Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 11, 1851, Image 2

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To the Honorable the Senator, ami MmUr,"T?lto l,iive ' "
of the House of Representative of tha Hen
tral Assembly :
Fellow Citizeni: A renewal of expres
sion of pratitnde to the Almiyhly Father, lor
hismauirold mercies and protecting influen
ces during the past year, and the utterance
of a prayer "in spirit and in truth." for the
continuance of these blessings, well become
it people who habitually acknowledge thn su
perintending care of the just nnd merciful
God. The abundant harvests of Ihe lale sea
son, the irenernl exemption of the conimuni-
IV rW"l UineHW, I U liipiiuj niy li.iimi- ;
' r .i... '. j ' ii .u: i.:.. i. i
lion 01 ine c.ou mry, in " ihiur w iih-ii vun- i
ler happiness amf rational contentment, in-
creased fac.ililies of education, and Ihe en- of religious privilege in its purest
form, admonish us anew, that Ihe destiny of
this people and irnverument is directed by
Ihenowerof a Snprme Huler whose kin.ll'v
Hie power 01 a ouimiiic nmrr v mw kiiiiiiv '
providences are continually exerted for their I
.. .. . . i
welfare, and its well being.
The melancholy duty devolves on me, of
formally annotinciiig lo the General Assem
bly, Ihe fact of thn decease of Ihe Chief Ma
gistrate of the Nation, the venerable Zamia
RY Tavlor, who died at the city of Washing
Inn, on the evening of the ninth of .Inly
The soldier whose brilliant achievements
in arms added new lustre to the niilinuv
i.ime lo Ihe country, and ihe Statesman
whoe policy, as shadowed forth in his re
commendations lo Congress, was that ol the
wisest ami most geneious patriotism, died in
the full possession of higieat mental facul
ties, surrounded by endeared relatives, cher
ished friends, and patriotic ineiubeis of go
vernnu'iit, with the calm resignation becom
ing a. chii'taiu soldier, and lonnded on the
t.nlli. which teaches thai death has no terror
fur those who faiihliilly endeavor to do their
duty. The Ameiican pcop'e paid the high
est liibnue to his memory by united and uni
versal sorrow.
In the purity and disinterestedness of his
motives, llie patriotism ol every impinse as
ullecting Ins public conduct. I e peilect -in- . .,.,, fil.tni.i;, rnm!iti(,n of th(. Common- ty has distinguished our government nnd pen
eertty ol his desire, lo ac jus-ly lo all men, J t.xllibil,.d j,, , following state- , lu, nnd if an opinion exists within, or has
his winning gentleness of temper as maiules- , h,n?n mischievously propagated beyond our
ted in his peisonal deportment, were to bit
(miiii.I tr:iitd nf f1i:ir:iel.'r v fiictl llfllillil eloselv
to him his cnnliidenlial fi iends. and gave to !
their sorrow for his demise a bitterness which
no lapse of time or change of circumslanco
can alleviate.
It is recommended that a suitable expres- I
siou of respect for the memory ol the decea- i
sed. and of regret for our bereavement, be j
made by the present Legislature.
The Oovemor then alludes in complimentary 1
lerms'to the iiroession of 1'rcsiilrnt Fillmore, and I
refers nlsj to the de:ilh of Mr- ( 'alliomi-
The amendment lo Ihe State Constitution)
providing for the election by the citizens of
Ihe judicial olhceis of the C onimo.iu ealth,
having received the sanction ol a majority ol
ii e pconie, is now pari oi i no orga u; aw.
- ... ,! '. 1 , i , ... i. i : i, . ;
. ..... U..V..I..W.. ... .w c-u. .. .v
as may
,u , ,,,. ... ,.,,.rv inli en mete le
effect ibis i
'Ml es- O 1 II I? II H ,1 Mil. 1
, , , . , ,
of the judges will c.spiie on tho liist .Moiahiy
of December, l.'it It is suggested that this
will alloid a favorable iipjHirtuuirv lo remodel
and greatly lessen the number (.("judicial dis-
i, ;..i" .t"......... ii Ua il,,,,, '"j
jmlicial districts, wiili district con, Is in l'hila-
dclphia and Allegheny counties. A leference
to the vast amount ot biisiness transacted in
these last-named courts, uliords conclusive
evidence that llie inleresls of the cotiiuiunilv
demand their continuance. Miuiild a reduc
lion be made in the number of the common j tK. Treasury will bo relieved by the eom
pleas dislricls, the s.ihuies now paid to thu pleijuu of tlm improvements above slated, be
judges ought to In; mcieased to such extent
as would oe a lair leniuneraiion ior ine iaoin
performed and the ivspnusibilily incurred in
iho execution of the duties ol their high olli
ces. It is no part of the character of our
citizens to require the l.ibois of others, with
out adequate cimipeiis.iliini. Fair salaries
will best sucure tin; sei vices of honest, intel
ligent and competent men, in lluit deparl
llieut of government, in the faithlul aduiinis-
trillion of which eveiy ciiizen is so deeply
inleiesled. An nicrca-e ol iho tutlariesof the
Jililgesol Ihe couits o! coiiuiion pleas am'
Inct couils, would demand the
extension ol
men as may
tho kumo bberalitv to sncn gentleinen as may
be selected to disch
higher and more
responsible duties ol j
. of Uiu couil of
last resort.
Two annual election- appear to impose un
necessary burthens upon tin: citizens. F.v
pense lo the general treasury, and loss of
lime to the volei. could bo well saved by au
Ihoiizing tho election now held in the Spring
tn be hidden at ihe general election in Octo
ber. To such counties as desiio lo try lh,i
experiment. Ihe right may bo granted. I have
been furnished with a statement of the ex
pense incurred by holding Spring elections in
Kiuphiii county, and if Ihe aiuonnl is a lair
average of the expense to the oilier counties,
Ihe change indicated will save to the people
of Ihe Couimouwealth annually upwards of
thirty thousand dollars.
The project of creating an Agiicnllnral Po
parlineut connected Willi the Slat'.' (iuvciu
inenl demands the favorable, consideration of
tho Legislature. In such department might
b'? collected much valuable information lor i
llie use. of the piaclicul latmer.
The recent iinpioveincnt in the construc
tion of implements of husbandry, the analy
sis of earths improved modes ol ullage, and
adaptation of manures and seed ol various
kinds of soil, an; subiecls of absorbing inter-
esi io ine agriouiiuiai classes. I'liiosion in , n,,. wiion" (. oitiiiionweallli ami ihe countr
knowledge respecting ihe best breeds ol hoi- , nance and aid of liie Nalioual ( Jovei iimeiit bv
ses, cattle, and olhei Hock, with snggcstiims i i, (..vt,.,.i,,ii of the mad facilities -the coin',
in an aulhoii.ed and reliable loiiu. uml pU-tinn of the great lailway cinrimmiicalion
pcrimeiilul expositions of ihe proper iiiimIi;.- , ow in inpid pingress of construction to the
uf rearing nud liainiug live stock ol all kinds,
could not lail lo act beiieticiaily un tins real
interest ol the C oniuiuiiweahh. Suoiild iho j : tif erection of various lines of railway in Ihe
Notional Government erect mi Agricultural j valley of the Susquehanna, must throw an
liureau, in conformity with tho suggestion of j amount of tiado on iho Columbia railroad
Ihe President, llie Slate institution would be I which will demand for its liansil the entire
an ellicient auxiliary in the collection ol lo- capacity of thai thoroughfare in a condition of
cal information and for the distribution here j perfect repair. Kvery iivenno bv which tht
at home, of knowledge amassed in that dt- t,.rt 0f ,i, West, as' well us of IVnlral and
partmeiit from nlher M.urces. In this eslab- ; Northern Pennsylvania reaches Philadelphia,
lishment, the claims of llm mining, uiechaiii- i ought to be opened and kept in such perfect
cal, and manufacturing inleiest.s on the los- I coudii ion ns lo si llm .1 all possible facility to
lering caro of iho Government, might be i business, for in llie giowth und welfare nf
equally regarded. A privale society in our : Philadelphia, Iho enlire people should b el
metropolitan city by it libctality, aclivily a lively interest, ns identical with llie pros,
uml learning has done lunch lo developn and , perilynl the whole Stale. Whilst llie iiilcrtia!
encourage the arts and sciences, uselul in ev- i nade is pt.nred into our metropolis, and her
ery-dny life, and has largely aided our me- j local authorities aro doing their part lo pro
ch.inic and manufacture lu gain a repula- niote her commerce, il is our duty to demand
lion Ihioughout lha world, liy ihe nieasuro from llm General Government some position
proposed, tle.ire lo accomplish lor the ad- j of its resources for llie security and improve
vaneeuinnt of iho agricultural, mechanical, j menl ol llie harbor of the Delaware. Im
and mining industry of the whole Common- j nrovemenis of the navigable rivers and pro
wealth, whiit the Fiankliu Institute has done j iection of the harbors of tho Ocean and
for Ihoio mteiesls, wlncli have enjoyed Um
benelit of its discriminating cure. Connly
nud township institution would speedily fob
low Ihe creation of a Slate department, und
by mutual action and counsels, results would
ensue, highly gratifying to the patriot, uud
benelicial lo the country.
. , , , . .1 .1 e
Should the return of lite .ereiith census of,
the Uniled Stales lie transmitted in lime, the
ipporlioumeiit of lha Stale into Congressional
Pistricls may become pait of your duty. In event, it is hoped the custom heieioforH
pursued of postponing action on impoilanl
bills of this description tu the lusl hour of Ihe
esiou will be changed. It is a practice ut
terly inconsistent wilh careful and correct
legislation, nud destructive of the rights of a
co-ordinate branch of ihe Government.
Au appropriation for ihe introduction of gin. j
into the public liuilibugs u fcuggcsLd.
A complele et ot balances, fnruitlied In the is but riidit Ilmt we should have a portiun to com
J tale by the General Government, have been I pleto tht-e iinproveiiuuu.
I depusili'.l in Ihe buililinan of t lie Land Olliee.
1 he l,onimiuuner)i of llm m.'veral comiHe
,.. ...,, Kiiuri turn Lttir') Uillll IU1J1I9I'.'U
und it'enlalcd.
An n rtiiiicmrnt of the Geological upocimcnii nnd
llie ulpliculioii of Ihe Geological rciiorl tecum
ineinlt'il. My nlli-nlion lin beon called to tlm larjjn
budy til' oriyiniil pnppis in tlio Sink- depart
rnent, eonncctRil with tlm Colonial nnd Revo
lutionary history of lha Slum, mid their ex
tremely exposed and pel ishina; condition.
These record are wonh nreservation. as con-
i , I r V- t. in iciiin of i
n t o informa.ton o i ;;'"
,, . e s rpe for nr. ....a o
i Lanital of IV'iiti?vivnnMt una
liiiniiirj nuuii'i
onr fathers in
enee. In the Capital
... ... in in.' 111 111 I III 1 t. 1 1 1 1 5 'T,,1N "I
.i .. r , .......,i.. i
w mi iih: syinpuinies 01 ner pai t " " "l ;
was Independence matured and declared.-
Her soldiers were most numerous around the j
standard of the nation, and ll.ere were more
battle held o her soil Ihan in the same nrea I
elsewhe.e. Kvery memorial of thus d.ns
of devotion and trial shonld bo fuithfully pre-
n tirvmiuii u nil umi pihmihi i"j niiiiiiuin !'
served. There exists a sintrle copy in manu-
. . . .r.i - i .:
r ii, n.i.,i.t... f II.. li.-vnlniimmiA-
Kvecntive Council, n document by far too
valuable In remain longer within the reach of
accident or mutilation. It would be giatily
ing lo n latge body of onr constituents if the
Assembly would authorize the employment
of a competent jieutlemen to select and ar
range for publication these memorials of mi
interesting epoch in tho history of the Com
monwealth. In the early spiing the buildings of the l.i
sane Asylum will bo ready for the lecepiion
of patients. This work of charity, worthy of
the best care of the philanthropist, fiinn its
adiniiable const i uction and healthful loca
tion, cannot fail to answer the ends of its be
nevolent founders It deserves the iostering
cue of the Legislature.
In the performance of your duties, niton-
Hon is most earnestly directed to the revision warning's of the future, lojnstily the aban
: ol the laws in relation lo taveins, restaurants, itonnieul of Ihe principles, sacredly regarded
j beef houses, and ten pin alleys. It is alleged from thn foundation of Ihe Stale, of non-in-!
that in many instances they are made the teiveuliou in the domestic policy of other
common resort of Ihe young, the idle, and , ennimuhi! ies, and of resolute determination
I the worthless, lo the great detriment of the of permitting no interference with onr own. -
mora widl-bein of tho risin.r ..imeratinn.
Amount of funded debt, including amount :
of Commissionets of Sinhing
Fund, and also special loan to avoid In-lined
1 Plane at the Schuylkill, on the 30th nf Nn-
I vember, IS,)!), was
I Amount of unfunded
. same dato
!) 12.570 Ci-I
Total sum of debt.
lO.Ti.V-lxii 42 ,
Tiie actual cost of this great improvement.
whereby Ihe plane has been avoided, th
.' .1 11' I 1. i I-. .i i
ot llie null le works mneh hiei i hiloil. :iml ;in
iniinal paving ot S?31.(IIK) secured lo the
rreasury, in llv disuse of Ihe machinerv and
j.,),, necessarily connected wi:h the plane,
i h,v',,,.-
. , r . , . . ...
Amount of cost of new road, say s400.0(in 00
TV, ,,..1 ,.r .,1 .1 ....,1 L.. .1 .1IQOM.1 ln
' uiui-.iiu.iu puiii, .-i.j.uu.i
, n., ro . . . .
1 I I ll I II l I ! , g I II 1 1 1 1 snows till ill
tual decrease of pubhe debt
since aoth November. 18-18, 53R.'Jfi:i ,"i7
Ithili the same period, theie has been
Piiiil from the Treasury, npnroin intions that
! may be called extraordinary, as follows:
j Towards completion of North
i iliiinch canal. f-l-is.5110 no
i o avoid inclined plane. .iiMH-Hi og
: If these sums, from the payment whereof
added to the actual reduction of public, debt
above exhibited, the conclusion is clear, that
at a very eaily date, nn annual appropriati "m
of neiiiiy Sl.ouO.noO may be made inwards
Ihe reduction of the public debt.
The receipts fnun Canul ami Kail Komi lolls iulicrilaucc fill short of the csti-
,.. i lie nimcvuiio, pi,s.,,,Scrs en . ic ale
.'nail bv the State is again rrriniimcnili'it Ihe
iuiliticrent and crcle,s collcetion of the Collateral ; s ' '"" ""- propollon, more II. I-
iiiheritance tac in sumu counties in complained of "culty lias heen found to exist. Hy whose
The School K-.stein though vet impurlcct, urgency i.i the fugitive to he given up ?
mi.. : i lint firpi ic h. I in.oi o lU ti-j-.,!
! " coiiipeiiiiuii ui ii..uo mm u.iw i, no ,
I . I. . . . : r.. I. I . .
ellort for the full ieiaii of the canals and rail-
: roa(ls 01 "lt 1 snue snouiii Di; negiecteit. 1 tie
1 deterioralmg condition of many of these
works, admomsi, us that the system of snpei-
vision is ineltectiliil to M'cuic tlm relru ot
which their const ruction gave conlidoiit iissn
ranee. In a system of divided re-pniisabilii y
in their management, the ditiieulty evidently
exists. On a foi mer occasion il as .-ugg'-s-li.'d
to divide the State into Canal and Hail
way disli icts, and allot lo each a Commis
sioner, lo whom its eulire control should he
given. This project is iignin recommended,
but should it tail lo meet your approbation,
the pioposition nl selecting a Hupei iuti-uiioni
In whom tor his whole time and attention, a
compensating salai y should be paid, and un
der whos:; sole con! i o! the public woiks might
In; placed, i.-woiliiy of consideration. All
llie evils ari-iug froiii the divided counsels
an.l .shitting re-p insi'uiiilies would be avoid
ed, and that energy and sliill i:i their man i-
, g.unent secured which cannot lie exneo!e,
under the present system. It is alleged ihis
method ol snpervisioii of puriii! woiks ba
siiccecled well and beueliciuily in olle'-r
A coinnieicial connectinn belweeeu Pi.i'a
ib'iphi.i an t F.nrope by steani-liips. an en.
terpn-e I r 1 1 1 v woriliy the (nvorii,g regard- i.i
I navigable wateis of ihe West, tho ll
M.paii of the Cumberland alley load, and
J,ll-es tuight lo be no longer delayed.
The bridge over Ihe Ohio nt Whet limr is com
plained of- The .-Itlorney General und others re.
present the SSUlc ill ihe controversy,
III the various lailway piujecls now sever-
i ally terminating al Philadelphia, llarrisbmg,
!.,.,.i n:., i .i ...-I.. ,.c .1... ,...
.inn I niSUIlig, UHT iii-.Miin ui .in. v. ton ii nn i-
....... ' sli nf
other groat enterprise which, known as llie
Niuhury and hue railioad, was meant lo con
nect lha Snsipielianua, llie Pelaware, and the
bakes. Itesides the command of tho tradi;
of the Northern Seiu secured by its construc
tion, it would bring into market for sale ami
settlement vast bodies of unletianted and un
improved lauds, and developo treasures of in
exhaustible mineral wealth now wholly inac
cessible. I A 11" collie ol toe public lands were increased
i bv llie construction Of our liublic iimirovemelila. it
Free hanking upon a deposit and pledge of
public slocks early rocorn mended itself to In
vor. It is not liable to sudden expansion
and contractions more secure from failure
less obnoxious to coiinlerleitinff nnd fraud,
nnd oiler undoubted security to the note
holder. Should l ho stock required be the
loans of the Commonwealth, it would nppre
ciale their value, und also have a tendency
to withdraw Ihem from foreign countries, to
which nro annually sent millions of ihe pub
lit; money to pay inleresli.
The confidence felt in their security, nnd
the desire lo ue tin? leliel mill', when kept
ont' o.i.liiion, justifv Ihe belief that an
j,Sil(. of small notes f,;,, State ie.-itu. o is,
f) , . f fc ,j be
, rt.tlir.,.1i.i.J1 . .l '
I, i ,, 1. 1 .......... t .. 1 .1 ... . . L I
lnulilv acccptalile lo ihe neon e.
: " . i . ., .' c n.,.
,'"T, . ,''1 nU"ttU"" ,,f heJ,nJ t
-' adeqna.e and iwrmim.t
1 "; ' to the .n.l.wtry ot the conntry, a e
tl.-nian.l. l by Ihe prostrate condition of li e
nnnuv ami mannlaclnr.n interests. T he
P'-P';'" ullor.l.n- full protection to do-
, t . r . :r
!m,sl"; ""'''xl-y. m the euHCmenl of tur.ll
,i s. has lieen hii In Hv ilisenseil. Dial a me e
Kii' s, lias iieen so lully tliscttssed. win! a meic
'''Icrence to lornier vie s, is all lhat is derm
-" neiesir at tins lime
In a late ellorl lo amend Ihe present tariff,
its lailure may be faiily attributed to the
omission ol Ihe last l.euislalure to give ex
pression lo ihe poilectly well understood
wishes and expectations of the people. It is
cotilidenlly hoped no such omission will mark
the conduct ol the present assembly
A lednclion in the latesof postage, and the
cnn-tiiclion of railway communications to the
I'aciiie, were uiged heretofore as worthy of
friendly regard
In relation to the extension of slavery nnd
the only of faithlul observance of her Feder.
'til obligations by the Commonwealth, the
views ev piossed in former messages remain
iiiicoanged. l here is nothing, in my liidge
mem, in the history of the past, nor in the
Vi,l..'iu- in the .lisclmr.m nf i.n,.i.ii.,imnl ,l,i.
"'"'' . nol llie tact, it is con-
, ceiveo m terror oi our irue instorv. reiiusM-
vania. her people, and her authorities, al
was h;ne been li'Viil lo llie Constitution.
They wish it neither lobe avaded nor amen
de! They will not permit it to be resisted.
The clause of the Federal Constitution
relative lo fugitives from labor involves these
propositions : l.Thal involuntary service
ior slavery may exist in the States of the
; rninn bv rnnslitiitinnnl r..rnrnii;nn. 0
Thi it,,. ti. i,..i i u.ii
1 ll,i i siujiL- ill llir IJflSUll !U I' M cl I
I . I
- 1 1. ' i- i .
, ,' . n- ""N"""" """.i
, or lal,()l'- ' 1 llat 0:1 " -'"" ft the party
to whom such services is due, there must be
' n ran,iiinn C il... c,,:i:.
To interfere by Legislative enactment or
I I . . . .. . i ... . ..l ... . V. .
illlli- 11 IV, l)llisiiiv IlllllilOV Wiivillieci
the right of property recognized in the first
proposition, would he daring violation of
of the clear obligations of the Constitution.
No human being can pretend that by this
Conun Miwoalth such an interference has
ever been attempted. Whatever may be
j the feelings of Ihe people in opposition to
' ""J fnrllier extension of slavery, and the
1 consecjiient increase of auti-reptihlican and
I sectional reriresentation in the National I.i
;risl.ittne, no ellert has ever been made to
disturb or destroy the vested rights of citi
zens of other States ; and when those rights
may be endangered bv the escape ot a slave
beyond the limits of the State, where the
relation is acknowledged, our citizens have
acted on the principle, that no sympathy j
will) individual snlFoi-in.r nn.rbt ,-vor tn i
weaken their sense nf duty to the rdain re-
quirenients of the organic law.
, j . iV)jstmnt of ,, oflkiaI
, , , '. , . . ...
" . S'
"claim" as used in the Constitution?
not the delivery of the fugitive to be made
i only tlirougli the agency of '.he National
i Coveriltneilt 1 These have been veved nnd
:,,. ,.,.,- " n fi aI W in ,fi
,u. ,,i... r.. ..ic, ,,..:
case to which Pennsylvania waY marie a
,. .."i-i,,,,, . UNI L l' I II I, 1 It'll Ollll' B 111 a
party, and the recent fugitive slave law,
gave a judicial and legislative interpretation
to this clause of the Constitution, which
cannot be misapprehended.
n, , ii. r i .
llie power and duty of enacting laws to
cany into olleet the constitutional direction,
being r., led to be in Congress and in Congress
Siaie iH:!i,,it,,.s is unauthoi i.ed and without
biaitiug (nice.
1 In power lo act on the subject of the ex
tradition of fnejiiv,. slaves being thus vested
solely in the National (iovenmiciil, it is iho
plain duty of ihecitizen to submit lo its enact-iKi-iil-
miller the Cons'ilntion. To act ditler
rutlv would bo clem ly rebellion to (oiveru
ment. I i the adoptiun of tle proper remedy to
-eit ilijs dear right, patiiotic cili.ens may
t'er. uml the p,iv, lege , maintain and ex"-
s th it holiest diversiiy of opinion must
i -..- uinserv.o.
lei.l tlirea.s an, I ib'iiunciiilorv clamor, would
I i i.b:m,lo,iMienl of the lieeplv-cherished
leivih ge of libeiiy nf il ghi null speech.
When Ihe enactments of the .National Con-
gross, fail to con v the people of their jus-
lice and pmpriety, it is ihrir tlnty lo seek
,1(Ijr" hi. d amendment' The le- ,
centlv-enacted fugitive law, while it remain
a statute, demands the support of all the cili
zei:s. nnd unless i nr written eonstitulions aro
worthless parchments, until the judiciary de
clare it otherwise, must be esteemed aeon
sliniti'inal eiiiietnienl. Are ils defects of
siu h a nature as to warrant the public in urg
ing ils amendment ?
Thai put of the law which nulhnrires Ihe
creation of a new and irresponsible tribunal
under the name nf Commissioners, is liable
to exception Waiving the inquiry whether
judicial power of the United Stales can be
ve-'e.l anvwhere l ot in regularly organized
courts, with Ihe recoi ls of courts', llierei are
iib;,'c!ions of seiion- impoil in the insiilu'ion
of this tribunal. All hi-iory shows, that spe
cial tribunals, clothed wilh discretionary pow
ers over person and properly, are liable to
abuse, nu I have been instruments of oppres--io".
1 1 in these. Hie early .lavs of ihe lie.
pnl lie, when no reason of urgent Stnte ueces--itv
can be invoked, powers nf a high judi
cial naiuie over Ihe liberty nnd propeity nf
nn individual, aie In be vested by appoint
ment of an inferior tribunal, in an irresponsi.
bio person, the sienrity of the life, reputa
tion, and liberty of Ihe citizen in nfler-times,
when new political or social emergencie
may arise, will depend on a most precarious
tenure. Tlm courts of the Foiled Stales,
whose Judges have a pride of character, and
over whom a controlling influence is exerted
by the impeachment clause of the Constitu
tion, should alone be invested with these ex
traordinary power. Kalher than hazard the
chance nf illeeal decisions, nnd the conse
quent irreparable injury of an individual, re
suit so full of danger lo the peace and good
order of society, ih8 judicial power of the na
tion might wisely be extended. If it be
deemed expedient to deny a trial by1 jury,
and lodge, the adjudication of this fight of
pioperly in the breast of a single judge, the
kind of proof required should be indicated,
and a full record of the entire proceedings be
made and preserved. Processes issued shonlJ
be returned and the extradition of any color
ed person, for whose arrest a warrant had is
sued without henrini had before Ihe judo,
shonld be visited with the penalties of kid
nappinir. These modificaliona of the law,
while they oould not interfere with nie rights
of Ihe owner of the fugitive, would greatly
lenu io aalisly (he minus oi ciuzens nniuwsij
desirous to peiform their constitutional duties.
The Union of these States is considered the
outer nnd inner wnll which Ruards tha temple of
our Independence, protects our commerce, nnd
Hives us a promt mnie among inc .xiuions oi inc
With thefervant prayer thnt Almighty (lod
will so direct the deliberations of the Gener
al Assembly, that "pence nnd happiness,
truth and justice, leliginn nnd piety, may be
established among lis for all generations,"
th suggestions nnd recommendations con
tained in this annual message nre respectful
ly submitted for your consideration and no
tion. VM. F. JOHNSON.
Harrifhurfty Jan. 7, 1851
II. 11. lUASSIJl, Killlor and Proprl-tor.
V. II. IAI.Mr.n is our nntliori.rl ncnl te rnrrive suli
rriplimi uml uilvriiiiliig nt Inn oiTum., in riutnilcliliiu, Nrw
Ynrk, I toil in ami llultiiunri.
To Anvr.itTisFr. The t-trrii!:itinn ,ii' ttie stiiiil.nry
Aimriritu uinnni! tlir (liftrrriit tuwin nn llif Siimiui-Iihiiiio
is nut rxriTiti'd ilqiHilli-d liy ny pnpi r published in Norili
em lVtinsylvntiifi.
i:ditoh-s taiii.i:.
llllshieo ollce.
M'e refer our renilrrs tolhn nilverliseniont of Mr'
Ira Jnnrs, who oilers to dispose of a fine fnrin,
nt cither private or public suln.
The Coinniissioners of Nnrlhunilicrlnnd county,
it will he seen give notice lo ilelinquent collectors,
that if their duplicates nro not paid up by the
17th of February next, they will be sued without
respect to persons.
We call the attention of our readers to the ad- I
verlisement of Henry I) Weaver, who has opened
n new hotel nt Trevorton.
rj.5 Blank Leases for sale at this office,
F PinxTi.Ni; Ink.
for cash at this office.
A few kes for sale
K7 We are requested to say there will
be preaching in Ihe Presbyterian Church
in this place on Sunday evening at lialf
past 0 o clock, by the Rev. Mr. Simuiiton-
- -
The Mkssage.. Messrs. Frick &
Packer will please accept our thanks for
early copies of the (Jovcrnor's message.
KF" Pi:tit Ji iiors summoned to Court
I neJit AIo"""ay, are informed that there will
-be no Court, and that their attendance is i
! ' r'"1
oi r f oi n r.
In conseipience of the illness of the
Pr...;,l,.,,( l,l It.-.., I.... IJ A... I
is!" "S"
j 110 c,v" causes Were tried, and the I ourt
I adjourned on 1 hursdav. We are pleased,;
i I .'i... i.. i ... ...i I
I WM KPU,"S 'p trust he will i
' , , . . . . . . . . . I
! S00M be res,ore,i ,0 his llsl,al lK'alth- Co"-
I siderable criminal and other busme.s was
I transacted by the associate-, Jude H'elker
j and Judge Dentler, with a promptness and j
' r . i .i . . i - ii i-, 1 1 ii i
; dispatch that was highly cret blab e. The;
1 .
'charges to the jury by Judge Welker the!
i senjor Judge, Were perfectly satisfactory to
al1 tlle l,artil's concerned,
liJJfi:. Ihe prospect ol the ice crop
this season, is not very encouraging. We
would advise all who have ice houses to
fill, to secure Ihe first opportunity to do so.
Ice put up early Mauds the best chance of
keeping well. Jt mailers not how thin it
..... . .
1 ,S' ,f "P 1,1 T'antlty. Ihe ice
should be Recured, if possible, in snuare
; )Io(.L ,.euiiiriy wwed or cut ollt anri k
, . , ,
ef" &wy hke brick work. Those who ne-
crect to take it in early may fail to -ret any.
n . , . . . , . "
! P,'rSOn!i who ave ICC houses only kllOW
! how to anureciale their full value.
We lay before our readers Ihe message
of fJov. Johnson, with the exception of a
few unimportant paragraphs which we have
condensed and placed in small type. The
Message is a well written document and
contains a number of valuable suggestion,
among which is the completion of Ihe Sun-
bury and Erie Jiail lioad. This recom
mendation is highly creditable to the saga
city and foresight of the Governor, as time
will prove it one of the most important en
terprises of this century.
L7" The American Intelligencer is the
title of a new paper just commenced in
McCwensville, in (hi county, by John
Case formerly of the Herald of Freedom at
liloomsburg. The paper is neatly got up.
Jn politics Mr. Case i democratic, but
goes in stronger for universal reform than
for party ; for a homestead, abolition of
taxes, cheap postage, revenue tariff and fa
vors, we presume, the bill introduced in
Congress to give every man a farm.
E7 Trevorton. The company who
are constructing the rail road from this
place to the Susquehanna, are using great
exertion for ita early completion. Ry an
advertisement in our columns, it will be
seen that they offer immediate employment
to 800 laborer
U"Mr. Wf.ustkr's Lkttkr to the
Austrian Minister. We have taken up
nearly the whole of our first page this week
with the reply of Air. Webster, the Secre
tary ol State, to Mr. Hulseman, the Aus
trian Minister. It is not only an able doc
ument but one of the most important and
interesting that has emanated from the
government for a number of years. We
have not published Mr. Hulsemann's letter
to the Secretary, as Mr. Webster has embo
died the most important points in his reply.
The Austrian made a great mistake in en
paging in a contest, with not only an able
Statesman, but with the greatest constitu
tional lawyer of the age.
(0s Mr. John Brisbin, the democratic
candidate, has been elected to Congress, for j
the Luzerne and Columbia district, by a !
small majority. ;
,T1 ' " "" . "' , ... ,
T7- The McLwensvilli? Intelligencer
, e ... , . 1
gives ail Recount of a public dinner given
by the Northumberland Troop at the Ho- !
tel of Henry J. Reeder, at which a nttin- 1
ner of nor mill.nrv friends were in attend.
ance and took part, viz : Gen. Kase, Gen.
Ur . St T- t n . . f
atson, Major Kipp, Mnior nrittun, Mator
e. i ., . i fi , , '
Kutzner, Major Roush, Capt. Armstrong,
J ' ' .
Capt. Blair and others,
7 The Philadelphia North American
and the Philadelphia Sun have both op-
peared in a new dress. They are hoth 1
able and well conducted Journals.
Mr. Jackson olfeied a preamble and reso
ld TIIE COl-RT OK WARTER. KKSKIO ,,j commemorative of Ihe day : Jaunai y
Present, Hon. Geo. C, Welker nnd lion. John ' 8th.
F. Dentler.
Surety of Ihe. Peace. Baltzar was accused
of making threats of violence against the
wife and children of George Barnbart.
Baltzar came before the Court with a large
brick in his cap and scarcely able to main
tain his equilibrium, on account ol rum and
a still knee joint. lie declared most em
phatically that "no man was alraid of Ilalt
zer, old women aint even afraid of llaltzer,
he never hurt any body, See." When the
prosecutor testified to the fact of his having
seen Jlaltzer running alter one of his chil
dren with an ae, Haltzer's counsel brought
him to his feet and liragged him across the
Court House to demonstrate the itnpossi- '
bility of his running under any eircumstan-
i Cts" to rrt'ilt amusement ot the Court
and spectators. Jlaltzer was placed under
bonds to keep the peace towards the prose
cutors family in particular and everybody
in general.
Vommunwrnllh rs Jo'iit Lewis, Jerry
j Lew is and Jacob Levis. Indictment, As-
! i, ,i u. iv, u it .:,i.
I &(1UIL tlliu J'rtiiilJI, uii iii. jiu?ai.ii mi
' nilcli InrL'C. Melts, llbl :l i MMll fipl in I'll! n I I'll I
r"-' ' " " 1
The jury rendered verdict ; John, not
guilty, to pay costs: Jerry, not guilty.
Russel for costs. Nolli pros, entered as to
! Jakey.
Commamctullh is Win. Russell. Assault
and Mattery, on above defts. verdict, not
guilty, County for costs.
Communiccalti rs Francis Rrnnnr, For.
& lias. Deft, pleaded guilty and usual sen
tence passed.
Cummnnvcaltlt rs Wills Unimex. Nui.
sauce in the shape of a tippling house ill
Trevorton. Continued to next term.
The grand jury recoil -tided the Com
missioners to subscribe IjUOD for the erec
tion of the embankment above this l!orou"h-
I' i:n N Y I. Y A MA 1. 1:; I SI. ATf II F.
H.lllllsi;citLi, Jan. ?, 1 S3 1
Sksatk. The Senate, convened ibis alter-
noon at 3 oVInek
The Secretary of tlm Commonwealth pre
sented Senatorial reliirnsof the election held
in October last, which were, on motion of .Mr
! Packer, opened nnd read,
J "n motion of Mr. Crabb, lln Senate pro.
j ceeded lo the election ef a Speaker
Mr. McCaslin received
Democratic, vole.
The Whig ballot was scattered, no one
Senator received more than live votes until
the fourth ballot, when Mr. Crabb moved an
abjoiiinmeut, which was not agced to yeas
10, nays 21.
Mr. Lawrence ihen asked lo be withdrawn
from llie list of candidates.
On the lifth ballot, Mr. McCaslin ( Pom.)
received k15 voles, and Mr. Kiiiiigmaoheii
(Whig.) 8 when a secund motion
to adjourn
was ageed to.
Tho Senate adjourned without electing
a Speaker.
llol'SE. The House convened Ihis morn
ing at II o'clock, when Mr. A. I!. Russel,
Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl
vania, was introduced and presented the le
turns held in this State ut Iho last October
Mr. !!est moved that tin; returns presented
be opened and read. Agreed lo.
The roll was then called, and nil the mem
bers answered to Iheir names, with tim ex
ception uf Mr. Scouller, uf Cumberland Coun
ty, who is detained at home on account of
indisposition , and Mr. Church, of the same
county, who died since his election.
Mr. Fegely moved (and it was agreed to.)
thai Ihe House proceed to an election for
The vote being taken, resulted a follows:
John Cessna, of Itcdlord Co., M
George 11. Hart, of Philadelphia, 37
IlARiusiii'Kii, Jan. 8.
Sknatb. The Senate wa called to order
by the Clerk.
On motion of Mr. Crabb, the Senate pro
ceeded lo the sixth ballot for Speaker.
The following is Ihe result ;
Sixth ballot. Seventh ballot.
Matthias, 16 16
McCaslin, 15 i
Cunningham, 1
Jones, 1
Messrs, Forsyth, Guernsey, McCaslii
Packer and Matthias did not vole on the 7th
Mr. Matthias was duly declared elected
Speaker, and conducted to the chair by Mr.
The cath of office was administered to the
Speaker by Senator McCaslin.
The new
sworn in.
ly elected members were hon j
Mr. Stine moved that a committee be ap
pointed to act in conjunction with a similar
committee from llie House, to wait upon the
Governor, and inform him that the General
Assembly was now organized, and ready to
proceed lo business.
IIoiisf. Mr. I.eet offered n resolution that
a committee of thirteen be nppninted lo con
sider the. propriety nf diminishing lb" number
of Judicial Districts : of increasing the salaries
f t,.,;, i i i,,,i,T. ,,,! i,i .,.-,,i; it.n i
J r)'stri(.tfl m.(.1,!i,,lv.
- . , , tnarn,,n, bv striking out 1
n t.Xeept the hist provision in relation to the j
change of .1 eial Dislricls.
Th(, mn,.,,,!.,,,., disagreed to.
,. . ,, ... 1
Mr. Kclliuger moved to amend bv striking ,
out the word,, ud inserting one from ;
each judicial District. Agreed to. ,
The resohilioi, as amended was passed. !
Mr. lihey moved that the House proceed to ;
llli: I'll'l'MiMi ill il i ii'lh. .iliii'ii iii. i
,, ,,, . . . .., , , r ... , t
Mr. Uhey iiomiuated m.Jack, of esl-
, ,
more unit.
.1.- ..i : r .. fi...i. a I ...
Mr. Digh.'im nomiunleil Pavid Fleming, of '
II irrisbui" j
i, , nimr nii Heiiinm ete nnnniiiied !
,,.,,,. " '
The following is the vote : William .lack :
no. Pavid Fleming ;ss.
(i E () 1! (I T A .
Eour lillinlis u( ;old Oust nil llie AVuy.
Arrinl n.".)j Pitssctipers.
The I. S. mail steamship (leorgi.i. I.ieut.
P. P. Huitrr.ii. Commander, arrived at New
York on Monday morning last, from Chiigres
fin Havana, with the Pacilic mails, and .r).")5
Tin; (Jeurgia sailed fiom Chngros on the
2fit!i, with (i."i4 passengers, ariived in Ha
vana on Ihe :ilMh, and tiatislerred 4 10 passen
gers lo tin; Pacific for New Oilcans.
The Geoigia left at Chagres the steamer
Crescent City, with -I'lO passengers, wailing
! for the gold dust which had not arrivcl. The
, propeller Ontario, sailed from Ch.igies for
New Orleans with "1)0 passengeis. Those
1 remaining on the ls'hmus wcie going oil in
sailing vessels.
The f. S.
steamer Oiegon sailed from
San Frauei-cii on the evening ot the ,t in-t.,
with i?J passenger- mid MJ.JU'.I.Oilil on
freight, and anived at Panama at laion mi
Ihe gdth nit., slopping, at six iiilenncliate
The gold dust liain for the Croscen'. City
was attacked a few miies out fioni I'.u.nnia.
Three nf the muleteers were killed, bin what
amount was cariied oil was not ascertained
when the Ccm-gia left,
-wo himdred thousand
t hie lepoi I makes il
l)isi.i:.w i:i i i. F.xiiihition at th i: Not.
tim.iiam TiiEATiiK.At ihe Nottingham the
atre, a resilient of thai town, named Wag.
stall', was announced to sing the song of Tom
Moody on ; :i living horse."' Tne allair c one
off as per bill he ( Wagslall ) came oil inoun
led, and lather iucbi iated. cracking his whip
round ihe hoise's head. The glaie of the
glass, and the shouts of Ihe gallery terrilied
ihe poor hoiso ; his (hsh ipiiverod with tear.
After the song, the animal backed into the
oicheslia, failing on its back, toaiiug its side
smashing Ihe base ii idle, and neailv crush-
ins? two liddl,
s, who with ditiieulty escaped
r into the pit. Alter a th'iil of
over Ihe bai i
and Ihe j.oui
pit door.
e baniers were broken down
beast almost carried oul at ihe
I TllK coldest heith a man can find is to act
as breakmaii on a lailioad cai, when the lo.
-coinolivc is milking thiity miles an hour
iigiiinst a wind sharp enough lo cut umr
! throat.
A ,,' .-.olo.s returned lo l!;,ll,,l fmn.
va,,cn, I'a.. and vicinity, a lew d..vs since
with eighteen fat deer. They loprescnt the
snow n s very deep. In some parts of Penn
sylvania, three or four feet on a level
iMlMiovr.MF.M ok Nkw koiik. The aggre
gate number of new buddings erected in New
; Vork during tic last ten years, has been 1.1,-
40a In H-lo there were 1910; in IX-iS
lltU ; in lSlf). lti'J5 ; and in ISM), 1912.
A scuooi..MAsTi:ii asked a boy, one very
cold morning, u hat was ihe Latin for the
word cold ; ut which the boy hesitated, say.
iug, '1 have it at my linger cuds.''
V i'i:m.i:it overtook another of his liibe on
the mad, uud thus accosted him: "llillo,
fiietid, do i 1 1 carry V ' Hum and
whiskey,'' was the piompt reply. "Good,"'
said tho other, "you may go ahead ; 1 carry
giave (.tones."
Tin: Shakeis nf X,.- Iliim.-hiie have pair
chased a huge tiact of hmd in Ohio, to which
they intend lo remove i.i con-eipience of dis
like and persecution from Iheir press.' nt neigh
bors. . . .
l ix Frank
I mi HIV, A. ,. thiV havp
ftnnw in rliUM'si ii nut ivt. in Tl,,. i.
thereabouts have had to btop till ihey cuuIJ
be ilu out.
Wisdom iiikI vitinu aro tho pruatit boau
ty ; but it is an advantage to u diamond to
bo will bt i.
The State Assay kr of l!aRsichufits says
that in every iiivtancu in which ho has exam
ined tho Corhituu!e water received through
lead pipe?, he has found it to cantniu lead.
Thirty years ao there were ten thousand
laves- held ia the State of New York.
The He v. Henry Ward Beecber, after d
nying a place in heaven for all actors nnd no
tresses is down on tobacco cbewers, anil re
minds them that there are no spit-boxes
Dr. J. C. A, proprietor of the cele
brated "A yer's Cherry Pectorial," has been
elected Mayor of the city of Iowcl.
M I'l tlMSOIl OK Til K St Silt Ell
H. 15. M.tSSKR, EsiJ.
As the lime is drawing nigh when air
appointment of Supervisor for the Susque
hanna Division will be made, I cannot help
expressing a hope that Col. II. D. Rodear"
niei. ttie present incumoent. mav be con-
,inm,d. Col. Ro.learmcl has been one ol
,i,e most faithful nnd efficient officers w.
iiav ,,VtT u.,a T, ).Jst S(.ason has been
on of unusual difficultv, but the division
. '
under lus charge has been most carefully
" . .
anJ promptly attended to. I am
"e that some strictures upon the man
iUell.ent of the canals appeared I.) your pa-
per from which the Colonel was afterward
, il.. ...I . I-
in uin in I t .HJili'l uirn, II l' II UU I'll? lllBUe
1 J
acf,,alllU,j , t ,(. acts.
iipwo 'nimveiiTi,
i ii.i.i.i njivisiiir.
It is but justice lo Col. Rodearmel,
to sav that his management of the public
work's meets with general approbation
The strictures made upon the management
of Col. Bodearmel, was through an error of
a friend, who had charge of our columns
during our absence, in supposing that the
"Susquehanna Division" embraced the
whole line of canal above the junction.
We should be pleased to see Col. Rodearm
el re-appointed.
New Advertisements.
.TDTICK is lierrbv L'iveu to the Collectors of
-- .Niiitliiuniiciljnil county, that thouc who do
nut settle iiiiii jny nil' the amount of faxes placed
in Ihcir hands lor cullivtinii on the 17'lh of Feb
rinii'v. (oil whii'h day the Commissioners will
im i'l lo malic any cMincriitlous that limy be lie
ci -.-:ir.) tin y will be dealt with according to law.
MI.I.IA.M U1I.S().. ' Com'rs.
ClllilsTIAN AI.HKKT. )
."'iitd.iiry, Jan. 11, IS51 (il.
Estate of JOHN HAMOR, Dec'd.
'n l'K'II I.inrliy ixiviMi Ilmt K'tlcr cif admin
A i-llMti'Mi ln Ml LTilllttMl til tltO 8utWTi-
! cr mi tlio il;tte nt Jnlui llniiiur. tltvM.f late of
l'.iint tnw iiship, .Xiii'IiuiimImtLuhI count v. Atl
jhtmmis iniirliiotl in s;iid I'stjiti. or (li;iviii(! claimn
n u ; i in 1 l!n- snint', mr rctniOHti't! to fail on tlm suli
si'iiiM rs t'ir st'fticiiH'nt.
s.VMI DI. HAMlllt.
. till inwi:-!iip, Jan. 11. lit.
Zviltte cf IrlARY M. EISELY, Dec'd.
OTM 'l. is hereby t-iven that letters testumen.
' 1 t.e'y hae liei-ii granted to llie siibscrilier on
die ef Maty M. lli-clv. late of iiiiliurv,
ilcf'.'. All jicrsous iiiilchlcil In naile Kslale tvp
Iniviiiir claims acainst the same ure ri'iiieslcil to
call on the subsciilicr uml sctllc the Hiime. For
this purpose he will attend at the lale resilience of
the tlce'd. 'I'lic-u iv uml Wednesday Ihe. 4th and
."ith of I'Ybruarv ia'l.
Shionokin tinMiship, Jan. 11, lst."l.(it,
rBHf! suliseriher respn'tl'iilly intorius the ptililie
1 thai he bus opeiii'd x l'ulilie House, in tin
new inw ii of Ticvnvtoti. . oi'thiimherland eounlv,
mill that hi i" well prepared In aeenuinuidiile his
i;ni'.-t- in the l est maimer. His house is located
IH .iriy opposite ihe Company's Store. He isnls.i
provided with guild slalilin sutiicieiit ftir SO hor.
ses. He trusts iv and careful alteiiliuu
t i luisine.-s lu iiiii t n share of the puMie patron,
Ticvoitnn, Jan 11, lNot) if.
rjpHi: ,-o.i
1 day the
HUM'S, ii lut
a li e. , il.'i-iat public s ilc, on Tlmin-1-aii
I'laiuai-v, ls.'il, un the pie
pii .-;.iy slid at private sale, tho
V !.!i:;.k FA KM
I:'.,., i e-:.b's, situated oil the s'-hnm-ii
M.aiai !.iu n.u i.siiip, Xortliumlicr
, ;;1muI one laiie above Snvilertuwu.
a'atl.u'.; trom Snnhurv lo reterslium.
on v
oil lac mail 1,
aii oiuiKi: laiais ol John .iii.di, John Hoover and
o:ma. Tiie property contains
Jti3 ACIiKS,
about sO acres of which is cleared, thirty acre
! i' 1 1 1 meadow. The im. rovements are a
. II U U .Ll'.l.l XJXli.iU.X4 XiUuOXi
'"!! A.Ml MIMICS,
If'' o- '
Jlii.Hr' Trame Mubliiig ami a eood Slono
' ' " ."spring House, vtiih a never failing
Spring uf water. Also u simiii
The Panviile i, ml I'ollsvillc Kail Kond pusses
through Ihe said property. 'J'hc terms of sale,
wlu.'h will be rcusoniililc, will lie niaJe known on
llie day of sale. Communications may W ad
dressed to the subscriber residing in Snvilertuwn.
SnvdertovMi. .Ian. II, 1S31 U.
"V A"s caught inhift uu the S.rth of Prccmbcr
la.-t, a
about :!'! feet Ion-, and in ...uid order. The own
er is I'.'ipie.-tcd lo call, prove proicrlv, pay char
ges and lake il awa, or else it will be disposed
of aciMi'tlitli; lo law.
lU'.NJ. F. riEHI.,
Isunliury Ferry,
I iiioii county, Jan. 11, lSfll. 3u
i I'c'.tic ii ti. f i lur. l'j piwt. tliitf llie i'nrtiiorslup hfrt-
! ,, iv . aiHih;: l'lv-n '1.1 l HI AW , ui 0tilrrUn
(...lirjl.h l.iii.-' i.ihI Oir S,tiiiehnnn!i itiier uiid NorU BiU
cm itr
r-l''Lnii!i 1.HK-, m tm ibiV filwiiilvrttbv 1
in.,! mi" ui. A" luiv mi! mrMTiiii aun prnd Ior
iii" Tin I'lnl iii'!; !ii;iinui Vilkilurru Tflerujih Oom
iwuiv." ii.v rt jipivitnliv n'.in-siiil t- prMiit their rwipt
im Min i) M'i(i into Kl.l J. SAI'.lil'.H. i;M.,m Allciilttwii.
I.t -Uijili f-iuutv . I'a.. I'm-nli iit (' Im- mini Company, nun
ami itinvi- lln'ir t-i-rtilic!ii'M pi'nt(v ttuthniiii-aieil tlirr
i. r : mill nil pt iMiii Itrivinj; pii)t'rilml nmt jkii1 ior I"H( in
Tim- Siirqiifhiiiiiwi liivi-riuul ,N-rtli ami ri UnuK-h Tela
r; I'. 'nriian ," uf: rttiMrtiullv rctuciihtl b pret
nni ri-4i-,p'i ior mm'Ii piiviiientH in , C lOKI.i., Hi th
Anu rn-uM il- ifl, t Ik Mint mreft. oppi.ilf tlm Slate Hoiim,
riii'att-l(i!in. rii'nu1nt nf Kud C'oiupttny, or b T. O VAN
A1J.I.V. TifJimniT' iJunville. M-tii -ur county, I'm , nnd
iM'ciVt tlifir iMTiiliciiifii ni due lorin tlioreior. Ami AH
pi-ri 'iit).ivtiirl-iiiiiiiiif;.uuI UicMthl lttrt wrmhip, iiUK.I
HI AW, rcintinff t I lip c)MHtrui'iioii ni nd Initut -krrb
rr ii i n hi promiMi.Hy n4,iruit, txkiktTOBJiit., nr ntlitrwir,
;ir r-iprrliu!v rrtpU'Mlfi) t prcwitl iN'rrw t lAtiiHeiilt
it.r Kin." without iU. to JiHIV ItTI'S, o. I
MrrcHniile l.ilirarv, I'litbiMpliiii, who m uiUoriaed le r
i'ci e Mwl arra.ivc i n ktUaiiaiii Oi tir win
a r i.ort.i.,
Jitmiarv U, WjI lm. j)AMIjU HAW.