SUN BURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. Oormpnndvno of the N. American end U. ".. , Great Suffering on the Plain. 4700 offered for a tup of water and refused Flour HQ per pound-Thi Cholera on Plattt Rtver. StomtoK, California, Sept. 30, 1850. lhe just conerM(l with a gentleman from New York, who with three of hi. bro there, arrived here yesterday, after a four months' journey acrocs the country. He state that about 70,000 persons are on the road now. The four brothers started with two six mule teams, plenty of provisions, clothing:,' money, etc., and arrived in Stock, ton with loss of almost erery thing. ... He states that on both branch of tne Platte the cholera prevailed to a horrible ex tent, hundreds dying dally. The waters of h. Plan. mr thick and muddy, and heat- Iributes the escape of his party from sirkness :o their precaution in boiling the water, clear- Wit with isinglass, and making It into tea r coffee before drinking. Tile graves of .migrants, he ssys, were thick at every camp ng places near the Platte. In crossing the treat Basin this side of the great Salt Lake, heir suffering were indescribable. The sand was knee deep, the snn broiling )ot ; not a tree was to be seen ; there was no vater, and their provisions were all gone. fortunately, after passing over about 100 niles of this hideous desert, they came across i man who had gone 40 miles further, found . good spiinc, and returned with two barrels .f water. Tnis water he first sold for St per allon, then SI per quart, then $10 per pint: nd as the emigrants came nlnn;, each chok id almost to death and completely exmisteil, lis prices raised, and no sum he could name vi'thin the power of the poor emigrant was efused to be paid. When the water was learly all gone, a man came along who or three whole days and nights had drank mt a half pint of fluid. He was almost dead, .nd begged for some water. The answer vas, "I have not enough to last myself and aiimals back to the Spring." $50, $100, 500. 8700 was offered in succession for jnn little cup full of water, and the dealer re 'used it. The wretched emigrant threw town $700, all he had in the world, sml by nain force grasped the cup nnd quenched his hirst. This statement seems incredible ; but my lformunt is a man of intelligence and pro- P1 ity, and his word cannot bo doubted, Soon fter leaving the water tinder, the party ame across acompany who had a little flour, rhich Ihey would not part wiih uulil '.he of ir of S-IO per lb. templed them lo sell. One bl. of flour was sold for eight hundred dol us, and glad enough was the purchaser eet it Upon arriving at Carson's riven ley found provision plenly, but very lik'h. lour was 82 50 per pound. A single meal f two small pies, coffee, and some pilot bread, jst them $11 per man. Provisions, it was xpected, would suon bo much lower on Car- n's rivier, as my informant met immence nins of provisions on the way from this val iy, vVhilst crossing the Sieira Neveda lonntaius, the parly was enveloped in a snow lorm, and at tire last pass the snow fell six r seven inches in one night. This pass is ot over 150 feet in widlh, and is on the side f a steep 'eclivity. Above the road the ick towers almost perpend irulaily, 250 feet, .hilst below it is almost equally abrupt. At he bottom was seen innumerable carcases of niles, cattle, and wild animals. My iufor laut says it is the almost universal opinion I Carson's River that not oue-lhird of llie migration can cross the Sierra Nevada mmin ains before the winter sets in and renders lie roail impossible. He thinks tl.ey can vinter very well in Carson' Valley. His par y expected to meet with, and thought ihey rere provided for every hardship. He says le has traveled extensively through Europe, Hit no scenery there equals in sublimity nnd eaiity many of the views on the land route icross this continent. Nevertheless, he de Mares he would give all he possesses in I he vorld, or all he hnpes to possess, if he could anly banish from his memory the many hor rors he felt and witiressed on his terrible jour- icy. Yours truly, U . l W. A Newly Invent nn Stbam Diving Beli. Boat is performing wonders on the western watersn rescuing property from sunken ves sels. It had been at work at tho wreck o1 the steamer Charles Carroll, and in about three or four weeks the entire cargo in the hull, consisting of some 4500 barrels of poik and lard, was taken out, and finally the hull itself was raised and removed from the chan nel of the river, to which it had formed a very erious obstruction. This extensive job com pleted, the boat proceeded to the Ohio, where the machinery and boilers of a sunken boat were taken out. Thence she was directed to the spot, a short distance below Cairo, where (he steamer Neptune sunk, thirty years ago, nd with a dive of fifty-five feet, a number of articles were rescued, which were consid ered hopelessly lost. The iron chest of the boat, containing sundry articles and a docket book filled with what were once bank notes, were among the contents of the chest' but they disappeared as soon at brought i contact with the air, and nothing remained but the calfskin in which they were envelop, ed. About five hundred pigs of lead, in a good state of preservation, were also taken from the deep, and a jar of butter, decidedly the oldest now extant The Estate or John McDosouch In speaking of the wealth of the late Mr.'Mc- Donoogh, the New Orleans True Delta says bis subuiban property was immense, he hav ing pursued the policy of buying op the rear of the city and suburbs, and thus securing enormous profits from the enterprise and im provementt of others. He owned 300 squares in ths rear of the 2nd municipality, and 10, 000 lots in the rear of the 1st and 3rd muni cipalities. He also owned the whole of Mc Donough, opposite to New Orleans. His pro. ductive property in the city yields au annual levenue of 200,000. Mississippi Steamboat and Human Lire. The annual amount ot travel on the Mississ'iDDi river .is about 500,000. The annual iota of human life for several yean has been over 200; by borninp;, blowing op. and. drowning, to say BQlbin J e( skkaess, Hints to. .MPitovEMMf .Charles Sutler, a distinguished English lawyer, and a fine cholarj ascribes hi saving of time to thes rules: Very early rising; a systematic divis ion of his time J absence from all company, and from ali diversions not likely to amuse him highly J modern parly politics; and above all, never permitting a bit or scrap of time to be unemployed have supplied him with an abundance of literary hours. His literary acquisitions are principally owing to Ihu rigid observance of four rules 1. To direct his attention to one literary topic only at a time; 2. To read the best book upon It, consulting others as little at possible; 9, Where the subject was conten tious, to read the best book on each side; 4 f ... t i..r :-- o..,l u,hon In XV AlllU UU, 1111311 111 lltlUlllIHtll'll, . 1 - their society, to listen, not to talk. TUB WEST BRANCH BOROt'GHS. 1840. 1850. Increase. Lewlsbnrg, 1220 2012 792 Williamsport, 1353 2003 650 Milton, 1508 1646 138 Sunbury, 1108 1213 105 Northumberland, 928 1041 113 Muncy, 662 910 248 Jersey Shore, 625 725 200 Average increase, 321. Burks Count has a population by the present census of nearly 80,000. ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER 1 PEPSIN, the True Digestive Flwid, or Gastric Juice! A gcent Dyspepsia direr, prepared from Rennet, or the fourth Stomach of the O.x, after directions of Baron Liebig, the great Phvsiolonical Chemist, by J. S Honphion, M. D., No. 11 Notth Kihth Street, l'tiilatle lor, Com pi after Nature's own method, bv acent, the Gastric Juice. See advertisement in another column. M A K K 1 E I. At T.ewisbnrff on Tuesday morning hist, by I... 11... Pk!.. Mir H.iii r,tnm:c PunIK- I Toy of r,e' pors Illinois, to Mis, Sxv.LtK M.Hooar, ot tho same place, anil lormeny u, ciuuuury, renusyivniiiu. On the 3d inst., by J.H. Zimmerman, Esq., Mr. Henry Cofbi.b of this place, to Miss Grace Wii.lowkr, of Shnmokiii township. asm imiemi ii'i nwnni'iai' inwiasin 1 mussiiSB i i i: i. In Carrollton. La., on the 28lh ult.. Mr. EDWARD LVON, formerly of this place, aged about 32 years. &!)C iltarkct Philadelphia Market. Nov. 13, 1850. FLOtm. There -is a limited supply ot Flour, and prices continue firm. The export price is 86. fcxtra Hour S3i a bj kye KtoUH Last sale at 93 50. Corn Mkal Is still held at S3. Wheat Prices are steady sales Of prime Southern and Penna. red at SI 03 a SI 07 t nrime white at SI 13 a SI 14. Cobs. is in hiir request at b lor gooit yenow ; wnne is worth bi els. Rve. Rve The last sale was at 80 cis, Oats. Oats are now steady: sales of nruno renna. Irom 4110 4 cist ijouinern up I Ik nt 3 1 a 37 els. .. . ' Whiskey. Sales of Whiskey in hhds at 27 a 274 cts. and bbls at 28 cts. Baltimore Market. t .gig lov. II, ioji Wheat. The supply of Wheal at market to-uay was very sman. ouiesui yuoii iu p nia, fa. J ms is n imiy wonueriui remeuy i ivih-il'i iihi, miuni n, ..... liidisestlon, Dyspepsia, Janiiiiice, uirer nm mu ww i "" "... aint, Constipalion, and Debility, curing land on the Line Mountain xmie i siaie oi Nature's own Leonard Kaulumu, dec d. red were rnaila at luua iudcis. aim oi orui- wm.i, tline ,ia,.e ti,c aforasaid heirs sre re nary to good at 80al00 cts. Sales also of qirrd to be and oppear, if by them dsemed espe white Wheat at lusaius cenis, anu oi mmny I flour white at 1 10a 1 15 cts. A cargo of Penn. white was sold to-dav at 110 els. Cokn. Is also in very limited supply. Sales ol old white at 61 cts., ana oi old yai low at 6263 els. New Corn is selling nt 48 a56 cts., according lo condition. Oats. Sales of Oats at 33a38 cts. 27ia28 cts., and of hhds. ut 26,a27 cis. demand limited. SUNBURY l'RICE CU II RENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Master Whsat. f!rr.. . Coax. - - - - Oats. - -Bcttem. Eons. - - - - PlIHK. .... Flaxskiii. .... Tallow. - - Bkkswax Flax - - - - Hkckleii Flax. Damn AreLss, ... Do. Pkaculs. 100 50 50 U7 14 H 7 125 10 25 8 10 62 00 NEW ADVFRTlSEMfcNTS. M0UE NEW GOODS At the Sew store of' JOHN BUYERS & CO., market Street, Sunbury. WHO has just teceived and opened a large as sortment of new snd fushiouuble goods, of every variety, suitable for the lull and wintor sea son, for all persons; and to which he calls thost tciltioti of friends and customers. His stock con sists in part of iiiiy f.oons. BUCH AS CoZi, CflMimfrcs, Satttnettt, Merinos, fie Laines, Calicoes, Shawls, Hand j, kerchiefs, and atl kinds of wear ing apparel. ALSOi Hardware, Quoenawnre, Groceries, Pisa, ' Salt and Plaster, And all articles that may be wanted hy the com munity. The Ladies Will find, by calling at his store, that he bss not been uiinunillul of their wants, and respectfully invites mem lo examine tin selection. (7 Country produce ef all kinds taken in ex. chsngo for goods at ths highest market price, Sunbory, Nov. 9, 18S0. ly. I1TK! J.1TH! I1THJ BOUEEATJ'8 Indestructible and Indellible WHITING INK FACT0EY. No. 1 South Third street. MERCHANTS and ths Wriung community are requested to call and examine this INK, which is varrauttd nol t urrmds Mttallu Pm, nor ekung its Color. Wholesale and Retail, No. I Sentk Third street, Philadelphia, A liooral discount snade to MsrehanU snd ths Trade For sale by H. B. Masser, agsnf for Sunbury, f Nssfef 9, ja50 ly. i GREAT ARRIVAL ... or . NEW GOODS! Market Street, Sunbury, Pa., JOHN W. FftlUNO respectfully informs his friends and customers thst he hs Just rs coivsd a large and handsome assortment of Dry Goods, ' Conslstlhg of Cloths, Csssitneros, Sattinetts, ' 1 Laines, Calicoes, Fancy , and Staple Goods. ALSO I GROCERIES of every description, DRUGS AND MfcDlCINKS. QUEENSWARE AND HARDWARE. Fish. Salt. Plaster and a mural assortment of all suih goods as Will suit ill classes $ the Far mer, Mechanic, Laborer and Gentlemen of all profession. . . A lie mt a u a Will find a great variety of atl such articles as they Will need for tlie present season W Country produce of sll kinds taken in si change at the highest market price. Sltnliury, Nov. 0, 1850. oYpllANSr'cOURT SALE. IN pursimhce of atl order ofthfl Orphsns Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to public sale, on r KID AY the lam day ot De ccinber next, on the premises to witi A certain Tract of Land, situate in Upper Mahonoy township, containing one hundred and forty acres more or less, whereon is erected a two story LOG HOUSE AND BARN, A Hlono Spring House, Ac, about ninety acres being clcsrcd. There are 1 also on the premises two LARGE ORCHARDS, snd about ten acres meadow, adjoining lands of Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said "ay wnen tne icons oi saie win oe maue snowu tiy r litiLILlUL lV lVr.lll.CiK, liXC. r, Bv order of the court. Juo. P. Purscl, clerk. November 0, 1850. L s. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. ,. of nn order of the Ornlian. court of a. j0rl orlhumlicrlandcountv.will lie rxuosed to ntib He aalc on SATURDAY "the 14th day of Decern- uer next, on the premises to wit: A certain Tract of Lund, itunte in I pper Anpufsta township, sdjoimng lauds of Isaac Kline, Henry Kline, and James Forrester, wheicon arc erected a two story frame DWELLING HOUSE, A good fSpriiig House, large frame Bank Darn, p;ood Orchard, suil a I.imc Kiln. Also said farm is in an excellent state of cultivation, containing ONE HUNDRED AND THREE ACRES, more or less, about eighty acres of which are cleared; late the estate of Jonathan Mettlcr, dee'd. (Sale to Commence at 10 o clock, A. M., of said day when the terms of sale will he made known i,y JOHN ECKMAN, Adm'r. By order of the Court ) John P. Purscll, Clk O. C. J November 9, 1800. ts. NOTICE TO THE HEIRS OF SAMUEL MORRISON, TJec'd. V OTICE is hereby given to the aforesaid heirs, ' tlnit by Virtue of a certain Writ of Partition and Valuation issued by Hie. Orphans' CoUrt of ionnuiiiiicriunu couih.t, io ineuiretmi, tui- -.- !.i . i i i . i : SUIOll will lie ueiu upon llio prciinircs, ill tuc uui' ough of Milton, IsortliumburlanU county, at llo' "oca, a. on MONDAY, the 2.7-J day ofUUDtiMUtill next, to inquire whether the Real Estate of the said Samuel Morrison, dec d., can be equally psrt .ml .livi,l..,l i,v nii.l ninniT nil the heirs and , , reur,.1H.ntiives of the said dee'd.. without prejudice thereto or spmlulioii ot the wnoie, at aicnU JAMES COVERT, Shr'tr, Shrffs Office, Sunbury, ) Nov. 9, 1850. ti. J ESTATE OF SOLOMON ZEUN, Dee'd. OTICE is hereby piven that Icttsrs of sd ininistrution have been granlcil to the sub. scriber on the estate of Solomon Zcrn, late of Shnmokiii township, Northumberland countv dee'd. All nrrsons indebted to snid estate, orbsv. ! lit tw olnlma n.ral..e, ft. A anmA urn rAiniA.tA ... 11 on the subscriber at Shamokintown, for settle' menU JOSEPH ZERX, Adin'r. Coal township, Nov. 9, 1850. 6t. FASHIONABLE HATS C. J. WALTON, A'o. 246 Market St., beticeen 7 le Sth st., (South side,) PHILADELPHIA. THE Subscrilicr has oiiened a new hat store, snd oilers to traders and others who visit the city, a handsome assortment of huts, caps, ot'evs ry variety, made up of the best mstcrial, and in the latest and best style, and on terms as reasons' ble ss can be had in any establishment in I'hila dclphia, vi: Fine silk hats at $!i,50 Good do do at $100. 1'ersous from the country who pur cliase ot turn, can rely, st all times, on getting irood article tnat will please tlicin, sua one that is tully worth tho money paid. C.J. WALTON, Philadelphia, Nov. 9, 1850. ly. AND BOdT.TREE MAKER, No. 95 Race Street. Second door below Third, PHILADELPHIA. TTiTHERB all kinds of lasts, &c, of the latest style and best material, are manufactured on reasonable terms. All orders promptly and punctually attended to. Philadelphia, Nov. 9, 186U. ly. PATENT JAPAN BLACKING. AmuZar-tort, No. 60 CHESTNUT Street, M E D A L, awarded by the FRANKLIN IN UTITUTE of Philadelphia in October, ANDTHB FIRST PREMIUM by the MARYLAND IN STITUTE, at Baltimore, Nov. 1848 and 1849 PkilwUilykia, Oetottr 26M, 1848. I have used J. Wcllsr's Patent Japan Liquid and Paste Blacking for some nine months, and am huppy to say that it surpasses any blacking that I have used tnese twenty ouu years. 1 nnd it holds tbo polish and preserves the leather bet, thr than any Hacking that I have ever tried. Aiuaiw R. Chambkas. No. 6T Chestnut Street, Wm. CTTRREY, Manufacturer. (Successor to J. WELLAR, No. 50 Chestnut Street, above Second. ' November, 9, 1850 ly. PURE WHITE BRANDY FOR" PREKER- a- vmu, just received ana nr sale oy ' H. B. MA6SER, Sept SB, 1850. , , BLANK ?Aacaifs"r Pass Disss ya fim-1 tsrf end f sl t tfcji etficer El v.vm r ,aja JTEW T0T8, FANCY ARTICLES, rANES, Ac. Just received, a large and hand w some assortment of . Toys, Fancy Goods, Csnes, violin strings, dominoes, games, pussies and tricks, moving figures, segsr esses, work and fancy boxes, napkin rings, rattles, tp., of tvAy description, at the lowest prices, wholesale and re tail. Call and see ' GEORGE DOLL'S NEW STORE. 10 North 6th St, Philadelphia, late of 2d street. N. Bi Csnes neatly mounted, and Fancy Turning done. - Nov. 9, 1850i Hmo. Itnte or Ocorge Ilnll, llec'tl. V OT1CE is hereby Riven, that Lfttrfs of Ad ' 11 ministration have been granted to the sub. scribrr. Persons Indebted to the estate are re quested to make Immediate payment, (tod those having rlninis against the same, are requested to present Die in for examination and settlement. J. H. ZIMMERMAN, Adm'r. Sunbury, Oct. 5, 1850. 6t A CARRIAGE FOR SALe7 IOU sale at a reasonable price, a Well built tar. A riage in good condition with tongtio and shafts for cither our or two horses., a doubtr. set Of harness. Enquire at this oilicc. Aug. 31, 1850. tf. VALUABLE FARM AT. PUBLIC SALE. TtTlLI. I sold at Public Sale, on the premises, ut 1 1 o'clock, on SATURDAY 30th DAY of NOVEMBER, A VALUABLE FARM containing 101 acres more or less, situntcd in Khaniokiu township, Northumberland county, !)J miles above the Bear tiap, on the centre turnpike, adjoining lands of David Marts, Esq., Mr John Reply and others. The improvements consist of a good DWELLING HOUSE and BARN. This farm will positively be sold without reserve to the highest bidder, A ny persons disposed to pur chnsn will ba shown the property by calling on David Marts, Esq., at the Pulling Mill, adjoining said Farm, or Mr. Jno Reply, directly opposite. If required, part of the purchase money can re main on the Farm, with interest from the day of sale. Title indisputable. HENRY PORTER. Baltimore, Nov. Sd, 1850. ts. State Mutual Fire Insurance COMPANY, OF IIAMUSUURU, PA. riMIIS COMPANY, chartered by the Legisla JL tore during the last session, is now prepared to take applications for Insurance against loss by fire upon Buildings, &c, upon terms more advun tsgeous to the insured than any other Company doing business in the State. This Company, in accordance with the provis ions of its charter, divides property into two sepa rate clusscs, vii : Farmers' Property, called the 'r ariuers I onipiiny, and the other property, in- 'lulling pro)crty in towns and villages, eullcd 'Merchants' Class" i the funds of each being kept entirely separate t conseouciitly each class pays its own losses and no other' It will ba the en deavor of the t'oinpnny to arrange their business that no assessment will be necessary on their premium notes. The rutes of Insurance will be very reasonable. C. F, LITTLE, Agent, Northumberland. N. B. Persons wishing to make application for Insurance will be attended to by dropping a line through the Post OlHcc, to c. F- Little. Northuinlicrland, Oct. 19, 1850. Sank of Northumberland. THE Stockholders are hereby notified that an Election will be held at the Uankinz House. on Monday the 18th day of Novemlier, between the hours of 10 o'clock, A. M., and 3 o'clock, P. M.t for the purpose of choosing thirteen di rectors to serve for the ensuing year. A general meeting of the Stockholders will be tifld at the Banking House on the first Tuesday in XNovcmiier, at 10 o clock. A- M-. ill accordance With the act of Incorporation. J. R. PRIESTLY. Cashier. Northumberland, Oct IB, 1850 it READY MADE ' X E take this method to inform the readers of the Sunbury America!!, that, should they Visit, l'hiladelphis, In guest of Good find Cheap Clothing, Bild faVor Us With a call, they shall not be disap pointed in obtaining the best of garments st the lowest cash prices. We huve now on hand the largest assortment ever otlercd in Philadelphia, among Which are DRESS and FROCK COATS from 5 to 18, PANTS and VESTS from 75 cU. to 6, OVER COATS, CLOAKS, BUSI NESS SACK COATS and COATTEES, all of which shall lie sold at such prices as to make it an object for the people of Sunbury and the sur' rounding country to extend to us their patronage. PERRY R. M'NEILLE & CO, South East curlier of 0th and Market. July 13, 1830.- DAVID i'KASK, S. W Corner Otti Arch Stfect, Philadelphia, T7 AS for sale all kinds of choice Family Croce ries at the Very lowest prices, vis: Extra Fine, superior and common Black and Green Teas ; old Co v. J iva end other kinds of Coffee, all qualities of Crushed Light Brown and Brown Sugars ; best Sperm Oil and Siierm snd Amantine Candles ; Baker's Chocolate, Cocoa and Uroina; Farina, Tapioca, Sago and Wheaten (jrits ; Olive Oil, Isinglass, Ketchrlps and Sauces. Aiuccarom, Vermicelli, t.nglish Split 1'eas, & 1 hey will pack up all goods for the country neatly and securely and deliver theut lrdmptly at any Depot or Hotel as desired. DA 1U 8. XV. Cor. 6th & A felt SUi Philadelphia. Aug. 17, 1850.-lyMay LINN, SMITH & CO., Not 313, Markit Street, above 5lh 9t. PmnDsi.rHjj, Wholesale Driigglgttt, ASD DEAl.KHS 1.1 "fcflU'GS, MieoictsE, Paixts, Oils, Wisrw Glass, Vassisiiis, Drs Trrv, Patsht MinieixKs, MsDiCtss Chssts, Si-RoicaL II STsrxiNTS, Ac, &c; and manufacturers of the celebrated Congress Ink, Black, Blue and Red. The quality of (his Ink is unsurpassed, and We are now prepared to furnish it of all sizes, neatly packed in boxes from one to three dozen each. L. 8. & Co., endeavor to have always on hand a full assortment of good and genuine Drugs, at the lowest Dossible rates. Particular attention is also paid to the manner of putting up and packing thcif goods, so that they feel prepared to warrant their carrying any distance witn perlecl safety All orders by letter or Otherwise will nromtrt attention. Philadelphia, June lS, 1850.- -6m f pEAS, from the New York Centoa and Pekin J. Tea Companyi For sale by J. W r RILING. Bunbury, Dee. t, 1841 TIROWN'8 ESSENCE OP JAMAICA GIN GER, for sale hr H. B.MA88ER. SspL 98, 1850. excellent article for sale MM bv HENRY MASSER. Banbury Jan. STlh, 1819 U. 2EITZ & CO., IMPORTERS or FORE10! Book, Prints, Engravings, Station!? Gilt Frames and Musical Instru tnenm. No. 78 North Bnd 8U, between Arch & Race, Plllt.ADKt.PBIA. TMPORTto order and have constantly on hand 1 a very tg assortment of goods in the above named lines at Wholesale and retail. Principally t . H3 CE CD 623 In Germsn, Latin, Orcck, Hebrew, Frrrtch, Italian Spanish and other languages ( Classic, Diction aries, Grammcrs, Vocabularies, School, Juvenile, Picture, Drawing and Model Books fof Architects Cabinrt, Carriage and other manufacturers. MAPS, GLOBE8 and Blank Books of every description) Splendid Lithographic; and other Prints. MtsitAL Instruments. Acctfrdeohs, Banjos, Bows for all string instru ments, Bridire and Tailpieces, Clarionets, Fifes, Flacreolcts, Flutes, Guitsrs, Octavo Flutes, Paient Heads for Guitdfs snd Violineellos, Tambourines, Tuillhg Forks snd Hammers, Violins, Violin and Guitnr Pegs, Violineellos and Strings for all kinds of Instruments Wholesale and Retail. Accor deons repaired. Also Constantly on hand, wholesale and retail, a large assortment of the very best OBSMArf BRONZE POWDER Dutch Metal, French and Florence LcafMetnl Thermometers, HairK-ncils,-Fsber and other Lcadpencils, Red, White and Black Chalk Crny ons, Mathematical Instruments, Scarficators, .Spring Lancets Pocket Prescription and Gold Scales and Weights Letter, Kancy colored and gilt Paper Playing Cards snd other French and German Faucv Articles, for the sale of which they are the MANUFACTURERS AGENTS. July 6, 1850 GREAT REMOVAL. Clocks, Watt-lie. Jewelry Milver& PLATED WARE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. "HE SUBSCRIBER has removed his store from No. 413 Market street, to his splendid establishment, So. 103 Ctmnnt tlrett, niocs 3rf, Under the Friuilillii Houae, PHILADELPHIA, Where he offers for sale a most extensive assort ment of CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEVVELERY, SILVER and PLATED WARE, &e., at such prices as cannot fail to give satisfaction, and to whicli he invites the attention of perchnscrs, as suring them that EVERY ARTICLE IS WAR RANTED AN REPRESENTED. His stock consists in pnrt of a full assortment of COLD AND SILVER LEVER WATCHES. Do do L'EPINE do SILVER TABLE AND TEA SPOONS. CLOCKS of cverv description. MANTEL ORNAMENTS, FANCY COODS. &c, LEWIS LADOMUS. Watches, Jewelrv, and Cold Pens sent to alt parts of tho United States, by mail, with perfect siileiy, 13 I am determined to sell at less prices than the same articles arc sold in this city. P. S. 1'rrserve this advertisement, and call and eiumino the stock. Sept. 28, 1850 3mo. MACKEREL, SHAD, CODFISH, SALMON, HERRINGS, PORK, Constantly on hand snd lor sale bv J. PALMER & Co., HAMS AND SIDESj SHOULDERS, LARD AND CHEESE, Market Street Wharf, PHILADELPHIA BeptiU, '60 3m. THE GLOBE j Congressional, Agricultural, tind Liter ary Newspaper. The undorsignep submits to the dubtic his pro posals tor the Globe and its reports for the next session ot tnngress. Congress has now so liber ally patronized tho undertaking that it will be es tablished as a standard work worthv of its official imprimatur, unless tho unbersigncd fails in his duty. This will not be the esse if earnest effort can avail. Tho Globe is the only paper that will furnish full reports of the debates of the tWd Hou ses of lv on gress; and having recurved their sdntf tion ss such, the best Reporters will be" engaged to write out the debates of each day, will undergo the revision of the Members. The work, alter pissing through the Diiur Gloiis and receiving correction, will be presented, ns finished, in the CoMRaKSSlOXAL llLOBK Olid ArPXNUIIl i'be debates will probably increase in interest uring the next session. The one subict which engrossed the lust, will doubtless give way to others of great variety, which, in this progressive coun try, the conflict of party and the ambition for lace anil distinction, necessarily product1. Vsst interests Will bo at stake upon the decisions Of lh. next Congress ( and there is great talent in both branches, which will be evoked 111 their di cuseioni All the honors of the Republic, depend ent on the succession to the Presidency, Ss Well as an tne great and permanent interests which go to the advancement of the power of the country, will give impulse to tne action ot the next session of Congress. The Daily Globe will lie published daily during the session of Congress, and weekly the remainder ot t no year, it will con linn lull and faithful re. ports of the proceedings Of both Houses of Coa gross ; and miscellaneous articles on (Itose gcner al subjects to which it is dcvotfil. 1 he price of the Weekly Glolie is reduced to oiie dollar, with a view to obtain a more general circu lution. The Congressional Globe will embody, as has done for the last seventeen yfats, C'ongres slonal proceedings and debates exclusively. The Appendix will embrace the revised speech Cs separately Snd the messages of the President of the United Slates and the reports of ths Heads of the Executive Departments. I he Congressional Globe and Appendix will be published as fast ss the proceedings of Con gress Will illake s nurtitvor. Subscribers miiy e pect one number of each S wefk during the first four weeks of a session, and two or three numbers of each a week aftsrwurds, until the end of the session. Complete indexes td the cOngressirinnl Globe fid Appendix will lie sent to subscribers soon af ter I'ougress adjourns. iSotlung ot a political party aspect will appear in the Glosk save thxt which Will be found in the ('digressions! reports, A paper ewumiiig to be n impartial vehicle for all sides, cannot maintain ts character If the editorial columns reflect a par ty hue. TtS.llSi Fur one enpf of llir tHitv OixibS (ifallV riHrhig the sruiiti, oi' Congress, ami wmkly diirinv the r'rve) a year, 5,00 Fiii1 the IMilx (li.i.fcs for leas Uisna yearj al ilis rale ol'KI rents a ni-sith. F s , oi' tha vEif,T fitoSK fir our year, I CO t itt him cifT lit that lininioMl Car lit during the suMinn, I fio F'W hie ciijiV of His Al'riSou rtarint thf Sr'sriiw, 1 so r or tour eojuesiit me l "St.mBminsi. uSSir Arrimx, .i ,Nict n ikii, w, iwu ui aacn, or iiiree u one, anil one "I the ntht-r, 5 no The sain rata f a greater number of copies. The prices for these papers are so low, that ad vance payments are indispensable to carry them on, snd no order will lie attended to Unless the money accompanies it. Subscriptions msy he remitted hy muil, at our risk; in money at par in the section of the coun try where subscribers reside. The money should be here by the 15th December to Insure all the numbers. The CoxoDsssioa-Al. Gloii Snd Arrxnix, e the Daily Globs, as they Ynay elect, Will be sent to all editors who may pnhtish this Prospec tus sa often as three times before the first Monday in December, and send us one copy of their paper containing It distinctly marked around with a pen 10 airaca our iwwuwi w iu JOHN C. R1VE8. Wasisto Citv, Oettktr IS, 1850. fAPS. An assortment just received. Also V silk HATS st $235, tat sale hf H. MASSER. feuulmrv, Dee. 3, U18j WATTS KEBVOUS ANTIDOTE 4 a sin PIIY8ICAI, RESTORATIVE. TBS MEDIO Ati WON DEB Or THE TlflLL posiUyely cure all stages of Neurataia, Tic Dolorous. Nervous Huluha. Chn. lera, Lockjsw, Hydrophobia convulsions will restore manhood to its ptestine vigor, even after years of prostration, and the only known and cer tain cure for low spirits or mental debiltv. Extract from the New York Sun, Oct 3, 1849, The etltkratcd Dr Watson, when talking of ths miraculous power of "Watt Nervous Antidote," the question wss put to him, ', Why such a talua ble remedy for all nervous a (feet ions was not in troduced hy the medical faculty t" replied, "Thst If it were, there would no longer be any use for a faculty, as all diseases originated front disorgan ized strte of the nerves ; the nerves are the main spring of the wholo system Keep this in order, and both the mind and body must be." Four ounce phial. 13 doses, cnouali for all or dinary cases, ONE DOLLAR. "OLD BY Wni. McCARTY, Broadway, Bunbdry. September, 88, 1830 tf. THE FALLACIES OF THE FACULTY, With ths Chrono-Thennal Svstem of Medicine. By S. Dickson, M. D., of LondonEdited by wt ziirner, m. u., oj new xorK OONTENTS Physiology of Healthy Life w shown to be a Periodic or Tidal Alternation of Attractive and Repulsive Movement in the vari ous Organs of the liody Disease consists in a greater or less Error in one or more of the Corpo real Pcricds, with a corresponding Error of Tem perature All disorders, fitful or intermittent Fever, the Type of all Disease Elements of Cause and Cure identical Poison and Medicine act by Attraction snd Repulsion The Agency of both Electrical Blood-letting the invention of an age or barbarism The successful application of Medicine depends on its proper sdjustment to the temperature of the patient and the period of the attack of the Disease j What is right in tho cold tit ot a disease is wrong in the hot ; The trcatmen t ttrrng tho periodic remission, which happens in II diseases, must he different from that prscticcc either stage of the pyroxvsm ; Time and Tem perature the basis of tho Cllrono-Tliermal Systerr. of Medicine. Single copies mailed 011 the receipt of $1, fpost paid.) addressed to DR. TURNER, ' I) roadway Hotel, New York. Sunbury, Oct. 86, LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC OR NJSKYOUS DEBILITY, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, AND sll iliaenses arising from a diif1erwl liver or sto mach, such as utMieiipalion, inward Piles, Fullness, or DIU.K1 U lllO lie:td. ACll llv uf t he Htimmnli. Nun.. Ilnirtburii, ilininul for Fowl, fullness or weight in the Stomach, snurCriictRtioii, siiikinsur Huttcring at the pit of the Stomiirh. swimming of the head, hurried utxl dittk'ult breuthiinr, llimi rinf ut the heurt, choking or suOucatiug sensations when in a lying p"idre, Dimness of vision, uoiaor wens ucioretlie ugni, r ever snd dull Mini In the head, deficiency of perspiration, vellowness of tho skin uud eyes, win in the aide . tnck, chest, limits, Ac, sudden Hushes of heat burning in the flesh, constant imaginings oi evil, and great depreuion of spirits, CAN BK KFFKCTLALLY CUHKD BY DR. EOOFLAITD'S CELKURATJiO UKRMAN lifTTUHS, 1'RKl'AHBB ST DR. C. .l . JACKSON! AT TH11 GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, Ku. 1-20 Arch St., riiiludrlphlu. Their power over the above diseases is not excelled, if equalled, by any AUier preparation in the Viiiled r-utcs! a Uie cures uiluat, iu iiiuuy cusisi alter skilliul physiuiuus lisrt lulled. These Bitten are worlhv Uiav atteiittmi uf iiivnliila Possessing gieut virtues 111 the rectification of diseases of the Llvor and lesser glaisls, exercisiiv the most ssuiehiiig powers III weakness uud ullvclieus 01 uie diiestlve organs, Ihey are, withul, me, ceruiin and pleaaauli If 10111 tne u.mlou Uee.l The Editor said, Dec. Ml "i)Hi HOOFLINU'S CSLUBH.TKO GbKMII BlTTSSs for the cure of Liver Curapkiinl, Jaundice, 1 rpepsis, Chronic 01 nervous uemmy, is asservouiy 0110 01 Uie most Kipu lar medicines of the day. These Bitters havs been used by thousands, uud a friend at our elbow soys ha has him self received an euectual and permanent curs of Liver Complaint from the liae of this remedy. We are convinced that, lit the use ut these Hitlers, the Dutietit constantly gains strength uud vigor i fuel worthy of ureal oouaide- rauou. 'i ney are nieiumnl III taste and smell, and can be used by per ma with tiiu most delicate stomachs with sal e' ly uisler any circumstances, w e are speaking from ex perience! anil to tlio alllicted we advise their use." Judge M. M. .Nomi. a veutlcinaii wiih irrcut si-ientlDc and literary utiuiumeiits, snid in his "New York Wuekly niesm.ucerf" jiutuitry u, imrv : Ur. lloollund's Uurinuii Bitters. Here is a nrenarstlon Whtoh the letuliiig pnts in the Union uppeur to be llnaiii. luons in recomiueiuiiiiff, uud the reason is obvusis. It ts made after a prescription rushed by one of the most rele hrutdd physiciaus of modern times, the late Dr. Chr stcpher iiueou iioouuuu, i-rniesaor w lae l uiversily ol Jeun, private Phytirinn to the Kins; of Prussia, and una of the grealcstniediralwrilcrsUernlaiiy lias ever produced. He was emphatically the enemy of humbug, and theiefore a medicine of which he was the inventor and andorser niav wniiuwi.oy .com on. 11c specially TerommeiluCM It In Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia. UeblHiVi Verlism Acidlti-of the stomach. Countiution. and nil eoinphiitits arising from a disordered condition of the stomach, the liver and the iinrmues. iine I'niuaeldliiu papers express their Convic tion of its excellence, and sevend of the editors icak of its efforts I'rinn tlieir own individual experience. I'isler these eireiunstancesi we feel warranted, riot only In railing Ilia attention of our readers to the present present proprie tor's (Dr. C. M. Jackson's) preparation, tail in recoulineitd Ills ths article to 1 1 afflicted " More Evidence. The "Philadelphia Buturdnv OnSette,' tli best fumily iiewsinper publihed in the L'lllted 8tais, the editor sats uf Dr. 7oo7aiiri's German Bitter). "It is seldom that We recommeud wlutt are termed. Ps; tellt Medicines, to the mufulciica and pntronuge of our readers 1 and, theiefote, when we reciHiinleiKt l)r. llcsH ImimI's German Bitters, we wis it to be distinctly iimlei stood wo are not ieakiug 0 Hit nostrums of ths day.lhatare noised uNalt for a lii fcf perital ami then for gimcnaftet Ihey haved.Hie Ihelr guilly race of niisehiel', but of a medicine long ettublislieil, universally iirizwl, and which has met the heiirty npprnvnl of the Kaenlty Itself." That Una medicine Will cure I.ivci Cmupkiiul and Dvs peMi, 110 one euu doubt, after Using it us directed. It acts specilienllr npoil the sionuich and livet it is preferable to cjilomel 111 all hillious iliseuseslhe rflect is immediate. They 0111 be administered to Female or Jnfuut wiih safety and fcliable benefit, at any time, RF.WARE OF CorNTF.RFF.lTS. This medicine bus st.uitted thnt high chatacter which is lieCeSMiry for ull medieiues to alluiii tn induce CMiiitef fellers to put forth a Spurious sriiide at the risk of the lives of those are imioCciilry aVaeivedi . LOOK WHLLTO THE M.nK8 OF THF. GF.XUXE' Thev have the written simiatura of C. SI. J ACKSON unoii the wranner, tnal the iiaine blown in the bottle, with our which they afe spin I, sis. For sale, wlstlesale and reUnl, the Gtnnan Medicine Store, No. 1 ARt'll Street, one door below Hixfh, life of S7S Race street,) Philadelphia, and by reaiwclahl dealers aenerally throushout the rouiitrv. Also: For sale by II.Massks, Punoury, snd M. A. .Yl't-xr. .itrtnuuiDeritina. Augiurl 17,lSo0 ly TIAItIIAMS TONIC MIXTURE, For thc Curc of Ftivtfit iso Actie. Wa RANTtfJ. THIS unriialler! tneiticlue nisj- lie feKed 011 whra near, ly atl othct relfledlcs fait, lis vulue is hot kiiowd. iherelbre, the proprietor desires to enlarge the field of Us usefulness by unking known its virtues snd eih esjey to thistsuials of suir. rers whours nut aware that tbey euu be specdity sml raditilly rureit of' FEVF.R jttD" AOt;( withnM the Oar nf pnisonous drugs, iiaussnua potions or the deleterious effects of ijuiulne. It is nffere.1 to the ,ml lie at a low price to place it tcithra the rcarh nf alt, aspired that those who use it acoordiiiQ to direcuona aitt And H s safe and speedy cure for Fsvsa Asrf lines. It ts riot a dWoTeeabie lutnamting eAnipmhtd hut su agree able tonic cakmtuled b rerrswe lha disease and give healthy action to the siomarh ami howelis. Prepared only sy Slarsiisn ft 10., ana. smo wnoieaniea and retail hy Hnwaud A rVm, No. 31 North Sih Ktreet, PhilacMphui.xPrre 1 par sihgW bottle, and 3 per doa. JttnellS, tUSO ly BLANKS. BLANKS of every descriution cn be hod by epf-b inj at tlie oflice of tUe Amerirsa. fl'ISSUE PAPEIt Yellow Tissue paper for 3. eovering (lasses, for sals at ths otTiee ol tho Amertoan. ENVELOPES. .Tbe euhacriber would reapecl fullv announce to his friends and generous public, litat he is tnsnufxetunna; Cavelopes of the) best quslity snd of U King's. Far sals by GEO. W. COR IE. " eiwnbuty, fcL 15, ,SM.--tf. " VO.'.t l ' - 1 - ' ANOTHER SC1KNT1FIC TTOHDEI. PEPSIN1 THE TRUE DIGESTIVE FLUID, GASTRIC JUICE A OSSAT DYSPEPSIA OVHSBs Prepared from RkiSNET, ot Hi foorta mufHct sf las) Oi, aftar directions of BARON UKBIO, Ue raS Physlokioal Chemist, I7 t, ). IIOL CtllTO, M, V4 No. 11, North Kighth Street, Philadelphia, Ps. This Is a truly wonderful remxty f INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE, UVER COMPLAINT, CONSTIPATION, and DEBILITY, Curinf after tim ture's own method, by Nature's own agent, lbs Oaatruf Juica. DT Half a tisiap.wnfui M,,f i, ( wm- will digest or diasolva, Free Pounds of ft oast Beof la about two hours, vat of the rtonwrh. DIGESTION. DIOESTION is chiefly performed 1. (he stowed, by tins aid of a fluid which irMi .,. 1 . that organ, wheii in a state of health, called the CaetrM Juice rius fluid is the Ureal,,, f ,,,, Koij Puruyiiig, Preserving, aiat Btiinnaning Agent of Ins sUH nsich aial Iutestiins. Without it there will be no dkras li,ii,o conversion of ftssl into bkasl, and m natritioa of the body I but rather a foul, torpid, painful, auddeetrae llve eondllioii of the wlaile digestive apparatns. A wrak. half deuil, or Injured stomach produces no good ttastria Juice, aiol heuca the diseuse, distress and debility wlriak ensus. PEPSIN AND RENNET. PF.PHIN is the chief element, or great Digesting Printl. pie of the Gastric Juice, it is found in great abondanea as Mis solid parts of the human stomach niter death, and some time! causes the stomach to digest itself, or eat Itself ajpv It is also found in the stomnch of animals, as the ox, calf, he. It la the material used try fanners lit making ehesae. called Henuet, the effect of which haa kng berw Ota special wonilor of the dairy. The curdling of 11 1 ilk is the first pre cess of digestion. Rennet possesses ssumishing power. The stomach iacalf will curdle noirly one taouiuutd times iuown wciirhl of mitk. Hnrou Liehig alatea that, "Oa pnrt of Pcpsm dissolved in sixty thiaiauiKt parts of water, will digest meat and other food." Diseased stomachs bnh due no good Uastrle Juicn, Henuet or Pepsin. To show that this want umy be perfectly supplied, we quote the fal lowing SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE! BARON LIKRIQ, in his celelirated work on Animal Chemistry, saysi "An Artificial Diacstive Fluid nnalagoaa bi tho limine Juice, may m readily prepared from the imm. cous membrane of the stoitnah of the calf, in which varloae articles ol food, ns rmmt and eggs, will la, softened, ebang ed, and digested, just in lira same manner as they wuaut be in the human stomach." Dr. l'KHKIKA, in his famous treatis m "Food and Diet," published by Fowlers .V Wells, New York, page 5, states the same grout fut't, and describes the method o? ureiiaruiiou. There are few higher authoriucs than Dr. Pereira. l)i. COMBK, in his raluable writings on the "Phvsiology oi Digest ion," olwerved tlait "adimiiiulionol the due quan tity of the Imstric J 11 ice is a prominent and all-prevailing cause of Dyspepsia " sir! he slates Hint "a distinguished professor of medicine In Isnslou, who wss severely afflict ed with this complaint, finding every thing else to fall, had recourse to the Gastric Juice, obtained from the stonca u? living animals. Which proved completely successful." Dr, GRAHAM, author of the famous Works on "Vega Inble Diet," says 1 "it is a remarkable fact in physiology, that the stomachs uf animals, macerated lu water, impart bi the fluid the properly uf dissolving various articles ot food, and of effecting a kind of urtificinl digestion of Iheai in im Wise difterenl from the natural digestive process." Dr. MI.MO.VS great work, the "Chemistry of Man," (Lea It Blauclmrd, I'hilu. 1614, pp. !U1-!I) aaya: "Thedis covery of 1'KI'StN forms a new era in the chemical history of Digestion. From recent expeilinents we know that food is dissolved as rapidly in an artificial digestive fluid, prepared from Pepsin, as it Is iu the imturul Gastric Jules itself.,' Professor Dl'NGLISON of the Jefferson Colic. Phils. delphla, in his great Work on Human Physiology, devotes more nam ruty ttigc to an exaimiintloii 01 this subject.-. His experiment with Dr. Beaumont, on the Onstric Juie , obtained from the living human stomach and from ajiimals are Well known. "In all oasrs," he says, "digestion occur. rod as iierteclly 111 the artificial as iu the natural dlgtstions," AS A DYSPEPSIA CtRER, Dr. HOUGHTON'S nrcoarution of PEPSIN has nroda. ced the most luarvellous cfl'i'vls, curing eases of Debility, r.iuucmiiuM, ovmrni iceiiue, nuu Liysiieptic votisumptlon, supposed to la: on the very verge of the grave. It is in possible to give the details of cases iu thc limns of this ad vertisement but authenticated certificates have been given of more tlian TWO HUNDRED KH.M AKrlAULkl crnES, iu Philadelphia, New York, and Boston akme. These were nearly all desperate cases, and ths cures Were hot only rapid and Wonderful, but MTinunciit. It is a greut NEHVOl'M ANTIDOTE, snd rflrth-aau-ry useful for teialeucy to bilious disorder, Liver Complauo, Fever aial Ague, of budly Irantcd Fever and Ague, and the evil eftects ot Qitiiiiue, .Men'Ury, and other drugs upou tbe Digestive organs, uftel a loiig'aiekucss. Also, for cxeese iu eating, and the bf free use of ardent spirits. It almost recouciles Heullh Willi Intemperance. OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS. There ii no f.rm uf OlsD S TuMACl! COMPIAINT which it UtH-s n t st-ctii tu i-cath uud rriuov Ht oite. Ntf trmtter ioW lud they nitty be( it tilVT.S INSTANT Rl I.1KK ! A iiJtlednw removes all the unpleasant wfmp tnniSj nirtl It uilly iitHntK tn ho ivpeuttvl, for n sliurt time, to muktt tlu-w ffmNit-flVTtft peruiHiiKiit. PURITY OF BLOOD uud VIGOR OK HOIA , follow it oncu. It is particuiarrf excHent in rtes if Nhusru, Voniitinf CntuipS) rVincM of Uie )it uf thi Stumufh distrrsn m'tcr tinct tow. coMv statu of Hie fU-odj Hrfnvlnemii UiWnewi of Spirits Dttpon tlcnr)'f V.iitncuftluu, Vttuknt, tendviicy to liwuiity, ftl cide, Aco. Pricf. ONR DOLLAR per MUa. One bottU will (W effect Kutiiut tmttt PEPSIN IX POWDERS. ty SENT BY MAIL, FRF.E OF POS'f AGK. For ionvcnicnce of sending to oil parts of the eowntrfi the DlliKSTI VF. MATl'F.ll OF TI1K PKPSIN is pel ag hi the form of Powders, with directions to be dissolved us water or svrup, iiynie patiuui. iiiese powders euatale just the same mutter as the bottles, but twice thr qosntiir for thc same price, aiid will Iw sent by mail, FREti OF P03TAGK, for VE DOLLAR s.-nt (post-paid) tu Dr, 1, H. HOUGHTON, No. II North Uighih street, Philadelphia, Pa. 8ix packages for five dollars. F.very package and bottle Ileum the writicu signature of J. S. HOUGHTON, M. D sole Proprietor. Sold by agents in evcrv towi in the United States, Snd try lespectuble dealers in Medicines generally. FOR HALK BV John W. Frihsg, aud George Bright, Sunbury, Ps. Mary A. MeCay Nottliumbtrahsi. John H. Rasri Milton, lluves k McCormick, MrEweusviBs, S. J. Croust, Selhisgrove, John G. Renii, Vpper Mihsnlsaf. William Deiiplhi ' Maiioudy, Sunbury, Sspt. Ittk, - " DEATH'S DOORtu How frequently do we hear this expreuion, which is monnl to convey to the mind the lust stags of eiekneaS that a patient can be reilia.ed to. and live. Mrs, Hsrri son, a member uf the Trinity Chtirch, was. as she expcee' herself, hrouuht down to "Dentil's door," by Haee- nmtisui aud Nervous Huutkiche, when, like an sngsl or mcicv, Kudway's Houdy liulief relieved her ot bar aaver paiiia'and restorixl her to her frieiats in perfect health. rue very iiistuni nunwuyi neuoy ivcuim is apuiiw, tie beneficiul clfccls are experieiu-'ed it aiMilheSj heals, eteaa. ses and purilics: it insbintly alluys irritullon, reduces bs. fluinmuiicns and swellings, relieves Uie must severe Nea rulgic pains, gives case lo Burns, Sk-aJris, Sores, Kraptiona) cures H' I.U111U1K". U.ail, Psialysis. SnrainSi cures K Lumbago. U.ail, Psialysis. Sprains, Slrnnn. riiMsms. Si ill Neck, Weakness iu the Side awl Back, Soles i all kinds, Galls, Bruises, Chafes, Sure Thruut, Irtnticiiza, noHrseucsp, vougus, oais, TOOTH ACHK CI RED IN ONE SrJCOND, This torturimi ulfcctimi can be cured in an instant, f the iikjiik m the Itelief tone lies the nerve, tbe pais is aii ligatetf. So with Tic Dolcicux ami lleinicrunta, Nearai. giaanttSh'k Headache Isithe the purls Where the paW la natst severe, and in a few niihules yua wis ne entirsly relieved. Taken inietnully it will arrest the moat violaal Saismsnml Crani, slop vomititnr or to irrace pdrgutg, iu all oases it will give strength tor weakness, esas fur pain, health for sickness. No Kcrtclt Relief is genuine Sa less signed by KADWAY k CO., IIW Feltoa Bueet. KLKGANT TOILET RKQl'ISITCS. TO KMIlt'.l.l.lSIl AND KNH.WCK THE CHARM OF BKAt TV. RaDWAV's .MSDICATKU SoAF. Radwav's Mnbcaied S ip, so favorably known through., out the fuahit nable world for iis extremely ISantli tJsarhT y ing aial oollmig Mlw is on the skin ; while by its aetwa u the lures and the uimuic secrcUiry vessels it eaittte all impurities from the surface, alluvs every lendeney to in Huminaliou, and e,ireclunlly dnwisites ali redHcaa, tan, pimples, spots, freckh-s, disuokvathaisaiHl other eulaueoee eruptions. Tlis naliuut bl ioui it iuiMieto tlie eliack, the soilness and delieacy which it imlnces of the hands and anna, its capability of soothing irritation and removiuf ea tailcAMiS (Intecis, rimovr n mutriciiBanie tu avert- snm. Ucutleinen alter shaving will niai 11 allays su uriutKMS sud teudoroeas 01' the skin, and renders il soft, saasxh sad pics sunt. During ths heat and dnstof summer, or frnst and bleak wiials 01 wiiHer , aiat in eases of suuhurn, stings of iirteets ebiHilnie, champed hands,- or incidental indummattnn, lie virtues have SHigaiKl extensively been acknowledged. Ite punlVing and rclresliiiig properties have obtained lis sslas tnui i'rom theihousamls .s' alwr oosmeiics, bHh of KarsM peah and rfimestie manufacture, by tlie bon Ire uf all part is the fasliiiauibie world, from tbe iHiruing tnipies to lhe I r,,sen fralius nf the lea King. The public will elesae hear 111 mind Ihut Railway's .Medicated eoau, teiheautr sale prepaiathai fix ttia skin now in aaej tbi haa hea eertifird b try our most piomiiient ehetmsu. Hsdway'a Soap ia free from poisonous, irritating and pemiMoua la greilienls. it can he used on the tender skin W infaaa) Willi the same aappy results as upou ueauiy .. See thai each euks ia enveloped in a atastaUd ktbal'ell steel engraving and further sae that the signature t St. G. RAD WAV is upou each eake. Price SS asats, large cakes. THE GROW I NO ORNAMENT' P SEAVTV ISA LUXURIANT HKAD OK OUlV HAIR.. apu-xt's cieCAssixs sm. Ifarranfrit the best llotr ton to tuty Fru Dreasmg and Beautifying l hair. it elawuva the Scalp 1'roiu DaasttueT, kaaos It esse, earees Scurvev, Baldiwaa. aial Sms no Ike lleaa slo, tits aair from tailing out, renders rt atmng, nna, smooth, anft ea4 gkaaiy. Peraiais who Save lest khsu kail hy siekaeas win. Iind a oomplateanluk tnnaaway's Circassian Italax. It UTfl. ia wariantca la heal kail nremii alalia ia aaa, it wit as sail the hat, can, m tne nneat lahrte. bee thai the surna. uu-aol RADVVAY fcCO., ieanea.eaea bouta asCir. eassiaa Baiia u genuine without the signtew ef Redem. 4 C. " A&SKT If. B Mssser, Suabui. Aug 150 ve-siuly alsogivaa liaaaisane saaaiaiiuunwi.aua win pravae a from luniiue frag. Kvoat Ma exquisite jwrtty, H is adasi. raUy adapwit foi lae hair ofiohiklrcai . of the ainat tiadsr It mi aue ia aura oniiiea jot w eauu nor uMtie. eaas