Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 26, 1850, Image 3
SUNBUJIY AMERICAN AJND SHAMUK1JN JUUKJNAL. VOTE OF PENNSYLVANIA FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER AND THE AMENDMENT, FOR 1940. B o to 8 E 3 1 C B a 9 C 8 n o CoUXTltt. 3 n a Cm .3 Arm.tronf 1301 6 , 1038 1878 Allegheny "03 6324 4424 2353 Adams 1561 1963 1038 1878 Butler 2057 1986 3782 84 Beaver 1688 1658 2377 4S2 Bradford 3127 2899 2889 958 Blair 1243 1740 . 891 758 .Bedford 1842 1832 1843 1001 Bucka 4899 4750 5372 2971 gerk, 6981 2917 6160 3555 Cumberland '2672 2288 2033 2540 Clinton 843 668 623 335 -Columbia 1599 838 1369 519 Centre 2049 1209 1637 1038 Crawford 2G68 2094 3586 231 Clarion 1617 998 1293 541 Clearfield 994 524 929 271 Cambria 1462 9040 389 1375 Carbon 702 511 150 687 Chester 1209 2049 3242 4175 Dauphin 1943 2340 1404 2629 Delaware 1311 1013 2159 460 Erie 1708 3176 3908 369 Elk 253 101 303 53 Fayette 3134 2413 2379 1658 Franklin 2871 3380 3221 2285 Fulton 683 655 697 169 Greene 2141 1039 2258 403 Huntingdon 1404 1787 714 1625 Indiana 1240 1825 1745 545 Juniata 1107 882 797 747 Jefferson 762 497 677 142 Lehigh 2846 2285 1241 1671 Lycoming 2182 1718 2229 07 Luzerne 3659 2522 3384 587 Lebanon 1323 2090 1938 1145 .Lancaster 4062 5813 6889 1836 Monroe 1073 156 942 273 Montgomery 4C97 3464 3601 3148 M'Kean 407 29U 5.S8 4 Mercer 1846 1963 2772 104 Mifflin' 1486 1175 703 938 Montour 1211 829 1004 279 Northampton 2831 1S38 709 2632 Northumberland 1966 1119 1416 825 I'hilad'pliia city 4623 7861 5290 4033 Philad. county 15797 13444 16150 4902 Pike 538 49 547 21 Potter 464 320 600 70 Perry 1755 995 1452 917 Sullivan 384 203 385 36 Susquehanna 1368 1317 3223 50 Somerset 979 2444 1937 322 Schuylkill 2793 2611 2154 2640 Tioaa 1605 109S 2065 338 Union 1470 2250 1151 1424 Venango 1221 727 1200 352 Warren 1083 749 1771 1 Wyoming 829 633 R.'IK 374 Wayne 1297 650 1687 127 Vetmor'l;wid :36fi6 2257 2555 2146 Washington 3152 3152 2956 1475 York 4324 3345 3624 596 145,691:121,938 114.573 71,982 PENNSYLVANIA CONCESSIONAL DKLEG ATION CO MIL liTE . 1st District, Thomas B Flomnrc. 2d " Joseph Ii. Chainller. 3d " Henry D. Moure. 4th John Itobbii n, Jr. 5ih " John McNuir. Glh " Thomas Uoss. 7th " Dr. John A. Morrison. 8th " Tluuldeus Steven. 9th " J. Glancy Joiif c 10th " ' M. M. DimmicJi. Dili ' JI. M. Fuller. J2ih " Galiwha V. Giow. 1 3l h " J.miHs Gamble. J4th " T. M. Bibiiihaus. 15th " V. II. Kurtz; for the vacancy, J. B. Dauncr. Jfiih " J. X. MrLaiiuhuii. il7ih " A. Paiker. iJ8th " J. L Dawson. J9ih " ' Joseph H. Kuhns. 20lh u John Allison. 2 1st u Tli-mas M. Howe for l lie vacancy, H. Denny 25d " John Hr. Howe. 23d " C. 0. Curtis. 24th " Alfrpd Gilmore. Democrats in Roman, Whigs in Ilalic. UttK IX tOLlMBIA, PA. 'On "(Saturday Oct. 19'.h, about quarter past rfive o'clock, a fire was discovered in a stable in the 'rear of the Columbia Bank, which soon spread to the adjoining stables, and in 15 minutes after 7 or 8 stabies were all on fire, offering great -danger to the olher adjoin ing buildings. At 7 o'clock the fire was yet burning. Great credit is due to the fuenici) And citizens of Lancaster, for their prompt attendance iu the hour of need. In 20 min. ules a repert was made to them, two of their engines and one bote caniage were on trucks on their war to Columbia. The tire is thought to bave been the work of an iucemli South Carolina Election. All the aid members of Congress have been relumed without opposition, with the exception of Isaac E. Holmes, who has been defeated by Mr. Aiken. The following are the names ol those composing the South Ca'.olina delega tion to the thirty second Congress: Dauie) Wallace, James L. Orr, Jos. A. Woodward, James McQueen, Armstead Butt, Wm. Aiken, Wm. F. Colcock. The names are arranged in the order of the districts. Railroad Opeiatiovs. The Louisville Courier says: The Railroad from Cleveland to Columbus, Ohio, is being rushed ahead vigorously, and will be" entirely completed by the first of next January. It is Dow fin ished to Shelby, the half-way station to Co Inmbus, and the point of junction with the Sandusky, Manefield and Newark Railroad ' Clevelanders caa povr go to Sandusky, Ciucin natti, Mt. Vernon, and Newark without get tin; oil the rail. Tot the "American." THE AUTUMN WIND. "We have enough " memories anktrtd. Without thy voleei thou moaning autumn wind." Mas. NnjiToH. Cease cease thy conquerintr dirge o'er um mor's glorious pride 1 Chant not the requiem of our birds, nor with thy voire deride : We know onr flowers lift not their cups brim full with tears of bliss, We know thpir fragile forms will not bend for the sun's last kiss. Then hush thy wailing hollow voico, Earth begs the loan of peace, Then cense thy anthem wild and strong) Oh cease thy wailing cease. The mountains prnnn for the desert siyhs, when thv spirit rushes past, The need oak bends its proud head, submis sive to thy blast ; The squirrel haiinM no more thy shade, stor ing its winter food, The mourner's henrt hutrs close its woe and o'er its grieviiifs brood, Then hush thy crievin moaning voice, I only nsk the peace, Spirit of darkness guide thy track, Then cense thy wailing cease. Around our homes of happiness send not thy grieving vnicp, The memories of oilier days sadden but not rejnire ; Our hearts withthnughls of home, nnd friends, of our loved and eaily lost, Friends of our yonih whose graves are made on many a distant cont, Then hush thy unkind moaning voice, those will not let me resl, Earth has enonirh of thee and thine, thy spirit is not blest ! Thronch mountain plons where human car bents tint thy spirits wing, Throiiffh deserts luno vhe man is not there let thy frenzy ring ! The weary grieving hearts of men- need not thy goading wind. We have enough of sadden'd thoughts of memories unkind : Then hush thy hollow voice earth gladly dues fur rest, Then stay thy blacken'd spirit ear anil let our earth be blost. Alice II. Miller. Northumberland, October 1S50. SuNUiuy, Oct. 24, 1850. Whole amount of coal brought over the Danville ami Pottsville R;i ilio.ul. to Sunbury, Iruni the Shninukitt mines. Tons. For llw piesent week, Per last report, Total, 634 14377 15011 itl)C iilavkcts. ! Philadelpliia Market. Oct. 23, 1850. . Floi-r. Flour is quiet at S4 871 a S5 00 F.vtra Flour at $5 25 a 6 75. Rye Flour. Penna. is selling ut S3 06. Corn Meal is worth S3 00 per brl. Wheat. There is a limited demand; small sales of new red Punua. at SI 05; and good white at SI 10. Rve. South. Rye is held at 65e. per bush. Corn. Coin i in demand at 64 c for yel low ; Whilo is worth 61 ceuis. Oats. O.iU are still very Kcnrcp; sales ol prime Penna. from store at 42 cts ; South ern are worth 37 a 38c. Whiskey. Sales of Whiskey in bbln at 264 and hhds at 27 u cents. Baltimore Market. Oct. 22, 1850. Wheat. Small sales of cood to prime reds weio made, to-day at 104 cts., and Penn. white at 1 12 cts. Corn. White at 60 a 61 centn, and of yel low at 64 cents. Oats. Prices ranizp from 33 to 36 cents. - Sales of Maryland Rye at 63 a 65 cents. Whiskev. $ales of hbU were made at 28 cents, and of hhds tit 27 cents. SUNIU'UY l'!?I'K CI'KUUNT. 'Corrected weekly by Henry Matser. Wiiiat. - .100 Rvk. - . - 50 Con. - - - .GO Oats. - 37 IIUTTLB. - - - - 12 Egos. - - - ( 8 PunK. - - - 5 FLxsrr.ii. - - . - 155 Tailiiw. 10 Rkf.swax - 25 Flax - . - - .8 HtcKi.r.n I'm. .)() DniF.n Aei'LKs. - - - - 62 Do. Plachks. . . SOU State Mutual Fire Insurance COMPANY, OF II ANRISIUJIiCi, PA. riMUS COMPANY, chartered hv the Leeisla- 1. tine during the last session, is now pnpured to take applications for Insurance against loss by tire upon iluildtncs, &c, upon terms more advan tageous to the insured than any other Company doini; business in the Mate. This Company, in nccordanec with the provis ions of its charter, divides property into two sepa rate classes, viz: I' amicus Properly, called the 'farmers Coinpanv, . and the other propertv, in- cliulinir property in towns and villages, culled "Merchants' Class": the funds of each beini; kept entirely separate; coiiscqueutlv each class pavs its own losses and no other- It will be the en deavor of the I'oiiipauy to arrange their business tliat no assessment will he necessarv on their premium notes- The rates of Insurance will be very reasonable- C. F. LITTLE, A cent. Northumberland. N. B. Persons vishine to make application for Insurance will be attended to hv dropping a line through the Post Oflioe, to c. F. Little- Northumberland, Oct. '19, 1650. PROCLAMATION. NOTICE is hereby given that thesevcrul courts Of Cmnmmi l'lcia riA.mml f litn.t.i ftMinn. of the peace, and Orphans' Court. Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in and for the county of Northumberland, to commence at the Court House, in the borough ol Sunbury( at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Mondav. 4th o( Novem ber next, will continue TWO WEEKS. The coroner, Justices of the Peace and consta bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are requested to be then and there in their proper per sons, Willi their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those things to their several offices sppertaiuing to lie done. And all witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common wealth against any prisoner are also requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their proper persons to prosecute against him, as shall be just and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, at tlie time appointed agreeable to. their notices. Given under my handa at Sunbury, the 12th day of Nov. in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty and the Independence of (lie Lulled Slates of America the 74th. JAMES COVERT.Sh'rT. . God save the Commonwealth. LIST OP CAUSES. TSOft trinl in tliCourt of Common Pleas of Northumberland County, at November Term, I860. P Hilcmnn adm'r. of Geo. The heirs ofThos. Grant, dee'd. (irnrit Bowers Lowlier ct al vs George M lller &. son same vs Jonas Bowman Jonas llowman et al vi Samuel Kaullhian Danville & Pottsville vs Haywood Sl Snyder Rail Road Co. Frederick Keener Henry H. Burr l.nch rHrocckcr Peter Rirlitcr's cx'rs Ann Myers Rachnri McCartv v Wm. Ajrc-s vs Wm. Mcl'ay'sadm'rs Jacob Hoffman vs Dodore ft Barret s l)ewart& Jordan etal V Elizabeth Wcitzcl ct al Wm. fc R. Fcitcly & CO, Vs John Shisslcr Jacob KBrclincr v Daniel Fryinirc ft al Clias. W. Richards Mary Snyder et al same Wm H Thompson rontius V Thompson vs Joseph Pettit vs Robert W Dunn vs Jnmea Dunn ' vs Jacob Cahel v Samuel U Wood C 1A lA..n S 14 nine Com. for Saml Furmsn vs Mcx jmiw John B Miller vs John B Boyd's cx'rs Robert McCay vs Edward A Kutzttcr Jacob Philips vs George L. Wcimer A Lawrence adm'r ofvj re(cr & D Weimcr et aj !arah I.ciglion, J Clayton for J McWilliams.vs John Bowen F O'lionnell for Wm F Naplo vs John Divert Mary Yickery vs Peter Ferstrr same vs Peter Brosieus Charles 11 Frick vs Eli fclifor . Thos Cuininins ct nl vs J Povke ADR Rislicl Jimathau Leeilam et al vs Wrn McCoy's adm'rs Christian Bollinger vS Charles llouscl (jeorjrc Troxel vs Bcnj. C Clayton C has. A. Andre vs F. Matthews Daniel IlamiuiiacU vs John Cjnrnil Mosrs Bower vs Richard (Jnoilman Samuel Seuinan vs Philip Spayd same vs Geo Bowman S. A. Jordan et al vs John Arnold J Hunter Ac wife ,vs Dr. J S Dounol (jrren & Bros, for T Howard vs Henry I.antz David Perry vs Abraham Lunger same vs Henry II alderman Com. for P Hilcmnn vs T A liillington ctal Montgomery A Swcny vs Jnmcs Covert Iirnj Hiiniincl ' vs Plrilip Clotl'olter Margaret Summer vs The ex'r of H Summer , .... . , W K Shoemaker aJin'r Jas kirkpatru-k vs ofJoin j, Jas T Sutton & Co vs Samuel Kyle J 1' Miller Indorsee ice vs J Sweny fc Son t'luvton for Mc Williams vs Jos Savidjje Win L Dcwart R 1) Cummiugs M ililler Jaroh Stitzcl I! K Kase G P vsoii for Joh vs Northumb'land countv vs Montgnmcrv .V Mastelier vs H it F Vilhclm vs Samuel L Beck vs Cieo A Dixon Tvson vs Daniel L. Schneik John Hane and wife Jas Carother i t al Philip Hiilmycr Jiicoli NiltrauiT Frederick Shell William Persing John Kcsslcr Geo Apslcv vs Susan Haucnstinc vs Edward D Pearce vs U II Watson vs Samuel Jarret vs G F KuU's ndin'rs ct ol vs Peter Adams vs Geo Shaller vs Northumberland county vs same James DicfTenbacli F Fryer & Wm Mover Wm M Auten Wm MeClcry George Lawrence Daniel P Canl Taylor Paulding et al Aaron Kpppart Henry t'obel Piatt & PUtt vs EliasGarman vs Thomas Kascr vs U D Cunimings Allen Shreyer vs Dcntler & Montague vs J IV Norma ndic vs Ira T Clement vs Wm MrCarty vs Ilenrv Mnsscr P K Hoffman 4 wife vs H Kuhnts. McCartyctal Joseph .Snvder vs Joseph Dimini: Hatfield &. Noli Hugh Martin John McConnick Martin Irwius' ndin'r Moll & Shobcr Jacob Mastelier Foltiu.v for Caul vs Ji M Scydcls' Ex'r vs Keulien Trocl vs Isaac Shaffer vs II Yoxtheiiner adm'r vs Daniel Dreisbaeh vs D C Caul vs 11 Steinsuct, ex'r. JOHN FARNSWOKTH, Froth'ry. rrothonotary's office ) Siuihury, Oct- 10, 1850. Bask of Northumberland. rrHE Stockholders arc hereby notified that an A Election will be held at the Banking House, on Monday the ISth day of November, between the hours of 10 o'clock, A. M., and 3 o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of ehoosin? therefrom di rectors to serve for the ensuing year. A (reneral meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking House on the first Tuesday iu November, at 10 o'clock. A- M-. in accordance with the act of Incorporation. JOSEPH R. PRIESTLY. Northumberland, Oct. 19, 1S50. 4t WM- 5L R 0 1 K E F t L L L Il7 Attorney at Law. MiiicrMilte. scliti.vlli.ill Co., la. I ) USINESS will be promptly attended to iu the - counties of Schuylkill, Northumberland, Union, Columbia and Montour- Refer to: A Jordan, Esq , "J Wni- De Haven, "1 H- Leliaa, r'sq-, I Edward Hughes, I H' B- Masscr, Esq- j Solomon Shindel- f I Sunhurv- J Miucrsvillc- J C- .M'- Hall, ) .,, M. Mortimer, Oct- 5, 1850 ly- Rl-.ftlSTEK'S .OTICK. TJOTICE is hereby given to all Legatees, Creditors and other persons interested in the Estate of Charles Comly, dee'd., settled by his Executors Joshua W. Comly. Seth I. Comly and Sarah W. Coinly of John Frick, jr., who w as Executor of John Frick. sr. dee'd., settled by bis Executors George A. Frick and Eli Slifcr; of Conrad Raker, dee'd., settled by his Executors Jacob Raker and W illiam Raker, of Jacob Moore, dee'd., settled hy his Executor, Peter H. Moore; of Mary Moore, dee'd., setlh.-d by her Admistra tor, Peter II. Moore ; of Susan Strawbridge, dee'd., settled hv her Administrator, W. C. Law son ; of Elias Conrad, dee'd, settled by his Adm'r David Hauck. The account of Peter FcrsU'r, Guardian of the minor children of George Ferster, dee'd.; the account of Solomon Folk, Guardian of Henry, Lavina and Samuel Fagely ; the ac count of William A. Petriken, Guardian of the minor children of Thomas Colt, dee'd. That the Executors, Administrators and Guardians of said Estates, bave filed their accounts with the Regis ter of Northumberland county, and that the same will be presented to the Orphans' Court of said county on Thursday the 4th day November next lor confirmation and allowance. JOHN P. PL'RSEL, Register. Itegisier s ofiice Sunbury, Oct. 6, 1S50, JACOB REED'S Southwest Corner of Fifth and Market Streets, Philadelphia, Y7HO always keeps on hand a large stock of ' ' every variety of clothing made up of good materials, and in the latest and best styles. He would also inform the public, that he pays consi derable attention in getting up Military Clothing, in good style and on reasonable terms. June 15, 1850.- ly A CARRIAGE FOR SALE, l4' OR sale at a reasonable price, well built ear- riage in good condition with tongue and shafts for cither one or two horses. Also, a double set of harness. Enquire at this oflice. Aug. 31, 1850. tf. 1 EN VELOPES. -The subscriber would respect J fully announce to his friends and a generous public, that he is manufacturing Envelopes of the best quality and of all kinds. For sale hy GEO. W. COBLE. Sunbury, Oct. 19, 1S50 tf. FEE BILLB. Justices snd Constables Fee Bills kandsoms ly printed en eard paper, for ss le at this office. IVorthnmbrrlnnd Connty, tt. In the Common Plens of said court, No 6, Nov Term, 1850. William M.Shewcll, Julia D.") t?hcwell anil James H. Cochran, and Mary his wife, vs Daniel Brauthrom and David Talari, Adm'rs of Wm M'Cay, dee'd, with notice to Wm M'Cay, Daniel Gossler and Elir.nleth his wife, Isaac Fausnaught and Cath arine his wife, Mary Ann M'Cav, Dr Ro!ert B M'Cay, Roht B M' Cay, Rachel M'Cay and Wm M' Cay, minor children, and Mary M'Cay, widow of Bcnj. M'Cav, dee'd, heirs of s'd W M'C'av.dec'd. Alias Sirs Facias, &.c. The defendants above named arc hereby notifi ed to he and appear lieforc the judges of said court to be held at Sunbury, on the first Monday of No vember next, to show cause, if any they have, w hy they should not be mode parties to this suit, and why judgment should not be revived post an num ct diem, and to continue lien for fivo years, and also why the ri'fls execution against them according to the form and effect of the recovery aforesaid, ought not to have, and further to do and receive all nnd whatsoever the said court shaJl consider in that behalf. JAMES COVERT, Shr'lT. ShrlTs Oflice, Sunbury, ) Oct. 5, 1S50. tc ' WM. M'CAllTY, BOOKSELLER, Broadway, ITWBUSY, PA. TTAS recently received, among other articles, a -l-- great variety of New, Cheap and Entertain ing publications such as Coopers novels, complete or separate. 'Herberts Do Rodwell, Dumus do Trollope, Sue do Halliburton, Rcyndols ' do Marry alt, Cocktou do Grey, Maxwell do Marsh, Jerrold do Ainsuorth, , Morris do ' At the low price of from 25 to 50 cts per volume, Sunbury, Sept. 28, 130. tf. Clocks, Watched. Jewelry silver & PLATED WAX&X3, &c- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. rniHE SUBSCRIBEIt has removed his storo A from No. 4 13 Market street, to his splendid establishment, SVo. 103 Chctnut strcr, above V,J, i t'ntlcr tli S'riiiihlSii Imousc, PHILADELPHIA, Where be offers for sale a most extensive assort ment of CLOCKS, WATCHES. JEWELERV, SILVER and PLATED WAKE, &e., at such prices as cannot fail to give satisfaction, and to which he invites the attention of perchusers, as suring them that EVERY" ARTICLE IS WAR RANTED AS REPRESENTED. His stock consists in part of a full assortment of GOLD AND SILVER LEVER WATCHES. Do do L'EIMNE do SILVER TABLE AND TEA SPOONS. CLOCKS of cverv description. MANTEL ORNAMENTS, FANCY GOODS, Ac, LEWIS LADOMUS. Watches, Jcwelrv, and Gold Pens sent to all parts of the Lnitcd States, by mail, with perfect safety. Li1 I am determined to sell at less prices than the same articles arc stild in this citv. P. S. Preserve this advertisement, and call and examine the slock. Sept. 28, lb5u 3mo. "WATTS 17EHVCUS ANTIDOTE AND PHYSICAL U ESTORATIVE. TIIH TrIECJCillj WSCTJDEi: OX THE AGS. V?7 'L positively cure all stages of Neuralgia, Tic Doloroux, Nervous Headache, Cho lera, Lockjaw, Hydrophobia convulsions; will restore manhood to its prcstine vigor, even after years of prostration, and tho,only known and cer tain cure for low spirits or mental dcbilly. Extract from the New York ."Sun, OcU3, 1819, The rfUhated I)r Watson, when talking of the miraculous power of "Walts' Nervous Antidote," the question was put to him, '.Why such a valua ble remedy for all nervous affections was not in troduced by the medical faculty 1" replied, "That if it were, there would no longer he anv use for a faculty, as all diseases originated from a disorgan ized strte of tho nerves ; the nerves are the main spring of the whole system Keep this in order, and both the mind and body must lie." Four ounce phial, IS doses, enough for all or dinary cases, ONE DOLLAR. SOLD BY Wm. McCARTY, Broadway, Sunbury. September, 28, ISjO If. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. TJX pursuance of an order of tho Orphans' Court i of Northumberland county, will be expored to public, sale, on Saturday the 2Glli day of Octo ber next, on the premises to wit: A curtain - Tract ol Litnd, situate in Point township, and county nfjre said, "luintr the Mansion Farm," adjoining lands of R. M. Curry, John Paul, River Susque. hanna, Joseph Vaukirk and Albin Newbury, con taining seveuty-two acres, and twenty perches strict measure: whereon is erected a TWO STORY LOG HOUSE, weather-boarded, a sun!! frame kitchen, a large frame bam and waggon shed. Also two Rood Orchards of choice fruit ; late the estate of Henry Huuxickcr, dee'd. tSalc to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M.. of said day, when the terms of sale will he made known by UEOKUE A r KICK, Admr. Bv order of the Court ) John P. Pursell, Clk O. C. $ Sunbury, Sept. SS, 1)50 ts VAIsUABLE FARXVZ 2 CO Ol SJ dL LLj Lni a VALUABLE FARM containing 101 acres rL more or less, snuaieu 111 iMiamokiu town ship, Northumlicrlund countv, 3 miles above the Bear Gap, on the centre turnpike, adjoining lauds of David Martz, Esq., Mr John Reply and others. The improvements c. insist of an excellent BARN", and DWELLING HOUSE with all the necessary out-buildings. This prop erty will be sold at privutc sale, a great bargain, if not sold bv the 3 1st of October, it will then be otVercd at Public Sale, on SATURDAY aoth DAY of NOVEMBER, on the premises, ut 1 1 o'clock, without reserve to the highest bidder upon hlieral terms, nny persons disposed to purchuse said Farm will please call on David Martz, Esq,, adjoining said farm, who will niake known the terms and conditions. HENRY PORTER. Baltimore, Sept. SI, 1850. U. Esitate or George Hall, Dee'd. V OTICE is hereby given, that Letters of Ad ' ' ministration have been granted to the suh scrilier. Persons indebted to the estate are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same, are requested to piesent thein for examination and settlement. ' J. H. ZIMMERMAN, Adm'r. . Sunbury, Oct 5, J 850 6t, BLANK Pisraxsirr Pfss Dtcns just prin ted snd for sa'le at this office. D1BHELLAS & PARASOLS CHEAP, William A, Irow, tTmbreUa & Parasol Manufacturer. No. 86 Market ttreet, FHItADKIiPHIA. "TJEALERS IN UMBRELLAS AND TARA SOLS, wishing to purchase handsomegoods, of superior quality, cheap, arc invited to call nt my Manufactory and Vtorc, No. 88 MARKET street, one door Iwlow Third street, where every variety of Umbrellas and Parasols arc sold cheap er than they can elsewhere be obtained. A call w hen you visit Philadelphia, is request ed. An examination of my goods will satisfy you that it will he to your Interest to purchase of me. Philadelphia, Sept. 14, 1850 lino. Estate of Nathan Saxton, deoU ,T OTIC'E is hereby Riven that letters of admin L islratiou bave been grunted to the subscri ber, on the estate of Nathan Saxton, dee'd., late of Flemintrton, Now Jersey. All persons indebt ed to said estate or having claims against the same, ere requested to call on the subscriber for settlement. ISAIAH MORGAN, Adm'r. Upper Augusta tshp., Sept. 14, 1S50. 6t, Estato of Samuel Culp, sen., dee'd. TOTICE is hereby Riven, that letters of ad Xll ministration have Iwen granted to the sub scriber, on the estate of Samuel Culp, sen., dee'd., late of Upper Ausustu. All persons indebted to said estate or having claims acainst the same, are requested to call on the subscriber for settlement. JOHN HAUOHAWOUT, Adm'r. Upper Augusta tshp., Sept. 14, 18.10. Ot. PALL MILLIHEHY GOODS, .folui Moue & !miiim, Importers ami Dealers in Silks, l!i!ibons n;ul Hillinrry Goods. No. 45 South Second St., rHILADULPHIA. ri AYE received by late arrivals from France, a larj;e and very desirable assortment of FALL MILLINERY GOODS, among which will be found liuiintl Vttvct ol all colors in variety of prices, Satins " " Corded Ytlrrtu ' ' Figured, water'd and corded JSo'inrt Goods. Bonnet and Cap KiLbuns. a large assortment. J'Wnrh nnd Amertratt l'oincr.i. traces, Bonnet J'abt, Crowns, Burlrams, &c. rVe. together with a splendid assortment of Paris I'tnicy i'cathcrs. The above goods were selected by one of the firm in France, and will be sold at the lowest market prices. Philadelphia, Sept. 81, 1S50. lmo. ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC U 0NBE5. PEPSIN! T 11 1Z T It U E DIGESTIVE riaUSD, O It ' GASTRIC JUICE ! A CHEAT DTTSrEPSIA CRm. Prepared Iran KKN.NET. or Hie loarlii Sloainch ol the CU, al'lrr directions of HAROX I.IKliki, tho great Physi il -gicnl Chemist, by J. S. HOUGHTON, XI. Ii., No. 11, North Kiphth Street, Philadelphia, l'. This is a traly xvoiiderl'ul remedy for INBIGKSTION, DYSI'KPSIA, j'aLNIiICI:, l.ivKll COMPLAINT, CONSTllMTlOX, and UKIIILITY, Caring oiler Na ture's own method, by Nature's own ugi-nt, the Gastric Jaice. ty Half a tcaspnonful of this Fluid, infasrd in water, wilt dipekt or dissolve, T- lee Pouii'ls of Koail Ltei in abut two hours, out of the f tnmnch. DIGESTION. DKil-SfTION ii chiclly pcrfurmeti m Ihf EioH:nt'!f by thr iiiil of u liuttl wlucii li-teJy fvudci rr.'in the .tutor cnut iu ttmt utuhii, when in u Ktiiic i I health, v:iivi the duntnc J titer. Tins fluid i the Oieut hlveut (' the Food, the rtintyuitf. ir, I'rt-wrving. muJ ;limiltitiug Anwit of the iu- J iutesimes. Without it ll.r will l no . i c mversluii ol IimiI iiitui bi d, nnd ii'j niitiiiiuu f UtC It Hlld tin. -rtit ol the Ludy ; but mtlicr a im, torpid, pi.iniui, uiiddrftrtto- tive ctinditivnt nf the whole dtentive nppamtiis. A weak, hall tit-ad, or injured Nt m;ieli pr-nituvt no gHd (Jntitnc Juice, and hence the discahe, diMlrtKi and tltoiiity winch ft la ue. rEPSIX AXD RENNET. PHPSIN in the ehief elfrnunt, or great Pifrcstinc Princi ple ol the tiuvtric Juice, it is lotind in yreul ntuiKbtiee in llio iltd ptirls o tliehuinun st ui nch alter death, and wjiiic tmie caut the omat'h to dii;et itself, or eul itseil" up. It is ulv lonud in the stiMimch vf uniinalx, u the ox, calf, 4c. It is the inMUfml uncd hy larmen in inukin ehectK, calletl llcnuct, tlie cllect of wlucii hus t ma. been lite iipcciai winner ot the dj.ry. iiie euriLtnu: ul initK li the Iirt pn. resi vt (hsehliuii. iteiint't p Mcwe ut'.tnixliiit ).)ver. i'hu hWmiK'lt -( a oati will euriiii: nearly one tliuiisund times its men weinlil ol' milk. ll;iron!.i mutes Uut, "One mrt i'l IV-psin rhsolvel in sixty tlions:iinl arls ot" wutei, will digest 1ne.1t nnd other to nl." DiKetised stoniaelii pro duce ir good (iuMric Juice, Kunnet or lepin. To allow thut tliia want tnuy be pcrl'cclly sapplied, we quotu the iul lowiuix SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE! PAH OX Ml. til G. in hi irelelirntPd work on Animal ChemiHry, says: "An Artiticinl DiuHtivr Fluid analug mis lu the iiunlrie Juice, limy le rrnHilv prepared muii the inn eoiw membrane vi the HtotnucJi vi lliccalt', in which various urtick'i ul I'tAtfi, ti meat mul v)is, will be frnMicil. chang ed, and dieted, jnsi in tliu suine manner as the)- would uc in the human tuuu-h." Dr. FKKl.lllA, in bt famous tTitine n "Food ond l)itl," imbiisiicd bv FowUi Vri, New York, i.nce 33, mate the mme great fact, und decrihe the niettiml vt' I Li. COMItn, in hit valuable writings m the uPliysi'-il--py of liitceitti- in," viMitTVrti thai -o diininnuttn ul thedue qaan tuy l the latiic Juice i a pruininrnt nnd Hll-prevaiiin cauneoj Ly(K.p!iii and he mat- that 'u dirUincuihiifH pr,4eiM tr vi medicine in 1 tiin, whu won fuvercly atnit t rd with tin ompirtint, iiiutmp evtry thing else i fail, had ieeoure tn the Gattrte Juiee, ubiained tm the munach uf living unuimiK, which proved coinpU-lely muctwiul.' ir. OKAUA.M, authitr of the litin us works on Vepe table Diet," fcays : "it ii a remarkuhle fact in physioiiy, that th Ktomnclis uf Hiuuiah), macerated in water, iinfirt W the tiuid the pr .petty t d:h)lvinij vuriou anirle of 1'imhI. and of eifectitui u kind uf artificial diuNtioii ol" liietu in ii j wise difn-rciil irtini the nutuiiil (hfstive procos.' lir. SIMON'S preat work, the "ChemiHtry it .Mini," U-a l ttiuncliaid. lhilu. pp. ;fcl- j) auyt: uThe dw- c vury ot I'Kl'SIN furnis a new era in the clitniical hifcioiy of l)iftn. From recent txpeiuiuMH we ku iw that fiMHl itf disHolved ur rupidly iu an artificial Hieolive liuul, prepared from I'epniu, um it i in the natural Oahitie Juice listen., M.fe-tr DLr.MSC) of the JliVcih mi C lec, Pl.iln delphin. iu his great work on Human FhyW 'luy, devoteg m ire titan fiity paire t' mi exaiiunatiou of thin ktibje't H ik experimental with Dr. Ueaum nt, on the Uanrric Jtuee, ohLatned from the livutfr human utomarh and from nuiutul. ure wcli known. iu nil e ttwri," he nny, "diireftUn occur red o M;riectl in the artihcial an iu the iiaiuialdigcbtiuiiK." AS A DVSPEl'SIA CVllER, Dr. HOL'GHTON'S prc;irotion of PI'PSIN hnt prulu ced lite m t iiiarvellnuk tilecU, enrtnt; vn- f l)!ii;iiy, Kuuciuliou, .Nervous lici itue, and i kpej.tic Caiuinptiatt uip eu to be on the v-ry veiye ut tin srave. It i nn p stable to give tne details A cjci in the linutK of tins at!-veruneiiK-ut but authenticated ci-rtirlcairn iiuvcN'en fjiven .f more than TWO Ii I X ti.U;i U I ..M.lCiAitLli ri'UKa. iu lluitilelliia. New orlt, and lr.t a hUhiv. These were nearly all d-Kperaie Hid the curt-a weid utit -illy rapid ami won-Vnul. but nerai ineni. It m a nrtJt NKUVtil AVnlJOTb, and p-irticularly useful I t tendency M IlIi ua dtbndn, lUvcr ComplaL.t, Fever and Ajjue, -r Ivully traated Fever uud AtfU' uud the evil eilecta of (fuiuiue, Nlercury. and uiher drux ujmhi the Digrnuv oryana, anei a fn ickiifiw. Alc i, for excess in eating, und the ito free use o anient spirit. It ulmofct recoucileM lladth with luleuipcrauee. OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS. There ia no form of OI.I) STOM ACH COMPLAINTS wlucii it iloi-a n t seuin lo lencli und rt-inovi. fit once. No mutter Uuw lud llicy iimy be, It OIVKS IN-TaN V ltK 1.1KF ! A Miislc it e runrivcs nij IIil iiiipleiotuil ayni l una. nnd it only neetla to he r-Hiari1. foi n fliort time, to ill ike these goon ell.el" periniiienl. I'L U1TV OK Ill.OOL) unit VlliOlt OK UOU , follow ul onfe. It ia iwrtieulurly eueellent III eases of Nuuaii. Voilllllnil, Crainp.i, boleneaa of the pit ol the Momucn distreaa mu-r eutmi:. low. coiu, atale ol tne ni .ia, llenvmeau, i,'tvneaa 01 nirna. uess.ii tteitey, f'jauelulloll, Weukueu. lenUcncy to lukamty, boi- clile. e. Price, ONE DOLLAR per bjltle. One liottte will olleil effect a UtsliUK cure.' ' 1'EFSIN IX POWDEUS. ir HUNT BY MAIL, FHKK OK POSTAGE. For C'Htveuienee of Remlinff to all tvirla nt' the country. tlie DlliKKnVKMATTKU OK Tllh Pl.PMN la put up in Uiv lorra uf Powders, with directions ui be diaa:ived in water w S)rup, bv las nuiirni. ineao powders eoiiuin juat the same niultci sa ihe 111 lea, but twice the qunutity for Ihe snine price, and will be sent by nuiil, FKKK OF POCTAUK, lot ONE DOLLAR senl k u. paid) u Dt. 1. . UOL'Oil TON, No. 11 North highlit sireel, Puiladelylua. Pa. Si nackntres f.w Bv dollars. Every packnire and hottl beara tho wuuea sigiisturs ol' J. S. HOL'tillTON, M. 1J., sole Proprietor. Sold by amenta in sverv town in Ilia t sited Slates, and by leapectubie dealaraiu Medtcinea gaierally. FOR HALE BV Jolta W. Friling, and George Brifht. Bun'siry, f. Mnry A McCay John li. Raw Huyes McCorraick, B. J. Crouae, John G. Rena, Wiliiaiu Peprut, Suntsji)-, pt lth, 1.W Northumberalnd. Milton, Mct'.wenariUs, rWlinagrove, VpiH Masantasr. Ma4iciwy. LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC OR N ERVOT'S DEBILITY. DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, VNI) nil illmm nrMng from a AluurfirrrA Vyn or sto. mSch, siiphmeniiMipHilin, Inwnrrt files. Kullnem, or l;l'"'l ti tho lienit, Aoiililv of ths Ptomseh, Nsunes. Ilenrthorn, rtiiriit fur; fullness or weiht in the floninrh.s.inr Kruetminiii. ninkini of ftntterinn st tti pit of the Ptnmsrh, twimmlni of the lend, hnrrird snit rtiffl'-nlt breuthinf, tiuttfringr sl the henrt, clinkinf or snlTinlhi einuitiiiin when in s tyim pnanire linmeM of vision, d.itsor we! hef.irrthe nVht. Fever anil dull pnin in Hie tlend, deticieney of persplmthm, vellnwnrmof the skin and ryes, pnin in the side, bnrk, ehert, litnlis, Ac., smWen Huli of hent burning in the (leh, eoiiMnnl iinagimiigs ol evil, Slid prenl ilepression of spirits, CAN UF. KFPECTltAI.KY CI'ltF.D IIY eocpl.iti:js ti-LtnitATicii oirixtiH, rRKPAKKD SV DR.C, M . JACKSON, AT THE GETJMAN MKDICINR .STORE, Tin. V20 Arch St., Phtlndrlphla. Tlicir power over the nhmt dincMiirii in not excelled, if fqtiMllcd, by nny tMher prcrmnitioti in the I'nited Suitn, nn the t-iircii attcm, in utmiy t mi sen v0t wkilllii! phynicmnii ItHtt iniled. TIichp Jlitlem nre worthy Ihev nttrntion of invalid. Powpninx ffiHi virtitett m Un roriififittiou of dineii' of the Liver mid finer glantH, exereivieK the nx'Ht itcfirchtng p Avcn ill wink ne a nnd ;itiefrtnnn ot tlie digeUV org.Mt, they ore, withul. MlV, cTtttin mid plpnmul. n-'roin the iii.atun liee.J The Editor mid. ), ooi "I)h. JJ.xui.anu'k Cn.BnitftTKn Orbmah Pittkb f t tlie euro o( Livtr Complaint, Jaundice, Dyxpeprnt, Chronic or rvon lirhilitv. in dps-Tvmllv oiipn'i the 11101 popti lnrinediftnH(if dnv. These Rittern hnre bm nurd br th'HiRiitHlv, mid a frit nd at nur rlhow tnym he hnd hirn felf rctivrd nn eUVtmil mid pcniKiuent oure ol Liver Complaint from the tine of this remedy, W re rnnvinred that, in the iie nf th-f? Kitten-, th,. patient ronnlaiitly gaim Rirrnpili nnd vnror o fact worthy of grent eonnide ration. Tny me pl-ant iu tnnte aiid'amHt. and can be used hy pir 'ii with the iim deliente utoinfic.m with ut. ty. under nny rinintimei-n. We Are Pptrnking fruin ex perience, and o the nrhicteri we ndvie their uwr." Jtidjre M. M. Noaii. n (centlenmit with (Trent eienliRe and literary nrtaiimwiin, iytil inhia4Nvw York Wetkly Mentonifer," .Tintinry 0. 150 : 'Dr. ll.hll'md tiii'iii litter. Hre in n prepnrntirMi w hioh the Innlinjr pri:Kt: iu I lie rmoutippeiir to bp utmni ni'ina in reeninnieiidtinr. nnd the rrNm in nhvioun. tt in ntnde ultr-r 11 prescription rushed by one ot the moft rcle-hral'-d pliyFieiHiin of nt idem timntlif- hte Dr. lhr utephcr Wilhelm Mo'itlntid, Pmffsstr to tli" l:ni virity ofJenn. privnte PhyHiehm to the Kin? nf uud one ol tlie grcatnd iiHilifitl writ'-rs (iertnaiiy hnn ever prodtietil. re was emphmienllv the enemy of linitihuu. nnd iheteforen medicine of which he wup the inventor iind nndorser umy be eonirdently relind nn. He permliy r'roinmend-d it in I.iver Coinpljinr. Dvftpfpsm. Debility. Vertigo, A'idily of the slotnach. t'onsttpittion. mul nil eomplnints inrising from a dixonlered c-niiiti'tn of the alomnch, the liver and the intfwliin.. .iii i'hiladi.-hliiio fvatH-m expresH their .onvie tion of itx exer-IHioe, and qvernl 01 the editor apeak of it effect from their own individual experience, t.'uder thee eirctmifoief. we VI wnrrMitt.d, not only in calling tiiC Rtiftitlon if onr renders to the prennttt preent pmprif. tor'a (Dr. C. M. Jneli ti'!') nrs-paration, but in recommend, ing the ailicle to a I affiicted " More Evidence. The "Phibdetphii Sitnrdny In?rette,' the br family newspaper publislud in the Lnitcti Suiea. Uie editor aaa of Dr. UonJJand-s German Bitters. "It i seldom that we reotnintuul whut nre termed Pa. tent .Medicines, to the confidence and putPm ipe of our renders; nnd. th'tietore, when we recommend tr. lloof land's Oerninn Hitler, we win it to be distinctly lindci stood timt we nre not npenking of the nostrums uf the day, that nre noisid nbont f -rn btiH' period end then for. pollen nt'lut they haved ne their miilty race of mischief, but of a medicine I mjr emablifdied, iini'vets-jlly prized, and which has met tlie hearty approvu) of the Faculty itself." That thiK nicdiviiie will euro l.iver Complaint and l)ys pepsin, id one eundnubf. after ut-intf it os direeu;d. It nets specifically upon the stoimch and "liver it is pretfemble tr ealonnl 111 nil liil'i nt tliHcasp the ellVct is immediate. 'I'hey can l? aiiininisrered to l-'einale or Infant with aafety and reliable benefit, ut any time. PKWARK OF i:f.!;TKirrKIT9. This medicine had nt.ained Hint hiirh ehatacter which is necessary lor ml medicine to attain to induce count etfeitcr to put lorth n Bpiiriotis article nt the mk of the lives of those are ituucently deceived. LOOK WF.LLTo THE MARKS OF THE GENUINE Tuey have the written signature of C. M. JACKSON npon the wmpper. and the name blown in tlie bottle, with- our which they nre spuii u. For sale, W'vlesale and retail, the Herman Medicine Store Nn. 120 ARCH Street, one door below Sixth, (late of jrw itmti srrett.j finiaoeiphm. onu oy respectable Oealera generally thron-jhottt the enniTry. Also : For Kile by II. Mauser, Sunbury, and M. A. M'Cav, Northumberland. Aui;iist 17,ln,0-ly of Henry leig'ho'w, (leo'd. OTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad ministration arc given to the subscriliors, on tlie Estate of Henrv Leighow, dee'd., late of Point township. A'ortliumberliind countv. All persons ., . ." , . 1 indebted to said estate or having claims against tho same, are requested to call on the subwrilicrs tor settlcint'iit. WILLIAM LEIGHOW PEM BROOK LEIGHOW. ' Adm'rs. Norlhumlierland, Sept. 14, 1850. Ct. MACKEREL, tHAD. COUKISIl, SALMON", HERRI.NGS, Constantly on hand and for sale bv VS. PALMER & Co., j POKK, HAMS AND SIBES, SHOULDERS. Market Street Wharf, PHILADELPHIA. LARD AND CHEESE, J Sept. H,'50 3m. I7CTIC2 TO EEIHS. TV OTICE is hereby given to the heirs of An- ' drew Geist, dee'd, Into of Upper Mahonov, to appear at an Orphans' Court, to he held at Sun bury, in and for tlie county of Northumberland, on the lirt Monday of November next, then and there to accept or refuse the real estate of the said dee'd., ut the valuation fixed upon the said real ostate by an Inquest duly awarded and confirmed i fry the Kid court, Ot shew cause why tlie same i uouW not be oM, A:c. JAMES COVERT, Sh'ff. Sheriff's Office, Sunbury ) Sept. 7, 1850. 6t. $ kotici: TO EEISS. "T OTICE is hereby given given to the heirs of ' Henry Fetter, dee'd, late of Upier Maho noy, to appear at an Orphans' court, to be held at Sunbury, in and for the county of Northumber land, oil the first Monday of November next, then and there to accept or refuse the real estate of the said dee'd., at the valuation fixed upon the said real csta'.e by an Inquest duly awarded and continued by the said court, or shew cause why the same should not he sold, &c. JAMES COVERT, Sirff. Sheriff's OJiice, Sunbury Sept. 7, 1S50 Ot. i EESTE & CO., IMPORTERS OF FORE1CN Books, Prints, Engravings, Stationary Gilt K'i'unti'H ontl Musical lustri: meiitM. Na. 78 North 2nd tit., Iictwfen Arch & Kaco, Phihhi t PR1A. IMPORT to nnler and have rutistnntly on lmnd a very large owortiiiciit uf rooiIs in tlioubove named lines at wholesale and rrlail. Principally : TY sXD D Li Eii 533 In German, Lulln, Greek, Helirew, Frenc's, Italian Spanish snd other lumriiai.'vs; CInssus, Uu tion aries, Grninnii'ra, Vocahularirs, 8ehonl, Jiivcnile, I'irtiire, Drawing and Model llooks for Architects C'uliinet, t'arriiiRe and other manufacturers. MAPS, GUIDES and UlanW Uooks of avery th'Hcrintion. jileudid Lithogrujiliic and oilier Prints. Ml'Mf'AL lNSTRlSIEMS. Acconleons, Bnnios, iow for all strinir instru ments, liridire and Tailpieces, Clarionets, KilV'S, I r laccolets, I' lutes, Liuit.iin, Uetavo r lutas, i'aicnt i Heads for Guitars and Violincelloa, Tuintiourines, I Tunins; Forks and Ilaniiners, Violins, Violin and Guitar Pegs, VioliurWlos and btrinirs for all kinds j of Instruments Wholesale and Ketail. Accor. deons repaired. Also constantly on hand, wholesale and retail, a large assortment of the very Iwsl GERMAN BHONXE POWDER Dutch Metal, -French and Florence Lent Metal Thermometers, Hnirpencils,-Faher and other Leudpencils, Ked, W hue and Ulai k Chalk Cray, ons, Mathematical Instruments, Searticutopa'. iS'prinir Lancets Pocket Prescriptioa snd Gold Scales and Weighu Letter, Fancy colored and gilt Paper Playing Cards snd other French and German Fancy Articles, for the sate of which' they are the MANLTACTVKUI.S AGENTS. July 0, 183U pi:KE WHITE BRAXdV fOR RESEK A VIXG,jutrerc-ed and frr sale by H.8- MAPSET5. Sept. c GREAT ATTfiACTIOBrH ' WKW CIIKAP GOODS. 1 JOHN W. rniLINO. Market Street, Sunbury, Pa., , If WAS just mrived snd opened s large assart. H msnt of superior and choirs Fsncy and Stnple l)rv Cowls, me sdspted to the coming ts. son, which he will sell t tho lowest prices. Hi stock consists of poncrsl sssortment ofslmostsll articles of use irl the Dry Goods line, consistine In part of Cloths, Cnmnmere, Summtluff for Clothing and Vesting. Indies Dress Goods. (Ilovpn, Hosier-, Laces, Shawls, Muslins, Sheet lugs, Tickings. Fine Muslins, Uinghams, Linens, &c. ' ALSO .A (rrncral awiortincnt of CliUCEUlES, HARDWARE, QUEENS. ware, r.rquons, drugs, and MEDICINES, PAINTS AND VYESTUFF, and every variety of articles. CV Country produce of all kinds taken In Sf. cliuticc at tlie highest market price. Sunbury, April S7, 1850. NOTICE Is hereby given to William U. Monro, ClmrlesO. Moore, John W. Moore, Isaac J. Moora, and Frances Moore. That hy virtue of a certain Breve dt Partition Fartnida to me directed, an Inquisition will be held at It o'clock, A. M. on Wednesay, October 2, 1850, umn a certain tract 'of Land; situate in Rush township, iS'orthunihcrland countv, boun ilod by lands of John (iearhart. Jacob (icarhart. Hi-rinnu (Jenrhart, ClizalH-th Depiu, and Joint liulick, conluiiiinir 67 acres and 18 perches, more or less, to inquire whether thn same can he equal' ly parted and divided to nnd anionir the aforesaid parties without sopiliation of tho whole at which time and pluce the aforesnid parties are hereby wurned to be and appear, if by them it is deemed expedient. JAMES COVERT Sh'rff- Sh'rfls Ofl'icc, funhnry, ibnrv, !i4-6t ( Au?. 1 850 GP.OCJEPi.IES. DAVID PKA8K, S. W Corner 6th If Arch Street, Philadelphia. 11 AS for sole all kinds of choice Family Groce rics nt the very lowest prices, vis: Kxlra Fine, superior and common Black and fireen Teas; old (iov. Jnva and other kinds of Coli'ee, all qualities of Crushed Itipht Brown and Brown Sugars t Ik-sI Sperm Oil nnd Sperm and Aniantine Candles ; Baker's Chocolate, Cocoa, and Iiroma; Farina, Tapioca. Sago and Whcaten Orit j Olive Oil, Isinglass, Ketchups and 8auces Maccnroni, Vermicelli, English Split Peas, &e They will pack up all Roods for the country neatly and securely and deliver them promptly at any Depot or Hotel as desired. UAVID PEASE, S. W. Cor. 6th & Arch Sta. l'hiladelphia. Aug. 17, 1850 Hilar C3 IZa 'X) 12 Z2. 53" CS3 TX7 E take this method to inform the readers of the Sunbury American, that, should they visit, Philadelphia, in guest of Good and Cheap Clothing, and favor us with a call, they shall not ho disap pointed in oltiiiniii the best of garments at tlie lowest eah prices. We have now on hand the lararvst assortment ever offered in Philadelphia, ainons which are JjKKs.S and FUOCK COATS Iroui to IH, PA.NTS and V ESTS from 70 cts. to .S.", OVER COATS. CLOAKS, UL'SU Miss SACK COATS nnd CO ATTEES, all of which shall he nokJ at such prtrcs as to make it on object for tho people of Sunbury and live sur rounding country to extend to us their patronage. PEKKY R. M'.NEIU.E & CO. South East corner of lith uud Market. July ia. ItiaO "DEATH'S door:' Mow frequently dn we h'.nr this cxprewion, wliich it ni'Muii tu i'onvry u tht iniiid tlie tti hi ol wckarat thut a pnitritt can tru rflucl ti,aiiil liv. Mri. llurri iwn( b pm iiiIm r vi the Trinity Churcti, wut. n sh cxprt mm hcrsvll, luMuplit d-vu to UeHlii! dodr,,t by Hlieu umtiKii) ninl N Tv. nts Hfadjclie, wIicik iik au augel nii'iry, Iulv:t'8 Kttuly Kuliu' rflirvcd her ut her Kven IKiitiannd rcsttrcdher t iier friend ill perlet't hcultb. Tlie cry im;l:int Uinlwny'H !.n(.y Hviicl m iipplied, its briichciut eil-.Ttn urc exiwrieiictl, it Jothes, ticul cliaii-iti-8 und jmnlH ; it iimuuitly oI!:iyi irriuttiuii, rcducrw in. li iiiiiiiiitit-im und fvvcUins, r'-'lit-vcri tin nuiat tuvere Neu miiu ruiiiirt, pivt-s wine to Hiirnn. Scalrlit, rort?, Kraptiont iMirm Hlirmniitimn, lumlntg. . liuul, t'rmdyiii. ISisfuiits, SmitHf, siriiiiR, Milf Ntik, WeHkiifwn iii the Side mid Hack, Sum t' ull kirn la, Unll, Hruist. Cbafut, Sof TJiriial. Intliinin, H'lnrnpnenn, CtMiplii. i;iild( TOOTH AC UK Cl'KKL) IX OXE SECOND. Thia tnrtiirinsf tiiJuLi'm eun be eurM in an iiwtaut, far the iiutimiil iht-Jii'' t'Hicii' the iicrve, tliu pain u ini tij,'Jitctl. So vviih Tic JJuIcii-iix und lltmicmiim, XcumU (jmuiidSirk HciidiU-lie Uithr: the parts where the if- iiKift HfVrt't nnd in ufr-vv uiiliuin you will be entirely rL-tiL-v'i'd. Tnki'ii nittriinlly it will Hrrt'nt the ntol violent S,Hiiins iiitd Crnnips, Hl'ti iinKiinf or Ui much purging, in id) vittiv it will i(ive utrenirlh i-r weuWncM, fttue fur pahu hetUth lor iirkm'. Xu "HM(!y He) in i )cuuiie Ui leiw Miui. by U AD WAY & CO., luii Fuiton ctretjt. I f,KiT TOIM.T RFQI MTf H. TO EMUI-aJ-lMI AM KXHANCti THii CHARMS UF UKALTV. RHWAXf MKOirATf.D StVP. Ratlwny'fl Mctiitutml p, iavfrably known througV out the ititahiiiiiuljlc world tor iu eximuely biuHd, puru y ii:g mid avothnn; edfcU on tlie akin ; wliiln by t action on thf niw mid the luinii't- H:crvUry itkfii u e&iteLa ail j iniiiiiimea truii Hit mhIuck, allnya every lendi-itey to in- uuiniiiinuMi. una rvioriitiiuy iiitiAipucc.s Mil reoiie, latt, pni.pU!!1. itpniti, irct kifH, disol'ruUfinujid oilier cuUuieoua ernplionH Tin1 mdiunl hi oiii it itupttrin to the cheek, Ot hvxuuMi hi d' lir-nry whir'i it imliu'cn of tin- iiand and aniih. iu rtipitinlity ui' Mtn.tii; imtntiou and rtru..viuf eu tan-' iu d lt-4'in, lender it imlir.H.MiK'iUlr tu ci ery toilet. Oenilt-num inter Kluvini; will luid it u11hku11 if n tut ion aiHttvudt riisvrW ulhe vkin, uud render it t, Hniootii and plttimnit. Durniki th hm dip! darstivt aunirnrr. or frnKt jid bltk windx vi wnitt r; und in race- ui Minbiirn, iMina ut iimccta ciKiUniiis, i'linpN;d hiniili. or iuciitenuit nitiuiiiomtion, IU Virtut-5 Ir-iM-. Uhk nnd t'XltmsiviMy Im. ii urkiiowluilxitj. lia puniyin nnd n-ircHliiiirf propt-rtiex luivo nUnined iu iwlee t urn iri iu the Hit nihJtntJit 01' outer (')8nntict, buth ol' liuro peun nw iluniftiir nuiniirnturc. Lyihr ln ton ul' allparta ol the tanliiounUle v.urtd, irvm the bitruinir tropir to thv frozou rcnliiiM oi the li-t Kin-.. Th' ntiblie will pleniie hear in mind llmt Hadwtt)' Mfdiculed r-iop, ia Uii onlj1 prerutrtititsii for th- tkiii now in ne; ihm h been certiiifd tti by or niot.t .ioniiutut cueniiit4i. Kadwuy'a S tnii i t'e li'Mii piiinoiiouH. iiTimtititj :md ( nnrioui' 111 frrei!inU. it enn le u d on the tender Akiitdftht intuul Wiihthe auiie hiij'py ri-suhit nn uixu u.rtuiy in iti pnin. See that e.u'h cak- ik u itied in a R-lnnhd hibel ol v.iirniviiitr und lurrtr ce l!tat the tmumttirr ot R, li. ItAUWAV i uJii nich e;iLe. I'rua stt venf, larga .-akr.t. Tin: .noTix ormmeint of beavty IS A I.L'XI'KIANT I1KAU OF (.LOSSY liAlR. HAhWAV' civlcmmkh raw, Warranted ihe best Hair Tmric in usct I r f iretwuiiT imcI linufiryiti(f thebiiir. It elr-nufii the ti-alp t'niii laiMini(f, kti it clean, curea Seurvey, KuMnew. and lsWi"et vu ttie Head wtopa the bair Iroiii iuUii'n out, n-udnr it KiroiiJ, fim, ttuuioih. a-ft ant f!lvy. Httristui who have Uct their hair by Pteknetw will und u complfti- untidittf in lt:id jy'ai Circuwiun idm. It Hlitt irivec it a d:irk ami beautiful nl.r, und will prevent it troin uirmin; r y. I nun iia pjnimiisi purity, it iaadjnt rnbly udoptrd lot Uie hair o rhlldien o rbr- nj-mt teiuier no. It i aold in targe twHtles fur J" eenta per bHlle, and w urrauud the tMjit hair prvrvmntion in line, It will not d the, 01 tlie rineat lulrie He thai the aiffiuu tine of HAiJAV.VY A: CU,t iv tip'-it etirh I aottl no Cir chxihi halm U peuuine willioui the nnalure ul Had why Agpt ) I R. Mnter4 Suubuiy. Aiuf. 10, ljO.i-iiiily JJ A US III. 15 TONIC MIXTURE, For thi Curb or Fkvrr and Acpe. Wsr. RANTED. TUTS anriAslInt mclii inc mnv h rlit os hrn . ly all ilhn nsiiolimiiail. Iu valus is nut auAcHHattf Iciinwiu, lliu iiiOftrietiir di-Klrca In SHilHra! th brWJ of it uM'liiiiican liv imilkiutf kifr.wn ita virtuciidrfK. cat-y to IhiSJMiiHla . fcutti-rcra u-hosri. at swsrc rhattWf can U kiivcUii)' aisl riHiically cured of a . FKVKR ANl AGUE, willx tlx iia rMwiia (lrii-, nauaiyMia pntinns t the deletcrioua Ht'cclaiil' quuiuic. It iaoaTcsrd t.i tS isiW he ala lw nrivc tu place U wilbia lia much ol all.uauwd thnt ttii: wh uaa it aivurdu to dirocuuus will fiist H ani'c sad (pemr cut I'" Fcnra ax a Hope. It la not a itiaarircaMis nauseating compntux) hat an Sfrc. ahle huue ralciilutcil t reiimrs tht disotat taHf its kaalUir action lu Hit auuuMch and ImwcUa. Pmparnt only by Marahxl) Co., arts' self wanlasslsa ami remit t'V Itowaii't fcia, Nf. SI SircM, fliiladrlpliia Pries 1 par singls bottla, and (4 pl Oos. JansiW,lM-tr - T BAOLJj's V KITI.NCi FMTD-.A.NT) CO. TN r.RZSf S if for sals at thit dries