SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. From the Vnton Tiroes. UNITED STATES SENATOR In the last No. of ihe Lewisburg Demotrat, e dashing correspondent, writing from Phila delphia, entertain U with a paragraph or two on the election of U. S. Senator. Af ter pronouncing a labored eulogy on the 'brilliaut talenti" of Judge Woodward and Black, avails himaelf of the opportunity to in dulge in a aerie of very ill-natured remarki in reference to the Hon. Simoh CiMtnoK. In hit application of the term "political dema gogue" he haa been singularly unfortunate i there are few publio men in the State to whom the term could not be applied with more propriety than to Gen. Cameron. But the correspondent of the Democrat "doe not know a tingle democrat io pnper in the Slate, that hat the face to advocate hit claim foi the U. S. Senate." A correspondent of a publio journal should be belter informed.- The following democratic! paper are friendly to the election of that gentleman to the Sen ate. The Sunbury American, Pottiville Em porium, Lancasterian, Danville Intelligencer, with olher throughout Ihe Stale. Whether their influence ha been perrhased with the fund of the Mitldletown Bank or not we emit aay ; but we consider Ihe insinuation a dis creditable to him who make it a it i inputt ing to the respectable journal!! to whom it i sought to be applied. But again : Gen. Cameron ha no chance of being selected as the caucus nominee of hi parly, inasmuch a he formerly suffered himself to be elected over the regular party nominee ! If we re member correctly, the Hon. Jus Buchanan did the same thing. They thetefore eland pari passu. Yet we never heard this objec. tion urged against Mr. Buchanan a nn un pardonable political sin. Senator Cameron aolsd in concert throughout his whole Sena torial career with the parly to which he ewes an early and an unwavering allegiance! and while he guarded, with jealous rare, the honor and the constitutional rightsof Ihe great sovereignty which he in part represented, he labored with ur.tiring zeal and signal ability to promote the great industrial interest of the Commonwealth. If other gentlemen, who have had the honor to represent our in terest at Washington, had pursued ihe same line of policy, and obeyed the reasonable wishes of the State, William F. Johnson would not be it Governor to day nor Senator Cooper it representative ; nor would our an cient majority of 30,000 be reduced down, as jt frequently is now, to a mere nominal one. While Pennsylvania, in common wilh other Slates, is satisfied wilh the general features of the tariff acf of 1846, she demands addi tional protection for her extensive mining in terest an additional duly of 10 per cent, upon iron and the same increase upon bitu minous coal, will satisfy Ihe claims of our citizens, and deprive our opponents of their only remaining hobby. We trust in thi juncture of our political affair, the Legisla ture will look well to the matter and elect no free trade man to fill the important station referred to. We wish to see "the old Key tone herself again," rolling up her usual majorities. If our friend of the Quaker' city tan not find many Cameron Democrais where he in habits, we can tell him where he will find them : he might find thrm in great force among the yeomanry of this great Common wealthamong its intelligent and numerous artisansin the thousand forges and furnaces scattered ihioughoul Ihe Stale, toiling on its mountain topi, and the deep recesses of ils mines plain, honest, warm-hearted men who will not soon forget the distinguished tervices rendered them by the Hon. Simon Cameron in the Senate of the United States. A LOOKER ON IN VKNICC. Brutal. One of the most brutal and inhu man act of which we ever heard, say the Carlisle Democrat, came to our knowledge a few day since, the particular of which, as related to us by a gentleman conversant with the facts, are briefly these : A laboring mam lately in the employ of the Mount Holy Iron Woiktin this county, lost a ton, some 12 or 15 year of age, by death. The coffin, being made according to the dimensions sent, was found, on placing therein the remains to be entirely too small. Whereupon the inhuman father cooly took up the corpse, and carrying it to the wood pile, deliberately chopped off bolk the feet above the ankle. Such an act of monstrosity, in a community like this, in enough to curdle our heart's blood, and made us wonder to what manner of species we be long. Cholera among thc U. States Troops.--Charleton, S. C, Dec. 80th--The ship Silas Leonard, from Tampa Bay, bound for New York, with United State troops, ha touched off the bar to procure a supply of medicine. the cholera having broken out on board du ring the passage. Tea case already termi nated fatally. TEE AMERICAN. SUNBURY. SATURDAY, DECEMBER Vft. II. B. MASSER, Bailor an Fraorletor. V. 8. PALMER ! our sothortied egent to receive sub scription and srlrertieing at his office, In Philadelphia, New YorK, Button and Baltimore. To Advisthsss. The circulation of ths Punbnry American among the different towns on the Susquehanna a not exceeded if equalled by any paper published in North em Pennsylvania. EDITOR'S TABLE. Business Notices. Wi tsll the attention of our readers to the ad vertisement of Mr. Charles C- Tucker, Attorney and Agent at Washington City, snd would sty to persons having claims for Bounty Lands or Pensions, that we hsve made arrangements for the requisite forms, and claimants calling at our oilice, can have their papers prepared and forward' ed to Mr. Tucker at Washington, and by him b properly attended to before the Department there IU" Printing Ink. A few kegs for sale for cash at this office. GENERAL CAMERON. Th Pennsvlvanlan think General Cameron i ! ftknn a mn or toe small a cannr. re. -svlvsni in th United 8tato8enat. Only think how Mr. 8toreon muet hv hne4 when he read that. Mix", Jontnal. 1 How any msn like the editor of the Pennsylvania!!, who prolewei to be a tori of more than ordinary calibre himself, could indite t paragraph like the above, would teem surprising, if the public were not al ready aware how completely telf aggran dizement pervert the mental vision of tome trading politicians. I it not, after all, amusing to tee an editor lavishing abute on tuch a man at Gen. Cameron, and charging him with incapacity, while at the tame time he it eulogising Senator Stur geon, whose incompetency i notorious! and who, in point ol tact and ability, in the U. S. Senate, compared with Gen. Cam' eron, wat a mere cypher. 0 To CoRltESrONDENTS. E. W. M. it informed that his strictures on the commu nications of our correspondent signed H., on the subject of Industry, cannot appear, under our rule, requiring the name of the author. K7 Lost on mislaid. A package sealed in a newspaper and directed to H. B. Mas ter, Sunbury, was tent from Capt. Leet Hotel, Northumberland, by tome one who has neglected to deliver the same. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. Whatever onr friendt in thit region may have thought of the policy of first making the Pennsylvania Rail Road, in pi eft-re nee to the Erie Road from thit place, they will, nevertheless, he gratified to hear of the flourishing condition ot this road, which promises to pay in its unfinished state more than fix per cent on its cost, which fact, in the opinion of ome ot itt warmest frjends, will induce the early completion ot the Erie route. Thit once accomplished, Phila delphia could dety all competition from any and every quarter. The Pennsylvania Rail Road it ably managed by itt pretent able head and efficient board. Annexed are the receiptt of the Pennsylvania Rail road for the months of October and Novem ber : October, Freight 15,736 62 Passenger 30.099 70 RATE or TOLL ON THtf KTATK WORK The Board of Canal Committioneri have made essential reduction! in the ratei of toll charged upon goodt over the State VYorkt from and after January 1st, 1831. Thia reduction amount! to about 25 per cent, of the former tollt on "through freights" and mutt increase the receipt! on our owo improvement!, by inducing ship per to aend freight! over the State worki that would otherwise be drawn away to New York and the Northern route. They have also passed the following resolutions : ADMTIOHAL CHARQ! ON MAXIMUM GOOD. Resolved, That, upon all article transport ed on Ihe improvement of Ihe Common wealth upon which a maximum rate of toll is paid, (except coal,) there hMllbnchareed, in addition to the snid maximum, four mills per one inouwiiii pound per mile on ine rnua- tleipnia aim Columbia Kailrntil, and ten mitt fier one thousand pound per mile on the Al euheny Pollute Railroad, which additional toll shall be paid at Ihe orhee issuing the railroad clearance. Resolved, That coal shipped at maximum rate shall be subject to only one hull of the regular car and wheel loll on the Allegheny Portage and Philadelphia and Columbia Rail Roads, and an additional toll of one ami a half mills per one thousand pounds on said lailroad. Resolved, That on all coal hipped at less than maximum late, a drawback shall be allowed of three-fourths ol one mill per ton of two thousand pound per mile. Provided I tint this dravr limit hall noj be allowed on the Delaware Division of the Lehiuh Naviua lion Company make a roirespomting reduc tion from their rate of toll for 1850. DISORACCFIL PR oCEKDIKO) IN ILLINOIS I -ALMOST A RIOT. Pcoau, Illinois, December 19th, 1850. Our city wa spa in thrown into much excite ment to-day. The execution of Brown and William for the murder ef Mr. Hewelt, waa to have taken place yesterday, but by an or der from the Governor, received on Wednes day, it waa extened to the J5ih of January next. Thi not being generally known net expected, large masse of people of thi and adjoining counties, assembled to witnes the execution, and being disappointed in their ex peotations, a portion of them resolved thai the person should be executed forthwith, and ur ged on by exciting peeehe, they got posse, sion of the scsffold from the jail yard, and ereoted it in Ihe street, In front of the jail. They then effected an entrance by jerking the door and lock, and proceeded with crowbarsi scantling and olher implement, to the cells, where they met wilh reilance from Brown, who, although shackled, a soon a Ihe cell were opened, stepped into the hall, disarmed a few of Ihe mobbers, by taking from ihem Ihe crowbar and caniling, barred hi cell on ihe inside, and defied them. He broke the wahtling over the mobbers, and rave them other t riling illustration of hi entire disap' proral of such unlawful proceedings. The prisoner were again secured in the cell, and before dark Ihe crcwd dispersed. ILr" Rats. An individual in the Phils delphia Ledger advertise! for 1000 live rati, for which he will pay ten centt a piece. Thit lookt rather suspicious at this season, when mince piet, are in great de mand. Can any of our friends of the Press explain by any other process of ratiocina tion. We should think either of the hand' 45,836 32 some Colonels, of the 'Sun" or "Item'' could do so, as they possess considerable THE POSTAGE BILL. We are glad to tee that our member Hon Joseph Casey hat taken the proper ttand on thit question, viz: uncompromising hostility to every or any bill that will not do justice to the Country Press, by allowing free circulation of newspapers within the County or Congressional district. Let the members from the interior tpeak out their sentiments, boldly & empirically, and they must and will be heard. Legislation hat been controlled to long by city influ ence, that the rightt of the interior are al most wholly forgotten and neglected.- There it however, a determination of our best men in Congrest to carry the measure, and we feel satisfied it will be done. We arc glad to see Mr. Thompson of Erie, do ing battle in our caose. Mr. Morse (from Louisiana we believe,) said he had not seen a single argument in favor of reduction, and as for the encouragement of the Country Press, he seemed to have an utter contempt. We doubt whether a man so stupid could be ever made to tee or comprehend any ar gument, and we think the Country Prest will be unanimous in awarding to him a leather medal for hit unrivalled stolidity. NV.n.mV.r Frpirrhta 59 196 87 .... , ..,..... i . . J ... . . 1 asseiigert 20,02! Oil ,( l so " a"u luiimrj igcntre, mm practised bv their fellow citizens. r4 i a ox ii . ikk i i - JU11I I WtJ IllUIllIlla JSijUH ine cob; oi corisiruciinn snu cquinmcm i ivtaw ri. i-i-- u i a that poition of the road now in operation, ' vsmorni. go.u lever east of the mountains, is about $4,500,000, have abated considerably within the last and assuming the foregoing figures as the few mon,h The f , representation pi)t avwranA mnnlhlv . in Inn nresent III- 1 1 ? . ' ' . . . C I 1 . I I.. I I J complete tate ol the road, It would atiord a 'wra by imrnuen sprcuia.ors, nas lurea dividend on the investment, after dednoting msny from comfortable homes, if not to about 71 per cent-a result exceeding' 'the betch ihr',r uPon ,he P1"'"1. l ,Mst most sanguine expectation ot the warmest to return nome witn impaired neaitn and Mentis ol the road. thatlrpH mnctitniinne THE PATENT LAW, tangre i attempting to amend the Pat. ent Law, and ha submitted some wholeome provision for I lie security of inventor anil the public, and limiting the discretionary power of thc Patent Offio. Out of the pioviiion require that uniform rule (hall be prepared, open in the offioo to thc inspection of all ap plicant, which hali be observed with impar. liality in all case. Another requires .the Commissioner of Patent to keep a reooid or the date of receipt of every original paper and hot allow them to be removed from the office ; and where an application for a patent i rejected, requiring the Commissioner to cause a record of hi reason for hi devision So also in extending or reissuing patent ; cer lined copies of these and all oiher record and correspondence arc made evidence, in all ca ses, in the same manner aa original would be if duly proved. Another object sought is to protect the true inventor. By the Scire Fa" ciat and trial will determine the validity o the patent. Now no patent i( deemed safe or valuable property uulil repeated trial and judgment have been obtained in it favor Thi will diminish litigation for patents, and render them more secure and valuable pro' perty. THE SOUTH CAROLINA LEGISLATIVE. Columbia, S. C. Dec. 30. A bill providing for th calling ol a con- veiilwn, arid also for the election of member, to a Southern Congiess the latter to assem ble at Montgomery, Ala, in January, 1852, had passed a third reading in the House, by 101 yeas to 10 nay. The delegate to the convention are to be chosen in Felinary, and to the Southern Congress in October. The Senate have agreed to the rame bill with but three dissenting votes. A grand salute was fired at the request of the Governor, both at Columbia and Chat lesion, immediately upon hi receiving the new of the decisive action of both House. Plum Ik Uarriebari Telerapk. REVENUE OP THE COMMONWEALTH POR f I860. Wc pretent below from thc anneal report f thc Auditor Ceneiil, a aommaiy of the re- ipt and expenditures at the Stale Treaiury, from the 1st day of December, 1849, to the oi h day of November, 1850, both days in oiuaiv : RECEIPTS. "a"-- I,373 M Aeatta eammleeione, " iptrS i$ Aocuon autiea, 44 M9 n Taa oa bank dividends, 1S3,N77 1( Tat an nrpomU'v Moeka, I3S SIB u T real aad personal aetata, 1,317,131 gS Tavern lieeneee, , 107 417 Retailer' liecaees, ...... . 171, 0H St Pedlar' lireiiers, , , , ., , t,SSI OS Brokers' licensee, ' )S,t3 TJ rhmtra. eiro , and m lane arts licensee, Dletlllery and brewery lieeneee, Billiard tonm, tmwlin eaJjeo, aim ten pin aller lieeitare, Rnttnf h'laee, beer koaee. and raataureut licensee, tjtit ft Patent mediein Ueeueea, t,M Ot Pmaphl lews, . . Ml $f Militia ftnes, u.asj Fmeijn Ineuraae afenelee, f ,;t0 a! Taa oil write, wille, deeds, Ae., . 45,49 47 Tax en certain oOeea, 14.C47 tt Cjllateral iidierilane tax, 1W.WJ 07 Canal and reiki tolls, 1,713,MS IS ( ti.. :'?! I .M SS ' ,oii 11 ' T.I It : 1 CJ Steam Communication between Philadelphia and Liverpool. The citi- !DTep.ii apins. The Potttville Emporium savt excellent Susauehanna terraoint eaual zentof Philadelphia are making extensive to'iny in ,he ci(y m up ;n lht preparations to celebrate the arrival of the ,acf Susquehanna terrapint and Susque- "Uity oi uiasSow," ine nrst oi me line oi hanna girls, when well dreaed, cant be beat steamen to run between Philadelphia and where TELEGRAPH TO THIS PLACE Now that the line of Telegraph is about being completed to Northumberland, it could be brought to this place at a small expense. Three hundred dollars would, we believe, accomplish the object. It it the intention of the Company to extend the line to Harrisburg, and the quettion is, which side of the river presents the most advantages. On thit tide, the line would pass through a larger number of towns, viz: Sunbury, Trevorton, Millersburg, Halifax and Dauphin. On the West side, Selins- grove and Liverpool are the only important towns. In a few years there will also be a rail road communication from this place to Harrisburg. Besides the line on thit tide would traverse the outlet of Jour coal regions between this and Harrisburg, vizi Sunbury, Trevorton, Millersburg and Dau phin. Our neighbors of Selinsgrove, which s the only important point on the West ide, could be readily accommodated by stretching a line across the river from the Isle of Que, Liverpool. The City councils have appro priated $ 1,500 towards celebrating the event. The Glasgow it expected every day and with two other Steamers now buil ding, will constitute a regular line. 0"Coal in Rhode Island. The Rhode Islanders think they have found coal for sure this time. The Bristol Phcenix says a SOUTH CAROLINA. The Charleston papers of Wednesday con tain the mauiiural address of Governor Means. It greater portion is devotod to a detail of "the wrongs ot thc South." We quote a few paragraph from the conclu. siou : 'With these opinion sand feelings, Senators and Representatives, I ohall deem it my duty FisRta't Atmoiphcsic Washing Machine Lettert of patent were granted on the 5th ult., to R. A. FmicR, of thit place, for a washing machine, under thc above title. A fair trial, which the inventor ha given thi machine in hi own family, enable him tafe ly to recemmend it to the public. Any gar ment which can be washed clean by hand orothewite, can also be washed clean by this machine, in les lime, and with ies labour. Besides this, it possesses a propeity in which most, if not all other washing machine arc lacking: namely, in washing quickly and without Ihe least injury to the clothes, it be iug constructed on the pressure, instead of thc rubbing system. Those who entertain any doubt concerning ihe correctness of our asser tion can satisfy themselves of its tiuth by giving it a trial. The inventor doe not in tend to manufacture the machine himself, but offer the patent for sale, on reasonable terms, by townships, counties or slates. iSunlitry Gazette. ....... .. . vein of good anthracite has been discovered to use whatever influence my position inay in that town, convent, nt to some of their BIV" met to keep alive that spirit of resistance manufactories, about 14 feet below the sur face. The discovery was made in digging a well. They had not gone through the vein, though they had pierced it about 9 tret. A few yean tince a timilar discovery whit'h now animates the bosom of my coun tr) man, and to carry out faithfully and prompt ly any measures )ou in your wisdom may de. vise, to put the State in a condition of thorough prepumtion for whatever may happen. Yel I love the cause in which wc are engaged too well to hazard it by any rashness or indiscre te Population or Philadelphia. Full return of the census of Philadelphia, are published in the city papers. From them wc leain that the who! population of the city and county is 409,045; dwelling houses, 61,- 012 ; families, 72,365. In 1840, the popula tion was 58,037 ; i-crease in ten ysars, 151,. 008; or nearly 58 per cent. The entire pop. ulatiou of the city proper, or "old city" as thev now si vie it. is 121,417. In 1840, it was 93,665. Increase in ten years, 27,752 waa announced, but one of the editors to tien. whom a sample had been sent for trial, ad- And I beseech you to remember that wc vised his friendt, in case the day of judg- " "ow actois in one of the most imporiant ment should overtake them, to take refuge scene Ihe world hat ever known. We are on the eve of great event event which may not only decide our fate a a nation, but the fate of liberty throughout all generations. Every act yon commit is to become a part of hiiitoi'V. ant! for weal or far u-oe. is la hi fell coal brought to this place, for shipment, b). peritv. iW -mvXwX j, i( ,na, Il0 on the coal bed, as, in hit opinion, all h I could not burn it up. y The following it the amount of the from the Shamokin coal region : For the last week, Per last report, Thc Babes in the Snow .A corespondent af ths Benton Transcript narrate a singular incident which happened in the village of Peidmont, N. H., last week. Two little children, one five and the other three yean ef age, strayed from home. Not returning at dark, a general search throughout the night was made by the people of the vilages. In the morning thc children were discovered in an open field, lying npon the frozen ground and locked in each others' arms, one sleeping soundly and the other awake. Although the night wa a severe one, thc little ones have ihown as yet no ill effect from the exposure. It is wonderful how two such little children could pas a winter' night upon the frozen ground without perishing. U" The bodies of John Diehl, George Clark and Edward Wingert of thit place, who were drowned in the Patapsco river last month, have not been recovered aa reported. Some bodies had been washed ashore near the place where they met their melancholy tate. The body of one of the sailors from the Schooner, who attempted their rescue, was found. AFsavd. Fraudulent checks, puiporting tc be of the Shamokin Coal and Iron Compa ny arc in circulation. They arc now made tc read a check on thc Farmer' and Me ohanics' Bank, payable to thc order of Wm Shipley. The bill i in thc similitude of a bank note, and unless oluaely observed, would pass for s five dollar bank note. It i not worth cent. Said a young fellow, indignantly, when cal. 4 a bey "Don't call me bey ; I've chew 4 VsUccc tats tis rears." move should be made without calm delibera. tion, and consultation with the wisest and most prudent of our laud. Although I feel impatient at delay, yet as wc have gone into convention Willi our sister State of the South, good faith demand thai we should wail the result of the measures Q7" In Louisville a few week since, si"i:esled by the Nashville Convention, Wc 2010 heavy hog were slaughtered, and should meet them in the proposed Congress hung up, in teven hours, by thirty-two u exertion, to unite thc 0 r I c w -1 11 r..:i 1 u 1. i' 1: 1 hands. The Turners of that c tv bra? ol it. uu,n ""um '"" ou," vm poouiu as the greatest day's work of the kind ever done out West. Thit averages 64 hogt to each hand. B7" The Wilkesbarrc Roling Rliil hat recently been sold by the Sheriff, for 59, 000. The mill cost the owners 145,000 to erect. Like many of our iron works, it unk under thc ad valorem tariff of 1846. With all these evidences surrounding ut, Dr. Sturgeon our enlightened Senator, de clared that our Iron Maiden were 111 most flourishing condition, and tome of hit equally enlightened coadjutori of the Press, re-echoed thit spasmodic effort of our bril liant Senator. We trust our legislature "will never again send to Washington a Senator, who could thut be made to stultify himself to please a few demagogues, free trader and foreign importer1. Pennsylva nia demands something to protect her great Staple interests her coal and iron, and ihould never tuffer a free trader to repre- tent her in Congress. Inoiaham, the Commissioner under tbe ilavt act, at Philadelphia, is denounced, aad Justly to, by thc Whole Prru. Tom. 182 19681 19863 stand alone, then solitary end alone, let ber throw her banner lo Ihe breeze, and leave the consequence to Cod. Common interest and common danger will rally thc olher Southern Slate 10 our staiidurd I do not presume lo direct your councils; inclination a well a duty, demand that I UT" Homestead. A bill i before Con gress granting to every head of family 16Q, acres of land. We doubt whether it should carry out jour high behests. I owe no will pass, although we presume it would allegiance lo any power upon earth, except be a popular measure, especiallr with an ual nicn 1 owe u"uh South Carolina- awoment . nn.itiv. and direr! a. i fif) when she speaks, her voice must be obeyed. D. ...... I V,u. ko ilm. r, k..l.l. sacred on ear ill, I seek or desire no other fate than that which i to be her. If she is to triumph, (at all her sons who tmvrt hten ilflvntpil ta her citueA nan iln.t I i. . r v.: or, ' ' - UPn wan J mvia vim wim vuic a ... , i if e r .....w.i. ..i.: i u. t.i oiuim suara in nor ciorj. it ana i io inn priz highly, a they r capital for starting coal all I hat ( desire l a grave upon her bosom &nmr-L0wittur( Chrtuitlt. All that I have and all that I am, 1 here de, Use our Shamokin coal, and you will I vote to her service. And if for feeling a deep want nothing more than a match and an indignation at her wrong, and a burning de acres of land. Bachelors we presume will not look with much favor on such a mea sure. Censci op Ncw-Yoas Citt. The entire population of the city of New-York, asasrer. ained by the census just completed, is 517,- 849. By Ihe Slate Census- in 1845, it was 317,223 increase in five years, 146.62(1, or neatly 40 per cent. If we add Brooklyn and Williamsburg, which are a part of New-Yoik in every thing but name and organization the entire population is about 650,000. A Jew Bamke who, fearful of subsidies and loans, sent a letter petitioning King Fred- drick the Great, "to allow him te travel for his health," received in answer: "Dear Ephraim, nothing but death shall part us, Far.BXRic." At STRIA AND Tllk INITIO STATUS- The New York Commercial hat the follow ing letter from itt Wastinglon correspondent It appear that Austria has been acting part toward thi Government which may ter. minate in a dissolution of our diplomatic rela Hon. A 1 uiiueritarnl the matter, the Lnu net at Vienna instructed the Austrian charge at this rapilal, Mr. llulsemann, lo represent lo thc Administration that in the event of Kos. aulh and hi compatriolt being received and afforded an asylum here, it would be cause sufficient for Government to withdraw it re presentative. Accordingly, Mr. Clayton wa officially in formed of ihe ultimatum ; but before he had time to decide upon hi course, Mr. Webster wa installed as his successor. Mr. Webster wa not long in determiuining what to do. He represented to Mr. Htilsemann, lhat the refugee of bleeding Hungary would be re. ceived wilh open arm, anil that, if Austria demanded, hi passport would be ready at any moment. Whereupon Mr. H. wrote home for further instructions, but these not having arrived, the chagrined diplomate may be supposed to serve only in a quasi capacity. SINGILAR MISTAKE. The Philadelphia papers mention the re turn to that city of the negro man who had been arrested a few days since, as a runaway slave, and remanded to hi owner near Elk- Ion, Md. Thc Norih American ha the fol lowing account of the affair: Not the right Wan. Adam Gibson, the col ored man who wa arrested in thi city, on Saturday, as a fugitive slave, and sent to the Stale of Maryland, under thc derision of the United States Commissioner, Mr. Ingraham, turns out to have been Ihe wrung man. He was taken by the officers in charge of him to Elklon, on Sunday, and Mr. William Knighl, of Cecil county, hi reputed owner, sent for. A oon a Mr. Knitit saw the prisoner, he said : "lhat is not my slave I know this man, Adams he wns formerly a slave in thi neighboihood how he obtained his lib. erly I do not know he is not mine." Mr. Knight afforded the officer every opportunity lo resinie the colored man lo hi family and friends. Gibson returned to Philadelphia yesterday evening Warrenl have already been isaued for the arrest of Albert! and ihe other men, engaged in his capture. It appeal that, at the time Adam Gibson wa arrested, Emery Rice, the alleged fugi live slave, the property of Mr. Ki.ight, wa in conversation with Gibson, 'hi friend, and wa (landing within a few feet of him. Al berti and his party mistook the cue for Ihe other, and hence the unfortunate phase which the case present. Canal (nee, salee ut ol materi. ale, Ac., 1,853 It Tax nil enrolment or laws, 10,170 00 Premiums on charters, (9,399 (1 Tu on loans, 119,3j M Loans, 170,000 0 Interest nn loans, H.7S1 87 Divitlendi an turnpike end bridge Skwks, 9,4fio Ot Sales ut turnpike stocks, 13,884 U Accrued interest, 3,479 q , Refunded cuih, . , lt,37 tl Fees ot the pulilie orneee, 3,S7 SO Pennevlvania Stete Lunatic lies. . P't'. 177 DO MwellaiienMl, 1,740 S llalanrc 111 Ihe Tieaeary, Decem ber i, two, mo,7 at Unavailable ricpnaite ia Ihe Bank ot Ihe United Stutce, SPO.OOt SO i SMM.Ul st Locator si "717,30 74 EXPENDITURES. Public improvements, ' tl,4M.7!9 71 kxpeneea or f overnment, S03,tt! 71 Militia espeneea, 1S.383 M Penaions and gratuities, 17.377 SI , . Charitable Institutions, 6 37 IS Common Sehonle, 913,79 4 O'lmniaeionere at the ainkuif ""u 31B,(0l cj ". t,IS0 1 In-erect oaleane, S,OOI.7I4 5t Guarantied iulereat,. 33,SOO OS Doroeetie creditor. t,37 41 Pamefes on the public woe ke, SS.OSS 34 Sieoial Ctimmieeionera, S.554 04 Ptate Library, 1,000 OS PulJic buildings and ronnda, S.Oti 7 Kaetere rvaerrolr of Pa. canal, 1,947 Ot Weiith.lock at Beach Haven, 13 00 : lee ut patented, rights, ... 3, 0(H) 00 Penitentiaries, , w,afcj 7 House or Refuge, , ' t.OOO 00 Conveying Fugitives, ' 100 0 Mick latin lande, 199 75 AaMndmente to thc Conetitulien, t,SOt 00 Kecheata, .,740 3 Abatement of State Tax, 43,533 04 c-ieeuing relief notes, 10,940 00 uneel fees and couoniieinMe, , S4 It Miscellaneous, S. Its) 44 Ilulance in the Treasury, Nov. 30, IKiO, ernilalile, Depreciated fundi in the Trea. aury, unavailable, Depneite in Bank of Ihe United States, unavailable, Largb Hoc The Delaware Gazette, slate, that Mr. Samuel Hopper, of the Western Ho tel, Wilmington, has a hog of hi own raising, about two year and three mouth old which measures ft feet in length, ginh 7 feet, height 4 feet, sod weighs about 1,350 pounds. The Corporstion of Trinity Church, of New Voik city, i the richest in the country, and may be aid to be among! the richest uhurche in the woild.' It pro pert v i esti mated at from twelve to sir.eeu millions of dollar.. old newspaper to kindle up your fire. An abolition or free toil paper i preferable, on account of itt being more combustible. sire to redress them, I am lo be branded by tbe minions of power st s traitor, then be it so; 1 desire no more brilliant fame while liv ing, no more glorious epitaph when dead." The vols upon the first ballot of U. S Sena tor wat as follows : for R B. lthett, 56; J H Hammond 90; It. W. Barnwell J7, James ttJ" New Counterfeits. Counterfeit $5 notes so the Lancaster County Dank sre in circulation. Vignette, compsny ChMnu. ,, . Woodward : Pieaton : Black . ..... j , , oi reapers msy as eawiy detected, upon ,wo We have heretofore mentioned that the Senate bill callings convention cf the people was rejeoted in thc House by s vote of 73 to 41. The vole wa reconsidered on Tuesday e juted. The paper interior in texture snd anJ jj Muldlel0 6m)ri , mo,ion lha, I calm to the genuine, and ihe Mate House is I. . . ' . ... . , b urreii ami lmnerloot. The n ice anuiiul ,u" r"T- the figure i made to crowd too closely on I the 4th Monday of February, 185t, lo take "Lancaster, r., si ine top of thc note on I into consideration what action houkl be ta the lell ,-meoi tneLouri House, and l tie same ken j repirJ , ,he forror4,;0 0f , Southern l Tory VkPitifHuis hi v u ui i. 1011. I - , . .., a ever tli future 0. on thc rieht hand d. ' f Congress. Tbe J.baU was till in pies the same cut. . I st cur feted sdvicec. examination. Counterfeits 5', relief notes, of the Lan caster Hank, nave also made their spptar ance. Ihe plate ami siuuaturc sre well e- RtcOLiiCT, all ye men who drink brandy and whiskey to make you strong, and all ye delioate ladies, who sip brown (tout, porter and beer to make you fat, lhat "all drink supply Ihe wanl of nature only by the quan tity of elementary water which they contain " Tub Son of Temperance in New Jersey have, according to ths Trenton True Ameri can, 1 17 Division, snd 6010 members. They have f IS,OO0 securely invested, snd paid du ring the last quarter for benefits snd funeral expenses, 11,914 SS. A Fit Orrics. A Comity Treasurers in Ohio, is said to receive f 1,000 per annum, salary snd $10,000 perquisites from interest on the money of thc county, which be is ae. cuaed ef loaning. Only seventeen esndidstes are mentioned ss being desirous of holding thst office. Consultation ex ths Tssirr. Washing ton De. SI, Th Secretary of the Treasury and olher gentlemen interested in ths mstter hsve met st the rooms of Henry Clay, thi morning, te confer together en the subject of Ihe tariff. It it ststco thst the Mormons have formed treaty ''offensive snd defensive" with tbe Utah Indians, snd further, lhat many ef these Indisae hsve been bsptiscd it) Ihe MsnsNtUri . STEAMBOAT BURNT-DISTnESSINQ or Lire. LOSS New Oslea.hs, December 18. Another distressing steamboat accident-- the third within a week occurred on our river last night, when the steamer South America look fire, near Bayou Gava, and in les limit twenty minute 'wa totally destroy ed. Thirty or forty live were lost by llii calamity. She had on board two hundred persons, including one hundieil United Mutes soldier, even of whom perished, who were going to Texa. The passengers lost all their baggage. . Many were compelled to jump overboard, snd were drowned. in Srvebe, but Mesited. A cabman Buffulo, N. Y., who beat s passenger for not nayiiig $5 for conveying him a short distance and afterward compelled him with the aid of another person, to pay $5 additional, has been convicted of highway robbery, and sen tenced for ten years lo the State Prison. Cekid of Bsooelis, The New Voik Sun gives Ihe census returns of Brookliu st 90,725 inhabitant. A great inprovetnenl in the manufacture of watches has just been mail in Oeueva, by which watch-keys sre rendered unnecessary By simply turning s crew in Ihe handle, the watch I wound up, sad another movement regulates the hand. On Thursday last, no les than sixteen thousand for bundled bushel of oysters were delivered st Fair Haven. Ct.. s suburb of New Haven. They were principally from Virginia. CoitREcio, the illustrious psinter, it ssid to hsve been born snd bred, snd to hsve Jiv ed snd died in extreme poverty. It it sts ted thst be came lo hit desth st the esrly sz of forty, from the fstizue of carrying home a losd of half-pence paid for one of in inirounai worst. Ages and thb Presidehct. It is ssid that in 1833, when thc next Presidential terra begins, Mr. Clat will o seveniy-is Daniel Webatek seveuty-one, and Gener al Scott tixty.nine, Mr. Buihanan being a bachelor, it is not though, delicate to al. lude U bit years. SI,5W,041 N s;st:ri 81 41,03 00 0,000 OS !,07S,SH tt SASH, MS 7i The Farmers of Ohio have) entered quite extensively. into the cultivation of madder, some of ihem realizing over S2C0 per acre. Hew Advertisements, NOTICE. S ths suusrrilifT intends making nsw arrange... mcnts in his business nn th first of Janua ry 1851. all peranus knowing thamsrlves indebted ta Inni. sre requeued la ra 1 and make settlement up to thst time, !y payment or giving lueir nates for th amount du. JOHN YV. f RIUNO. Sunbury, Dec. S8, 1850 if. NOTICE. j 4 meeting of th Stockholder of th Trevor ton. Malionnv and Suaonahanna Rail Reai Company, will I held st the oilice ef th Cot. pauy, No. J7..Koiilh third alreet. in th 'eity ef Philadelphia, en Monday th 13th day of January nest, for tli purkis of electing officers af the Company for th ensuing year. R. MeK. LUDLOW, Kac'y and Treasure. Philadelphia, Dee. ts, 18J0 la. A Great National Picture. WASHINGTON I . . Frem Staarfe saeal Celebrate Pmiallag. riMlIS LARGE AND MAGNIFICENT I PORTRAIT OP WASHINUTON, from tli buiin ol an American artist U, considered by all who Lav seu it to I on of th most twain ltd pecinieuofartovrrpulliahed, and a coaaitT Lilts tea of WasHiacTuN. The ii of the plat is eighteen by twenty-eiijUt iucliea, which will make a handsome r ictur fur ttie rarlor, end sliould be iu th hauda of sr. si AmisicaM citi- SKN, It is a correct ropy from Stuart's celebrated original Fainting, now at tbe Bute House, Hart ford, Cnnn. ' It ia finely engraved, and printed on superior plate paper. That it may be within th tueane of all, llie puhlialier has reduced tbe prios to On Dulls ! All persons remitting th amount may rely upon receiving a perfect copy by return af mail lo any part of the t'uitod State, carfully put up on rollers made for the purpose, free of pustage. Address sll orders, pot paid to Ut publisher. JOHN S. TAYLOR, bookseller . ,! and publisher, Nsw York. DeceroUr 28, 1840. .31. AlVKnlli:?IL:.T Bounty Land and Pension Agency, WAUUN9T0N, B. O, rIB andereigiMS AUoraer anS Craueral A rent at US ' City u( uluiif uw, uders tie services ta l-reouaia' U auuv tjiuda awl f ueiiwis iut Uv entitled. ISainaj pai UMiieutlv iHMted at the eaal of O .venuueol, wit, a Uwr. uo aim laiuuiar atuuiiniw wua u uieeisary imcaa ij loutiiie ut hueinees, kavitif access ut MeatMwe mzvi hi in HmU bkJ ia (lie V.m. war office, lie immmm litcilitiee the epcedv aud iiiUKjrr adjuattuew if 1f Trrniaeiil alaiiusot every sua, Uy m kle AM i Coiierets, Boanty Land is (ran lad m the i.cre and aokiiere ul the war of lain, and cj the vari ri jaa lialuui ware, etuaa 171. To Uoaa was aarved atao m nulls ISO aeeeaj hi laoaa who served l.u sbuuUis SO acrea; aud lo th.iae who eervad mum avxiih 4 awea. Arrangenwaia have beeu enada with (ulleaea ef ta Lefal prureakt in diferam eeotioua uf Ute Coantry, ear the lueutioa ut warrawa, mxA the mm of the aalema, wheat, iesued, ou the woet avattgeoaa larenei t t the aaycaenl ol taitea, railanuato of butda, sold ft teaea; euuecu. ot debte i amj f; ths Uaueacuoa feuaral Law haemeea. L the diCareut Hiatea aad 'I'lnikniu. He Uuders his eervwaa tn eaoabera of Ike arofi saino. as a dieunee, aud when ciaime agaiuat the Guveiueaeat, ar. at. pmwm h a wi etaeut, win aoate aua p. w nJ wiiiihit lOfiaa ana iaairafl.mi, mtm ihiowhi ail eubjccta anrawtaiHiiia lo a mnaliil aroaawiiMi of Uu buaiueea, will he luruiebed U regiihu Cocrepunduta wuhn oat charge. lufnrnwtioii eaoarfnllr givaa, and al snaajassalieliiiea trticir,' w (oaeSV.r o.) , vvaabwewe, . . Penialar tfc.ito.. . t, , &