SUNBUKY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. It is Impossible that ffcch member ihdttld xamin the merits t every claim tin which he is comveflei to vote : and it ft nreDosterous to asV a 1ud2e to decide a case which he hat neveT 1.eivrd. Such decisions ttiav. and fteauerftiV must, do injustice either to the claimant or the Government, and I nwcnvt no better remedy for this omwinir 0 vil lhan the establishment of tome tribunal to adjudicate upon such claim. T hpcr. leave, therefore, most re spectfully, to recommend that provision be made bv law lorine appointment 01 a mm mission to settle aU ptivate claims against the United States', and, as an exparie hear ing must in nil contested esses be very un satisfactory, I also recommend the appoint ment of a Solicitor, Whose duty snan ne 4o represent the Government before such commission, and protect it against a!I ille pal, fraudulent or unjust claims, which may he presented for their adjudications. This District, which has Yieither voice nor vote, in your deliberations, looks to yoo ffor protection and aid, and I cdmmend all its wants to your favorable consideration, -with a full confidence that you Will mee-t Mhem not only with justice, but wiln liber ality. It should be borne in mind tfiat in 1hiscily, laid out by Washington, conse crated by his name, is located the capital of our nation, the emblem of our Union, ; and the symbol of our greatness. Here ah- so are situated all the public buildings ne cessary for the use of the Government, and all these are exempt from taxation. It should be the pride ol Americans to render this place attractive to the whole Rebublic and convenient and sale lor the transaction of the public business and the preservation of the public records The Government, should, therefore, bear a liberal proportion of the burdens of all necessary and useful improvements. And, as nothing could 'contribute more to the health, comfort, and safety of the city, and the security af the j public buildings' and records, than an abun-, .'riant supply of pure water, I respectfully 1 recommend that you make such provisions for obtaining the same as in your wisdom you may Weem iproper. Tin art piwwil nt yimr -late seaaioii, mnking ctrtnin pro. 1 tmailimia ui.Texua fr -Mtlluii the iliaiiiilwl i military t- rtweea Unit -Plale ami llie Xeintnry il' SfW Slejlci, ni aiiiniKiliiiielvnu ila puaaujre, IrMiianiiltcd ly esirra In the M.ivem- "f. Tessa, lo ha leM liv liiin lici'ire the ticneral Aaacinlilv fur in iiiarteiawit thereto, la receipt win duly ctn mUilitwt. Hiu-iw tativial mf iriniiti 11 lm Is-'eii re .reivcil ui'ilie aetimi of tln-MB-ml A wriulily llieremi: il . inuy, however, lie vervs am jiei,tml, iia'iv the turiua of the prup.witiinif (uUinillnl lliey were to lime lieen acted i-nii-m. nil nr Iwfure the HmI iUv h ll"i -prisma in Mil. It Will Imrilly tu have been expei-lnl tliul the series af 'incsauri-s pnased at vitrlnst si-si-"l'. -with the view ol 1 liealinir the sreli mill ifcnurenres which liuil apriiuK from the 1 slavery nml territorial unetlinui. lt ki41 ill imi-e have reiili vzeil their benelireiit pnipuv.. .Ml iiiiinml -rom-rawi 11 in the i ii'iture nl ivNTipri'inUe lariat luiri'Miirily Iw-n-.iiA-isV'itiir lo jni-of extreme opinions. Ami III miili illiaiil siiehtjnts. -iniu our Conalinilioiirnnlil not hiive Imu Hirmxl, ami ,a 11 he permHiieiillv snMuinnl, yetAw stive, sreirthcm marie the auhjeet of li'itlercontroversey lu 'Willi aeetiisia of the KepuMie. It required ninny month Mi'-"""!! said ilrlilwrati'iu tii necnre the eonenrresve ui a msiorily of t'ongrt-aa ill their luvur. It w Mild lie- ctriutfe j!' they had hceu received with limnciliale apprtfS!nn fcy people and Slatta, prejndii ed ami healed by I lie nieiting-rniilroveraics f their representative. I lielitve th'e menire to hove lieeu required liy the 'eircumi:ii"reii and eniulttiou of the 4-onutrv. I lielieve they -ere nrwMtiry to allay "peritie viid aiiMii'iHitie lint were rniiiilly tilieuiitinir laie eeli.iu 01" . therimiitry froa; another, and tleiiir.iyia th'iae frateraal aeutiiilentt whicliie Ihe-nlr-iuiti'Kt mipp irt "f the Consti-tuli-ai. 'I'liey were ad ipted in the-ft.iirit of roiieiliauou, and fir the purivwa of reconeiliiitiou, I believe tliat a :Rre:it uiaj 'rity ot'our ne rilieji l pnlliiMa in thut apirit, and 1 lull purvee and in the main approve, and are jirepared. in all renpects, to aiiitaiu thte vuaeimenht. 1 t 11111 it doubt that the American people, IvMlid t-ip'ttier by .kiiuhed bio id and common lniilili inB.-ia:l chert7h a puru nil it' reitnrd lor Ihe L'uiou of iht-ir laihitsi; and tlail they ::re ff" idy 1 1 rebuke any attempt to vi la"t ita integrity.' I r'lllNttirh ihe uniaea on which it U b-iKed, 01 to refliat the huvii which Imve been enucled lllidel its authority. The ric of uieaHurcn to which I h ive alludad are ra irarded by me an a net'leiueu', ill prmeipi ami mibatintee - fi final aelllcinenl of the drutffcroim and ezciliuir aubjeeta which Ihey enilirmred. Moat 01 theae nuliieetR, indeed, are 1 beyond your reach, an tlie IcciHlaliou which diapoaed of 1 them waa. iu ita clmracler, final uud irrevie-ible. It may e presumed from the opiHwitiou wlach they all encountered that none of lh ! niniMtirej, waa free from iuliierleeliona. but in their mutual depoadauee aarl eoiiuexioii Ihey formed 9 iyiteni of c nnpr iiuiae, lie ih irt eoBeili:llor, and beat for Ihe entire-count ry.'t lull could lie olitaiiied from conflict Bug aeclioual iiiteveMla mid opauorw. For thia rehni 1 rer. -iniw.ejtd y inr nnhereaee to the ad juatinuut. eatublialierl by th e incumire, nulil time and ex perience ahall leni enitrale Ine neceeity ol farllicr Ivciala- tiou to guard ugaiuint evuahai or nhtipe. Hy that ndinatmcut we hnv been reacned frowi tin? wide ltd bouudteAa nt,ritati n that -aiirrountleil'iia, ar.d lave a firm, dia' inct mid leff.d ronnd to rent nimr.. Atd the oe aaion, I trnat, will Qualify me in exhortioit tuy rotirtlryineu -to rally tli"ii and in linhiiu that ground a rite lieal, if not tlhe only meana, of real ri itir pe-ive and ipiiel to the eomi. Ilry and maintaining; inviolate Ihe mtcjrrity of the I'iiiou. And li nv. fell nv cili.eua, 1 raun-it brine; thia eoimiuini -ration to n el oae. wilhoiii inv kiut voii to join tuein hutr.. Iile and dev 'lit thiiuka t 1 Ihe ftreal fiiller of nliou.., forthe multiplied hlcaniuifa which he hna craeioua)y hcalowed U oil aa. Ilia Iriii-t. a 1 often riaibrc in 0111 prcacrvnlion, hua atayeil the (lealilcuce, aavi-d na from foreiL-n wnraaudSi fneatic diatiirbuucca. and acullcreil plenty tliiouuh llielnoil. Our liherliea. rcliiti'iia mi I civiL hive lacn inaialnined; -tire fouutniua of kii'twhi)ie have alt been kept open, and menu of happiucaa widely apread and generally eajoyed, arrester than have fallen to Ihe 1 it of aav othirr aatiolt. And,-while decplv penetrated whh eratitilde for the pMt, let Ita' hope that Ilia all wiae Providence will a 1 fuiile aiT rotiistela. na that thev ahull result in piviitu- a-itiafaetuai to our t'onatitiieula. s-eiirinff the peace of Ihecxmlry, and additiff'itew atreitt;lU tn the uaited lioveriunent under whirli we live. MltXAltD FII.LMOUE. Waariuigton, Dccemlier 9il, IKW. New AdvertLiemcnts. VALUABLE rARTfl FOR SALE. ri'tllE uuliscriU-ra will otE- for mite, on tli 31i.t I .day of Decriulicr insluiil, uu tlic prcmim-e, a Tract of Land, irnntainini; 'JfiT acre more or, ailuatret Hn Lowy Mahouny township, INortliuiulierlaud icouiuy.. About 200 aores.urc cleared and in a good state of cultivation "J'lie iniirovciueuts an THREE WO STURV LOG DVVELLINU HOUSES, Thane Barn, one of them large Bank 13 ant, There re two larB APPLE OtfCHAKDS gr an the land, and other goJ improvements. The land is situated near die Mahantango cruet, and the river tSuaquehanna. The pulilie mad, leading froia the Susquehanna la Alutcrsviile, passes aarcr Uie land. The alwive farm will he sold torjetlier, r divi ded inta tw or tltrce parts, la suit purdiasera. If not sold on I list day, the property will lie rented for the term of one year. The conditions of sale will be nude known oa the day of sale- The protcity will be sold as the property of Jacob Snyder, by JOHM A. 8XVDEW, Mm " Lower Malionoy, Dec 7- 1850 ts. PROPOSALS WILL tie received until the SO1I1 day of De cemlier IH50, fur delivering Mills accosting to Use following Bjiecinration, along the line of the TA'EVOKTOX MAHANOV .D SCSgUE. H.tNN.4 KAU.UO.lU- bills to he deposited at snu-fc places, and in suc h quanliliea aa shall be di reeled by the Engineer, and alter being inspected, Use per sou delivering the gills, to lay up those p proved iu cross piles. SPECIFICATION. Bills tn he of souud white-oak, or ehesaat-osk timber-, seven foot ana an half Iraig, cut or sawed squara at the ends, and in sixa at the small end of Ihe slick, as follows : 1st Class. Requiring the lug to ba 43 i1K-l,ea in diameter at taa small eud to make 4 sills. So Class. squiring the )og V be 13, inches in diainster at the sinal, and to make i is, r SpClam. Rpj'ur'ijj the og o 1)B IB Utohss in diameter at the small tuau native oneau;.. Villa to be deliveiod on of fef (ojf the ni day of Hay ltuu I Tea timber to be cut Sown before In sow of ass any La ths ISl OI MCI 1P31. KIMBKR C LEAVER, Cnginesr TWuioii,l)sc.einbu 7, leiO. U. . SHERIFF'S SALE. Ry Vlrtae of a eertsin writ of "Fieri Fnclss, ts me rll rerted, will be sold hv pnblle Tendiie or catterr, at 1 o'clock P. m., on SVitnrdnr, IWemher US, IKW, at Ihe ronrlhouae 111 the bormigh of Bunbury, the followiiig real estate to wit: The Danville and PoUstown (Pottsville) Kail Boat) with the appurtenances, ftituare In the crmnlies of NoVljiiimlwriaml and aehnytkill, together with the rorporate nirli and privileges nf the said Danville ft rottatown (I'mtavitlc) Railroad Company and the rani eatnte of the said, sittiaVs Vn Schuylkill fcormty, n 'follrwk, Via A certain Lot of Land, situate in Mount Carbon. Vhuvlklll eountv, la-ginnng at a prist, a corner of land sold to Henry White, in the lino of Robert ft laiwrence licwia1 bind, thence extending by the aaid lot sold to Henry White, South S5 degrees, enstalamt 475 foet more or leas, eroaalnf the Centre turnpike road to Me river Schm-lk ill, thence extending down Ihe said river 7W feel ti the corner of a lot sold In Hcninmin lleeker, now of Krancia n. Nichols, thence north M degrees, west shout 470 feet, m ro or leaa, eroaaing the said Centre turnpike tnnd tolhe line of Robert ft lnwrenee 1-wla' laial. slone the same, north 11 degress weal to the paiee of be ginning. AI.0 1 A rerlnin Lot of Lantf, itaate on both aides or the Centre tur(ke, tn VtanhWi tfiwiiahip, in thefomrtv of (-hovrfl. hi'iiiiug al a p.rt n the north eaatertv Vide of tlte Tiirnrnke nsd aloreanid, thence sxteuding by 4nriil of theSc.ho) IkiS Xnvigntion GoW panv north til deg. S mill., east IB7 feet, tlience by the aanle north US deg. 10 Slid., Wl : feel, thene north S3 deg. ft S niin., east 80 feet, thence by the aime ma-th SO deg. and rt rtiin.. west lilfeetf inches. tWciice by the same a tstn ka .! -.. .110 f.tjt miH iIiciicm hv Ihe Sarne u orR, piiii u mill., . j , a s nith M deg. ft M min , east 1 feel inches to ths (fsce I or la-ginping. Whereon la ereciea a two aviry aioue Swelling Houae dt Tavern Bland. A certain other Tract of Laml, Wtnntn nt the distise ef Mtl feet and in a course of north Nl dug. S min. east iroui the aforesaid point in the u-irth eastcrlv- aide of the said Centre turnpike, thence exteialing from lliellriilge by other land of the suid Ojimpany north 8 Aeg., weal 8-ifl Peet S inch, to a stake-, thence north S Hog. S nun west alb feet to a corner near the Waste Weir, and thence north tin deg. S5 mill, east 611 feet tu ths liw Water mark of the Schuylkill river, thence A vn said river ubiHg tli line of low water to the pluea of beginning. Which deacribed Iota being part of s larger niece of hmd. contain ing 11 acres atrict Ineuaure, he tlfcsa?l more ot leaa. wbieh Duriiel fir.-tr Munmret hia wife, nml Unirge Wionraakcr and Mary hia wife vf Schuylkill comilv aforeanid, hy deed dnteil the Oth day of Mar. A. I). Piln. conveyed to the said Schuylkill .nvkc:ili ai Coinpuuv and their suiM-eaaora ami aaaigucca in fee airiiple. Whereon 11 erected a two story atone Ware House. AfcTO: All that cerlain piece of Ground, situate in Motmt Carfcdn, lh Manheim townahip, in llie county last nfoTemrul, hcfriiuiing at a iioat isi Ihe margin of tiie canal nt Ihe diatunce H slmut 100 feet below the aouth east corner of the l'pT Hiialn. thence along the margiH of the canal nortli vW deg. vrtit 1fr4) feet to a mitit in the lia ain, thence througli Che middle of said Imsiu, dividing it e (piully by a direct lifl:, bearing nlauit south 0'i deg. West IIH4 feet or there uboiit to a poat 111 Ihe wcatem line of 'ths sain piece 01 grounil, ruiimng south :cilrtr. tniai niong me land of Kohert M l-wia: llienee on riiellnst liienlioiieil line south 33 deu eaat about lei feci ton atone corner, thenee innth 21 dig. caat 4v' feet 'to a ioat, fnence north ti deg. euat uuo leet tu tlie Snce ol tiecimiliig. Al-SOi All thai cerlnin lot or piece of GrournJ, situate nt ZMituit Carb-m. in tbe townahip and county rrfora aaid, beginning ut a point 111 the niiddlv of the upper toain in Ihe margin of the Schuvlkill Can il' Iheiicenlong the mar gin of the canal ma-th as deg. waat Kit feet ton iat at the corner of the (iuard Wall of Ihe I.0A ut the distance of JO fed from the centre of the !ate l'ot, thence sontht 67 deg weal "ill feot to a poat; thence nortti lidcg. weal 31 ft. to a poat ut ihe ilinlnnce of 3.1 feet from Sauaom Kidgcway and Whitea' Bollthcrn line, thcuce parallel with said line aouth 07 deg. wcat 310 feet to a poat in the line of Rola-rt M. ft Irfiwrence lHwia,. thence along said line smith Ji'l deg. east until it inecta Krederick I jiuilcrbruua allotment, thence by a dirert line, s 1 na to strike the middle of the aforesaid laiain, dividing it enurlly bearing aWail n-irthfti deg. caat to the place of beginning ; containing one ucre snd twcnl y f nir perches, mere or leaa. Seized, taken in execution and to he sold aa tlie pronertv f The Danville und I'oltatown (l'ottavillr) Had lload Cutupanv. JAMKS COVi:itT, Shrff. Slieriffa Odice, ) Banbury, I).. 7, J (ORPFLiNS' COURT SALE. 11 pursuance of an order of Ihe Orphans tCort'ol IVorlhiitiiueiluiiil enmity, will be eiTJOed 1 to public ealf, on THURSDAY Ihe Suit day of 'JANUARY, 1851, at the public House Af William Weaver, in the town of SltatTiokiti, tlie lulrowiiio t'cribed property to wit : a 9iim!i Tract of Coal Lnnd, coutaimiie about '13 n'ei'es'siilveyetl in the name of Thoinaa GumtieM. adjoiiiino lautla aiiivcyej ijn ihe name ol Luke 'fuller, -anil other, also, a siintll TRACT OF COAL LAND, containing ntxwt -i35 nereg survevKd iu the uame ol Tdomas Mmean, lulioiiiiiii; land surveyed in tlie name ol Genrue -C'ulniin end otheirt, land. Also oiik hull are of land ad- iiiininu ihe Shamukin 'Fiirnaue tract, all stiu- atu in Slwuriokin iownahipi(iioiv Coal.1) iUfo the followiiig Iota situate in the town if Shamokin, in Norlhumberlaiid cotm'.y, viz-: New. 173, 174, 175, 176. 177, 178, 179, 'MO, 181. 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 19.'i.39fi, q7. Al- so ihe undivided halt purl til' lol., Nos 11, '12, 13, 84, 80, 86, 90. 91, 92. 93, 94, S, 98, '100, 101, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 124, 1125, 12G, 146. 147, 148, 149, 10, 164, '152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 165, 16, 467, 168, 169, 171, 172. 182, 183, 184.185,, 187, 188, 189. Also the undivided moi ety, or halt' part of three squaies jnsaiH'eown, niwmlu between Cominerre e'.reul on Ihe inorlh, Spnrzhei-r street mi ihe south. Rock Dlaoet mi Ihe east, and Washington street on Ihe went, also Ihe Undivi3td Half Part of One Siptare, ititnalo between Commerce and Wa-shincton tCreeis, and Independence and Liberty eitreels in .Hil town. Also the WHOLE SQUARE beHween T.Jberly., Independence, Ora)ngft;and Commerce si reels. Also the WHOLE SQUARE between Orange and Independence vtreers, and the western 'boondeiy ol suid town. Also lots Aos. Ml, 54, il. 5.1, 54. all ol which stave dwelling houses erected upon them. Alsu let No. 69, en which is elected an oliire. Also lots Na. 70 ami 3, on whici in erected a Frame Bwellini; House, lot No. 45, with a Frame Dwd'fot"; House llieieon, Nog. 46, 74 and 75, 011 which is a Slone House. Also Ihe tirterest of ihe said John C. Hoyd, dee'd., in lite FOUNDRY at Shamokin, also the interest ol said intestate 111 anil to TWO LOTS OF LAND in said lown, wow owned by Rev-. Mr. Ham ilton. Late the estate of John C. tioyd, deceased. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M-. "of said day, whcti the terms will lie made kirown by PAUL LE1DY, Adm'lor By order of the Court, I John I'. lumel,Clk.O. C. j Oec. 7, 1850.t EEGISTER'S NOTICfi. TVOTICE is hcrebv eiven to all Legatees, " Creditors and other iiersoua iurerested in the Estate of John K. Maurcr, dee'd., Settled by bis Adm r. George Buyer, of Valentine Hummel dee'd., acttletl hy his Adm'r. David Marts, of Gid deon NchcddH, dee d., settled by Ins bxCcutors, W m. H. and Gulcon Schetldcl, ol John v llliclin dee'd., settled by his Adm'r. Thomas 8, Mackey of Kola-rt M. Sevdel, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r, Joint F. Wolfniger, of William Kollnicr, dre'd., setued by his surviving Executor, Jonathan roll iner, of Joseph Kline, dee'd., settled hy one of his AU111 rs. John Ptouls, of George Grant, dec d. settled by hia Adm'r- Peter Hilvmau of Peter Brown, dee'd., settled by hia Adm'r- Jeremiah Wetaeb Tlie set of Jacob Trautinan Guardian of Marah Bibnert of Aobert Grant, dee'd-, settled by hia Adm'r. William Kt& of Henry Khoads, dee'd,; settled by his Adm'r. William Amruerman, That the Executora and Adminisirators of aaid Estates have filed their accounts with the Ke gistcr of Northumberland county, and that the same will be presented to ths Orphans' Court of r ... - i 1.... w.l 1 e t emu vuuiiij, uu a uvwuay me iva uay 01 januarj next for confirmation and allowance. JOHN P. PtRSEL, Regiataf, Register's Ollice, ) Sunbury, Nov. 30, 1840. 6t J A CARRIAGE FOR SALE 17 OR sale at reasonable price, a well built ear riage in good condition with tongue and shafts for either one or two horses. Also, t double set of harness. Enquirs at this ortws. Aug. 31, tf. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY lrtue of a Certain Writ of hn. fatlai to me directed will be sold hy public vendue or outcry, at 1 o'clock, P. M. on Tuesday the 8 1 at day of December, 1850, at the Mount Carmrl House, kept by Fclit Lerch In Coal township, the following ffeal Estate to wit: All that certain tract or body of COAl. LAND, embracing; the Locust Mountain, situate formerly in Shamokin. now Coal township, In the County f Northumberland, bounded snd described as fob Itrwa to wit 1 adjoining on the north by lot No. 8, thtnee by land surveyed In the name of George Outonin, now Messrs. Boyd & Company, snd Istrd formerly of Wm. Totnlinson. flow Messrs. ftovd & Co. 1 thence by allotment No. 8 I thence by ho Mahonoy Mountain. Containing eighteen htfndred snd seventy four seres snd seventy per ches strict measure, being sundry tracts and purls of tracts of land surveyed on warrnilta, bearing dste the 15th of March'l793. granted td Edmund Hurt, JhrrYCs Gricr, Thomas Gricr, James Perkins, Richard Salmon, Richard Manning and Thotnaa Faster, HliS slso parts or two tracts surveyed on wstratfts beating dale the 30th of Net'. I80O, granted o Dniel Brautigom, and Jumes Hep burn, d ahtrrVcd to Valentine Brobst a No. 7, according to a certain partition of twenty-five tracts ef UriA, 'commonly culled "The Grunt Lands," and beVne the same premises which Ja cob Hoffman snd Mary G. his wiln, granted and confirmed to GcAI-ge'Gordon. Seized tcli i ccution nd to be sold as the property of treerge Gordon. AI,SU 1 At the CruVt Ifuse "in :thc borough of SunbUrv, on Mondav the 6th day Wf January next, at 1 o'- tiocl, P. M. of said day, ' certain Lot of Lund, Sftut'te in Market street, ! "the borough of .Sun trurv, liotrVi.lcl north by Cherry alley, east by alley, BOtfth by Market siree't, knd west by lot Nri 40, fcnd known iA the gescral plan of suid bor ough as lo't No. $ 9, containing 6nc-cighth of an tiere more ot less, 'whereon, fire crec'tcd a two story Blfck Dwelling House, Snd-Frnms Stable, Seized taken in execc'fion Slid to he sold Hho property of Benjamin Robftis. JAMES OOVGKT, Sherin". erilT's Office, Sunbury, ( Dte. 7th, 1850. J. AUMT0RS SOT ICE. tita tnfderMKiicd appr?fittd tui'litor to exam ihe and raake" distriltu'rion of the bhlancc re maining in'tlic hands of David Mnrtz, Esq., ad- hustrator of Valenlme Hummrl, dec d-, on tlfc lited sdttlefeerfX of Iris sililiinistration account, will attend to the diitien of h'nt appointment, al liis rn Si(r.bTrrV. eu Tlltiisday the SBIh that., at 0 o'clock, A. M-, at which time and place these itcrestcd arc 'Hereby notified to attend. H 'B .MASiStH, AtliHCr Dcccmtwr'7, 1850 SHERIFFS SALES. BY Virtifc of a certaiin writ of I V. Erf. a me directed will be sold by public Vendue, or out rry, at 2 o'clock. P. M. rm Monday the S;)d day of December, 1850. rft tttfllimise nf Jumps II raws, the Borough uf Mihrin, 'the 'following -Real Es tate, to wiV. A certain Lot of IjAikI, situate in tire Borough cif Miltrm, 'houiulcrl 'tiorth by Upper Market street, caiU liy lot owned by rs. Elle Kctchner, sotfta try -an alley, avu wtrsi lot of C Goodlitnder, eonltilning oncietghth of an aerc, mote er loss, 'wlrercoh are erected a two story Log and r-rsJtne Dwelling House, (plastered,) and a iime Stable. "Seized taken in execution, and to be'sld as tire iproperty of Reuben OvcrHH-k. ILSOs All that wrtain new Frahle luitdmg, shuttte the borough ol' Milton, Xorth'd county, frni'ting on Front street; two storres high 111 front, fcnd one story high in the tear thereof, and CO ft. long hy S3 ft. wide, erected on a Lot of Land, in said iKirougb, bounded north by an alleyeast by lot of the Miss Waldrons, seuth lay Market street, bud est by Front street aforestud. Brans the same Lot of Land known in tiie general plan of said ormigh us lot !a, anil whereon are also erected a Blacksmith Shop, Coppersmith Shop, a Lead pipe and Window Sash Manufactory, which said new Irunie building, John M. Patton was and the owner or reputed owner, and Abner 'I.elaud as and is the contractor, architect knil builder thereof. taken in execution Slid te be aold as the property of John M. Pultoh and AbnCr l.clund. JAMES 'COVERT, Shcriir. SlierilTs Olfice, 9 unbury, Nov. 87, 1850. ts. f PUOCLAMATIOX. TV OTICE is la-teliy given "fhVt tile Several courts '' of Commou 1'fcas, General (jtmrtcr Sessions of the peace, and 'Ophatas' Ciatfrt, Court of Oyer and Terminer srta (icik-ml JSiJ Delivery, 111 and forthe county of Nortliunils-rland, to cnninfiiee at the Court House, in the bhYough ol Sunbury, at 10 o clock, A. M. on Monthly, the full ol Jan uary next, will continue TWO WEEKS. 1 be Coroner, Jttstice oTttle Peace and consta bles iit sfrld for tile couuty df Northumberland, are requested to be then and there iu their proper per sons, Virh rttt-rr effls, records, iniiuisitions, and other reuietnhrancca, to do those things to their several oiticcs a)icTtainmg to lie done. And all witnesses prosecutifig in ltehalf of the Common wealth Against auv prisoner are also requested and creirihsuided to be tlienand there altriidnig in their uroirer periuins to nrencititc against him, as shall lie just and not to dcisrrt without leave at their peril. -Jurors are fctiicsird to liepiiuctual in tht-iv tteiidamv, at ".lie If ire appointed agreeable to their iieta cs. iiven umlfr iriy bands at Sunbury, ths 30th day of -Nov. vfi the year of our Lord one thousand "eiirSt Irundred and fifty and the Iudeieiidinc6 "ot'Vfte United States of America the 75th. JAMES COVERT, Sh'lfc (Soil save the Comnionweullhi I IIE VEHY LATEST AlllllVAL. NEW GOODS AT THE STORE OF IRA T. CLEME1TT, WHO takes this method of Informing his friends and customers, that he has lust re ceived and opened a splendid assortment of NEW GOODS, which he offers to tlte p'eblic at the lowest prices- His stock consists of every Variety and quality, necessary for the farmer, mechanic, and laborer, aa well as the professional man, via: an kinnsoi Mens' A p parol, flCCIl AS Cl.tlTHSi CAKHIMKIIKS, SATTINETTS, VRBTINti, te. ALSO 1 a lafge assortment of Calicoes, Mousselint De Leines, Alpeccas, Alerinos, Shawls, Handkerchi'.Jst Gloves, Ituisery, Checks, Cambrics, (ring hams, tc. Also large assortment of Boot 1 and Shoes, Halt and Caps, Gum over Shoes, Also an Assortment or I1EAUY MADE CLOTHING. A general assortment of Groceries, Sugar, Cotlee, 1 ea, tneeae, ito lasses, Spice. An assortment of Hardware, A'oili, Stetl end Iron. Liquors, Such at Brandy, Gin, Rum, Whiskey, Ac. E7 Produce of all kinds will be Uken in ex change, and ths highest market price paid for ths same. Sunbury, Nov. 30, 1850. ly. ni:isTrn'S notice. NOTICE Is hereby given to all Legatees, Creditors snd other persons interested hi the Estate ol Martin Keller, dee'd., settled by his Executor John F. Wolfimror. That the Enecu. tor of said Estate has filed bis account with ths Register of Northumberland county, and tfrrtt tis same was presented at August term, and confirm ed ) and at the sun e term to wit 1 August 8, 1850, on motion of John F. Wolfingcr, Esq., the Cottrt grant leave to tho Executora tc fill up the blanks in the within account, and also to add thereto nil diliofntl items of charges and credit. Un Hit Court direct six tvenks notice of tho filing said ac count, prior to the first day of next term, to be given In the Aoinliiiry American, as to the heirs living out of the fmfntv. By ordcf of ihe Cniift, ) JOli.N P, PUHsEL. CIV. J November 2.1, lSSO.-M. T. S. BOBST'S AND WATCH ESTABLISHMENT In Seluiegrove, Pa C'IocUn, MVttli'ltaj niul Jewelry, EPAIUED in the best manner end warranted -' to jiertorm Well. All work intrusted to his cure1 will be strictly attended tn. Selinsgrove, NoV. ilO. lR.(a tfi ESTATE OF GEORGE CLARK, Dee'd, TJ OTICE is hereby given that letters of admin- ' istnition have been granted tu the siibscri la?r on the estnto of George Clarki dl'c'tl., lute of Sunbury, Nnrthumberland county. All persons indebted tc said estate, or having claims atfnhmt the same, are requested til call 011 the subscriber, in Sunbury, fur nciilciiilint. Creditors arc requested to present their claims immediately, us a meeting tif the creditors will ho held to take into consideration a proposition for 'the payment of their claims. REUBEN Ri rAGELY, Adm'r. Sunbury, Nov. 23, 1830. -(It. NOTICE, D. 8. Hammond vs The heirs of Gen. R. H. Hammond. ) In the Orphans' Court of iNorlhiimliCriiiml county. Writ of Partition and f Valtiatlom r ..: . I.I ...... ... ioticc is ncreiiy given to the heirs and legal re presentatives of the said K. 11. Hammond, dee'd, !tb appear nt an Orphans' Cdtirt to lie held in Vunliury, for the county of Northumberland, on the first Monday of January next, and accept or refuse the real estate of the said deceased, at the valuation fixed upon the same by sit inquest duly awarded and held upon said real estate. JAMES COVERT, .Sheriff. Sheriff's Ollioi", Sunbury, Nov. ICtli, 1S50 Ct. J NOTICE. W11 G. Moors Intbe (ourt of Com mon Picas of Northum berland countvi "Writ de Partition! Fa- vs Charles O. Moore, John W. Moore, Isaac G. Mooro and Frances Moore. cieiulil. ISdtice is hereby giv en to the aforesaid Par tics that they lie and iimvcnr at a Court of Common Pleas to be held irt Sunbury for the County of Northumberland 011 the first Monday of January next, and then and there accept or re fuse the Real Estate mentioned in the aforesaid writ at the valuation fixed upon it by all Inquisi tion duly awarded and held upon the said premi ses. JAM Ed COVERT Mi'rll Shr'fls Office, Sunbury, ) ?.ov. 10, ISM Ot". ) HOLE NEW GOODS At tlie 1.CW More of JOHN BUYERS & CO., Market Street Sunbury. WHO has just received and oiened a large as sortment of new and fashionable goods, of every variety, suitable for the fall and winter sea son, for all persons ; ami to which he calls the at tention of friends uud ctialonicrsi Hts stock con sists in part ot DRY GOODS. SICll AS Cloth, Cassimeres, Satlindlf Mcrinoi, Dc Lai ins. Culirof, SufiWx, Hand kerchiefs,, nml all kinds uf tear ifir apparel. ALSO: HarcUVHrt', titenKwnre, Groceries, Pish, Salt and Plaster, And all articles that may be Wanted by tho com munity. The Ladies Will find-, by calling at bis store, that he, has not been uiimiiidtul of their wants, and respectfully invites them to examine his selection. Coutvtry produce ef all kinds taken in ex change lor goods at the highest market price. Sunbury, Nov. 9, GREAT ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS! Market Street, Sillibury, Pa. OHN W. FAILING respectfully informs bis tjjl friends and customers that he has just res ccAvcd a laTge and handsome assortment bf Dry Goods,, Consisting of Cloths, Cassiineres, 8altinctts, hi Laiues, Calicoes, t alley and Staple Odods. ALSO: GROCERIES of eveVy description, tmt'iiS AND MK1HCINKH. QTJEENSWARE AND HARDWARE. Fiab, lt. Plaster and a general assortment of all suth goods as will suit all classes ; the Par mer, Mechanic, Laborer and (jeiillemen ol all profevsiotls. The Ij a alien Will find a great variety ef All such srlirlas as they will need for the present season. .V Country produce df all kinds taken in ex change at tho highest market price. Sunbury, Nov. !, 1H30. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. N pursuance of an order of th Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed lo public sale, on FRIDA 1 the ldlh doy ol De- eeiuber next, on the premises to wit: A certain Tnu't of Land, situute in Upper Mahonoy townahip, containing onf hundred and forty acres more or leas, whereon is erected a two story LOG HOUSE AND BARN, A Stone Spring House, &e about ninety acrea la?ing cleared. There acs also on the premises two LARGE ORCHARDS, and slwint ten acres meadow adjoining lands af Michael ReiU, Daniel Reite, and othera: Also, his riirht nil title to fourteen acrea unimproved land en the Line Mountain Late the Estate of Leonard Kaufman, dec ! , bale to commence at 10 o clock, A. M., of said day when the terms of sale will be made knowa . nminvuiril.' LT F IT I I) ny r sAUuiiun ivuiiwmh, 1 , By order of the court, J J 110. P. Pursel, clerk. ) November 6, 1650.-4. s. T?NVELOPE8. -Th subscriber would respect- 1 (ul)y announce to his friends and a generous public, that he is manufacturing Knvclopea of ths beat quality ana 01 an sinus, r ot sic uy . GEO. W. COBLE. Sunbury, Oct. 19, 1850. tf. 'ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN pararane of an erdcr of the Orphans court of Northumlwrlanilrounty.will be exposed to pub lic sale rm SATURDAY the 14th day of Decern ber next, on the premises to wit 1 A certain Tract of Laml, situate In t'ppey Augusta township, adjoining lands of Isaac Kline, Henry Kline, and James Forrester, whcicon ere erected a two" story frame DWELLING HOUSE, A gootl Spt'mg House, large frsme Piatik Darn, good On-hard, and a Lime Kiln. A I so said farm is in an excellent stato of cultivation, containing ONE IIUNDHE'D AND THREE ACRES, more or less, aliotit eighty acres of which are cleared; late the estate of Jonathan Mettlcr, dec' J. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day when the terms of sale will bn made known by JOHN ECKMAN, Adin'r. fiy order of the Court ) John P. Puricll, Clk O. C. J November 0, 1850.- -rs. GREAT ARRIVAL OF lLtlAM'HOOVEn rcsticwrufly informs his friends snd customers that be bus just relumed from Philadelphia, with an excellent assortnfciit of NEW GOODS. which be oilers for sato at his new stoTe at Mas scr's Mill, Hollowing Hun. These goods were selected with great rare, and will be sold at the lowest prices. ins siot h consists op t;vi:nv variety, vi Dry Goods, Such n.a Cloths. Cuftimeres, Sattinrts, Bfwtlinsi tulicof.i, Jlui'ssrifie lie Laiuea, AU paccas. Merinot, Flannels, Checks, (ling, hams, Ifc. 1 ALSO: An assortment nf HATS, CAfS, lll.M AND l.KATItER SIIOLS aUEENSWARE, HAHDWAKE, IRON andiSTEEL, NAILS, &c, A general assortment of Groceries, such as Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molas es, Spices, &c. Also an assortment ef Liquors, such as firandy, Runit Whiskey, Wines, S-C. M?" Produce of all kinds taken iu exchanco at the highest market prices. llullowmg Huh, iov. 2ft, 1S50, ly. NOTICE TO THE HEIRS OF SAMUEL MORRISON, Dee'd. 1VJ OTICE is hereby given to the aforesaid heirs, ' that by Virtue of a certain Writ of Partition and Valuation issued by the Orphans' Court of Nortbuinlierland county, to me directed, an Inqui sition will he held upon the premises, in the bor ough of Milton, .Northumberland county, at 11 o' clock, A. M., 011 MONDAV, the 23d day of DECEMBER next, to inquire whether the Real Estate' of the said .Samuel Morrison, ik-c'd., can be equally part ed and divided to, and aiming nil the heirs and legal representatives of the said dee'd., without prejudice thereto or spoliation of the whole, at which time and place the ulorasaid heirs are re quired to be und appear, if by them dcemud expe dient. JAMES COVERT, Shr'tf, ShrlTs Office, Sunbury, ) IV ov. 0, 18.)0. ti. 5 ESTATE OF SOLOMON ZERN, Dee'd. OTICE is hereby given that letters of ad ministration have been granted to the sub scriber 011 tho estate of Holdnion Zcrn, lute of iSlianuikiu township, Northumberland county, dee'd. All perrons indebted to estate, or hav ing claims agtiillst the same, arc requested to call 011 the subscriber at 8haillokintoWn, for settle ment. JOSEPH ZERN, Adm'r. Coal townsiiip, Nov. 'J, 1850 lit. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court ot .Northumberland ronutv, will be exposed to public sale, the following real estate, at the Court House, in Sunbury, on MONDAV, the Cth day of JANI.'AKV, 1851, a certain 'tract of Land, situate in tTppcf Augusta township, containing 219 ACKE.S, more r less, adjoining lands of John Kariisworth on the east, Adam Shissler on the west, Jacob Fry and others oil the south, and Jacob Snyder on the north, 011 which are erected two large DWELLING HOUSES, A Frame Earn, a Wagon House, a Lime-Kiln and Spring House. There is also a fme Orchard on the premises. About 150 aiTcs arc cleared, all of which is in a fine state of cultivation. Ueing tho Mansion Farm of Henry Voxthelnier, dee'd. ALSO: A SMALL PIFXE OF GROUND, In the Town of Shamokin, containing one eighth 01 an Acre, more or less, .,jo.....,s Vr. i ..... . . . - I! l. 111 'li:... .1 piece Shamokin creek a branch ol Silinmokin reek, ami a triangular l.nt, io. no. i.aie uie estate of Henry Vexlhcimer, deceased. Sale to commence at 1 o clock, P. M. of said day, when the conditions of sale will be made known by FREDERICK LAZARUS, AdmiuUtrutor. Uv order ef the Court, J110.' P. Pursel, Clk. O. C. J Suuliury, Nov. 83, IHSO ts. BRIDGE LETTING. A letting will be held at Edward A. Kiitzrtcr s store, in Turbut township, 011 Saturday tha 7th day of ilecCmber, 1850, for the purpose of building a bridge across Muddy Run. The let ting will Is; open from 11 till 2 o'clock, en said day. Plans and siecificHtiolis will be exhibited at the same tinlu ami place. CHARLES W EAVER, ) William wilson. scoimaVs. CHRISTIAN ALBERT,) GEORGE MARTIN, Clerk. Sunbury, Nov. S3, 1850 3U WATTS' NERVOUS ANTIDOTE PII YSICAIa U ESTOR ATI VE. TUB MxOICAla WONDER OF THS AGE. 1LTILL positively cure all stuffs of Neuralgia, Tic Holoroux. Nervous Headache, Cho lera, Lockjaw, Hydrophobia convulsions; will restore manhood to its prestiue vigor, even alter years of prostration, and the only known utnl cor tuin cure for low spirits or menial dehilty. Extract from tho New Yurk JSuii, Wei. Jt 3Vi tfhliaitd Dr Watson, when talking of tho miraculous power of "Watts' Nervous Antidote,' the question was put to htm, '.Why such a valua ble remedy for all nervous affections was net in troduced by tlie medical faculty!" reptird, "That if it were, there would no longer le any use for faculty, as all diseases originated from a disorgan ied slrte of the nerves ; the nerves are tho main spring of the whole system Keep this iu order, and both the mind and body must be." Pour ounce pliiai, IS doses, enough Isr all or dinary cases, ONE DOLLAR. ' HOLD BY Wm. McCARTV, Broadway, Sunbury. September, S8, 1650. tf. MACKEREL. f HAD. CODFISH, SALMON, HERRINGS, PORK, HAMS AND SIDES, (SHOULDERS, LARD AND CHEESE, Constantly ron hand and for sale by J. PALMER & Co Market Street Wharf, PHILADELPHIA, 6ept.ll, '50 3m. THIC ANT! CATHOLIC EXCITEMENT IS EXHLAKD. The English rmpor "are filled with accounts of Ihe prowiujf popular excitement in regard to the late inovt-ment of the Pope, The fob lowing teller from Lord John Russell lo the Bishop of Durham in published : My Dear Lord I a8r..e with you in consul eritist "1 ho late aagscssiiin of ihe Pope upon our Protestantism" us 'insolent ami insidious," and I there fore feel as indignant as ytm can do upon Ihe subject. I not only promoted to the'titmosl nf tny power lha claims of the Roman Catholics in all civil riiihts, but I thought it riphl, and even desirable, llmt the ecclesiastical system of ihe Roman Cathulic, should be the means of giving instruction to the numerous Irish immigrants in London and elswhere, who without eiieh help would have lieun left in heathen ignorance. This might have been done, however, without any such innovation as that which we have now seen. It is impossible to confound the recent measures of the Pope with the division of Scotland into dioceses by the Episcopal Church, or the arrnueemeiit of tlistiicts iu in Kiigland by the Wesleyan Conference. There is an assumption of power in all the documents which have coino from Rome a pretention tu supremacy over the realm of England, arid a claim to sole and undivided away, which is inconsistent with the Queen's supremacy, with tho rights of our bishop and clergy, and with the spiritual independence of the nation, us asserted even in Roman Catholic limes. I confess, however, that my alarm is not equal to my indignation. Even if it shall appear I lint the minister and servants of ihe Pope iu this country have not trans gressed the law, I (eel persuaded that we are strong enuugh lo repel any outwuid attacks. The liberty uf Protestantism has been enjoy ed too long in England to allow of any sue cesslul attempt to impose a foreign yoke upon our mind, and consciences. No for eign priucu or potentate will bo permitted to lusteu his fetters upon a nation which has so long and so nobly vindicated its right to free dom of opinion civil, political and religious. Upon this subject, tht'n, 1 will only say that the present slulu of the law shall be careful ly examined, uud tho propriety of adopting any proceedings w ith relerenuc to the recent assumptions of power deliberately consider ed. There is a duuger, however, which alarms me touch more than any aggressions of u foreign sovereign. Cleigyrneu of our own Church, who have subscribed llie Thirty-one Articles, and acknowledged in explicit terms the Queen's supremacy, have been tho must forwaid iu leading their flocks, "step by step to the very vetgo of the precipice." The honor paid lo saints, the claim ol infallibility tor the Church, the supeislitious use of the sign of Ihe uioss, the muttering of the Litr,r gy so us to disguise the language iu which it is written, the reeommeiiduliuii of uuriculur confession, and the administration uf penance and absolution all these things uie pointed out by clergymen uf the Church uf England as woilby ul aduptiuu, and uie now openly reprehended by the Iiishnp of London iu his charge lo the clergy ot his diocese. What, lliun, is tho danger tu be uppiehen ded from a foreign prince of 110 great power, compared lo llie danger within the gules from the uiiYvotlhy sous of the Church uf England tierst?!l"! 1 have litlle hupu that the pro potindeis and fiamers uf thesu resolutions will desist fiom their insidious course. Rut I rely with cuuliduuee on the people of Eng. laud, und I will not bate a jot of heart or hope so long us the glorious principles and the immortal martyis of tho Reformation shall be held iu reference by the great muss of a nation which look wilh contempt 011 the mummeries of supeistiliuu, mid with scorn at the laborious endeavors which are now making to coiiline tho intellect and enslave the soul. I remain, wilh great respect, &c, J. RUSSEL. Downing street, Nov. 4. Pennsylvania, New York anu Ohio, These three great Slates have lately held their elections. On reference to tho returns. . , . ,.. vfllH ... i.H .... f(l0.v i -.0 evv York, lor Governor, 4.23,448 Pennsylvania, for Canal Commis sioner, . 278,621 Ohio, for Governor, 263,148 New York polled 140,827 mote votes than Pennsylvania, and the latter pulled. 13,tiOS more votes than Ohio. Pittsburg Tribune. lu 1848, two years boo, tho vole for Go vernor iu Pennsylvania was 33(1,744. The gubernatorial contest always calls out the largest vote. Ledger. Boarding Horsa'V. 'I don't like the looks of thai butter.' 'What is the mut ter wilh il sir?' 'Just ask it it is old enouyh to speak for itself.' Butter vamoses hoar der receives notice to quit. Atheism is tiairowod to the sphere of its own vision, and is a creed without a mind Can those who doubt a God's existence tell us why the niiylny oak springs from Ihe tiny acorn f A bov was arrested in Boston for selling lo a stranger a ticket for admission lo the Com mon to see the moon ripe. Onr of Marion's vkn.( Azariau Doty) now resides iu Tennessee, aged one hundred and live years. At New Orlkan during the week ending on the 16th instant, there were fifty death by cholera. An honest farmer thus writes lo the chair man of au Eimlish nyiiculiiirnl society : 'Gentlemen, please put niu down oil your lis1 of cattle fur a bull." Mr. Par.sTON, of Illinois, it is. said, has been appointed Surveyor General of Oregon. The forests inrroundiug Cincinnati are fil led with squirrels. Miss Catuauine Hays has been again astonishing ber Dative Irih in Dublin eaiu't,nS an excitement, it is said, only eqwil ledby khal which is universally acconbll tfj jenny iuu. ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER I PEPSIN, the True Digestive Flutd, or Gastri Juice! A great Dyspepsia direr, prepared from Rennet, or the fourth Stomach nf the Ox, after direction of Raron I.iebig, the treat Physiological. Chemist, by J. S Honphion, M. D.. No. 11 Ninth Eisjhlh Street, Thiiadel. phi". Pa. This is a truly wonderful remedy for Indiu'estlon, Dyspepsia, Janndire, Liver Complaint, Constipaiion, and Debility, eurino; ufter Nature's own method, by Naffirn's own agent, ihe Castrie Juioe. See advertisement in another column. SPAVIN.-This tlisease shows itself in variety ol loftns. and is very frequently ob siniate and ililiieiili lo manage and ease urn not infrequent iu which it has resisted every plan ut regular lieaiment. They owe to hard labor iu eaily lile. Iu these al eelions, Merchant's celebrated Gar gling Oil has evinced uncommon energy, and nu.neiuiia are the instances iu which il has been known to aired B radical and perfect cure. A number of highly and interest in cases exhibiting the remarkable activity of this Oil, could be introduced, but our limit turbid. A pamphfet of dusciiption may be had Gratis, of the Agonl. Sold by II. Masser and other Druggist in he United Stales. MAUK1G U. On the 24th ult., by the Rev. R. Duenger, Mr. William Stahh, of Mahantango ishp, Schuylkill co, to Miss Sahah Eisenhan, of Upper Mahonoy, Norlh'd co. In Lowell, on the 14th ult., by the Rev. Mr. Hanks, Dr. James C. to Miss Jose I'iiinb M. Soctiiwick, duughter of the Hon. Royal Soulhwick. In Philadelphia on the 14lh lilt., by Rev. Charles D. Cooper, Mr. William G. Willis ton, lo Miss Catharine M. daughter of Solo mon Alter, Esq., all of that city. On Ihe same day, by James Eckman, Esq.j Mr. Joseph Coniiad, of Shamokin town, lo Miss Louisa, of Shamokin tshp. On the same day, by the same, Mr. Jacob Kk.I.I.AC, tu Miss IvOSETTA LoSKKLJ, both of Shamokin tshp. In McKwensville, on the 29th of October, by Rev. D. Ging, Mr. Jacoh M. Foi.lmrr, of Limestone tp. Montour cu. to Miss M'iAM, daughter of J. P. lluckenberg, Esq., of the former placo. In Jackson tp Columbia co., on the 28th of October, by William Cole, Esq , Jamks Yo cot, Justice of the Peace, and Airs, CathA iii.nb Pm est, both of that place. 'On the 19th ult., by the Rev. John Dorr ance, P. T. WooDnt.itY, Esq., of New York City, lo Sarah II. daughter of tho late Jacob Cist, Esq., of Wilkesbarre. On the 28lh ult., by the Rev. E. M. Lone, Mr. CiiARt.KS Nkwiiahii of Washingtonville, to Miss Anna Mauia Ei.kdert, of the vicinity of Milton. D 1 K a In Cliilisqiiaqtie, on the 23d ult., JOHN REISER, in his 59th year. In this borough, on the 24th nit , Mr. SAM UEL PANE, aged about 62 years. In Milton, on the 24th ult., a SON of John W. Huether. In Turbut township, on ihe 16th ult., SARAH ELLEN, only daughter of William McWilliams, aged, 5 years uud 3 months. In Mnncy. at Ihe residence of VV. P. I. Painter, MARY ALICE, daughter of E. G. and Elizabeth Painter, of Munlouisville, aged 1 year, 2 mouths and 12 days. In Danville, on ihe 18th ult, EMMA MA TILDA, daughter of Wm. and Magdalena, Lever, aged It yen rs and 5 months On th 2flih nil., in MiiHinburg. Union county, CAl'T. ALEXANDER M:EWEN, aged about 94 years. On the 27ih Oct.. in Perry township, Union county, Mr. PHILIP E.MING, aged 81 years, 16 days. On the 5th Oct., in Beaver township, Union county, Mr. JACOH MOVER, aged H2 years, 8 months, and 13 days. On the 5ih Oct., in Selinsgrove, ARM1NDA daughter ol' Charles Fisher, aged 4 years, 3 mouths and 9 days. Al noovllU. on lllB 2Slh n t.. OSCAR P. SMITH, son of James R. and Priscilla R. 1 Smith, uged about live years, J Mooresbnrg, N'nv. 27lh, nf consumption, HUGH M ELRATH, in the 58lh year of hit In MilTlin tp., on the 16th nil., Mrs. ANNA MARY HETTLEU, in her 82d year. In Oshkosh, Wisconsin, on the 5th nit., af teri short illness, Mrs. ANNE E. CROSBY, (loimerly Shules ) late of Danville. Af Dajiville, o; tjie 25.. iilt.,;M ARY JA"NE dauutiter of Abner-'nn'd Mary Ami ' Pi'lhe'ri Uoed 5 years, 7 months, and 22 days, In Millliu, on tho 24th tilt., Mrs. M wife of Peter Ynhe. iu her 64th year. In Caltawissa, on the 20ih nit., Mr. JOHN ELLIS, aged 62 year's and 3 months. 1,111 1 1 -' . ' 1 I. '-!. 1 .. IIISS Coal Zxoht. Susul'ttv, Dee. 5, 1850. Whole amount of coal brought over Ihe Danville uud Pottsville Railroad, lo Sunbury, 1 10111 the bhamokiu mines. Tons. 618 18089 For the present week, Per lust report, Tutal, 1K707 Il)C iHarkcts. Philadelphia Market Dec. 4, 1850. Flour. There is a fair supply of Flour, but little inquiry. Quotations lur export 84, 81. Sales lu the home trade of fair superfino al S4. Extra Flour S5, a bl Rye Flour Lust sale at 3 75. Cork Meal -Is stilt held at $2.. Wheat Prices avo steady ; sales of prima Southern and Pouua. red al &l 04 a $1 05; pi line-white ut SI i a $1 12. Corn. is in lair reijuesl al 62 63 for old yellow ; new S60J white is worth 60 els, Uye. The lust sale was at 85 ct, Oats. Oats ate now steady ! sale of prime Peiinu. I rum 41to4'J eta; Suulheru sells at '46 a 37 els. Whiskey. Sales of Whiskey in hhds at J7o bba. ul 27 i els. Baltimore Market Nov. 29, 1850. Wheat. The supply of Wheal at mark"!, to-day was fair. Sales ol good lo prime reifj were made al 98 a 103 ols. and of erdjnsfry4 lo good al 80al00 CIS. Sales alao of Hi hito Wheat at 103all cents, and cl lAmlly flour while ut II1UI15 cts. Twa ckrgu of 'Penn' white was sold on Monday H1 1 l'J (Ml.' ' Cork. Is in dtuiiagil'foi shindient. Sale of old white, a 4S M .tetst,; uu -old yellov? in' market New Corn u telling tit 5253 cts. . for ye!Jo.w, and 50 eta: Tpr white; Rye A sale of Md 611 Wednesday at 80 cunis, but the aniclo ia now 'lower iu price.' Oats Sales of Oats at 33a38 els. Whiskey. Sa'uW of bbla. at 30ui.. and cf bbJt. at Slct7v '