SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. 5H(0crUautoitfK Scatter. YOV ' AND I. . From a menffy published volume, entitled 'Bgtria: or Tht Spirit of If attire,' and . other poems, ' ' r BY CHARLES .',.. ;. Who would soorn bis humble fellow For the coat ha wears 1 , For the poverty he suffers! For hit daily caresT ' Whowould pass him in the footway With averted eye V ' Would you, brother 1 No, you would not. If yon would not I. Who, when vice or crime repentant, With a grief sincere Ask'd for pardon, would refuse it Mora than Heaven severe 1 Who to erring woman's sorrow Would with taunts reply 1 Would you brother 1 No, you would not. If you would licit 1. Who would say that all who differ From his sect must be Wicked sinners, heaven-rejected, Sunk in error's sea, And consign them to perdition With a holy sigh . Would you, brother1? No, you would not. If you would not I. Who would say that six days' cheating In tho shop or mart, Mieht be rubb'd by Sunday praying, From tho tainted heart, If the face were solemn, And (he credit high, w-..t.i Kro.i.or? No. vou would not. " If jou would not I. Who would say that vice is virtuo In a hall of slate 1 Or that rogues are not dishonest If they dine off plate? ' Who would say success and merit Ne'er part company? Would you, brother 1 No, you would not If you would not 1. Who would give a cause his efforts When the cause was strong, But desert it on its failure, Whether right or wrong , Ever siding with tho upmosf, Letting dowiimost lie V Would you, brolher? No, you would not. If you would not I. Who would bend his arm to strengthen Warfare with the right? Who would give his pen to blacken Freedom's page of light ? ' Who woul.l lend his tongue to utter Praise of tyranny 1 Would you, brolher? No, you would not. If you would not I. RITE FRt'IT AND DYSENTERY. There is a pernicious prejudice with which people are too oten imbued ; it is, that fruits are injurious in the dysentery that they produce and increase it. There is not, perhaps, a more false prejudice. Bad fruits, and. that which is imperfectly ripened, many occasion cholics, and some times diarrhrea but never epidemic dysen tery. Rwe fruits of all kinds, especially in the summer, are the true preservatives aaamst this maladv. The greatest injury they can do, is in dissolving the humors, and Tvirficnlarlv the bile, of which they nr. tiio imp ardvnts. and occasion a di arrhea. But even this diarrhopa is a pro. wtinn nrainst the dvsenterv. Whenever thp rWnterv has prevailed, I have eaten less animal food and more fruit, and have never had the slightest, attack. I have .o.n dovpn nnfipnts in one house ; nine nhpdient to the directions siven, and and ale fruit ; they recovered. The grand mother, and a child she wag most partial to, died. She prescribed for the child burnt brandy and oil, powerful aromatics, and forhade the use of fruit. She followed the same course herself, and met the like fate, A minister, attacked with dysentery, ate thrpp nnnrirls ol red currants between seven vtrrt in ihp morning and nine in the eTening : next day he was entirely cured Tusot. RAI'ID TRAVELLING. As an evidence of the extent of our public improvements, and the rapidity of transit over them, a cotemporany thus lra ces his travel from Boston to Nashville He left Boston at o'clock, P. M., on Motv dav. the 4th instant, passed over the West ern Railroad, through Worcester, Spring field. Pittsfie d. and many smaller towns. reaching Albany in nine hours and a half a distance of two hundred miles, nest ing there six hours and a half, he again took the cars for Buffalo, and passed through Schenectady. Utica, Syracuse, Auhtirn. Rochester and Attica, reaching Buffalo at 8 o'clock on the same evening a distance of three hundred and twenty' seven miles. Here immediately gettui aboard a lake Erie steamer, the next even ing. (Wednesday. at five o'clock, he found himself at Sanduskv City, a distance of two hundred and forty-nine miles. With out delay, he took the cars and reached Cincinnati at ten o'clock the next (Thurs day mornins, a distance of two hundred and eighteen miK'S. He immediately got aboard the mail boat, and reached Louis ville by eleven o'clock the same night, a distance of one hundred and fifty miles, He remained at Louisvlle until five o'clock the next morning, when he left for Nash ville, and reached there by six o'clock on Saturday evening making the time from Boston just five days two hours, including itoppages: the distance being 1244 miles. Railway Times. Curb for Canckr. The extract of wood sorrul used as a plaster through the day, and slippery .efm bark at night, will cure any eancer that has ulcerated or that has not live skin over it '. the skin should be broken in some way. To burn a piece of spunk on the place, is a good method, then apply the salve us bo fore directed. Tho extract is ob tained simply by pounding the common sor rel in a mortar, or otlwr vessel, and pressing eut the juice, then put it in a pewter dish or basin, and place it in the sun, until it dries to the consistency of tar, when it is fit for use The above we select from an exchange and pf course do not endorse it, but give it to pur readers as a remedy said to be highly ieneficio.1 for this inveterate disease. The Militia of Pennsylvania number 276, 070 men. Much stronger force than that of any other State in the Uniorr, We haven't the slightest doubt that the old "Keystone State" could whip the world. i If- gratitude it duo Irum man to mart, how much more from man to lus Maker. J. IE. THOMAS, Ornamental and French , Style Frame Manufacturer, 801 Walnut st , between 3d and ith street. PHILADELPHIA. t5 ESPECTFULLY' directs the attention of the public to his superior styles of Plain and Fancy Frames, which are of the latest and most beautiful designs. i . As a handsome Frame at a LOW PRICE, has been much desired, he was induced some months since to commence the manufacture of these Frames. In short time the demand has been so great, that he has been obliged to increase his facilities, and new offer at EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICES, Singly, or in thousands, the most beautiful Frames, suitalilo for Paintings, Prints, Daguerreotypes, Cards, cVe., cVc. For Durability Unsurpassed. Hotels. Public ftnildinira. Steamboats, Stores, Ca binet Furniture. Ac decorated in imitation of carved Ruse- Wood. 11T Please call and see specimens. May 25, 18S0 ly GEORGE J. IIENKELS, CITY CABINET WARKROOMS, NO. 173 CIIESNUT STREET, (nrrostTS tiir stats iinrK.) PHILADELPHIA. OFFERS for sale, low for cash or approved citv pnper, a largo and well assorted stock of CABINET FURNITURE, of the latest patterns and of the !cst workmanship. Tho assortment embraces every article, useful orornamental,eom' prising suits of Drawing Room Furniture in Rose wood and Walnut, exquisitely carved. Rosewood Walnut, and Mahogany Chamber Furniture ; Pa tent Extension Dining Tables, (acknowledged to be the best now in use); Library Book Cases, snd a great variety of plnin Parlor and Chamber uriuture. Curtains made and put up In the latest Paris fashions. , (Spring Mattrasses, Hair Mattrasses, and Fea ther Beds, made to order, IS. D. All articles purchased at this establish ment aro warranted of the best materials and workmnnsbip, and will be packed to carry safely to any part ot the country. May 25, 1850. ly 5PPJ1TC- GOOES I IV PlllLADKLPIIIl. rp SUA RPLESS fii PONS, have just received A their supply of SPRINO AND- SUMMER COODS of Friendly and oilier styles, to which thev invite attention. SHAWLS A 11 descriptions of Silk, woollen and worsted. DRESS SILKS Grode Rbines, Chnmcleons, mid neat and new fancy styles India Silks and Nitms. DRESS GOODS Lawns, Bareges, Mousse. lins, Ginghams, Alpacas, Mohairs, and all the new fabrics. FURNISHING G OODS Blankets, Sheetings Omits, Damask, Shirtings, and all other furnish' ing goods. MEN'S WEAR Cloth, Cnssimcres, Cashma relts, Drills, Vesting of all kinds, and Boys wear. SHOEMAKERS GOODS and Carnage Ma- kcrs articles. T. SHARPLESS fc SONS, No. 32 S. Second Street, Philadelphia. May 25, 1S50. ly J. H. ZIMMERMAN, J T STICK OP THE PEACE, Sunbury, Pa. OfTieo in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public School House, t7 Monies collected and oil business promptly and care- fullv ultciidcil to. April 20, 1850 REFORM YOUR HABITS. Come ye, with gnrments lmre nnd seedy, Ye bach'lors, wido'ers and husbands too, If, in the outwurd man you'r needy, We soon can make you as good as new. THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he will commence in this place, on the 8th of April next, tho TAILOKI.VO niTSIXESS in all its branches. lie will be careful to see that his work is made up in the best manner, and ho flatters himself, that he will be able to give entire satisfaction in poiat of cut, fit and style, as well as in price. He therefore respectfully solicits his friends and tho public generally to call aim give him a trial. His shop is a new building in Fawn street be ow Weaver's Hotel. JACOB O. BECK. Sunbury, March 30, 1650 Cm CHARLES W. HEGINS, .TTC?.1TT AT LAW, l'ottxvillc, la. Will promptly attend to collections and all busi ness entrusted to his care. Juno 10, 1849, EDWIN HALL, (Late of tbk Firm or Watkixsojt & Hall,) JVb. 24 South Second Street, Philadelphia, O ESPECTFULLY informs his old friends and customers, as well as tho public generally, that be lias opened an entire new stock of elegant styles of Spring; & Summer Dress Goods. H is assortment consists of the latest and most desi rablo styles of English, German, French & Ame rican Cioods. Such as Delaines', Tikshcs, Beru ges.Silks, Lawns, Muslins, Shawls, H Jk (Is, Cloves, and every variety of Dress nnd Fancy Cioods, Pliilad. March 10, 1850. ly C. BENKERT, E00T MAKER, Xo. 40 South Fourth Street, PuiLAllKLI'HIA, XT" HERE every variety of French Calf Skin Morocco, Patent leather. Congress mid Gai ter boots, of tilt best style and workmanship, aro constantly kept on hand or manufactured to order. March 10, 1850. bill PATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's writing and indelliblo ink, Cotton yarn and laps, just received and for sale by J. W. x'RIMNU. Sunbury, Dec. 2, 1848. STONE WARE, STONE milk Pans, stone Jugs and Pitchers, and other articles of stone ware iust received and for sale by JOHN W. FRILING. 6'uubury, June 23, 181'J. ILEVS COVXill CNDY. An excel lent remedy for coughs, colds. Vnr tL at this ollice ADD'S celolnrated Horse nnd Cuttls Medi. cine for sale by HENRY MAK.SE it Sunbury Jan. 27th, 18 1'J . GOLD PENS IN SILVER CASES, lot on h:lllrl nll.l fur ttl l,w A small H. B. MASSKR. funbury, April 6, 1850. TJAISIXS, currujiis, citron, cneese, rentier uuce. at, ror suie uv j. w. rit . t: Sunbury, Dec 2, 1848. RAZORS A superior article for sale at tha . , nuini mnoor.ft. Sunbury, Feb. 18, 1850, fli-e, xJILL8.JUstices and Constables Fee . Bills handsomely printed on card paper, for siils at this office. . .1 : tr - ... THINERAL WATER, from the Oak Orchard Acid Springs, highly valuable in chronic di- seasrs, and tome remeaies, for sale by HENRY .MARSEB. SunLury, Juue 2'J, 1850 tf A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At die Cabinet Ware lloom of SEB'N IIOUPT & CO. Market Square, Also at the corner of Fawn street If the Railroad ' BUIMBUKI, fA. , Thankful for tht patronage of his friends and customers during the 17 years ho has been in busi ness in this place, he solicits from the public con tinuance of their favors. During this period he has endeavored to keep up with the improvements of the day, and has accordingly extended his busi ness in every branch and variety. The publio are therefore invited to the attention of the present stock ot CABINET WAKE AND CHAIRS, .MANUFACTURED BY SEBASTIAN HOUPT & CO. At the Old Stand. Where In addition to their former stock ef the establishment they now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs Large Spring Seat Rocking Chairs, Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables, Marble Top Wash Stands, and a variety of otlur new style and Fashionable Furniture. Having Bccurcd a Hearse and made the neces sary arrangements for the purpose, they are now prepared for Undertaking in all its branches, in tins vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye maids and mistresses, and hushnndB ton, Here's furniture of every style and hue, From side Ixvmls down to kitchen tables, From rocking chairs to locking cradles Fhnnld yon not hnve Ilia ready Johs to pay, We'll wait awhils fur a brighter heller dny, Or take potatoes, oats, corn, wheat and rye Bark, hoop poles, staves, or lumber wet and dry, Or any thing but yokes and threshing flnils, From pigs aad turkies down to little quails. Com. on then friends, come one and all, Keep trade a moving, so "goes on the ball.11 f9" Orders from a distance promptly attended to and work of all kinds delivered with dispatch. Sunbiiry, March 9, 1850. tf HOUT. L. 8I5TII. TIIOS. P. H, BKTH SETII & BROTHER. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND Comwtosiitou SHcvchauts, NO. 89 PRATT STREET, (Nbar Bowly's Wharf, ) BALTIMORE, Will pay particular attention to the sale ofGRAIN and all other products of the farm. Baltimore, January 26, 18"i0. ly THE p1bOPI.E'SVADE-MECUM COMPRISING A COLLECTION OFOVKR 201) VALUABLE RECIPES, In the Usrful and Interesting Arts with a few Simple and Curious Experiments in 't'HEMlSTKV I T NCLUDIMi Medicines, Perfumery, Chemistry A Cookery, Farriery, Dying, Confectionary, Do mestic Economy, etc etc etc. Price 6 1 cts., for sale by HENRY" MASSER. Sunbury, Dec. 8, 1840. IliRUIXG & HOLE'S THOLESALE Commission PAPER and ' RAG WAREHOUSE, No. 19 MINOR Street, Philadelphia. Where a general assort ment of ull kinds of Paper is kept, and for sale at Hie lowest cash prices. Cap, Letter ami Printing Papers, &c. on nana. Plain and ruled white Caps. " " blue Flat Caps. Plain and ruled white Letter. " ' blue " Blue and white Folios. Wliito and colored Printing Paper Tissue Papers. Shoo " Wrapping " Envelope " Hardware and Sl'cathing Paper. Tar Boards. Straw Boards, Bonnet Boards. All orders from the Country will b attended to at the shortest notice. All goods sold wilt lie carefully packed, and dc' livercd at any pluce in the city. The highest cash price paid for Rags, or ex chnnged for Paper, as low as can be bought else where. Please call and examine for yourselves. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1849. llrowii'M Essence of Jamaica Cilu Kcr. Prepared oi?i by Frederick Brown, at his Drug and Cltemical Store, North East Comer nf Fifth and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia. FllHE Essence is a preparation of unusual ex JL cellenec and of varied properties. In all cases where a powerful and safe stimulant is required, It is unrivalled for clneacy as well as immediate action. To the traveller and to the family circle it is invaluable, as a few droits diluted in sugar and water present a safe and agreeable remedy to the invalid who requires immediate relief, as well as to the convalescing patient who needs a gentle tome. In a Southern climate, where the relaxa tion of the system so generally induces thirst for stimulants, it will always be found an excellent siibhttlutc for those tempting beveruges which dc bilitiite the stomach and cause a morbid condition of its powers. In dyspepsia, in rclaxatiou of the bowels, in naussea and sea-sickness, it is an activ and sufeas well as a pleasant and refreshing re medy, unil is prescribed by the most eminent of the inedieiil faculty. A supply ot the abova received and for sale bv xi. u. ftinsser, iMiniiury. II 11 t. ' . - April (i, 1850. Cm A Kew AsMortmr utol FrcKii Cioods. IK A T. CLEMENT, 1 1 ESPECTFULLY informs his friends, cus- --v turners and others, that he has just received handsome assortment of NEW GOODS at his store in Murket Square in Sunbury, such i Dry (loods, Groceries, Queens ware, Hardware, &.c. Sunbury, Juns 2;t, 1849. Win. . Cochran & Co., V liolesule uud Retail, WINK AND LlQL'Olt MKRCHANTS, No. 72 nraiiii(( Street, Philadelphia. A E always on hand a very large stock of Wines, Liquors and tSegars, ot their own importation. hue Keepers, Hotel Keepers, and private gentlemen, will ba supplied on the most lilicriti IcruiH. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1849 Valuable Hooks). T IFE or Chbist, handsomely hound, D'Ar' a kink's Htsroiir or rss Kkkokx atiox Blaxk Dat-hook a 5i it Leuoeus, full bounded rursalo at the publishers prices by H. B. MASSE It Sunbury, July 14, 1849. Cotton Yam, Cotton Carpet Chain, Cotton Laps and Wadding, Cotton Outlines, Ready made I antaloons, Keady made Vests, Congress Knives, Porcelain luied preserving kettles, just received ror saie oy a. MASSEK. Sunbury, Dec. 2, 1848. pAFS. An assortment rest received. Also J ail HAT8 at $25, for sale by H. MASSER. Kunbury, Dec 9, 1848. BLANKS. BLANKS of every description can b had by applying at tlx offiu f the Aiusritaiu FIRE PROOF CHESTS, FOR BOOKS, PAPERS, JEWELRY, &o. EVANS & WATSON, jVo. 90 North Third street, between Arch and Race, and 83 Dock street, OPP081TK THE l'HlLADKM'HIA EXCHANGE. Patent Soap-Stone Lined and Key hole cover SALAMANDERS, FIRE AND THIEF PROOF IRON CHESTS), Warranted to stand more Heat ."T?1, than anv Chests In this Country. yji'-if'l. aiso f 5 1 f also c .TOT?" iso raiem Air-unenuwr iron its, IMS) now tn nse. They i runl inns to mnlr. th nnlttiii. T' -"'It rv Fire Proofs, at very low prices I! Patent combination locks. With WJ UumS Hi:ii,"i'af linage I ,Tiniie icy., wnien cn ne ennngeu several tliousand times changea ble in fact every time the Iock is used If desirable. These IOcks are proof ngainst the most expert Thieves, being supplied with the Patent Key-hole Cover, and made very strong, they cannot he blown open bv Gunpowder. These lx-ks art intended for BANKS, BTORKf.AFF.8, he. Henl and letter copying presses, fire proof doors for Banks snd Htores. Patent Plate Lined Refrigerators, warranted superior to nil others. Wntor Fillers, Shower linths ol Uie best qual ity. ty Persons wishing to purchase sny of the shove ar ticles, will please give them a cull, ns' they sell cheaper than any other in tho United Plates. DAVIT) F.VANS, JOHANNK9 WATSON. Philadelphia, November 10, 184 ly STONE WARE. THE subscrilicr would most resjiectfully In form his friends and a generous public, that he is manufacturing the best quality of STONE WARE, in all its varieties, and is prcpnrcd to sell a little cheaper than any other manufacturer in the Union. He is also importing and dealing most extensively in ' CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSIVARE, Inch ho offers on the most, reasonable terms. His Potteries are on lbmd street north of Fay ette, and China storo and dwelling at No. 8, E. nlttmore street. DAVID PARR, No. 8, E. Baltimore street, Baltimsuk, Maryland. February 2, IPSO. ly Equitable Ufe Iiimii-siiicp, Annuity and I riiNt I'ompaiiy. OFFICII 74 WALNUT STBF.KT, PHir.ADKI.rillA. UiPITAl. ?UI,UIRI. UHAHTKR 1 ERTETUAL. MtK Compuny are now prepared to trunKiet bnsineps upon the moat liberal and advantageous terms. Thev are authorized by their charter (sect, :) "to make all and every insurance appertaining to Hie rlsKs ol whatever kind or nature, and to receive and execute trusts, make endow' meuts, nan to grunt ami purchase annuities." 1 he Com pany sell nmiuitiea nud endowments, and uct as Trustees for minors nud heirs. Tuhle of Premiums required for the AsRunmee of 8101) fwr the whole term ot Lile. Ape. IPrern. Ajjn. I Prem. Age. Prem. 10 1 5(1 m a IP! 4(1 3 3fl 17 1 ttl : ) is 47 3 4I 1H 1 SO 3.1 !i 20 4A 3 fl-J 1!1 I t 5!) 34 a 27 4!) 3 77 90 1 (Kl 3.1 S 33 fiO 3 1)4 41 1 A3 !M a 4(1 SI 4 13 l on 37 a 47 sn 4 sa si i nn 3 a si 3 4 51 SI 1 7i 3!) a 03 61 4 71 as 1 7(1 4ii a 7n 155 4 ni an im 4i a hi m 1 13 a7 l w) 4a a oa 67 s si as 1 irl 43 3 01 6 6 51 ail 1 I it 41 .1 13 51) 8 78 30 3(U 45 3 33 00 6 03 The premiums are less than anv other comnnnv. nnd the policies nflonl ijrcater nilviiutiiL'i'S. Tnlilcs of hnlf-vt-nrlv anil quarterly premiums, hull' rrcilit rates of premium, short tiiib, jimii ur-, .in viv,miit hum cutiowineius , aim, inn of Application (lor which there are blank sheets) are to be hud on application at i lie nflice, or by letter to the Agent, J. H. 1-UKDY, Sunbury. Hates roa ixsubiso too on a single Life For Life. 1,60 2,lH S,7() 3.(14 6,111 Kxamclk A person nral 3(1 years next birth dny. by piiyiiig the I'otnpiiuy w cents would secure to his fumiiy or heirs IIHI should he die in one year; or for Sg.oO he se cures to them tflnoil; or for 13 annually for seven yatrs lie secures to them SIOWI should be die m seven years: or r 820.11) paid niitiuiillr durius life he secures 8KIIH) tola. p'ltd when he dies. The insurer securing his own Itouua, y the dilf'Tence in iimoiiutof premiums iroiiitlmse churned by other offices. For lg,50 the heirs would receive tMSHI should he die in one yenr. rnrnis ol application and nil nnrtienlnrs mav Its had at the office. VI'. CULLKN. President. Vice President, avm. M. BAian. FnANcis W. Kawlk, Secretary nnd Treasurer. Consulting Physician llr. J. U". .Muster, Siiuhury. J. II. I'tiRiiT, Sunbury, Agent lor Northumberland coun- Sunbury, July 3S, 1MB "Encourage Your Own!" HAAS &RENN. FASHIONABLE MAKE OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. rPHE subscriltfrs rcHiMH'tfuIly call tho attention -- of the public to their Inrije and splendid assort ment of every quality and price of which cannot fail to recommend itself toevcry one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the licst stock to lie had in the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of their ware, and the subscribers are determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. Their stock consists of Mahogany Solus, 1)1 vans) and Lounges, Uurcaus, scemarfcs, snctonr5st SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manulncture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, VVORKI AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, n short, every article in this line of their business. 1 hey also manufacture all kinds and qualities of CIIAIItS, including varieties never liefore to lie had in Sunbury, such as Mahocast, Ulack Walmjt AMI (Il llLKIl MAIM S UllKClAV; AM) WlKllSOR CHAIRS, a n a fan C t Piano Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to lie excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscribers are determined that there shall be no excuse for (arsons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about the quality and finish of their ware and Chairs. Their articles will lie disposed of on as good terms as they can lie purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. UNDERTAKING attended to on reason able terms. Ht" The Ware Room is in Market Street, opposite J. Young's store, and nearly opposite W eaver s J avern. DANIEL HAAS, GEORGE RENN. Sunbury, April 88, 1849 tf ijQUORS, WINES, &C. '"PHE subsctilwr has just received a new supply of the best liquors that ever came to Sunbury, consisting in part ut Niiierior old pale Brandy. Pine Cogniae Urnndy. riuiwrior Old Jamaica Spirits. New England Hum. Pine Holland Gin. Superior Old Whiskey Common da. Superior Maderia Wine. Lisbon do. do. . .Superior Tort Wine. Burgundy Port do, , Sweet Malaga Wine. Suerior Claret Wine in bottles. Champagne do. doi- 1 -' HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, May 28 1849. . BROWN'S ESSENCE OP GINGER A new supply of this excellent article just received and for mio by H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, March I, 1350. Ape. For 1 year. For 7 years. . ao HI fit 3(1 o !,:! in 1,'Jo 1.61 SO 1.1-9 2.07 61) 3,1 M 3.7 TXCKNOR'S COLUMBIAN UPELtlNtt BOOK. T) EING progressive and Comprehensive Bye tern of Orthograpy and Orthoepy, including t variety of definitions, adapted to the use. of Schools In the American Republic, by Almon Ticknor, a Teacher of twenty-five year experi ence, and author of the Columbian Calculators, Practical Common School Mensuration, &c The attention of Teachers, School Dtrectors, parents, Ac, la invited to this new Spelling Book, which conforms to the modern spelling and usages In Orthography as being one of the neatest, cheapest best arranged, and better adapted to the wants of children, than any other published in the United Stats. It ia what it purports to be, a Spelling Book and not a Reading Book, and only requires an examination on the part of Instructors of youth to secure for it a universal introduction into the Schools of the United States. Just published, and for sale by Henbt MAsser, Sunbury. Where Teachers and Directors can procure copies for examination. August, I84U. DK, J. J.UPDEGKAFF, T? ESPECTFULLY informs tho citizens of Danville and the public at largo, that he has located in Danville, and is now prepared to prac tice Medicine and Surgery in all its various bran ches. He will operate on all the various forms of blindness, cross eyes, club feet, harelip, cleft palate, and attend to the extraction of tumors, amputation of limbs, and all oilier surgical dis eases. His collection of instruments comprises all instruments in medorn Surgery, of the latest improvement and finest finish. He flatters him self that many years' practice and experience will be a sufficient guarantee to thoso who may feel disposed to employ him. His residence is nearly opposite the Montgome ry Building, nnd next door to Isaac Rosen bourn's store, in North Danville. Danville, Dec. 1, 1849. ly. IVo. IttO CliCNiiut citrcct, (Opposite the Arcade) PHILADELPHIA, jJ ANLTACTURERS of their improved style Elastic. Steel Spring, Solid Sole Leather, and Solid Riveted TMVSKS, which took the only first premium, awarded by the Franklin Institute at their last exhibition. H. & T. take pleasure in informing the travel ling public, that they have now on hand, a beau tiful assortment of their improved stylo of Solid Sole Leather Trunks; Double and Single Folio Trunks, of various styles ; Ladies' Trunks, Va lice Trunks, Honnct Boxes, Cap Cases, Carpet Bags, and an elegant assortment of superior En ameled Patent Lcathor Bags, with every article in their line of business. l" Old Trunks Repaired or taken in exchange lor New ones. ALEX. L. HICKEY. RICHARD V. TULL. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1849.- PHILA. AND READING RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT FKO.H PHILADELPHIA AND POTTS VI U.K. Office of the Phila. If Reading Railroad Co. Philadelphia, March 89, 1850. Two Passenger Trains Daily, (except Sunday.) ON and after April 1st, 1850 two trains will be run each way, daily, between Philadel phia and l'ottsville. Morning Line, (Accommodation.) Leaves Philadelphia at 7 A. M., daily except oundnys. Leaves Pottsvilleat 7 J A. M. daily except Sun days. Afternoon Line, t Fast Train.) i Leaves Philadelphia at 2$ o'clock, daily, except OUllllllVS. Leaves Pottsvillo at 2i o'clock, daily, except Sundays, Passengers cannot enter the cars unless provi ded with Tickets. " The afternoon, or fast trains, do not stop at Au burn, Althousc's, Birdsboro', Roger's Ford, Val ley Forrje, Port Kennedy, Spring Mill or Falls. AU1 luk. r itty pounds ot baggage will tie al lowed to each passenger in these lines ; and pas sengers are expressly prohibited from tnkiug liny thing as baggage but their wearing apparel, which will tie at the risk of its owner. By order of the Board of Managers. 8. BRADFORD, April 13, 1850. Secretary, WILLIAMS' AIVTI-llSrKPTIC ELIXIR is, with ths utmost ennfidenee, olTcred to ths Mudical Fuculty und the nulilic for the cure of Dyspup- sui or iiiuigesiiuu, anu uu atieuse arising iroinii, sucn Nausea, Headache, Bilious Vomiting, Burning sensation at ths pit of the stoinnch, Iiiverc(aii)lniut, )ircaRloil after enling, Palpitation ofthelliait, Pain in the pit of the stoinnch or towards the right side, Pallowness of cotnplfxi'in, .Depression of the spinssund Vertigo, Diinuesa of e-ight. Debility of Uie Nervous Sys tem. Hypochondrin, Jaundice, IjorsoI appetite, Wasting !' the strength. Flatulence, with lreiiuent lielcluugoi wind, Ckaistitutiou and uneasinessl irritability of teuiiier, ftc, Vitiated Uiste, of the bowels, I If a case of dvsnenais shnulil lie neglected, most serious erlu-ls may ensue, for it lays the foundation for, is tha iu cipuiit cause if, and very frequently terminates in consump tion. 1 would impress uisai the mind tliat to tiirle with this disease may lie to spurt with the reason which coiisti totes man upereiniuent ulllong aniuial lieiugs, or to em bitter existence by adding a consciousness ol lolly to line penulty of nail). This medicine is nently nut un in lmttlcs, with ample directions for use, aial is sold in tSuuhury by Jolix V. FalLlNO. JAJll.S Wlt.lilA.MJ. Testimony of Mr. Abner Elmcs, H-itter, Market street alsive rixlh, corrohonilive of thu eificucy of Williums Anti-Dyspeptic Elixir. I'lliLAPSLPHlA, October 3, 1849. Ma. James Williams : Deur 8ii ; ll gives ine great pleasure to know that you sre uiisin preparing you medicine for the cure of Dyspep sia, for many of my acquaintances have repeatedly usked me where it could be procuied, knowing tluit 1 hud been cured by it. As I think that a public acknowledgment of the great benefit 1 have received from the use of your ssed iciue is not only due to you, but may lie UBel ul to others, 1 now make it. For sevenil yean I sunVred from Dyspcp sia, which iucretuwd to such an ejiteut that my heulth and constitutiiai were rapidly sinking under it. 1 was com pelled to restrict myself to the most simple food, and even that I coulilnol digest. 1 felts bus of strength, disincli nation to exercise, and, as you hsve it in vrnir advertise, meat, a general feeling of deprewtion and indescribable weariness. In the year 1W, hearing from others high re- e Herniation of your Anti-Dyspeptio Elixir, 1 )irocured and useil it with the most Iranpy clfiH-t ) under it llirlilencs languia aisl wariness gradually pass-J away, and my uppe tite returned which I could gratify with impunity. Ten years liav'e now elapsed, and my confidence in the curative powers of your medic hits hus of course increutcrf, for it completely cured me when I fuiled to obtain reliel from any othei source. Very resiiecUully yours, ABNER F.I.MF.S. Testimony of Fjlward H. Rowley, Wholesale Merchant of the firm of Rowley, Ashbunner ft Co., No a South Wharves, in proof of the efficacy of Williums' Anti-Dyspeptic Elixir. Puiladilfhia, October 89, 1S10. Mr. Jamks Wii.lishs: Dear Sir : .1 take pleasure in reeomineiiding your Anli Pyipeptic Elixir for the cure nf Dyspeisia. I liave taken it myself for the disease, and have been entirely cured. Yours reapectfullv, EDWAltD H. ROWLEY Aosnt JOHN W FR1UNO, Sunbury, Pa. March , IMU. ly - .- - - - . ROSE OINTMENT, FOR TETTER 1) FAD the folkiwutg oeitincate from Ciit. Devoe. ths V well known and popular Slmui Boat Captain (of tiia Traveller.) Philadsxthia, October 31, 1846. Several years since I was attacked with a breaking out on my neck m the form of Tetter, which 1 am convinced was otailraetetl at the Burlair'sShon. It gnuuluaily extend ed over my faca until it reached tha apper part of ths cheeks. During the sevend months that it eontiaued SHeuding, 1 ustnl dillcreirt applications, some of which hud the effect, apprently at least, H incretuing the disease, lut from none of them did 1 perceive Uie least benefit until 1 applied the Boss Oistmkxt. By the use of one jar of it, I was parl'ecUy cured and have remained free of the aflee Uon. 1 have siis'S used the Ointment, lightly npplied for rough ness of the face, blotches, chapiied hauds, fto. With per fect snucess. 1 have no hesitation in reoouausuding it in the strongest maimer lii tli nnlilui. ' JAMES DEVOE. Agent Hx-iRT Masses, Sunbury. July 3d, 1B4U. ROSE OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this xcellent article for Tetter, 4c, just received aud for sala by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, July 28, 1849- KNOB AND 8PR1NG MORTISE t AT CHES. An excellent article, for sale si half the usual pric by J. W. FRItLNU, Buubury, July 7, 1 N. S. LAWRENCE, A&ntfor tht sale of Southworth Manufactu- ring Co'i. Writing Papers. Ware Howie, No. 3, Minor street PHZI.ADSZ.rHZA. 100 CASES of the above superior Papers now in store, and for sala to trade at the lowest market prices, consisting in part of Fine thick Flat Caps, 12, 14, 15 and 18 lbs. blue and white. Superfine Medium and Demi Writinm. blue and white. Extrasuper and superfine Folio Posts, blue. Superfine Cammerical Posts, blue and white plain and ruled snd white, plain and ruled. Extra super Linen Note Papers, plain and gilt. Superfine and find Bill Papers, long and broad. Superfine and fine Counthiz-Houso Cans and Posts, blue and white. Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, plain and ruled, blue and white. Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, gilt Superfine Sermon Caps and Posts. Superfiucd blue Bath Posts, blue and white, plain and ruled. Embroidered Noto Papers and Envelopes, "Lawyer's" Brief Papers. Sujierfine and fine Caps and Posts, ruled and plain, blue and white, various qualities and prices. AIbo, 1000 reams whito end asserted Shoo Pa pers, Bonnet Boards, whito and assorted tissue, Tea, Wrapping, Envelope, assorted and blue Me diums, Cap Wrapping, Hardware Papers, &c Philadelphia, Nov. 24, 1849. In presenting the public with a remedy for the treatment and cure of Fsveb An Aons nnd other bilious disenrcs. no apology is needed. Vnst numbers in the United Slates, who sillier from these affections in their vnned forms, are compelled lo sock relief from other sources than the imme diate prcx-riplions of the regular physician. It Ih-coiubs therefore nn object of hiimnnity, ns well ns of public inter est, to bring In-fore them a remedy pretwire! fiom much ex perience, and which mny always lie relied iisin ns kk, KrFKCTlTAL, ASn HARMLK TO TIIK CONSTITUTION. 'PIlTlt such is the true character of the INDIA CltOI,AiOli:E, is amply attested by the universal success with which it bus been employed. HP Extrnct from a communication of the Hon. Wil liam WonuuElDoK, of the U. 9. Senate, late Oovemisr of Michignu. DETROIT, Oct. 81, 1810. Doctor Charles Osoonn, Dear Sir. 1 have read with much interest, vnnr little trakatisk msm the "causes, treatment nud cure" of the febrile diseases which have so extensively prcvniled in our country uiiriiii; me ihsi n-w inoiuiia an imprest increased no iloulit, by the fact thnt 1 hnve indivitliinlly surTcrcd so much trom thein. 1 hough 1 leel myself very incompetent to judge safely upon a subject so entirely professional, yet yoar rneory seems ro me well reasoned, unu your conclii sious jliift, nud 1 think witlint, thnt your pnmplilct is cnlcu laicfi in priHiuce lnucn nrnctimi good. Speaking of the medicine he says : It fully justified your llnrtcriny cxpcciarions, nuil ns n sale, convenient, nud pipn Inr remedy, inv own experience, so far, induces ine to !: lieve thai it will prove a great public benefit. I run plisiscil to lenrn ihat you have recently cKbihlislicd several ngencies for its disposition though I reirret thnt. with u view to u more general dissemination of it, you should have found it necessary to remove from your present residence ninoiig us. un uiucii respeei i u.ive ine uoiioi u lie, sir, Your obliged servant, WILLIAM WOODHItinriK. CV From Hon. Ptkpbsn V. R. Tbowbridgk, of Michi gan Slate Semite, to the Agent nt Detroit. Birmingham. Oaklano Co., Dec. 13, 1PJ1. Sir you wish me to inform vou whnt I know of Dr OsgiKsl's India Cholngogue, or anti-bilious medicine. 1 do licllcvc thnt if the virtue and efficacy of this medicine were generally kisiwn, the rrvEE and aode would disapiiear in Michignu. 1 procured a lmttle in the spring of 1B11, nnd have good reason to ladicve thnt myself nnd family escaped the ague lust season in consequence of its use. Perhaps in no summer since the settlement of this fine peninsula, has the fever and ngue been so prevalent as the Inst. 1 have recommended this medicine in numerous in stances, nud when the disease had become fixed and Indited the skill of physicians; und 1 have never known it fail. 1. has universally produced the most happy etr.-cts, nnd I bet lieve it has never been exceeded by any medicine ill remo ving the bilious diseases of Die climate. Yours, respeclfnllv. STEPHEN V. R. TROWBRIDGE. Agent for Pnuhurv H. B. MASSKR ; Northumberland, WIT111NRTOM A Co.; Milton, J. H. KASKR : Selras grove. MAY ft KLOSF.. Mayo, late tf TO riU'SICIAN'sT I)R CGfilSTS AND CO L'XTRT MERCHANTS. "TR. J. N. KEEI.ER & Bfo. most respectfully solicits attention to their fresh stock ofJSy Jixh, Frttieh, Orrman and Amriean Drugs, Med icines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dye StuMs, Glass Ware, Perfumery, Patent Medicines &c Hating opened a new store No. 894 Market St. with a frill supply of Fresh Drugs and Medicines, We re spectfully solicit Country dealers to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, promising one and ull who may feci disposed to extend to us their patronage, to sell them genuine Drugs and Medi cines, on as liberal terms as rfny other house in the City, and to faithfully execute' all orders entrusted to us promptly and with dispatch. One of the proprietors beittg a regulnr physician, affords ample guarantee of tNf genuine quality of all articles sold at their estabtishmerrl. We especially invito druggists and country merchants, who may wish to becorhe agents Dr. Krrlrr'n Cetehrulrd Family Medicine, (stair" dard and popular remedies,) vt forward their aoV dress. . Soliciting the patronage of dealers, e respect fullv remain,' J. N. KEELER & BHO., Wholesale' Dfrjegists, No. 294 Market street, PhiliRlcrphin. September 15, 184U ly. PIIIIAIIGM'IIIA XVXEDICAIi HOUSE, ESTABLISHED 15 YEARS AGO, BY 1)11. KINKELIN, N IK. Corner of Third and Union, StreetSj BETWKKN SPRUCE AND FINE FTKEET3, PHILADELPHIA IMFTF.I.N YKAKS of extpniive anil uiiinturrupted 1 prtifik-e ipent in tliis city havt remlt-m. Dr. K. thu inoHl expert ami succetutul pru'tui mer lur uiul near, in flit trtvit illicit nt nil iliejis of a privnte mtture. IVrsona ulllieteit willi uleern tiu Uie ImhIv, llirttut, or Irs, pains tu the hetitlor Iti'iien. mercnriiil rheinuat imn. Writ turt a, univcl, tliueitKe nri8iii,'lnm ytutltfull exee(t'is or impurities ttf the htHt. wliert liv the eoutttiuiuou luu beonne euleeblej, ar all t rente I wittt sneeess. lie whuphiees hiuiifll under the care of Dr. K., mny re liiounly confulti in his hour us a i;enileruH)i,aiHi omitideut ly rely upon bis skill its a physieiun. TAKK PAUTlctLAK NOTICR Youiift Men who have injured tiiemelvs by a wtrtain piaetiee utilulgcd in n habit frwuently luurned from evil compunioiis or at seluml the etfuuts of which are uiphfly felt, even when aslerp, and destroy both mind and body, houkl upply iiitineflintely. Wefikuess and uriiiatitutimiWl debility loas of museiilur energy, physieul lussirude and fte.ii era I prostrutitm, irnttilulity and all nervous utfretious, indi gestion, sluirialiiifus of lh livei, und every disensein any whv conneeted with the disorder ol the prwrealive func tions curutl, and full vigor restored. YOUTH AND MANHOOD, A vigorous life or a premature death. KINKELIN on self Preservation. ONLY 2.5 CENTS. This n xk hist published is filled with useful lnfonruition on the iutirmities uml disttusea of the UeiierHtive Urytuis. It uddrrsse itself alike to YOUTH, MAMIOUD uud OLD AUK, ttiMl sliouki be teud by all. The valuable adviee and impressive warning it gives, will prevent years iff misery and suffering aitd suva mutual ly Thousands of Lives. Parents by reading it will leant how to prevent the dea tructiou of their uhiklreu. A retiilttanee of g5 eents, eneloael in ft letter, ad drewed n DK. K1NKK1JN, N. W. o mer ofTMIHDA UNION Streets, between Spruce Sl. line, rhiladelphia, Will ensure a book, under envelope, per return of mull. Persons ut a distance umy address br. K. by letter, (post paid,) Hud beeuid at home. PACKAOl- OK MKD1CIFKA, DIRKCTIONS, tc.t forwnrdtH Ky sendinf a reimttauus. and put up secuic fruoi i;A.HAurui j ' loos Utsilt-scllers, New AireuU.IVillars. Canvassers, and all others supplied with the abuvs work at vary low rates. February 9, I860. ly TISSUE PAPER. Yellow Tissue -pnper for covering glasses, 4c, for sale at the olficc ot the American. STONE Ware, EartherTware, Raisins, Al monds. Prunes sud Cream Nuts. Planes of all kinds. . Salt and Plaster. Just received and! for sale by JOHN W.PRILINU. Sunbury, Dee, 39, 1849. BANK. NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. i-r.mniYi,VAiviA. riTT Of PHlLADKLftllA. MAMAnAlrsr-v-ra u. 8. Bank notes 15 ills An snlvent banks s dIS . RHODE H4LAND. AB snlvmt hnkt . aii solvent banks pat rotisrsT. Rank of Chsmliersbarg 1 dis Bank of Chester Co. par B.nk of Del. Co. Chester par V"KCTICUT. All solvent banks 1 dl. SW YORK. " dumb ii um-mnncowil par Dunk of Oettrshurs; 1 dii Alt solvent banks i jia WBk notes smler 5 i d.s nans oi uwntiwn Bank oTMidillotown 1 dis Montaomerv Co Bnnk nar rotmtaT. All solvents banks 1 Ay , NEW JERSEY, nehidere Bank I dis Bank of Nnrthnmberl'nd. run I Bank of Pittsburg 1 dii Commercial Bank dis i nnlis oi jfflnvllla Carlisle Bnnk par 1 riia r r. mm mom lioiir par F. ft M.. Middletown Pt. par Mechanics' Bk, Newark par Mech. Bk nf BurliurUMi par Mech. ft Man. Bk Trent par" Morris Co Bank die Columbia B'k A B'jre Co par Doyelslown Bank par r-anum jhuik pnr F.rle Hank nia Exchange B'k Pitlslinrs 1 dis Exchange H'k, Branch 1 dis llmi,.. nB.,f iewars BK'g Ins. Co 1 dis I dis' ruraiwi' b'k, linemen par 'I'onple'l Bk Pm.r I j. Farmers' Bk, lancaster pnr Princeton Bank par Wnlem Banking Co, bsr' rnrmers' UK, Mending par Farm. Ilk Ochuylkill Co par F ft D. Bk Wnvneah'g Unit Semerret Co Bnnk I dis ftate Bnnk at Camdea par' Htate Bk Elirabethton di State Bank Newark 1 diif Plate Bk, N. Brunswick par fuscx Bnnk, Newton I dir Franklin Bk. Vr'ash'u mirrnhnrg Hank Hnnrsrlnle Bnnk I-oncnsli-r Bank ifum 1 dis 1 di l-ctiniiini Bank Merch. ft Mnn rtp,i pari par 1 ilisl Trenton Dank ing Co par I'ninn Bank, Dover dig Vnnlleyv'leftDel Dr On fsdls1 tflik notes under M 1 dnr T,L'I A IS, in.. - miners- u s, rnttsville per Monongiihela Hank I dis Tnylorsv'e Del H'g Co 15 dis est lirsuch Bnnk par Wyoming Bk, Wilkesb'e pnr York Hunk, 'di. il, : . .... Hank of Delaware fnf Bank of Smyrtia pf Delaware City Bank t-r urneiier notes 1 dis Uk wiimc'n Drandyw. v Farmers' Ilk Pt Debt ware .n-r" I'nion Dmik. Wiln. i.ioi, ,. niAI,K. nmiKot Whetlnrk S dis mr-resmne Ilk, BnngnrlOdii All solvent bnnks I di NK.W IIAMI'SHIRJ.1 CT Under $5', . J ,1,4 OHIO. Alt solvent bnnks .t.d All solvent hanks J dis Wilt notes under g's 4 dis Bnnk nf St Alhnns 4 dii I'ANUUNA. All s-ilvent ImnVS o Jl. All solvent tanks dis ItyUnd'erS's, SldiS IMPORTANT TO THE l'UCLIC. MEDICINES. Don't permit vnnr Horses nr entile in Au i'-j tbe means of cure are Within tiifrCdcil rrfriHI The undersigned hn Spe"nt tfr(tJ f-irri, ; fj,g r" uy 0!,;,,',,'lnnO-pmctice in ."London and E dinboro , he hns also availed hi'tflseirof t(,eresear chesuf Leil.iff, and othercelebrhted rilCrl, vho h. contributed so much towards a iudicioirWrcitmsnt ot animals; the principles of our procure consists in the rejection of (rcnernlbleedino: and the totst rciection of all medicines that exportrncs has1 siiown to bo of a danireroiis terr.lnr. 'ri..- medics act , harmony with the viUil prim-iple, snd hcn Riven accor.li11Ir to the directions Which ac company each article they arc capable of exeitiri(r and inereasmR the natural functions, without di- saloin tlic hands of every one. G- H- DAT)T), M. B. A 1.1st of Horse nnd Cottle MriliilaVsj Physic balls, 75c. per box. Alterative ball, 75c do. powders for bad condition, 75c per pack- ace. Heave powder for diseases of the lunirs, I'liiie powder fir " kidney. Tonic iinwder for bail fnn.liii... -i.-.i '.. 75e da.- do.' 75c i' v i i - K'Mumun planners, 7oc , " ,"" Ul"" 'r iiiiiaiuatiou of boweli 75c noitle I.iipiid blister, 75c per bottle. Ointment for uromotinir il.o r...,u i.i- SOa' per pot. HoaliiiR balsam for wounds and saddle per bottle. galls, 75c Wash for inlhuned eves. 5f)c per bottle. Ointment for mange 'scratches, old sores, dee,. 50s I? per bottle. ' Embrocation for sore lliroat, 75c. )Pr Imttle Hoof ointment for ! e.rack, brittle hoof, &e, SO' Jier botllc. Horse Id.iiment, the most celebrated article known1 in England lor lameness of every description, 75.' & lil per bottle. it. uisiciiipcr powder for red water, iier rsittle W orm powders for the removal of wornrs Iroirf the intestinal canal. 75 per package. ror sale liy sn.IPS(l V KEE1), 2B chants How, also at 1).1)'S HORSfi CATTLE ME jci: JJEPDT, Kos. 1 Mer-- ji;uidihi-i ..rarc, DoKtoii. Pamphlet- desciibi, the diseases for whisk' these remedies nreuscf can W had gratis Numerous Certitioites are in- posscssiorr f ths1 Proprietors; of cures performed by the abois Medi--cin'cs-. Jruy OREE V & r'TCHER,No.-968utW fel.t I Jl Street, Phila.lerphia, rrml by his" Aokxts Hkmit Misskh, (Sunbury. Fcln-ttiry 3, t'OWJMBJM SERIES Or' fite Pufits friend and teacher'' s temfort. 'pilE CClUMBIAN CALCULATOR This Work is already introduced into some of the' best AcadaWn and a lnYfee' mmilier of Schools, where its use- has (riven decided and unMersol sa tislaction, both to teachtt rrnd pupil. K rs purely American in its character, based upon our own1 bciurtrful tle'imnl sytttni tf currency, fteontains" more, tbe urrijinjrcments re better, and ft is the' easiest and c?reaiest work of the kind now hi use ? ami it is so considered by hundreds of he most competent tctrchcrs aTAl mrri of science irffheUni-' on, who have' recommended it, It is the' book- particularly irnd expressly pteplired for oW Am rican Scholar My AntoW ficinor. Ths Yoi th's Columhiax CALCLLAToa-This volume contains 91 pinres; with about 900 exam pies for solution oh' the W It emlacs the Fundamental KuliSr, Corhnd Rules, Simple' anil Compound Kctrok-sie-, giligle Rule of Three Proportion, &c. Ticknok's AniTHMKfii'ALTABLr.s.hrdestined1 for the use of youniier classtif in thaSchobh of th I. fntel States. A beautiful little book a-Atl pleas' inir to ehiWren, and the otrly oheofflie kiiSl of any value'.- TfcVM? are Keys to both Arithmetics bod sin--r! or dnuf.fe, fiwt he convenience of teachers, iw which the (A fHtw of the ipjestions are given with much xfra rrtafliey for the black board. These' Keys ate (he nfost cornplete works of the bind ever' published, and contnirr, hi addition, abnut two hundred examples-m Mehsuration, &c, for the use of the Teaclur. AH tin i wanted is to have' the above lunik examined, a1r no teachelf who ur acquainted with the science of Arithmetic, wilf hesitate' to pronounce them the best woHcs tha have ever licen published in this or arty other' country. Although issued but a few mohths, they haver already been introduced1 into1 the Night Public Schools of New York City in1 all the Schools public and private, except two; m tho' City of Reading. Also, in about twenty Avadamielrm the State of Pennsylvania in a large portion- of the" Schools in the City of Wilmington, hi the' City ot Lancaster, and in the Boroughs of Harrikburgy -York, Chainbershurg.lhunon, Doylestowrr, PotU ville, Oiwignhuru-, cie, etc. For sale by Hcxn r Mawk, Sunbury,. irgen fot Korthumlierland' County,. Sunbury, Dec. S, IBiif, PATE1TT MZDICII1TE3. Oreen's Oxygenated Bitter, price reduced. Old Jacob Townsend's Sarsaparilla. Baker's Sarsaparilla. Sway ne's Syrup of Wild Cherr Swayne's Vermifuge. Ayrc's Cherry Pectoral Dn Drake's Panacea, Dr. Cullstv's do Tibbit's Pain Kij)e. Dr. Hoortuisr's Uernaan Kttnsr Indian Vegetable Pill Hurso and Cattle Medicinee For sale by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, July 14, 1849, HOOKS snd Gold Pens. On hand several coes-- tes of Uie life of Christ, and also aunber est ' gold pens which we will aetl at tm FhuMetyku i prices. For sale at thisofficeV . ITNNEDrs PATENT SAMT TAj '' TENING8.A cheap audi exeelient ext.; cle for fasteniug sash ior sale by JVW.FWLWd; . unbuy, July 7, 1819. .