- . f SUNBUHY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. GENERAL ELECTION PROCLAMATION, DURSUANT to an ot of the Genera As terribly of the Commonwealth of Pennnyl- Tama, entitled -mi ions of this Commonwealth," approved the eoondday of July, Anno Domino, one thou sand eipht hundred and thirty-nine, I, JAM ES COVERT, High Sheriff of the county of Nor thumberland, Pennsylvania, do hereby make known and give notice to the electors of the county aforesaid, that a general election will be held in said comity of Northumberland, on the SECOND TUESDAY Sth of OCTO BER, 1830, at which time, State and Conn ty Officers, as follows, are to be elected : One person as Canal Commissioner of the Commonwealth. One person as Auditor General ot itiisuiin TiAri won ll h On rur.iin no Surveyor General of this t4 mmnnwpnltff. One perron to fill the office of member of v-oiurress lrm ine nisinci uihuiibcu ui mo tJounlirs of Nortrmmtierland, union, L,ycnm. inn, Clinton & Sullivan, being the 13lh dis 1 ri.f . One person to fill the office of Member of the House of Representatives, to represent the county of Northumberland in 'the House of Representatives ol I'ennsyivania. One person as County Commissioner. One person as Prosecuting Attorney for the comity of Northumberland. One person as County Surveyor for the county of Northumberland. One person as County Auditor. I also hereby make known and cive notice to the qualified electon of Mid county, in pursuance of the provisions and requirements of an Act of Assembly, passed the 9ih day of April 1850, and of a writ of election issued by the Governor of this Commonwealth, and to me directed, that upon said second Tues day of October 1850, aforpsuid at the time anil places hereinafter named of holdins siiid General election aforesaid, the proposed Amendment to the Constitution providitiff for the election of Judges by the pimple, will be submitted to the people agreeably to the re quirements of the Xth Aiticle of the Conslitn ttion of the State of Pennsylvania, for their approval and ratification, or rejection. The tickets will be labelled, on the outside with the word "Amendment," and will con tain on the inside the words "For the Amend ment" or the words "Against the Amend ment." I also hpreby make known and cive notice that the places of holdiusr the aforesaid gene ral election in the several bnrmiL'hs and townships within the county of Northumber land are as follows: The Simbury District, composed of the borough of Sunbury, and Upper Augusta, at the county Court House. The Anausta District, composed of the township of Lower Auausta, at the house of George Conrad, in said township. The Northumberland District, composed of the boroiiL'h of Northumberland, at the house of Peter H.inselmaii. in the borough of North umberland. The Point District, nt the honso of Henry Haas, in the borough of Northumberland The Milton District, at the house of Fred erick Sticker, in said bonm-ili. The Tiiibut District, at the house occupied by Abraham Kissinger. The Delaware District, at the Iloue of Henry Reader. The Chilisqiiaqne District, at the house oc copied by lienjatniu Kordsmaii. The Lewis District, at the house of Mi chael Reader. The Shamokin District, at the house of Charles Leiseiiriim. The Upper Mahanoy District, lit the house of Daniel lleim. The Little Mahanoy District, at the house of Frederick Raker. The Lower Mahanoy District, at the house of Michael Spat.. The Rush District, at the Liberty Pole School House. The Jackson Disttict, at the house of Peter 'Schwartz. The Coal District, at the house of Daniel P. Haas. The election to open between the hour of Band 10 o'clock in the forenoon, and shall continue without inle, rupiion or aojo m .,. . until 7 o'clock in llie evening, wneu int.- polls shall be closed. The several Inspectors and Judges elected j on ine 3.1 I-nutty oi marcu iu,, , , of the 3d Seclioii of the act of the 2d of . n v. i i 7 1830, will hold the election on 1 uesday the 8th day of October next. "That every person except a Justice of the Peace, who shall hold any office or appoint ment of profit or trust under the government of the United Slates, or of this Slate, or of any city or incorporated district, whether a commissioned officer or agent, who shall be employed under the legislative, excutive or judiciary department of this Stale, or the Uni ted States, or of any city or incorporated dis trict, and also thai every member of Congress, and of the Slate Legislature, and of the select and common council of any city, or commis sioner of any incorporated District, is by law, incapable of holding or exercising the office or appointment of Judge, Inspector or Clerk, of iniey election of this commonwealth, and that no" Inspector, Judge or any other officer of such election, shall be eligible to any office to be then voted for. And the s:iid Act of Assemble)-, entitled "an act relating to the elections of this Com monwealth," passed July the 2nd, 183:2. further provides as follows, to wit : "That the Inspectors and Judges chosen as aforesaid, shall meet at the respective places for holding the election in the district to which they respectively belong before nine o'clock in the morning of the second Tuesday of October in each and every year, and each of said inspectors shall appoint one clerk, who shall be a qualified voter of such district. 1 also hereby make known and give notice that the following act of Assembly was pas ed by the general Assembly of tha Common Vealth on Ihe 27lh day of Febiuary, A. D. fl849, to wit: j"An Act relative to voting at elections in the ; comities of Adams, Dauphin, York, Lan ' caster, Franklin, Cumbeiland, Bradford, Centre, Greene, and Erie. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania in General As sembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That it shall be law ful for the qualified voters of the counties of Adams, Dauphin, Lancaster, York, Franklin, Cumberland, Bradford, Centre, ' Greene, and Erie, from and after the passage of this act, to vole for all the candidate for the various offices to be filled at any election on one slip or ticket: Provided, That office for which ; every candidate is voted for, shall be designa ted, a required by the existing law of this ' Commonwealth. Scctiom 2. That any fraud committed by ; any person voting in the manner above pre- soribed, shall be punished at similar frauds are, directed to be punibhed by the existing laws of this Commonwealth. That bv the 5th section of an act passed by the said general Assembly on the 9th day- of April, A. V. eniiueu au Act rela- tive to Supervisor in Franklin county," to., fce.. it is entitled, "That the Act pawed the present aession of the legislature, approved the twen'y.-wventh day of February, one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, au thorizing the Qualified voters of Adams and ether counties, to vote by general ticket, be extended to MiiHin, Union, Crawford, Bedford, Monroe, Warren and Northumberland coun ties, to far M relates to voting at the general ' lections. "In case the person who shall have rer.ciV' ed the second Inchest number of votes for In jnrclor shall not attend on the day of any election, then the person who shall have re ceived the second highest nunber of rotes for Judge the next preceding election, shall act as nil inspector in ins place, ami in case nr person who shall have received the high est number of voted for Inspector, shall not attend, the person appointed Judge shall ap point uu inspector in nis piHce; ana in chso the person elected Jiidize shall not attend, the inspector who received the highest number of votes, shall appoints Judgein his place; aim ii any vacancy shall continue in me bonrd for the space of an hour after the time fixed by law for the opening of the election, the qualified voters of the township, ward or Uislnct, for which such ofticeis shall have been elected, nresent nt the place ot elec tions, slmll elect one of their number to fill such vacancy. "It shall bo the duty of said assessors re spectivnly to attend at the place of holding every general, special, or lowusnip election, during the whole time said election is kept open, for the purpose of giving information to the inspectors and juuse, when called on, in relation to tho risiht of any person assessed by them to vote at such election, or such other matters in relation to tho assessment of voters, as tho said inspector or jndoe or ei ther of them, shall frnm lime to time re quire. "No person shall be permitted to vole at any election as aforesaid, other than a white free man of twenty-one or more, who shall have resided in Ihe state at least one year, and in the election district wheie he offers to vote at icast ten days immediately preceding such election, and within two years paid stale or county tax, which shall have been assessed at least ten days before the election. But a citizen of the United Stales who had previously been a qualified voter of this stale, and removed therefrom and relumed, and shnll have resided in the election district, and paid tax ns aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote after residing in this state six mouths, Provi ded. That the while freemen, citizen of the United States, between the ace of twenty-one and twenty-two years, and having resided in the slate one year, and in the election dis trict ten days "as aforesaid, shall be entitled to a vole, although they shall not nave taxes. No person shall be permitted to vole whose name is not contained in Ihe list ot laxuble inhabitants furnished by tho commissioners as aforesaid, unless. First : He produce a receipt for the payment, within two years, of a stale or county tax assessed agreeably to the constitution, and give satisfactory evi dence either on his own oath or nlliniution, or on the oath or affirmation of another, that he has paid such tax, or on failure to produce i receipt, shall make an oath to the payment thereof ; or second, if ho claim a right to vole by being an elector between the ages of twenty-one and twenty-two ears, lie shall de pose on oath or affirmation, that he has resid ed in the state at least one year next before Ins application, and make such prool ol resi- lence- in tho district as is required by this act; and that he does veiily believe from the iceoiints given him that he is of the age afore said, and give such other evidences as is re quited by this act, whereupon ihe name of tie person so admitted to vote, snail ue in setted in alphabetical li.-t by the inspectors, and a note made opposite thereto by writing the woid 'lax.' if he shall be peimilled to vole 4y reason of having paid tax, or the word 'age,' ll he shall be permitted to vole on account of his age, and in either case the ,'iisou ol such voles shall be called out to the lerk, who shall make notes in the list of vo- leis kepi by them. In all cases where the name of Ihe person claiming to vote is not found on the list fur nished By the Commissioners and Assessor, or his light to vote hether lound thereon or not, is objected to by any qualified citi.en, ihe Inspector shall examine such person on oath us to his qualifications, and if he claims to have lesidcd in the stale one year or inoie, his oalh shall be a proof thereof, but he shall prove by at least one competent witness, who shall be a quulilied elector, that he lesided within the district at least ten days next im mediately preceding the election, and shall also himself swear that his bona tide resi dence, in pursuance of his lawful calling is williui the district, and that he did nut le- m()vu jnl( iislrjcl for (he se of vo miff lljeiejli gver,. "m ,,ll;,ifici as aforesaid, and wh( .f , lljg' resj. , , ....-, nf ,. - ... ...,,.. i.i . .. . ' r ' . ' shall be admitted to vote in the township, ward or district in which he shall reside. It any petsou not qualified to vote in this Commonwealth, agreeably to law, (except the sons ol qualified citizens) shall appear at any place ot election for the purposu of issuing tickets, or jnllnencing citizens qualified to vole, he shall, on conviction, loileit and pay- any sum not exceeding one hundred dollais lor every such offence, and be imprisoned lor any term not exceeding three mouths. It shall be Ihe duly of every mayor, sheriff", alderman, justice of I lie peace, and constable or deputy constable, of every city, county, township or district within this common wealth, whenever called upon by any officer ol an election, or by any Ihree qualified elec tors theieot, to clear any window or avenue to any window, to ihe place of general elec tion, ulnch shall be obstructed in such a way as to pievt-nl voters from upproachiiig the same, uml on neglect or relnsal to do so on such requisition, said officer shall be deemed guilly of misdemeanor in office, and on con- vtction shall be lined in any sum not less than one minuted nor more than one thousand dollais; and it shall be the duty of the re spective constables of each ward, district or township, ot this commonwealth to be present in person or by deputy, at the place ot hold nig such elections in said ward, district or township, for the purpose of preserving the peace as aforesaid. It shall be the duty of every peaco officer, as aforesaid, who shall be present at any such disturbances at an election as is de scribed in this act, to report the same to the next court ot quarter sessions, and also Ihe names of the witnesses who can prove the same. And by the 4th section of the act of lGth of Apiil, 1840, it is enacted. That the 15th section of the act, as passed July 2d. 1839, eniiueu an act relating lo the elections of this commonwealth, shall not be so construed ns to prevent any militia officer or borough officer, from serving as judge, inspector or cierk, at any general or special election in ims commonwealth. I he Judges are are to make their returns lor Ihe county of Northumberland, at the P .... II r . . . . t-ouri nouse, in Miuhury, on rnday, the 11th uuy ui uciouer, A. U 1850. JAMES COVERT, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Sunbury, Sept. 7th, 1850. J God save the Commonwealth. SHERIFFS SALE. T V virtue of a certain writ of Ltv. Fvciat and -U Yin. Exyonai, to me directed, wiil be sold at public vendue or outcry, on Monday. tSciitcmber 30, 1850, at tcu o'clock, A. M. at the houae of V in. Weaver, in nhamokintown, the following ueacriuea property, vu t Jill these seventeen Jxts of Land, situate iii the town of Shamokin, Coal township in Northumberland county, and numbered in the general plan of aaid town, as follows, to wit o. 173, 174, 17S, 176, 177, 178. 179, 180, 181, liO, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196 and 197 ALSO i The undivided half part of SS town LoU aituaU in ine earne town and numbered, 11, 12, 13, M, 85, 66, ttO, 91, 02, 93,94, 95, 36, 100, 101, 114, 115 lift, 117, 118, 119, 120, 124, 125, 120, 14". H7, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156 157, 158, 159, ICS, lfiO, 107, 168, 160, 170, 171, 172, 182, 183, 184, 185, 180, 187, 188,and, 189 ALSO i The undivided half part of three squares of Land, situate in SRid town between Commerce street on the north, Hpurzhcim street on the south, Rock street on the east and Washington street on th west. ALSO I Tho Square situate in said town between Com merce, Washington, Imlccndcnce and Liberty streets. ALSO! The Square situate in said town between Liber ty, Independence, Orange and Commerce streets ALSO: The Square situate in said town between Com merce, OrnnRO and Independenee streets, and the western end or side of the said town, viz : the wholo of the Inst described two squares. Seized taken in execution and to be sold ns the proicrty of John C. Boyd, in the hands of his adm'r. with notice to terretcnauts. ALSO: Two certsin contiguous lots of land situate in the town aforosnid, bounded north by lot of Jos. Zern, cast by the Danville and Pottsvillc Railroad, south by lot of Eckel, Spnnglcr and Rnigucl, and west by Shamokin street, each of said lots being 28) feet in front and 100 feet, in depth, on one of said lots is erected a two story Frame Dwelling House. Seized tnken in execution and to be sold as the property of Daniel Kcrstctter. ALSO: At ono o'clock P. M., on Saturday the SStli day of September next, at tho Court House in the borough of sSunbury, a certain Tract of Land, situate in Upper Augusta township in said county, bounded north by lands of Surah Kcan, east by hinds of liasttan s heirs, south by lends of the Widow Savidge, and west bv land of Sarah Kcan, containing SJ acres more or less, whereon are erected a frame dwelling House a frame Stublc and a Saw .Mill. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of William H. Thomp son. ALSO : A certain Tract of Land, eituate in Point town ship in the county aforesaid, hounded north by lauds of William Cameron, cast by the North Urnnoli of the Susquehanna Kivcr, south by lamia of the heirs of Leonard Pfoutzand west by Mon tour Uiilge, containing 150 acres more or less, whereon oro erected a two story brick Tavern House, a Iranio Jiarn, a Wagon Maker Shop, ll lack Smith Shop, and, also three tenant houses. Seized taken in excution and to be sold as the property of Jonathan Purscl. ALSO: A certain Tract of Land, situate in T'pper Augusta township in said county, bounded north by lands of Edward Oyster, cast by lands of Jos. ?'nyilcr and Jacob Lckman, south bv lands of John Fnruswortli and west by lands of Edward Ovstcr, containing 21 acres more or less, whereon arc erected a small log dwelling House, and a small Stabk. Seized taken in execution ond to be sold as the property of John Snyder. JAMES COVEHT, Shr'ff. SlirlT'a Office, Sunbury, August 31, 1B.1U. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. TN pursuance of an order of the Orphans court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to pub lic sale, on (Saturday, the 5th day of October, next, on Ihe premises : the following properly, to wit j r our shares ot a certain Islund, situate in the West branch of the river Susquehanna, opposite the landing on the farm of Nicholas Mcusch, in said county of l.'uion, and opposite to the land of in the county ol Northumberland, ronlaiiiiiej two acres or tliereubnuts, and known as Cherrv Island, late Ihe ostntc of Henry Walter, de ceased. Kale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, when the terms of sale will be made known by JOHN 111 II. LIPS, Guardian of Elias, Molly. Sarah undElphina Walter. By order of the court, ) Jlio. V. Purse, Clk. 5 August 3 1st 1850 t. s. N. B. At the same time and place, the widow and the heirs of Henry Walter, dee'd, will sell their interest in the Island, so that the purchaser can buv the whole Island at once. A CARRIAGE FOR SALE. lOK sale at a reasonable price, a well built car riago in good condition with tongue and shafts, for either one or two horses. Also a double set of harness. Enquire at this oflicc. Aug. 3t, 1S50. tf. ARTHUR'S HOME GAZETTE. The subscribers have commenced the publica tion of a New Weekly PajH-r for Families, with the above title, to be under the entire editorial control of T. S. AL'TIIl'R, Who will concentrate upon it all, or nearly all, of his literary labors. The design of this paper is clearly expressed in tho title "HOME GA ZETTE." It will he emphatically, a paper for the home circle a household companion a plea sant fireside friend, coming to all with a cheerful countenance, and seeking, while it imparts in struction, to entertain and interest all classes of readers. A leading feature of the "Home Ga zelle" will be a Scries 'of Originnl A'ouvelleltes by the Kditor ! Who will furnish some four or five of these pic tures of domestic life, written in his best gtvle, for every volume. The "HOME GAZETTE" will be the organ of no party nor sect ; nor will it be tho ezponent of any of the isms of the dav. Hut it will lailhtul advocate the riglit, and seek, by every means, to widen the circle of human happiness. Honestly will the editor teach the truth, as he has ever done in his writings, for tho sake of good to his fellow men. But, in doing this, ho will avoid unnecessary harshness and causeless olR nce, anil keep Ids journal free from slum of wounding personality- He will oppose what is false and evil, as one of his social duties ; but, while doing so, will use no sharper language than its rebuke and corectiou amy require. "THE HOME GAZE I I b will be elegantly printed, on tine white paper, with large, clear faced type, that may be read by young and old without in jury to the eyes. iLK.VlS U THE 1'ArEK I ALL CASKS r.S AUVAXCK. One copy, per annum, $2 00 Three copies 5 00 Six 10 00 Ten 15 00 Fourteen SO 00 Where a club of six, ten, or fourteeu copies arc sent, an extra copy will he furnished to the postmaster, or other lH-rson, who mukes up tho cluh. One copy of either Goodey's Lady's Book, Graham's Magazine, or Sartain's Magazine, will he sent for Four dollars- Cv".ll letters must be post-paid y"Money that is current at the place where the subscription is made, will be ta ken in payment for the pajier. Address, T. t. ARTHUR & Co., No. 5 Athenian, Uuldings, Franklin Place, Philadelphia, Aug. 24, 1850. KOnTIIl.lIHEKLlXD DRY DOCK- THE subscrilier has built himself a dry dock in Northumlierland, ahova tha first lock on the West Branch Canal, where he intends build ing and repairing eanal boats. Ha can take boats on tha dock from two lo fiva dollars cheaper than they can be taken out, with machinery. Thankful to those who favored him before, ha hopes by carefully attending to all the repairing entrusted to him lo sliU merit a sliara of public patronage. JOHN HUMMEL. Northumberland, August 10, I860. Urn. TO 1OCSA1TXC0, INVENTORS AND MANUFACTURERS, rpiIE publishers of the SCIENTIFIC AMERf A CAN respectfully givo notice that the Vlth Volume of this valuable journal will be com menced on the 21st of September next, ottering a favorable opportunity for all to subscribe who take an interest in the progress arid development of Mechanics, Arts, and Manufactures of our coun try. Tho character of Ihe Scientific American is too well known throughout it columns. The aim of the publishers has always been to render it the most thorough and useful scientific journal in the country ; and to judge of this, by comparing its circulation and influence with other publications of the same class, they have Ihe un equivocal evidence of its value as the leading ex ponent of the Arts and .Sciences. It will bo published weekly as heretofore, in quarto form on fine paper, allbnling at the end of year an illustrated cncycloprodia of over four hun dred pages, with an index, and from five hundred to six hundred original engravings described by letters of reference, besides a'vast amount of prac tical information concerning the progress of Scien tific and Mechanical Improvements, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Manufacturing in its various branches, Architecture, Masonry, Botany in short it embraces the entire range of the Arts and Sciences. It also possesses an original feature not found in any other weekly journal in the county, viz: an Official List of Patent Claims prepared ex pressly for its columns at the Patent OHice, thus constituting it tho "American Repertery of Inven tions. In connection with the puMsshing depaatment the proprietors transact the most extensive Home and Foreign Patent business done in this country ; consequently their facilities must be correspond ingly superior. TERMS i i.-.i 00 per Ynr, In ndvnnce ( St 00 for Six Moulin. All letters must be Post Paid and dir.icted to ML'NN & CO. Publishers of The Scientific American No. i28 Fulton-St'rcct, New-York. Inducements for Clubbing. Anv person who will send us four subscribers for six mouths, ot our regular rates, shall be enti tled to ono copy for the same length of time; wo will furnish 10 Copies, for 6 months, $8 00 15 00 22 00 28 00 10 12 15 " 12 ' 0 12 " "southern and Western money taken at par for liscriptions: or post office stumps taken at their full villuc. I'rcillilini. Anv person, sending us three subscribers, will be entitled to a copy of the "His tory of Profilers and team Navigation," pub lished in hook form, now in press, to lie ready obout the 1st of October. It will be one of the most complete works upon the subject ever issued and will contain about ninety engravings. August 17, 1850. Estate of JONATHAN METLER, dee'd. "V OTICE is hereby given that letters of admin- istration have been granted to the subscri ber on the c.-datc of Jonathan Metier, late of Up per Aagustn township, deed. All person in debted to said estate or having claims ugaiust the same are requested to call on the subscrilier for sctilcment, JOHN EC KM AN, Adin'r. Cp. Augusta tpsh., lug. 24, 1850 Ot ) A V 1 1) P K A S E , S. W Corner Wh (c Arch Street, Philadelphia. HAS for sale all kinds of choice Family Groce ries t the verv lowest tiricca. vi: Extra Fine, superior and common Black and Green Teas; old Gov. J-iva and other kinds of Coll'ce, all qualities of Crushed Light Brown and Brown Sugars -, best riicriu Oil and Sperm anil Amanliiie Candles ; Baker's Chocolate, Cocoa and Broma; Farina, Tapioca, riago and V beaten (irits; Olive Oil, Isinglass, Ketchups and Sauces, Maccarom, ermieelli, English iSpht Peas, &C. They will pack up all goods lor tho cotmtrv neatly and securely and deliver them promptly at any Depot or Hotel as desired. DAVID PEASE, S. W. Cor. Gth & Arch Sis. Philadelphia. Aug. 17, 1850 lyMay LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC OR NEUVOUS DEBILITY. DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, AND all ili!eri;RnriHiiifr from ilirtlirw1 livr or sto iniirh, ufh HicoustiiKitinij, inward I'ilrs. FuIIiicm, or Ii1m in tho hesirt, Aririily of the m-mvirli. Nuuirn, Hrartlfiini, Hi'ust for Koi, fuHneM or weight in the Stnnnch, Hour Kriirtntinni, iiikinir ir rluttennii ut Ih pit ftfthf St'Uimrh, Mvimmihtf "I the htail. liiirrit-riuwIiliihVtil! breathine, HutUTing ut Hie hforl, choking or urTucming nfiisjitiiiiii when in h lyinjr p'tstun, Ditiuu'W nf vuimt, tl tsnr wt-bi IxMorrthe iv'hl, Fevrr mni )till prtui in the. head. dfticiiMicy of prrspiruli'm, yellowness of the skin and ey b, vii i it in the sitle , luick, cheat, limlis, Ac, sudden Huxhtu of heat Imruiuir in the flesh, emistunt iiiuiginings of evil, mill greut depri-wuoii of spirits, CAN UK KKFKCTL'ALUY CFRK1) BY DR. HOOFLAITE'S CELEBRATED liKRMtSI Birj'KKS, I'BKPAKEll BY Dlt.C. Al . JA( KfO.V, AT TUB GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, Mo. ) j Artb St., I'hilndelphiQ. Their tvwer over tho utxive Uiweiises is not excelled, if equulU'd, liV tiny other prejiurtilioil ill the 1'niled SUiteai, us ihe cures alUst, in inuuy cases utter ski 111 ul physicians hud imlrd. These Hitters art) worth v they ottnition of inviilids. IVtsM-ssiiu: irieul virtues in thy ruciiUeutMu of discum-ii of the l.ieer und letmer glands, exercinii-g ihe niosi. tkxirchtng p wer iu weakliest mid Hifeetieus oftlie digestive organs, they ure, wiliutl, s.il"e. rertniu und pletmaiit. ic ioiu nit Doauiii utjo.j The Editor said. Dee. "Wd '1K. Itootl.AMl's Cklubwatbd Gkran Hitifhs far the cure of l.iver CompLiiut, Jaundice, i)peptuu, Chronic or Nervoim Lielnlity, is dcKtcrvodly one of ihe niont popu lar medicines of the day. These lilt let S have heeil used hy thousands, und a friend nt our elbow says he Jms him self received uu effectual und permanent cure of l.iver C omnia 1 1 it iron, the ime of this remedy. We are convinced thai, in the ue of thee ii liters, the jmiicut coutaut!y gaiiiai strength and vigor u fact worthy of great conside ration, l uey are pieiiaiunt in insie aim sineu, ami cau im used hy persons with the most delicate stomachs with sale tv. under unv circumstances. We are smaiLinc from ex perience, and to the atiiieled we advise their ue." Judge M. M. Noah, a gentleuiuu with great seientifie and literury attainments, suid in his "New York Weekly Messenger," January O, lfwii : 'Dr. Hoofi ami's Ueruiau Hitters. Here ts n preparation whioh the leading presses in the Unionappear to he unaiu iii us in recuiiiuicuding, and the reason is ohvious. It is made alter a jirescriptioii rushed by one of the most cele brated phvftu-iaus of modern limes, the bile Dr. Chr stcplier Vilhetiu llooriuud, 1'rofettsor to the University ol Jena, private l'hysician to the King of Prussia, and Mm uf Ihe g rentes t luedicul writers tiei many has ever produced. He was emphatically the enemy of hum hug, and theieforea medicine ol wliH'ii lie was ine mveuwr anu auuorst-r may be cotilldeiillv relied on. He specially rectuutueuded it in l.iver Comnlaint. DvsiwMsiu, Debility, Vertiuo, Acidilv of the stomach, Conilpatii,u. unit all complaint arising from disordered couuitio.1 ol tiie stomach, tne liver and the intestines. Nine 1'hiludeldhia pa tiers expra8f their .aaivic turn of its excellence, and several of the editors speak of itsflfecls from tlieir own individual experience, l uder these circumstances, we leel warranted, not only in calling the attention of our readers to the present present proprie tor's (Dr. C. SI. Jacks mi's) preparation, but in recommend- Uig the uilicie to a i umicicu " More Evidence. The "Philadelnhia Snturrtav Gazette, the best family newspaper puhlisiieil iuthe tailed Slates, the alitor su)S I of j Dr. UooflantVs German Bitters. ' "It is seldom that we reoommcud whut ure termed Pa tent Medicines, M the continence and patronage of our readers: and, theiefore, when we reiwauuieiui Dr. H.f knuPs ueriuan B liters, we wis it to be distinctly uudci stood that we ure not speukiug of the nostrums of the day,thal are uoi-d about for a biief period end then for Coital altei they have d tne their guilty nice of mischief, ut of a medicine .ng eMuhutihed. universally prized, and which has met the hearty approval of Ihe Faculty itself.11 That this nitxlicine will cure l.iver Complaint am) Dys pepsia, no one can doubt, after UMiig it as directed. It acts fepecihcally upon the stomach and liver -it is preferable to cat unci hi all hillious diseases the etiect is imtuediaie. They can he administered to Female or Infant with safety and reliable bcMetit, at any time. BKWARE OP "COUNTERFEITS. This medicine has a Lamed that high chaiacter which is necessary lor ail medicines to attain to induce couutei fetters to put forth a spurious article at the risk ui" the lives of those are inuocently deceived. LOOK WELL TO THE M ARKS OF THE GENUINE' They have the writtcu signature of C. M. JACKSON upou the wrapper, and the aaine blown iu the bottle, with our which they are spuiioua. For aale, wholesale and retail, the German Medtcin Store Nrt. laO AKCH fkreet, one dour bekw ftixlh, (late of ft78 Kace street.) Philadelphia, and by reapeetabk dealers generally thnaigbout the country. Also For sale by H. Makx, Buiabory, and M- A. M'Cav, Northumbeiiand. Auutl7t lojO-ly ZEITZ 8c CO., IMPORTERS OP FORK10N Books, Prints, Engravings, Stationary Gilt Frames and Musical Instru ments. No. 78 North 3nl 81., between Arch & Race, FlULAnKLrniA. TMTOnT to order and have coiutantly on hand a very lnrgo amiortincnt of (roods in the above named lines at wholesale and retail. Principally i TT CO 3D LE2.6S3 In Gorman, Lntln, Greek, Hebrew, French. Italinn HjmniRh and otber luiiirviHpcn j daisies, Diction aries, Grninmcrs, Vornlnilarien, School, Juvenile, Picture, l)rawini?nnd Model Hook Tor Architects Cabinet, Cnrrinire and other manufacturers. MAPS, GLOBES nnd Ulnnk Books of every description. Splendid Lithographic and other Prints. MtStCAL INSTKt'MEKTS. Accordeons, Banjos, Hows for all string iintru nicnts, Briilirn and Tailpieces, Clarionets, Fifes, Flageolets, Flutes, Guit:irs, Octavo Flutes, Patent Heads for Guitars and Violinccllos. Tambourines, Tuning Forks and Hammers, Violins, Violin and Guitnr Pegs, Violinccllos and Strings for all kinds of Instruments Wholesale and Retail. Accor deons repaired. Also constantly on hand, wholesale and retail, a large assortment of the very best GERTVIA.K BRONZE POWDEH Dutch Metal, French and Florence Leaf Metal Thermometers, Hairpencils.-Faher and other Leadpencils, Red, While and Black Chalk Cray mis. Mathematical Instruments, KcarhVators,-.'-'pring Lancets Pocket Prescription and Gold Scales and Weights Letter, Fancy colored and gilt Paper Playing Cards and other French and German Fancy Articles, fur the sale nf which they are the M A N U F A CT I' R 13 lis AGENTS. July C, 1850 GREAT ATTRACTION ! ! j XEW 1X1) CIIEP GOODS, ! JOHN V, PRILINC, ! Market Street, Sunburv. Pa.. i AS just received and opened a largo ossort Tnent of sunrrinr uml .tin,..A Staple Dry Goods, well ndsnteil In ilm -- aoii, which ho will sell at the lowest prices. His stock consists of general assortment of almost all articles of nsc in tho Dry Goods line, consisting in part of Chilis, Cassimcrcs, Summr.r.Stuff for Clothing and Vesting. Ladies Uresis Goods. Gloves, Hosiery, Laces, Shawls, Muslins, Sheet ings, Tickings. Fine Muslins, Ginghams, Linens, &.c. ALSO: A general assortment of GJIOCEKU'.S, HARDWARE, QURRXS. ll'ARR, Liqi'URS, DRUGS, AND MED WIS ES, PA IS TS AXD DYRSTUFF, and every variety of articles. VstT Country pruducc of all kinds taken in ex change ut the highest market price. Sunbury, April 27, ltsit). NOTICE. ' THE subscriber being about to leave Sunbury, request all persons having anv claims a gainst him, to present than to FREDERICK LAZARUS, Esq., for settlement, to whom also all persons indebted to the subscriber, are reques ted to make payment. , W. POYNTELL JOHNSTON. Simbiiry, August 10, 1S50 5t JOIIV J. LIEItlG'S ESTATE. OTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad JiS ministration have been granted to the subscriber, on the estate of John C. Liebig, lute of Shamokin, Northumberland county, dec d. All persons indebted lo said estate or having de mands against tho same, aro requested to call for setilmeut. JOSEPH BIRD, Adm'r. Shamokin, Aug. 10, 1850. 6t "DEATH'S DOOR." H'iv iVt-qmntly do we hmr this rxprestimi, which is niwuit tni...nvi to the tin ltd ihe km suigu m sirkncca that a palit-nt Mii lie rncei In, mid live. Mrs. Harri son, a lut'inlw-r nt" the Trinity Church, was. as he expies-m-s hriHt.'ir, bniiilit d u ii in "Dcalli'a dKirt" by iilicu u ml i mi n uml .V-i vi'in Hcrniai'lie, whfii, like an anel of inciry, Hudwiiy's Uivnly Kclirt' n hevrd her ot ht-r severe pains and resbireriher ' her friends in prfeet health. The very iuxlant Kurt wuy'a Heady Kelief is applied, its iH'iit'liciiil cltVeis ure experienced, it s Niihes, heals, clean ses inn) purifies : it infiuiuly allays irritation, reduces iu. thiiniualiens und vellnifi8, relieves the uvmi severe Neu ralgic nhis, (jives case to Hums, Scalds, &irea, Irruptions cures KhcnmatiiMii Lumbago, Gout, I'aialysis. Sprains, Si rains, Spnsius, Still' Neek, Weakness in the Si tie and Hack, Sires of nil kinds, thills, limine, Chafes, Sue Thrtuit, InUiiejirii, Hoarseness, Coughs, Cold, TOOTH A CI IK C'L'HKi) I.N ONK SKCOXD. This torturing tilleotion cau Iw cured iu an iimtJtnt, fur the 1 1 ion km) t the Kehcf t"uehes the nerve, the jmin is mi tigated. S with Tic U.ileteux itml Ueiiiicrunn, Neurnl giuandSiek Heailaehe kithe the parts whern the (xiiti is iiMist severe, and in a few tuihutes you will be entirely relieved. Taken internally u will urrest the most violent Spavins and Crauii. stop vonutiuir or to inueh purinj? in aile.ises it will vis t length for weakness, case lor pain, health f.r sick lien. Mo liuudy Itelief is Keuuinc uu IfJis sitruetl hy UADWA V A. COM Fulton Miect. i:i.Kf.AT tihli;t nKK isiri.s. TO KMUKi.UStl AM) J-'.MIA.NCK TI1K C1IAIIM! OI-' ilKAl TV. RaUW4Y' MF.mCATKD SlUf. Iladway's Meilicatcd S up, so fuvtirably ku :iwh through out the litKhittuable world for its extremely hhiutl, purity inu und s KHhin ell eels on the skin; while by its uctiott on the pi res and Ihe miiiule secretory vessels it expels all iiiipuuties from the surf nee, alia) s every tendency to in rlaiuumtioti, und cllectutilly diMiiMttes uli redness, tun, puuples, sptts, ireekleif, d tricolor ut ions and ilher cutaneous eriipiiniis The radiant blHm it iniiurt to the cheek, the sollueM aud delicacy which it induces uf the hands und arms, its capability of s Hithintr irtitati n und rem ivin cu luneous deiels. render it indiniM-us'dilc to every toilet. (ietiileiiteu utter sluiving will' hud it alia) sii inttalhai nndteuileiucas of the skin, aud renders it soft, khi.hjUi ami p left Kill it. iui iu the Iicnt and dust of sntnni.-r, or fn st and bleak winds of winter; and incukesoi suubiirn, uinv'S of insects chilblains, chapped haiuU, r incidental iiitluiimuition, us virlneK hiive oiirnud extensively Ikcii ackuowtedeil. t piiiiiyiiu; and reircfiuni; properties have obtained n wi.. lion from the lli 'UKuitli ot other ctinneties, both ol Muro m;iu and daiieiiic uiunufiieture, by the lu ton of all parts o the fashionable world, from the huruiiur trojtics to the Irt.zeu reulius of the lee Klur. The public will ptense hmr in mind that Umlwny's Alediettted Scip, is the tuly wale prestation for the skin now iu use; this has bcci'i certified to hy our m tt pioiiiineui chemists. Uudwuy's Smp is free from poisonous, irntalim and ptrrnieiouw in gredients, it can he mted on the tender skin of the infant with the siime hnppy results us upou beauty in its prime. See that eufh dike is enveloped in a splendid inltel of steel einrntviu and further see lluit the siunuiure of R. Ii. HADVA is upon eacli cake. Trice cents, large rakes. m THE GROWING OIIXAMEXT OF BEAl'TV WA LL'Xl'UIAXT IIKAli OF GLOSSY JIAIH. KADWAV's L'tUL'ASiA.N BLM. Warranted the best Hair Tonic in usct For Dreading and UeaiitifviiiK the hair. ll cleanses the Scalp from Liandrutr, keeps it clean, cures Scurvey, Huldnewi, and Sorea on the Head stops theh.nr Iroin fullinu out, renders it ilmnir, line, sni'toth, soft and srl'tssy. lersins who have ot their hair hv sickness will bud a complete antidote in Kadway's Circassian Halm, it nti gives it a dark ond beautiful color, and will pravmt it I rom lunnntf grey. From its exquisite purltv, il is admi rably aduptrd foi the flair of children ii the most tender ae. It is sold in Urge bntlea f.r li-i cents per Ixrttle. and is warranted the I test hair reiiutiou in use, it will not soil the hut. ci. or the finest laltric. Sec that the signa lure of HAUWAY & CO., is Uou each bottle no Cir cassian Halm is genuine witlnml Uie signature of Jiatlwny o, Aukxt II. II. Manser, Sunbury. Aug. Jtt, Ibjti. vuttiuly NOTICK Is hereby given to William G. Moore, Charles O. Moore, John W. Moore, Isaac (i. Moore, and Frances Moore. That by virtue of a certain Jlreve de Partiiioiit, Farirmla to me directed, an Inquisition will be luld'at 11 o'clock, A. M. on Wednesay, Octolier 2, 1850, upou a certain tract of Land; situate in KumIi township, Northumberland county, boun ded by lands of John (iearhart, Jacob Gearhart, Herman (iearhart, Elizabeth Depiu, and John Gulick, containing 87 acres and 18 perches, more or lew, to inquire whether the same ran be equal ly parted and divided to and among tha aforesaid parties without aopiliatiou of the whole at which time aud place tha aforesaid partiea are hereby warned to be and appear, if by them it is deemed expedient. , JAMES COVERT 6h'ifP Sh'rfli Office, Sunbory, ( Aug. Vi, 185024-61$ ARNOLD'S WRITING FLCID AND CON. CRESS INK lor aale at thu office. CHERRY PECTORAL: Per Ihe Cure mt COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BROFX. OHITIS, CROUP, ASTH. MA, whoopiwo-oouoh AND C01JSUlrIPTION. This truly valuable !cmcdy for all disease" of me iunirs ano i hroat, has become the chief reli ance of the afflicted aa it in the mont certain cure known for the above complaint. While it i a powerful remedial agent in the moat dcsxrate and nlmoH IioicIcm eanet f Coniimption, it in also, in diminished dosea one of tho mildeat nnd most agreeable family tnnlicinea for common common coughs and colda. Rd below the opin ion of men who aro known to the world, and the world respect their opinion". FROM PROFESSOR HITCHCOCK. "James C. Ayer Sir : I have used your "Cnr.it nr PtiCTorui.,' in iny own case of deep-seated Bronchitis, and nm satisfied from its chemical constitution that it is an admirable compound for the relief of larvngiul and bronchial ililiieulties. If my opinion as to ita superior character can lie of any service you are at liberty to use it as you think proper. EDWARD HITCHCOCK, LL 1)., President of Amherst College. From the "Loudon Lancet." "AVER'S CHERRY PECTORAL is one of the most valuable preparations that has fallen uu der our notice. After a careful examination, we do not hesitate to say we have a Inrge apprecia tion of its meriis and the fullest confidence in ita usefulness for coughs nnd lung complaints." Dr. UiewKter, of Windham Co., Conn., sends us the following testimony. Dr. J. C. Ayer Dear SSir : I enclose yon a certificate from Mrs. Catharine K. Cady, a highly respectable lady of this village, wife of Mr. tSetii Cady, Deputy Sheriff, Windham Co., Connecti cut. The cvre in her ease was very prompt, and has attrac ted general attention, W. A. BREWSTER, M. 1). Wkst Kii.Mxtit.r, Cl., Sept. 28 1848. This may certify that I was afflicted with a very severe cough in the winter of '47-8, which threat tencd to terminate in Consumption. I had tried many medicines iu vain, and was cured by the use of "Aycr's Cherrv Pectoral." CATHERINE K. CADY. From Dr. Bryant, Druggist nnd Postmaster, Chicopee Falls, Mass : Dr. J. C Aver Dear .ir: Enclosed please find remittance for nil the CHERRY PECTORAL last sent me. I can unhesitatingly any, that no medicine we sell gives such satisfaction na your's does; nor nave I ever seen a medicine which cured so many eases uf Cough and Lung Com plaints. Our Phisicians are using it extensively iu their practice, and with the happiest ellects. Truly youis, 1). M. BRYANT. i'Iu:paiu:i) nr J.c. avkr, ciik.mist.lowkll.mass. CW Sold by Henry Mnsser, Sunbury j Mary A. McCay, Northumberland' Dr. Gearhart, Se linsgrovc; Dr. Beckly, Danville, and Druggists generally. July (J, 1S50.- lyeciJm IMAIIOr.ANY AM) MARBLE. S7EA1 SAW MILL, t!tlTHtM; SHOl', Corner of Eleventh and Ridge Hoad. AND CABINET MAKERS, GENERAL FURNISHING STORE, No. 134 South Second Street, bcloie Dock St., Philadelphia TIIIE subscribers would call tho sveciul atten JL tiou of Cabinet Makers and others, to their very extensive assortment of materials in their lino, consisting of Mahogany Veneers, Hoards and I'lank, linir Cloth, Curled Hilir, Glue, Varnish, Looking (Jlass Plates, Mahogany Knobs, Bed Posts, Marble Tops, und every description of !&:. rd ware Tools, &.C. Cabinet Makers residing out of the City, would find it greatly to tlieir advantago to call nt our store to purchase such materials as they want, connected with their business. All our goods are WARRANTED, of the liest ijuality, and at very reduced prices. Our Terms arc Cash, (no trade.) We guarantee to give every man tho worth of his money. T. & L. THOMPSON'. N'. U. Mahogany, Walnut and Hand Rail Plank, and Stair Uullustcrs for Builders, also Mai hie Mantles, always on hand, und every de scription of turned work. June 8, 1830. ly JACOB REED'S t LOTHiAft noons, Southwest Comer of Fifth and Market Streets, Philadelphia, TXniO always keeps on hand a largo stock of every variety uf clothing made up of good materials, and in the latest and host styles. He would also inform the public, that he pay eonsi derulile attention in getting up Military Clothing, iu good stvlu and on reasonable, terms. June 15, 18.')U.- ly HEADY MADE VI J E tako this method to inform the readers of ' the ISunbury American, that, should they visit, Philadelphia, in guest of Good and Cheap Clothing;, and favor us with a call, they shall not be disap. pointed in obtaining the best of garments nt the lowest cash prices. Wo have now on hand the largest assortment ever oll'ered in Philadelphia, among which are UKEK3 and FliOCK COATS from $5 to $18, PANTS and VESTS from 75 tts. to $3, OVER COATS, CLOAKS, Ul sl NESS SACK COAT.S and COATTEES, all of which shall be sold at such prtcea as to make it ail object for the people of Sunbury and the sur rounding country to extend to ua their patronage. PERRY R. M'NEILLE & CO. South East corner of tilh and Market. July 13, 1850 U A Rsl! AM TOXIC MlXTl'RE, Fan Tit e Ci-kk ok Fkvkh and Agi e. War- RANTKl). THIS unrivalled medicine amy Im relietl on when near ly all olhei remedies full, lis value is u.rt. Mllllif icttilv known, therefore, the uoirietor desires to enlurue the tirhl nf Its usefulness by iiuikiui; known its virtues and cfh cacy to thousands of suiteiers who ure uot aware taut they can be sjiccuuy and radically cured ul FKVKHAXD AGL'K, without the use of poisonous drug's, iwuscons potinas r the deleleritsis ellects of ipiluine. It is rslWed to the pub lic ulu low price to plait: it v.nhin the reach of all. ussure that those who use il weording to directions will hiul it a sufv uiul iHxaly cuie for Fivaa xu lluvi. It is not a disagreeable nansealinjr compound hut an agree able tonic cnlculuteil to remove Uie diseuae and give healthy acliou lo the stomach and lswells. Freirnl only by Mnrshsll A Co., and sold wholeasie and reiail hy liowunrt k esui, No. at North nth fctreet, l'hiladeliliia. Price H per single buttle, awl S per o. JuiW'Jtl, leoU ly EXECUTORS' NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given, that letter testa mentary, on 111 estate uf Thoma Vaatine, late of Shamokin township, dee'd., have bocu granted to the subscriber. All person baring demand against said estate, ere requested to pre sent them lor examination and aeltlement, and those indebted are requested to make Immediate payment WILLIAM VASTINE, AM08 VASTINE. fchamokin tahp., July 1, 1850. 6t RESOLUTION Relative to an Amendment of tne Consti tution. Rmni.van at flir Srx t ad FToof ot ntramaaT. TIVKrf OV THK t'fiMMONWKAMII OP 1'EI LV AK1A IA As.Knni.r mrt. Tluit Hie Constitution of tliM Con4tiHnv,'n.ll h km niueiidtfl in the venonn wcliow of tbe fillh iirtli'lr, so that II slmll mid ns follow : The JmlffMi o' Hk- Sniirrnip C'Brt.ol thesrvr.ntl Conrtsof (Nmiiiloa Pleas, niul ih such older t'oam ol Ittrorri n lire or shall lie erta lilMwil ry ln.. shnlt k chfteit hy the ()nalifil eleetori uf Ihe Coiwmi'Iiw jiIiIi in the iiniiner loUowia. to will The linlnes ol the Hiipvuir Court, hy the qiinlifir electors of lliet Viiinhii,,, , tar)t, (!,, 'rc-ni.lnl Jil!eol the several Courts 01 Comm m l'leas niul of snrli olhur Conrte ol Kirorcl in srenr lmi he estnl.hshwl by taw, and oil olhiT JiKlprt riiiiir,4l to lie livrueil at Ihe buv, hy the nnsll Uwl rleetois of ihr ri tiV,: ,i.irtel over which Ihey nre to preside nr nn Jmi,. nrt the Associate Judge ol the Courts l.f Cnuiuion ft., hy the qiinlified eleru ot the comities resperiivetr. Tlic Jnitaei ol'lhe Supreme C irt shnll hold llieir oilie r t,,r tIK ,;rin f ijllrru years, il thej-shall so llar "hive tliemmlrva well: (Sllhjeet to the allulineiit hereinafter provide d tor. subseiuunt lo the Ursl ..hrtion :) The President June oi' the several Conrls ol Cuuiuion I'leas, nud ol .wli other eourls of Heeorit M nre or slmll Ik estnhlishrd hv law. niul all oilier Jiiclxes re quire.1 to he lenrueil iu the Inw. sliU hold their office for the term ol ten yenr. il ihev shnll s i louft Iwhave them selves well : The Ass H i.lte Jlldires of ll,c onrt f Com inon l'lens shnll hold Iheir ofliees for the term of five years, if they shall n . 1,111)1 In-hn-e tliemselves wi ll: nil of wlrait shnll be eonunisKioned hy Ihe Uovernor. but for any res- innlile cruise which shnll not he eulnYienl gnmniU of inipenehment. the liovermir shnll remove nny of them on the uddress of twu-tlurcls ot'enc-h hmneh of the Irfritivtiiture. The first election shnll tnlje plnee nt the pencml eittionof Has Cimuntinweullh next after the ucloplinn of tins amend meat, mid the eiiniuiisnioiis of nil llie jtiihres wlio mav be then in oiiiee shnll expire on the first Mnnduv of Dccem her foil iwiii. when the terms of I be new jadires slmll ernnnieuee. The jx-rsous who shnll then is: elected Jlldfres of tin-Supreme Onm cliall hokl tlnar offices us follows: one of them for Ihree ve-irs. one fir six venrs, one for nine yonrr. one for twelve years, nud one foflilteeu years) the term ol em h to Ih' deeidi d hy lot hy Ihe mini juilires. lis soon nllei tlieeleetioniiseonveiuent.aii'd tiie result eerlitiwt by them hi lire Ii ivernor. lhat ihe commissions may b "Jsunl iu neenrilauee thereto. The jurlire whose commis sion willlir expire slmll hi Cliief Jusliee tlurinit his term, nnd 1 1 1 ,.r, 1 1 c-r eneh tiuli;o wh ise c inanission shall first ex pire shall in turn lie the Chief Justice, and if two or more eoumiissioim Hnill expire on the smile tiv. the juiles h ililunt them slmll deride hy lot whieli FiV.ll' he the Chief Justiee. Any vueniieii-s hapSiuiur by death, lesivnatiou, or otherwise, ii, i.nvofihe Kii.l eomts. slmll be filled bv nppantment by the li..verii..r. to ,i,linue till the first .Moinluy ol l),.eenilH.r Kuri'i'inluil the la xl i;ener:il elictiull. 1 he .indues of the Supreme Court nnd Ihe Presidents of the several Curls ol Connn u I'leas shall, nt slaleil times, re eeive lor their services nn nileipmte eompensition, to he h.vit hy Inw. which shall w Iw diminished durinl tlieir eoiitiinmner m oifiee, but Ihev shnll receive no fees or per miisite of office. ,,i hold nnv other office of profit under this Commomyeiiltn. or under the government of Ihe I ni tcd Mutes, in- nuy other Slnle ta'ihis Union, The Jivhrca ol the Supreme Conit inrilip; their coutiuanuce iu olfica shall reside within this Cmm n enhh, nud the other Judijes iliiriuir tiieir coulinuaiu-e in office shall reside within the district or county for which they welc respectively elected. 1 ' J. S. M'CALMOXT Speaker of the House of neprcicntalivcs. V. BEST, Speaker of the Senate. SIAATR niAMMKR, IlAitaisncim, .Ttmunry If'.W. J I. Siimncl W. l'enrson. Chief 'lerk of the Senate of Pcmisyliaiun.do hereby ciTlHvlli.H the liire.MiiR resolution .No. Ill hi the Senate file of the present session. cnlitleil Uesiluticu relative lo nn mucnihuriil il'the Couslilatuni,' U Isuuit the mine resolution whieli was nirreed to by a majority ol the mcnila-is elected to inch House of the Inst Lcjlislalure nfier hnvinit beeudulv considered and discus seil whs this day ntrniil in bv u usijoritv of the meinlier electnl to nnd servimi ill the Senntc of iVinisvlvnnia. ut its present serniinu, hh will nppcar bv their votes' uiven on tho llnnl passage ol resolution, ns follows, viz: riiosevoiiiiB in fuvorm the res ilntiou were. 71. Jones Hiooke, J. 1'oricr llrnwlev, Willimn A. Crnl.b. .lonntlinn J. nuiuni-lmin. Tl u S. Femon, Thonins II. Porrsvth, Charles I'rnilv. Kohert M. Krick. Ilenrv Kulton. John'W. (uerns,.;-, Willmnl llnsietl. Inane lluirus. Timolhy Ives, Joshua V. Jones. Jiwejth Koiiivmncher, Iteorge V. Ijiw renee. Maxwell M'Cusliu, llcni iniin Mnlone. Brnjnmiu Matlhius. Henry A. MuhlenlHTL', William F. Packer. Wll Imm It. Sidler, David Sinker.' 1'eler H. Silvery, Conrad shinier. Robert c. Sterrctt. Dnniel Stine. Fnrris B. Stn e t;r, John II. Walker nud Valentine llest, Spkaseu- ens Stl. Those viiiine niraiust the pnss'ce of the resnlutinn were nore Uursie, AiiKiistua Dram uml Alexander King Navs:j. lOxlrnct fmuithe Journal. SAM!,. W. Fl'.AIiSON, Cletli. 1.NTIIK IIoi'fK P Uf.PISKSKNTATIVKS, ) Harrisbiirs;, M;ii(-li U. 1S50. J t. Willinm Jack. Chiei Clerk of tie: House of Heprcsen tatives of I'cunsvlvania. do hereby ccrlil'y that the forgo iinr resolution, (Xo. to on Ihe Sei'mla file, ami .No. KM on Hie ii.iiis., Jouniiil of Ihe present Session,) enlitUI lleso luli ni relutiveto the ninciiilinciit i flhe Constitution" it beiuy the saiae resolulion which vms nareed to by a mil joritv of the uieniliers elected to inch flonse of ihe lust Lettislature-ifier Imvinjf Is-eu dulc considered und discus sal, wis this ilny ii-re.il to t,y uu, joritv of the uieniliers elected to anil serving iu the iloiiseof Kepresentatives of 1'enns) Ivunia, ut ils present session, us well unH-4ir by Iheir votes, aiveu oil the final jKismau ol the resolution, as fol uvs, viz : Th ise voting in favor of the imst-ifre of the resolution were, John Acker, John Allison, William linker, Hubert lluldwiu. David J. Hi nt, Cmin Hiddle, Jeremiah lllaek, Johns. If iwen. William llrindle, Daniel II, It, llrower, Jesse H. liunleu, John Cessiui, Henry Church, John N. Conyn'liam, Sylvester Criiliiiiul. Ueujaiuiu C. Uuvul, Wil liiim J. Dobliias, James 1. Itowuer. Thoutis l)iiis-ail, Win. Dunn, Win. Kie,wy. John C. Kvans, William Kvnus, A.S'.iu Kwing. Alexunder S. Keuthcr, James Flowers, Heujamiii 1. Fortucr, Alexander liibbouv, Thomas K drier, Joseph K i.rihui, Joseph liuircy, Jncoh H. Hnlder man. lieorire II. Hurt, Ij tlert Hart. John lluslin"., W'il liniu J. Hempliill. .I,,l,,i II, e, Henry lliiilet, Is'wis llei forit, WasluurtiKI J. Jacksai, Nicholas Jones, John W. Killim-cr. Charles K Kinkeiil, Hobcrt Kl Harris ill P. Ijonl, Morris Leech, Jonnlhan 1). Is-et, Ana m loiuird, James J. I.CWIS, Henry i.itlle Jouna 11. M'Cliut.s-k, John F. .M'f ulliK'h, Alexander C. .Srcniilv. John M Iinglilia, John M'Lran, Siiuiuel Marx. John H.'.Meck, Micluiel My ers. John Miller. Joseph C. .Mulloy. John I). Morris, Win. T. Morison, Kzekiel Mouiv. l-Mwurd Xickleson. Jacob Nissly. Charles O'Neill. John H. l':iek.T., Joseph C. Powell James C. Keid. John S. lilicy, lwn Ilolierti, Samuel liol.ia n, John II, Itii'h.irior.l. (Ileuni W. Scilielil, Tlunnaa C. Scouler. W illuun Slunl'ner. Kicluird Simps ui, Kli tfbfei, Willi nn Siuith. William A. Sinilh. Daniel M. Siuvser, Wil liam II. Soulier, 'rhoiuas C. Steel, David Slewnril. Charles St s'liwell, Kdwiu C. 'I'rone, Andrew Wade, Robert C. Wulker. Thomas Wals hi, Sidney It. Wells, llinuu A. Willumis, liHiiiel Zerbey, und Jolin S. M'Cuiinunt, Speak Kll Yeas r-7. Those votiiar ntmiust the pns.nep of iheresnlntion were, Au'.-uslus K. Corn) a, Uavld Kvuus and J:uues .M. 1'orler Nays.1. F.xt met from the J m rnal. WILLIAM JACK, Clerk. Skc rktary's Office. Kiln! Murclt 13. ISMl. A. W. BENEDICT, Dep. Si'C. of the Commonwealth. ISkcuktauy Office. Pkxxsti.vaxia rs: I imickutipv tlmt th ulntvn onl forihiff is true mid C'lrrrct 0'.y t.l tUv 'iiuit:il rt lut n llitrlirtlentl A twin lily. eiHUU'ti.'-HrnoliiU'.ii rcl:ittvrt nn nnimdmrtit the L'uu.siitutUMi," n I ht Ktmc muuiiDtitii lile iu tlim nlhre. In lcjiim nf whrreiit" I Imve hprt-imtn uiv htiihl. tiiin Kuiacu in bo ttthxnl tlte K 'ISh .., - .-...vr, ni II.IMI. IJtiKlf K-' "" hlieenth day of June, Anno Do viJwl'ViJ loousand cikIh hunilred und fifty. msil ( (lifS.'rri t iiy' Oilice, Ht Huriistmrp l)tii)iiil A. L. I1USSELL, Sec'nj of the Commonvealth. July fl, !'.-,() .Jni. XEAV STORK! A SKW STOCK OF GOODS, At the Store formerly occipied by John Bofar Li Market Street, Sunbury. rjIIK siihscrihcm respectfully inform the puh I lie that they have just received, and are now ppoiiinn A IlAN'DSdMK ASSOHT.MI'.NT OF DRY COOD Consistinir in part of Cloth, Cassimeres, Sattmetts, Vesting, Panto loon Stuff, Cidicocs, Giashams, Lawns, Vestinss, Flannels, Cambrics, Linens, Fine Muslins, Hind kerchief s Gloves, i'c , Hardware, uccnsirare, Duri.s jtxu Mkuicixks. ALfSO: A lare assortment of Groceries, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Ladies IShocs and Ciaitcrs, Fluid and Fluid Lamp All of which will be sole on the most reasona ble terms. tV Country produce ef all kinds taken iu ei rhunye at the, Ust prices. JU1IX UUVERS & CO. Sunburj, April 13, 1850. ly rROWNS ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN (iEH, an excellent article. Kiuv. Medicated Soap for un bum, tan, tetter, Vc- Kadway's Circassian Balm, for the hair dand- roll' Ac. Radway' Ready Relief for Cramps, Cholic, Cholera Morbus, ice. For aale by 11. B. MASSER. Sunbury, Aug. 3, 1850. BAY Iil'M. An excellent article for ) by HE.NRY MA8SER. bunUury Jan. 27 Ut, 184U if. fpEAS, from the New York Canton end Pekin A 1'ca Company. For sale bv J. VV. FRILING. Sunbury, Dec. 2, lNi ' 1