SUNBUltY AMERICAN AND SHAMOMN JOURNAL. (Por th American. ,MA. Editor : I observe in the Lewisburg Jhronicta of the 21st inst., an address, signed y thittyseren citizens, calling themselves Vemocrats, but who at the same time de :lare in the most positive manner, that they mt ill oppose the nominations made by the ate Democratio County Convention. Though, nanyofthem participated in electing dele ate to that Convention, and with the long mtablished bsage of the Democratic party, onsequently the leaders of this party eannot ny longer be considered democrats, as they ppose the principles on which democracy is junded. As it is an absurdity in iiself, to ippose that fourteen delegates, (this being le whole number favorable to the nomina ion of Mr. Slenker,) should regulute and con ol a convention consisting of foity. Hence, rould it not be fair to infer, that the leaders f these thirty-seven self constituted gunr tans of the democracy ofUnion county, have .npoused the cause and doctrine of the Ami lasons, and thrown themselves into the mbraces of that party. This is inferred om the fact that they have arrayed them ilves in open hostility, to the fairly expres d will of the people, astheAnli-Miisons did i '38, and Burrow-like recommend others i treat the election as though it had not taken lace. It will be observed that we have not inclii- 3ii the whole of these thirty-seven signers . the Address as really cnminuls, m this usade against the democratic party, as, no aubt, many of them are still staunch honest Ihering Democrats, but have been led away om the true faith, by the misrepresentations Ja few disappointed office seekers, who in I probability would go over to the Whigs at ice, were it not that they have many more replicants for office than vacancies to fill, ut the number of those that are really ilia Yflc'ted towards the democratic party, per nps do not exceed six or eight. Some of mm havini tun as delegates to the County onvention, but were defeated. And others ho have long been endeavoring to be ap. ninted delegates to the 4th of March State onveniion and Were now again defeated, his wfts too much for these great men calnr to submit to. J Weft it is presumed that icir frantic imaginations, and disnppointcd nbitions, induced them to conjecture all the fil and exceptions sot forth in '.heir address- UNION'. WHIG CtJNVErtXICN. In pursuance of the call of the Standing ommille, the Democratic Whig Counly invention, met at the Court House, in Sun irv, on Monday the 2(iln day of AtiunM, id organized by appointing Mr. ANDREW UKFKV, President, Silas Bouuhneii and . J. Taggart, Secretaries. The following delegates appeared, pre nU'd their credentials, and took their seats: Delaware Samuel Lowry, H. V'. Derrick in, Andrew Gulfey. yWiuf Samuel Wain, UoImmI Mays. Milton Allen Schreyer, Jacob Wheelrtnd Chilisquaipte Win. Nesbit, Thus, l'ardue. f Poiiif S. ft. Wood, J K. Lichnn. Northumberland Grantham J. Tagualt, C. , . Smith. Sunbury Caleb Fisher, Henry Houpt. Upper Augusta ElUlia Kline. toieer " J R. Clark, S. Bons-liner. Jackson Geo. T. Troutman, Jno. Wolf. Shamokin S. Bergtresser, John Frank, sssa llensel. Vn motion, the Cnnventinn proceeded to le nomination of a candidate for Congress; 'hen, James Armstrong, of Lyeotnius was lanimously nominated as Congressman, fur it; I3ih Congressional District. John B. Reed and James Taggart, jr., were ipointed Congressional conferees. On motion, John McCormiek, of Tnrbnt, as nominated for the office of Stale Legis- tnr. On motion, Geo. L. Tioulman, of Jackson, as nominated for the office or County Com lissioner. On motion, James Armstrong, of McEwins ille, for the office of Deputy Surveyor. On motion, Chas. Tharp, of Milton, was miinaled for the office of Prosecuting At irney. John Huff, of Shamokin, was duly nomiiin- d for the office of County Auditor. On motion, Revolted, That the Democratic hig Standing Committeej of lust year, be ntinued fur the ensuing year. Resolved, That the proceedings of this Con ention, be signed by the officers) and pub shed in the "Millonian'1 and ,:Sunbury merican." ANDREW GUFFEY, President. G. J. TaooArt. i The Financial OmtttoN at SaiUtoU. -The New York Tribune gives some further .cts relative to the lossj at Saratoga, of a rg sum of money by a gentleman of that ;ty. The loser, it appeals was playing gainst two of his fashionable compeeis, the akes being $5,000 ante! His loss was aarer $200,000 than 100,000, and is slated 1 some a exceeding even the former im He offered to settle by paying each of ie two winners $5,000 downy and giving is notes fort50,000. Thisibey refused, and, rter some discussion, it was finally agreed leave the matter to the urbitiation of a urth party, who decided that 82,000 was i much at any gentleman had a right to tee at one sitting, and that the winners, terefore, were each entitled to no more tan that sum. The Victim immediately rked over the amount, well content, no iubt, to escape rain so easily. PaicociociCmcims The Newark Daily vys, a gentleman ol that city has two chick ns of a common bieed, which commenced .ying at the age of four months, and con. nue doing so at the regular periods. Ron inn Lad. In the Scierrtifie Con ation, at New Havertj f rofeasor Olmsted te4 thai roshr, added to lard, gives it a- de ree of wioTtty, net before poseaaed by the .rd, and alse prevent rbe latter forming eae acids which corrode metals, copper and Wonderful Fish The Sea Cow. An animal of this kind was caught yesterday (Monday) morning ofl the mouth of Great River by Yatman, one of our bay fishermen. We had some difficulty in seeing the ani mal, but the boatmen civilly stripped the canvass covering from ofl his brown hairy hide j and we behold a snout like a cow, or young bullkin two nostrils, from which it occasionally gave a snort, two small mole like eyes, enclosed by a thick fleshy tunicle four feet, or spuds like the turtle, and a good round body, covered with flesh and short hair, scattery all over. The tail seemed somewhat fan-shaped, like that of the cray-fish. It was eight inches in length, and about five and a half in girth at the "middle. Kingston (Jam.) Journal. From the Boston Olive Branch, 'HtiSOAllYt" jr.xit Lixn's hkM.t to Nicholas. Go back ! thou tyrant of the North ! Thy gold can buy no song from mc 1 The Swedish minstrel came not forth To charm the Court of Tyranny ! I would not tread thy palace halls While Poland's Mood lies dripping there ', Nor chaunt within the lofty walla Where Hungary ahricka in dark despair! Go ! hang your gema on courticr-slavca ! Go ! plunt them on your Cossack graves ! Go! strew then 'inid your Turkish thron?! From je!!ct uxnthey bribe no Bong! The Cincinnati Nonpa reil says, that a young man, by the name of iiug,HaWl8Wam across the Ohio River, at Sportsman Hall, in nine minutes and a half. A man, rowing a skiff, attempted to beat him across, but it was no go. He beat the skid upwards ot four minutes. The skiff landed at least seventy-five yards lower oown me river than the swimmer did. That swim mer is hard to beat. Singular Elopement. The Steubenville (Ohio) News mentions that an old man, ac companied by his step-daughter of 18, and his step son, aged 9 years, came to that city on Thursday having walked 40 miles that day, in pursuit of the step-daughter's hus band and the step-father's wife, who had eloped together. The eloping parties were not found. Somk say that Mary's breast is steel The lying rascals have forgotten That bosoms now have ceased to feel, And why 1 because they're made of cotton. The Potato Rot. The Trumbull Demo crat says that the Potato rot has made its appearance in some portions of Trumbull county, uhtoi Tun law prohibiting the circulation of notes, from other States, of a less value than 5 dollars, is universally disregarded in Pittsburg. All classes are receiving and disbursing as before. Energy and Pbhsevekanck. Col. Mon roe, the Military Governor of New Mexico, is a SotchuMn, who entered the service of the United States during the war of 1812, asa private. He has risen to his present position by reason of the performance of distinguishing feats of valor on many a bloody fieldi It is said that, at the time of his original enlistment, he was exceedingly illiterate, but has become an accomplished gentleman and able soldier, by dint of hard study, coupled with native talent and in domitable courage. A Yoi'tiifii. Coiri.n. The Lebanon Advertiser says In bur last we published the marriage of Mr. Richtnanii to Miss Shultz. We have since learned that the bride numbers only some 70 odd summers, to the groom's 50 odd. Jenny Lino. Net sweeter sang the BinU of Eden, Than this fair Nightingale of Sweden, The only ditV'rencc' twixt tho two, lies here Their notes were gratis, htr arc very dear. Evening Pout. A t.rfTi.n tuunilTER, four years old, of Mr. Jason Gillelt, of Ypsilanti, Michigan, died of hydrophobia a few days since. She had been bitten by a rabid dog. Thkub were 6 deaths by cholera at Colum bus, Ohio, on Sunday, and fl on Monday. PiiimNn what is lost, Makes the remembrance dear. There is a little baby Out West whose arm at the elbow can be encircled bv a la dy's ring. It is three months olJ, and weighs 2-3 pounds. A house is in process of erection in New York, which is to contain one hundred and lorly four distinct residences under one roof. Freight on Floub, has advanced at Pittsburg to 75 cts. per barrel. The jour nals there are suggesting the policy of the Canal Commissioners reducing the tolls. Barmi'M has seen one of the legs of the multiplication table. At New Haven, on Wednesduy morn ing) the mercury stood at 47 degrees; only 13 degrees above freezing. The Boston Times states that the repoit that Mrs. Parkman had suscribeil 8500 to wards the relief of Dr. Webster's family is incorrect. The same rumor has been set afloat three times. Paor. Webster, has caused to be published in the Boston papers a long communication on the explosion of camphine. It might be thought he has other things to think of just now. The cholera is represented as raging fatally on the Baibary coast and shortly expected to revisit Malta. Lorain k Co.'s Liquor store, in Chicago, was destroyed by fire on the 12tb. The loss of liquor alone will amount to 10,000. The new Court House at Pottsville is ra pidly approaching completion, and . the ereo, tion of the prison is shortly to be eomrnen. eed When Povesti begs, the dogs bark at it ; and when poverty ie ill the doctors mangle it; and when poverty is dying the priests scold at it, and when poverty is dead, nobody weeps for it. Bulwtr, , Got thb Stait Geneva College has raid Fiesident Fillmore an LL. D. The city of Portland, on Thursday last, decided by vote of 1,088 to 111 in favor of & loan to aid in the construction of the Atlantic and Pacific railroad. .'. .j - Grijc iHavkcts. Philadelphia Marnet. August 27, 1850. Flour. Flour is quiet at $5 23 a S5 374 Extra Flour ut 8S 75 a 7 00. Rye Flour. Penna. is selling ut 82 94. Corn Meal is worlh$3 00perbil. Whkat. There is a limited demand; smiil sales of new red Southern at $1 14; and good white at 81.20. , , Rye. Penna Rye is held at 63o per bush. Oats. Oats are still Very scarce; wiles ol prime Penna. from store at 46 cts; South ern are worth 30 a 32c. Whiskey. Sales of Whiskey in bbls at 261 and hints at !6o cents. Baltimore Market. Aug. 26, 1850. Wheat. Small sales of cood to prime reds weie mado to-day at 1015 cts., and Peun. while at 1 10 cts. Cohn. White at 57 a 59 cents, and of yel low ut 61 cents. Oats. Prices range from 28 to 33 cents. Whiskey. Sales of bbls were made at 27 cents, uud of hhds at 2fi cents. SUN BURY PRICE CURRENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Manner. Wnr.AT. 100 Ktk. - - .50 Conx. .... 60 Oats. - ... 37 Butter. - - -12 Eons. .... 8 I'iiiik. - 5 Flaxhkkii. - - - -125 Tallow. - - - 10 Br.tsw.ix. 25 Flax - - -8 Hecki.kii Flax. 10 Dump Apples. - - - - 62 Do. Pkaciiss. - 200 ARTHUR'S HOME GAZETTE. The subscribers have commenced the publica tion of a New Weekly Paper for Families, with the above title, lo be under the entire editorial control of T. S. .11 Till II, Who will concentrate upon it all, or nearly all, of his literary labors. The design of this paper is clearly expressed in the title "HOME GA ZETTE." It will be emphatically, a paper for the home circle a household companion a plea sant fireside friend, coming to nil with a cheerful countenance, and scekine, while it imparts in struction, to entertain and interest all classes of readers. A leading feature of the "Home Ga zette will be a Scries of Original Jouvellcttes by the Editor ! Who will furnish some four or five of these pic tures of domestic life, written in his best stvle. for every volume. Tho "HOME GAZETTE" will be the organ of no party nor sect ; nor will it be the exponent of any of tho ism of the day. Hut it will faithful advocate the rip;lit, and seek, by every means, to widen the circle of human happiness. Honestly will the editor teach the truth, as he has ever done in his writings, for the sake of good to bis fellow men. But, in doing this, he will avoid unnecessary harshness ami causeless ollcnce, uud keep his journal free from stain of wounding personality He wilt oppose what is f.ilse and evil, as one of his social duties ; but, while doing so, will use no sharper language thsn its rebuke and corcction mav require. "THE HOME GAZETTE" will be elegantly printed, on fine white paper, with large, clear fared type, that may be read by young and old without in jury to the eves. TEH MS OF THE PAPER In all cases rx aiiva.vck. One ropy, per annum, !?2 00 Three copies 5 00 Six 10 00 Ten 55 00 Fourteen 20 00 Where a club of six, ten. or fourteen copies j arc sent, an extra copy will be turiiished to the postmaster, or other person, who mukes up the club. One copy of either Goodcy's Lady's Book, Graham's Magazine, or jSartnin s Magazine, will be sent for Four dollars- CC"AI1 IctlAs must be pokt-paiii. tlT'Money that is current at the place where the subscription is made, will bo ta ken in payment for the paper. Address, 1 . s. A K i ll L K & l o. No. 5 Athenian, Uuldiugs, Franklin Place, Philadelphia, Aug. 21, 1850. TO IECJHAITIOS, INVENTORS AND MANUFACTURERS. rpHE publishers of the SCIENTIFIC AMEKI - CAN respectfully eivo notice tlwit the Vlth Volume of this valuable journal will be com menced on the 21st of September next, oilcringa favorable opportunity for all to subscribe who lake an interest in the progress and development of Mechanics, Arts, and Manutacturc of our coun try, ine character ol tho scientific American is too well known throughout it rolumus. The aim of the publishers has always been to W ilder it the most thorough and useful scieuttllc journal in the country; and to judge of this, by comparing its circulation ami lnuuencc with other publications ot the same class, they have the un equivocal evidence of its value as .the leading ex ponent of the Arts uud .Sciences. It will bo published weekly as heretofore, in quarto form on fine paper, affording at the end of year an illustrated encyclopaedia of over four hun dred pages, with an index, and from five hundred to six hundred original engraving described by letters of reference, besides a vast amount of prac tical information concerning the progress of Scien tific and Mechanical Improvements, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, . Manufacturing in its various branches, Architecture, . Masonry, in short it embraces the entire range of tho Art and Sciences. It also possesses an original feature not found in any other wceffly journal in the county, tin an Oiiiciul List of Patent Claims prepared ex pressly for its columns at the Patent Oilier, thus constituting it the "American Heportery of Inven tion. In connection with the publsshing depajtmcnl rhe proprietor transact the most extensive Homo and Foreign Patent business done in this country ; consequently their facilities must be correspond ingly superior. TERMS I SV 00 prr Year, (n udi aucr ( SI 00 for kil Months. AH letter must lis Post Paid end directed to MUNN&CO. Publishers of The Scientific American No. 128 Fulion-Strcet, New-York. Inducements for Clubbing. Any person who will send u four suheriben for iU months, at our regular rates, gb'.d be enti tled to one copy for the same tengtn of lime; we will furnish 10 Copies, for 6 months, $8 00 10 " 13 M 1& 00 IS 13 " 22 00 80 13 " 8 00 Southern and Western money taken at par for subscription or post office stamps taken at thei; full value. Premium. Any person, sending us three subscriber, will be entitled to copy of the "His tory of Propellers and Steam Navigation," pub lished in book form, now in press, to be ready about the 1st of October. It will be one of the most complete work upoa the subject ever issued tni will contain about ninety enrrsvinj. August IT, I860, Estate of JONATHAN METIER, deo'd. TMOTICE i hereby qivrn that letters of admin- ' istratinn have been granted to the aubsciri ber on the citato of Jonathan Metier, late of Up per Aasjusta township, dee'd. All person in debted to said estate or having claims against the same are requested to call on the anbscrilier for actitemcnt, JOHN F.CKMAN, Adm'r. - Up. Augusta tpsh., Aug. 24, 1850. 61 NOTICE Is hereby given lo William G. Moore, Charles CI. Moore, John W. Moore, Iac G. Moore, and Frances Moore. That by virtue of a certain lirere de Partitiom Vaeiemla to me directed, an Iiinuisition will be held at 11 o'clock, A. M. on Wcdnesny, Octoler 2, 1850, upon a certain Imc! of Lnml; situate in Kuril township, Northumberland countv, bouii- ded by lands of .Mm Gcarhurl. Jacob Gi-arhart, ! Herman Ucarhnrt, F.lir.sbcth Urpiu, and John Gulick, containing 87 acres and 18 perches, more or less, to inquire whether the same enn be equal ly parted and divided lo and among the afores.iid parties without supilialiou of the whole ut which time and placo the aforesaid parties are hereby warned to lc and appear, if by them it is deemed expedient. JA'MES COVEHT Sh'rll' Sh'rfl's Office, Sunbnrv. Aug. 22, 1850 24-flt PUBLIC VENDUE. VR'ILL be sold on Saturday the 31st day of August. IKoO. at the House of Peter Hile man. in the Uoroutrh of Sunbuiy, the following property to wit : Ucds. Bedding and rjrdslvnds, Tables. Chairs, liiireaus. Iron Potts and Kettles, lli ind Fruit, of various kinds, one Lot of Corn in the ground, i Lot of Potatoes in the ground, Gar den Truck, one barrel of Soft Soap, Carpenter's tools. Apples and Peaches on the trees. A varie ty of Household oud Kitchen furniture, and various other articles. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M., ofsnid day, when the conditions will be made known bv PETEK HILEMAN. Sunbury, Aug. IT, 18.'0. Notice lo l!rlle ItHlMers. PROPOSALS will be received at the house of William Siinmokintown on Tues day the 3d day of September next, for the pur pose of rebuilding a bridue across tho Shamokin Creek, near said town and where plans and spe cification will bo exhibited. JACOB HOFFA, CHAKLES WEAVER, WM. WILSON. Commissioners. Sunbury, Aug. 17, 18o0 F.UEXLT' C-P.CSSP.IZS. DAVID PEASE. S. IF. Comer 6th & Arch Street, Philadelphia. 1 1 AS for vale all kinds of choice I- uinily (rroce. rics at the very lowest prices, viz: F.xtraFine, superior and common Black audi Green Teas; old Gov. Jiva and other kinds of j C'oll'ee, all qualities of Crushed Light Brown and : Brown Sugars ; best Sperm Oil and Sperm and A muni ine Candles ; Baker's Chocolate, Cocoa ! and Broma ; Farina, Tapioca, S;u;o and Wheatcn Grits; Olive Oil, Isinglass. Ketchups and Sancos, Miiccaroni, Vermicelli, Knglish Split Peas, oVc. I They will pack up ull goods for the country I neatly uud securely and deliver then! promptly at any Depot or Hotel as desired. DAVID PEASE, S. W. Cor. Clh & Arch Sts. Philadelphia. Aug. 17, 1830 lyMny ROH'S'ISOS !IEIlL,iXI mix DOCK- rflllE sulwrrilier has built himself a dry dock I. in Northumberland, above the first lock on j the 'ct Branch Canal, where he intends build- ; ing and repairing canal boats. He can take boats : on the dock from two to five dollars cheaper than iffcv can be taken out, with machinery. j Thankful lo those who favored him before, lie hones bv carefully attending to ull the repairing entrusted to him to still merit a share of public patronage. JOHN HUMMEL. Northumberland, August 10, ISoO. om. "LIVER COXtIPIi aint, JAUNDICE. DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC OR N EUVOl'S DEBILITY. DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, 1 ND nil din-vim uriuiiiji frmn a iUs rlrirtj liver or rto. iiuch, mttii tilt I Mo.) In 111,. fr iiuicli, uitch uftronstttKiii ti, itiwuril l'll-'s. KulNiefw. or l.l'i.nj in ih.i haui. Aci.hiy el' I lie I!nn.:i'h, Naui::. HrnrtUirn, iliri-iiiHt .r r-,li lulliiftw t-r weiclit in the itiim:Mh, H'Mtr KriH-mti'mi. Kinkmu or tiutiennK ut Hit pit of tin rSTiuiHteh, mvinimii:)! "t hc !ie:u!. ImrritMuii'l (li!li-ult hitsitlintCt timtf ring i Uic ln-urt. cti'-kinu or m;j m-iiMiti'ini w hen in u lyiujr pxturc, l)iuiiifHA 01 visi n, il r wt'lw Irct'.ireUi.' ' I'evor hihI dull pniii in the heiul, tlr-iii'icucy r pci'Sj-iniiiuii, vcIIoumio t" tlitr skin mid even, (win in tin suie. luck, rhest, liiulm, Ac, Kiul'lt-11 rliiKliftt ot 'lent lxiiiiiii'T in tilt ti'li. ruimtmit nuuj;iitiii( ul evil, uikI (i r tut tltrir--t-i 111 of pj.u itf, CAN' UK Kl-FJlt'Tl-ALlA CUHKD HV ZCOyLZ-lTD'S c Ki.tiiKATi:u .r:uvii Hindus, I'ltKl'AUKU HV 1) K . C M . J A I' li S O X , AT TUB GCIIMAN MKDIC1NE STORE, Nn, 100 Arcti St., I'lilluilpluhla. Tlirir pjiwer over l!i live dihessus is nin fxci!lcl. if liail lulled. 'riirse Hitters an worlliv tliey ntttntiou nf invuliilH. P.-sUM WUiiji ijit-iil irtiiCK in the rtx-iitiintioii ol' tlira-iiM ! ti the Itivor anil lf;r giaiiilh, i:xrcnii K the inwt ttuut'luiig M-iT(i in (aUnt-M( ami :til ictivnH m the ditft itivu urunri, tluy ure, tvitli:il, , t'fii.-iin niul pliinfunl. Fioiu liit' sit UfcJ The Kdittir Kii.l, live. 'J-.M 'iH. iioi-LAll LKL KBllATEU (iLKMAN JIlTTEH for 'the cure ttt ltivt-r (.'niiipl.iini, .lutuitJicL'. iyictt,ii, t'lirt'nic i or Neriuii iJfhiiur, m dcwrviMliy one ol" the im t ln-im- ; litr niciiinnn of 'iu! (t;iy. iheti Jtit'.na liave Iwvi, uctl ly IIioumihIk, uiJ'i a friend ut oureihuw iy he has hum nclf rcieiVfi nn tilVctinil mitl iwrinuni'iit uuruof l.iver Coiiijtlmtil from the uaeoi llin reuieily. We arc cuiiviiu'c-l lhat, in lr use of tht!ts litUcm, Ut ialknt contuntly f-aiuu uiiriiplh ami vitror u fart wortliy ol grtiat coimiiii' ra;i n. Tin y ai plinn uit in lash; mitl mncll, und can he used hy KM'iin. with the must ilfht-utt utouuichi with Kite ty, under uny ciuuiiuiimces. W e are K(w-ukinjr fi'oin tx jKTifin-e, and lo the uiUirUd we advii'' llu-ir use.11 Judi;e,M.M. Noah, a Renlit-itiaii with gieut "rin:iifir nnd literary ntUiiiimt-iiiti, ;ud m hm "New Vork Weekly Mi-itMt iijicr," January ti, lftOH : )r. lii.'tlaiid'n (ierinni Hi it erf). Here is a preparuliun whi.h the loading prfwet in the riiioiiuppeur to be ununi-ih-iih in reeoiiniieiittiii!!, and the reason 11 ohvioua. It ia mude utter a pre:riplioii rufhed hy one of the init eele braied ptiytieiana of modem times, the bleJJr. Chr vtenher Wilheun llooliaml, lVolVtstvtr to ihe l iiivai iily of Jena, pnvule lMiytiemu U the Uiii) of FruiMia, and one of' the ((rent tut medical writers U ern win y' hits ever aoduetd. He win enihatieully the titciny of Imndnig, aud therefore a niedieiue til which he Was the inventor und undonier may lie (Miiihleiitly relied ou. 11 Kpeeiuliy reftiiiuiimidet) it in Liver Complaint, lypipta, Uel-iiiiy, Vertigo, Aridity of the Ktoimieh, Conttitution. and ull complaint urimng from diiMM'dered rnKlition uf the smuuich, the liver and the intct-tm-t. Nine fbihutvldhia piers eipretw their jonvie tion of its eieelknee, and ev-nd irt the editor speak of ttu elliets irom ineir tiwii iiioivhiuiii e&pcnenre. I niltT theiwi rireumstimc-!, we leel warrurded. not only in railing the ulli)lon of out reudem to the present prem-nt proprie tor's (Dr. C. M Juck n') prpiiuratum, but inrecoiniueiid- in If theuiticte to hi uimcieu Mure Evidence. The'-Philudeliia But unlay Gazette," the h. ut family iieWimupef puhtished in the l iiiled States, the editor ttun J)r. Hoop ana's her man flitters, "H is ftrldofu tlmi vfe rerotnmeud what are terniHI Pa tent Medicines, to the confidence at id patmnao of our readfm; and, theieioru, when we recommend Dr. Hoof, laial's (rcrni ui Hitters, we wis it lo be dintinctly uurlei tood Utttt wo are U't Hjettkiiig of the nostrums of the day, that are iimi-if, about, tra hue, period end then lor coiteuuitei iney luiveaiiie ineir gumy race ot ihuh-IucI, but ol medicine long esuMihed, univerHslly prixrd, und which hns met the hearty Kppruvtd of the Faculty itself.' That this medicine wdi cure Uiver Complaint tuid JJys pepiur no one ean Jim!)t, after U'inj it as directed. It acts Bpeuiliusllv ufK-u the stomach and liver U is prefTerable to calomel ui all billi us di seniles the effect Is immediate. They can be administered to FeinaJa or lru'uiu with aitiety aud reliuUc Uuelit, at any ln.e. BEWARE OF "COUNTERFEITS. This medicine has at.ained that high character which ia ueoeasHry lor all medicine to attain to induce couateiiciiers to put forth a spurious article at Che risk uf tha Uvea of those are innocently deceived. LOOK WELL TO THE MARKS OF THE OENUINE They have the written signs turs of C. M. JACKSON upon the wrapper, and the luuna biowo in tha hottie, wiUx our which they are spmioua. For tals, wliolosala and rouil, tha German Medians Store, No. ISO ARCH Sire, one door beiow h, (leU of 278 Race street.) Fhiladeiphia, and by respectable dicts generally throughout tha country. Also Kot asla bf H. Nuuti, fimary, mi M A. M Cat, Northumbariswl Augiajt 17, Icot) ly ZEITZ 8c CO., IMPORTERS OF FOREIGN Books, Prints, Engravings, Stationary GIU Fruiiic nnd Mimical inslru mciili. No. 78 North 2nd St., between Arch & Kucc, PHii.siiEt.rHi jt. MPORT to order and have constantly on hand a very large assortment bf goods in the above named lines at wholesale and retail. Principally i . H3 OD CE S3 In German, Latin, Gfrcek, Hebrew, French. Italian Spanish and other languages; Classics, Diction aries, Grnmmcrs, Vocabularies, School, Juvenile, Picture, Drawing and Model Books fur Architect Cabinet, Carriage ami other manufacturers. MA PS. GLOBES nnd Blank Books of every description. Splendid Lithographic and other Prints. . Ml'StirAI. lSTnt ?irc?fT. Arrordcotis, Banjos, Bows for, ill string instru ments, Bridge und Tailpieces, Clarionets, Files, Flageolets. Flutes, Guiliirs. Octnvo Flutes, Patent Heads for GuiUirsand YiolinccHos,. Tambourine, I lining Forks anil Hammers, Violins, violin and Guitar Pegs, Yiolim'ellos ami Strings for nil kinds I of Instruments Wholesale and Kctail. Accor- deons repaired. I Also constantly on hand, wholesale and retail, ! a large assortment of the very best 2n!Ytft.N EltOWZK POWDER Dutch Metal, French und Florence Leaf Metal Thermometers. Haiipencits.-Faber and other Leadpeucils. Bed, While and Black Chalk Cray- ! ons, Mathematical Instruments, Scavlicators,- j .spring Lancets Pocket Piesc'ijition nnd Gold I Scales and Weights l etter, Fancy colored and j gilt Paper Playing Cards itn l other French nnd ! German Fancy Article'', for the sale of which thev are the MAN UFA CTCRE Us AGENTS. , J'ulv fi, 1850 i - - I GXEAT ATT3ACTJ0III! j XEW AI ( HIllP GOODS, ! JOHN W.-FXIXLING-, I Market Street, Sunbury, Pa., i fW"AS just received and opened a largo assort 55 incut of superior nnd choice Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, w ell adapted to the coining sea son, which he will sell at the lowest prices. His stock consists of general assortment of almost all articles of uso in the Dry Goods line, consisting in part of Cloths, Ctis-.vmercs, Summer-StufF for Clothing and Veiling. Ii a 1 i e -I) r c s s Gooth. Gloves. Hosiery, Laces, Shawls, Muslins. Sheet ings, Tickings. Fine Muslins, Ginghams, Linens, &u. ALSO: A general assortment of GKUC EnillS, HARDWARE, QUE ESS. WARE. LIQirORS, DRUGS, AS 1) MEDIC IS ES, PAISTS ASD DYESTCFF, and every variety of articles. KIT Country produce of ull kinds taken in ex change at the highest market price. Sunbury, April U7, 18.'0. NOTICE. LL person indebted to the subscriber on Notes. Boo'.; Accounts and Constable Fees, arc hereby informed that bis books (Vc., have been ptuced in the hands of J. H. Zimmerman, Esi.. for collection oud will be pu! into suit with out delay if nut immediately attended to. THOMAS A. BILLINGTON. . Sunbury, August 3, ISM.- Ut 170TIC2. rpJMlH subscriber being about lo leave .Sunbury, jfc reipicsts nil persons having any cl.inis a Kainst him. lo present than to FKEDEKICK LAZAK'l.'S, lv-q.. for settlement, to whom also all persons indebted to iho subscriber, are reques ted to make payment. W. POVNTELL JOHNSTON. Sunbury, August 10, lb.'il). ot NOTICE. Unik of Tlm-ii:. A. TlIIK Unok- of Tlmuiit A. Uilliiityton. lato JL lu,ritrol.orlium!'rl;nitl countv. have Uon l'tt in my hamlK (or colkvtioiu .-111 jtcrsoiiH iuJeli- ted lo him lor iMuTill Iocs, nri required to call iinmt-tlinti'tv for wrtt'.cmt'iil, olhorwit-c Hiiiln will !)o brought without rt'sjuvt to prmintt. fkeuekh:k lazaius, j. w Sunbury, August o, lS.rj0. "tV OTH'E ik hen-by given that letters of A J 1 yt tiiiiiistmtion have been granted ti ttie tuibr-eriber, on the estate of John C. liiebiir, late of Mianiukin, Northuniliorland county, dee d All iH.Ton indebted to said estato or having de mamls against the Haute, arc icntcil to call ior wtthnent. JOSEl'H JUKI), Adiu r. Shuiuukiu, Au;. 10, 1830. Gt "DEATH'S DOOR." IIov freijnently do we henr thiii cxpreifeioii, which i meant to convey to the iiiintt Uie tnm stue of siekuens thtit u p;iti'iil call he re-Utc.-d lo, und live. .Mr, llurri moii, a ineiiilM i of the Trinity Church, was. an she ixpies km her wit", brought d own to lJJeath's ilir1,) hv Kheu- inutiitin und .Nerv'oiiit licuilaehe, when, like an nuel of ! nieiiry, Hallway's Iteudy Uelh f relieved her n her severe j paiutt und removed her to her Itiemln in perfect health. J lie very umlaut uuuwny'M Kenny uciiet in applied, us i IS lire experienced, it s mitf, ueaiy. clean- : uud purities ; it inxliintly nllays irntuli n, reduce in. j llauuimtiens mid fwellingn.'relirves the ni"t severe .Neu mlnie iiinK, pivea isj t i ilurnn, Scaldi". Sues, Kruptious ; cures Kht uiiiatifciu. I.uuiliuo. Uout, J'aiulyis. iiuiiim, traiiii, SpuciuK, ti .ti .erk, WeuWiie in the Side ami It'iek, S ie8 if till Viiiiiln, CiiIIk, Hmiaeri, Clmfca, t-.nti Tiiroat, InUian.a, liotireneKN, Coughs, Coldf, toutu ACHi-; ti:iti: i. ixk second. Thi torturing nilefti hi can he cured in un iiiHtitiit for the moment the lielief t"tichcA the ueive. the juiui is ini lif;aleil. Is. i wilh Tic Dolneex bud Heiuieniiua, Neural gia uud Sick lieadiiche lmth thu pans where the pain is uiiutt severe, uml in u few iiiihutes you will tie entirely relievitl. Talvcn internally it will urresl the uiodi violent Spatiins and Crump, sti-p vonniiii? or to uuieh puriu;. in nil rM-s it will izive utretiiiili ir weakness. ise l"-r puin, heal'h for Hiektu-fM. No Ucarly Kelui in genuine un tesa aigiu-d hy HADWAY & CO., W ! ult..u Street. iu:ii..T toili-:t ki-:h iitks. TOKMDi:i.ldMI AND llMIANCii Tlii CilARMl? t)V UKAL'TV: Ra1WAY' .M KllirATKII Sv'41'. ltailwuy's Metlteated S sip, so fuvoritbly k'io- tlirourh. out the ftn-hionuhle world f-r its extremely Maud; puriiy inti uud S'oiht.ur erte t"ii the tkm ; while hy it action dii the p r. h iitiii the minute eccrei.iry vefb it expels ull iuipuuiie from tlie mrfuee, allays every teiidPiie to iu tl'iuiiiintion, nnd efleetiiilly dibtiUites nli rediietf, tan, pinipleM, ipoi, fret klen, dic-ol nili' n uml other enUinenj ernptions The radiant hlooiu it impurLs to ti chck, the soitueae uud d-hcucy which it induced of the hand and arms, it capability of Mootliiui; untaii n uml removing cu taiwHiN defect, render it imlUpeiisahle to every t'iflet. Gentlemen alter having will had it iilla8alt iii'tation and teaiierui bs hi (he kih, uatl render it soil, miaiutlt uud plea Mint, During the heat urn! duKt of summer, or front und XAeuii wimlai of winter; und id eunpof muihufn. stints oi insects thilhlains, elm p ied haiHhi, or iucidenUil inttumniatiou, is viriue huve Innpand esteiistvely been acknowledged Its purifying nnd rMreshins propeities huve ohtumed im selec tion from the ihoiinindB of other contnetics. botli of lairo-m-iiii Hint itoiiu-eitc iiianufarturo, by the lm ton of till parts ol the fanhl. 'liable worltl, fr-iiu the luirniiiff tropic to the frozen reulnis of the lee Khiir. The public witl pleiiso hear in mind thut Hmhvuy's Medicided Soap, is the only s:iie prepuiaiion fH the skin now in use; this hit becti rertiird Ui hy our niont piomiuent eheimwt. Ita hvay's Soup ia free lrxin poinnotis, irrituliiif aud peruieiou in gredients, it can be iied on the tender ukiii of tho uifanl wilh the sum- happy reults us upon beauty in its prime See that eitcli rukc is rnveloped in n aplenrfid lel of steel vruTrnvm and fitrthet see that Imp signalura of K. ti. IIADWAV is upon each cuke. 1'iice tent, lurge cakts. THE f.ROAVIN OHNAMENT OF BEAUTY ISA I.lTXl RIANT HEAD OF GLOSSY HAIR, JiADH AT1 CU4CAIIA VaLM: Warranted tits best Hair Tonic in isct For Dress i iii und Beautifying the hair. It cleanses "the Soiip from Dundruu', keejs it clean, cures Rcurvey, Buhlness, add Sores on the Head alopa the hair ft om falling out, render it strong, fine, smoeah, s )ft and glOksy. Feraons who huve kt their hair by sickness will find a complete antidote ii.Kadway't Cireastuut Halm. It also gives it a dark and beautiful color, and will prevent it from turning gicy. From its exquisite purity, it is ad mi, rabiy adapted lot the hair of children of the roost tender age. It is a jid in Urge bottles for oenta per bottle, and is warranted the beat hair preparation in use, it will net soil the hat, cap, nc tha finest fabric See that the signa ture of HAD WAY A CO., uuooacach bottle no Cir cassian Balm is genuine without the signature of Rsdway St Co. Agent H B. Masser, Surtbuiy. ' 1 Aug. 10, l&a. timly BLANK Pakcbmkvt Fxrim Dzist just prin ted and for sai at tltii lie. A ENOID'6 W KITING FLUD AM) COX. CRK&S I K ior at thu oiHt. CHERRY PECTORAL: . Fmr the Cure f COUGHS, GOLDS, HOARSENESS, BHON OHXTIS, GROUP, ASTH MA, WHOOFING-OOUOH AND CONSUMPTION. This truly valuable Jtelnody for all diseases of the Lungs and Throat, has become the chicl roll ancc of Iho alllicted as it is the1 most certain cure known for the above romidaints. While it IS powerful remedial agents In the most desperate and almost hopeless cases of Consumption, it is also, in diminished doses one of tho mildest and most agreeable family medicines for common common coughs and colds. Bead below the opin ion of men who ard known to the world, und the world respect their opinions. FROM' PROFESSOR HITCHCOCK. "James C. Aver Sir! I have used your "Ciikii 11 r PacToK.u. in my own rase of deep-seated Bronchitis, and am satisfied from ils chemical constitution that it is nn admirable compound for the relief of laryngial and bronchial dillicnlties. If my opinion as lo its superior character can be ofany service you arc ut liberty to use it as you think proper. EDWARD HITCHCOCK, LI.D, President of Amherst College. From the "London Lanret." "AVER'S CHERRY PECTORAL is one of the most valuable preparations that has fallen un der our notice. After a careful examination, we do not hesitate to say we have a largo apprecia tion of its meriis and the fullest confidence in its usefulness for coughs rind lung complaints." Dr. Brewster, of Windham Co., Conn., sends us the following testimony. Dr. J. C. Ayor Dear Sir: I enclose you a certificate from Mrs. Catharine K. Cady, a highly respectable lady of this village, wile of Mr. Seth Cady, Deputy SherilV, Windham Co., Connecti cut. The evrc in her case was very prompt, and has attracted general attention, W. A. BREWSTER. M. D. Wrsr Kilmxi.I.v, Ct.,Scpt. SS 184S. This mav certify that I wus arllictcd with a very scvtiro cough in the winter of '47-8, which threat- tened to terminate in Consumption. 1 bad lned many medicines in vain, and was cured by the use of "Aycr's Cherry 1'cctoral." CVrll rJKl.N li Iv.UAUJ. From Dr. Brvant, Druggist and Postmaster, Chicopce Falls, Muss: Dr. J. C. Aver Dear .ir: Enclosed please find remittancc'lorall the CHERRY PECTORAL last sent inc. I can unhesitatingly say, lhat no medicine we sell gives such satisfaction as your's Iocs: nor have 1 ever seen a medicine wlucii Cured so many cases of Cough and Lung Com plaints. Our Phisicians are using it extensively in their practice, and with the happiest ellecls. Truly ydum, 1). .Yl. JJKIAA l . rUgPAIlKU BV J.C. A Y bit, rHB.MlST,1.0WKLl.,1ASS. J Sold by Henry Masser, Sunbury; Mary A. McCay, Northumberland- Dr. Gearhart, Se linsgrove"; Dr. Beckly, Danville, and Druggists generally. July (1, lSoO.- lyceSm MAHOGANY AND MAItKLK AUTi tnu smoi, Curner of Eleventh and Ridx;c Road. AND CABINET MAKERS, GESERAL FURS1SHISG STORE, So. 134 South Second Street, below Dock St., rHIJ.ADKI.l'lll.. TZMtll subscribers would rail tlm Bjipcial attcn A tion of Cabinet Mnkrra nnd otliere, to their very extrusive assortment of materials in tlieir line, coitsisliiiir of Maliognnv Vcnecra, lloaril nnd I'laiik. Hair Clotli, Curled Hair, Glue., Vuruisli. I.ookin? (ilass riates, .Mahogany Knobs, Ded I'osts, Marble Toim, and every ileserijitiun of ISnrdwarc Tools, &c. Cabinet Makers residing out of the City, would find it (really tu their ndvautiiRO lo call at our store to mrebiiso sueli materials as tliey want, connneteil with their business. All our goods tire WARRANTED, of the best quality, nnd at very reduced priee. Our 'JVnnt ure Cash, (no traJe.) We guarantee to give every man the worth of liirt money. T. & UTH.OMPSOX. N.H. Mahogany, Walnut uud Hand Kail Plunk, and Stair UalhiKtera for Jjuilder a Iho Muihle Mantles, alwayn on hand, hud every de Bcrijjtion of turned work. Juno 8, 1S30. ly JACOB nUED'S cxotiiim; boons. Southwest Coiner of Fifth and Market Sheets, Philadelphia, YniO always Ucqs on hand a large stot-k of cvi'rv variety of clothing made up of good material, and in the latest and beat tIcs. He would nlso inform the public, that he jay consi derable intention in getting up Military Clothing, in fjood stylo and on lvtisonuble tehus. June lb5U- ly READY 31AIJK "IT7E take this liii-lhod to ijifurm thn readers of ' tl Sunliiiry A nn'iicciii, that, uhoulJ tlii'jr visit, I'liiliidrljihia, in piu-sl of dood and Cheap Clothing, ami favor us with a rail, thev ahull nut bo ilix'uii- poiiitt'd iii obtaining tho host of sannciitg at the lowest rash prices. Wc huve now on hand the lingest assortment ever oll'ered !ri l'liiladelphia, uinonR which arc UKKSS and FIIOCK COATS from .5 to )jil8, PANTS and VEsTS from 75 cl. to l?5, OVER COATS, CLOAKS, UCW. NESS SACK COATS and COATTEES, ail of whirh hall he sold at audi prti'e a to make it an object for thfi people of Sunbury nd the sur rounding country to extend to us their patronage. l'EKKY K. M'NEILLE & CO. South EdM corner of Qlh and Market. July i:t, 18iU. TOXIC MIXTt'RE, FlJA THE Ci-RU OF FtlVEH A,D AoCE. WAR RANTED. Tlllrt .inriviilled ini-ilii inv nuiy Im rt liod on wlif ii iimr ly all iliri rrnH-die. lull: Ils value it ru.lii leiitly kimwik thrrt'iove, Hie priprit'br de.ifes lo enlarge fh lii'Id of Un ust'tulin l- niukin kii'Mvn iru virtutwtnidellt ciiry to IliiHiwtudti nl suiftrei s wlinHr uA auaru uml they rati be .tl!y und (ttiiically cured ol' FEVER AND AGl'E, frilh'nrl Ihs uue of rfoisoiioiii ilrups, nuuMous pn0"' the deleterious PtlwUmf qnitiius. It in nrt'ercl U the pu llr ut low pries to plait! it wtlhin Urn rini-h of all, SMiired that thoit who oh n uceording to directions will tind it sufe and speedy vme Tor Ktirm ixollait. It is (t'ot a disasreesble nausoalitig compound but a I agree ahle tonic esli iiluted lo remove the disease und give healthy actina to the stomach and howelis. icped only by Marshull h Co., n sola wholesale ami retail by waid Jt Son, No. ill North Bth tstreet, FhiladeJphiu. I'ries VI per suajts kiHile, and W per Uoi. JaneiW, loju ly EXECUTORS NOTICE. NOTICE ia heretiy given, that letter leata mentary, on tha estate of Thoma Vastine, lata of Shamokin township, dee'd., hav been granted lo the lubceribert. All person having demand again! aaid eaUtc, are lequcated to pre ent them for examination and aetUement, ajul tboaa indebted i requested to make irornediate pymnt. .. WILLIAM VASTIXE. r AMOt VASTIXE. f bimokin rhp., July 1 3, 1 8iO-H . EE80LUTI0N Relative td n Amendment of tho Coniti tution. IttioLViD irf TitK Suhi ua Hotrsx of B trssSHT- Tivxs or Tilt Commonwealth or I'(s!)svLsiii tx (isKSL AsRMaLT MKT, That tfts Constitution of this t'oninioiiwaslih lie mendl in the second section ol the filth article, so Hint it shall read s follows: The JudVes " the Hupreme Court, of thn several Courts of Common I'leas, snd of such other Conns of Record as are or shall be esta blished by Inw, shall be elected br the rpialirifd electors ot the Omnionwenllh in the limiinor foliowiin?, to wit! The, Judges of I he Supreme Cuort, hv the qualified electors f the t'isnmoiiwaaUh si lfie. The l'rcsidnlit Jud(t" of several courts uf Common I'leos end of such other Court of Record ss are or shsll be eslsl'ltsheil by law, and all other Judges required to be Hjsriifd ill Ihe law, by the quali fied electors of the respective dislriel uer which they are to preside or set as indites. And thb Associele Judges of the Courts of Commini I'leus bv the qnsitfied elector of the counties respectively. The Jndpes of the Buprems Court shsll hold their office for the term of fifteen years, iflheyshnll so Ion; hehsve themselves wil I (subject to the allotment hercinnfter proviileil fir, sulisequent to tha first electiim ;) The President Jiidtes of the several Court of Common Plens, snd of such olhej curls f Record aa lire or slmll be esluhliMied hv low und all other Judges re quired to be lenriied in the law, slmll hold their offices for me icrm in ten yenrs, ll tliev stmli t 0.. behave them selves well : The Ass K-istc .Iiidcci of the. Court of Com nun l'lens slmll h M their orrieeS lv,r the erin of fiv year, if Ihey nlmll s i IdiiR liehave thmimelvc well : all of whom shall he C'Hiitnissiuiied by the Governor, but for any rea s n:ihle cause winch slmll nut he suiricieut grounds of iiilpenehinent, the Oovemiir. shsll remove any uf them on the addi ct's ol two-tlnrrls ofeseh breach of the l.egiihtiire. 'I'lie first clecti'in shall take plaee at the general election of this Coininomveiilth nest alter the iidopllun of lhisrt)eHd-ini-iit. nnd the c'liutiiissioiis of all Ihe jmltfcs ,wlp ntay b then in office slinll expire on the first Lohdny cf l)ecem ber loll. iwiug. when thn terms of, the new .judges shsll c .intiicnee. l'hc persons w!io shall then be elected Judges of the Hitpreuie t.'unrt shsll hold their offices as follows: one of them for ihree years, one for six yenrs, one ft nine years, one for tweiro years, nnd one f.if fifteen years J flic term of each to be decid.-d by lot by the said Judges, a it-ion sfler the election ns convenient, mid the result certified hy them to the (hrvcrnur, that the commissions may bm in'sued in accordance thereto. The tudco whoso commis sion will lirst expire shall lie Chief Justice during his term, and therealler each judge whose commission shall first ex pire shall in turn be the Chief Justice, and if two or more coniinitiaons shtill expire on Ihe saine day, the Judgea hohliaif tlictii shall decide hy I n which shall bt the Chief Justice. Any vacancies happening- by Heath, lesignation, or otherwise, in any ol the said coui'ts. shall be tailed by appointment by Ihe Governor, to continue till the first Monday of Deceinher suceeedinfr the next general election. The J ikIkcs of the Supreme Court nnd the Presidents ot in several Courts ol Common Pleas shall, at stated times, re ceive for their services an udequate compensation, to be iixeti ny law. vvineii stinu not be diimtiiMieu uurmg rncir continuance in otfice, but Ihey shall receive no fees of per ipiiftitcs of oilice, nor hold atiy other office of profit under thiri Comnionwcallh. or under the government of the Uni ted States, or nny other State of tins Union. The Judge of Ihe Supienie Court during their continuance in onica shall reside within lliis Commonwealth, and the other Judges during tiieir continuance in office shall reside within Ihe district or county lor which tliey were respectively elected. ii '1 J. S. M'CALMONT Speaker of the House of Represcntative$. ' V. BKST, Speaker of thi Senate. SKNATH CHAMBER, IIrrimbuho, January 4c, 1866. ( I. Saniitel V. Pearson, Chief Cleric of the Senate of PciiiiKylvauiu.du hereby eertliyljint the forgoing resolution o. lu on the Senate file of Ihe present session. entitled "Kcsoluticn relative to nn amendment of the Constitution,1, it lieing; the same resolution which was agreed to by a majority ol the metnheis elected to each House of the hst ,i'cislatiire after haviutr been duly considered and discus sid wits this ilny agreed to hy n majoritv of the member elected to and servinc in the Senate of Pennsylvania, at it present session, ns will appear by their votes' given on the hii:il passage of res oliition, as follows, viz : Thocevoiiiig in oivorof the resolution were, H. .Tone lliooke, J. Porter Krawlev. William A. Crabb. Jonathan J. Ctiniiinhiiin. Thomas S." pernon. Thomns H. Foresythj I 'hurlcs I'rnily, Robert N. Friclc, Henry l'ltltoili John W. (iuerusey, Willium Huslctl. Isaac Huitits. Timothy IvesJ Joshua V. Jones, Joseph Konigitiacher, Ocorge V. Law mice. .Maxwell M'Cn.'liii. H.-i 1 1 : i ! 1 1 11 Malonc, Benjamin Manillas. Henrv A. Mnlilenliertr, Villism F. Packer, Wll. lianilt. SadlerDavid Snnkev,' Pelejr B. Sovcry, Conrad. Shinier. Robert I'. Stnrn tl. tlniiiel Stine. Farris B. Stree t t. John II. Walker and Valentine Best, tiPKAKia iti. Those voting ntsiiust the pnssnc ol the, resolution werj (ieor;ie Ilarsic, AUftustiin Drum and Alexander King Nn' s I). Mxtiacl troilltlte Journal. SA.ML. W. FEARON, Clerk. Is TUT. Hut Of KLPUE8ENTATIVK3. j llarritbura, March 14, 1850. J I. Wilhrun Jack. Chief Clerk of the House of Represent tativc-s of Feuiisvlvauin. do herebv certify that Ihe forgo- intr revolution, (No. In'on the Senate file, and No. 411 on Ihe House Journal ol'tlie present Session,) entitled ''Reaor lution rclaliveto the amendment of Ihe Constitution" it tietiut the irinie res ilulion which wu agreed ti by a ma jority of the IlietulHTS elected to each House. of. the kist l.cL'iillurc after having been duly considered nnd discus? si-il. was this day agreed to bv u niujorlty or the member elected to and Stirl ing in the Ilouseof Representatives, of Peuiisylvunia. ut ils present session, as well appear by thei V a. s, civen on the final pasture of the resolution, aa fol ma Vi : ' ' ll j Those voting in favor of the Mlssnge of the resolution weie. John Acker, Jolui Allison, WilliniM Baker, Robert Baldwin David J. Heat. Cmig Biddle, Jeremiah Black, .lolmS. II iwen, Willinin Brindle, Daniel H. B. Brower, Jesse It. llunleii, John Cessna, Henry Church, John N. C:iiiviihiuu. Svlveiter Critllauil. Benjainill O. David, Wil li nn J. Ilohhiits, J unes p. Downer, Thinnak. Duncan, Win. Dunn, Wm. Kiey, J.ihn C. Evans, William Evans, A. Scott Kwine. Alexander S. Feather, James Flowers, lli-iiiainiu I'. Former, Alexander tjibbony, J nomas E. Giiur, J.swph F. liriifin, Jos..-pli (liiflev, Jacob 8. Haider. niier-Wil- man. Ceorue H. Hnrt. tRert Hart. John Hfistlngs, liam .1. Hemphill, John Hoge, Henry Huplet, Iwis Her f rd, WnshiiipiMi J. Jackson, Nicholas Jones; John W.' KMIingcr. Charles E Kulknid, Rols.-rt KlotI, Ilariiaon P.' Iiin1. Morria Leech. Jonathan D. Ix:et, Ausoii lonardt Jam.. '.I. Lewis. Ileurv Little Jonas R. M'Clintnck, John I'. .11 rull sdi, Alexander C. M'Cnillv, John M'lianghlin, John M I. 'oii. Samuel Marx. Jo)in B. Meek, Micliael My ers. John Milh f. Joseph C. MuHoy, John D. Morris, Wm. T. M inson, Ezi kiel .Mowiv, Edward Niekleson, Jacob Nne-lv, t'hnrlesM'Neill. John B. Packer, Joseph C. Powell .laiin's t:. Hcid, John S. Rhey, Lewis Roberts, Sarnuel Itolasou. John B. Iiiillnrford. (ilenni W. Seofield, Thoma C. Seoulcr. William Shaffper, Riehnrd Siiiun, Eli Blifef; iihtuu Suutli, vviiliimi A. Smith. Dnitiei M.sinyser, n ii lis'u II. Soulier. Thomns C. Steel, David Stewurd, Charle Stockweil. Kilwin C. Trone. Andrew Wade, Rober C.. Walker. Thomns Walsn, Siilnev H. V ells, Hiram A. Williams. Daniel Zerliey, nn.l John 8. M'Cahnont, Srua ER Vcase7. 'J'lesie voting agninsf the passage of the resolution were, Augustus K. Corn) n, Duvid Evans mid Jiiitfe M. Porter Nays:). J-ixtract from the Journal . WILLIAM JACK, Cler; Secretary' Orricl. l"ih.d Murch lo, 1S.W. . .. ,. A. W. BENEDICT, . Dep. Sec. of Ihe Coinmouwecdtk. Secretary' Orrics. I'kxxsyi.vasia ss: . . , I n icKUTirv that the almve and foregoing t a irue and correct copy la'the orliriiuil resolution of the tienera.Aasem l!y.,"ltesnlution relative to an lunendiuent of th i onsiitmioii," us the same remains on lite in this office, . , .... In tcatiinong whereof I have hereunto Jsrt ' "l '"' Imud: and caused W be arhieq M 37.7 t:'C aej.l .a il..Se..retfirv;s f ItBce. at Hnriiaburc If. 1U . - ' . . ; , S SS this lilleenth dav of June, Anno Domini one tlioiisiuid cishl hundred and fifty. Stiffs A. L. RUSSELL, . Sec'ry of the Commonwealth: July, ICS". am. NEW STOlifi I A SEW STOCK Of OOO0S, At the Store formerly occupied oy John Boppr In Market Street, Sunbury. riHK auWriliera icspoctfuUy inform the pub L lie that Ihey lia'vc ju&t tucciveJ, anil are now opening A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OF DRV OOODft. Consistinjr in part of Cloth, C'asi'imerei, Sattutrtts, Vesting, Pahla' lonii Stuff, Calicoes, Ginghams, Latent, Vesting, Flannels, Cambrics, Linens, Fine Miistiiis, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, lfe.t ilartUvare, Quceusivnrt; Puigiami Meuicixe, ALSO: A large asrortniont df Groceries, Fish, Salt and Piaster; ' I.arliov 8ltor au.l Gaiters, Fluid and Fluid Lamp Al! of whlcli will he sold on the moat reason bl term. C'oittiln- produce cf all kind taken in ex cliaugo at the best price. JOHN BUTER8 A CO. Suiiburj, April 13, 1850. ly BROWN'S fcsSENCE OF JAMAICA GINi Gi; It, an excellent article, FstiWAi' Medicated Soap for un Inirn, Unf' teiUT, Ac. ' . , i . j Radwa) ' Circaaaian Balm, for th hair dand rulT&c. Iiadway' Ready Relief t Creinp, Choltej Cholera Morbua, ote. 1" j 11. B. MA8SEF. Sunbury, Aus- S. l6s0' At"Rl"M-An excellent article fat l by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury Jan. t7th, 1849 tf. rpEAb, from tha New York Canto and fki I T Company. For eel by l.w.Ttmxtm Cunbury, Dec. !, ltll s