east . RESOLUTION ... , Relative to an Amendment of the Court" , ; ( . .! . tution. t I. ' - ' RnoLmi bt thb STt Hoot "t B,n"""TJL IVM Of TDK CnX.WNWKAI.Tlt ' ''"'fVi. Gkainui. Amemi.lt mst, That the Conirtiimir. r t hia Vonimonwclih I amended m the .HT" ?.w. .rf fifth article, . that it ahnU read follows: it J fS,'" the Supreme Court, of the several Courls.ifOornini.nlleais lid of mch other darts or Record in "'"'' blishednr law, shall Of ! y q"ll8,!d .r, the Commonwealth in the manner followinpj, t' wrt : 1 lie imtfre of the Supreme Court, by the mislifit-d eli-etors nr . theComirlonweslth M laree. The Preslden Ju. pee of the several Courn of Commoe Plwul mi" of aneli other Courts of Kernrdaa are or shall ba established Uy law, Mid nil other Mar required to be Irarlied in the lnw bvtneqniirt Sed electors of the teahectiVa disttkte over- which titer are to breaiile or act Judges, v And the, Aaarwinta -Imla-os 'nf tha Courts of Common Tien" the qualified elermra fot'theeoiiiillesftspertiverr. THc Jnt?ea t In Pnprem Court ahall bold tilth- offices-At the term-fif nftMSiiTears, 'ii'Uioy shall long behave themselves well! (subject to the nlbtmeitt tierf-ia-ifler provided for, Biiliaeqiient to the tfrat elettiont) Ths President Indfres or the several Court -,if Common Pleas, mid of sur-h other courts of Record as "fire or ihall be esmbliRhed by law, nnd nil other Jurlges re Isiilirmt to lie learned in the Inw, Jfnnil hold their offices for t: t terra ol ten veurs, tl thev shnll so lnn twnave mem Hvvs well : The Aaaiwiate 'udcos of the Court of Coin 'ioti Plena sliiill hold their oftVcs tor the term of five years, :tf lliey slutU so lonfr Lennve themselves wi ll : all of whom aliail be commissioned hv the Governor, but for nny res s -reiMc etiusc which alinll not be sufficient (rounds of 'itnpffiehment, the Governor shnll remove anv of them on the address m two-third of em-h branch of the liettislnrnfir. The fust election shall take place at the iroueral election of '.tills Commonwealth next alter the adoption of this amend ment, and the commissions of all the judges who may be jl;n in oilico ahnll expire on the first Monday of Decern i.er f-llnviug. when the terms of the new jiidei slmll c -mmenr-e.. The persons who shall then be elected Judges of the Supreme Court aha II hold their offices as follows : cue of them for throe years, one for six years, one for nine years, one for twelve veers, and one for fifteen years ; term of ench to be decided by lot by the said jndf rs. as m ru'tet the election aa convenient. and theresnlt certified by the ru to the Governor, that the commissions mny be issued in accordance thereto. The jiicleo whose commis sion will first expire shall be Chief Justice durlnehis term, si il thereafter each Judge wh ise e-immissinn shnll first ex pire hn.ll in turn be the Chief Justice, and if two or mire tviuniiSMona shall expire on ire s-iino dny, the jnlp.i,- hoi linir them shall decide bv lot wliich shi ll he the Chiet Justice, Any vaoancies happeninir by death, isii?nntioii, or otherwise, in Riiy of the aiiid eouils. shall be filled by apv,intment hv Ihe Governor, to continue till the first Monday of December sitceoodlne: the next seneral election-. The Judires of tiie Supreme Court and the Presidents f the aevernl Courts of Common Plena ahall, at stated times, re ccive for their services nn adenaate compensntion,' to be fixed by law, which ahall not Iw diminished duriiitt theit continuance in otfice, but they elmll rewivo no lees or per ontsitcs of office, nor hold any ol her offiee of profit under this Commonwealth; or itnder th irnvrrnment of the I ni tnd rVatea, or anv other Plata cf thu Union. The Judsros tif the Siipieme Court durinaj their continuance In oihee sshall reside within this Commonwealth and Ihe othd JuHvea durins tneir soiithmance tn office shall reside within the district or county for which tltcy were respective.)' elected. . ;; . ' J. S. M'CALMONT Speaker of the Hnuae of Representatives. . ' V. BEST, Speaker of the Senate. v-.-'v . - 6KNATE CHAMBER. . . Hahrisbuso, January 2?, 1S50. 1. Runnel W. Pearson. Thief Clerk of the Senate O1 Tennsvlvania;do hereby cerlifv that the forKoinff resolution f0. 10 on the Senate file of the-prCBe.it session, enlllled Reeoluiicn relative to an amendment of Hie Oonsutnlion,' it bcimr the sanie rt snlutinn which was screed to by a majority of the memhete elected to each House of the lost L.effiftinturA tsuer havintr been rlnlv considered and nisctis- ae,t wna this day aprreed to by n majority of the niemliers elected to and serving in the Senate of Pennsylvania, ut iia present session, as will appear hy their votes given on the Anal passage of resolution, as follows, viz : Those voliinr in favorof the rcsilutimi were, II. Jones Brooke. T. Porter Tlrnwlev. Willimn A. Cnibb. Jonathan J Cunninsham, Thomas S.' IFernon, Thomns H. Fon-syih, Char es Krul v. Robert M. Fr.ck. tlenrv Fu ton. Jolin vv (juernsev, William Uuslett. Imuic Uncus. Timothy lies, JoshuuY. Jones, Joseph Koniyinaclitr, Georye V. Ijiw renee. Maxwell M'Caslin, Beniumin Ma'.we. Benjamin Matthias, Heurv A. Muhlenberg, Witiinm F. Packtr, Wil liam R. Sadler, David Sankov, Pclctf B. favery, Conrad Hhimer, Robert C. Sterrett, Daniel ftine. Fnrris B. firee-t-r, John H Walker and Valentine Best, rJi'iEAIM Veusa". Taose voting atrainst the pass-ire of the resolution were Georcs Darsie, Augustus Drum and Alexander King 4a-sH. , ' - . ,' - i J Kxtrsct from the Journal. ' ' ' 8AM!,. W. FEARSON, Clerk. , -I i,f:.-s - ; Intbb Housr. or Kr.i'nr.fKNTATivES, ' ' ;; Harrisburg, Manh 14,, 1850, , ) I, 'Villinm Jack. Chief Cle rk of the House of Reprcsen fttivea of Pennsylvania, do hen-lie" rvriil'y that the forpo illg resolution, (No. HI on the formic file, and Nn. 311 on the House Journal of the present rx-fsion.) entitled Reso lution relative to the niiicn.lmi-n! r.f i!ie Constitution" it beinc; the same resoliKimi which wr's firrced to ly n ma jority of tiie members elected ti c-ucli House of the lust Legislature Tifter huvint-' been duly e tnsidered Slid discus sed, was this duy agreed tti by a ni jorily of the members sleeted to and serving in the Hou of Renresetitatives of Pennsylvftnia. at its presc-nl scskioi,, s wi-ll anpear by tlieir votes, giveu on the final nam .go of the rcs.'luiion, as fol lows, viz : Those voting in favor of th passace of the resolution were. John Acker. John Allison, William Baker. Robert Baldwin, David .T. Ben!, Crro' Hi.tiiic. Jercniiab Black, JohnS. Biwen, William BrimlK li-uiel II. H. Brnwer, Jesse R. Burden, John Cernn. Hettrv Church. John N. Coiiyngliam, Sylves.er Cridland, UeiQaiuiu G. Huvid, Wil Knm J. Dobbins, .lainei P. love'r. Thomas Dinicnn, Win. Dunn, Wm. F.spey. John C. Kvans. William Kvnns, A. Scott Uwuie, Alexander S. Fcnt'ier, Tames Flmvera, Benjamin P. Fortnt-r, Alexander GiSbmy. Thomas K rier, JoeephK Griffin, Joseph (Suffer. Jacob ?. Hnlder nnn, George II. Hurt, I ejert Hart. John Hastings, Wil. liaui J. Hemphill, John lioie, Ilenrv Hnpiet, Lewia Her ford, IVftaliinf r,n J. Jr.eVson, Cic'n -ips. Jones. John W. Killi.nre. Charles ri Kinkead. -Robert' t.'r.. Harris P. tini, Morris Lesch, Joneihun D. !.. , "Am- m Leonard, James J. Unvis, lieiiry X,itle, J ons it. CUnsncJi, John r. MTnlhich. Alexander c. M'l.'iioh-. John M'lJiiRrhlin, John M'ljean. Samuel Marx'. Jf. tit B. Mwk, Michael My rrs, John Miller. Joseph C. Mnii y, Jo'm I. Morris, W'ni.-T-M orison, EzekieJ ftloivrv, Kilward Nickles'li, Jacob Nissly, Clmrles O'Neill. Johit'B. V-iekc-r J s,-pli C. Powell James C. Reid, Johs 8. Rhey, Lewis Hob"rls. ftamnel Kuhiaon, Jobn B. Rutliarford, 0!-mii W. r-:.tic'.tl. Thomas P. fcnuler, William Sliaffner, Rich inl !ni;-s n. Kli Slifei, William Smith. William A. Sinilb. Daniel M.Hmvser.Wil- 1: im II. Snider, Thomas C. Siecl, David Steward, Charles t , ekvel!, KJwin C. Trone. Andrew Wade, Robert C. Walker, Thomas Watson, Sidney 1). Wells, Hirnnl A. Williams, Daniel Zerbey, and John 8. M'Caliriont, SrEAX 1CA Yeas 67. Those v itina: airainst the nnssace of the resolution were. A.ipnsms K. Cornyn, Dnvid Evans und James M. Porter ,av3. , LiiraU from the Journal. WILLIAM JACK, Clerk. 1, i ' Secretary's Office. Filed March IS, 1SS0. A! VV. BENEDICT, r - . Dep. Set. of the Commonwealth. Secretary's Office. PENNSYLVANIA SS ! r I no rr.itTiF'r ihut the above end foregoing is a true and cirrctropyofthe orlprinal reaolution ol'llteGi-neral Attscin Wy, entitled, "Reaolutiofi relalivetoan amendment of the Cuuatiiutiou," as the same remains on file in this office. - " tefft',n11,K whereof i have hereunto -.wiTV-r- vi mv liami. ena CHiltfeo im lie niiisui inc jy S&ftii eal o' the Secretary's (HBce, at Harilahiire: ft this fifteenth day of June, Anno Doiniui H Jt u A I I I:.-... .W4jfciK we thousand eiuht hundred und fifty. , , A T. PTTKRETT : . . i Sth of the Commonwealth. 1 July 6, lSAOOni. i , . i,- . -NEAVr STORE! V 3VF.W STOCK OP C.OOD9, At tht Store formerly occupied by John Boar' ' S In Market Street, Sunbury. fT'HE subscribe respectfully inform the puh- X lie that they have just received, and are now opening A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OP DRV GOODS. ,. - . ' Consisting in psrt of Clotlv, Cassimeres, Sattmetts, Vesting, Panta loon Stuff, Calicoes, Ginshams, Lawns, Vest ings, Flannels, Cambrics, Linens, , , Fine Muslins, Handkerchiefs, S i .'' frlouet, Ifc, - ' ' Hardware; queens ware, ' Dacos ivd Medicines. ', ' ' V' ;? . -:;. also; .- ; :,. " A large assortment of ,, .... .. , ; Groceries, fish, Salt and Plaster. Ladies hoea and Gaiters, Fluid and Fluid Lamps All of which will be sold on the most reasona ble terms. 13 Country produce ef all kinds taken in ex- change at the best prices..' ' " , ' ' JOHN BUVEKS & CO. Sunbnry, April 13, 1850. ly T)ROWNt ESSENCE OP JAMAIOA GIN- GER. an excellent articled r-HipwAt ' Medicated Soap for sun burns, tan, tetter. A-c. . , Kadway's Circassian Balm, for the hair dauA Badway'a Beady Relief for Cramps, Cliolic, Cholera Morbus, &c. For sale tiy . ' H.'B. MASSER.; J SunburyVJlus;. 8, 1850.' ' ' ' ' " B AV RUM An excellent article for sale bT, -, HENRY MASSE K. euiUHiry Jan. EYtn, ia u. 1. 1 .- - - , fA3,frora tlia New York Canton and pakui ,jl , vumpany- ,r Ot au'e uy . , . i- v: frit ixrt LV-1 KaAbu, VLi, 148 Js K. THOMAS, Ornamental and French . Stylo Frame j Manufectiirer, - 801 Walnut it , between 3d and ith ttreet. ' PHILADELPHIA. T5 ESrECTFULLY directw the attention of tho pnhlio to his superior styles of Plain and Fancy Frames, which are of the latest and most beautiful designs. i ; ' i; A a handsome Frame at a LOW TRICE; baa been much desired, ha was induced some months since to commence the manufacture of these Frames. : In a short time the demand has been so great, that he has been obliged to inert ass his facilities, and new offer at i . j j EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICES, . .1 Singly, or in thousands, the moat beautiful Frames, suilnble for Paintings), Prints, , Daguerreotypes, Cards, &C, &c. ,., . .,.,,.) t. For Durability Unsurpassed. ... n Hotels, Public B.tiildingrs, Sleamboats, Storei, Ca binet Furniture, &cn decorated in imitation of carved Roae-Wood. ; '. i' tW Please cnll and see specimens. ' May 25, 18S0 ly , - .' GEORGE J. IIENKELS, ' CITY CABINET WAREROOMS, - NO. 173 CHESNUT STREET, , (orrostTK Tint stats Horse,) , " PHILADELPHIA. ftFF'F.KSfor sale, low for cash or approved city " pnper, a larrjc and well ssaortcd stock of CABINET FURNITURE, of the latest patterns and of the best workmanship. The assortment embrares every article, useful orornamcntal,coin- prising suits of Drawing Room Furniture in Rose wood and Walnut, exquisitely carved. Rosewood W alntit, and Mahogany Chamber Furniture 1 ra- tent Extension Dining Tables, (acknowledged to be the-, best now in use); Library book Cases, and a great variety of plain Parlor and Chamber Furniture. . ... Curtains made and put up in the latest Paris lashions. . Spring Mattraases, Hair Mattresses, and Fea ther Beds, made to order, i N. B. All articles purchased at this establish ment are warranted of the best materials and workmanship, and will be packed to carry safely to any part ol the country. . . May 23, 1850. ly ', , . SFFJ1TC- GOODS IN IMULADKLI'IIIA. ril 5HARPI.ESS cV SONS, have just received I their supply of SPRING AN D SUMMER GOODS of Friendly and other styles, to which thev invite attention. SHAWLS A 11 descriptions of Silk, woollen and worsted. 'i DRESS SILKS Gro de Rhines, Chameleons, and neat and new fancy styles India Silks and Nittns. ' " DRESS GOODS Lawns, Bareges, Mousse- tins, Ginghams, Alpacas, Mohairs, and all the new fabrics. i.i,. FURNISHING GOODS Blanketa.Shectings Quilts, Damask, Shirtings, and all other furnish ing goods. , ., ' ' ' MEN'S WEAR Cloth, Cassimeres, Cashma rctls, Drills, Vestings of all kinds, and Boys wear. SHOEMAKERS GOODS and Carriage Ma kers articles. T. SHARPLESS ct SONS, . . No. 32 S. Second Street, Philadelphia. May 25, 1850. ly , , . J. H. ZIMMERMAN, JUSTICE OF TIIE PEACE, Sunbury, Pa. Office in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public School House. 17 Monies collected and ail business niomntlv and care- fullj- attended to. April 20, 1850 ,. , ' REFORM YOUR HABITS. , Come ye, with par-nents bare and seedy, Ye b'lth'lom, wido'ers and husbands too, ' ' ' If, in the outward man you'r needy, 1 AV'e soon ton make you as good as new. i r THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he will commence in this place, on the 8th of April next, the , " . TAII.OUI.VO KUSIXESS . s in all its branches. He will lie careful to see that his work is made up in the best manner, and be flatters himself, that he will be able to give entire satisfaction in point of cut, fit and style, as well as ifi prico, .Ho therefore respectfully, solicits his friends and the public gencrully to. call and give turn atrial., , His shop is a new building in Fawn street be ow Weaver's Hotel. . , , JACOB 0. BECK. Sunbury, March 30, 1S50. Cm ,, CHARLES W. HEGINS,.,, ATTOP.1TEY AT , LAW, I'oitsviue, ia. Will promptly attend to collections and all busi ncus entrusted to his core. June 16; 1843, . EDWIN ILVLL, (Late or the Firm or Witkiksox 6l Haii,) Ao. 24- South Second Street, Philadelphia, P ESPECTFt.'LLY informs his old friends and 1 - customers, as well as the public generally, that he has opened an entire new stock of elegant styles ot bpring a bummer Dress Goods. His assortment consists of the latest and most desi rable styles of English, German, French &. Ame rican Goods. fcSuch as Delaines', Tissues, 13 era ges, Silks, Lawns, M uslins, Shawls, 11 Jkffs, Gloves, and every variety of Dress and I ancy Goods. i'lulad. Alarcli ltf, 1830. ly - , C. EENKERT, BOOT MAKER, b. 4-0 South Fourth Street, PuiI.AIlliI.PHIA, Vy HERE every variety of French Calf Skin ' Morocco, Patent leather, Congress and Gai ter boots, of the best stylo and workmanship, are constantly kept on hand or nianufactuied to order. March 16, 1850 Um PATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's writing and indellible ink, Cotton yarn and liips, just received and for sale by ' " ' ' J. W. t 1CILUNU. Sunbury, Dee. 3, 1848. . t i STONEWARE,1 STONE milk Pans, stone Jugs ' and Pitchers, and other articles of stone wure just received and lor sale uy JUH. w, FKILING. Suuhury, June 83, 1849. . ; , THiEY'S COUGf Cj4NDY. n excel- I ' lent remedy for coughs, colds. 1 For sale at this office . " ' ' DAUB'S celebrated Horse and Cattle Modi cine for sale by HENRY MASHER Bunbury Jan. S7th, 184U . -: : n . rjOLD PENS IN SILVER CASES, A small Int nn liuiirl ainl fiir huIa hv II b.mAsskr. furiburyi April 6, 1850. ' , ', lr Tl A iciva . snioi.Ms, curranta, citron, cheese, pepper - Muce, etc. t or sale by J. W. f KILlNU Bunbury, Dee. j, 1848. - , -. . v s t ! 1 AZORS-A superior article for sale at the atore oi HENRY. MASKER, -8uiibury, Feb, 10, 1850 ,i -, hi h IiEK BILh-Justice ntl Cpnitablca Fe Bills tamUomely printed on card naoer. for -issj aav viiwvtlltv, TV1 INERAL WATER,, from the Oak 4cliard t'A Acid Springs, highly valuable in chronic di. seasea, anil tonic nmeoies, fcr sale bv v , U - .t ., 'J. HBNKY MARSEtt, ., ruuuury, juns Si), liu tf ..SUNBURY AMERICAN t iVIS D ,SHAM0K1N JOURNAL. A CAJX TO HOUSEKEEPERS At the Cabinet Ware lloAni of "SEB'KIIOUPT & CO. ' v ; Market Square, Alio at the tor'trr of Fawn ttrtet it tht Railroad ,, SUNBURY, PA. V,:.,';,.:, Thankful for" tht patronage of Vis friends and customers during the 17 years he ha been in busi ness in this place, he solicits from the public a con tinuance of their favors. During this period he has endeavored to keep up with tiie improvements of the day; and has accordingly extended his busi ness in every branch and tnricty The public are therefor invited to the attenAirm of the present stock ifi o rx ?. r r. i? ;; ' 'i CABIN ET- W A U R AND CIIAIKS, t (-. MANVrACTVRRD IV ' ' mii ' SFH A RTT A W TTrtTTPT Jtr " ' ' ' At the Old Stand. ' '' . '.'! Where in addition to their former stock ef the establishment they now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs Larg;e Spring Seat Rocking Chairs, " Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables, Marble Top Wank Stands, , " ' and a variety of other , .' , ' n v new style and ," . , . F.nliioiinllc l'urnittire. - Having secured a Hearse and made the neces sary arrangements for the purpose, they ere now prepared for Undertaking in all its branches, tn this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye mniils nud mistrrascs, suit husbands too, '1 Here's fumitilre of everr style and hns, ; From side boards d twn to kitchen tables, Fmm rocking chairs to lockiiis cradles : Should you not hnve the icndy Joiiji to pay, .. We'll wait awhile fat a brighter better day, . ., Or take potatoes, oats, eoru, wheat and rye ; Bark, hoop poles, ataws, or lumber wet and dry, ,.- Or any thing but yokes and threshing flails, From pigs and turkies down to tittle quails. Come on theu frlemls, cotne one and all, -Keep trade a moving, so "g'ies on the ball." EI? Orders from a distance promptly attended to and work of all kinds delivered with dispatch Bunbury, March 9, 1850. tf ROBT. L. SETU. THOS. P. B. SETH SETIJ & BROTHER. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND , ... ,., ; J NO. 89 PRATT STR13ET, " ' (Neir Bowiv's Whahf,) . v, . - -BALTIMORE,' Will pay particubV attention to the sale of GRAIN and all oilier products of the farm. , Baltimore, January 26, 1850. ly . THE PEOPLE'S VADE-MECUM CO.Ml'lUSING A COLI.KCTION OF OVER 200 VALUABLE RECIPES, in Me Useful and Interesting Arts with a few Simple and Curious Experiments In . CHEMISTRY: T NCLUDING Medicines, Perfumery, Chemistry Cookerv, Farriery, Dyintr, Confectionary, Do mestic Economy, etc. etc. etc. Price 6 cts., for sale by HENRY MASSER. Bunbury, Dec. 8, 1849. .'. - II illDIVO &, HULL'S 7HOLESAI.E Commiasion PAPER and RAG WAREHOUSE. No. 19 MINOR Street, Philadelphia. Where a general assort ment of all kinds of Paper is kept, and for sale ot the lowest cash prices, i Cap, Letter and Printing Tapers. &c. on it a ii a. Plain and ruled while Caps. " ' blue " Flat CapsJ - . . . ' .' . : ' Plain and ruled white Letter. , ' " " blue " Bine and white Folios. White and colored Printing Toper Tissue Papers. Shoe " nipping " Envelope " ' . Hardware and Sl eathing Taper. Tar Boards. Straw Boards. ' ' Bonnet Boards. All orders from the Country will be attended to at the shortest notice. All goods sold will be carefully packed, and de livered at any place in the city. The highest cash price paid for Rugs, or ex changed for Puper, as low as csn be bought else where. Please call and examine for yourselves. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1849. Rrowii'N Essence of Jamaica Glu- per. . .:, Prepared only 01 Frederick Brown, at his Dru and Chemical Store, North East Corner of Fifth and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia. TIHE Essence, in a preparation of unusual ex. J. cellenco and of varied properties. In all cases where a powerful and safe stimulant is required, it is unrivalled for eliicacy as well as immediate itction. To the traveller and to the family circle ft is invaluable, as a few drops diluted in sugar and water present a safe nd azroeable remedy to the invalid who requires immediate relief, as well as to the convalescing patient who needs a gentle tonic. In a southern climate, where the relaxa tion of the system to generally induces thirst for stimulants, it will always be found an excellent substitute for those tempting beverages which de bilitate the stomach and cause a morbid condition of its powers. In dyspepsia, in relaxation of the bowels, in naussca and sea-sickness, it is an active and safe as well as a pleasant and refreshing re medy, and is prescribed by tha most eminent of the medical faculty. A supply of the above received and for sale by II. B. Musscr, Sunbury. , April 6, 1830. 6m ... A Sew Asgortmeiitor Frfiili Goodi,. IRA T. CLEMENT, TJ ESrECTFLXLY informs his friends, cus - k- tomcrs and others, that he has just received a handsome assortment of , . NEW GOODS ".'.' at his store in Market Square in Sunbury, such as Dry Goods, Groceries, Queens , ware, Hardware, &c. . Sunbury, June 33, 1849. (1 Wm. ii. Cochran & Co., Wholesule aud Hrtall, WtNE AMD HQUOIl. MKRCHANT8, No. Ii H-'almt Street, Philadelphia. AVE always on hand a'very large stock of Wines, Liquors and pVcrars, of their own importation. ' Store Keepers, Hotel Keepers, and private gentlemen, will be supplied on the most liberal terms. .' 1 :.,.', ' PUUodelphia, Nov. 17, 1849 Tulunblo IltMtltM, T IFE or Ch hist, ban Jsoniely bound, D'Au- J digne's' His rou r or thc Rf.iohmtiox, Blask Dat-mooks tso Leiih tns, full bounded. r er sale at the publishers prices by , , II. B. MASSER. Sunbury, July 14fl84 V Ootton Yarn, Cutton Carpet Chain, Cotton Laps and w siiuiii(r, Cotton Outlines, Ready made Pantaloons, Ready made Vests, Congress . Knives, Porcelain lined . preserving kettles, just received iprsaleoy . , H, MASSER. IBuubury, Dec 8,1848. ' . , PAP8-An assortment juat received. Also silk HATS at $m, for sale by x?-);'-. ; . H. MASSER, .. Sunbury, Deo, S, 1848. . , , BLANKS. W JLANKS of every descriptioo can be bad by applying at Uie etUce er tfct Amvntan. FIRE PROOF CHESTS, FOR BOOKS, PAPERS, JEW EUR Yi, &c. r;.- EVANS' & WATSON, ! ol No. SO .fVorffc Third ttttet; btHieeri Arch ana" Kate, and 83 Dock street, OPPOSITE THE PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE. Patent Soap-stone Lined and Key- ,o '. hole Cover n . v., " SALAlYt ANDERS, ' FIRE AMD THIEF PROOF IRON CHESTS, t!N'"",Vu.', ' ' " Warninteil' tn stand mors Hml T JHBSi w? . 5 than any Chests in Ibis Country, !si.Kw;n!:.i -d.-K.- ui j-"' - "v. .-.. V."H Chests, iflnn m.w m se; 'They JS WWI y-AW also eouiiune tn . i make lias orniua nt very low prices thai locks. With whleh can Ih rbnngRd several thonannd tiines-ehnnsea- ble in fart every time the Uk Is used If desirable. Tliesa Locks are prnif, ngaiusl the m-'st expert Thieves, lieinff supplied Willi the Patent Key-hole Cover, and made verv Amur, ihev cauin' be blown open hv Gnnn -wder. These Locks are aiieudod foi BANKr!, STORKS. SAFF.f, ,Vr. , , ' . . Penland lettet copying presses, flropfopf doors for Banks and Storea. ... ,.,,-.' Patent Slnta l.lnrrt Refrnreralors. warranted snperinr to all others. Wnter Filters, Shower liitlis of the best qual- itv. ' ..... CV Persons wishing tn purchase tiny of the above ar ticles, will please give them a rail, as they , sell cheaper than any other in the United Stntea. ' ' ' I t v ... .- DAvlTl KVAIW, "J .v , . .. I. JOHANNES WATSON. Philadelphia, November 10, 1I0 ly p ;. . r, STONE WARE. riHE subscriber would moat respectfully in 1 form his friends and a generous public, that he it manufacturinp; the heat quality of STONB WAR 8, in all its varieties, and is prepared to sell a little cheaper than any ofther manufacturer in the Union. He is also importing and dealing most extensively in CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSW'ARE, which he offers on the most reasonable tenna. His Potteries arc on bond street north of Fay ette, and China store and dwelling; at No. 8, B. ualtimore street. , . DAVID PARR, No. 8, E. Baltimore street, . . BiLTiMoiiK, Maryland. February 8, 1850. ly Equitable Ufe IiiMiiraiice, Annult)' nnu I riiMi company,, OFFICE 74 WALNUT STREKT, PIIII.ADF.LPHIA. Capital SiW.OOII. Chshtkb Pehpeioai. ri'iir. tj'impnm' are niv prennrea to trausnt-t 'nismrss 1 nivai Hie miiBI litiernl and ailvuiiuiecius terms. 1'lipv arc untltorized hy their eliarler (nn. 3) "to make " nil anil cvtiry insurance appertaining- tn lite risks iif whntcver kind or nntur. and t:i rweivn and execute trusts, make eml iw- inents. and to srant and purchase anuuitieB., The Com pany sell mini! ilit-s and endowinents, und act as Trustees lor uiiuwrs ana ncirs. . i Table of Premiums required for the Assurance of 8100 fur i . . tne whole term oi l.lie. Age. l'rem. 3. HI 3 4ft 3 02 3 77 3 01 4 13 4 32 4 51 4 71 4 fll 5 12 S33 8:54 S 78 G 03 The premiums are less than anv other eomr.inv, and the policies afford greater advantages. Tallies of fialf-vearlv and quarterly premiums, hull" credit rntes of premnimi short iciiiis, jmni iivct, urvivorsntps aim form or Application (fir which there sri to he had on application at the- office, or by letter to the Agent, 4. a. ruiun , r-utiuury. -.. .'. Hates for lssumsu 8100 on a single Life , Ago. For 1 year. 61 09 ' 1-20 -1.KO 3,13 . For 7 years. 1.31) l.M For Life. 21) ' 30 40 SO 60 1,60 2.04 2.70 3.n4 6,03 2,1)7 3,7 . Example A person aged 30 years next birth d;iy, hy paying the Company 99 cents would secure to his iViinily or heirs SUM slioukl he die in one yeur 1 or for Sn.nO he se cures to them 8I0UO; or lor 13 niimiaily for seven years he secures to them 10110 should he die in seven years; 01 for &2D.40 paid annually during hie he secures 9lixX) to he paid when he dies. The insurer securing his own bonus, by the difference in nnl mntol premiums from thoaechn reed hy other nlTn us. Fur 8 19,50 the heirs would receive S500U sh-mlil he die in one year. Fornix of application and all pari ienlnra may bf hnd at the office. PF.TF.R CUl.LE.N, President. Vice President, Wm, M. IJaird. Fhaxcis W. Kawlr, Secretary and Treasurer, Consulting Phvsiciam Dr. J. B. Musser, miliary. J. II. Purdy, Sunbury, Agent for Northumberland coun ty. Bunbury, July 2S, 1840 , i- )..- "i:ncour:ig:e Your Own!" TTAAS & I.ENN. FASHIONABLE MAKE OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. ''I'lIE subscribers respectfully cnll the attention of the public to their lanre and splendid assort ment of every quality aud prico of ;itii: -ware. which cannot fail to recommend itself to every one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, madn up of the best stock to be had in the city. No effort, is spared in the manufacture of their ware, and the suliscriliera are determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. Their stock consists of Mahogany Sttf'aM, Dlvnii hikI IjOUiistpn, Uurmus,SErictnr(cs,S(rJcbonrins, SOFA, BliEAKFAST AND l)INlG TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia, manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WOltK AND CANDLE. STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND . EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of their business. rhey also manufacture all kmds and qualities of ...... CIIAIKS.- including varieties never before to be had in Sunbury, such as Mmoui!it, Black Walxct AXII Ut'RLKII MAPI. IiHECIAX 5 AND WlNIISOn CHAIRS, anu fanct Piako S tools, which are of thc lutcst styloa, aud warranted to bo excelled by none manufactured in tne cities or elsewhere. The subscribers are determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can lie entertained about the quality and tiuish ol tneir ware and Chairs. ... . 1'heir articles will be disposed of on as good terms as they can, be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. IW LINUElt 1 AKI.Nli attended to on reason able terms. .... Idf The Ware Room is in Market Street, opposite J. Young s store, and nearly opposite W eaver a Tavern. .i r , , DANIEL HAAS, i . ., GEORGE RENN. Sunbury, April 28, 1849. tf .' ., , LIQUOlTs. "WINES; &C. 'PHE subscrilr has just received a near supply of the best liquors that ever came to Sunhury, consisting in part uf . ',' .,, . . . Superior old pule Brandy. . I 'i i,'.!. Fine Cojrniae Brandy. ' Superior Old Jamaica Spirits. " 1 ' " : 1 ' New England Rum. 11 "' ' 1 1 -'J Fiue Holland Gin. ', ; u ; 's ( ,j Superior Old Whiskey , . , Common do. ,. , , . .;. . . t : Superior Madoria Win-" - ' 'Lisbon' do. " dd.'j' . '' "!-( . Superior Tort Wine. . ' Burgundy Port do. - - ' ' ; Sweet Malaga Wine. 'V ,' ' .,,'.' J1, ' Superior Cluet Wine in bottles, , , i 1 ' Champagne do. do. - --!-" '" ' ... ' HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, May 88 1849. . . . ... ! 3 A new supply of tnia excullcnt article juat wwived and for sal. by " H. B. MA88ER. Sunbury, MaKU 1, 1150. i Aro. IPrtm. I Age. Prem. Ill 1 50 3t a on ir 1 M 3J 2 is 18 1 SI) Ml) 'l 1!) I SO 31 37 so i no M s SI 1 63 39 8 411 22 1 m 37 2 47 23 10!) . 39 2 51 21 172 , J 30 2 It) 85 1 70 40 2 70 , S IK 41 2 81 . ! 27 1 6(1 42 2 fl2 28 lp4 . 43 SOI '.' 29 1 Of 41 3 12 3U 2 01 45 J 3 23 imTICKNOR'S i OOLUMD1AH BFELLINO BOOK. BEING a proojessive and Comprehensive Sys tem of Ortho(rrapy and Orthoepy, including a variety of definitions, adapted to the use of Schools in tint American Republic; by Almon Ticknot, a Teacher of twenty-five ycara experi ence, and author of the Columbian Calculators, Practical Common School Mensuration, &c m ; The attention of Teachers, School Dtrectors, parents, &en is invited to this new Spelling Book, which conforms to the modern spelling and usages in OrthoCTBphy as being one of the neatest, cheapest best arranged, and bettor adapted to the wants of children, than any other published in the Lulled Stats. : It is what it purports to be, a Spelling Book and not a Reading Book, and only requires an examination on the patt of Instructors of youth to secure for it a universal introduction into the Schools of the United States. Juat published, and for snle hv Henht MAssEn, Sunhury. , Where Teacher and Directors can procure copies for examination. , ,; i ,' August 4, 184H. . Dli-J. JUPDEGRAFF, O ESPECTFUI.LY informs the citizens of Danville and the public at largo, that he has located in Danvillo, and is now prepared to prac tice Medicine and Surgery in all its various bran ches. He will Operate on all the various forms of blindness, cross eves, club feet. ' harelip, cleft palate, and attend to the extraction of tumors, amputation of limbs, and all other suroical dis eases. ' His collertinn of instruments rompriaes all instruments in modern Surgerv. of the latest improvement and finest finish. He flnlters him self that many years' practice and experience will lie a sufficient guarantee to those who may feci disposed to employ him. His residence is nearly opposite the Montgome ry JS nidines, and next door to Isaac ttoscn baum's store, in North Danville. Danville, Dec. 1, 1849. ly. HICKE1? 8c TULli, IVu l'0 liiPNiiut Klrcet, . (Opposite tht Arcade) PHTLADEIiPHIA, Jl ANUFACTURERS of their improved i 1 Elastic Steel Spring, Solid Sole Leather, stvle and Solid Riveted ' which took the only first premium, awarded by the Franklin Institute at their last cxlinniion. H. & T. tako pleasure in inl'orminc the travel ling public, that they have now on hand, a beau tiful assortment or Iheir improved stylo ot olid Sole Leather Trunks; Doublo and Single Folio Trunks, of various styles; Ladies' Trunks, Va- lice Trunks, Bonnet Boxes, Cap Cases, ( arpet Bags, and an elegant assortment of superior En ameled Patent Lcnthor Bags, with every article in their line of business. n?" Old Trunks Repaired or taken in exchange lor New ones. ALEX. L. HICKEY. RICHARD W. IT'LL. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1840.- PHILA. AND READING RAILROAD SIM Ml: II ARHAXJl MLNT FIIOM rillLADELPlHA AND POTTSV1LLE. Office of the Philai It Reading Ruilroarl Co. Philadelphia, March 29, 1830. Two Passenger Trains Daily, (except Sunday.) ON and after Aprillst, 1850 two trains will be run each way, daily, between Philadel phia and Pottsville Morning Line, (Accommodation.) Leaves Philadelphia ut 7J A. M., daily except Sundays. Leaves Pottsville at 7 J A. M. daily except Sun days. Afternoon Line. (Fast Train ) Leaves IMiiladelphia at S J o'clock, daily, except Sundays. Leaves Pottsville at Sj o'clock, daily, except Sundays. Passengers cannot enter the cars unless provi ded with Tickets. The afternoon, or fast trains, do not stop at Au burn, Althousc's, Uirdsboro', Roger's Ford, Val ley Forge, Port Kennedy, Spring Mill or Falls. NOTICE. Fifty pounds of bugenge will be al lowed to each passenger in these lines ; and pas sengers are expressly prohibited from taking any thing as baggage but their wearing apparel, which will he at the risk of its owner. By order of the Board of Managers. S. BRADFORD, April 13, 1830. Secretary, UlIJsliDh' ATI-YMIi;PTi Ir I.IXIK i. with the utin nt omfidence, olTered to tlm Ij iVUtlieal TuciLty ainl tfif publif l-r Uicnre f i)i m or iudigeflt ju, nitd ull dnwuse aribiug irum it, vucii N iuitea, Hradui he. Vt-Ttit; lJii!(noH tf Sitjlit, Bili his Vtiinitinc. Liuriiiii seiisjiiHui at tiie pit l)cbiiilyuut the Ncrv"Ufi y- tit tiiu st m ien, l.iver riMiinliiint, tern. Ilvn K.h'ndrin, Juumlice, OppresM n ii Tier entiit, 1. xsi.l Ui'tite, P.-il-it.lti in of the I Unit, Wiisiinir ol tiie slrensth. Pain in tiie nit -il the t line 1- liitnlence, with Imjuentl or t-.w.irds the ritflit side. heir iinirnf wind. 'Sail iwni-ss ol c niinlt-il m, Viiintediiine, Diyrrssi ni of the spinss nnd Coiisiituiiist mm uneusineiis: uriuitniiiy tn wnipcr, of the bowels, l If ciise of dyspepsia should lie n.-eleeted, most sen lis eflects limy ensue, 1 ir it Invs the f iiiiiitnti -n f -r, is the in cii-ent ciiilbe of. Hlld very I'reiiuentlv tt-rillili:iles iuc insuniii li il. 1 w -uld impress uion (lie mind thnt to tiide with this disense iiiivIkj t-isnirt wi'.h the rs -n wlilt-h c-iiistl- ttites in-iii sUiierenuueiif nin init uniiiitil tieiuirs, or ri em hiller exisleuee by sdding n eonsciousuesu of folly to the ieu:llly of Hllil. This iiinlii iue is nently put up in bottles, with ample direeii 'ns f..r use, und is sold iu hiiulmrv by John V, Ksiuso. ja.mi:s WH.I.1A.MS. Testinnnyol Mr. Aimer l-.lines, Itilli-r, Marsei street nli ive rUxlh, e rr b iralive of the eiliiMvy ol lllionis Anti-llysK-jilie lilixir Piiu.jDin.piiu, October 3, 1849. Mr. Jams, Williams : Uuar en i It lives ine srent liiensure to aimw mat you are umiin preparmy you inedic-ine f r the eure of l)ysiep sin, I' r many of my aeiuintnees have repeutedly nsked ms where it could be prormed, kuowiiigur.it I nan uueu eureil by it. As I think thst a puliliu Hckn twledginent of tlw great benefit 1 have reeeived from the use of your meil. iciue is not only aue to you, unt may ne useiui vioiners, now ra-ike it. For several years I sutleral from Dyspep. siu, which iucrensed to such an extent unit my health and cousliluil 'll were rapidly sinking under it. I win etisi. pellt-d to restrict mvaelt to the in t simple !.. sun even that I could not digest. I felt a loss oi strength, disiucli. nail ii to exercise, and, as you have it in your advertise ment, a general feeling of deprmsi u and iislesrriUilaa ivMiriiiu In the t ear 1K1S. hejrinff fr m others bich re- cmraeiulitini of vour Auti-Uyciiiio Klixir, I pr wured and used it wuh Ihe ni ist luippy edect ; uiuler it lultueucs languor ami wnriucss gmilunlly passed away, aim my apiie. tile returned wliich 1 J sjld graliiy with unpuui-y. Teu years have ll w elapsed, and my c -nfuleuce ut the curative piwers .if y iur mwllciiw has iif c-mrse increased, lot it completely cured me when I failed t lobtuiu reliel fr snauy otkoi source. - Very respecU'ully yours, , ABNKH KI.ME9. Testimony of Kd word H- Rowley, Wh lesule Merchant nf the Hrm of Uowiey, AshlHiiiiler Co., No fi mth Wharves, in proof ol" the efficacy of Williams' Auti-Dys-peptis Elixir. Philadelphia, October 99, 1340. Mr. Jamks Willisms i Dear su : 1 I'ike pleasure tn recommending your Anti Dyspeptic Klixir for the cure m Dyspepsia. 1 have taken it myself lot the disease, and have lieen entirely cured. . . Yours respectfully, . . -- KDWAIID H. HOWlJjy Aoint JOIIXW FKIUXG, Sunbury, Pa. Marco U, l0.ly BOSS OINTMENT, FOH TETTEB T)E AD the following ceilillcnte from Capt. Devoe, the 1 well known and ponular Sliuin Boat Cuptuiu (of the Traveller.) , Philadelphia, October 31, 1810. Bcvfral years since I was attacked with a braukiug. out on my uck iu the f irm of Teller, which I am o-MivmceU was c aiust-ted at the Uarber'siSliop. ll grandually extend ed ovr my face until it ruuuhed tha upier part is' the clieeks. During the. aevarul ui'iuths tliat it e-miiuued spleaaliug, I . uaul tlitteruul apJiiiliutul, s-ane of whit-h had Ilia tricot, appiently at least, aaneaaiiig th disease, hut from noueoi them did 1 perueiv Uie loiat beuet until 1 applied the Koss Ointment. Ity the use of one jar of it, I wus perfectly cursd aiul havs rsmuiucd frss of the aaec tioa. 1 kave siucs uaud the Oiutoient, liglaly applied for rnufrh. ness ol tlis face, bl ik-hes. chappod hands, tc. With per. feet succi-ss. I Iwve iio hesiuti u iu rnooiuiusudiiuj a ut tlw striiuictt awuusr to Uie public JAMES DEVOE. Agent Hssay Masiss, Bunbury. July s, UA. ROSE OINTMENT A fresh supply of thu excellent article for Tetter. dc., just received and for sale by HENRY MASSER. bunbury, July 28, 1849. KNOB AND SPRING MORTISE LAT CHES. An excellent article, for aale at half tha usual price by ' J. W. FKILING. .; Sunbury, July T, 1749 N. S. LAWRENCE, Agent for the salt of Southworth Manufactu ring Co'f . irrittnir Panr. fare lloitne, Kn. 3, minor street PHILADELPHIA. QQ CASES of the above superior Papers now in store, and for sale to trade at the lowest market prices, consisting in part of ' Fine thick Flat Caps, 18, 14, 15 anil 18 lbs. blue and white. - Superfine Medium and Demi Writings,' blue anil while. , Extrasuper and superfine Folio Posts, blue, Superfine CammoricM Posts, blue and white plain and ruled 1 ' 1 and white, plain and ruled. Extra super Linen Ante Papers, plain anu riii. Superfine and find Bill Papers, long and broad. Superfine and fine Coutiting-Houae Caps and Posts, blue and white. ' ' Extra suiicr Congress Caps and Letters, plain and ruled, bluo and white. , . Extra super Congress Copland Letters, gill. Superfine Sermon Caps and Posts. Superfined bluo Bath Posts, blue and white, plain and ruled. . bmliroiilercd INote rapers anu Lnveiopes, "Lawyer's" Bref Tapers. Superfine and fine Cnps and Tosts, ruled and plai.i, blue and while, various qualities and prices. Also, 1000 reams white end asserted Shoe Pa pers, Bonnet. Boards, white and assorted tissue, Tea, Wrapping, Envelope, assorted and blue Me diums, dip Wrapping, 11 anlwarc Tapers, &c 'Philadelphia, Nov. 24, 1849. In preoentme the ptihltc with a remedy fir the trentment and cure nf FKvnR xxn Aorn nnd nther hili -an diKrnsc. nn nrv)1nir' needed. Vnst numbern in thc I'idred Widen, who JtuftVr from thcae afTeclinns in their varied firms, ore c impelled to iork relief fnmi iUIht s Hirers thun the inline-, dime prescript inns of the rrfrnlor physician. It 1nf ms theref re an nhjeet of humanity, ni well us f public inter est, to bring hefoie thtn a remedy prewired fiom much ex- peneuee, and which mny nlwuys Ite relied up n ns safk, EFFECTUAL, AND HA.R.MI.E4S TO TI'K COSMTITL'TION. That snth is the true clvirueter .if the KSDW ClIOlsAGOrH E, in nniply nttentwl by the universal success with which it has been employed. rrT Extrnet frnm a commuuicntin nf the II-n. Wil liam Woodbridge, of the t'. S. Senate, late G;veriii of Wl id i i gun. Detroit, Oct. 31, 110. Doctor Charles Osoood. Dear Sir. 1 have rend with much interest, vmr little trakatiak upon I lie 'causes, treatment aud cure" of the febrile dinennes which have so extensively prevuiled in our country during the hst lew mmt lis an interest iuerensr-d d ml it t bv Ihe fact that 1 have individually Buffered much fr im'tbein. Thoueh 1 feel myself very' ine mpetent to iudtre safety upon a subjet-t s i entirelv professi mal, yet ymr the try seems t me well reas inrd, bik! your e mHu 1 sionii just, and I think withal, thut your jitimphlct is caleu luted to produce much praetind jrond. Spenkiup ol tiie medicine he says : It fully justified your flatter iue expeetnti'mji, and ns a sufe, convenient, and ptipu- Inr remeitv, mv own expeneutre, s tar, inuiK-es trw u ue lieve that 'it will pr ve a great public benefit. 1 am pleused to learn that you have recently eKtahlished several asjeuciei for its dicp 'sftion th'Hisrli I renret that, with a virw to a m re ceneral disncmtuation ot il, y u slionld have Inuud it uecesrary to remove from y ur present residence am mg us. Willi inucn respect 1 liuve tne n nor u ire, sir. Your nblieed servant, ' WIT M AM WOODBKIDCtE ty From Hon. Stkpiiks V. R. Trowbridge, of Alichi- gun State Senate, to the Airent at Detroit. JiluMIVnilAM, IJAKtAND I"., IJCC li, ftM. gir von wish me to infirm you wh.it I ku iw of Dr. Osir tod's India Choi ig g-ne, r nnti-bili ns medicine. I d believe thai if the virtue ami ctTicaey nf this me.lifine were generally known, the ffvkr and aguic would disappear in .Michigan. I pr n-tired n b ittle in the sprincr of iHu, nun have co.nl renroii t Iwheve that in y sell and family escajrcd the ague last seiit-ui in consequence f its use. Perhaps tn no suinuier since tint settlement ot tins hue peninsula. Ins the fever and 'icue, been prevalent us the last. 1 have ree mnnended this medicine in numerous in stances, nud when the disease hud Income fixed and buttled the skill of physicians; and 1 have never kn 'Wii it tail. 1 has universally pr duccd the m -at happy elfmrts. nnd I bet lieve it ha never been exceeded ly any niudiciue in remo ving the bilious discuses of the climate. Yours, rcspeclfnllv. SS'l'l'PIIEV V. K. TROAVHRIDH E. Asrent f l Sunbury II. B. .MASSER.; XnrHmmberi ind, WITIIINGTOM C - ; Milton, J U. ItASLOKj Selius-yr-'ve, MAY KLOSK. May 6, tf TO I'll VS1CI NS, URI'CCINTS AX!) COl'XTRY ; MEHCIIAXTS. I "JR. .1. N. KF.F.LER & 13to. most respectfully ' - ...11..;, ntl,,ll., 1,, (hnir f.-n.', U..,-1- of 7?,.- Uxh. Fruich. Her mnn and Ameiean I)ntfrx, Med icines, Chemicals. Pnints, Oils, Dye .SttilVs. Glass ware, Perfumery, 1'nleiit Medicines &c. Having opened a new store No. 'i'Ji Mnrket -St. with a full supply of Fresh l)ru'.;x anil .Medicines, we rc speclfnllv solicit Country deuUrs to examine our stock before puri'linsiiur elsewhere, promising one and all who may feel disposed to extend to us their patronage, to sell them trcnuiue Drills and Medi rincs, on as liberal terms as any other house in the City, aud to faithfully execute all orders entrusted to us promptly and with dispatch. One of the proprietors being a regular physician, affords ample guarantee of the genuine quality, of all articles sold at their establishment. Wo especially invito druggists and country merchants, who may wish to become agents for Vr. Kr-efor1 Cthbtatnl Family Mfitiiritie.-. (stan dard and popular remedies,) to forward their ad dress. (Soliciting the patronage of dealers, we respect fully remain. X. KUEI.EU&DnO., Wholesale Drusnikts, Tin. 8U4 Market street, Philadelphia. September 15, 1SIU ly. I'll I I' 1 OKI. I'll I 4 KIEDICAI, HOUSE, ESTABLISHED 15 YEARS AGO, BV DM. Kl NICE UN, N, W Corner of Tkrd and Union Streets. BETWEEN 8FKUCE AND PINE STUECTS, IFTKEN Yi;AI, of cxtetnive and uninlerrtipttd pricuce teia iu this city have rtatlerl lr. K. thc in tt est Kit tnul Hii'eoiMiU.I nracUii ner lur uiul neur, in tiie treiilnieiit oi till disentua m a nnvato imiure. Pen us ti.iiu-ii Willi Urcttn ui u llitr b U', t limit, or len, panm in the heutiur Ii au, mercuri;il rlu'umtiluin, tnctim-i. gravel, ilist'ttHU ttning r U) y 'i lil'ull cxckhim or iuipniitira oi the lit hu. wlitrtsbv tiie e )ulitulum bua Irccnie euieeUcd, lire all ucatfd vvilli mccciw. He who pliieoti liiMiell uinler tiie core (H Dr. K., mny re ligi msl coiitiilc iu hii lun ir ua u gontliiidiitiUKl vauiUieiiU ly rely uim bis NkiH an a pltvtiiriiui. TAKK FAKTlcliAH NOTICE. Young Men wli liave tujurwl ihoint;lv by a certain niufiiL-e iiHluUfeii hi habit tVfnueiitlv leiirtied from evil cimipauit'iis or nt fc'luvil the ellci of wliicli are uiglitly felt, evm wbeii ualeep, mid t1t-nir y b Hh mind uiul txdy. h ultl apply inuiHxlialely. WeakuetM und c 'iistitutional debilily m of muiciilur energy, pltyncil tuwitutlt and pen ernl pr 'truti n. in ilabikily and all uerv um ullei-ii him, iitdi. freiti ut, aluuisiuifva nf the livei, and every djtffasein any way coitntH-'ivu wtui uie uis nicr ui prucreaiive miio tiona cured, and full vigor reatored. YOUTH AND MANHOOD, A vigorous lile or a premaiure death. KINRELIN oh ti If rr.if nation. ONLY 25 CENTS. This Biflklust published is filled with useful infirmsti-m on the infirmities and riist-HK-s if tha (..eiierntive Dirnns. It aitilressBS itseltnlise to 1 UI Til, n A.MIOOIJ and UUI AOK, and shuukl he raid hy ull. Tlis vulushle silvies sisl impressive wamhtjr it fives, will prevent years if misery uinlsull'criiig and savs Hiiuual ly Til lusstids of Lives. Parents hv reudinx il will learu how tn prevent thedes trurtion nf their cliiUlieii. .. . . A remittance iH 15 eetiis. enckised iu a letter, sd dressed 10 1)11. Kl.XKEUX, N. V. e vuei ofTIUKI) L'.MKN Btieels. between Spruce ft Fine, Philadelphia, will ensure s b k, Ulster envoi ipe, per return t snail. Perkins ata disumee iaTaddnaw br. K. by letter, (nnet. paid.) and he eu red at b-mie. PACKACtM OP IK1I1CIFKS, DlrtECTION8, 0 , f a-wnrded by sendins a remittuuee, and nut ap aeeuie frjia DAM Alii: hi Cl'KlOSTV. H ik-setler. New A;auts,Plhirs, Canvassera, and aU others sutsilied with tlw above work at very low rates. February 9, ltt6U ly '1 ISSUE PAPER. Yellow Tissue paper for 1 coveriug glasses, ic, for aale at the olliec ol the American. S1 monJa, P unea and Cream Nuts. Planes of all kinds. Salt and Plaster. Just received and for sale by JOHN W, FRILXNQ. Auabury.Dec 89, 1819. ? 1 1 1 1 , i ",ij t w.'fl tiTt 1 1 ' i j-i V& w i 't'3 BANK NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. PF.NNSVLVANIA. CITJ nr I'HILADZLPHlt. I MA8!ACAU8ETT8. All solvent hanks I air U. a. Bank notes Iff dia KHODE ISLAND. n advent uniika ; , , pa encwrnv ' 1 1 All advent hanks - I diS Bank of C'hiimlierahura: 1 dls Bank of Cheater Co. par Bank of Del. C . Cheater par IlWl. W. A'. All solvent banks I ag- IV EW YORK. CITT. iiitiik ! ucrmtliuowil Hank uf Gettysburg pari All anlrrnt hanks ' " 1 'Is 1 dia 17'Bk iHes under (a 1 4is null 01 uewismwil COtTSTRT Bank nf M idilletown 1 dis All solvents hunks 1 dls M aitg irnnry O i Bnnk par NEWJEHSEV. Hnnk of N irthumberl'inl. pal Belvidere Bank . I dis BaiiSof Pitisburg 1 dis Commercial Bank I dir Bank of Danville ., par Far. Bank M mt Holly par Carlisle Hank " ; 1 tlls'F. M., Middltowii Pt. par Columbia B'k ft B'ge Co iwrlMeclianies1 Bk, Newark par DoyelsWwn Bank parMeeh. Mk nf Burtington par I'.nstoii B-iuk t , imr'Mcch. ft Mnn. Bk 'rrent par Erie Bank 1 ' S dis M irris Co Hank dis Kxchnnge B'k Pittslairg I dis! Newark Bk'g ft Im. Co I dis I'.xclmuga It'k, Branch 1 dis Orange Bank I dis Fnrmers' H'k, Burks Co par Pe .pie's Bk Patterson i dis rnrmers' nit, i jtneaster par rriuceton Bunk Fanners' BV, Rendiiit pnriPnlem Banking Cn, r huh. i,k r-'-nuyiKlll i;n pur r-cmerret u'i Ifnnk F I), fik Wfivitpulrir tAiliii itnte Honk at Cfiinden nnr I- riinkliii Hk Wiuh'a IJilis Smtc Bk Flizabpiht m di Miirrislmrt: HanK 1 rlifl 9rnte Hnnk Nenrk J Hi iionesiiriie Hunk Iinenster It.-inlc 1 din Ptntn Hk, N. Hruttiwiek nnr' pnr,?iiP8f'X bnnk. Newton dit i,i-nnnoi rfntiK nnr iTPtu n HiinKtrifr Co nnr Tiii nt Bnnk, D"vrr dir Ynrdley v Ur C Ifidit iy Uk n't(;8 iTnder $5 1 dis Merch. Mnn. Hnnlt 1 dn Mineis' H'k, Pottsville per Mon-nirilielii Rnnlc 1 flin Tayl-irsv'e Del H' Co 13 disl West nranrh Il-mk par Bank of Delaware f Delnwnrs Mr ivyomnnr , inccsi'e nnr York Rinlt. . 1 dis1 ryitelief notes 1 dis Hnnk "f Smrnia par Delnwnre Cirr Bank nnr Hk W ilnw'n Brtiiifh'w, pnr rnrmers' Hk Delaware par I T!li fl Bnilk. Wilmiiirrtnn mr' MAINE. Bnnknf Whetlock Sd Mercantile Bk. Bangor lodis tT" Under f.V 1 dn OHIO. All s ivenr naims 1 tti NEW UAMI'SHinE. Ul rMvent lmkn 9 rti. All solvent Innkn I dif TF"Bk n-titi nndrr 4 dit VERMONT. Bnnk nf St AlhnnB All t ilvent tanks S dit All a dvent hnnks 9 Alt I dii.ry-Underya, ft dit IMPORTANT TO TIIE PUBLIC ZCPjSE A1TD CATTLE - -medicines;: : r Don't permit your Horses or cattle to die. whrm the means of cure are within the reach of all ! The nnilersijncd has spent several years in the study of Veterinary practice in "London and K dinboro'," he has nlo availed himself of the resear ches nf Leibitr, and other celebrn ted mcn.whohave- contributed so much towards a judicious treatment of animals; the principles of our practiee consist in the rejection of reneial blccdins and the total rejection of all medicines that experience lias shown to be of a dangerous tendancy. These re medies act in harmony with the vital principle, anil when rjiven according to the directions which ac company each article they arc capable of exciting and Increasiinr the natural functions, without di minishimr or dostrovimr their power, hence are safein the hands of every oru - G. H. DADD, M. D. A 1,1st of Horse and Cattle Medicines. , Physic balls, Tjc. per box. , r Alterative ball, 75c do. ' - " powders for bad condition, 75c per pack aw. ; Heave powder for diseases of the lungs, 75e dc. i. vine powuer lor " " kidneys, 75c do. Tonic powder for bad condition glanders, 75c do. Cordial drink for inllamntion of bowels, 75c per bottle. -Iiquid Mister, 75c per bottle. Ointment for promoting the growth of hair, 50e per pot. Healing balsam for wounds and saddle galls, 75c. per bollle. Wash for inflamed eyes, 50c per bottle. Ointment for mange scratches, old sores, &c, 50c per brittle. Kmhrocntion fir sore throat, 75c per bottle. Hool'ointinoiit for sand crack, brittle hoof, &c, 50c per bottle. Ilorue i.inimcnt, the most celebrated article known in England for lameness of every description, 75e Sr jl 1 per bottle. nistemperpo-.v ler for red water, $1 per bottle. Worm powders for the removal of worms from the intestinal canal. 73 per packare. For sale by STlMPtfOX & BEED, 28 Mcr chants Itow. also at DADO'S 1IOHNE AND CAT'l'I.E MEDICINE DEPOT, Koa, 1 &. 1 Hayinarket Square, Boston. Pamphlets describing tho diseases for which these remedies are used can be hud gratis. .Numerous Certilicates aro in possession of the Proprietors, of cures performed by the above MrdL cines. Sold by GKEEN & FLETCHER, No. 26Seuth, SIXTH Slrcct, Philadelphia, and by his Aukxts. H i:Ht Mi sat ii, Sunbury, reuruary a, is-iy ti , .. i ; 1 COLUJII5IA SERIES OF atttitmrtiTO. The Pupil's friend and Teacher's comfort. J HE COI.rMBIAX CALCULATOR. Thia work is nlrcndy introduced into some of the Iwst Acailamios anil a larTC number of Schools, where its use has (riven decided and universal sa tisfaction. hot!i,to t-acher and pupil. It is purely American in its character, hasod upon our own hcautiful derimal systr.m of enrrtvry. It contains more, the arrangements aro licHcr, and it is tha easiest and cheapest work of the kind now in nsej and it is so considere I by hundreds of the most competent teachers and men of s.-ience in the Uni on, who huve recom mended it, It is the book,, particularly and expressly prep-ired for our Anu riran Fekulars t By Amen Tirtnor. Tiik Yiif-rn's Cuu'. in r Ctti riiTon, Thia volume continue J1 parses, with alwut 000 exam ples fir solution on the shite, h embraces the Fundamental Kulea, Compound Rules, Simple nnd Compound Reduction, Single Rule of Three, Proportion, &e. TiiKSou'i, AuiTiiMiTicii. Tsblks, is dustined, for the use of younger classes in rk Schools of the United States. A beautiful little book and pleas iiiK to children, aud the only one or0 the kind of any value. . .. There are Keys to both Arithmetics bound aioi gle or double, fur the convenience of teachers, in which the solutions of the questions are given with, much extra matter for the black hoard. These Keys, are the most complete work of the kind ever published, and contain, in addition, about two hundred examples in Mensuration, ic, for the use of the Teacher. All that is wanted is to have thu above books examined, aud no teacher who ia acquainted with the science of Arithmetic, will hesitate to pronounce them ihe best worka tha have ever been published in this or any other country. ;. Although issued but a lew months, they have already been introduced into the Nijrht Public Schools of New York City in all the Schools public and private, except two, in the City of Keadin?. Also, in about twenty Acadamiea in tha State of PtnnaylvafAi in a large portion, of the Schools in the City of Wilmington, in the City of Lancaster, and in the Boroughs of Hurrisuurj, York, Chamlsjrsburg, Lebanon, l)oy lestown, Potta ville, Orwigsburir, &c, &c For sale by Hixut NUaska, Sunbury, Agent for Northumberland County, Suuttury, Dec. 9, 1848. - K . , P.TE1TT MEDICIITES. Grjen'a Oxygenated Bitter, price reduced. Old Jacob Townsend's Sursaparilla. ' ' Baker's Sarsaparilla. . ,n . , Swayiie'a yrup of Wild Chen : . Swayne's Yermil'uge. , . ' . ' ' 'yre'a Cherry Pectoral ' ""'"' "''"' H Dr. Drake'i Panacea. 1 '' : ' Dr. Cullen'i do ' ,' ' . Tibbit'ePain KUler. ; i ! . ! - - ' ( Dr. Hoolland's tierman Bitten' Indian Vegetable Pills '- Horse and Cattle; Medicines -, - For sale by HUSKY MASSER. , . runbury, July 4, 1849. TJOOKS and Gold Pens. -L lea of the fife of Chris a. Un band several cop. Christ, and also a number of (old pens which we will sell at the Philadelphia ' prices. For sale at tbieoffice. KENNEDY'S PATENT SASH - FX TENINCiSA cheap and excellent erU ' cle lor fasteningvash for sal by , ' ' -i ' J. W. FRI1.INO Sunbury, July T, IS 19.