SUNBUIIY AMERICAN AND SMAM0K1N JOURNAL. iWtoccUatuoua awattcr. DISCONTENT. ITU, b. CRIPPl. Too long, too long are th weary h"r In passing when sorrow oppress; Tod goon, too soon rIMo the welcome hour. Away when awcet pleasure! caress. Too long,, too long are the moments that move Slowlr by when our friends are awny ; Too toon, too soon, when with those we . love, Glide the moments in seeming dismay. Too long, too lone the winter sky O'er-cast witn a missy gnnim , Too soon, too soon does the summer flit Sadly faded it heart cheering bloom. Too lonjr, too lon are the years that roll, As thro' life we so wearily plod ', Too soon, ah! too soon do we reach the goal Which leads to the presence of Got. Mrs. Partington on being tn a hurry. "I never knowed anything gained by being too much in a hurry," said the old lady ; "when me and my dear Paul was married, hd was in such a tri nidation that he came near marrying one of the bridesmaids in stead, of me by mistake' lie was sucn a nneer man she continued, "why, he jined the fire department, and one night in his hnrrv.he rut his boots hind part afore, and as he ran alone, everv body behind got trip ped up. The papers was full of crowners nuests on broken leas and limbs for a week niforu'nrHc" and sherelnDsed into an ab straction on the tips and downs of life. , A Negro Woman Without Ears. Rev B. H. Benton, in a letter to the Loudon (Va Chronicle, says he saw a colored woman with out ears; not only was she without the aii ride or the external part of the ear, but there is no trace of a foramen or passage for sono rous vibration the meatus is entirely closed yet she can converse with others, and dis tinctly hear their words, for which purpose ahn nnnna her month. Now is the sount transmitted to the brain by means of the tym pannm, or does it act on the auditory nerves without the intervention of the drum and ap pendent organs. Wealth of San Francisco. The valu ation made bv assessors of the property 1 the citv of San Francisco amounts in th aree'ate to 824.387,379, of which 15,' 590,304.. is real estate, and 5,791,085 personal. One of the last act of the ex-King, Loui Phillipne, was to make a present to France of the Standish Museum, which had been decided to be his property. Mr. Lava nr. in excavating beneath th great pyramid at Nimrod, has penetrated mass of masonrv. within which he has dis covered the tomb and statue o! Sardanapal us, with full annals ot that monarch's reig engraved on the wall. One of the English Papers thus sums u American news; "In America, Prof. Webster has been executed, and Jenny Lind, ivceived with nonsensical enthusiasm. ' Mosey Changers would do well to rp' collect that by an net of Congress whic took effect on the 1st of August, "slick quarters are to pass lor twenty cents, "slick' 12 1-2 cents pieces are to pass lor ten cents and "slick" 6 1-4 cent pieces are to pass for five cents. Br the fall of Barkhamstead bridge over Farmington river in ConnecticuT, twenty five fat cattle were tumbled upon the rocks, lour were killed, and ten were so bad ly hurt that it was necessary to make them into beef. We wonder if thpre is any greater plea sure in the world than a young husband and wife experience when they eat the first dinner from their own mahogany, on the first day they commence houskeeping We expect not Ex. Yes. When the first stranger arrives. Tin; State of Main pays to the various clergymen employed in the State, about 8-00,000 per annum. There are also i844 teachers in the various schools in the State, and about 3000,000 are annually raised ior common school puposes. Freedom to Slaves. The New York Express states that in five months there Imi been raised in that city the sum of ?3900 for the liberation of forty slaves, thirty-nine of whom, of fheir own free will, have gone or go to Liberia. The Abolitionists have contributed none of this money. A Singular Discovery has been made in Madagascar. Fossil eggs of an enormous size have been found in the bed of a tortent. The shells are an eighth of an inch thick, and the circumference of the egg itself is 1 feet 8 inches lengthwise, and 2 feet 2 inches round the middle. The Sister of Kossuth has been in Constan tinople and Athens. Her purpose was to conduct to her brother his three sons, who had remained at Pesth. A new Presidential Candidate The "Reformed" State Convention, .held at Now. ark, N. J., on the 10th inst, nominated Sena tor vvalker, ot Wisconsin, for President of the United States, subject to the decision of an Industrial Congress. Tint Austrian Government has borrowed the' small sum of 700,000 of certain banke at Hamburg and in Berlin, on the security of the national domains ' BnTTER put in sealed jars containing about 28 pounds each, and packed in a box of salt will keep sweet, it is said, any length of time and in all climates, Short fiiendi. reckonings always make long Hta Age Jenny Lind is thirty years of agehaving been bora on the 6th of October, 1820. Children pick up words as pidgeon peas be careful therefore with what you feed them. J. XL THOMAS, Ornamental and French Style Frme Manufacturer, 80 i Walnut it , between 3d and Ath street. PJTT.T.ADELFHIA. E8PECTFULLY directs the attention of the public to hit superior stylos Of Plain and Fancy Frames, which are of the latest and most beautiful designs. As a handsome frame at a LOW l'Kiot., s tieen much desired, he was induced some months since to commence the manufacture ot these Frames. In a short time the demand has been so great, that he has been obliged to increase his facilities, and new offer at v EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICES, Singly, or in thousands, the most beautiful Frames, suitable for Paintings, Prints, Daguerreotypes, Cards, &.C., Ac. For Durability Unsurpassed. Hotels. Public Buildinis, 8feamboats, Stores, Ca binet Furniture, &c, decorated in imitation of carved Rose-Wood. t .V Please call and see specimens. May 85, 1850 ly GEORGE J, IIEKKELS, CITV CABINET WAREROOMS, NO. 173 C1IESNVT STREET, (ofposits Tin stats noun,) PHIX.ADBI.rBIA. OFFERS for sale, low for cash or approved city pnper, a large and well assorted stock of CABINET FURNITURE, of the latest patterns and of the best workmanship. The assortment embraces everv article, useful or ornamental, com prising suits of Drawing Room Furniture in Rose wood and Walnut, exquisitely carved. Rosewood Walnut, and Mahogany Chamber Furniture; Pa tent Extension Dining Tables, (acknowledged to bo the best now in use); Library Book lawn, and a great variety of plain Parlor and Chamber r urmture. Curtains made and put up in the latest Paris fashions. Spring Mattresses, Hair Mattrasscs, and Fea ther Beds, made to order, N. D. All articles purchased at this establish ment are warranted of the best materials and workmanship, and will be packed to carry safely to any part ot the country. May 25, 1850. ly SPFJ1TC- GOOES IN PHILADELPHIA. TSHARPLESS A; S0N8, have just received their supply of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS of Friendly and other styles, to which they invite attention. SHAWLS All descriptions of Silk, woollen and worsted. DRESS SILKS Gro de Rhincs, Chameleons, and neat and new fancy styles India Silks and Satins. DRESS GOODS Lawns, Bareges, Moussc- lins, Ginghams, Alpacas, Mohairs, and all the new fabrics. FURNISHING GOODS Blankets, Sheetings Quilts, Damask, Shirtings, and all other furnish ing goods. . MEN'S WEAR Cloth, Cassiineres, Cashina rctlH, Drills, Yestings of all kinds, and Boys wear, SHOEMAKERS OOOl! and Carriage Ma kers articles. T. SHARPLESS fc SONS, No. 32 S. Second Street, Philadelphia May 25, 1850 ly J. H. ZIMMERMAN, JISTICE OF TUB PEACE, Sunbury, Pa. Office in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public school House. ttT Monies collected aud nil business pioniptiy and care fullv atleiifled to. April SO, 1850 REFORM Y0TJH HABITS. e Come ye, with garments bare and seedy, Ye bnfh'iors, wido'rrs and husbands too, If, iu the outward man ynu'r needy, We soon can make yuu as good as new. THE subscrilier respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he will commence in this place, on the 8th of April next, the TAILOUIXG mSIXESS in all its branches. Ho will lie careful to see that his work is made up in the best manner, and he flutters himself, that he will be able to pive entire satisfaction in point of cut, tit and style, as well as in price. He therefore respectfully solicits his friends and the public generally to call and give him a trial. His shop is a new lmilding in Fawn street be ow Weaver's Hotel. JACOB O. BECK. Sunbury, March 30, 1850. 6m CHARLES W. HEGINS, ATTOP.1TET AT I'ottNVllle, Va. Will promptly attend to collections and all busi ness entrusted to his care. June 16, 1S49, KDWIX 1LVLL, (Late or trs FinM or Watkinsos & Hali.,) JVb. 24 South Second Street, Philadelphia, p ESl'ECTFULLY informs his old friends and 1 customers, as well as the public generally, that he has opened an entire new stock of elegant styles of Spring & Summer Dresi Goods. His assortment consists of the latest and most desi rable styles of English, German, French 6c Ame rican Goods. Much as Delaines', Tissues, B era gen, Silks, Lawns, Muslins, Shawls, Hdkffs, Gloves, and every variety of Dress and Fancy Goods. riulud. Alarcli lo, 1H0U. ly C. KRNKEIiT, BOOT MAKER, . Ah. 40 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia, yVf HERE every variety of French Calf Skin Morocco, Patent leather, Congress and Gai ter boots, of the best style and workmanship, are constantly kept on hand or manufactured to order. March 1G, 1850. 6m TBATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's fl writing and iudellible ink, Cotton yam and laps, just received and for aale by J. W. r RILING. Sunbury, Dec 2, 1848. STONX3 WARE, STONE milk Pansstone Jugs and Pitchers, and other articles of stone ware just received and ior aaie ny JUHS W, FKILING. Sunbury, June 23, 1849 nBTjaEYVS COVGH CNDvTll,re7ceI. r V lont remedy lor coughs, colds. For sale at this oilice ADD'S celebrated Horse and Cattle Medi cine for aale by HENRY MASSER Sunbury Jan. 27th, 1849. rjOLU PENS IN SILVER CASES. A small lot on nana ana lor sale hv H B. MASSKR. F uubury, April 6, 18S0. I- A .... i-jAiomo, currants, citron, cheese, pepper sauce, cue. ror sale oy j. w, MUUAli Sunbury, Dec 2. 1848. 1 ?AZORS. A superior article for sale-at the store of HENKY MASHER. 8unbury, Feb. 16, 1850, ILE BILL8 Justices and Constables Fee Bills handsomely printed on card paper, for lo t uitauilice. j INERAL WATER, from the Oak Orchard srases, and tome remeutes, for sale by Henry masser. Sunbury, June 29, 1850 tf A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At the Cabinet Ware Hum of SEB'N IIOOTT & CO. Market Square, Also at the eorner of Fawn street 4r the Railroad SUNBURY.PA. Thankful for the patronage of his friends and customers during the 17 years he has been in busi ness in this place, he solicits from the public a con tinuance of their favors. During this period he has endeavored to keep up with the improvements ot tne day, and has accordingly extended his bust ness in every branch and variety. The public are therefore invited to tho attention of the present STOCK OI CABINET WARK AND CHAIRS, Manufactured by SEBASTIAN H0TJPT & CO. At the Old Stand, Where In addition to their former stock f the establishment they now manufacture Kahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs. Large Spring Seat Rocking Chairs, Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables, Marble Top Wash Stands, aftd a variety of oilier new style and Fafthionable Furniture. Having securod a Hearse and made the neces sary arrangements for the purpose, they are now prepared for Undertaking in alt its branches, in this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye maids and mistresses, and husbands too, Here's furniture of every style and hue, From side hoards down to kitchen tables, From rocking cliuiri to locking cradles Phnuld yon not luive the ready Jonn to pay, We'll wait nwhile for a liriatiter better day, Or tnke potatoes, onls, corn, wheat and rye ; llnrk, hoop poles, staves, or lumber wet and dry, Or any thing but yokes nnd threshing flails, From pigs and Uirkies down to little quails. Come on then friends, come one and nil, Keep tmde a moving, sn "goes on the bull.' W Orders from a distance promptly attended to and work of all kinds delivered with dispatch Sunbury, March 9, 1850 tf ROBT. L. SETH. THOS. P. B. SETH SETII & nROTIIKR. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND NO. 89 PRATT STREET, (Nkr Bowly'h Wharf,) BALTIMORE, Will pay particulilr attention to the snte of GRAIN and all other products of the farm. Baltimore, January 26, 1850. ly TUB PEOPLE'S VADE-MECUM COMPRISING A COLLECTION 6 OVER ?00 VALUABLE RECIPES, Id (Ac Useful and Interesting Arts with a few Simple and Cnrlnus F.xperlments In CHEMISTRY : T NCLIJDING Medicines, Perfumery, Chemistry Cookery, Farriery, Dying, Confectionary, Do mestic Economy, etc. etc. etc. Prico fir cts., for sale by HENRY" MASSER. Sunbury, Dec. 8, 1849. IIAKIIIG & MOLL'S THOLESALE Commission PAPER and f RAG WAREHOUSE, No. 19 MINOR Street, Philadelphia. Where a general assort ment of all kinds of Paper is kept, and for sale at tho lowest cash prices. Cap, Letter and Printing Papers. &c. on liaiid. Plain and ruled white Caps. " ' blue " Flat Caps. Plain and ruled whito Letter. " blue " Blue and white Folios, White and colored Printing Paper Tissue Pnpers. Sboe Wrapping " Envelojio " Hardware and Stcathing Paper. Tar Boards. Stray Boards. Bonnet Boards. All orders from tho Country will bo attended to at tho shortest notice. All goods sold will be carefully packed, and de livered at any place in the city. 1 he highest cash price paid for nags, or ex changed for Paper, as low as can be bought else where. Please call and examine for yourselves. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1840. Brown's Essence of Jamaica Clu- prer. Prepared orilu by Frederick Brown, at his Drug and Chemical Store, North hast Corner of Fifth mid Chestnut streets, Philadelphia. THE Essence is a preparation of unusual ex cellence and of varied properties. In all cases where a powerful and safe stimulant is reipiired, it is unrivalled for efficacy as well as immediate action. To the traveller and to the family circle it is invaluable, as a few drops diluted in sugar and water present a safe and agreeable remedy to the invalid who requires immediate relief, as well as to the convalescing patient who needs a gentle tonic. In a Southern climate, where the relaxa tion of the system so generally induces thirst for stimulants, it will always be found an excellent substitute for those tempting leverages which de bilitate the stomach and cause a morbid condition of its powers. In dyspepsia, in relaxation of the bowels, in naussea and sea-sickness, it is an active and safe as well as a pleasant and refreshing re medy, and is prescribed by the most eminent of the1 medical faculty. A supply of the above received and for sale by II. B. Manser, Sunbury. April 6, 1850. 6m JTJST ARRIVED. A Sew Assortment ol Frewli Goods. IRA T. CLEMENT, T ESPECTFULLY informs his friends, cus turners and others, that he has just received a handsome assortment of NEW GOODS at his store in Market Square in Sunbury, such as Dry Goods, Groceries, Queens ware, Hardware, &c. Sunbury, June 23, 1849. Win. ti. Cochran fc Co., Wholesale and Ketatl, wink and lkiuoh mf.rchants, No. 72 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. AVE always on hand a very larjro stock of Wines, Liquors and Segars, of their own importation. More Keepers, Hotel Keepers, and private gentlemen, will be supplied on the most liberal terms. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1849 Tuluable IIook, LIFE or Christ, handsomely bound, D'Air mti!fr.'s HisToar or the Rkfurmatiow, Blank Dtr-aooas axd Lkiioxms, full bounded. For sale at the publishers prices by II. B. MASSER. Sunbury, July H, 1849. " otton Yam, Cotton Carpet Chain, Cotton Laps and Wadding, Cotton Outlines, ieady made Pantaloons, Ready made Vests, Congress Knives, rorcelatn lmed preserving kettles, just received fur sale by H.MA8ISER. Sunbury, Dee. , 1848. OAFS. An assortment just received. Also silk HAT8 at 3a5, for sale by H. MASSER. Bunbury, Dec , 1848. BLANKS. BLANKS of every description ran be had by applying t the oilice of tits A merit an. FIRE PROOF CHESTS, TOR BOOKS, PAPERS, JEWELRY, &c. EVANS & WATSON, No. 90 North Third street, between Arch and Rate, and 83 Dock street, OPPOSITE THE PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE. Patent Soap-stone Lined and Key hole Dover SALAMANDERS, FIRE AND THIEF PROOF IRON CHEATS, Warranted to stand more Heat than any Cheats in this Country. " rait-in jtir'vnnniuer iron Chests, leon now In nae. Thev 'rL rv Fire Proofs. HI verw Inw nriee. j-aieni rominnalion kicks, with Gunge Keys, which can be changed evrrnl thonmiiri times hnnirm hie in fort everv time the txx k ii need if desiinble. These I.orki are proof itminsr the moat expert Thieves, being supplied with the Patent Key-hole uovrr, sun mnde very strong, they cannot ie blown ope bv Gunpowder. These Locks are intended for HANKS STOKKH, fAFES. Ac. Peal and letter eunviinr nresaea. fire nroof doors for Banks and Stores. Patent flints Lined Ref narrators, warranted superior to nil others. Water Filters, Kliower Baths of the best qusU itv. rv Persons wishine to purchase anv of the abovs ar- neies, will please give inem a call, as mey sell cnenper i nan any otner in uie unueo rates. PAVITJ EVAN. JOHANNES WATSON Philadelphia, November 10, UM0 ly STONE WARE. fipHE subscrilier would most respectfully In. A form his friends and a generous public that he is manufacturing the best quality of STONE WARE, in all its varieties, and is prepared to sell a little cheaper than any other manufacturer in the Union, He is also importing and dealing most extensively in CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, which he offers on the most reasonable terms. His Potteries are on Bond street north of Fay ette, and China store and dwelling at No. 8, E. Baltimore street. DAVID PARR, No. 8, E. Baltimore street, Baltimore, Maryland. February 2, 1850. ly Equitable Ufe Inmirance, Annuity anrt Trunt Company. OFFICE 74 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Capital SiWjUOO. Chaktkr Pespitual. rpilR Comimny are now prepared to. transact business 1 upon the most liberal ami advantageous terms. They are authorized by their charter (Beet. 3) "to make nil nnd every insurance appertaining to life risks of whnievcr kind or nature, and to receive and execute trusts, make endow ments, nnd to grant and purchase annuities." The Coin pnny sell annuities and endowments, and act as Trustees for minors and heirs. Table of Premiums required for the Assurance of 8100 for tne wnole term 01 Lute. taumm wmM Age. I Prem. Age. Prem. Age. I'rem. 1 I so HI 09 lit" ' :i :w 17 1 S!l 3i 8 15 47 3 49 1H I M Kt S M 4H 3 4 1 I5!l .11 S -27 V.I 377 w I "o a; mi so o w at hi m a 40 si 4 13 ai I ) 37 8 47 Sj 432 !l IBM 3H 3. 54 S3 4 51 at 1 7a 3M am M 47, if" 40 a 7u ss 4 ni an ins 41 3 hi so 51a a7 1 m 4a a 94 r,7 s a) a" 1 (rl 43 a 01 SH S S4 a 1 IW 41 3ia 511 S78 811 SOt 45 3 83 , m tin The premiums are less than any other rompony, anil the polii-ies afford (reuter auvuntnges. Tables of uall-yenrly nnd quarterly premiums, half credit rates of premium, short terms, Joint lives, nurvivorships and endowments; also, form of Applicotiial (lor which there, are blank sheets') are to lie had on application at the office, or by letter to the Agent, J. H. 1'UKDY, Sunbury. Ritsi roa lasvaiKo 8100 on a single Life Ace. For Life. I. no 8.04 S,7I) 3.(ll an :m 411 so Sd 6,0.1 F.XAMPI.K A person aged 311 years next birth day, by paying the Company no eents would secure to his fiuiiily or heirs fl(H) shoukl he die in one vear; or for Sp.n0 he se cures to them 81000; or for ft 1:1 annually for seven yeurs he secures to them 81(100 should he die iu seven yeurs; oi forS2U.4U paid annually during life he secures SMII to l paid when he dies. The insurer seeming his own bonus, by the difference in amount of premiums fromihose charged by other offices. For 8lg,30 the heirs would receive 85000 shoukl he die iu one year. Forma of application snd all pnrtienlnrs mav lie had at the office. CULLEN, President. Vice President, W. M. Haikd. Fhaxcis W. Kawlk, Secretary and Trensurer. CoKsol.TlKO Phtsicias Dr. J . I! .Masser, Sunbury. 1. H. Pobdt, Sunbury, Agent for Northumberland county- SunlHiry, July 98, 1SI0 "l?iicouiage Your Own!" HAAS <EXN. FASHIONABLE MAKE OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS, rPHE subscrilicrs r"spectfully call the attention x of the public to their large and splendid assort ment of every quality and price of CAKIXIM .WAKE. which cannot fail to recommend itself to every one who will examine, it, on account of iu durable workmanship and splendid finish, mado up of tho ui-m amen iu oe nau in tne city. INoellort is spared in the manufacture of their ware, and the subscribers are determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being mum-. i uvu iuck consists oi Manognny Sofas, DtrauM nnd lounge, Bureaus, Secretaries, snietoar53, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DI.MXO TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WOKK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of their business. They also manufacture all kinds and qualities CHAIRS, including varieties never before to be had in Sunbury, such as Mahogaut, Duck Walkut anii CiRLsn Mapls Gaxcitx ; axd Wiansna CHAIRS, amd riser Piano Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscribers are determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about the quality and finish of their ware and Uhatra. Their articles will be disposed of on as eood terms as they ran be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. Or- UNDERTAKING attended to on reason, able terms. n?" The Ware Room is in Market 8trcec, opposite J. Youngs store, an J nearly opposite W eavcr s 1 avern. DANIEL HAAS, GEORGE RENN. Sunbury, April 28, 1849 tf LIQUOHS, AVINES, &C. nHE nilwrritier hu just received a new supply of the bent liquor that ever came to uubury, coiuUtiiit? in part of (Superior old pale Drandy. Fine Coniae brandy. Huerior Old Jniuaic 8piriU. New England Hum. Fine Holland Gin. Superior Old Wliiakey Uomraon do, 8uterior Maderia Wine. IsUtboii do. do. Superior Fort Wine. Burgundy Port do. feweet Malaga Wine. Superior Claret Wina in bottles. Champagne do. do. HENKY MASTER, fiunbury, May 36 1849. BROWN'S ESSENCE OF GINGER. A new supply of this excellent article just received and for sale by H. U. MASftSEJu feunbury, Marvh 16, 1150. For 1 year. For 7 years. M 1)1 so 1.) MM l,e 2.07 3.18 3,o7 TICKNOR'S COLUMBIAN SPELLING BOOK. Ti E1"NG a progressive and Comprehensive Sya-- tem of Orthopraxy snd Orthoepy, including variety of definitions, adapted to the use of Brnoois m the American Republic, py iimon Ticknor, a Teacher of twenty-live year experi ence, and author of the Columbian Calculators, Practical Common School Mensuration, fee. The attention of Teachers. School Dtreetors, parents, Ac, is invited to this new Spelling Book, which conforms to the modern spelling and usages in Orthography asbeingoneofthe neatest, cheapest best arranged,' and better adapted to the wants of children, than any other published in the unitca Stats. It is what it purports to he, a Spelling Book and not a Reading Book, and only requires an examination on the part of Instructors of youth to secure for it a umversnl introduction into the Schools of the United States. Just published, and for sale by IIKNHT Massf.h, Sunbury. Where Teachers and Directors can procure copies for examination. August 4, 1849. DllsTJUrDEGItAPF, T? ESPECTFtn.T.Y informs the citizens of Danville and the public at large, that he has located in Danville, and is now prepared to prac tice Medicine and Sorcery in all its various bran dies. He will operate on all the various forms of blindness, cross eyes, club feet, harelip, cleft palate, nnd attend to the extraction of tumors, amputation of limbs, and all other surgical dis eases. His collection of instruments comprises all instruments in modern Surgery, of the latest improvement and finest finish. He flatters him self that many years' practice and experience will lie a sufficient guarantee to those who may feel disposed to employ him. His residence is nearly opposite the Nontqnme rtf Btiiltfing, and next door to Isaac Rosen- baum s store, in North Danville. Danville, Dec I, 1849. ly. HICIIEY & TULI" IV o. ISO Cliosnut street, (Opposite the Arcade) PHILADELPHIA, v ANUFACTUKERS of their improved style Elastic Steel Spring, Solid Sole Leather, and Solid Riveted TKVXKS, which took the only first premium, awarded by the Franklin Institute at their last exhibition. H. & T. take pleasure in informing the travel ling public, that they have now on hand, a beau tiful assortment of their improved style of Solid Sole Leather Trunks; Double and Single Folio Trunks, of various styles j Ladies' Trunks, Va lice Trunks, Bonnet Boxes, Cap Cases, Carpet lings, and an elegant assortment of superior Ln ameleil Patent Lenlhor Bags, with every article in their line of business. I f Old Trunks Rcpnired or taken in exchange for :cw ones. ALEX. L. HICKEY. RICHARD V. IT'LL. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1849.- PHILA. AND READING RAILROAD SLMMEIt AUKAMJIiM t.T (ROM PHILADELPHIA AND POTT3VII.I.E. Office of the Phila. ff Reading Ruilroad. Co. ) Philadelphia, .March 2!l, 1850. ) Two Passenger Trains Daily, (except Sunday.) N and after Aprillst, 1850 two trains will be run each way, daily, between Philadel phia and Pottsville. iunrmnr Linr. Mrrommoitafion.) Leaves Philadelphia at 7i A. M daily except Suiulava. Leaves Pottsville at 7 J A. M. daily except Sun days. Afternoon Line, (Fast Train.) Leaves Philadelphia at 24 o'clock, dailv. except Sundays. Leaves Pottsville at 2J o'clock, daily, except Sundays. Passengers cannot enter the cars unless provi ded with Tickets. The afternoon, or fust trains, do not stop at Au burn, Althouse's, Dirdsboro', Roger's Ford, Val ley Force, Port Kennedy, Spring Mill or Falls. NCTICE. Fifty pounds of bacaiage will lie al lowed to each passenger in these lines; and pas sengers are expressly prohibited from taking any thing as bairgac but their wearing apparel, w hich will be at the risk of its owner. By order of tho Board of Managers. S. BRADFORD, April 13. 1850. Secretary. WILLIAMS' ANTI-DYSPEPTIC El .1 X I It is. witli the utmost cciiifiiliiK-e, nlTereri to the Maliral Family awl lilt- public 1,'irllieciireof lyi.pei Blu or Indigestion, and till disease arising I'roin it, such Nuuwa, Hp-ndnrho, VcrtiKti, DitmieMof Siifht, Urhtlity ol ttie IServdUK Sj teui. Hyp.H-lioiH.ria, Juumlioe, 1ttw of uniMJtite. Bilious Yninitiiiff, Burning seuwition at the pit in nit ss-niiiit-ri, I. iver complaint, ( l(presion aticr eating, 'ulpllntlon ol thcllttiul, VunliiiR ut ttie ttretipth. l'aiii in the pit of the momm-h riuiuleuce, with iiwjuentl or towantM the right aide. h.-lfhinyof wind, 'S:iltowiui ol'r'imtlixinii, Vitiiitt-dliitiLe, iieprrnsiiin t the tipiries uiul uoiiKtiiutunt una uueaBiitesPi ol the bowels, I irritubility ul u-inpur, If a wiw! of dyspepsia ahould be iippleotrd, most nrrimn tflei'ta may emuu, for it luva the t'ouiulatioii fur, is I lie in- i cijti,t (ruiiif ul and Vtry 'requeiitly terininutt- iiiooiiKmiu- 1 ti 'ii. 1 would iiiiprew upon the mind thut to tutte with tliia diiwnK nmy U' to H(Hirt with the reason which ttuwli tutfa tnuit auereiniiient uniting anmiul beinps, or to em bitter existence by adding a ooiwciouiine&a 01 folly to the peutilty of iNiin. Tliia mulit'ine ia nmllv nut un in botilei. with amide dirnctiona fi uae, and ia auld in Sunbury by John W. Teiitiuionvof Mr. Abner Klim-s. Wnwr. MiukH atreet above luth, corroljorutive of tho etticucy of Williuuis Auti-Uyeptic Klixir. Philadelphia, October 3, 1819. Mr. Jamki Williams : Dejir iSii : It uivea me great nleaBure to know that vou are afruin preparing you medicine for the cure of Dyspep ia, Itir uiauy uf my acouiuntuju-cs Iwve reteutedly' asked me where it could be nroruted, knowins; tlmt 1 hud been curetl by it. As t thiuit that a public acknowledgment of the great benefit 1 have received man the use ot your meet iciue ia not only due to you, but limy be useful to others, I now iituke it. For several years 1 suffered from Dyspep sia, which iurr eased to such an extent thut my health and constitution were rapidly sinking under it. I wua cu pelted to restrict myself to the most simple f.oi, and even tlmt I could not digest. I felt a ioaa ol strength, disinrli natlou to exercise, and. aa you have it ia your ailvertise iiient, a general feeling of depression and indcscrilultle weariness. Iu the year IK)?, hearing from others high re comuiendution of your Auti-Uyspentiti Elixir, I procured and used it with the most happy effect ; under it influence languor and wariness gradually passed away, and my upptv tile returned which I could gratify with impunity. Ten years have now elapsed, aud my confidence iu the curative powers of your medicine has of course increased, for it completely cured me when I failed to obtain relief from any other source. Very reaiwcU'ully yours, AliNKK EIAIF.S. Teatimnny of Edward II. Rowley, Wholesale Merchant of the hnn uf Kowley, Ashbuuner Co., No ttouth Wharves, in proof ol' the efficacy of Williams' A uU-Dyspeptic Klixir. Philadelphia, October 39, 149. Mr. Jamks Willums : f)mr Sir : I lake pleasure in recommending your Anti Dyspeptic Klixir for the cure of Dypejsia. I have taken it myself for Ui dieuse, and have been entirely cured. Yours respectfully, KDWAltD II. ROWLEV Aomt.-JOHN W FKUJNG, Huubury, Ha. March J, IKiU. ly HOSB OINTMENT, FOR TETTER "lEAD the following; ceitificate from Cunt. Devoe. the I i well kuowu and p)pulur fctunu Boat Captain (of Uie trueii(H. Philadelphia, October 31, 1&J6. pVvernl vears since I was attacked with a brenkins: out oil my neck ui Uie form of Tetter, which 1 am eouvinced was eoulruclrd at the Barter's Shop. It gnualually extend ed over my face until it reaehed the upper (wrt ot' the cheeks. During the several mouths tiiat it continued Sfiieadiug, J used didercut applications, bxiiis ot' which had we eaect, apprenuy ui least. it increasing the insease, nut from ikhic oi them did 1 perceive the least benefit until I applied the ttosjt O.ntmknt. Jiy the use of one jar uf it, I was perfectly cured aud kavto retnaiiied free of Uie ejec tion. 1 have since used the Ointment, light ly applied for rough Iieaa of the face, blotches, chapped hands, Stc. With per fect auccesa. 1 have no heaiuiiou in recouiiueuding It u the slrongust maiuwr to the public v JAMES DEVOE. Agent IIenht Mamkb, Suuhury. July n, IMW. ROSE OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this excellent article for Tetter, 4-c, just received and for sale by HEN KIT MASSER. 8unbury, July S8, 1849 irNOB AND SPUING MORTISE LAT. CHES. An excellent article, for sale at half the usual price hy J. W. FR1L1NU. Sunbury, July 7, 1749 N. S. LAWRENCE, Agent for the salt of Southworth Manufactu ring Co'. IFrt'fing Papers. Ware Uoiine, No. 3, Minor street PHH.ADEZ.FHZA. 1 0H CASES of the above sunerlor Papers now In store, and for sale to trade at the lowest market prices, consisting in part of 1 . . ... at rine mien r at Cans. 12. 14. 15 and IB ins. blue and white. Superfine Medium and Demi Writings, blue and white. Extrasuper and superfine Folio Posts, blue. Superfine Cammcrical Posts, blue and whito plain and ruled and white, plain and ruled. Extra super Linen Note Pnpers, plnin and gilt. Superfine and find Dill Papers, long and broad. Superfine and fine Countiug-House Caps and Posts, blue and whito. Extra super Congress Cups and Letters, plain and ruled, blue and white. Extra super Congress Cnps and Letters, gilt. Superfine Sermon Caps and Posts. Superlined blue Buth Posts, blue and white, plain and ruled. Embroidered Note Tapers and Envelopes, "Lawver'a" Brief Papers. Suiierline and fino Cops and Posts, ruled and plain, blue and white, various qualities and prices, Also, 1000 reams white end asserted Shoo Pa pers, Bonnet Bonrils, whito and assorted tissue. Ten, Wrapping, Envelope, assorted and blue Me diunis, Cap Wrapping, Hardware Papers, &c Philadelphia, Nov. S4, 1849. ft ?Sr3Wto? In presenting the public with n rcmeily for the trentment and cure of Fkvkr and Aoiik nnd other bilious liim-HB-s. no np-Moiry is neetiftl. nrt uumleni m the United States, wnnsuner irom iiieseaitfciiniiR in their varied forms, are compelled to seek relief from other sources than the imme diate prescriptions of the r.-irubir nhvuicinn. It l.-mm-n therefore an object of htimunity, an well as of public inter- wi.Hi unng ociore inem a remedy prepnretl trum much ex pertence, una winch niny hi wave le reheil inwut ns afk, EFFECTUAL, AND HARMI.KM TO THE CONT1TUTIO. That such is the true ch:irnct.T of the INDIA C!l(lA(tOf,ri- is amply attested by the uuiversnl success with which it has oeen employ cel. rV Extrnrt from a communication of the Hon. Wit, mam Woodbridge, of the L". S. Senate, lute Governor oi .iiicingiui. Dktboit, Oct. !!, 1810. Doctor Chahlea Osoood, Jjrjir Sir, 1 have rr:itl with much, yur littl traratiak upon the ''luiisfn, trriiimcut und cure'' of tli ictiriie oikchki-s whicii imve s i extensively prevailed in country during the lust low mouth mi interest incrrancd no fioniit, hy ttie fiift ilmt. I buve individually BiillVrfit much trom them. J homrli l ei myself vcrv inciinpele lo judge safely upon a auhject so eiiUrcly profesflional, y jtuu uii-inj BrniiB u mr wen rmsoneo, unci your cojie! mons iu. mid 1 think witlml, that your pamphlet is c.iicu luted to prod urn much ninclK-id gtmil. Spenkuig of the medieme he says : It fullv justified ynnr nmiering expecuittons, nnd ns a sale, convenient, ami p ipu lar remedy, my own experience, so'fur, induces ma lo lw. neve tiiat it win prove u great public benefit, l mn plcam' u irarn vi.ti von nnve rticenuy cManiisiiwi st-veral airrncn tor its iimp-witioii thouirh 1 retrret that, with a view to u more geiicrnl diMemiuntion of it, you fhould have found it iieeewnary to remove from yotrr present residence among us. With much respect 1 have the honor to lie. sir, Your obliged servant. WIT MAM WOODHliinnK. rV From Hon. Ptephejc V. K. Trowbridge, of Michi gan Suite Senate, to the Agent 'nt Detroit. ItiRMtViHAM. Oakland Co., Dec. 13, 9. Sir von wish me to inform von what I know of r. Osgofara Indin Chohg.m-, or anti-liilious medicine. 1 do liehcve th;it if the virtue mid ctTicimv of this medicine were peneinlly known, the pfver a.d auce would disappear in Michigan. I pMH-ured a bottle in the sprint of 1 !!. nnd rwve goml riMon to believe that myMell and family ewajaM the iinu liift seiiRou in cousequciire tif its use. I'erimpa in no summer since thn settlement of thitt fine peniiiBiilu, has the lVvcr and ague hecu so prevalent ns the last. 1 have recommended this medicine ni ntmteromt in stances, and wlum the diseime Imd becme tixed und luulled the skill of physicians; and 1 have never known it fail. I has universally produced the mont hnppy effects, and 1 lh-t lieve it has never been exceed-d by any medicine in remo ving the bilious diseases of the clim-ite. Yours, reserlt'ullv, htf.Vitrx v. n. Tnowrtnmr.K. Aifnt for Sunhiirv H. M. MASS Kit ; Northnmlierliiud. WITIIIMJTOM Co.; Milton, J. 11. UASKU: sHeliaal grove. MAY ic KLOSK. May 0, lets tf TO P II V S 1 C 1 A XST D R ' G fl 1ST S A X D COCXTRY MERCHANTS. TK. J. N. KEELEI5 & TJro. most rrsppotfully J J solicits attention to their frcsli stork of F.iip lish, French. German ami Ameirau Drum. Mnl. icines, Cliomicttla, Puints, Oils, l)e Stuirs, Glass ware, IVrl'umery, Pnlont Mcilieinos &c. Having oicne(l a new store No. 294 Market .St. with a full of Fresh Drugs anj Medicines, we re spectfully solicit Country dealers to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, promising one nnd all who may feel disposed to extend to us their patronage, to sell them Runuine Drugs nnd Medi cines, on as liberal terms as any other house in the City, and to faithfully execute all orders entrusted to us promptly and with dispatch. One of the proprietors bcimi a reuulnr ldivsician. nffords ample guarantee, of the genuine, quality of all articles sold at their establishment. We especially invito druggists and eouutry merchants, who may wish to become agents for lit. Krtlrr'a Celehratrd Famiu Mrdiciiie.. fstan- danl and popular remedies.1) to forward their u.l. dress. Soliciting the patronage of dealers, we respect fully remain, J. -V. KEELER&BllO.. Wholesale Druggists, No. S!H Murkft street, Philadelphia. September 15, 184!) ly. PIlII.ADELPIII.i riEDICAIi HOUSE ESTABLISHED 15 YEARS AGO, BY Dll. KINKELIX, N. l Comer of Third of intra ami Union Streets. BKTWKEN 8PHUCK AND PINE STREETS, PHILADELPHIA IJ1FTERN YKAKS of extensive mid uniiiterrupteil pritctiee speut in tins city have remlered Ur. K. the most exiert nail sutvesaful pructitiniier fur anil near, in the treatment of all diseiibes of a private nature. Person iHieted with ulcers unou tlielhxlv, throat, or legs, pains in lite head or bones, increurial rlieuuiatism. slrirtures. ifravel, disease urisiiitf li'oin youtltlull exfessus ur impurities of the likKid. whereby the constitution has become enfeebled, ure nil treated with success. lie who places himself under the enre of Dr. K., nut y re ligiously confide in his honor as a geutleuuui. and txaibileut ly rely upon bis skill as a physician. TAKK FAKTlCt'LA il NOTICE. Young Men who have injured themselves by n rertaiii pinctice indulged m habit frequently learned from evil conipunimis or at school the elfects ol' which ure mchlly felt, eveu when asleep, and destroy bth mind and lty, slit i u Id apply inn ned lately. Weakness ami uotistitutinnal debility lws if muscular energy, physical tussiiudeund gen eral phwtratiim, irritaltihty and all uervous alfcctious, indi gestion, slugirishueas of the livei, ihhI every diseHw-in any way coiuiecled with the disorder of Uie procreulive fuiie tions cured, aud full vigor restored. YOUTH AND MANHOOD, A vigorous life or a premature death. KIMiELI.N oil self Pnne rvation. ONLY C5 CENTS. This II mkiiist putilishnt i. Rlktl with useful iiiroriiiHiioii on the iuhrimlit-s and disuumui of t lie Geoemlivfl llipiins It ufl.lrc.-. itscli ulike ut Vol Tit, .MAMIOOD ami OlO) A(iK, and slHtuld lie read ly all. 'I'lie vuiuulilr tulvice uiiU iuitrcssiv6 warniiifr it givrs will pruvem ytsirs of miner)" and suircring aud uveaiutuul ly TluiuisuiiU ot Lives. rurntis bv readuiK it will ksaru how lopreveul the des. trtK'tK.i of their rhiltlrett. A rniilttaiten i' as cents, enrlowd in h-nrr ad dremrd to 1H. Kl.NKKI.IN, N. W.citrner of TIUKl) I NIDN Slieets, between Spruce 4 Pine, l'hllsdeipliut, wiileiistint a btok, under euvelnpe, per return is' utuil I'eritoiis ut a distance tuny address lr. K. by letter, (inist. paid,) Slid tiecured at h'lue. JACKAUK8 OF MKDiriKl, PinKCTlONS, ., VM Atl "cl IITJstv 'llUUCe' Ml Up ,'r"m BK.mellers. New AouU,Pedlars, Canvassers, and all others supplied with the abnvs work at very luw rules. February tf, loou. ly TISSUE PAPER-YeUow Tissue paper for covering gkasea, ic, for sale at the oliiec ut the American. STONE Ware, EarthenWare7 Raisins, AU r nonds, P unes and Cream Nuts. Planes of all kinds. Salt arid Plaster. Just received anil for sals by JOHN W.riULINU. 5unbury,Dec. 29, 1849. yANKKOTE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. rr..nmnri,vAIVIA. citt or r-nn.Amn.rBiA. MARSAftAiTairiTfli All solvent banks I die ... RHODE ISLAND. All solvent bans, iit All solvent Imuks h. Mann notes 15 dn pai Bank of Chamberiur 1 diJ Bank of Chesler Cn. " J iuniKCTICUT. All solvent hanks aia WKW YORK. BaiikofOermantowi! 'par a II . . l ank of t "'",r ' ank of Iwishtwn nutea a net S I dia """"K',,l',tvn ldis All solvents banks ' 1 dit KV JERSEY. Itelvidere Bank a nit Commercial Rank 1 dit " D"',1" "!r l s ......i. ... isnnvma Cnrlisle Hank r sr. Hank Mont Holly , F. M., Middletnwn Pt. r Columbia H'kAB'geCopnr noyelatown Bank mT v, L ... Bt wr per iision Mank ' T i V "I'riiiifton ear Mech. Man. Bit Trent par' Morris Co Hank a Jit Ne,v,,kBk'gftIni.Conii OranireBank 1 dit rie Hank xchanie B'k Pittalinnr 1 (lit! xchanee H'k. llrn,,i. , a:. s d Farmer,. H'k, BuckaCo nnrl'eo Xe-s i" PM En"n" k .'.""easier par Priiiceto, Ba,?k "0n dis r iiriners-m Kenning par Salem Hanklns Co Farm Ilk S,. ,,,vlkil eC parlSemerret ci TLt' par par . inmnninr llnnk 1 ,li, Slate Hank Newark ' His llnncMlfila Bank 1 di.lstate Ilk li LJ -iicnslerllank nar.Suase, HV V v.r ? mm. Hank mr Tre,,t,m H.Vl " X? I '"" .iiercn. Man. Bank 1 ii . .. I.. --""'I'SI Wja MP I. nion Bank. Dover I Si. YnrdleyT'leADelll-r...1! n , i or ravine per Mononpihela Bank 1 dis nyioraveli..H'tColS dis! est llrniifh Bank PBr H ymiing Bk, Wilkesb'e par1 ork H ink, t7"Itelief notes I Hi, Bank of flelaware Mr Bunk of Smrrna E,r Delnivnre Ciiy Bank nar Ilk Wilmff'n i BohhIvw. par f armers' Uku, Delaware par rmon Bank. Wilmington par IV tinier Ws I Hi, , HI-, "na-ni vviietlork dis Mercantile Hk. Bangor 10 dis solvent hanks 1 d. iKW HAVi-siTinr? solvent VI rinnfcrf a. . .. ..'""" CAROLINA ik ol All a., "is ni r nt rm nntisrsi ,,ve"' """ disityi'nders-s. 9 dis) 11 dis IMPORTANT TO THE PUBLIC. HCP.S3 .1TD CATTLE MEDICINES. Don't permit VOIir TTrtra nr on ttl a tn .1! l H.e mrans of cure arc within the reach of ll t The ttndersimei1 ham study of V eterinary in "London and E d ..Inn' ' - l,e has also availed himself of thrr.r. eneso J.e. g, ,nd other celebrated men.whoh.v. of anil'," . UmrU juJW tment f animals ; the pnnc.,le. of our practice consist. j... ,,., , general lilee.Iinir and thn tt.l sl,,.n ' k' "c" r"1""'" "perienee h.s med es act m harmony with the vital principle, snd when g,,en according to the direction. J.i.1. .. , ...sS luim uTiiiinnry. mi company each article they re .capable of id icrensmir tl.n . i r. . ..' . . " . mi . . . . " " ""u"i lunciions, without di lnishimr or deal. ;.,., .i..: ' ",ll,uul ul H:ltViii Hn l.n...l. r .. . 1 jicnrs srs) " ui every one. , H- DADD, M. B. A MM of llors, Bnd t0Ue Mei,lc,nt. Phyie halls, T.V. per box. Alterative ball, 75c do. as,. " I,OWl,er8foirl""1'o"lition,75eporpck. Heave powder fordiseases of the lungs, 75e dc. l;n..e powder for e 1 ouic. powder for bad condition glanders, 75c do. bottle i'lllmnstion of bowels, 75c per Liquid blister, 75c per bottle. Ointment for promoting the growth of hair, SO. per pot. , ' Healing balsam for wounds and per bottle. saddle galls, 75c VV ash for inflamed eves. Sue rwr lint I-! Ointment for mange scratches, old sore's, At. Be. per bottle. ' hmbrocation for sore throat, 75c per bottle. Hoof ointment for sand crack, brittle hoof, &c, 50e er bottle. Horse lamment, the most celebrated article known m hnglaui lor lameness of every description, 75. oc .1 tier bottle. Distemper powder for red water, $1 per bottl. V onn powders for the removal 0r worms fr the intestinal canal. 7ii, ti. fron For sale by STI.UPiSOX A KEED, 28 Mer cliants How, also at DADD'S HOUSE AND ATTI.B MEDICINE DEPOT, No 1 & a llaymarket Square, Boston. PamphleU describing the diseases for which these remedies are used can be had gratis. Numerous Certificates are in possession f th. 1 ropnetors, of cures performed by the abov. Mwli cuies. c,v'm!I'V GnnEX & FLETCHEU, MA I II Street. Philadelphia, and by his Adux isHiiMit Maskkh, Sunbury, Fcbruarj- 3, 184il tf COLUMBIAN SERIES OF 0rMtmct(c0. The Pupil's friend and Teacher's comfort 'pHE COLUMBIAN work is already introlueed into some of the host Aemhimies and a lare nuinlter of Schools, where its use has (riven decided and universal sa. tiariif Hon, Loth to teacher and pupil. It ia purely American in its character, based upon our own beautiful decimal system o f currency. It contains more, the arrangements are better, and it is the nai..ut ...ut ..Im.. ...... ... 1. r.t- it . . - " """H"' nora ui me Kinu now in use; and it is so considered by hundreds, of the most competent teachers and men of science in the Uni on, who have recommended it. It is the beok, particularly and expressly prepared for our Ante rienu Srliolnrs : By Almou Tirlnor. Thk Yiii-th'm CoLi-x ai.x CiLcciAToa. Tliis volume contains 01 paces, with about 00 exam pics for solution on the slate. It embraces the Fundamental Rules, Compound Rules, Simple and ComiMiund Reduction, Single Rule of Three, Proportion, fee. Ticknoii AritiimkticlTabirs,Is destined for the use of younger classes in tha Schools of the I. lilted Slates. A lieautifnl little book and pleas itiK to children, aud the only oneof the kind of any value. ' There are Keys to both Arithmetics bound sin ele or double, for he convenience of teachers, in which the solutions of the questions are given with much extra matter for the black board. These Keys are the most complete works of the kind ever published, and contain, in addition, about two hundred examples in Mensuration, for the use of the Teacher. All that is wanted is to have the aliove hooks examined, and no teacher who is acquainted with the science of Arithmetic, will hesitate to pronounce them the best works tha have ever been published in this or any other country. Although issued hut a few months, they hav already been introduced into the Night Publie SMiools of New York City in all the Schools public and private, except two, in the City of Reading. Also, in about twenty Acadamiesin tha Stale of Pennsylvania in a large portion of th Schools in the City of Wilmington, in the City of Lancaster, and in the Horoughs of Harrisburg, York, Chambemburg, Lebanon, Doy lestown, Potuv ville, Orwigshurg, &c, &c For sale by rUxnr Mtssxa, Sunbury, Agent for Northumberland County, Sunbury, Dec. 2, 1 848. PATE1TT LCEDICJI1TE3. (iroen's Oxygenated Hitter, price reduced. Old Jacob Tuwnsend'sSarsaparilla. Baker's Sarsaparilla. Swayne's Syrup of Wild Cherry Swayue's Vermifuge. Ay re's Cherry PecUiral l)r. Drake's Panacea, Dr. Cullen's do Tibbit'sPain Killer. Dr. lloofland's Oerman Bitterer Indian Vegetable Pills Horse and Cattle Medicines For sale by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, July 14, 1849. TJOOKS aud Gold Pens. On hand several cop. , of the life of Christ, and also a number or gold pens which we will sell at the PhUadelpbia ! prices. For sals at thisotfioe. ' KENNEDY'S PATENT SASH TAS TEN IN GS A cheap and excellent art! cle lor liutening sash fur sale by J. W. rRILINO ' Sunbury, July 7, 1849. 1 1