SUJM5U11X AJMJlilUUAJX AflU ojlAMUKlii JUUKimL. attforma 2Ccts.' ARRIVAL OF THE CHEROKEE. ,t i Ye,..l,Ui, ,. ' TWO Wfitth lAtEft tWOM CALIFORNIA . f, I Ufa,., II I l , The' rt.msVi Cherokee from Chsirres, 25th'Sfprib'. frid at Nsw York on Saturday, with iipWsrds of, a million dollars in gold dust, and intelligence from ban f ran cisc.6 to the 1st of September. ( ( ' The..SaorameiitO difficulties hare been set tlssjfoy the -dispersion of the Squatters The report brought by the Inst' steamer bf the burning of Sacramento pioes to be uniounn m,i In thn different melees between the vitizens and Holers, there seems to have been tilled on the part of the former, Sheriff Mc iKinney and Mr. Woodland ; wounded, Mayor Uigelow and Capt.Redlbrd ; of the Squatters. Oeo. W. Hetishawr and Madison Kelly were killed. , Allen, the keeper of the house from which the first shot was fired, fled, after be ing llangerously wounded. He was pursued ud captured. His wife had been danger ously ill for unme time, and died from excite went during the aflray. .. - Politically snd socially all seems to be go ling on smoothly sin California. The accounts from the gold mine are still more encourag ing. . Tlie new of General Taylor's death was received with much concern in this country. In this city measures were immediately taken to celebrate his obsequies, and the celebra tion took place on Thursday last. A body of Chinese residents, drsesed in their national costume attracted much attention. The emigrants continue to arrive in large numbers, and for the most part in great ties Xitution. Meetings have been held in nil the principal towns lor the purpose of affording 'relief, and trains have started with provisions to succor the way farers. The movement 9ias been generally throughout the count ry, am it is probable that the proceeds of the collec tion will be sufficient to relieve the distress iu a great measure. , Forty PoCnds of Gold. We are credi bly Informed that one man, at one haul, look out a forty pound lump of pure gold, on the Yuba, nbout fourteen miles from MarysvihV, the day before yesterday. We have not ?een it. Other and better men have. It is here. Marvsville Herald. THE Ft'GITIVE SLAVE LAW IN MASSAC1R. SETTS. BnsToN, Oct. 5. A large meel'mjr of Fugitive Slaves and others, was held at Belknap struct Chun-h last night. Resolutions were passed advertising fugitive to art cautiously, but to defend their freedom with their lives. United States Cummissio'ieis and Assistants were wanned tu beware of the consequences of attempting to capture Fugitives The meeting was ad dressed by J. B.Smith, a Fuuitivelave, who said he would defend his liberty with his life. He showed a long knife to the audience, and advised them all to buy Colt's revolvers. Another Speaker said that 500 inhabitants of Boston would protect fugitives from arrest, and that the police would iiol.uel against Ihem. A meeting is to bo olled ut Fairueil Hull. A great Free Soil meeting wo a held in Lowell on the same riiglit, ut which with shouts of applause, a resolution was passed to call back three fugitive slaves, who had fled from that city to Canada, with a ptalge that they shall be protected from arrest by the citizens of Lowell. ' The Bounty land Law. We have already , stated that the Secretary of the Interior, wilh a view to defeat the devices of agents who seek to exaggerate the difficulties of obtain dug bounty land, has caused nil the ueppssnry (forms and instructions to guide claimants in applying for and obtaining their rights to be :nreoared, and they are now in the hands of .the printer. At the earliest pincticnble niO' imeut copies of these papers will be forward nil to each member of Congress, and to the Clerk of the Court of every County in the lUuitedCtales. , SKIRMISH IK SrHLESWIG. ' 'BoTirPABTtr.s Urates. On the 8th of Sep tember, a foraging party of Danes encounter ' -d a body of Germans near the mill at Slend- ten, on 'the Stork-brook, and after a brief but .sharp engagement, both parties retreated. This fact was first discovered by the Ger ' ' mans, ' who turned and pursued their adver "., saries, without, however, bringing on a deci. ive action. " lllnesi of the Belgian Queen. The Queen . -of the Belgians is so seriously ill, that Dr. Chaumel, Louis Philippe' confidential physi. cian, has been eent forty expiesii from Brus- eels. New Haven, Cosn. October 2 A Dovbib ExicfTioN. Foole and McCaf- : fray, the former convicted of tbe murder of u, young girl, kie adopted sister, enl the lot' 'ti ter of the murderof twe elderly people i ra ' med Mr'.'! and Mra, Smith, were' exectiied y, fcerelp-day, at three minutes before J lot kick -'! They were : both hung on lte eaine plat fprm. , ' ' V ' '''' The scaffold was so constructed that when the Sheriff came down, as he stepped on the last etep, the platform gave way, and the . C oiu rile ret fell about ten feet, breaking thei necks instantly. They never moved. BETTER LATE THAN NEVER.-You that have suffered and have failed to obtain relief from the use of all other remedies for Rheumatism; read what Betsey A. Ranney, of Elbridge Michigan, says about Merchant' Celebrated Gargling Oil : ,:I have used you Gargling Oil for inflammatory rheumatism , and found immediate and perfect relief from " painful attack by a few applications. I had previously used other remedies without an '.' benefit; and the relief which I received from the use of your oil was too apparent to admit! of a doubt of its value as remedy for that y painful disease." Get a pamphlet of the jn. aaent, and read more aooui mis wonderiu remedy. 11 ' Sold by It. Master, FunbOry, and othe nritrsisU iu the I . ZVMa. ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER I PEPSIN, thi True Digestive Fluid, or Gastric Juice ) A great Dyspepsia Curer, prepared from Rennet, or the fourth Stomach of the Ox, after directions of Baron Liebig, the great Physiological Chemist, by 5 Houghton, ol. U., INo. ii iiona cigatn oireei, ruiiaaei nhla. Pa... This is a truly wonderful remedy for Indigesilon,i Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Complaint,' Constipation, and Debility, curing filler Nature's own metnou, by (Nature's own gent,' the Gastric Juice. ., See advertisement in another column. ' M Alt Rl ED. ', On the 20th ult., by the Rev. John Hudson, Jonas Wotr, Kq. ot Rush township, to Miss NAJict Lemon ot fotnt township. D I-K . In this place, yesterday morning, ED- WARD OYSTER, 'Esq., late Recorder, &c, of this county, aged about 49 years. At Northumberland, on the evenmc ot the 2d inst.. Mf. HANNAH KA Y. wife of the late Rev. James Kay, in the 75th year of her age. At Milton, on the 26lh ult., Mrs. Sabah FttMiwo, relict of William Fleming, dee'd, aged 76 years. . i r ..... Sunbcrv, Oct. 10, 1850. Whole amount of coal brought over the Danville and Pottsville Railroad, to Sunbury, from the Shamokin mines. Tons. For the week ending, 617 Per last report, 13140 Total, 13757 l)c ittarkcts. Philadelphia Market . Oct. 9, 1850. Flour. Flour is quiet 'at 34 874 a $5 00 Extra Flour at $5 25 a 6 75. Rye Flour. Penna. is selling at S3 00. Com Meal is worth $3 00 per brl. Wheat. -There is a limited demand; small sales of new red Penna. ut $1 03; and good white at 81 10. . ' Rye. South. Rye is held at 63o per bush. Oats. Oats aie still very scarce; sales ot prime Penna. from store at 44 cts ; Suuth eru are worth 37 L a 38c. Whiskey. Sales of Whiskey in bbls at 271 and hhds at 27 o cents. Baltimore Market Oct. 7, 1850. Wheat. Small sales of eood to prime reds weie made to-day at 100 cts., and Perm, white ut 1 10 cts. Coitx. White at 60 a 61 cents, and of yel low at 63 rents. Oats. Prices rnnge from 30 to 35 cents. Sales of Maryland Rye at 60 a 65 cents. Whiskey. Sales of bbls were made at 28 cents, nud of hhds at 27 cents. SUNBURY PRICE CURRENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Musser. Wheat. 100 56 60 37 13 8 5 155 10 55 8 10 62 200 Ktk. CuR!C. Oats. Butteb. Eor.s. PoKK. Flaxseed. Tailow. Ueeswax Flax Heckled Flax. Dried Afi-les. Do. Peaches. ist of cttcvs n EM AIM NO IM THE POST OFFICE AT SI'! nin Y, Sept. 30, isr,o. Abraham Dowers, ' Hon Samuel Hepburn, ' Elixahrth Kelly, John LonR. 2 Hanna Mcndcnhall, A Mening, John P Rny, Rebecca liccder, J L A'alin, Sarah L'pdrfp-nfT, Abraham Wolf, ohn Bowen,' ' Michael Barnhart, Eli Carlin, osc'ph Chamberlin, Esq. - Dodge, C'npt V.'m II Ewing, ohn r arnngcr, suae W Farnsworth, olin fiihscm 'lillip Martmnn, Benj Waitn, Samuel Whinn, Elizabeth Hcntzlcwnn, Suunnuli Yarnall. R U Packer. P M Cist of fetters nEHIMNG tX THE TOST OFFICE At Northumberland, Sept 30th, 1850. Allcman Rev. J, Meder John Moore John Andrews J. Hownmn John House J. W. Bright Mrs. E. Mingia John Martin (eo. S Mover Henry Northumberland. I'oko Elka PolliK-k laaac Pfoula Bcnj. 3 Schuyler Miu Susan Stranger Wm. Wialfer Peler HvKia Nicholas .Still Itev. A. B. Van Buskirk Franklin Wiuklenwn Jacob Ycager Abraham. Coleman Geo. J. Crou-Kcr Kosana audol Joaeuli Duniliolton Ira Kollmer Miss M. A Forsler Win. B. Franklin John Finlier Clwrlcs Hall G. P. Johnson Win. Metx CspL Wm. Alornaoa Capt C. 8. c.g. Boyy, p. m. VjHiriiocKEVElXBB, Attorney at Law. nilneratllle. ttcUuylklll Co., Pa. I L'SINESS will lie promptly attended to in the - counties of Schuylkill, Northumberland. Union, Columbia, and Montour- Eefer to; A Jordan Esq.i ") ' W'm- De Havrs, H Bellas, 1 Edward Hughes,! H' B Masaer, Esq- ( Solomon Shitidel- j " " Bunbury- J Mniomville J , C M Hall, 1 D . M. Mortimer, Oct. , 1850 ly- REGISTER'S XOTICE. J OTICE is hereby given to sll Legatees, Creditors and other persons interested in the Estate of Charles Comly, dee'd., settled by his Executors Joshua W. Comly, Seth I. Comlv and Sarah W, Comly of John Frick, jr., who was executor ot John r rick. sr. dec it., waled by his Executors George A. Frick snd Eli Slifcr ; of Conrad Raker, dee'd., settled by his Executors Jacob Raker and William Raker, of Jacob Monre, dee'd., settlod by his Executor, Peter H. Moors ; of Mary Moore, dee'd., settled by her Admistra tor, Peter II. Moore ; of Susan Strawbridge, dee'd., settled by her Administrator, W. C. Law sun ; of Elias Conrad, dee'd, aettled by his Adm'r David Hauck. The account of Peter Ferstor, Guardian of the minor children of George Fsrster, dee'd.; the account of Solomon Folk, Guardian of Henry, Lavina and Samuel Fagcly the so count of William A. Petrikcn, Guardian of the minor cbUdren of Thomas Colt, dee'd. That the Executors, Administrators snd Guardians of said Estates, have filed their accounts with the Regis ter of Northumberland county, and that ths asms will be presented to ths Orphans' Court of said county on Thursday the 4th day November next for confirmation and allowance. , JOHN P. PURSEL, Rrgisttr. Registry's oiu.-e ) Sunbury, Oct. S, 1850. ) Northnmbtrlind tnnij, m. . In the Common Tlcss of said court, Ao B, Not Tern, 1850. William M. ShcwetL Julis D.1 Shewell and James H. Cochran, i Alias Sirs and Mary his wife, Facias, vs ' Daniel. Brsuttgam and David Tsgirart, Adm'rs of Wm M'Cay, dee'd, with notice to Wm M'Cay, Daniel Homier and Elizabeth his wile, laasc Fausnaught and Cath arine his wife, Mary Ann M'Cay, Dr Kobort B M'Cay, Robt B M' Cay, Karhel M'Cay and Win M' Cay, minor, children, and Mary M'Cay, widow of Bcni. M'Cay, dee'd, heirs of s'd W M'Cay, dee'd. Thn dnfcndnnl ahnvh named are hefeoV notifi ed tO be and appear before tbs judge of said court to be held at Sunbury, on the first Monday of No vember next, to ahow cause, if any they have, why they should not be made parties to this suit and why judgment should not be revived post sn num ct diem, and to continue lien for five years, and also whv the Pl'fl's execution against tliera sccording to' the form and effect of the recovery aforesaid, ought not to have, and further to- do and receive all and whatsoever the said court shajl consider in that behalf. . JAMES COVERT, Shr'ff. ,., 8hrfTs Office, Sunbury, ) i Oct. 5, 1850. tc - J . , . WM. M'CAKTY, BOOKSELLER, Broadway, . STJNBTJET, PA. HAS recently received, among other articles, s great variety of New, Cheap and Entertain ing publications such as Coopers novels, complete or sopsrste. Herberts Do Rodwell, Dumas do Trollops, iSue do Halliburton, Rcvndols do Marrjatt, Co'ikton do CJrey, Maxwell do Marsh, Jcrrold do Ainsworth, Morris do At the low price of from 55 to 50 cts per volume. Sunbury, Sept. 28, 1850. tf. r GMiATlEM0VAL. ' Clocks, Watches, Jewelry silver & PLATED WARE, Stc- "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. rjHE SUBSCRIBER has removed his stors X from No. 413 Market street, to his splendid establishment, . ' -Yo. 103 Chesnnt itteti, abovt 3d, luder the Franhlin House, PHILADELPHIA, Where he offers for sale a most extensive assort-' ment of CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELERY, SILVER and PLATED WARE, &e., at such prices as cannot fail to give satisfaction, and to which he invites the attention of prrchascrs, as suring thorn that EVERY ARTICLE IS WAR RANTED AS REPRESENTED. His stock consists in part of s full assortment of GOLD AND SILVER LEVER WATCHES. Do do L'EPINE do SILVER TABLE AND TEA SPOONS. CLOCKS of everv description. MANTEL ORNAMENTS, FANCY GOODS. &c, LEWIS LADOMUS. Watches, Jewelry, and Gold Pens sent to all parts of the United States, by mail, with perfect safety, tT I am determined to sell at less prices than the same articles arc sold in this city. P. 8. Preserve this advertisement, and call and examine the stock. Sept. 28, 1S50. 3ino. WATTS' NERVOUS ANTIDOTE AXO PHYSICAL RESTORATIVE. THE MEDICAID WONDER OT TUB AGE. VlILL positively cure all stages of Neuralgia, Tic Doloroux, Nervous Headache, Cho lera, Lockjaw, Hydrophobia convulsions; will restore manhood to its prestine vigor, even alter years of prostration, and the only known and cer tain cure for low spirits or mental debilty. Extract from the New York Sun, Oct," 3, 1849, Tht celebiated Dr Watson, when talking of the miraculous power of "Watts' Nervous Antidote," the question was put to him, ',Why such a valua ble remedy for all nervous affections was not in troduced by the medical faculty!" replied, "That if it were, there would no longer be any use for a faculty, as all diseases originated from a disorgan ized strte of the nerves ; the nerves are the main spring of the whole system Keep this in order, and both the mind and body inuat he. Four ounce phial, 1" doses, enough for all or dinary cases, ONE DOLLAR. K)LD BY Wm. McCARTY, Broadway, Sunbury. September, S3, 1650 tf. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. . pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court B. ot :ort!Himtcrlaii(I county, will lie exposed to public sale, on Saturday the 26th day of Octo ber next, on the premises to wit: A certain Tract of Land, situate in Point township, and county afore. said, "lieing the Mansion Farm," adjoining lands of K. M. Curry, John Taut, Kivcr Susque hanna, Joaeph ankirk and Albin Newbury, con. taiuing sevcuty-two acres, and twenty perches strict measure i whereon is erected a TWO STORY LOG HOUSE, weather-boarded, a small frame kitchen, a large frame burn and waggon shed. Also two good Orchards of choice fruit; late the estate of Henry Hunsickcr, dec d. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day, when the terms of sale will be made known by UEUKUE A FKIUK, Admr, By order of the Court John P. Purscll, Clk O. C. Sunbury. Sept. 28, 1850ts V ALU ABLE FARBZ I3PCEXi 33 LLa L3 A VALUABLE FARM containing 101 aerea r mora or less, situated in eihamokin town ship, Northumberland county, Si miles above the Bear Gap, on the centre turnpike, adjoining lands of David Marts, Esq., Mr John Keply snuothera, I he improvements consist ot an excellent BARN, snd DWELLING HOUSE with all the necessary out-buildings. This prop erty will be sold at private sale, a great bargain, U not sold by the 31st ol Uctolwr, it will men be oflercd ut Tulilic Sale, on SATURDAY 30tU DAY of NOVEMBER, on the premises, at 1 1 o'clock, without reserve to the highest binder upon liberal terms, any persona disposed to purchase said r arm will please call on David MarU, adjoining said farm, who will make known the terms and conditions. . - ' HENRY PORTER. Baltimore, Sept. SI, i860. U, - . . Etate or George Hall, Decfd V OTICE U hereby ffivtrn, that Letters of Ad 4 ministration have been granted to the pub- criber. Persons indebted la the estate are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same, are requested to present them for examination and settlement. J. H. ZIMMERMAN, AdmV. Bunbury, Oet 3, Ufi0.-6ts ': " 4 BLANK PereiT Piria t)ctBJut fim Ifd and lot bte l this oflue. . : Estate of Nathan Saxton, deo'd. NOTICE is hereby give tht totters of admin istration havs bsert granted to the subscri ber, on ths ssfsts of Nathan Buxton, doe'd., lata of Flemington, New Jersey. Aft persons indebt ed for said estate or having claims against ths sams, srs requested to call on ths subscriber for settlement. j ISAIAH MORGAN, Adm'r. i Upper Augusta tshp,; Sept 14, 1850 6t ) Estate of Samuel Culp, sea., deo'd... NOTICE is hereby given, that letters 'of ad ministration havs been granted to the sub scriber, on the estate of Samuel Culp, sen., dee'd., late of Upper Augusta. All persons indebted to Said estate or having claims agninst the same, are requested to call on the suliscriber for settlement. JOHN HAUGHAWOUT, Adm'r. Upper Augusts tshp., Sept. 14, 1850. 6U FALL MILLINERY GOODS. - John Stone & Sons, Importers and Dealers in , , Silks, Ribbons and Millinery Goods. rHIX.ADSX.PHXA. HAVE received by late arrivals from France, a large snd very desirable assortment of FALL MILLINERY GOODS, among which will be found ' ' '' ' Bonnet Vtlvttt of sll colors in variety of prices. " Satin " . ' Corded Vtlvett - " Figured, water'd and corded Bonnet Goods, Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, a large assortment. French and Amtritan Flotetrt, Laees, Bonnet Tabs, Crovns, Buelrams, Ac. &c.( together with a splendid assortment of Paris Fancy Feathers. The above goods were selected bv one of the firm in France, and will be sold at the lowest market prices. Philadelphia, Sept. 81,1850. lino. l!BRELUXP4RASnlrjilEir " William A. Drown, Umbrella & Parasol-Manufacturer. No. 86 Market street, frm&ADEI.l'HXA' DEALERS IN UMBRELLAS AND PARA SOLS, wishing to purchase handsome goods, of superior quality, cheap, are invited to call at my Manufactory' and Store, No. 86 MARKET street, one door below Third street, where every variety of Umbrellas and Parasols are sold cheap er than they can elsewhere be obtained. A call when vou visit Philadelphia, is request ed. An examination of my goods will satisfy you that it will be to your interest to purchaso of me. Philadelphia, Sept. 14, 1850 lmo. ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER. PEPSIN! the: iiiuE DIGESTIVE FLUID, , ; GASTRIC JUICE t A 6BEAT DYSPEPSIA CURER, rrrparot from Rl'.NNfciT, or the fourth Htoniarh of the Ox, kfler directions or BARON MK1JIO, the grrnt Physiological Chemirt, by J. t. HOUGHTON, M. l., N'e. 11, North Eighth treet. Philadelphia, Pa. This ii a truly wonderful remedy lor 1ND1UESTION, DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE, UVEIl COMPLAINT, CONSTIPATION, and DEUIL1TY, Curing alter Na ture's own method, by Nature's own agent, the GuMrie Juice. OT Half a teupnonful of 'liu Fluid, iiifuaed in water, will digeit or diaaulve, Five Pounda of Kuuil lleef lu about two hours, out of the toinncli. DIGESTION. DIGESTION is ehielty performed in the Mnmcb ly the aid of a Ituid which' freely exude from the luner ctut ol tluit orgim, when in a Mtate of health, culled the Ciustric Juice. Thin fluid is the Grcut Solvent of the Food, the Purifying, Preserving, and Blimulntitig Agent of the t- uuk'U and uuestinea. Without it there will be no dit; tien. no Conversion of food into bl-iod. and uo nutrition of Uie body ; but rather a foul, torpid, paimul, anddeetruc- uve condition ol tne wnoie uiaeHiive unpuruiue. a weuK lialf dead, or injured stomach product mi frond Gastric Juice, and hence Uio discuse, distress aikl debility which ensue. PEPSIN AND RENNET. FKPHIN is the chief element, t nrmi Uiriitw Princi ple ol th Guitric Juice, it in itiuiid in great abuuiiaiire in the auliil paru of the huinun lUHtwcri ul'ter death and mne tiniei cMUea the stomach to digeBt iUell, or eut itvelf Ui.- It is ol found in the itoniach of uniinula, ui the ox, culf, Ac. It in the muter iu) used by farmer in making cliceae. called Keiinet, the eft eel of wlneh htis hmt betn the peciui wonder ol the tfuiry. The ctinllins tl nnlk I the hrat pro cent of diiettstin. Kennet pomcssea Haiimifthinx power. 1 he Monuu'h 01 a call will runlle ntfirlj-one thotiMttnUtimtw it own weight of milk. Huron I.iehig vuitea thatT "One part of PcpPin ditaolved in aixty tbrnootiKl partn ot watei, will diteirt meat and other ft tod"." lntenied lomnrhi pro duce no gtHd (iaatric Juicrf. Rennet or Petw.ii. To iliw that this wunt may le perfectly HUpplit'd, wv quote the fol lowing HAROX LIB BIG, in hi relehmted work mi Animal Chemmtry, auy": "An ArtiHeial Diirentive Fhud atmlugittiai to the (iuRtnc Juice, may be rendilv preimrrd frotn the 11111- coui membrane of the toniut h f tlie calf, iu which various articles of food, as meat and epg, will he softened, clump ed, and dinstesJ, jut in the sauke uuiimer us tlicy wtultl be lu Uie htm in n stt'iuacn." Dr. PKKKIKA, hi his famous trentioe nn "Food and Diet," imbluhed by Fowlers X Wells, .New York, nuire 35, states the mme great fact, and detcrilKs the method of preparation, mere are lew Higher autiioriiiea tnun ur. 'ereirn. Dt. COMBK, in his valuable writ-iiir on the "Phvaiolofy of Digestittn'oltserved tluit ariiiniiiuiitmof the due qnnn- tityorthe imatrie Juice is a prtHninent and all-provaihitg i jjyspepsia ann ne aiuie thai "m mgimgiuant M pnaeMor of medicine in lsoialon, woo win severely alfiict ed with this csminbtmt. findiinr every thint dae hi foil, had reoourae W the Ouatno Juios, liUiwed from the auaiaich of living auimnls. which proved completely aurreMinl.' - vt, tin.MiAAt, an ww 01 ine iambus works on vege table Diet," Bays: "it is a remarkable fnrt in phyuioky, that the stanachs of animals, macerated in water, impart to the liu id the property of diNaolving various arliclea of fKd. and of erTectiiifr a kind of artitifiul dtffeatitm ol' litem hi uo wise dirTTenl frmn the nulUrul digestive proresM.V Dr. HIMOVS great work. I lie "Uhemistry of Man," (state Blam-luird. Fhila. 1WU, pp. im-t) anys: 4'The dis covery of PKIISIN forms a new era in the chemical history of Dietioii. Krtaii rerent rzriimeiits we know that food is diimotved as rupitlly in im artificial digestive fluid. prepnied Iroiu repaim as it is lu the natural Uastric Juice Itself. 1'iofeseor DI NOLISON of the Jeflerson CoUeire, Phila delphia, iu his irreut work ou Human Physiokyy, devoles inttre inati any K " eiumiiuiiou h una uujtHt. His exiHTtnieuts wilh Dr. Heaumout, on the liaatrie Juice, olttaiued from the living human stomach and I nun aniiiuils are well known. "In all rnK S," he aaya, udifeiMloii oeeur red as perfectly in the artificial us iu the natural digeationa,'' AS A DYSPEPSIA CURER, Dr. HOUGHTON'S prcparntiou of PKPKIX has nrodu. red the in tat marvellous etft-etJ, Curing caaea of Debility, rmaciauon, nervous uecime, anu uyspeptic UcaisumMiou, suiKiaed to be on the very verge ol the urave. It is im- posinble to give the details ol cuaea in the limits ot this ad vertisementbut authenticated certificates have breti aiveii of more than TWO IllNDKUD HKMAUKAK1.K CL'KKS, in Philadelphia New York, and H -atn aione. These were nearly all deancruie cases, and the curea were uot only rapid and wonderful, but iiermnuetit. It isaffrent NKItVOI 8 A.NTIDOTK, ami prticularly Mseiui l4r tefMieitcy to u.uoas aisoroar( iivur Uompuot, Fever and Acue, of badly trwted Fever and Aarue, aiwl the evil eflecta ol Qumiuet Mercury, and oilier drugs uptMt the liigeattve irraiia, aitec a mg sicancaa. Aiat, inr eieeaa iu etitiiitf. and the too free use ol' anient Hants. It almost reeouciiea Health wilh Intemperance. OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS. There is no form of GJ STOMACH COMPLAINTS which it does not aeem to reach and remove at once. No matter bow bad they may be, it tilVK! INHTA.NT Kl I.IKK ! A single dwe renvves all the uupleasuut syiu tt'iiw. and it only needs to be repeated for a short time, to make these ffooil eifecis permanent. 1H H1TV OF HI.OtlD and VldOH OF UuDVf follow at oiae. It is articukirly e&eeHent iu nwes ol' Nausea, Vomiting, CninipS) KHcnras of the pit ol' the fkomach distress after vatiufi, low, eildr state ot the tsiooti, tieavineas, t)wnes 01 npinis, jjeMin dency, Kmaciation, Wcakuesa, tendem U Insanity, Hui- . ... .. Price. (.t. lHiisUAU per Doiiie vjiic douus win oueii edWt a luetmft cure. PEPSIN I POWDERS. tr BENT BY MAU, I'KKE OF FOfTAGE. For nnvuiienre uf sending to all parts of I lie country, the DlUhevn VE M ATTllK OK TllK l'KPSIN is put up iu the lona ot f owders, with directions tu be dissolveit in water of syrup, by the patient. Tiiesa powders nnuiu just the snuw matter as the buttles, but twk-e the quamitv for the same price, and will he sent bf mail, KRKK OF POHTAGK, r ONE IK1LLAR sent (prw-psid) to Dr. i. . UOUUHTO.N, No. 11 North fcifhlh street, Philadtihia. Pa. Bis paekases for (vs dollars. F.very narksr and hotti bears the wnuaa signature of J. B. HDtliliTuS, M I) , sole Proprietor. Bold by aglte in svenr town la the Vnited Rules, aial by lespacubls dealers ui Medicines entrally. FOR HALE BY Joan V. Friluif, and Osnrga Brig ht, Bunbury, Ps. , , . Mary A. MeCsy '' NnHhrtbfamd. JohuU. Rsaei Milton, Harea A MeCoralieki i , MnEwensvills, B. J. C rouse, ' Behnsarowa, John O. Kent!, . . - Upper Mahantasf William Peppin, M.biH) . i Bualmry, Btpt Itih, 1j0 EstaU of Henry Leighow, deo'd. IcVTOTlCE is hereby (rrten tlMt ItttoY of Ad- 1 ministration are friren to the subscriber, on the Estate of Henry Leighow, flee'd., Inte of Point wwnslilp, INorttiumberland county. All persons Indebted to ssid estate or having Claims sasinst me same, are requested to call on the subscribers or settlement. ! WILUAM LEIOHOW, ) A ,mV. . , PEMBKOOK LEIGHOW. J A"ra Northumberland, Sept. 14, 18S0. 6t. MACKEREL, SHAD, CODFISH, ! .'. ' , PORK ' HAMS AND SIDES, ' SHOIXDERS, LAHU AND CHEEUE, Constantly on hand snd for sale bv J. PALMER & fcc Market Street Wharf, PHILADELPHIA. 8ct. 14, '60-3in. NOTICE TO HEIRS. TV OTICE is hcrel.y givr-n to (lie licirs of An ' drew Rcist, dee'd, Inte of t"pnr Mahonov, to appear at an Orphans' Court, to he held at Sun bury, in and for the county of Norlhuintierland, on the first Monday of Xoveinhcr next, thdn and there to accept or refuse the real estate of the said dee'd., at the valuation fixed upon the said real ostate by an Inquest duty awarded and confirmed by the said court, or shew cause why the sumo should not be sold, &c JAMES COVERT, Sli'lT. Sheriff's Office, Munbury i . ; Kept 7, 1850. 6t. ) NOTICE TO HEIRS. TV OTICE is hereby (riven (riven to the heirs of ' Henry Fetter, dee'd., Inte of LpMr Maho noy, to appear at sn Orphans' court, to lie held at bunbury, in and for the county of Nortliumber lnnd, on the first Monday of November next, then and there td accept or refuse the real estate of the snid dee'd,, at the valuation fixed Upon the suid real estate by an Inquest duly awarded and confirmed by the said court, or shew cause why the same should not be sold, fee. JAMES COVERT, Sli'ff. Sheriff's Office, Hunbury ) Sept. 7, 1830. Gt. J LIVER COMPLAINT JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, AND all diftptutc rtriimfr from a disnrderrd liver of N mach, such nucnnnlipntion, inward Piles. FullneiM.fjr hloid ti tlio lieail. Acidify ol tlie Stinnnch, INuuitca, ITrtarrJitiriis dinuat lor FkI, fnllnewi or weiglit in Uie sStntnadi, sniirKrnetiilimiP. siiikintr or flutteritifi ot lite pit if the Htiimwh. swiinming of the head, hurried ami tlilTicnlt hreatliine, flutterintr at tlie heart, rhnkiiip or milTx-nting ini w whf-n inn lyiny ntwlnre, Jiniitci of vision, dots or welts liertire the sitfltl, Fever and dull nnin in the head, deficiency ot" perspiration, relloWueB of the skin and ey!, puin in the side . huck, ciient, linilm, Ac, sudden HuHh'ii ol heat burning in tha flrli, cjnstunt iuuigiiiinga of evil, and great deprt snion of spirit, CAN UK KFFKCTLALLY CL'RflD UY DPk. HOOFLAITE'S ixljKuratku m:rma bittehs, 1'SKPAitKD nr UR,C. M. JACKSON, GERMAN MKDIUXE STORE, Io. 130 Arch St., Philadelphia. Their power over the aluve diseases ia not excelled, if equullcd, by any ether preparation in the t inted Stalt, an the curea attest, in many cuaea after skillful physicians hud failed. These Bitters are worthy they attention of iuvalida. Pi8wwiii( picat virtues in the reciificulinii of dieuiei of the li ver und wvr glniMl, exerctiiitK the most scoivhntK powem in weakii and aiicetieii ol the tliatntive organs, they arc, witluU, aifet certain and plcaiiaiit. . Ftoui the Boston Uce.J The Fsditor anid. Dec. -iWtl ''UK. JfoOt-I.ANU'lf ('EI.HHHATEd fiKltM?( DlTTRItS for the eurc of Liver CompLutit, Jaundice, iiyypeppiM, Chronic or Nervous Debility, m dewrvodh one of the most popu Inr medicines of the day. Thcw Dlttris have been lifted by tiiousfinds, and a friend at our eilrow suys he Ims him self received an eltectuul and permanent cure of Liver Complaint from the use of this remedy. We are convinced that, iu the use of these Hitters, the patient constantly pain strength and vigor a fact worthy of tfreut eousidr mtion. They nre pleatmut in ttisle and smell, and con be used by persons with the mmtdellrute atoinuclis with sale' ty. under any circunitliinces. We are speaking from ex perience and 1o the ailiicted we advise their use." Ju.tneM. M. Noah, a geiitlrmrui villi great scientific and literary attainments, stud in his "New York Weekly Messeifter,' Juniuiry 6, In.'Ai : Dr. Hottflamr German Hitters. Here is a preparation whloh the tending presses in the C'niouanpear to ie unaiii' moiifl In recommend it iff, and the reason is ohviotis. It is made after a prescription rushed by one of the moat celc hruted physieiaus of modern tiines,'the biteUr. Chrstcpher Wilhctm Hotrland, ProfcMsor to the I'uiversity ofJenn, private Physician to trie King of Prussia, and one of the greatest medical writers Germany ha ever produced. He was empltulieally the enemy of humlaig. and thcieforea medicine of which he wus the inventor and audorser may be conlldciitly relied on. He specially fcommended it in lAvcr Compkiiut, Dyspepsia. Debility, Vertigo, Aridity ot' the atoiuach. Cinsiputijn, aialalt coiiipliduts arising from a disordered cm i it ion of the stoiuuch, the liver und the intestines. Nine Pluludehlhiu djiimts express their jttnvic- titai it' its excellence, and several of the editors spcuk of iitj riicvi iMmi inch ii iiHiivitiuiii rpcrienee. inner these circumstances, we feel warranted, not only in culling the attention of our readrrs to the present present proprie tor's (Dr. C M. JiHkstars) prt-pnratioii, but in revommend iiiK the article to a I afflicted ' Mor$ Evidence, The "Philiidclphia Patnnlny Uanctte,'1 the best fmnilv newspaper published in lite L'nited lutua, tha editor suys Dr. Hnofland's German Bitters. "It is srldom that we recotiimeud what aie termed Pa- tent Medicines, to the confidence aial patronage of our rt-uticrn, uihi, iiineioru, wiien we recoiuillfuil 1JI. IIO -1- kuut's fiernutn Hitters, we wis it to Ut distinctly uttdci siood (hut we are not speaking of the ii'struius of the day, that are it"isd alxnit for a biief period cud then for- Entlt'iiuftfi tbry bavc done their ijuilty nico ol' inincbii ut oi'a luetliriue linijr esiublihlietl. uni'verwilly nrize!, ai whirli has inH the hearty approviil ol the Karully ilwlf.'1 ud i Tlutt this medicine will cure J4ver Comnlniut and Dvs- pepsiH, no one eumloiibt, after ucimt it as direeted. It acts speciticallv upon the stomach and liver it is preflerable to etiliHiiel in all billions diseases--! ho eileet is innuliuie. They nm Ite administered to Female or infant with safety aud reliuble beiictit, at any time. BRWARR OFCOlNTKHFFIr!a. Tliis medicine has atjiined that hrh cbaiacter which is necesKiry for all metliciues to attain to induce ctmnteifeiiera to put forth a spurious article at the risk of tha lives of those are innocently deociwd. LOOK WKLLTO THK MARK OF THK GF.riNi: They luive the written signature of C. M. JACKSON Dptm the wrapper, ami the name Utowu in the bottle, with onr whieh they are spuiious. For sale, wholesale, and retail, the German Medicine Store, Sn. t0 AKCHftraH, one dour beUW Siith. (Iut of 37m Race Street) Philadelphia, and by respectubie dealers generally throughout the country. Also ; For ante by 11. .Mass Kit, SunUiry, nnd M. A. MCat. Northiimbertmwl. August l7.1bou. ly ZEXTZ & CO., t M 1 O K T E R H OF 1'OllKIUX Books, Prints, Engravings, Stationary Gilt Frames and niusltHl Instru ments. No. 78 North 2nd St., between Arch & Race, Philadelphia. IMPORT to order snd have constantly on hand s verv large assortment of goods in the above named lines at wholesale and retail. Principally t In German, Latin. Greek, Hcbre. French. Italian 8panih and other languages; Clasriira, Diction ariei, i.rtmunera, Vocalmlariea. Kthool, Juvenile, Picture, Drawing and Model books for Architect fadinrt, Carriage and other manutacturera. MAPiS.GLODES and Blank Booka of every dearriplioti. iSnleiulid J.ithorunliic and other Prinla, MlRICAL IINSTRI MENTfc. Accordeoiia, Baujoa, Bowa for all string liutru nieuU, Liriiltra and Tailpieces. L'larioitrts, FilVa, Klugeolrts, Flutes, Guitars, Octavo Flutes, Tateut Heads for Guitars and Violincclloa, Tstuhourines, Tuning Forks aud Hammers, Violins, Violin aud Guitar Pegs, Violincvllot and iStrinpdorsll kinds of Instruments VVholeKule and ItetuU. Accor deons repaired. Also constantly on hatul, wholesale and retail, a large assortment of the very best GERMAN BHONZE POWDER Dutch Metal, French and Florence Leaf Metal --ThefiiiomeU!ra,---Hsirpencilat-Faber and other Leadpenctlt, Ked, Whits and Black Chalk Cray oh. Mathematical Instruments, Bcarncators, Spriiif Lanceta-Pocket Prescription and 0old Scales aud Weights Letter, Fancy coloresTand gilt Paper Playing Cards and other French aud German Fancy Articles, for Uie sale of which they are the MANUFACTURERS AGENTS. July , 1850. P" URE WHITE BRANDY FOR PREFER VING, just receded sud for sale by II. B. MA 6c EH. GREAT ATTRACTION 1 1 KEW 4IVD C1IE4P OOODS, john vr. rniLiNG. Market Street, Sunbury, Pa., HAS just rrxeired and opened s Isnrs sssort tnsnt of superior snd rholcs Fsnry and lspl Dry Gomh, well adapted to ths coming sen son, which hs will sell at ths lowest prices, ills stock, consists of general assortment of almost all articles of use in ths Dry (Joods tins, consisting in part of , ,. . , Clotht, ' Ctummern, Summtrhtff for Clothing and Vesting, 1adies DrtM Good. Uloves, Hosiery, Lares, Hhswls, M uelins, Plt- ings, 1 likings, Fins Muslins, Ginghams, . Linens, Ac. ALSO: A senerRl ssortnient of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QVEEXS. H AKE, LIQUORS, DRUGS. AX D MEDICINES, PAISTS AND DYESTUFF, and every variety of articles, t V Country produce of all kinds tuksn in change at the highest market price. cuiiDiiry, Anl 27, 1830. NOTICE Is hereby given to William G.Moore, Charles G. Moore. Jnl.n W. Moore, Isaac G. M oore, and Frances Moore, 1 hat by virtue of a certain Breve de Parti tiom Facietuta to me directed, an Inquisition will be held at 11 o'clock, A. M. on Weducsav. Octulier 1A50, upon a crrtjiin trnrt nf f.n.iil. itnntn in Klistl township. Xorthnmlierl and pnnotv. Imhii. ded by lands of John Gearhert, Jacob Gcarhart, ricrmaii uearhart, Llnalieth Dcpiu, and John Gulirk, containing 87 acres and 18 ncn-hes. more or less, to inquire whether the same can be equal ly parted and divided to and among tha aforesaid parties without sopiliation of the whole ut which time and plnce the aforesaid parties are hereby warned to he and appear, if by them it is deemed expedient JAMES COVERT Sh'rfT Sh'rfls Ofllcc, Sunbnry, j Ann 9" .Hr.a oiri 1 , ; , ' I v -fi.AW.X4J X 7fi,WseiLireliiiO i D A V J 13 I E A S E , i ir. Corner 6th & Arch Street, Philadelphia ! T" t, c r , ,. I i. no ,or saie an Kin.ia oi cnoice r anniy iroce- , TIPS nt thf tffrv Irm'nat irinm . Extra Fine, superior and common Ulack and Green Teas ; old Gov. Jiva and other kinds of Coffee, all qualities of Crushed Light Brown and Drown Sugars ; best Sperm Oil and Sperm and Amantii.c Candles ; Daker's Chocolate, Cocoa and Droma; Farina, Tapioca, 8agoaud Whentcn Grits) Olive Oil, Isinglass, Ketchups and Sauces, Maccaroni, Vermicelli, English Split Peas, &c. They will pack up all goods for the country neatly and securely and deliver them promptly at any Depot or Hotel a desired. DAVID PEASE, S. W. Cor. 6th & Arch Sts. Philadelphia. Aug. 17, 1650. lyMay HEADY MADE CS LLa L5jC Z2 S-T C2 TT7 E take this method to inform tlie readers of the Snnl.iiry American, that, should they visit, Philadelphia, in guest of Good and Cheap Clothing, and favor us with a cull, they shall not he dlsnp- ! pointed in obtaining the best of garments at the lowest cash prices. We have now on hand the ; largest assortment ever ollered in Philadelphia, among which are DRESS and FROCK COATS i from 5 to 18, PANTS and VESTH from 75 i cts. to S3, OV ER COATS. CLOAKS, DIISI- MESS SACK COATS and COATTEES, all of winch ahsll be sold at such prtces as to make it un object for the peoplo of Sunbury and the sur rounding country to extend to us their patronage. PERRY R. M'NEILLE & CO. outh East corner of Cth and Market. July 13, lSoO "DEATH'S DOOR. How frequently do we hear this expression, which is meant to couvey to Um mind the last stage ol' sickness tluit a patient can be reduced to, and live. Mrs. Hnrn son, a lneiilttcr of the Trinity Church, was, as she eirea sess hersi'U' hrought down to "Detail's door" by Khau mutism and Nervous Uendachv, Whuii. like In aiifel of nieicy, ItndWity's Kcody Klief relieved her of her severe pains and rtWiiredlier to her frinida iu pericct health. The very instant Kuttwuy's Heady Kfliei ia appiictl. Its beneiicial elfofi uro experienced, it sNthes, heals, clean-s-s and jttirities; it instantly allays irritation, reduces in. Ila mi na! ions and swellinfis, relieves the nswt severe Neu ralgic pains, (rivtjs ease to Hiirus, Scalds, Mores, Kruptions rurea Hhemn:itisui l.umltago. (it nit. Paralysis, riuraius, Stniins, Spasms, ttifl Xwk, Weakness in the Hnln and H4Uk, tores si an kiihjs, tutus, iiruises, t hales, j;tj Thrtjut, Inlluenza, iltsirsenrsH. Couglis, Coltts, TOOTH ACIIK Cl'HKU IN OXE 8KLOXD. This tontirinflr ofleotinn can be cured iu an instant, for the moment the lM.ei louehea the ner'e, the siin is mi tig.ited. So with Tic Doleienx and lleuiicruum, Neural gia and Sick, ileadarhe bathe the parts where the pain is most severe, and in a few inihntes you will be eitlirely rrlieved. Tnkeu inieriuilly it will arrest the most violent S(sasinsand i'minpn, stop Vomit intr or to much purlins;, iu all oases it will (five slrencth for wenkuess, uise for twin, health for sirknws. No Koariy Keliel' is sreiiuiue uil less signed by KADWAY V (-'-) Mi Tulton mrret. tXKCANT TOILET REQI IMITKK. TOKMUKUJSH AND KNIf ANCti Tilt; CHARMS OK liKAl'TV. Raiiwav Medicatkd Ioaf. R ud way's Medicutetl S ap,ao favonihly known thrmifrh out the fiisihioimlile worltl for if extremely bltind, piiruy im; and soothhur ell'tvta on Uie skin ; while by its action ou the pore ami the luinutv secretory vessels it uxiw'ls all : impurities iroiu tlie stir lure, allays every tendency to ut J Humiliation, aud rflVctually dissiputea tili rudness, tan, 1 pimples, spots, froekles, diacoloiuioiiaund other euUuinous ernplitais The mtlinut lt riii it imparts to the eheek, the stitueas aud dc-lirucy winch it induces of the hum Is and I arms, its capubihty of soothing irri latum and removing cu ' taueous delects, render it intlisMuKuhle ttj every toilet. I Oenttemen after slmviug will find it allays all iirittuion and tenderness of tlie akin, and renders it soft, smooth aud i pint sunt. Lfurmg tne neat ana fiusi oi summer, or trt and bleak winds oi winter; and iu cases simtmrn, stints ot insects chilblains, chapped hands, or incidental iutlainimttinnt its virtues have loiurand exiensivelv been acknowledged, lis puril ytujr ami refreshing properiiVs have obtained its selec tion from the th'insiuKls of other cosmetics, both of Kuro. pean and domeslie manufufture, by the bn ton of all pitrts ol the fasliiiMiuhle world, from the Imi ruing tropics to the frttxeii realms i4' the Ice Kinp. The public will picas hear iu mind tluit Kudwnv'a St illicit ted oau. ia the only safe prcpaiation for the slim now iu use ; this hits been : eertitied to by our uiist pi nm incut chemists. Hmtwnv's I Ktnp is free from piiMoiutis, irrliatiii mat pernicious tu I iiredieuts, it call Iw used ou the tender skin of the inf:mt j wilh the same luippy results as upon beauty in its prime. see that encu cake ts envoci in a spienaui sioei oi steel eiifrraviux-uiul furthrr see iliat ths sifnwture 4 R. (i. HAUWAV u upon each cuke. Price Da Cents, lure cukea. THE GROWING OR' ANIENT OF DEAVTV ISA tsLXIRIANT HEAD OF GUY HAIR. lADWV'S rtRCASSlS.91 HALM. Warranted ilu best Hair Tonic in usct For Dressing and Beautifying the hair. It t'kue8 the Scalp from Uundrutt', keeps it clean, cures Hcurvey, Jialtlucss. atul Sores ou the Head the luir fnan falling tail, renders it strolls, fine, smooth, s it sim! glossy. Persons who have ktst their hnir by sickness will find a eoaiptetesiiiidole tuRadwav'a Clrcossiaii Balm. It also gives It a dark sih! beautiful enhtr. Slid will prevent it I rota turiuntr crey. Fnau its exquisita purity, it is admi rably u. In pit I r.H the hair of chiltlreu ot tha nitiat tender rute. It is sold irt Urye hottien for IS ceuU per I sot tic. mid ia varrantett the best hair preitaiaiioH ia use, it will not soil the hat, cap, oi the Smst fuhnc. See that the signa ture oi KAUWAY A t'O., is upon each bottle no fir. cat inn Hull u is genuine withtait the stunatura ol' Radway x fo. Aoint II. B. Masaer. ftuubury Aug. 10, 18.10 cc-Jmly TOXIC MIXTURE, Foa the Cure or Ftvrs ako Acre. Was- SANTtD. THIS snri.isllt.1 main iw? may b rrlictl nn wbfn near ly all otbri miiflics isil. its vslur is is sutlicioiiily kmiwn. tlisrel'itrv. thu putpridrtr .lcsires bt ciiltir)r ths ncUl isT its useiiiliMM by imikint; known its virrurs sim! nh car) tu tlMSisaikls tS Bulfrrrrs wntiare nii SHmre that tuey can bs speadily and ladiroUyruioi 4' , FEVER AND AOl'K, withnnt tha nss of p.imons dtngs, luinnsis pnlions ar Ilia deleterious elterls K' quiiiiiir. it ia mti rrd t tlir .ul lir al a low price lu place it within the men of all. aaairi'd tlmt those who use it arrortluift to directioiui win bjnd it a m(m and speedy euie for ' rsi-st ass Unit. It is sot a diaterosable uanarating compound Srtmc atree. ahle smne eak uUrteri to reinovalhe disease snd sire kealthy action to the stoanarb and bnwclla. Prepared only by Marshsll 4 C o., and aold wbolmlea and retail by Ho wand 4 So., ,, t tiotlh Slh Utreet, psiledclphis Price SI pet swate bottle, sad So per dos. JuueJU, tWO ly ' . , . A RNOLD'S WRITING TI I IO ANP CX-V. V 0ESS IMC lor sal at this sQics. CHERRY PECTORAL: rmr turn Cars) af COUOH, OOLD8, OHXTX3, GROUP, A8T1I. MA, WHOOFXITo-OOUOa AD OONSUMPTIOM'. This truly tsI.ibMc Remedy for all diseases of u.r i-.Miirs ami i iirosl, has lieoome the ehist rl. sure of the afflicted as it is tlie most certain curs known for the above complaints. While it is a powerful remedisl stents in the most desperats and almost hopeless esses of Consumption, It is also, iu diminished drues one of the mildest and I most agreeable family medicines for common l common cooiflis and colds. Rend below tlie opin I ton of men who aro known to the world, and Uie world respect their opinions. FROM pnoFESSOlt HITCHCOCK. "James C. Aver Sir : I have used yonr"Cssa ; dr Pmutoeai.,' in uiy own esse of deep-seated l ttronchitis, snd am satisfied from its chemical I constitution tlntt it is an admirable compound for the relief of liirvngiul and bronchial difficulties. It' lny opinion ns to its superior character can bs of any service you are at liberty w Use it ss jrott think proper. EDWARD HITCHCOCK, LLD., President of Amherst College. From the "London Lancet." "AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL la one of I the most valuable preparations that has fallen an. i der our notice. After s careful examination, we I do not hesitate to say wc hare a largo apprecia ! til" of its meriis and the fullest confidence In its I usefulness for coughs and lung complaints." Dr. llrewstcr, of Windham Co,, Conn., sends ; us the following toRtimoiiv. i Dr. J. C. Ayer Dear Sir: I enclose you i emulate iroin mrs. Ualhanne K. Uady. a highly rcspectaiite ludy of this village, wife of Mr. Seth f'ss.l.. 1 i Ol .f cut Ihccvre in her case was verv oromnL and " attracted general attention, t.. W' A- BEW8TEB, M. D. .. " "T ivii.ii?i.t, Lt.,ept S8 1848. This may certify that I was afflicted with a very .1 .... severe cough in tlie winter of '47-8, which threat tened to terminate in Consumpticfh. I had tried many medicines in vain, snd was cured by tha use of "Aj er's Cherry Pectoral." CATHEHIXE K.CA.DY. From Dr. Bryant, Druggist and Postmsster, Cliicopce Kulls, .Mass : Dr. J. C. Ayer Dear Sir: Enclosed please find remittance for all the CHERRY PECTORAL last sent inc. I can unhesitatingly say, that no medicine wc soil irives such satisfaction as your's docs ; nor have I ever seen ft medicine which cured so many cases of Cough and Lung Com' plaints. Our Fhisieinns are using it extensively in their practice, und with the happiest streets.' Truly joins, D. M. BRYANT. racFASKU st J.c. ateb, chemist, Lowell, mass. CI?" Sold by Henry Masscr, Sunbury) Mary A. McCay, Northumberland- Dr. tiearlisrt, 8e. linssrove ; Dr. Bcckly, Danville, and Druggists generally. July 6, 1850 lyccSm MAHOGANY AND MARBLE. STEAM SAW MILL, AKD TI'RMMi SHOP, Corner of Eleventh and Ridge Road. CABINET MAKERS, GENERAL FURNISHING STORE, No. 134 South Second Street, below Dock St., Philadelphia. riIIE subscriliers would call the Siecial atten A tlon of Cabinet Makers and others, to their very extensive assortment of materials in their line, consisting of Mahogany Veneers, Boards and Plank, Hair Cloth. Curled Hair, Glue, Varnish, Looking (jlass Phites, Mahogany Knobs, Bed Posts, Marble Tops, aud every description of llardu are Tools, &c. Cabinet Makers residing out of the City, would find it greutlv to their advantage to call at our store to purchase such materials as they want, connected w ith their business. All our poods are WARRANTED, of the best quality, and at very reduced prices. Our Terms are Cunh, (no trade.) Wc guarantee to gic every man the worth of his money. T. & L. THOMPSON. N. B. Mahogany, Walnut and Hand Rail Plank, und Stair Ujllusters for Builders, also Maible Mantles, always on hand, and every de- i scription of turned work. June 8, 1850 lv AOIlTlll.-tllli:itL,AD DHY DOCK- THE subscriber has built himself a dry dock iu Norlhumlierluiid, above the first lock on the Weit Branch Canal, where he intends build ing uinl repairing canal boats. He can take boats on the dock from two to live dollars cheaper than they run be taken out, with machinery. Thniikful to those who favored him before, be ho) bv carefully attending to all the repairing entrusted to him to still merit s share ef public patronage. JOHN HUMMEL. Northumberland, August 10, 1850. 3m. XEAV STOiiEl XI.IV STOCK OF GOOD, At the Store formerly occupied by John Bogar In Market Street, Sunbury. THE subscribers iesMctfully inform the pub lie that they have just received, and are now opening A HAXDSOMK ASSORT.MKN'T OP DRY GOODS Consisting in part of Cloth, Cdssimeres, Sathnetts, Vesting, Pana loon Stuff, Calicoes, Ginghams, Lawns, Vestinps, Flannels, Cambrics, Linens, Fine Muslins, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, let., Hardware! Queenmar, Dni'ua aXD Mkuicixks. ALSO t A large assortment of Groceries, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Ladies tshoes and Gaiters, Fluid and Fluid Lamps All of w hich w ill be sold ou the uiost reaaona ble terms. VST Country produce ef sll kinds taken lit tf change at the best prices. JOHN BUYERS cV CO. Sunbury, April 13, IS 50. ly CROWN'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN liEH, an excellent article. Rau way's Medicated Soap tor suit burns, Ian, tetter, Vc Railway's Circassian Balm, for the hair dand- rull'&c , Radway's Ready Relief for Cramps, Cbolic, Cholera Morbus, ckc for sale by 11. B. MA0SEB. Sunbury, Aug. 8, 1850. B AY RI M. An excelTmt srticle for aaha uy HBNRY MAUSER Sunbury Jau. S7th. 184! if. AS, from ths New York Csutou and INkin T Tea CoiiipaJTT rot sols Sf . J. W. FRIUNO. Sunbury, Dee. 1. IM llHOWN'H EWtsENCE OF JAMAICA Gil. GER, for sale by (apt IS, 150.