iL J I MS SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. i TUIRTr.FtnsT CONG es-lt Imln. .. -Washington, Sept. 33. 1850. " HoySE. Tha House went into Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union, and returned the' consideration of the Navy Ap propriation Bill. , , The amendment to Abolish flogging in the nary, except in cases where courts martial - ate held, and the sentence is not carried into fleet until twenty-four hours after judgment, "and abolishing the spirit ration, and giving a remuneration of five, cents per day, was fur ther amended by addling, "that wine and 'ardent spirits shall not be Used by officers on VKIpboard while in actual service, except as medicine, to be administered under the di reption of the ship's surgeon." Mr. Thompson, of Miss., offered a substi tute for .the above, which was adopted, 89 to 3'l, "that flogging shall be hereafter abolished Hn the naval service " Mr. Stanton, of Tenn., offered an amend 'rnent authorizing the Secretary of the Navy So enter into a contract with Messrs. Bryan for building three steamships to run between he United States and the coast of Africa Mr. Jones raised a question (hat the amend ment was not in order. The Chair ruled that it was. Mr. Jones appealed, and Committee refused 'to sustain the Chair Ayes 39, Nays 91. Mr. Stanton, of Kv., olfered an ampnd- 'ment, which was rejected, that the officers of Ihe late Texas Navy be incorporated into that 'of the United States. , Mr. Evans, of !!., again offered an 'amendment to abolish the spirit rations. Mr. Hibbard moved to amend by prohibi ting it to officers, except as medicine. Mr. Jones wanted to know how many offi 'cers would be sick, if the amendment should be adopted 1 Mr. Kaufman moved a proviso that no 'more than one duse shall be admisiered a 'day. Laughter. This was adopted and then the entire amendment was rejected. AMIN DEY, The Turkish Ambassador, is receiving eve 'ry attention at the hands of the Government at Washington. On Thursday the 19th iust., the Hon. Daniel Webster, Secretary of 'State, paid him the compliment of calling on him at his lodgings; after which lie took him in his carriage to the Capitol, and intioduced him to many members of both Houses of Con gress. The Envoy appeared much satisfied ty this courtesy, and spent some time in each ouse. The National Intelligencer says that the Serrate', in the course of the day, having under consideration the Civil and Diplomatic Appropriation Bill, 'inserted an appropriation often thousand dollars to defray the personal expenses of the Envoy during his residence and travels in the United States a mark of respect towards the Sovereign of Turkey, and to the motives which prompted this mission On Thursday night, the Envoy wnsse'riWIed by the Marine Band, at his lodging, at I lie National Hotel, and having been vociferously called for, ho appeared at the window, and through his interpreter, Mr Brown, addressed the assemblage. He mentioned that lie was the Columbus of his nation, beiris the first native Turk who had visited America. Hav ing acknowledged the attentions and kind ties shown him, and expressed his admira tion of our country and its citizens, in the true spirit of Eastern munificence, he ordered a collation for the Band, and retired amidst the cheers of the assembled multitude. The following whimsical circumstances happened some time ago in Kilkenny : "A tailor, who was married to a very sickly woman, got enamoured of a young girl who lived in his neighborhood, and, on certain conditions, he agreed to give her a promise, an writing, to marry her immediately on the demise of his wife; in consequence of which Mr. Snip passed the following curious note of 'hand. "In two days after the demise of my tpneeent wife, I promise to Mary Mix Moran 'or bVfier, value received, under fifty pounds sterling. Vjiveii under my hand this six 'leenth day of May, &c, J. Sullivan.' Shortly 'after Mitis Moran received the ubove note, she died, leaving it endorsed to u female Vriend, who alee chanced to take a fever, and died, tsefore the tailor1 wife; however, on tier sick'bed, she ato endorsed the note, and gave It to aootftin, wfcotu the tailor absolutely "inarrleil, agreeably to rtie endorsement, in Wo day's after the death 'ef his Wife, and it said the tailor and his wife are now living happily iu tlie 'city 'ef Kilkenny." Destructive FiTi'e in toTT'sVVi.i.'B. X fire 'broke out Potts'viUd, at X o'clock, yesterday morning, that has 'caused extensive destrUc tion. It had its origin in Ate carelessness of 'a teamMer, who wa"? tending his horses in the stable of Geisses' tavern, on Centre street, above Market. It consumed trie wiole row 'of stables on that side of the street, and all the shops and offices on Market, street to Thomson's store, which was saved. Mills' tavern, on the opposite suta of trie street Irom 'Geisses' -stable, was also destroyed ;l and con siderable injury waa done to the Methodist church adjoining. The property lost is to be Regretted chiefly for the immediate inc'o'nve- IiieiVc'e of the occupants. Otherwise, like the arge fire on Centre street', it will put substan tial and gotJd looking buildings iu the place of unsafe and unsightly rookeries'. Great. Foot Race. the Lock port Demo crat says a great fodl race came off at Hail, land, Niagara co, on Saturday last, between ihe Tonawanda and Chippewa Indians) The distance run waa ten miles without stopping. The first two miles was performed in nine mWures and thirty-five secoMs-Mhe last two in t&tlv minutes and fifteen seconds. The bursa waa taken by Isaac Hitt, a Tonawan- ... .iii,. da, (not yet eignteen years oi age,) in jtjiy tight minutes thirty-two seconds. Con irUrin sore inconveniences of the ground it it considered one of trie greatest feats on record. ' k farroef in the neighborhood of Coopi er'i Creek; has after long trial, succeeded in growing, from W:plant fiva large iZt.S.- lis, Intends to present Barnum vitb S fullijrown ioo.ter u specimen of . Estate of Samuel Culp, ten., deo'd. .'. NOTICE is hereby given, that lettsrt of ad ministration have been granted to ths sub scriber, on tha estate of Simuel Culp, sen dee'd., lata of Upper Augusta. - AM persons indebted to said estate or having claims against the same, arc requested to call on the subscriber for settlement. JOHN HAUGHAWOUT, Adrn'r. Upper Augusta tshp., Sept. 14, 1850. 6b FALL MILLINERY GOODS. John tone & Sons, Importers and Dealers in Silks, Ribbons and Millinery Goods. No. 45 Smith Second St., PHILADELPHIA. HAVE received by lata from France, a large and very desirable assortment of FALL MILLINERY GOODS, among which will be found Bonnet Velvets of all colors in variety of prices. ' Satins " " " Corded Velvets a Figured, water'd and corded Bonnet Goods. Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, a largo assortment French and American Flowers. Laees, Bonnet Tabs, Crowns, Bucirams, Ac. Ac., together with a splendid assortment of Paris Fancy Feathers. The above goods were selected by one of the firm in France, and will be sold at the lowest market prices. Philadelphia, Sept SI, 1850. lino. To the Voters of Northumberland County. Fellow Citizens! TCnrniirnmH hv tnnnv nf mv frirnfts. I herewith offer myself to your consideration as a Candidate lur uic omre, pi , VOUNTY COMMISSIONER at the coming election. Should I be elected to said Office, I shall endeavor to discharge the duties tlicfcdf 'to the best of mv ability. , CHRISTIAN ALBERT. liowcr Mahonoy, Sept 7, 1850. To the Votert of Js'orthumbhland County Friknds and Fellow Citizkks: Encouraged by a number of my friends in the different sections 6f "die county, I offer myself as a candidate fpr the office of COkJtTY COMMISSHOXEII at the coming election, should f receive a majority of your votes, I pledge myself to perform the du ties of said office faithfully and to the best of my ability. GEORGE T. TRAl'TMAN. Jackson Up., Aug, 31, 1850. 'tE. ASOTHER sUfiftTIFIC WONDER. PEPSIN! THE TRUE DIGESTIVE FLUID, GASTRIC JUICE ! A GREAT DYSPEPSIA CTTREH, .Prepared from RENNET, or the fourth Stomach of tht Ox, after direction! of BARON L1EBIG, the great Physiological Chemist, by J. 8. HOUGHTON, M. D., No. 11, North Eighth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. , This is truly wonderful remedy for INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE, LIVER COMPLAINT, CONSTIPATION, and DEBILITY, Curing after Na tare's own method, by Nature's own agent, the Gastric Juice. t3T Half a teaspoonful of this Fluid, infused in water, will digest or dissolve, Five Pounds of Roost Beef in about two hours, out of the stomach. DIGESTION. DIGESTION is chiefly performed in the stomach by the uid of u flu id which Ireely exudrs from the inner cisut ot tJtul orffuu, wlieii in a state of health, culled the Gustne utce. This nuid is itie ureal soivcm 01 tue r ood, the Purilyinjy, Prvsttrving, and Stimulnting Agent of the stw iiuich'ajKl tntcmiiies. Without it there will be no diges tion,, ho conversion of food into blood, and no nutrition nf the body ; but ruther a foul, torpid, painful, and destruc tive condition of the whole digestive apparatus. A weak, half dead, or injured stomach produces no good Gastric Juice, aiidbeiicethe disease, distress and debility which ensue. PEPSIN AND RENNET. PEPSIN is the chief element, or irreat Diireatinff Princi ple of the Gastric Juice, it is I on ud in greut abundance iu t)ie solid ports of tlx; human stomach after death, and some times causes the stomach to digest itself, or eat itself up. It is also found ia the stomach of animals, us the ox, calf, Ac. It is the material used by farmers in makinir cheese. culled Rennet, the effect of which hus long been the apecial wonder of uie dairy, me cunning ot mutt is the nrst pro cess of digestion. Rennet poNteutus astonishing power. The stomach of a calf will curdle nearly one thousand times its own weight of milk. Baron Liebig states that, 'Ont part ol Pcpalu dissolved in sixty thousund parts of watei, will digest meat and other food." Diseased stomachs Dro- duce no good Gastric Juice, Rennet or Pepsin. To show uiai in is want may oe penecuy auppuea, we quote the (ol io wing SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE! BAHON LIEBIG, iu his celebrated work mi Animal ChemiKtry, says: "An Artificial Digestive Fluid auaiagotis to the Gastric Juice, may be readily prepared from the mu cous membrane ot' the suimoch of the calf, iu which various articles of food, as meat mid eggs, will be softened, chang ed, and digeatcd, just in the same maimer as they would be in uie nuuian siomucn." Dr. PEKEHIA, in his famous treatise an "Food and Diet," published bv Fowlers Jc Wells. New York, rare 35, states Uie amne great fact, and describes the method of preparation, iitereare lew higher authorities than Dr. Pereirn. Dt . COM BE, in his valuable writings on the "Physiology of Digestion," observed that "a diminution of the due quan tity of the Gastric Juice is a prominent and all-prevailing cause of Dyspepstia and he slates that 4 'a distiuguialied professor of medicine in litnoii, who was severely alHict- ed with this cemplaint, finding every thing else to fail, had recourse to the uastnc Juice, obtained lroin the stomach of living aniniuls, which proved completely successful." Dr. GRAHAM, author of the famous works on "Vecre- tnble Diet," auys: "it is a remarkuble luct in physiology, tbat Uie stomachs of' aiiimuls, macerated in wuter, impart to the lluid the property of dissolving vurious articles of food, and of etfecuug a kind of artificial digestion of thsin iu no wise ditlerunt from the nuluml diffentive process." Dr. SIMON'S great work, the "Chemistry of Man," (Lea, Phila. lMtl, pp. says: "The dis covery of PEIIN forms a new era in the chemical history of Digestion. From recent Xeiiuieuts ws know that food lit dissolved as rapidly in an artificial riigcstive fluid, isreiMired irom pepsin, as it is tu the natural uuvtrir Juice ltsrlf., I'fotessor lLUL.lur ot the Jefteison Coiione, l'htta- delphio, In his great work on Human Physiology, devotei more lluut any pages to hii examinaiion ot mis soDjfci. His cxjieriiueuts with Dr. Beaumont, on the Guitrie Juiee, otrtaiiied from the living human stomach and from animals are welt known. "In all cases," he suya, "digestion occur red as perU'cUy ui Uie artificial as iu Ue naturul digestions." AS A DYSPEPSIA CUHER, Dr. HOUGHTON'S propnnmoii of I'K1SIN has prndu. cm the ni'Mt iiuirvellnu. elftu,' curing etim ot' Debility, Kiiuiciatioti, Nervoiw Uei'liiia. and Dytimptic Consumption, sutipRwd U be on the vnry verge of Uie RTHVe. It is im poasilik: to give the detail of cntm in the limits of this ! Vfitiemeik-but autheiitioatMl certihentes liave been given rlf more than TWO liUNDKKD KK.MAKKABLK (M'HIvS, iu lluliidelphie. New I ork, and Utnu aknie. 'lhHM were neurlv oil deanerate ciiaes. yuri the cure, were uot oliily ruAd six) vv(Uidtrl'ul, hut permanent. It is a great r.ii lit n A i ilmji tt ana pnrucuiuriy useful for teiuleiicy lo lius diaordef, Liver dnnplui..!, I; ever atHl Ague, or twdiy trauted rever and Ague, anil the evil effects of Quinine, M ercury and other drugs upon Ihe Digestive organs, afte'i a long sirkness. Also, for excess in eating, and the yxi free use of nrduiil spirits. It almoMt recoucllea Iteulth With luleniperanre. OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS. There is no form of OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS which it does uot aeern to reach and remove at once. Ne natter how bad they nuiy be, it OIVKS INSTANT KK 1.1 liK; A stugladosa removes all the unpleasant symp toms, and it only needs to be repeated, for a short time, to nuke these aood entrls oernutnent. PUK1TV OK BI.OOU and VKiOlt UK BODY', folloW at once. It is particularly lvdlent ui eases ot Nausea. Voinitinc. Cramna, Boieiieas ot lb pit of the Stomach distress after eating, low, cold, state ot Ihe Blond, Heaviness, Lowness of Mpirlts, Despon dency, Emaciatioa, Weakness, tendency to lusanity, Sui- Tr'i. ., ON E DOLLAR per tlotlie. One bottle wiU often etfoct t laatlng cure. PEPSIN IN POWDERS. s BLNT BV MAlj; FREE OF POSTAGE. lTnrenveieiieiiriuirtdiii lo all naru of the country, the DIOKUTIVE MATTEH l)F THE.PErfSlN u put up in the fyrm of Powders, with directions to b dissolved in water or syrup, by the patient. These powders contain just tha same matter as the but ties, but twice the quantity for the sprue price, and will be sent by mail, r sw ur poul)ir.i7 cKV. TWl.l.AR mii n..-nill fen Dr. J. 8. HOUGHTON, No. 11 North Eighth struct, Philadelphia. Biz paekagea for Iva dollars. Every package and bottle bevaa wrmea aiguatur of i. i. HOUCiUTON, M D., so I Proprietor. , . . . , . . Sold by agents in every towa in tha United States, ana Ha. by respectable coalers in raeaioinee generally. FOR SALE BY John W. f riling, and Ceorg Bright, unmry, pa. - Mary A. McCay ., Northumbaralad. Jehu H. Rso . . Miltoa, . . Hayes fc alopormick, McEwensvtUa, U 1 C.mumr.. BalUUfTOVe. -' Jla.llwL.' .VPW Mahautaag-- Willuwi Deppin, waaonov. ., , Sunbiuy, Sept. H Itot m .. . EMBKELMS,' PAftASOLS. CHEAP. . IVllliam A Drown, i ( : Umbrella ft Parasol Manufacturer. . No. 80 Market street, VHtX.ADni.rHX A DEALERS IN UMBRELLAS AND PARA SOLS, wishing to purchase handsome good, of superior quality, cheap, are invited tu call at my Manufactory and Store, No. 88 MARKET struct, one door below Third street, where every variety of Umbrellas and Pars sols are sold cheap er than they can elsewhere be obtained. A call when vou visit Philadelphia, ia request ed. - An examination of mv aooda will satisfy you that it will be to your interest to purchase of me. . , , Philadelphia, Sept. 14, 1830. lm'o. MACKEREL, SHAD, CODFISH, , 8ALMON, 1 HERRINGS, PORK HAMS' AND SIDES, 8HOULDER8, Constantly on hand and for ante by J. PALMER & Co., Market Street Wharf, PHILADELPHIA, Sept 14, '50 3m. LARD AND CHEESE, J Estate of Henry Leighow, deo'd. NOTICE Is hereby given that lcttera of Ad ministration are given to the subscribers, on the Estate of Henry Leighow, dee'd., late of Point township, Northumberland county. All persona indebted to said estate or having claims against the same, are requested to call on the subscribers for settlement. WILLIAM LEIGHOW, . , , PEMBROOK LEIGHOW. J AJm Northumberland, Sept. 14, 18S0. 61. NOTICE TO HEIRS. M OTICE ia hereby given to the hcira of An ' drew Geiat, dee'd, late of Upper Mahonoy, to appear at an Orphans' Court, to be held at Sun bury, in and for the county of Northumberland, on the first Monday of November next, then and there to accept or refuse the real estate of the laid dee'd., at the valuation fixed upon the said real osrntc by an Inquest duly awarded and confirmed by the said court, or shew cause why the tame should not be sold, &c. JAMES COVERT, Sh'ff. Sheriffs Office, Sunbury Sept. 7, 1850. 6L NOTICE TO HEIRS. TV OTICE is hereby given given to the hetra of " Henry rctter, dec d., late ol Upper Maho noy, to appear at an Orphans' court, to be held at Sunbury, in and for the county of Northumber land, on the first Monday of November next, then and there to accept or refuse the real estate of the aaid dee'd., at the valuation fixed upon tha said real estate by an Inquest duly awarded and confirmed by tho said court, or shew cause why the same should not be sold, etc. JAMES COVERT, Sh'ff. Sheriff's Office, Sunbury Sept. 7, 1850. 6U ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to pub lic sale, on Saturday, the 5th day of October, next, on the premise : the following property, to wit; f our shares, ol a certain island, situate in tne West Branch of the river Susquehanna. ooDosite the laVidiiip: on the farm, of Nlcholaa Mensch, in said county of Union, sftd .'ppposrie to the land of in the county 01 Northumberland, containing two acres or thereabouts, and known as Cherry Island, late the estate pi Henry Walter, de ceased. Sale To commence at lQ.o'ctocV, A. M. of said day, when the terms of sale will tie made known by . v . , . . JOH? rHlLtilro, Uuardiart of Elias, Molly. Sarah and EtpMria Walter. By order of the court, 1 Jno. V, 1'urscl, Uk. S August 31st 1S50. I. s. . ...... i .. N. B. At the same time and place, the widow and the heirs of Henry Walter, dee'd, will sell their interest in the Inland, so that the purchaser can buy the whole Island at once. LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC Oft NERVOUS DEBILITY, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, AND nil di prases nriphig from s disnrderrri liver or sto mach, uch an constipation, inwurd Tiles, Fullness, or blood tu tho henri. Acidify of the Stomach. Nausea. jictiiLuiiiis, uiiKiiai iti r ma luiniciut ui y cigin til iiifj Stomach, sour Kructntions, sink ii it or fi utter i up at the pit of the Stomach, swimming of theliead, hurried and diiTicult breathing, flutterinp at the heart, choking or sudlcating sensntions when in a lying ponture, Dimness of vision, dots or webs before the sight, Fever und dull pitiii in tho lieua, Uenciency 01 perspiration, veliownciwot the sRinaud eyes, pain in the side, back, rhost, Jimhs, kc, sudden flush en of heat burning: in the flesh, constant imaginings of evil, and great depression of spirits, CAN BE EFFECTUALLY CURKD BY DR. H00FLA1TD3 CELEBRATED GERMAN BITtERS, rRKrAHED BT Btt.C. M. JACKSON', AT TUB GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, No. l!IO Arch St., Philadelphia. Their power over the above diseases is not excelled, if equalled, by any ether preparation in the United Htates, as the cures attest, iu many cases after skilliul physicians had fuiied. These Hitters are worthy they attention or invalids. Poasessiiu: cieut virtues in the reciibcatiou of diieaars of the Liver and leaser glands, exercisies: the most searching powers in weakneHs and uliectieus of the digestive organs, they are, withal, sale, certain and pleaaaut. Kmm the Hostou Bee.) The Kditnr said. Dec. '."M aid. '1)h. lloon.iNu's Cklkubatbd German Bitters for Uie cure of Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyppepsia, Chronic or Nervous Debility, ia dewrvndly one ol the inost Kipu- lar medicines of the duy. luese Hitlers nave been used by thouwiuds, und a friend at our elbow aaye he has him self received an elfet'lual and permanent cure of Liver Complaint irom the uae of this remedy. We are convinced that, III the use of these Bitters, the patient constantly gains strength and vigor a fact worthy of great conside ration. 1 uey are pteeauill in luaie ajin aaieii. ana uan ue used by perais with the most delicate stomachs with safe ty, unde any eircuiniumcea. Wa are speaking from ex perience, and to the atHicted we advise their use." JurireM.M. NaAH. I aentleiluni with areat srientific and literary attainments, said iu his "New York Weekly McftHeuger,11 January u, 1H5U: 4Dr. lioorluiid's Gernuiu Bitters.Here is a preparatinii whioh ihe leuiling presses in the Union appear tu be tiuani- moim in reconiuiennina, and the reason is obvious, it is nude after a prescription rushed by one of the moat eele- bruted phyaiciuus of imiderii times, the late Dr. Chr stcpher Wilbetui Uoohund, rrofeaatar to the University ot' Jena, privute l'liysieiun to the King of Prussia, and one ol' the greatest medical writers Germany has ever produced. He was eraplialieally the enemy of humbug, and therefore a medicine nf which he was the inventor and endorser may tie coumlenuy renca on. ne Bperiaay recomraenarq it in Liver Complaint. Dvnenaia, Debility, Vertigo, Acidilrof the atomach. CoiMitiiatiin, and all couiplainla arising fnan a disordered condition of tlie stonairh, tin liver and tha intestines. Nine rhiladeldhia papers express their jonvie tirai nf its excellence, aiul several ol the editors speak of Its enecla irom uieir iwii iihjiviuuui experience, ivnaer these eircumsuiecs', we feel warranted, not wily in calling the attention of rait leaders to the preaeut present proprie tor's (Dr. C. M. JuekAiMi's) nrepuration, but ui recoiuruend ing tho article to a I urllictud " More Evidence. The "Pliitnrl'lphia. tiuturriay (Jaze'tie," tha beat family newspaper published m ihe United ckates, the editor says of t ' i ' Dr. Hoofiand'i German Bitters. 'It is seldom that we xeaommend what art termed Pa tent Medicines, to the .confidence aial patronage, of our readers) aild,theiere, vheu w reoomniend Dr. Hoof laud's Gerluan Bitters, wo wis it to be distinctly under stood that, we are not apeakuuT of tha noatruins of tha day, that are noised about for a tnief period and then for- Cotteiiaftei they havadojie their sjuilla rara of mischief, ut of a medicine long eatahlishadi universally, prised, and which has met tha heuaty approvaliof the Faculty itaeM." That this medicine will cure. Liver Complaint and Dye. pepaia, no que aandouht,.afuar using 'it as directed. It acta auecitically upon ths atoiHaea. end. loet it ia .prsOerabla to calomel in ail billioua diseases the erfeet la iaaediata. They can be. administered to r'emala or Infant with safety and reliabl benefit, at any time BEWARE OP COUNTERFEIT!. This medicine. Juu at.aind that high ahaiaatar which ia teeeaaary lor all medicines to attain to niduee aountetfeiter a to put forth a spurious article at the risk of tha Uvea of those are inuocoully deoeived. ...... , . . LOOK WELL TO THE MARK1 OF THE GENUINE- They kava the written signature of C. M. JACKJON upon the wrapper, and tha name blown in the buttle, with cur which they are spuiinua. , , For sala, wholaaale aid retail, tha ' Herman- Miamn oiora, . . . , No. laO ARCsJ traet, one door below Sixth, (lata, f t7S Reee street,) Philadelphia, and by raspaeunw oeaiers generally throughout tha eountry. . '.' ALaot-Poraala by H. MaasU, Boabury, aui M. A. M'Car, Nonhumbarlaod. August IT.lboQ ly , BLAK PiacgaltaT Pir Duns just rm tcel and br aala at this effict. , ZESTZ & CO., IMPORTERS OF F OR EI 0 N Books. Prints, Eiijjtavlngs, Statipnary Gilt Frames and Musical Inslru- . , ,. . mentSa - .: No. 78 North Snd between Arch tc Race, TMPORT to order and have constantly on hand A a very large assortment of poods in the above named linea at wholesale and retail. Principally i ' ' X33 CD GD S3 tn Ocrman, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, French, Italian Spanish and other language! Classics, Diction ariea, Grammera, Vocabularies, School, Juvenile, Picture, Drawing and Model Books for Architect! Cabinet, Carriage and other manufacturer!. MAPS, GLOBES and Blank Books of every description. Splendid Lithographic and other Print. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Accordeona, Banjoa, Bowa for all string Instru ments, Bridge and Tailpiecea, Clarionets, Fifes, Klagcoleta, Flutes, Guitars, Octavo Flutes, Patent Head! for Guitars and Violincelloa, Tambourines, Tuning Forki and Hammers, Violina, Violin and Guitar Pega, Violincelloa and Strings for all kinds of Instrument! Wholesale and Retail. Accor deona repaired. Also constantly on hand, wholesale and retail, a large assortment of the very best OERMAN BRONZE POWDER Dutch Metal, French and Florence Leaf Metal Thermometers, Hairpencil,-Faber and other Leadpencils, Red, White and Black Chalk Cray ons, Mathematical Instruments, Scarficatora, &pring Lanccta Pocket Prescription and Gold Scales and Wcighta Letter, Fancy colored and gilt Paper Playing Cards and other French and German Fancy Article!, for the sale of which they are tho MANUFACTURERS AGENTS. July 6, 1850 GREAT ATTRACTION ! ! HEW IND CHEAP GOODS, JOHN W. FRILING, Market Street, Sunbury, Pa., WAS just retcived and opened a large assort ment of superior and choice Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, well adapted to the coining sea aon, which he will sell at the lowest pricci. Hii stock consists of general assortment of almost all articles of use in tha Dry Goodi line, consisting in part of Cloths, Cassxmeres, Summer-Stuff for Clothing and Vesting. ladies II refits ftoodi. Gloves, Hosiery, Lacea, Shawla, Muslins, Sheet ings, Tickings, Fine Muslin!, Ginghams, Linen!, dec. ALSO; A general assortment of GROCERIES, HARDWARE. QUEENS. WARE, LIQUORS, DRUGS. AND MEDICINES, PAINTS AND DYESTUFF, and every variety of articles. E7 Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market price. Sunbury, April 87, 1850. NOTICE Is hereby given to William G. Moore, Charles G. Moore, John W. Moore, Isaac G. Moore, and Frances Moore. That by virtue of a certain Breve de Partition Faeienda to me directed, an Inquisition will be held at 11 o'clock, A. M. on Wednesay, October 3, 1850, upon a certain tract of Land; situate in Rush township, Northumberland countv, houn ded by lands of John Gearhart, Jacob Gcarhart, Herman Gearhart, Elizabeth Dcfriu, and John Gulick, containing 87 acre! and 18 perches, more or lean, to inquire whether the same can be equal ly parted and divided to and among tha aforesaid parties, without lopiliutioit of the whole at wliieh titre and place the aforesaid parties are hcrpby.vfar.ned to be and appear, if by them it ia deemed 'expedient. :, . . i ) ; .,. JAMES COVERT Sh'rlT Sh'rffs Office, 3'u'nbnry, ( Aug. 22, 1860 84-6t ( . DAVID. PEASE. S. IF. Comer '6th Arch Street, Philadelphia T" AC e. i .11 1.:.'. I. ,'. V. T -, H sit? tor sale an ainua oi cuoicc. r amuy groce ries at the very lowest prwi .xrz:- Extra Fine, superior and, common, .Black and Green Teai ; old Gov. Jva aiiJ, other, kinds, of Coffee, all qualities of Crushed Lijlit Brown and Brown Sugars ; beat Sperm Oil a ud Sperrrr ,ai)(i Amuntine Candles ; Baker'a Chocolate, :gcoa and Broma; Farina, Tapioca, Sago and WheiAcn Grit! ; Olive Oil, Isinglass, Ketchups and Sauces, Maccuroni, Vermicelli, English Split Peas, fee. They will pack up all goods ,for the country neatly and securely and deliver them promptly at any Depot or Hotel aa desired. , DAVID PEASE,. S. W. Cor. 6th & Arch Stt,. A, . Philadelphia, 'ug'. 17, 1850 lyMay "DEATH'S DOOR? Row frequently do we bear this expression, which is meant to convey to tho mind the last stage of eickueas tliat a patient can be reduced to, and live. Mrs. Harri son, a member of the Trinity Church, was. aa alie exptea sraa heraelt, brought down to "Deuth's door," by Kheu niatiain and Nervous Heudache, when, like an anpel of Dlerey, Hadway'a Heady Relief relieved her of her severe pains and restored her to her friends in perfect health. The very instant Hadway'a Heady Relief is applied, its beneficial erTecta are experienced, it soothes, heula, clean sea and purities: if inauinlly allays irritation, reduces in. tlunimatiena and swellings, relievea the moat severe Neu luteic poius, fives ease to Knrns, Hrnlda, ttores, fc'.rtlptious turci Rheumatism Luaibugo. Gout, Puiulyais. Hpruiua, Htruina.Hpasms, Btiff Neck, Weukneu iu ihe Hide aial Buck, Sores ol' all. kinds, Oulla, Uruiaea, Chafes, 8ore Throat, Influenza, Honraeneaa, Coughs, Colda, TOOTH ACHE CUKKU IN ONK SKCOND. This torturing affection can be cured in an instant, for the.nwiueut tie Kel.ef touches the nerve, the jMiiu is mi tiyatert. Ho with Tic Dolcieitx uud lleinieruuui, Neural gia and Hick Headache bulhe the purls where the pain ia most severe, nod in, a few railiutcs (ron will be entirely Believed. Tuken uiteruully it will arrest the most violent Spaems and Crumps, stop vomiting or to much purging, in all ease." it will give Strength for weakneaa, ease Tor Eiin, health for aickiuns. No Heady Relief is genuine Un as signed by 1IADWAV k CO., H1'2 Fulton direct. ELKGANT TtllLET REQUISITE. TO F..MUEU.1SH AND KNHANCtl TUK CHARMS , ., OK RKAU'VY. RapWAT'a MxinciTRb Soai. Radwuy's Medicated Soup, sofuvorahly known throiurh out the faaliionuble world for its extremely bland, purify. ing auid epoihiiur icft'eets on the akin ; while by its action on the potea ana the minute secretory veaaels it expcla all impurities Irom the aurfuce, alUtya every tenttency, to iu naniniutiian; and effectually diraiputea all rethicaa tan, pimples, spots, freckles, diacoloratioua and other ruuiiieous ernptiyus, .The radiant bloom it,iniytto the clieek, tlie softnetftt aud detieuey which it induces of .the hanils and arnitt lis eapnbility of waithing irritation and removing eu taneoua deleuta, render it indiapeuanble to averv tnileli tienllentci after aluiving w'l D1 'I, allaA'S all irritation and tenderness of the akin, and renders it soft, smooth aud pleasant. ., i. i During tha heat and duet of summer, or frost nd bleak winds of.wiuter; and in cases of sunburii,,siinga at iueecie chilblains rliappcd hands, or incidental iiirlununntpul, its virtues liave long and extenaively been arkuowledjf'M." Its purifying and relreahiiig properties have obtained ila selec tion from the thousands of other eoametica, both m Kuro pean and domeeiic maniifacture, by Ihe b-'n toa ot. all parte ol the faahioiuible world, from the burning Iropiaa to lbs f rosea realms of the lee King. The publie will pleaae hear in mind that Hadway's Medicated ffoap, la the aoly sale prepaiation for the awm , now in use; thia baa been certified to by our moat piominent cheiuisui. Hadway'a Moan ia free from noianonua, irrltatina and pernieioua In gredienta, it can be used on thteiider akin of the infant with the same happy results as .upon beauty in ita paime. Bee that each eaka is enveloped in a aplendid label nf steel engraving and further aa.luat the signature of . R. U. RAliWAV is upon each cake. Price U eenu, large k"- .. THE GROWING ORNAMENT, OF BEAl'TY IS A LUXURIANT HEAD Of GLOSSY HAIR. ': .. aaPWAT's ciacaasua !alx. : Warranted the best Hair Tonie in use, For JDreaaiag and Beautifying the hair. - it cleanses the Scalp f root Dasjdruff, keeps it clean, ears Scurwey, Baldneas, and Sorea on the Head atops the hair front falling out, render! it strong, fine, smooth, soft and aloaay. feraons who have lost their hair by sickness will find a complete antidote inRadway'a Ciroaaauin Bulla..- It also gives It a dark and beautiful color, and will prevent it from turning grey. From its exquisite purity, it is admi rably adapted for tha hair of abildren of the unat tender ag- It s sold ia large hotUes for U cents par boulaand ia warranted, the beat bait prepaiation in uae, it will not soil the hat, cap, or the Bneet labrie. Sea that the aigna, ture of HAL) WAY k CO., is Upon each bottle-no bis. eassiaa Balm is genuine without the aia iiaUus ol Had way Co. . .i: i . AaapT 11 B. Haaser, Sunbury. Aug. 10, Ua0.wSmly A SNOLD'B WHITING TLUID AND CON- CKES3 INK for al! at thu eHica. CHERRY PECTORAL: Fae the Cure t COUGHS, OOZ.SS, . HOARSENESS, BROXT , OHZTXS, GROUP, ASTH XaA, WHOOPING COUGH A2TX CONSUWtPTlOir. Thii truly Taluable Remedy for all disease's of the Lunga and Thront, has become the chiei reli ance of the afflicted aa it ia the moat certain cure known for the above eomplainU. While ft ft Ik powerful remedial agent! In the nioit desperate and almost hopclcsi cases 6f Consumption, it ii also, in dlmlhlalfcd done! OTie nfthe mildest and most Agreeable family medicinoH ,fof common common coujh! and colda. Read below tlie opin ion of men who are known to the world, and the world respect their opinions. FROM PROFESs'On HITCHCOCK. "JameaC. Ayer-J-Sir : I have used your "Cut Rr Pictoial, in my own case of deep-seated Bronchitis, and am eatiafied from ita chemical constitution that it ia an admirable compound for the relief of laryngial and bronchial difficulties. If my opinion aa to fts superior character can Bp of any service you Areat liberty to uso It as you think proper. EDWARD HITCHCOCK, Lt.p., President of Aril Herat College, Frorn the "Londdrt Lancet.' "AVER'S CHERRV PECTORAL is one of the moat valuable preparation! that has fallen un der our notice. After careful examination, we do not hesitate to say we have a large apprecia tion of its mari)i and the fulle st confidence in its usefulness for cougha and lung complaints." Dr. Brewster, of Windliain Co., Conn., aendi U! the following testimony. Dr. J. C. Ayer Dear Sir! I enclose you a certificate from Mrs. Catharine K. Cady, a highly respectable lady of this Village, wife of Mr Beth Cady, Deputy Sheriff, Windhain Co., Connecti cut. Tho cvre in her case wus Very prompt, and has attracted general attention, , W.A. BREWSTER, M. D. Wkst KmixuI.T, CU, Kept. 28 1848. This may certify thnt Ini afflicted with a vory aevere cough iu the winter of '47-8, which thrcat tened to terminate in Consumption. I had tried many medicines in vain, and waa cured by the use of "Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral." CATHERINE K.CADV. From Dr. Bryant, Druggist and Postmaster, Chicopec Fall!, Mam: Dr. J. C. Ayer Dear Sir: Enclosed please find remittance for all the CHERRY PECTORAL last aent mc. I can unhesitatingly say, that no medicine we sell give such satisfaction as your'a dosi ; nor have I ever seen a medicine which cured so many caaei of Cough and Lung Com plaints. Our Phisiciani are using it extensively in their practice, and with the happiest effects. Truly youts, D. M. BRYANT. rairABiu tn.c, xrxa, chemist, lo will, nasi. I f Sold by Henry Maaser, Sunbury; Mary A. McCay, Northumberland' Dr. Gearhart, Se linigrove ; Dr. Beckly, Danville, and Druggists generally. July 6, 1850.- lyceSra MAHOGANY AND MARBLE. STEAM SAT" MILL, AND TURNING SHOP, Corner of Eleventh and Ridge Road. AND CABINET MAKERS, GENERAL FURNISHING STORE, No. 134 South Second Street, below Dock St., PnH.ADKI.fHIA. THE subscribers would call the special atten tion of Cabinet Makers and others, to their very extensive assortment of materials in their line, consisting of Mahogany Veneers, Boards and Plank, Hair Cloth, Curled Hair, Glue, Varnish. Looking Class Plates, Mahogany Knobs, Bed Posts, Marble Tops, and every description of Hardware Tools, A: c. , ... Cabinet Makers residing out pf the City, would find it greatly to their advantage to ea'll at pur store to purchase such materials as they v.aiit, connected with their business, j( , h , ...All our goods Art? WARRANTED',, of the best quality, and a,t very reduced prices. Our Term,! Are Cash, (no tradc. , . , . ,..,, I i. We; guarantee lo give every man Ihe worth 'cf hii money. ;, ,i . :. -v,.. ,.. t. fc 1,'. THOMPSON. I N. BlTnMuhflgany, Walnut..and , Hand Rail Plank, and, Stair. Balluster! for. Builders alao .Maibl'e Mantjes, always.on hulid, and every de scription oi itrrneu iworlc. June 8, I8S0 ly . : j :'i' i t --r Estate), of jJONATHAIJ IJElLER; dec'dl M OTICE ii Wehy given, that letters of admin A" iatration have bpe,n gfanted, ,tp tho.. subscri be on the estate of Jonathan Metier, Into pf Up per Aaausta townshiD. dee'd... All Dcrann .in debted to said, estate qr haying cUiiius against the same are requested tp ,cU ou tho f uhscribcr for setjlement, ... , JOHN ECKMAN,.Adm'n Up. Augusta tpsh., ug. 84, 1850. 6t NORTII1.1IQERL4AU BUY DOCK: THE subscriber has built himself a dry dock in Northumberland, above the first luck P'i ine est o ranch Canal, whero he intends build ing and repairing canal boats. He can take boats on the dock from two to five dollars cheaper titan they can be taken out, with machinery. Thankful to those who favored hint before, he hopes by carefully attending to all the reDairiiior entrusted to him to still merit a share ef public patronage. JOHN HUMMEL. Northumberland, August 10, 1850 3m. READY MADE WE e tl,i" metl,od to '"form the readers of M llii Sunbury American, that, should they visit, Philadelphia, in guest of i .Good ahd Cheap Clothing, and favor us with a call, they shall not he iliiiip pointed jn oblauijng tho bffl of garments at the lowest chsli price),, Vu have,. naw on hand the largest assortiqi'nt f ycr clfcred i Philadelphia, among which are DREsS and FROCK CQATS from !ji5;to $18,- PANT8 and YESTS froni 75 cU. tu 5, OVER' COATS, CLOAKS BU8I NEfiU 8A.CK COATiJ arid COATTKEK, all of which shall beiolJ ot aui;b prices aa o ,niak it arj kbjept fof the peoplq bf Sunbury slid the , sur rounding country to extend to ui their patronage. PERRY It. M'NEILLE CO. , ' ,f outh F.Mt corner of 0th and M arkeL July 13; 185fji TONiq, MIXTURE , , . For tni Cub or Fkvib and Auue. Was- k BANTED.' ' ,; THIS antiaallad sardnnai aaar barli4 oa whf n near, ly all othM ramnlioa fail. Iu value ia sx auftciill)r kiwwa, tkercfora, aha proprietor deaires to enlarga the eM of its MMiiulHaas by inakluf known iu virtues east wfi. cacy to Lhouaaials of autTorifa wlioaia aot awaca tkal Lucy can bs speodily alia radically cured of ' FKVEK AND .GVE, ,. . . withont ths use nf aoisoaous drugs, nauseous notions a Ilia deleterious a(fWti' Sjuiuine. . It iaoawed tntaapaa liv ata low niitt to plaos it within Uia natch ef aU.aasured that those who use U aooordiag to dirostions will tud it a safe and speedy cure Her i FaviB AjtalfociL ," ,, . (t is not a disaTaeahl nanaaaiios eompauad but aa fras able lonie eakiulated to remove the dtaeuaa aial give haaKhy action to the atomach -and bowells. Praoarsd onlv by Manhsll . Co., and told wholesale! and retail by Kawand at cVw, Ko. tl Noi'k th eueet, Philadelphia Pnra f 1 e Neil bottle, and fd par dnj JunesO, leaO-ly i GENERAL ELECTION 0 vPROCLAtA3:iON; PURSUANT to (an ct of th ,.Qonra A embly of tha Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, entitled "An act relating to the elec tions of this Commonweal," approved the second day of July, Anno Tomino, one', thovj aand eiplit hnndroJl a'nfl thirty-nine, I, JAMES COVERT, High Sheriff of the county ol Nor thumberlund, TPennsylvania, do hereby make known and give notice to ihe elector of the county aforesaid, that a gnnpral election will be held in said county of Northumberland, on the SECOND TUESDAY I8thf of OCTO BER, 186, at which time, State and Coun ty Officers, aa follows, are to be elected : . One person as Canal Commissioner 'of the Commonwealth. . , One person as AuditorGeneral of lhis'Com motivveaJt'h. One person as Surveyor "General of this Commonwalte. i i. , i One person to; fill the office of member of C6nress from the district composed of the counties of Northumberland, Unioni Lycom insr, Clinton & SulliVarV, teing the I3i'h dis trict.. , . i . , One person to fill Ae office of Member of! the House of Representatives, to represent the j county of Northumberland,, in the House of , Representatives of Pennsylvania. rOne person as County Commissioner, i, One person as Prosecuting Attorney for the cqqnty of Northumberland. ,, i ..One parson as County Surveyor for the ' county.of Northumberland. J One person, as County Auditor. . . . j I also hereby make known and give notice to the qualified electors of said county, in : pursuance of the provisions and requirements ' of an Act of Assembly, passed the 6lh (lay of April 1850, and of a writ of election issued by the Governor of this Commonwealth, aud to me directed, that upon said second Tues day of October 1850, aforesaid at. jhe time and places hereinafter named of.holdiug said General election nforesaid,, the proposed amendment to tfie Constitution, providing fo. the election of Judges by the people, w.ill be submitted to the people agreeably to ih.e,.ra quTr'ements oT the Xth Atticle of the Consl Mo tion of the Stale of Pennsylvania, for their approval and ratification, or rejection. s The tickets will be labelled, on the outside with the word "Amendment," and will con tain on the inside the words "For the Amend ment" or the words "Against the Amend ment." , 1 also hereby make known and jrivei notice that the pi aces of 'holding the aforesaid genei ral election, in tha neVeral bordiiwhs 'nrfd townships within the county of Northurnber land are as- folldwai , , . The Sunbury District, corripfted of tne borough of Sunbury, and Upper Augusta, at the county Court House. , The Augusta Dwtrict, composed, of the township of Lower Augusta,, at, the house of George Conrad, in said: township.. , , The Northumberland District, composed of the borouch of Northumberland, at the house of Peter Hanselman, in the borough of North umberland. The Point District, nt the house of Henry Haas, in the borough pf, Northumberland. The Milton District; at, tha house of Fred erick Sticker) in said borough; . ." The Turbut District, at the house occupied by Abraham Kissinger. . . . The Delaware District, at the House of Henry Reader. ...,,,:. i The Chilisquaquo District, at the house oc cupied by Benjamin Fordsman.' The Lewis District, at the house of Mi chael Reader. ; . , The Shamokin District, at thc houso of Charles Leisonrgns. . '. t The Upper, Maliiinoy District, at the house of Daniel Heim. .,,,- . , . i. The Lillle Mahanoy District, at the house of Frederick Raker., ,, i i ,, , The Lovyer Mahanoy District, at the house of Michael Sp,-viz., ., i. ,t I, ii i . The Rush District, at the Liberty Pole School House. ii - ii 1 The Jackson Disttict, at the house of Peter Schwartz. ' ,, , , ' 1 The Coal District, at the house of Oaniel P.:Haas. . i ., .1 The election to ppen, between the hours of .6 und- 10, o'clock in the forenoon, and, shall continue with.qut interruption or adjnu rumen t uiitil 7 o'clock iii the evening, when the polls shall be closed. , , . ' ' 1 The several Inspectore and Judges elected on the 3d Friday of March last, in pursuance of the 3d Seqtion of the act of the 2d of July, 1830, will hold the election on Tuesday tlie 8lh day ofvOctober.pexK i ,;.,, "That every person except a Justice -of the Peace, who shall hold , any office or, npppjnt nient of 'profit or trust tinder Uie government of the United Slates, or bf this State, or pf any city or incorporated district, whether, a commissioned oliicer oragen, vyno shall be employed 1 under the legislative, exentivo or judiciary 'department oif this Stale, or tlie Uni. ted States,', or bf any cijy or inoorpurated dis trict, and also that evijry jnember of Congress, and pf the State I'eg.islatyra, and of the select and common council of any cityt .or commis; sionerpf any incorportej Distwt,;, incapable of holding cr exercising the (office or appointment of Judge,. Inspector pr .Clerk; of ,ar)ej-election pf this commonwealth, au4 that np Inspectpr, judge or any. olher.oincer of such, election; shall be eligible to any office to be then voted for. , v . 1 And the said Act of Assembley, entitled "an act Telating to the elections of this Com monwealth," passed i July the 2nd, 1832, further provides as follows, lo tvit : ( "That the Inspectors and Judges chosen as aforesaid, shall meet at Ihe. respective places for holding the election' in the district lo which they respectively belong before nine o'clock in the morning of the second. Tuemlay of October in each and every year, and each of said inspectors shall appoint qneclerk, who shall be a qualified voter of such district. t 1 also Hereby make knovy-n and, give uuiice that the following act of Assembly; was pasT sed by the general Assemblvof the Common wealth pn the 27lh day of Febtuary, A. 1. 1849, to wit: ... ., , ., , . . , "An. Act relative to Voting at eleetions in the counties of Adams, Dauphin, lYtfrk; Latii canter, Franklin; Cnuibeilaml; Bradford, Centre, Gfeene, and Erie'., i, , ,-, "jj Section 1. He it enaclejl iv the Senate and House of Iteprbsenlat jvef of' the Com? monwealth of Vennsylvariia in (eneral As sembly met, and it :iis hereby enacted: ly, the Hiilhtjiiity of, the same, , That it shall be law ful fur.tiie qualified, .voters of-the connllrs of Adams, .Dauuhiii. Lancaster, Yoik. Fnuikliui Oumbeilaud, liradford, Centre, Greene,, and r ' i r. f .l: . tune, irom ami alter im passage ot tuia itvi, to vote for all the candidates, for, the various oflicea to be'filled at any election on, oiievslip or, ticket: Provided, Thai ofiiceifor which every .candidate i voted fqr,shajl,D8 tiesigna ted, as required by the existing laws of this Commonwealth. ( ( . .Scctiom 2. That any, fraud, any persori yoting in the manner above pre scribej, .shall be finished as similar Jrautls are directed W ,be punished by the existing laws of this Commonwealth. . . i That by the 6th section1 of an act passe? by the said genera Assembly on the 9th day of Aptll, L )i 1849, entitled "An ot tela tive tp Supervisca-s in Franklin eoup'ty,"' &e ', fcc, 1 1 enliiM, "That, the Act rMd the present, session, of the legislature, apprt.v,ed the twenty-seventh day of February, oqa thousand eight hundred and. forty-dug, .4U thoriaing the qualified voter, of Ans d other counties, to vote by uensra) ticket, extended to Mifflin, Union, Crawford, Badferd, Monroe Warren and Nottiinbrlr)J eeun lie, to far as relates to voting at the general 'j elections. ' "III Casfl the neraon who .'v..ll 'k.'.-.'i.f.J:.'. ed the sefjond highest, number, of votes l"or In spector shnllnpt attend on,, the, 5ay of any election, then ihe,person whfl sha'il have re ceived he seQorjd higst nur),berlof.tvotsfe Judge the next preceding !e.lectioa, shall act as an inspeotor in (lis ila'ce, and ini case th persorl who shall have received , the high est number of . votpfl for lnsps-ctor, shall nof. attend, thw 'persoM appointed Ju,dge .shall ap point art, Inpecfqrin his place; and in ess the, person pfected Judge shall not attendee inspeeuir wto rppejved the.fiighegt tvimber of votes, shall ,appqnit Judge w.p's plaue; and if, any vacancy shall cotninuei in the board Tor the spaqe of; an hour aftpr .the time fi,ed,by law,lor lhe,oppning of, the election, the qoalified voter of the township, vrard or district., for w,riich such officprs shall have beeq eleclijd,,. present. at ,the place of ,eler tions, shall elect one of their number to fill such Vncanpy. (. i, . . i . , . '.It sfhf be the duly of said assessors rer spectively to alend at fhp place of holding every ganerpj,, pecial, r, township eleciion, during thei.whole lime said .eleciion is kept open, Ijorjhe 'pqfpose of giving .information to the jnspec(pts,and judge, when called on. in relation to the rrghf of, an V person .assessed by. ihem (Q vote, at. supn, e'iecluit. or such other- mailers in relation lo. the arsssment of voters, asjlheWiid inripeioj) .or 'judge or ei ther of ll:em, shall fiom time to time re quire. ,, , - i, i i .,,,,(. , ... "No pecspn .shall be'pprmlited tayoieatany election as aforesaid, other than a while free man of tweeity-one or more, who shall have resided in the state a4t!jeastone year, and in the, ejection district where he offets,, to vote at jeast ten days immediately preceding such eleciion, and within two years i paid state or county tax, which shall have, been assessed at least ten days before the election. But a citizen of the United Slates who had previously been a qualified voter of this state, and rernoved therefrom .ami, relumed, aad shall Tiava renided in the election district, and paid tax as aforesaidshall b,e entitled IW vote after residing in this plate six monjhii, Provi ded, Tha fhe white, freemen,, .ciliaen pf the United Slates, between the age nf twenty .one arid twenty-iwp, years, and havirrff,rqsided in the, state one, year, and in the olectiqn, dis trict ten. days ns aforesaid, shall be . .entitled 16. a vote, although they shall not have taxes, , , ,. ., , iJTd person shall be permitted to vflte whose name is not ponlained in the list, of taxable iqhabitan( fyrnishedi-tiy he!onmissioners as aforesaitL, unless, First:;, He prododB a receipt for the fayment,.wuhin two years, of a state or county tax assessed agreeably te the constitution, , and v give satisfactory evir d,ence( either. pq hisown oath or, affimation, or on the oath or affirmation of another, that he has.piiid such tax, or on failure lo produce a, receipt, shall make an oalh to the payment thereof ;. or second, if he claim a right to vote by' beiikg an lelector .between, the ages of fwenty-one,and twenty-two years. h shall de pose on bath or affirmation, that he. has resid ed in tfle state at, least .pn'e. yttar next before his application, and make such proof of resir in the district ,as is reauired Dy this act; and jjiat heroes vei,ily believe from the accounts given, him that he iapf,the.ageaforer said, and gi ye. such other evidences as is re quired by lliis act, whereupon the name of the person, so adrqjtled to vote, shall be in seitetl in, alphabetical list by the inspectors, and a nolo made, opposite thereto 'hy. writing the woid 'tax,' if he shall, be, permitted ile vote by reason of: having payd tax, or the word tagp,' if he. shall be .permitted to vote on account of his age, , and in either case Ihe reason of such vo!s shall be palled out to the clerk, who shall nake notes In the list of vo ters kept by iheip,,. I, ,,( i, , . ., In all, cases where, ,he namtl of i(he person claiming to yote is (iol found on, the. list-furr nished by the. Commissioner end; i Assessor) or hifL right 4o vote whether found Jherpon or not, i is. objected toby any .qualified eilizen, the.Inspe'cjpt sha.examiue tuch nerson, on oath aa to,hj qualifications, and if he.clairuf tp have, wpiiled in ihe,tae pie ypar or morel hisjoalh shall be a proof I hereof, but he shall prove by at least one.,eoinpetet witness, who s.haJJ be , a qualified. eleqiur, .that he i isided within the tlistrk-f at lqast ten lays next imf ropdiatply preceding .Ihe election, and shall alsq himsef swear lht ibis bona, fida resir deuce, in pursuance, of his la,wful calling la within the. district, .and, that ha fiid not ra move, into, said district for the purpose of vo ting therein,. , , , ....... . , . i gvery person, qualified .as aforesaid, and who shall make proof,, if required, of his resir dence and payment, of taxes, as aforesaid, -shall be .admitted tp, vote in the township, ward or district in which be. shall .reside, t!, i t If a;iy person, not rlusJifiedi.lp xotp ip this t'oinmomvealih. agreeably to laj, (except the sons of. qual(fjed cjtjite'nji) sliall appear .at, any place .of election for the .purpose of issuing licketH, or inHiencing citt'.ens qualified lo vole,, he shall, tm conviction, forfeit 'and pay any sum npt exceed i jig one hundred dollars for every such offence, and, ba' imprisoned for any term not exceeding three months. , , It .shall blejl)e every mayor, sheriff, alderman, jualice of lbs peace, and cqnstable or ojepuiy tonMable, of, every city, county, township i.or district wiiiin this cpinmon wealih, wiienevencalled upon by. any. officer of an election,, or by any tfireei qualified elec tors thereof, to clear any window or avenue to any window, tp the, place. P,f, general eleq tioit, whioh shall be obstructed in such a way as to prevent volvra from approaching, the same, and on neglect or refusal to do so on such requisition, .said officer shall be deemed guilty of, misdemeanor iq office', and on con viction snail be lined in any sum not less than one hundred nor, more than one thousand dollars; and it 'shall bty.-the .diity bf.the re spective constables bf each, district or township, of ahis commonwealth lo be present in person or by deputy, at the place, ef hold ing such elections jtj (sajd ward,, district or township, for -tha purpose preserving the . peaCBias aforerfaid..', ...),,, (,i .i ", (!;. . ,. It shall be the duty cf every peace officer, as aforesaid, , pho 'hall be present ,a any stick, disturbahcei at nil eleatioQ. ,s is de scribed in this aicl,-.lp report ihe same lo the net cort ,of fiiartcr, aesaitlns, .and, alw the names of the witnesses who can prove the same: i. , . , . j, t. , ,, , . And by th4ih section of the act of 16th of April, 1840, it is enacted, 'That the 5lfc section of Ihe act, as pajspd July 2d. 1839. entitled an, act. reUtjug.! tq, the locliqtis of this common weali shall not t?e so cqnsirued as to prevent any militia 'officer or, borough otficor,, from, serving, as jilgf, inspector or clerk, at any general br special eleciion in this corrimonvreallh. , ,, . , , , . .. , ,Tlve Judges, arp art; to .make their returns for the; countv f Northumberland, at Uie Cpurt House, in Sunbtirv, on Friday, tho lltft day of October, .A. D.: 1 8,5.0 4 . . ; ' JAMtS COVERT, Shefifl. flierifTs Office, Sunbury, Sept. 7lh, 1850. .';.'( . , God save thc Commonwealti. JACOB REED'S ...v . CLQlllIKia, BOOilS, Southwett Corner of Fiflh,.and Market StrteH, . t. flU.LADELrHIA, . ,., .. ; WHO always nd lr" fk of every varittj of Nothing roal up of good materials,' 4K U1 and beat styles. He would also intbrnx tha public, that ha para roast- dtarahla attcattion in .getting up Military Clothing, in oo4 styls tmi tn wssonahls tarms. Jum is, iiati-iy ,;. t aTcARRJAGE FOR SALE, tOR sale at a rcaaonabU price, a well built ar- riage in good condition with tongua anil shsft " for either one or two hortas.. Also, a douMs st of huet. Jn9Uira t this bfnra. - Aug. 81, 18S0. tf. th breed.