Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 04, 1851, Image 2

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    From tht I'hilidtl;ihia 'Spirit of tin "J
On Tuesday 1st the, Pennsylvaniiiti enter
tained it readers wilti snother of its myste
rious giving out upon the Tariff. Thisprcu
liar and disinterested article in nil cloaked tin
tier the cover of an assullbpon General Cam
eron. Two things have recently e.xctted
tome surprise and wonderment in the minds
cf the few readers who toil through the emp
ty but noisy leaders of tins antiquated lady.
One it the ferocious a virajjo-like spirit with
which It assail General Cameron, and the
other its sudden and unexpected desertion of
ihe principle involved in theTarifTof '46, and
its no less urdetit nflaction for the principle
of frotection for Pennsylvania' great pro
sluois, Coal and Iron.'- '
, This, we, lint excited surprise, but we
should say not to many not to those who
know tho history of the paper the history of
those who are connected with it; who know
hovr it was established under its present man
agement, and how it has been plucked up
from diowning to answer th purpose of as
base a partisan conspiracy as was ever set on
. The paper is not what it professed to be
It is not an independent Democratic paper. Ii
is Ihe organ of a faction. It is the property
of the men who Inml it money, and who use
it at a medium of s'.smlerius and reviling
their betters, and us a show bill to placard
their own public virtues!
Now and then it is put to uses no less mean
but more dishonest. It is used to puff up
some new scheme worthy of Congressional
patronage, professedly for the public good
realy for private profit ; ostensibly sincere and
disinterested, secretly from motives of per
sonal gain gain fiom the public treasury, to
be acquired from the money of the people
gain without a consideration, tewaul without
We know the public here known tho char
acter of this print, and value it nenrdingly ;
but it is the public abroad who are deceived
and misled. It is the democracy in Ihe inte
rior who are betrayed by it, and it is to warn
them now and then we lurii aside from on'
many other pursuits and take notice of this
otherwise iiisijjnifieeiil and powerless paper.
It is nut now thieo mouths since its lolteiing
steps towards the grave its own hands had
cooped out, were arrested by ihe kind chari
ty of mire generous alms giver.
A meeting of its ''black spirits and white,
red spirits and gray," assembled to inspect its
morbid anatomy and see if some new life
could not be imparted to its decaying mem
beta and willed (acuities. Mr. Buchanan was
accidentally present, and generously offered to
forget a debt it owed lo him and which he
never could collect for who ever knew him
to forget a debt 1 except, perhaps, tho debt of
gratitude he owed In the men who lifted him
from the valley of the shadow of death of
Federalism into the fullness of the open day
of Democratic honor and distinction.
Mr. Buchanan w;ts then accidentally there
tho dear confidential fi tends of Mr. Buch
anan weie there, and they were nil called in
to uid this decayed journal of decayed office
hunters an patriots uf place to aid it in
its soie need, save it ftoni death ami save ils
dear Editor, the peculiar friend of Mr. Buch
anan, from the necessity of Kmisrnlion. Yes,
this is true the gn at or;;au of Democracy,
The purest of the pure, tlm faithful among Ihe
faithless, had boitowed it last stiver and now
stood like a mendicant c-alliit3 out for the love
of Liberty, for the Jove uf Buchanan, lend us
a shilling '.
But, sincerely, it is a sorry thing lo see Ihe
public thus misled and a gieat parly thus
abused and betrayed by I lime who wear
''broad phylacteries'' and lo whose keeping
are committed the advocacy of ils cause and
the vindication of its nubia faith. The indus.
Irious working men, the active men of busi
ness, and the professional men, who go to
I heir daily occupations, and have their mind
filled with other thoughts than knavish quil.
Iris and sharper traps for pretty places to
lire on, oi high places to be disgraced by
treason and incompetency the men with
whom patriotism it a sentiment a real
heartfelt sentiment the men wiih whom
party principles are articles of faith, abiding
faith do not know how they are 1,-iuahed at
by these jnjglers and showmen of Dernocra.
cy who publish a paper full of fine promises
and mighty word, but who give a beggarly
performance lo their deluded believers.
Practical every day sail of people think
that such a paper as that is, honestly cjpres.
ses what it honestly believes ; but those who
know the motives that prompt every line and
letter that appears within ils columns, know
thai it is the organ of a faction and not of A
faith. The lecent treachery of the IVnnsvl
vanian, upon the subject of the tariff", is a
plain and simple lab., easily told, and easily
understood ; and it is ihe purpose of this ar
ticle to tell it
Mr. liacha nan left Philadelphia as myste
riously nt he itccideiilly arrived, lo be present
at the medical consultation over Ihe body of
hit organ. A few weeks went by, and then
ho came again, not privately anil secretly,
but openly, a,iJ with a loud shout of the par.
Uixn few, who were prepaied to receive
him. We say ihe few-for Ihe Democials
f this county have never believed in the pu
rity of old Federlists.
He arrivJ-he was feted, dined, tupped,
and visited. As all illustrious strangers me,
ha was inken to various plaees of publio in
terest he wat carried lo Giiard College, the
Water Works, and Ihe office cf the I'eunsyL
vanian '. We havo heard it suggested, that
at he was on a tour lo this County, to stair,
votes here, lo nominata himself for President,
and denounce Geueial Cass at tlm next Read
ing Convention, that it was a pily they did
not take him to the Lunatic Hospital or the
Asylum for the Blind !
For well nigh a whole month he tarried
here, and witat was he engaged at 'Sueing
ihi!' isiting eld friends! Xo ; but
chaining, intriguing and electioneering, 0
full down tsuio who were high hi 4,he aflec
tioiis of the party, ami upon whose ruin he
hopes lo rise to power ai d authority. J'o
break ivn Gen. Cass-to M,de.rtui,u Mr.
I4tlatto influence the election for delegates
in., immune convention-, to ,traJ iu the
candidate fo' Judgeships to become ac
quainted with the county members for the
Legislature, and induce them to vote, for
Judge Jeremiah Black, who had been sent
her some weeks before to electioneer for
the high place of Senator, In n fashion that
would discredit candidate for township
constnble." All Ihis he was engaged in. We
know it. We know the men by nme with
whom he intrigued and with whom he bar
gained the men who were lo furnish the
delegates, and Ihe consideration, Ihe political
consideiation, they were lo receive. In due
lime we will tell thnt tale, srmrintr no mnnt
but spenking right out, that the Until may be
known. A stumbling block in the way of
these complotlet was Ihis question of the
TurilT. The dread was, and is, that the
members of the Legislature might feel thai
iheyowed something lo Gen. Cameron lor
his past vindication of the interests of Penn
sylvania. How was ihis lo be overcome !
That was the question ; and lo pet rid of that
difficulty it was resolved that Gen. Cameron
should be ussailed, abused and vitlified, even
in language thai was actionable, lie must be
put down, no mailer how much his own feel,
ings or Ihe feelings of his family and his
friends were outraged, still he must be put
down and handled like a political felon. Of
that, however, hereafter we will spenk.
Then some one was lo be sent lo Washing
Ion, to induce Ihe Soul hern members lo agiee
to modify ihe Tariff as lo coal and iron fuith
with, before Ihe election for Senator should
come off in Pennsylvania, so ns to lake the
question out of the canvass; anil lo Ihis end
a flatulent lilll'.' mull was despatched lo
Washington, big with the fate of l'ennsylva
ilia's Ctcsar ! He went, and perhaps while
there he learned thai Mr. Buchanan, as the
as the head of Mr. Polk's cabinet, was held
answerable by all the Northern and onihem
mon for the neglect of Pennsylvania in Ihe
tariff bill of 1846. He learned, while ihere,
that in bidding for Ihe Presidency, Mr. Buch
anan wat as willing Iheti to sacrifice his own
Stale for Ihe South, ns he has, since then,
been w illing lo jeopard the Union by his ilis.
reputable coalition with Jefferson Davis and
Ihe Southern ultras on the slavery question.
However, of that, loo, we will speak hereaf
The next plan was for the Pennsylvania!!
to change front, and advocate the ilocttine of
Protection, so ns lo secure that juiciest. T
attain lhi object nl that juncture, the coal and
iron men the U7u'g.?and Protectionists were
apoaled to. Yes, '.he Whigs the odious
Whigs, ns the Peiinjirnriimi would call them
were culled out lo aiil in tins ndventurei
and they answered to Ihe call, and five hun
dred new subsctibers were given lo that pa
per, procured for it by Ihe united efforts of
leading Whigs, heavy holders of railroad
slock, coal mine stock, and iron manufactur
ing company slock, ns the price of iis.npot
lacy fiom the tariff of MG lo the support of
protective interest and Whig pi iucipses. !
Here we have the reason, the whole renson
for Ihis Iraitotousdeserlion of the tariff of '.(ft,
and this new-born zeal of the Penrtsylvanian
for Ihe coal and iron inlersts of this State.
But Ihis is not the whole story 'his is but
one feature of Ihe gtea't plot which has been
brewing in this city during the past month,
and Ihe object of which was to trade away
principles, and sell the faith of paity, lo break
down good, and exalt ''bold bail nieu." We
know it all, and will hereafter expose the
whole of these confederates and their doings,
an we have here made known Ihe secielof
ihis partizan conspiracy.
C7 H'oot.Y Hpads and Silver Greys.
This is trie title given to the two w ings of
the whig party at Harrisburg since the
fplil. Fenn of the Telegraph represents
' the wooly heads oi abolitionists. A new
paper the "Daily American" is now the
(jovernient Cran.
(7 The Stale Temperance Convention
is to meet at llarrisburg on the 21st inst.
ri7 A turkey weighing 28 J puumls,
was sold in Philadelphia for $14.
Titr. Hiciiest Famiiy in England The
wealthiest family in EiiL'I.tiul is certainly
that of Ihe Arkwiijihts ihe cotton mill ow-
neis. The head of the house died a little
lime ne;o, nud the personal pioperty he ex-
changad for ihe narrow nceom modal ions of
tho coffin was sworn to be over live millions
sterlingsay twenty-live million of dollms.--
A dreary thing lo leave all that cash!
How awiu! must thy suimn iiii he, O ilsath
'J'j him w li 1 is at eusu in his p isscssi in.
The inleiesl of ihis money would amount
to live millions of dulhus per uiimnu equal
to MlD 11. ouch's whole piopeity. At ihis mo
inenl there is no cieuler iiieomo in E luland
There may bo larger rent-io!l. The dukes ol
No thuuibeilaiid, S inihei laud, or the Maiqui
of Westminster could exhibit such. Bui ieui
rolls are not hard cash at we believe these
noblemen could veraciously declare iu thee
days of free trade Infineon biead-slulTs.
So that in point of wealth, this plebian fami
ly ranks with the proudest house in Knylami.
Yankee- Blade.
Coal is Colcmdia countt. While rusti
catinj 011 the other side of the rivir, a few
weeks ao, we saw more specimens of ihe
anthracite coal which is now dugout of the
McCauly mountain in Beaver township. The
coal is equal lo any now brought from the
Luzerne mines, burns easily, and is coinpaia.
lively free from slate or bony matter. It is
used lo a full lest iu that vicinity for black,
smithing purposes, and promises 10 work u
revolution union;; the good people of thnt
neighborhood. The whole mountain Is rib.
bed w ith ihe largest of ooal seams ; and only
railroad is now ueeded for the short five
miles to the river bank, snd'lhe coal will be
in inaiket Star cf tht North.
About 3000 persons are said lo hare as
sembled at Nelson's, j pelllli4 Miluor) ,,,,.
site Trenton, on Fii.).iv, to guess at ihe
veijfht of a lar-e HU;j and iheu sit down lo a
upper. The !IoK weighed 536 pom.d,,. One
man won ,l by gm-mug 535. Th licit ,1Bar-
w ss .
m.,,. J.Au..
ATI It DAY, JAAttY , 19.11.
1,11. It. M tssrn. pHltor and Proprletsr.
V. tt. PAt.Mr.rt Is our ntillinfijgpil agent to rersivs nub
snrlpllon nml sitreflitiits: at his office, In rhiluiWiliiu, New
York, Huston and lialliipcre. ,
To ADvKHTTtss. The circulation of tlie rVinbiiry
Ainericnu among the riiflrrrnt towns on tlie furrjnrlianna
is nl excrrdnl ireqtraltcd by any paper published in North
tn Pennsylvania.
Ttnslnssi Sfntlecs.
Py referring to our silvrrtisintr columns, our
render? w ill sec that a farm is offered for rent iu
t nion county That an excellent opportunity is
oll'ered to capitalists who wish lo engage in the
lumbar business Thnt Mr. A. T.chman, the spec
tjcle man will bp at Weavers Hotel during Court.
Goner's La nt's Hook for February is already
on our table. It in alt that Mr. Goiley has pro
mised, and is richly worth tlm amount of sub
scription. The Lady's Book is progressive, each
number serins to bo an improvement 011 the last.
For $.1,73 cash vc will furnish the Book and a
copy of our pa;cr. Ink. A few kegs for tale
for cash at Ibis office.
7" The Carrier of the Aintricnn rc
turns his thanks to those of its patrons who
remembered him on the receipt of his ad.
K"" Correction. In the Obituary no
tice of Mrs. Mary Cray, late of this place,
in our paper of the Slat ull., it was staled
that she was the daughter nl Samuel Brady,
celebrated for his exploits against the Indi
ans. Mrs. Gray wai not the daughter, but
the sister of that renowned warrior.
K7 Court commences in this place on
Monday next. If the sleighing should con
tinue, we may expect quite a number of
strangers. This is the season for visilin".
festivity, fun and Irolic. There is nothing
warding but snow. The girls are always
ready, and fairly dance at the sound of a
sleigh hell.
CC" We refer our readers to an able ar
ticle from the Spirit of the Times in rela
tion to the course of the Pennsylvanian, in
regard to the election of a (J. S. Senator.
The article is cuttingly severe, and the
more so from the fact that it is, in many
places, pretty generally known to be true.
K7 Quite a number of Ihe Masonic fra
ternity assembled on St. John's day, and
pariook of an excellent dinner prepared for
ihe occasion at the Hotel of Mrs. Wharton,
ill this place.
ICT5" T!te members of the Thousand and
One (1001) Lodge of this placp, celebrated
New Year's day with an elegant dinner,
got up for the occasion at the Hotel of Mr.
Charles Weaver. We were not present,
but the entertainment we understand, was
excellent, and gave general satisfaction
We know nothing, personally, of Ihe na
ture of tins Order, but believe its object is
to promote mirth and laughter, Inn and
frolic. The Lodge in this place numbers
we are told, about 1 30 young and old, vary
ing fiom 'wrave tu ray and from "lively
to serene," who proLatily think
A Utile nnnKFiiH' 11 w and then,
Is leashed Ly lh liest of nieu.
Z7 New Year's Dav passed off verv
quietly and smoothly. Some of the yotitvr
folks were assembled on New V...-,.'. ......
in the Couit House, were they "tripped
me .ignt fantastic toe." 1 he ni-bt follow.
ing tht re was quite a party of young gen.
tlemen and ladies I10111 Danville cnjnvin
themseKcs in the same lieallhful and agree
able exercise at P. tkiu's Hotel.
!T7" FLniciu.Nc. On Saturday night uv
were blessed with a klight snow, the first
ol the season, amounting in all, to not more
than several inches. Jhit as the roads weie
smooth and solid, these few inches have af.
forded us better sleighing than three limes
Ihe quantity under other circumstances.
Our citizens are enjoy in.; it and confidently
expect a little more of the same sort. A
few inches more would make it all we
could desire.
07-Tftr-vortTON 1'os.t OrricE. Som
of our exchanges have announced the
tabl.sliment of a Post Ollice at this place,
and th appointment of Wm. Atwater m
Post Master on the 21st ult. Alihou2h
Tievorton was, or rather the spot on which
it is located was a wilderness six months
ago, it numbers a population uf five or six
hundred persons. A post office was cer
tainly much wanted.
ZJ- The sale of the Danville and Pott.
vilU Rail Road took place at the Court
House in this place on Saturday last the
CSlh ult., and was knocked down after a
few bids for one hundred and thirty thou
sand and fifty dollars. -
C7" Friend Shriner of the Lewisburg
Democrat says his first page is entirely or.
iginal. We1 wish we could say as much
for that part of his editorial and Philadel.
phia correspondence, abusive uf Gen. ("am-i-ron,
which hag beta sttreotypej our or
fivs years at least. ...
; law and politics in ttfiioa county-
The greater portion of the time of the
lart Court at New Berlin, in Union county
wa occupied in Irving several criminal
proaecutioni growing out of the late elec
tion (or Prothonotary in that County. The
first was an action for libel against the edi
tor of the Union Demokrat, (German) lor
charge against Mr. Ha us, the candidate for
Prolhonotary ; verdict for Deft. and County
td pay the cosl. The other was an action
against David Woods, Esq., the editor ol
the Star, for an assault and battery on Israel
Gutelius, Esq. -I Thist grew out of a quarrel
at an election for .delegate in the Court
House, in which Mr. Woods took Mr. Gu
telius by the throat. The jury in this case
also compromised matters by letting ofTboth
parties, and making the county' pay the
costs. But Union county is rich. Her
broad acres und thrifty farmers can easily
afford such drafts upon her treasury,- to
keep bright the armor and supjiort ' (he
spunky patriotism of her politicians. The
vvau Dim ,liir. l...e til I
each other is a caution. Uut New Berlin
. . . 11 j
is a sreat place, especially for sausages,
, .. , ' ; . c '!
spunky editors and political mcet.ugs. j
...... J
Ve announce this week, in its proper
' 1 ' ,
place, the first wed.ling, that has occurred j
in Tievorton, in this county. This town, '
which sprung into existence, minerva like,
only six months since, is already a thriving ;
busy place, numbering more inhabitants, '
larger stores, and better hotels than some
county towns a quarter of a century old.
The first wedding came off on the 2 Mil tilt.,
and the happy couple, according to previ
ous stipulation, were entitled to the follow
ing premiums, viz : the wife to the best
dress in the Company' store, and the hus
band to a town lot.
Tlionph fools spurn Hymen's pentte powers
We, who improve his gulden hours,
Dy sweet txperitnee know
That murriuge, rightly unilrrsio nl,
(iives to tlte tender and llif gojil
A Purudisu helow.
What constitutes "A Paradise below,"
and whether a town lot ranks as such is
probably a matter of conjecture, even
among p.iets. But certain it is, it may be
converted into either a Paradise or Pande
monium, according to the taste of the par-
ties. We trust, however, their "lot" will
he such ns to lead others to exclaim in the
language of Milton,
Then let Hymen oft ippeur,
In suit run robes snd tuper cteor,
With pjuip, und feast, and revelry.
The Lejrisiatttre w.ll meet on Tues-Mi.a,
dav next
There Will be nn excilinf? time
at Harrisburg. The election of a U. S.
Senator in the place of Mr. Sturgeon will
lake place in a lew weeks. Politicians are
already marshalling their forces. The pro
minent candidates of the democratic party
are (Jen. Cameron, Judge Woodward, Judge
Black, Henry I). Foster and Hun. Dani. 1
Sturgeon. Gen. Cameron, w hile in the
Senate gave universal satisfaction. His
bold and decided stand in favor of the great
urn-rests 01 111 Male gives hitn a stromr
claim to the support of every true Peiint !
..t.-; j
sy i auian. 1
ri. . I
LT The new Company of Artillerists'
will meet for paratle in uni'lorm on the 1 lih
int n l,.,n it,..., ...:ii 1 j .
inst., wiien they will be organized ami in- .
spected by the Brigade Inspector. Their j
uniforms wine of which we observed at'
the shop of Judge Welker, warrant us in I
anticipating from them a handsome appear- J
ance. Several Other romnanies I in vi. in !
invited to attend.
Binxixo of the Lnnci-rt Diild-
tNCS- In another column our readers will
iimi an account ot the destruction by fire,
of the Ledger Buildings owned and occu-
P'"'1 lj.V the proprietors of I he Public Led-
S'T m Philadelphia. We had supposed
mis calamity wool I have caused
a sus
pension of the Ledger for some days, but
the morning after the new s of the fire, we
found the Ledger, ever prompt ami accept,
able, 011 our table. Such energy well de
serves success.
C7"The Lycoming Gazkttb sets a good
example in quoting copiously from ils
j country cotemporaries and neighbors with
full credit for Ihe same. We are all too
prone to overlook our country exchange
and resorting to cily papers. This is not
only wrong but impolitic. The nearest
news is always the most interesting.
ry Lewisburg during the last ten years
has increased its population from 1220 to
2012. This, the Chronicle thinks, beats
Ihe States in the reversal of the figure's 13
to 31.
t7 Mr. Webster's correspondence with
Mr. Hulscman, the Austrian Minister is
published. The Austrian Cabinet censures
our Government for ils sympathies and con
duct in relation to the gallant Ilunnarians
during their struggle for liberty. The able
Secretary brings the whole weight of his
gigantic mind down upon the Austrian,
and uljerly demolishes him, We shall en
deavor to publish the correspondence next
week, 1 . .
The "City of Glasgow" one of the
new line of steamers between Philadelphia
and Liverpool, arrived at Philadelphia on
C7i Blank Leases. We have printed
and on hand number of Blank Leases,
in accordant witfc tb lats act of Assembly.
Prom the Baltimora Bun, Kslra, of Friday.
'""' ';
' ... . ..VI
Passengers T tires Days at Ihe Pomp.
The California Utile?
1,000,000 IN COLD DUST.
We are indebted lo Bntiitx Mayer, of this
oily, vt hot'iime passenger hi the Ohio, fur Ihe
lollow iu;r account of the peiilous .isiye of
Ihe Ohio, nnil her ariival nl Nml'ulk :
The U.S. M.iil Steamer, Ohio nfiived lit
Norfolk yesterday, after a moM rieiilous voy
age fiom I l.i viiiut. On lexviuix llnil port luxt
Wednesday week, tin accident luippeued In
her machinery, which iletniueil her 11 day in
Ihe hnibor, whence she departed on Tlmisdiiy.
with the perfect Use of only one of her eh
clnes. She was full of pnMe!ieis. nml
unions lliem was llie 11 in. J.ilei-
isiiii, aiidii number of ot her eul lenien well
k"" m !-hP c,,,,,"rj'-
On ipiittiii'i Ihe port of llaviuin it was soon
,. '. . ,. '. . .... ...
noliee.l hv Ihosi skilled in 111" marine life.
lha ,h ,,., Kuy, 10
"""y ri " rproneh M
our Northern shore. Her simile nnTative
. ,, , , ,., , ', ,
eiiL'tne was m nil likelihood iiiieccal to the
t;l. r ,.,.,,., ia the violent vnrm. nice
the eoa.ts. nml her fiail masts ami liht
could afford but slen.ler prnteetiuu if elje were
forced to "lay l," or if her ei yine pioved
" " '''' "hoie or.iu the epen sen.
I 'Kvever,all wei.l """.v. rn.perously
nnlil lasl Sunday tiiuht, when lint breeze
which had nil day been freshenini', roe In 11
violent L'ule, iu the mid.t of which the en
cine slopped on its cenlie, and the ship
broached to in Ihe midst of the tremendous
sea that had been already inisi'd by the vin.
lent w ind. Skillful seamanship immediately
rescued her for ihe moment, but f,()m thai
hour until ihe moiuii'o uf Ihe 25 hPte- ti.liei,
ihe Ohio was furced lo '-lay u" under ihe
si-iiules;;suil, and lo bear the biuut of ihe hui-lii-ane.
Her immense size made her nnmnnnseble
by canva-s. f he lay like ihe l iu Ihe irnuah
of Ihe sen, rolling between the walls of ihe
waves that lowered on either si.le of her, und
threatened her with immediate destruction.
Sad as was the plight i f ihe gallant ship
Irom these events, hn was destined to en
eounlei auolher dauber On Tuesday rnoru-
inji it was announced that she had spi
leas, him inal I tie iMitr water hail evtui-.'iii.-hed
Ihe fire beneath the boilers! This
dreadful announcement at onee oron-ed the
enetuies of the passen-rers, who manfully 01.
L''inied in bauds under ihe ehiiraeof of (leu.
j Hepjamin C. Howard, of B.iliiiiiore. and frurn
,., until she tWd Cih- U.-.irv.
! Hie Ohio was, und-r Pinvi lenee. In-
their incessant, nud patient la hoi s, tiii'elher
with I hose uf the oliiceis and crew, and ena
bled to recover the use of her enyines since
Ihe Soih.
This is but a brief and hasly summary of
the il.iuifeis encountered by ihis noble snip,
nud is intended only us introductory to the
followiua correspuiideiiec between ihe na
i seners and our gallant friend. Cap!. J. F.
Scheuk, of the U. S. Navy, who commanded
Thero were sevetal lady p:i.seiijreis
ll"a."' ,,,B 01,i"' bl"' ''""M""! 'b-' peiils,
their noble lorlitudn euiouraaed and nerved
., ,
who were 111 a condition Iu hibtr lor the
vessel' safety.
L""' V' S' 'Vo ''-''' C5"1'""'"-'"'?
tlit L. S. Mail Sleumshw Ohio-
... '
Sia: The I, passenger, on
hoaid your ship, have labored hind for ihe
ln" '''' more, and have eouiiibuii d
,l,lir exeilions both by ni-hl and bv
u.13. in in. 1 you in saving 1 lie stnp nuiler cn
eiiiiisliiiiees of exlieme peiil. Thev conceive
thai this -live them some "laim upon von to
be heard now w hen the vessel i onee mine
upon her way. her eiejine ut wruk. and lh
prii'peets of ultimate eiifety more fa voluble.
liy this claim rpon yon bv urn paitneiship
in the common danger, and in I he name of
common Immniiiiy. we respectfully but nio.i
eaineilly uie you in laud ns at .N'mfnlk the
nearest pint, and distant seaiee one bundled
miles, instead of prueci;:iu (he voynje to
New York, il put ili-tnul between thr uid
four hundred. Yon have now the use of bul
one engine, and even that has lor the last
three day, viz : since Sunday uiuh', bet 11
totally uel M.nulil within Ihe hist hour, and
our sails nie lent aii l lorn pailly limn the
masts. I he labor and exeilions of lie' pas
sen;ei iu aiding Mm, yom oti'ieeis nud men
lo fiee the ship fiom water, is continued
even while we are penning tlm uddiess ; il
has nearly exhausted their strenuih. and can.
not be expected lo ennliinie much Innuer.
Such ol nsusaie members of the bar, mi l
know 11 by you lo be so, would also siiL'L'est,
as a consideiation which for the interests nl
your ow ueis you should by 110 means lose
siahl of, their distinct mid uuiinimoiis npin.
ions, thai your mnkini; for any 01 tier than the
nearest irl, under ihe present circumstances
will not forfeit auv insurance 011 ihe vessel
in ease of loss.
We do not, however, make Ihis siiirseslinn
from any iippreheusion that you may no'
consider Ihe reasons Hlready presented Hssuf
fieienl, bul from a belief that it is our duty
in mention il in view of the relations in
which we now sland toward you. We have
wilnesseil with pleasure and admiration
the skill und fiimness which yourself, your
o dicers and men have displayed in e.vrrtini'
yourselves in ihn hour of peril to save the
ship and passengers ; and for ihis, we return
lo you und those under your command our
warmest llianks. '-
Signed by Ueverdy Johnson, Benjamin C
Howard, &c.' ' '.;'
U. S.Msil Sttamsiiip Ohio, '
- 1 At tea Deo. 25th, 1850 J
Gentlemen I bavs Ihe honor lo ackuowl
ede ihe, receipt of yur letter of Ihis date
and I have detHiiiiiued lo comply with your
request lu "laud you at Norfolk." In pursu
ing this fcourse ( fesl tht 1 ana not only per.
lorming hii act of jns'iee lo yon, but at ih
same lime) consul ing Ihe best Interests of ihe
owners of ihe ship, nud all others in imy
way concerned in her safety ; a reason in nib
diiioi to those already stated in your letter,
which induces me In lake this step, one
which I have just ascertained, lltat the som
in w hich we hnve come nut of, a lar-rn pro
portion of my provisions were destroyed by
water a-etiitf into, tlte store-room,' io that I
nm left with but two days' provisions.
I I'eif leave, fjeiiilemen', In return in ynn
my sincere Ihaulcs tor Ihe cheerful mid effi
cient seivioe ynn rendered me during Ihe
mile, nml aflei wards in fmeinir the ship f a n
wnler, t 11 m well nware that lo )onr extrair
linary rxerli.ei f nm mainly lideb'e f foi
the preservation of the ship and the UVt s of
all on board. I also th ink you for the com
plimentary manner in which ton have been
pleased lo notice the services of myself lind
the nificers iiu.l ciew of my ship. Il may be
proper also lo slate llint my nlflccis, w i li
mit mi e.eep-ion sree with me ns lo the
propriety of my aoina inlo Norfolk.
I am, very respectfully, your obedient ecr
vim t ,
JME I'lNDI.AV fclir.XK.
To Messrs, Pieverdy Juli'isou and olheis.
Ai.Aiii 1 ois rinr.
fivtiMsr, or the Criicr. or the Pcntic
I. r. nr. t:u.
About half. past seven o'clock Vesletday
moiiiii a the laii'" and extensive six sliuied
buildiiiL' of the Public Ledyer new pap"i. ill
'heS W cornel of Third mid Chesiml strei'ls.
tonk liie. The priming of the daily edition
of the paper was not ipiite linUhed lit lie
time, mid Ihe press was still riinnin!;. Theie
weie some ten of the en plnyeis of Ihe i slnb-li-h;neiit,
eonislini of the niithl eleiks, engi
neers, piesmer, feeders. (1 buys. &e , iu Ihe
baseinent, ami I lie chief day cie.k, Mr. U. O
Blood, in tlie oiliee on the next floor above.
The liie was lir-l discovered in the cellar bv
tlie sudden issuing of smoke the neih
bin bond ol the iiealini; apparatus, in the re
J kiii til the boiler, lull how exadly, il oiieiii', is a mystery. Theie me surmi
ses, sepjmsilions and opiuiniiS il,
et nothiiii! t-t-i 111 in I x' is known uboul it.
The Ledger liuil.linj was tho most exten
sive printing establishment in the United
Stales, and its machinery was consideied
among the lines! in ihe uoild. It' was oc
cupied altogether by the Public Ledger pilot
ing otliee, Ihe ollice of 1 tie P.illar Newspaper,
and Ihe Tidied States Job Pilulii K-lablish-uient.
One room 011 Third street, down stairs,
was occupied as a publication ami periodical
store; lately kept by A. Winch, but now by
Messrs. Wood and I'elermau. Their stock
was completely mined by ihe water. Ln.s
fliPO. No insurance.
The cellar of the boil. line w as occupied by
tlie sti 1 engine and two of ll ie's celebiated
'Lasl I-'.isl'' lour cj liuder piesses. 011 which
Ihe daily edition of tie1 Ledger w as p inted.
The second story of tins i:nd lie? :n' i'lini,,;;
I'llildll: 011 Cliesimt stieet, w a oeeii i d by
Ihe composing, edi'orial and lepmloi ial inniris
of the Lednvr and hollar ,-w spaper. 'i In;
lliiid s'nry was neenpied by the United S alt s
.lob Piinling Oliice Company, and as hand
press looms.
The fourth story was occupied as the hook
and job press looms, coulaiuiiii; six valuable
stciim-power machine presses j two ol Ad
ams' besl book machines, and four jobbing:
cylinder presses. The lilili siory contained
Hie pnp-r-slorii f, dijingiind pressing 100m.
11 Ihis story was also a huge liulinnlic pn s-,
and a double cj linder Napier press. Th
-ixlli story was used .y the slip and mall wii
lers of ihe Dollar Newspaper, and as a stoi
aye r-ioin .
The es'abli-hmi'iil was ihe piopeity of
Messis. Swain, Ab.-ll & Siininons. The
building was mil quilii ten years ni l, and was
coiisliucled in Ihu besl manner. Tie oiieinul
cost of ihe liuildiiiL' was Slfi MI0. Th-. heat
r.ppaiiiliis an. I other lixiurt s,. ihe en.
tlreco-tnol less ihan SOll.OOl). The presses
alone cost ovei 5511.000 ; and llieentne vulne
of I lie- bnildniL', lixnircs, inaehii erv ami male,
rial--, wascstiinateil at fmm S 100 D0II lo i l.'.O.
C0J. There was an insinai ce 011 the tniild'
liiL' f till. UOI), and 011 the stock of SIS, '100.
The actual iiniount of the piopeity deslnn
ed cannot jet t. ascei tamed. The picsses
and enuuie in the basement me, il is hoped,
not milieu. illy tl. imaged. Th,. ,, ls ol wuler
prevent a ihoiounh examination fur the me.
sent. The two piesses iu I ho litrli stoiy Jell
llliouh to ihe fniiith story, und weie demol
ished. The sixdi story, w j:h ihe heavy me
lallie roof,iilso fell ihiouuh In the fouith stoi .
This story, which remained fat, snppoiled
Ihe immense weight of eiyhl piesses, be.
si les all the falling ruu.s fnuii above, which
covered lliem. Ileie was Ihe most vain, idle
ui.ichiiieiy of the establishment, and il was
feared but Jillle of il would bo rescued
in safely. y
The third and second stoi ies likew ise stood
In thfihiid story, a you. I ileal of Ihe tpe was
melted, an I most of il damaged by w ater
The M pes iu the second slory were not seij.
oiisly injured, and in ihe liisl story, little 01
no .l.tmnge was thine, rxcepl b) water.
All the tiooks of the Dillar Newspaper, ex
ceptin' the subset iplinii Imoks ol n poiliou of
I'enosj Ivauia, have been saved. The Ledger
It inks iu Ihe ofiice were also preserved ; Mr.
Hlood, ihe clerk, having succeeded in iM-kin!
them up in lltf liie-proof, when he found thai
he could not carry them out. In his devoted
elforts he wnsiiluiost sull'iicHtcd by the smoke.
When e.xtiicaled, h" was nejilv overcome,
P.'.i'.'u. .V. A .y. V. S. Gazette.
Tint Scvr.STtKS YrR Loccsts These
insects, said lo iippcar once in seventeen
year,' w ill reloiii in the summer of this year
1851, Iheir last uppearauee being in ihe sum
mer of 1535.
New Advertisements.
Kslulf ol J U OII SWUCC, Drt'tl.
OTH'E is hereliy given that tetters of ad
I W ministration have been granted to ihe sub
tiers on the estate of Jacob Kuyder, deed., lot ol
bower Mahouos township, Nor.bunibeiland coun
ty. All peraous iuileiiU-d lo said esuio, sir batiim
1 luiuis sguiivi.i Ihe sains, are roqueslcJ ts cU on
tho subsiriliers for scttlrmeut.
Lower Mahoooy uhp., Jaa. i, lil-3t.
Cist of fetters
! MNULIlt, Dec. 31, 190.
JS Eri'ht Ji Daniel limb
Loin U.iwersiicksti Smnoel llioa
oolomiiu bender
J dm W Hopper
ueuj Brosious
Samuel Biiyht
Job 1 Unwen j , r
James CaniiOn ' '
S 1 ah Cuip
J ih 1 L'.iui ' " '"'
i inn Christ
J I) F.iel, Ibr-rger
Wm Kuiiiniu
J s ph Folk i
Siiin.el Km man
fl Miry Fui.s on
lleiirv G.isn
J (inlly
Wm Ileusnii
Thus II istiegs
Dmiel ininil uch
I ill II insewt'Hit
Geo. Il.iiriscu
r icu iviiiiv
Andrew Kaudermsii
Joseph Kiegbaum
'JiS F Lercli
DviJW AUi ks
Isinh Morgan
U U Mhos
II Miry C Martin
. B Mlj Itobius
' dipt John Ray ; 1 '
John Siittler
J A S tler ' '"
M II Shaffer 1 -
Beiij U Semfi iej
It o S 'tirfoi
J hu S Taylor
J h;i We nit
Leonard Warner"
Susannah Yainall
It D Packer. P M
rfMV(J partiis. our of whom owns an interest in 3.1 out! a .-res of Tiiiili.r land on llie
w iters ol the West Ursm-li of the Sui.tirhjnna ;
the oilier owinij n D in- e ISlei'ii SuWinill oil ths
niuiii Kivrrho ow Norttnmi! erluml. 'l'hew par
ties ore wil.imr In join their property togeiher ss a
ceiiiinon stock, pr .vidml ihrv can obtain the nij
of n third party, cither m a" partner, under the
special partnership law, or iiinlrr tlie jjcneral in
roroiaiyit net pi.sted nl tile session of 1850;
miner this arrangement the money required can
he supplied by 0110 or ninny. Hai'd Mill is built
iu the hest manner, is nearly new, und is cspahlo
nl llirnini; out at Icjst (i.tlCO Iret of luniher every
iU hour-. mid liruijr 0:i Ihe reniisvlvmiia Canal;
the luiul rr could he sent Iu I Inlu dolplii ss last
lis nnimifacliired. It is the iuteutiiin of the par
tics to I iii'd two mi;er Hint larer .Mills on water
powers coiincrtcd with llie property so as lo finally
liriiis Ihe uinount iiiauul'.icturt'd to ten millions
led .ir aiimuo. There are oilier parties having
an ii.tcivst iu the laud who are wiliinj to sell on
rrasoiiahle nud aeciiiniiKiiliitin? terms. 'I'wkstv
iiiutsAMi ioli.aiis will be required to set the
business Inirly ulluat and ilic prulkN of the busi
ness will du the ic.t. The parties advertising
would te. wiiliuj to assign their interest in the
profits of the cunreru to the party tanking the
advances, for as much as their shures of the ad
vance inioht l c Ley ond their interest in th pro
perty. 'J he pcon or icrsoiis making th ad
vances to have 01 Us vi lion cither one third or
one half of the roicrly ai-tjuiicd or to be arquir
c.J. 'J here is no si.i h otlier opportunity for an in
vestment iu Timber lands in iliis state. I'Vr par
ticulars apply to A.JOUUAN,
Attorney nl Law, Sunburv.
N. D. Somethiic; mure than one half' th
nlioic slated sum would be required between this
lime and .March net to cut, haul and float tim
ber to the .Mill.
The 1 iiiiisi Ivanian, Enquirer and North
American, J''lpnis ; und the Duliimoo
A uic.ii an, ure lenuested to give the alioie adver
tiseinent (j insertions, tvtry ulirr Jay, and send
t'uiir p.ij em containing tlm advertisement, and
tticii- tul .1 ail atiove. . . '
iit.libury, Jan. 4, lr).')l, Ot. ; .
fuu.m ri!iLAin:t.ri;i., '
Crcamt Cutn t. .Vo. 4S7, 7 ui d H. abovi Poplar,
lii l'l'Kl'Tt'l LLY informs the citizens of
1I 4 Isiuibury and it vicinity, that he has open
c.l a at WBA VKK'Js iioiel, vvliete lis will
rcuiuiu iluriu; the court, w hrie he oilers lor salt
S;c't'(at''s, ,' '
Or tvtrtT Vaiukty ot Size and Qoalitt.
A new invciuifui of Siectucles of iistam-e anal
cl.we rmdiii' not excelled with (Jold, (Silver anil
eqiriiig steel franies. und a new ami improved as
sorunciit of Olussrs ef his own manufacture. He
would particularly call the atloiitiuu of Ihe public
lo his 5-iectiicle for iieur-sihted poisons, and for
persons who hate been operated upon for the Cat.
nr.u l of tlie ete, and to his new kind of (1 lasses
and ( 'onscrtc of the sight, made of the besl peb
I Ir. limt mid a?orc la..
'J line lilusses mo reconimrniled by the most
celebrated Doct tr and i'rolcsaors, ai the liest
kind nt prcst-rtiu and impioting the si'ht in
l uiilniucd n auih! nml wiiiin-4, wherein they do
not tire the exes but strengthen nud iinproe tb
Vision. Thct are inaile ol llie bett and lineal nia
teriul. and gioi.ud tn.e nud exact, and are there
f.iic pifl.-rable to the m.isi of ro.ili, irregular and
ui.ctcidy croi.i.d glares, that aie I'ailv paln.rd
oil', und wt.u-li iiic inji.rious to llie rye4 (Jood
tilassea may I e known I y ihrii atiape, exact ren
lie, sharp, .lar, aid h'ihly polished surface,
w hich qualities my lilasses pusscis in an eminent
Ofti trtj sis? ami rj'iiibfy.
Telcs-opcj. .M-iiitviti and Opera Classes,
Micios opes, Ae. with ihlliieul powers; toastlisr
with h t.iriety of atticlcs in ti.e line, nut
II IOI ii ioiici I.
Opticul nud oilier instriimeutt and g!ae care
fully kiiil el peihliot.tttv rc)milil.
I cm s select glasses to auit the vision of
the person, as i see them, upon irial.
reni.iin iu Ihis place bt.l a snort time, and
those iu waul of the aLote articles will pleats
gite him a ciit.
N- U. If required, I tvi'l go i0 any respectable
Iioiic where in v services may lie wanted.
Jaiiuiiry 4, IS5U It
Farm I'm Unit on Shares,
QONTAININC 15(1 acres, flu acres cleared,
willi nn Orchard, Mono liarn, two story
Frame Duelling House, Ac. an I a
with Timber Lsud ailjoiniui on Prnns Crack,
I'uioii c.iuiiiv, li mites V est of Now Urrlia
Inquire ol CuiULCS I'uiaiwi, L'sq , or of
huuliury, Jan. I. ISjO. Jt.
MMEDIATELY on the Trovorton Kail Hosd"
10 w 11 Jin liberal wages will be paid.
Trevorton. Jan. 4. 1851 tf.
Ali i ILl.hhlSI S!!
fJS EE n.cinUis of tl.e new Ar
E luli ry C'ouipuiiy are hereby re.
,i.tsid lo meet in )inlet square.'
t-UllLury ell 1
frATL'HDAY llihinsl.,
st 10 oYletk, A- M, tut Ihe purpose,
of Is ing organied ai.d insiieite j b
' It.e liripude lnsertor.
1 hi tnunrl (iuards of Cslinatrnwsv
IVitt sod Nortbunibeilaiid Lifkl
Iiifuiilry, and Dewsrt Guards bate bi:t invitee
and arc expected lo participate iu lite psradV. (
solum ox bTRQH, aa. .
Suubury, Jan. 4, 1651. ,
l KW 4 KT C V 4 n Oti l ;
VOL' sre coinmandtd loweUiMs
ketSqusrs, tjumhsor. on;j s--?)
, . 8ATIKD.W, Hlns..""
at 10 seine. A. M. tVUy stjujpiil for
drill. ' Dy ihsCspisii.
CEO. OLlVUHX,,Qsy, tf
8uatury.Jss,4, W4W . , ,.