;i j;ommumcation3. Translated for the American. love souo. From tub Spanish. See the guy Zephyr wantons o'or thy bowers, Kissing with fondness the half open flowers; Soft moonlight lies upon the river's breast, The Bolbul ships his favorile rose to rest, The oak smiles in the ivy's close embrace, The fragrant pines their branches interlace, The sky her robe upon the mountain drops And rests in silence on their tupped lops ; Then come to me, apain, my bosom's liaht, Life of my soul, my heaven of sweet delight. Pillow mv head apain upon thy breast, Near to thy throbbinp heart, oh ! lot me rest, Clasp me more closely in thy milky arms While mine as close embrace thy witching charms, Tnrn to my paze thine eyes' eiichanlinp plow. From thy sweet tongue let tender whispers To mine with fervor press thy dewy lip Whose nectar pods in ecstacy mipht sip, Yield to me every bliss that lovo can pivo, Save me from worse than death and bid me live. For the "Ainerirtni." O0IXO HOME ! Going Home! We are going home ! Who Vjf us can hear these words, and not feel a thrilling glow vibrating through his frame! the simple words, going home, strike a chord in the human breast, pealing forth the sweet est music, and calling up the most hallowed associations. There is a mapje in the sinple word, home, more potent than all the flowers of oratory, all the melodious strainsof poetry, 'or all the Statesmen's speeches thnt have sounded through Senate halls, and reverbera. ted to nation's utmost bound ; yes, there is a magic, throwing a spell o'er all who ere lis tened to its sound and divined its meaning; and who has ever heard it, without fully comprehending the deepest happiness of which life is capable of rendering 1 Home, wherever found is an oasis in life's desert) from whence gushes up the purest and most Refreshing watersj possessing the power of washing from our remembrance all injuries, 'all wrongs, all disappointments ; healing all 'of life's wounds, and placing before our mind's vision the reality of present happiness, the hope of future bliss. Nature has so form ed us, that the family links, forming homo's golden chain, cannot be readily severed, can not be sundered by distance, disappointment, misfortune, misery or misanthropy; but in each breast, (be it of the righteous children of Abel or ol Cain's murderous race) in each fcreast, there is a home-chonl-of-sympathy vibrating to the purest and holiest emotions; emotions that can never be destroyed nor adulterated by life's vanities and seducing pleasures; by the world's false, yet syren voice, leading to paths of crime and sin ; nor by the holier cull of religion's ennobling nud purifying influence ; no emotions, no circum stances, no event of earth can subline or an nihilate the healthful, the gonial, nud the in spiring influence of home. Home is home, be it upon a sterile dill' of Ocean's shore ; amid 'Greenland's ice-bound rocks; beneath the torrid' parching clime ; in the forrest's in tricate wildncss and isolation, or the desola tion of desert ; home is still that ilowery spot, shedding upon her chosen ones, her flagrant perfume, her grateful inllunce, her soothing, composing and balmy influence. This ionic feeling is more universal jiiul spontaneous than all others prevailing o'er the human heart ; it sways them with that resistless pow er, against which earth and life can offer no barrier, but toward which every feeling slid impulse would centre ; it is this feeling erect ing for us household God's, having the power 'of weaning us from tho world ; and even the thirst for mammon, is for a while assuaped is but home rendered comfortable and beauti ful by its Omnipotent influence. Head' the feelings of that traveller, wlio loop since left 'his home, his fireside hearth, his bosoin-che-'rished idols, to visit mankind and man's va ried aspect, in strange countries and foreign 'climes; every object lie beholds in nature or 'art, reminds hi in of, or is compared lo home ; in his personal comfort's and the attention8 nhown him daily, does he think them equal ling a wife's or mother's thouphtfid care? Do the foreign customs and objects surround ing him, equal those of his own land ? Is ve getation as luxuriant, trees of as noble growth mountains as grand, waters as miphty, or sky (though of Italy) as serene, as than hidden ing out own, our muivc la ml. Behold that so litary secluded abode, planted amid Lapland's hibernal clime; JYotn that humble and rural tenement (so uninviting, so repelling to the 'casual observer) there has pone forth one who was born beneath it's roof, and protected by its rude walls, from the fierce blasts of a frigid zone; yes, this child of a northern clime, familiar only with sterile rocks, and nature in her stupendous yet gloomy gran deur, has visited the sunny spots, bright skies, pay flowers, luxuriant vegetation and luscious fruits of earth's most favored clime's; yet, he turns from them all, towards that polar-star gladdening his vision, and ever shi jiing with renewed splendor and brightness before bim, though hid in a gloomy Vale, amid Lapland's untamed mountains and per petual snows. Or, behold that ship, bound ing o'er Ocean's roughened wave, and gladly, buoyantly skimming its surface; why do we near the cheerful conversation and the voice 'of hope t Why are duties rendered easy, and gladness pervading all? Why are Italiau skies, arts, fainting and sculpture, and the so'ft, sunny clime of France foigottenl Why has the land of Palestine, that goal of the Crusader's pilgrimage; that spot witnessing the germ of Christianity; witnessing the life fend works of Christ ; yes, and witnessing 'earth and sky wrapped in weeping-gloom, on beholding his shameful crucifix! ion; why lias this spot, from whence arose the star of light and truth now leading on the world to a bliss ful goal, this spot hallowed by a Christ's foot, steps, and teeming with interest, why is it untuought of, and forgotten 1 Why are all eyes directed, all hearts tending towards one point lit the horizon S We read it in those brier words "home ward bound," but tw d words, yet possessing meaning deeper and greater thai can be written; . Jsiokrita Northumberland ,Qd- 1!50. m Annie o. In'lhii place, on Sunday Inst, hy the Rev. Mr. Fprait, Mr. Andrew Baldy, to Miss Hrnriktta Miller, all of this borough. t 1 - - , oal vEvak. Sunbury, Oct. 17, 1850. Whole amount of coal brought over the Danville and Pottsville Railroad, to Sunbury, from the Shamokiu mines. Tons. For the week ending, 620 Per last report, 137S7 Total, 14377 &I)C ittavkcts. Philadelphia Market Oct. lfi, 1850. Fl.oi'R. Flour is qniel at S4 871 a $5 00 Extra Flour at 35 25 a 6 75. Rye Flour. Peiina. is selling at $3 06. Corn Meal is worth $3 00 per brl. Wheat. There is a limited demand; small sales of new red l'eiina. at $105; and good white at SI 10. Rvb, South. Rye is held at 65o per bush. Corn. Corn is in demand at 64 c, for yel low ; White is worth 61 cents. Oats. Oats are still very scarce; sales of prime l'enna. from store at 42 cts J South ern are worth 37 a 38c. Whiskky. Sales of Whiskey in bbls at 26J and hhds at 27 c cents. Baltimore Market Oct. 1 1, 1850. Wheat. Small sales of pood to prime reds weie made to-day at 104 cts., and l'enn. white at 112 cts. Corn. While at 60 a 61 cents, and of yel low at 64 cents. Oats. Prices ranpe from 33 to 36 cents. Sales of Maryland" Rye at 63 a 65 cents. Whiskev. Sales of bbls were made at 28 cents, and ol hhds at 27 cents. SUNBURY NIICE CUUUENT. Corrected weekly hy Henry Master. WllKAT. RtK. . . CoHX. .... Oats. - - BlTTKIl. Eons. .... PlIIIK. .... Flaxskkd. .... Talliiw. - Bkkhwax Flax .... Hkcklf.ii Flax. ... DitiKii Afflks. ... 100 56 60 37 12 8 5 125 10 25 8 10 62 Cist of Ccttcvs KEMAIMXO IN THE I'OST OFFICE AT M XISI HV, Sept. 30, 1S50. Abraham Powers, Hon Samuel Hepburn, Elizabeth Kelly, John I. one. Hnnna Mcndciihall, A Mensing, John P Ray, Rebecca Rccdcr, J I. A'uhn, Sarah L'pdegrafl", Abraham Wolf, Benj Waite, Samuel Whinn, John Dowen, Michael Barnhart, Eli C'arlin, Joseph Chnnibcrlin, Esq. Dodiro, dipt V.'m II Ewing, John Fiirriiigcr, Itainc W Farnsworth, Joint Gibson Philip Hartman, Elizabeth llclillenmn, Susannah Yarnull. R 11 Packer. P M Cist of fetters REMAINING) IN THE POST OFFICE At Northumberland, Sept. 30th, 1850. Allcman Hcv. j. Andrews J. Mcder John Moore John Mingis John Martin Geo. 2 Mover Henry Northumberland. Poke Eliza Pollock Isaac Pfouts Benj. 2 Schuyler Miss Susan Strawscr Win. Shailer Peter Sylvia Nicholas Still Rev. A. B. Van Buskirk Franklin Winklcinaii Jacob Ycagcr Abraham. C.G. BOYD, P. M. Bowman John Bouse J. W. Bright Mrs. E. Coleman Geo. J. Crowsor Rosalia Cauilol Joseph Uumbolton Ira Follmer Minn M. A. Forsler Win. B. Franklin John Fisher Charles Hall G. P. Johnson Win. Mem Capt. Win. Morrison Capt. C. S XiM M. ROCKEFELLER, Attorney at Law. ItllncrNvillc. Schuylkill Co., la. O USINESS will lie promptly attended to in the counties of Schnvlkill. Northumberland. Union, Columbia and Montour- Eefer to : A Jordan, Esq-, T Win- De Haven, " H Bellas, Vn , I Edward Hughes, I H' B- Masser, Esq- Solomon Kliiiidcl- f eunliurv- J Mincrsvillo C- M- Hall, M. Mortimc icr, J Pottsvillo. Oct- 6, 1850 ly IrtfitilSTER'S XOTICE. TOTICE is hereby given to all Legatees, L Creditor and other persons interested in the Estate of Charles Comly, dee'd., settled by his Executors Joshua W. Coinly, Selh I. Comly and Saruh W. Comly ; of John Friek, jr., who was Executor of John Frick. sr. dee'd., settled by his Executors George A. Frick and Eli Slifcr; of Conrad Raker, dee'd., settled by his Executors Jacob Raker and William Raker, of Jacob Monre, dee'd., settled by his Executor, Peter H. Moore ; of Mary Moore, dee'd., settled by her Admistra tor, Peter H. Moore ; of Susan Strawbridge, dee'd., settled by her Administrator, W. C. Law son j of Elias C'onrud, dee'd, settled by bis Adin'r David Hauck. The account of Peter Ferstor, Guardian of the minor children of George Ferster, dee'dit the account of Solomon Folk, Guardian of Henry, Litvina and Sumuel Fagely ( the ac count of William A. Petriken, Guardian of the minor children of Thomas Colt, dee'd. That the Executors, Administrators and Guardians of said Estates, have filed their accounts with ths Regis ter of NorthumlM-rlaud county, and that the iimo will be presented to the Orphans' Court of said county on Thursday the 4th day November next lor continuation and allowance. JOHN P. PURSEL, Register. hcgister s ofliee Sunburv, Oct. 1850, JACOB REED'S Sduthwcst Corner of Fifth and Mtrket Streets, Philadelphia', YVTllO always keeps on hand a large stock of " every variety of clothing jnada up of good materials, and iu the latest and best styles. Ha would also inform the public, that he pavs consi derable attention in getting iip Military Clothing, in good style and on reasonable terms. June 15, 1850. ly lOIl sale at a reasonable price, a well built r--1- riuge in good condition with tongue fend shafts for either one or two horse. Also, a double set of harness. Enquire at this ofl'ice. AUg. 3t; 1850 tf. ENVELOPES. -The subscriber would respect, fully announce to his friends and a generous public, tiiat he is manufacturing Envelope of the best quality and of all kinds. For sale by GEO. W. COBLE. Sunbury, Oct. 19, 1850 tf, Northumberland County, Ki ln the Common Picas of said court. No 6, Nov Term, 1850, William M. Phewrll. Julia T). Shcwell and James H. Cochran, Alias Sire and Mary his wife, Facias, &.C TS Daniel Broutigam and David Taggart, Adm'rs nT Win M'Cay, dee'd, with notice to Win M'Cay, Daniel Gosslor and Elizabeth his wife, Irhbc Fausmiught and Cath arine his wife, Mary Ann M'Cay, Dr Robert B M'Cay, Robt B M' Cay, Rachel M'Cay and Wm M' Cay, minor children, and Mary M't-'ay, widow of Bcnj. M'Cay, dee'd, heirs of s'd W M'C'oy,dcc'd. The defendants above named arc hereby notifi ed to bo and appear before the judges of said court to be held at Sunbury, on tho first Monday of No vcmlier next, to show mono, if any they have, why Ihey should not be made parties to this suit, and why judgment should not be revived post an num ct diem, and to continue lien for five years, and also why the Pl'lTs' execution ngainst them according to the form and effect of ttic recovery aforesaid, ought not to have, and further to do and receive all and whatsoever the said court shall consider ill that behalf. JAMES COVERT, Shr'ff. ShrfTs Office, Sunbury, i Oct. 5, 1850. tc ) WM. M'CAliTY, B O O K 9 E L L E 11 , Broadway, SUNBURY, PA. HAS recently received, anion; other articles, a great variety of New, Cheap and Entertain ing publications such as Coopers novels, complcto or separate. Herberts j)o Rodwcll, Dumas do Trollope, Mwe do Halliburton, Reyndols do Marryatl, Coeklon do Grey, Maxwell do Marsh, Jerrold do Ainsworth, Morris do At the low price of from 25 to 50 cts per volume, Sunbury, Sept. 28, 1850 tf. , GREAT REMOVAL. Clocks, Watches, Jewelry silver & PLATED WARE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. rjpHE SUBSCRIBER has removed his atom A from No. 413 Market street, to his splendid establishment, -Yo. 103 CiruMtit ulrrel, nliart .V, I'ndcr the Frniililin Home, PHILADELPHIA, Where he offers for sale a most extensive assort ment of CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELERY, SILVER and PLATED WARE, &c., at such prices as cannot fail to give satisfaction, and to which he invites the attention of prrehasers, as suring them that EVERY ARTICLE IS WAR RAM TED AS REPRESENTED. His stock consists in part of a full assortment of COLD AND SILVER LEVER WATCHES. Do do L'EHINE .do SILVER TABLE AND TEA SPOON'S. CLOCKS of everv description. MANTEL ORNAMENTW, FANCY GOODS, &e LEWIS LADOMUS. Watches, Jewelrv, and Gold Pens sent to all parts of the United States, by mail, with perfect safety, I tr" I am determined to sell at less prices than the same articles are sold in this city. P. S. Preserve this advertisement, and call and examine tho stock. Sept. 28, 1850 3mo. WATTS' NERVOUS ANTIDOTE AND PHYSICAL RESTORATIVE. THE 1MEDICA1 WONDER Or THE AGE. VY7'f'' positively cure all stages of Neuralgia, Tic Doloroux, Nervous Headache, Cho lera, Lockjaw, Hydrophobia convulsions; will restore manhood to its prestine vigor, even after years of prostration, and the only known and cer tain cure for low spirits or mental debiltv. Extract from the New Yorkun, Oct! 3, 1849, The crlehiatrtl Dr M'atson, when talking of the miraculous power of "Watts' Nervous Antidote," the question was put to him, ',Why such a valua ble remedy for nil nervous all'ections was not in troduced by the medical faculty 1" replied, "That if it were, there would no longer bo any use for a faculty, as all diseases originated from a disorgan ized strte of the nerves ; the nerves arc the nuun spring of the whole system Keep this in order, and both the mind and body must be." Four ounce phial, IS doses, enough for all or dinary cases, ONE DOLLAR. SOLD BY Wm. MeCARTY, Broadway, Sunbury. f-'eptcmber, 28, 1850 tf. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland couutv, will be exposed to public sale, on Saturday the 2Gth day of Octo ber next, on the premises to wit: A certain Tract of Lriinl, Bituate in Point township, and county afore said, "lieiug the Mansion Farm," adjoining lands of R. M. Curry, John Paul, River Susque hanna, Joseph Vaukirk and A linn Newbury, con taining seventy-two acres, and twenty perches strict measure: whereon is erected a TWO STORY LOG HOUSEl, wcather-lioarded, a small frame kitchen, a large frame barn and waggon shed. Also two good Orchards of choice fruit; late the estate of Henry Hunsickcr, dec d. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day, when the terms of sale will lc made known by GEORGE A FRICK, Adiur. By order of the Coitrt ) John P. Puraell, Clk O. C. $ Sunbury, Sept. 28, 1850 t s VALUABLE FARIM L2P QO 2XL 3 La G3 , A VALUABLE FARM containing 10i acres more or less, situated in Shamokin town ship, Nortliumlierland county, 3J miles above the Bear Gap, on the centre turnpike, adjoining lands ot lJavid Martz, tsq., Mr John Reply and others, The improvements consist of un excellent BARN, and DWELLING HOUSE with all the necessary out-buildings. This prop erty will be sold at private sale, a great bargain. , If not sold by the 31st of October, it w ill then be bflered at 1 ulihc Sale, on SATURDAY 30th DAY of NOVEMBER, oh the premises, at 11 o'clock, without reserve to the highest ladder upon lilieral terms, any persons disposed to purchase said r arm will please call on U.ivid At aru, q., adjoining wild f arm, who will make known the terms and conditions. A HEXRY PdRTER. Baltimore, Sept. 81, 1850.ta. EMtate of George Hall, Dee'd. IV OTICE is hereby given, that Letters of Ad 1 " ministration have been granted to the sub crilier. Persons indebted to the estate are rtv. uuested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same, are requested ts present them for examination and settlement. J. H. ZIMMERMAN, Adm'r. Sunbury, Oct 9, 1850. St BLANK PisrsmxT Pam.b Duds just pi in led and tor ule at this idlicei C31BRELUS k PARASOLS CHEAP. . William A. Drown, Umbrella & Parasol Manufacturer. No. 86 Market street, DEALERS IN UMBRELLAS AND PARA SOLS, wishing to purchase handsome goods, of superior quality, cheap, are. invited to call at my Manufactory and, Store, No. 80 MARKET street, one door below Third street, where every variety of Umbrellas and Parasols are sold cheap er than they can flse.Where lie obtained. ' "i . A call when vou visit Philadelphia, is request ed. An examination of my goods will satisfy you that it will be to your interest to purchase of me. Philadelphia, Sept. 14, 1850. lmo. Estate of Nathan Saxton, dee'd. OTICE is hereby given that letters of admin ii istratinn have lieen granted to the subscri ber, on the estate of Nathan Saxton, dee'd., late of Flemineton, New Jersey. All persona indebt cd to said estate or having claims against the same, are requested to call on the subscrilwr for settlement. ISAIAH MORGAN, Adm'r. Upper Augusta tshp., Sept. 14, 1850. GU Estate of Samuel Culp, sen., dee'd. NOTICE is hereby given, that letters of ad ministration have been granted to the suli scriber, on the estate of Samuel Culp, sen., dee'd., late of Upper Augusta. All persons indebted to said estato or having claims against the same, are requested to call on tho snbscrilier for settlement. JOHN HAUGHAWOUT, Adm'r. Upper Augusta tshp., Sept. 14, 1850. 6U FALL MILLINERY GOODS. John Stone & Sons, Importers ano Dealers in Silks, Rilibons nntl Millinery Goods. No. 45 South Second St., X-mLADEX.PHXA; HAVE received by late arrivals from France, a largo and very desirable assortment of FALL MILLINERY GOODS, among which will bo found llun net Vi lrets of all colors in variety of prices. " Satin " H " Corited Velvet ' " Figured, watcr'd and corded lionuet Goads. lloinirt and Cap liiblmn, a large assortment. l'rench and Amrriratt h'oirrr. Jjace, JSonuet Tab, Civirns, U iirlrama, &c. &c, together with a splendid assortment of Pari I'aHCi l'tatlirr. The above goods were selected by one of the firm in France, and will be sold at tho lowest market prices. Philadelphia, Sept. 21, 1850. lmo. ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER. PEPSIN! T II E T 11 u i: DIGESTIVE FLUID, GASTRIC JUICE ! A GREAT DYSPEPSIA CTJTRER, Preimrcd itmn ltl'.N'.NKT, or Ilia fnarili Stomach ol' tlie Ox, alter directions of IlAltOX MK1I1G, the prait rhysi.ilogiail Chemist, by J. S. HOl'liHTON, M. 1)., Nil. 11, North Kighth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. This is a traly woiiiU-ri'iit remedy for INDIGESTION, IJYSI'KPSIA, JAINDICK, l.ivr.K COMPLAINT, CONSTIPATION, and DKUIMTY, Coring alter Na tare's own method, by Nutnrc'a owu agent, the Gastric Juice. m H? Half a teaspoonfal of this Flaid, infused in water, will digest or dissolve, I- iv Pounds of Koast lieef in about two hoars, out of the sloiniic-h. DIGESTION. DHJKSTION is chieli)' pcrt'oniiM tn the it much hy the uid ol' 11 Ilu itl whirl. Iruely eAUtleo Irmu the inner cwt i that oitfyn, when in a stiite vl henlth, culled the luifetric .hi ice. 'Dili fluid is tho Uimt Silvcut ol the FinkI, the INirilyin, l'rt'wrving, mid liiiiuluting Agent ot' the it a nuicli nntl intent! lies. Without it them will be no d idea tion, un conversion ol' tuod into Iihk1, and no iiutriiioit of the b ily ; but rutin-r a foul, toroid, tuiiil'ui, mid destruc tive condition of the wholu digestive unnuratiiB. A weuk, Jut It dead, or injured stimaeu produce! no pood Gnstric Juice, und licucc the diswise, distress nud debility which eiutuc. PEPSIX AND RENNET. PKISI is the chief element, or great Uigt itinff Princi ple o the Guttric Juice, it is found in yreut iihuudmtce in the solid luirls of the human fttoiuiirh utter death, mid sotue- itiun citutft'S I he stomach to tiicest iincll, or eat itseit un. It is uls i found in the ntoiuurh of uuiiuut, tts the ox. cull', Arc. It ix the itrtteriid used bv furiuera in luukiuK cheexe, ul Iti! Ktumrt, the eilert of which h;is long; Iteeu the Biteciul wonder ol the duirv. The en nil ma of milk is the first nro- rtm if dictation. Irnnet p ehcs imtoundims power. 1 he vloinach o u cull will curdle neurly one tliouwmd liuu Ms owu wcitflit ol milk. Huron l.iebiff Hint is tliut, (ne part of IJcfiiiii diimolved in sixty tliouwmd virts of wutci, wit! digest mtit hi id other fod.M Diseaned stoirmclii bro- rlurn it' i f(HMt Gastric Juice. Rennet or Pertiiii, To show tlmt this want may be perfectly supplied, we quutu the fol low ing AR)N MKHKi, in his cHclimbd work on Animal Clifininlrv, s-ivs: "An Artitieial liiircstive Fluid iiuuliirous to the Guniric Juice, may le readily nrciwred I mm the tun mi membrane of the stomnehof thuculf, in which various art idea of food, na mtnt tmtl ciri;', will Itc ltenel. chunk ed, and digested, just iu the sume inunncr aa they would be I in the liuuum stomach." 1 lr. PKItF.IKA, in his famtus treatise on "Food and Diet," pu Minimi by Fowlera Well, New York, pue 33, aUitee the Rime great fact, anl dewrjlM'a the inethoil of preNirutton. lucre are lew lnylier uutliorilies tu;ui Vt. creira. Di. C'OMRF., in his valuable writing on the ul')iysiolopy of iitrrti m." otuierveil that ,adiiuiuutiinof the due quan tity of the (utatric Juice is a prtimmeiu and nll-prevuilinp cauae of Uyaitepia and he stalea that a iltetinguiahcd nroirMor ol medicine in Ioihom, who uas severely ainici- ed with tin complaint, finding every thing cine to fail, iiad recourse tome tuiatric Juice, ohtainen iroui tne sioinucii o living aninuda, which proved cunpletrlv succeiwtul.'1 Dr. GRAHAM, author of the lamttus works on liVetfe- table Diet," says; it is a reiiutrkahle fact iu physiolttgy, llial the sl'tmuchs of uiiiiiiuls, luaceratnl iu water, iiuimrt the liuid the nrmeitv o tli.iauli'inir various urticlea of f(Hd. and of etleeliiiir a kind of Hhdicial dtentiou of them in no wise dili'erenl from the natural diireittivo prcx-ew." Dr. SIMO.N S urent wirk, the "Cheuuntrv ot .Man," (I,ea Ic Itltinrhard, IMnln. IMIi, iin, .t.M--J) say: "The dis covery of I'KFIX forms a ueweni in thecheuiicol hiatory ol jJuretMiou. t roin reeent exjH-iitneuts wo know thai food is dissolved as nipnlly in 1111 nrtihnul digestive fluid, prepared iroiu 1'cpmu, pa it is iu the natural Gastric Juice llM'll.,' lessor DFNGLISON of the JeTeroii COIecr, Fhitu- dclphia. in his great work on 11 m nan lhyaiovy, devi(ea more than nity aiges to an examiuauou oi una aunjcci. lit experiments with Dr. Beaumont, un the Gastric Juice, obUtiutil friu the living human st'uiuch und from ajiimula are well known. 'ln all cawa," he auys, "digestion 4ccur red us perfectly in the artificial as in Uie natural digeatious." AS A DYSPEPSIA Cl-UER, Dr. HOUGHTON'S nreimniti.ai of PKFSIN has pnnlu- cel lite moat murvelloua ellecta, riiriug cuacs of Debility, raiiucuiuou, iNervuua tiecline, uiui uywiepiic louauiuption, supptiaed to be on the very vue of tlie grave. It is iiih powihle to give the details of cuaea iu the limits of this ad vertisement -but authenticated certificates have hern given of more than TWO J1UNUKKD KKMARKAHlsK (.M'RKS, iii I'hiladclphia, New Vork, and litin akme. These were nearly ult desperute cjtaea, und the cures were, not only rapid and wonderful, hut permanent. it iaa great NKRVOl-rt ANTIDOTK, and parttculurh iitflul lor temleucy to tidius disorder. Liver Complaint, Fever and Airue, or budlv treated Fever and Ague, and the evil effects ol ((uinine, Merettry. ami other druga upon the Dicwine organa, at lei a long aa-kiiea. Alao, lor exceas in eating, nud the too free ue of unleiil spirits. It ahiust recuucilea lluultb WitU lutemperuuee. OLD STOMACH COMTLAINTS. There ia no form ot Ol J) STOMACH COMPLAINTS which it does not seem to rem h iiimI remove at once. No iuhIut lutw laid they may lie, it GIVK INSTANT RK- lhr ! A amglu d.w removes all the nnntt-.afcmt n'iifi- toms, and it only ueeda to le reeiitcd, fur a hrt time, to make theae gnrMleifcta pcrmiuieut. PFU1TV OF HUMJlJ anil VIGOR OF lUit , f.ill.w u( tnt-. It ia particularly excellent hi chm-s ol Nausea, Vomiting, Cram pa, Hoieursa of the pit itl theBionuu'h batna uiu r eating, kw, cold, state of the Mood, lleuviuesa. LiwucaH of Spinia, Dtoii demy, Kiuueiution, Weakueaa, tendency to luaiuilty, hui- enle. r. Price, OVK DOLLAR pef bottle. One UUle will often effect a lustuig cure. l'EPSIN IN roAVDEUS. W sent uy .Mail, vrke of voistaob. For ronvt-iiieiire of senitiri. to all purls of tlm rouutrv, the lllliKriTIVKMA'ri'F.lt OF Till: IT.fSIN is ml lip ia the li.na of Powtk-rs, with Jire.-liui Ut he iftssulved in wuter or syrup, hy the nutieut. 'riiuse powders cmUiia just ttia suiue mutter as the tmfllea, tail twice the qusnlity tin the same pru-e. uiul will lie seul hy limn, r Kl-J OK I'Of l-.MiK lur U.K DO .I.Alt sent rrM-0ul) Ul Ur. J H. HOUUllTON, No. 11 North bighifc street, l'biLuielihia. 1'a. His narkiics for fire dollars. Kvery pix'loipc aud hntlla bears the wnlles signature ol . 8. JloLUIl ION, M. 1)., Sole Proprietor. HoUl r- sueuis in every town in th failed States, aud by mueeuiile dealers in Medu liies geiieiui)-. FOR BAl.K BY John W. Friliug, and George Bright Bunuurjr, re. Mary A. MrCav John II. Keker Hayes It MoOormick, f. J. Cruuss, John li. Renii, William ilepplil, kunt-urv, .jii lllh, ir '-t Nnrthumbwalnd. Miltou, McKwemvilU, eliiif rove, t'ppcr Muaanusgs. M oioucv LIVER COEIPLAINT, JAUNDICE, 1 DVSPKPSfA. fcJlRONTC OR NEUVOTI3 DRUIMTV, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, AND nil riiarnacs nriff itfr from a disordered liver or sto rtincH, mtc.hasennatiinti'ti( inward )itei. FolrteM,of Itlotnl to tho head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nnuwn, Ifenrlbnrit, dinfrurt for Fond' rullucm or weirht in the Htornnch, wnir F.riictntious. siukiue: or fluttrrimr at the pit of the Htomnrh. swiinniinff o' the head, hurried anl difficult brcnthintf, rlutteriiiD; at the heart, clxikiug or hnflW rttitig tenantiuiit 'hert in a lyin posture. DiinneRn of vision, dotaor wel A Iteforn the mtfht, Fever and dull pniti in the head, deficiency of perspiration, yullowiifftsof.thc akin and eye, pain in the side , hack, cheat, htiilm, Vc, at widen flnahfa of heat hurninfr in the flesh, rouatndt inmgiiiiiigs of evil, awl prout depresaioit of spirila, CAN JJK KFFKCTITALLY CCItKO BY DR. HOOPLAITD'S CKLEURATi:l OinA BITTEUS, 1)R.C. iM. J ACKSON; AT TUB GERMAN MEDICINE STORE. No. WO Arch St., Philadelphia. Their power over lite above diseases in not excelled, if en united, by nny other prcpunilion in tlie Vnited Ktntm, aa the curtrs utteat, in many rases after skillful physicians hud failed. Theae lb' Men nre worthy tbcv nttrntirm of luvulids. Ponm-Miin (rrent virtues In the reciirlcutioH of diaeaaea of the Liver hi id leaner gliiuda, rxerciaie the inwt searching potveni In weak new ami atteetiena of tfie digestive brgana, they are, withal, ante, crrtnin and ple.iaont, (From the HtmUm Hee l The KhUir said, Dee. til ''1)H. IloOKLAM i'Kt.RRKATKD CkBMA!! HlTTFBS for the enre of Liver Compltiint, .inundice, Dyspepsia, Chronic or Nervous Debility, is deaervndly one of the moat popu. tar mcdiriupri of the day. These Hitters have IhWi u,nvt by thousands, and n frieml at our elliow auys he bus him self received an ell'cctuul and permunt-nl euro of Liver Complaint from the use of this remedy. We are convinced thnt, in the itae of these Hitters, the patient c mutually pTHiua strength nud vigor a fact Worthy nt' reat conaide ralion. They are plenum it in mate and smell, und can be naeil by persons with the most deljr'-ate stomachs with safe ty, under any cirruinalnneeS. 'c are seaktn(r from ex perience, and to the athicted we advise their use." Judge M. M. Noah, a geutleinun with greut scientific and literar- attnimneiils, ki in his "New York Weekly Measeinrer," Jtinuury It, 'Dr. 1lfKif1:uid's Ourmnii Hitters. Here is a preparation whioh (he teutling preFsea in the I'niniiimneflr to le uiiHiii- in-mis iu recommend inc. end Ihr riraau ia obvious. It is made alter a preacriptioti rushed by one of the tin wit rclc brnted physiciuus of modern times, the late Dr. Chratcpher mietm iiimiuuiim, rTotcasor to the I nivcraity ol Jeun, private Fhvaieinii to the Kins of Prussia, and one nf Hie greutcat tiieilical writers Ciermnny has ever produced. lie was empnaiieaiiy ine eucmv oi nmnimg. and iheieiorea medicine of which he was the inventor und audi truer may be mnrfdently relied uu. Ilo apceially recminended it in Liver ComitJnint. DvsiH-paia, Debilitv, Vertiirn. Acjditv ra the stomneh. Coiislimtiu, und till complaint arising frotn ii iiiminiereo rouiiiiinu oi ine atomncii, me nver aim in a intestines. Nine I'uilndeldhiu nuiH'ra exnressthcir .mnvic- t ion of its excellence, arid several of the editors speuk of ita elTccts from their own individual experience. I'ndcr these circumstances, we feel warranted, not only in calling the attention of our renders to the present present proprie tor's (Dr. C. M. Jackson's) preiumtion. butiurccumincud ing them tick- ton I afllictcd 11 More Evidence. Tlie "Philnrtelphia. Satnrdav (inxette. the best fnmilv newspaper published in the 1 nited Status, the editor bjiji Dr. IlooflmuVs German Bitters. 'It is seldom that we recommend what ore termed Pa. tent Medicines, to the confidence aud patronage of onf readers; and. thru-lore, when we recommend Dr. Hoof laud's lieruiiin Uittcrt, we wis it to be distinctly iiudri stooil that we are not speaking of the nostrums of the day, that are noised about for a biief period mid then for- f:otlennftei they havedone their guillv race of mischief, nit of a medicine I mi eaUiIilnthed. umVeritiitli' miznl. and which lins met the linirty upprovul of the Faculiy itself." 'J'lmt thia medicine will cure Liver Complaint mid Dvs pepaiu, no one ean doubt, after using it us directtnl. It acts SKTilunlty upon the stomach and liver it ia prcflVruhte to culoinei in all billions diseases the effect ia immediate. They etui be ndiuinUtered to Female or Jnitmt with Hidcty ami reliable bunt-tit, ut any time. HF.WARK OF CorNTKHFKITS. This medieine has at.niued thnt hiirh chaiacter which ia nwesjqiry for nil medicines to nltain to itwtnce cotiutcifeilers to put forth a spurious article at the risk of the lives of thitse are innoceully de.ieivtil. LOOK WF.LLTO TUB MAltKS OF TIIK fiKM INK They have the written signature of C. M. JACKSON 11 non the wrapper, and the iijiiic blown in the Uittlc. with- our which they are spuiious. lur sue, wholesale ami retail, tlie German Medicine Store. No. 100 ARCH Street, one door helow Sixth, (hie of 27H Rncc street.) IMiilndL-lphia. and by respectable dealers generally throughout the eonntry. Also: For sale bv IL Mamkb, Sunbury, and M. A. M'Cay, Ntirthumlwrlnnd. Augurt 17. 18.1. ly Estate of Henry leighow, dee'd. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad miiiiKtralion arc given to the subscribers, on the Estate of Henry Leighow, dee'd., lute of Point township, Northumberland county. All persons indebted to said estate or having claims against the same, arc requested to cull on the subscribers for settlement. WILLIAM I.EIfiHOW. , PEMUKOOK LEIGHOW. J Adm Northumberland, Sept. 14, 1850. CU MACKEREL, 11 AD, CODFISH, SALMON, HERK1NGS, PORK, HAMS AND SIDES; SHOULDERS, Constantly on hand and for sale by J. PALMER & Co., Market Street Wharf, PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 14, '50. 3m. LAUD AND CHEESE, J NOTICE TO HEIRS. TVf OTICE is hereby given to the heirs of An ' drew Geixt, dee'd, lute of I'pper Mahonov, to appear at an Orplnum' Court, to. lie held at Sun bury, In and for the county of Northumberland, on the first Monday of Novemlicr lie!, then and there to accept or refuse the real estate of the suid dee'd., at the valuation fixed upon the suid real ostate hy an Inquest duly, a warded and confirmed by the suid court, or shew cau) why the same should not be sold, &e. JAMES COVERT, Sh'ff. Sheriff's OlUce, Sunbury ) Sept. 7, 1850 GU NOTICE TO HEIRS. TV OTICE is hereby given given to the heirs of ' Henry Fetter, dee'd., lute of L'piier Mhho- noy, to appear at an Orphans' court, to be held at Sunbury, in and for tho county of Northumlier Iniul, on the iirat Monday of Novemlicr next, then and there to accept or refuse the real estate of the said dee'd., at the valuation fixed upon the said real estate hy an Inquest duly awarded slid confirmed hy the said Court, or shew cause why the same should not le sold, &e. JAMES COVERT, Sh'lT. Sheriirs Olficr. Sunbury ) Sept. 7, ISoO (it. J ZEITZ & CO IMPORTERS OF FOEEION Books, Prints, Engravings, Stationary CilU Frames and Musical Iustru- lucntti. Nj. 78 North 2nd St., between Arch & Race, PhiiaiikLphi: TM PORT to order and have constiintly on hand a very largb assortment of goods iii the above named lines at wholcsule and retail. Principally : 03 CE QD 122, S23 In German, Latin, Greek, Hebrew-, French, Italian Spanish arid other languages ; Classics, Diction dries, jrummera. Vocabularies, School, Juvenile,' Picture, Drawing and Model llooks for Architects Cabinet, Carriage and other manufacturer.. MAPS, GLOLiES and Dlunk Books of every description. tSiilendid Litliogruidiic and other Prints. MUSICAL 1XRTRIMEXTS. Accordeoiis, Ilutijos, Ilows for all string instru ments, ISriilga and Tuilpieces, Cturionels, File", Flageolets, Flutes, Guitars, Octavo Flutes, Patent Heads for Guitars and Violincclloa, Tumliourines, Tuning Forka and Hammers, Violins, Violin and Guitar Pegs, YiuKncellos and Strings for all kinds of Iii8truuieiits V holcsale and iictail. Accor dcons repaired. AWm constantly on hand, wholesale and retail, a Iurge aHMirtmeut of tho very best GERMAN BRONZE POWDER Dutch Metal, French and Florence Leaf Metal Thermometers, Hairpencils.-Falier and other Leadiiencils, Red, White and lllack Chalk Cray. ons. Mathematical Instruments, Scaiiicators,- iS'pring Lancets Pocket Prescription and Gold Scales and Weights Letter, Fancy colored and gilt Paper Playing Cards and other French and German Fancy Articles, for the sale of which they are the MANUFACTURERS AGENTS. July , IBou PUKE-WHITE BKANDYnFoTTWEWR. VING, just received and for sale by " ' 11. B. MASTER. GREAT ATTRACTION I ! , NEW l LIIE41 COOIH. JOHN W. FXIILING, Market Street, Snnbnry, Pa., HAS jnt rnciTrl and opr-nnl a larn;e smort tnrnl W nprrior Slid choirs Ksnry snd Maple Dry (loodn, well stlaptcdtotlit! coming ps sort, y hirh he will ar- at tho lowest prices. His stock consists of (rcnersl smortment of almost all srticlcs of tiso In the Dry Goods line, conKMing In psrt of 8 Cloths, Cammeres, SttmmerJSluJf for Clothing and Vesting. ladies Hrceoi floods. Uloves, HoRicry, Lai-es, Shawls,. Musiins, Sheet ings, Tickings, Fine M uslius, Oingliuina, l.incns, fee. ALSO: A general asortmrnt. of GROCERIES, UAlMWMlE, QUEENS. WARE. LIQUtillS, DRUGS. AND MEDICINES, PAINTS AND DYESTUFF, shd every, variety of articles. tT" Country produce of nil kinds taken in ex change at (he hii;hpft market price. Suiihtiry, April 27, 1850. NOTICE Is hereby given to William G. Moore, CllnHrsO. Moore, John W. Moore, Isaac (.. Moore, and Frances Moore. That by virtue of a certain lirere de Partition Fanrnda to mo directed, an IniuinitiSn will lie held at 11 o'clock, A. M. on Wednesny, October S, 1850, upon a crrtnin tract of Lund; situate in Kuslt towiiHhip, NotthiilnlH-rland countv, Iwun ded hy lands of John (irnrlinrt, Jacob Gcsrhart, Herman Gearbart, F.lizalietli Dcpiu, and John Gulick, containing 87 acres and 18 iK-rches, more or less, to impure whether tho same can l equal ly parted and divided to and among tlie aforesaid parties without kopilintioit of the whole at which time and place the aforesaid parties arc hereby warned to 1 and appear, if by them it is deemed expedient. JAMES COVERT Bh'rlT1 SlrrfTs Omce; Sunbury, Aug. 2S, 185024-61 FAMILY GROCERIES. DAVID PEASE, S. XV. Corner Glh (f Arch Street, Philadelphia. XT AS for sale all kinds of choice Family tirot-e--- ries at the very lowest prices, viz.: Extra Fine, superior and common Black and Greerl Teas; old Gov. J-iva and other kinds of Loflee, all qualities of Crushed Light lirowu and Brown kugnr ; Iiest Spcrni Oil nud Sperm and Amaiitine Candles ; linker's Chocolate, Cocoa and Uroma ; Fnrinn, Tapioca, Sago and Whcatcn Grits; Olive Oil, Isinglass, Ketchups and Sauces, Maccnroni, Vermicelli, lCnglixh Split Peas, &c. They will pack up all goods for the country rtratly and Securely and deliver thtin promptly at any Depot or Hotel us desired. DAVID PEASE, S. W. Cor. Cth ccArch Sts. Philadelphia. Aug. 17, 1850 lyMay healIy made "T7E take this method to inform the readers of the Sunbury Ainertcan, that, should tlley visit, I liiladclplua, in guest of Good and Cheap Clothing; and fnvor us with a enll, they shall not he disap pointed in obtaining the beat of garments at the lowest cash prices. We have now on hand the largest assortment ever ottered in Philadelphia, among which are DRESS and FROCK COATS from $5 to $18, PANTS and VESTS from 75 cts. to 5, OVER COATS, CLOAKS. UCsI NESS SACK COATS and COATTEES, all of whierf shall lie sold at such prtccs as to muke it an object for the jieople of Sunbury and the sur rounding country to cxtcml to us tticir patronage. PERRY R. M'NEILLE & CO; South East corner of Gth tiiid Market. July 13, 1850. "DEATH'S door:1 Hi v frequently tli we 1ie:ir thin exnreuion, which li iTifuiit to ruilvey to tho luimt the lust tutru of Hii'kiie tliut a nutieut emi lw nilm ctl tn. and live. Mr, llurri' mj a iuciuIkt of the Trimly Church, waa. o she t.ie ants heritclf. hrmi;)it rfnwti to Ocutlf thr;" bv Hlieu- nuittPiii ajid Nervoui Iltsulnrtiu, when, like on imjrl uf meiey, Kmlwuy's Huitly KeliH relieved her of her eyere p;iiun uiul reHhn-tl her t htr frifiids in Mricet heulth. The very iiiBlimt lljidwny'i Ready Hrlief i applied, its beiit'hcial tllW-tH are uxptrrii-need, it soothes, hwiU, eleau fs ami purine; it iutuntly iiJIhvs irritation, rt-thires in. rluunnittieiis und i"Vt'!lu)jin, relieves the inmt severe Ni mlfcjic nius, gives ease to llurits. Sfntld: St ire, Kruptinna rnriii Uheumuttn l.innlsiiti. Uout, ParidyMis. Sprains, St nuns, Smiui. Stift Nock, Weakness in the Side i'ih) HtH-k, Sort's el' all kinds, On lis, limine, Chutes, Sola Til re tut, Intiueuzu, JIourseneSH, Con glut, Ctikls TOOTH ACHK Ct'RKD IN OXK SECOND. This tnrturiiiir ullertitm eml Irf cured in ait instant; for the moment the Itelirl touches the nerve, tne jmiu is 1111 tipnttti. So with Tie Dolneux und Hemic ranm, Neurul piaantlSick lleailnehe-Uithe the parts wbere tlie puiil is timst severe, and in a few minutes you will m eillirely rt-lievetl. Titken iuternatlv it will arrest the ttumt viilenl iNisms and Chuuim. stop voinitiin; or to much purgiiiir. iu all eases it will give KtreiiL'th for weakiieKS. for pain, htailth for iekiieis. No Hetulv Relief is jfeuuiue un less Biuued hy RADWAY ic CO., li2 Fulton Street. ELKOANT TOILICT R EH ISITKX. TOE.MiSKL.USU AN) KMIANCtl THK CHARMS OF UK A I TV. RAltvAVs Mkiiicatku Soap. Radwav's Mnhmtetl S -wti, so lavorubtv knowii thronuh- nul the funhioiiahle world for its extremely hlmwl, purity 111(5 HllU ootlllllg ClieciH Oil 1HC Bklll , WII1IC 111. II MCtlll on the pores ami the minute secretory vessels it expels ait impurities from the surf ut, nlluys ever) tendeJtey to in rliiuntiuiioii, uud rtfccttmliy tliiwipates ali retluess Un, pimple, spots, freckles, discoloraliomi and other ciftinieoiiS ernptionf. The radiant Uhjiu it iuiiart6 to the cheek, the sollneiw ami uelieucy wiiieti it mil noes ol tjte lunula sikJ arms, its raiuihilfty of aM)(tiiiitf irritation uikl removing cu taneous defects, rentier It indispensable to everv toilet. (jentleuiu ul'ler slmvitg will find it uUays uti irrftutioit aiidteuderikess of the akiiit mid reuders it soft, smooth and pieiiMini. Dunns; the heat oimI dilstuf summer: of frost and lilralt winds ol winter; and iu tuxes of sunhuru, stings ol, Inserts ehilhhtijis, rhupiH-d hands, or incidental inrlumnvitinu, its. virtues liave lon und exttuistvely ucknttwlctled. lis purifying ami reireshing properties have obtained its wlee tiou from tlie tliousaads of other eosinelics, bth of Euro, pea n and d'mesiu uuimifiw'ture, hy the bn ton of all parts tit the fashionable world, from the burning tropics to the fruzen realms ot the Ku Kin?. The public will please hear in mmd that Railway's Medicated Saip, is I he only safe preparation for the slim now hi use; this has been certified to hy our most momiueut chemifis. RwlVvay's Suip is free fioin piisontus, irritating ami ernicioua m gretlieuta, it ran lie usetl mi the tender skin of the infant with the same happy results as Upon beauty in its prime: See that each rake is em'flopetl in spleiNlid kitiej of Steel eitir'iiviur and further see tlwt tlie signature of R. (i. UAL) WAV is upxui each cake. I'rics 5 Cents, (urge rukes. THE GROWIKG ORSAMENT OF BEAUTY ISA LCXL'KMXT HEAD OP GUSSV HAIU. BAItU AYTS CIKl-AMIA BALM. Warranted the best Hair Tonic in vsct For bressiufr aud HtsiufuyiiiR the hair. It cleanse the Scalp from liundruir. keei it clean, t lirrs 5curvey ltuLlnetm. and Sores on the Head stois the hair from tulliiiK out, renders it strong, tine, smooth, toft and glosiiy. I'ersona who have kt their hair by sickness will had a complete aniidote in RadwAVs Circassian Jiahh. It also gives it a dark and Iniuitihit color, and wilt prevent it from tit nunc ftrev. From its extptisiie jiurttv. it is ndmi rat'ly alujied f..i the hair tf children ot the most teudnr age. It is sold iu Largo bodies for i ceuU er bottle, and is wan u i it ixl the best hair premiation in use, it will not soil thr hat. ran. tu the luieat Inline. See that the signa. tureen RADWAY A CO.; is upon each Uttle no Cir. rasaiun Hahu ia geuume without the tiunatdr of Kudway & Co. Aoknt Tf R. Masser. Suulaiai'. Aug. in, IKV). ct-Jmly iTIAtKSIIAM3 TOXIC MIXTURE, For the Cprc or Fkvkr and Ague. Aa'- RANTED. THIS anf iAnlM mwtirhn. uwy lie reliwt on wh'n near ly all otlioj rellWHllcB luil. iut vAlie t n ilMieienrly ktiiiwa. tlierei'nre, Ihu piopr it-tor tlrsiruit lo t'liUru lire tu-lcl of IU UKlulnew liv lliukliw kuowil its virtuMniKlrlti. eai-y to thmitniwls ot' mutereri wliar a. aware Uial they cau te spoiiy aiui rumrany carea oi FF.VK.H AND AGt'K, whhant ths use of nniaonoui ilruga, uauaroiii pntiniw r tlie dt-lcterious ftfecia .a' jiiiiitne. ll K iSTt-rM t. Hie palM lie ala low pries to filuee it within the rmch tsTall.aMured that Ummw wIm use il aee-sxlotg to Utrecuoas wiU and il a aula and speedy cfe lor ' Fsvu ass Hon. It ts not s lliaKreible uaiuculiiii nuapnund hut an aaree. able tnnie rakuuird to rcus.votiie diaaueaiuliva healthy af lion lo the alnnwch and U'wrlia. Prepared only by Marali.ll 4 Co., and sold whoU-antra ana retail ny Kowmiio s, -n si Nnnh ah Ptroat, Fhilaoelphut. Pile tl per aingle bottle, and 8 per oVs JautiN, tSiO ly A RXOLD'S WrJTlXO FLl ID AND t ON n ,CRE6S1.K for title- atthtb office. CHERRY PECTORAL; Far Iks Crtre r COUGHS, COLDS, , HOARSENESS, BRON . OHITIS, CROUP, ASTH MA, WEOOFINO'OOUOfi AMD CONSUIVIPTION'. Tliis truly valiialile ?!emeily for all diseases of tlie Lungs anil Throat, has become the cliiel reli snee of the afllirteil as it. is the most certain, cura known for the ulmrc complaint". While' It is A Jiowerful remedial agent in the most despcrata and almost hopeless cnes of Consumption, it is also, in diminished doses one of the mildest anil most Ogrcr-nhle fnmilv medicines for eomntoii common eouchs and eolils. Head below tile opin ion of men who are known to the world, and th world respert their opinions. . FROM PROFEHKOR HITCHCOCK: -"James C. A vrV Sir : I have used voiir "Cats' RT I'sttokai.,' in my own rase of deep-nested. Bronchitis, and am sntislied from its chemical eonstitution that it is an adiniralile compound for the relief of Isrynlrial and bronchial difiicultisk. If thy opinion as to its superior character cart be of any service joU arc at liberty to use it at you think proper. EDWARD HITCHCOCK, L L D.; President of Amherst College; t From the "l.ond.in Lancet." "AYER'S CHERRY ECT0RAL Is one of the most valiialile preparations that lias fiillen un der our noticr; After a eireful examination, wf do not hesitate to say we have a larufe apprecia tion of iu merits and llio, fullest eonfrdence in its usefulness or couqhs and lung complaints. Dr. Brewntcr, of Windham Co., Conii., sends us the following testimony. Dr. J. C. Aver Dear Sir: I enclose' Tod a certificate froni Mrs. Catharine K. Cady, a highly respecianieiauy ol this village, wife of Mr. BctU Cady, Deputy tSherilV, Windham Co., Connecti cut. The evri in her case wm vnrv til-niii'ut. ahd hasattritcted general nttcrlMon, W. A. BREWSTER, M. D. Wkst KiLLixi..r, Ct.,irc)t. 28 1848. This may certify that I was allliclcd with avcry severe cough iu the winter of '47-S, whic-K thrcat tcned to terminate in Consumption. I had triad many mNlu'im! in vain, and was cured by the use of "Aycr's Cherry Pectorul." CATHERINE K; CADY. Froth Dr. Brvant, Dtuirzist and Postmaster: Cliicopee Falls, Mitss : - Dr. J. j. Aver Dear .ir: Enclosed please find remittancc'forall the CHERRY PECTORA li lut sent me. I can unhesitatingly say, that no medieine we sell gives sWh satisfaction as y oui does ; nor have I ever ?ben a medicine which eured so marly cases of Cough and Lung Com plaints. Our Pliisieians ate usinj it extensively in their practice, und will! tho happiest effects., Truly youis, D. M. BRYANT, pa KPA nEII UT j.c. ayk, ciikmist,lowkll,miss. . VW Sold hy Henry Masser, Sunbury; Mary A. McCay, Northumberland' Dr. Ucarhart, 8e linsgrove ; Dr. Beckly, Danville, and Drdggists genetnliy: July 6, 1S50.- Iycc3in MAHOGANY AND MARBLE. STEAM 3.W MILL, AM'TI R-VI.VG SHOP, Coiner of Eleventh and Ridge Road; .. " AND CABINET MAKERSi GENERAL FURNISHING STORE, No. 134 South Second Street, below Dock St.j PlIILADKLt'lirA. THE subscribers would calf tho special atten tion of Ciillinit Makers a i uf others, to their very extensive assortment of rn'n'ferials ht th'eif line, consisting of Mahogany Veneers, Boards and Plank, Hair Cloth, Curled Hair, Oltte, Varnish, Looking (iliirs Plates, Mahogany Knobs, Bed Posts, Marble Toja, and every description of ISartlvrare Tool, &c. Ca'iinet Makers residing out of the City, would find it greatly to their advantage to call at our sor'c to purchase such materials as they wautj connected with their business. All our goods nre WARRANTED, of the best 'quality, and at very reduced prices: Uur terms are Uash, (no trade.) e guarantee to give every man the worth of his hloney. T. fc L. THOMPSON. N. B. Mnhoganv, Walnut and Hand Rail Plank, and Stnir Ihillustrrs for Builders, also Mai ble Mantles, always on hand, and every de- seriptibn of turned work. Juno 8, 1850. ly ftbRTIIIJ.il HHIIL.IXD DRY DOCK rHE subscrilsT has built himself a dry dock in Northumberland, ahove the first lock on the We.it B ranch Canal, where he intends build ing and repairing canal boats. . He old take boats on the dock from two to live dollars cheaper thatl they can lie taken out, with machinery., I hankful to those who favored him before, he hopes by carefully attending to all the repairing entrusted to him td still merit a share! of public patronage: , JUltA lll.W.YlEL. Northumberland, August 10, 18S0. 3m. NEW STOKE ! KF.1V STOCK OF GOOD, At ite Store fdrmeily occupied by.Johii Bogdr In Market Street, Sunbury: rrtHE aubst-ribers icspectfully iuform the puK JL lie tliat lliey have just received, and are now openihi; A HAXDSOfiK ASwitt'htpJcf o'F fiRY GOODS; Consisting in iiart of Cloth, Caisimcrcs, Sathnetts, t'esiiig, Panta loon Stuff, Calicoes, Ginqhanis, Lawns, Vesting:, Flannelt, Cambrics, Linens, Fine Muslins, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Ifc, Hardware, Cueeusivare; Duces imi Mkuicisss. ALSO: A large asyortmcnt of' Groceries, Fish, Salt and Master. Ladies Shoes aiuKiaiters, Fluid and Fluid Lamps' All of which will be sold ou the most reasona ble terms; " I & Country produce cf all kinds taken in ex change at the bet prices. , JOHN BUYERS &. CO. Suhbury, April 13,1850. ly nnovvN'S essence ok Jamaica gin-1 GEK, tin excellent artictc. Kiuwtt't Medicated So.lp for soil bufns, tan; tetter, e. Kudway's Circassian Balm, for ths hair dandJ rulV Ac. liadway's Ready Relief for Cnitipa, ChoTtfj Cholera Mutbus, ic. I'o'r safo by Ui V. MASS!?R. Sunhnry, tug. 3, 1830. BAY RUM An excellent e'rlirf' toraaU by 1JENRY MASSER. Sunbury ia'n. itth, tf. TINEAS, from the New York Canton and Pskin JL Tea Company. For sals hV , J. W. FRILINO. Sunbury, Dec t, 1848 BRO? N ; -SEStsEN CXOF JAMAICA GIN GER, for sale by II. B. MAbSER. left. 2S, ISjO.