Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 14, 1850, Image 3

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y tirtu of a certain writ of Ur. Fvcias snd
Km. Err0""'! me directed, 0''' vanillin or m.tcrv. on Monday. September
80. iftiui. at ten o'clock. A. M. at the house of
Vta. Weaver, in Shamokintown, the following
described property, via I
Jill these seventeen Lots of Land,
aituate in the town of Shamokin, Coal township
in Northumberland county, and numbered in tlie
fteneral plan of aaid town, a follows, to wit
Not. 173. 174, 176. 176. 177. 178 179, 80.
181, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 105, 198 and 197.
, ALSO l
The undivided half part of 65 town Lot. aituate
in the aame town and numbered, H. iar,13'
85. 86, 00, 91, 93, 93,94. 95, 36. 100, 101, 114.
115 116, 117, 118, 110, 120. 124, 1, 120, 146.
147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153. 154, 135, 150
157, 158, 150, 105, 166, 107, 168, 160, 170, 171,
172, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, and, 189
The undivided half part of three squarca of Land,
aituate in aaid town Iwtwccn Commerce street on
Wit north, Snuraheini atrect on the aouth, Kock
street on the cast and Washington atrect on tha
The Square aituate in aaid town between Com
tneree, Washington, Independence and Liberty
rels- , .
The Square situate tn snid town between Liber
ty, Independence, Orange and Commerce streets,
The Sqnnre aitunto in aaid town between Com
merce, Orange and Independence atreeta, and the
western end or aide of the aaid town, viz ! the
whole of the lant described two squares. Seized
taken in execution and to V aold a the proiierlv
of John C. Boyd, in the handa of hie adm'r. with
notice to tcrrctenaiits.
Two certain contiireoua lota of land situate in
the town aforesaid, bounded north by lot of Jos.
Zern, cost by the Danville and Pottsvillc hiulrond,
aouth by lot of Eckel, eipnnfilcr and Kaiucl, and
west by Slmmokin atrect, each of aaid lta hcinu
28 feet in front and 100 feet, in depth, on one ot
said lota is erected a two atory Fromo Dwelling
House. Seized taken in execution and to be aold
aa the property of Daniel Kerstctter.
At one o'clock P. M.. on Saturday the 28th
dav of September next, at the Court House in
the borough of funbury, a certain Tract of Land,
nituate in L'ppcr Augusta township in said county,
bounded north by lands of Sarah Kean, cast by
lands of Bastinn'a heirs, south by lands of the
Widow Savi.lpe, and west by land ofSarah Kcan,
contnininjr SJ acrea more or less, whereon arc
erected a frame dwelling House a frame Stable
and a Saw Mill. Seized taken in execution and
to be sold as the property of William II. Thomp
son. ALSO: '
' A certain Tract of Land, situate in Point town
ship in the couutv aforesaid, bounded north by
lands of William Cameron, east by the North
Branch of the Susquehanna River, south by lands
of the heirs of Leonard Pfoutz and went by Mon
tour Kid?e, containiriR 150 acres more or less,
whereon are elected a two story Brick Tavern
House, a frame Barn, a Wagon Muker Shop,
Black Smith Shop, and, also three tenant houses.
Seized taken in excution and to be aold aa the
property of Jonathan Purscl.
A certain Tract of Land, situate in Upper
AliRUsta township in said county, bounded north
by land of Edward Oyster, cast bv lands of Jos.
fct'nyder and Jacob Ecknmn, south by lands oi
John Famsworth and west by lands of Edward
Oyster, containin? 21 acres more or less, whereon
nrc erected ti small lot; dwelling House, and a
small Stable. Seized taken in execution and to
be sold as the property of John Snyder.
Slirff's Ofiiec, Stmbury,
August 31, looO.
To the Voter of Northumberland County.
. Feilow CrrizEsis:
Encouraged by many of uiy fii.nds, I herewith
offer myself to your consideration as a Candidate
for the office of
at the coining election. Should I be elected to
aaid office, I shall endeavor to discharge the duties
thereof to the beat oi mv ability.
Lower Mahonoy, Sept. 7, 1850.
To the Voters of Northumberland County,
Knits us ami Fellow Citizens:
Encouraged by a number of my friends in tile
different sections of the county, I oiler myself aa a
candidate for the office of
at the coming election, should I receive a ma jority
of your votes, I plcdqe in) self u perlbrm the du
ties of aaid office faithfully and to the beat of my
Jackson tsp., Aug, 31, 1S50 tE.
OTICE is hereby given to the heirs of An
drew Gcist, dee'd, late of Upper Mahonoy, to
appear at an Orphans' Court, to lie held at Sun
bury, in and for the county of Xortliumler!and.
on the first Monday of Xavembcr next, then and
there to accept or refuse the real estate of the said
dee'd., at the valuation fixed upon the said real
oatate by an Inquest duly awarded and confirmed
ly the aaid court, or khew cauae why tho aame
should not be sold, &c.
BherifT'a Olficc, Sunbury
Sept. 7, 1850. Ot.
'IV OTICE S hereby given given to the heira of
Henry Fetter, dte'd., late of Upper Maho
noy, to appear at an Orphan' court, to be held at
Sunbury, in and for the county of Northumber
land, on the first Monday of Xoveniber next,
then and there to accept or refuse the real estate
of the said dee'd., at tlie valuation fixed upon tha
aid real estate by an Inquest duly awarded and
confirmed by the said court, or shew cauae why
the aame should not be aold, ece.
Sheriff Office, Sunbury
Septi T, 1850 6U J
TO liorrow, Immediately, $600, on interest, for
whicb good Real Estate security will be given,
ny person having the above amount to losu for
a given period, will find this a good opportunity.
For particular apply at tlie office of the "Sunbury
Sept. 4, 1850 3t
THE Pamphlet Lawa for 1850 have been re
ceived and are ready for distribution, by
J. FAKXS WORTH, Proth'y.
Rept 7, 1850. -3t
Alt III, I, L ill VIM!!
TIHE member of the new Ar
A lillerv company are hereby re
quested to meet at Sunbury, ou
Saturday, the 14th inst
at S o'clock, P. M., for the purpose
of parading and having their mea
sure taken, in order to complete
the arrangement for procuring
their uniform.
(7 Person desirous of joining
the company, are respectfully invi
ted to attend on said day.
Sunbury, Sept. 7, J 850
.. ARTHUR'S ...
The subscribers have commenced the publica
tion of a Now Weekly Paper for Families, with
the aliove title, to be under the entire editorial
control of '
I. B. AtlTHl'R,
Whn will concentrate upon It nil, or nearly all,
of his literary labors. The design of this paper,
is elesrly expressed in the title "HOME GA
ZETTE." It will be emphatically,' a paper for
the home circle a household companion a plea
sant fireside friend, coming to all with cheerful
countenance, and seeking, while it imparts in
struction, to entertain and interest all classes of
readers. A leading feature of tho "Home Ox'
xcttc" w ill be a
Scries of Original Xouvclleltes by
Who will furnish aome four or five of these pic
tures of domestic life, written in his best style,
for every volume. The "HOME GAZETTE"
will lie the organ of no party nor sect ; nor will
it be the exponent of any of the im$ of the day.
But it will faithful advocate the ri?ht, and set'k,
by every means, to widen the circle of human
happiness. Honestly will the editor teach the
truth, aa he has ever done in his writings, for the
sake of good to his fellow men. But, in doing
this, ho will avoid unnecessary harshness and
causeless ofJencc, and keep his journal free from
stain of wounding personality He will oppose
what in false and evil 119 one of his a cial duties ;
but. while doin s, will use no sharper luminal"
than its rebuke a;.d direction may require. "THE
HOME GAZETTE" will be elegantly printed,
on fine white paper, with large, e'enr laced type,
that mav be read by young and old without in
jury to the eyes.
Is aL!. casks r auva.xck.
One copy, per annum, $2 00
Three copies 5 00
Six 10 00
Ten 15 00
Fourteen 20 00
Where a club of six, ten, or fourteen copies
are sent, an extra copy will be furnished to tlie
postmaster, or other person, who mskea up the
c'ub. One copy of either t.onilcv's Lady's Book.
Graham's Magazine, or Fartain a Magazine, will
be sent for Four dollars- 0" V11 letters must be
posr-rAin. 7".Ioncy that is current at the
place where the subscription is made, will be ta
ken in payment for the paper. Address,
T. ARTHUR & Co.,
No. 5 Athenian, Biddings, Franklin Place,
Philodclphia, Aug. 24, 1S50.
Estate of JONATHAN METLER, dee'd.
OTICE is hereby given that letters of admin
istration have been granted to the subscri
ber on the estate of Jonathan Metier, late of Up
per Aasustn township, dee'd. All person in
debted to said estate or having claims against the
same are requested to call on the subscriber for
setilcmcnt. JOHN ECKMAX, Adm'r.
Up. Augusta tpsh., .dug. 24, lfoO Ct
IX pursuance of on order of the Orphans court of
Xorlhumlieihiiidcountv, will be exposed to pub
lic sale, on Saturday, the 5th day of October, next,
on the premises : the following property, to wit;
Four shares of a certain Island, situate in the
West Branch of the river Susquehanna, opposite
the landing on the farm of Xiclio!as Mensch, in
said county of Union, and opposite to the land ot
' in the county of Xortliuniberland,
containing two acres or thereabouts, ond known as
Cherry I ;!and, late toe estate ol Henry Walter, de
ceased. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M.
of said day, when toe t.rms of kale will be made
known by
of Eli:is, .Molly. Sarah undElphina W alter.
Bv order of tlie court, )
"Jn.i. P. Purscl, Clk. J
August 31st 1S3U. t. s.
X. B. At tlie same time nnd place, the widow
and the heirs ol 'Henry Waller, dee'd, will sell
ilit'ir interest in the Island, so that the purchaser
cm buy the whole Island at puce.
NO nil (li&fvifttw nritnnff troin a din rtlereti lirrr or sUu
much, stir 1 1 n crtimtip ill ii, niwiinl I'Ara. v ulliienM,ir
hi ml t-v tho hirtfl, Anilil'v f the St in h. Nuunfu,
Tfrnrttmrn, iliwrtiflt I' r F'tud. fuHnem r Wright in t lit
i"iirn h. wmr Krurtaii n. siiiliiiiff r lUitterinif nt the pit
'M he St 'in K-ii. pwiinmiiiu - l" the lic.ul. hurrir-J uml (liifn-ull
hrr-Tthinu, fliittriny at the hcnM, ch 'litnir or siilF 'fnf inp
tiiit;tti 11s wlim inn Ivinir pniarft, )imiicK ni" vision.
it iisiT writs Iff irvthe ttilit, l-Yver inn) dull pa in in the J
hruil. th'ticieticy t't i4rs;iiniti n, VflloWiirsKt)' (he skill tiud ;
rvts. pun in the sitlo. I ''irk, rhrst, liiiihn, &r., siltlden
tlnslm ot hejt hurnuitf in the He.h. c instant imafiiniups
oi evii, aiiU grutt ttt prcssion f Sjiirits, i
No. 1,0 Arch St., I'lilliidelpliiu.
Their power over tlte ub.ive ilisuufitis is nn fxrelletl, ii
etpmlicil, hy uny ntlier prejurutiitii in thu I nitwl Suites,
us thertireitHtlcst, iu many cum-s ulur skilliul physieiuus
hu I nnled.
'i'iiHsc liitiers are worthy they attention 1 inv'aluls.
i isscsMii (Kititt virtues 111 tlie rei iiticilu'ii t t tliseaiu-s 1'
the iaver a in I lesser gliinds, exercitiett the m ai aetncliiiit;
pwers in weakness ami ailectiens n tlie iligesiive urguiut,
they urct vi ii ii, sale, certain ami plea-saut.
t-' ll.e U sl ni lite. J
The llilor si ml. Dec I
liie care ti itv. r Coiiii! nm, Jaunlice, iispepsu, Chronic
-r S'kTV.ui biiiiiity, is itcs iv,j one . i the m sl p tpu uiecliciiies tiie il-iv. These Unlets have been uwd
liy tli u-Mnvi-t, a iiit h liieiid al our tlluvv say lie litis h un
it rccenixl an eliirluul und -crtiwneiit cure f Jiver
C itiiiluint troin the use oi this remedy. V e are c aiviiiceil
that, in the ue ol llaiw Hitlers, the tmtiunt c distantly
gains strength an J viyr u tact wttrthyol' yreut c nsule
rati it. jiieyuieir sun in iuij uuu sinen, duu can ie
used hy era ub wait lue most delicate st'tuiael.s with sal'e
ty, under (Uiy viicutiisiHiicts. We ure Sieukitig fr in ex
perience, and U the uiHteted we advise ttieir use.'
JudifuM.M- NoaHi i Keiitleinmi wilh greut srientific
and literary aitaiuuieiiis, said lu lus (New oik Weekly
Muiseiitfer." Jaiiuirv 0. lnov :
"lt. II 'Hand's tieniian bitters Here is a preparati n
win ib the tetuuiiji presses in ttie tiu-aiappear 1 1 im tiuuni
mi his in rucomnieudim;, und the reus u is ihvious. It U
iHfle alter u nie-tcriiitioii rushed ty "lie ot' the m st rele-
hraied physieians of uit ultra times, the late lr. Chr stcpher
iliietin no iliaiiili j "iiiess t Mime imvaiuy niveau
nni'Miv "hvsiuian to the Kiuff of Trussta, und nu ot I he
yrealest iiieilical writer Oeniiany hus ever produced. Jle
VIUS eiIIHllKIia llie ciitriny n uuunruj. imcici ic
metliciiie t" which be was the invent t und and reer inay
lc nlldently relied ou. He specially ice miiinided it in
Liver C tuiiii nnf. uy.epsia. uemuiy, cnuj aciuiiv oi
the stoin ich. C nHiKili u. mid all coniplaims arisiiiK tr'tii
odismhrcdc iitiiii n of the sinniut h, the liver and the
intestines- Nine rhiladeldhu uiers exprettstneir aivic
tiou "f its excellence, and several of the editors speak of
it etr;ets H mi their own individual experieuc. L'ndrr
these eircuiustauces, we fuel mrrautl, u it only in calling
the aitenll n of our readers to the present present pr 'prie
t'tr'a (Or. t. M. Jacks n) prcpuralioii, hut in rec jinmuiid
iug the uiticle to u I utrticled "
More Evidence.
The "Ph'dodclphta Saturday Gaaette," the best family
newspaper published in the tutted Stales, the edit au)
Dr. Iluujhtid's German Bitters.
'It is scld m that we rec-aumeud what are termed Pa
tent Alixiicmrs, to the eoulideuco und uairoiuue of our
readers; and, ilmieire, when we ree iiiuiend tr. JI l"
luid s tiermmi Hitters, we wis it lu be distinctly undei
stood tlutt we ure not S ukint( ( the n auuiua v( llta
dsiv. tluit ure u used bout f t a hi id' -ten d tn4 llieu for-
ittenafte4 they liaved sie their autlly race of luisehief,
mt f a medicine I ng estahlikhed, universally Kid, and
whlrh h'ts met ttie hearty approval o the r acidly Mseit."
J'hut una medicine will cure Ijiver C "inpluiut and iiya
pepsin, no one eaudouht, ufier ueiug it u directed. It acu
specificallv upon the at 'iruich and liver it ia pretferaliie
tn enl iuct in ull hilii us cl i seas t s the rfltMt is immediate.
Tliy ran lie adipiuisUired to Kemule ot Jniuiit with safety-
nut reliable ueiieui, mi any time.
This medicine hiu at.ained tlutt high rhaiacter which la
iiecessurv f ir all me lie hies t atiuinto induce oounteifeiiers
tn put f V'b a ftmri u article at the risk of the Uvea of
th'ae are iuu ecutly dt-aeiveri.
They hAe the written sK nature W C. M. JACKN
up n the wrapper, and the iianie Uwu in the bottle, with
uur which they are apuii ua.
Vof suic, wh ilesala aud retail, the
On man Ahdicint Store,
Ko. 1'JO ARCH Street, one hekw Sixth, (hite of
Rare street.) Philadelphia, and by reapeoUibto dealers
generally thr -ughmt the f uutry.
Also: Pursuit by H MiMii, Sunbtiry, tinl H. A.
M'Ct. N fthu nlerUnd.
August n.lbao ly
BLANK PiKimyT Pir Dtioa jurt ptitv
ted and for ce at tliia officf.
ZEiTZ & CO.,
Books, Prints, Engravings, Stationary
Gilt frame ! Riumtul liiatrtl
No. 78 North Bnd St., between Arch & Race,
- Philadelphia,
1 MPORTto order and have constantly On hand
' a very large assortment of grtoda In the above
named lines at wholesale and retail. Principally I
'. 133 C CD 123, S3
In German. Latin, Greek. Hebrew, French, Italian
Spanish and other languages Classics, Diction
aries, Grammpra, Vocabularies, School, Juvenile,
Pirturo, Drawing and Model Books for Architccta
Cabinet, Carriage and other manufacturer.
MAPS, GLOBES and Blank Books of every
description. Splendid Lithographic, and other
Accordeons, Banjos, Bows for all string instru
ments. Bridcn and Tailpieces, Clarionets, fifes.
Flageolets, Flutes, Guitars, Octavo Flutes, Paient
Heads for Guitars and Violincellos, Tuinbourines,
Tuning Forks nnd Hammers, Violins, Violin and
Guitar Pe;js, Violincellos and String for all kinds
of Instruments Wholesale and Retail. Accor
deons repaired.
Also constantly on hand, wholesale and retail,
a large assortment of tho very best
Dutch Metal. French and Florence Leaf Metal
Thermometers, Hoirpcncils.-Faber and other
Lcadpcncils, lied. White and Black Chalk Cray
ons. Mathematical Instruments, Scaificators,
5pring Lancets Pocket Prescription and Gold
Scales and Weights Letter, Fancy colored and
gill Taper Playing Cards and other French and
German Fancy Articles, for the sale of which
July 6, 1850
m:w ii (UK ti goods.
Market Street, Sunbury, Pa.,
W WAS just received and opened a Inrcc assort
fll H ment of superior and choice Fancy and
Staple Dry Goods, well adapted to the coming seo
son, which he will sell at the lowest prices. His
stock consists of general assortment of almost all
articles of use in the Dry Goods line, consisting
in part of
Cloths, Cassimercs, Summnr-Stuff for
Clothing und Vesting.
a a 1 i e 1) r c n m (s'ooiU,
Glove, Hosiery, Luces, Shawls, Muslins, Sheet
ings, Tickings, Fine Muslins, Ginghams,
Linens, fee.
ALSO: A general assortment of
and ocry variety of articles.
C3r" Country produce of all kinds taken in ex
change at the highest market price.
Sunbury, April 27, 1850.
Is hereby given to
William G. Moore, Charles O. Moore. John W.
Moore, Isaac G. Moore, and Frances Moore.
That by virtue of a certain Breve i!e Partiiioiti
Forieinfa to me directed, an Inquisition will be
held at 11 o'clock. A. M. on Wedne-'ay. October
'i, 1850, upon a certain tract of Land; situate in
Rush township, Northumberland county, boun
ded by lands of John jcarhartl Jacob (icarbart,
Herman Gearliart, Elizabeth Depiu, and John
GuticU, continuing t7 acres and 18 perches, iiio.c
or less, to inquire whether the same ran lie equal
ly parted und divided to and among tli'i aforesaid
parties without sopili.ition of the whole at
which lime and place the aforesaid parties are
hereby warned to bo and apcar, if by them it
is deemed expedient.
Sh'rlTs Office, Sunbnrv, J
Auj. 8S, 1830 Si-Ot
I) A X I t) I' K A SK,
S. W Corner 6lh Arch S reel, Philtdelphiu.
j . AS for K.ile all kimla of choice 1'amily Groce-
rics at tho very lowest prices, viz:
Extra Fine, superior and common lil;irk and
Green Teas; old Gov. J-iva and other kinds of
Coll'rc, all qualities of Crushed Li;lit Drown and
Drown Sugars ; heat Sperm Oil and Spenn and
Ainuntiiic Cundlcs ; Dukcr'a C'liocnlute, Cocoa
and Droma; Fariini, Tuptocti, iSagoand W'heaten
tiritsj (Jliie'Oil, Uinslas'. Ketchups and S.iuces,
Maccaroni, Vermicelli, KiigtiU SSplit l'c;is, &c.
They will pack up all goods lor the country
neatly and secuicly und deliver them promptly at
anv Uepot or Hotel as ueired.
S. W. Cor. 0th & Arch !Sts.
Aug. 17, 1S.'i0 lyMay
How frequently do we hear this expression, which is
u i eii i it to c iii t-)' to the iiiuitl the lust sfuge o' sicknesa
that a put lent cuit be r-tiuced t , und live Airs. ILirn
s.tu, u mcitilter o' l lie 'I'runty t.'lmri ti, warn, us she expies
sesiherstjlt', (ji'oU)-tii d v'ii to "Ue all's d ir," by iilieu
liulisui uutl SvfV 'us Jifudiiche, when, like ait nut-l of
ii a icy, liudwu) "s heady liclu-i relievetl her l" her tie v ere
miiiis and itrst red hrr t her IiuhkIs hi peritx'l health.
The very instant way's Ueady iidiet is applied, its
beneficial t iltn'ts are experienced, it a Mlius, htaiis, clean-
sub and purities; it iusi.mily ulluvs trniati n, reduces in.
ll.niuHiitit'iis uul swellings, relmv'.'S the m st severe Neil
ruhcK- p: litts. ensc t Burn. Scalds. rvm, Krupti mi
rurrs it iui, laituliug.t. U ul, l'uialvsis. r,ruius,
Mniius, lusins. Mill' Neek, U ca news in the Side and
Hick, Tes ull kinds, (juIIs, Uruis- s, Cltaieat tne
Throat, liitiuenzu, U.-urst-uess, C fughs. Colds,
This t rturiiitf idfecti u run tie cured in an instant, fr
the inoinent the' t uches the nerve, the jsiiii ia mi
touted. with Tic D 'leieux and iieaiicruiiui, Neurul
pin und ick jleudnche Uithe the pints where thr iiu
is most severe and in a lew iniliules you will be entirety
relieved. Taken uitcnully it will uriest the in st vi-'h-nt
tiusius und Crumps, slup voiuitin or tit much purging,
in till tMes it will give ftrcnih for wciikiu-SJ( rust- for
ptiiu, heulih f t sickneiM. No Keudv It flic) is genuine un
less sigmd by KADWAV & CO., Tuit uNreet.
UAtTWAV'S Mkuicatku Snup.
Kadwiiy's Medicuted 8 up, a luv rulily kn-iwn tlirouch
imt the fushioimble W4rld l-tr its rxtreiuelv blum). uurttv-
ins; and s.Miiiiiiur rtleetson the skin ( while by its act! m 1
on the p tes and the iinuiHe secreUtry ves-teia it ejtpela alt
iiupuriiies from the surt'uee, allaja every tendency lu in-tlsiinuiali-m,
ami ntceiiiHUy disreputes ali rfdiit-tts, Uii,
pimples, spots, freckifS. diseol null usund other cutaneous
eruptions Tlie rudiuut Itl tout it imparts to the cheek, the
stiitiiiw add delieacy which it induces of the hands and
units, its capability of toiliing Inituti hi and reuatviuir cu
tane ms delects, rcmlrtr it indispensable ti every toilet.
Gentleineii after shaviufr will tind it uliays all iiritalion
andtetideruess of the skin, und readers it soft, smooth and
During the heiit and dust of summer, or frost and blenk
winds ol winter; and in cam 1 sunburn, slinfrs ol insects
ehilbluins. (-hitpjsHd hum), or incidental iiitiuiiiinati iit its
virtues have louKuud extensively heeu ackii iwledsted. Its
puriiyitif und reireshut properties have oiiluuu-d iiv s-lec-tiuu
fr.'in the ih usa mis o' uthcr r tstueticx, b th of Kitr t
pcnii uml d aneaiir iiutnufticture. by the h ai ton of all parts
ol tlie IumIi! uiiir!e worki, tr ui the tiuriiiitir uiptra u lite
fru2n rtiilui-Poi the Ice Kttt(r. The puMic w ill ilease
beur in mind ttuit Hnduny's Medtcateo fesip. ia the only
sine preKiiuiioii f r the skin u w iu uy, tins Iuu been
certified to by our in wt piomtuent ehf-imsia. Haduay's
ttui is free friiin poisonous, irritailiiv and penurious in.
f-ml i cuts, it can 1m- usd on the teialer skin ot the iiifuut
with the uuir luippy results aa Upon Iteuuty iu its prime,
bee lltal each cuke la euvol 'ed in a adeadid label of
steel eiwniviiiK and further see I hut the st-fiiature of R.
O. HAD WAY is upon each cake, l'rice cents, large
warranted the hest Hair Tonic in met
Fnr Dress i an sml UeautiJ'yiiiR tha hmr.
It eleuuss the fccalp from )uiidrutf, keeps ft clean, eurea
Srurvev. Buldness, and lves ou the Htmd stops the hair
Ihnb falliii)f out, reiulers il atrnift. fine, suiimth, a tt and
lossy. I'ers-aia wliu have lost their hair by aukiiesa will
find a cmiiilete antidote lit Itaitwav's CiroaasiaH Wulia. it
also gives II a dark anil beautiful cM r. and will prevent it
iroiu turn i us; ere v. From its exquisite uuritvt it laadiui
rabty atlapted f 4 the hair of children of tits iu"kt teialer
ass. It is a -hi in Ursa botilee for 4 eenU per bottle, and
is warranted tha best hmr prepaiatuni in was, it will
nil the hat. rn-i, or the finest fabric He tlutt the signa
ture n n.MJWAV st CO.. ia unmi eark uottte o uir
eats urn Balm is g eouiue without the signature oi Had way
Aokxt H. B. Muaser, Suubury.
Aug. 10, l8W.-eiiily
GREfcS IN K for ssle at this offics.
Far tha Care af
HOARSBlxTBSS, 811017
Tin truly valuable Jtomcdy for all disease of
L T 1 Tk . I V. . .1.. .l:.i -.11.
ancn of tlie afflicted it i the most certain cure
known for the above complaints. While it i a
powerful remedial agent in the most desperate
and almost hopeless cases of Consumption, it i
also, in diminished dose one of the mildest and
most agreeable family medicines for common
common couirhs and colds. Read below the opin
ion of men who are known to the world, and tho
world respect their opinions.
".lame C. Aycr Sir 1 I have used your "Ciian
Rt PacToiAt,' in my own ease of deep-seated
Bronchitis, and am satisfied from its chemical
constitution that it is an admirable compound for
the relief of laryngiul and bronchial dillicultie.
If my opinion aa to it superior character can be
of any service you arc at liberty to use it a you
think proper.
President of Amherst College.
From the "London Lancet."
the most valuable preparations that has fallen un
der our notice. After a careful examination, we
do not hesitate to say xve have a large apprecia
tion of its merits and the fullest confidence in it
usefulness for cou'hs and lung complaints."
Dr. Brewster, of Windham Co., Conn., cnd
us the following testimony.
Dr. J. C. Aver Dear Sir: I enclose you a
certificate from Mrs. Cathnrinc K. Cady, a highly
respectable lady of this village, wife of Mr. belli
Cady, Deputy Sheriff, Windham Co., Connecti
cut. 1'ho evre in her case was very prompt, and
has attracted general attention.
West Kn.uxal,T, Ct.,Sept. S8 1848.
This may certify that I was afflicted with every
severe cough in the winter of '47-8, which threat
tened to terminate in Consumption. I had tried
many medicines in vain, .and waa cured by the
use of "Ayer' Cherry Pectoral."
From Dr. Bryant, Druggist and Postmaster,
Chicopcc Falls, Mass:
Dr. J. C. Aycr Dear 5'ir: Enclosed please
find reniiltance forall the CHERRY PECTORAL
last sent me. I can unhesitatingly say, that no
medicine we sell gives such sutiafaetion as your'
docs; nor have I ever seen a medicine wlucli
cured so many cases of Cough and Lung Com
plaints. Our Thisicians are using it extensively
in their practice, and with the happiest effect.
Truly yoms, D. M. BRYANT.
r$ Sold by Henry Masscr, Sunbury i Mary
A. McCay, Northumberland' Dr. Gearliart, Se-
linsgrovc ; Dr. LScckly, Danville, and Druggist
July 6, 1850.- lyceStn
Corner of Eleventh and Ridge Road.
So. 134 South Srcond Street, below Dock St.,
ft MI E subscribers would call the special attcn
I lion of Cii'jinet Makers and others, to their
very extensive assortment of materials in their
line, ronsistinii of Mnliotmiiv Veneers, boards and
l'latik, H.iir Cloth, Curled Hair, Glue, Varnish,
t.ookiu" C'.as4 I'lates. ViahoKauy Kno'ns, Dcd
l'ots, Murl'lc Tops, and every description of
58irdwaee 'I'oI, Vc.
Cuhiiict Makers residing out of the Citv, would
finJ it i;reutly to their advantaire to call at our
store to purchase such materials as they want,
connected with their business.
All. Mir (-.."lis nre WARRANTED,
of the best quality, and at very reduced prices,
Uur leruis arc Cash, (no trade.)
We guarantee to give every man the worth of
his money.
N. I). Mahogany, W alnut mid Hand If
Plank, and Stair Uallustort for builders. also
Maiblo Mantles, always on hand, and every de
scription ot turned work.
June U, 100. ly
OTICE ia hereby given that letters of Ail
X S iiiinibtraliort huve been granted to tho
subscriber, on tlie eetuto uf John C. Liebt, late
ol' ISliQimikin, Nnrtliumlirrlund county, deed.
All peruona indt-bted to auid estute or having do
munda ugainst the aame, are requested to call
tor neltliucnu JOSEPH 11IKD, Auiu'r.
Shaiuokiu, Aug. 10, 1850; 6t
fllIE suliscrilier tins built liimsrlf a dry dock
I in Nurtliiitnl.erltind, shove the first lock on
the We it llrnnrli Cnnal, where he intends build
ing and rrpniring cansl bunts. He enn tuke boats
on the dork from two to live dollars cheaper Ulan
thev can be tnken Out, with nmchinery.
Than kt'ii I to those who favored him before, he
hopes bv carefully attending to all the requiring
entrusted to him to still merit a share uf public
Northumberland, August 10, I6fl0. 3m.
AT J E take this method to inform the renders of
the Sunbury American, that, should they
visit, riiilaJclpliui, in guest uf
Good and Cheap Clothing,
and favor us with a call, they shall not be disap
pointed in obtaining the best of garments at the
lowest cash prices. We have now on hand the
largest SHSortnicnt ever o lie red in Philadelphia,
among which are DUES! nnd KKOCK COATS
from $5 to tflH, PANTS and VESTS from 75
ctfc to $5, OVER COATS, CLOAKS, Ut.'Sl-
which shall lie sold at such prices as to mnke it
an object for the people of Sunbury and the sur
rounding country to extend lo us their patronage.
South East corner of bih and Market. '
July 13, 1850.
For th c Curb or Fever and Agci.War-
rI",hIS unrivalled medicine my lie relied on when near.
1 ly all ollie. rtuiidiea tail. IU valite il n4 mirncieully
known, lliereture, tlie pH,iriet. deirs In enlurpe tha
tieliJ ol' n uiielulnCM liy inukmif kil'Wu its virtue, and clfi.
eary U iIkmihuihm, ,h uderrrs wluiura uoi swars thut luey
cau be speedily and radically rured of
willi'Nit Ilia UH ff puiauwius druga, nauaenus pntiisu H
llie drleleriuua eflertxil' quinine. II i ndcred to lb pub.
he al a l"W price to place it williui Ihe read, oi all, assured
Unit those wliu use il according to direcUutia will and it a
safe and speedy euic for
Favis aso Hopit.
It It rtnt a diBMtreeatile luuiseoling e-impound but an agrae.
able UHiie eukuluted to remove the aiseuseandfiva kealuty
acti al t" tlM suanneh and Iwfwetls.
Piervd only by Marshsll 4 Co., and sM wholraslts
and retail hy Knwand It 8on, No. Ct N nth ftth Btraet,
Philadelphia Fries ! per sini Is boula, and te par aoa,
iunsW, lt10 1 .
PURSUANT la n act of tha Gencm A
1 sembly of (he Corfimoneallh of PertrtsyN
Vanlttf fmtitled "Art act relating to the "lec
tions of this Cornrrronweallh," approved the
second day of July, Anno Domino, on thmi
sand eiffltt hundred anil thirty-nine, I, JAMES
COVERT, High Sheriff of the eountr ef Nor
thumberland,, Pennsylvania, do hereby make
known and (jive notice to the electors uf the
county aforesaid, jhnt a qenPml election will
be Mill it wilil cotinlvof Ndrlhumberlnnd,
BER, 1850, at which lime, State and Coun
ty Olfioers, at follows, are to be elected : .
, On" person oi Canal Commissioner of the
Commonwealth. ' . '" 4 ' ' '.
One person as Auditor General of this Com
monwealth. . i -
One person as Surveyor General of this
One person to fill ihe office of member of
Conuress from ihe district Composed of the
coiintiA of Northumberland, Union, Lycom-
nit, Clinton Si Sullivan, being Ihe 13lh u la
nd. ......
O in oprson lo fill tlie office ol Member of
tho Hiiiih hf Ki'nreentalive, to reprpent the
entinty of Northninberland in the House of
KenrcsHntiitlves ot rennsrivaiua.
One purson as County Commissioner.
One iierson as Proseculing Attorney for Ihe
county of Northumberland.
One pi-rson as County Surveyor for the
conntv of Northumberland.
One person as County Auditor.
I also hereby make known and give notice
lo the nunlifii'd electots ol saul county, in
pursuance of the provisions and requirements
of an Act of Asembly, passed ihe 9lh day of
Anril 1850. ami of a writ ol election issued
by tho Governor of this Commonwealth, and
lo me (lirccieu, tnni upon sam raumi i hus
f Ootober 1850. aforesaid al the time
anil places hereinafter named of holding said
1 election aforesaid, ihe proposed
amendment to ihe CongUltillon providing- 'or
the election of Judges by the people, will be
submitted to the people agreeably to the re
nniremfMits of tho Xth Aiticle of IheConstilu-
tion of the State of Pennsylvania, for their
approval and ratification, or rejection.
i ...hi u- i..u..nM.i
1 lie UCKcIS will ue inuriieu, uu iuu winoivio
with Ihe word "Amendment," and will con
tin on ihe inside the words "tor Ihe Amend'
... . . I
ment" or me wonts "Againsi mo Amenu
1 also hereby make known and give notice
hat ihe places of holding! the aforesaid gene
ral election in the several boroughs and
townships within the county of Northumber
laud are as follows:
The Sunbury District, Composed of the
borough of Suiibury, and Upper Augusta, at
the cuunty Court House;
This Anansta District, Composeu ol tne
township of Lower Ancusta, at the house of
George Conrad, iu said township.
The iSorlhumberland District, composea ot
the boroush of Northumberland, at the nonse
of Peler Ilanselmau, in the borough of North
The Point District, at the house ot Henry
Haas, in the borough of Northumberland
The Milton District, at the house of Fred
erii'k Sticker, in said boronsh.
Th'! Tttrbut District, at ttie House occupied
hv Ahriih:im Kissinirpr.
The Delaware District) at the House of
Henry Header.
Th Chilisrinaque District, at the house oc
cnpied by Benjamin rordsman
The Lewis District, at the
house of Mi
ch iel Reader.
The Shaniokin District) at
the house
Charles Lcisuurins.
The Upper Mahanoy District, at Ihe house
of D,ini"l lleim.
The Litlle Mahanoy District, at tho house
of Frederick linker.
The Lower Mahanoy District, at the house
of Mtchiel Spitz.
The Rush District, at the Liberty Pole
School House.
Thu J.ickson District, at the house of Peter
The C ml District, at the house of Daniel
The election to open between tho hours of
Band 10 o'clock in the forenoon, and shall
continue without interruption or adjournment
until 7 o'clock in the evening, when the
polls shall be closed.
The several Inspectors and Judges elected
on the 3,1 Fudav of March last, in pursuance
of the 3d Section of the act of the 2d of July,
1830, will hold the election on Tuesday the
llh day of October next.
'That every person except a Justice of Ihe
Peace, who shall hold any office or appoint
ment of profit or trust under the government
of the United States, or of this Slate, or of
any City or incorporated district, whether a
commisHioned ollicer or agent, who shall be
employed under ihe legislative, excutive or
judiciary department of this Stale, or the Uni
ted Slates, or of any city or incorporated dis
trict, and also that every member of Congress,
and of the State Legislature, and of the select
ami common council of any city, or commis
sioner of anv incorporated District, Is by law,
incapable of holding or exercising the office
or appointment of Judge, Inspector or Clerk,
of auey election of this commonwealth, and
I hat no" Inspector, Judge or any olher oliiccr
of such election, shall be eligible to any bllice
to be then voted lor
And the stid Act of Assembiey, entitled
"an act relating to the elections of this Com
monwealth," passed July the 3nd, l832.
further provides as follows, to wit:
''That the Inspectors and Judges chosen as
aforesaid, shall meet at the respective places
for holding tho election in the district to
which they respectively belong before nine
o'clock in the morning of the second Tuesday
of October ill each and every year, and each
of said inspectors shall appoint one clerk, who
shall be a qualified voter of such district, t
1 also hereby make known and give notice
that the following act of Assembly was par
sed by the general Assembly of the Common
wealth on the 27th day of February, A. D.
1849, to wit:
"An Act relative to voting at elections in the
counties of Adams, Dauphin, York, Lan
caster, Franklin, Cumberland, Bradford,
Centre, Greene, and Krie,
Skction 1. Re it enacted by the Senate
and House of Representatives of the Com
monwealth of l'minsylvanla in General As
sembly met, und il is hereby enacted by the
authority of the same, That if shall be law
ful for the qualified voters of ihe counties of
Adams, Dauphin, Lancaster. lorK, franklin
Cumberland, Bradford, Centre, Greene, and
brie, limn and alter the passage ot this act,
to vote fur all the Candidates for the various
ollices to b filled at any election on one slip
or ticket: Provided, That office for which
every Candidate is voted for, shall be designa
ted, as required by the existing lawa ot this
Lomiiioiiweulin. - j
Section 8. That any fraud Committed by
anv person votinir in Ihe manner above pre-
soribed, shall be punished aa similar frauds
are directed to be punished by the existing
luws oi this Com moil weaiin.
That by the 3th aeetion of an art passed
hv thn anid Denpml Assembly on the Bih ilnv
of April, A. D. 1849, entllled "An Act rela
tive to Supervisors in Franklin county,1 tc,
&c, it i entitled, "That the Act passed the
present session of the legislature, approved
the twenty-seventh day of February, one
thousand eigat nunnred and lorty-ume, at
thorizing the qualified votert of Adams and
olher eounties, to vote by eeneral tirket, be
extended to Mifflin, Union, Crawford, Bedford,
Monroe, Warren and Northumberland coun
ties, to far as relates to votiaj at the general
Cflra (hit fmrenn trim sliull Imvi. rnnfttv-
ed the second highest number of ton s for In
spector thall not t Henri on the rinj of nny
elefcilrifl, then ihe Tmriwri who shall have re
ceived the second highest nunber of vote for
Judge th8 next precettlni election, shall act
at an inspector In hit place, end in case the
person who shall have received the high'
est number of voted for Inspector, tlrnll not
attend, the perwm appointed Jurlgn shall ap
point an Inspector in his place end in case
ine person eiecieu judge snail not attenil, ine
inspector who received the hiuhest number
of Votes, shall appoint n Judge in his plnce;
ami it any vacancy sunn continue in the
board for the spnee of nn hour after the time
hxed by law for Ihe opening of iho election,
ne ntiaiihed voters or Ine township, ward or
lislrict. for which such officers' shall Imvn
been elected, present at Iho place of elec
tions, shall elect one of their number to fill
such vnenncv. ' l" 1 '' 1
"It shall be the duly of vtid assessors re
spectively lo attend at the place of holding
every general, special, or township election,
during Ihe whole time said election is kept
open, for the purpose of giving information
o tnc inspector arid judge, when called on,
n relation to tlia rlcht of anv berson assessed
by them to vote al sncti election, or such
olher matters in relalimi to the assessment of
voters, as the said inspector or judge or ei
ther of them, shall Irnm time to time re-
".o person shall be normilted to voleat nnv
election as aforesaid, olher than a white fret-
man oi twenty-one or more, who shall have
resided in Ihe slate at least one year, und in
ihe election district where ho offers lo vote
at ieast ten (lavs immediately Drecedinsr
such election, and within two years paid
stale or county tax, which shall have been
nssessed at least len days before the election.
But a citizen of the United States who had
previously been a qualified voter of this slate.
and removed t lip re f mm and relumed, and
shall have resided in the election district, and
paid tax as aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote
after residing iu this state six months, Provi
ded. Thai the white freemen, citizen of the
United Slates, between the age of twenty-one
anil twenty-two years, and hnvins resided in
ihe slate one year, and in the election dis
trict ten days as aforesaid, shall be entitled
to a vote, although they shall not have
taxes. . r
No person shall be permitted to vote whose
name is not contained in the list of taxable
inhabitants furnished by the commissioner
as aforesaid, unless. First : He produce a
receipt lor the payment, within two years, of
a state or county tax assessed agreeably to
the Constitution, and give satisfactory evi
dence either on his own oalh or animation,
or on the oath or affirmation of another, thai
he Has paid such lax, or on failure to produce
a receipt, shall make an oath to the payment
I hereof : or second, if he claim a riant lo vote
by being an elector between the ages of
twenty-one and twenty-two years, he shall de
pose on oath or nffii matioti, (hat he has resid
ed in Ihe state at least one year next before
nis application, and make such proot ot resi
dence in Ihe district as is required by this
act; and thai he does venly believe from the
accounts given him thai he is of the age afore
said, and give such other evidences as is re
quired by this act, vt hereupon the name of
ttie person so admitted to vote, snail be in
setted in alphabetical list by the inspectors,
and a note made opposite thereto by writing
the word 'lax,' if he shnll be permitted to
vote by reason of having paid tax, or the
word 'age,' if he shall bo permitted to vole
on account of his age, and in either case the
reason of such voles shall be called out to tha
clerk, who shall make notes in the list of vo
ters kept by them.
In all cases where the name of the person
claiming to vote is nol found on the list fur
nished by Ihe Commissioners and Assessor,
or his right to vole whether found thereon or
not, is objected lo by any qualihed citizen,
lh Inspector shall examine such person on
oath as to his qualifications, and if he claims
lo have resided in the slate one year or more,
his oath shall be a proof thereof, but he shall
prove by at least one competent witness, who
shall be a qualified elector, that he resided
within the district al least ten days next im
mediately preceding Ihe election, and shnll
also himself swear that his bona rule resi
dence, in pursuance uf his lawful calling is
within tne district, and mat he did nol re
move into said district for llie purpose of vo
ting therein.
Every person qualified as aforesaid, and
who shall make proof, if required, of his resi
dence and payment of taxes, as aforesaid,
shall be admitted to vote in Ihe township,
ward or district in which he shall reside.
If any person not qualified to vote in this
Commonwealth, agreeably to law, (excepl Ihe
sons of qualified citizens) shall appear at any
place of election for the purpose of issuing
tickets, or inllnencing citizens qualified lo
vote, he shall, on conviction, forfeit und pay
any sum not exceeding one hundred tloliais
lor every such ollence, und be imprisoned
for any term hot exceeding three months.
It shall be the duty of every mayor, sheriff,
alderman,' justice of ihe peace, and constable
or deputy constable, of every city, county,
township or district within this common
wealth, whenever called upon by any officer
of an election, or by any three qualified elec
tors thereof, to clear any window or avenue
to uny window, to the place of general elec
tion, which shall be obstructed in such a way
as to prevent voters from approaching the
same, and on neglect or refusal to do so on
such requisition, said ollicer shall be deemed
guilty of misdemeanor in office, and on con
viction shall be lined in any sum not less than
one hundred nor more than one thousand
dollar; and il shall be the duly of the re
spective constables of each warn, district or
lownship, of litis common wealth to be present
in person or by deputy, at Ihe place of hold
ing such elections in said ward, district or
township, for the purpose of preserving the
peace as aforesaid.
It shall bo Ihe duty of eveiy pence officer,
as aforesaid, who shall be present at any
such disturbances at an election as is de
scribed in this act, lo report Ihe same to llie
next court of quarter sessions, and also the
names of the witnesses who can prove tho
And by the 4th section of the act of 16th
of April, IS40) it is enacted, -That the 15th
section of the aol, as passed July 2d. J83U,
entitled an act relating lo the elections of
this commonwealth, shall nnf be so const rued
as lo prevent any militia officer or borough
officer,' from terving as judee, inspector or
clerk, ot any general or special election in
this commonwealth.
The Judge are are to mnke their return
for the comity of Northumberland, at the
Court House, in Sunbury, ou Friday, the llih
day of October, A. l 1850.
SherifT Oflice, Sunbury,
Sept. 7th, 1850. J
Gon save this Commonwealth.
Southwest Corner of Fifth and Market Streets,
Philadelphia, (
YITHO always keeps on hand a largs slock of
' every variety oif clothing made up of good
materials, and iu'th latest and best styles. H
would also Inform tha publiu. that be pays ronai
datable attention ia gelling up Military Clothing,
in good style and on reasonable term. ,
June 15, IbSO- ly
"L'OR sale at a reasonable price, a well built car
L riage in good condition with tongue and shafts,
for either ana or two horses. Also a double set
of harness. Enquire at tlus office.
.Aug. Jl, 150 If.
Relative to u Amtnrlment of the Conttl-
ndOLr ST ssHovnc n RanncsTA-
rivas or tii CoaarmrKilra m I'kn.mi, is
(leKRAl. Akkmslv met, Tliat the CoMtKniion of this
( utnmomvsaltli In amended in Ihe second nctkm of the
filth article, at, tint It elmH reiid as follows t The of
tin Supreme f 'mirt, of the several Courts of Conine , Fleas,
and of inch other I'ourt. oi Aceonl aa are or shnll he erna.
Wished by law, shall he tli-rted by the qualified elenure of
tho CommontveaHh Is tlie mnnner fullowme, to wit The
iwle-vs oi the !Ui!fmr Court, by tho qunlllird electors of
the I oinmonvinlih at lsre. The Preiileitt JuUses of the ' '
se veral Courts orVntnmoM l'leesimil of such other Coerta
iH Kenirtl e are or shall lw vntstlilml by law, ami all
other Judcei required lo he kiineil hi the Invr, by Ihe qnsh-
lien electors of the r nive dietrirte over which thev
are to preside or act as Jurtaiw, Ami the Aaoriaic Judaea
of tlie Courts of IVnmiun I'leas by ihn qualified elcetorf '
ot the connliea respeclivelv. The ilrdrn of the ftovrrnM
Court shell hold iheir ofiii i s for Ihn term of filler., years,
if they shall so Inn behave themselves well: (subject k
Ihe alloinient hen-matter nroviiled for, lu tha
lirsr election :) The l'resiilent Judges of the several Courts
of Common rn. nnd of u.h torrrts of Herord aa
nre or slialt bo esiablisliru by law, and nil olher Judges re
quired to be learned in the Idw, shall hold llielr ollii-es for
the term of Un yenrs, if iliev shnll su lone behove them-selvi-s
welt : The Awtwiste Judges of the Court nMuav
mini Mens shall hold their oflieee for the term uf five yeurs,
if they shall s i long heliave themselves well : ell of whom
shnll he commissioned by thu fhrvenwr, but for any ree
aonnlilo come which shnll not be sufficient groiliHla ot'
impeachment, the Vmernor shnll remove any of thoinoi.
the address ol Ivvo-thirds of each branch of the lA-gialnture.
Tho first election shnll take iilnce at the irenerel election ot'
this Commonwealth nest after the Aikptit of this amend
ment, ami the commissions of nil thejiHla:rs who maybe
then in office shall expire on Ihe first Monday of Pecem
ber foil wing, when the terms of the new Jndgrs ahalt
commence. The iiersom who shall then be elected Judges
of the fittipreine Court shall hold their offices as follows ;
one of them for three years, one f.r six yenrs, one for
itine yenre. one for twelve yenrs, and One fur fiiteeu years ;
the lenn of each to be decided by lot by Ihe aaid judcet, sa
soon auet the election ns convenient, ond llie result certified
by them to the Governor, that the crenmiMiona mny b
issued in accordance thereto. The Jmlijc whose commis
sion will first expire shall be Chief Justice during Ins term,
aiid'lhereafLcr onch jwlgn whose eoimnission shnll lusl em
pire shnll in turn be the Chief .lustier, mid If tw or fnorn
commissions shitll expire on Ihe seinn day, the juiigra
holding them sluitl decide by lot which at in II be the Chief
Justice. Any rneaneies hnppeuiujr by death, .esiaiuiiiun.
or otherwise, in any of the anid couits. tlinli be tilled by
npnolntmeiit liy ihe Govern., to continue till the first
Monday of December sncceedine the next s-ciicrnl electha..
The Judge of the Supreme Court and the Presidents of tha
several Courts of Common Pleas shall, at stated times, re
ceive for their servii-es nu adequate ennpensntion, to be
fixed by law, which sliall not he diminished during their
eoiitiiiuiuicc in office, bnl thev slinll receive no fees or per.
quisiirs ot office, nor hold any other office of profit under
this Commonwealth, or under Ihe government of ihe L'ni
ted Aietcs, or nny other Stnte of this I'nion. The Judge
ot the Snnieme Court during their continuance in office
shall reside within this Commonwealth and the other
Jiulees during their .'ontinunnce in office shall reside within
the district or county lor which they were respectively
Speaker of the Home of Representatives.
V. BEST, Speaker of the Senate
UaRrisbi-ho, January SJ, 19S0. J
t, Samuel W. Pearson. Chief Clerk of the Henste of
Pennsylvania, do hereby certify thnt the forgoing resolution
No. 10 on the Senate file of the present session.) entitled
-rtesoluticn relntive to an sincndinentol llie Constitution.1
it being the same resolution which wns ngrecd tn by a
tnnjotity of the ineml-eis elected to ench Houao of the last
legislature ullur having lieendiily considered and discus
sed wns this day ngrced to by a majority of the members
elected to and serving iu the Senate of Pennsylvania, at its
present session, ni will appear by their votes given on th
mmi pessuge oi resolution, ns follows, via t
Those voting in I'avoroi the res iltitiou were, H. Jons
Mioolce. .1. Porter Rrnwlev. William A. Crabb, J.
Cuuniiigliam. Thomas 9.' Fernon. Thomas II. Forcsvth,
Chnrlcs Frsily. Robert M. Prick. Henrv Fnlton, John W.
(rUi.-rnsey, William Hnalett, lwinc llnjus, Timothy Ives,
Joshua Y. Jones, Joseph Konigmnehcr, George V. l,aw-
reuee, AloxvVull M'Castin, Tjeiijnmin Mulonci Hcnjnmiii
Miitthiua. Henry A. Muhlenberg, Willimn F. Pticker, Wll
linm R. Sadler, tlsviil Sankev. Peleg B. Snvery, Conrad
Sliimer, Hobert C. Stcrrctt, Ihiniel Stine, Furris B. Slree
ter. John II. Walker and Valentine Best, SrssJUUt
Ycns at.
Those voting agninst the pnssnge of the resolution were
flenrge Darsle, Augunua Drum and Alexander King
.Says ;i.
Kxtrart from tlie Journal.
8A.ML.W. FKAItSON, Clerk.
In the Horse or Rcprgsentatives, )
Harrisburg, March 14, 1850. J
I, William Jack. Chief Clerk of the House of Represen
tatives of Pennsylvania, do hereby certify thut the forgo
ing resolution. (No. Ill on the Senate file, and No. 211 on
the Itoitse Journal of the present Session,) entitled '-Heso-lutiou
relative to the ninrnifuicnt of the Constitution'1 it
being the same resolution which wus ngreid to by a ma
jorily of the uieinhers elected to each Ilousn of the last
Legislature -nl'ler hiivlng been dulv considered aial discus
sed, was this day agreed to hv a majority of the ineiuuera
elected to nnd serving in ihe Houscof Representatives of
Pennsylvania, at its present ns well appear by their
votes, aiven ou the liual pass ige uf thu rcsiluiiou, as fol
ows. vis :
Those voting in favor of the nass-iue of the resolution
were. John Acker, John Allison, Willinin Baker, Robert
Baldwin. David J. Htut, Craig Diddle. Jeiemiul. Hlack,
J-ihnS. Bowen. William llrimllc. Uauiel H. B. Brower,
Jesse R. Burden, John Cessna, Henry Church, John N.
Conynijlinii.. Sylvester Crultuinl, Benjamin ti. DuvkI, WiU
limit J. Dobbins, Jmiica P. Downnr. Thomas Duncan,
Win. Dunn, Win. Kspcy, John C. Kvuns, William K.vans
A . Scon Bwmg. Alcxiinilcr S. Feather, Jnmes Flowers,
Benjunun P. I'ortner, Alexiuider tiililimy, TUoniaa K
Gricr, Joseph K tirnini, Joseph tiiuTey, Jueob S. Haider
man. George II. Hart. Leliert Hart. John llusliugs, Wit
liaiu J. Hemphill, John llogc, Henry Huplet, liwis Ilet
ford, Washington J. Jackson, Nicholus Jones, John W,
Killinger, Charles IJ Kinkead, Roliert Klotx, Hurrison P.
Inirit, Morris Leech. J,nathali 1. I.cet. Aus-m Leotinrd,
James J. I.cwih, Henry Ijitilc, Jonas 11. M'Clintock, John
F. -M'Cnllocii, Alexnnd'-r C. M'Curdy, John M'lrftnghlin,
John M'l.eau, Samuel Marx. John B. Meek, Michael Mv
crs, John Miller, J.w.rpli C. Mitlloy. John 1). M.irns, Win.
T. Morison, Kzckiel Mowrv, F.dwonl Sieklcsmi, Jacob
Nissly, CharlrsU'.N.-ill. Joliu'U. Packer, Joseph C. Powell
James C. Reid. John S. Rhev, I.ewts Roberts, Samuel John II. Killh.irforri, tilenni W. Seoficld, Thoina
Seouler. Villlnn. Slialfucr. Richard Simps Ml, Ft. Sllfer,
William Smith, William A. Smith. Daniel M.Smjser, Wil
liam II. Soulier, Thomas i,- feieel, Da. id Steward, Charles
ftt.ekwcll. Kdwin C. Trone. Andrew Wade, Robert C.
Walker, Tiimnas Watsin. Sidnev H. Wells, Hiram A.
Williams, Daniel Zcrbcy, and John S. M'Cahnont, !?!
ES Veas 07.
Those voting against the passage of the resolution were,
Augustus K. Coriiyu, David Kvnns und Jumes M. Porter
lixtraet from tlie Joitrnn!.
Sccretary's Officc.
Filed March 15, IbM.
tie p. Src. of tke Commouieealth.
Secketary's Orricc.
I im) ccRTirv thut the alwc and foregoing ia a true and
Corf e-l copy ol thr oriotnal resolution ot the General Aaseia
bl, eiitltltd,'4Kes,iutuai relative to an amendment ol th
Couriiituaou,'1 artlie sniiir remains on file iutliis oifice.
In teatimong whereof I have hereunto
set my hand, nnd caucd to be affixed th
seal ot tlieSccreturv'e Oitice, at Ilariisburg
this fifiormh dav of Junn, Amin Domuu
one ihoutriuui eight hundred and fifty.
Set'ry of the Commonwealth.
July 4, 130 Sin.
At Ihe Store formerly occupied by John Boar
In Market Street, Sunbury.
THE subserlls-rs respectfully inform tlie pub
lie that they hsvo just received, and are now
o poll i UK
Consisting in part of
Cloth, Cafsimerts, Sattmetts, Vesting, Panta
loon Stuff, Calicoes, Ginghams, Lawns,
' Vcstinet, Flannels, Cambrics, Linens,
Fine Muslins, Handkerchirfs,
Gloves, !fe ,
Hard vt are, lueenm'nre,
Pmca aXd Miulcixn.
' A Isrse sssortnient of
Groceries Fish, Salt and Plaster.
Lsdir-s tslioca and Gaiters, Fluid and Fluid Lamp
All of which will be sold on the moat reasona
ble terms.
Country produce ef alt kinds taken in ex
change at tlie beat prices. ,
Sunbury, April 13, I860. ly
GER, an excellent article.
Riowit's Medicated bouptbr sun bums, ten,
tetter, rke.' . '
Kadway 'a Circassian Balm, tot the hair dand
rulTcVc. Radway'a Ready RUf for Cramps, Cholic,
Chopra Morbuc hJJ
tjunhury, Af. 3, I860. . '
BY RUM-An eicellent articleov eala
Sunbury Jan. tTth, 1849 tf.
riEA3, from the New York Canton and Pekia
X Tie Company. For sale by
unbury, Pec. 2, 1811