. Xj. 7S North 2nd St., hetween Areh & Kaee, I'lllUAlll.Ll'Ill A. T M POUT to order and have eoustautlv on hand ' a very lai(;e assortment of pooiis in iho ahove named lines at wholesale and retail. Priueipally : 03 CO CO LL1 523 In (ierman, I.atln, (ireek, ilehrew, Frencli, Italian Spanish and other lale.'.lia.'es ; ('lassies, Ilieliou- lines, I, rammers, oeainilanes, &el:ool, Juvenile, Pieture, DrawiiiK and Model Hooks tor Arehiteets Caliinet, ('arriaue and other maiiufaeturiTK. ; .MAPS,(;I.Oi;P..S and lilank Dooke of every deseription. Splendid l.ithoyraphie and other ; Prints. Ml'SICAL INSTIlt .ii:ts. ! Aeeordeons, llanjos, llowa for all strimj instru- I ments, ljiidi;e und Tailpieees, Clarionets, Piles, I'lneolets, Flutes, (iuitars, Octavo Flutes, Patent , Heads for (iilitars and Violineellos, 'J'amliouriues, j 'I'uuim; Forks and Hammers, Violins, Violin and i d'uitar Pes, Violineellos and firings for all kinds j of Iiistiiiinenif; Whohaale and Pelail. Aceor- ; deons repaired. i Also eoustautlv on hand, wholesale and retail, a large tissortmeut of the very hest canraiAr eiionzb powdeh Duteh Mi.'tal, Freneh und Fl. irenec Leal M(tal . Thermometers, Hairpeneils.-Falier and other I l.eadieiicils, lied, While and lllaek Chalk Cray ons, .Mnlhematieal Iiistrunieuls, Seartieators, virinn l.uneits Pocket Proscription and tiold Scale and Weights Letter, Fancy colored und frill Paper Playimr Cards and other French and (ieriuan Fancy Articles, for the sale of which they are the MAN L'FACTI KliKS AliCNTS. July C, ISoO. ....... ...... - IlKADY MAIM 1: !'. take this method to inform the readers of the Sunlnirv American, that, should they Ls;l, Philadelphia, inquest of Good and Cheap Clothing, nnd favor u with a call, they shall not he disap pointed in obtaining the best ol armeliti at the lowest cash prices. W e have now 0:1 hand the largest ussorluicnt ever oll'crod in Philadelphia, anion-c which are lUF.SS and FIIOCK COATS' from !!. to s8, PAN'I'S ami 1TS from 7.r ' cts. to 5. OVElt COATS, CLOAKS, 111 si-; NF.sS sAtaC COAT' and COATTKF.S, all ol I n 'bokl ut btu ll i Wvn as to make it 1 tu nly'cl (or tlie pt'ople ol' s.ut.lui'y uml lll0 liUr- Ijuudiu country to extend to us tiicir patronage. PF.KKVK. M NL1I.LK &. CO. South Fast corner of utUund .Market. July 13, 1830. T)UOVN"S p;ssKN'CK OF JAMAICA til.N (il'jK, an excellent article, livnw vi'a .Medicated Soap for nun hurna, tan. tetter, 'te. ilaawy's Circassian Palm, lor the hair dand ruff A e. Hallway's Hciuly Kelief for ('ram pi, C'holic, Cholera Morbtia, eve. For oule hv 11. ii. MAssiai. Suubury, 115. 3, ISTiO. in ,: L.M. All excellent article for sale HFN'KV ".MAbtiEU. Suubury Jan. 27th, 184'J tf. " OLD PKN's IN KILVEI! t'ASE.S. A small -- lot on liun J and for sale bv H U.MASSKK. t'unbury, April C, 1H50. IJAISINS, currants, citron, cheese, M'ppcr aauee, Acc For sale by J. VV. FK1LINU Suubury, Dec. 2, 1848. H7FJ0 DILLS. Justice! and Constable Pee li. It il la ImniUoincly printed 011 card paper, tor kale at Una oliiee. Ootton Van., Cotton Carju't Chain, Cotton Lapi and Wadding, Cotton Outlines, Heady made. Pantaloons, Keady made Vesta, Congress Knives, Porcelain lined prubttrting kettles, just receivinl lr wile by H.MASSUH. Suubury, Dec. 2, 1819. IH prnentinir ih pnhhr with n remedy for the tfflntment nnd ruront i'KVKn An Anri- nmlniiier hitioiis difitiscs, im i poh ivy i" ueed"ih nst numhers nt ihe nlted Males, who snU'e'r frnin lle-sr nff-vlion in Iheir vnrteji forms, nre eoitipelled to wck relief from nther smtrees tlum the imme- dtnti' nri set intiniis nf the reiiiil:ir physieian. It Im-ci'iiics therefore nt nlncl nf humnui'y, as Well us of puhlie inter pt!. tn lirin li-1!" tlicni a remedy prepared limn much ex nerietiif, nnd which tnnv n!w:n s he relied npm ns Rrrr.rTVt and irmi,vs to thk rnNnTiTrtinN. Ttm such if the true character nf the 1NIUA ( HOLAiiOHI I is nuip'y itMesteil hythc univetM! BUrecsi with which il has tieen vlfiplnyed. XIT Cxtriiet from n ri'tnnt'inicriii"n of 1 he J. m. Wit t.uv WniinrhinnE. nf the t". H, eimtv, lute (invernor nf liehiiriiii. PETHOIT. (let.!!!, IMO PnrTiin rHAT!Tii- Ofiimn. ll..-irSirl 1,-ivi. read with lunch illtlT'-f!. Votir ll'ite Tii KTtK upon the eaus 'S, t real iii' ld and cure1' 'M t I'clird.- iliU'tisi-v winch have so (M eitPt va lv pl'eVl-.iV'l Ol n ennnirv ihirini: the at lew tivn'hs an n.i-re-.t merca"(i no d inhr. h, 'he faetthat I huve individually si.ile."'l f much frmn them. Tlmut-h i i. myself very nv mpleiit in uiilue salcly np"M a" '( s i enure y pr n'-wni.". ? ' your t henry seems to me vd! p-is 'i,eii. mid your p i:e!it M"'lis jnsi. mt'l I Hunk withal, that your ';nilihl 't is CiVit luted hi priiduee much praclteal irond. fpe ilium m the imdie he sas :- It fully jns'iaed yoor flatter uar expcelnt inns, and rs a s-afe, A inva.i nt. mid pi mil iar remedy, iuv nwii c:pci it'iiiT-. s i far. induces intt lo h" hcvethal it Will pMveii cp-wt puMie lienelit. i mil p' -e-"'l I'i learn y u have recent 'v estahl.hed s-'Veial :c" -vwv ftr its di.-p siMnn th'.'iuh I n viet tiin'. with a viov I ' a lii'Tc cttei al diss' iniiiatti n n it. at t-li'ni!i1 ha'e l inid it iiece-:iry I" rein- ,. lM mi y .nr present residence nni' nji ny. W'ilii iiiudi respect 1 have the Ip u a lo I-'', tnr. Y-.ur nMi-yrd s..rv.ii, WW IdAM 'iMM)lllllni:. d?" T'rnm Ifon. fiTrrtinN X. U . 'I'ltowt'iunK, nt .Miclii pan Stale Senate, to the A'jent tit Detmit. HiiiMtN'.itA.vt. Oakland l'o.. Dee. H. t"-'U. Sir you wi.-h me tn mh rin mi what 1 know of Dr. Osmond's Iii'lia C!i"i.i;"irue, nr anii-l'ili us medicine. I do l.eheve if ihe irtiic and t iTn-aey nf this medicine were r-iu iiilly Known, the h-vi.k ami wnnid disappmr in .Michiuun. I poaired a l.)H!e in the pprini: nf l-tl. and have a-md rensnii to believe that ltis.- aed fanillv escaperl I tit n'lie scnsmi m nicnce nf h llP. Perhaps in im siimmcr since tlie sctiteiuent of thi fine peninsula, has the fever mid a-jne h- n so prevalent tis the last. I have re immeii'l'-d tins medicine iu num-mrs in stances, and wiien the l.-e had l.ce.aiie lixed and (.allied tlie t-kiit nf phiciaus: mid 1 have never kivwii il tad. 1 l;as umvcrsallv produecd the m-.s: hanpy rtlcets. mid I Let lieve it has never Keen p.cced-d l.v miv nieiliciue m rei:i i Vltig the hili"..s diKe:!S,-s of the eli.uate. Yours, respcc'MiUv. s'n:i'in: v. h. Tiuw!!Uinc,r. Airen foi Sunhurv ll. It. .MASSKK; Nnrihnnil.erl.iinl. WITHIMiTOM A'C".; .Mihon, .1. II. K ASCII; Sclins. cr.-vc. MAY KI.OSi;. .Mav ii, l l j 1 1 I!! 1 1. A Si: J,P!J I V EZEBICAIi I-10USI2, ESTAI'.I.ISHKD 15 YKAP.S Alio. HV 1)1. KINKI'JJN, .Y. W. ('timer tf Thtnl and U,iim Street.) liKTWKHX SI'ltrCK AM) IM N B STUKI'.TS, 111'TCCN Yi:Ai:S n et(piie and uniut rruptrd i piac'.ice spenl in tins city have reudeietj Dr. lv tii-' 1 in 'K expert antl nceesvin! praeiilt ner far and lit a.-, , iu iht; treatment nf all "l ti rivule nature. I'riM ins ulliie'ed Willi uh'ciS ii;. -U I lie h '.iy. till' llt , " ir Ic!-'. pai"S nt ; tin- ln-;idor hours, u.ei,. I'ltcmuat isai. strictures. utaVel. 1 diS''a"e tiriMim tr,,m yi-iiiliiuli ex 'esses .ir impiiiiiies nl the hi in.l. wherehy th' c .nsi im: i. -n hivinc taileehl' d, tire lill treated with Siieces; j lie who pi s himself mni' i tlie care of Dr. K., may r'- I lini -ni!y c in'ii!'- in hi." Ii 'n -r a L-em U in in, and e 'Uli.leut- )' rely lli 'il l.os tlll as a paxsieian. I TAKi: hau i'u i:i,.ii otici:. Ynini: .M ai wli ' have ed iaein' !ve hy a perinin pi net ice ind.ilL'il in a halat frcjucnilv learned 1 1 om evil e.niipaiii 'iis nr at s'-liu. I :hc t li'eeis oi which are t.ijhlly I t'elt, eVCll V.'liell a." lee, (!:'. 1'"V h ilitUlilld lllt l h'tl, J shiiiilil apply ininiediately. Weakiiess mid e 'iistiti'tinii:.! del nni y I 'f-s ot n;:;-"u:j'' enerey, physical asiiti.e au.l : u eral pr is rati n, ii rita! ;tiy ai.d all ii'-rv ais nth-ei j ir. indt ircstinn. shij'ii.simcss t'i'1 licr. - i-1 every discnirin an' way i-.niicci ," : t !ie t'ts a - r ! tl.e piu",ie; Hn.e tions cured, nid f"!l r restore.!. vorrn and, A vipfirotis lifo or a pn'iiintuie death. KINKEL1N on self Prrsrrvatioii. ONLY '.'3 C'KNTS. Tliis ll'iok .iiis; ,iiMihIii'(! is fill, -,l Willi upefiil nit'oriiiat i"il (Ml 1 1 ', Ill I, rill I ' IC !,M i im-IS''R I tl:' (i'lHTllil-e (llL':lll.. j ll ii,l:!reKs.r aiiki- !, (it Til. M A NIK Kill and til. I) Alii:, an.l Mi.ii.M In' leiul l.y a'.l. ! Tile vnlll.lli'e li'l ti' ami il'i ,,r,'ssi e wall'ias it HIV, iwill pii-veal ,"irs i ii nasi ; y a. i.l .sia.. ruei aa,l itvc auauaU ly T!i'His.n,ls ni l.H. s. I'areals !i reaili.iL' il w ill I. -am Ii v to prevent tlie ilrs- : trii''li.'H .a' lln ir eluMi rt'iiiltlani',' "l" ,'!',s,-,l in n I'-lliT. ml- ,lr. Hit i; . ruer ol 'l'lllli!) A rtii. w.'i'ii S, r.. .V i'ln '. Pliiintl. !;iin:i. j'.'i i.'lara "I mail. jir. lv. i,y letn r. (posl- s. i ii r i :c rn ins. e . '. j a it h;i sieliie I'l.-ul ! Cinvas'sfrs. mill all ri. at Vfry law rates. Will CIISIIIV II I, . 'k. lll,'I''i' 'l! ,1 I'.ts aisat ti ili-l iiiee :i.ti lie pai.1.1 ini'l !' I at Ii :i:i'. r.ciA(.i:s op Mriiirin I" ,re.ii li 'l l-v s.'iiiltt'. a i .'n.iil.Uit', 11AM Al.t: ,.r l l KldSTV. Ilo ik-s-ll-r.. ,'v Aaeiils.I',., ollii-r. sil:,;-!.'il with (lie nUiyc W' l'eljraary H, ly A CALL TO HOTJSEIIESrESS At tilt; iil.htct ITiiic ttootii uf si:irx IIOIMT & CO. Karket Square, Also at thr corner of Ftm-n sir'ct ,V th' Railroad cU'Mil'KV, PA. ' Thankful for the p itronaje of his friends an.l customers ilur'uni llie 17 years he has heen iu busi ness in this place, he solicits frmn ihe public a con linuaiiee of their favors. Durim; this period he has endeavored to keep up villi the improvements ofthe day, and ha.s ae. or, ct. nihil his luisi ness in ccrv I ire -.ah and variety. The public are therefore invited io the atte.iti.ei of (he present stock of t.'AI'l.KT WAtll-: AM) CIt VIIJS. 1 ,, ' ' -1 AM'K.WTfllKl) BV tE3ASTIAl KOUPT & CO. At thf Old Stand, W here in addition to Iheir former slock of Ihe istahlishincnl they now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut Cz Cane-Seat Chairs. ljtrne Sjtrimr Hoi-Lin Chairs, Duasine; Jitrcutis, Centre Tables, .Uar'Je Top Wadi Stands, and a varieli of other new ulyle and Zihin:tlik' E'eirijiluee. Having ecured a Hearse ami made the neces sary airanevincnts for the purpone, Ihey are now ),iepared fur I lah ilakiim in all its launches, in this vicinity or ut any convenient distance. Ye lilaiils aii,l mis: ri-ssea. uial liat'Mi'lr. I'Hi, Here's riii'iiilare ,,f every ty!eanl line, Froin si.le thmrils itowa to kitctin tallies, From roekieir chain to icekiii't eiatllet lioultl you llnl titil'e tils rellily Jon. t. pay, We'll wail awhile for u tire.-liier 1,,-urr .lay, tlr tako KitatocB. ,ian., corn, wt.rat and rve Dark, lioop p,l.'. mvi', or laitii."r wet mul .ir:, tlr liny Itia,? tail yokrs uml Taresliia rlailn, 1'ioiu pim 1111,1 tai'..ii il,,ni 1,, hule ipm!,. (.'ouie 011 llieti t'i ieiuls. euine oiu- unit nil, Keep Inulr 11 lll., iej;, s,i "1; 111 ,,a llie hull." Vi" Orders from a distance promplly attended to and woi k of all kinds delticrcd with dispatch. Suubury, March 9, lsjll tf l.l'lll t VIE 1.111 UK MOItE HITTING kV WATKltMAX, Importers and Dealers in Liquors, No. 220 Market street, Philadttidia, OK FEU for sale, the eheajiest and best assort ment of Liipiors in Philadelphia, such aa Cluunpairiie, Sherries, Port, Sleek, Claret, Ilnr gundica, Suuturn, Hartac, Maderig, Lisbon, Tenerilli) and Sicily W'inea. 1! randies ofthe choicest brands, viz: Magliiia, Olard, Ponet, llcnmsy, &(!, de. Fine Holland tun, .Monongahcla, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, &e., &c. Hotels and the country trade supplied a Phila delphia prices on the most liberal terms. July 13, 1850 1 AZOHS. A buperior article for sale at the store of HENRY MASSE K. Sunhury, Keb. 10, 1850, JJANK NOTE TA15LK. COIlllECTEl) WEEKLY. ri'.NN-lVI.VAMA. I ?ITV it, ,ti, ... M.WACAT'HKTTfi. All eolvrnt hunks j dit KIMIDK ISI.ANP All tolvent Ivinks J ths tO.WIXTICl'T. All solvent I'Jinks 1 NKW YOHK. ITY. . V. Ilank tinl mi m dli All tolveiit I milks t m JltRT. Hftllk nf ChnmtnTshMTg 1 dis ltnnli of Chm..r Vn. nnr T!in in uei.iii, l.lienter I !.... I. -i i 1 Tiiinnin Mrrinninnwii Hitiik nf ettys!mr(- purl. !l solvent hunks I 1 disli?Hk notes under 5 j di nuns ni iiewisinwn ttioik nf Middletnwn 1 dml rnwsTHT All solvent! hanks 1 dil NKW JKHSKY. Helvidcre Mank 1 Moiitgomerv t.o limik nnr i-iiiiK in .iiriiiiiiiiiitTl mi pin I'llllkOI I'M TFntiref Ihliik ("f D.'invilk' 1 dis t'oniuitreinl Han It j par I'iir. Hank a! out Holly par t'nrlisle Hank 1 dis r. M.,.Middlelown I'I. par CohimhiH ll'k Hgec' pari.MechaniejT Hk. Newark par par Mech. Hk of Hnrhmitoii pur piir'Meeh.A- Man. Ilk, Trent pur D"VelsoWtl Hunk Knstuii Mank Krie Hiiuk 2 dts. .Morns Co Mmik j dis , d)s l-'.xchanye H'kPittshutp 1 dis Newark Hk'-r Ins.C'i Ivxehan-'re H'k. Hinncii 1 dis'Omnire Hank rnrllls, H'k. HneksCo par'cpl.-'n Ilk Patters.iu I'anners' Hk, Lancaster par I'rinci rn Hank I'Drilie;' H. Urartinff pur Salem Hnukim Co, Farm. Hk S -'oivfkiU Co par.S -mcrn t Ci Hank r t D. Hk Wn'viiesirp I ''its Suite Hank )M Crnudrn Cranklin Jfk. Wasli'ii .lis Suite Hk Khz-d-dhtmi ll'irrishiirir Hank I iti S'atc Hank Newark : dis dis par par 3 (lis par ! ois ; dm Hnt: ae hank J iIim Slate It!;. N. Humswick tar J.ieienstir Hank par,Sii!sex JanK. .Ncwt'in J ti: Hank l.clianon l.aiiK p'T Mereh. ,V Man. Hunk 1 dis1 Miiiets' H'k. I'Mtsv.Ile ier Trent -it Haiikuitr Co p.- t'nimi Hank, Dover (IIS Viinlleyv'le Del DrC :,dis Mmi oncahela Hmifc 1 d!s!:7"'Hk n 'tes tnafi I dis TavlorsvV D'llt'irCn lj ifi! DCLWVAK West Hmnch Hank par Hank of D"!iivare par par par Wv-Mniut Hk, Vdi:e,!.V par Hank nt Stlivrna York H-tnk. I din!!' 1 ware Citv Hank try It. !.-.-...,(,.. t dit Hk liiiiL- u.V ifrrmdvw. )ni Ciriacv.'s" jtk Sr Dlawaie jjir .Id' Iio- n Hank. IViIiiimjtton par r rih C v ' I'nder f"n J dis ?dis OIIK). I!;. AM !"nveni hanl.s 2 dis ? dis!: Hk- ,v.'e; l-cffer .Vs - di.i I NOK I'll rAHOl.lN . ? d:. Ml M-'Kent iianks 'J dis MAIN!:. Hank of U l.cilnck Mereant'lc Hk, Hunjr.. All s ''venf hanks NOW H ',.MI'SHI AM s.dveiit IvpiU Vi;i!MlT. Hank i f St Afl' tns All wd'-ent I'-.nks dis I- - Tinier a dis COMI.MIilAX SF.RTKS OV Tim Pupil's frimd itiid Teacher's comfort. frV. COLI.VJJIA.X CAI.CI I.ATOi;-This work is already introduce,! into some of the liest Aeail.onies and a htr 'r numhrr of Se!ioils, where its u.-r. has cien il.i ided and uuivr-rsul sa- th'taetion, hotii 1 ti "o-lier nnd pup:!. It is purely .m. rican in its l iiara. tcr. ha.ed upon our ov. n lieanlitid tleei :nnl s,;trnt if rt'rrrtiry. Ii eoiisiiins more, the ana!i.'."ui'. t.t arc l etter, ,.i'.,( it is the ea-iest inal eli.'a;e"; yo.-l, ofthe kind now in use; and it is o iv:i:.i!cre I hv hundreds of the rnot eoiupeteii' teach, is rani ihl ii ol'seii in- in tlie I'm mi, ulinliiiM' reeoioi'iriidi-d it. It i: the Smk, p.ii li.'.ili. i lv and evprcs-iy prepared for oi'.v vtn tirml fi-ttultlr : , Aim;, l Tirl ,to, Til oi "en's Con- m in i C.i m i l '.'rot!. -Tins volume contain.: Ill p.itrcs, with ahout fl'dO f sam ples for I' on the slate. Il emhrace-s 'he llul.'s. Cc.vipound Hides. SimpI nnd Compound lo diietion. in-.'e Pule of Three. Proportion, .'ve. ( Tn k mik's A'li'nni ith at. Ta a m:s. is dr stiiied ' lor toe use ol y.iiiuvei e!.:s, s j :ha S-iiooIs of the I'nited states." . l.e..mif,;l little hook ai.d p leas ing to ehil'l.cii, and tiie only om- ni'the kind i.f any value. There ine Keys to hnth A.-llhnieties sin gle or dm. lie, for I.e eouM'iiienee of teachers, in Wlilell Ine so.ulions el U'.c ip:esliiius a : e liiv.'l. with much et,.i inatt-r for the Mack hn.u.l. Tl'.cse Keys are the most co.n; ( te works ofthe I.iml ever puhli-hed. and contain, in addition, aln.ot tvo hundred examples in a irt'isurati in. for the use of the Teacher. All that is wanted is to have the nhove hooks examined, and no teacher who is aeiuain:ed ilh the M-ietii-e of Ariliiiui tie, will hesitate t. I'ronoiaiei' l!o in tic he-t works tha have ever l.eeu piihllsla d iu this or any other eountrv. Altho ih issued hut ; fc.v months, they have already heen intr.'.lucc.l into the .Niiilit Schools of New 'o. k City in all Ihe Schools puhlie private, except Inn, in the City of licadiiis. Also, iu a!i alt twenty Acaduuiies iu the Stale of Pennsylvaiii i in a I irue jiorti ui of the Schools in the Ci:v ol' 'i ihc.:u ;ou. i.i th,' I pv of Lancaster, am! i:i the ilor, Vork. ( hand ershcr ;. Lel au. ville, Orwiaslinrr. Ac .Vc. For sale hv 1 1 kmi v M is for Noi'lliimilierlaiid Comity Sunhury, Dec. 2, lS-lS. : .s ol , Dovle lia.'N-:,m-, SloWll, PjltS i.k, Huiihurv, Aient TUB PSOPLS'S VA3E-STFCUM t(i.Mi'iisii cni.i.prTio.v okovku 200 ' A L V A H I. F. K K C I P K S , Li the t'.tefnl o,l tn! res tin; Arts- u-ilh n ftu Simple ami ( ui j, as l.'xperiiueul- in CIlllMlSTIlY : NCU DINti Medicines, Perfumery, Chemistry Ci .'keiy, Farriery, l.y iiilj, CoulictiotiHrv, mestic Keonoiuv, etc. etc. etc. Price Ci- cts.. tor sale by ' HENKV MASSF.K. Siinbury, Dec. X, 1 SID. A fT! T T tL.TT-T'TT"f, (irecn's Ovyemilcd Litter "Md Jacob Towuscud's Sars Laker's Sarsaiia:il!:i. , pr;.-e reduced, ip.uiha. S.y.iyne's vriiji of Wild Cherr Swayne's rriiiilii-rt. Ayre's Chciiv Pctoral llr. Drake's Panacea. llr. Cullcn's i! i Tibbil's Pain Killer. Dr. lloolland's (iefiviu Lillers Indian 'e-.T--'ahle i'llls Horeaud Cattle YieiUcioe, For sale bv HLNKV M AS-F.II. suiilnuy, July 11. !!!!. ii JSJ u4 rijIIE auhsei'ilier would most respect fully iu ii lorm iiis liieuilt mul a L'eiieroiis public, that he is iiianufacluriii..; the lu st ipiality of iu a'.l its varieties, and is prepared lo sell u little cheaper than any other mannlaclurer in the I "num. Ile is also iiiiportiu.; and dealing must extensively in CHINA, CLASS AND qrEENSIfARE, which he oflers on the most reusouable terms. Iiis Polteries are on li md street north of Fay ette, and China store and dwelling at No. li, E. Ualtiniore street. DAVID PAP.R, No. K. La'.timorc street, I! l i : mo iu:, Man laud. February 2, 1S.V), ly TilNE W are. 1'artlieu 'arc, liaisins, Al iiiiinds, P uu.s and Ccam Nuts. Planes of all kinds. bv.Silt and Plaster. Ju- t received and for sale JOHN Y. KKil.INIi. .'inihiTy, Dec. In III. IIOOK.s' and (.'old Pens. On hand so vein I cop- ies of the life of Christ, and alio a number ol pold pi prices. ns which we will sell at llie Philadelphia For sale at thisollice. KN X LDV'N PA'l'EXT S TE.XI.XdS. A cheap and rle lor fasti'iiiu' sash for salcbv J'. A' .''AMI FAN excillcul arii . F.'IlI.INi: .K'tinhiuy, July 7. 1S40. "ffJATF.NT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's J-f writing and in.lellihle ink, Cotton varu and laps, just rcceivid and for sale by J.'W'. I'i;iL!N'(L Sunhury, Dee. 2, ISIS. -K7II.F.V' COI li C.INUV. An excel- lent remedy for coughs, colds. For sale nt this ollice BTADD'S eelebnited Horse and Cuttle Medi- If Jr erne lor sale bv UE.XUY MASSEK Suubury Jan. : 7th, 184'J A I IN F.HAL WATEK, from the Oak Orchard Acid Springs, highly valuable ill chronic di seases, und tonic remeuics. for sale I v I1ENKY MAssEK. Sunhury, June 29, 1S50 tf STONE WARE, STONE milk Pans, stone Jutja and Pitchers, and other articles of stone ware iust received tun! for sale by JOHN W. FK1L1NG. Auuhury, June 2o", 1810. PHILA. AND READING RAILROAD. MUMMER. AnilANdKMKST FROM riiiLADi.i.piiiA and rorrvn,LE. OJJice of the Phila. If Pealing P. ml road C. Philadelphia, March 29, 1850. j Two Possenjer Trains Daily, (except Sunday.) !"-and after April 1st, IH.r)0 two trains will liljK he run each way, duily, between Philadel phia und Pottsville Morning Line, Accommodation.) Leave Philadelphia ut 7 A. M., cUiily except Sundays. Leaves Pottsville at 7J A. M. daily except Sub- (I1IVS. Jflrrnnm Line, (Fast Train.) s Philadelphia at i!J o'clock, daily, exeept JjPtivrs HtlllHitV H Leaves Pottsvi.le nt 2 oVlnrk, daily, except Sundays. Pa-ci:2cr. eamiot enter the cars unless proi ded with Tickets. The aft er i to, i i, or fast trains, do not nti.p at A u l.tini, Althoiisc's, Dirdslioro, Itnirrr'a Ford, Val ley Forte, Port. Kenneily, Sjirintr Mill or Falls. NOTICE. Fifty pounds of hniriraiie will be al lowed lo ene'.i passencrer in these lines ; and p,t. sciiecis are expressly proliihiteil froin taking aur ihimr as hanai-e hut their wearinr; apparel, which will lient the rissk ofiisowner. Fy order ofthe Uourd of Munaser. s. liKADFOKD. April 1.1, 1850. Secretary. COLTJOTBIAII FFELLIIOO EOOIC- T I'lY ' ... proHvr ami Cornprehensite fi,.' em of (Irth.vrapy and Orthoepy, including a variety of defi.,.(. adapted t 'the UK 0f -ehnols m thr Aiiwrirai, l.VpMi-, hr Almom lirknor, a fe.K-lier of Iweiity ves1, ,lperi enee, nlhcv ,4 thr v'o'rtirrrhn,;, CVslalur. Pim lical ( oirrmvn tvl,.f .Mejxnmrtiw ttr. 'ile nit, titioii of 'i'eaclier I.J In. 1 parents, Ac. is inrrt-d lo tin- w. Sprfling Book, , lnc.. conform tothe mluJern -idling and uism , in Orthrvrra,ihy asMntrotir rrfliy neatest, ebe,est j I arronirnt. nnd bettr r odaptnl f,. the wnt. of I '"""t ''"' "? "'!!T '.'Hl,l,ed it. ttst Lwt.J , s.'ats. It ,a l,r.t it pBTperft, to he, a Selling I I..S.I: ami not l.ea.liw Oooft. ,r W require i wrsH-mdMii Ihf .;".rtH'rre.trl5'fr,9fyoull. to secure S,r it n uni r,i( mi.odwction thr .-CII...IS II,. I .itnl Stair.. JuhI puldishej. and ; fw l'.v H...TK, M.-.ks, , .usf,i,n. t Where Trmhe,. ami Direetota 'can prwor , rop:c,.rrviMr.ii,at(on. j A(M5:.t I, I'Siil Ti" irj.5A.-vas i."vrfiji'siEiric llfi tfir 1 j ,M-oi.:i l-'a.- oer.. II..- :.u ,i. eS"-rfro it. una lei. e.lir lor tlir rnreuf lpe lit.u iiij iirni a, N,k' , T. U.',ru,:.. :, " VoTNte.f. tie. ,,. H ui.r.oii r1 Xht pi? o (Si- ,1 -noirh, l,l r,-..iil,koiil ,. ( e.'O i'if l"fl aMPt rWlwg. :i.l.itr. (A tHr H,itr -n li'if"rtkruisinen e' t'nii.l. fh-Fibril atr -.;: k-m-. ic. fi,m.,l i--iw,. D-lnli;; U'lii.' I In, .ei I . ''.-! Ii! W'ls'II II 11,'... I 1 'll Hi lie -1'V,'L i,' si: '.'llirti, weii lie, : U.'.ifp'.li'iiiil flie irmniK't I liiirasii.'CS j irriuitu'itj oh - k. - It a , ..I '.' OT it ;.,vs iiiei-M.Khtio for, in ilw i '. vo i 'i.-a-u'ly trc;ai,vitt niT,9i7n.p' , iijvai lite- nnou Km io ttwiUi. i'i ijn.ii wife li e rmii.M 1iir(t.,r)n(i' iini'-iit iiie.i'iitf uiuilcI briuc,- ,3 To ,m- ' ;' '' ,!., lit 1 '" .j .lor ' I '; i ,,i,', An: ' '" nre . ' hi. ai 'll.' I .:'. '! IH'IV sii.i'r.- r.-M-'iii'i s.:.:!:, a e.'iweii.u.iiei is. iiVj fyr ')' " I (:,!, I. ''" "'"i.'iii.i i' ii-ntlv pin up in bottlei. rtxk ntt'te : i n!. t. r use. auj i;, a:J ia Sunl.'irv lir Jm Sr.. ' JAMKS VII.I.t . es-e.iaiy.-i Mr. A'scr E?.'. Ii.vifr. Mark'l aMt SiMii. ! -n o 'lalivt ui tne titiedcy Ol WiAiaiM i-lH'i-,ilie l:;i..r riui.ui.riiii, 3, 13t". Aiti. .Iamks lirar Su It iv.'s me ei-e-n pkaKure to k'uow that Ton nrei'.'ain ,r, ,aiu,'.' y.'u uir.iieiMe I' r ihe cure of IJvaptp .n.l r iiia,c. ot my uc'il,;ii'e repeatrUlaakatl me .irml'l l.e pi ".u,,l. i.n.iwai.; tliat I had been e,:i,' l l,v a. As I n, nk tn.,. ,,.,!,. aewi-'wledimtnl f lac L";al'l:t 1 l,:, e ree.-ii i'. Ir in Ihe u.f , i )..ur m. leiur i. no i "i,;y ilue l . y, u. I.a ai.'!y he ust.ul U i.llitrs. I n v i'l.l,,' it. I', !- s-",i',al rui 1 fciaretrd irors Liid... sl.l. M ine!, a.vit I an e'sai ti,ai my health anct ' '"'" , li, .;v haii.ij. iiicirr ll. I was eon. pnll. il to murici iiivx'tt' t.Mlie iii"st simple fond, and ersn l.,:e. I ei'iil.l i,"t ,,s ..'. I a las, ol atri-uttU, dlliueli. nan 'ii I-, r.M'ieisc, nii.t, as vnu h:: e ii iu your a,lvertiKo. a. a jr,',:' K.l 1,'elma ..f d.',,r,-ssi,,u and itu!Fer,Khi., In the year -:C. lavnuK I'r'in other, hiah ra. I v,,ur A i,t i-l.y spri lip l-'.liiir. 1 procure-; i- iim'.i it wi:h iln IIJIli r TH d Wlt'CIC . retutnrd '. t, rn h''- ll 'W eh wr.." ' f y 'in in.' 'Hi-lftcA eih'ftl nif ifci s a;i'ce. ,i,..,, undo, u iiiimene. " n ''".laal'v pass, t away, ami mr aan I, u. a e:-l,ly Willi impunity. Ton "--'I. an I n:v e 'iitateaep in ti ruratir ,ii'',,i i-.-i ot' e mrsr inrrFR.ed. for it wi'ca I nni,-,! iot,iruu re:-;,t irosa any V,-i I'e.r.eeU'ullv vonrs. .UINKK KI..MKS. r.'sinn 'nref Hie:, d II tt.ry, Wh 'lcile Merrhaal '".' u'm ' ,:"H V. A,'"-uinii.r ,V ('.-,.. No aealk V- n:T r... in i root oi tiie cla.uey ilhoma' Anti-Dra pfj tie l..ixir. I'liiLADiLrHia, (letnber S, IStt Vi. J.vr. ii.t.i.Mt : lleer i. :l tnke ieu.ure in recommending vour A ali Pv l:,! w l-.lixir f.T lli,- cure ol Dy-ianni. 1 h'aya lakar.' il uii'scil l"i tlie anri i,:lv-i. hreu entirety cured. ,,ais rssp-fitallv. kd.vaiiu ii. nmvi.EY . Smilurv, Ia. A J tcT - iiozt: oiivTriTv.NT, res. tetter "j ) l'Af i-.k r ,I! .wiag .-eilifa'aie man t'apl. D.voa. tea ,' . sr b,: i,i i;tai v.apuin (of u.e I'uti. , iipi. phi . October 31, 1MB. I - Rill,'.' 1 W Ine ,.',a . i at ,i,e (lj: 'S uitaci , Te'le, villi a breakina axt . wllli-h 1 iiiu coin inoed "P. It rrsiiditnllv axtcnii' .1 r.-ieiieil the uper arl ol' U. ",-.-:,: m-iilia, t,iMl it contused -, ;,; U : i,,iiv . .,ue ,,f whieh nad .-I. j 1 1 ii-,e.,si,iy ihe ii,..a.e. but ,,",mic t,,e Irusi beucllt until f ' .r li ila use of one jar of it., vl have reuju.iirj tree of Ui affee-- lae-i: ,.'.. i ii-.".I l,,vl I W. . It. ,.,:,,, i pe.'lei'll. cm, tl" 1 have . n-,',1 1;. i linine et. I ll "I ll": law. 1,1 ,!':,. s. , '.: -.1 I lilly applied forroa(h ii!. J.e. Wtlk ner- I'Vl si','.-s. I Ives a n iu I'd araueudinr ll m l.'iesli '11,.,'St in iitaei hi liu- im:, JAMKS UKVOE. A'j.-al- IIi-'miv M 1 -1:. 'nubury. LIQUORS, WINKS, &C. 'IHE subsciiber has jusl rcr.-ived a new supply of the best liipiors lliat evr ame lo iS'iibur7r eousistim; iu part of Superior old pale lirandy.. Fine Co,'iiiae Lrandy. Snpi-rior Old Jamaica Spirits.. New lill'jlalul Itiiiu. Fine Holland ('in. Superior Old AVhiskcy Coiniu in do. Superior M-aderia Wine. Lisbon do. do. .-'upcrior P, ft W ine. Luriiiidv Port do. Swi'd Mai, nra ine. Superior Claret V.-'ine in hollies. Chai:ipa';:l0 do. do. HF.NKV MASSER'.- S'linbnry, May 2ti 18-l'J.- d??.:itc- gccds 1 ltlll.AIi:LIIIA. j" Ml AKPI.Ess ,V SON'S, have just receiver' I their supply of sl'KJNti AND SL'M.MER COOl'S of Friendly and olhor styles, to which; ihcv invite iitteiition. sll I.s All description-of Silk, woollen' und w or. -led. DLTs SILKS fini de lihines, Chamelaona, and neat and new fancy styles India Silka and Salius. DKEss (,OODS Lawns, llaregea, Mouase lius. tiini;hains, Aliacas, Mohairs-, and all the' new fabrics. I'TKMSllINi; OOODS l)lanket.,SlieetinCi tjnilts. Damask, Shillings, uml all other furiu.h inir e,hids. MEN S WEAK Cloth, CassiineT,Cashma retts. Hi ills, Vesiin jsofall, and Boya wear. SHOEM AKEKs (iOODS and Carri'aira kcrsaiticlea, T. eHAKPLEss 4 SONS, No. 32 S. Second Street, Philadelphia May 25, 1850. ly OE OIN TME-NT. A aupply of thi. excellent article for Tetter, .Ve., just received and for sale by HENKV MASSE R. Sunbury, July !8, 1849. 7" NOB AND SPRING MOKTISE LATr CUES. An excellent article, for aale at half the usual price by J. W. FKIL1NG. Sunhury, July 7, 1719,