Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 04, 1851, Image 4
i I I I I I i I i i j I i I A STRING OF lTJMS. It it understood that Mr. At wood will decline tht Democratic nomination lor Governor of Nw Hampshire. TreNTicR, of the Louisville Journal, pre umeitbat the South Carolinian will Ibrbid Iheir mariurn iireiiug by the north star! Thc printeri of New York are to hnr a . Tratilt tin Supper on the 17th of January. It will be a splendid affair. The numbera on the door platen in Broadway, New York, have now reached 41 1 ,000," extending up to 27th street. It was $1,200 that Mile Lind bestowed upon the Orphan Asylums ol Richmond 1 100 each. Tbrms persons recently killed fifty-five alligators in one hour, on the Red river in Louisiana. Mr. Wslton, the persevering borer of the Artesian well at Charleston, lias reach ed a depth of 1)52 feet, without limling wa ter. Dry business. The massacre at Aleppo is said to have bten occasioned by a Romuii Catholic pro cession, which oll'ended the Turkish population- The Pittsburg American notices an arri val in that of a runaway couple, Irom Lan caster, Pa., the groom being an old farmer o( seventy-five, worth $30,003, and the bride a blooming girl ol eighteen. Tun census ol Connecticut .hows that the total population of the State is 372,000 a gain of 20 per cent in the last ten years. In 1S40, the population was 310, 000. Mr. Fitnneix, a workman in the employ of Schenck, Brighton, England, is construct ing a watch smaller in circumference than a three penny piece, for the exhibition of 1851. A witnets in a court of justice, being asked what kind of far-marks the hog in question had, replied, that "he had no par ticular ear-marks, except a very short tail." The governor cf Virginia thinks the mot to of the South should be "Union if we can independatice if we must." Ot'.e ol the telegraphic reporrt represents him as exclaiming "Union it we can indepen dence it ire can't." Thr currency of the world is stated by Thompson, in his Reporter, to be nearlv as follows: bank currency, $(-50,000,000 ; specie in circulation, Sfi'w.OOO.OOO ; spe cie in banks, 1555,000,030. Total, ?1, 700,000,000. Another Pair or Siamese Twins. The Pittsburg Post of Friday says : We under stand that a wo:i an in Sharpsburg, on We.ln-sday niht last, gave biithtotwin children, (illegitimate,) who are united to gether after the lashion of the Siamese Twins. They are doing well. Mr. Wm. Smith, of Johnson county, X. C, who is described as a man of "miserly habits," recently took a runaway npgro girl belonging to him from Wilmington jail. He carried her home, and ns soon as he released her, sue sAz an axe, struck him on the head and killed him. Or the 97 paper mills in the State of Massachusetts, 32 are in Berkshire county, and of these 32, 1!) are in the town of Lee alone. Paper makins is the one great inter est of the place, and some of the most suc cessful and famous nian'tlacturers in the country carry on their business there. A Man SAvnn it Twi A German' named John Swevlzor, at Vincennes, la., lately, whilst intoxicated, went into a cir cularsaw mill, and falling upon the saw was discovered a few minutes after sawed Irom the left side, just below the shoulder, ob liquely niirht. across the bel!y. lie died that Tmmyson contributes the following Stan, las to one of the new Annuals for ISil : Come not, when I sm ctH, To drop thy f jolts!) tears upon my crave, To trample round my tailing head, And vex the unhap;y dust thou woulil.l not save. T tiers let the wind sweep, and the plover err j Uut o thru by. Child, if it were thine error or thy crime I rare tin Mnjer, beiiii; all unliiest; Wed whom thou wilt ; hut I am sick of time, And 1 desiie to rest Faaa on, week heart, a 'id leave me where I lie. Co by gu by ! HortsrtucK l!i dim; in M ADr.ini. The Hon. John A. Din, in bis recent work. ''A Winter in Madeira," give an amusing account of horseback riding at Funclial. For 30 rents an hour a flue tionec;iii be hired ui any live ry stable, together with a man as attendant, who follows on foot ; and when yon desire to ride fast hu catches hold of jour hoists' tail and is drawn nlonj. In this way he preenls you from running away fiom him. Mr. Dix says that the horses soon become accustomed to these human appendages, it ml that the Tel. lows have a way cf making the horse go fast r slow, as (hey desire, in spile of the rider. . Wtt are often reminded of the following an. cdote. It is a complete illustration of the paltry attampt of imtatois and copy ist. who ai incapuhle of devising anything new r.r useful, niul are ever impertinently thrusting themselves in the way of those who are ev enting themselves in some new and valuable enterprise. When Col. Alden Spooner printed a paper t Sag Harbor, he was much eucuuriiged by a liberal merchant, who adveitiaed his ware in two long columns, specifying every iiem of wet or diy goods, shovels, MutioiiHry, m,d mousetrap. While this waa woiking magic, ally among the villagers, a rival merchant called in one day, and asked with noncaluii air, the charge of inserting a couple of linn. He was (ol J fifty cents, and paid I ho money He thereupon paraded directly under the long advertisement. l TOO, Johs Thomson." The juke look michtily, nnd more naiiiru- larly as John Thomson had burrowed his idea fiom a little sauaw who had ni,i l s..ll h-r basket at the harbor. She had rival in a larger squaw, with a loud voice, who would cry her basket with every necessary adjunct of descriptive eloquence. The feeble squaw keeping dose at her heels, would squeak out ' I TOO.''-'. B. rlm,rAI,Hnv. HOOT, nAGVKIIKEAN ARTIST, ' No. 140, comer of Fifth if Chesnut its., Phita delphia.and 363 liroadiray corner of Franklin Street, New York. CITIZENS AND STRANGERS run hare k aitting for Portraits or Miniatures, ami receive them beautifully cased, in morocco, Silk velvet, Papier Mache, or other fancy .tylca, or acts in Medallions, Lockets, &r., in a jew' minutes. Daguerreotypes, Paintings, Drawing, &c. Copied. Out door Views, and Miniatures of deceased persons, taken at short notice. For Portraits of Adult by our process, and Im proved Instrument, a eloudy day it ijuite as fa vorable ns clear weather. For Children, a clear day (between 11 and S) is preferable. OIn Dress avoid white, blue or liirht pink. Our Gallery with its Sis Prize Medals and Works of Art, is open nt nil hours, and Free. Whether visitors wish pictures taken or not, wc hall at all times be bappy to sea them. June 22, 1850. J. IE. THOMAS, Ornamental and French Style Frame Manufacturer, 804 Wat mil st , between 3d and ith street. PHILADELPHIA. T ESPECTFLLLY directs the attention ofthe public, to his superior styles of Tlam and Fancy Frames, which are of the latest and most beautiful designs. As a handsome Frnme at a I.OW TRICE, has lieen much desired, he was induced sorye months since to commence the manufacture of these Frames. In a short time the demand has been so great, that he has lieen ubli;cd to incrcass his facilities, ami new oiler at j:xcT.r.i)tisi.Y i.ow price, Singly, or ill thousands, the most beautiful Frames, suitnblc for Paintings, Prints, Daguerreotypes, Cards. Ac, &c. Fur Durability Unsurpassed. Hotels, Public IJuililinjs, Steamboats, Stores. Ca binet Furniture, Ac., decorated in imitation of carved Koac-Wond. IF" Please call and see specimens. May 25, 1850 ly ghokgi: j, iii:.hi:i.s, city i; a n i r: t v a ii k r o it m s , NO. 173 CHESNUT STREET, orroxtTK TnB statu itoc.E.) rniz.wA.Dcr phi a. flFFEUPfor sale, low for rash or approved city v-' paper, a hr;o and well assorted stock of CA13I.NET Fl'H.MTritE, or the latest patterns and of the best workmanship. The assortment embraces every article, useful or ornaincntal.eom prising suits of Drawing Room Furniture in Rose wood and Walnut, exquisitely carved. Rosewood Walnut, and Mahogany Chamber Furniture ; Pa tent Extension Dining Tables, (acknowledged to be tlio best now in use); Library Rook Cases, nnd a great vuiirly of plain Parlor and Chuiulwr Furniture. Curtains made and put up in thc latest Paris fashions. Sprints Mattrascs, Hair Mattrasses, and Fea ther Ueds, made to order, N. B All articles purchased at this establish ment are warranted of the best materials and workmanship, nnd will be packed to carry safely to any part ofthe country. May '-5, 1850. lv TOU 25 i;i:.TS!!l S-3t. 1ST MMNSorTIIK I OCKf.T EscriAPirs, or, Every one his own Phvsician ! tlttrt!- M eth edition, with tipwnrda ol '.!. 3l n nuniireii enrnviiitrs. snow- il ins peculiar discuses in eve- 'Ml rv shape and form, and mal formations of the generative system, IIV WM. VOI'NCJ. M. I. Thc time has now arrived that persons suH'erin-' from secret diseases, nerd no more become the victim of Quackery, ns by the prescriptions contained in this book any one may cure himself, without hind ranee to business, or the knowledge of any one, and witli one tenth thc usual epcnce. 1 11 addi tion to Hie pcnrrnl routine of private disease, it fully explains the cause of manhood's early decline, with observations on marriae besides many other derancemcnts which it would not be pro per to enumerate. Lty"Any person sending Twr.sTt-riTE rr.XT enclosed in a letter, will receive one copy of this book, bv mail, or live copies will be sent for one dollar. ' Address, DR. W. YOKNC. No. ji SJ'KrCE Mreet. I'll II.ADELI'IIIA." Post-paid. !VU1!. VDl'N'li can be consulted on any of the Diseases described in his ditliMent publications, at his Ollice, 153 Sl'Rl'CE Street, every day be tween 'J ami 15 o'clock. (Sundavscxcepted.) Philadelphia, Jvov. 9, lSoO 'ly. TOXIC MIXTURE, For thk Cure or Fi;vkh and Acuf. Wait- RANTKD. THIS tiitri A11rd iiiedicine uiny he relied on when nenT. ly nil otlij rcmeiln-n fail. w value is n t niilii-ieii'ty kirv" thert'l'ore, ilie pioprirfnr ili-piren t- en!iri;p ti flfltl of !! urelnlu-i ty makliij; kil vn itff virlitei niul ejh lM'-v to ih'.mvitHls ii mnfiTem wiinre it t uware liiial Ihry run he njifeUily bial ruilirjily rurrtl il rt;vi:u axd agi-r, without the nsr of p ii mious drun. n:uie"it pntt mii r (lie rtTecln "f fuiinii. It is ort'frctt 1 1 the ;uii. lie uttt 1 'W nrii-e to -luce it within the resell of nli.nssnrnil tint th'ijtr wh miw it nrrrtliiij u directiont will bud it a ifc and tpecdy cuie I t Fevcs axt Hove. It n not A di:i!rreeohie n.iriM'aliiiir r-miponnd hut on ?re?- n 1 1 tomr (Mli-ulute.t lo reuinvr (he diitateuud give healthy adi'ta to tiie Motn:irii niut lowena. riiMHimt onlv hv MiirtthuM A C'l., mid fid wh'derdrt Mint retail hy H"vnnd V S mi. No. 21 N ith (Vh Mreei. Philad-'lphiii lru-c Hi per oinglc bottle, and S3 per d m JuneJ., IhM ly PEDDRICZE'S (LATH PABTNKR OF C. SL'IIKACK) Vunilttli Muiiutaer-loiy uutl 1'nliit More, So 7S North Fourth Street, A FET DOOHS ADUVe L'HF.KKY, WEST SIPB, ruiz.ADSi.rnzA. Constantly on hand and for side, at reduced prices, and oj tuptriar quality, the Jul luwtni; articles, rii : Crrnrh, f'stunet, JuiiEinnrrs1 nnrt (lit lMh Varniiti"a ; nig .liinui : 11 i-i unit ll;irii(-s Vurmvlt; ltrio-o, W'llttr iintl Keil Siirit do; Triinsffr il t; Ar!ii.ts', ll'tuim niul Ctuu-ll I'lttiitciV Mint uniislierK' .lntiriiiiK ; IM T'I' V l fil'ANTI'I'H'.S, I'AIN'IS. UliV. IN' till., AM) I'KK I'AItl I' KIM! IMMI'DIATi: I SCi .Milliners' lilue nml Ari.l. ; lll:(i-k Jnp ni f ir lion ; Aillu-sive il i. tor I'utiey W'-irk ; I'ietioe unit W'lntl v lilnf.; Amst' Co. I nrs. I)ry ami in TuU-b ; W it's Knot I'll : 'i 'll. Silver, niul tiiTiimn Leal' ; li.iKl. S.lver, aiM f'nper Rr-tue ; lilu. zier s l)i:mi 'litis. Ai, vety aairt.r bii lilucaing and Writing Ink. June an, liu. IJOW.N'S CSMEXCE OF GIXGnU. A new vupply of this excellent article just received and lor sle liv 11. II. AlAssLK. Sunhiiry, March 10, U50. BLANK DEKUS irinted on the best quality cf parchinent paper, sold at the lowest prices at this otucc, hy wholesale ami retail. BLANKS. BLANKS of every ilctwription can lie had ly U "'S a( ttl( ollue of the Ameriran. HI UK WHITE BRANDY FOR PREfiER Y1NG. just received and fur .ile by II. U. MA8SER. Sept. 28, 18.0. 'PISSrE PAPER Yellow Tiwue nupct. for J covering glaaws, &c, for aale at die oilicc ol ine American. f pEAS, from the New York Canton and Pekii JL 1 ca Cuiitkiiuy, For aoJa by W -?- if . , J- W. KIMNG. StMikiry, Dec. X, 1141 TSUNBUHY AMERICAN AND SHAMOK1N JOURNAL. ' err-- - 1T- ---- : f- -IT- -f T -I Tf-e . , ;-r r - - a CHERRY PECTORAL: foe the Cure mC COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BROW OHXTIS, GROUP, AST&s MA, WHOOPIWO.OOUait AND CONSUniPTIOIX. This Irulv valuable lemedv for all diseases of the I.iinrjs and Throat, has lieeome thc chict reli ancc of the atllictcd as it is the most certain cure known for the nbovc complaints. While it is a powerful remedial agents in thc most desperate and almost hnieless cases of Consumption, it is n'.tm, in diminished doses one ofthe miliiest ami most nareenble familv medicines for common common couehs and colds. Rend below the opin ion of men w ho are known to thc world, and the world respect their opinions. FROM PROFESSOR HITCHCOCK. ".lames C. Ay er iHir : I have used your "Ciintt. ItT I'aiTocAi..' in inv own eae of deep-seated Rronchilis. ami am satisfied from its chemical constitution that it is an admirable compound for the relief of larvtminl and bronchial diliicul.ies. If my opinion ns to its superior character can be of any service you arc at lilierty to use it as you think proper. EDWARD HITCHCOCK, I, I. D., President of Amherst College, From the ' London Lancet," "AVER'S CHERRY PECTORAL is one of thc most valuable preparations that has fallen un tier our notice. After a careful examination, wc do not hesitate to sav wc haven nrsc apprcciu tion of its nieriis and the fullest confidence in its usefulness for cough and lulu complaints." Dr. Urewster, of Windham Co., Conn., sends lis thc following testimony. Dr. J. C. Aver Dear Sir: I enclose you a certificate from .Mrs. Catharine K. Cndy. a highly respectable ady of this village, wife of Mr. Seth Cndy, Deputy Sherilf, Windham Co., Connecti cut. 1 lie cvre in her ease was very prompt, and hats attracted general attention, W. A. DUE WRTER. M. D. Wkst K11.UNU.Y, Ct.,Sept. '8 148. This may certify that I was afflicted with a very severe conch in the w inter of M7-8, which thrcnt tened to terminate in Consumption. I had tried many medicines in vain, and was cured by the use of "Ayer's Chcrrv rectoral." CATHERINE K.CADV. From Dr. Hrvant, Druggist and Postmaster, Chicopee Falls, Mass: Dr. J. C Aver Dear 5ir: Enclosed please find remittance'lorall the CHERRY PECTORA L last sent inc. 1 can unhesitatingly say, that no medicine we sell nives such satisfaction os void's does: nor have I ever seen a inrdieiue which cured so many cases of Cnush and Lunn Com plaints. Our Phisii'ians arc tixinst it extensively in their practice, and with the happiest elVeets. Truly youts, D. M. 11 It Y A. NT. rnrejiti.ii ht j.r. .vi:it, rsrs ist, Lowell, mass. l"V Sold by Henry Masscr, Sttnbury; Mary A. MeCay, Morthuml'crlaud- Dr. tiearhart, Se linsrove; Dr. Det kly, Danville, and Drussi'ls generallv. July 0, 1850.- Ivce3m iu.wkk; any and mai.m.k. STEA1 SAV MILL, i)n iti; siior. Comer of Eleventh and Ridge Road. AM) CABINET MAKERS. GENERAL FURNISHING STORE. No. 134 South Second Si reel, below Dock St., I'lin.Aiiri.fiilA. rMlIE KiilwrilTT vvmilil call t!ic ir('iul attrn I t ion nt' Cnliinrt Mnkrri. nml ntlirrs. to tlirir vrry rxtrnnivc nsmrtmrnt of nintrriiiln in tlirir lire. iMlisislinu' of Mnlnvjuny Vcnrcrs, ll.mnU n nil I'lank. Hnir Clntli, (.'urli'il Hnir, (iltii. Vanii.ll. LooUiiis (Jlass 1'lnlra. M-ihojanv Kimlu. DrJ I'osts, .Marlilc 'I'cjis, nml every iloscriilioii of Hardware Tools Xc. Culii net Maker rrtniliiis out of the City, would fine! il (jrenllv lo tlirir ndviintnce to cull at our More lo uircliase tuirli materiala aa tliey want, roiiiit'cti'd with their busiiuss. All our c-kxIs rc W A IMIANTRH, of tlie liest quality, and nt very reduced prioea. Our Trrma ore (', (no trade.) Wc puarauti'C lo give eery man tlio worth of Iii iiioiii v. T. & I.. THOMPSON. N. 11. Mahogany, Walnut and Hand Kail I'limk, nnd Stair lialliiHtera I'nr liuilders. also Mai Me Mantles, always on hand, and every de scription of turned work. June 8, 1S50 ly "DEATH'S DOOR:1 II-v fref)ucntly d. we hear tliin exfeion, which it iut-iiit l" r mc) to ttie initiil the hioi iuc ... fticliir, ln;tt u Mitipitt cut le rt'iimcfi tn, .tin! .Mn. lljni- 'ii. tt inciiilicr (' Idc Tiituty Cijiirvli, wis. in cxmrif acssi Iktik'Ii, tir.Miht d vn t "Uettir il wir,' ly l.hru lil.ihuui nml NtTi- m linil;irlic, when, like Uil ttlijf' l t' iiit-ii'v, Kmlwuy'n (irmly Ittrlu-f rt lu-vr-il her nf hrr n:v eie jKtmif ; uit I r': rcillurti her m iwnrrt hcilili. Tilt- vrry lutstiint Uiulw:iy'it Ituitily llt ln-i u njiphed, its liriiilicial citLTis ure ctM-iieiu ttl. it ilits, liciilv, t icuu Hen ami fuirilit-ji ; it uiMaiiily til!na irriiuti ii, rtiim'ci iu. Ii.utiiii:ii ii'iik mill Wftlinj.'n, r-livv tlie m ui vevrre tu-rii)K- tKiiun. tr fiiM I I iu rii K SimLIk, Sunt, Knipli u cm va Itliciliu ilihiii, .nuili;iti. i ill, I'.iiul, bife. Sj-rjun, S: nil i it. Siiniii'. iS; ill' .!, Wt-ukiR-vs in ihe Sule mid link. IS rra l nil kinli, iult. liniiM-r. Chalc. Sji 'i'Ur.ii, lullurnzu, il Uiiicii--M. Ci-uli. CnliU. TOOTH AlTIli CLKliU l. O.XK SKCOND. Tlim t'lrturiiiy HiiVi-ti tn c-'in lw ftir.'d in un imiiiiit, f'r t!if in um nt the iU'l.el' t 'lK-lit i Hit nervr, tlie junt in mi nitcil. S t with 'I'u U 'Icrux uiui HriuiiTum:., Neurul yi.i tint I Sirk Hf.itliche U.itlu- the uii where thr juiiu if tut'- ut'i ere, mid in u fw niiliiiun ytu will he eiitiietjr rt-ltev etl. Tuken titterii:iliy it will urivit the in it vi leul Sti5m niul L'nini-8. nt p I' liiiKinii r t nnii'li puijiiny, in uit ir.tiifft tl will ilie ireiii;;li I r wetikuraa, eise I t pmi, heiitih f riif. .No Keudy K.-li.-i id Ktuuiiic un- ll.lf.ANT To 1 1. IT tt lt( IM IIS. TO lL.Mitia.UMI AMI i-.MlA.NOI-. Tilii I'llARMS HV lii;At TV. llAt AV' .MK1MCATEU SAF. narlway'i Mtiitdiel r im. h ihlv km wit throuiih- n it the inKhi tii.iliie wnrltl i'nr ilN extremely W-iml, puruy intj uiui k Kitiniifj i iin tf i'ii Hit bkiu ; while hy iu aeti 'ii nn the p rt-uiul the minute turret., ry veMela il exjK'ls nil iuipuriiiek irom Ihe lurtiK. uilnxt every tendem-y lu m- tlinmiilHiii, miU ellr-ctuiilly 4liriUit-ii ull rttli.t-ff, Uu, iiiipU-. up t, frei klf, iruti nsuml other ettuiiie hii eriiptmiii Tlie nili;ini M miiii it iui,irU I the eheek, the aiiiuau. unit ih-iieuev winch tt iwhie-a of the lunula and tiriua. iia r;ip.-ihilit' nf a i Khnitf irriiuti n umt rem vnig t-u- ne.iiu-iei-u. reiuler it m-l.kHM.aiLiie 1 1 every timet, tieiiileiiieu after ahrtviiifi will rihtl it iitl.ia nil iintntia nml I. .ilcnu.fcA ui Hie akin, una n-iutera it -a. am wlh uud pleiiMiiit. initin ine nent mid diiit nt Btiimner, or fr at nml bleak wintla n winter; antt iniMKea !' aiinlturu. annua n imteeta isiilhlaiiia, ehuppetl h;tiuU, r luculentiil iiittiuiiiiuti u, It a Virliica h.ive I mpiiiitt ejtteiwively In-uii ui-kn iwl- tlj-wl. lis nullum,: nu.l reireahuii! nnuwrtit-s h.tve nliiiiinei) iia nelee linn fr in the til ua.ii.ili ( oilier e nnH-lie, b ti Kur i- M-iiti niul it 'iitt Klic iii iniii' irtiiri'. hy hit It n t u nf ull piria lithe fualii Miulilf wurhl, fr un the l-urinur Impua lithe (i Ken r- ihiii "l' the if-e Kini.'- The puMic will pleaai he.r in itiiiiil thul Hiilv-:iy'a .lr;)ic.Meil Knp, ia th nuty luitt prejiiiiiitinn f -r the ..tli niw in line; Una h,ia lieen reiliii'-tl tt hy fur m at pi -in i unit ehennaia. lt;ulvv:i)'i S Hip ia free fioip (tnit n ua. irniuliiig ami ierniet u in gr.-.ln -nt a. It euti lie uae1 nit the tender aititi nl U- iiif;nit Willi ihe a;u i if iuppy reaulla ua U('ii Iveauiy iu i:a prune. ief thul nu ll mke ia envel ipnl iu u aplenili-t UU:I of uteri fnirrHVine iind luiilii-r ee ihiit the aipiiiMure nf It. ti. It A D WAV 11 Um each cuke. 1'ru a i'i cents, large enkta. nit: (iitowixj ouvmi:nt OF UliAlTV ISA I.LXl-ltlANT llf.AU UK fi U8V IIAIR. kADWAV S CIKCSSIAS HALM Warranted the brsl Jlair Ionic iu use, For Dressing- ami lltsuitit'ytng llie hair. Il cleuiiara ill tti.i Ir-au Uamtriilf, ks U elean, enres Scurvey, liaslneM, uuil tiiirrs ou Ihe lleutl sliii. 111. ainr It'iin lallmg out, fi'iiilcrs il strouff, fine, su siili, silt ami gl Mwy. Kurasia win Imve siat tlicir h iir tr sii'lni.s will tiu,l a c ii(ilelruiitul.4e in Hilva 'a CirctMinii Ualul. Il als i gives It u ibrk ami liemiuful uil ir, unit will prevent it irom turiiintf urey. Kmiu lis exouisit. tiurlty, it is ailmi rulily wlaiatsl f ii tha lmir f( eliil'lren of tha in st lender age. Il is a 111 iu I irgo IxSlIca I H) tienta jier Ii mle, siul is vvartanleil the liesl lmir preHiiuliou in use, it will uot a il the lull, ciip, oi tlie Bueal Inline (fee that Uie aif na ture ot K ADW AY t'O., iaup'ni earli U ule in i'ir. euasiau Buliu i. f euuiu. wiiIuhH Ui iifnalur. wl Huiivvur Co. Aoist II U Maaser. (unbury. Auf . 10, leSO uly 1 'ArS. An awortment just received Also silk HATS tt 333, for aale hy II. MAS8ER. Huabury, Dea). , IMI. LIVER COMPXAXNT, JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC OR 7 ..... a- S-. t S-s a, C T- JVEUVOUS UKUilLI I T, uicaoo. OF, THE. KIDNEYS, AND all dieeeerisiii from a Sinnlerea liver or sto mach, stieh aconalini Inwiint IMee, Fullneaa.ot .. fk luari. Afsitite of the tst'snich, Nenten, HeartlKim. disriie for ft', falloess or weight hi the Stomach, sour biurtatiinia, sinkiiK of Itnlterins; st the t of the ftoireiei, aiinmiS "f die henil, hurrint ami dirnenlt breathlnt;, flnltTlti llie nean, rmminsi o m.u Tn,mB , nm,,i,... .im hi Ivlua mlnra. l)i ess of vieimi. d.asor welpa iHdieethe sight, I'evrr and (lull frnm in the hend. tlcflcrencv of rspirnii'i, Tcnownesa oi in asin hiiq evi-s. pain hi the ante, hark, elirat, limln. e., andileii dushra ofhrat hnminS in tlm flesh, constant irangiiiings of evH, and areat depression of spirits, CAN UK r.l-TKC 1TAI.LY CURF.D BV DR. ZCCFLAITE'S CELEBItATEIs (iKHMAK III Ells, rKKPAnktt BY BR.C. M. J ACKSOH, AT THK GERMAN M .-.DICING STOKE, Nn. V20 Arch SI.. Pliiladflpliia Tlkcir pttwrr ovrt llie iitnve dinpiiici it m t excelled, if ut the fiiret a licit, in iiiuny cuim mter tkilhul physiritini Jiii tuiieti. 'I'lieuo Bitten nrt worthy thrr nt lent ion nf invtilhU. I Mevftin (tteut virtnea mthe refiiriniii m of difejirt t f the Liver Mini tetwr ghimlt, p ivrentiifi the m at ntirrhinft (toweri in we-iiknenund aiTtftieim oi the digestive urg.MiB. lliey tire, wilhul, me, eeriniu and ile.titiiit. Kioin the II ist n lltc.J The nditor aniil. Dpt. tf-.M Uk. l.onrLA.inV ('fjlUrp atrt Okrman Hittfr for the cure of'i-r (Tomtlaiiii, .laundice, Ifyipcn(iM, L'hronit or it:rvon8 behility, m dewrvmlly one ol the m vt vipn lar medieineii i.f the day. Tit me Miltem have In-en iipeil hy tin ait iiiiU, mid n friend tit mir elhow tnjt he hut him dt'lf rti ei ed un elTtt tnal and fierin inent i-iire i.f l.ivtr Joiitl:iiiit I Mm the line of tint reinwly. We lire eomtnrrd (hat, in the live of tliem; Hnierp, the patteiiL vtniHtantly ffaint ttrriifrlh and viair o fact worthy of great en. mule rati -n. They are pi ei mm it in nmle and mncll. nnd he lived (' ert an with tlieiiuittdrlirate at -nmelm with wile ly. under uny cin-uinttiinceii. We are Pcntiiiiii fn in tv piTitnce, and ( the attiietl we ml vine their une." JndtreM .M. Noah, n gentleman with grral leientifie nnd litt-rary atmitnneni, mid in hit 'Nrw York Weekly MetwciirtT," January A, -)r. f( hifland'ai (it-rnnn llittem Here ist preptiatim win 'ii me letniinit prcxacg in the L t-i he iinnu- in n in reeonnnenmnrr, anil the rent-m tt ohiout. it u iiuiHf alter a pn-acriplioii niahi-d hy one of ihe in at eete hrnted phynici iiis of in nh-rii timet, the late lr. Chr ntcpher Wilhettn Ho dlaind, f('j r fo tlie lTniverity nfJeim. private rhysieiiin to the Kniff of I'runfia, iintl one of the prentett imiliiiil writer (ieriniiiiy hat ever proilnceil. He wnt emphaiieally the enemy of InimSnff. nnd theief reB meilicine it' which he Wat the invent -r and nnd mr may h c nlTdeiiily rehed i. lie peeially rec uninciidctt il in Liver C aiipt.iint, l)ytppiia. Drlnlity, Vertnr Acidity o' the stomach. C nltpnli ii. and all eninplnimt nrisms trin n dm ird'-red e 'inhii-ni of he atiaimch. t!ie livT nnd the iiitcktiiM'i. Nine I'liiladcUllna paper ei -rctf their j.uivie- iion t rt excellence, m,i fx-vrn) ol Miiir tpcitk o . ilt effect t fr m their own individual experience. 1'nder I thetc eirrnmntnnccr', wc trel wnrranted, n it only in e;illinp j the atti-nll 'ii of oar reader to the present prenent pr'prn; tor's (Dr. C. M. Jiieki" Mi'a) prepanition, Iwt in rei-.tinmend. in the uiticle to a I atflicled " More EvidwHC. The 'I'Tiiladetphia S tlnnlny Oazstte." the bet family newspaper published in the United Silr. the cUit r ut of 7r. HooflamV German Bitters. 1t it Held m that wc rer nntnend what are termed Pn leitt Medic 1 1 n 'A. t.i the eonfilcncc and vitron:it:e of our rcadeiat; hikI. thciemre, witen we rec miltem) n. Ho I lind't tieriniu It it tern, we wm it to lie distinctly undci tt't nl Ihitt we are not t.teakinff f the n utrinn of tlie day, that are n -incd ahtuit f -r u hi ief peri-nl rial then for (: tl I en aft ci they haved 'lie their ifiiilty race ol iinhiel', hilt "fa iiiediciue I mr eatahhiiheil, iiniverndlv piim-d. and which hut met theh'iiriy upproml of the I'nculiy itself. ' That tint niediciae will ciire Iuer t' anplaiiit and Dn pepsin, n one eaiiiltiht. afler iltinir it an directed. It net tftcvil.enlty upn the nt 'in icl, nnd liver it i prcfiVraMc tn cal liici III nil tat 1 tt ut iii-itH'iho t-tlecr n immediate. They n lie mlnnniaterrd to 1'cin.ile or Ininiit with tuieiy ond reliable iKitefit, nt any time. nr.wAiu: r "TTIi ntkkfkit!. Tlii medicine tin nt.nincd tluit Uih chaiucter which i neccrstry f t ull mcilicint t attain to mdiice crnuteifeiiftr to put i-Tth ii apuri.ntv aitick at tlie rifck of the liven of th are inn vwntly de.ieiveil. I.UOIv WKI.I.TO THK MAKK9 OK THK CKNl'INK- They have ihe written aicmtnre of O. M. JACKSON tip hi the wrapper, mid the name blown in tht Ikitlle, with our which they nrrfpun n. For tale, wb decide nn t retail, the (ift mun Medicine Store. N. 1lW AHOfl Str..t, one dn-r Wei w Sixth, (l ite of 2'8 It net treet.) I'lolt Mlhri nnd hy letpectahle ilcjlert geitrriiuy tar iiii nt tne r nutry. Ai.ho Tor rile l.y II. Masek, Smilmry, titd M. A. MX' at, N rthuMiherlaud. AaiiKt IT. IU y StJITS & CO i.Mi'onTi: its of FortKioN Books, Prints, Engravings, Stationary Gilt Frtiiiics Miiri IIumicuI liistru- IIK'lltS. Na. 7S North 2nd St., lirtween Arch &. Kace, l'HiLnu.r:iii. I M PORT to ordrr and have constantly on hand " a erv large aasortmcnt ofRoodain thealiove named lines at wliolexulo and retail. l'riuciilly : In tierninn, Latin, Cireek. Hebrew. French, Italian tSpaiiUh and other UiiiiaL'rs ; C'lawics, Diction arics. Cirnmniers, Voculiulnries, School, Juvenile, I'ii ture, Drawitii; and Model llooki for ArchilecU Caliinet, Carrinee and other ni.iinif.ii'turerK. MAI'S, CI.OUKS and 13lanU Uooke of every description. Splendid Lithographic and other I'rints. Ml'SICAL INSTIU.METS. AcrortlcniiK, lianios, Dow for all string in.tru meiitH, Uridit nnd 'I'ailpieeen, ClarioneU, FifeM, Flajreoli'ts, Flute, (juitara. Octavo Flutes, Patent Heads for liuitars and Yiolinee Him. Tain'.iouriiies. 'I'uninir Forks nnd llaiiinicra, V inline, Violin and (iuilar Pi us, Violiucrlloa and Striii'.-s i'nr ull kinds of Iiistruiiienta W'holcMile and Kctail. Aceor dcona repaired. Also conMuiitly on hand, wholesale and retail, a large nmortinrnt of the very hrst GERWIA.W ERONZC POWDETl Dutch Mettil, French and Florence Leaf Metal Thermometers, I lairpenciU.-Falier and other j Leadpencils, l!cd, Idle and lllack Cha'.k Cray our. Mathematical Instrument, Scat lieu tom. i vpriin Lancets Pocket Prescription and tiold Scales and Weighty Letter, Fancy colored and ! K i 1 1 I'apcr l'layiiii! Curds and other French and i (ierman Fnncv Articles, for the sale of which j they are the M AN L FALTUKliliS AGK.N l S. I Julv C, 1 8511 UKADY MADU YVJ E take thia method to inform the readers of llit Simliiirv 4 iiiaorii-ati I hat shnnlil lliv pi.iU.lihia in triiMt f and favor us with a rail, they shall not Ik disap pointed in ohmiiiiiii; the ln't of (rarineiiis at the lowest rash prices. Wc Iihxc now on hand the largest assortment ever ottered in 1'hilude.lphia, anion-which are DHKSS and KHOCK COATS from $5 lo l'ANTS and YI'l'S from 73 ru. to 3. OVER COATS, CLOAKS, lil'Sl NESS SACK COAT.S and COATTEES, all of which ahull he sold at .lu ll prices a U make it an olnect for Ihe people of iSuithury and the aur rounuinj country to extend to ua their patronage. I'EKRV R. M'NEIM.K & CO. South East corner of (ith and Market July 13, 1S30 BROWN'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN C Ell, an excellent article. Rmail'i Medicated Soup for sun burna, tan, tetter, e. Railway'. Circaasian Balm, for the hair dand rutr &c. Railway's Ready Relief for Cramps, Cholic, Cholera Slorlius, Ac. l'or aale hy II. 11. MASSER. Sunhury, Aug. 3, 1830. 9 AY RL'.M. An excellent article for sale HENKV'MASSEK. I.y bunbury Jan, STlh. 184U if. pOLU PENS IN SILVER CASES. A small lot 011 hand and for aale hv il D. MA6SKK. funhury, April 6, 1H30. IJAISINS, currunta, citron, chwae, la-pper V aaucc, &c. lor aale hy J. W. KKIUNU Sunhury, Uec 3. 1818. B.E1-: UIM.el Justices and Coii.tithle. Yet ' Eills liandsouirly printHl on card paper, for ale at (hi. uliice. . Cptton Vm. Cuttofi Curpet, Cotton Laps and Wadding, Cotton Outline., Ready made Pantaloons. Ready made Vents. Congress Knives, Porcelain lined preserving kettles, juat received fur sale by H. NASSER, fiuilmry. t. ! Iii prwwi.tmtf Ihe pnWIir wHh n rrmnly f r ermtnvrul oihI rureof FitrK axo Aovr nnd 'it Iter liili fin t1irtiM-. mi iipntiipy it urn Int. Vtist iiiiinlrerii in lb liiitnl hfcDH-n. wtifi diiff.r frtim thew nfl'tvlHum in tht-ir viinol f irtiiP. ure c tiiiwH-l rrliff fmm other 'iiriTd thnti llir iinnu- dutt pnwriptt w the nttiibr phvuirinn. It Imr mim- thcrrf re mi nlijiH of hiiiirmity. im wrll nn f pnltlif inlrr rJt. t'i lirinc iM-f.ttP tlifin n rt'imily prvpnrnl In mi tnnHi rx perifitcp. imkt which may iilwuyn le rr-lirit up n im fk. KFFKrTVAt.. AKD HABMLKFK TO THK COrNTlTCTin. Thill tiH-hiti thr tine tJrtructer of the INDIA rilOI,A.(l been emi'siyctl CP" ralrnct from a enmr.iniiieati n of tlie 11 m. AVit,. Mm WmiriHRinoi. of tlie L. S. fenate, late (i.iveru ir of Michigiiii. Diihoit, Oct. lit, IH10. DorToa rnais Oooo, llenrSir. I have rem! wita mneh interest, ytir little timfati.r mmih tlie eaiiees. Ireatnimt antl cure" n I ho fchril. iliwises vvlneli have s i'lrnively irevuileil in ,mr finmtrv ilnrnie the l-isl few nialths an iiiten-sl inereasnl II" it niil, by the fuel that I Imve imliviihially anflernl .i mnea fr im'them. Tlionuh I leel nusell' very ine tniieleiit to jieltre safely iip-m a enlin-'t s i ealtrelv ,r.ifir..i nal, yet yllr llie-.ry seems I i tne well teas 'lied, ami y-ntr e ulela einns ins, ..... t 1 think withal. Iliat your Nim;ililct is calea late. to iT'Nlilee in. let. ,n.etK'al tt mhI. Speakmir l the t.nilieine lie says It fi.lly jnstifnft yotr flatten.. experlate its, ns n snl'e, eiaivennait. .....I p f . Inr remeily, mv .vn experience, s ( tr, ilrhlers me t ' he. tieve that it will pr ive n rreJt pt.hlie lientT.t. I ...n plrn.eil Im learn that voti have recently etalil.he(l sevnn.l ntremars f r itsd.sp slli'n. tlii inrl. I reirret ihat, with n view I', a m 're p-enernl ftisM....iiiali"ii ol' it, y m .IcmiIiI have fulfill it necessary tn re.ri'.ve from y ir present resi.le.t,.: n.n iitg us. Wall much respect 1 have the h ua In he. s.r, V"tr nliiiL'e.1 SeFCaitl, vt: i t m '(Hiinii;ii)r;n W From It 'll. PTrriiE V. It. Trowbhiuus:.oi' .M.elii. fan State Senate, M the Afient nt Ilcl Ill R Ml Nn I. A M f'ASLINI. Co., Dec 13. 1811 t.r ymi wish tne to iai' rm vmi what I kit 'w nl' llr. Osir fnl's Italia Clml ig '(T'te. ir miti-hili 'tis meilieiae. I tin helieve thai if f lie virtue nml effieaei- nl' litis were treneintly kimwu, Ihe rrvKit ami aiicx wnulil .lisuppettr in Mirhipn... I pr.icMml a li-tltle in the sprint nf 111. nt.'l have ir wil reason t-i lieliwe that myseil' ami faintly eseaied the njjue last season in c.nse.(uei.ce "I' .is live. Perhaps in no summer si.Me the seMlement of this fine peninsula, has Ihe fevel nu.l njrne lieen a., p.evalenl us the last. I have rec 'iiitnetehtl llits lueilieii.e in uiiiiiernus in slauees. null when the ilisense hail heeotiie fixe.1 anil ltallle.1 the skill nf physicians ; ..nil I have never kit 'Wit il lull. I has universally pr slueeil Ihe u. st happy efl'els. nml I liet lieve It ha never e.xeee...l hy liny' lllcilil'ilte 111 recni. Vint; the iliseases nf the eliuu.te. V.t.irs, respeelf.iHe. STKI'IHIN V. It. TROWItRinr.K. Arent f l Smilmrv II. II M.XSSKH ; Norrhnml"-.! ami, WITIIIMiTOM Vf.i.j Milton, J. II. itASKtt; Sel.ns. amve. MAY KI.DSK. Mhv fi. I-JK if imi 1 1 i ti:i.ria i i IMEDICAI. XIOUSE, ESTABLISH KD 15 YEARS A(iO, BY mi. KIXKKIJX, iY. W. Corner f 'llurd nml Luton Streets. BlirWKKX SI' lift' K AND IMNK NTKKKTS, PUJL ADELI'IilA FIKTI'.KN A I;AI;S nf rx! nn I nniniermpt-d pi nili-e npnil ui thia city h:i;e rriiilcrtl IjT K. tlie in t esprit iiitit Micif-isiul pr.tetili iht 1:if unit iit-:ir, in the trr:itinriit nt utl ihi-n-R ni ii priv.iti uiiure. Vvr ua iilflii-ttHl wtth uI' up u tht' h nIv. iht r;it, .ir U-pti. ptum ut the Invuinr h uiam lurrem LiI rlh'titmiisin. f'riftim t. L'rnvt't. (Iiwiiie nripumtr my uihlnll eMv-s-j,- ,,r iui;tuiitii a tf tht hi nhI. wherr-hv 1 lit- v UKtltuii m lire iue eulethleu, uie ulltieuteil with aiifffM. lie wli tpl -rt-a huuwlf tiinlrr the e ire nf Lr. K , unv r--litri 'tidy e tnfi le m Ine h u r :;a h ueutleiu.iii.uml e titi.lettt ly rely up hi but akill ut u plivMi uiu. TAKK I'Alt l'ICtri.AU MTlCi:. Yonnsr Mfii wh c h;ive i:nu tl ihenivlv l n rrrtiu iiiiltilce.l in -j hulut fi ipii'iii ly hvinu-tl frin evil r iiipum ua i.r ut :li 'I ill filt'a nf wht' h :ire msh' y Mt, even when .oleep, uutl ihitr -y It th iiiui l hm I l il , ah. ii hi apply iuinieili;iii'ly. Weikut'i"! :nnl e mit'iifitn it ilehilily I h nf utnsc il:ir energy, pti 1 initu .! niul i; ti er;il tr a:r;iti u. irntnl-iliiy mul uliiu-iv un Mih-fii if. ni'l' peati mi, aiii(rifis!uui i f the liver, nul t-verv f ltsi:ivni unv way enitiitn u-l Imi the ids TtliT nf me prucreulive turn' ti ina cured, ruul lull vinr ri M .c.. YOUTH AM) MANHOOD, A vigorous lilt! or a iitin:iMite ili-alU. EINKKLIN on si If Pr. scrvaliun. ONLY 25 CKNTS. Tliif n tok jimt puhliaheil ia fi lr-1 Willi tiaefn! uif rmiti n n tht infiruiiiira ;iint diM-;iF.-a cf the (tem-riitive tlig.itiN. It .nMr.-nnff i aeli :ihhc ft Vt H'Tll, M AMlOUUiinJ OLD AfiK, mill (.It-mid hf reuri hy it 11. The v:ilu:ihlv aiivii-e nml imprfa;ve wiirmnfr it Rtvea, will prevent yeurhnt miaery ami auilei iu mul ive ly Tlt-tllRttiirlH nf Live. I'.irenia hy re:ulim- it will learn how t' prevent the tlri trunioti tif tiieir clultirfti. .. reuiltt:tii'-e "l" i ctn'a, eul e. in lter, r'' ilrw.d tn 1)11. KINKKI.IN. X. W. e mer nfTUIIiDft I'NION' Strt't-ta. he'weti Sj-ruee A I'm. riiii:itll;.hi:i, will ensure u h "k. Hinh-r env i-t ;e. it rt'iiKii t' nrnL I'itb 'lit lit ti thavinee uny nil.lrea J T. K. hy letter. (iMint pai t.) nml he e iretl ut h ui'-. iAriAt.i:s or .Mi:noiri:s. Tnni:rr:os, &r. f nv irdiil hv arMi'liiic n rrniiLiHUee, unil put p cuie fr in 1A.MA(.-. ni CI "KIOSTV. H i tk.g;jtra. New Aff nta.FV'll ira. rrim:iaera, an-l all othra ni:plit ) wtth ihe nhove w rU ut very .iw rales. I'ehruary 0, Ir.iO. ly A CALL TO IIOU: E 1EEPEL5 At l!if ( uliliii'l Hiii n ttomii !' SKirx IIOUPT k CO. Market Square, Aso at the corner of Fairn street ,V I he Railroad SUNIiUilY, l'.. ' TlianVful fur tlio piitrmia? of his frii'inls am! ruKtiuiirra ilurin; tlie 17 yours lie li:n Iioimi in littsi nrst in this iUre. ho sulu its truin tint pub ir a con liiitiuiii'O ol their f.ivurs. l'lirin; this jirrio.l ho Inn. oiulruvori'il to korp up with the improvements of tin- il.iv, anil Im ni'toruiii.'lv r .ti-n.lcil his hn-i- ncss in every hmncli ami jr'iv. '1'hf imMif aie therefore invited to the ntteuti.i.i of thc present stock of CAUIXK I' WARK AM) CIIAIKS, MAS'Jl'ACTtltCI) By SEBASTIAN H0UPT & CO. At the Old Zland, Where in addition to their former stock of the establishment they now in an lire Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chair3. Lurire Spring; Sent Hacking V hairs, Dressing JJureuus, Centre Tables, .Marble, lop It ash StnnJs, and a variety of other new ntyle and Vi ion ;il I e E 1 ii r n i t u rr. 1 lux in 5 secured a Hoarse and made the neces sary arianscincnla for the purpose, they are now prepured for I nileriakiii in all ils hruuclic, in this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye lliniils ami mislrs.i'., ami huiliaiiils ton, Here's I'liriillilie of every slle nnrl hue, Kmni sale Ii it ivii to kili-heu t.ihlcs, l-Ym risking chairs I iiH-kiiu; rni.lles l-h Mikt you ii it liava the rciuly Joiik to pay, We'll wuil awhile f r u linjfliier lietter day, tit tuke potatoes, outs, e iril, wheat null ru ; Hark, hoop p 'Ics, stuvrs. or hauler wet ami ilry, Or any thing hut y -kra nml thrr.liiug tluHs, Kloin pii;. ami lurkies ilowu l-i little quaes. C'Hlie ml theil OiemUi, e une one nait all, Keep Imite a inovinp, an ")i t-s on the tiall." f-Tsr a ... I . i: .1.. - to and work of all kiiuU dolixercj with dmutch. Sunhury, March 0. 1830 tf J 11141. XDUM'lll A WI.M! A; Oil HTOUK. n J- W, Importers and Dealers in Liquors, No. 2 J0 Market street, Phdajiltha, OFFER for aale, the cheuot and lies! asso incut of Liquor, in Philadelphia, such aa il Champimne, Sherrif.. Port, Sleek, Claret, Pi ck, l larol, Hi deiia. Li.ho.i' guudipa. Muuttirii, Ursae, nl 'J'encrillp and Sicily I) randies uf the choicest brands. Maiilina. (Hard. Pont't, lleiinesv, Ac, Ac Fine Holland (.in, Mononguhola, Scotch Irish Whiskey, Ac. &c. Hotels and the country trade supplied drlphui price, an the most liberal terms. July U, 1850. I A'finS A annnrloe arlL'la Air .J) store of I1ENHV MA Stvnbvrj, FK 10. 1150, 1UNK NOTE, TABLE. Ct)RRECTEI WEEKLY. p.:vy..van!a. i ., r'TT.or CHlLAliltkrilU. V. Ilmik ii i'i w dn All ft Vein banki pu rot nt MALAGA V8GTT9. AU Ivnl tnuitcj I dit KHOUb IHI.A.Np. All i Irr-nl tviuki 1 4it co.NM'cncur. All ftitvptit li!iki I Ail KW VORE. ClT. Hink of Clitiuittcmliiirg 1 Hi Mnnlv vf Ctipiter C'. pari H:ink i if lH. C.i. Chr-.ter pnr nor At unlreiit ImuWu I dit Hnuk i'f UrtlVNliiirc 1 ilis.lT'tfk ii t(-i iwtfler S3 dit fiauk f lfwiwiiwii IMK nf .Vlulillelown 1 ,j. All anlventa hmk. ltl'S ni ii'n niery l o noal purl ftKW ilUISLY. IMiik nt .orll.umherl'ii.l pin llelvulere Hank I itis of I'illsh.iril 1 tlis Ooinui.-teiat lliiik j ill. nans ... iianvuie u.r Fill. II ink ut II ,lv nt Carlisle Hank 1 ,i, K A M.,MH,lelowu lM. ( 'hiinhia ll'k D'geCu ,r .Mei liuui' Ilk .,.wur imr )..yelsl"Wll Hank piir .Me. li. lik o ,,rlmil, pur l."ton II ,k ,vir Mm Ii. ,V .Mm. Uk Trit .l l.r.e Hank J rl.s M 'tris V, H, I ,1,, I'.xeha.iie H'k rillslaira I il.s Newark Uk A , C;, 1 U.a l -xehnnee ll'k, MniuWi 1 .lis Ira. tec J ms ms jHr lir ids jw.r Farmers' H'k, lliieksrn pi'r IV 'pie's Ilk fillers. .u I'lirmers' Itk, Lancaster pnr'l'rinrvfo,. Il-mlt I'jruieis' l)k. Il.-'i'lini! ir Sileiu llunkn C, Farm. Ilk S"hnylkill To p..rrV.nrret (;.. Hu.k F .V 1). Hk Wa vnesi.'n I Jilts "lnt Hank w t'aniilen Franklin Ilk VA'nsVu tj.lis Sle Bk Klisnhetht..,, H'lmslinnr Hank 1 .lis I'lnte Hank Newark ilis ill. lion. S'l lie ll'iuk 1 .lis Stale Ilk, . llim.SH'i,.k par Irfllie.ter ll:ink eiir.Sussex liatlk, Newton litis lni"ll Hank par i'renl .1 lianki.iir f'i car Verch. rt' Man. Ilantf 1 .lis I'mmi liank. l"-er ,hs .Mineis H'k. Futsville r-r Yar.'len'leADellirr'.l.Klis M u .neiheh Hank 1 .lis Or Ilk ii ites miller fi J tlis Tnl .rsv'e Del II', Co j His' DDI.AAVAIti:. Weal llrancl. 1 oik ,ir Hank of Ileeiware . iwr y 'iiiniir in. v ilkesh'e wi ii'e.K ni TMuvrim par ! Y rk II ink, ,,, 1 ,,. I M A INK. i It'iiikof wi,,, s I Mereiintile Hk. Hang'ir In ilis I All s 'Ivei.t tiaaks j .lis lleieivnre f ilv Hank w.r 111; W'ilme:.. ,V Hrnntlyw. (mi F.rmers' Hk Pt !elnware par I'ni. n Hank. Wilmington par IV t'mler Vs J die OHIO. Nl.w II MIKMIRi:. A" s 'IceiV In. .ks 9 rii AllS'lvettt Irmks ilisiy-pk n aes nnrler It's a Hu MONT. Hank ef St Attain All s Inuks NORTH CAROLINA. 9 lit. -l; s 'Ivent hanks 'j .lis 'Ii. iVUiHlcrS a. !j dit j COLU.MHIAV SERICSOF j JSrlttimrticff. j The Pupil s friend and Tearha-'s comfort. 'PI-IE COI.l-MniAN CAf.n t.ATOII. Thia ! 1 work is nlrnulv introilittfil into noine of the , host A I'uil.i inies nn.l a lari'o minlier of Si hools, yhore its i.c has uiven ile i.led mil iinivei-wil an tif,K'tiim. hoih tn tcai'hrr ami pi:p;l. It ia purely Aiiicrinin in its rhnraetrr, Une I upon ot,r own . lieiiiititiil tl'ttmn! system of tinniey. Itrnnhiiiis more, tlio nrriin.reni'iit are I otter, and it in the easiest niul cheiipest wmk o llic kind now in use ; , nnd it is so l oiisiilerr I l y linn. lie, Is of the iinot ! rniiipeteut tout Iuts and inn ol's. ienre in the l.'ni ! on, who linvc r vomniondtj it. It ii tlio hook, pariiriiliiilv and expressly prepared our Ame. tiraa tr!lu!,!r : hy Alum Tiriiior. i n k nr i ii s f" t.csi in, si (.'a un. iron This volume ronlaiim til paces with nliout U0U exam ples for aoltiiioii on the date. It cmhrarea the luilcs. Cotpound liules. Simple and Compound lu'dui'tiuii ng!e Uule of 'i'hreo, rroporliiiu, cVo. Tick Mill's Arith vr.Tiitf. T.ui.ra. is destined for I'm i;se of younirer clusws. in tlu tSi hools of ihe I'liited States. A luMUlifullittlu hook and pleas itit? to I'hihlreii, and the. on!) oncofthe kind of anv Vllll'.f. 'J'liere are Keys to hoth A itli etii-n bound ai:i Hie or iloiihle. liir lo eorvpuriir of teachers, in wliirli tl.e solutions oi ihe ipirslntsare niven with unit h ovtra inutlcr for the hoard. 'J'hesc Kes are the most euinpletc v.)l.s of il,e kind ever puhlislied, nnd eontaiu. in aililiou, ahout two In. mired examples in .Mensiiriion, e., for the iim- of Ihe Tcai'hrr. All that iiwantod is to have Ihcithove hooks examined, niitno teai her who is I uiipiuiiiteil Willi the seienee ( Aritliniotie, will I lii-siintr to pronounce tin 111 tl l est woika tha i have ever l.teu puhlishcd iiithis or any other ! rounlrv. j A!tluni!i issmd hut n fewmonths. thev have ! ulreadv lieen inlr.iiluccd iiilthc Mila Tulilie Si hoots i'f.rv York I'ily.iu all the S.-houU ! pulilic and priiate, execptwo, in the City of lieailin-. Also, in ahtuit twlty Addani;es ill llie ; 's,,,lc ' IVniKvHaiiii in 'larsp lioni in Un, JN-hooiis in the City of Wiliii-'loti, in e Cilv of I l..mi asU'i-, in,,! in the l.iulis of ljiirriuhurg, j H oik, t 'liainlii rsliur.;. I.e'jion, Uoylestoim, l'olts I ville, Oiwisliiir, i'we., A Korsale hy lltiar Sunhury, Agent j fir .Noitiuiiiiherlaiid Cialv. I Sunhury, Uee. 'i, 181 TlIU PBOPT.I. VADr.MSCHM coMpnisixi; a en r.cTHiN '.'OO V A I. U A Ii E II E C I 1 K S , In the Useful and If resting Arts with a feit Simple a nl fl'U. L'tprriuiriiL ia IK.MtSTn V ; Mr.'ines. Perfumery, Chemistrtr Cixtrry. I'ainr. in;, Conlrctianars, ho niestic Ucoiioiwy.eirtc. ete. I'rice 6f ela., for aalo hy UENliY MASSKIt. Sunliurv, Dre. MS40. . r-r-rftrr?mmm IT33. (irepu'a Oxy;ied Hitter, price reduced. I :Id Jaroh 1 ovrnd ffanupaiilla. llaker'a Sarsap la. Swayne'e -yri'f Wild Cherry riwayno'a Ver'ua. 'yre's Cliern'clorul Dr. Drake's f leea. Dr. Culli'ii's lo 'I'ihhit'a liiiiller. Dr. Iloollait'-'orman Kilter.' Indian Vetielo Tills Horse and Olo .Medicines l'or a le hv IIU.XRV .MASSED f iinhurv, j 11. !in. j '111 K aulil1" xvotild most respectfully in j 1 form 'liiendsnnd a generous ptiMui, tha' that he i iiiiiiu,urlllS 'ho best quality of ST ONE WAnn, ill all its Vlies, and ii prepared lo tell a little che aper llny other manufacturer in the L'nion. Ilo is aU'l10'1'".. ""J Jcalinj most extensixely in CHINLASS AND QUEENS!!' ARE, which h""''" on the most reasouahle terms. Ilia erio are on U md street north of Kay ette, a r-liiiiax store uud dwelling at No. 8, E. Uultiir street. DAVID PARR, No. 8, E. liulliinoie street, Ufrt noiik, .Murvluud. Foiry S, 1S30 ly S'E Ware, Earthen Ware, Raisins, AN pflnds, P tinea and Cream Nuts. pa of all kinds. hyiai'J Pluter.--Just received and for sale JOHN W. FRI I.I N'li. l'ury. Pee. 59, 16lfl. jilfN aniHiold Pens. On hand sevoiaTcp lt ot the lill- of Cluist, and also a numlx-r ol .flieii. which we will sell at the Philadelphia J Pus- at., In n ... ' "I M I llixl( . jf F.NNEDV'.V PATENT .A.f,r Y.ft jL TENINUM A ohean and eir.-ll.,.i .,: or fastening sasii for sale hy J- W. FRI1.INC unhiiry, July 7, S40. A 1 .f'A 1 '."'To-.? ki'"'"' """""n L .""""S '" ""'"ll'Me ink. Cotu,,. yam an n. lust received noil lo -..Ia 1... ' ml Ja, juat received and for sale hy rniu.v;. ' ' ' 1 ,'l.V" wuy. a excel- iv w inn ! lent remedy lor cough., colda. For sale l una unite 3 VAULTS celohrnted Horse and Cattle Medi 1 J cine for sale hy HEXRV AIAssPlf ' " -' itc.x hu"'"'0- Jan. S?Ut. 1849. from lli Onb nl...l Acid Kpring., iiBhlv valuable in eheo.,in .ii. aeasra, and touic remeuie., for sale l y , HEXRV MANSER. Sunliiiry, JunaSO, 1850 tf STONEWARE, CTO.VE niilk Pans, stone Juua and Pitchers, ' ' and other arltclei of .tone ware just rncaxived and for tale by JOHN W. FKILING. Sunbury, un S3, 1849- ( PHIIA. AND BEADING EAILR0AD. , SUMMER AttRiiaOEMEKT FROM rnii.ADELriA and porreviux. 1 OfiC of tht Phita. If Reading Ruilroad C. Philadelphia, March 29, 1830. ) Two Passenget Train Daily, (eieept 8unday. O?! nrl after Ajxrillsti 1850 1xo trains will ka run eanh way, daily, between Philad.l. phia and Pottsville " i Morning Line. Accommodation.) , Siindavs ,l",lci,1,i at 71 A M- diy C,0P 1-oa've. Pottsville at 7J ,. M. daily eieept Sun days. ' Afternoon Line, Fast Train . Sumhir." 1'l"l"de,,,hi " S 'c,0. 'ly. 'P Leave. Pottsville at Si o'clock, daily, .wept ouiuliiys. ' r Piissot.ttera cannot enter the eara unless preri tlril with 'l iLta r The afternoon, or fast trains. .lnnn .. . . hnni, Althousc's, 1J irdshoo', Roger's Ford, Val ley Fnrtre, Port .Mori,, Mill v'u. NOTICE. Filly pounds of haage will Wal lowed to each lmssciieer W these Luies ; and Ms seniors are expressly prohihited from taking any. Ihiii, aa harjcurje ht theil wwwig apparel, which, will l,.at the risk of It. owner. liy order oS lie Hoard, of Mwers. TICKNOR'S COLTJKEIAN BPElLrNO BOOK. lE!i!i,;?,rxf??'t',,,iv n (' R,.. . .... w,.uoi;n,py ,,, urtlvxepy. inc udinr -rtety f,,,, ..lj Jha u loots m the Amencan kvn..l.ii. u . . a rartetv Schools in Ticknor , Teaser of iwcy-li;.,;.;'. .. on, e and author of the Columlxian C,lcul.or.. 1 mcttcul Common School Mensuwlio,,, &e. . ne Brnno ot icneher, Scbool Director, rents, Ac, i invited to il,M ew .s,in. ,!,' parents, conforms to tl.e .Wen. ,h.1I5 and u.ase.' in Ortl.ojn.phy asking oiWoflhext,,rl1,,Iirt I.! arranged. a, l.,tr, ud t0 tlit w,n,V.f rlii .Iron than any other pvtMislied in lb, Unifd Hook and not a UcMm? Bocxk. and only require, an examiiitti,,,,, on Ihe pari of .uuructor. youth U. secure lor it a universal imluction into th. Mioolaol the l.nued Stuteix. JUBt puhli.h.J, ,.d lor sale hy Kyn x .MassKh, Suuhurv. "here i earlier, and Directors can proctr. copies tor examination. J""""" Auuut 4, 1S4U A.TI-I1.SPKPTIC r- UXIK is wilt, the ntnust r-mfirfew, nffere t. I .u or Imli-esn , ,! al, Ulw.M , ( r r:K n,l,iu.Voa,,t, llelalilyol th, .erv jus Sys- Miiriiinj seiisalwa at th. nit ol the at mil a, Hyp K-h ntrlria,, I. api.iiie. i.ivcrroiii,i.oiit, .n after ratine, I'll Itali.oi oi ihe, I'.lin la the it..f! I liinV,;.... i . . , "'heit..f lk..ksea I h t l"Wrilslh. fM at.., Vn a iLi ' 'S.i:.wes. ol e.,,li. l. . ' . lepr-i "tl of the ipiriM ... L ::i s:: un'"""Mi "mt - J'..'' ' '"' -,lrsia akonld be wtlreted. mm aeri-a " "iiyensar,, ,r ItUiiathefiuadali.,., for, liw i! UU VZ1 X"y ''r'1"'"V terminate, i , eou.urs" . .lil. . U'u" ,h m'"i that to tnta Willi I, a .hseus. may Is- t p ,r, Wllh ,he .t'-s in.,, supereinnie,,, .,K ., Iwj w !:el:,",,,::;,: " 1 ms. 'i,.,,vofM,.Ah,,err,m..Je;;l a;-: 1 u" "hc-- wi"" ... .. ... '"'i.Aun.raiA, October 3, IMI. .XI. Jamb. ii.liams : ' , ;l ,ir1 er,..,t pM,urf lo yw t 0 are ..., r...par, y ,u n,'.Vm, r llie euieu livip'ep. si i. I r many of iu ne iiai,, h ue repratediy'sM.. inexiliereite,,,!,! , ,, kiioivinf tnat I ril t.,,, eureil hv ,t. A. I tlonx- ll . ,,!, ae.,i..wl.d,menl W tlieeni.1 hsnolit I ,i,ve recoivrrl i. m ll.e iim . f ,"ur m... lime I. mil only cue I you, hut tvav 1 awful ti. ellier., I 11 x it. I-or several yaicl I lvspek Mi. xvluel, lucrens-,1 to , n rxtrM lna, klU L4 e..ii.tilim.iiwerri.pnliy ..,ik.e er It. I w. UIJI INtilWI l t llleSt- ,!,,, ,, m,s,l,, .Wl. ..all ,, I . exereise. .d. a, y,, iwvr , , ur ,,,.. 10. nt. a renerul i,.,, f denies.,..., . iudevriasb!. IT T.' ' h""'1' " ber. bJk ra. e ., ,:.,..;ln . ,,, vi. .r A.i.i-l,..., Khi.r, I .r.'ar.4 "J""" Will, llie ji,, hiiMiyrlleeti un,,.; I ,,rle. I.iiffit .. a.,,1 wi,,,,,.,. ra.l,inilv a.seil aav, ami mr as..! tilrmunieilwl,,,.,,!,' UM ,Va,,y wi.h l.npuni T yurl have .,v e!i,'.e,l, ,, lv ,n,niM 1,',h, lal',l p wer. , f y ur n,,, , ,.f ,,ur j,,,..,,,"' ' 011. si s iuree. erv re.pre tiully r.urs. me firm of Hwl,v. A.HM, A t,. S i eXV.'';,;,,rr H" -f WUW AfVyll. PiiaiaaLrata, October 99, IU.. Mr. J.xtr. Willi. mi: Unr Sn r-.l iHe pleasure in reeom.nrt,,,. , lr , Disnen U,s,r f ,.e cure of Dv.pepsia I h.V lm it nn.ell loi nic disease, ami have been cuiirclr eurea ours ri'snrellullr. I I'VV AIU) ir. ROXVLKY fKllj.,.t..:iburv, Aosnt .IOIIN XV Mrcn U. I'-oO y nosn oinimint," roa iTrxi 1) FA D il,. foil v,r fr.,m c Davn. Ik. IVuve'iie..,'' P '"U"" U L"U" tH I'nu .iSLrHU, October 31, 1M Hevrral years smee I v atm. ke.l , , breakia. ..1 . my ueek m ihe .'.nn .., Tetter, which I am e, "v'ne4 .rrf- I'heel.S s.iliinlni: , I UM'lJ ttl rrtli time .ont,,,,,. . ..a-... , , . the l,,-,. .,,..,. , .nere,..;,;' ' d.. Z iron, oe 01 thUi,l I , en.e,ve the least taiht y,',lo I appl.e.1 II,,' It.,.. ...xiMl kr. Hy the ui f . Vf I I wa. penally eu.,., ,lav. reuiauit J free . US'. I have smee u.e.1 ihe OmiineiH. Itr)ttr snpaed for rosea . . the uee. I.; eli.-,p, ,,.,,., T." xy l','"'kr feel sui-ees,. I uate 11 , liesnai,.,., ,... , IT (tie sir nigrkt maimer u ihe puin, ner in ihe 1 "S " JA.XJW lEVOK. A (TCI If IlKMRT Mlxil iM..l..,r.. July ISO. ' I 111-, .uhserilier has juat rvreivrd a new aqpplr of the heal li.pton, that ev.r cam. la Suiibury. coiisisiimi in part of ' rsupeii.irold pale Brandy, Pine Cojniae Hianilv. i'leriiir Old Jamaica Spiiiu, New Kii;laiid Kuin. Pine Holland t;n, , Stiiorior Oid U'hisk.y Coin 111 111 do. Superior Madcria Wine. I.islion do. do. s'uierior Port Wine. Port do. Sweet .Malays Wine. Superior Claret Wine in hottles. Chamia3iie do. do 5uhry,MayS6 mS MASR' 5FPJ1TC- GCCI.3 l'HII.4 in: L I'll I i. T. 'A,!P';EsiS SOX8, have jus, received w "r r,p lv0' S,K,N(J AX U Sl'.M.M ER f.OOU of I nendly .d other .tyK to which tht v unite attention. SHAW Lis--A II descriptions of Silk, woollen and worsted.,-i;rode Rhine.. Chamel.on.. and neat and new fancy stylos India Silks and uti:is. DRESS nOODS-Lawn., U.regri, A,OUMe. ms. (.mijhains, Alpacas, .Mohairs, and all the iic.v fabrics. VI 'HMSIIKC ifiOOr8-DUnk,ta.8biiBa, Quills, Damask, shirtings, ad all other furnish nig gixula. MEN'S WEAR-loth. CassimereChma. retts. Drills, Vc.liiigsof all kjude, and Boy. wear. SHOEMAKERS OOODs ,J Carriage Mai kersailicle., T. SHAKPLESS 4 SONS, i o. os o. Fiecond Street, Philadelphia May , 1850. ly r KOSElN'TiMEX'J' A fresh supply of thi, loellenl arurj for 'letter, ie., just received ud lur Ml ly HEXRV MASTER builbury, July 8, 1849 r.NOU A.M 1 CHES A li.lf Uie usual pric AXI 8PKIXO MORTIS8 LAT. An .iceJlsjiil rttclc. tor U. .. half Uie uaual price by J. W. rtlMvn