Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 28, 1850, Image 1

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    . - .- ,.... . i . .,, ,-,, . daffi ( " '' "i" rwwwwi i
.... -- - : r -. .:. " 'i f tSL. '" "'""'
L,-.- , r. :
K iTamlli) a!ictosj)npcr-Dct)0tt5 to JjoHtCcsaf tcratttrc, ..fWoraUts, .i?ovf fet EontwUc ictos, scuitcr antr the arts, 8flticuUurr, Tnrfcrtj, -amusements, f;c.
NKW 8KRIK9 VOTrf 3. '':
iuMdr:inii A5iuiciv-:;;
THE AMERICAN il puli(nlil "r r'
All eoniniunimimiit t le J""'""" '? "
, toc,.i,b. 1 vo,. , .. ,
Fi doltort I wiwiict will pr f uktri
lira h Hit AiMtK". i
YM Bouti nf l Hti J limp ' ' " '-'' ' '
tnir iulieqti lfio, ' '
'On !', w1,,t ' : 'r
lnilllH, ,..,.,!; ...: i
lluiineM Cr.l ( Piv . P !".
W.rrh.ntl nl olbtri, Uvctmiif l th; t., wilh th ptivilen of niMrtiiif iif-
rel(lrrlifintnli weekly.
fT Largti Ahrertiiiiiu, t premknl.
f I oi
: 3m
i f
10 Ml
H.SilCASSE?;, .
Buiineas ktlondoil o in tht Coiintick of Nor
Vmkkr!nJ, Union, Lycomins nJ Columbia.
t Mir
T. & A. WntOUMT,
I i. Will ill lllltHUN.
Koh KHk A. Kniiiiim ,
RtoLii, McKAMtii A ;
t. .... . ; Attorney at Law.
Mlnrmvlllr. Nclmylklll Co., Pa.
BUSINESS will be promptly attended to in the
eonntikk of - Kdnivlkill, - Northumberland,
l'nion, Columbia and Montour - 1
' Refer to: ' . .
A. Jordin. t' Bcilaa, iV H- B- Mimer. Eqr..
Klunbur Wtn-U Haven. Edward llnittie, (k
H.l.mAn Sl.indrl, finerkville C. M- Hall, M
Mrtimer. rotuville '
Ort. . 10 ' "' .
l- 1
.T7C?.1TE? AT . LAV",
N( HI",, 5.
Will promptly attend to cfllertion and all bui
nriw rutruated to hii care.
June 16, 1849. . , . -
5 Suntury. Pa. .',
Ofiea in Deer Street. iinniedite,ly oppokita the
Public Srhool Hoiiae. ,' .
r Mmira r,!Itctedml til bukiiirM piomplly and eatk
f all? alikridrd tn. ,
April to, 1850. '
Ni:n TonK &'iikA
i' ' ' ' lltiilerN AwMuclnltiMi,
Car. 6th aid Cluftuut Srtet,' PhiUUIpkia.
I " ONTIM E to make and acll a finer and mora
durable Hat for the nioiiky than any other
tktaaUkhment in the United - lule--iaiidiird
ricaaf Ht Ofl. Genu and liny 'a Cloth and
Glued Cap. Umhreilaa, Cr(H-l Uas, Cubly
Panama and Straw IUt at equally low price.
May 55, 1850 ly
J Oil V. TAJIK Av Co.
iMroBTEits or
'.Watches, Jewelry, Plated Ware,
'jit Chtmut St., bttieeen 3i tf ilk Strtett.
ALWAYS keep on hand an excellent amort
ent af th above artirlca, which they will
11 an term k low any in the city.
Juna 15, 1850. 6ni .
WM . M'CAitTy,
9 ' 1 A r m t f f II
D i,mi n i ii u u m
' . Broadway,
HAS recently received, among other article, a
f reat variety of New, Cheap and Enteriain
Ibf publidatioii uch .' ;J
voapfra dotci. ciuiww -.r
Hrukr t
, Dumas. .
,u ; .
J.rroK '
. Marry att,
, Aiuworth, ,
do .
;, , .,
o ,
fl ' "
Morr da
At th lo pflf t of Iroirt 'J5 to 50 cU per volume.
Suaburyi Irtptv 89, 1850"f '" "
. uniiio rooms,
foutkwtst doritet af Fiik and Market Slrteti,
t : ' l'KILJkDttTHIAf - '
"T7HO alt-ay keep ort hand fars trtk af
every va'rietv of clothing mile up oi gooa
raaterriils, and iir'the latest and lit atyle He
would alo inform the puhlic, that he py rami.
dr.VW attention ht getting up Military Clrtlunt,
ta ooi tvle and on reasoriBbl term.
June 15, 1830.- iy
" o, 507 Chesnut Street, front Arcade,
IMPOTITER and Manufacturer of all kind of
Murfcal lnktrumerrt, Fancy Aniiclek ami Toy.
Hi price ara .ower than thou of any other atore
fn Philadelphia All kind of Musical Imttru,
menu repaired in the beet! Workmanship, and alo
i.Lcn In trade. ' ' 1 ' ' "
Philadetph'ta, May 5, lrV0.
(LiT or Ta n or "mnii a. ".;
' JWv 04 South Stand Sited, jZ
U ESPEGTFLLL inform hi old friend wd
l eoer., e P"1'1' aj"'"1.
Ait he had opened irrenUre rrtw .lock of elc5mif
'r Spring & Summer Dresf Goodav
i i aasor Wient euawts of th latest and moat desi
fable ty!e of Englih, German. Kreneh & Am
riea Good... SiuUm Del.un, Tidies, Ber.
(M Iwnk, M udma, Shaw I. tl A. GloVea,
and every variety of Dree and Kaliey Gootta.
, fkkX.'MawhlB. 1850. ly. .:. ; '
ROBT.fl BETH . - - ' TIIOST. f. B'. f ETH .
: : fiv. vU & 'nROTiiKit- -
" Wiiouts'ALE anooMis
; . ,wo. e PB4TTTTi
(Naa Bovru'r Wha-b,) j ..
ft A r.TIMCitt'E'.' ' "
Will tjavsanicBlar aUfWhon to th aale ofGRAtN
a4 aa aitur proddoA AJt farm.
!, Jaoary t. 1850 ly -
i.'-ort A Ihriving Family.- .
Our father live in VViihinjion, ' ' : '1
; , : .Ami Inwt a uoiM ol wiikf. i i .
Bui (lives hi children eurb a furnit ,.
Enough for I hem ami theirs.
ThiifJ' and tine grown Kon lias hiy
A nuinefciu race iudf I'd. ' ' ' '
,,Warrieil ud aeltM all, tl je r-er, , ,.j ....
VV iih Lnya ami iiirl to leed.
Sn, if we wisely till our lumls, " 1
. Wu're ure,to euru a livinj,', , r, , ,
And have a penny, loo, lo npure
Fur upending or for giving. '
A thriving family are we,''
, Nor loidlinj; need deride us, . , .
For we know how to ue our hands,
' And in wit we prldeus. ' '
t . ' Huil, broiherc, hitil ! - ' v.
: j Let nought on earlh divide; U. .
Some of darfl thp nhtirp north-ens'. ;
- Some clover field are mowing j
And nihttm lend l he colloii plnnla .
That keep ilie loom n-yoinL'. .
SoirtQ build and steer the white wing'd
And few in speed crtn male them,
While oilier rear the com and wheat.
Or C'iud the corn In fieiuht them. .
And if our neighbors o'er the sea,
Have e'er nn empty larder, J
To send a loaf their -billies lo cheer, ''
. We'll uuk u lilt Is harder.
Xo old nobilily have we,
No tyrant kiiiif lo ride us;
Our siiyes in the Cnpilol
Emiet ihe law that sruida us. ' : '
, , flail, brothers, hail!
. Let naught on earth divide us.
Some fault we have, we can't deny, '
, A foible, here and there ;
Hut other household h ive lliu same,
And so we won't despair
'Twill do no ood to foinu and frown,
And cull h.ird iiiimes. ym see.
And what a shame1 'twould be to part
- S. line a family ! ' ; r . V
'Tis but a waste of iime to fiet, , .
Siuee natiire made iii one,
For every quarrel fills a thiead
- ' That healthful love has spun. '
Then draw llie curd of union fast ;
Whatevei may betide us, ,
And rlnser elina. Ihionjih every blast J
' For many a siorm has tried ti.
Mail, brolhers, hail ! , . ., ;
. . Let naught on earth divide us. ,
It was towards niht on the 2lstof Sep!,
1833, a small English war-bii, which had
been tilled out lor the suppression of suug
tling, was lazily creeping; along over the
heavy monotonous swells just oil the coast
of Gala way, aid on her deck was being en
acted a scene of somewhat more than com
mon interest. The day before she had
captured a small boat laden with contraband
articles, together with an old man vand a
boy, who bad charge of them ; Ihe captain
of the brii:, whose name, was Dracul had
ordered that the smuggler should be put in
irons. To this indignity the old man made
a stout resistance and in the heat of the
moment he had to far forgotten himself as
to strike the captain a blow which laid nun
upon the deck. Such an insult lo an Eng
lish officer was past endurance, and, in pun
ishment of his offence, the smuggler had
been condemned to die. - , - - i !
A single whip was rose at the starboard
yard srnif and all hand were called to wit
ness the execution. "The rope was noosed
and slipped over the culprit' head, and the
running end was rove through a small hatch
block on the deck. Until this moment not
a word had escaped the lips ol the, boy.
He trembled as he beheld the awlu) prep
arations, and as the fatal noose was passed
and drawn light, the color forsook bis
cheeks, and he sprang forward and dropped
upon his knees before the incensed captain.
"Mercy, sir; mercy." ' ' "
-"For whoml" asked the officer, 'while a
contemptuous sneer rested upon hi lip.
"For that old mao wbom you are about
to kill." ...j.- ... , .. ,
"He dies, hoy."
, "But he is mv lather, sir.? -n , .tt,
"No' matter if he were my own father,
that man who strike an English nllicer
while in the pvformance of bis duty, must
"But he was manacled, he was insulted
sir," ursed Ihe boy.'
"InviltedV repeated the Captain ; "who
insulted him V
"Vo' did, sir," replied the rJoV, while
In lace was flushed with imnjnatnin,
"(Jet up, sir," and be careful you don't
get the same treatment, aid the Captain in
a avag tone. -i' . 1 1 ' f
i The old man heard this appeal of hi sod,
and a the last word dropped from the lips
ot his captor, be raised hi head, and while
look nf utmost defiance, passed oyer bid
features, tie exclaimed k . .
"Ask no favors, Robert. ' OM Ka'rl Kin-
tock can die as welj now a l any time
:et tnem ao tne worst." . . . .
Then' lurnirtg to Captain P'racult,-
ctiangea ins tone lo one ol deep sutiplica
Hon and said-1'1 1 1 tl "
"Do what you please with me, ir, but
do not harm toy boy, for he .has done no
wrong. l am ready lor yotirsentencej and
ihe sooner vou finish it the better.
"tay . ' bold of the whijy," ; ihruiifd' fbe
Captain-' Lay bold every man of you and
stand by to run ihe villain up.' t " '
' Tn obedience to this order the men rang
ed themselves along Ihe neck and each one
laid hold of the rone,, Robert Kintoflk
looted first at "his father, anif then' .he farj
nil eye aiong tne nur vy inen yi-uo wet
lo behia Vxeculioner; Dut no( one yrri
palbi'sihir'oriilvrna look could be Irac-vi.
Tbeii1 face wefe all har'd and cpld and lhe.
al Tap pear ed ahtidui to con(iuTMriatether
rouratroua won.
"What!" exclaimed llie boy, while t tear
started from hi trembling lip, 'i there no
one even who call pity 1", , . , ; t
, "Up with him,' shouted the, captain. .
Robert buiii'd his face in h.U, hands, and
the next moment his lather Vas swinging
at the yard arm. ' He heard the passing
rope and the cracking block,' and he knew
that he was fatherless! ' 1
"Halfnn hour afterwards the toy Mai rlt
by the side of a" fthastly corps-,-"a simple
prayer escaped hii lips? :'Then snolbvr
low, mourning sound came up from his bo
som ; but none ol'j those who ato i afound
knev its iinj ort. , It. waa u -pleilge of dwep
revenge. ..... i - .:!. .
Just ai the old man's body sliu from the
sanpway into the. watr, a .vi.vjj, .flabr0f
lihtiiiiir streamed through llie heavens,
and in another minute the dread artillery
of nature sent forth a roarso Ib'nu; and hind
that the men actually placed their hands to
their ears to shut out ils d'ehfenin powYr'.
Robert Kintock started at the sound, or.d
what had caused dread in fiber's bosom
sent a thrill of satisfaction la his own. ' ' s
Oh, rectnge, revenge '.' diw. muttered lo
himself as he cast his eyes over Ibe'foain
crested waves which had already, risen be
neath the power of the sudden storm. ,t
The darkness had come as quickly as did
the storm, and that could be distinuiilied
from the deck of the brijr, sale' the break
inz sea, wa4 the" fearliil, crajsrV'sHof
flash alter flash of lightning illuminated the'
' "Light, ho," shouted a man forward, and
thp next moment all eyes were turned to- a
bright lii'ht which had suddenly flashed up
among the rocks. , . . -
4 The wind had now reached its heijrht,
and willi ils giant power il set tlie il!-ljted
brig dire ctly upon the surf bound shore of
rock and reefs, and every face sive one
was blanched wilh fear.
In vain did they try to lay the brig to
the wind, hut not a sail 'would hold for an
instant, until at lenlh Ihe 'then' managed to
ffet up a fore and mam storm sail, and then
the brig stood for a "short lime bravely up
against the heavinj sea. Rot it was evi
dent that. should she succeed ill keeping to
Ihe wind, she. must eventua'ly he.driven to
the.shore, for the p-iwec ol. the .in-setlinsr
wave was greater than thai of the wind.
"R y, d. vou know what jisjbt"
asked the Captain, as be stood holding to
the main rigging to keep bis feet.
"Yes," sir," replied Robert; it is Duliy
more's craj." ' '' '' " "
"What is it thrre for?"
"It marks Ihe entrance to a little harbor,
which lie? in the back of if. 1 '
'"Andean it be entered bv a vessel of
this siel" nked the Captain, while a
gleam of hope shot across his face.
"O, yes sir, a large ship can enter there."
"And do you know the passage 1"
"Yes, sir; 1 have spent my whole life
on this roast, and I know every turn in it."
"Can you take the brig in there in this
storm ?" .
"Yes, sir.,' answered the bov, while a
strange light shot from his eyes."
"And will you do it ?" eagerly asked the
"On two conditions."
"Name thpm quick I v." '
- "The first is that vou let me go in peace
and the next, that you trouble none ol the
smusriili'rs, should they happen to be there."
I will promise," said the Captain.
"Ami now set about your work. ,-Rut mark
me, if you deceive me by St. George I will
shoot yon on the moment."
. Ihe bns was soon put belore the.yinu
and Robert Kintock stationed himself once
the slarboard fore-yard-arm, from whence
his orders were passed along to the helms
man. The bounding vessel soon catjie wilh
in sight oi the rugged crags, and the heart
of every man. leaped wilh tearful thrills as
they were swept past a frowning rock
which almost glazed them as they pas.ii-,1.
On flew the liiig, and thicker and. more
. -r : , . : , 1 . 1
leanui oecame t,u' rocus, wn.cci raiseu
their heads on every si le. ' ''
"Port!" shouted lh;-boy " "
"I'orlit is." ' Hj ' '"'"'
"Steady o." 1 '''' -
"Steady it is."
"Slarboard, quick!"
"Ay, ay, starboard it is." " ' 1
"Steady so.", c ' -i '.'
"Steady il i." ; - ,u ! . - ; .
At this moment the vessel swept on past
an over-banging clifl, and just as a vivid
flash of lightning shot through the heavens
and revealed all the horrors around a loud
shout was heard from the young pilot, and
in a moment all eyes were turned towards
him. ' lie stood upon the extreme pilge of
the yard and held himself by the left. In
a moment he crouched down like a tiger
a'terhis prey, and then with one leap he
reached the projecting rock.
' i( Revenue !' tevense! was all that the
doomed men heard,' and they were swept
awav into the boiling surge beyond. '
"Brmhert! a m." screamed the men
forward.' ... : v
"Starboard quick!" .i ;. n ."
Rut 'twas too late Ere the helm was
half up, a low trerrrendeon'gra!ingDf the
brig's keel was distinctly tell, and llie next
iiwlunt came a crash whirl! sounded Ingti
abovfc- the , elements, and the heavy" , masts
u-wnl tweeniinr awav lo the. leeward.' luJ-
lowed in a few moments by large masses gf
the 'ill-fat eil vessel' wreck and cargo.
Shriek after shriek went up from those
dooaH men, but.. they were 4a be grasp of
a powi'Mhiit kO'jw no mercy. . 4 he w.or(ii
Kina took him allJof tin own : ,.,
' The next' mornin;; ,. a , srna'LpSrty, of
WreCKers came down. jrorn uie. roiRs, umii
nioVed atonsi; the shor". It was t re wed
with fragment rf the wreck, and here
and there were scattered along the hriiiMc
anif mutilated forn
of the shin1 crew.
Amon? the riartt) wa Robert Kihtc$Vk; arn!
eijeHy'did" he teArch amon the1 ghastly
corbletf'ti thdtleh Were" "wrr dt he'cnild
bva found. At length rie stopped an i
i.TMxmwm RMI
slooped -'oVer 6ni'ti'ron"the shoulder Wf
which were two 'cjolden i'Mtile(tes: . 'Twas
the Captain of llie brig the murderer of
his1 father! The boy plated bis foot upon
the., prostrate body, and whilt a strange
light beamed from his eyes, and a shudder
passed over bit countenance, hi! mutler-
eJ: - - ' : '
"Father, you ar fearfully revenged."
The boy spoke truly. Fearful in its con
ception, and- fearful in ils consummation
bad been that "Pilui's Revenge."
'i ' ' from Mi H-'Bthern MterarV Oazett.
rOiALls XAJlliS. .
"'Mary, the siiiiust 61 foinale names, may
i.ot inappropriately , sluud at rlie head ol' our
list. It (s from ilia Hebrew, nud si:uiliea ei-a'.ltil.'-
Its Firm-h form is Mark. It is, we
hardly need i-aj', a famoiii name in both sa
cred and profane, history. The tame h., lir
1'i.illv, been ea'lud. It bat been linked with
titles and powferwitli viuwn arid Coronetsi
and adorned by piodneFs and beauty.)' Mary
hit ever Iwmi a fvoriii 4inm wilh ihe piets.:
Uyioii, us he asun-d oe, Ml an nbsolulu pas
sion fur it. h is inwoven with some, of hi.-s
sweetest verse. Tho 'peasant pnel, linrns-set-ips
to have been as niiii-li attached to it ns
the author of Cliil.le Harold. Il" is still the
themo of bnrd.i and hurdins unu'umbered.
We might fill a column or two here wilh
joiih, siiiinets.-Biid ballads, in the nielmly of
ivhiisu verso llie. most .mimical syllubles are
tliiise whii-li form th chariiiiug nartio of Ma
ry. But lieri.! so much presents itself, ve
can quote i.olhii g. . Ve need qi:ule "noibiiig
for . , . .-,,,.
"The vrry mimic rf the iiainc ha gn.s ...
' tut' cor being."
Let the mott or the tnest if yon wiM, be the
s-inyle line of (In an Waller l'roc-lor : '
' '-Ilero'k a health to tiic-r, Mafy,"
S..iab isilnnist as riiuttrion d nairie rts-.M.iry
bin it lark the pres'.i'jp which its liistorimj
and poetical aMic'iititii!! throve uioutid the
latter." If is 'also fiorii t lit- Hebrew,' and si-:-niliesn
prince.!; In poetry it lakes llie bum
ut-Suilif or i'u'fie. ami is found, in many a love
puhk mitt bali.uid. , JSaliy is iomliine)t ctn
1 1 acted ri b.d, which is ueitbur . ptielicu! nor
ciip'iouiuus. ., ,
'Lniujlijiis, spi'.rii::; j rattling, S-ilU?,
Sew tell Mwiait kliall 1 '' i :
The lii.t ivf yUyf sunia nr sturry,
To wh'nh l'lf hltni liice i
The Mite'rt brides , f lieaveu's pWii K'JC
'J'uuse luri u tycK ievin lueiting thrjufh.1'
Su-an. another nam of Hebrew oriain, 1.
niliesafiy. Ill is usually srrli in
its conlrarled form ot" Sue. It is .1 pretty
nlinte, and is immorlalied in Gfav's well
known ballad. The Hbinlication of tiej name
is veiy happily introduced ill tho Closing
line :
"Arlieu, he crietl, ati'l wavdl hef Lav !.j-id."
Kalpli Ilujt.'iii a very graceful pcern, untitled
;-My .sne,:' has the fnliowiitir lines :
'AikI luw cfte'i hive I strayed
t Wall Uw kl the lea,
Awl wuh inu.a- k pi en y ii.i.'.,
Vet, tih ! itKiic ui tlit'iu (ir hie. . .
iVr if tlie wh..iu I leve Ut
in llie gr.m) c uiU n -l be seui,
Nac iiieuuneiit in tnr hrca.t,
'j ileti;iit u;jii th l-nei. j .
L'nt lliere ieu. a garileii niyli,
Vith nn hott er juH ill view,
'And ktilt crated my tieart anil eye ' '
'fliai kwcel lixs liiere in) rije."
Mabel i probably derived from tnu bella,
signifying my fair, thonph some snpp!e that
il iit eonliiieted fiotn umulilis, lovely or amia
ble, ll i a' good nitniH in either case, and
worthy of beiny perpeluaied. Mary Hjwilt
has k biillud comineuciiig, " " -
';Avibe, iny nuiuhn Mahet."
whiefi is llie only poem we now' recollect hi
which, the name occtits.
Vif'ula'a name associated in our mind
with homeliness of fare and .'iiodness of heait
concealed under the veil of a itnn, is from
the Lriliti, and signifies nothing more amiable
than a. 'female bear! Who, knotting this
will "ive the name to a child !
Blanche, one of the sweetest names ever
borne bv woman, is ftoin the Fiench, and si''.
i)i!i-s white or fair. Mary llotvilt makes the
oranue llntt ets Us iimni it lia :
"Ah, Cnutin IliTiu-lift, te-.'n lie ;
M'lial'i,' the Hetver reBi'ii.Miiig thee,
' Wi:h ih 'H dove-tike ev.';a of thine,'
, And Ihy lair hair1 rilKon twine,
Vih liiy low-Uoad fujehead, tviiilk .
As m.'trlh', und ul puieiy hriht ;
With thy in ni'.li cohn una sweet, '
Ami ihyclahity handa and feor : '
Wliat' the fljiwer mm lute to thee," -
llljjiiief Uie onui;ti'je V ..
Lucy, in ils 1" runch from liaif, itfuifies fa
ciei, mid cpitu'k from be Latin, t . : ..
."i-iay i u f dikn tirl." ,
say Bryan J'toctor, ami, many will echo the
line. Lucy i f.ivoriie fiuuna wit It almost
every oite.J VVvrdnwOitki hua nwdo Jt one of
the. , j, ) .. tA .-'"' '
'atr.ntveJ.iod tft iivg " :, . ,
And lovely imlend i Iho tmiuleii hearine
thai wel iiaiiie, tboiu M4IU'0 lKopoc to
mould, at will,, to her own tule. . .. .. .
; i'tfio wit! be knnrtivej 1 1 fawat . t
fliitt wikl wi.Ji fiut net m th H-'wa ,
,. , Or up. (he U) ntuluiu kiirinki
Vtiif hfti shall e llie hrealhinR fa!m',
- Aud lieki th attend and ihe oalni ' '
. (jOfmute uneufnaihuik.i 7,' tj
'-The atara of inidniftht ahall he dear
, , ; 'ftibkr, knd teas hereaf .;
H ., .lu tuayn f keerkt tdace, , k . ,
' Vheie riv uleiadince t iejf way wurd round.
"' ""And heaufy b iru of ftiurniuring ouud
v f.Mhall ok into br fck '
'i And vital reeJIngk of delight '" ' ' - I
,, ; Fhkll Mr bkl (. k aalely aeigM, ,
Vifct l" b.liU) ktvell; . .
. r
v. i
i l
Paen in mjnta to uuey l win gifk, ,
"; SVliili- lia and I togetlier live, '" '
I 't 'rreKlllltlilllt1'yder'.,,'' 1 1 ' -' ''
"Beafrlce i'aHb:ie,r' im'e 'derived frfirri fhe
Latin. It kiznifie on vMWe&e'it mcei
tdppjj. NV imrri enti b morn apptopiiate
for a lovely, nfrt!cllonate,i n I nniiable woman.
UealricH has been honored nbovu all i ilioia
by thepoela ,v Daide, Sbakcsifeiire, and Shel
ley have, i i tun , throw I around it the cl.iirrn
ol' t heir numbers, and .linked in with thoughts
both lovely and tragic '
"lu am ik-atriec cfi ll faccn anilare.'J
Caroline is llie feminine form of Charles, or
f n't her of its Latin ' equivalent Curolits. Il
comes from the German, and. bus ihe signifi
cation of brave $ouM or valient. The name
has been borne by. women who have proved
themselves worthy of the name. It i o! in
the manly breast alone that valor in found
or needed. Thum aro those who, having
"i!ow tuliliiue a tliin; it i
. fL To miffer and be .IfMig." '
havj displae.l a cou n-jo wh'ch ehnmes lhat
oi the warrior on the batlle-lield. Carolina is
sinieliiiie abbreviated to Canie, Callie, and
Cul; , ( ,
"I Itniw & fair vouiir E''1,
' With an ej-e Kie the kj'k 6w Mae, ! ' -
Tj a weet ipiing (lower whun it rnrnr Iknvei
A-e bright with tiie enrly dew
' Ofi, a tliiii half earth mid half divii.k
' U klie. tiic youiifr Carnliue.'
Till- StllOOI. .HISTitr.SS AM) iitrt CAMXE
Out! of I he most touching instances of ca
nine attachment, of which we ever heard,
was' related to n the ether day, by a niation
of the uehjhhoihond where the finale of the
melancholy event tianspiied. Vermont Free
man. "A you''g lady of trite of the northern towns
of this country, whilst engaged in tearliing
school the past summer, a few uiiics fium her
home, was singled out totvittda the close of
Iter enir-itiement, without tiny apparent in
ducement, by fbe dug of one of her employ
ers, as the peculiar object of his regard, which
was soon unaccountably increased to such a
decree that he could scarce')' be beaten from
her side, or prevented fioin .entering Ihe
nchool house, lo t hich he daily repaired. At
the termination of her school, which she left,
in failing bealih, when about lo slart lor her
parental resilience, the dog ave signs of bis
determination to follow her, which peiceived,
she turned to tht! owner, and soon effected
a purchase of llie nriimul which, now
joyously attended her home. Ib rlitst words,
on entering the house, were "Mother, I have
come, to die, and have brought a friend to
watch over my jirave." After making this
iiniiuuacemeiil, the immediately look to her
bed, and sunk rapidly in a typhoid, v. hich in
about a week, terminated iu her death Du
ring her whole sickness, the f.iilhlul am! evi
dently r-t't 'rw-sli icken dog, never, but for a
few moments at a time, Ufl lite sick loom,
constantly lying dejectedly near the head o'
her bed, and seeming but too blest when per
mitted lo lick her leveled htitid. which was
occasionally extended for hii lender caresses.
A her final hour drew near, he became in
different about food and soon refused it alto
gelher. After her death, which he aecmed
lo comprehend, he continued to watch by the
corpse, only at one time leaving it. 'and that
was when the cofTiu case, which having arii
ved tviih the coffin, wasctirtied and placi d by
the side of ihe grave, piuviuusly dug in an
enclosure near tho house. He! then, having
somehow been made aware of what wns go
iuou, came out of the house, went lo the
case, and wilh bis paws on the side, louked
jn, aud seemed lo examine it attentively.
He then jumped down into the giave, and
appeared to iut-pect that also, with equal care
iiinl attention. I to then came out and linr
ried back to his post by the corpse, which be
continued to watch, till it was brought out for
interment, when he closely followed thecoliin,
and looked sorrowfully on, as it was lowered
to its final reeling place, and lite gtavu filled
up. When his human-fellow mourners ictii
cd however, he remained behind, and lying
down at Ihe hend of the grave, could not be
induced to leave the spol, refusing, for Ihe
fiist few days, all food, then, for a week or
two sparingly receiving it when brought lo
him. and ul lust going occasionally to the
bouse for it, but only to despatch in Inst
hat was set befoie him, and to return to his
sad and lonely vigil, which iii;jht and day, he
still continues lo keep up over ihe retiiaiusof
his beloved mistress.
Tiie Custom or Kimino GneT Men.
The ladies of America have kingnlar mo le of
showing their appreciation of greatiict, by
kissing nil the celebrities they meet ttiih,
from Ib'tity Clay lo Tom Thumb.
.Amin IW, 'ho Turikish, ambassador, bad
a grand time of il at the Governor' room In'
Noiv Yoik', '"having. &lsed moie pretty wo.
men in the apace of nn hour, than lm Iij.I
ever se -n' before hi his life." This he lion
estly coitt'ess'etl and inquired very curiously
ti whom they belonged.- On beitig informed
Ihtil they were the wive of ihe sdvereign peo.
pie, he arnavked hi bp, and " "d be bud no
idea thai any so-veieigu on until hadu nuie.
Iiifiuetlla liaieni. ; j
Tuc Lancaster Ban), las istied a new lot
of one u'iid two dollar relief notes, to take the
plat e of iho old issued 4 They are the hand
omel relief nole notv extant. ....
; -i.l ! " K- -"" 't : v .
' Ititlioiox is to be a much like God, a
pipi'i can be like Him t hence, ihere is nothing
niore copfrary to religion, ihah angry dispute
and contention about il, . .
ACi'.'-'.ac in one of our mercantile establish,
mem wules lo bi fi lends ut borne, ' I have,
a platfuy lime of ,ipaw-adj--veiy ittiU w k
toda-ourrmdoki'rariwrtiM."'!-' '
LIFE ON Tilt TlllMSO OV A tAlll.
. A fi iend narrated lo iif, a day or two since, ;
an uneedoiecfmrlytimesin West Tennessee)
which we will uttentpt to icpcat cvsn at the
risk of losing .iho graphic simplicity of liH
conversational narrative.
Some eighteen or twenty years since, a
well-known, resident of Tipton ct.ui.ty was
put on bis trial, charged w ith the murder of
hi, wife. As us-tul in Mich cases, popular
feeling wa largely against him, nit I all Ihe
eloqucnno and inrjeiiuity of his counsel were
required to make any impression in his favor
upon a jury,; however impartial it
might de.iiro to be in tho consciousness of
sworn dntv, could not but see, the waves of
mpular prejudice surging in upon it.
The casr wasnbly argued. The counsel for
the defence made most vigotous and impas
sioned appeals. The cas. was submitted to
ilia jury, and they retired to make up their
verdict. Time, passed, and us iho setlingsuu
wanted all of the apptoaching night, tin; largo
throng in attenileiice, the judge, counsel, ccc.
retiied, all anious, Ihe accused not least so. lo
arn the verdict of the jury, and some. won.
leriiig that I be jury hesitated for one moment
to bring in a verdict of guilty. In tho mean
linio llie jury had come lo a point beyond
which they could progiess no fuilhcr. The
ippcalsof the counsel for the defence hud not
been tvill.ont their influence, and tho jury
tood unchangeably six for conviction and six
for acquittal. Sonietjiing bad to be done. In
those days twelve good fellows could not lu
got together for a night, and sleep. Cards up.
peared mysteriously fiom thedeplh of sutuli y
large pockets, and exercises in seven up ural
poker were zealously commenced.
About midnight one of their number, Col.
P., proposed that they should play a garr.f! of
seven up, llie result lo deckle mo verdict.
The proposition was Lcaitly and unanimously
reed lo, in all seriousness, and tho whole
crowd collected around Lol. v and Ins oppo
nent, who Tjiocccileil to nlav the game on
which was slaked a human life. Col. P.
played to save the accused, Ilia opponent
nyed, aud quite us zealously, lo secure the
conviction, the backers, live to live, s'.ood
behind lln-tn, eiicouragir.g tho champions, ami
watching the game, dimly seen by tho light
of two tallow caudles. w :lh the most intense
The game ptoceeded wilh very equal for
tune, till both parlies stood at six and six. ll
tva Colonel P.'s deal ; he dealt, and turned
Juth. The prisoner wiii aentiiite'il, and every
man of tho jury joined in a shout which slat
led the whole village, even the revellets in
''the giDcery." Next morning tho jury went
into, and gave, lo the astonishment of
many, the tin; verdict of '-not guilty'' The
juryman who played an unsuccessful game for life, still lives, a respected citizen of
this district.. One of tho counsel is a veiy
lislinguished member of the Memphis bar,
and 1!'.'.; accused lias, as we tielieve, gone lo
a higher court ; but neither of Iheni, nor any
of Ine assemblage, nor the court, who marvel.
led at the verdiit, eighteen Jems ago. have
ever known lhat a human lilo was saved by
turning Jack! There are some curious epi
sodes iu Ihe history of our eatlv settlement :
but who would think ol ventuiiug lil'o upon
turning iack. jlemphis Eale.
Tnr mote honesly a man has, lite less be
iflecis ll.o air of a saint ; Iho atfeclatiou of
sauuliiy is a blotch on the face of piety.
Breathes there a man with koul a? dead,
Wli.i iiei iir to l.imae'f hath aaid,
When fc-iuist a i'oa. he bumaed liia tieail, ', Thunder."
Svvtoct Kale was heard one day lo fciyh,
'Willi 1'i-mity 1 -at I'd tvitli to die
(li no,1 T in, tvitli humur quaint,
'.iit tviah to nva hut niercty taim,'
One of our exchanges makei mentioiT of a
.Jenny Liiiel Tea Kettle,' which, being filled
with water un(l placed on llie lite, commen
ce lo sing in a few minutes. LuuisvMe
Some time ago the Pope appointed an Arch,
bishop of Corfu, in th-j person of Dr. Nichol
son, an Irish ptiesl,' who arrived at Corfu in
May, 1 S49, but met with such a warm recep
tion fiom tha enraged Greeks, that he disap.
peared, and has nut since been either seen or
heaid of.
A Bachelor observed that he would marry,
if cei lain of a wife perfectly goo. I. A bystand
er begged him to bespeak one, as none such
weie ri'fl.Ji mu.f.
A New Rnolamo Socikty has bveri orgm.
i zed iii San Fianeiseo. They have peiitjoneJ
the Governor lo appoint a Thanksgiving Day.
Lssn W.ntitANT fVn'iv Cne.. Wi'tli
iriglon lelter ill the New Voik Herald siyst
,:A curious case of the location of n l ied
warrant is reported here.- An old soldier, iu
the. full mvceptalion of the word, living at
Harper's Ferry, being entitle'.! to 16 J acre
of land for his sou-ires in the army, according
to Ihe bounty land law of the last sesMon, for
the sake of convenience, located his "patent
right" on a ttacl of government land imoecii.
pied, or in wmr way open lo location, at Har
per' Ferry. He had consulted one of the
ablest lawyeion ihe subject, whose opinion
is that Ihe old s il lier will get ihe land, which
is said to be from its locution, vvoilh at least
S 150,000.' ' , . .
- Geolobically speaking my Hood, the
cork upon which the hard drinker split is
, r i . r: ' . t - -.
, The State Normal School ol Cincinnati,
has at'prcseht about' sixty tc4cKi?r uncjer
training. " "':,"i "'-
I'r-iin Orahain'a Mug umt.
He What c
"an a man do wheh
a woman'
pet verse.
nil determined to hnv hoe a .
At the altar you took me lor better gr
Am t woise. limn vou took me for av
Sllyelf? ' ' .
Am t worse than you took for, sayl
He- For nn angel I took you in beauty and
The lines a mere woman has siven !
She. A fian would nrcfer a true woman on
To all the bright angels in heaven,
Silly elf,
lo all t ha brijlii unges j ,i heaven.
He- I've found you a Tartar! My feeling
vou hurt
At the veriest tiidn of course.
&iv Forgetting a button to sew on your shirt
ott deetri a good croutid for divorce.
. Silly elf,
i ou deem a good" ground for divorce.
He. Weil, marriage a lottery is, and a blank
.-vime men surely dtnvv all their lives.
Such fellows as you, ir, Ihemselve
navu in inaiiK.
Good htisbamls make altvay cood wivi.
' Silly elf,
d'ooii hnslawls make u'.uuys good wives!
We wnr.E forcibly reminded, says the New
ark, N J., Advertiser, of the power of steam,
to annihilate distance, and promote social in
tercourse between tho citizens of nation
widely soptt rated by the exhibition of a lot of
game from I'nglaud, a hare, grouse, parlridge
and quail, which arrived in the America at
l!-jton, last week, and tire in a perfect state
of preservation. They were taken upon the
Preserves of Ihe Duke of Northumberland,
nr.d tho Kail r,f Zetland in Yorkshire, about
000 miles from Liverp-m!, and sent by a fame
dealer there to a friend in Xetvatk.
Mu. Wkbstcii. Two thousand bottle of
wine belonging to Daniel Webster where sold
iu Boston ou .Sainrday, by Coolidge & Haskell.
The Boston Herald says; "A fiiend tells u
lhat it is Mr. Webster's contemplation' to fir
his residence at New York, and that he is
disposing of his properly hoie to that end."
When the repurter of the Chronotype inquired
tho idea of the sale, he was informed that
Mr. Webster -.VnS' ''short."
T.ttt Bi:i::. ;:A cure for the Consump
tion." The Pennsylvjuiun gives the follow
ing receipt: One quail pinu tar, two quart
ot water, one pint fresh yeast, one quart
w heat bran, otto pint of fcouuy. Put all the
ingredients in a new alone jar; simmer them
over a siow lire for ten hours. When cool,
buttle it for use. Take a wine glass full four
limes tt day. This physic is harmless, lo say
lllO k-4Sl Ol' it.
Jrtx.vY I.ixd sang in Richmond, on Friday
night tha 20:!i hist., and is to sing in Charles
ton on Tluiisday naxt, December 26lh. She
will sail thence iti the Isabel for Havana, on
the 1st of January.
Yntiv Tr.ce. To make people smart, all
'hat's ncccbsaiv is to throw them on their
I own resources. A wild turkey know mora
iu a muutcnt than a lame one would dream
of iu a year, and til because he has to depend
for safety on his owi: ingenuity rathef than!
the ingenuity of a farmer. Safely and plenty
uie the ttoist fiiend that genius ever associ
ated with.
A question for the Spike Society. Would
the devil beat ?:is wife if ho had one i Fan
ice Wa le.
Guess not for women generally beat the
d I. liostun Past.
Yes, by becoming angels. Bait. Sun. ,
How- about fallen angel', Mr. Sun I JcT'
, Ci'.i Sun.
Why, then they beat the devil Fhila.
Pu uniE Fowl. Six hundred Prairie Hen
wore sent Kxpiess from Chicago to ihe east,
on iho 7th lust.
Tim: Lare Wilkesbarre rolling mill wa
sold a few week sii:cc, by the Sheriff ior
The forests surrounding Cincinnati are
filled with .squirrels.
It ts said that the revenue of the Ralti
more ami Chio Railroad this year will reach'
1). J. Scliuebly, formerly editor of the
Jfcrccnburg Journal, has commenced the
publication of the Oregon Spectator at Cre'-j
goa city.
Tut: Rui' is out wilh on article in
favor of reducing Postage to two cents, for
all distances the same, lo be pre-paid,
Svi:i:t Ot.ivn Oil is a certain cure for'
the bite of the rattle snake. Apply it in
ternally and externally.
TitKAiioni: Pakkeu, like many other di-'
titigtiished iii"ii, is bald. When be entered
Faueuil Hall, with Geo. Thompson, the
other night, the audience gave "three
cheers for Bale's Hyperion Fluid."
Count that day wheae low deireniling nut
Vievva from thy hand no worthy ction don.
The Emperor of Russia is about to have ,
a tunnel bored under the .Neva, similar to
that under the Thames. t
Woman's chiefest rightt is to blow up .
her husband when the likes, and neglect
lo darn his stockings when the feel angry
wilh him. Can Abby Folsom ask for more.
. eoirstMCiT ten of the State Bank dt
Ohio ar circulating at Loir1ifHr.,"--'r'