SUNBURY AMEHICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. 11 " COMMUNICAION. J . INDUSTRY It must heeds be that a man tabor. He re quires food to sustain his body. And the es tablished Uw oF his Maker is, that by the west of his brow, he shall eat of the fruit of the grdtind. But there are not a few who apjWar td set themselves up in opposition to this law, and make a merit and boast of their idle UaUUf.'. it will be my endeavor to tie erlie ilia various classes of idlers that are to bis m'ct with In almost every community, prrnitlinij my readers to judge of the honor. ftMSrl.. of their profession And 1st, The Sleepy Idltr. The wisest of human minds hns painted this diameter, and has even (riven us his Very language. "Yet a little sleep, a little lumbefy a liltln folding of Hie hands to fcleepV' Sleep is tiecessniy to recruit our exhausted frames, and prepare both mind knd tody for their daily duties. But this fclass of idleis transgress all reasonable bounds they sleep lonjr nnd late, and when 'they awake they are stupid and disinclined lo labor. They have suffered their busy heiohbors to pet so crenta start of them in their days labor, that they despair of over taking them; or more ueneially they refuse to work, because all kinds of work ore dis tasteful to them. Lons before they leave their beds, the Sun is np, the birds are sinff' jnp; the dew hns dried on the prnss, nnd the industrious are punning their respective rail. Inps; But the dhissard only pels up to feed ! which judging from his conduct is the second and grand object ilf life. Aflerlhis he loiters h round the Streets rind taverns, either to find fromelhinir which ha fancies will promote di gestion, or to allow sufficient time for his food to assimilaie. And there in a round of sleeping dinl ealln?. he fritters away his earthly existence. Clf how much more val. ue ar such indiviiiitals thnn a certain quad ruped, the name of which we forbear to mention i Sliall i d escribe the lioiisc of the sluggard? It is (iilripiJntedj 1 lie boards hanging loosely, tiie windows lirnkrm nnd filled with rns or old Iniln. the roof leak inir badly, the chimney thmlrling down; mid the house as a whole inclining to one side or the other, as if like its owner it whs longing for good sound sleep. Ilis hinds' too nre run to waste, his fences are broken down, nnd his urop is coinpiised almost entirely of weeds and briais. 2. There is a secnnd class of idlers, who carry about with them the ap pearunce of industry, but who are nut n whit more useful than the first. In one sense they ue even worse jnembers of society. Fori whereas, the sleepy idler wastes chiefly his iwn time, nnd perverts his own powers; the neddlesome idler runs away with the time of he industrious, nnd leaches others to be nfii--ions in what dot's not concern then).- You nay find this clnss of idleis nt every barn -awing within a circle of live mile?, not to cork, only to advise ; at every shooting mntch here they are busy in showing fair play, ivhere rye whiskey is fiulilinsr with corn whis ;ey. Any idler from this class can trive you he pedigree of every family in the village, for his business hns been to inquire into their private affair. Me luxuriates whenever he inn catch hold of a stranger whom he over whelms and confounds with his loquacity. This class of idlers do ull the advising for the village, and with raie generosity, pratuitously. They advise the councilinen how to manage -ill infractions of law the merchant how to Mcuro trade, and the lawyer how to render justice to his client, lint (lie Physician nnd the Preacher nre apt to be especially taken rlmler their care. The former must listen to iheir endless remedies for a diens fnr which he has been nsked to prescribe, of even the (name of which they are iguoiant. And the , preacher receives his instructions, what points '.he must present nnd what omit in order to be acceptable to the people. Every day he 'thus bustles through his idle and useless round of visits every where advising, never performing any thing keeping ihe saddler from his bench, the smith from his foige that he may retail the last choice bit of gos sip, or a statu anecdote from some old news, paper. Do not be surprised then should lask for what were such men as these made? There are oilier tillers which we pmpose to describe, but we will stop here, thinking that we have written nil that will be read, and sufficient if any of my readers rlioiiltj take he sttange notion into their heads of asking themseltei if tUey belong to either of these eiafsrs. 11. Wrtt ft is noon in New Orleans or St lAWisj it is I o'clock, I M., at Philadelphia there is a difi'erence of an hour for every IS decree of Inhgiiliide. Hence, a tele graphic despatch from Philadelphia at noon reaches New Orleans at il o'clock, A.M., being an hour ahead of time. So it is, in ailing round lhe globe, if we en one way we Jose, and by lhe other we gain a day. A Par. ach ra ortcetbok for fiis text these wofds : "The world, the flesh, nrvd the de tril;" and after some intrbdnMory observa tions, he said : "1 shall touch upon tde flesh, a lightly over lhe world,- and fin St en as fast as can to the devil." Miccii Chunk ha a: pbrrulsfticrti of 2, S58. ANOTHER SCIKNTIFlfc'wbxbiR! fiETSlN, the True Digestive Fttu4, ot Geutric Juuel A great Dyspepsia Curer, prepared froni Sennet, or Ihe fourth Stomach'af toe Ox, avflor .directions of Harou Lietiis, the great fhyswlsficiil Chemist, by J. S. Hmujhion, L O..N. Il Noith Eighth Street, Ptiladel- jjmm, m. i uii 10 iii.ij -uxuftiui ...... j irt Iiidigeslion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver CoariplaiHt, Constipanon, and Debility, curing afte Natsref ewo method, by Nature' own a lien t, Ihe Gastrio Juice. See advertisement in nolbf -eolomn. n A R II I E D , At Northumberland, on the 21st ihal., by tba Rev. 8. L. hi. Coneer, Mr. David Stcb ica, to Mra. Uacnti F'uiLtirr, both of Point tewaship. k. enh inst . hv the Rev. J. P. Shindeh Mr. Samubi. tlvtx, to li'M Louia Treoo, ll f Augusta. fir, iba ih in.i . hv the same, Mr. Ha mi Scut um, t JVI-tv Itcn IVjtt, all of nn: i). Inthecitvof Resdinp, on the 19th inst., Mr. Jacob V. SEITZINGEU, aged about 62 years. In Delaware township, on Thursday last, Mr. JOHN OYSTER, on aged and respectable citizen of that township. In Chilisqunque, on Friday last, nt the res idence of her father, Wm. Dermrt, Mrs. SNY DER, wife of Frederick Snyder. In Little Mahnnoy township, on the 23d inst., MARGARET, wife of Amos Reed, aged about 25 years. tnVTrevorton, Coal township, on the 21st inst., LUCY ANN, daughiur ol llenry Buch' er, nged 3 years. toul (Ertiut. SUNtit'rtY; Oct. 2, 185d. Whole amount of coal brought over the Danville ami l'oltsville Railroad, to Suubury; from the bhamokiu mine: Tons. For the present week, B2(J Per last report, 17460 Total, 1S08S 3II)C iltarkcfc Philadelphia Market. Nov. 27, 185(3. Flour. There is a fair supply of Flour, but little inquiry. Quotations tor export 54,- 874. Sab's to the home Iradeot lair superfine at 55 Extra Flour S51 a lii lux I'l.oi'ii Last sale ut 3 50. Coun MKAL--I still held ut S'2J. VVhkat Prices are steady ; sales ol prime Southern and Peiiua. red ut SI 03 a VI Ob ; prime white nt SI Hi a SI 12. Cokn is in lair request at oa t) lur out yellow ; new oe; white is worth 63 cts. JlVE. Thd last mi In was at 8a cts. Oats. Oats no now steady: sales of prime Penna. from 41 to 42 cts; Southern sells at 36 a 37 cts. WmsKKV. Sales of Whiskey lu lthdsat 284 bbs. ut 2!) 4 cts. Baltimore Market. Nov. 25, 1850. Wheat. The supply of Wheal at market to-day was lair. Sales ot good to prime red were made at 95 a 103 cts. aim ui uiuiohij to good nt 80al()0 cts. Sales also ot while Wheat nt 105a 1 10 cents, and of family Hour white at 1 10a 1 15 cts. A cargo ot 3000 Penti. white was sold to.dnv nt 112 cts. Corn. Is in demand for shipment. !ales of old while at 58 a5!) cts., nnd ol old yel low at 68a CO els. New Corn is selling nt OJ a57 cts. for while, nnd 57n58 for yellow. Prime parcels nre worth hllabd cts. lor wnue, and 62a57 cts. for vellow. Oats. Sales' of Oats at 33a38 cts. Whiskkv. Sales of bbls. at 30c.!;, nnd of hhds. at 28cts; SUNFiURY VIUC.P, OIMMIUNT; Corrected weekly hy Henry Master: WllKATi ' - - lf0 Rtf. - .50 Conx. - - - .50. Oats'. i i 87 Ui.tteB. - - - -16 KuriK. .... 10 Piinit. - - - 7 FLxsr.r.D. 125 TlLLUW. - - -10 IUkswax - 25 Km - - -8 Ilr.i Flax. - '0 DniKU Applks. -1 - 62 Do. Pkacuks. - - 200 NEW ADVF.tlTISKXIKNT. GEEAT ARRIVAL OF ess 7II.LIAM HOOVER rrsprc-tfiilly informs his menus unci customers that he has just returned from Philadelphia, with an excellent assortment ot NEW GOODS, wliiA he ofli-rs for sole nt his new store at Mus ter's iViU, Hollowing Kun. These iroods were seVrtr-d with great cure, and will be sold at the lowest prices. HIS STOCK CONSISTS OF EVKHY VARIETY, Viz: Dry floods, Such as Cloths, Cassimeres. Sattinets, Muslins, Cullitoes, Moutsdiae De Luiiies, Al paccas. JMeriiiof, Flannels, Checks, (1 1 n g hams. iVc. ALSO: An assortment of HATS, CAPS, HUM AND l.KATIlKK SHOES. QUEENS WARE, HARDWARE. IKON and STEEL, NAILS, &c. A gcntral assortment of Groceries, s.'irh as Sugar, Codec, Tea, Molas ses, Spices, &.C. Also an assortment of Liquors, such as Brandy, Rum, Whiskey, Wines, 'C. Produce of all kinds taken in exchsngo at the hiirhcst niufket prices. Hollowing Run, Nov; 23, 1850, ly. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland couotv, will be exposed to public side, the following real estate, at the Court House, in Kunbury, 011 MONDAY, the Gth day of JANUARY, 1851, a certain Tract of Land, situate in Upper Augusta township, containing lilt) ACKEi, more or less, adjoining lands of John Farnsworlh on tho east, Adam tehisslcr on the weC Jacob Fry and others on the south, and Jacob Snyder on the north, on which are erected two large DWELLING HOUSES, jM a l.nne-Kiln anil bpting House, lucre is also fine Orchard on tho premises. About 150 acres are cleared, all of which ts in a fine state of cultivation. Being the Mansion Farm of Henry Yoxlhcimer, dee'd. ALSO: A SMALL PIECE OF GROUND, In the Town of Shamokiu, coutainintr' one of an Acre, more or less, adjoining Dr. Phillips' piece Bhamokin creek a branch of Hhamokiu creek, and a triangular Lot, No. 410. Late the estate of Henry Yextheimer, dVceasCd. bale to commence at 1 o clock, P. M. of said day, when the conditions 0f rtle will be made known by FREDERICK LAZARUS. Administrator. Dv order of the Court, ) Jno." P. Pursel, Clk. O. C. J b'unbury, Nov, 2a, 1 AO. ls. BRIDGE LETTING. letting will be held at Edward A. Kulmar's store, in 1 urout lownshiu, oh Katurdav Ills 7th day of December, 1850, for the purpose of building a bridge across Muddy. Run. The let tins; will he open from 1 1 till 2 o'clock, an said day. Plans and specifications will be exhibited at the same time and place. CHARLES WEAVER, ) WILLIAM WILSON, ACossiaVs. CHRISTIAN ALBERT,) CF.ORGE MARTIN, Clerk. Suubury, Nov. 53, 1850. 3t.- ESTATE OF GEORGE CLARK, Deo'd. NOTICE Is hereby given that letters of sHmin istrstion have been granted to the subscrk her on the estate of George Clark, dee'd., late ef Snnbury, Northumberland eonntv. All persons indebted to said estate, or having claims against th same, are requested to call on the subscriber, In Sunbury, for settlement. Creditors are requested to present their claims immediately, as a meeting of the creditor will be held to take Into consideration a proposition for the payment of their claims. REUHEN R. FAGELY, Adm'r. Suubury, Nov. 23, 1850. -6U REGISTER'S NOTICE. TJJOTICE is hereby given to all Legatees, 11 Creditors and other persons interested in the Estate of Martin Keller, dee'd.. settled by his Executor John F. Wolfinger. That the Execu tor of said Estate has filed bis account with the Register of Northumberland county, and that the same was presented at August term, and confirm ed i and at the sail e term to wit : August 8, 1850, on motion of John F. Volfini?cr, Esq., the Court grant leave to the Executors tc fill up the blanks in the within account, and also to add thereto ad ditional items of charges and credit. Eo Court direct six wcrks notice of the filing smd e- .rin. fn ibn first dav of next term, to he s;iven in the Sunbury American, as to the livine out of the county. heirs Hv order of the Court, JOHN P. I'URwEL, Clk. November 83, 1850 Ot. NOTICE. D: S. Hammond In the Orphans' Cottrt df Northumberland county. Writ of Partition and The heirs of Gen. R. II: Hammond. Valuation. HOUCC IS ot.'rciiy Hi...,. to the heirs and legal re presentatives of the said 15. H. Hammond, dee'd, to appear at an Orphans' Court to be held in Punhury, for the county of Northumberland, on the. first Monday of January next, and accept or refuse the real estato of the said deceased, at the valuation fixed upon the same by an inquest duly awarded and held upon said real estate. JAMES COVERT, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Suubury, Nov. 16th, 1 850. Gt. j NOTICE. Writ. G. Moore In the Court of Com mon l'lcas of Northum berland county. 'Writ de Partition! Fa- tharles G. Moore, John W. Moore, Isaac G. Mooro and Moore. Friiricbs -cicnda. iNotice is liercoy giv en to the aforesaid Par ties that they be and J appear at a Court of Common Dens to be held in Hunbury for the County of Northumberland on the first Monday of January next, and then and there accept or re fuse the Ifcul Estate mentioned in the aforesaid writ nt the valuation fixed upon it by an Inquisi tion duly awarded and held upon the said premi ses. JAMES COVERT feh'rir Shr'fls Office, Suubury. ) Nov. 1G, 1650 01. ) I1TK !I ITS r IK2! EOTJREAU'S IMcstructibl8 and Intlellible . WRITING INK FACTORY; io. 1 Son(i Third street. "MERCHANTS nnd the Writing community ' nre requested to call and examine this INK. which is warranted not to corrode Jlhtalli Vttos, liar change its Color. Wtioli'Matc si nil Retail, No. 1 .South Third street, Philadelphia. A liboril discount mode to' Merchants ued tho Trade For sale by II. B. Masscr, agent for Suubury November 9. !S50 ly. T0 PHYSICIANS AND OTHERS. flMIE subscribers oli'er to physicians and drug JL gist, h curefully selected stock of drugs ami medicines, which they will guarantee to bo of the best qnali'y, pure and umidulleruted in all coses. Their l'aci'litics lor iruporting foreign drugs and chemicals arc such, tbat they ar6 cuubled to sell them upon the best terms, and at the same time to assure their customers of their genuineness. They have also recently prepared and now of fer fot Sale a superior article of CALl''.D MAGXESIA, &C, Resembling Henry's Magnesia, free from carbon ic acid and roughness or grittincss, altriost entirely tasteless, combining in an equal bulk from three to four times the strength of tlio common kind, and sold at about one half the prico of Henry's Magnesia. They have also prepared the Fluid Magnesia, Which is a new and valuable remedy in acidity of the stomach, heartburn, nausea, &.', at less than half the price of the foreign article. They also have on hand of their own prepara tion an assortment of Pure Drugs in Powder, Neatly put up in 1, J and i pound bottles, such as Aloes, Rhubarb, Senna, Senega, Rhatany, Ki no. Cum Arabic, Scrncntaria, Ext. Olyeyirh, Ipe- I cac, Potassa Sulph., Potassa Nilrus, liorax, Spi- gelia, liucliu, Orris, Lascarilla, Lanclla Aiua, Uva Ursa, fee. Great care has been taken to have these pre pared from the best selected drugs and in such a wav as to preserve tho characteristics of each ar ticle without injury. They have also a variety of Chemical & I'hai itiaceialital Preparations of their own manufacture, and add to the list all the valuable new remedies as they become known. Among them may be mentioned the following: ilydoN'yunic Acid, i'rcsiru'tloiii ol I.Kline, .1 of PotusHa, l.iqtmr Aiitm. nia, Aiiuo, d . l'repnr itions ef Mercury, Iron, " Zinc. Kxlracl of Snna. fluid. pleasant t'oriitUi kdiinuisiwr Ui cliildrsn. 1'h.isnbatr. ilt. snewrc- innly for Klieuinuiism. Hluc Muss, Kximi'l ol Iliu'lii Cjnip., 1 num. Kxi racial Oenlmn, (JllMMt ' 'riiriixicum, Yulcrmil, tluid, ft iisw and usclul reiiinl)-. SpigfltR, O Kii'suiiaiilta Com- uusiliim tluid. dJ. ilf. sMid, OA, simple uii Colorymti Comp, do limittu. 8ps. .thcr Nitros, U. S. P., Cuhebs. Emot. Tobaecc, &c. Oils of Copaiva, Citrate of Iren and Quinine, hcsqui-Oxide of Iron, an antidote fur arsenic, Citrate of Magnesia, a new and pleas ant cathartic medicine, put up in 13 01. bottles, $3 per dox. Collodion, or Liquid Adhesive Plas ter ; a' convenient application in many surgical operations, put up m small vials. Also CANTHARIDAL COLLODION OR BLIS TERING LIQUID, A convenient preparation ef rantharides in manv cases where there is a difficulty of applying the ordinary blistering plaster. A coating ol it appli ed wHh a cumefs hair brush and covered with oil Silk or some similar substance, witl produce a blister trr thrse hours time; or when exposed, in the usual tune ol auout twelve uours. Physician a'nd' otliers may depend upon hs faithful and prompt executiou of their orders at as low rates as the beat qualify of medicines cart be purchased. CHARLES t.L.L,in ol isU; OS Chesnut street, Philstlt. Lalairstory, 0th and Morris fits. Soutliwark, November 16, l50--tf. ENVELOPES. -The subscrilier would respect fully announce to his friends and a generous public, that he is msnufacturing Envelopes of ths best quality and or all kinds, t or sale tv GEO. W. COBLE Sunbury, Oct. 19, 1850 if. BLANK DEEDS printed on ths best quality cf parchment paper, sold at ths lonsst prices at this ofli'. e, by wholesale and retail. 6H0URDS & CO'S rffsrffysgatgaGB L A 11 0 R AND FUEL SATING WASHIITG" SOAP. Munrjfnrtnrcd hj Shonrtla & Co. 543 Chestnut St., Thila. FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS. TA RR ANTED to wash clcafi In hdrd, soft, " or salt water, cold ot hot, in one third tllb time of any other Soap ever manufactured j thus dispensing with boiling, bleaching, 5cc. FLANNELS, CLOTHES, &c. washed with this Soap will never slirink or have any harsh or gummy feel, but leave them in their original soft and pliant state 1 which is in itself a sullicient recommendation to guarantee its use in all families. THE FINEST FABRICS nw be washed thoroughly with it, without the Icist injury; giving them a lustre equal to newly imported goods. . PAINT, GREASE k DIRT . of any description, can be readily removed by the uso of it, without injury to the article, whether it be the finest dress or ordinary carpet. In the use of Shourds & Co's Soap, the most delicate need not fcur, as it will not injure brthiip the hands, but on the contrary net as an emolli ent, and is not only the vbut ukst wsiuvri sor- ever offered to the public, but as a TOILET SOAP cannot be excelled. Wherever it liuS hecn used it hns given perfect satisfaction, end is warranted so to dd, in all cri ses where a fair trial will be given it. 8IT0URD8 & CO., Manufacturers, No. 543 Chcsnut St., Philadclphis. For Sale by Grocers generally. November Hi, 1850 M07vE NEW GOODS At lite Tivvy store of JOHN BUYERS & CO., Market Street, Sunbury. ""7I10 has just received ansl opened a large as- ' sortment of new and fashionable goods, of i every Variety, suitable for the fall and winter sea- J son, for all persons; and to which he culls the at- tcutiou of friends and customers. His stock con- j sists in part of miY uotms. SUCH AS Cloth, Cassimeres, Sattsnetts, Merinos, De Laines, Calico's, Shau'ls, Hand kerchiefs, and all kinds vf wear tjifr apparel. ALSO: Ilarilvrnrc, iieensvrnre. Groceries, Fish, Salt and Plaster, And all articles that may be wanted by the com munity. The Ladies Will find, by calling at his store, that he has not been unmindful of their wants, nnd respectfully invites them to examine his selection. TV Country produce ef all kinds taken in ex change for goods ut the highest market price. Suubury, Nov. 0, 1850. ly. OF NEW GOODS! Market Street, Sunbury, Pa., 1JOIIN W. FR1LING respectfully informs his 0j)l friends and cuMomers that he lots just re ceived a large and handsome assortment of )rv floods. Consisting of Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinctts, l)c Laities, Ci.iieocs, Fancy and Staple Goods. ALSO: GROCERIES of every description, DIU'C; AND Mr.DlCINF.S. aUEENSWARE AND HARDWARE. Fish, Salt, Plaster and a general assortment of all sui h goods ss will suit all eliisses; the Far mer, Mechanic, Laborer and Gentlemen of all professions. The ladies Will find a great variety of all such articles as they will need for the present season. IjtT Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market price. Sunbury, Nov. !), 1850. ORPHANS' COURT v SALE. "RTN pursuance of an order of tho Orphans' Court P of Northumberland county, will ie exposed to public sale, ou FRIDAY the 13th dav of l)e eeuibcr next, on tho preu.'ises to wit: A certain Tract of Imd, situate in Upper Mnhonoy township, confaining one hundred and forty acre more or less, whereon is erected a two story , LOG HOUSE AND BARN, v cione cpnng iiousc, ccc, aooui SjJJ'fetH ninety acres beiK'j cleared. There are ularh nn tin. mv mi'apii tmi LARGE ORCHARDS. and about ten acres meadow, adjoining lands of Michael Ruitz, Daniel Reilz, und others: Also, his right and title to fourteen acres unimproved land 011 the Line Mountain Late the Estate of Leonard Kaufman, dee'd. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day when the terms of sale will bo made known hv FREDERICK KEHLER, Exc'r, lly order of tho court. Jno. P. Pursel, e'erk. November 0, 1850. t. s. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. TN pursuance of an order of the Orphans court of Northumhcrldiidcouutv.will be exposed to pub lic sale on SATURDAY the 14th day of Decem ber next, on the premises to wit : A certain Tnict of Land, situate in Upper Augusta township, adjoining lauds of Isaac Kline, Henry Kline, and James Forrester, wheaeon are erected a two story frame - DWELLING HOUSE,'Jf A good Spring House, large frame tiitvdf uaiiK uarn, goou urcnaro, anil a itr will.'ViA 1 :,. K .l.i & Ion e..l.l C..w... 1. ... excellent state of cultivation, containing ONE HUNDRED AND THREE ACRES, nioro or less, aliout eighty acres of which are cleared ; late the estate of Jonathan Mcttler, dee'd. Sule to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day when the terms of sale will be made known by JOHN ECKM AN, Adm'r. , By order of the Court 1 John P. Pursel, Clk O. C. J November 9, 1850,ts. NOTICE TO THE jJEIRS OF SAMUEL MORRISON, Dee d. TVTOTfCE is hereViV givrn In the irforesaid heirs, ' tbut bv Virtue of a certain Writ" of Partition and YalUatiou issued by the Orphans' Court' of Northumberland county, to me directed, an Inqui sition WH1 he held upon the premises, in the bor ouch of Milton, JNorinnmberlund coanty, at II o clock', A. M on MONDAY, the S3d day of DECEMBER next, (0 inquire Whether the Real Estate of the suid Samuel Morrison, dec d., ran be equally part ed and divided to, and among all the heirs and legal representatives of the said dee'd., without oreiudtce thereto or spoliation ot the whole, at whicu time and place the aforesaid heirs sre re quired to be and appear,' if by them deemed expe dient. JAMES COVERT, Sbr'ff. ShrfTa Office, Sunbury, ) Nov. 9, 1850Tl. J TJROWN'S E88ENCE OF JAMAICA GIN- J- GER, for sale by U. B. MAS5ER. FASHIONART4H HATS. C. J. WALTON, No. 246 Market tt., between 7 If 6th st., (South side,) PHILADELPHIA. THE Subscriber has opened a new hot storei , and ofl'crs to traders and others who visit the city, a handsome assortment of hats, cops, of eve ry variety, made up of the best material, and in tho latest and best style, and on terms as reasona ble as can bo had in any establishment in Phila delphia, vizi Fine silk Jials at $2,60 f Good do do at 100. Persons from the country who pur chase of him, run rely, at all times, on getting" a good article that will please theni, arid one hat is fully worth the money paid. C.J. WALTON. Philadelphia, Nov. 0, lSlio ly. ESTATE OF SOLOMON 2ERN, Deo'd. hereby given that letters of ad X ministration have bren granted to the sub scriber ou iho estate of Solomon 55crri, Into of Shariiokih township, Nortlmmlwrlund county, dee'd. All persons indebted to snid estate, or hav ing claims against the same, arc requeued to call on tho subscriber at Shaniokintown, for settle ment. . . JOSEPH ZERN, Adm'r. Coal township, Nov. 9, 1330. 6t; Attti E00 T-T REE MAKER, N"o. 95 J?ire Street. Second door below Third, JPHIX.AD S tPHIA. "VyilERE all kinds of lasts, Ac, of the latest style and best material, uie manufactured on reasonable terms. All orders promptly and punctually attended to. Philadelphia, Nov. 0, 1S50. ly. PATENT JAPAN BLACKING. Manufactory, No. 50 CHESTNUT Street, MEDAL, awarded by the FRANKLIN IN STITUTE of Philadelphia in Ictobcr, AM) TUB FIRST PREMICM by the MARYLAND IN STITUTE, at Uultimore, Nov. 1S48 and 184a. Philadelphia, Oetolirrilitk, 1848. I have used .1. Wcllar's Potent Japuii Liquid and I'asta liluckiug for some nine months, and nm happy to say that it surpasses any blacking that I have used these twenty odd years. 1 find it holds the polish and preserves the leather bet fhr than any blacking I have ever tried. Asiiiikw R. C'iu!H.. No. 07 Chestnut Street, Wm. CURREY, Manufacturer. Successor to J. WELLAR, No. 30 Chestnut Street, above Second.' November, 9, 1850. ly. AT PITDLIC SALE. V7'ILL be sold at Public Sale, on the premises, at 1 1 o'clock, on SATURDAY 30t!i DAY of NOVEMBER, A VALUABLE FARM containing 101 acres moro or less, situated in bhamokin township, Northumberland county, 3J miles above the Bear dip, on the centre turnpike, adjoining lands of David Martz, Esq., Mr John Reply and others. The improvements consist of a good DWELLING HOUSE and BARN.' This farm will positively be sold without reserve to the highest bidder. Any persons disposed to pur chase will be shown the property by culling on David Martz, Esq., at the Fulling Mill, adjoining said Farm, or Mr. Jno Reply, directly opposite. If required, part of the purchiisc money can re main on the Farm, with interest from tho day of sale. Title, indisputable. HENRY PORTER. Baltimore, Nov. 2d, 1850. ts. UI3ADY MA DM C2 LLj CD 12 53 C2 TE take this method to inform the readers of ' the .Sunbury American, that, should they visit, Philadelphia, in guest of Good and Cheap Clothing;, and favor us with a call, they stiatl not lie disap pointed in obtaining the best of garments at the lowest cash prices. Wo have now ou hand the largest assortment ever oll'ercd ill Philadelphia, among which are DUEtf-S and FROCK COATS from iji5 to $18, PANTS and VESTS from 75 cts. to $5, OVER COATS, CLOAKS, BUSI NESS HACK COATS ai'd COATTEES, all of which shall be wold at such prices as to make it J roumii..'B country to extend to us their patronage. PERKY R. M'NEII.LE & CO. South East corner of O1I1 und Market. July 13, 1S50 linn, srazTix &. CO., No. 2l3i Market St red, above 5th St. PillMUELrHIt, XVItolcNSilc Orueistsj, AND DE.VLKRS Vi "iRUGf?, Meuicixi:, Paixts, Oils, AVixnow Glass, Vabnisiiks, Dik rrri', Patsst MeIIHINLS, Mf-DUIXK CllKSTS, Ml KlilCAl. Iv- STiu-MKXTS, &c, &.C.; and mtiirul'itcturcrs of the celebrated Congress Ink, Black, Blue and Red.' The qua'ify of this Inl: is unsurpassed, and we are now prepared to furnish it of all, neatly packed in boxes from one to three each L. H. & Co., endeavor to have always on hand a lull assortment 01 gooa ana genuine urugs, at the lowest possible rates. Pnrtieular attention is also paid to the manner ol putting up anil packing their goods, so that they feel prepared to warrant their carrying any distance with perlect safety All orders bv letter or otherwise will receive prompt attention, Philadelphia, June 15, 1S50. Cm FAMILY GP.CCEP.XES, DAVID I'KASK; S. IF Comer 6th & Arch Sncet, Philadelphia. I AS for sale all kinds of choice Family Groco AA riei at the very lowest prices, Extra Fine, superior and common Black and" Green Teas ; old Gov. J iva and other kinds of Colicc, all qualities of Crushed Light Brown and llrowii Sugar ; best Sperm' Oil and Sperm and Amalitiiie Candles ; Maker's Chocolate, Cocoa and Broma; Farina, Tapioca, riago and Wheaten lints; Ulive Oil, Isinglass, Ketchups and nauces Muccuroui, Vermicelli, Split Peas', cto They will pack up all goods for the country neatly and seeuicly ami deliver tlicni' promptly at any Depot or Hotel as desired. DAVID PEASE, S'. W. Cor. 0th tc Arch cits. Philadelphia. Aug. 17, 1R50. lyMa'y BLANKS; LANK.S of every description can be had by applying at the oflice of the American. fV ISSUE PAPER. Yellow Tissue paper for i covering glasses, &c, for sale at the olliec ot the American. A CARRIAGE FOR SALE. I4OU sale at a reasonable price, a well built sar- riage in good condition with tongue and shafts for either one or two horses. Also, a double set of harness., inquire at this oflice. Aug. 31, 1850 tf. rpEAS, from the New York Canton nd Pekin JL Tea Company. For sale bv jr. wVRif.rxo'. fihibury, Dee. 2, 1M Stale Mutual Kiro Insurance COMPANY, OF HAlIRISUUnn, PA. riHIS COMPANY, chartered by ths Legisla ture (luring the Inst session, is now prepared to take applications for Insurance against loss by firo upon Buildings, etc., upon terms more advan tageous to the insured than any other Company doing business in the .State. This Company, In sccordiirlce with the provis ions of its charter, divides property into two sepa rate classes, vis --Farmers' Property, called the "Farmers' Company," and the other property, in cluding property in towns and villages, called "Merchants' t'lnss" : the funds of each being kept entirely separate j consequently eneh class pays its own losses and no other. H will bo the en deavor of the Company to arrange' their business that no assessment will be necessary on their premium notes- The rates of Insurance will be very rcasoiiiible. C. F. LITTLE, Agent, Northumberland. N. B. Persons wishing to mako application for Insurance will bo attended to by dropping a line through the Post Office, to r. F' Little Northumliciland, Oct. 19, IPSO. WATTS' NERVOUS ANTIDOTE AND PliTSICAIi J.ESTOIIATIVJ3. THB MEDICAL WONDBIt t? THE AGS. V17ILL positively cure all stages of Neuralgia, Tic Dolorous, Nervous Headache, Cho lera, Lockjaw, Hydrophobia convulsions; will restore ma nhood to its prestine vigor, even after years of prostration, and tho only known und cer tain cure for low spirits or mental dclilty. Extract from the New York Nun, Oct. 3 18-19, The celcbtattd Dr Watson, when talking of the miraculous power of "Watts' FVrvous Antidote," the question was pl't to him, ',Why such a valua ble remedy for all nervous affections was not in troduced by the medical faculty'!" replied, "That if it were, there would no longer bo any use for a faculty, as ull diseases originated from a disorgan ized strte of the nerves ; the nerves are the main spring of the whole system Keep this in order, and both the mind and body must be." Four ounce phial, 12 doses, enough for all or dinary cases, ONE DOLLAR. . MOLD BY Wm.'M.cCARTY, Broadway, Sunburv. September, S8, lS.'O tf. : .9SEXTZ & CO., iMl'ORtKltS Of FOrtLlG.V Eooks, Prints, Engravings, Stationary Gilt B'rame nml ItlnsKitl Iaslrii inctils, Ni. 7S North 2nd St., between Aich & Race, Philadelphia. IMPORT to order nnd have constantly on hand 1 a yerv lur;,c assortment of goods in the above named lines iit whoK'sule and retail. Principally : CD QD 22, S23 In German, I nln, Orcck. Hebrew, French, Italian S))aniih ami other languages; Classics, Diction aries, (irammcrs, Vocabularies, School, Juvenile, Pielurc, Drawing and Model Bonks for Architects Cabinet, Carriage and other manufacturers. MAPM,ULHSEs and Blank Books of every description. tSp!rii,li,l Lithographic and other Prints. MIMICAL iS'ATItrMEM'S. A wort'eonsj Banjos, Rows for nil string instru ments, liriclire and Tailpieces, Clarionets, Files, Flageolets, Flutes, Guitars, Octavo Flutes, Patent Heads for Guitars and Yiolincellos. Tambourines, Tuning Forks and Hammers, Violins, Violin and (iuitar Pegs, ViolincelloH and Strings for all kinds of Instruments Wholesale and Retail Accor- dcous repaired. Also constantly on hand, wholesale and retail, i a largo assortment of the very best GERMAN EIlONZn POWOF.R Dutch Metal, French and Florence Leaf Metal I Thermometers, Hairpr'ncils.-Faber and other eadpeiu ils, Red, White and Black Chalk Cray ons. .Mathematical Instruments. f?eilieutor, .S'pring Lancets Pocket Prescription nnd Gold Scales anil Weights Letter, Fancy colored anil gilt Paper Playing Cards and other French nnd erinan I nncv Articles, for the sale of which ! they arc the MANUFACTURERS AGENT. July 6, 1S50. NEW TOYS, FANCY ARTICLES, CAM EsJ, &c. Just received, a lur;e anil hmid SDiii,. aKsorlmriit nf Toys, Fancy Goods, Canrf, violin strinps, ilnininors, pramrs, ptizr-lps anil tricks, liiovinr; tisurctf, seirar i-ascs, work ami fancy Iioxps, nnikiii rings, rattles, etc, of pvtry ilcscriition, at the lowest prices, w'uilesalc and ro tail. Call nnd sre , fJftORCJE DOLL'S NEW ST0I5E. 10J North Gth St., Philadelphia, late of 2d street. N. B. Canes neatly niouiitrd, anil Fatn v Turning done. Nov. 9, 1S50 .lino. GEEAT ELMOVAIi C'!rkH, f af li4M. .loiv-lry silver & WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. rrIIK SVBfe'CKIBER bus removcJ IiU'.ston. 1 from No. 4 13 ISlarket street, to hU fplundid estalilisliinent. Ao. 103 Cie.iuitt street, above 3d, t itdt r ISit I'rmililiti irxise, PlIfLADELl'lIIA, Where lie oflcrs for sulo a niont extensive assort ment of CLOCKS. WATCHES. JEU'EI EKV. 8ILVEHand J'LATEU WARE, &e., at such prices us cannot fall to cive mtisl'.iclinii, end to which lie invite the attention of perclmscrs, as suring them that EVERY ARTICLE Is WAR- I RANTL'U AS REPRESENTED.. His stock consiNts in part of a full assortment of UUI.D AND SILVER LEVER WATCHES. .Do do L'EPINE c'o SILVER TAB LE AND TEA SPOONS. j CLOCKS of cve.rv description. MANTEL ORNAMENT?!,' FANCV I CiOOIJS, A,... , LEWIS' LADOMI S. Washes, Jewelry,, and OoliV Pens sent to all parts' of the L'nited Slates, by mail, with perfect I safety, rr i am determined to sell at leas prices than the sanio Brtii-lea ure sold in this citv. P. S Preserve this advertisement, arid call and ciaiuine the stock. Sept, ::, l-j0.--3mo. TONte MIXIT'RE, For tiie Cure of Fkvkk and Auue.WaS. HANTfcD. THIS iinri.inlli-il- nir-ilicint. umy he rrlit'il on wIh-h near ly all tu tin n-nii'ilii-aiuil. Jia vulun ia iimi aiiitK-it-ut!y known llierffora. lhe iiopriH"r di-firoa to ttihirpo tirn UulJ ot Ha lut-liiliia hy nmkiiiK known il virltu-a iul cacy to lli.iliiinilti in' mut'itrt-ra wlhitira llul uvvufe lli:.t they call ba ajieeilily unit niriii-allycumt ol" I'KVKRAXD Alil'F, without the uae of puianti'iiig ih'Utm, luinneona potions T the dt-.elinlouB i-tlccM m' iitiiiinn. Il ia oltW1 lo lln pnl lie ata low price to place il wilhin the rt-nch ol' nil. UHHurnt tjuit Ihnan who uan il ici)iii! to directions will iind it a aaltt a-if apeetly eels ftif Fivia An lines. It is not a ilianvreeuhle naiianliiis ciiinpiilliiil hntan apree alila tunic ciil. uljll 10 remove i!i diauiK anil give healthy aclion to the alom-u-h and ImAn. PreNtrcil only lv Maralmll tit I'-o., and aold wholranlra and rrtnil hy II twsnd i Km, No. SI North S'h Hrnrl, Phiautelphia Prii-egl per tingle bollle, and per doa. Jiial, IRjO ly MACKEREL. SHAD.CODriSH,' SALMON. HERRINGS;' PORK, , HA MS .AND SIDES, SHOULDERS. LARD AND CHEESE, Conntantly on hind und for tv.le hv p. PALMER & Co., Market Sireet Wharf. PHILADELPHIA. feept. 3m. it AV RUM. An rxcrllsnt srlirle for sale by WENKV MAS-M'.R. t-unl'iiiy Jjii. V?lh, IS1U imnm scie.vtific wosdbh. PEPSIN! THE T II V K DIGESTIVE FLUID. GASTRIC JUICE ! A nntlATr3 DVSPEPBIA CXTREn, Proiwreil from RFXN'UT, or tlia fourth fttoinach of tl. Ox, sflfr directions or I1ARON l.ll'.IIIO, ths ftm Plivskiliicnl ChorniHt, by J. 8. HOL'OIITtJN, M. D-i No. 11, North Kiirlith Ptrcet, Philaitrlphle, Ps. This ii a truly woiHliri'ul rrmwlv fur INDIOESTION, DVfl'KPSIA, JAUNDICE, l.ivt'.ll CUM PLAINT, UUNSTIPATION, nn.l DKHILITVi Curing after Na lure's own incthfid, liy Nature's own agent; the Oartria Juice. VW Half s tenspooMful of this Fluid, laniard in n-attr; will digest or dissolve, Kwa Puuiuiiof Itouit UaT id about two h.-.urs, out of the rtunneh. , DICJESTION. Dini-.s'l'iON h ehidly pet-firmed m the stomnch brth aid n ii thud which In.-elv eiudi-a fmm the inner fiat Ol llllil in anil, wl'i-a in a ntiili- of h.-iillh, eulled tlie (Jnalria Jiln-e. .Tins llli'd in the lirint Silvrnt ,,f Yviya, Ilia I'urifyiii);, l'n-.;rving, and Si imuliitiiig Accnl uf the ti limi'll und iiilvaliilea. Willi-iut il tln-i will be no ilifea tiil, n.i i-.'iivrtBi-in nl firnl lulu UM, ,, nutrtuuia of the Ivtdy ; tint rntlicr n IVinl. torpid, pniiHui, and destruc tive rjidiliull iif (lie whuh' illi;.-stive BpUiralus. A weak, hntf tli:i.d. or itijurr-il rt iiunrii pn-iliu-cfl nn frimd Utiitna Jnii-r, und hence the (Imeube, dutretia mid itewilily tiiva ciime. PEPSIN AM) KEXNET. Pr'ISI tlie HiiW Hfmciit,' r prmit lii. tirrp Priori ile ui the (uisiric Juice, it is iniiiifl in grc.ti ubitiuiancd it tiit h iIilI p:ir1.n til tin I m him 1 1 Kt'tiniicli titt'-r dtnlh, und i'mi tiiiiffi ;iinnfi Hie stniiucii In (litjrjt tf(, or eat ilswlf p. It m ns f.tinul in lhe rt'iiiricli tf iniiihul", hb tiie en If. &r. It in the iiiutc;ri:il ux -d hy funnrrB in ninkintr clieev vnWei lltutfl. the ctlcct ol winch luii hmti been tlio spucitti winder el' thp dairy, Tli cunllimr tif milk i lhe fimt pro ywn uf ttiirt'Blidti. Rrntift p'riH8t iistnnialiiim pnwer. aj Tlie fl'iiiiiich of rulf vill cunlk nrarlyniu' tli'jusinitl lim itn (iwit weitfht of milk. Miirmi isirhip mute tliMf, "Uii purl ! pcpfin HiHfl'ilvciI in mxu tli'iuwind pnrt of wutei, will (lini.'st uitrit ii lift oMier fo'I," L'ittoudfd stonmch pro-dut-e n g v( i;ipir ir .Inice. Kemtt't or irpiti. To Bhow tiiat tliitt Witiit mav be pftfccilv snpplii.-H. we quut (lit t'el- SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE! HATToSr T-n:mt; n- h'r r,r.lrt work on Arilmoi Chemistry, b'ivs: "An Artilicml liiirfrtivc Fluid aunl(rout to Ihf (iiihtric .Itibr", iii;tv be rfatlilv prrpnrrd from the inn v hih !u.-i!i!niiii of tlivBtu'iim-tfif tiiL'culf. iii whirh vuriou iirtiflt-s of I'.kkI, un uh-m ttntl vh, will b floftfiied, ulitingi tsl, mitt tlirntr.l. just in tin Hume muinitT an Ihuy would b in Hit; hmnrtii Hi.imiK'h." i)r. IMJilUKA. in bin '. troritisa tp "Foixl end Diet," piiblisiicd hy Fnwb'rK .V Wells. Nw York, pa Jl.p. stnti-H tin kiitii jiriMt lurt, unci desciilms the inutbod of prrp;inition. TJicre Hru lew higher uutlioritius thun l)r. iVreint. ... !)..(' '1 ItK. in bin v;i!u; writinttsoii the "TMiysiolofj of liii'i'Biiou.' iilisfrviil thiit "n iliininutiouof ihcdiic quuiii lily ol the initiit' ,IiiirH ist n pnnnincnt mid ull-prevuilini cm it of l)ywpeiiiu Hint slnle tlmt 'u diKtiiiguinhed proftr'T !(' iiii-diriiie hi L'Htdfiii, who wtis severely alflirt wl iih lhi r nuphiiit. fuidiiiii every thintf else to i'u'd. hnd rwottrne t tln; (iuntrie. .Iniee.'obiiiiueil irmn the Mgnuich uf liviuir mim-ilf. Uiicli pr.ivrd rompletely HiiceeHHiul." Dr. fill A II AM. imilior of ),c fmivns wrk on 'Vego tnbie I)u t,; nijyj.: "it is u rem:trknbf: ihct in pbyuony( tlint tin.- Htoiimi'lift of ntiiiiniK. iiitu-eriited in wuter, itiiHirt to tin tluid h' pripeity ui disH-ilvin vuriou urlicleu of f'H.Hl. i ltd of eiieciini: w kind nt' tiriitieitd digestion uf tlui in tto wife diii'erenl from the nut itr-il tiiife?uve prweiw." Dr. Slrv)."S ffre-it w irk, the "(.lietnintry of Mail,1' (I .en A: lllnnelmrd. I'hiln. IHfl, pp. :.. 2) my: "Thedir fovury of IM'.l'SI.N forms ;i uewcm inlhecliemical hintnrjr of Dl-jeftion. Fr nn recent expetitmuttM we know that I'.wmI Ik ilisMved hp rjptdly in mi urtitieinl ditrejrtiye fluids prep-ired from lVpsin, us it ia in (he imtttral Uustric Juiem ilflf.,1 FiohFr !)r;r,rsn of tb.? JetT?r!ion College. Phila delphin. in bin irn-at work on Ilinnnn lMiyi"l"pjr, devotetj more thnn lii'Iy pntf'' ti tin extiunnalion of this anbjwt, Ihn expefiitu nlf v, ttli Or. Bevmnont, v tin- riimtrir Juica obtuino! fmiu the living Ininnii nt )iu:it;b and from aninuiL nrr w-"ll Un nvn. ulti iiUc'icen," be kuvs, "di'jewiun occur red iih p-.Tlvcily in tlie iirtificuil n in tin- iisttttnildigKBtioiii.' AS A DYSPEPSIA CUIIER, Vr. IH)L'(Jirr(JN;S nnnviratioii of PKl'SIX litii orudu. ced tlie m st nurvcll jiis enacts, cnrinir raw of DebiiitTj j Fmarutlion. Nta vans Decline, und l) speptie Coiiftuinpttou, j Niipp istt t y In: on the very veiije i.f tiie grave. It I im j ile Ui fiive Ibe dn.f i ! ut caes in Ihe limits of thu ad- v.rrtifemtrnt lint nn' lieitt ira'-tl eci'f llii ates hnve been givta I of more linn 'I'Wu ML'MJl.KL) H KM A KKAULU 1 t 1I'vKS. in Fhil:idi'l,ihi, .New York, mid Huatoa ulune. i Tliese wert in-arly ml desperate e;w., mid tlie cure wart j not only ifpid finti wi'ili'rf'il, but pennjneni. i It is u tfr.-tit M'.llVtil S A.NTIlJOTl-:, mid rnrtieularlr nsetiM f r leildeney ti bi mn di ildei. Liver Coinplaiut, Fever and Ayite. r batlly iM i'ed Fever tuid Aiftie, und th evil eflVts of quinine Merenry. mid -ltier drug upon tlit liieentivi oriafis. afier ti I'-iif; fiicknesw. Aino, for ex run in e-t'iii'.r, ninl lie- t-i free use -f ardent spintg. It aliuwat reeuiicile.-t lli-.iliii with Intemper.inee. OU) STOAIACil COMPLAINTS. Tti're is n, f..riti of OKI) STOMACH COMPLAINT which it ilor.i not &eetn to reach mid remove at once. Nv 1,',,',,";.r," "" lj'l,th'' ii'iiv be. itt.lVFS INSTANT RK IslKF ! A tiiii.-le d n re-n ives ull the itiutlrasiint in'inD- I hiiv. nnd M ,'iuv n--etlf t'l be repeated, tor ti nbort time, tu make thvse K.o.tHr.TU permanent. PI" KIT Y OK HLOUJJ mid Vliifilf K BOOY, follow ut onee. It in purticularljr exeeHi-nt in ease ni Nausea, Voniitinsr, Crainptt, tfoieueaa of tin: pit ot the Shimai h dislresM nfter eutiiiH. low, coW, Btule ol the 1)1 nd, iieaviiiet-, l.witi-HS ol' Spirits, iH'Bpon deaey. l anaeiaiion. eakin. tetidenvy to liitamity, Sui flue. At . t'lif-. ONI! nOM'Art per i.-rttle. One bottle will uftwi ciiett a us. iih; vmyv. iupsix iv r.nvnRns. tiT SI'. .NT HV MAIL, KKKI-; OV POSTAGE. l'r I'onvnicin'ti uf fftiilii-ir to nt! pnrt vf l counKr,' the DliiKSTlVKMA'JTKK OK 'nil-: li:tSI ir put ap in the ktrni ti PdwiIith, v ih tlirt'cti'tiiM t Ihj dinnjlvvd Wiilttr or wyrnp. hy tLe pnlicnt. Tlisse pftwiltrt contain jnitt tlie futile in-tUcr itMhf t ink?, hot twice the qunntitf lr (Ii- (tiiiiit; prici. tintl w t rl wnl hv mail, KKtiH OF POSTAlii:, ti.r (i: IMH.hAK win 'r.m-pnil) M Dr. S. noL'iJll COS, S ). Ii Vonli Kililh Htruet, PhilndeJjjhi. l'ii- Six pufkatr itv fivi' ti dliiis. l'vory luH-kiii; nnd bottle) hfiirstli.- wiiK!m siunulure x J. S. JIOl'UUTON. M. D., I'r tprifi ir. S-M hy nffcittt in everv tivn in l)ie T'nited Statei, and hy iMpif'tnlm. limlt'i'ti in Alriliriiii'H pt'nerully. VOM SA1.H UVJiihu W. Friling, und George Bright,; Minnnrv, rn. M'try A. Mofny Ji'hn II. Iluft;i iluyts iV iMoi.Vrmiek, S. J. l'rni.ic, J'llin (j. lii'ini, Urppin. Sunhnry, Sept. Utli,' 1550. Nrthumterabul. Milton, McKwennviUe, Si'linnrove, U pper .UuliunUiiff. Maliunuy. "DEATH'S DOOR." Ilitw frequently do we luur thin fxproa-iun, wltich ta inbuilt t c 'UVi'V io thr iiuii'l the Iuhl KUtge ol' n-kncki tli.U u putH'iit ran Im; rftUu'fil h, and live. Mr. Hum ; on, u iin inhrr of tlie Trinity Church, wim. tu kIi exptoa . tu-nit 1im wt-U'f Lii'oiiirla ii iwu to "IJuaili's iliHtr," by Hlieu I liLilicni ninl .Nervotiri llculrti'ln.', wlii-n, like on ungt-l uf int'cy,, Uiulwny'x Itculy ittjla-t" rrlieinl brr ol Iter suvor piiin un.l n-st -rcdh'T L lu-r I'tiemU in H:ritrt tu'iiltli. Thf very inMmt KmlWDy'it Kenny Krlu-1 i appliul, ltt I bcm-ticiMl t ilix-ia me (.x;iiTi''in-.-.t, ii a miiIh'b, licnU, cicuu i f jiml jmritit's; it inuniity n Li; in iintit.n, rttluefi in. tUimtiaUrHiii hiuI cwciliiH!!). n lmvi's I In; itit'til itcvere Ncu- ruiic jKiin, j.'iv-ti lmw to ii.imf. SimLIu, Sorci, Krnpttoni rnn-j lliifiiinatijm4 I jiiiuiiiifjo. tt .ut. Fniulyiiit. prutnti Si miit. SwirtiiiSj MiiV ,v!if WiMiknC'S in the Snlo und Hirk, S r'fi -I till kinrU, (iulls, lirutft si, Cnulek, Sof Throat, lnthitnzn. wnctt, Couffhs, CoUla, . tooth Acui; im in oi:st:uoD. Tliis torturimi ull'tt'tiou v:i In- cured in im instant, for. tho in "iiii-ni tlie Iv t t-'iiclu's lhe ncrvf. the pnii in mii- Uifutrd. Si wiOi Tu-l)i'l.-unx uwi lleinicraniii, Xeurul tui un-i Sifk lli.-ijitiicln- I si tin t'.ic p;ut wln-re the (wiu ii iiu.n lev ere, hikI in n tVv mtiiitfP yon will be fntireljr ruliwtil. 'J'ahen iint'rii:nly it will urrM the iinwi violwit StmniitKmiil r.iun. Mop voinitiinr or to rnucli purging, in nil MHtn il will tiiv rtrui'irth for weakneiw, uw for. piin, hwilili for sickn- . No idmly ItHief in ptr-nuine uu 1cm taijiiiMl by HAAJV AY Jt I'll., Knlton Street. IM rAT TOIM T KKMl IMTKS. TO i:.Miii:ialdSiI AM) KNHAVCii Tllli t HARMS IM- HKAl'TY. Haiiway' Msint-UEii Soap. tj . Knilwnv'H MihIiwiIwI wp. no luvornliiy known thftnrgV mil the I'uMliioirihIc vtr'd for its fXtrcuifly blnnd, purify iim und ..htlnn!j t-llW-tsmi the ckiu ; while by it avtiutt on the porrn und ihe nnnnie tuvreU.ry veseli. it expeli ull iiupuitiu man tne miruif( nHuy every tendency to in lt:tunit!iiiott, nnd eiltnatu;illy Uih;:iiiitt'i nli rcdneim, tun, pitnpli', op 'I" 'iieiAlfii. li r-o-lo-uu.iiiw Hiid other eutuneims urniitioiiM Tin nniumt hi torn it iuimrtit to the fhe;k, tii tinctt uml ih'lirtu'y whicli it imiiiren of the hu mis md ttrins, tit i tu(i(ihty cf t ooiliiii-j iniintt in and removing i tantyui dr r'oi't, ti'iider it imhspeaHablo V every toilet, (.,'uih-in'n ni'irr stkuviug will tii.d it nlliiyult irntattom . BiitlteiulrriieM of the Main, und lemWrii it ninl, fcuooth mui pltftKini. IniriiiR thr heat and dunt of sumincr. or frost and bleak', winds oi winicr; nnd iiu-arcM ot ttiinlturn, kuui ot Uinect chilhljiiiK, eh:ipn-d hnitd, i r itieidentnl iiirtjinuiutioii, lie' viitne h:ivi- lonpHiid extenrnvrly b(;t'ii nt-ktiowleilwJ. Its' punning und rt-uhinu pmH'tiiev h.ive otilumed lit fle lion from Ihe th ain.'ini: of nth. r e mnn'iie, b th of Kuro pitiii anil dmitxic iiiaiinfftnre. hy thn b -u ton of all urta ol lhe ln.!ii iiuiitk-worltl, from thf hnriiinj; tropica tu the frozen rfHtliim ol thn Ir.i Kintr. The puhlie will pleaaa hear in mind (hut HHdwny'a ..U:dirtel Soup, ia lhe iilr, , aul'e prt'puiiition f r the tUm now in liar ; Urn htm he Cfrliiifyl to by our m -nt pioiuiin-nt rhnniaua. fiadway'a ft. wp in free fioin pomonouB. iint;iiin nnd perniCjioua fit grmlienti. it etui be naed on the leudw nkiiiol the infanK wiHuhe B!inn happy rt-sulta m upon Uuiy in ita prima ' S.-othHl eneh inkc ia envel oped m pW1Mllrt xl f alefl enjrravinir nnd fiti'ihrr ' ihnt liie aynoiur of R. (i. K Alt WAY ia upuu eucft nko. VsXv K oetita, larg cakea. tiie f;Kovi) oRArrft or beacttt ISA LIXI'KIANT I1KAD OF liftSSY1 HAIR. AUwAy'wp,Ai JiuJ. Warranted tUt brt Jlair Tonic in ustt For l)reani4! awl Mmutiiyhisj the Inir. It clninw thn St-alp froui UuiutruJi, Wneitrleait, rbrar 8etirvv, li;iilci. and t.rea on the Head atop the atr from ful'.ind out, lemlera it alron. line, antooth, nft wmI ylnmy. IVraoim Who have kiat their h:ut by aii kneaa Will bud a ooiupbtf anlrtkne in Hadway'a Cmwuiaii lialm. Ii ?ive Il a dark and beoutifut iika, ajwl will prevent it iron turukuq grey. From in exclude purity, it ta adrai ib - aduptetl (oi ve baic of children nf th moat tnier age. Ii ta aold in larao Uvtlc I or 5 eenta per bottle, and la wartanled the Iwat fcur pn-'vifatioti In nae, it will wi -nl th hiil. rap. oi ihe iinrat labric ft thai the signa ture of W A 1"V AY A CO., taupnearh linttle iv Ctt- . raaaian Bulio i gen a in without the tvigtwrura of Radvra A Cu. A"inr H R MiMPr. Snnliurv Ai'f 1", le.yj i Wuil U-. A