Never uie a vulgar phrase. Unlearn the eriliyou have learned. ViRTO, lilt iwme flowers, bloomt often fairest in the shade. In a thousand poundi of law, there U not n ounce of love. Samplks of Indinn corn are to be tent from Ohio to the World' lair. Lancaster county contain a population of 93.7S0. Increase in ten years 15,651. 1Thb number of persona exiled from Rrme. lince the return of the Pope is 3G, 000. ' A Man roing to bed we should say re tiringis like a poor man compelled to go on tick. Tub census of Norfolk, V., is H.320 i consistimr. of 9,068 whites, 957 tree blacks, and 4,295 slaves. It is somewhat singular that daguerreo types cannot be taken in Europe, equal to those taken in the United Slates. A ship in the Persian Gull, in the course of 20 months, had her copper incased with (living coral to the thickness of two leet. On the 6th inst., it is said Judge McClure iremarked that more men in Pittsburg car .ried pislols than carried watches. He who swallows up the suhstance o the poor, will, in the end, find that it con tains a bone which will choke him. '; The Bishop Durham, aged 80, is the oldest Bishop in the English Church. The joungest is the Bishop of Dover, aged 4-. A hen-pecked hnsSand says, that instead of he and his wife being one", they are ten ; ;for she is 1 and he is 0. The man who knows how to improve a paper, was in our office yesterday. He was accompanied as far as the door by the man who smokes cheap cigars. The first articl" sent to the New York Navv Yard, to be forwarded to the World's Fair", is a lump of iron ore, weighing a ton and a hall. The day after thanksgiving in Connecti cut, the .New Haven railroad cars brought three thousand persons ; the greater part of them had been home to eat their thanks giving dinners with their father's families. Mrs. Eliza W. Farnham, formerly a ma tron of the Sing Sing Prison, and the pro jector of a partially successful scheme of fe male emigration to California, has become the' proprietress of a fine farm, near San Francisco, the crops of which, this season, are estimated to be worth $()0,000. The California Courier gives an account of a judgment by her in one of the Courts in San Francisco, against Jos. S. Ruckle for :$3 661,27. ANOTHER SCIKNTIFfC WONDER! TF.IMN, the True Digestive Tluid, or Gastric Juice! A ureal Dyspepsia 'Curer. prepared from Rennet, or l he fourth Stimitich of iheOs. fler ilirertimis of Baron "Lielii;;, the steal f hiulnL'icHl Cheini'. tv B. S ll'inahmn. M.'O . No. II Noiih Eiuli'h Sireet, Pliilailel fhia. Pa. This i a truly wonderful remedy fur Imliireoiinii, Inepriwia, Jaundice, kiver Cumplaiut, Constipation, mid D'-tiiliiy. i-iniiiii mfler. Nature mm meriioil. by IViliiri's nan jiireut, lhn Gastric Juice. See adverlisemt nt in another clirtiu. H i II It 1 K If. It Philadelphia, on the 9th iiwt., by the It. Mr. Dale, Mr. John Thumps in. of Phila delphia, tu Miss Mabv McCuen, lutmerly uf this place. In Northumberland, on lha I'Jih insl., by She Rev. Mi. iilieddiii, id. James Taguakt. to Miss Saeam Cowden, liutli ol that place. In Jersey town, on the J2:h itn.1., by the Rev, J. H. Uitieiihunse, Mr. John Watson. if Lycoming en. to Miss Lull. a, il.iuyhicr ol Mr. John Sleiic-r. if Moiiluur coiinly. On thu 7lhf Nnvemoer. IR30, by J.ihn Terry, Esq., Mr Samcei. IUivbdi.u. to Mis CliiaSKTH, eldest daughter uf Mr James A. Fox, H of Roaring Creek township, Montour reunty. DIKD, At the residence of his snn-in-law, Mr. Lewis Lenhart, uppopi'it thi plaee. on Satur day mormn last, Mr. JOHN SNYDER, aged about CS yeats. In Danville, nn the 14'h inst., MARGARET KLLEN, daushter nf Genrun D. nml Maria Kipp, aged 1 year, 7 months and 12 day. On the ?7ih ult .. in East Buffalo tp. Union ro. Mrs. ELIZABETH, consort of Mr Samuel Null, aged 43 years, 10 inn. and 5 days, ea h"""","mm!S! Z)t iHavkcts. Philadelphia Market. Dec. 2S, 1850. Ftoua. There is a fair supply of Flour, but little inquiry. Quotations tor export 84,- 2, a 4 75; retail sales are nt S4 75 a 4 Extra Flour 85, a 6i Rre Flour Is selling at $3a. Conn Meal -Is still held al S2J. Wheat Prices are steady ; sales uf prime Southern and Pemia. red l 81 00 a $1 04; prime white at St 11 a St 13. Cubn is worth 60 for new yellow ; white sells at 55 u. Rye. The last sale was at 70 uts. Oats. Oats are now steady : sales of prime Peiina. fiom 42 to 43 via; Southern ells at 40 a 41 els. . Whiskev. Sales uf Whiskey in hhdaat 23i bba. at 26, eta. ' Baltimore Market ... . Dec. J3, I860. Wheat. The supply of Wheal at niaiket te-day was fair. Sales of good to prime red ware made at 95 a 112 els. Sales of white Wheal at 103al08 cents, and of family flour white at UOallS cents. Coae. Is in demand and sales was at 14 eta. for white, and 55 da fur yellow. Oats. Salea of Oats at 37a40 c'n. Whiseet -Sales of bbls. at 26ia87 cts nd 25, pit. for hhds. SUNBURY I'RICE CUKUENT. Wnu, Stm. ' Ceasr, Oats. . . 'Bums. ' Ems. , Pees. " . FiAistia. Tauw. BtSSWAl T Ffcal , ' IIasci4r 100 . . 6 10 7 1S5 1 i ' LIST OF JURORS. . - OF Northumberland County for January Term, A, V. 1850. 4 m ml Juror. Lewis Charles Shell, David Wilson. Reu ben Beitier. TuaauT Gripg Marsh. C'HiLi.flt'AQUE Robert Lyons. Milton Puul Beimel, Suhsury. J. M. Simpson, Wm. Youog. mnn Mint John Uiiniliills. Uppe Augusta Ishhc Campbell. William Beiileyon, William Heed, UerV Gulkk, and Herman Kline. Lower AucosTa Philip Weiser, Daniel Zartrnaii iinj Lewis Srniih. Urrcn Mahonoy John Reisel. Jackion Juiius Uuhuer and Jeremiah Loilsdoif. Coal David Billnihn. Siiamokin Beiijamiii Adams and William Campbell. Rush John Kulper. TraverNC Juror Lewis Anmn Gaston, John HafTor and Soliiiiinn Eslibarli. Dklawahc John Balliet, Thomas De Ar maud, Henry Harlenril'l, lienevillts Linebuch, it-1 ii ii mine. Milton J.ihn Kohr, Abriiham T. Goodman. J Tens Ciiili54Vaqvie John Jesse) Derirksnn, 13. Duvisand David Bartholomew and Ailain Keller North umserl a Nn Peter Ruch. Point GeiiiLra Shiiner and Juhn Shrinrr. Foniurt John Cohdier Htid Jacob Cut.le. Upper Augusta Mji' Slack and Joseph Savidue. t. Lowta AccifTA Abraham Brocious and Merman Miipman. aen. Kl'SH J.ifoll Flllper. SllAMoklN John Teals, inn.. William II Mueiiih, Heurv Haunt. Solomon Iluum! nil Samuel A. Beiyst renter. Coal Uei.i. Kallermnn. Georrre KersiwIW and Joseph V. Diinmii'k. ' Upper Mahonov IVier Grist. Mi,.l,unt Paul, Samuel R. nsler, Joi.ns Eisinhnrl, Peler Beissel, J.icoli ErlniHii n ml h'.-liv M.irur Lower Maiionot Ahra ham Rl:i.-r T.itin Shrover, Adam Biiiirenmri nnd Philin Si; Jackson Nicholas DrumheUer. t berl, John Buhner and John Wolf. relit .liu'om Lewis James Curl. Adam Bruner. Pir Si rouse, William Levan, Rhiuehart Barret, Aoranam Werluiun, John C. btiailu and Levi Glae. Delaware Daniel Wertman ner and J.. tin Work. Henry Kri- ClIILISQl'AQlE Samuel MvXinch. James Jordan and Solomon Dentler. Milton Samuel Siovei and Daniel Dough erty. NoRTHUMBcnLtND D. M. Braulijram. Point J. C. Horton. Shamokin Samuel Canrpbe-tl, "vViHinm Kreiyhbanm, Philip Slambacti, Vainer Adams and U.ivnl Heed. IfcsH Davirl Mnrhler and Joseph Kelly. Sunbury Henry V. Simpson. Lower Augusta David Reiser and An thony Gallapy. Upper Maiionot Jonathan Smith and Beneville HiiLxlioe. Lower Maiionot David Main, Samuel Yininc and Geoipe E:nrich. Little Mahonov Jaeoh Ti. Hoffman. Jackson J. A. Daniel and David Swartz. LIST OF CAUSES fTTOR trial iu the Court of Common Pleas uf Nortlrtiniberland County, at January Term, A. V., 1851. n-AINTlFFS. J. Milliken, jr. & Co Bowers Lowlier ct al same Jonas Uowman ct al DEFENDANTS. vs Frank fc Steinheiser. vs George M iller & sou vs Jonas Eowiyan vs Samuel Kauflinaa Danville & Pottaville Rail Road Co. Frederick Keener I.aeh Stroecker Taylor Pau'ding et al Peter Ricliter's ex'rs Ann Myers vs Haywood .i Snyder vs Wm. Ayres vs Jacob HoITman va J De Normandie vs Kodge- dc Darrct va 1,'enarlrfc Jordan etui Raehaci McCartr vs Eli.tbcth Weitzeletal Wm. ct R. Fcgcly & co. vs Johu fthissler Mary Snyder t si vs Robert V Dunn same vs James Dunn Pontius 4r Thompson vs Samuel R Wood Com. for Sarul Furmin v. S U 'n' 8 Hunter Alex J or J in John B Miller va John 1) Boyd's ex'rs Jacob Philips vs George L. Weimer A a Lawrence ailm r of Sarah Leighou, vs Peter & D Weimer et si J Clayton for J McWilliamsvs John Bowen F O'lJoiniell for Wni F Natjle vs John Divers Mary Vickery vs Peter Fcrstcr same va Peter Brosious Charles II Frick va Eli Slifor 1 hos Cummuigs et si vs J Parke Jc D R Rishel Jonathan Leedam etal vs Win McCoy's adin'rs Uliristian llollinger vs Charles II ousel Chas. A. Andre vs F. Matthews Daniel HanuabaeU vs John Cinrad Moses Bower vs Richard Goodman Samuel Seaman vs Philip Spayd same vs Geo Uowman S. A.Jordan et al vs John Arnold Green & Bros, for T Howard va Henry Lantx David Perry vs Abraham Lunger same vs Henry H alderman Montgomery A tf weny vs James Covert Clayton for McWilliani vs Jos Savidge R D Cummiugs vs Montgomery & Mastellcr Jaeoh btitzel vs Samuel I. Iicck U R Kaae vs Geo A Diion G P ysou for Job Tyson vs Daniel L. boh neck Jas larullicr et ai va bdward D 1 earce Philip liil'.myer vs D II Wntsou Jacob Niltruuer vs Samuel Jarret Geo Apsley vs Nortbumberlaiid county james uieueiiDarll vs same F Fryer & Wm Mover va EliasGarman Wm M Autcu vs I nomas leaser vs R D Cuininings vs Al.en Shreer vs Denller & .Montague vs Ira T Clement va Wm McCurty vs Henrv Musscr Win McClery George Lawrence Daniel P Canl Aaron Repparl Henry Colx-l Piatt & Piatt P K II oilman 4- wife vs II Kulints. McCarty etal Joseph JS'nyder vs Joseph Dimmig Hugh Martin John McCormick vs Reuta-n Troxel vs Isaac Shall'er va II Yoxtheiiner adm'r vs Daniel Dreisbach vs 1) C Caul va H Steinsneti, ex'r. va Henry Yoxtheiiner vs Georee Rohrbath Martin Irwius' adm'r Molt & Shober acoh Masteller Folliner for Caul Henry Kciser Ira T. Clement Wm Gross lor Saml Gilbert v J. J. L'pdeirafT J. Uowman Indorsee dec vs J C Perkins Elijah Uarto vs Charles Sailor vs Philip Cloil'elter Ilciii Hummel I homas J Addis vs Uultjar Garuhart Conrad Reedy va Hosts, Kepler & Stoughton Lower & JJarron vs Ira T. Clement Jacob Kline vs Joseoli Klines' adm'r William Welch ts Jacob K Treno Thomas Sutton vs lleni F &. J W Summ Caspar Heekart va Frederick Heckart Nicholaa Hower va Jacob Hower John Geisinger vs George Eckerla adm'r Daniel II Driesbach vs A U hitman John L Ross vs Leonard Roadarmel Ira T Clement vs J H Purdv John W Peal vs Geo B Voungman Geo C McKee vs Joseph Lona- 8arab Stitxel ts Samuel 8 Sheddon Same va Jacob SliUel Jacob Koch et al vs John Keiier Tinhrook for Appleton vs James Brass R D Cummings vs Thos S Mackey Hu kok & Canliue vs Geo W Armstrong John Keiter vs Charles Lerrh Reulien Fagrly v vs Kershner & Clement Nancy House) - vs David Houaels adm'r Jacob Keller vs Bank of Northumlwrland JOHN FARNSWOKTH, rssAV. 50 a7 if 10 I I ProUiosKfUry "a office, SUN BURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKiN JOURNAL. NEW ADVrilTISEMtKTa. PROCLAMATION. TV OT1CE is heretiy a;i-en that the severs! courts L of Common Ploas. Genera) Quarter Bemions of the pence, and Orphans' Court, Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in and for the county of Nortliumberlsnd, to commence at the Court House, tn the borough ol Sunbnry, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the fith of Jan uary ncit, will continue TWO WEEKS. The coroner, Juntices of the Peace and const. bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are requested to be then and there in their proper per ons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and oilier remembrances, to do those thing to their evrral oltiics appertaining to be done. And all witucmcs prosecuting in behalf of the (jmiuon wealth against any prisoner sre alo requeued and commanded to be then and there attending in their prof cr pcr-Biis to prosecute against him, as shall be just and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in thoir attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to their notices. Given under my hands nt Sunbury, the DOth day of Nov. in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty nnd the Independence of the United States of America ttie 75lh. JAMES COVERT, Sli'ff. God save the Coinmuinveiillli. $10 REWARD T S offered for the discovery and conviction of the person or pcrsonn, who are in the habit of prowling about the premises of the subscriber, and stealing his property, II. B. MASSER. Sunbury, Dec. 21, 1S30. NEW STAGE LINE FIIOM I'OTTSVILLE TO SHAMOKIN. A new line of ntuccs is now running daily be tween the above places. A comfortable two horse Ktage will leave Ml. Carmel for Shamoliin, imme diately alter the arrival of the Pottsvillc stage at that place, and will return the next day from Sluiinokin, so as to meet the Pottsville stage on its return to Pottsville. From Sliamokin to Trevorton there will be established a DAILY LINE by next spring so as to connect with this line at Sliamokin. In the maii time private conveyances will be in readiness at Sliamokin on the arrival of psssen BC' CONRAD KEIiSIINER. Sliamokin, Dec. 14, 1650. tf. NOTICE TO EDITORS AND OTHERS. Voit, Aor. S.Vi, 1850. Mr. IT. B. MassGii, Sunbury Pa.- Dear rir: In some portions of the country where we hud advertised our Sarsaparilla, in 1S48, the Editors of some of the paers have ren fit to tnkc upon themselves the responsibility of continuing the same alter the agreement expired, and in some eases have had lire prcinn rtion to send us a bill for the umount. Now vc have no objection to have ail the papers in the United Sutes advertise for us for years, if they are pleased to do so at their own expense, but we cannot aH'otd to pay them unless they have our authority fur the work. We write to you for the purpose of informing the Editors, through you, tl ot they are at liberty to advertise as long as they p'case, but we must not be held responsible without our written authority. THOMPSON, SKILLMAN & CO., No. 1 in, Nassau street, New York. December 14, 1S50 tf. VALTJAB1E rARlVl TOR SALE. T "til E subscribers will olTcr for sale, on the 31st day of December instant, on the premises, a TYiiet of Lund, containing 2G acres more or less, situatcu in ower Mahonoy township, Northunila'ilaud county. About -00 acres are cleared and in a good stale or cultivation. 1 tic improvements are TltltEE TWO STOBV LOG DWELLING HOUSES, Three Darns, one of them a largo Bank Barn. There are two lure APPLE OftUiIADS on the land, and other good improvements. The land is situated near the Mahantango creek. and ne river Susquehanna. X tie public road, leading from the Susquehanna to Minersville, passes over the land. 1 he a!ove larm will be sold together, or divi ded into two or thiee parts, to suit purchasers. II not sH on t.iat dav, the property will be rented for the term of one year. The conditions of sale will be msde known on the day of sale 1 be prniicrty will be sold ss the property ot Jacob Snvder. bv WILLIAM KERAUCH, JOHN A. SNYUEJ, Adm'rs. Lower Mahonoy, Dec- 7- 1S30. ts "Incotii-ngc Your Own!'' IT A AS &KEXX. FASHIONABLE MAKE OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. T HE subseriliers respectfully call the attention s of the public to their large and splendid sssort- mciit ofevcry quality and price of : jtit. -U Atti; which cannot fail to rccommeud itself toevery one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, nude up of the best tftnek to be had in ttie city. No elVort is spared in the manufacture nf their ware, and the subseriliers are determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. Their stock consists of Mahogany SuCta, IMvhii and IwuiiseM, UurciTiij.Sfcrctnrtcs.iSftctonrts, SfiFA, BKE.iKF.lST AM) UIXI.VG TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. U1'.D I H.A1JN ot every pattern ami price, C UP HO ARDS. WOltfc AND CANDLE STANDS. TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in tins line of their business. They also manufacture all kinds and qualities chairs, ncluding varieties never before to be had in Sunbury, such as Mahouani, Blair Walsvt akii Ci MLXii Mafls Gnkciax i ass WisnsoR C II A UiS, a mi lAMtv Piano Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscribers are determined that there shall 1 no eicuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained sboui the quality and finish of their ware and Chairs. Their srticlcs will be disposed of on as good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. IV UNDERTAKING. Having provided themselves with a handsome Hsarsk, lliey are how prepared for Undertaking, and attending fu nerals, iu this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. nf '1 be W are Koom la tit Market Street. opposite J. Young's store, and nearly opposite caver a i avern. DANIEL HAAS, GEORGE KENN. Sunburv, Dee. 14. I860. tf. INK-Boureau's celebrated ink, and also Con' "" areas ink for sale, wholesale and reuil by II. B. MASSER. December 38, 1650 ValtiHblo Hooks), T IFE or Chsist, handsomely bound, D'Ac amas s HisToar or ths UtroaMSTinir, Biiai DiT-aooas san Lxiiuks, full bounded. For sale at ths publishers prices hy H. 11. MASSER Suaastry, Jury 14, ItO. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a certain writ of "Fieri Facias,' e ma dl. reetau, will btHibj pulilie vendue outcry, at 1 e'eltck p. m., Saturday, Dneember S, I8.V), at the Courthouse in the bur ugh uf Sunbury, ths fulluwin rest esuttto wit: The Danville and Pultstown (Pottsville) Rail Road with the appurtenances, Slhnsts In the enmities of NorlhumlMrltnd and Schuyltlli t fhr with tlio enrp rat ritns and privileirei m the eiift Danvilla At P4tst 'Wii (P msville) Itailrnad tompany and Hi real eaiata t the miU Corporation, silusls la Schuylkill enuniy, as f llrws, vis : A ceilain Lot uf Land, situais In M'mnt Carbon, huvlkill e mnty, tieginnins at a nnsi, s e vner "f land sold to llanrv White, iu ! line of Iti.bert sc l.swrriic Lewis' Isnil, llirnea extemlins hy lha I t Hid 1 1 Henry White, a nth tS degrees, eiistnlsut 47.1 feet m ire nr less, srtwttins; the Centre lurnpike road to t ie river c h"vlki!l, tlienee eilenriinfr d iwn the snid river TO feet 1 1 the cwmT "I n I it s ild tn llenjamin Ueeker, now nf Kmneis B Nieli Is, tlienee north HS deurees, west ohnnt 4.0 feet, in -re or lens, er issint: the nid Centre turnpike rand (nthe line of Robert A: laiwrenee Lewis' buid, tlienee nt me the same, north 11 degress west to tun plae uf ue einiiiiiff. AtJtO; A certain Lot of Land, situate nn tilth sides f the Centre turnpike, In Msnhelm township, In the county nf Schuylkill, beginnine t a point in Hie it irth easterly sill "f the Turnpike nmil atoresnid, tlienee esteniiin; liv innil of the Schuylkill ."Navigation Loin pnnv n irlli ffl dee. S mm., eavt 107 I'e't. tlienee hy the same n irili ufl deg IU inin., west 311 feet, tlienee north -a deg A 5 mm , esst SO fee', thence liy the same ii"rth S deg. and 10 mill., west I in feel 6 inrlien. thence by the sutne snuth G'i itrff. anil S mill . west 310 nnrl tlienee kv the ssme s iuiIi N deg. 65 miu , e:ul 10(1 feet 9 Inches to the place of tieeiniiiiig. Where m is ereeied a Iwa story ston dwelling llouss or Tavern stand. ALSO: A certain other Tract of Land, situate at the distance of feet and in a course nf north ba deg. 5 inin. eusi from the sfiressid point iu the n nh easterly ii!e of the snid Centre turnpike, tlienee extending fr un the Hi -nitre liy other land of the siid Company north 20 deg , west 9 VI feet 0 inch, to a slake, thence, north B0 dcg. fi mm west 9tb (eel 1 1 a corner nenr 1 lie Wusle Weir, and thence inrth tto dcg. ,'i5 min. risl OU feet to the liw Water m irk nf the Schuylkill river, thence d mil "d river along the line of giw witter to the plnce nf beginning. Which descrtl-eil I ts tieing port of a larger piece ol" land, contain ing W acres strict niensure. be t lie same more or less, which l):inicl Cr-'lf .V Margaret his wife, ami lieiree islioeiaaker nml Mnrv his wife, -f Schuvlkill county af.iresaid. Iw deed dated the 0th tiny of May, A. D. IB10, e'niveyed In the said Schuylkill Navignti m Coinpaiiy and their success irs and assignees in fee simple. is erected a two story stone. Ware House. ALSO : All that certain piece of Ground, situate in the township and county Inst aforesaid, begin ning at a et-'tte corner in Ilia western line of land ing 1 1 the Schuylkill Xavigati in Comiaiiy and the north western e truer of Neil Crosby's lot. thence n inth e"5 dcg., east 4M feet to a stake in the line of lot snid tn Neil Cros hv, thence north S deg.. west 100 feet to him! nf the Schuyl kill Navigation Cmniiy thence north M dcg.. west to the wes'ern line of the enid Com;iiys hnil.aii'l thence nlnng l he same south eaatwardly about 100 feat to lha place uf begiuiiig, AI-SO i All that eeriain piece of Ground, situate in Mount Corlsin. in Mmheim township, in the e imity lust nf ressid, beginning at a post on the murgin of the canal at the distunce of ab nit u0 feet liel.iw the south ensl e ruer m" the t'pper Itiisin, tlienee along the margin of the canal north 23 dcg. west 12-2) feet to a p.niil in the ba sin, llieuee fir :ugb the middle of said basin, dividing it e quallv by a aired line, bearing alsiut s luth G-2 deg. west 381 feet or there ab iul l- a post lit the western line nf tlie snid piece of ground, running a ntth 3:1 dcg. east nlon-; the Illid of Hubert M trf-wis' llieuee on the hist liieuti.lieil line south 33 dcg. enst nbmit feel tua slone cnriier, thence south 21 J tb-g. east 42 leet to a post, ibence uortb 02 deg. e-ist 30Q feet lo Ihe place of beginning. ALSO! All that certain lot or piece of Ground, situate al M sintCai b in, in the township and county afore. mini, iMigiiuiing at a remit in Ihe middle of the upper liism iu the murgiii of the Schuvlkill Canal' theiict ai.mi the mar gin of the cnnal uoith 2s deg. west fll feet toe post at Ihe e truer of the Girtril Wall of the ln'k at the distance nf 2U feet from Ihe centre ol the tinte Post, thence s-iulht 67 deg west -kl I'cet t u post, thence nortli 2-1 deg. west 31 ft. to a p st al the distance ol 35 feet f r m Sins tn lliilgeway and Whites' a mtliern line, thence parallel with arml line south 07 dep. west 310 leet to a post in the line of K!iert M. Si Irfiwrence Lewis', thence along said lute south 33 deg. east nnlil it meets Predcrick Lnuderbrun's nllnttuent, thence by a direct line.'s i as to strike the middle nf the nl iresti'l basin, dividing it equrlly bearing aleiut n-'rlli 02 dcg. cast t-i the place nl" beginning ; containing una acre and iwenry i ur nercxes. mete or less. Seized taken in execution and to be aild aa the property nf The Danvilla and t'otlstowu (Pottsville) Hail ituad Ciininauv. JAMES COVERT, Sarff. Sheriirs Office, I Sunbury, Dec. 7, ISjO. "orphans 'courYs'aleT n piirsuiini'o of an order of the Orphans Court of Norlhilitibeilaud county, will be exposed to public sab-, on THURSDAY the 2ml day ol JANUARY, 1851, at the public House of William Weaver, in tho town of Stiainokiii. the following; described property to wit : a small Tract of Coul Land, conlaininff about 13 acres surveyed in the name of Thomas Gattibert, adjoining lands miiveyed lit the name uf Luke r idler, utni uihei!-, also, a small TRACT OF COAL LAND, conlainiiio nbtiut j5 acres surveyed in the name ul Thomas Mntuaii, ad juiiiliiL' laud suiveyed in Hie name ul (jeoiye Culiain and ullieis, land. AImi utiu halt uie ul land nd- iniiiiiiit the .Sliuiiiokin Furnace tract, all situ atu in Shamukin tuwusbip (now Coal ) Aleo ihe I'ollowiuo lots Niluatu in tho lowtt of Miatiiokiu, in Nor:liumbeilaiid county, viz: Nis. IJ3, 174, 175, 176. 177. i;8, 1711, 180, IS 1. 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 19l, 197. Al su Ihe undivided hall p.ul ol luls, Nos 11, VI 13, 84. 8a, 8li, 90. 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 100, 101, 114, 115, llrj, 117, 118, 119, 120, 124, 125, 120, 140, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 151, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 171, 172, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189. Also the undivided inol fly, ur half part uf lluee stpiaies in said town, situate between Cumineica a'.ieet un the north, Spurht'im street tin the south. Rock street on thu east, and Washington aliecl un Ihe west, also Ihe Undivided Half Part of One Square, situalo between Cotiiuii'icei nml Washington streets, anil Independence and Liberty streets in said town. Also I tin WHOLK SQUARE between Liberty, Independence, Orange) and Cummerce slrpels. Also Ihe WHOLE SQUARE between Oranire and Independence streets, ami t lie? western buuutleiv d said town. Also lots Nos. 50, 51, 52, 6i, 54, all ol which have dwelling houses erected upon ttiein. AIo lot No. 69, nn which is erected an ollice. Also lots No. 70 and 3, uu which is erected a Frame Owelliuu House, lot No. 15. with a Frame Daelliuy: House lliereon, Nos, 16, 74 and 75, on which is a Slone House. Also Ihe interest (if I he aaid John C. liuvi dec'd., in the FOUNDRY at Sliamokin, a'is the interest of said intestate in and to TWO LOTS OF LAND in said lown, now owned bv Rev. Mr. H int- illon. Lale the estate of John C. liojd, deceased. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A.M. f said day, when the terms wilt be made known by . i. i'auu i-ciui, Aum'tor. By order of the Court, I John P. Purse), Clk. O. C. J, Dec. 7, 1850. I REGISTER'S NOTICE. IV O riCL is herebv given to all Legatees, Creditors and other persona interested in the Estate of John K. Maurer, dec'd., settled by his Adm'r. George Boyer, of Valentine Hummel, dec'd., settled by his Adm'r. David Mart, of tiid- deon 8chcddel, deed., settled by his bxecutors. Win. II. and Gideon Schcddcl. of John Wilhelm, dec'd., settled by his Adm'r. Thomas ei. Mackey, of Robert M. Sevdel, dec d.. settled by Ins A dm r. John K. Wolfinger, of William r olliner, dec d., settled by his surviving Executor, Jonalhsn Foll iner, of Joseph Kline, dec d., settled hy one of his Adm rs. John Pfouls, ol tieorge Urant, dec d settled bv his Adm'r- Peter liilem.-.u ; of Peter Brown, dec d., settled by his Adm r- Jeremiah Weitel. The act of Jacob Traulman Guardian of Sarah Dihner i of .Robert Grant, dec'd , settled by his Adm'r. William .Reed ; of Henry Jihoada, dee d ; settled by bis Adm r William Ammerman That the Executors and Adinmisirators of said Estates have filed their accounts with the Re- gister of Northumberland county, and that same will ba presented to the Urphsns' Court said County, on Tuesday the 7tb day of January uexi lor conurmsuon snti allowance. JOHN P. PURSEL. IUisar. Itertaw i OOk, GREAT ARRIVAL OF WILLIAM HOOVER respectfully informs his friends and customers that ha has just returned from Philadelphia, with an excellent assortment of NEW GOODS, which he offers for sale at his new store at Mas scr's Mill, Hollowins- lun. These goods were selected with great care, and will be sold at the lowest prices. HIS STOCK CONSISTS OF EVF.IIT VARIETY, Vis i Dry Goods, Such nn Clothi, Cdssimercs, Sattinttt, Huslint, CaltitoM, Moiimtlint De Laines, Al pacca. Ai'i'ino.t, Flanuelt, Checks, frtng hams, c"C. ALSO: An assortment of HATS, CAPS. GUM AND LEATHER SHOES. ttUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, IRON and STEEL, NAILS, &c. A general assortment of Groceries, such ss Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molas ses, Spices, Sic. Also an assortment ef Liquors, such as Brandy, Rum, IVmkey, IVintt, trc. VST Produce of all kinds taken iu exchange at the highest market prices. Hollowing Hun, Nov. 23, 1850, ly. m:oisi ICU'S OTICE. NOTICE is hereby given to nil Legatees, Creditors and other persons interested in the Estate of Martin KeiTer. dee'd.. settled by his Executor John F. VVolfimjer. That the Execu tor of said Estate has filed bis account with ttie Register of Northumberland county, and that the ssme was presented at August term, and confirm ed ; end a), the san e term tn wit : August 8, 18S0, on motion of John K. Wolfinger, Esq., the Court grant leave to the Executors tc fill up the blanks in the within account, and also to add thereto ad ditional items of charges and credit. Lo die Court direct six weeks notice of the Cling said ac count, prior to the first day of next term, to be riven in the Sunbury American, as to the heirs living out of the county. liv order of the Court, JOli.N P. PUKSEL. Clk. November 2:1, 18.)0. Ct. T, S. BOBST'S AND WATCH ESTABLISHMENT In Selinsgrove, Pa, Clock. vVnfclivsj and Jewelry, IE PAIRED in the best manner end warranted to perforin well. All work intrusted to his cars will be strictly attended to. SclinsgTOve, Nov. 30. 1850 tf. ESTATE OF GEORGE CLARK, Dec'd. IV OTICE is hereby given that letters of ad:nin- ' istratiou have been granted to the subscri ber on the estate of George Clark, dec'd., late of Sunbury, Northumberland county. All persons indebted tc said estate, or having claims against the same, are requested to call on the subscriber, in Sunburv, fur settlement. Creditors arc requested to present their claims immediately, as s inciting of Ihe creditors will be held to take into consideration a proposition for the payment of their claims. KEUHEN R. FAGELY, Adm'r. Sunbury, Nov. 23, 1850. -Ct. MORE NEW GOODS A I the More of JOHN IttJ YEIiS Sc CO., Market Street, Sunbury. Vf HO has just received and opened a large, as ' aortment of new and fashionable goods, of every variety, suitable lor the tail and winter sea son, for sll persons ; and to which he calls the at tention of friends and customers. 11 is stock con sists in part of DKY f.OODS. SUCH AS Cloth, Cassimrres, Suttinttts, Merinos, De Lames. CuVicom. shawls, Hind- kerchiefs, and all kinds vf wear ing apparel. ALSO: Hardware, (luceiiMTam, Groceries, Fish, Salt and Plaster, And all articles that may be wanted by ths com munity. The Ladies Will find, by calling at his store, that he has not been unmindful of their wants, and respectfully invites them to examine his selection. Li Country produce cf all kinds taken in ex change for goods at the highest market price. )unbury, iov. 0, ISoO. ly. GREAT ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS! Market Street, Sunbury, Pa., fOHN W. FRILING respectfully informs his 9l friends and customers that he lias just re ceived a large and handsome assortment of Dry Goods, Consisting of Cloths. Cnssimeres, Sattinetls, Da Laines, Calicoes, Fancy and Staple Goods. ALSO: GROCERIES of every description, Dnt-tiS AND MKDICIXKS. aiJEENSWARE AMD HARDWARE. Fish, Salt, Plaster nnd a general assortment of all suih coods ss will suit sll classes; the far mer. Mechanic, Laborer and Gentlemen of all professiona. T la e li a cl 1 c ft Will find a great variety of all such srticles as thev will need for the present season. lr Country produce ol all kinds taksn in ex change at the highest market price. Sunburv, Nov. B, I8S0. SHERIFF'S SALES. virtue of a Certain nt of we. Facial to me directed will lie sold by public vendue or outcry, al I o clock, P. M. on 1 ucsday the 31st dav ot December, 1650, at the Mount larme House, kept by Felix I.ert h in Coal township, the loltowing Keul L state to wit; All that certain tract or body of COAL LAND embracing the Locust Mountain, situate formerly in bhamokin, now Loal township, in the County of Northunilssrlaud, bounded snd dcacri!x?d as KM lows to wit: adjoining on the north by lot No. 6, thence by land surveyed in the name of George Colcrain, now Messrs. liovd & Company, and land formerly of Wm. Tomlinsoti, now Messrs. Boyd & Co.; tlienee by allotment No. 8 i thence by the .Mahonoy Mountain. I ontaimng eighteen hundred snd seventy four acres and seventy per ches strict measure, being sundry tracts and parts ol tracts ol laud surveyed on warrants, bearing date the 15th nf March 1793, granted to Edmund Huff, James Gricr. 1 homes Giier, James Perkins, Richard Salmon, Richard Manning and Thomas r osier, and also parte of two tracts surveyed on warrants bearing date tho 30th of Nov. 1830, granted to Daniel Brautigam, and James Hep burn, and allotted to Valentino Brobsl as No. 7, sscordtng to a certain partition of twenty five tracts of land, commonly called "The Grant Lends," and being the same premises which J" ths eob "oilman and Mary O, hU wits, tumi and of 10 "eorge Moao. 6eiied taken I Jecuuoa'snd to be sold ss ths property o( (ierg ftrvdoo. JAMES tOVtftl, Bban.5. ktriff' O&em. Buubwy, ' ORPHANS' COURT SALE. BN pursuance of an order of the Orphsns' Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to public sale, the following real (state, at Ilia Court House, in Sunburv, on MONDAY, theClh day of JANUARY, 1861, a certain Tract of Land, situate In Upper Augusta township, containing 249 ACRE', more nr less, adj. lining lands of John Farnsworth on the east, Adam Shisslcr on the west, Jacob Fry and others on the south, and Jacob Snyder on the north, on which are erected two large M DWELLING HOUSES, frA A Frame Barn, a Wagon House, a Lime-Kiln and Spring House. There is also a fine Orchard on the premises. About 150 acres sre cleared, all of which is in a fine state of cultivation. Being the Mansion Farm of Henry Yoxtheiiner, dec'd. ALSO: A SMALL TIECE OK GROUND, In the Town of Sliamokin, containing one eigVth of an Acre, more or less, adjoining Dr. Phillips' piece Sliamokin creek a branch of Sliamokin creek, and a triangular Lot, No. 440. Lato the estate of Henry Yextheimer, deceased. Salo to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M. of said day, when the conditions of sale will be mado known by FREDERICK LAZARUS, Administrator. By order of the Court, ) Jno. P. Pursel, Clk. O. C. ' Sunbury, Nov. 23, 1830. ts. WATTS' NERVOUS ANTIDOTE AND PHYSICAL HESTORATIVG. THS ZSEDIOAIi WONDER OT THS AGE. Vf 7 ILL positively cure all stages of Neuralgia, Tic Doloroox, Nervous Headache, Cho lera, Lockjaw, Hydrophobia convulsions; will restore manhood to its prcstiue viijor, even after years of prostration, and the only known and cer tain cure for low spirits or mental delully. Extract from the New York .Sun, Oct." 3, 1849, Ttt eelciiuteit Dr Watson, when talking of the miraculous power of "Watts' Nervous Antidote," the question was put to him, '.Why such a valua ble remedy for all nervous affections was not in troduced by the medical faculty !" replied, "That if it were, there would no longer be any use fur a faculty, as all diseases originated from a disorgan ized strte of the nerves ; the nerves are the main spring of the wholo system Keep this in order, and both the mind and body must be," Four ounce phial, 12 doses, enough for all or dinary cases, ONE DOLLAR. .-OLD 11 V Win. McCARTY, Broadway, Sunbury. September, 58, 1850. tf. LINN, SMITH & CO., No. 2134 Market Street, above 5th St. Philadelphia, Yt'liolcNalc Drugprlajta, AND DE.VI.EnS IN" TiRUGS, Msntcivs, Psivts, Oils, Winnow 9 Glass, Vaiimsiies. Dri SrrFr. Patxst Mcniciitcs, Mf.dii.-isi Chests, NcRoicaL I strvmests, ic, &c; and manufacturers of the celebrated Congress Ink, Black, Blue and Red. The quality of this Ink is unsurpassed, and we are now prepared to furnish it of all sizes, neatly packed in boxes from ons to three dozen each. L. S. & Co., endeavor to have always on hand a full assortment ot good and genuine Drugs, at the lowest possible rates. Particular attention is also paid to the manner of putting up and packing their goods, so that they feel prepared to warrant their carrying any distance with perfect safety. All orders by letter or otherwise will receive prompt attention. Philadelphia, June 15, 1850. Cm jTSl. JEaJ '137 BOOT-TREE MAKER, So. 95 Race Street. Second door below Thirii, riltXADRtiPHIA. Y7HERE all kinds of lasts, Ac, of the latest ' ' style and liest material, arc manufactured on reasonable terms. All orders promptly and punctually attended to. Philadelphia, Nov.' 9, ISoll. ly. FASHIONABLE HATS. C. J. WALTON, No. 246 Market St., between 7 4' Sth St., (South side,) PHILADELPHIA. rPIIE Subscriber has opened a new hat store, and offers to traders and others who visit the citv, a handsome assortment of hats, caps, of eve- rv vurietv, made up of the best material, and iu 1 the latest and best style, and on terms as rrasona- i hie ss can be had in any establishment in Phila- i delphia. viz: Fine silk hats at $2.50 ; liood do I do at $100. Persons from the country who pur- ! chase of him, can rely, at all limes, on getting a . good article that will plcsso them, and one thai is fully worth the money paid. C. J. WAI.TUN. Philadelphia, Nov. 9, 1850 ly. i Tilt; VUUY LATEST AHK IT AL, NE"V GOODS, AT THE STORE OF I?.- T. CLEKEITT, WHO takea this method of informing his friends auJ customers, that he has just re ceived snd opened a splendid assortment of N U W (I ) () I) S , hich he offers to the public at the lowest prices. His stock consists of every variety and quality, necessary for the farmer, mechanic, and laborer, as well as the professional man, viz: sll kinds o Me u s ' A j) arc 1 . SUCH AS CLOTHS, CASS1.MKRF.S, SATT1NETT3, VESTIXU!, ALSO: a large assortment of Caficors, Mousseltue De Laines, Alpaccas, Mtrimis, Shawls. Handkerchiefs, . Gloves, lluisery. Checks, Cambrics, G'ing Aums, tyc. Alto a large assortment of e.oti and Shoes, Unit and Caps, Gum over Shoes, Alo am Assortment or READY M.VDB CLOTHING. A general assortment of Groceries, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Cheese, Mo lasses, Spices. An assortment of Hardware, Nails, Steel end Iron. Liquors, Such as Brandy, Gin, Rum, Whiskey, Vc. IW Produce of all kinds will he uken in ex change, and the highest market prlca peU foi the same. Sunbury', N. 30, 1850. ly. MACKEREL. AI), CODFISH 1 SALMON. HERRINGS, POKK. HAMvj AND SIDCS. BHOULDBR. LARD AND CWJfcM; Constantly 'on hand s,d.fbir sal hy V J. PALMER & Co.. Market Sueot Wharf, PHILADELPHIA. 8pt.l,,S03ra. !Kl(R!VeVOnDMl JuaS received al the store of HENRY M AsV 6ER, a lot nf Caps, Ciutn Shoes, Almanacs, Quesnswsrs, Liaiort (to. All of which will bo aid at lh lowaan price, Psjf, 14,1169. TO PHYSICIANS AND OTHERS. flHE subseriliers offer to physician and drag A gisla, a carefully selected stork eT drags and medicines, which they will guarantee tobe lb beat quality, pure and unadulterated in s3 castas. Their facilities for importing foreign drugs sal chemicals are such, that they art enabled to sale them upon the best terms, and at the same tin to assure their customers of their genuineness. i licy have also recently prepared ami bow of fer for sale a superior srticle of CAIXIWFI) MtGir.KIA, Ac, Resembling Henry's Magnesia, free from carbon ic acid and roughness or grittincsa. almost tutirsly tasteless, combining in an equal bulk from tlirest to lour times the strength of the common kind, and sold at about one half the price of Henry's Magnesia. They have also prepared the Kluitl Mtt!.'iiesiii. Which Is i new aj v&Me remedy in acidity " of the stomach, heartburn, nausea, &c, at less than half tho price of the foreign article. I hey also have on hand of their own prepara tion an assortment of Pure Drugs in Powder, Neatly put up in 1, J and J pound bottles, suck as Aloes, Rhubarb, Senna, Senega, Rhstany, Ki no, Gum Arabic, Serpentaria. Ext. Glvcyrrh, Ipe cac. Potassa Sulph.. Potassa Nitras, ilorax, Spi gclia, Buchn, Orris, Cascarilia, Canella Alba, L'va Ursa, &c. Great care has been taken to have these pre pared from the best selected drugs and in such a way as to preserve the characteristics of each ar ticle without injury. They have also a variety of Clieitiicnl & riinriiinceulical Preparations of their own manufacture, and add to the list all the valuable new remedies as they become known. Among them may be mentioned the following : Ilyilroeyanic Aciil, I'reparuiuli.s in Inline, " of Potusss, Liquor Ammonia, Aqua, do. l'ln'ilmte, do. a new re- nicilc for Iltieuinatlsio. nine Muss. Lxiract ot' Gention, ' IJuassiu, " TsrHXlcutn. " Valerian, tluid, a naw and useiul remedy. (Preparations ef Mercary, l run, " Zinc. Extract of Senna, flaid, a pleusHtit fmniio aduiiuiater lo caiMren. Lxtiaci of Bueha Conp., rtuiU, Shigella, barsiipanlla Com pusaun fluid, ilj. il). slid, de simple da. Colocyuih Com p. dj suuple. Oils of Copaiva, Sps. .lather Nitros. U. S. P., Cubcbs, Krgot, Tobacco, &c. curate ol Iran and Quinine, S'esntii-Oxido of Iron, nn antidote for arsenic, Citrate of Magnesia, a new and pleas ant cathartic medicine, put up in 12 oz. bottles, 52 per doz. Collodion, or Liquid Adhesive Plss trr ; a convenient application in many surgical operations, put up in small vials. Also CANTIIARIDAL COLLODION Oil BLIS TERING LIQUID, A convenient preparation of rantharides in many cases where there is a difficulty of applying the ordinary blistering plaster. A coating of it appli ed with a camel's hair brush and covered with oil silk or some similar substance, will produce a blister in three hours' time; or when exposed, in me usual time ol aoout twelve hours. Physicians and others 'may depend upon the faithful and prompt execution of their orders at as low rates as the best quality of medicines can ba purchased. CHARLES ELLIS fc CC. 58 Chesnut street, rhilada. Laboratory, 6th and Morris !sts. SoutUwark Novcniber'lO, 1850 tf. 2UZI I1TZ! I1T! BOUREAU'S Indestructible and Indellible WRITING INK FACTORY. No. 1 South Third street. 1 EKC1IANTS nnd the Writing community -1'-1" are requested to call and examine this INK, which ia u-.irraklrri nut la evrroilt Silitaliit Ptm, nor change its Coor VHioloaalo and Retail, No. 1 South Third street, Philadelphia. A liboral discount made to Merchants and the Trade For sale ly H. R. Masaer, agent for Suukary November 9. ISiO lj. PATENT JAPAN BLACKING. Jluntrucforw, No. 50 CHESTNUT Sireet, MEDAL, awarded bv the FRANKLIN IN STITUTE of Philadelphia in October, AND THE FIRST PREMIUM by the MARYLAND IN STITUTE, at Baltimore, Nov. 184Sand 1849. riiilu,.',jj,iu, October 2CM, 1848. I have used J. Wcllur's Patent Japan Liquid ! and f aste lilaCKing lor some nine nioiiius, anu ! am happy to say that it surpasses any blacking that I have used these twenty ojd years. 1 una it holds the polish and preserves the leather bet thr than any blacking that I have ever tried. Axuutw R. Cm mu i in. No. 07 Chestnut Street, Wm. CURREY, Manufacturer. Successor to J. WELLAR, No. 50 Chestnut Street, uhove Second. November, 9, lbou. ly. SH0URDS & COS LABOR AND KIEL SAVHO lianuuiclimil by Miourtls & Co. 543 Ch'stmtt St., Phila. FOR SALE BV ALL GROCERS. i Vt T A R R A N T E D to wash clean in hard, soft. ' or salt water, cold or hot, in one third the ! time of any other Soap ever manufactured; thus j dispensing with boiling, bleaching, &lc. j FLANNELS, CLOTHES, &o. 1 washed with this Soap will never shrink or have I sny harsh or gummy feel, but leave them in their original suit anil pliant state : which is 111 itself a suliicieut racomnieiidatiou to guarantee its use iu all families. THE FINEST FABRICS may be washed thoroughly with it, without tha least injury; giving them a lustre equal to newly imported goods. PAINT, GREASE & 01RT of any description, can be readily removed by the use of it, without injury to the aiticlo, whether it be the finest dress or ordinary carpet. In the use of Shourds &. C'o's Soap, ths most delicate need not fear, as it will not injure or chap the hands, but on the contrary act as an emolli ent, am, is not only the vi.ur skst wssaisa soir ever ollcred to the public, but as a TOILET SOAP cannot be eiccllcd. V herever it bus been used it has given perfect satisfaction, and is warranted so to do, in all ca ses where a fair tiial will be uiven il. SHOURDS 4c CO., Manufacturers, No. 54'd Chesnut St., Philadelphia. For Sale by Urocers generally. November lo, lt50. NEW TOYS. EANCY ARTICLES, CAN ES, Ac. Just received, a large apd hand some assortment of Toys, Fancy Goods, Canes, violin strings, dca&iiu, C&wes, proxies snd tricks, moving figure, aegar eases, work and fancy boxes, napkin rings, rattles, etc., 0 overy deacription, at tho lowest prices, wholesale and re tail. Call and sea GEORGE DOLL'S NEW STORE. 10 North etlist,. FhUadalph.U, Uu ot td street. N. B. Cans. XKsstly anoitoted, ansl Fancy Turning Aon. Not. ft, 1 o0.3(eo. BtOwVEeREXCX OF JAMAICA GIN.. GER, for saks hy C. V. MAUSER W at j 10 I feiatuT, fa- M. A. P. Ills). f uaborj-, N. 9 110 r Tth, iw- (