( A" HI '. t ? ' ) T' I I . . - ' ' ' r' ' V' t ?I?!'--"il.:!!Jj!i!a'-l.tJ-".rlj"l'- ANOHIER MIE8T.F.C WOMiEtt. ! . M.E p S IN t' v.. J w T HE 1HU1S : DGESTIVH t FLUID, Z zGMTmC JUICE ! ; A 0BBAT DTTSP13PSIA CTXRER, Prepared ftdfc RF.tNKT, Or II f.mrth Wdtnack f tlie O, after dlreettims of BARON UKWff, th great Phyuologieal Chemist, by J. 9. HOUGHTON, M. 1)., No-U, ortfi Eighth Street, Philadelphia, T. This i truly wonderful remedy for l.NDKSKlfTION, OYSrUIIA, JAUND1CR, LIVER COMPLAINT, CONSTIPATION, ami Dl'.HIl.lTY, Curing alter Na ture's own method, by Nature' own agent, the flastrio Juice, ' . . ' , C?" Half a tenspmaa'ul Mf flua Fluid, Infused in water, Will divert or dissolve, f ive Pounds of Roast Beef in about two lisara, out of the stomach. . DIGESTION. , : TVJQKSTI1N ia chiefly performed in the stomach by tiro a id of a Until which freely exudes from the inner cult OI null oipaii, nen in u ennw hi iii-iii i ii, ciiueu init iiiifii io Juice. Xuis fluid is the (irent r?.'lvi.-ut of the Food, the Vurifyint; Preserving, mid ftiniuliiriiur Aceut of tlia ato niucb ami intestine. , Without it there will he no dices lin, no conversion of fo-Kl into blood, find no nutrition of the liody t but miner a foul, torpid, Hiinfl, ami deairuc tivoatndiuoii of the whole digelivtMtt;naUia. A weak, hull' demt, or injured stomach producus no r. "d Gastric Juice, ailu hence the disease, distrrsd and debility winch enaae. - PEPSIN AND RENNET. PEPSIN it the chief element, of rrrnut Dijrcatlnp Princl plxof the Uastric Juice, it ia found in great nliundaam; ill the ftilid purts of tliehuuuui stomach inter deuih, units me thnes causes the stomach to dijresl. itself, or cut itself up. It ia nlso found in the stomach of intimitis, us the ox. calf, Ac. It is the material used by farmers in nuiking; cheese, CHUed U linnet, the clleet of whl-h lias Imp lieen lite special wilt tof the dah-y. ! Ti e eurdllng of milk is the first pro ems of digestion. Renni't p mm-iars imtoniflilng power. Thestomnch of aenlf will curdle u.-arlyone thonsaiulninea itnwn wi iihtoi' milk. Biroii l,icl.ig smtes thai, "One putt of Pepsin dissolved insixtr thousand nans oi wntei, vrilritigcst meat and olher food." Htsease.l ctomaehs pro ihicc uognKl (iasttic Jniee, Rennet or Pepsin. To show that this want nuiy lie parfecil' supplied, we quote lite lul- luwmg -.1ENT1FC EviDECE! pMlOX AKtiG, m hn whnU work on Anlmnl Cliomietrv. b:ivh: "Ah ArlMtcinl Pigrfrtive Vluid ninliiK'1"! tn the (iflrtfic'Jait'n, '' ! rrtniily pn-pMrt'tl t'nmi tlio iiih cfSits menilminc ul' tlie stomufhof tli'i'rulf. in which various urticlei of fmul, as iiu'iU uud fps, will lie 'fit'iiwl. plmiie ril, and diRcstetl, just in the ftiiiie nmnuer na thej wnukl be in the hiiiium st'iT(iicl." J)t. PliKKIHA, in hii fmn uo irtim cn "Kwk, mid ntit nrtliliNhnd lv FowUth Jt Wi-ll. York. hu 35, statia the UMiie gnvit fuel. nnA ilrscriKes tie method of priMittr.it km. There arc tew higher uiitlioriiiL-s tluui Dr. .ti..COMHK. inhin vuluuMe writinjrson thoriiyeioiopy of Diprnii ih,,: otiervcd that "udirniinitiimnf tlwduc quim tity uftfie (tuctric Juice i a ifainint'iit and nll-preViiilin? CTUSf of fcwrtrpiMFi nnd he. :ntf t!mt tln riistiinruishcd pniicflwir orirwmeim' in imdnn. wivt wns otjvercjy hihk-i-i with this f"iM'laint, limlinir every due to lail. Imd liecourse totlm l.tui'tiie Juice, ohiaiiicd t'rtiin the Rtfin-ich of llfrhig'Hniirinln, whieh iirVcd r'm1i-tflv stu-epBul'ul.' iiJfviRAHAAI nutli'H" of the tain w works "Ve?o tnhle liet," uya: "it is u reunrk'tirte I net in phyMol.y, thnt the stoniiiehs of nniniiils, iimec-aiert in wntiT, impart to Hit tiiiW Uw property of tlis.so-inj( vari 'ii ortip!f uf fKKl, uud ofetreeiinu h kind m' nrtifiei.il diin-sti'Mi "t them in no wise dilTercut from tlie nntitryl ditreptivu proeecf." vDr. SIMON'S ffrrjtt vrk, the "Ciieinitry of Mnn." (r,i & Hlnnchard, VhWit. pi ": "T!i! dis covery of I'KPPIX forms a newini in the chemical hisMry of Diycttion. From rocftit rxpeiiments we know t hut food i disntilved ns rapidly in an mlifieinl dijretiye tluid, nreptired from Pepsin, us'it is in the natural tiiwtric Juice . Professor DUNOMSON or the JeflVrvm Cilleec Plnln del phi n, in hisgn.'ul work on Uinmu Pnym-il-ny. devotes m re than tiffy paL's to nn ejsmniji.it ii)ii of thin Piihi' et. Wis experiments with Dr. Ilevinwuir, on the Oaslric Juice, litnilied from the living hunnn t maf!h mid from nninmls V WislI kuowii. "Ju ni! capes." he puyn, uiiip.'sti"ii occur red as purrcctly in the nrtifi'-i.i! ms in the tmtural digestions." AS A DVSPEIIA CUUER, Dr. HOUGlITtJN' pre.rulion of PK1S1N has pr m ced the m-mt uinivt'lluus' i tlV'i'U, ending casva oi Jielniity, Kmacintton, Ncrvoti3 ie(.,Iiii;, and jiyfpeptie Consumption, supposed to he on the very vcrufe of tin: jrriiVB. It im ptimdile to pive the deituls of e.isi-s in the limits ofhis ad-vertisenieni-batimtheiiHc'itfrl crt tticnies have Iwen piven of mofe'th.iliTWU HlTMiKKU HKMAHlvABLK CUKKS, in l'hilndelpliin. jew York, and Huston nlune. These were nearly all deKtuTare Ci''s, and the cures were not only rapid ana wonderful, h'.it perm ineut. it is u great M-;KV(Jt A. IIM) l IS, ami paniciyany iiseJuJ titt temlejK' to h,li us (iis -rdei. Liver Compuii..t, Fever and Aue, or hudly trailed l-'evcr nnd Airue. uud the evil effects of (Jinnine, Slevury, vjs:i 'itlicr drills upon the ligestive orjjHiis, nl'tei a Lnyr nji-kncsa. Als-j, for excess in eating, nnd the too free ue of ni:'ej;t spirits. It aluiktst rwojK'ilefl Umlth with lu?riuperam-e. J OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS. Ther is no f )rm of OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS whieh it doetttot seeirt to rencfh uud rwuove at once. No matter how Imd they may he, it OtVLS INSTaNT TvK LIKPV A single d ise removes all the nuilii:i:mt f-yiiij-louis, nnd it only newts t lie repeated, f r a tdiori lime, to tnnkrt these, jfi h m elfeets i)Mnii:iin'nt. Pt'lllTV OK HLOOU and VKiOll OF WO "J V, fallow at 'ncc. It is particnlarly icdlrut in caees of Nimsoti, Voiuitii.j;. Crainns, Sueness Of the pit of tlie Stomach ilirrrsn alter ea'inr, low, cold, state of the 111 k iI, Ueavimvs. Lvne.-js uf Spii itn. Despon dency, J-miueiation, Weakntjs, lendejtcy to Insanity, Sui cide," Sec. Price, ONK DOLLAR per Inttle.- One bottle will oiwn effetit a lusting cure. . :?i - PEllN IS POWDKRS. y ' ty PENT BY MAIIM PKKK OP POSTAGE. For convenience of sendieir to nil pans of the country, theWGKSTlVKMATTKK'oK TI1K PKPlN is put up in the ftirin of Powders, witii diieeti ms to lie diss ilvetl in water or syrup, hy the paiieni, Tiieso powders cmtain 'just tlie snme matter as the 1. ittl-M, hat twiee the qmmlity lor the same price, and will be vei.t lv miil, I'KKK OK POSTAVK, for ONK jJOLLAU unit (p rti-paid) t t)r. J. ,8. IIOUUUTOX, No. U Norm Kwht list reel, Phiiudduhia. Pa, 1 f Six packages for five dollars. I'verv pstoWeri! nnd bottle bears the wuticu sigiaLuie of J, S. iliil U TON, M. ).t sole Proprietor. ftokl hyaceiits in every town in the United Statrs, and by letpectuble dealers iu Alcibciues euerully. FOR BALK 11 V John W. Priling, and Lie rge Uriglit, SuutiQrv, Pa. Marv A. McCny J'ltvi H. Haser ' Haves A. McCornuck, . ft. J. Crouse, Jolm G. Henn, i William Ueppin, fianbury, Stmt. 14th, lfc50. Nerthutnberakid. Milton, MeKweiisvilltl, Setitrpr tve, Vppur .Malt;mtange. Maiioitoy. SSSTS U CO., jIMPOKTERB OF FORK 1 fi N -BoQks, Prints, EngTaviflss, Stationary dlltl rrantea iisuni IiisIih- Z. i. luents. No. 78 North 2nd fcst., lictwncn Arch & Hace, rtiiLAiiiirim. IMPORT to order mid have constantly on hand a very large oortmcnt of Roods in the uliove named lines at wholesale nnd retail. Principally : ; i ,' 13 CE CE 22 3 In German, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, French, Italian Knaiiiiih and other lanijuajrea ; Classic, Diction arira, Grammera, Vocabularies, .School, Juvenile, Picture, Draw ing and Model Dooksfor Architects Cabinet, Carriage and other manufacturers. : . MAPS, GLOBES and Blank Uooks of every description. Splendid Lithographic und other Prints. MtSlfAL I'TKU!MESTS. ?, ccordeons, Banjos, Bows for all string inntru ments, Bridrje and Tuilpieces, Clarionets, Vii'es, Flageolets, Flutes, Guitars, Octavo Flutes, Patent Heads for Guitars and Viplincellos, Tainliourine.s, ''Tuning Forks end Hammers, Violins, Violin and ''Guitar Pegs, Violincelloa and 8trini;forall kinds of Instruments Wholesale and Ketail. Accor- "deoiisrcpaiard. I. in READY 'MADE !. JUE take this method to inform the renders of , the Sunbury American, that, should they visit, Philadelphia, in guest of , Good and Cheap ClotMug, toil favor us with a cull, tlwey shall not tie disap pointed in obtaining the best of garments at the lowest cash prices. We have now on hand the largest assortment cu r ollered in Philadelphia, ainons; which re DitESS aud FUOCK L'OATS from $5 to 18, PANTS and VESTS from 75 cts. to $5, OVER COATS, CLOAKS, ULSI- NESS SAUK. UOATM ml COATTEtjs, ull if which shall he sold at such prtres as to make it i n object for the people of tiuiibury aud tha ur--" roundlnj country to extend to us their patronage. .v ' . . PERRY R. M'NEILLE & 'JO. ' feouth East comer of lilhuiid Market. July 13, 1850 BLANK DEED3 printed on the best quality cf parchment paper, sold at the lowest price at this ottice, by wholesale and retail, LAMKfl of every rlescriptiou can be had hy applying atUisort.ee pi Mia Aun-ru'su. , i 'T)18)W1('8 ESSENCE OF JAMAICA 0.1 K -U (JER, foraale by ' H. 6. MASSER. 8ept. 88, 1850. i..T.Aa LlVHIt COBIPLAINT, ihVSplCK, , UVSt'ErsIA,'' CHRONtC.OIl I KEllVoUS DEBILITY, DISEASE,', i OF' THE, KIDNEYS, ,f. AND nil ilicnw nth-hi frora W rliin1rrid Hiynr or ato. iimili, nrh n ctinsliviii"n, inwnrr) Pi lea, Fullnns,nr Wlmfl tn iin rKud, Acidify of the Womnch, NriilW!, Itcartliiifii, diwuat for Fond, fiilliieaa or weight ia tht flmnm h, aourbriictiitioiia, ainkiiiK nr rluttcriiig at the pit of iIip Stoiiinch, awimminit of the bend, hurried nnd dilBcult breathing, flnitnrin)r at the henn, rhokint: Of turToratliiK aenantiom when inn lyinu pnaiure, Diinneaa of riainn, dots nr welm ln-fnre the lifilit, Fever and dull pnin in the liend, di ficioncy of perspimliim, vellownemi of the akin and eyea, pain in the aide , tmck, 4iet, linnln, auditen tluiliRa of hnat hiiruiiiir in the fhrPh, ciiiialunt iniiigiiiiliga of evil, nnd great dcprpaalnn ofaiirlta, 1 ' ! , CAN BR KFPKOTfjAIXY CURKD BY . ..I ' : DE.' EOOPL'.3.TD'3 VT" CIiLlinaAl'l: (iKRMAN UIX'J'JiRS, ' , raKrARRD bt ' ' BR.C. M. JACKSON, ' ' " GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, No, 120 Arirli SI., riii)ndIpli.n. Their iviwer nvcr tha olxtve clinciifie is mt pxrrllert, if erjmtlk'd, tiy im i!kt prrimrmion in th T'tiilt tl '.attu, r tlif rur'd iittcflt, in tniiity cuRefl oiitr Bkilllul phjuiciuits litiil liiil.d., Tluve Ui(tcr nre M'nrtliv they nUciilioii of invnliim. PtiKWrinitij crent virtut'fi in tliu Tcriificilinn of dipwisrs of tli: Liver anil L'scr uluirt Ih, exen isirp tlir tnml. nrtirHiinx p iwr.rm in wttknsiiii:l rilkTUetm ol the (lict'BUvt) omus. tlay ure, willia), t'-, crnniit mid pli npnnt. The I'.dilor utiuf, 1-re. l-i ' ltlJll. HOOFLANDV C;;MltUtATKD fiEBMAS TllTTKTl fur the ftire of l.ivr Cnniphint, Jnuntlire, J)yf(tpift, Chronic or NiTViiiR Ui-liility, in dtftTViitlly one of the innst popti Inr ineitiriiics (if tin;' dny. Tbose Billcis hnfn beun cd by tliiiiNintlK, und ii fi iciiil at our elbow nays he Iims liini-ti-li rt'fijivwt nn tllirtunl ami pernimienl cure of Jirrr Coiupliiint from llm uuof this rt'tiunly. We are convinced ttt.ir, in rim nt-e ol iiiene Jfittcrs. the natinit rnnstantlv paiits filreiifrth nihl vijror a fact worthy of yrent conside ration, iJH-y ore picaHtint in tutite Hiid Biiicll. ihhi can le used hy penMtis with the most delicate stomacjia with wife ly, under any circumstances. We nrc speak inff from ex perienew, and to Hie ntliiettirt wendvise their use." Jmtfre M. M. Noah, a gonttnninn villi groat scientific mid literary attainments, said in his "New York Weekly Mepsenif'T," .lanti'iry fl, JnV) : 'Dr. i'ltkifl-tiid'N (ieriium Hitlers. -Tfcrc is n preparation vhi h tlie leadii': presses iu Hie I'nlunuppcar to Im uiroi mMis in leeoinniemiiiiir. and the reason is obvious. It is made after it prescript inn rushed by one of the must cele brated physicians of modern times, tlie InfeDr. Chr stepher WiiliLlhi llot'tlaud. 1ri.-fi-ssir tt the Kiiiversity of Jena, private Diysieian to the Kin; of Pnissin. nnd one of the preatent nitiiicil writer C.erinany lins ever prfHlueed. lie wns eiuphatieally the enemy of humliuff. nnd theieforMi medicine of M'hich he was the inventor nnd audorser may lie coiitfilentty relied dii. He specially recommended it in liiver C(H.iplaiiit, Dyspepsia, Debility, Vert urn, Acidity of the st'iiiKieii. ConMipatit u. and all complaints arisiinf from u (lik v-tferul c udi(i'tu of the sioinnch, the liver and the intestines. Nine Plnlndcldhia papers express their mvic tion of its exeellenee, and sevenil of the editors speak of itsene'ts man tlieir own innivniaal experience. . inter these circumstances, we feel warranted, not only in railing the nttentli ii of our readers to the present present proprie tor's (Dr. C. At. Jaeksn's) prepumlion, but in recommend ing the article to a I ntlltcted " i i 1 ' More Evidence. ' The 'Ihilad"phtn SnMrdnv Onette," the best fnniUv nevsp;iper pub!i.h-;d iu Uie L'nittxl iStstes, the wit lor says 2) ITooJlanrVs German Bitters, "It is seld.tin that wo recommend what are termed Pa tent Medieiui's. to the confidence and patinn:iire of our rwulers; and. thetei'ore. wiien we reeomrfiend Dr. Hoof laud's tiermnu liitters, we wis it lo be distinctly undc-t- s!o"d that we are n"t spenUinir of the .in! rums f the day. that are li-uned nUiiit fur a biief period end then for trot ten after they haved ne their nuilty race of mischief, hut of u medicine Jmii esialiliwheil, uuivers.illy pri.etl, and wnirti ti ts met tlie iii-nit v nnpruval ol tlie I- aeuIH" H sell Thai this medicine will cure I.iver Cfiniplaint mid Dys pepsia, no one eiiuoonnt. ntier u.' iuir it as mreetcil. It speciticaliv up' a 1 the stomach uud liver it Ik prelleiMble to eal unel 111 all lulli.'iis ilineaseit t he elb-et is innueili: They cm be xdmiuistered tn Kemale or Infant with KUety n mi re 11 a Die ut-neiii, at tiny ttmf, liKWAUK OP (;orNTF.UFKlT5. ' This medicine has at.aiued that hiith ehaiacttT wlii necessary f 'f all medicines to attain to induce counterfeiters to put forth a Fpnrious article at the rik of the lives of thr.se are innocently deceived. LOOK WKU.TO Till; MARKS OF THK fiKXT lXK They hnve the written siiriiiitnre of C. At. JACKSOX upon the wrupper, and the nuine blown in tlie battle, with our which thev are Rputi.ms. l'or Bale, -wholcsnle and retail, the (vfti maa Medicine Store. liT AKCH Street, one. door hduw Sixth, (late of lince street.) Philadelphia, nnd by respectable dealers iri'iicntiv Tjirouirn.iiit. ttie emmtrv. At.ao: For suit by II. Master. Ptmhurv, ond AT. A. M'Cay, Norihuiiiberhmd. Amjust 17.18511. ly 'DEA'nf&i)00R." Hnv frefiueutly do we hear this expression, which nie-iut to c'uvuy to the mind tire last ti.u of skiKucsb that a patient can be reduced t-t, and livu. Mis. Jiiofi- B.in, a member of the Trinity Church, was. as she ex inert ness h'-rw-lf, biou-ihl down ti Death's dnor," by Hheu- malisin uud rservr"U& llcailaclie, when, like an an eel 01 uteicy, Kadway's Kea.ly Kilief relieved her of her severe paniMuud res Ted her to tier trieiuis in pt-rieet health 1 lie very instil ni uuuway b neatly lit iici is applied, its bene tic ail etti-eu ure expei'ieneed, it sn-tlics, heals, cicau- ses nnd purifier; it iustmitly allays irritation, reduces iu. ttaumialiejis and swe'Uiuus, relieves the ni'st severe . rnlyic Kiins, pives ease lo Jmrns. Sealdf, Sores. Irruptions cures Itheiimatisin DumlKtgo. (tout, Painlysis. Sprains, Strains, SKtsins. Still' Neck, Weakness in the Side nnd Il:tck, Sores vf ull kinds, dulls, Druises, Chules, Sioio llir.Kit, liiliuciiza, iiinfseness, u;ns, ldiiib, TOOTH ACHE CUKKD IN ONK SECOND This torturinir atUietion can be cured iu mi instant, for tlie moment Die itei.er toucttes the nerve, tne nain is im livateil. So with Tic Didereux aud Heuiicmuia, Neural gia and Sick Headache Iwithe the parts where the pam is most severe, and iu a few mihutes you will be entirely relieved. Talen iu!Tnally it will Hrrost the most violent Spasms and Cramps, stop vomttiiiif or to imieh jHirgiiijj, in nil eases it will fcivo stremrth t"r weakness, ease f ir pain, lieal' h f r BieAiiefs. No Ueadv Heliet is ynuine un less signed by HAD WAY & CO., lti2 Fulton Mreet, j:mcsant tuki:t ni:n tks., TO r-AiiiKUJSU AND KNIIAXCli THE CHAHMS OK HEAUTV.. Hatiwav's .Meijicated Soap. liadway's Medicated S mp, so favorably lru'wu through out the fiiBhinnable world for its extremely -Muiid, purify jiiij und ftoorhiiifr etVecisin thr skin ; while by its Heii'Jii on the pores and the miiiule secretory veshels it expels all impurities tioui the smfitcr, allays every tendency to in llaiiunalioii, nad eltretifdly dii:ttus all rclnces, tan, pimpIeK, spt't, freelil(;s( diolniati 'lie and other eutaiieoi, eriiptmns Tiie radniiit bloiiu it mijuirts t the cheek, the sottncMK aud dcheae.y which it induces ol tlia Imnds uud arm, ius c;i;wiu!li; y of h !iiin irt ilui i n and rem i nip cu-tnut-oLis di'luets, n-ivhT i'. iuihspens dile to every toilet. tiiai'lrmcii after Kl:;ivin will hud it itlluyfcuu untition undi.etKleriu.is ol Lite skin, uud rend lis it soil, mil utli and pil'MtJIll. Jari!itr the licit ond dust of mimruer, or frost nd bleak winds of winter: and in cases of snnhiirn, stints of insects chilblains, chup.ed hands, or inciuenMil iuiiauuiialiou, tis virtues Imvw ioi sned extensively hetti nckiU'Wledi-d. lis purifying and refrufhinj; prupcrties have obtatued its selee lion i'r..ui the t'i ius ukIs of other cnpnieticH, bulh of Euro, pean ami d anentie immuf. icture, by the bon toil of ull parts otitic f.iKhi 'iiiMe world, from the burning tropics to iho frozen realms of ihe co Kin?" The public will pleaA hear iu mind tluit Kadwuy's Medicated Snip, is the only sate fimpdiatitui fertile skin uow in lou ( this has beu cert died to by our ni-Kt piomiut-ut elieuiis;s. Ifadwuy's Soap is free from poisonous, irritating nnd pernicious in predieiits, it can lw used mi tlie lender bkiu of the infant with the siune happy results as upon beauty iu iis prime. See that each cake is enveloped in n splendid fcihel of steel eii'.'ravinjr :ind further see thut the sipiutore of R. G. KADWAV is upou each cuke. Prieo Aj cents, lurgv cakes. THE CROWING ORNAMENT OF BEAl'TY ISA l.L'Xl.lUAXT HEAD OF GI.OSSY HA Hi. RAIiWAYV CtUCAHUlAS HALM. Warranted the lest Hair Tonic in usct For Dressing and Deautifyiu the hair. It cluiunes ttie Sculp from Dauilrulf, keeps it clean, cures Scurvey, HaldneNi, and Sores on the Head slops the hair from falling out, remlers it strong, tine, simvuh, sott nnd glossy. Fersons who iiave lost their hair by sickucfcs will find a complete autitlote hi Knd way's Circaroiuu Halm, It also (ives it u dark mid beautiful Color, uud will prevent it from turuinir. fin-y. From its exquisite jturlly, it is uttmi rably udapteit foi the hair (fehiidreu ot the most tentivr ape. It is sold in large bottles for 25 cents per bottle, and ts warf anted U10 heit h.tir nrennration 111 use. it win not il the hat. enp, or the finest fabric. See tin it the ifrnn turutu hadway w t U 11 uivin tach bottle no tur- easniiiu liuhw is genuine without the si jf nut ure ot Kaslwny AsiBST II. H. Masee.r, Suuhury. A'ljf. ltl, 1-St). ceiUy rjOLD PENS IX SILVER CASES. .A small V-J ll nn liiiiwl ,1,1.1 f..r UUU I... 11 B.MASSKR. funbury, April 6, 1S50. IAISIXS, currants, citron, cheese, pepper miiici. Ac. I'nr sain liv J. XV. Fl't Sunbury, Dee. 2, 1818. "ITiV.K D1LI.S. Jnsticos and CnnsUiblt;a"Fee )i liills hai)douieIy prinurd on card paiier, fur uule at thirtoti'n e. flotton Vnrn. Cotton Carpet Chain, ('utrjjn Laps w nnd VViiililiii, Uolton Uutlinci, Jveadv made Pantaloons, Ready made Vests, Congrrsa Knives, I'oreeluin lined proMrln;r kettles, just received for sale bv ' .. II. MAS5.EIL Sunbury, Doc. 2, 1848. ,f -. PURE WHITE BRANDY FOR PRESEH 1 , VI.MO.juiit reocived and for sale by i .i . - , H. U. MASSER, Sept. 88, 1850. riMSSfB PAPER. Yellow Tissue paper for 1 covering glasses, for sale at tlie otiiec ol the American. f 1 IE AS, from the New York Canton and Pckin JL Tea Company, For sal by . J. W. FKILING. Sunbury, Dec. 2, 1848 'V w CHERRY PECTORAL: ' Fanha tart ar "" ' ; ,:ootrons, colds;' 1 v HOAHSEWES3, buokt OHITIS, OHOUP, ASTH MA, WUOOPIBJO-COUail AMD COliSUMrTIOM. ' This truly vnltmlile Xpmcily f ll diflcasp of tlie I.uiifta anil Throat, lias Wome the chief feli nnce of the nfllicteil na It is the moat certain euro known for the uliove complaint.' While it is a powerful remedial aiicnta in the moat deapemte 11ml almost hopeless cases of Unnsuinptinn, it is also, in diminished doses one of Iho mildest and moat ngrecnlile ' fumlly medicines for common common dnuths and colds. Koad helow the opin ion of men Who are known to the world, and the world repeet their opinions. i ' i ' FROM PROFEOll HITCHCOCK. "JnmesC. Aver fir: I hove used your "Curn RT Phi tokai.,' in my own case of deep-aeated Bronchi! in, and nm sutisfied from its chemical constitution tlint it is nn admirable conipoimd for the relief of lary'uirial and liroiu lii.d ditiicultirs. If my opinion as to its superior character can he of any sorviec you arc at liberty to use it as you think proper. ' EDWARD HITCHCOCK, 1. 1. D., . , ,1 ! I'resideut of Amherst College. From the 'London Lancet." "AVER'S CHERRY PECTORAL is one of the most valuable preparations that has fallen un der our notice. After a careful examination, we do not hesitate to say wo have a Inrijc apprecia tion of its merijsand the fullest ronddeuee in its usefulness for boughs and lung complaints." Dr. BiewMor, of W.mdlmm Co., Conn., sends us tlie following testimony. ... .. Dr. J. V: Aver Dear Hir: I enclose you a certificate from .Mrs. Catharine K. Cady. a highly respectable lady of this village, wile of Mr. Seth Lady, Deputy r?lierm, Windham Co.,- Connecti cut, i rliervra in her case was very prompt, and hasattractcd general attention, t , i - V. A. BREWSTER, M. D. Wkst KillixoI.v, Ct.,Sept. 28 1848. This mnv certify that I w as atllicteil with a very severe cough in the winter of '47-8, which threat ened, lo terminate iu Consumption. I had tried many medicines: iu' vain, and was cured by the use of Ayer's Cherrv Pectoral." - . .-fi ;-'- ; ' CATHERINE K. CADY. Fnnn Dr. Brvnrit, Druggist and Postmaster, Chicopee Falls, ilasa:-i- ' Dr. .1. C. Aver Dear Pir: Enclosed please find remittanceVurall the CHERRY PECTORA I. last sent me. I can lmhrsilulingly say, that no medicine we sell fives such satisfaction as your's does ; nor have I ever seen a medicine which cured so many cases of Cough and Lung Com plaints. Our Phisicians arc uVuiq it extensively in their practice, and wiih the happiest etlivls. Truly youis, D. M. BRYANT. PRKPAItKII I1T J.C. AYEII, l'ltr.HHT,lllVEU,MAS. Vxf Sold by Ilenrv Masser. Hunhurv; Mary A. McCny, NortliumhorlHud' Dr. liearlmrt, 8e linsgrovei Dr. Bockly, Danville, and DruggisU geneiiillv. July 0, 18.r)0.- lyceSm St AIIOO AN Y AN 1) .V. Vti 15 I.E. STEAM SAVT MILL, AKEPTrXl SHOP, Corner of Eleventh and IUdac Howl. AND CABINET MAKEUP CENi: 11 A L FURS JS 1IIX(l S TO 11 E, No. 134 South Sccnnd Street, below Dock St., . I'HlI.Aln'.I.l'lUA. TBIIE subscribers would call the special atten- tion of Cabinet Milla rs and others, to their very cUciitiivo assortment of materials in their line, consisting of Mahogany Veneers, Boards and Plank, Hair Cloth, Curled Hair, Glue, Varnish, Lookintr Class Plates, Mahogany Knobs, Bod Posts, Marble Tops, and every description of CEns'du are Toi, &c. Cabinet Makers residing out oftho City, would find it greatly to their advantage to call at our store to purchase such materials as they want, connected with their business. All nur poods are WARRANTED, of the best quality, and at very reduced prices. Our Terms are Cash, (no trade.) Wo guarantee to give every man the worth of his money. 1 ' T. & I. THOMPSON. N. B. Mahogany, Walnut and Hand Rail Plank, anil Stair Ballustci's fir Builders. also Jlai bin Mantles, always on hand, und every de scription of turned work. June 8, 1850 ly CEEAT SEICOVAI. CforliS, V?alc!ifM, .fcvu'lry t!Iver & WAX13, fitc- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. riIIE SIJBSCRIRER has removed his store from No. 413 Market street, to his splendid establishment, JYu. 1(3 Clrrsnitt trertt abort iidt t'l.dcr llit I':;:ii!:I!ji ESoiikc, PHILADELPHIA, Where he oife rs for sale a most extensive assort. ment ol'CLOt.'Ks, WATCHES, JEWELEUY, SILVER and PLATED WARE, at such prices as cannot f ail to give satisfaction, and to which be invites the attention of prrehasers, in sulin? them that EVERY ARTICLE Is WAR RANTED AS REPRESENTED. His stock consists ill partot a full assortment of UOl.U AND SILVER LEVER WATCHES. Do do L'EPINE dj SILVER TABLE AND TEA SPOONS. CLOCKS of everv description. MANTEL (JXRNAMENTM, FANCY OOUDS, dire, LEWIS LA DOMES. Watches, Jewelry, and Cold Pens sent lo all parts of the l.'nited Stales, by mail, with perfect safety, ITi?" I am determined to sell at less paws than the same articles are sold iu this city. P. tS Preserve this advertisement, and call and examine the stock. Sept. 28, 1850 3mo. V. IV PEDDEUCK'S (LATH PAKTNKH OF C. BCHKACK) VarultiU aiaiml;t (cry uud 1'alnt . i 'i ( More, So 78 Sorth Funrth Street, t a FEW BOOKS aBOVK CHKItny, WEST SIDE, inXI.A2JElPKIA. Constantly on hand und for naif, nt reduced prices, and' of superior quality, the fol- '. hiring articles, viz: Cinich, Cnluuet, Japanncr.' nnd Oil Cloth Vnruisbea j Diving .l;:'(vin ; li i.-t and II'irursN Vainuh; HriiM'a, While tuul Krd Spirit lln; rralisf.-r do; ArliMs', House und C 'iieh I'm jliis' rmd V ru iiitiiiert.' .Mutcriuin j PI TTY IV il'ANTir!l-'.!, PAIM'S, liRY. IN Oil,, AM) pii; I'AK.ll Ft ill IM.MI'.DlATt: 1'riK; Milliners1 Varnish, l.llleiiud Aeiilsi Hlnck Jilpan fir lion ; Adhesive do. lor Fancy Vork ; Picture tuul Window (jlu.s ; Arli.l.' Co. lours. lry und lit I ulx ; Ncifa list Oil! tiohl, t-ilver. and lierutHii l.eut'l tiolil. Sliver, anil Copper Hroitxe : Gla zier'. Dmui 'ikL. AWj, veiy superior caVa) lilacking tuid Wriling Ink. 1 June SU, IKiO. n ROWN'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN CEIt, an excellent article. Rnwn' Medicated Soap for uu burns, Inn, tetter, c e'.t- . . . , i liadway's Circassian Balm, for the hair dand rull'A.c. - i j . . s , Radway'a Ready Relief for Crainpa, Cholic, Cholera Morbus, lie. For sule by - II. B. MASSER. Rnntury, Avg, 9, 1850.'.- , . . AY KLM. An excellent article for sale by HENKVMASSEFv. bunbury Jan. 27th, 1819 tf. 1 Ml!') . ' J 1. ' I A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS 1 At tlio Cabinet War lloom of SEirX TTOtJPT & CO. 'j yKArket Square; '".1 Also at thitortirr 6f Fmin jfrW Ai ttailfooA ,,; suivUtti', pa.' Thankful fur the patronage of his friends and customer during the )7 year he hat been in busi ness in this place, he solicits from the public con tinuance of their favors. During this period he has endeavored to keep up with the improvements of the day, and has accordingly extended bis busi ness in every branch and variety. The public are therefore invited to the attention of the present tOCk Ot , . ... CABINET WARE AND CHAIRS, Manufactured y ' SE2ASTIAN HOTTTT & CO. . At the Old Stand, ., . Where in addition to their former Mock of the establishment Uiey now manufacture i ,, Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs. L'7-o-e Sprinrf Sent Hocking Chairs, Dressing Bvnmin, Centre Tables, JMnrble T op Wasi Sianis, ' and a variety of of her ' pew style anil FnsliioHnhic Fiirni litre. ''.',''' Having secured a Hearse and made the neces sary nrrnngementa for the purpose, they ore now prepared for Undertaking in ail its branches, in this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye mniila nnd mistrcsea, and huslniiula too, Ifttre'a furniture of every style and hue, ''rotri aide Imarri rlnwu to kitchen Uiljlea, i . Krnm rocking chairs to locking entiles Should yn not have the lendy Jim to pay, , We'll wait awhile for a brighter better dny, Or take potatoes, onta, corn, wheat and rye j Hark, hoop poles, slavea, or lamb?r wet and dry, Or any thing bat yukea and thrushing Aaila, Kinm pigs nnd turkiea down to little quaila. Come on then friends, come oiienad all, Keep trade a moving, so "goes oa the ball." , Gr" Orders from a distance promptly attended to and work of all kinds delivered with dispatch. Sunbury, March 0, 1850. tf HOOT, D .4 G l Elt II K.4 1 ARTIST, So. 1-10, corner of Fifth It Chemut t., Phila- dclphia,and 363 Broadway earner of Franklin Street, Sew York. ITIZENS.AKD STRANGERS can have a sitting for Portraits or Miniatures, and receive them beautifully cased, in morocco, Silk velvet, Papier Machc, or other fancy styles, or sets in Medallions, Lockets, &c, in a few minutes. Daguerreotypes, Paintings, Drawings, &c. Copied. Out door Views, and .Miniatures of deceased persons, taken at snort notice. r or l ortraits ot Adults by our process, and Im proved Instruments, u cloudy flay is quite us la- vorabie as clear weather. . For Children, n clear day (between 11 and 2) is preferable. QZAln Dress avuid white, blue or light pink. Our Cillery with its Six Prize Medals and Works of Art, is open at all hours, und Free. Whether visitors wish pictures taken or not, we shall at all times be happy to see them. June 1S0U. Ornamental nnti French Style Frame I Mantifacturer, 80i irufjir,.i , between 3d and 4th street. VSZTTi AE23 LPEI A. y ESPECTFL'LLY directs the attention ofthe 1 public to his superior rtvles of Plain and Fancy Frames, which ure of the latest' and most beautiful (lesions. As a handsome Frame nt a LOW TRICE, has been much desired, he wus induced some mouths since to commence the manufacture of these f tunics. In a short time the demand hit been so srreat, that helms been obliged to increase uw tacihtics, and new oiler at . ,. kxcf.i:dit.ly low puicf.s, Singly, or in thousands, the most beautiful Frames, suitable for Paintings, Prints; Daguerrcotypea, .'urusj c., ccc. , ' For Durability Unsurpassed. Hotels, FublicBuildinss, Steamboats. Stores. Ca binet Furniture, Ac, decorated in imitation of carved Kose-VVood. CI?' Please call and see specimens. May 25, 1850 ly GliUGK ,J. IJEJCKEM, CITY CiBISKT Y A It K R o II M s SO. 173 CIIHSSUT STREET, (nrroatTK Tint siatk hovsi.) PKIAOHtiPIirA. FFERSfor sale, low for cash or approved city - paper, a Inruc mid well assoiU'd stock of OA l,l. b r FLRN IT(. RE, of the latest patterns and of tlie best workmanship. The assortment embraces every article, useful ur ornamental . com prisma suits of Dnnvin?Room Furniture iu Rose- wood and V ulmit, exipiniitely carved. Rosewood Wulmit, end Mahoirany t'liamber Furniture ; Pa tent Extension Dining" Tables, (acknowleiiired to be the best now in use); Library Book Cases, mid n great variety of plain Parlor mid Chamber Furniture. : , ,.-,,,' Curtains made and put up in the Julcst Paris fashions. Spring Mattrasses, Hair Mattrasscs, and Fea ther Beds, made to order, N. B. All articles purchased at this establish, ment arei warranted of the heat materials and workmanship, and will lie packed to carry safely to any part of the country. May 25, 1S50. ly ) i oh as cj:xts!!S Ur MSANSOF TIIK PoCKET EscvLAPirs, or, Every one his own Physician ! thirti eth edition, with upwards of a hundred engravings, ghow- YM '"S peculiar liisimses in eve 3j r' i'11!" a,lJ form, and mal- r '-'i ; l il wis ioiiuiiiioiis ui inu generative system, BY M M. YOlSiR, M. D. I'llA tilllP ll.ailntu a.l.-.l ."l-" . that peitnins autlcring from soerct diseases, need no more become the victim of tjuackery, as by the prescriptions contained in this book any one may euro himself, without hind rance to business, or the knowledge of any one, and with one tenth the usual expenee. Iu addi tion to the (reneral routine, of private disease, it fully explains the cause of manhood's early decline, with observations on ' iiiarriane besides many other derangements which it would not be pro per to enumerate. , i . , .;- 7"Any person sending TWST-riV texts enclosed ill a letter, will receive one copy of thia book, by mail, or live copies will lie sent for one dollar. Address, '!)"; W. YOI7NG, No. 1S 6'PKI'CK Street, PHILADELPHIA." Post-paid. t aTDH. YOTNU can lie consulted on any of the Diseases doscrilied in his different publications, nt his Oliico, 152 SPUL'CE Street, every day be tween 9 and 8 o'clock. (Sundays'exeepted.) Philadelphia, Nov. 9, 1850 "ly. EKOV.'N'S E88ENCE OF (ilNtiEUI A new supply of this, excellent article just received and tur sale by II. li. A1ASSEK. mbury March 10, 1850. fr. , I ,, i. Valuable Hooka, ' i T IFE or "Cr a rT,' handsomely bound, D'Au biokiV HtsToar or th' RuroitxiTioy, Blark Di-ooa akii LiuqiHa, full bounded. For sale at the publisher prices by .''.'- i' m : ,; . , 11. B. MASSER. Sunbury, July 14, 1849. C'APS. An assortment just , received. "Alo ' silk HAT8 at !825, fcr sale by . - li.' MASSER. Bunbury, Dec , 1848. mm mt$t man wxtttM mrzs In presenting the public with A femedf fur the trmtmeut and earn of Fsvaa asd Anns and other trill ma diseases, no uixriory ia needed. Vnat nnmtiera in the l'iil Kmn. who mhVr from Itiese nrrt:tiniis in their varied forms, are compelled to neck relief from itthi'r amirer. rtian the imme di.ite prwriplloiis'of .the regnlur plivnciun. It Iwhii.i tlieretiirean uhji'cioi nuiminlly, ns wi.ll n of pnlilie inter est. to hrhnr brfnie thetn a remedy erennreil finm miwh perlenee, and whIHi nmy alwnva be relied apuii na a.FK, EPPKCTt'At, ANn 1'AKMI.KM TO TVK CONTITrfTloV. That tiieh is the true eharmler uf the INDIA CIKIl.AfiOni K, is amply nltencd by Uie universal sntrcta with which it hua been euiiloyed. i , IV Kstrnet ftom a eonimunicatlnn uf the Tlnn. Vii,. tux Wiionr.KiiH'.a, of tlie L . t. ririuite, Inle Governor of Michigan. ' '' : Dktboit, Oct. SI, 1H10. Doctor Chahlks Osnoon, i , . Dear tir, J have read with much interest, ynur liUle Traimi.!; npiin the' "ennsi's. treiini!lt nnd cup." of the febrile riiawiaus which have so extnisiveiy prevnilrd in nur tiiunlry during the hist lew tn intlis nn iuliTi'st iniTenwrd nn d.tubt, liy the fnet tlult I have intticidirilly snlli-rril bo mtieh frem ttiem. 'I'hnilch I feet mysVlf very' ine iinpnteut. to judue s-rfely nKm a subject so enurnlv proressi.n.-il, yet ynur theory si'enia tn me well renaoned, mid your ennclii siona Jos', linil I think withal, Hint ynur iaiuplilet is ealca lated In prislnee linieh practical ffnnil. Speaking of tlie medicine he s.ij s It fully justified yrmr fluttering experrtutiiuis. and na ft safe, convenient, und p-ipu-Inr remedy, my fiwn experience, s-ifnr, induce, me tn be lieve that it wilt prove a irreut public lieui'tit. I nm pleased i.o warn vim ynu nave reiMaillv eitalilisliel ieveral n?etlelea for its disposiiion tlnaigli I regret timt. with a view to n m re ireuernl itisseuiinntinu nf il, yon should have fnund it neeessnry tn remove from yiinr prewul residence uniiaig us. t Willi much respect I have the h.mor tn be. ir, '' 'our nblur-vl servant, . tvui.iAvr woouiiuiunn. ffT From Una. fTFriiEN V. It. TRownHiuoK, of .Michi gan flute Semite, to the Agent, nt Del roll., , lllRMI.VOIIAM. OaM.AMI Co., Ilee. 1,1, 1PI1. Pir yen wisli tne lo Infirm win hat I knmv of Dr. Osb'ukI's ludiu Cholugogiie, ur anli-bili ui. liiulieinc. 1 do lielicve that if the virtue and c!nV:u:y of this medicine were Senernlly known, the KrvKa and aol-r would disappetir in liehignii. , 1 proeurinl n battle in the spring of 1S41, and have gninl rensou to believe that an self and family cBcnped the ague Inst season in consequence of its lis. Perhaps in no aumnier since Uie letlleinent of this fine fieuiuRiilii. tins the fever and ague been so jTevnlent ns the nst. I hnve ree mitnenitisl thia medicine in lininerous in- Btnneea, mul whtm the disense had become fixi-d and tni(t!isl the skill of nhvsiciniis! end I have never known it tall. 1 Iris universally produciHl the mst happy etfects, und I bet lieve it has never lieen execed-Hl by any' medicine in reini- vuig me ntiioua niaeaat'soi me climate. 1 oura, respeclt'nllv. pitkphrx v. n. TnovfnmnoK. Arent for funlsin II. H. MASSKIl: Norlliinnlierliiiid. ..iiiiiM,!!;.!! jen.j niiaoa. j. ii. HAfM.u : melius, grove, MAY ft KI.OSK. nuiy u, iwiD it ,. ' I EI 1 1. A t S' Ij ! II I 4 ESBDSOAL ESTABLISHED 15 YEARS AGO, BY 1)11. KINKIOLIX, . If . Corner oj Ihud and Union Streets. BKTXVEKN.SPJtUClS AND PINE STKEKTS. F IFTI'I'.N YIJAH of l'.1i:ii!v'c tuul unintcrruptid pruftu-f npnit m drift ri:y Unw ri'iiilcnvl )r. K. tlit ni't cnihtI mvl sin'rt'Mi'uI urni-litvuitT inr iiiul nrair. in the treittmeiil of ail iliseiist d ot u pnvntc nituru. Fermm ulliirittl with ulftirs up u llu- ntiy, liir.ial. or kfrs, pains ia Hie litvium' luiirs, iiit'i'ciii iiil rlu'iiiintiiti. n'rictiiri-s, umvrl. ilim';ift4j nriftini; froiii ymnlifull cxciBtiR or inipiiriticii tf ihr hi mhI. wherrWv t!ic v nniiittitiou liiis iicciuu cintrblei., urt alt trwiii'il with wicct-cft. He whoplnre liiiiifti'lf nmler the rare of Dr. K., nviv re liprii ntsly conti'le iu Itis haimr uf u irt-iitlenun, und coiitu'lciit ly rely upun hit) skill an u physician. TAKU i'AUTlcn.AH NOTICK. Youiijr Mi-ii win huvrt itijurt-d thftnaclvfis hy a cerltiii. pinrticv iinliilivM iu ii luii-il frerpii-ntly leririietl from rvil i.-'Hipuiii-ii.iii til prtiten inr- r i Nil II Ure UIIITIV telt, even when nthrwj. nntl d- 'r,iy Ii tli ntimt nirl 1i kK:, bIiduIiI upply iinuifliuU'ly. Ve-ir.nfH itnri c.tiintLtiition'ul tN-hility 1 i nf uiiiscMlar fiirry, phvu';il lii.itu;lt! and em em! pMitrati'Mi. irrititliility nnd nil ihtvoiir titftfftionit. Indi ffestii'ii. Hlurtislinew of tlte lii ei, mid every HiwMitwin any way coiinecti'd with Hie dis mlt-r of tlie procrrativu fuue Lious turcd. aud full viijir nmtnrt-i). YOUTH AND MANHOOD, A vigorous life or u. pretnuiure death. KISKI1IN on s!f Prrst-rvntion. ONLY 2o CKNTS. This H N.l j n it published is filled with useful uifonimti-m on tlu; iiifiniiitifmiail dis.if..-s of tin; fo-iierritive t)rp:ms. it wMressep iiselfxlike to YOI TFI, .M AIIO( H) und OLD A(il-;, nnd !i"Ulri tw rsid hy nil. The. valuable ink u-e uud iuijirciwvo wirnitist it gives, Will prevent yerirR'.f minery tiiul BaiiVring and nave uiuui;il ly Thotiftaii'lft of Lives. 1 1'iirenLH hy ri'udinir it will Itarn how to prevent the dea truetinn of thrir rliildren. .V rfinlitiiiii-e of 'J rents, euelnsed in u letter, nd ilrefa.flto IHt. KINKKI.IX. . W. r-mer nfTHIKTA I NION Htreeiv, lit-twreii Spruee t Tine, riiilmltlilim, will ensure n h-Mk, nudi-r euvl ipe, per return of mail. IVrs-msut n distniiee rn:iy uddress JJr. K. hy letter, (post (Miid.) mid Itrrured at Intne. I'ACKA(;KS UK .MKUICIFKS, DIIiF.rTIOXS, he, f irwaiiled hv nenriiiifT a remittauee, and iut up smite from JJA l.(ii: or CI lilOSTY. l!o k-selliTs, New Aifetirs.Pedhrs. Ciinvn"R.Ts. nnd all olhrrs Kiii'p'ifd with the nUivc w-i'k ot verv low rates. rehruary !, L-.jU. ly ('trttlS :.!! J.lSTp Iii-iii o, Aiuitlitj ; ;jji1 Trust 4!oiini:sny. OKFirr.w wai.m.t PTnrr.T, i'iiu.ahf.i.piiia. CaCITAI. Si'SI.IHKI. t'HAUTKH l'lUIFETUAL. t 1 1 1 T'I (' iiiiuiy lire unv prpMind lo IrmiHiii-t husiitpa I ni a lite most liberal uud uilva)iriiire:iua tt.nns. They are auth'irizcii b llifir cJ.nrriT (sect. II) lit'i lr.rikc nil runt cvt-ry insur:iii'e np;iTl;iinii:ir to life risl.s .,f wlinu-vcr kinil ur iintiirc. iiii'I to rivt'ivif .-iisl exri-ulf trus. ni:ike end v ineuts. ami pi cnnil. iirnl piin-liiise u!ll.lifil's.,, Tl-e (',i:n. pfiny sell iimiml ics uuil eaihivviiii'iit., ami act as '1'ranLtiv. I'nr liliaors ami lit-irs. Talile of Preiiiiains reiiinriil f-ir the Assunuice of SlIKl for the whole lenn uf Life. r.i .miiiTvr""'i",VB,n kslta.v3 Aire. I I'reni. I Aire. I Pretn. I I Apa. I'rem. I 1 5h .11 -J Ml ' il :j 17 151 rt V 15 47 .'WO H 1 60 ! '-HI 48 3 1 loll ,'li 8-J7 4!l 3 77 1'1' M VM .',11 3Ht -I 1 l -I) 3 4(1 51 4 13 SM 1 M 37 3 47 62 4 M Kt 1 tw !W St .13 4 .'.t 31 1 ti :'.! ilil 54 4 71 25 1 7 .1(1 3 70 55 4 fll 31) IN 41 d HI . i M 6 13 37 I Ml 43 3 113 57 5 33 !M 1 (ft 43 Sill 51 5 SI 211 I lie 44 3 W Stl S 7H 30 S 04 4 5 1 3 23 60 6 0.1 The premiums are less than any other eninwiiy, nmi the 1 al'li s of half-vnnrlv and iuarterly preniiunis, half credit Rite of prernuiin, short term, joint live, survivorship and mlounnenl; sin, form of Application (mr which Ihere are blank sheets-) are to be had on applieatmn nt ihe olfiee, or hy teller to the Ajent, J. 11. I'l'KiJV, Sunbury. Rates fob insdbino 100 on a single Life Aire. 20 .111 4(1 fill 51) For 1 year. For 7 years. Fi Life, fl 1 i.uii n9 i.:io a,in 1.3g MM 2.7U 2.117 3.nt 3,48 3,i7 6.0 ExAXFMt A person uirud 30 venra next binh dav. bv paying the l'onisiny 99 cente would eeure to hi family or heir PHI0 shoukl he die in one year ; or for Po.n0 he e eure lo tliem WI0O0; or for 813 annually for aeven vturi ne ftts'iirea 10 tliem tfliNm ahouiti lie tlte In aeven year; or for X3U.4II paid anuuullv iluriuz life lie secures l!KHl to In Cuid when he diea. The insurer eecuriinr his own bonus, y the difference in amouutof nreniiuiHs from tlsiaeehartred by olher oihee. For (Mq,3U tlia heirs would receive iioi) liniild he die iu one year. 1-nrni 01 uppiioiiioa uuil nn artiruiara mav lie had u4 the office. ......... . I'liTlilt Cl'UJiN, President. (. 1 Vice President. Wm. M. Haihii. 11 Francis W. Hawlb, Seeretan- and Treasurer, i . CossirLTi,o Phyiician Dr. J. li. Master, funbury. J. il. l'l'UDV, Sunbury, A mul for N.iitliuiuherkinjV.iuii. i"uiiiiury, jiuy its, i- ifl. 1IIALAUEI.PI1IA WtX E k LKII OIt STOllE BITTING & WAT I) It MAN, Importers and realerg in Liquors, So. 220 Murket street, Philadetpha, FFF.R for sale, the cheapest and best assort- ment of Liquors in Philadelphia, such as Champagne, Sherries, fort, Stcck, Claret, Bur gundies, Sauturn, liarsac, Maderia, Lisbon, Tencrille and Sicily Wines. Brandies ofthe choicest brands, vii 1 Maglina, Otard, Ponet, Hcnnesy, &c, &c. Fine Ilollarjd (iiu, Monoogabcla, bcoUU and Irish Whiskey, &c., Ac. . - ! Hotels and the country trade supplied a Phila delphia prices on tlie most liberal term. July 13, 1850. -i.s. 11 AZORSe A superior article for sale at tha atone of ...:- h ic HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, Feb. 18, J850, . . .. u.; ic;,..-. RNOLD'8 WRITING FLUID AND COIN' A GKES3 INK for aula at thia oUic. junk kIIKFIble. CORRECTED WEEKLY. PP-NMsYUVAIVIA. ' I errr or ifiTtiADKLrois: ' I V. 8. Dunk note. m dil All solvent banks pal . coeaTSY. BnnX oTChnmlwrsliurg 1 di. Hank tif Cheater Co. pnrl Hank of Del. Co. Chester pnr! anl.Sntlvillkl.'l'i. ' cliaj HH t)DhV ItMiAND. : , , All solvent banks dn CONNKOT1CUT. All solvent Ixiaka i yi! j us NEW YOK1V. .. , ., ' CITY. ' 1,1 ' 1 nana or Hermnntnwti par All solvent Iniiks 1 nis Bank or Hctlysbiirg 1 dis C3TUk imtea under $t j;dis COtTSTRT. nana 01 Lewislown lianlevif MidnVtown- ilia AH anlvmit. bank. - i .14" nionipimery i;o lliuik par Honk of Northnmherl'iKl. iwi NKW JKKSEY. Helvidere Hank , , I dia flnitimMrr.il Jl,..tl 1 dis llnnknf Pittsburg I dial Jinuk ni Danville nnrlfar. Hunk Mont Hullr par Carlisle rinnk 1 dls'V.A ,VI.,Mlddlelown PI. par Coluuiliia li'k ft H'geCo par Dnyelstown Kault ' ' ' par lOuston Dink r i imr .Meehuiiias Hk. Newark pur Meeh. Hk' of Hitrlimrton ir Meeh. ft Man. llk.U'renl par Mnrrts Co 11,, V 3 lbs Krie Hunk 4 dis l.xchnnge H ki'lltslsirg I ills Newark Bk'g & Ius. Co j l''.xchnni;n H'k, Hriuieh 1 dis Oranpe Hsnk J l iirmers' n k, IluekaCn pur;Peoplc's Ilk ftirtcraun J dis I'nrmers' Ilk, luncuster piirjPrtncenis Hunk : ' p'. par Varmers' Hk, Heading parlSaliau Hanking Co, par Farm. Hk Sflinvlkill Co narlSemerrel P H...V- 1 ,h ' F ft I). Ilk Wu'vnesb'g I Jilis'Stme Dunk nt Camden per Franklin Ilk. Wush'ii lldisiStale Ilk Klizabellitrin J dis llnrrislnirg Hnuk , t'dis, Slate Hank Newark lllif llonesilale Hnnk 1 dis State Hk, X. HrunsWiclf Mr luietisier Ilniik prcr.sMisse itnnk. Wewtiai j dis l.eliiiuou Wnlik: 1 nr l rcnoni i.anKtng iki.. mr I'llion liank. Dover 3 di. Ynrdlevv'teftlrelDrfollilis C?-Hk notea under M dis Merch. & Man. Itnak 1 (lis! Mincn' TS'k. pollsville pT Mniionethela Hunk 1 (lis Taylorsv'e Del H i? On 15 dis JO'.I.A 1 AKl-j. 'esi Itmiifh M ink ,,r Hank nf Dclmvaro VAr. ! in. .,., ..' i.. . K unr t. -"n, ..a iik, iiKesu e par York Hnnk, . v dis tyilelief notes j MAIXF,. rtnnVof Whellnek ' S dis Mercantile Ilk. Ilnngor ttldis Hnnk nf !mvrnn " rnr Dataware t'ily Hank i jsir Itk WihnsiiiV Hnui'b'W. pal Farmers' Rk Si lV'iatt'are par lrnlnn Hsnk. Wilimngton par ty I.'ndcr RVa., , .3 dis OHIO. ' ' All aolvrni bunks 2 HI. IftBk ii'ttXanuder S'a 4 ilia All s ileent bauks 3 (ift. rsi;w UAMl'SIIlRK All solvent banks 3 dis VKH.WIXT. onnT r!tOI.lNA. flank nf St Albans a disA!lsivciit Inula i dis ,t"jC t'lider.l's, 'J dis All solvent Isniks Si.djs Ji-u( . COLUaIRUN , SEftlES OF " ' ;;' ' 'Hr(tttntrrs.';;: The Pupil's friend and T'ciic&fs comfort.'.'," TIIB ('om;mih. CAi-ci;i,A,i1oR.,n.U . .., ,, iim.niii..u ,1111 m.am- U IIIU lmst AiaiUimics ninl a larp mimlicr of rji liools, wlirrc its use 1ms ijivpn ilia iileil anil jinivn.-sal sa tisfactinn, Imth to teaelicr anil pupil.' It is purely American in its rliaractor, liaseil upon our own lirautiful (Irrimul tiUrm nf rurmiry. Il contains morn, tlir arranrrrmciits arc Letter, anil itis tlie easiest and elienpest work of tlie kiwi now in use; and it is so considers I hy limidreils of tlie most eoiiipetent temliers and men of scieniy in tlie Uni on, who have rcroRimemled it, It. is the book, particularly and expressly prepared fur our Ame rican Friolar : II Alman Ticlnor. Tiik Yiii rn's Com m bun CurvuTnn. Tliis volume contains ill pacs. wilh admit !l()0 exam ples for solution on tlie sl.ile. It etiiliraces the l'Nindiiiiirntnl l!u!es; ( omnouiicl Ituleg, Pimple arid Compound Kcdm-tion, finglc llnlc ofThn'c, I'liipurtiiiu, Tll KXOIl's AlHTltVKTII At. TaIU.F.S, M destined for the use of younger classes in tha Schools of the United fStalcs. A beautiful little hcok and plcas inix to cliildreii, and the only oncol'the kind of any value. There are Keys to hoth Arithmetics hound sin gle or double, for l.e convenience of teachers, in which the solutions of the questions are given w ith much extra matter fur the black board. These Keys are the most complete works ofthe kind eer published, and contain, in addition, i'uiiit two hundred example in Mensuration, &e., lor the use of the Teacher. All Unit is wanted is to have the above books examined, and no teacher who is acquainlcd with t'm science of Arithmetic, will hesitate to pronounce them the best works tha have ever lieen published in this or any other country. Although issued but a few months, they have already been introduced into the IS'ight I'nblic Schools of A'ew York City in ull the SchuoU public, nnd private, except two, iu the City of Heading. Abo, iu about twenty Acadamies 111 the State of Pennsylvania in a 1 irge portion of the Schools in the City of Wilmington, in the Cily of Lancaster, and in tilt4 r)nroir;lis of llarrisbiirg, York, Chainhersbnrg. Lebanon, Doylcstowu, Potts ville, Orwigsburg, &c., Ac. r'orsalchy JIkmiv MtssKii, f?unhury, Agent for Noithiunlierlauil County, Kuuliury, Dec. 3, lSld. tub pscpi.rg VADip-jyrCTjTii Cll.Ml'BISINi; A COI.LKCTtllX OF OVER SOU VALUABLE JJECIl'ES, In the Useful and Interesting Arts villi a few Simple aud f urious Experiments In CIIKMISTHY : T NCLL'DING Medicines, Perfumery, Chemistry Cookery, Farriery, Dying, Confivtiouiiry, mestie Economy, etc. etc. etc. Price lf cts., lor sale by ' HUNKi" MASsKJt. Sunbury, Dec. 8, 1S49. Pi-TEITT LCSDICIITSO. Oreen's Oxygenated Litter, price reduced. Old Jacob Townsciid'sSarsapiuiliu. Haker'sSarsaparilla. . Svvayne's yrup of Wild Cherr fwayue's erniifue. yre's Cherry Pectoral Dr. Drake's Panacea. Dr. Culli u's do Tilaiit's Puin Killer. Dr. lloollaud's Oerinan Bitters Indian Vcgelttlile Pills Horse and Cattle .Medicine For sale by HENRY MASSEH. !-unburv, Julv 14. lfi-19. ETOKX3 WARS. rjtHE subscriber v.ouid most respectfully tn JL form iiis friends and a generous public, timt he is manufacturing the best quality of in all its varieties, and is prepared to sell a little cheaper than any other manufacturer in the Union. He is also importing aud dealing most extensively in CIIIX A, CLASS ASD QUEESSIV ARE, which he oilers on the most reasonable terms. His Potteries are on Bond street north of Fav rtlc, and China store uud dwelling ul No, 6, V. Baltimore street. DAVID PARR, Ko. 8, E. Baltimore street, Li alt i n oat, .Mary laud. . February S, 1850. ly OiTONE Ware, Earthen Ware, Raisins, Al T iiiouds, P tines and Cream Nuts. Planes of all kinds. ' byutt und Plaster. Just received and for sale JOHN W. FKII.1NU. funbury, Dee. 29, 18-19. BOOK."' aud (Jold Pens. 'On hand aeveral cop. ies ofthe life of Christ, and also a number of gold pens which we will sell at the Philadolplya prices. For sale at thisollice. 7-ENNKl)Y'.. PATENT ' ft.Kfl FAS TE.M.0fi.-A eheiip and excellent arti clc lor fastening auU for sale hy , i - J. W. FRILINC Sunbury, July 7, 1819. ... ,, j PATENT Trusses of ull kinds, Harrison's writiu? and indellible ink, Cutton yarn and laps, just received aud for sale by , J. W. FRILIXG. Sunburj', Dec. 2, 181S. Y,7n.EV',s cornr cundvT "nxcef- V y lent remedy for coughs, cold,. For sale at tins olfico ' ' t ADD'8 eclebratcd Horse and Cattle Medi ' eine for sale by ' HENRY MASSER auiibury Jan. 87th, 1849 TVJINERAL WATER, from tlie Oak Orchard Acid Springs, highly vuluahle in thronic di aeasea, and tonic remeuies, for sale l y . . i ' ' '.- HENRV MAftSErU, ' Sunbury, June !9, 18S0-rtl'i .) I i.. i STONE WAKE, STONE milk Puns, stone! ur;i and, Pitchera, and other articles wf stone ware just received and for aale by JOHN W. FKILING, , Suiibory, June 83, 1819. PHI LA. A"JlAl)flVOFRAILil0Al SUMMEti ARRArVOEMEKT FROM j ' riirt,ArJEt,rittA. And pottsviij-bI ' III Ifc. .1 9:.. Office of ,tht Phila. If Reading RuiiroaA Co, , , I ,. i Philadelphia, March 89, 1850. ' S ' 1 Two Passenger grains Daily, ' (except Sunday' ' ' m kl ang alter Aimllst, 1850 two trains will JF be nin each way, daily, between Plilladel'' ' phianr1i PottSville,' t s:;-ht i '.:. hi Morning Line, Accommodation.) ,. ( , Leaved Philadelphia nt 7J A. Mv daily except," ' Sundays. ' '' 1 ' ". ' ' ' Leaves Pottsviltc at 7J A. M. daily except 8un-e t d.yg. . . : . . : Afternoon Line, Fast Train.) ", , Leaves Philadelphia at 2 J o'clock, dailyi except ' Sundays. ' ' ' ? .1. ' Leaves Fottsville' at 2J o'clock, dailyj except Sundnys. n . ...,( . v. h ,,, ... Passengers cannot enter1 the cars unless provi ded with Tickets. ' Tlie afternoon, or fast trains, do not ntrip at An.'.i: Irurri.rAllhouse's. llinlslioro', Rogpr'a Kordi VaU-M ley Forga, Port Kennedy, Spring Mill or Kails. ,, NOTICE. Fifty pounds of baggage will be al lowed to each passenger in these lines ( and pas- 1 actigers tiro expressly prohibited ifrom faking anyJ tiling ns baggage but their w raring apparel, which will be at the risk uf iis owner. , ' t?y order ofthe lioanl of Mp'nar'ers'.' ' ' " '- ' 8. EliADFOKl), ' S i April 13. 1830. i ii . v fjecretnry., j , COiTJMBlAlif fli'tltlMG SOOlt,"' T3EING a progressive nnd Comprehensive By-' tern of Orlhogiapy nn'd Orthoepy, Ihclnding"' a variety of dclinitions, udaptedl'to 'th. nm of ' ?cli(iolflin Iho American Kepuhlic.l by Almon .. Tkknor, a Teacher of twunty-liva year's xperi em e, anil imllior of tlie Columbian Calculators, Practical Common Hchoo Mciisuratirfrr,' &C. ir 'J-hc rtttemlon of 'i'enchem, ischool Dlroctaray parvius, o.c is nivmi to una new Siwlling Boob,, which conforms to the modem snelling and usages in Orthography as being one ofthe neatest, cheapest' ' best arranged, and better adapted to the wants of children, Uiaii any other published iu the United Statu., It is what it purports to be, a Spelling Hook and not a Heading Book, and only requires', mi examination on the part of Instructors of youth to secure lor it ir universal introduction into the Kelt win of the United States. Just published, and for sale by HuNar Massf.ii, Sunbury. . Where Teachers and Directors can procur ' copies for examination. ' is -..-. -i August 4, 181!) . . , , ,. iI.IXtr! is w-ilh the utnnst t:-mhr,wr, nflercrt tn tha ' j .vi ntic.il I m iiiiyiiiul ilii-i.u ilMM'.irilieciireof DuperK si:i or inJicstioii aisi all ilia.iasc arising (rum it, audi , NansiTi, lli-ntl.icliii. t ;;j Vi'itur . i iimtu.s nf !Sri-lit, DHalityet'ilui Nvrv.usSv tela. Ilyt) i-homlriii. .ruiuir.Tife, I'.!t"ap!!.!lllP, W'.is'.in.r ul Ih,, HfrMi.tl, tbli'iiis Vmnitiiigv 'ivi;' Unniiiijr sensatkni at tlia pie" Of Uie st .iniirli, J l.ivi'reiitupljint, ppr. pi,m nficr entiiifr, ' l'ilil:itiill of Ills Ural I. Klalalisi"!, wiili Irninentl l'niii in the pit of the stomach or towuiils the ngllt Bid., iii'iriiiliirnl WMul, I iniwnes. oi ciirnplexi'ia, v Itlativltiis'e, il)rt,rsi.,i. nf II, CmialitlltHHl mul uneasiHcssl ii ;iuihlllly of teiuyer, &.. ol the h iwelr,, I 1 ' If a case of dyspepsia akoalil lie lieuleeteil, most aerimi eflej-ls any eiirae. lor it lays the founilatinii fir, is the iu eipenl e.nise in. ami very 'i'. ipi, y teriiiimites ineoiisiimp ti in. I w .iilJ imprest ujioii the iniml tli.it to ti ilia with Mils illsenae may Is- t , sp t will, ll,e reas.m wliieh coniti--Kites irmii siipereinnietit. iiiiei,i(r,ii lcjnp,, , tl tm., liii'.erexis'eneoliy ail.lnig a eniiji-i ,ui,ea of folly to lb peieify ol pain. . ,,i .Tins nieilieine ia neatly put up in bottles, with ample ihreeti i.s l,.r use, ami is Biild in Saatiarv hy Jons V. H"1'", JA.MKS Yll,l.lA.MS.' resiiinonyni Mr. Aimer Klinea. haller. Mnrket sireet nlMve rith. eirr t, iralive of the effieiu y of William Auii'Dyspepiie l-'.li.xir PniLATKLratA, October 3, MMO'.'"' ! MR. Javej Wili.ia.ms : fiear Sn : Il (jives ma creat jilenaurr M loviw that r are ,iir lin prtijuirmK y u iieilieine f ir the cure of l)y,ic sia. I r many of my acinaiiiliincra have repeatnlly'iisked me where H cmml lie pnvmeil, iolawiirp that' I hail lieen eureil !y il. As I thin'; Hr.it a pnblie n,"n nvleiljr.nenl rf the j-rcit hem ill I Inc. e rweivi il l 'c -nit h- it i.f v,,ni ined Ieilit is not only line t.i yn, lint may li useful fj otliera, I tl"W nuke it. I'.ir several years I jmleieit Iran llvspep sia. which increasi-il in such m e.ileiil that my htul'lh and! ciiis'.itiiteai were rap.i jlv sinkiinr ler it. I was cm- pi-lleil to n-striet lir.-e!fin':e in :il siinpl- finfl; nn.l even that I niniil n ,t ,1, 81. Mi ,,i-, atranslU, illiiu-U-null in tn exereise. ami, ns van have il in your nilvertiis.. llienl. a fenenil feeling of ' itep-ewi m ntul hsleacriti-jhls' wrarine.ss. In the vear liearin" fr an others hk'h rt cneiien l.nl ai nt your Ai;ti.Uvsr-i4ie Klitif, I nroromif and iiseil it wnh tli nmsi hasny rl&et r ler it iiiilneiie Itiizniir anil wariness irrmhnlly pasnl nmv, ami my-npna-I lite relmiif ,1 whieh I e aii.l pruiify with iinpnni'v. Ten ( year have n,.w el.i; seil. ami my e lihctenee iu the curative li'iwera nf y air ne ilieiae haa of r-airse inerriisi-d,- lor it , e nnplelely eureil ns- when I fmteil t;i..litain reliel' frmii any I othel source. Veiy rtspedfulfy vnnrs, . , . AUxKR.ni.Mr. . Tesliirionyof Kihvar,! II. Rowlev. Wli.il,,le l..rh,.,. . u.e arm ni ii"wiey. Asiilrlnnel & Cn., o S Siutb ! M lnrws. in pr-nil ol Uie elfie. acy of WNIouna' Anti-Dva- I lieptie l-.lixir. ! 1'iiiL.iPEi.ritn, October 39, IS40. , .Mr. Jamss AVrr.MsM : . . i 1 D'sar Sii : I lake pleasure iu recnmuteiKTiinr yoar Aati llyspeplie I'lixir f .r the , re nf Dyspepsia, f have taken ; it mysell lolllie disease, mul have been entirely cured, f i ours r'-siieetlnlty. 1 TtUWAHU II. ROWI.EV AOKNT. .HHI.N W riiUJXCi, SMluhlKV, l'. .ilarehd, ls.-Al. Iv ' nosa o!Siii.?nt, ron textbsi 1) FAD the following eettifi.-ite from Capt. Devoe. the V well kii nvuuiid popular Sliaiu lltsit Captain (of th Traveller.) 1 PtUL MiKLPlllA, October 31, IPtS. Several yenrs since I was attacked with a breaking nf on my ncc in the form m" T-t ler. which I nm convinced was e .ntraeled al ll.e (I irlsr's fhop. It arandimtH-extended over my f.i.v l.anl i' reached the Upper pari of the cheeks. Dana-: if... several aha llial II c nlliaued iiea.liiitr. I used niit-n ul applications, a me of which hud the cllecl, oppreutlj- al l-ajl. nf .iere.iiin ihe disease, but from nniie nl them did I irrcmve. 111.- tist Ix nefil until I npiailibe IIoskIIintm.-.t. Hy the ii... of our jar of it, I was jiene.My eureil anil l'.-. e r.-lnaiiled free of the aifee lion. ... 1 have siaee lis.-il the tbntni. nt. Iluhllv implied forr'.neh. . a: i;.i"ii uami. V l per leer, su'-ccs. I II I! e II I jnsl!al cat in rtvoiuiueudioi il! It III me si rmiucsr manner lo the public. ' , , ,. , 4A.MF3 DEVOE. Aceut IJkniiv Masskb, fj.inbiiry. Julf If ltl. . ..... . LIQUOIIS, M IXES, &C. r PIIE subscrilier has just received a new supply x of the best liipiois that ever came to Sunbury, consisting in part of j. Superior old pule Brandy. . , , Fine Cognuie limndy. Superior Old Jamaica Spirit. New Endand Rum.' i Fine Holland (iin. w Superior Old Whifkey Coiniiuii do. 8ti)H-rior Maderia AVine. , ' Lisbon; do. '""da. ; lo it iuiierior Tort Wino, i ti , , , Burgundy Port do. Sweet Malana Wine. ' "' ' " ' Superior Claret Wine in bottles.' : 1 :' Champagne do. do. , , HENRY MASSER.! Sunbury, May 26 1849. . ' ' TF?J1TC- GOODS ' : , PIIILiDCLPHIA, rp SIIA.KPLESS & PONS, have just rccrive'l S their supply of SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS of Friendly and other styles, to which they invite attention, -. - .-In .-I . ! rHAWI.rS AUdescripuona.of Silk, woollen and worsted, ( llRESS SILKS Grode Rbines, C'hamelAons, nnd neat and new fancy styles India Silks and Sutin. , ....: . , JJUESS GOOUS-T-Lowns, Barcgca, Mouase liis. Ginghams, Alpaca, Mohairs, aud all the new fabrics. 'in F UKN !SH ING GOODS Blanketa, Pheetiruys Qnilu, Uainusk, Shirtings, and all other furuUh- ill( (TOOlts. . ' " . MEN'S WEAR Cloth, Casrimerea; Cashm'a rctis, Drills,1 Vesting of all kinds, and Boya wear. SHOEMAKERS GOODS and CarrianlU kets articles. T, SHARPLESS & ONS, No. 32 S. Second Street, Philadelphia, " May 95, 1850. ly - ,. .?.. OSE OINTMENT. A fresh ammlv of thia o ecllcnt article for T and for sale tiy ' ' HENRY MASSER. " 8unbury, July S8,,1849 ' '' 'fit r NOB 1 AND WiilNti MOUTlsa LAT. CUES. Ab axcAtlleiAt article, fur sal at half the usual pric by J. W. FKILING, SuiibiAry, July 7, 1749,- .-?rit ;.j -"