7 j . "a' . ,- -f '.. .. '- -r - -: i r'fc SUfoetUiWroi' Somewhere bwjje-WNt,he frrespon(1enc-;neu """"v ( ,; . labh. thatoominff boirpaWxicated wan A unusualihing'; His wiW ffrgeu turn in vain r.. signTh pledge. Why ytu see" he would any, "I'll ipti it after a while, but 1 don't like i break right off at once; it nint wholesome. The best way always is to get used to a thing , iWrcrit tti know." "Very well, old man," his fielpmate would rejoin, "see now t' you dou't fall intd a hole somo of these days, tvlton 'ou can't take caro of yourself, and no wte near you to help you out." Sure enough, a if to verify tha prophecy, a couple of days after, he tumbled itilo tho well. Here the old toper, aftet a deal of useless scrambling, ' olionted for "the light of his eyes" to come mid help him out. "Diil'nt I toll you so V Mid the good soul, showing her cap frill over ilin edge of tho parapet; you've got into a hole at last, nmt it's only lucky I'm in hearing, nr you might have drowned, yon old dog you ! 'Well," she continued after a pause, letting down tho bucket, "take hold." -And up he mine, higher at each turn of the windless; nnlil the old lady's grasp slipping from the handle, down ho went to the bottom again ! This occurrin; more than once, made the temporary occupant of tha well suspicion?. Look hern." screamed he in a futy at the last splash, "your'e doing that on purpose I know you are!" "Well now I am," re sponded tliC'old :otnan" tranquilly, while j winding him up once more. "Don't you re member telling ine it's best to get used to a .thing by degrees'! I'm 'fraid if I was to brine you right upon a sudden yon wouldn't find it wholesome !" The old fellow could not help chuckling at this apiication of his priiieipel, and he prrttested he would sing the pledge on the instant, if she would fairly lift him out-j Tllis sha did, and packed him oil to "swear u,' wet as he was. "For vou see," i-ho added, very emphatically, "if you" ever full j into the well again I'll leave you there I will!" Knickrrbockkii. From the iuerniy (Knp.) Stir. I'ntMDI'.NT TAYLOR. r I BY MAIITIN- f. TUPPEU. "I am preparrd to die, for I have tried To do my Duty !" Was it Nelson's twin Who spake so like a hero w hen he died, A Christian hero, with forgiven sin '? Yes! it b one Columbia's honest prido (And mother England's joy, we claim too,) . Who now is cone for other spoils to win Than late of Palo Alto, higher meed, Trophies of nobler fume, and praise more true, Than those a grateful country well decreed To her Best Son : her best and bravest son, Rough for the fight, but ready heart and hand, To make it tip again with victory won, In war and peace tho (ilory of his Land J moSPEUITV OF THE EXITED STAT Kg. The London Examiner, discoursing upon 'fills subject, has the follow ino; : "The prosperity is attractive, and it is the boast of some of the journals, that while tho members of Congress are daily threat ening a dissolution of the Union, ikMghbor- itig States and countries are anxious to be admitted members of it. Canada talks of annexation; California is pressing for ad mission; Cuba is ready to join it, and is only withheld by the power of Spain, and the modesty and integrity of the United Slates in refusing to accede to its wishes, and to grant son.e assistance to accomplish them. Mexico has laid aside, it is said, its hostile feeling., and its people looking for .ward earnestly and anxiously to incorpora tion. ' Central America, too, is soliciting a closer connection, and hoping for the time to come when it shall form a' part of the great republic that is to stretch over the whole continent. Events are advancing rapidly, though the Congress may stand still. Society will not wait lor its leave to live, and thrive, and jrrow, and will, in some way or other, settle the slavery ques tion ; perhaps beloro Congress has done laiuing auoui it. jn America u is seen ! more clearly than in Europe that society j moves faster than legislation, and does not j depend on that to regulate its future exist- i ence. Thus, while members of Congress' are threatening dismemberment, there is gathering round the States, as a nucleus t other btates ready to adhere to it and it: crease it ott every side. It is sivellini, too. by immigration from every rjiiarter, and CX- riirnunf; tae extraordinary spectacle of men of nearly every lineaw of the earth bei. l,nr.nnin,.Klv nl..,,,-! K A l harmoniously absorbed by tho great Anp;lo- axon lamily, ana becoming one with it. The reverse of the phenomenon that occur red on the plains of Bubel seems there in progress, and many, if not all branches of all toe various nations of the earth, are uni ting to use one tongue and live under one law." Flais Prkachixu. A clergyman in the norm oi Scotland, very homely in his ad dress, chose foriis text the following pas sage in Psalms : "I said in my haste all men are liars." "Aye," premised his Re verence, "ye said it . vi haste, David, did ye1 Gin ye had been here, ye might hae said it at your leisure, my mou !" "Teddy, my boy, jist guess, how many eheeses there is in this bag, an' faith I'il give ye the whole five.' "Five," said Teddy ! "Arrah ! by my sowl, bad luck to the man that" tould'ye !" CoixRincB tells a Etory of meeting 4 stranger, whose oilence during dinner time. and his attention to what others said, with- eut interrupting them, gave him a favorable impression ot Ins understanding; till, unfor- tunately, on the appearance of some apple dumplings towards the close of the repast, the delusion was dissipated by the stranger suddenly exclaming " 1 hem's the jockey for me !" , . A Slanderer ot the soft sex undertakes to prove that Satan was- a woman, whose name was Lucy Fir. Can t belreve it any now. . - Camp Meeting Burned. Soma acamn et on fire the cabim and tents of a camp meeting ground iu Hardin county, Ky., lately. The whole of them, with thu cxcupiioa of taHee, were bit mod. Ornamental 'find - yench Stylo Frame "- toknuiticturer, 801 WalnuMZ "between 3d and ith streets PmX.ASEX.PHIA. T3 ESPECTFULLY directs the attention of the pnblis to his superior styles of Plain 91 Fancy frames, which are of the latest and most beautiful designs. " "? T ' :V" ,Wt handw.no Framo at LOW TRICE, hns been much desired, ho was induced ome months sinco to commence the . mo ryi of those Frames. In a short time the deid has been so frreat, that he has hcciroMigf tB tncrcass his facilities, and new oiler at - KXCKKD1NGLY" LOW rSlTF.9, Sinplv.orin thouKands,thrrfstllPaOtiruI Frames, suitable for Paintings,. Prints, ; Daguerreotypes, Cards, &c, &c. , For Durability. Unsurpassed. Hotels. Public Buildintr. Steamboats, Stores, Ca binet Furniture. &c. decorated in imitation of curved Rnse-W ood. C"" Please call and sco specimens. May 25, 1S50 ly GEORGE J. IIF.XKKf.S, CIIV CAIIIXKT WAREKOOMS, , AO. 173 CIIESNUT STREET, (opposit iiik stats hootk.) rnir. AD ELPIIIA. "OFFERS for sale, low for cash or approved eitv pnper, a Inririj and well assorted stork of CABINET FLEXITUEE, of the latest patterns and of the best workmanship. The assortment embraces cverv article, useful or ornamental. colli' prising suits of Drawing Hooin Furniture in Hose wood and Walnut, exquisitely carved. Rosewood Walnut, and Mahogany Chamber Furniture ; Pa tent Extension Dining Tables, (acknowledged to lie the best now in use); Library liook Cases, and a great variety of plain Purlor and Chamber Furniture. .'' Curtains made and put up in tho latest Pans fashionR, Spring Mattrnsses, Hair Mnttrasses,. and Fea ther Hods, iimde to order, N. H. All articles purchased at, this establish ment aro warranted of the best '.material and workmanship, and will lie packed, to carry safely to any part of the country. May 85, 1850.-ly .' orpine" wwwm i a' itniLoi:iL,i'cii i. j Til SlIAHI'J.EiSS & SOXS, have just received .1 their Hinulv of Sl'MXti AM)' SUMMER GOODS of Friendly and other styles, to which they invito attention. SHAWLS A 11 descriptions of Silk, woollen and worsted. DUESS SILKS (irode Kbines. Chameleons, nuducat and new fancy styles India Silks and Satins. DUEKS COODS Lawns, Daresrcs, Mousse linn, (iiiii;hains, Alpacas, Mohairs, and all the new fabrics. FLKMSHLWi GOODS Wankers, Sheetings Quilts, Damask, Shirtings, and all other furnish ing goods. MEN'S WEAK Cloth, Cassimeres, Cashma retts, Drills, Vesting of all kinds, and Hoys wear. SllOEMAKEKS GOODS and Carriage Ma kers articles. T. SHAKI'LEss &..SO.NS, .. , No.! 32 S". Second Street, Philadelphia. ' May 25, 1S50 ly J. H. ZIMMERMAN, Jl'STlC'E OF T5IE PEACE, Sunhury, Pa. Ollice in Deer Street, immediately opposite tho Public School House. It1" Monies collected aud ail business piomntly anil eare fuilv attelldMl to. April -(, IS.jO REFORM YOUR HABITS. Cf6e.ye, with gnrmeats bars Mid. usptv,,. t Y b'M-h'Wrs, wiilo'en uiul liuslmnds Usy IT, in tlic outward luun you'r needy, ( . , . W'u S'lMiitvol m.'ike'yoa Jisg'HHlasnuw. FrMIE subscriber respectfully informs his friends JL and the pulilic, lhat he will commence in this place, on tho 8th of April next, tho TAILOKIXO HUSIXESS in all its branches, lie will lie careful to see that his work is mado up in the liest manner, and he (hitters himself, that he will be able to n'lvo entire satisfaction in point of cut, lit and style, as well as in price. Ho therefore respectfully solicits his friends and the public generally to call aud give him a trial. His shop is a new building in Fawn street be ow U'caxer's Hotel. JACOD O. BECK. Sunbury, .March 110, 1830. Giu CHAJU.ES W. llKG lNsT ATTCP.1TETJ -? Li.7f, I'oltvitlo, i-A. Will prouiplly attend to collections and all busi- iu'sm nitrusteu to Ins carr. 1G, 1KJ1), Jutu1 KDWIN H7VLL, . (Latk or Tin: Finm ur VfirK.1 nsos & Hill,) Xo. Hi Smith Second Sired, Philadelphia, : tl liF.SPKCTFl'l.I.V informs his old fi ie'nds.'and -A t riistuiuers, as w ell as the public jrelierally, that he lias opened an entire new stock of elegant styles of Spring & Summer Dress Goods. Ills ussoituient consists of (he latest and most desi- I ruble styles of English, (ierman, French t. Ame- I w""1"! i issues, uera- I "";fsiiks' l-aw.,s, Muslins, Shuwl,llJkfli. ,(ilovs, "'I'X'ry yAn of Ureaa and 1-alley Goods. Pbilail. March 1, 1800. I y " C. I'JKXJvIillT, " BOOT MAKER, b. 4-0 South Fourth Street, PllILillLLI-lllA, "IT'UKIiK every variety of French Calf Skin MoroccoPatent leather, ('oiiqrciw mid (5ai ter boots, of liio liest style and workiniinship are constantly kept on hand or uiuiiufacturcd to order. March 1H, 1850. tim ATENT Trussea of all kinds, Harrison's writing and indellibS ink. Cotton Yarn and lapa, just received aud for aalcy" ' S..-FKILIXG. Kunbury, Dec 2, 1848. STONflWAaS STONE milk Pans, stone Jugs and Pitchers, uud other articles of stone wurc just received and for rale by JOHN W. FiUU.VU. .Sunbury, June 2.1, 1S4U. rnt7li7EY'.S COVGJI CASl)Y.Alw. w lent remedy lor coughs, colds. For aula at tliis ollice ITKADD'S celebrated Horse and Cattle Modi. 3 j? cine for sale by HENRY MA8SEK Sunbury Jan. 27tli, 1849 QOU) PEN.S IX SILVER CASES, lot on hand and for aale hv A amall II. B. MASSKR. f uubury, A-jjril C, 1850. r.iiinn, currania, citron, i-nerse, pepper l luiln. Jl. u . ... UT UDIT tvn vy.t .. r or aaie iijr . f iviL.i.u . Sunbury, ltec iJMS. 1 ? KS. A auperior article for aale at the A-atorcof ' ''HENBV MASSER. fiuiiburj-, Feb. 1ft, 1850, tTIEE LilLLB. Juaticea aud Cvnatablet Fee " U ill tandsomvly prinUMl on card paper, for la at thia ollice. IXERAIj WATER, from the Oak Orchard ' Acid Springs, highly valuable in chronic di tun, and tunic renieuiea, for aale by HEMOf.MASSER. Bunliury, June 20, 1850 tf ui . . ,...-' SUNBUltYlMlEIUCAN ANtf SHAMOK1N "JOURNAL A CALL TO pOpPTXEEPEHS At the Cntilm 1 1 :.u o !llooni of Mar Square, 1 Tfro Also at the cornrr turn street It the Railroad, JM SUfiLyjlY, PA. ? Thankful for'the rmtronatrc of hia friends aud customers (hiring die 17 years he hss been in Irusi- neiw in this plnee, be solicits from the public a con tinuance of their favors. During this period ho has endeavored to keep up with the improvements ot Hie clay, and lias accordingly extended his busi ness in every branch and variety. The public, are thercforo invited to tho attention of tho present stocK nt , , , CABIXET WAHE AND CHAIHS, Manufactured by ' SEBASTIAN HOTJTT & CO. '' At the Old Htnnd, Wiere in addition to their former tockf the establishment they now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs. Large Spriwx Sent Rocking Chairs, Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables, .Marble Top Wash islands, and a variety of other new style and Fashionable IFumiliii't. Having secured a Hearse and made the, neces sary arrangements for Hie purpose, they arc now prepared for Undertaking in all its branches, in this vicinity or at any convenient distance. n nuiiils unil nitslregix'R, and Itiisbfindn t'o, II'Tc'b furniture of every style nud hue, Fnm sidt; IskihIs d'lwn to tntche.a rubles, 1'miu rooking eliiiirs to rocking erndlcs PlifWiliymi not tuive tlm reody Jrrms to pny,' Vi:'ll unit nwtiilo for a brighter bnltut dy, fir lake potatoes, outs, cirn, whcnl and rye j Jlurk, liooji poles, slaves, or lunibr wet und dry, Or any tiling bin yokes mid tlireshiuir Hnils, From p and I irk ien down to little quails. r.onie on tlien friends, eomu one aud nil. Keep trade a moving, so "goes on the tsill." W" Clrders from a distance promptly attended to and work of all kinds delivered with dispatch. Sunbury, March !), 1S50 tf HOHT. 1,. Sr.TH. TI1DS. V. I). Sr.TII ' SETU& T)l?OTlfKIl. WHOLES A LE GROCERS AND 1 Ccmnrtssf on rvctuiuts, NO. CD PRATT STRT1F.T, (Xi:au Ihuvi.y's Whauf,) HALT I MO RE, Will pay partienl Ir attention to t'ne sale of GKAIN i. nil nil other products of the farm, naltiinnre, January 2ti, 1S50. ly TII2 PEOPiX'S VAUS-JMBCUni CDMIMIISlNn A I'llLl.KCTlON OFOVKH 2UU VALUABLE KECl PES, III the I'scfitl unit Interesting Arts vilka few Shitl'le uud Cori.ais Kxpcrinirnls 1iii rllKMlSTHY : T NCI.T'DING Medicines, Perfumery. Chemistry (.Hikerv, Karrierv, Dvinir, (lonfectioiiarv, Do mestic Economy, etc. etc. etc. Price fi J-- cts., for sale by f '; ....... . HEN K V 'M ASE R. Kuiibuiy, Dec. 8, 1S19.1 : t jESALK ('oinmission PAPER and V ? KAli WAKEHOlKE. Ao. 1U iMl.NUtt Street, Philadelphia. Where a general assort nienl of all kinds of Paper is kept, and for sale at the lowest cash prices. Cap, Letter and I'rlnMn-i Papers, &r. on liuciti. Plain and nih il white Caps. " ' blue ' Flat Cups. Plain uud ruled while J.elti r. " blue lilue and white Folio. W hite and colored Printing Paper Tissue Ptipcrs. r-Siioo .... Wrapping" ' Envelojm " Hardware uud eathiug Paper. Tar Hoards. Straw Hoards, llonnet Hoards. All orders from tlm Country w ill bo attended to ut the shortest notice. All goods sold will lie carefully packed, and de livered ut any place in tha eitv. The highest cash price paid for Rasp, or ex changed for Paper, us low us can bo boui;!it else where. Please call and examine for yourselves. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, l1!l. Krovi'ii'N I'sisoiK-o oi' Jamaica ;in prcr. Pre.pnre.il oi.fi hii Frederick liroirn, at his Dr' anil Chrminil Sture, North Ea.t Corner of Fifth and Chestnut ' si reel f, I'hilwHphia. 1 11 K Essence is u lircparatioti of unusual ex cellence audofui ied proix-rties. In all cases where a powerful and sale stimulant is required, it is mint alk-d for efiii -acy as well as iminediate action. To the traveller aud to tho family circle it is invaluable, as a few drops diluted in sinjar und water present u safe und ujrrecublo remedy to the ' invuliil who n-Ljliina iinincdtulc relief, as well as 1 to the coiivulcM'iii-4 palieut who need a jsaiitlc . tonic. In u Nout'ncin eltmale, where the reluxa- l. lion of the system so generally induces (hirst for ' stiinuliiuls, it will always bn found nil excellent substitute for those tempting beveraircs which de bilitate t'ne stonuu'li and cause u morbid i onililion j of its powers. In dyspepsia, in relaxation of the I bowels, in nnttssea and sea-sickness, il is an active j and safe as well as a plcusu.it und refreshing re- t medy, und is prescribtd by the most eminent of I the medical faculty. A supply of the above received and for salo by II. U.Mnsser, Sunbury. April (i, lit 'ill. (im A Sen Assot (iiii-nt oI I'u kIi Uooum. IRA T. CLEMENT,' "I J KSPKt'TFl'l.I.V informa his frici J-- tomcrs uiftl other, lhat ho has just ri nils, cus- rcceiyud a handsome assortment of NEW coons1 . ' -"- at his store in Markct'ouurc iu .'uiihury, sui-li as Dry (Joods, Groceries, (iueens waru, Hardware, &ic. Sunbury, June 2H, 1819. Win. '. Cochran Jc Co., M liolesule uiul Ketall, WlXK AND UQl'Oll .MKKCllA.N'M, No. 72 Walnut Street, Philtuhlphia. AVE always on hand a very largo stock of W ines, l.iipiors ami HerfHrM, of their own importation. Stoic Keepers, Hotel Keepers, aud private gentlemen, will bo supplied on the most liberal terms. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1349 Valuable liook. T IKE or CiuiiT, handnomely bound, D'Ac. uiuNr.'a HiKToat ok tk KicrouMtTio.v, II milt Dav-hoiikh 4HD I.KUuaiia, full bounded. For aale ut the uubluhcra pricea by . . H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, Jidji 14, 1819. '''otton Yam, Cotton Cariwt Chain, Cotton I.apa and Wadding, Cotton Outlinea, Ready uiade raiitaloona, Itrady pnlo Vesls, Congreaa kuivea. Porcelain lined prewrvin'g tuMlca, iuat roceived for sale by .', . ., H.MASiSER. Sunbury, Dec. S, 1848 . CAP8-An aaaortment juat received. Also silk HATS at $ lor aale by H. MASSER. Hunbury, Dee. 8, 1848. BLANKS. BLANrOS of every dvaorintion can Im had by epplyuig at Ihaoiiica olhe Americau. FIRE FXtOQFf CHESTS, I BOOKS,l!i.WrLl!5,..Jfc.VVELRV, &C. . lj1irixiQ...ii w A TUf IK. 90 North Third hreei- byt wen Arch and Rnrf.'Vtrid 'tis Pnf): street. SOPP08ITB THB PHIItADKLlUlA KXCHANGF.. I .; ,tt . irft.- Patent SonpStRe Lined and Key SALAMANDERS, riHK AKD THIEF TROOF IRON CHESTS, Warrnnteri In sland more Ilont mtitryi Tlity onliun- nrift'S Willi (Iiiti'jf Kryn. wiiirh rim Itr rhfitn?rri AftT-L- itt i':n-t evtrv tiim the l k is tinpcl if i!iilife. TlfR licks nrr ppx'f nGiiiit tlm m;wt cxMTt Tliirvco. bcltiff diipp'ird with tlm Vntnit Key-hnlu Ciivr ttA niiute vrry mmim, lliry r;iiut'ift he blown wn hv Cmip 'wl'-r. Tlii'!n 1x-ka nro iiilniduU (ot WANIvS, PTOKKl. SAFKS. An. SfvtlnitH Icttei cimvtug prewr, fire prnof rt'Kireror Hanks nml Shire. Vntciit Slntc Tiwil Ttmisprntcru, wrirrnntrtl mptTinr to nil nt hem. WiiU-r Filters, Slktwrr ISnthi of the lient qiml iiv ITT Pprunn winhinir to pnrehn nny of ihe nbuvft nr tiflen, will pliftw irive tUnn n r.ill, ns they sell theiipcf th:m nny other in the Ciiilcd Stntes. PAVIO KVANH, JOIIAN.NKS WATfON. PhiMelpliin, Novcni!r Ibliwly STONB WARS, ;. T1IK subscriber would most respectfully in form his fricurjs and a generous pulilic, that he is manufacturing the best ijuulity of STONE WARD, in all its varieties, Mid is prepared to sell a little cheaper than any oilier manufacturer in the Union. Ho is also importing nml dealing most extensively in CHINA, GLASS AND QVEENSIVARE, which he offers on the most reasonable terms. His Potteries arc on lfond street north of Kav- ctte, and China store and dwelling, at No. 8, II. Baltimore street. f j. DAVID JPAKR, No. S, E. Baltimore street, Daltisioul, Maryland. February 2, ISoO. ly riuitablp I.lfc Insiirancr, Aiimittj i and i rust Company. Ot-I-lCI-,71 IV.MAI T PTUKKT. J'mi.AIIKI.PIIIA. , CAPITAL lil',1'U. It AHTt K I 'KHfK 1 VAL. ri'llK piinivmy nrc nnw prcpiinil tt tntnict lus(tVfl i uhi tin- ui"fi liNjfJtl'nml iiti'Aiititf "tun i-rnis. lv!n y nrc (inth.iriz'it by Utoirjrkinrr (wflJ. in !' nmkiv nil mvl cvt'iy iii:ur;mt-jii'-rttiiiiinr tlV ri!Ji,l wJtnlever kind or nature runl t rr-ci-iv. iiiiiLexcruti' triucin, ni:ik finl'v iiK'ntK, !inr tu pntiit und puichnw ititim itia'H.' 'Vhi1 ('nn) puiy f'll niiituil .' ;niil entlvinentt, und u;t um 'I'iuhu-cs lor iiiiuiTM uud li- irs. Tnl. It- Hi" rrcniiiiii.s rci;inr-i fur tlm A''ir:incc ni .1UI) ( tlic wliulc Iitmi i if Ltic. E Ycv.s.1 F"", tliuii flny t.'tiesls in lliis C U'TirXJ'' A ln I'nti-nt Air-Clmnifler In CTSW'iiil l lwt. WHO now ni mm. f ' ilsftiri' t'i ,; ' '' TV't rv Fire I'n't. nt very low iS$r-' .f:iV iVtfiit coml.in"tion locks.' Aee. I'r-in. Aire. Prciii. ,V.-e. Pr.-n. H I M M a o:i 4; ' :i : 17 l m :u a i ' 17 a 40 Is i m I :ei s -.n l- I :i c-J in I an m a 4si :i -,7 an I an :i"i a :n jn :i m ai i m :- i a in si 4 1:1 a-i 1 tin nr at" w in; a:i I bo :h a 51 M 4 51 ai , ii-! 30 aits r.i 4 71 a". I 7(1 40 a 711 55 I !l art I s.5 412 nt 511 ' 5 VJ S!7J 1 Ml 4-J .S'.tt 57 5:4 as I ill 4:1 3111 5S 5 54 an 1 ih 41 3 1 a 5ii 5 7-i. :m am J. 4j aaa Co a 03 Ttie pri'itiinnm nrc Jtt limn any' other rompnny, ami ptlirii-H ntPtrtl prcftlrr mlviuitacw. TaMcft i lndi-)viirly ant) (ii:ir?cr!y pri-nrluiitf , ti:tli' credit rnlrs nt prt'itiiiiuuriinirt Icrnis, ji'tnl liws, nrvirftluj ujvl cikIhwiiiciiEa; nlit ttirni t Appli'iiti"ii ( l r which ilifre nrc bl ink alit'i'ts) wo lo l hail t'ii iipplicati'-n nt iliu otfivu, r hy littter-lu (he Afji-iit, J. II. i'l itUV, SunUiry. Uatk Pik 1.N4LU1NG $IH) mi a single I.ilV Ace. :ik -to o0 Vvt I vcar. 1 Ir 7 vuat. J'cr Life. m' 1 i i. ot p.) I '.". l.-' 1 y,ii7 :t..l ;i..,7 '. Mn.i: nrivin'4 'lie A p'-r.i 'ii ii'jc-1 yt-irs n-xt l.irth il.ty, y iitpvuv )) I'i'iiis wniild ivirx t'i In l'niiiy 1 nr lii irj pni t-'iiinl-l he the in tmc yt'iir; nr Pr S..(M l:c s.-- ; ciiir s di ih'.-in SlOttli; x tor l:t .'iiiiin.Hlv t'tir yv yarn ' lie Kcf'llii H pi tlit'iu JlUliP nl("llli lie (tit- ill p'VII f:o; ol I'TI. U pit id IililHLtllv tlimnir ll'c hi' ftr.-(ir." AtlHHI t' lit j pinl wln-ii ln'iiii-n. 'I'lif iimurer Kifuiinir liiNfnvu h ntn:, ly tlii? iliil'Tcni L' nt um 'nut nt' prMiiiumn fr-mi thowclnryt ti ly iH:it (titici K, m Wlij. jo the lii'im wultl vvctu s.jinju Hlvnittl hftilir; itt iitn- yar. ' ' F.orma oi application aii'l nil nrtrtictilarn ninv he hail ut the niTii-e. I'K'I'KIt i'n-ii-hiit. We Prmi-lfiit, Wm. M. IUikii. Fhanci" W. Hawle, Si'cn'Liry ini'l TriMF'irT. CuNnin.TiNO Piiv.iriN Dr. J. Ii. Mintttr, Sanhury. J. ii. renin, Suahaiy, Agiail Tor Nortliuuilicrlanl couii tv. Suiilmn-; July 3?t 1810. Slucourasfc Your OuaT' HAAS k 1JEXX. FASHION A ULi; MAKR OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. rPlil' subscribers rrper.tfuUy call the ntti-iitinu of the public lo tli. ir vu-fv and splendid assort nicnt of i-very ittiulity and price of which i-.iniiot fail lo recoinuicuil ilscjf toeverv one who will eunniue it, on aecouut of "its iUii'mMi? v,,rkiii;iiisliii anil Kplcnitid finish, made up of the best Muck tii bo had In -flip. cil"-. No ellint is spared in the, luaiiul'ic.tjfie Af.tjii '(, v'a'e, unit, tlirj Kiibwribi-ra are di tcrinintid to lfcep itii with tlifi luaiiv improveinents which are constantly bcinn, liiail.'-. Their stock consists of Maho-at.y .Solas, DivtiiiM uiul t.oiHi--r, Uarcnus, Sctrctarfcs, Sft c&Oc-irta, i m, BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLES, and also VEX ETI.VN BLINDS, r-.piul to l'hila- ilelphr maniifactiire. EElts'l'; lis, of rvcrv pattern and price, C'lM' HOARDS, WO! Hi ANT) CAN'DI.K STANDS. TWll.KT TAHLKSAND EXTENSION TAlll.KS, ii b!iiuI, rvrry nrtitJe iu ll.is uoi o!" tltrir luiniiic-w. They also muuurarturo ull kiml uud (jualitios CltAIJlS, iiicluilin vari.'tiia never before to be h;id in Sunbury, aueh us Maiiukamt, Uurt tVjurp AMI CfllLKll MaVlK till KC IAS J A X II . W I X US. I II CHAIRS, AMriM v Pi a vo Stools, which arc of Ihe l itest atvlea, and warranted In I excelled by none nianulactured in the Cities or elsewhere. , The subscribers are determined that ihere shall be no excuse for Mrsons to piiri huso furniture in the cities, a jl ery eonliileuce can be entertained aliout the ipjulily uud finish of their ware aud Chairs. Their articles will be disposed of on as good terms as they ran be purchuscd elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken ill pay incut for work. , "t 'cT IJXDER'l'AKINti attended to on reason able terms. LV The Ware Room is in Market Street, opposite J. Young's store, and lu-urly opposite Weaver's Tavern. DANIEL HAAS, GEORUB REXX. Sunbury, April 28, 18-10 tf LlQlJ01S,AlXl5,&a HHE subscriber has just received a new supply of the liest liquors thai ever eunie to .Sunbury, coiif iftini' in part uf Hupeiior old pule U randy. , . Fine I'oRiiiae liiandy. Huperior Old Janiniea SpuiU. New J-Iinjland Rum. Fine Holland Gin. Superior Old Whiskey , Common do. Superior Maderia Wine. . . l.itjion do. do. Superior Tort Wine, liurauudy i'ort do. i Sweet Malaira Wine. Superior Claret Wine in bottles.' Champagne do. do. HEXUY MASSER. Sunbury, May 38 1849. ROWN'8 EsSEXCE OP GINGER. A new supply of this excellent article iust recvived and fur sale by H. U. MASsER. bnnbury, MartU 18, 1850. TXCKNQR'S', COtTJMBIAN SrELLINa UCXJIt. T)Erfi'a pfogrcssive and Coi mnrclieVisive e Byi lein of flrtbogritpy and Orthoepy ,ruttladinn a Variety b'di-Qnitions, adapted to the tso of Schools in ' th American Republic, by W'Shoii Ticknor, Traohof of twenty-five year s .xpn ence, and mtlu6rjrrf the Columbian Calculators, Practical jC(rnmn School Mensuration, &C. Tho attention of Teachers, School Dtrcctors, parents, &c., is invited to this new Spelling Bonk, which conforms tPitJiC. modem spelling and usages in Orthography up being one of the neatest, cheapest best arranged, and better adapted to the wants of children, than any vMicr published in the United Slats. It is what it wirports to lie, a Spelling Rook and not a Kcadifig'llpok, and only requires an examination on the pifrt'nf instructors of youth to secure for it a imiversuU'mtroductiort into the. Schools of the U nited States . Just published, and for sain by Hknht MAssKn.JSunlmry. Where Teacher and Directors can procure copies for examination. , August 4, 1SU). 1 1 EsPECTFUI.t.Y informs the 'jjlijiens of Dainille ami the public at la'tic, that h'-' lias located in Danville, and is now prepared Jo, prac tice Medicine and Furtrcry in all its various' bran ches. He will operate on all the various forms of blindness, cross eyes, club feet, harelip, cleft palate, and attend to ihe extraction of tumors, amputation of limbs, mid all other miraical diu eacs. His collection of instrument: conniris-'s nil instruments ill tn-ilern Stirrer)-, of the latest improvement and finest finish. Me ll.itleri him self that many years' practice nml rieiico uiil be a stilnVietit Runrantce to those who may feel disposed to ciiiuloy him. His residerbj' is ueurly opposite the SMontum'-' rt Jli'iMiirli,.,niH t next cJocoMo Jsanc liosen banin's store; hi Nwrtb Danville. ' ' Danville, Dec. 1, ISl'J.--ly. , .' JV'o. J.' fliemimt htrvct,' (Opposite the -Amnl ) ' ' riitLAOEIiPIIIA, ! T AM TAriTlJKKSol 'their improved i 'A Elastic Steel fciodiitf, Solid Sole. I.cathe 1.' ami ! Solid liiveted 'which took the onlv first premium, iiwardi .1 1 -mkliu lustimte at their last exhibilioi H. '':, '1'. ti ke pleasure i:t iiifoniilug the l.avc! I i 1 1 ir pulilic, that they have now on hand, a b-.-au-ttl'ul a-.sertuii.nt. of liieir impr-ited" st le .f r-'.i'.i,! Sole Leather Trunks; Double , and SSttigle. .i'.dio' Trunks, of various stales; Ladiis' Tniiik-:. .1 lice Trunks, liouuct H..c., Cap Cii-ies, (;arprt H.i-.' . and an i-leiMiit assurtiiieiit of suia ri- r !'m-aui.-li il l'ali ul Lcuth. r Haas, wit'.i i-t.rv ;.r.. -!v ill lla-if line of Inisini s. t ld Trunks Repaired or taken in exchange for New ones. ALEX. I.. LlCKi; . RICHARD U . TILL. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, ISl'J.- PillLA. AND ?.EAl!lNa I;XL?.CA3. m vi.ii:k .i:u.i;;i:5i:M' t'lio.t; I'nit.Anr.t.i'iiiA and i-ui r:-v;i.i,!-.. tT?t-- Office ttfjhc TJiiln. JUaiHujr R"ilran'l Co. ) : ; .rhiliutdphiit', Muivh $ Two PuKsiM.r Tmiiw Jily, (fxi-rpt Wniuluy.) TfeN "fur April 1st, 1.)0 two train wi'.I H.J Ihj run eurh way, daily, hotweca ri.iliiiifl pliia anil Pottsvillo. Mnniint LiiK', (Arr.ommfuhtlion .) I.ciivcs l'iiilailt'lpiiiii ut 73 A. M., daily c:-;pt Situilavs. litMvr-s 1'uttMviHt' ut 7J A. M. ilally rxrpj.l Sim i!avK. A'cfHtvia Li,ic ( Fi.'.s' 7VtJii.) I. five i'liilatltlp!;!!! ut S.J u il-.iil; oxct'l unti.ns. I, raws lVttsvilln at oVIorli, il..":h t'Xtv. i. j Sutiiliiys. .'iitwiiftrrtf cinmut vntrr tc raw unlt-s jni j tli'd with Tirki ts. J he ;ur moon, or fast trams, ih not stop ut Au hurn, AUlousrV, Uiruslioro', Kucvr's T-jal, ul lty Kurirr,. Jort Konncily, JSni-iin; .Mil! or i'iilis. i(i'l'lLK. Fifty pouiuls ot' lia;::nro will lu'al luwi'd to fiiL'h passiMittT in tlioso linos ; and parf scniii'rij are cxprrssly protiiliiti'd I'roin taking auy thint; an bauu.' but thrir wcarint; uppurcl, which will Uv at the risk, ot itsowncr. By ordt'r of tho Hoard of Mumiscr. S. liKAUKOIU), April 13,1850. Sociotary. oi'sik:'ti; ( ll.!f!t i.-. witli tin utia -nt ronfuli Wle-.-ilt.. t)i. 1 I j .Mriiii'.il Pariiliy uiul lin- paUh- l a1 tin carr . f hi: nr iailit'cstl mf aii'l ull (iisiittii: ui'Imiil; HMui 11, mi N:his.!;i, IJruilarliP, , VYrti.' , itimaof Si-:!if, )i-li1ity i tiit- .Ni-rvoiiji Syri IJili-am Yinuitin;', Jiirm nr fi'iisii' u :i at t!.t: ni" Ihr 'ina.'h, !.ivTctiai,! uui; I 1 Ivi 'fli'-miri fc. Jaitii iit'L1 ! ),-'.st'.lMppHitr, Wiilini; t tin- ureaylh ( lt;Vrs-iiii alN.-r I'-iltii, ItViljaJati '-il rftt - l.-:t;t. jl'aiu in tlit- ;nt' 1 ilif -ia'! .l-'I-ilalr-i-, with i n.-. jurat iKtv'itLiii; i'i uui, Ii 'Waos 'I ' Ui il ril liiflc, llr(.r(si-ii .. fir lit ll.l hvV:!-, I i;i;iim an:! ar.i, i'.f. It' a c;. m ot" t vu-; .-ia tf'vaiM W. iw ia . ' -i i as 'fl.-i-t!" in i OMhiit', t ir it !a s it:i' t' aai-! iii !i T -r. r m ti'. t ' iM-ut -.iii-.-.n. .-nut n-r e. i " '',-.,,1 ."'."''''.'Vi'.T' "K? (tictitiy tr-rauiules ,m ":-m-u u l.it: linn) lli.il tnl I .(t- uV l l. iirt iii-a.-i iitiy ! I" .L-i- rt wilii tln r.-;: n W:in'!i c- n ,-'t-lnt 'H ia in c.'i;.i-ri iiiaic;)l tm iii; I'.liita tl t-i jjt, r tr en-liitu-r i'M!i aiv I.y u.ktia a cmaii-jiaisiK ajs t-i i..l:y t lt.: pca-iiiy i l' 1'iia. 'i'n.a mi -J. !' a iieu'v itit iiji i i !-':!;i w.'Jt Iiri tr'-iitf' t'ir u-'-j ami' in ia ni'it- :. .) . ,i , I'HtUM.. J A V, I IS W 1 1,1 .1 .S. ' r.-M hi an- l Mi. .Mtii'T laaj-'s, i,:ti. 1, .M i,i.- t mt, - aLi nr l'-::.ti). i'il h'lj.tr, j i tho rai'-.u-v t'i Ant i-Iiv -.ji' '.u- .lia'. riiiLAauM'in v, ( i"!',r :j, Mh. .Ia:k- W'ili.'a.vi : lu-in- n : It 'in1.-.-; im ei'Ttt .alenhiir'' I ' ka w . j'-'a an- ii'iyiii i-ri j-arni y-a tuiilicii i' I r ilm enrf ( lK. : -tin. 1 r m t!r m my n"jaain::,ii'i.'tt ti iv ' re n-ali- (j i .; .. .1 Hie whuff ili ai.il t'l.'.-i.-etl. kii-wa tint I ii.t.l l.-i i ear.-.l I.y it. At i t:iu'i tU-i a oa'-ia' acnii vv!e,:-'i!.,-nt ttv -ir-'at iifiu-tit I Invi- p-eeived tri'ia lla- He; i . ur ia ', K'ilir in it i naly ilta In V'H, hill U'ay In' at ia! la i lia-- I li 'W laake il. i-'itr nevi-ral y tarts I Mitlei'eil l'i.ni i)p. -n i. W.iie!! li!cn.'Hf' il In saeh ;m e.tenl th(i my l.t :.,::i :.,-! o'Mis'.iiiiii 'ii were r;i)'i -ly Kiakin'j ua.ler it. 1 wnse-.ai-peili-.l In r.-Ktiii't iiieH ii'Uhmii il win,)-'- i 'ii. inni -, i tlutt I i-i't.I.I a a ih'.Hl. I U' fa l.t't hUeaj!li, ilis.iMi. Ii:i1 t;i I'Vfiein-, iail, as vm i:ivo i! ia t'ir a i .-i ; i - lllent, II Ti-aeral uV (li'i'reHHiMl nntl imtes Till ili'r U'cjiniiw., Iii tin your lt la iriav ir fn niisein tiia i -i.'iaauai titi a .l Vtair .-VuLi-1 iys-i--! i" i'..i,t:r. I pr . ;,,. ! ami um J it wall ile ni u-i Irt . ill; rt ; nri-Jt-r il i.i.'a -;. tanuar iiaH wii'iaeM yniif'i!illy pa-st-l awnv. m, t irv tiiu rt tarat'tl wbieh I cmiil (jniuiy with iii!iiiaii. Ten year li:it '! now tvi ;) I, uat in, c iilitience la the eattri , e i iwi'i' 't" y nr initii.'iiK' 1m m r.iui'w iuereat ei, J.n n i"iii;U'tily riltiil m vhfii I lail-il lni'I-.tain reiiet'ir 'inan'. otlit-i Kiiirce. Vciy roi-.-eitallv v-mrn. , Aiii:ii r.i.Mrs. ' Tei-MHVaiy of l'.iUvnnl 1!. H iwley, Wili.h-tvtle Mer licit of tht linn Kaalev, AHMmaaei iV t'n., n t.m'i Wliirvt. in priHii'ot' t!m tafu-acy ul' Wiiluiatfi' Auii-Dj--pi liu- Iwixir. Piiii-AnrLCHt, Oi-t ;l)tr 0 , I . Mr. JiV4 Ai i.i.i -mii : DrarNr: I lake pieacnri in rt'aiiMif.u y.iiir Anti Oyspentu i::iir fur tho aire uf l)y;H iisia. I h':i ta;.va it liiy'k-tl lil (lie iliBi.-a.ie. hiivi l-i.-.n tniirdv ciirvil. VmifH n srv-eiuijiy ia ai:I) ir. kuvm:v ArtMT. . V l'Ull.iNu, San-.'.irv. I'a, .Mau-a ', 1-..U. y nosa oiwrMrrjT. res Tr.TTn KAI U- f .llowinj rMti:ie:nt. fr un C.-t. Tu- 1 V w.-i. II hllowa uml I, miliar Sit at. ll..:.t Ciiiuial f ,1 Ilm l oil eat-.-.; Pimania.ni!, lii-t"tK,r 31, 1-10. Several yalB Hiin-t. 1 w;-i iut'i-t.-il wllll h t.r.--iUii; out on my I..-.-W in 111.- (iiriu oi' T.-lH-r,. vlii li I uai ini-nl wil e..ntnu-trtl at the HarlR-r'Mp. tl pniihf.ia'.ly exli.-iiil-tsl oyer my I'aev butil ll ruai-lici lliu U,?rr Nirt ol liui etu-.'ka. llariiii; tin) st-vt-ral lu.intJia Itiut it riiiiiiaatl HlHeiujillg. Utt'rt dllliTCIll Qllli.-llliiHlri. Olll of Wllii'll lllui lli .-a.s-t, appi.-nity ni lmtl, t.l iiiei-t-afcinir tlie ili.-..,... it I'r.sil hoiif ol tlK-iii'ui.l 1 perceive Ills l.-sst Imlirl.l uuliil ai,ii..l ili.-It.tsK Oiii uiixT. Ily Ihe uc. t.f . iiu- jar ol it, I was (n-rlcrtl)- curd will huve reuuiuied free of the alloc linn. 1 linve inee a.-.! Ihe Oiiiliueiil, liiilitly aVrilieri ti.rrm--li-imwi is" H fiu'. Is ihi. f-llii),H-il hulius. An. Willi per. feel i.im M. 1 Jmv.-uu h.-aitiiliu Ui recoiiiiut.-utliiig u id tlie Uioiuii'al inaiuiul to Ike pulil.c JAMi:S DMVOK. Aie.il HussT Miutl, Sunbury. Julyi, iwa. njt OSE OIXTMEXT. A ii'esU aupply of Odi y &j excellent article for Teller, 4 c, jusl received and for sale by UEXRV MA&sEK. Sunbury, July 28, 1849 NOU AXD SPRING MORTISE I.AT- CUES. An excellent article, for aula at half Ihe usual price by J. W. FRiLlXG. fcuubury, July T, 1749 - ft. S. LAWllIINCn, bgrrXTar the snle 'ofSJMhfirth Mannfartu- f ,J""J vu j, iiui5 in; u. Ware JIoun, JJtnor street I i, PHILADELPHIA. 100 CASE? of ,,,e ,,0T superior Papers now cj.'in stare,anfl for tale to trade at the lowest market prices, consisting in pan of Pimr thick Hal Caps, 12, 14, 15 and 10 His. blue and white.-, Superfine Medium and Demi Writing, blue and white.'1 f 1 F.xlrasupcr and superfinn Folio Posts, bine. Superfine Cammerical Posts, blue and white plain and ruled and white, plain nml ruled. Extra super Linen JNole Papers, plain and not. Superfine mid find liill Papers. Imp; and broad. SiijK'rline and line Countiug-Hoiise (.'up nml Posts, liliiti and white. Kuril super Congress Caps an 1 Tii'tters, plain and ruled, bluo and white. Extra super Confess Caps and Letters, gilt. Superfine Sermon Caps and I osis. Superliiied blue iiaill Posts, blue and white, plain and ruled. Embroidered Xote Paper and Envelopes, 'Lawyer's" l!r cf Papers. Supcri'me nml line CUi and osts, ruled and plain, blue and white, uirious ip.i.ililies and price-!. Also, 10CO reams while end a---eneil Shoe Pa pers, limine! lhmnl wi.ile and asiM.rtcd tissu', Tea. AVnpjiint, Eneb'pc. assortcil ami lilue Me t!iu:ii! (,':ip W'riii'piii::, llanlwnre lipcis, CC. J'iiliailclphia, .ov. CI, 1- I'.l. m.'.!-lui:; T' v'i I V l I iK.1-r''' i'.VHi..;ii, . -.'. ,t . r,j"''r - 5'.', V. Hi; Jn pri-5, pi-lui- W1I I i .V.; l.ilHl1- 1 . 1:.: w I; f ill I; I.- tI i) till 1 lill'll X- nx. Ti:i. MHHi'.'K. : IPI I IIHI l-iI r-tt. i-t.-s anil v;ii,-h it lias J liri'ii cm; 1 l : r . W11.- hfi- i -I' 'I,.- ' ' il -t I u ;i I'l ;. a-n! I t in' '" r 'da-' inn. ii.ii -j .';"i''.' i!!. vu f :;- rlali-i. itit-.'y 1'iv iVM thai ii will pr r p-ti:'.;.'!ii": is i-.-.lcu ': ''-.i'.'v ri'il- ,1 -..iir I'. llil.lICi'fl IU" 1 i lr :ti:li1. i id a (i-.-:;t-i ,1 I -i! S--V T:i! ::--t-;li- i'R v.'fli a vi'-w tl il"ui I h:tvr lorn:. I i:. r.-'ii.),-iii'i' rail' n - us. n it-, it r n hcv.- t i ! ni thi'i y 'ti ft r t"-t ii. p- 1 .' . t i III r u'i !ifi:i !y.t ijii a oi' it. iif't s- -ry tu r" i.v.-r t'r-i'ii i it!i UMU'li i i ;-;n'L I l.fi; i' Vimr nl,i-;.. .. Vv'i: l.l.i.M uiii:l)ii;.u:(-;i:. ' Pi, uti II -ii. p rr.l-itr-; ". !1. 'r:i.'-:::t! ;c ::. n; M.clii :;itr S, n-,-i.. -' il,.. A',.i,T :i ), ir ,,i. ;:tMi'...i.-.M. I i.k:.n!i r, ? ;i it' I,, li.:'. ;;) , ", ;r v -1, v .I Dr. IM),.- '-VV11, !l. um! 1, -.1 y'-.y... I III I V - u ).- in.- li 'itto in rn:n- ..ii.. i".-.r.::'.-. r::i'm: v. n. AL'-ut f.T S i iharv !i. II. .MASS! TrMvi:i: li ; i r ? 1 1 1 r : ii. ilASKU irrrtvf. N A K!.OSi;. j May t;, li if to puYs'.a.iNs, r.Brcr.tsTs and coixiry MiaiCJIAXTS. I "AR. .1. X. Kiaa.ER iV liio. nie-t respeetrnlly I - ' solicits attention to their fresh stock of JCms- lttt, l'i fnr,'f. Hi nihui it. il Anu'ir.iii JriiLr.i. V.ci!- I icines, (. !.f-niic:ils, ramU, Oils, Dye .''tu'.'.s, Gl;is w ire, l'erftiinery, l';i!.-iit Me.lii iti.-s Are. ll;,in opened a lie'.v store No. 'J'J I .Vnrket .s't. villi ;i fill! supply ol' l'ivsh D.-n-rs and MeJieincs, we re-r;M--t!i;!ly soli, -it Cnmitry d.-!ers to exvui'iie our stoi-i. l-ef.ire pu'v!-.isiin e!i-l,ere. pr.-ni.-iiiL,- one an i all who may li I il to e-.t.-ml l i i;st! ir p.i'riii.iv.-e, t-i sell t'i.;i eiiiiin,- llmus uiul M,,li. cm-!, (-n at- I :"-.:-.! I ti-nns as any etlicr liiiise in the t 'try. and to f..:t!tf.i'.!y ee:-iie '-,!! orders entrusted In i;.- I'-o.n; :iy aod with il-smteh. I);a- ofil e pr.-prietors In in a re-.'ii'-ir ,h sir :-.ii. iillonls inn; !e -:ii.ir,nitre ol tlie i--ijt:;tit- .pi.ditr of ail articles sold at their esl,i!ilisln:,eiit. . e i i-i-i illy ini:e .Ira-.-i.-s and coiierv icerc!.-, nis, v !i y m,i tn mi ii -en is fur , ( slali- Ji. : i'.i ( '. A t 'I . mi hi .',.. .'rd and p;,jit.l.ir icuiciics.) lo luiu- tile..... t.icir a:. NjI'.ciijii.; tl t;,lv I' Hi.iiii. J. x. i;e;:i.. X o, v .1, ,. p.ttroiiaye ..f dcalcis, ; A ERD., 'iio!e-.iie llaAet .;r.vt, i'i.. I :, D-!).--i. linn- I'll ii i. i is i' s i. r:sT.::!.i;Mip.!) v. vr-:.::s acd, Hi I!'. C. i;i;i,. ,:-( i'J i.c.i ii.i s.-Kl i: am) i'l N li : Tlll.li'is c, I an.l .-. 1'. ll;.- li- I.L.c nl'l'l . IC, nnv .a.l c,,:;,':.- Tu VI. ; nn.li I ll a e..-n.-o,i -,1 liiiia e; it 1,1,1 ..-.ii'; ic en ike I r, ,,i ,., ;c.,y I .a,,. I , I III '.-- i! i-.. li "i. irr.l i I, lliillil 1111,1 . l. ..I., SS ,111.1 e.iiiMIIUII.Muii C...,-.,l ;;. -a.i.. iin.l I ii r.' -i.s cli'...c u.. c;ci . ai., I .". cry ill., .-i'ia imy IIIIl'M el t'.l li'. .1 Willi IIM- til. Ill, 11. o piocrcalo o luiic- S CIl.Y.I. ,.l:i:i vij..r r,s, nv,l. YOUTH AND 11A!!0;)D, A V!::;i;iiiis Isf.; or a pi..-i.ia,ui j ileuth. ti:Li:i.l. mi s If i'r.-MTVutiuii. OXl.Y 23 ( KM':;. Tai V, va, .iiit iu: l;l,.:.l n ii:i. ,l w.iii iis- l'"t ii:i" rm?t;-n en ;ti ,.l,ri,,,u,- an-l uui-.ai. s .. it.,- 1 mi, rat ; .; ..f.-ttis. I ii-;. alike 1 Ul.'ll' M.l'.lli'i'J; na.l lii.iJ i,lli In- Iin.l !,y .. !-l- a iilce aud' iiic.ri isive xnniinir il pi'.-s. Aiill. na.l I'i..- ..!-. will ,r. ..a: i ly 'l',i .cs-.n 's rr,ius !,y trii.-ii, n ,-l' ll. rsitl in I.H.-S. t .'ly aiul:au-i iui; alia H.ve anaii.tU ,.l.iu' it will leant l aw It'i reveal Hie tits- i-.'ui.i,'. eii V r.'iiiltlani'i' .-I -i". renin. .icl,-ii'il in a l-'tt,-r, n,l ilr. sseit I Ml. KINKKLIX. . li t-liner ol Tllllil) I'MON Slns-ie. U-iw.-cn S,.riice Jk I'uis. l'li.UI, l.)na, w ill en. are u (j . ,k. niiiii-r i-nv , . ,t,f. -r rcM'.i "I niiol. remnisu s ilis'iiiu e msy u,Mlrs lr K. ly letler, "t p.id.) and Ih-.-iuciI ut linn.e. I'Al ItAI.I.S 111-' Ail'.llll-IIT.rl. Illltllt'TKiNS, 4e , fiirw-ird.sl !,y ,-iiilii.r u -,.,,ailu.'0, iunt 1"U up sucule lr.sn 1JAMA1.I-: or o UKSTV. lij.,k-a- iiers, New AK'-'aNl'!11- fi'i'vassera. ikt all others ku,,.lail wnh the uIaS'O work, ut Very low rules. J-'ebruury 1), Isoly fTJ'ISSl'E PAPER. Yellow Tissuo pnper for 1 cotering gbtksea, ic, for aale at tho oliiec ut the American. CTOXE Ware, Earthen Ware, Raisins, Al JJsi inonds, P wm and Cream X uta. Planes of nil kinds. &ult aud Plaster. Just received and for sale by JOHX W. 1:'1ULLU. unlairy, Dec 5'J, 1819. DANK- NOTK TADLE. . CORRECTED WEEKLY. l'KWSYLVAMA. CITt OF I'llll.ATIELrillA MAS!ACAVflKTTR. r All lveul Itmiks s fa I1IIOIIK ISLAND All solvent Innhs l Aim CtJ.NNKCTICUT. All solvent Imnks 1 i NEW YORK. u. . Ilnnk li iti 1.1 ilm1 ah soireni iwiikb pa, cocntry. rtnnk of rinimtirrslifir 1 dis Hunk of Chester Co. pur Hunk of )H. Co. C'liester pur riTY. nnuft ni , ft'i iiiiiihiiwii Hnnk of Oenyslmrir Ilnnk of l-wistown Il-uik of MidilHown parlAlt solvent Ninkl 1 dia 1 rtis tf 'Hk note under ,SS ) di 1 ill- onsTRT. AllnlvfntlKink Id NKW JKH9EV. nrlvidf re Hnnk I rii Sont(roniery i;o-iniiK pnrl linns oi iiiriiinirnterrnn. pro Hiinkoi rui'iiurtr Hunk of Danvillu C:irlll Hank 1 itis.lHnmerrinl nk ds pur i- nr. mink Mt Holly par Colillillii H'k A Ifpe Co pnrMeclwni,.,' Mfc, Nrwark ! l)..vi-l.t,nvii riiink ,r Mrcli. Ilk of llurlinrton par .:,.t.,ii I ink r;!r!"''l'.. A .Man. lk Trent s.r Kxi-Ii-ipti- It'k Vitls'inrii I da. N.-wink Hk'e A In r 1 ' '!!- ii.miio vii ntinH a Km-Ii:' di di lis I'aniifrs' trie, duck (' piirViipji 's tk Pmiersin ii i. iii.iii-n in- .'iniu'i1 nanK I' a ran .s in., i n-irsTer par : rrnii'Him Hank p'jiraiMis' H1;, IN mI'ii.; par H ileiu Itankinu Co, par INlC I Mir i .. in. i. -. .....iii v par 'i m'TriT I Hank I A I). If-i ivii. sl,-, p'nMii.tin lik. asiru f l:icr is: mrir Mai-U ll.ni. sil il.. Paul; lilir-iifter llaiu l.-l. a. ll P lan M !i. f, Man. T! .; M rs' ll'k. ..'!vi;i M at iianiiiian llant. Tai l nsv'e I el lV- Co V.-;-. II,-,,,,. , i..ti I ' Ii.. S ine Itank at Camden nnr l.i lis S'atr! Hit KlizaMhliqi I ,a. 1 .lis Slate Hank en-ark 1 dip I di State lik. N. Htiinswick pnr pariSiawjc Hank. Newton j di p nTrri-atun ilaiikiinr Co pnr itMn Ivnik. (liivnr ? dir :it Var.llri v'l.- A D.-l l)r Co I "i,li. t disj; yt)k imn imiler .? 1 du 10 ilisi DKI.AIVAIIK. pur ltank oi Tli-lnware pnr 1,V p-irnii,ik of Snivrnii psr IVvnninL' l)k, Wilk 1'ork I! in',. I V I' ('!,' I ll'l'i's V lt ills llfl iwain City Hnnk nnr ll Itk ilin-j'n.V Hrrindvw. pnr Ka-nn-r.' Ilk St IVtiia,re wir I'lin ii llaiik.M'iliiiington imr l.'nder PVk I dis (MIIO. IH s ilv.-nl Imnks 9 Si. I!"likof W.,.i,,..k r, ilia M, !l-ai':!i. II!;, l::it..r ll,ljs Alll -at I ' M.w ii Mrs;m:;:. All s h HI haa'.ii ills vi:i;mut. ; t" Ilk n- ti iiiiiPt 4 dm I NOItTII CAilOUNA. VII All iH.nl lianks a dis All S"l,.ail Ibiii 3 dis,! J-l'iLlerS's, 2) (In I?.M'0!lTA?,T TO TUB I'LTHLIC. :-:c?.gs cattle. I'.in't permit your Horses pr cattle to die, When the means of cure are within the reuch of ull ! TV iinde-sl.Ti-,.,) p(,t several vearg in tho v': 'V "J' y'''--inary ini.-ti.-e in "London and E d:i,b,iro'," he a No mailed himself of the resear-che'-of l.eibig. nud otiierci-lclirnted ineii.tvholmvo j e'i'r:..:te.l i-i much towards a juilii-ioitstieatnient j o. iimm.i!: the principles of our practice consists ; ,".tl; rejection of geni-ralblee.-ling and the total rejection of nil im-dt -inei that experience has I shottn to be of a ihitiienms tend.-m.-v. These re : niediiMaetiii harmonv wi;h the vital principle, and ! wlii ue.iv. il iieeonling lo the directions which ac ; co:n),;,ny each urlide they are capable of exciting j aii.I increasing ihe natural functions, without di- itn, !,.-. .1, .., : .1. . . ;- in; iiicir jiower, nence are iiicir jiimer, lience 1 ,aic..i 1110 lii!ii-.t. ol 1 V Oil.'. O. If. DA DP, M. B. ;rp iiml l ut!!i- .11c.ti, iin-. '"' 'cr !i.... . 7" tU. P!iv i !..iti . r ...c.--i lor h; ltd cii!iUtioii,7 ocperpack- If"; r.; T,.i IVC liV.'iti. I- j.na.l. i lie i-. '.!i:il ililllli l"i';--c: i of tlic lunirs, 75c ' kidnoya, oc da. do. do. per ni , ciitnlitaiii irlitmlvrK. 7.'jc .'II' illllilllllltl.lll of liowels, I .Ml f,i i:i,ll,!il, ( lint-iicnt t',, j ci- j .-1 . -. . per Icittln. l-r-motiii" t!ie growth of hair, SOc Hr.-,i;.r !,;,!.,;,; fi fur wounds and saddle galls, 75c. I ' l- iL.ttlc. Wu-li t.ir intlniMPiI rves, 5()c nr-r buttle. t'liil; ictit tin- manw -ftiU-lna, old gum, 50c p- r bottii lliu'ir.vation forsnrn tliroal, 7"e per bottle. Ii -...fohitiiieiit f,,r rami rr..l.ki brittle hoof, Ac, 30e 1 -r l;-,"!e. M ir e l.iiiiiuent. t!ip most eelebratrdarticle known 1:1 En r!ai.! I laiiici:. ss of everv description, 7.")C e. -l .:-r bottle. " 1 ";. .-I- lor i-e.l water, t iier bottle. V.l ori i p.e.v.l. i-.H 1 ,r 1. roiiiov.il of worms from tie- liitesime! .-anal. 7.1 ist iai-!iaf.-. Eor sale by S'l'lM l'St .N KEKO. 3(5 Mer cl.anls Row. also at DADD'S HOUSE V'1 i'AT'n.EMEiaciXB DEl'OT, Xos. 1 & l!ayaiaiiu-t S-jnure, Uo.-ton. I an;i.ilels ,ii sc,-:i,in:r ilm diseases for which tnese ne. lies are used can lie had ui-atis. X-iini-ions ( ertil'u-ules are in possession of the Proprietors, uf cures performed hv the above Medi cines. S .,1,1 by GHEEX & n.ETCIIER,Xo.2CSouth W.V I'il Street, Philadelphia, uud hv his . A-j k Nrs. Hi x it v U ,ssi:ii, Sunbury, -tl COI.r.Mlil.W SERIES OF 77i- 1'itpU's frien l ami Teacher's comfort. 'VUF. COI.r.Mia X CAEri-EATOR Thia w-orl; is id.-eady inl r.idueed into some of the l c-t Ai-ail.ia.i.-s ami a lar-.-e number of S.Hmols, vyhere i'.s ue l-.as -ji t-n decided and universal s tisl.icti.ai, l,j!, to teacher mid jmpil. It is purelv ktm iie.in in its character, based upon our own l-ea-.i-M'.il ff ?:.! .v..t,,. of currency. Itcontailis in k-c. the a'-ra l ,vau-iits are better, and it is tho i .west ami eni-apest wurk ofllui kind now in use; and il is so consi.lere I by liundreds of the most cam.ict hi teachers and men of science in tla? Eni- .1. v ho bale iccomilieoilcl it. It is tlie hont. ' 1 r, i.ciila.ly ;.ia! e.i,e-sv prepared fir our j-luif- j " " '' ' ' y.'.v Aiiiiua Tic.nar. I 'J'.ii. ..i i i:'s ( 'ni r m hi in C Au-cL.iTiiB. This j luliii ic -. it'i 'iw 111 piv.es. with uboiit IKitl rxam 1 l ies I tr s ,' in;. ,ii o:i ti;e slate. It embraces the I- ;;: l..iii.-n;.:'i Rides, Compound Rules, fimple nil (', ".,i ..nn.d Red...'li..u. .-siiiL'le Rule of Three. P, iVe. 'i i i. .mi's AiiriiiMi rn ti. Tii.li s, is destine-J :',- 1 1 e ii ... ,,1'y iohjj.t t-l.isses iii t!:,i Sc'u.-sils of the I I...'- I :.u 's. A bc.iutitiil littU- book and )ileas i,!.; t a children, uud the only one of the kind af any Tu. i arc E -. s to bo'.ii Aritlimclics bound sin j'e or d. a. I.!.-, fort he eenieiiienee of teacht-rs, in which the solution of ihe ipu stions are given with much evtra niatier for the black Ninnl. These Keys are .'lie most complete works of the kind ever t'ulil'sla -l, anil contain, iu tuldition, about two hiiii.lred examples in .Mensuration, Ac, for tlie Uso uf the Teacher. All that ia wanted is to have the !il oe bo,,ks examined, and no teacher who ia a.-iii:i:iiii-d with tho avu-iiee of Arithmetic, will licaiiiite to pronounce them ihe la-st work tha hate mi been published in this orany other country. All!ion -h issued but a few months, they have aire i.ly been introduced into tho Xiirht Public Schools of Xt-w York City in all the Schools piiliiie al.d private, except two, iu the City of Eeadiii!,. Also, in about twenty Acadamiea in the .-state of Pennsylvania in a larue portion of tho Schools i:i the City of Wilmington, in the City of Lancaster, und in the ISoroujihs of Ilarrisburg, York, ( 'hambersbmi, Lebanon, D.wlestown, Potta i!le, (liw: isluir,', ciic, Ac For sale by Hi:xnr lltssca, Sunbury, Ajfent f-T Xoi-lliiiii-.lH'rlanil (.'ounly. Wui-dmry, De. 9, 1S. Pi.T21Tr ICSriCJIlTES. lins-n's Oxyireiiuted Hitter, price reduced. Did Jacob TowiiKcud's SarsapuiUIa. linker's ."-arsaparilla. Svayue's yrup of Wild Cherr Swayiic's Veruiii'use. Ay re's Cherry I'eetoral Llr. Drake's Panacea. Dr. Cullrn'a do 'i'llibit's Puill lxijler. Dr. llis)iluud's (ierman Bitterat Indian 'c(rrtuhle Pilla llorao and Catllo Medicinea For sale by HEXRY MASSER. t-uubury, July 14, 1849. T) OOK.S and Gold Pens. On hand several cop. if ua ot the life of Christ, aud also a number of gold pens wlut-h we will sell at the Phikdelphia prices. For aale at thisollice. If ENNEnrsp.vrKNT" sash rs Ul. 1 EM.GS.A cheap and excellent art. clu lor fukU-iung aash for aale by J. W. FRIIJXO kSuubury, July 7, 1849. . , a. .aia niia.