vr7T frW f ""' !SHE -ILL .1 'L.. !-;..!- i j -J. SUN BURY 'AMERICAN AND SHAM0K1N I1NAL.'" joui ; Asotncu icNTinc wonder. PEPSIN! T II 1 T K l II DIGXJ3TI VX3 FLUID, GASTRIC JUICE i A GREAT DYSPEPSIA CTJIIEH, .eparerl from RKNNKT, or tl.o r..nrth Stomach of rt Ox, slier direction, of HA RON I.H'.UIG, tin grent Pis. finical Chemist, by J. 8. HOL'tiHTON, M. U., No. 11, North Klghth Street, PhilndHphin. Pa. This li a truly wonderful remedy fur INDIOESTION, PYWKPXIA, JAIND1CI, MVKH COMPLAINT, CONSTIPATION, nudDI'HIUTV, Curing oner Na. ture's owa method, Uy Nature's own ntetit, tlio Gastric Jukns. Cf Half a tanspoonful of this Fluid, infused in water, will 'digest or dissolve, Fivs Pounds of Iloust Beat' ni about two hours, out of the timimeh. DIGESTION', DIGESTION is chiefly pcrformerl m the stomach by th niil of il fluid whieh'lreely exudes! from the inner en.it in thatoipui, when in a stale of health, railed the liastrin Juk-e. Tina fluid is the (ircut Solvent of tuu l'i'd, the Purifying, Prcserviiijr, mid Stiiiiul.il inif Arciit ol the sto mach and intestines. Without it there will lw nn dicH tiati. no conversion of food into blood, nud l initiiliou of the bislv i but rnthcr n foul, torpid, (minim, itlld deslrnc live condition of the whole digestive apparel us. A weak, Juilf dead, or injured stomach proline, a no gn-sl (rnatrin Juiee, and hence the disease, distress und debility which CllSUe PEPSIN AND RENNET. Pepsi v I. il.. ,.iii,-re!emi'iit. nr srreiit niiA-sting Princi ple ol the Gastric Juice, it ia found in great ohuuilnnee ill the Mid parta of the huiuun atoniarh utter de:ith, ami souio timea causes the atomneh to dife.it itself, or eat itwlf up It ia nla i found ill the atomaeli of aniiiuila, us the ox. cull, Ac. It la the material used by furinera in mnkliuT chense., nulled Henoel the effect of which luia loin been the apeeinl wcnider of the dairy. The curdlinc, of milk is the first pro- of rii...i., ilcmict IV l.SeMU'S aStoniphimr IK'IVtT. The stomach of a calf will curdle nt-arlvonc thousand limea li.,. .ilif nf milk, Biron Idehirr Mutes that, '-Una ort .il" P.....O, di.Kolved ill MXtY thoUSUIIti piirlB III' WUtCI will diffuat meat and other food." Diseased stomachs pro. due li i n-rmd (instrie .lnier. Kelllict or Pepsin, lo all 1W that this want may be perfectly supplied, we quote the ful- j iOW"18' SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE! BRON TjIKBIO, iu his wMmitrd vrnrk on Animal Chemistry, bus: "An Ariiti'-hl .Mjtyit.vr i'lnid nimluma ti the Gtirfrir'Jii -'-. nirty . rnwlily prcpin-d inun I he v us im'nilnni nf the wl.mirr.. of HiM:i!f, in whirl, vnriuiu iirticlfi !' I'ihmI, ns imnit (mil epps, will h hi.-ih'iI. rlmnp nl, and Oitcif, Jiiit in t!iu Mine mumier a they wuulii he in the hmmiii flnnmch." " Dr. PKRKIKA, in his lintis trpnti.e mi '-I ivxl oml flicl." pnhlished hy FnwltTH .V V'l!s. N-w VrTlt, pn?'" 3., utatcB the ttunrt'trrnl rurl, ml (W-srvihrs thr. inetiiuri nf w ptiruiioii. There ore i'mv hi,ln r uutliunucB llum Dr. i'ereirn. . COMUR, in his vulunMf wrhiii!5Hm thf P.iyst"lnpy of Difresti'm,'' oliwrvful l!i:it ''adiminnitoin'i' t'nr da' (jmmh tit v of t hi (tiistrip Juice is a p-(niiintit mi l nil-prt-vniliiiT' churr vi Dyspepsia;" and he ri'A'v t!mt ":i (lis1 itiniihed pr"i'csaor ni' iiR'dteuii i:i L'iidiiii, wh wnn ci-vev-'i.; nllnrf pii wiili thin rDinnluint. fiiidiiin uvi'W Ihiiitf t li'i'- l'f"l rerounie In the (inrrie Juirv, ulmiined tn-m the st 'iimcli of livinp uniniidB. which prnv:l '.nii:U-Mly MU'et-stnl' Ur. tiliAHAM. iiuihnr if the fr:?i w.Tk m 'A'ejje t'dile Diet.1' ayn : "tt is a reimrktdile (art in phyi 1 r , lint t imni'!m,fniiii.iti!. iiiicitiiI oil ill U'ltlT. illlburt to tlie tluid the pr-ipniv nf di.f K ui-r vnri'inn urnehs ( f i f-Hd. und of effi-vtinir a kiirl of tiriiti'-hl diireftiun of thciu in in i wise fiiiV'renl from the nnlur.d i!i jesnve proftsi." Dr. Sl.MON'S grmit wrlt. thtt 'ChfiiiiHtrv of Mnn," ( A: Ithinchfird. IMh. IMd. pp. nyt: "Tliedis- covery ol 'PEPSIN for.ns new en in the i-hfiine-d liiFt'rr nf Pineshon. Kroin n-eenf expciitnentH we kir-w th:t foixi is dissolved tif ntpidly in mi nrtiftcud dk'.'sfive tluid, prepnied I roui Pepsin, n it is in the naUirid liaairif Jniuu .tw'lf.,' i'ntleiwor TH'XOMSON of (he JtflVi Mnn Ciille, Phda delphin, in his prtait. work on Iluninii Piiysi'-l y, dyvotes in-in: than tifly pnpif t :ui exaniintiiion of thitJ pnhj.rt His fxperimeiils wilh Dr. BrvnnMt. mi tlie linstrie Juice, ihtiiined from the livinir liuin:ni nfiiniiieh nnd fnun nniinnls nre well known. "In Jill r t-f." he :iy:, "iiivesMon uceur red as perfectly In the nrtificinias in the tmlumltigcstioii8.,t AS A DYSPEPSIA (TUKI?, Dr. HOClill't'ON'S prcpiiniuon of PKPSl.N h:i prndu rl the mtmt umrvellnnri imiVlMk, ruriiiij eacen of Dehility. Knuiciiitton, Nervous J)ei-luie, mid Dyepeptit CousuinpUoii, supposed to lie on the very vc:i:i- of the grave. It in im ponifihle to give the ileuoln'of eases in the linn-s ' this ad vertisement hut nutheuucided rt-rtitirulcs have 'leen given of more than Tt ML'NDitKD KK.MAKKAULK 4'L'RKS, in Philndelphiit, New Vork, mitt iJ.'gtmi alone. These were nearly all des;i'rme vni'j, mid the ctuca wer not milv rapid and wniiilrifi't. l-nt p-'nu.-nein. It isiipreit NKRVOl'S AXTlDO'l'i;, and partirubrly p set ul for tendency to hdi km iliwudfi. Liver Complaint, Fever und Ayne, or badly Irjatt-si l-'rvi r nnd Anne, wnd tlm evil effi'etsof Qiiiniiif, Nt-renry, and tlier drus upon the Digestive orpans, aftur a lw.; siekm sh. A!hj, fur excuse in eitinji, mid lite too irei: iu-u of auk-nt apiiiu. it alntust reeouciles Health with (nt'-Mipt-nmrf. OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS. There i'no form of OLD STOM CH COMPLAINTS wliiuh it dous not si-ein to ri-u li a,,d rei.iove iir owe. No matter how had they may !.'. ildiVKS l.NST.vNT UK 1IKF ! A dingle d'w ieiinven nil the nnplr-iiMiit symp toias, nnd it uniy needs to he n-pi-uit d. fur a 1-rt liiae, to liiakn thcue p MwleliVets pciiiL:m.-nr. PI LIT urliLtiOD nnd Vii-UH OF 1JODY, f il -w ui imre. I( i partionlarly rxecUent in eases of Nynsiti, V"ii.itinLr. Cnuiw. Suil-ucmi f tin; p t l of the s'.uni;ir!i (i:i-:r s nfii-r eitin, lov, eonl, State of the IH.mmI, Jlcaviiirrri. I. w :: "J" S;iii it. DeMn-Mi-dt-iiey, KiiuieiuLion, Weaiiiie, lui. i'-i.oy l insanity. tSiu uide, tte. Prie-, OXK DOT.LAU pi i Onelmttlo will oi'Un tiliiot u lastinij eure. ' PEPSIN IN POVVDEP.S. fir SENT BY MAIL, VliiW. OP POSTAHH. For euiivenieiiee of ftt-ii lii-j- . ;(M ixirin i" ilie vimntry, Ihe DH.KSTJYKAlAT'i'Ki; tP 'iUi-i PKPSjX is mil np in the form of Powdin, v:l'i dir. ' -I- ms t he diss lvd in watur or syrup, hy the p-meiit. i :;u.e puvwU rs nuram just the same in;d!er a i!u' h '!. . hti Ju'irc tut ijuaiitity fur the same pi lee. :iik1 v. il: u i" nt lv mail, 1'ltP.I-. tip POSTA(iR fur ONK J)oi,.,'J sut (;vw-:aidt t i Dr. J. t. IIOLUUTOX, Xj. li..irl.i Kiyldh -.reel', Plnl.uh-lpiiiu. Pa. Six pnekapes f.ir five dll::rM. F.vt-rv pafkajjf nnd bottle bears tlie wiittey signuturu a J. S. IlUl'i.H'IMX, M. 1., ote Proprietor. 1 Sold hyairents in everv town in l!.e (.'ni'.ed trtateti, and by icspeclahle deiderwiu Aludit int's peucruliy. FOR SALK BY John IV. Friiii, unJ L'or;'e Driylit, Huutnir', Pa. .Mary A. ATeCay Nirlhuiulicruliul, John H. liux-i Miii'.ui, J laves St MeCoTinirki icl',wensvil!el S. J. Crouse, Sf liiijru'e, John G. Ki'im. 1 ppcr .Mauanlango, AVtlliaui Deppin, Muliouoy. Buubury, Sept. 14Lh, 1S50. "DEATH'S DOOR:' How frequently do we hear this exprirs-Mon, which is pieaut lo convey to the mind thu Ium a;it d siekiie that u Uilient can be r'durt.-d to, and live. Mis. Il.irn on, a member of the Trinity Church, wm. tu aic expreti aess herself, brought d'wu to "iA.tth's cl ior,!' hy tiheu matisinaud Xervuus Headaehe, when, hl.u nn angel of mercy, Kadniy' Beady Belief relieved her ol her hL-voie pains and restored her t her friends in MnVct h:aitii. The very instant Railway's Bendy Belief is ti;ptied, its beneficial effects are experienced, it h tollies, lums, clean ses and purines : it instantly allnys irritiitinu, rcdaees in. a in mullet is una swellings, r-tieve the, m vl seere X-u-rattrtc pains, gives ease u Burns, Scaldi, S iri-s, rii;uiuun cures Bheuinntikin Lutub;iyi. i,uU pjialvhtN. S;iuintt, Hlruius, Spasms, Stiff Xek, Weakness in liie Side and Buck, Sores vf ill kinds, (Jalis, jlruies, Chului., tioitt Throat, luliueuza, ILurseues, Coughs. Clds, TOOTH ACHE CUBED IX OXE SECOXD. This torturiuij affection can he cured iu ::n instant, fr the moment the Belief touehus the nerve, the pain is mi tigated. So with Tic Doleieux und llemieruma, Xeural giu and Sick Headache bathe tlm purts vie:r the pain IS must severe, and 111 a few miluitcs you will be entirely relieved. Taken internally it will arrest the m ,st viulent Hptuaiuiaud Crumpaj, slop vomiiiu ur to much purm, in all oases it vill give strrn-rth fur wi-aku.-iw, r;n-e iW Kim, health for sickness. No Iteudy Bciicf is jtr.uime ui u signed by BAUWAV & CO., l&i Pulton bireei. IXKOAXT TOILIOT IlUQl MTKS. TO EAIBLLUSH AND KXH VXCl-i THE CHARM OF BKAl'TV. Radway's Medicated Soap. Radway'i Medicated S tap, lav -rahly known thnmph nut the iVuhiunidiW: world for its extremely biand, piu .iy lug tuul Hiimng eitccls mi the bkin ; wnile by its uetiua on the pores und the miniHc secretury verse's it expe'.suil impurities from the tmri uce, u!!;is every lendem-y tu m llMinmation, and elieeiuaily diMipmcs u'.i ndorm, t.ti;, i)tnntle, Bitot), freckles, diseuluiati ma ami t!ier cnl:uie;na crufttiitus Tue radtuiit hltiom it imtaris to tlie cheek, lh ttoftueas aud telifjtey which it induces uf tiie Imii'li and arms, its cji)nditlity oi" s-iuthiuv irrit:ii-u uud rem ivin eu taneuus delects, render it iuduipenna'jit t t l-vc' v i".:!et, (ientleiueu after slmving will lind it altavsi.d iinlati"n and teutlenuiss ol' tlie skiu, and readers it k)U, ti.11 toiu and pleas: ml. jDuiiiig the heat and dust of summer, ur frrst and bleak wimls of winter ; und in cases of unburn, slinks 4 11. suets chiibtuins, cliupted liautU, or incidental iiiiiiiiimiiiti-m, its virtues have tmigund extensively been ucWiiuwudwt. Its purifying and retreahiii propeitics hnvc niitaiiicd iis hp lee lam i'miii the thuusands uf other cosnieiies, b Jth til J-.uro-peuii and d iuiestie manufacture, hy the b n tun of uil p-irts ol the fashionable world, frum the burning tiuriei tu the frozen (c-uhns uf the lee King. The public will pit-am hear in uuml Uiat Radway's Medicated fcuup, istheiaily sate prepuitiin for the fekin now iu iihi; this Ins becit rertluett to by "ur most piouiinent clietuistx. Br.dway'g HHin ia free fioin poisonous, irritutiug und pernicious in. gredieuts, it run be used on thu leukk-r ssui of the infant with the euma happy results as upon beauty in its prime. tce tlsat each cuke is enveloped in u splendid lahW of Usel engnivniff and iuituer see Itiat the signature ol K. U. KAUWAV ia upon each cake. Pric cents, Urge cakes. THE GROWING OR X AM EXT OF BEAUTY ISA LUXURIANT HEAD OF GLOSSY HAIR. ADWAY'S CIKCAMIAN P A L H . Warranted the best Hair Tonic in vsct Fnr Dressing and Bt-autif ing the hair. It ckenuse the Heufp from Daudnill, keeps il clean, cures ftcurvey, Boliiucst and iSores on the Head sU)s tho imir from falling out, renders it sironir, fine, smoth, soft and glossy. Ferauiis who have lust their huir by sickueas will find a eompietesjitidiite in Radway's Cimiwiun Balm. Jt also gives It a dark and beautiful color, and will prevent it iroiu turning grey. From its exquisite Jiurlty, it is admt rably adapUMt uh the hair of children ol the in st tender age. It is s ld in large putties for 'iS cents per bottle, and U wurrauted Ihe beat hair prepHiation iu use, it will nut oil the hat, enp, or the nnest lubrie. bee that the signa ture in' HADWAY at CO., is upou tmch buttle ua Cir easaiau Balm is gunaiue without thu ngiuirure wl Ru4wa)i U t'. AttHHT H. B Ms user, Buunury. LXVKU C0B2PLAINT, JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA. CHRONIC OR NERVOUS PEIJII.ITY, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, AX D nit diseased nrlsinfl from rllafirdererl Uvef or slo ntuch, swh a constipation, inward Piles, Fullness, or blood lo tho head. Afidifv of the Stomach. Nhukpii. Ilrorthuru, diFgust for Food, fulluess or weight in tho Stomm-h, strur bruetnlions, sinkimr or tluttcrinc at the pit fiu a i. .J 4i...i i i .r niwiuiirii. awiiiiitiniH vi ure; iinm, iiiirnmaim nimeiiii brenthiuir, fiultorintr at the heart, ehykinir r niTocntiug rnsaiioiit when inn Ivinit nosture. Diinncsii of vision. doia or webs before the. siirhl. Fever und dull pnin In the uvnu, tii-nei'-iii ) i pt-rnpirnuun, yollOWiiess Ol I lie SKIllHllll ryes, nuiu in the side , tmek. chest, limbs. Ati.. Riidden -ttushra of heat burning in the flesh, cunutant imaginings 01 evil, ana great depression ol spirits, l CAN BE EFFECTUALLY CUKKD BY, DA. HOOFLAITD'S tXLlillHAU D ;i.iima uith:ks, rnKrABEn bt Dll.C. AI. JACKSON, AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, .No. KO Arch St., Philadelphia. Their power over the ahovo disoasos is not excelled, if opiallcd, by any nther prepunfliou tn the I mtinl Stulr, us die cures attest, in many eases uuur emiuui piijnii.i.iii htid laik'd. 'J'besu Bitlert nre wnrthv they nttentioti of invalids. Possessing piwtt virtues m tho reciiUewtiun ol" disitust-s of the Liver and k-ssi-r glands, exereisieg the most searehinir powers in wenkntpx and uilectiens ol the digestive organs, they ore, withul, safe, eertain and pleasant. Froin the Boston Bee.J The Kddor Hind. Dee. Md 'Du. llooir.AN tt'ii L'ELHBUATxn Hkhmaji BtTTnas for the cure of Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Chronic or Xervons Debility, is iltservmllv one ol the most popu lar inedieines f ihe day. These Bitten have been used by thousands, and n friend at our elbow says he hut him self received un elleeUm! and permanent cure of Liver Complaint from the use of thisreinedv. We ore conviueetl that, in the use of these Bitters, the patient constantly gtiins utrmgth and vigor a faet worthy of great conside ration. Tiiey are pin want in taste and smell, and vmi be used hy persons with the uaistdeheate stomaehs with sate- tv. miner onv cirruinsitmrcn. v arr ppniKinit ni'iii c- peneuee, nnd to the ntllicted we advise tlieir use." Judge AI. M. Noah, a gentleman with great scientific and literury nttniuments, said in his uXew York Weekly Messenger," January 6, IKjO : 'Dr. i'l-toliand's (4ermnu Bitteis. Here is a preparation Whn n tlie leuui nir presses m me t ntonupiwnr io ue iimhiii inoim in recounneiiilini;, und the rensou in onvious. ii is mude after a prescription rushed by one of the most cele brated phvsicinns of modem times, the kite Dr. Chrstcplu-r Wilhetm iloofliuid. PmiVvpir to (he University ol Jena, private Fhysieiim tn the King of Prussia, and fine of the gri-atevt medical writers licnunny has ever pttxhiced. He was einplmtienlly Ihe ennnv nf humbug, und therefore a medicine of which he was the inventor and undorser may be eoiiti'dentlv relied on. He spindly recommended it in Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia. Debility, Verticil, Acidity of the Fiotmieh. Cunti'p;di"ii, nnd all cuniplnintw Hrisinrj t'miu a disiivderc! e mdithm of the atomneh, the livr und the iutestiues. Nine Philadeldhia pnpers fxprew their junvic tinn of its exeeileucc, nnd eevenil of the editors speak of its effects fruui their own individual experience, tnder these eiremnsluucHs, we jeel wnrnuited, not only in calling tiic ntteiiih n of our readers to the present present proprie tor's (Dr. C. Jaek- iu'p) preparation, hut in recommend ing tiie urticle to u 1 itlHicted " More Evidence. The ''Philadelphia Snturdnv liazetfe," the bet family newtpuper published in t.'io United ltates. the eilitur bajs of Dr. IlonjIamVs German Bitters. "It seldom th'.it wc ree iinmnid what aie termed Pa- teur Mciliciiies, tu tlT coniidrnce nnd patronage nt iur readers; and, tii'Mefore, when we rrcciniuend Dr. Hoi f Luid's (ierin;in Biticrn, we wis it to be distinctly uudei- I that wo ure ii"t Rnenkinir of the iiostnims of the day, tlniT are ii-iseil about for u biief periud mil then for gotten nft ci they haveilone their cm illy race of uupehief. nut ot a medicine long established, iinivers-itly n.ed, aiul which has met the hearty approval of tlie faculty itcilf." mat luts mciucinc will cure jjver uonipiiiint and iiys- pepNia, no one canil iiilii. niter umiiit it na di reeled. It nets specifically upon the sroniach nnd liver it is pieflcrnhle to calomel ui n!t hihiiius diseases the erieet is immedinte. They cm i he Hihniuislvred to Female or J m tint with s:ifcly und reliable benefit, ut any time. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS, This medicine lias nCaincd that high character which is neccpwiry fur all medicines toallainto induce enunteifeiiers to put furth n spurious article at the risk ol tlie lives of Ihuse ure iuiKK'ently deceived. LOOK Wl-LLTO THE MARKS OF THE GENUINE- They have the written signature of C. M. JACKSON upon the wrapper, and the name blown in tlie bottle, with our which they are spuiious. For sale, wholesale and retnil, the (Icrmtux Medicine Store No. V20 ARCH Street, one door below Sixth, (lute of Race street.) Philadelphia, and by respectable dealers generally thruuirhuut the country. Aun: For HJile by H. Masher, Sunbury, and M. A. M'Cay, Xtirthnmberlaiid. August 17,lr-0it. ly MAHOGANY AND AIARDLE. STS AM SAW MILL, AETI U2G $5901 Comer of Eleventh and Ridge Road. AND CABINET MAKERS, CENFJIAL FURXISHIXK STORE No. 134 South Second Street below Dock St. , I'm lad i:mhu. rTlE tiulificrihcrs would call tlio Pjircinl atten D. tion ol CaVuu-t .Makers aiul others, to their very extensive iisHortmrnt of miitorialu in their linr, cousistincr of Mnlionny Veneers, Bonnls und I'latiU, liuir t'lotli, Curled JIair, (jiite. Varnish, Lookintr Ulas IMatea, M-.ihoiuv Knu.is. Bed Podts, Marh'.e Tops, and every dcscrijitiou of Ear(2wnre TooIh, Ac. Caliinet tinkers residing out of thn City, would find it greatly to their advantage to call at our store to purchase such materials aa they want, connected wilh their business. All our (.'oods are WARRANTED, of tlio best quality, uml at very reduced price. Our Terms are (Jus.li, (no trade.) guarantee to give every mun tho worth of lii money. T. A; L. THOMPSON. N. B. Maliogniiy, Walnut and Hand Kail Plank, and Stair Uallustera for lluilders. also Mai Wo Mantles, aiwaya on hund, uud every du scription of turned work. Juno 8, 1850 ly GEEAT EEM0VA1. C lorlis, Wall lies. Jewelry silver & PLATED WAUB, &. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. THE SL'BSCKIBER has removed bi atoro from No. 413 Market atreet, to liia aplundid Oit.iblishuiciit, uA'o. 103 Chesinit treet, abort 3l, t'ndcr tlie Franlillu Iflousic, PHILADELPHIA, Where he oilers for sale a mo.st extensive assort, ment of CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELEKV, SILVEIi and PLATED WARE, &e., at aiuh prices us cannot fail to give satisfaction, and to wliieli lie invites the attention of percliasers, as suring them that EVERV ARTICLE IS WAR RANTED AS REPRESENTED. Hi. stock consists in part of a full assortment of COLD AND MLVER LEVER WATCHES. Do do L'EPINE do SILVER TABLE AND TEA SPOONS. CLOCKS of everv description. MANTEL U UN A. MEN TJ, FANCV tiOuDs, Ac, LEWIS LADOMl'S. Watches, Jewelry, and Gold Pens sent to nil parts of the Cnited States, by mail, witli perfect safety, am determined to aetl at less prices than the same articles are sold in this city. ll. S Pie-.erve this advertisement, and call and exumiuc the sleek. ' Sept. iS, ISoO. bmo. Cotton Yarn, Cotton Carpet Chain, Cotton Laps and Wadding, Cotton Outlines, Ready made Pantaloons, lteady made Vests, Conprrcss Knives, Porcelain lined preserving kettles, just received fur sale by 11. MASisEU. Hunbury, Pec. ?, 1818. L)IiOWVS ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN- (EH, an excellent article. lUuwiv's Medicated Soup for sun burns, tan, tetter, iVc. Hadway's Circassian Buhu, for the liuir dand ruff &c. Radway'i Heady Relief for Cramps, Cholic, Cholera Morbus, &.C For sale by 11. B. MASSER. Sunhury, Aug. 3, 1850. TEE U1LLH. Justices and Constables Fee C Ii il la handsomely printed on card paper, for sale at this oilice. IJUKE WHITE BRANDY FOR PKESER- VINO, iust received and for sale bv H.B. MASSER. Sept. 28, 1850. "AY RL'M An excellent article for sail by UE.NRY MA lis Ell. unbury Jan. S"th, 134tf tf. CHERRY PECTORAL: For Ihn Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, nOAHSENESS, BROW OHITIS, CROUP, A3TH. 1VIA, VHOOPIHG.OOVOU AND OOlXSUJMZPTXOIf. This truly vnluahlo JJemcdy for all disease of the Lunrs and Throat, hashecomo tlie chief reli ance of the afllictcd aa it is tlio most certain cure known for the above complaints. While it is a powertul remedial agents in tlio most desperate nnd almost hopeless cases of Consumption, it ia also, in diminished doses one of tho mildest and most agreeable family medicines for common common couiibs and colds. Read below the opin ion of men who are known to the world, and the world respect their opinions. FROM PROFESSOR HITCHCOCK, ".lames C. Ayer Sir: I have used your "Ciir.n Rt Phctohal,' in my own case of deep-seated Bronchitis, and am satisfied from its chemical constitution that it is on admirable compound for the relief of laryngial and bronchial difficulties. If my opinion aa to its superior character can I of any service you are at liberty to use it aa you think proper. EDWARD HITCHCOCK, L I, D., President of Amherst College. From tlie "London Lancet." of "AVER'S CHERRV PECTORAL' is one of the most valuable preparations that has fallen un dor our notice. After a careful examination, we do not hesitate to say wo have a lnrjie apprecia tion of its merijs and the fullest confidence iu its usefulness ibr couuh and luntr complaints. Dr. Brewster, of Windham Co., Conn., sends us the following testimony. Dr. J. C. Aver Dear' Sir! I enclose you certificate from Mrs. Catharine K. duly, a highly respectable lady of this village, wife of Mr. Seth Cady, Deputy Sherill", Windham Co., Connecti cut. The cvre in her case was very prompt, and has attracted general attention, W. A. BREWSTER. M. D. West Khu v.h.y, Ct., Prpt. 28 H IS. Tills may certify that I wasalllii tcd with a very severe coui'h iu the winter of M7-S, which threa tened to terminate in Consumption. 1 had tried many medicines in vain, oml was cured hy the ute of "Ayer's Ciiei rv Pectoral." CATHERINE K. CADY. From Dr. Bryant, Druggist and Postmaster, Chicopcc Fulls, Mass : Dr. .1. C. Aver Dear fir: Enclosed please find rcniittaiiccVorall the CHERRY PECTORA L last scut mc. I can tinhesitutin::ly say, that no medicine we sell rives such satisfaction as yoni's does; nor have I ever seen a nirdirinc which cured so many cases of Couirh and Luiirr Com plaints. Our Phisicians are usinc; it extensively in their practice, and w ith the happiest effects. 'Pruly ymus, D. M. BRYANT. rrtKPAm:i nv J.c. ayeh, chemist, lovvell, mass. Sold by Henry Masser, Sunhury; Mary A. MeOay, Northumberland- Dr. Gearhart, Sc linsgrove j Dr. Beckly, Danville, and Druggists generally. July 6, 18!H).- lyecSm A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At tlie Ctvbliiet Ware lioom of SEJiW IIOUPT & CO. Market Square, Also at the corner of Fuwn street Ir the Railroad SUNBUUY, l'A. Thankful for the patronage of his friends and customers during the 17 years he has been iu busi ness in this place, he solicits from tlie public a con tinuance of their favors. During this period he has endeavored to keep up with the improvements of the day, and has accordingly extended his busi ncss in every branch and variety. The public are therefore invited to the attention of thu present stock of (JAHIXKT WARI5 AND CHAIRS, Manihactikeh by SEBASTIA1I HOOTT & CO. At th". Old ytimd, I Where iu addition to their former stock of the j establishment they now manufacture ! Haliojany,' Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs. J Lunre Spiinr Sent Rocking Chairs, Dressing liureaux, Centre Jubles, .Marble Top Wash Stands, end a va rid y of other new style und Vili oii hlv, ' 5J8 il h re. 1 1 u in a: secured a Hearse and made the neces sary iirraic'ciiients for tlie purpose, they are now prepared for CnderUkiii;; in uil its branches, iu this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye niaiiU an inial rcsaus, and tiukbamls loo, Here's l'tirikit lire ol" every tyle uimI hae, From ute boards itowa tu kitrlieu tables, From rm-king chairs tu locking cradles rXioaltl yoa uot tiuye the irmly John to pay, We'll wait awliilo for a brijihtcr better itay, Ot take jsitntoea, oats, corn, wheat and rye; Hark, hoop poles, staves, or lumlw?r wet and dry, Or uny thing bat yokes and threshing Anils, From pics and tarkiea down to little quails. Como on then frieadi, come one and all, Keep trade a moving, an "goes on the liull." ri;" Onlcrs from a distance promptly attended to and work of all kinds delivered wilh dispatch. Sunhury, March 0, 1850 tf V7. F. PEDDRICK'S (LATE PAUT.NKK OF C. 8CHUACK) Varuittli Manufactory uud I'alnt More, No 78 North Fourth Street, A FEW DOORS ABOVE CHKItRV, WEST SIDE, PHILADELPHIA. Constantly on hand and for suh, at reduced prices, and of tujiirior qtdity, the fol lowing articles, viz: Condi, Culnnet, Junnnticrs1 and Oil rintli Viirni.hrs ; Drviuu Jii)Mm : liiml ami linrncss Varui.li ; Ilrown, Wliitn und lttd Spirit dn; Train-h-r d; ArliKls', Il.iuse and Ccncll I'niulers' :u;d VHiiCBiit rs' Mntnuls ; PI 'I'TV IN I'UAXTITIK. I'AIN'I'S, HKV, 1 till., AMI J'lt i: I'AltlbK Full I. MM Kill ATI; ISK; .Miliums' Vanusli, t'ilue and Anils; Uliick Ju;Htn fur lluu : AdUcsivs il i. lur l-'uiicy Work ; ii-ttre uud Wind 'W C.tiss ; Artisls1 l',, tiuis. liry and iu Tiit.t'. ; .-ait I'. mt oil : (inkl. Silver, ond tifruuiu Ia-iU ; liold, Silver, mut l' in-WT Urnnzo : Gla zier's liimii inds. Ali, vtiy ..liit-riur Lh-e BUickmar and W'riuni! Ink. June Mil, -3". 04GM uiu:a artist, No. 140, conicr of Fifth Chesnut sts., Phila delphia, and 3H3 Uroadway corner of Franklin Street, New York. CITIZENS AND KTJIANUERS can liava a sittini; for I'urUdiu or Miniatures, and receive them beautifully cased, in morocco, Silk velvet, Papier Mac.he, or other fancy styles, or sets in Medallions, Lockets, iVc, in a few minutes. Da-juerreotypes, Fainting;, Drawings, &o. Copied. Out dour Views, and Miniatures of deceased persons, taken at short notice. For Portraits of Adults by our process, and Im proved Instruments, a cloudy day is quite as fa vorable as clear weather. For Children, a clear day (between 1 1 and 2) is preferable. KT'In Dress avoid white, blue or light pink. Our Oallery wilh its Six Prize Medals md Works of Art, is open at all hours, and Free. Whether visitors wih pictures taken or not, we shall at all times be happy to sea them. June tt, 1850. "'APS An assortment just received. Alse silk HATS at $225, for sale by II. MASSER. Kuabury, Dec.:, 1848. 1 ' 'tiEicoinragc Your Own!" , ! HAAS & KENN.' ' . FASHIONABLE MAKE OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. 'THE aubscrlbers respectfully call the attention 1 of the public to their large ami splendid assort ment of every quality and price of wake: which cannot fail to rocommend itself toevcry one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship nnd splendid finish, made up of the best stork to be had in the city. No elfort is sparod in the manufacture of their ware, and tho subscribers nro determined to keep tip wilh the many improvements which are constantly being made. Their stock consists of Mahogany .vifiis, EMvniiN and Loungem, Uurraus, 5 m-ctirrf cs, Sfortonris, SHIM, BREAKFAST AM) B1N1N0 TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, eiual to Phila delphia nianulaeture. BEDSTEADS, of everv pattern and price, CUPBOARDS. WORK AND CANDLE STANDS. TOII.KT TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, n short, every article in this line of their business. They also manufacture all kinds and qualities CIIAI11S, ncluding varieties never before to be had in Sunhury, audi as Mmiooaxy, Black Wainct ami CuHLKn Maple Grkciak ; ash Wtxnsnu CHAIRS, an ii pavcy Piano .Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscribers aro determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about the quality and finish of tlieir ware and Chairs. Their articles will be disposed of on as good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. p.?" UNDERTAKING attended to on reason able terms. I he W arc Room is m Market Street, opposite J. Young's store, and nearly opposite vv caver s I avern. DANIEL HAAS, GEORGE RENN Sunbiiry, April 8, 184!) tf 3. ZZ. THOEIAS, Crsaniciital Ptfl French Stjle Tvame Ilsnriiiicturcr, SO J, ll'ulmd si , !icl;n:cii 3d and Mh street. FHII.ASEIPHIA. yy ESPEC'ITI LLY directs the attention of the public to his superior styles of Plain nnd Fancy Frames, whkh are of the latest and most beattliful designs. As a haudsoiiic Frame at a LOW PRICE, has been much desired, he was induced some nionlbs since to commence the manufacture of these Frame.'!. In a short time the dumand has been so ?reat, that he has been obliged to increass his facilities, and new offer nt ):xcki:dixgi.y low prices, Singly , or in thousands, the most beautiful Frames, suitable for Paintings. Prints. Dnr?uerrentvnes. Cards, &c.', &c. For Durability Unsurpassed. Hotels, Public Buildinjs, Steamboats. Stores. Ca binet Furniture, &c, decorated in imitation of carved Kosc-W ood. t-? Please call and see specimens. May 25, 1850 ly CEOUfiE J. IIEMEI.S, city v a n i . k t trAnr.no o m .; . i0. 173 CIIESNUT STREET, (orPoslTK THE STATS llol'SF.) PiniiAnuLpinA. FFI"RSfor sale, low for cash or approved citv paper, a larec and well assorted stock of UAU1M.T FLKM'J'lj'lil", of the latest patterns and of the best worUmanship. The assortment embraces every article, useful or ornamental, com prising suits of Diuwiii! bloom Furniture in Uosc vvood and Walnut, exquisitely carved. Koscwood Walnut, and Mahocanv Chamber Furniture ; Pa tent Extension Lining 'J'ahles, (acknowledged to be the best now in use); Library Uook Cases, and a great variety of plain Parlor and Chamber Furniture. Curtains made and put up in tho latest Paris fashions. SSprin" Miittrasses, Hair Mattrasses, and Fea ther Iteds, made to order, X. H. All articles mirchascd nt this cshildili. ment are warranted of the best materials and woihiiiansiiip, aim will ticpackea to carry safely to any part of the country. May ii, Idol). ly run ar ts;KT4!!i irs. Br stusuM tus Pocket l,'.X T-... I' . .i.iL.ini s, ur, t.cry one . ow" hysician ! tlitrti- &V ,6i!C. U eth edition, M ;'S,'A m hundred c V , . . i:.: :.i. i t. n 1 wiiu upwards oi curaMiigs, snow- lajj 1115 peculiar diseases 111 evc- ...,.w n.ii, ...in, unit ,i,ui- I'orniutions of the generative system, BV WM. YOUNG, M. D. The time lias now arrived that persons sullcrine from secret diseases, need no more become the victim of Quackery, us by the prescriptions contained in this book any onp may cure himself, without hind rance to business, or the knowledo of any one, and with one tenth the usual cxpence. In addi tion to the general routine of private disease, it fully explains the cause of manhood's early decline, with observations on murriace besides many olher derangements which it would not be pro per to enumerate. Ly 'Any person sendintr Twi.TT-riVE cents enclosed in a letter, will receive one copy of this oook, by iisul, or live copies will tic sent for one dollar. Address, ' DR. W. YOCNO. No. 15i SPKUCE Street, PHILADELPHIA." Post-paid. .vDR. Ol'N(i can be consulted on any of the Diseases described ill his dillerent publications, at his Oilice, 154 Sl'ltUCE SStrcet, every day be tween U and 3 o'clock. ( Sundnvs'exceiited. Philadelphia, Nov. 9, lSjl). ly. IllAI.AUI I.l'lll V WWV. Jt I.ILil OH STORE HITTING WATIillMAX, Importers and Dealers in L?cuors, A'o. 220 Market street, l'hiladilpha, "VFFEU for sole, the cheapest and best assort ment of Litiiorsiu Philadelphia, such as Champagtie, Sherries, Tort, Steck, Claret, Bur gundies, Sauturii, Larsac, Madena, Lisbon, Teueiille and Sicily Wines. Brandies of the choicest brands, viz: MuRlina, Otard, Ponet, lleniiesy, &c, &c. l ine Holland 'in, Monougahela, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, &c. Hotels and the country trade supplied a Phila delphia prices on thu most liberal terms. July IU, ISjO KOWN'ts ESSENCE OF OINfiEK A new supply of this excellent article ust received and for suie by H. B. MASSEK. Sunhury, March Hi, 1850. Valuable Hooks). I" IFE or Christ, handsomely bound, D'Ac-- a 1 list's Hisrour or tki RrroiumTto!!, Bimi Dir-iiiuiit imi Ledushs, full bounded. Fur sale at tlie publishers prices by H. B. MASSER. Sunhury, July 14, 1849. rjOLD PENS i. 8ILVEK OASES. A small " lot on hand and for sale bv H B.MASSKR. Funbury, April 6, 1850. TJAISINS currants, citron, cheese, pepper v sauce, ccc for sale by J. W. TRIUNCi Sunhury, DecS, 1848. , KNOLD'8 WIUTINU FLUID AND CON J CKEs.S INK for sals it this oilice. I In presentimr the public with a remedy for tlie treatment and cure nf Fkvfh Ari Anra anil other hili-ins di.i;ii.es, no apnlevy is needed. A' nst nnmh.!Ta ill the l:nited Slates, who snnVr from these aD'cetious in their vnru-it frirnis, nre enmpelledt'i seek reli"f frinn oilier s nirees limn the iinme dirite presTipli'ms nf Hie recnlnr plivsieinn.- It Ivnnies thoref re nn ohiii't of hninimilv, as well ns of pulilin ililur- el. to hrinij befeie Ihem a reinly prt'nred final imieh ex perience, lllul wtllell llliiv MHVitys lie reneu upnn as ,,ii k, KVPKTTl'AL, ASb 1IATIMI.R TO TUB rnSSTITCTW. That sneh is the true character of Ihe INDIA CDDLAiKtOCK, Is nniply attested by the uiuvers.il saeceas Willi which it liua uevn einplnycti. VcT V.xtrnet from a cnmmnniefitinli nf the Tion. Wil liam WonuBrtllMK, of the U. Senate, lute Governor of Michigan. . - ' ajgtroit, vcl. ici, ihiu. Doctor Chamle. OsgooT), Bear Sir. I hnve nuil Willi mnen niieresr, your nine TRAKATlss ilpnn the "causes, treatment nnd cure" nf tho febrile din-uses which have so extensively prevailed in our country during the Inst few mnnlha nn interest inerraised Innht, tiv the flier that I have individually antierea so much from them. Thnngh I feel myself very iiKnniipctent to jndire sufely upon a subject so entirely professional, yet your theory seems to me well rensnneii. anil ynnr cnncui sinus ins, ant) 1 think withul. Unit ynur pamphlet ia ealea Inted tn produce much practical p'ssl. tppnkiiiir nf the medicine bu su s : It fully justified your fluttering expeetntions, nnd lis a Kite, i-nnveinent. and pnptl Inr renicdv, inv own e.Tneriencc, s; fur, induces me to be lieve thai il will pnive a arc:.'t public henelit. I mn pleased t" leiint h:il ynn hnve rer-enlly cslublished several inreiiciea fnr its diip 'sitiftii tli'inrh 1 reiript. that, with a view to n more iienerril dirscininalinn of it, ynu slKtuld hnve fnund it necesMiry tn remnve from ynur present resiileui'c' aniung Ub. Willi much rcapuet I liave the le-unr to he. sir, Ynur nb!i?pd servant, Wl! I.IAM WtlOUHKinGK. rT Final linn. Ptkciikn V. R. TnowBuiDOE, nf Michi gan Slute rtenule. tn (he Ajjcnt nt Iletrnit. HiRMisniiAM, Oaklanii Ci., Den. iri, 1P-II. fir yna wish trie tn infnrm ynu whut I ke.nw of Dr. Ostf.inil's India Chol-iir'ijrne, nr nnti-billnns medicine. I do believe that if the viriue nnd elfieaey of this mclicine were ireneriiily kisiwn, the ffves a.nd aoce would disappear in Aliehicun. I prnenred a linttle in the Snrina: nf 1Qlt, nnd have ffond reusnn to believe that myself uud family escaped the Ufrue Inst season in consequence nf its use, Perhaps iu no summer since the settlement nf this fine peninsnl'i, hus the fever nnd :u;'un been so prevalent as the lust. 1 hnve ree tiuinendeil this inetlieiiie In nuliiernus in stunecs, nnd when the dismise had beiume fixed nud bullied the sliill nf piiyieiuns; and 1 have never kii'twn it full. I- h;is uiiiversiiltv pi iiliuje.l ihe m nt trippy eltecrs. nnu l net lieve it Inv never been excee'l"d by mty medieiiie iu remo ving the hiiitnis disenses of the cliiuute. Your, reJ-iMelinllv. KIT.'i'ftKN V. It. TnoWDttlUOK. Ai'cii fir Simbun- II. 11. MASKIt : NnrtluimlieTliiiid, WrnilNd'l O.M A:' ('.; .Milu.n, J, iLKAMiit; teiia- gmve, ?,IA' i Kl.Otli:. jkiuy u, lr;s li E'SS.f- A Ei : . S 22 S A ESTAliLISHKO I.'. VEAKS AGO, BY 1)1. KlNKEf.IX, N 11 . Conn r ttf TUtrd und Union Streets DCTWKLN' SPHUCi: AN I) PINE STllCl-ITS. FIKTI'KN YKAKS nf extensive uml uninternipted pnu-lice spt-iit in this ciiy liiivu rfiulrrnl i)r. K. the tivmt rxpt'i t und wtrtTRf-iul praotitinner liir ami near, in the ti'itflliiiHiit oi' nil diw-itf-rs oi u privatr nutitre. 1'iTtt'tun ntili'Med wilh uIocih up! hi tlm hiidy. thnmi, ur Ie-s, puiuK in inv tu-ntinr irnifiy iiit-rcuriiii riu-uiii:iium, & ncliirfi. grnvn, liHt'itsu Hrifiim I'rnni yiuthfiill t-x ('- ur lrnpurtl it-tT of tlio tiliKiri. wlit reliy the conKiiiuUt'ii has buciime eulUL-bk-d, are all trcat'-il with siu-ci'M.. He whn pliict'K hiiiiHi'lf under the rare of Dr. K.. uny rn liuri'u?l pitnlidc in Ins honur na a pfiiticinriiHml emitideiit ly reiy upon hit ski II ii u phyHicinn. TAKK PAUTiCt-'LAU NOTICE. Yoimsr Moil who h;ive inhiml ihcmselvrs Uy a ccrlain pincln-t: iiiiliilufil in a hatut ff iit.-nlly lr:irncd irtuu uvil criiMpiiiitni-s or ul whin! tlif ftiVciK ut' wliifh ure niliMy IlII. even when MMli'i'p. uml il-'-rny ii iniii; and lnnly, siit.nld apply iinmcdmU'ly. Ytjukii(.'S and t'iititutioii:tl dclitiily 1 i-is 'ii' iniinr-nl-if jieri;y, physical -i-ituile and 17c u rr;d pi'imiratitnn irritnhiliiy nn'! nil nrvuis ntlt-i'linii1. iirli-pi-stiim, miitf-iiKJiiiffiM f tlio liver, ami every di straw 111 any way cimni-'-iud v. uh tiuMlin irdi-r oi' the pnicreative luuc tious cured, and fall vig-.ir n slitrcl. YOUTH AND MANHOOD, A vigorous life or a premature death. KIXKCLIX 011 srlf Pnscrvation. ONLY 25 CENTS. Tliis Ilx'kjust pulillslied is filled with useful uiformiiti-in on tliH nilirrnilics Eiml i1isi-:i.i h i'l" the (iriierniive (Ircnns. It nildressi s ilst-ll iilikc to V ol "I'll, M AXllOl U and OLD AliK, uud shnulil liu lend hy uil. Tlie vuluulile lidvii-e und impressive w;iruiii(r it 'ivi-s, will prevent vizirs hi niiavry undsuil'vriiijr and save annual ly TllllllNTIlll's of I.ivs. Pareiiis hy rvuititnr il will Irani how tu prevent the Ues truel ii'ii nt liif.ir children. .A reiillt'tlliiei-nt V ee;i'j, enelnped ill a h't'er. nd ilresscd to lilt. KIXl:i.l. . W. e.rn.r nf Tllliil l'.lOi Mieets. hmceru Sprue A. i'uie. rliiliidi-ljfhia. Will eilMire U h k. Uil I.T envelope, per return fit UlUii. i'ers tie nt a i)isl:inee in:v:idihi.-:K Dr. li. tiv letter, (post- j p7'Vka!" eun J ;C h 'i.ie. r.S Oh" .Milliii'lfl:' lHCl'.rTION;. Ac. lilt! pul Up seeitli; irulil rrv iiih i! v hen iiiu n reiiu'tuuee DA.MAIli: i.r CI lllOS TY. Itn 'A-s -llerr.. New Aceiiif.VedUrs. ( 'nnvns-rs. and all others supplied wi.u the, above w.uiv ill cry luv iiili-s. I'ehrunrv th lll. lv rtia3ta!l TLM'e Ists-jrttisic t", and 'f r::st 'sstt;)iii: A-w.ilty v. OFIIC1T71 YVAIAt'T SMTi'.I.T, I'iil I .AllI'.I.i'HI A. CAPITA!. 5'.i'i0,0lll. I 'HAM Kit I'CKJ'lil C.U.. T IO ConliKiiiV ure lew prrpured to trun.-cet buriiieps niiou Ihe in Rl lilvrul ami nil, :intt".-e nis t.-rnis. The ure autlionzed hy llieir cli irler (seet. li) "to make uil nnd every iiuurnnee appertuuuutr to me risks 01 whatever Mud or nature, und to receive and exeeute trusts, muke endnw nients.nud to crnnt nnd purehnsc niiililitles.o Thel'oin puny sell nunnilies and endowments, uud uet as Trustees fnr minors und heirs. Table of Premiums required for the Anxuruuce of t?lou lor tlie v. hole teiln of Life. Age. I Prem. I Aire. I Prein. ,jre. l'rein. II) 1 oil 1)1 -.Mill 411 ' II.'IU 17 1 St .'14 li 1.3 47 3 H I M 111 a JO 3 Ci lO I 1 511 I ill 40 I 3 77 lid 1 m itj 2 :.J 40 3 W Jl 1 (W :iil - in 51 4 HI Si 1 liii :i SJ7 4 .'hi !! l I till a-j iiol r,n 4 ! UI IT 31) 21,3 S( 4 71 2o 1 7(1 40 it TO SS 4 PI lid 1 C5 41 a il sii 0 la !!7 1 60 -13 !l frj 57 5 1)1 2S 1 pi 411 3 (il .IS 551 ill 1 WC 44 a 14 50 5 7 30 Hit j (10 flUI The premiums ure less than uny other company, uud (he policies ullord greater utlviiut;i,'es. Tallies nf Imh-yenrty und quarterly premiums, half crmlit rutes of prcniaiui, short terms, joint lives, survivorships und endowments; ulsn, fnrui nt Applicnti u (for which there are blank sheets4) me to lie had on upplinilh'il nt lite oilice, or by letter to the Agent, J. II. I'L'iiUV, fiunbury. 1Utk fob imscbisu 8I0U 011 a single Life Fnr Life. 1,60 a.m !i,70 3.fr ' C,iH Example A pers n aitivl 30 yt-irs next birth d:iy, by pnyins the I'oinimuy ot) netlts would secine to his fiuuily or heir. ?lim slhMild he die in one yeur : or for .p.il he se. curias l.i ihem lolMi; nr 101 $13 uunuully fnr seven )usrs he secures In Ihem 4IIH10 should he die in seven years; nr for 11. id mid iintiu;iily (hiiiiur life he Meures HixK) to tie naiit when he dies. Tlie insurer s.iuriur his own h.sius, ny lite dlllereiK'i; in toil llul ol nwililiiuus u mi I In we ch:u c"d by other ntliees. For Slj. (l tlie heirs wnuld receive e.'tOtlU slmuld he die innneyeai. l-'nrms ofupplicunoii nnrl nil inrtieii!:irs muv h.' hud u4 the olhce. i'K 1'l.lt (JL'l.UJ.S, 1're.uleut. Vice President. IVx, .M. Il.iip.n. I-'bancis V. Uaivi.u, Secretaiy nnd Treasurer. CoN.ul.Tisu I'iiy.ici vn Ur. J. 11. Lis.er, Siiuhui v. J. II. 1'CKUV, tsunbury,. Agent for .Northuaibcrlaud county- Hunbury, July S, lUiO. SPPJ1TG WWs.k) IJV lMIII.AUIrHI A. ri! SIIAUPLESS & SONS, have just received I their supply of SPKINO AND SUMMER GOODS of Friendly and other atylee, to which they invite attention. ISHAWLS All descriptions of Silk, woollen and worsted. DKEKS S.ILK$-rfiN do Rliines, Chameleons, and neat and new fancy styles India Silks and Satins. DRESS fiOODS Lawns, Bareges, Mousse line, Ginghams, Alpacas, Mohairs, and all the liew fabrics. . FURNISHING GOODS Blankets, Sheetings Quilts, Damask, Shirtings,- and all other furnish ing goods. ,i-i ; ,, i MEN'S WEAR Cloth, Cassimeres, Cashma retls, Drills, Yestingsof all kinds, and Boys wear. SHOEMAKERS GOODS and Carriage Ma ken articles. T. BHARPLESS V SONS, No. 32 S. Sncond Street, Philadelphia May 85, 1850. If ' Airs. For 1 year. por 7 yems. lid 81 (,1 30 no 1,30 40 l.'io Mil 50 I..-U B.U7 51) 3,lij 3.fl7 BANK NOTE TABLE, CORRECTED WEEKLY. ' PENNHYbVANIA. ' TITt or fHILADILrlflA Ms RSACAUBETT8, All anlvent Innka f dw V. B. Bank nut.. is du1 HHOI1K INLAND. au ainvent rjaima ' nai COUNTMT. All solvent haiika dta Bank nf Chainbersliara 1 rlii Hank of Chen nr Co. par CUSflliCIIVJUl. AU solvent hanks dil 1IJU IV CITV. Hank or Del. Co. Chester par tii.iihtu u.rrinnniuwil Hank of Uettvulmrir nnrlAII solvent hanks I dis 1 uiSjl71)k notes under 3 1 du uanK oi l.evmtowil . rtniik of Middletown 1 dis Monteomery Co Hunk nnr COirjITRY. All aiilvenis bunks 1 dia NBSV .V.itSUY. Hnlvnlere JtanK 1 dis ConiTntirrinl Hunk I dia Hunk of Norllnimlrerl'nd. pni Hunk.if Pill.ljiirfr 1 di l-innsni uanviue nnr Far. Hank Moiit llnlly par Carlisle Hank 1 clia'l'. A M., Middletown Pt. pur Cnlnnibia H'k A B'geCo paIecllnnleB, Ilk, Newurk pur ltnyelsluwn Hunk par Meeh. Ilk of itnrlinirtnn par ivmton H:init pnrj Vlei-li. Mnn. Ilk Trent par Krie Hank S disiAlnrris Cn Hank J fits Kch:injre It'k Pitlsbiirg 1 dis Newark Hk'g & Ins. Co j dia I'Achfinire )l'k, Hrnnrb 1 dia'Ornnire Hunk 3 dis lnriners' H'k, HueksOo pur Penple's Hk Puttersuli b'nrmers Ilk, l.uueiislcr pariPrineeton Hunk Farmers1 Hk, Hendiuir pnrirVilein Hanking Co, Farm. Hk SMmvlkill Cn pnrlSeincrret Cn Hank V k. II. HIc Waynesb'g tlilis!tlntc Hank at Camden Franklin Hk. Wnah'a IJdis Slate Hk Klizjiliethtnn l-lnrrisbiirff Hnnk I dis Slate Hank Newark J dis pur par dis pnr I dis dis Hnnesdnle Hank I dis ftate Ilk, N. Hrunswick par IrfniLiister Hunk par. Sussex linnk. Newton I dis Ijfliiuioii linnk nar I renton Hanknig Co par Mereh. A Man. Hnnk 1 dis' Mineis' H'k, Pottsville per Mnnraigahela Hnnk 1 dis Tnylnrsv'e Del It's Co 15 dis West Hrmicli Hnnk par Wyoming Hk, WilkesbV par York Hank, 1 dis Union Hank, unver j du Ynrdleyv'le Del Dr Co IMis GS"Jik nntes under .I J dis DKI.AWAKli. Hank or Delaware par Hank nf Smyrna par Delaware City Hank par (7 Relief notes 1 dis! Hk Wiling ii A Hrnndyw. pal MAIM Farmers' Hk St Delaware par Hank of Whctlnck Sdis Mercantile Hk. HnngorlOdis I nn.n nnnlc. Wilmington par tV Under "Vi 1 du All ilvent banks dis otiio. All solvent Istnks 9 dis ""fMlk nntes tinder fis 4 dis NOHTII CAROLINA. m:v hampsiiihk All solvent brinks 1 dis VHHMONT. Dunk of St Albans ! dis All solvent lianks 2 dl: All sulvcnt banks j disiliTl'nderS's, SI dis COLUMMAN SERIES OF rfttimctfrs. The Pupil's friend and Teacher's comfort. piIE COLUMBIAN CALCL'LATOR. This -1 work is already introduced into some of the best Acndamiea and a larr-o numlier of Schools, wiiere its use has given decided and universal sa tisfaction, both to teacher and pupil. It is purely American in its character, based upon our own beautiful drctmal system of currency. It contains more, the arrangements are better, and it is the easiest and cheapest work of the kind now iu uscj anil it is so consulcred by hundreds of the most competent teachers and men of science in the Unl on, who have recommended it. It is the book. particularly nnd expressly prepared for our lir rienw F cholera : lit Almoii. Tick nor. Tin: Y01 tii's Coli m 111 ax Calci'lator. This volume contains ill pa::es, with about !)00 exam ples fur solution 011 the slate. It embraces the Fundamental Mules, Compound Rules, Simple nnd Compound Reduction, Single Rule of Three, Proportion, &c. Ticknor's AiiiTiiMKTicALTAUt.r.s.is destined for the line of younger classes in tho Schools of the United Stales. A beautiful little book and plcas iii!" to children, and the only one of the kind of any vnitio. There arc Keys to both Arithmetics bound sin pie or double, for he convenience of teachers, in which the solutions of the questions arc iven with much extra matter for tho black hoard. These Keys are the most complete works of the kind ever published, and contain, in addition, about two hundred examples in Mensuration, &c., for the use of the Teacher. All that is wanted is to have tho above books examined, and 110 teacher who is acquainted with the science of Arithmetic, will hesitate to pronounce them the best works tha have ever been published in this or any other country. Although issued but n few months, they have already been introduced into the Niirht Public. Schools of New York Cily in all tho Schools 1 tn til !- uml iirivute. evrciit tu-n. in lltr. I ite ,,1 ' hcadm?. Also, in about twenty Acaduinics iu the Stale of Penus Ivania inn larjre portion of the Schools in tlie City of Wilmington, in the Cily of Lancaster, and iu the Boroiu-lis of Harrisiiurii, York, 'hambersburir, Lebanon, Doylestowu, Potts villc, Orwitrsbiin-r, &c, cVc. For sale by Ilixiir Maskkii, Sunhury, Aqent for Northiinilicrland County. Sunhury, Dec. 2, 1848. THE PEOPLE'S VADE-MECUM COMPRISING A COM.KCTION OF OVER 200 VALUABLE RECIPES, In, the Useful and Interesting Aria with a few Simple und Curimts Experiments iu CIIEMISTHY : T NCLUDING Medicines, Perfumery, Chemistry Cookery, Furriery, Dying, Conlectionary, Do mestic. Economy, etc. etc. etc. Price h cts., Ibr sale by ' HEN'RV .MASSER. Sunhury, Dec. 8, 1840. PATE ITT MSCISIITZS. (i recti's Ovyrenatcd Bitter, price reduced. Old Jacob Town-end's Sarsapuitl'a. llakc r's Sarsupurilla. Sway ne's Syrup of Wild Cherr Swayne's erniifitcre. Ay re's (.'berry Pectoral Dr. Drake's Panacea. Dr. Cullcn's do Tibhit's Pain Killer. Dr. Hooflaud's German Bitters: Indian Vegetable Pills Horse and Cattle Medicines l'orsaloby HENRY MASSER. Sunhury, July 14, 1849. STONE WARE. FI1IE sulwerilier would most respeclfully iu M. form his friends and a generous public, thut he is inaiiut'acluriiif; thu best quality of STONE WAKE, in all its varieties, and is prepared to sell a little cheaper than any other manufacturer iu the Union, lie is also importing uud dealing most extensively CHINA, CLASS AND QUELNSIVARE, w hich he offers on the most reasonable terms. His Potteries are on Bond street north of Fay ette, and China store und dwelling at No. 8, E. Bultimore street. DAVID PARR, No. 8, E. Baltimore street, Baltimoue, Maryland. February 2, 1850. ly glTONE Ware, Earthen Ware, Raisins, Al l inonils, P uues and Cream Nuts. Planes of all kinds, by .Salt and Plaster. Just received and for sale JOHN W. FRII.ING. Sunhury, Dee. SO, 18111. BOOK.S and Gold Pens. On hand several cop ies of the lilb of Christ, and also a numlier of gold pens which w will sell ut the FhiUdclphiu prices. For sale ut thisollicc. Trr-nNNEDY'.S PATENT SASH FAs" wtk. TENINGS A cheap and excellent arli vie for fastening sash for sale hy J. W. FRILINC Sunhury, July 7, IS 19. ATENT Tmsses of all kinds, Harrison's vcrum? and indeiurjle ink, Uotton yarn and laps, just received and for sale by J. W. FRILING. Sunbury, Dee. 8, 1848. 7ILEY'S COVG1I CASDY. An excel- lent remedy lor coughs, colds. For sale at this oilice - ADD'S celebrated Horse and Cattle,rfMedi ciue for sale by HENRY MASsER buubury Jan. 37th, 184'i T TLN'ERAL WATER, from the Ouk OrclIaTd i'A Acid Springs, highly valuable in chronic di seases, and tonic remedies, for sale I y HENRY MASSER. ' Sunbury, June 29, 1850 tf STONE WAReT n STONE milk Pans, stone Jugs aud Pitchers, and other articles of stone ware just received and for sale by JOHN W. FRILLX-"- Sunhury, June S3, 1819. P1IILA. AND EEADING EAILE0AD . LMVIER ARRANGEMENT FROM PHILADELPHIA AND POrrsVILLE. Office of the Phila. tf Reading Ruilroad Co. t Philadelphia, March SB, 1830. Two Passenger Trains Daily, (except Sunday.) ON and after Aprillst, 1850 two trains will be run each way, daily, between Philadel phia and Pottsville Morninpr Line, (Accommodation.) Leaves Philadelphia at 7$ A. M., daily exespt Sundays. Leaves Pottsvillc at 7 J A. M. daily except Sun- Afternoon Line, Fast Train.) res Philadelphia at 8J o'clock, daily, except vs. Leaves Pottsville at 2J o'clock, daily, except Sundays. Passengers cannot enter the cars unless provi ded with Tickets. The afternoon, or fast trains, do not stop at Au burn, Althouse's, Birdshoro', Roger's Ford, Vil ley Fonjc, Port Kennedy, Spring Mill or Falls. NOTICE. Fifty pounds of baggage will be al lowed to eaeh passenger in these lines j and pas. scngcrs are expressly prohibited from taking any thing as haggnire but their wearing apparel, which will be at the risk nf its owner. By order of the Board of Manarrers. S. BRADFORD, April 13, 1850. Secretary. mi j. j inEGRZrT, jl ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Danville and the public at large, that he has located in Danville, and is now prepared to prac tice Medicine and Surgery in all its various bran ches. Ho will operate on all the various forms of blindness, cross eyes, club feet, harelip, cleft palate, nnd attend to the extraction of tumors, amputation of limbs, and all other surgical dis eases. His collection of instruments comprise! all instruments in modern Surgery, of the latest improvement uud finest finish. He flatters him self that many years' practice and experience will be n suflicicnt guarantee to those who may fesl disposed to employ him. His residence is nearly opposite the Montgomt. ry liitiMhHttt, and next door to Isaac Rosen biiiitn's store, in North Danville. Danville, Dec. 1, 1S49 ly. COtfJICSIAW SPELLIMG BOOK. P KING a progressive and Comprehensive 8ys-J- tern of Orthoirrapy nud Orthoepy, including a variety of definitions, adapted to 'the uso of Schools in Hie American Republic, by Ahnon Ticknor, a Teacher of twenty-live year's experi ence, ond author of the Columbian Calculators, Practical Common School Mensuration, tc. The attention of Teachers, School Directors, parents, Ac, is invited to this new Spelling Book, which conforms to the modern spelling and usages in Orthography as being one of the neatest, cheapest best arranged, and better adapted to the wants of children, than any other published in the United Stats. It is what it purports to be, a Spelling Book and not a Reading Book, and only requires an examination on the part of Instructors of youth to secure for it a universal introduction into the Schools of the United States. Just published, and lor sine oy iitsur ."tlAssBii, Sunliury. Where Teachers and Directors ca Directors can procure copies for examination, August i, 1S4U. niXM412.S AXTI-DISI'KPTIC EI.IXIH Is, with the utnrist confidence, offered to ta .Mulic.il Kneully nnd ihe piihlic- lorthe cure of Dyspeo- ( ns sm or lu.nijesu.m, nuu all disense anting I'roui it, suca Nausea. Hendnehe. Hilious Vomit hip, llnrniuir senMitmu at ths pit of the si tiiinch, l.iv-reoniplauit, llppre-.i iu nfi.er estiiift, P ill il.iti.'u nf the ll.,it, 1'iiiu iu the pitnf the stomseh Yertnr lJunne.-Hnf Skdit. llelulitynl the .Nervous Si lent. II yp ie.'ioudria, .fuiui-hce, I, isofiippelae, ViiHlinff of the strenulh. 1' laluleuee, with irciiuutit nr low-rus llie rirht c, heli-hunr nf wind. illowuehs ol fomnlexion. Vitiated taste, IJepreH.ion nf the spiriNsaud CoitH'ittttiou nnd iiaensiuessl irriiutuuiy ill temper, &c. ol the bowels, If a ease nf dyspepsia should be nej;lected, m.- serious crleels nuy ensue, tor it lavs the foundation for, is ths is eipeut euuse nf, uud very frequently terminates in consump tion. 1 would impress upon the iniiid tluit to tiille with this disease nuy Is- to spurt with ihe reus in which consti lutes mnn supereniineiit mnon uiniiud beiinj,. nr to em bitter existence, by tnldlnif a consciousness 01 lolly to ths penally of fKlin. This meilieiiie is neatly put up iu bottles, with smtil directions for use, and is sold in Suuburv br Jwts W Fl-"-ia. JA.MKS U'lLljAMS. TeMini'Uiynf llr. Abner l,!ines, halter, Market stmt uboe Sixth, err b.rutive of tlie eilicaey of Willuims Aui i-Dyspeptic lLlixir ' PniLsnELPuiA, October S, 184. Mh. Jamcs William. : lle:ir u : It stives me great plensure to kiww that roa nre uc-tin prepurui),' you medieiiie fir the cure of Dyipep si;i. 1 r many nf my ac'iuiiiutani-es have repeatedly aiked me when? it could be prm uted, knowniff that I had been cured hy it. As 1 think that a public acknowledgment f the gran beneli: I have received fmiu die use of your med icine is not only due to you. but 1,111 v be useful to others, I now nvike it. I'..r several years I 'suffered from Dvsuep sia, which increased in such nn extent thut my heal'th and constitution were rapidly sinking under it. I was com pelled to reitrict inyself to the most simple mod, and even thut I could not ditfest. I felt a loss nf itrenfrth, rlisiucli nullon to exercise, and, as ynu huve it in vour sdvertiie ment, a general feeling of depression and indescrilnhla weariness. In the yeur IsDS. hearing; from others hiih r comniindiilioii 1,1 ynur Anti-Uvsis-ptic Klixir, I procured and used it with th most hnpp'y effect j under it intliienes Imunmr and miriness (tniduullv pused awny, and my aprm tite rttiirned which 1 i-nild (tnilily with impunity. Ten years have now elapsed, and my e nitidence in the curatiro piwcrs of your medicine has nf course iuerenseil 'r it completely cured ine when I fulled innUtuin relict' frnra any othei s.iurce. Very respeelfullv vonrs, m . ArtNKR KI.MKS. Testim my ot I-jIward II. It.iwley, Wholesale .Merchant or the linn nl l!-iwley..Ahbuniiei A o., i, & Mouth Wlmrves. in proof of the eificacy of Williums' Auti-Ilvs-peptiu Klixir. 1 .. . ... PniLAnsLruiA, October at), 1849. Mr. James "i iLLlsjts: Dear Sir :l Uike pleasure in recnmmendinir vour Ami. Uyspeptic hlllir lor the cure 1.1 Dyspepsia. 1 ruivs taken It mysell loi the disease, aiul huve been entirely cured. Yours respectfully, KI1WAHD H. ROWLEV Aosxr JOHN W 1-KlUNO, Buubury, Pa. Marca 1;SU. ly BOSH OINTMENT, TOR TETTER 1KAl) the followiiie eeitifiente from Cnpt. Devoe. ths 1 well kii-iwii and popular rJhuin Boat (Juniuin (of ths Traveller.) r 1 PuiLADELrniA, October 31, 1816. Several years since I ws attacked with a breakup out on my neck in the toriu nf Teller, which 1 mil convinced was c aitnu-led at ihe Hnrlwr'sShnp. It jtraisluallv extend ed over my luce until it reneheti Ihe upH.T purl of ths cheeks. During the seveml nioulha that it conlinued spieudms, I usetl iliflerent uppliculioiis. some of which had the erieet, appreutly ut least, is iucraiaiiiK the disease, hut from iKiue 01 them did I .erceive the least lieuetit until 1 spplkl the Kosk Oistsiisxt. Ky the use of one jar t it, I was periectly cured and liave remained free 01' the affec tion. I liave since usixl the Ointment, lighlly applied for mush nesa of the fuee, blotches, chapped hands, 4c. With per. feet success. I have no hesitation in reciuuiaeudinf it in the strongest manner to the public. JA.MI'S DEVOE. Afrent IIknxt Masses, Sunhury. July !M, ISO. LIQUOHS. WIIST&C. rPIIE subscrilier has just received a new supply of the Irnst liquors that ever came to Sunbury, consisting in part of "Superior old pale Urn inly. Fine Coirniae brandy. Superior Old Jamaica Spirits. NeEiis-hind Rum. Fine Holland Gin. Superior Old Whiskey Common do. Superior Maderia Wine. Lislmn do. do. Superior Port Wine. Burgundy Port do. Sweet Malaira Wine. Huperior Claret Wine in bottles. Champagne do. do. HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, May 26 1849. OSE OINTMENT. A fresh supply of thil excellent irticle for Totter, A c, just received and for sale by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, July 28, 1849. NOB AND 6I'RIN'a MORTISE LAT. 'HES. An excellent article, for sale at half the usual price by J. W. FKILING. Sunbury, July 7, 1749 1JAZORS A superior irticle for sale at the ' store of HENRY MASSER, Sunbury, Feb. Ifl, 1850, t