Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 14, 1850, Image 3

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Mr. Editor: In your paper 1 observe
that my oomrou ticatinn is printed, nnl there
fore feel pretty sine of renders, forth II that
it ii every man's duty to taki end rend the
papers. Since you last heard from me I have
caught another chap, and persuaded him to
set for hia portrait. But I not very
skilful whh ,,the penril, for fvar that aome
one should mistake the character I am paint
ing, I will elve yon the name.
No. 3. Tkt fashionabU Idler. Ho is the
on of worthy cilixen who by his industry
and frugality hat acquirpd some properly to
afford him a comfortable support in his de
clining ?e. This the son regards as his
own, and therefore refuses to move hand or
foot in any useful occupation, so loop as he is
permitted to live on his fathers hard earned
money. Unlike the bee in his daily toil, j et
like the drone in his instinct he returns to
the family hive for his food, and to the family
urse for his raiment.
Or he may be the drseendant of one who
Tins served the nation in some publie and nffi
rial capacity, and in lhal station acquired dis
tinguished honor, on which the son is now
Tiviiiij, vainly snppnsin? that in this enintry
honor is hereditary and will descend from
generation to generation. An idler of this
kind may be known by the ntt ntion which
. he pays to dress. An hour bi-fore a glass to
:rranie a cravat or tie it in the lu'.e-i siyie,
:ii considered no waste of lime provide! it
euits. His coat must bn an exact fit, other
wise the tailor is a doomed man; und the
fcaots mutt display his fool to the very be t
(vantage or be discarded as worthies. On
ilia. finger he displays a ring which is chielly
valued on account of its rriH&nitnde; and to
hie watrhchair. he wears a seal of ponderous
weight. All the fictions of the day are read
fey him, not with the remotest idea that he
will find anything truly valuable in them, but
to afford entertainment to his numerous lady
friend, ho delight in fairy castles and on-gel-loving
lords. If you wish to find him at
any lime, you must repair to the hotel where
the stage arrives ami departs, or in some
popular oyster-saloon ; and there he may be
een and "heard, talking loudly, boasting of
his honor, ealing, drinking nnd smoking at a
friend expense. He U the first to welcome
a t ranee to the town, if in any way lie
learns that ttiere is a piospect of having hi
attention Cfjad by tlie liberal use of hi
friends money. He swears cnons'i i" ord.-r
to be considered tiinnly, and limbics that he
nay not be lhiniRtil singular by the company
in which he mingles. M"M generally, he
drinks sparingly, tail by midnight occasion
ally he may be eeeit ingaering towards the
warm nest wUicU a Lind parent has feathered.
One day is but a type of another, and he pus
,rl from one seinwsl fdeastire to another, and
whan filiated ami nulled with all, he seeks
. relief from kimeelf in Ihu oblivious bowl, and
the grave oui leWere ini fiieifds of their
..useless, idle drone lie w sone and forgot
ten and ju.-aly, for h ha left nothing behind
' him worthy of remembrance.
No. 4. The imm'kkcv form. Of this gen
eral class there are several -species. The
first one that I met in iy tnuiniiig stroll I
will attempt t&e description. Those who
knew him best in his youth say that he was
always proverbially Iney, and worn prone to
live on his w it, than the Inlwr ef his hands.
"To labor be had over indulged a -mortal ha
tred. His ready joke, apt repartee, and good
humor obtained for him an entrance into
-rompany where the Jeimthvif his purse would
'have been bnl a poor introduction And
there he acquired lhal fondness fur strong
-drink, which has ruined his constitution, ren
xlered him sullen and mores', made him "a
busy-body iu other men's mrttlers," and
him to be regarded as a real nuisance in
the community. Still he retains his indolent
liabits, for with comnirndiible firmness (if it
were in a stood cause.l he utterly refuses to
-do anything, antl even sometimes boivsts that j
3iis workinu-days are over, but is willing to ;
live on the hard labor of )irr whom he hail
worn to love, cherish anil protect, .and eat
the bread which was earned perhaps over u
wash tub.
The second man whom 1 met had jnl left
email arocery which is open liie at night,
and elary in the morning, for the little man
lie hind the counter appear to have studied
the habits of the nui mils whose wants he
supplies, lhal a midnight debauch makes a
slry thraat for Hie inoiniug. This nmn had
evidently been drinking, for as we neaTed
him we saw him wiping Ims mouth wi ll his
trembling hand, winch with ether unmisla
Vuble aigns cleaily evinced that ho was bn
a wreck of tximaoily. To most men Jirt is
an object ef terror, and so it was once to him,
but ht has long since grown familiar w ith it,
for he has diuuken the liijtiii fire until it has
almost consumed his body. And when this
fire is burning, he is either sauntering uround
the streets or is sealed on the grocers as a
sign of what may be found within. Before
strong drink became the passion of his soul
he was considered one of the best mechanics,
and had an abundance of work. With his
plane and chisel he speedily finished his em
ployer's job, rattled his money in his pocket,
nd supplied his table with the necessaries
and many luxuries of the land. He was confi
ded in by his wife, beloved by his children,
respected by his neighbors, and the world at
large pronounced him a prosperous and happy
man. He was open-hearted, liberal and gen
erous to a fault, and this last conduced greatly
to his ruin. For there were those around
him who beinj too lazy to work were mean
' enough to feast ou hi earnings. l!y tliein he
was regarded as a rich prize, and therefore
' they employed every stratagem to gi him
in the meshes of their diag-uel. In tins
alas! they were too successful, and now
' when his credit and money are gone they a e
the first to give publicity to his drunken
. broils. From the height of usefulness, dili-
gsncf and independence, he has fallen into
the pit of sloth, degradation and abjeclness,
and is filled only for a walking advertise
ment of the haunts he frequents.
It if id that Hartwi Von Blucher, a
Cermin naturalist, has iulrcxluced a he .ted
roller in Silesia, which b-ing pawed ov. r
the land, burns the weeds and furnishes in
the ashf an excellent manure.
Coal Salic.
Simsvar, Dac. 12, 1850.
Whole amount of coal brought over the
Danville anil I'ottsviile Railroad, to Sunbury,
from the Ehamokin mines.
For the present week,
'Per last report,
I Tola!,
S!)C iHakcts.
rhiladelphia Market
bee. 11, 1850.
Fi.ouR.--There is a fair supply of Flour,
but lilllu inquiry. Quotations tor export 34,
81. Sales to the home trade of lair superfine
al $4 J Extra Flour $5, a 6 Kva FLOi-n
(s selling al S3. Corn AIkal -Is still held
ul S2i-
WnEAT-Priees ore steady ( soles of prime
Southern and Penna. red lit 81 04 a SI 05;
prime while al SI I! a St 12i- Corn is
dullat6:t lor old yellow J new 85a56c; White
is worth 60 cis,
ItYE . The last sale was at 70 cts.
Oats. Oats are now steady! sales of
prime lVnna. from 41lo 42 ctsj Southern
sells at 39 a 40 cts.
Whiskey. Salesof Whiskey in hlulsat 20o
bbs. at 25 cts.
Baltimore Market.
Dec. 9, 1830.
Wheat. The supply of Wheal at market
lo-ilny was lair. Sales ot gooil 10 prime reu
were made ul 9.S a 100 cts. and of w hile
Wheal at 105 i JOS cents, and of family Hour
white at 1 M'.i 1 15 cts. Sales ulso of u luap
of I'eun. while ul 108o s.; of l'emi. red, prime,
at 104 cts.; and a pan el not piiine lit 102els.
Coax. Is in demand for shipment. Sales
of old while al 50 a5l cts. Old Corn is
worlhe S3u54 cts. A sale of Penn. old yel
low at 53 cts
Ryk A sale of Penn. Rye at 72 cts.
Oats. Sides of Outs ul 35a38 cis.
Whiskev. Sales of bids, at 37l28 cts.
for bbls., und 27 cis.for hhds.
Corrected weekly by Henry )fasscr.
WllSAT. 1C"
Kir.. .56
Curtx. . . - - 50
. Oats. - U7
Bcttkii. , - . -16
Eoos. .... 10
Hew Advertisements.
Tly virtue nfn cerium writ of -'Fieri l-'ntfiaa.' t medi
rectctl, will te a -Id (uihlu; vrmlue i trntcrv, nt 1 o'ul ck
p. in., nn S ituntiiv. eeen!r a, l."K), t the Cmirliionwi
in the h t 113I1 oi S.tnb.iry, the ilUiTing reul ettLiU'tt wit: '
The Danville and Mown (IVltftvltle)
Hiti I Road wild the appiiitenancet,
Situnte in the CfiMittic-s of Xrlhiiiiitx-rhnit rtwl Sthiilkitl
t"wt'icr with lh crp -rate riclij" mul privih-?.i ihe
iukI Otiivill-- ft C.ttiKt W11 (I imvillf) IttiilriNul (Vmpnnv
nnl Ihe re-il en Hit f the ;iitl t'orpurati u, innate 111
Schuylkill coim'y, ns f Ilrwn, viz:
A I'lTlain Lot nf Lnntlj
ittinie in M-mut Ciirhnn. !:hnvtkill r nntty, lieinninff m n
noiti, n v Tiler ol land n t 1 Henry U hite, lit the line ol
Iti Iwrt 9c I.TwrtMicc lrwiH bn;l. iIhmicu extrniltntr hy ihe
r i'l I t r iil 1 1 Henry Wht'e. nth H5 th-pm-at, enttulr tit
47 le't m re 't lew. wRinij the 1 etitre tiirii;iike rrtfiil t 1
t -e river ficli-iylkiil. ihic? rtn lins l wiiitw r.i.l river I
70 ffet t Ihe cortirr 'tin I t. iM to Hen mm in Meeker, imw I
ol I-nine H. Nieh I. Itienre 11 trill Si ilefffre. Went ulxnt
411 feet, m r it lew. rr Minij I In; s titi Outre turnpike
rind t uhe line ol It 'Iter' & (jiwrniee l.ewiff' land, tlicnev
ul nir the tune, iiartb 11 degrew went tJ Itiv phice uf be
ginning. AI.PO:
A rertaiu Lot of Lamf,
litnite on bUh iiilcs of the Cen'-re turnpike, in Manheim
Unvniliip, in thee;tmty of N-luiylkiil. Uyninint; at kih
in Ihe 11 irlh enslerly fitle nf ihe Turnpike routl ufurewiiil,
theni-e extending hy 1 m l tf tlu S-lm Ik ill N'iiviirili 'U Coin
pan v 11 Till b'i iUtj. 5 linn., envt 107 I Vet. ttime hv the latne
11 Till iWx HI mill., wet Utl kt-i. thence 11 Tth "3 ilcff V
H mill., eiht '2d het. tlirnee hy the artine it rlli 20 tle. nml
ID niin.. went Vi feet 0 tnrhR. tin-nre by th mime 1 uth
tJ tie jr. unit 5 nun., went 310 f-et mid thenre by the rune
uth H def;, w v mill , 101) feet 0 inehn to the plitee
of lciinii 1 tj;. Wherein in erected a IWj it-try none
dwelling II inieor Tavern Smnd.
: A cprlain other Trnct of Land-,
nitunte At the distance of !?W feel and in 11 eourw nf north
r3 lv. 5 iniii. ensl fr mi lliu ufircmid xint m the 11 Tilt
eniMerly i.!e v( Ihe tnid i'tntre turnpike, ihrtiee exteiKliiiff
ir mi the ll i l:e by niher t tnd of the siid Cun.Mtrty ti'irth
dfg , wnt feet 6 inch, t 1 11 m ike. tlMue? itfrh 2!i d-.
5 miu went I eel t u e mer m-nr ihe Wmit Weir, und
thenee 1 nil h 0.1 ih'tf, .'i5 nun. e ml Oil fet-t to tint l-v V uter
in irk of the Seliuyikill river, tlienee d vu ri1 river nlituir
the lineofl-tw w iter I the plat e of iH'irtniuc. Wlin li
4lrMTiietl I ta beiitf p;irt of a 1hit piece it In ml. runinin
iifC W ocrenftnet iiK-:imire. .u tlie iiiiie more or lera, whirh
Uiitii'! Or ifl'A, Miiriiret Inn wiip, und Ue irire hhoetxtikur
uuil .Mirv hii wife, f S-hiti Ik ill e nnly uioiciiil, bv deed
diteil (Ik- Ol It ilnv of .Mtiv, A. L. 1S0. c m-evl to tiiesitnl
hnvtkill nvi" ili 11 C utipiniv und lh-ir ueeesM ra and
aiuiie ure llnuce. '
All 1 hut certnin piece of Ground,
ftituite in the t nvnaliip nml eMintv lftt af Teariiil. Iicpiii-
iiiii ut u t 'lie r Titer 111 the wentern line of liuid bel njr
(t t the ?c:iiiyiHiii aiiviuii u uonniuny ami tlie noriu
western c ruer l Neil C rottbv a 1 t. Iheuee a mlh ueir..
eavt 4!0 feet t n at ike in the line of 1i :id to Neil Ciott
lv, llienee north 5 dr.. writ 100 feet I hmtl of the Sfhtivl
kill Nuvilti it; 1 l'impaiiy thenee imrth dejr , ivett t the
em line ot the wi-d coin: a-iva nnd. ami thenre ukuii;
the ninie a.mth cum ward I y uUmt 1UU fvat to the place uf
All that certain piece of Ground,
Piluftte in nlrtnut union, in Mauheiin toxvuvhui, ill the
miilv lust nf rtiid, tu-uinuutz :it a ptial 011 the mureiu of
the e;iiul ut the dmi'iure f ub ut 1U0 IrH bel w the bihiiIi
en it c ruer cT the I ppcr B:wn. thenee kng ihe tiuircm of
Ihe c nml north dor w eM feet t u u tint in Ine lui
urn. thenee t'ir ttuli the middle if ajid bantu, ilH itlinpr it e
finally lyuract line, heuruitr uIkhU tHiih & dti. went
3Vl feet or there ub 'lit to u p -m in th wi'tlern hue of iht
bimI pure ot pnMiii'l. runmnic a mih lei deff. taint al tup the
luud 1 Koliert M 1-wia1 iMcue ou the Uat iiienti mtx line
a:tuih :i3 di ji, eitat nbmt 2 feet lia atone comer, tluure
a mlh Uf. wt 4'-'.j iet t p-tat, thence ii tlU Oj ileg.
eu; tFvy irci 10 lire puce m uegnining.
All ihiit certain lot or pi'-ce of Clrnnnd,
aituate at SI mntCnrb n. inllirt twn-liip nndeiMiiity afora
Kiid, bepiuiinis: nt a iint m ihe innldla ot Ihe upper launii
in the iiifiriiu f ihelVhuvtkill t:ainr iheucetd uitf the nuir
p nt of the oiiu-41 iioith -i dg. went 01 feet t m ot 11 1 the
e truer i f the Ginnl Wall of the IWktit thediaiuuee of
20 feet from the renins of the U:iie l't, thenee a mtht 07
deg west -ril feet 1 1 a poal. thenee north ik. west Ul ti.
to a post at the diiuuee ot U (Vet fr tin ! tin nn Kidi-wtiy
and Vhilea1 a mlheni line, thenea ptirullel with stud line
uiuth 07 deff. west 310 feet t 11 p t in the line of It ber
M. ft I.'iwrfjice ewia. thenee al mis rud Una a mlh 113
riVff. eiirt nn ii il merta Krederkk ludertK-uii'a nlLitmeiit,
lhwic by a direct iuie. a as to mnke the uttdilla of the
al'Teanid biiani, diviilimr it eqitrliy henrinff ah ml n Tih 6J
deft, etiftt t thenltireof luiniiitf cmlaimng one acre and
t wmiI y f ur perehra. mere r krsa.
t-ized taken in execution and to l a ld aa the property
of The Danville and t'ottatown (Potlavitle) Kail iiuod
Com puny.
jamks covi;rt. purir.
Sheriffs Office,
Sunbury, Dec. 7, 1fc50.
TV OTICE is hereby given to all Legatees,
' Creditors snd oilier persons interested iu ths
Estate of John K. Maurer, dee'd., settled by his
Adm'r. Ceorge Hover, of Valentine Hummel,
dee'd., settled by his Adm'r. David Alartz, of tiid
deon friehcddcl, dee'd., settled by his Executors,
W in 1. ami Uidron PchnJdcl. ot John Wilhelin,
der'd teltled by bis Ailm'r. Thomas 8. Mackey,
of Robert M. fceydcl, dee'd.. settled by his Adm'r.
John F. Wollingcr, of William Follmer, dee'd.,
settled by his surviving Executor, Jonathan Full
mer, of Jokept) Kline, dee'd.. settled by ouo of hit
Adm'rs, John Pfouts, of Ccorge. Grant, dee'd ,
settled by hi Adm'r Peter Hilcm-.n; of Peior
Urown. dee'd., settled by bis Adm'r- JeremiaU
WelxeL The act of Jacob Trau ni in Ciuardiaii
of Sarah Eihneri of yolrt Urant, doe'd . setilej
by bis Adm'r. William iieed) of Henry iihosds,
dec'd.t settled by bis Adm'r- William Ammerman.
That tlie Executors snd Administrators of said
Estates lisve filed their sccounu with the Re-
j gister of NortliiiiDberland county, nml that the
same win i s prcsciuvu to me Vfrptians t;ourt ot
said County, on Tuesday the 7tliday of January
next for confirmation snd allowance.
JOHN P. PL'REL, Register. "
Register's Olfice, )
5unKsnr, Nov. 0, 1864. 0t )
n pursuance of nn on'er of ihe Orphans
Court of Northumberland roiiniv, will be
exposed to publie sale, on THURSDAY the
Zml day ol JANUAItY, 1831, hi ine puouo
House of William Weaver, in ihe town of
Stiamnklnj the following described properly
to wit! a small
Tract of Coal Lnnu
containing about 18 apres surveyed In ihe
name of Thomas Oambert. adjoining; lands
surveyed In the name of Luke Fidler, and
others, also, a small
containing about 35 ticres surveyed in the
name of Thomas Morgan, uiljoining laud
surveyed in the name ul Oeoige Colrain and
olheis, laud. Also one half are of land ad
joining Ihe Sliumukiu Furnace tract, all situ
ate in Shamokiu township (now Coal.) Aleo
the following lots silualo in Ihe town of
Shamokin, in Northumberland conntv, viz:-
No. 173, 174, 175, 176, 177. 179, 180,
181, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 193, 190, 197 Al
so the undivided hull ptrl of lots, Nos 11, 12,
13. 84, 83, 8fi, 90. 01, 92, 93, 94. 95. 9G, 100,
101, 114, 115, 110, 117, 118, 119, 120, 124,
125, 126, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151. 152,
153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 109, I6H.
167, 168, 169, 171, 172, 182, 183, 184, 185,
186, 187, 188. 189. Also ihe undivided moi
ety, or half part of three stjti.nes in said town,
situate between Commerce street on the
north, Spnrzheim street on I ho south. Rock
street on the east, and Washington street ou
the west, also ihe
Vndimdcd Half Pari of One Square,
silualo between Commerce and Washington
streets, and Independence und Liberty streets
in said tuwn. Also the
between Liberty, Independence, Orange and
Commerce streets. Also the
between Orange and Independence streets,
and the western bouudery ol said luwn. Also
lots Nos. 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, all of which
have dwelling houses creeled upon them.
Also lot No. 69, ou which is erected an
ollice. Also lots No. 70 and 3, on which is
erected a Frame Dwelling House, lot No. 15,
with a Frame Dwelling lluuse thereon, Nos.
Hi, 74 and 75, on which is a Stone House.
Also the interest of I hi said John C. Boyd,
decM., in Ihe FOUNDUV al Shamokiu, also
the interest of said intestate in and lo
in said town, now owned by Rev. Mr. Ham
ilton. Late the estate of John C. Ro)d,
deceased. ,
Sale lo commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. of
said day, when the terms will be made
known by
PAUL LEIDY, Adnrlor.
By orderof the Couit. )
John P. Porsel, Clk.O. C. J
Dec. 7, 1850. Is
BY virtue of a C'rrtnin Writ of Tjrt: Vurins to
me directed will lc siUl liy jmlilic vendue or
onterv, t 1 o'rljik, 1. M. on Tuesday tile 31st
day of llecemlinr. l51l, ut tlio .Mount Curmel
House, krpt ly Kelis Lercli in Coul tuwnaliip, tiic
following A'eul Katate to wit:
All tliat eerta'm trait or liody of COAL LAND,
embracing the l.orust Mountain, situate formerly
in 8liainikin, now t'oal townslii, in tlie Coiiuly
of Northumberland, liouiuled and drserilied ns fol
lows to nit : adjoining ou the north Ity lot No. 6,
llieui-c lv laud surveyed in tlie name of Ocorge
, . - . ,J .
'Cu'tTiini, now .Ycni. Uovd iX ComiQliyt and
liiml inrinrrlv of Will. 'i'oHilinnn, now Mnsarit.
lloyil & Co.; Iheuee ly allotment No. 8; thenee
I'V the Alahonoy Mountain, t 'oulaiiiing eilitieu
hundred and seventy four neres nnd seventy per
ehesslriet measure, bcinj sundry traets and pari
of tr.icts of luiiil rveved on vturrants, hearing
date the lSlli of .March I7'J3, grunted to Edmund
Huff, Jume.-. (irier. Thomas Ciiier, James Perkins,
Richard Salmon, Richard Manning and Tliomui
l'oter, and ulao pans id' two traets surveyed ou
warrants lienriin; date Ihe liOth of Nov. 1S3I),
granted to Daniel lirauliun, and James Hep
liurn, and allotted to Valentine Urolist as No. 7,
aecording to n eertain partition of twenty five
tracts of laud, commonly called "The Grant
Lands," and heiuq the same premises which Ja
cob llolfmau mid Mary ti. Ins wile, granted and
confirmed to (ieorge tiordou.
Seized taken in execution and to lie sold as the
property of George (iordnn.
At the Court House in Ihe borough of Sunbury,
on Monday tho (ilh day of Junuury next, at I o'
clock, I'. M. uf said day, a certain
Lot of 1 iii nil.
situate in Market street, in the borough of Sun
bury, bounded north by Cherry ullcy, east hy
allev, soutli hy Market street, and hv lot No.
40, nnd known in the general plan of said bor
ough as lot No. 3!), containing ouc-eightti uf un
acre more or less, whereon arc erected a two story
lirick Dwelling House, nnd Frame Hlnblc,
Seized taken in csccutinnnd to be sold
as tho property uf llcnjamiu A'obins.
Slicrilf's Office, Sunbury, (j
Dec. 7th. ISM. (
HE tubscrilicrs will offer for sale, on the 31st
day of December instant, on the premises, a
Tract of. Land,
containing 207 ocrcs more or less, situated in
Lower Maliouoy township, Norlhumlierland
county. AIhiuI -00 acres are cleared and ill a
good state of cultivation - Tho improvements are
Three Darns, one of them a large Dank liarn,
There arc two larB'e APPLE 0CHA?DS
on the land, and other good improvements.
The land it situated near the Mahantango creek,
ulid tho river tSuaiiuehanuu. The public road,
leading from the tSusipjehanna to Miuersviile,
passes over the land.
The above farm will be sold together, or divi
ded into two or tlnee parts, totuit purchasers.
If not sold on that day, the property will ho
rented for the term of one year'
The conditions of sale will be made known on
the day of aule.
The properly will be sold ss Ihe property of
Jacob Snyder, hv
Lower Mslionoy, Dec- 7- I860. tt
WILL Ik received until the 20tll day of Dc
cemla-r ISiO, for delivering Kills ax-cording
to the following tierilicatiou, along the line nf ths
H.t.YN.4 7f.tlL7i'0.tD- bills to I deposited nt
such places, und in such quantities as shall be di
rected by Ihe Engineer, und alter being inspected,
the person delivering the Hills, to rty up thusa aj
prcivcJ in cross piles.
Par i l'i be of mud Uilo-ouk, or elirsaui-nak llmlirr
seven feet sibl ml luiti I iig, cat or sawed square al Uie ends
sud in sistf ul liie tnull end uf the slick, as follows :
1st Class.
ttenuirinj lbs log to be 23 incites hi diameter at the
small cud to iiwks 4 tillt.
So Class.
Requiring tit If to bs 15J Inches iu disnxter at tho tinatl
end lo bake it
3d Class.
Requiring the If t? us l inches la dhunetar st ths srosll
nd Ui oak ous lit!.
Situs to be delivered i n cr before the lad diiy ef May
, Ths timber to bs enl i wn bsfort ths low of up ny
ths Itsof Hsrek 1U1-
Trsesrtra.Dersmbet T, iMO.ti
NOTICE is hereby given flint the several courts
of Common I'loo, (Jnerl Quarter Semions
of tlio peace, snd Orphsns' Court, Court of Oyer
and Terminer snd (Icnrfral Jt( Delivery, in nnd
for the county of Norlhunilie'rlnnd, to commence
at tlie Court Ilouse, in the borough nt Sunbury,
t 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the f'ltt ol Jan
uary next, will continue TWO WEEKS
Tho coroner. Justices of (Tie Pence snd consta
bles in and for the edrttity of NortliniflberUnil, rd
rrtlticsled to lie then anil there in their proper per
sons, with their" roll, records, lnqhisitions, and
othe remembrnnres, to do those things to their
several offices appertaining to be dot(e And nil
witnesses prosecuting in behalf of ths Common
wealth against any prlcottrr are also requested and
commanded to lie theft and there attending In their
projier persons to prosecute a jniust liim, ns shall
be just and not to depdrt Without lc'ave St their
peril. Jurors ore requextcd to be punctual in their
attendance, nt the tiniD appointed Sgrcfiiblo to
their notices. .
Given under my linmls at Sutlbnry, tlio 30th day
of Nov. in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred snd fifty and the Independence
of the United States of America the 75th,.
God .ive I he Coinnionweallli.
BY Virtue of a certain writ of Vrti. Grp. to me
directed will he sold hy publie. Vendue, or out
cry. at 3 o'clock, P. M. on Monday the S3d day
of December, 1850, at the house of James brass,
in the Borough nf Milton, tho Crllowing Ileal Es
tate, to wit : A certain
Lot of Land,
situate in the Borough of Milton, bounded north
by Upper Mnrket street, east by lot owned by
Mr. Ellen Kelehner, south by nn alley, and west
by lot of C. Goodlandcr. containing one-eighth of
n aere, more or less, whereon are erected a two
M story Log nnd Frame Dwelling House,
(plastered,') nnd a Frame Stable. Seized
taken in execution, and to lie sold us the property
of Heuben Overpeck.
Al) tnnt certain new Frame Building, situate
in the borough of Milton, North'd county, fronting
on Front street; two stories hish in front, nml
one story high in the rear thereof, and 60 ft. long
by 25 fU wide, erected on a Lot of Land, in said
borough, bounded north by an alley, east hy lot of
the Miss Wuldrons, seuth by Market street, nnd
west by Front street aforesaid. Being the same
Lot of Land known in the general plun of said
Borough sm lot No. and whereon are also
erected a Blacksmith Shop, Copcrimth Shop, n
Lead (hit' and Window fash Manufactory, which
said new frame building, John M. Patton was nnd
is the owner or reputed owner, and Abner Lebiud
was end is the contractor, architect and builder
Si. ice taken tn execution and to he sold as the
projierty of John M. Patton and Aimer Lcland.
Sheriff's Otlico. '
JS'unbury, Nov. 27, 1850. ts.
W1W7ILLlAM HOOVER respectfully informs
V V bis friends nnd customers that ho has
just returned limn Philadelphia, with an excellent
assortment of
which he offers for sale nt his new store at Mua
scr's Mill, Hollowing Run. These goods were
selected w ith great care, and will be sold at the
lowest prici-s.
Dvy Goods,
Such ns Cloth. Cussimcres. Sattinrts, Hiitsliust
C'uiicor.i, Moiisseline De Lainis, Al
yuccas. Merinos, t'iannets,
Checks, G i n g
trjin., iVc.
An assortment of
MATS, CAPS, Gl'M AND I .M A Til Kit S1IOF.9.
A general assortment of Groceries, such as
Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Mulus
ros, Spici's, SiC.
Also an assortment of Liquors, such as
Brandy, Rum, Whiskey, Winn, c.
W Produce of all kinds taken in exchange ut
the highest market prices.
Hollowing liuti, Nov. 23, lS.'iO, ly.
THO takes this inethed of informing his
friends and customers, that he has just re
ceived and opened a splendid assortment of
which he offers to the public nt the lowest prices,
His slock consists of every variety and qualitv,
necessary for the farmer, mechanic, und laborer,
us well us Ihe prulcsaionul man, vitti all Muds ot
M t" n s ' A pa re 1 ,
VKfCI'lMiS, ic.
a largo ussorlment of
Calicoes, Moiisscliiie De Luiaes, AlpaccetS)
iJeriiius,Sltairls. Uuadkerchi'.js,
(Jlol'is, lloiscni. Checks,
Cambrics, fViijf.
hams, be.
Also a lurye assortmcul of
Hoots nnd Shozi, lids and Capst
Gum over Shoes,
Also an Asoktment or
general assortment of Groceries, Sugar,
Colli'f, Tea, Cheese, Mo
lasst's, Spices.
An amortiiieut of
Hardware, Hails, Steel end Iron.
' Liquors,
Such as Brandy, Gin, Runt, Whiskey, 4'c.
IV Produce of sll kinds will be taken in ex
change, snd the market pries paid for ths
'unbury, Nov. 30, 1830. ly.
Market Street, Sunbury, Pa.,
QHN W. FRILING respectfully informs hit
f)W friends and customers tout lie lias just re
ceived a large and handsome assortment of
Dry .Goods,
Consisting of Clotht, Csssitncres, Sattiuctts,
Da Luiues, Calicoes, Fancy
and Staple Good.
GROCERIES of every inscription,
rnunsi and mkdicinf.
Fish, Plaster antl a general assortment of
all suih goods ss will suit all classes ths Far
mer, Mechanic, Laborer aud Gentlemen of all
The Lit die
Will find great variety of alt such articles as
tln-v will need for tlie present season.
Country produce of all kinds taken in ax-
changs at tits highest market pries.
Bunbury.Nov. , 18W).
T N pnrsnni1e of an ordef of the Orphans cotift of
Norlhumherla'ndrountv.will be exposed to pub
lic sale on SATURDAY the Uth day of Decern
ber next, on the premises to will A certain
Tract of Land,
itunto in Upper Angnsts township, sdjornlnii
lands of Isaac Kline, Henry Kline, snd James
Forrester,, wheicon sre erected S two story frtme
'? .A pood Snrina House, large frame
Bnnk Bam, good Orchard, ami a
Lime Kiln. Also snid farm is in sn
excellent state of cultivation, containing
mure or less, nbotit eighty acres of whirh are
cleared ; late the estate of Jonnthnn Mctllcr, dee'd.
Sale to commence nt 10 o'clock, A. of said
day when the terms of sale will bo made known
by JOHN KCKM AN, Adm'r.
By order of the Court )
John P. Pursell, Clk O. C.J
November 9, 1850 ts.
ni ai 1 i:ns xotice.
kTOTICE is hereby given to all Legatees,
y Creditors and other persons interested in
the Eslnte ol Martin Kelfer, dee'd.. settled by his
Executor John F. Wolt'mger. Thnt the Execu
tor nf said Estate has filed Win account with the
Register of Norlhumlierland county, and that the
same was presented at August term, and confirm
ed nnd at the sail n term to wit : August H, 1850,
un motion of John F. WoIlingfT, Esq., the Court
grant leave to tho Executors Ic fill up Ihe blanks
in the within account, and ulso tn add thereto ad
ditional items of charges and credit. Un ilit
Court direct six weeks notice of the filing said ac
count, prior to the first day of next term, td be
riven in the .Sunbury American, as to the heirs
living out uf the county.
Bv order of the Court, )
Joii p. pursel. ciu. $
Novemlwr 11, 1350 fit.
In Selinsfjrove, Pa.
C'locliS. V:itclu'8 and Jcwclr?,
YJEPAIRED in the best manner and warranted
to perioral well.
All work intrusted to his care will be strictly
attended to.
Selinsgrove, Nov. 30. 1S50. tf.
' OTICE is hereby given that letters of sdniin
' istrntiou have been granted lo the subscri
tier on the estate of George Clark, dee'd., late of
Sutihiiry, Northumberland counts'. All persons
indebted te said estate, or having claims Strainst
the same, are requested to call on the subscriber,
in fsunbury, for settlvnient.
Creditors arc requested to present their claims
immediately, us a nieiiiiig of the creditors will be
helil to take into consideration n proposition for
the payment of their claims.
Sunbury, Nov. 23, 1S50. -tit.
A I I lie icw More of
Market Street, Suiibury.
V7HO has just ieceived nnd 0iencd s larc as
' ' sortmeut of new and fashionable goods, of
every variety, suitable for the full and winter sea
sou, for all persons; and to which he culls the at
tention of friends uud customers. His stock con
sists in part of
SlCll AS
Cloth, Cassimrrcs, Satl:netls, Merinos,
D; Laims. Calicoes, Shawls, llmd
kerchiefs, and all kinds vf wear,
itif apparel.
HaritwHi-r, ueeiiNTnri,
Groceries, Fish, Salt and Plaster,
And all articles that may be wanted by the com
munity. The Ladies
Will find, by calling ot his store, that he has not
been unmindful of their wants, respectfully
invites them to examine hit selection.
- Country produced' all kinds taken in ex
clmuuo for goods ut the highest market price.
Sunbury, Nov. 9, 18.10. ly.
G. Mooro
In the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Northum
berland county.
"Writ de Partitionl Fa
cienda. Notice is hereby r;iv
en to the aforesaid Pur
tics that they be and
Charles G. Moore, John
W. Moore, Isaac G.
Moore and Frances
J appear at a Court of
Common Pirns to be held iu Sunbury for the
County of NurthumlxTland on the first Monday
of January next, and then and there accept or re
fuse Ihe Uslale mentioned iu the u foresaid
writ nt the valuation fixed upon it hy an Inquisi
tion duly awarded and held upon the said premi
ses. JAMES COVEKT Sh'rll1
eur 'lis Office, Sunbury, )
Nov. 18, 1850 01. J
D. 8. Hammond 1 In the Orphans' Court of
vs I Northumberland county.
The heirs of Geo. K. Writ of Partition and
II. Hammond. Vulnalton,
I Notice is hereby given
to the lieirs and legal re
presentatives of the said
15. II. Hammond, dee'd,
to appear at an Orphans' Court to lie held iu
Sunbury, for the county of Northumberland, on
the first Monday uf January next, and accept or
refuse the real estate of the snid deceased, at the
valuation Hied upon the saint) by an inquest duly
awarded und held upon said leal e&talc.
SherilTs Ofliee, Sunburv, 1
Nov. Kith, 1850 (it." f
NOTICE it hereby given to the aforesaid heirs,
that by Virtue of s certain Writ of Partition
and Valuation issued by the Orphans' Court of
NorthumlK-rland county, Iu me directed, en Inqui
sition will lie held upon the premises, iu the bor
ough of Milton, Northumberland county, at 11 o'
clock, A. M., on
MONDAY, the S3d day of DECEMBER
nest, to inquire whether the Real Estale of the
said Samuel Morrison, dee'd., can Is.- equally part
ed and divided to, and among sll the lieirs uud
legal representatives of the said dee'd., without
prejudice thereto or spoliation of tho whole, at
which time and iiluce tlio alomsuid heirs are re
quired to be and appear, if by them deemed expe
dient. JAME3 COVERT, Shr'ffi
Khirfs Oilier, Sunbury, ) .
Nov. , U50 ti.
I, OR sale at a reasonable price, s well built ear
riuge in good condition wilb tongue snd s'lafts
for cither one or two horses. Also, a double sel
of harness. Enquire st this ollice.
Aug. 31, lb60. If-
EN V ELOPES. -Tlis suhtcrilvr would respect
fully snnounce to his friends snd s generous
public that hs is msnufacturing Envelops of tits
best quality and of all kinds. For sale
"EO.7, COBLE;,
Bunbury, Oct 19, 1850. tf
13 eg R, for ash by (j. B. MA86ER-
I prft. , 1S0,
IN Pursuance of an orrlef of the Orphans' Court
of Northumberland comity, will be exposed
to publie sale, the following real estate, nt the
Coort House, m Punliunr, on MONDAY, the Cth
Jay of JANUARY, 1891, a certain
Tract of Land,
situate in Upper Angnsta township, containing
849 ACRES, more of less, adjoining lands of
John Fsrnsworth on the east, Adam Khissler on
the west, Jacob Fry snd otlters on ths south, snd
Jscoli Snyder on the north, on which are erected
two large
A Frame Bnrn, a Wagon House,
a Lime-KHn and Spting House. There is also
a fine Orchard on the premises. About 150
acres sre cleared, all of which is in s fine state of
cultivation. Being tlie Mansion Farm of Henry
Yoxtheimer, dee'd. ALSO:
In the Town of Shamokiu, containing one eighth
of an Acre, more or less, adjoining Dr. Phillips'
piece Shamokin creek a branch nf Shamokin
creek, and s triangular Lot, No. 440. Late the
estale of Henry Vextheimer, deceased.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M. of said
day, when tho conditions of sale wilt be made
By order of the Court,
Jno. P. Pursel, Clk. O. C.
Sunbury, Nov. S3, 1S50. Is. ,
OTICE is hereby given that letters of nd.
ministration have been granted to the sub
scriber on the estate, of Solomon Zcm, late of
Minmokin township, Norlhumlierland county,
dee'd. All persons indebted to estate, or hav
ing claims against the same, are requested to call
on tlio subscriber, at Shainokinlown, for settle
ment. JOSEPH ZERN, Adm'r.
Coal township, Nov. 0, 1850. (Jt.
VTILL positively cure all stages of Neuralgia,
Tic Doloroux, Nervous Headache, Cho
lera, Lockjaw, Hydrophobia convulsions; will
restore manhood lo its presliuc vicor, even after
years of prostration, and tho only known und cer
tain cure for low spirits or mental dehilty.
Extract from the New Yurk'un, Oct." 3, 1849,
The. reletitalid Dr Watson, when talking of the
miraculous power of "Walts' Nervous Antidote,"
the question wat put to him, ',Why such a valua
ble remedy for alt nervous aflections was not in
troduced by tlie medical faculty 1" replied, "That
if it were, there would ho longer lie any use for a
faculty, us all diseases originated from a disorgan
ized strte of the nerves ; the nerves arc Ihe main
spring of the whole system Keep this in order,
and both the mind and bodv must be."
Four ounce phial, 12 doses, enough, for all ordinary-
cases, ONE DOLLA 15.
Win. McCAHTY, Droadvray, Sunbury.
.September, UfJ, IK.'iO. tf.
Constantly 'on hand
and for sale bv
.1. PALME It & Co.,
Market Street Wharf,
Sept. 11, '5(1. nm.
Xo. 2 13 i Market Street, above Uth St.
Wholesale Drusslnt,
ano i)r.Ai,i:r.rt ix
STRUGS, MtiucixK, Paints, Ou.s, Wisnow
" - Glass, YsnMisiits, Drs "Trrr, Patut
MEIIItlltS, Mkdicixk Ciiksts, SikoicaL I-
stri'mekts, ic, &c.j and niaiiiifiicturcrs of the
Congress Ink, j
Block, Blue and Red. The quality of this Ink is
unsurpassed, and we are now prepared to furnish
it of all, neatly packed in boxes from one to
three dozen each.
L. S. & Co., endeavor to have always on hand
a full assortment of good and genuine Drugs, at
the lowest possible rates. Particular attention is
also paid to the manlier of putting up and packing
their goods, so that they feel prepared to warrant
their carrying any distance with perfect safety.
All orders by letter or otherwise will receive
prompt attention.
Philadelphia, June IS, 1830. Cm
No. 95 Race Street.
Second door below Third,
TVHERE all kinds of lasts, &c, of the latest
style and best material, are manufactured
on reasonable terms.
All orders promptlv and punctually attended to.
Philadelphia, Nov." 9, 1850. ly.
A'o. 246 Market st , between 7 $ Sth at.,
(South side.)
i xi c rsunscriner nas oiieiieu a new nai atorei
1 and oilers to trader, and others who visit the
ritv. h liHiiilsotmi Hsjuirtmpiit ot huts, i-iios. of eve.
ry vunety, made up of the In-st inuterial, and in
the latest and best style, and on terms us reason a-
hie aa can lie had in any establishment in l'luln-
delphia. vizi Fine silk hats at !i'J,50 ; Good do
do et 100. Persons from the country who pur-
r ..I
chase ot Ilim, can relv, at all tunes, on getting a
good article that will please tlu ui, und one that is
fully worth the money paid.
Philadelphia, Nov. 9, 1850. ly.
CANES, etc Just received, a larje and hand
some assortment of
Toys, Fancy Goods,
Csnes, violin strings, dominoes, games, puulet
and tricks, moving ligures, tegar eases, work snd
fancy boxes, napkin rings, rattles, etc., of every
description, at the lowest prices, wholesale and re
tail. Call and see
10 North 6lh St., Philadelphia, lute of id street.
N. U. Canct neatly mounted, and Fancy
Turning done.
Nov. 9, 1830.---.1inrt.
S. IP. CVnr 6A f Arch Street, Philadelphia
HAS for sale all kinds of choice Family Groce
ries at the very lowest prices, virt
Extra Fine, superior and common Black and
Green Teus; old Gov. J tva and other kinds of
Colfee, all quulilics of Crashed Light Brown and
H row ii Sugars ; best Sperm Oil and Bpcnn aim
Amantiiie Caitdlet Baker's Chocolate, Coc Ja
and Brotna Farina, Tapioca, Sago end Wh.eaien
Grits Olive Oil. Itlnglast, Ketchups snd ruccs
Maccaroni, Vermicelli, English Splil peiW) &t
Thrjr will ll'k (tJs fo: iJne country
neatly aud secuioly and deliver Uteui promptly at
any Depot or Hotel at desired.
8. W. Cor. 8th. A (U Hts.
Aug. IT, H 50.-1 yMay '
rpHE subearibem offer to-physicians sn4 sUf
X gists, a cssbHilly selected stock of srugs-sivs)
medicines, which they will guarantee- to bs of (ht
best quality, pwrs snd unsdtiltenrted in sit eases.
Their facilities for irnportiits; fnteign drugs sail
chemicals are such, that they sore emliNnl to sell
Ihem upon the best terms, ami st ths ssms tis
to assure their customers of tksir gesjaistf ness.
1'hey have aao recently prepared sod new 4
fcr for sale a superior srtide of
Resembling Henry's Magnesia, fret from earns
ic scid snd roughness or grittiness, linst Sntirsty
taslcless, combining in an equal bulk front hr
to four times the strength as" the common knU,
and sold at about one Iralf rlis pries of Hsnry'si
They have also prepared Ihe
Fluid Magnesia,
Which is s new and valuable remedy in sciJIty
of the stomach, heartburn, nausea, A, at less
than half the price of the foreign article.
'1 hey ulso have on hand of their own prspsrs-
tion sn assortment of
Pure Drugs in Powder
Neatly put up in 1, J and k pounj bottles, sack
as Aloes, Rhubarb, Senna, Wenega, Ithstany, Ki
no, Cum Arabic, Herpentarb, Ext. Glyeyrrh, Ipe
cac, Potasmi Sulph., Potasaa Nitras, Boras, pi
gelin, Buchn, Orris, Cnicurilla, Canclln Alba, ,
L'va Ursa. Ac.
Crest caro has been tnken to have thess pre
pared from the best selected drugs and in such s
way as to preserve Ihe characteristics of each ar
ticle without injury.
They have also a variety of
Chemical & riiai'mncetilical
Preparations of their own manufacture, and add
to the list all the valuable new remedies as they
become known. Among them may be mentioned
the following:
Ilvftroryniiic Acid,
l'rejiaruuoiis ol dilioe,
of PflUlRSUi
Liquor Ammonia,
Aqua, do,
Phosphate, do. a new re
meiiv Tor lttieantnttsm.
Miu .Mass,
Kxtruct ul' Uenltan,
41 (filussia,
" Tiiriixicuin.
" Valerian, iluicl, I
ntw and usdtul remedy.
Preparations ef Mernirjr,
' Ziue.
Kxtrart of Semis, Dual, a
plessniii Corfu lo oumiuisunr
to children.
Cs tract of Bncha Corns.,
flu al,
" P'Hlit, -"
posilion fluid,
" do. d. aslia,
' de simple de.
" Colaeyntk Coma.
dv simpls.
Sps. jEthci Nitros, U. S. P., Oils of Copsivn,
Culicbs, Ergot, Tobaecc, &c Citrate of Irsn
and Quinine, Sesqui-Oxido of Iron, an antidote
for arsenic. Citrate of Magnesia, a new and pleas
nnt cathartic medicine, put up in 12 ox. bottles,
2 per doz. Collodion, ur Liquid Adhesive Plas
ter ; a convenient application in many surgical
operations, put up in small vials. Also
A convenient preparation of eantharides in many
cases where there is a difficulty of applying ths
ordinary blistering plaster. A coating of it appli
ed with a camel's hair brush and covered with oil
silk or some similar tubstuncc, will produce a
blister in three hours' time; or when exposed,
iu the usual time of about twelve hours.
Physicians and others may depend upon ths
faithful uud prompt execution of their orders st ss
low rates as the best quality of medicines csn lot
50 Chesnut street, Philsda.
Lalioratory, Gth and Morris Sts. Suulhwark.
NovemU-r 1G, 185(1. tf.
Indestructible and Indellible
jYo. 1 South Third street.
"YTERCHANTS und the Writing community
1,-L are requested to call and examine this INK,
which is tetirmulril not to tor rude Mttolhs Pint,
itur change it Coor.
Wholesale nnd Retail,
No. 1 South Third street, Philadelphia.
A discount made to Merchants snd ths
For sale by IL B. Manser, sgent for Bunbury
November 0. 1850. ly,
" VELL '
Manufactory, No. 50 CHESTNUT Street,
M EDA L, awarded bv the FRANKLIN IN
STITUTE of Philadelphia in October,
STITUTE, ot Baltimore, Nov. 1848 snd 1849.
Philadelphia, October '16th, 1848.
I have used J. Wcllur's Patent Japan Liquid
snd Paste Blacking for some nine months, snd
am happy to say that it surpasses any bltclting
thnt I have used these twenty odd years. I find
it holds the polish and preserves the leather bet
thr than any blacking that I have ever tried.
No. 67 Chestnut Street,
Wm. CURREY, Manufacturer.
Successor to J. WELLAK,
No. 50 Chestnut Street, above Second.
! November, 9, 1S50. ly.
Maiiufiictnrril by Shourd. k Co.
543 Chestnut St., Phila.
"tlfARR ANTED to wash clean in hsrJ, soft
' or k.,U water, cold or hot. in one third th
i r , .t
I ' of''y ,,"'r "P 'ver '!al,uf?ctur,d U"u
dispensing with boiling, bleaching, ic
! l.Ai.r.L.i5, v-i.uint.0, ecc.
washed with this Soap will never shrink or have
I any harsh or gummy feel, but leave tlie in in their
) u.'i;iiiul suit and pliant state : which is in itself a
' guh! -ient recommendation to guarantee its use im
nTI I no e -
j all fan.'lies,
may be washed thoroughly with it, without ths
least injury) giving them a lustre equal to newly
imported goods.
of any description, eaii be readily removed by ths
use of it, without injury to the article, whether it
be the finest dress or ordinary carpet.
In the use of tshourds & Co't Soap, the most
delicate need not fesr, at it will not injure orehtp
Ihe handa, but on the contrary act at an emolli
ent, and it not only the vkht bust wsmis
sot r ever olli red to the public, hut at a TOILET
SOAP cannot lie excelled.
W herever it bat been used it has given perfect
satisfaction, snd is warranted so to do, in all cs
set where a fuir trial will be given it.
BHOURDS & CO., Manufacturers,
No. 543 Chesnut HU, Philadelphia,
For Sale by Grocers generally.
November 10, 1850.
"TI All Mill. IS
Fo tiic Cum of Fkver a Acjs- W
THIS ii-,iAt!e.t innliciix nuty sliAoa,wfcj
ly si' ..Dim rmimlicswU. lis value i 'iwi'1
know1'- vlierel.ire, I In M.i(.rKi desoss to "i
of ns usrfuliieM inakam sjwwii virtues
e-u-y to ihoasaiult l iiaui wsoats w ss usi tmrnj
call US iiemiy umi
with-sit th. us n.,i.HSo. sg s, rSSir
he sts k'W prios to law's ji i. i.
Uiat' u U ms-ui SiHe
afasnitpssdy suit (or
rarss s-Has.
aiaimcshl iwiiausilinf enmpnanS bosn SfTS
.U ctS xo mssss A sjaasspi
rhissdSph- Pr l ! tmg's W-ul., ii S p, 4 s,
JatS9. l-lr