Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 02, 1850, Image 4
WBHHBSBBSHH! . - r y . , MCILJ1I1-UJ Li '-L-1 'Ji-Li. : Kl CHERRY PECTORAL: . ,. --, Fer Ike Cure f , ' C0UOH3, GOLDS, .HOARSENESS, BROU 'iJHtTIS, CROUP, ASTH. 2ttA. WHOOPIMa-OOUOH AND CONSUMPTION. Thii truly valuable Xemedy for all diseases of ' We LmigB anil Throat, na necomo uie cm ance of the afflicted as it is the moat certain cure r il.o Mhove complaint. While it ia a powerful remedial agents in the moat desperate .nA .Imnni honeless caaea of Consumption, it ia .sJso, in diminished doses one of the mildest and . ..rrxonhla fnmilv medicines for common eommon coughs and colds. Kcad below the opin ion of men who arc known to tho world, and the world respect their opinions. FROM PROFESSOR HITCHCOCK. . 'James C. Aycr Sirs I have used your "Cann- . t PacToiAi,' In my own case of dccp-seatcj Bronchitia, and am satisfied from ita chemical constitution that it ia an adinirnblo compound for the relief of laryngial and bronchial difficulties. If mv opinion ae to it superior character can be of iiy crvice you are at liberty to uso it as you think proper. EDWARD HITCHCOCK, L L D, i t President of Amherst College. t, v i From the "London Lancet." "AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL is one of ! the moat raluable preparations that baa fallen un- "der.our notice. After a careful examination, we do not hesitate to say we have a large apprccia lion of its incrijs and the fullest confidences Us usefulness for coughs and lung complaints. Dr. Brewster, of Windham Co., Conn., sends us the following testimony. Dr. J. C. Aycr Dear Sir: I enclose you a ertificatc from Mrs. Catharine K. Cody, a high y j-es.cctaMe lady of this village, wife of Mr. belli Cady, Deputy Sheriff, Windham Co., Conncctt cut. The cvra in her case was very prompt, and has attracted general attention, ,. W. A. BREWSTER, M. D. W..T Kn.i.inLT. 88 1848. !.., This may certify that I was afflicted with a very , .i :.... c 117.9. which thrcat- acvere cougn m - ---- . .i 4- ...;.,io in Cnnniiiniitioii. I had tried icnuu iu wiiiii.v ... i . medicines in vain, and was cured by the use of "Ayer's Cherry Fectoral." CATHERINE K.CAD'i From Dr. Bryant, Druggist and Postmaster, Chicopce Falls, Mass : v.: Dr. J. C. Aver Dear Pin-Enclosed please c-a II.; fi,r.ll it, CHERRY PECTORA L . t sav. that no laHl HIMIl 1IIC ." r- - , - medicine we sell gives such satistactioii as youi j. I mcr seen a medicine wluc cured no manv cases of Cough and Lung Com plaints. Our Phisicians are using ewn-j in their practice, and with the happiest enects. Truly youis, D. M. BRYANT. FEBAItEU T J.C. ATKn,rHEMlST,LOWELl.,MASS. E?" Sold by Henry Masscr. Sunbury; Mary A. McCay, Northumberland- Dr. Gcarhart, Se linsgrove; Dr. Beckly, Danville, and Druggists generally. July 0, 1850.- Iyce3m . MAHOGANY AND MARBLE. STEA1C SAW XXLL, , AND TUUNIAG SHOP, ,: . Corner of Eleventh and Ridge Road. .... AND ' CABINET MAKERS, GENERAL FURNISHING STORE, No. 134 South Second Street, below Dock St., , PHH.ADKI.rHU. THE subscribers would call the- special atten tion of Cabinet Makers and others, to their very extensive assortment of materials in their line; consisting of MMioRnny Veneers, Boards and Plank, Hair Cloth, Curled Hair, Glue, aniish, ".LookinR Glass Plates, Maliopiny Knobs, Bed Posts, Marble Tops, and every description of . Hardware Tools, &C. ,. CabinctMakers residinc out of the City, would find it greatly to their advantage to call at our store to purchase such materials as they want, connected with their business. ,: Allour goods are WARRANTED, of the best quality, and at very reduced prices. , Our Terms arc Cash, (no trade.) We guarantee to give every man the worth of bis money. T. & 1,. THOMPSON. N. B. Mahogany, Walnut and Hand Rail Plauk, and Stair Ballusters for Builders, also Marble Mantles, always on hand, and every de scription of turned work. June 8, 1850. ly " NORTH IH II EBUXU DllY DOCK- THE subscrilier has built himself a dry dock in Northumberland, above the first lock on ; the West Branch Canal, where he intends build : ing and repairing canal boats. He can take boats on the dock from two to five dollars cheaper than . they can be taken out, with machinery. Thankful to those who favored hiin before, he 1 hopes by carefully attending to all the repairing entrusted to him to still merit a share ef public patronage. JOHN HUMMEL. Northumberland, August 10, 1850. 3rn. : NEW STORE ! KF.W STOCK OP GOODS, At the Store formerly occupied by John Bogar In Market Street, Sunbury. THE subscribers respectfully inform the pub, lie that they have just received, and are now . opening - A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS. , Consisting in part of ' Cloth, Cassimeres, Saltmetts, Vestintr, Fanta l , loon Stuff, Calicoes, Ginghams, Lawns, Vestings, Flannels, Cambrics, Linens, . Fine Muslins, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Sfc, Hardware, Quceusware, Dlll'GS ISO MlUU'IIES. ALSOi A large assortment of Groceries, Fish) Salt and Plaster. Ladies Shoes and Gaiters, Fluid and Fluid Lamps All of which will be sold on the most reasons- lile terms. 11T Country produce cf all kinds taken in ex change at the best prices. JOHN BUYERS & CO. Sunbury, April 13,1850 ly ROWN'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA Jvi GER, an excellent article. RiDwu'i Medicated Boapfor sun bums, tan, tetter, Ac. Radway'a Circassian Balm, for the hair dand- ruir&e. Radway'a Ready Relief for Cramps, Cholic, Cholera Morbus, etc. r ot sale Dy H. B. MASSER. r ' Sunbuty, Aug. 8, 1350. t 'ftAY RUM. An excellent article for sale by HENRY MASSER. Bunbury Jan. J7th, 1849 tf. . s" '' f. i . - I. - - TEAS, from the New York Canton and Pekin Tea Company. For sale by . . V ' i. W. FRILING. " Bunbury, Dee. , 1848 BROWN'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN GER, for sale by U. B. MASSER. Sept. 28, 150. J. IE. THOMAS, Ornamental and French Style Frame Manufacturer, 80 1 Walnut st , between 3d and Ath street. PHILADELPHIA. T) ESPECTF1JLLY directs the attention of the public to his superior styles of Plain and Fancy Frames, which are of the latest and most beautiful designs. As a handsome Frame at I LOW PRICE, has been much desired, he was induced some months since to commence the manufacture of these Frames. In a short tiino the demand has lieen so great, that he has been obliged to lncreass his facilities, and new offer at EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICE!1, ' Singly, or in thousands, the most beautiful Frames, suitable for Paintings, Prints, Daguerreotypes, Cards, &c., &c. For Durability Un.iurpa.ised. Hotels. Public Buildinsrs. SteamboaU, Stores, Ca binet Furniture, &c, decorated in imitation of carved Rose-Wood. 17" Please call and see specimens. May 215, 1850 ly GEORGE J. IIEXKELS, CITY CABINET WAREROOMS NO. 173 CIIESNVT STREET, (OPPOSITB TUB STATE HOtTSB,) PHILADELPHIA. "OFFERS for sale, low for cash or approved city paper, a largo and well assorted stock of CABINET FURNITURE, of the latest patterns and of the best workmanship. The assortment embraces every article, useful or ornamental, com prising suits of Drawing Room Furniture in Rose wood and Walnut, exquisitely carved. Rosewood walnut, and Mahogany Chamber Furniture: Fa tent Extension Dining Tables, (acknowledged to be the best now in use); Library Book Cases, and a great variety of plain Parlor and Chamber Furniture. Curtains made and put up in the latest Paris lasniona. Spring Mattrasses, Hair Mattrasscs, and Fea ther Beds, made to order, N. B. All articles purchased at this establish. mcnt are warranted of the best materials and workmanship, and will be packed to carry safely to any part ot the country. May 25, 1850. ly SFFJ1TG GOODS IN PHILADELPHIA. r 1 SHARPLES.S tc SONS, have just received I their supply of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS of Friendly and other styles, to which thry invite attention. SHAWLS All descriptions of Silk, woollen and worsted. DRESS SILKS Gro do Rhines, Chameleons. and neat and new fancy styles India Silks and fcatms. DRESS GOODS Lawns, Bareges. Mousse I ins, Ginghams, Alpacas, Mohairs, and all the new fabrics. FURNISHING GOODS Blankets, Sheetings Quilts, Damask, Shirtings, and all other furnish ing goods. MEN'S WEAR Cloth, Cassimeres, Cashma rctts, Drills, Vestings of all kinds, and Boys wear. SHOEMAKERS GOODS and Carriage Ma kers articles. T. SHARPLESS !fc SONS, No. 32 S. Second Street, Philadelphia May 25, 1850. ly J. H. ZIMMERMAN, JUSTICE OP THE PEACE. Sunbury, Pa. Office in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public School House. L-' Monies collected and ail business promptly Slid care fully attended to. April 20, 1850 REFORM Y0TJB HABITS. Come ye, with garments bare and seedy, Ye Inch'lora, wido'ers and husbands too, If, in the outward intm you'r needy, We soon can moke you as good as new. TIHE subscriber respectfully informs his friends X and the public, that he will commence in this place, on the 8th of April ncut, the TAIXOUI.YO lHTSIXESS in all its branches. Ho will be careful to see that his work is inado up in the best manner, r nd lie flatters himself, that he will he able to give entire satisfaction in point of cut, fit and style, as well as in price. Ho therefore respectfully solicits his friends and the public generally to call and give hiin a trial. His shop is a new buildup in Fawn street be ow Weaver's Hotel. JACOB O. BECK. Sunbury, March 30, 1850. 6m CHARLES W. HEGINS, ATTCFJJEY AT LAW, ' m'oiisviue, i-a. Will promptly attend to collections and all busi ness entrusted to his care. June 10, 1849, EDWIN IIAlLL, (Lati or Tin Firm of Watkinsox & Hall,) JN o. 24. South Second Street, Philadelphia, P ESPECTFUI.LY informs his old friends and customers, as well as the public generally, that he has opened an entire new stock of elegant styles ot Spring & Summer Drew Goods. His assortment consists of the latest and most desi rable styles of English, German, French &. Ame rican Goods. Such as Delaines', Tissues, Bera ges, Silks, Lawns, M uslins, Shawls, Hdkffs, Gloves, anu every variety oi ureas ana r ancy Uoous. Philud. March 1C, 1850. ly C. UENKERT, BOOT MAKER, No. 40 South Fourth Street, PlULAIIKLPHIA, HERE every variety of French Calf Skin Morocco, Patent leather, Congress and Gai ter boois, of the best style and workmanship, are constantly kept on Hand or manulactured to order. March 16, 1850. 6m P writing and indellihle ink, Cotton yarn and laps, just received and for sale by J. W. FRILING. Sunbury, Dec. 2, 1818. STONE WARE, riTnvp :n. n . . , ... . i-imik 1 aim, iwne Jugs ana i ilcners, O and other articles of stone ware just received ami ior saie ny JUH.VI w. rKILINU. Sunbury, June 23, 1849 iiLM-ai,-ui,i VAXUY. An excel- T 'et remedy lor coughs, colds. For sale at this office WKADD'S celebrated Horse and Cattle Medi ae cine ior saio by MASSF.R Sunbury Jan. 27th, 1849 QOLD PENS IN SILVER CASES, lot on hand and for sale by A small H funbury, April 6, 1850. B.MASSKR. T liorvo ... . irtioi.vo, currants, citron, cneese, pepper auce, xc. i-or saie uy J. w, r KliillVU ounbury, Ucc.2, 184H. ? AZORS-A superior article for sale at the .tit-A r iiDhmv i ..I-,. tore of HENRY MASSER. Bunbury, Feb. 16, 1850, TVIINERAL WATER, from th. Onk Hr..!,.. A'A AriA ui..i., ,...i.i .u :. J: aeases, and tonic remeuies, for sale by U,"'J "'- HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, June M, 1850 tf PEE BILLS. Justices and Constablee Fee Bills handsomely printed on card paper, for sale a uim uiiicb. SUNBUltY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN TOUllNAL. A CALL TO H0USEKEEPEES At the Cabinet Ware Koom of SEB'N HOIJPT & CO. . Market Square, Also at the corner of Fawn street If the Railroad , SUNHUIO., PA. Thankful for the patronage of his friends and customers during the 17 years he ha boon in busi ness in this place, he solicits from the public a con tinuance of their favors. During this period he has endeavored to koep up with the Improvements of the day, and has accordingly extended hia busi- ness in every branch and variety. Tho public are therefore invited to the attention of the present BLOCK OI CABINET WAKE AND CHAIRS, -Manufactured by SEBASTIAN H0TJPT & CO. At the Old Stand, s V here in addition to their former stock cf the establishment they now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs. Large Spring Seat Rocking Chairs, dressing jjureaut, venire lames, Marble Top Wash Stands, and a variety of other new style and Fashionable Furniture. Having secured a Hearse and made the neces sary arrangement for the purpose, they are now prepared tor Undertaking in all its branches, in this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye maids and mistresses, and husbands too, Here's furniture of everjr style and hue, From aide hoards down to kitchen tables, From nwklnir chairs to locking crodlcs Should you not have the rmdy Jonn to pay, We'll wait awhile fur a brighter better dny, Or take potatoes, cmt, corn, wheat and rye ; Unrk, hoop pules, slaves, or lumber wet mid dry, Or any thing but yokes and threshing flails, Emm pigs mid turkies down to little quails. Come on then friends, corns one and all, Keep trade a moving, so "goes on the Imll." t" Orders from a distance promptly attended to and work of all kinds delivered with dispatch. Sunbury, March 9, 1850. tf RODT. L. BKTH. THOS. P. B. SETII SETII & mtOTIIER. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND Commf 00CO11 iHmftituta, NO. 89 PRATT STREET, (Near Bowly's Whark,) BALTIMORE, Will pay partirulifc- attention to the sale of GRAIX and all other products of the farm. Baltimore, January 26, 1850 ly THE PEOPLE'S VADE-MECUM COMPRISING A COLLKCTION OF OVER 200 VALUABLE RECIPES, In the Useful and Interesting Arts with a few Simple ond Curious Experiments in CHEMISTRY : TNCLUDHNG Medicines, Perfumer-, Chemistry A Cookery, Farrier)-, Dyinff, Confectionary, Do mestic Economv, etc. etc. etc. Price 6 ets., for a'e by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, Dec. 8, 1849. IIAimiXCi & MOLL'S WHOLESALE Commission PAPER and RAG WAREHOUSE, No. 19 MINOR Street, Philadelphia. Where a general assort ment of all kinds of Paper is kept, and for sale at the lowest cash prices. Cap, Letter and Printing Papers, &c. on hand. Plain and ruled white Caps. " ' blue Flat Caps. Plain and ruled white Letter. " " blue Blue and white Folios. White and colored Printing Paper Tissue Papers. Shoe " Wrapping " Envelope " Hardware and Sheathing Paper. Tar Bonrds. Straw Boards. Bonnet Boards. AH orders from the Country will be attended to at the shortest notice. All goods sold will be carefully packed, and de- livered at any place in the city. i lie nigncst cash price paid for Rags, or ex changed for Paper, as low as can be bought else where. Please call and examine for yourselves. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1849 Brown's Essence of Jamaica Cln- Rer. Prepared only fci Frederick Broirn, at his Vmr and Chemical Store, North East Corner of Fifth and Cliestnut streets, Philailclnhia. fTIHE Essence is a preparation of unusual ex- X eellcncc and of varied nrouerties. In nil pawn where a powerful and safe stimulant is required, it is unrivalled for efficacy as well as immediate action. To the traveller and to the family circle it is invaluable, as a few drops diluted in sucar and water present a safe and agreeable remedy to the invauu who requires immediate relief, as well as to the convalescing patient who needs a gentle tonic. In a Southern climate, where the relaxa tion of the system so generally induces thirst for stimulants, it will always be found an excellent substitute for those tempting beverages which de bilitate the stomach and cause a morbid condition of its powers. In dyspepsia, in relaxation of the bowels, in naussea and sea-sickness, it is an active anil safe as well as a pleasant and refresh ins re. medy, and is prescribed by the most eminent of tne medical laculty. A supply of the above received and for sale bv f I 1, M . - C J ii. u. musser, ounuury. April 6, 1850. 6m JTI3T A lVew Assortment of Fresh Goods. IRA T. CLEMENT, TT ESrECTFULLV informs his friends, eus-- toiners and others, that ho has just received a handsome assortment of NEW GOODS at'"" Btore Market Square in Sunbury, such as Dry Goods, Groceries, Queens- ware, Hardware, &c. Sunbury, June 23, 1819. Win. . Cocltrnu & Co., Wholesale and Retail, WINE AND LIQUOR MERCHANTS, iVo. 72 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. I A vt, always on hand a very large stock of 1 Wines, Liquors and Sccars. of their own importation. Store Keepers. Hotel Keencrs. .,.,1 private gentlemen, will be supplied on the most liberal terms. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1849 Valuable Hooksj. T IFE or Chbist, handsomely bound, D'Ac HiE's HiSTOBT OP TMB Rm-OaMATIOM, Blaxk Dat-buoks Ann Lxuoxhb, full bounded. For sale at the publishers prices by H. U. MASSER. Sunbury, July 14, 1849. Qotton Yam, Cotton Carpet Chain, Cotton Laps y' and Wadding, Cptton Outlines, Ready made I antaloons, Ready made Vests, Congress knives. ' antalopns, Ready made Vests, Congress Knives, I Porcelain lin..l . 1. .. 1 ! i f orce'n hned preserving kettles, just received orsaieoy H. MASSER. Bunbury, Dec t. 1848. . . I ,ro- An assortment lust received. Also w k HATS t Hi-jqh r ...i.i. --"i wis vy H. MASSER. Sunbury, Dee. , 184s BLANKS- BLANKS of every description can be had by pplyuig at the office f the American. riRB PROOF CHESTS, FOR BOOKS, PAPERS, JEWELRY, ko. EVANS & WATSON, No. 90 North Third rtrecf, between Arch and Race, and 83 Dock street, OPPOSITE THE l'HII.ADEU'HIA EXCHANGE. Patent Sonp-Stone Lined and Key hole Hover SALAMANDERS, FIRE AND THIEF PROOF IRON CHEST. Wiirnntpd to stand more Heat MB tliisst atii' fH-mlm I,, tl.ia r.n...t ' Alan PntssMt A Is-.... Chriti. 1fl(0 now In .me. They nlso emit i noe to make the ordina ry Fire Proof, nt very ("w priori IRtriit oomimmtion lock. With Onntre Keys, wltirh ran In; ehontred yjff'j'vy werni irmnwinu time chmifTPa tEas hie in fuct every time the Inck In nxed if dmirnWe. These Iw-k nre proof npiinst the mot expert Thieve, bein(r mipplircl with the Pntent Key-hole Cover, ami mtule very Mron. thry rnnnot be blown open bv Oimnowner. TheM Ijocks are intended tor HAiM STORKS. SAFKS. Ac. Pmlanri letter copying pressc", fire proof doom for Dnnka awl Stores. l'ntent Slnte IJnerl Refrieerntors. warrnnM tuperior to nil others. Water Filters, Nmwcr iiaths oi the best qiial- itr. fif Persons wihinir to nnrrlinse am of the above ar. tirles. will plense ffive them a mil, as they sell cheaper than any other in the uniiea znatc. PA VID EVANS, JOHANNES WATSON Pliilndelphia, November 10. 1H40 ly STONE WARE. FTWE subscrilier would most respectfully in Jl form his friends and a generous public that he is manulacturing the best quality of STONE WARE, in all its varieties, and is prepared to sell a little cheaper than any other manufacturer in the Union, He is also importing and dealing most extensively in CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, which ho ofTcrs on the most reasonable terms. His Potteries are on Bond Btrcet north of Fay ette, and China store and dwelling at No. 8, E. Baltimore street. DAVID PARR, No. 8, E. Baltimore street, Baltimore, Maryland. February 2, 1850. ly Equitable 1,1 fe Insurance, Annuity and Triint Company. OFFICE 74 WALNUT PTRK11T, FIIILADKLrillA. Capital 8250,(1(10. Charter Perpetual. rPIIE Company sre now prepared to tnuimrt hu.ineM i upon the mini liberal and ndvnntnpeona terms. They arnniithorized by their clmrler (sect. 3) "to mnke. nil and every iniiirance npperlniniin to life risks of whatever kind or nnlure, and to receive And execute trnats, mnke endow ments, nnd to frrnnt and purchase snnuities.,) The Com pany sell annuities and endowments, and act as Trustees for minors and heirs. Table of Premiums required for tho AMurunce of 8100 for the whole term of Life. I Aire. Prem. 3 3(1 3 40 3 (.2 3 77 3U4 4 13 4 32 4 St 4 71 4 01 5 12 S 33 654 6 7S 6 03 The premiums are leu than any other company, nnd the policies oflord (jreater advantage!. Tables of Imlf-venrly and quarterly premiums, half credit rates of premium! short terms, joint lives, survivorahinn and et.Hr.,..,..-,,.. . form of Application (for which there are blank sheets') aia ... ire .111.1 .... niipni m me omce, or uy letter to t lie Agent, J. H. PUKDY, Piinlmry. Rates for ixsubino 1(K) on a single Life Aire. J or 1 year. For 7 years. For Life, 81 9i i.oo ? W I J..) S.U4 " 1,n I 1.64 2,;o I .MI 8,(17 n.n4 S9 3,48 I 3.7 6,(13 I-.xamtls A person aired .11) Venrs nelt hirlh lnv. 1V nnvintr ine uiunumv tin cents u il ..! ii iirii. iron. .Tininn nu nie in one veiir J or lor So.ol) he cure, vi inem euni; or lor i:i nnnuiilly for seven yours he secures to Iheiu SMHKI should he die in seven years; oi for eVJO.40 puid nnnuiilly during hie he secures 8111(10 to he paid when he flies. The insurer securinir his own bonus. hy the dillereuee in nmnuntof premiums frmn those ehnrired by other olhVes. For HI9.50 the heirs would receive 85(KK1 sii'Miiu ne oie in one year. ronns of upplicution and nil pnrtieulnrs mnv be hnd at tne omce. I'KTKH CIM.I.KV. President. Vice President. Wm. M . Haird. Kbancis W. Kah'i.k, feeretnry nnd Trensnrer. CnxstiLTixo Physician l)r. J. H. Mnsser. Sunhnry. J. II. Pdrdy, Sunliury, Agent for Northumberland coun. rtuilDury, July UH, lg.p. "Encourage Tour Own!" HAAS & ItENN. FASHIONABLE MAKE OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. HPHE subscribers respectfully call the attention - of the public to their large and splendid assort ment of every quality and price of c vkim: t -WARE. which cannot fail to recommend itself tnevery 0110 who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to bo had in the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of their ware, and the subscribers are determined to keen nn with the many improvements which are constantly being made Their stock consists of Mahogany Sofa, IMvriin and Lounges, Bureaus, Secretaries, sracboarts, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS. TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of their business. They also manufacture all kinds and qualities CHAIRS. including varieties never before to lie had in Sunbury, such as M.hociaxt, Black Walnut AMI Cl'HLKI! MlI'LK GlIF.l'l AX : AMI WlMlSim CHAIRS, and FAJrct Pi axo Stouls, which are of trie latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. 1 he subscribers are determined that there almll be no excuse for persons to Durcbaan fnrniturn in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about the quality and finish of their ware and Chairs. Their articles will be disposed of on as o-ood lerms as mey can lie purchased elsewhere. Coun. try Produce taken in payment for work. 19- LN DISK TAKING attended to on reason, able terms. Ur lhe Ware Koom is in Market Street, opposite J. oung store, and nearly opposite vt eaters 1 avern. DANIEL HAAS, OEOKOE KENN Sunbury, April 28, 1849 tf LIQUORS, WINES, &C. HIIE 8iibgcriler hag just received a new upply of the ltest liimors thut ever came to iS'unburv. con Misting in j art of 8uicnorold pule Brandy. Fine Copniae Brandy. Superior Old Jamaica SpiriU, New England Rum. Fine Holland Gin, Superior Old Whiskey Common da. Superior Maderia Wine. Lishon do. do, Superior Port Wine. Burgundy Port do. Sweet Malaga Wine. Superior Claret Wine in bottle. Ch&iEpagi.e do. do. HENRY MASSER 5uAburytMay U 1849 BKOWN8 ESSENCE OK GINGER A new supply of this excellent article juat received and for sale by H, U. MAER. Kunbury, March 16, 1850. A(re. I Prem. I Ajre. I Prem. 16 1 SO. 31 S 09 17 1 53 32 2 15 IS 1 fill 3:1 4 20 111 1 59 3 s -J7 at i m 35 a at 21 1 It! 311 S 411 S3 1H 37 2 47 23 1 09 3s 2 5 24 1 72 39 2 03 25 1 70 411 2 70 2rt 185 41 2 PI 27 1 S9 42 2 02 2S 1 1 43 3 01 a 1 98 41 3 12 30 8 04 45 3 23 TICKNOR'S COLUMBIAN flFELLIMa BOOK. T) ETNG a progressive and Comprehensive Rys tm of Orthograpy and Orthoepy, including a variety of definitions, adapted to the uso of Schools In the American Republic, by Almon Tlcknor, a Teacher of twenty-five year's expert ence, and author of the Columbian Calculators, Practical Common School Mensuration, c The attention of Teachers, School Dtrectors, parents, &c., is invited to this new Spelling Book, which conforms to tho modern spelling and Usage in Orthography aslieinir one of the neatest, cheapest best arranged, and better adapted to the wants of cniiuren, man any oilier published in tne unneu stats, it is what it purports to be, a Spelling Book and not a Reading Book, and only requires an examination on the part of instructors of youth to secure for it a universal introduction into the Schools of the United States. Just published, and for sale by Heniit MAasKn, Sunbury. W here Teachers and Directors can procure copies for examination. August 4, 1848. DIl- J. J'UPDEGltAFF, 13 ESPECTFIILLY informs tho citizens of Danville and the public at larfie, that he has located in Danville, and is now prepared to prac tice Medicine and Surgery in all its various bran ches. Ho will operate on all the various forms of blindness, cross eyes, club feet, harelip, cleft palate, and attend to the extraction of tumors. amputation of limbs, and all other surgical dis eases. His collection of instruments comprises all instruments in modern Surgery, of the latest improvement and finest finish. He flatters him. self that many years' practice and experience will be a sufficient guarantee to thoso who may feel uispojcil to employ lum. His resilience is nearly opposite the jWontcomr- ry ismtrinigx, and next door to Isaac Koscn' baum's store, in North Danville. Danville, Dec 1, 1849. ly. 8c TULL, Bio- i:0 C hcMHit street, (Opposite the Arcade) PHILADELPHIA. MANUFACTURERS of their improved stylo Elastic Steel Spring. Solid Sole Leather, and Solid Kivctcd TKUNKS, which took the only first premium, awarded by the rrnnkhn Institute at their last exhibition. H. & T. take pleasure in informing the travel ling public, that they have now on hand, a beau. ttfnl assortment of their improved stylo of Solid Sole Leather I runks : Double and Single folio Trunks, of vorious styles ; Ladies' Trunks, Va. lice Trunks, Bonnet Boxes, Cap Cases, Carpet Bags, and on elegunt assortment of superior bii amclcd Patent Leathar Bugs, with every article in their line of business. I"??" Old Trunks Repaired or tahen in exchange for New ones. ALEX. L. HICKE V. RICHARD W. TULL. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1819.- PHILA. AJfD READING RAILROAD SUMMER AKKANtiUMKNT FROM I'HILAM'.U'HIA AND POTT3VII.LE. Office of the Phila. (t Reailing Railroad Co. Philadelphia, March 29, 1850. ) Two Passenger Trains Daily, (except Sunday.) N and after Aprillst, 1850 two trains will be run each way, daily, between Philadel phia and Pottsvillc. Morning Line, (Accommodation.) Leaves Philadelphia at 7$ A. M., daily except Sundays. Leaves Pottsvillc at 71 A. M. daily except Sun days. Afternoon Line, ( Fast Train.) Leaves Philadelphia at 21 o'clock, daily, except Sundays. Leaves Pottsville at 21 o'clock, daily, except ouiulays. Passengers cannot enter the cars unless provi ded with Tickets. The afternoon, or fast trains, do not stop at Au burn, lthousc's, Birdsboro', Roger's Ford, Val ley Forge, Port Kennedy, Spring Mill or Falls. NOTICE. Fifty pounds of baggage will be al lowed to each passenger in these lines ; and pas sengers are expressly prohibited from taking any thing as baggage but their wearing apparel, which will be at the risk of its owner. By order of the Board of Managers. S. BRADFORD, April 13, 18S0. Secretary. WILLIAMS' AXT1-RYSPEPTIC ELIXIR is. wfth the utmost confiiU'iice, olfereil to the Miiliral l-'uciilty unit the puhlit lor (he cure of Dvspen- sin or liiuigt-sllon, and till uisHtse urisuig trom it, suiii Nnunea, llemlarlie, I. Minus Vomiting, Uurnin seiiKntiou at the pit oi" the i,t lunch, r.iverrimipliiiut, i )p)res)(iiii ntVr catinp, l'iitniuttinn of the I Unit. Uflithty ul' lhe urvouii ly tent. HyptH'htmtirin, .faumlicc. Iffit8(it mipiM at, Whf! inp itl' the 8trenplli. P.iiii in tlie pit ol tlir tiinnfh Klntuli-ne, with I'miuentl or tnwuriisthe riirlit side. Itrli-hint: f wind, 'Atllownes of citmiilcxKni, VitiiiteilLitate, jjjfprfssinn uf the spinas and CaiiKtitiilion nnd uncasiucsKl irriuihility of tvinnta, Jtc. ol the bowels, I If a nise of dvipepsin nKould neiilpoted, itidst serious etfeetd mny ensue, lor it liiys the fouiitlntitm fur, in the iu cipeut cuuse of, nd very ''requently teriuinutekt incuimin thin. I would hnpresc Umhi the mind tluit to ttitle with this diwase mny Ikj to sjvirt with the reason which consti tutes mini sunereiiiiiieut among animal Ik-intra, or to em- tuiter existence by udding a couuinousuess offirllyto the neimttv of rutin. This medicine is nently put up in bottles, with ample uireetions lor use, and is sold in fHtnhurv hy John V t B 1LI SO . J A M f.n V 1 1 .1 J AM Testiui'tnvof Mr. Aimer Klines, hatter, Market street above hixtht corroliorutive of ihu cliicucy ot Wulituiis A uti-Dyn peptic Kiixir. I'HILAItELrHIA, UClODer J, IN'J. Mr. Jamki Williams : Dear ISii : It (fives me creiit nlenaure to kivnv thnt you are uguiu preparing you medicine for the cure of Dyspep sia, lor many ol my ac'iuuiutmiees nave repenteuiy nsn;eu mewhere it could lw nrtM'uiett. knowing that 1 had )een cured by it. As I think thnt a public acknowledgment of the irrent neuelit 1 nave rweiveii troiuinense oi your inea- leme is not only uue to you, nut nuiy ie useiui to outers, i now make it. For several years 1 sulfertxi fnnn JJyxpei- sia. winch increased to such an extent that my heulth and couslilution were rapidly sinkins under it. 1 wus com pelled to returiet niyaieli to the iutnt simple I'oimI, u:id even that I could not digest. 1 felt a loss of strenirlh, dmiiicli natton tt exercise, and, as you have it in your ndvertise- nieut. a Bene nil lecliug of di-prewntm and iiulesenlmlile weurinetis. In the year 138. hear in? from others high re commendation of your Anti-Dyspeptic Kiixir, I procured and used it wiih the most happy effect; under it lulluence languor and wariness gradually passed awuy, and my tipi'e tite returned which 1 could gratify with impunity. Ten years have now elapsed, and my confidence in the curative powers of your medicine has of course increased, for it completely cured me when 1 lulled to obtain relief from any othei source. Very respectfully yours, Testimony of Toward II. Rowley, Wholesale Mercluiut of the firm of Rowley, Ashhuuner & Co., No $ South Wharves, in proot ot the enicacy ol illumis' Auti-Dys-peptic Klixir. I'UiLADSxPuu, uciouer au, ltsv. Mr. Jamrs Willism : Dear Sir : I take pleasure in rMommending your Ami Dvseptic Klixir for the cure of Dyspepsia. 1 have taken it myself lurtlie diseuse, and have been entirety cured. 1 OUTS remiecn liny, KDWAHti H. ROWLEY Aosni JOIIX W FRIUNU, Sunbury, Pa. Muti-ii J, IfM. ly HOSE OINTMENT, FOB, TETTER Tt KAD the following cettifirte fmm dipt. Devoe, the V wi-ll known autl populur Slium liout Cuptsiu (of tlie Truveller.) riUL.DKLPUIA, Ootolwr 31, 1M6. 8.rcrul yenrs sinre 1 viis uttiiclctMl with a bruukiug out on my iwc'k in the I'onn of Ttrlter, which 1 sin convinced wus coulructut at the liarher'sShon. ltfrmndusllyexteiMl eit iver my fae until it reached the uihwt mrl tf Uie cheeks. IluriuK the several in-ml lis that it continued iiueailing, 1 used iliScrent applications, some of which had the effect, nppreutly nt least, uf iuiycuaitu? the disease, lalt from none ol them did 1 perceive the leust benefit until 1 applied the Koai Ointment. Hy the use of one jar of it, I was perfectly cured and have remained free ot the affec tion. 1 have since used the Ointment, lightly npphed for rough ness of the face, blotches, chapped hands, e. With per. feet success. I havs no hesitation iu rououiiueudtng U in the strongest manner U. th. pubuc. A(tent IUnbt Massbb, Sunbury. July , ltH9. ROSE OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this excellent article for Tetter, ire., just received and for sale by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, July 88, 1849. KNOB AND SPRING MORTISE LAT CHES. An excellent article, for sale at half lhe,tuHial price by J. W. FRILINU. Sunbury, July 7, ni9 N. S. LAWRENCE, Agent for the tale of Southworth Manufactu ring Co'. Writing Papers. Ware Howie, IVo. 3, Minor street PIIIX.ADEX.rHIA. 00 CASES of the above superior Tapers now In store, and for sale to trade at the lowest market prices, consisting in part of Fine thick Flat Caps, 12, 14, 15 and 16 lbs. blue and white. Superfine Medium and Dmril Writinrrs. blue and white. Extrasuper and snnerflne Folio Posts, bine. Superfine Cammerical Pnt. ht.. mthI white plain anu ruled and white, plain ond ruled. fcxtra super Linen Note Papers, ptain and gill Superfine and find Bill IWrs. Imur and broad Snpcrfino and fino Couutinff-House Cans and Posts, blue and white. Extra super Congress Cans ami Letters, nluin and ruled, blue and white. Extra super Cdngress Caps and Letters, gilt. Superfine Sermon Caps ond Posts. Supcrfined bluo Both Posts, blue and white. plain ond ruled. timbroulered Note Papers and Envelopes, "Lawyer's" Brief Popers. Superfine and fine Cops and Posts, ruled and plain, blue and white, various qualities and prices. Also, 1000 reams white end asserted 8hoe Pa pers, Bonnet Boards, white and assorted tissue, Tea, Wrapping, Envelope, assorted and blue Me diums, Cap Wrapping, Hardware Papers, &c Philadelphia, Nov. 24, 1849. In presenting the pnlilic with a reincilv for the treatment and cure of Fkveh and Anus ituil otlinr bilious diseases. Ilo flpolopy is ueciled. Vnst niuuliers in the I'nitnl Suites, who suffer from these affections in their varied forms, ore compelled to seek relief from other sources than the imme diate prescriptions of the reffukir physician. It becomes therefore an object of humanity, as well as of public inter est, to brins; before them s remedy prepared from much ex perience, and which tnny always lie relied upon as saff, EFFECTUAL, AND HARMLESS TO THE CONSTITUTION. Thnt such is the true chnrnctcr of the INDIA CHOI.AOOnrK, is amply nttestcd by the universal success with which it has been einptoyed. I IT Kxtrnct from s commnnicntion nf the Hon. Wil liam Woodbbidge, of the U. 9. Senate, late Governor of miciugan. Detroit, Oct. 21, 1840. Doctor Osgood, lcnrr-ir, t imve reml with much interest, your little trakatisk upon the 'causes, treatment anil cafe" of I lie febrile disenses which have so extensively prevaileil in our country iluriiiir tiie lavt lew months an inferos! inercai?eil no doubt, by the fact flint. I have inilividimllv snirereil so much from them. Thuni.-li I feel mvself very' incompetent to jiulire safely upon a mlijeet bo en'lirely professional, vet your ineory seems to me well reasnncl. aint.vour conelu sions just, anil I think withal, thnt your pamphlet is calcu luted to produce, much praeLlnl jrol. Ppenkni" of the incdiciiie lie says : It fully justified vonr flntterius expectations, nnd as n safe, convenient, and popu lar remedy, my own experience, so far, induces ma to be. lievc that it will prove n creat public Iwnefit. 1 am pleased to learn i hut. you hnve recently established scverul nirencics for its dispisilion though 1 rcjtrct that, with n view to a more general dissemination of it, you should have found it necessary to remove from your present residence among us. With much respect I have the honor to lie, sir. Your obliged servant, WILLIAM WOODIlltlnGK. ry From Hon. Stephen V. 11. Tbowbeidgbj, of Michi gan Stale Senate, to the Apent at Detroit. UlRMlNGllAM, Oaki.anti Co., Dec. 13, 1S41. Sir yon wish me to inform von what I know of Dr. Osmond's India Cholnirofrne, or n'ati-liilioiis imilieine. I do lielieve that if tlie virtue nnd eflieucv of this meilicine were L'eiiernlly known, the ffvkr and aouk would disuppenr in Michnrau. 1 procured ri bottle in the sprinir of , have irood reason to believe that myself and family .wd the iisriH! Inst season in consequence of its use. Perhaps in tin summer since the settlement of this line peninsnln. has the fever nnd airuc been so prevalent us 1 lit; last. 1 have recommended this medicine in numerous in stances, nnd when the disease bail become lixed npil iKitiled rue skiii ot physicians; nnd 1 have never known it fail. I has universally produced tlie most hatw effects, anil I bet lieve it has never been e.xeeedd bynnv medicine iu remo ving the bilious diseases of the eliinute. j ours, respce Itiillv. si'i;im; v. it. TftownniDor. Affent fm Suilburv II. H. MASSKIt : 'orlhi,ml,.rl,l WITIIIXOTOM 'Co.i Milton, J. II. 11ASKK : Selins grove, MAY A-KLOSK. jitayu, isis tl TO MYSICIANS. DRCCBISTS AM) MFXTRT MERCHANTS. TR. J. N. KEEIiER & liro. most respectfully J solicits uttctition to their fresh stock of Eng lish, l'reiiei, German and Amrican Jinirs, Med icines, Chemicals, Points, Oils, Dye Stulft, Glass ware, Perfumery, Patent Medicines &c. Having oiened a new store No. 2U4 Murkct St. with a full supply of Fresh Drurrs and Medicines, we re spectfully solicit Country dealers to examine our stock In-fore purvhnsinq elsewhere, promising one and all who may feci disposed to extend to us their patronage, to sell them (fenuine Drutrs and Medi cines, on as liberal terms as any other house in the City, ond to faithfully execute nil orders entrusted to us promptly and with dispatch. One of the proprietors being a regular physician. adonis ample guarantee of the genuine, quality of nu articles soiu at uietr establishment, M'e especially invite druggists nnd country merchants, who may wish to become arrcnts flr l)r. Heeler's Celebrated Uumily Mediritiet, (stan dard and popular remedies,) to forward their ad dress. Soliciting the patronage of dealers, we respect fully remain, J. K. KEELER & BRO Wholesale Druggists, io. SU4 Market street, Philadelphia, September 15, 1849. ly. l'lIILADELPIIIA MEDICAL HOUSE, ESTABLISHED 15 YEARS AGO, BY mi. KIXKELIX. N. IV. Corner of Third and Union Streets, BETWEEN Sl'lU'CE AND PINE STREET, rillLADELFIIlA T.FTKKN YKAHS of rxtrmtive uml uniiilerrunt X p.-uclice npfjit in this city hnve reitilcri'd ir. K. tlitr mt uxptirl aiul MKVeesi ul prmiitinner inr timl near, in tlie tri'iHiiu-iit oi ull dismst-B ot'u nrivati; iiaiure. lN-r i.i alHu'tt-.t wiMi ulcfis uiioti thehiHlv. tlmint, or Wa, nuins in ttiu heuilnr iMtnes, tiiercuriul rlu'unmtisui. strii'tiuet.. univrl, diftaiwi anting irum yimtliiull exiH-ttwg or iinpui ttu-s ol the bttMHi, wnerelty the coiiaiitultou ha Ut'coine t-iiiivbleil. are Ull 1 1 DUCT Willi BUCCfH. lie wutt ptiireg imiiHeii under the wire oi Ur. K.. nviv r- litoiiRty couhile in hn honor m u eutleuuin,uiul coiitulvut ly rely upon his skill as a nhvHU'itiii. TAKK l'AHTIC.XAlt NOTICR. i ouiur Meu who hnve injuretl UieniM-lvm by a certain piatiit-e imluled in hahtt frwpiniily lmrul lnm evil com I w i nous or at tiool the rrlnrtsof which are uiehtlv (vit, even when asleep, and destroy ltth mind and hotly. hoitld apply immedmlfly. Weukness and uoustitutiiiiiul debility !M of n,ii'uh.reiKrjry, ptiysirl lasiitihle and pen era I uroitrution, irntahilttv and all uervous adVctions. ifnii g est ion, ahiffiHltueas of the livei, nnd every diaeseiii any way txuiuet'iea wnn ine aiaomer oi uie procrewtive luno- licnis curea. ana inu vigor restored. YOUTH AND MANHOOD, A vigorous life or a premature iloath. KINKEL1N on irlf rrt serration. ONLY 25 CENTS. This Book just published is with usi-ful on the liilinimifs ami tlist iisi-s oi tlio (icurralivu Oiffiius. It aiMrusK-s itself alike to VI II "I'll, M WHIM lOaiid UIJ) a ' i., anu biioiiiu iw miu ny till. 1 lit: vuluaisu utlviee an. I iiiiin i wamiun it Rives, win pievciii ytaira oi misery llllilsullel nig aiul Kive aiuiuaf ly Thousands of Lives. lareuis hy readinn it will loam how to prevent the des. tructiou of their children. A renilUaia-e of ti.5 crutg, riHlosed ill s letter, ad dressed to DK. KINKKIJN, N. W. corner ofTtllltl) UNION Straets, betwoeu Spruce . Pine, Philadelpais, WIHCII.UIO a u..m, major envelope, per return ol ruull. Persons at a distance may aildress Dr. K. by letter, (post. PACKAUK.S tK J1KU1CIFES. HIRRCTlnNS. e forwarded by sending a remitlauce, aiul put upsecuie from itook-sellers. New Aent,Pedlurs, Canvassers, and all outers suppueu wnu tne above work at very fcw rates. February tl, loao ty rpiSSUE PAPER. Yellow Tissue pajxr for 1. coverins irlusses. etc. for sale at the olliec oi the American. STONE Ware, Earthen Ware, Raiaiiis, At . monds, P unea and f-'resm NuU. Planes of all kinds. Salt and PlwUr.-Jurt recciw j ,m, ...ii.N W.PHILLNU, -nbury.Dec. !, 184'J, BANK NOTE .TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. PENNSYLVANIA MASSACAtTSETTSI. CITY Of miLADILPH-lA All sorrsut bnnks I dli RHODE 1HI.AND. All solvent bnnks I dl CONNKCTICUT. All solvpnt tanks I dii IT. 8. Bank notes . IA dn All solvent hanks nai Bank of Chnmhershurg 1 dis Bank of Chester Co. par Hunk of Del. Co. Chester par cmrsTiT. NEW YORK., rnr wins; of ilermnntown par Bank of Oettystmrg 1 dis All solvent hunks 1 dii (yllk nutrs nnrisr BS 1 di. Hnnk of Ijewistown Bsnk of M iddk-town 1 dis Montffonvry Co Hank pur eossiar. All solvents bnnks 1 di NEW JERSEY. Relvidere Bank j di Commercisl Hank I di Fsr. Itank Mont Holly n z " ""nnumoerrnrt. pai Dank of 1'lllslMirg Ida J.HIM in iinnville pur Carlisle Hnnk di Il'k ft RVrCo pari Doyelstown Bank par1 Knstim Bank pnr Erie Hnnk ,ris Kxrhmnre B'k Piltslinrg I dia K.xelinnge B'V. HrmiiHi 1 dis Fnrmws'B'k, Bucks Co pnr r . m mtaoieiown rt. pa Meehnnirs' Hk, Newnrk ps Mech. Uk of Hurliinrton ps Mech. ft Mnn. Mk Trent us Morris Co Hnnk di Newark Bs's ft Ins. Co j di Oninfre Bnnk I'eciplc's Hk Patterson Knrrwrs' Hk, Iiirnster par1 Fnniicrs Hk. Kenilinir nnr Princeton Hnnk i ps di ?nlem HankiiifT Co. Fnrm. Hk SchnvHill Cn ,r FAD. HkWn'viKshllis1 Franklin Bk. Wusli'n 1 jdis Semerrct Co Bank Ptnte Hunk st Cnmden Slate Ilk Klijahethton State Hank Newnrk .1 HiirrishnrK Hnnk 1 , Honesdnle Hnnk 1 dis Iancastpr Hnnk pnr, IiHrnnoji Ttnnk pnr Mcrrti. ft Man. t dis n State Hk. N. Brunswick n cussex untiK, mewtnn J st Trenton Hnnkhnt Co pi union ruins;. Mover in YnrdleyV ne ft Del Dr Co f 3d tyBk notes under M 1 d net . ..r . 1 " U K, ronsviiie perl Mononffnliclli llnnlr 1 i. Tnylorsv'e Del It'ir Co IS dis esi iirancn Hnnk pnr Wyomi,,, Uk, Wilkesb pnr York Bnnk, dis jT.unoAne,, t Hank of Delaware pi Rank of Smyrna, tu disfllHawnre-City Bank pi LTKelief notes 1 drs Hk wilmg'n BrsiHlvw. p Farmers' Bk ft Dels ware r 1 'nion Bank. Wilmington pi tF" Under 5's 1 d ftl A I . K. Hnnk of AYhetlnek ft SI. Mercantile Uk, Bnngor JO dis All nlvent hnnks dis NEW HAMPSHIRE. OHIO. All solvent hanks Id All solvent tanks dii ryilk notea mider S's 4 d r.r.n,. I . Bnnk of St Alhnns 8 dii NORTH CAROLINA. All solvent hanks 9. A AH solvent tanks j dis jiy Under S's, SJ d IMPORTANT TO THE ' PUBLIC HOFfcSE CATTLE 3HEDICINES. Don't permit your Horses or cattle to die, wht the means of cure are within the reach of all ! The undersigned hrts spent several years in th study of Veteriimrv prnctice in "London and E dinhoro'," he has also availed himself of the reseai cites of I.eilu'g, and othercelebrateri men,whoha contributed so much towards a judicious treatmer of animals; the principles of our practice consist in the rejection of general bleeding ami the toU rejection of nil medicines that experience hs shown to !w of a dnngermts tendanry. These rt medics act in harmony with the vital principle, am when given according to the directions which at compnny each article they nre capable of exeitin and increasing the natural functions, without d minishing or destroying their power, henc ar safein the hands of every one. G. H. DADD, M. D. A List of Horse nmt Cattle Medicines. Physic balls, T5c. per box. Alterative ball, 75c do. " powders fur bod condition, 75cperpacl age. Heave powder fordisrascs of the lungs, 75c d Urine powder for " " kidnevs, 75c d iconic pnvuer tor nail condition glanders, 75c di Cordial drink for inflamation of bowels, 75c pt bottle. r I-iipiiil blister, 75c per Ixrttle. Ointment for promoting the growth of hair, SC per pot. Healing balsam for wounds and saddle galls, 75 per bottle. t Wash for inflamed ryes, 50c per bottle. Ointment for mange 'scratches, old sores, &c, 5C per bottle. Embrocation for sore throat, 75c per hottle. Hoof ointment for sand crack, brittle hoof, &c, 5(1 per bottle. Horse Liniment, the most celebrated article know in England for lameness of every description, 73 tc s 1 per bottle. Distemper powiler for red water, $1 per bottls. Worm powders for the removal of worms frot the intestinal cnnnl. Toper package. For mlc by 8TI.MPSOX & .REED, 20 Mc clianls Kow, also nt DADD'S IIOIJSK AVI CATTLE MEDICINE DEPOT. .o. l A. Haymurkct Square, Boston. 1 aniplilcts describing the diseases for whir these remedies are used can be had gratis. numerous uertilicntes are m possession of th Proprietors, of cures performed bv the abova Medi ctnes. Sold by GREKX ,t FLETCHER. No. 28 Sont'. SIXTH Street, Philadelphia, ami bv hia Aokxts. Hkxiit Mabskh, Sunbury, I'Vbruary 3, 1849. tf COLUMB1AX SERIES OF &rftnmtt(rj3. The Pupil's friend and Teacher's comfort. 'PHE COLUMBIAN CALCULATOR Thi -- work is nlrcndv iiitrmhii Til into anm nf tt,. licst Aciulaitiics anil a hiri'P number of Schools yllpre its use has piven decided and universal sa- tistai ttoii, both to teacher and piijitl. It is purelj Amcricun iu its character, based upon our owr beautiful drrimn ..y.rr; of turrrtiry. It contain? more, tne arrnuireincnU arc better, and it is the easiest nud cheapest work of the kind now in use; nnd it is so considered by hundreds of the most competent teachers and nicn of science in the Uni- on, who hnve recommended it, It is the book, particultirly nnd expressly -prepared for our Anu riean Srhoars : lly Almon Tieluor. Thk Youth's Culi-m hi an Calci'latob Thi: volume contains 91 pnees, with aliout 900 exam-v pies for solution on the slate. It embraces th Fundamental Rules, Compound Rules, Simple and Compound Reduction, Single Rule of Three, ProMrtiou, &c. 'J'ii kmiu's Arithmetical Tab lis, is destined for the use of younger classes in ths Schools of the United States. A beautiful little hook and picas injr to children, and the only one of the kind of any value. There are Keys to lioth Arithmetics bound sin gle or double, for ho convenience of teachers, in which the solutions of the questions are given with much extra matter fur the black board. These Keys urc the most complete works of the kind ever published, and contain, iu addition, about two hundred examples in Mensuration, &c, for the use of the Teacher. All that is wanted is to have the above books examined, and no teacher who is acquainted with the . science of Arithmetic, will hesitate to pronounce them the best works tlia have ever been published in this or any other country. Although issued but a few months, they have already been introduced into the Night Publie Schools of New York City in all the Schools public and private, except two, in the City of Reading. Also, in about twenty Academies in the State of Pennsylvania in a large portion of the Schools in the City of Wilmington, in the City of Lancaster, and in the Boroughs .of Harrislmrg, York, Chambersburg, Lebanon, Doylestown, Potts' ville, Orwigsburg, &c ' , For sale by Hixar Mauser, 8unbury, Agent for Northumlierland County. Sunbury, Dec. 2, 1848. FATE1TT 1ED:CI1TES. Green's Oxysennted Bitter, price reduced. Old Jacob Townsend's Sarsaparilla. Baker's Sursnparilla. Sway tie's Syrup of Wild Cherr, Swayue's Vermifuge. Ayre's Cherry Pectoral Dr. Drake's Panacea.- Dr. Cullen's do Tibbifa Pain Killer. Dr. Hoolland's German Bitter,; Indian Vegetable Pills Horse and Cattle Medicinee TiOOKS and Gold Pens. On hand several U ie. of the life of Christ,'Z . numfef gold ,n. winch we will .ell ,t the Plulaltlh: prices. gJ-ENNF-y.s PATENT SASH TA9 j4 TENING8. A cheap and eieUt erti eln tor fuHteliitiir auli fit. buL h ' Sunbury, July f, 1813,