Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 17, 1850, Image 3

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    "t.- tmKj
; Arrival of the
The U.S. mail steamer Pacific, Capt. Nye,
arrived at New York on Sunday evening
from Literpool, bringing European sdvices
to the 31st ult.
The great matter of interest by this arrival
5s a bloody and hard-fought battle between
the Danes and Holsleiuors, on the C5lh of
July, In which the latter were totally defeat
ed. Tho field of action was ldstedt, a small
Village on the Flensburg road. The Danish
army amounted to about 45,000 men, com
Winded by General Von Krouh ; the army
t rtolsteihers td 28,000. The carnage
Vas terrible, the following is the
given of the fight.
Denmark nnd the UncMt"..
balih of ldstedt Great Slaughter of the
Schksmg-Hohtein Army-Entrance of
the Danes into Schlesu-ig.
The war now has commenced in earnest.
6tx the 25th the two armies met, and after
ome skirmishing a regular engagement en
Udefl, in which the Danes were victor.ous.
The battle began at dawn of day and lasted
in-even lours. The Danes attacked with
bcitit 25,666 men. and the Insurrectionary
trmV was atiout 20.000 strong. The centre
f he TSchleiwig-Holsteiners, under Gen.
Willisen, oc-eupiedthe village of Mated , a
tittle distance nOrln Of the town of Scl.les
xVSsr the Danes attacked both wings of
thei"r ehcmie,, and after h'cJ
continued for eight hour, brought all the r
disposable strength ngnhiM the centre of YV .1
lise'i's troops, and at length forced him to re
turn Ihrouah Schleswig, toward llendsburg.
Rut the defeat was most signal, and the re
Milt must be hitthly important for the Danes,
by dales from Hamburgh of the 27lh, we
learn that the. killed, wounded and missing,
m tho i
battle of Ldstedt, aie now -
rnnn of which ihe "renter share lias
On the Danes. The numbers in action are
....'.mated at 40.000 Danes and 30.000 Hoi
steiners. The BrersenhaUe states that Gen.
Von Willis., refused to accept .he Danish
General's offer nf three day's On the
26lh the Danes had advanced to with... , a
few miles of the Lider, i.euaC roP.s. Of the
sixteen guns at Ekerford, the llols.einers car
ried off two and spiked and abandoned .he
A Danish war steamer was,
I ..
left m Irtroin? that w wr "ei' D-v
sd by
rrusians. It was slated that v.u. von iu.,..
and his enrps had 'reined the mvin body of
the insurants' army, but the t.owT; wants
Vontirmation-. .
The iVuifS are now 5n f-oWemion -rjf the
'own of SehleMVig, where they haVe taken
KiWuinn and founed head-quarters.
V'h fimnhnrg Beersenhalle, of tho Will,
g,vs le following account of the battle:
AlfT a unexampled sauguiimry battle
. a ..... ubiih lasted lei eleven
hours, the jchlenvig-llolsteiu army was com
pelled to reWeut and give up lite town of
Schleswitf to the enemy, after liiililiug wi.h
' admirable courage and perseverance against
an enemy superior in numbers, who were
able to bring continually fresh troops into the
field. It accomplished its retreat in good
order, without being pursued by the Danes,
and is now concentrated at Schesledt, in the
Schleswig territory.
When the surgeon was attending the
wound which confined me, he told me a di
verting story of a youns swiss soldier, a re
f.rtnv, who, when his regimentals were mak
ing, had procured a round iron plate, bord
ered with holes, which hedesiied the tailor to
fasten on tho inside of his coat above his left
breast, to prevent his bejng shot throuh the
heart-, the 14'ilor-, being a humorous fellow,
fastened it in the seal f his breeches, and
ihe Clothes being scarcely on his back, when
ha was ordtiYed to march into the field, he
hs.d rw opportunity to get his awkward mis
take rectified before he found himself en
caged in battle; and being obliged to fly
before the enemy in eudea'.oiing to gTU oVer I
st thorn hetl in his Way, he tinforUmslely
tlick fast till hfe was overtaken by the
enemy, one cf whomj on eomin; up, itave
him a push In ihe breech with his bayonet,
(with no frieiully Jesignj) but it luckily bit
on the iron plate, anil pushed the yrJung
soldier Clear off the hed:;e. This faVdrable
circumstance made the Swiss honestly cou -
fess that tbe tailor had more (tense than
himself, and he knew better where his
heart lar.--.f1ftitotV of tctet llenry Bruce
BltiMOHE, 'Auf. (j.
five slates who had run away from their
jwnera in Maryland, were brought down
'.hit morning in the cars of the Susquehanna
railroad from Pennsylvania, tt appears that
there werd eleven runaways, from different
soiintieg in this State, and certain Pennaylva
tiians learning that they were secreted on the
farm of a negro, one mile actoss the Penn
sylvania line, proceeded to capture them and
succeeded in getting seven of them.
In passing through Slrasburg, York county,
the abolitionists, headed by Postmaster
Brown, endeavored to rescue them, and suc
ceeded in getting two of them. In the slrug
i;le, Brown was knocked down. The five
slaves lhat remained were then put into the
cars and sent to this city.
While In the Cars, pistols were fired af the
Pennsylvania!)!. One slave, in attempting
to (boot his captor, shot himself. The affair
produced a great excitement here, as well as
all along the railroad. The slaves were lod
y ged in jail this morning, to await the arrival
of theU owners.
Cure fob: Dubrhcea Burn Rhubarb
powder ia tn iron, stiring it till black
cucd J then smother H in covered jar.
The dote ii from five to tea grains, given
is water, port wine or milk. After one
or two doses the pain quickly subsides,
and the bowels speedily regain their ac
customed strength and health. Gcrnin
tpw Ttl'groph, -
Tho Assistant Marshal for Northumberland
county has commenced taking the census,
and collecting the statistic of the county,
as required by and act of Congress. We
give bolow a copy of tho questions which the
Marshall is required to ask, and which our
fellow-citizens are required to answer, under
the penalty of $30 for each refusal, that nur
readers may understand and be prepared to
ive the information required.
Schedule 1, lqtiirts an inventoiy of'.he
free inhabitants, with thenumbernf dwelling
houses numbered in the onler Of visitation ;
the number of families; the name .,bf every
person abiding in ruieh family, ngr1, fx, and
color being indicated, nnd tho occupation of
ench male person over 13 years of age) ; the
birth place of each ; those married within the
year ; those '.mending school; those over 20
years who cannot read or write; the deaf,
dumb, blindj insane, idiotic, pauper, or con
tict. Schedule 2, Relates to slave inhabitants,
giving lha names of owners, number of
slaves, with the age, and color; fugitives
from the Slates; number manumitted; num
ber of deaf arid dumb, blind, insane, or idio.
Schedule 3, Relates to the productions of
agriculture; and of the name of the owner,
and agent or manager of ilia farm; number
unimproved ; cash value of the farm ; value
of implements and machinery ; the livestock
including horses, mules, nsses, working oxen,
milch cows, other cattle, sheep and swine ;
the value of live stock ; value of animals
slaughtered during the year; bushels of
wheat produced ; of rye, Indian corn and
oats; pounds of rice and tobacco ; bales of
ginned cotton ; pounds of wool ; bushels of
beans and peas.
Schedule 4, Call for tho products of in
dustry, with the name of the corporation,
company, or individual producing articles to
the annual value of five hundred dollars ; the
name of the business, manufacture, or pro
duct; capital invested in leal or personal
estate in sucli business; tlm quantity, kind,
and value of raw material and fuel consum
ed ; the kind of motive power, machinery,
structure, or resouice ; the uverago number
of hands employed, male and female, with
the average cost of male and female labor;
the annual quantities, and kinds, and values.
Scin:i)LLB 5, Relating to social statistics,
calls lor the name of tho town, county, or
city ; tins ablegate, valuation of real and
personal estate, separately ; aggregate taxes
I . .1... ..!!. ...... ....... 1. 1...;.) froo
UJMUU . 11113 , ui.i . ....-.-. .tw
,,.. .cho,,i.. svhno 110U(1C. money
' . , - ,' , .
raised by tax for schools last year, money
raised in other was, and money received
from the public funds for schools ; the public
libraik's and number of volumes ; the name,
class, limes of issue, and circulation of perio
dicals including newspapers, und information
as to the season whether this has ptoduced
average crops, what mips are short, to what
extent-, and to what is the average rier year;
also particular information respecting the
number, color, nativity, and cost of support
ing paiipers; the ciimiuals convicted, the
number in prison, their color and nativity;
the cost if labor, including the average wa
ges to a farm hand per month, hired by the, and boarded ; the average wages of a
day laborer, Without boardj and with board ;
the average payment to carpenter per day,
without board ; the nveiage wages to a fe
male domestic per week, with board, and
the average price of board to a laboiiug man
per week '. also- ths number of churches,
the number of persons each will accommo
date, and the value of the. churches.
Schedi le C, Calls for the name of every
person who died during the year fcnding 1st
June, 1850, usual place of abode at
the time of his death was in the family visi
ted ;. with the age, sex, and color of such
person, whether free or slave, married or wi
dowed ; with the nativity, month in which
tho death occurred, occupation, and disease,
or cause of ilmi'li.
We should here remark, lhat upon the cen-
BiisofPico, ami upon nl! iis r.i!(;nls, a rlchcate
. . . , . , i . ,
ami important rjuty rests ; ana tluu wnno
great prudence, caution, and circumspection
will necessarily be observed by lliein, llley
still cannot wholly perlorm all that is requir
ed of Ihein v.-ilhont the eo-npeiulioii of tlieir
lellow cilizi.'.is thniiiohniit ihn Republic. To
every immstead. to every place of business
and labor, and to every lield, Ihe agents of
this uliice should receive a kind welcome,
and it should be the earnest desire of every
one to impart to them nil the information in
his possession. It is the happiness, the pros'
1 Por,lJi
the welfare of the millions that our
government seoka to promote ; and the
knowledge now to be attained is essential to
the Intelligent legislation of Congress upon
subjects nearest to the interests of the mas.
se of the people. Let there be, therefore,
entire harmoily and concert ofaotiou, und
let out fbllow-citliens in the different town
ships and boroughs vie with each other, in
giving promptly tho requisite aid and infor
mation to the Assistant Marshal, when he
Calls on them.
PaMJY ATTEN'lilftO X "BaoAri Btttyi" Cos
vkxtios for the first time, was" much aston
ished and puzzled wilhal at the manner of
worship. Having been told that tho better
'brethren spake even as they were moveil
by the Spirit," ho watched the proceedings
With increasing disgust for their "haytlieu
way by worship,'' tiil one young Quaker
rose and commenced solemnly,
' Brethren, 1 have mariied"
"Tha devil ye hcv !" interrupted Fat
Quaker sat down in confusion, but the spirit
moving Pal nu further, the yonng man mus
tered courage and broke ground again :
"Brethren, I have n.arried a daughter of
the Lord !"
' The devil ye hev that !" said Pat, "but
it'll be a long, long while before iver ye'U
1n Ohio most of the peach trees are really
breaking down wilb the abundance of the
fruit. The apples are nearly as abundant;
the fruit crop appears to be everywhere good.
What prospers the wheat, is generally good
for fruit. As to wheat, there is no diminu
tion of tha good acCoun'tt received from every
. The following extraordinary letter appears
in the Paris Univers, and is copied into the
English Catholic journals, at if entitled to
full credit:
Rimini, June 2d, 1850.
"Live the Precious Blood !"
j "Most illustrious and respected Superior.
On Saturday, May 11th, a married
woman ami her two young daughters, per
ceived a movement of tho eyes of the Bles
sed Virgin in the picture placed, as you will
recollect, in the liltle chupel at the end of
the church. From motives of prudence they
kept silent. On Sunday morning they re
turned and observed the same thing; they
then sent to the church two other young
girls, their companions, without telling them
anything, but merely saying, "go to St.
Clare's Church, and observe the picture of
the Aladonim in such a chnpel." The young
girls wont thither, saw, nnd reported the fact.
This was towards midday. Two or three
hours afterwards the news ran like lightning
through the "city, nnd the church and Ihe
streets loading to it were ctowded. livery
one ran to St. Ciare's Church. I then went
to the Vice General tn beg him to take any
measure that he might judge expedient.
He came and removed Ihe imago to the high
The crowd incessantly increasing, it was
with great difficulty tho church could be
closed after midnight. And from lhat lime,
till the moment 1 write, the movement hus
continued it still continues. The crowd of
people daily augments, and the vast church
of El. Augustine at '.he same hour cannot
Contain them, the streets of Rimini are filled
with strangers. Incredulity at once began
to deny the fuct, asserting that the reflection
of the wax light on the glass might deceive
the sight, and this rumor was eo strong that
the Vicar General felt obliged to remove the
glass, lie did so in the presence of a vast
assemblage, which was moved to tears, and
pressed towards tho holy picture, tho beauty
of which was increased after tllo glass Was
removed; in public satires some had ven
tured to accuse the missionaries of u certain
mechanical connivance which wrought the
prodigy, it ml it was in consequence of this
accusation that they showed tho picture to
the people simply on the bare canvass.
The movement consists in this; the eyes
of the picture are frequently seen raised to
Heaven in the altitude of snpplicutiuii. Some
times the entire yo turns round; at other
times Ihe pupil appears brilliant like a dia
mond. Several persons are certain that it
moves its lips and changes color, and that
the picture being stirred by this fuct, ten
days of spiritual exercises have been give.
during which it is not we who have preach
ed, but rather the Queen of the Apostles, and
she conlinues to preach, and the confessions
are innumerable ; and if we except those
who are, so to speak, confirmed in evil, every
body makes it a duty to approach the sacra
A dear chase Fon k Dker. Recently a
deer came into the city, ami in tho chasa
rushed into Main street, among tho laige
and fashionable stores, causing quite a sen
sation among the bucks there. It came
down Cuurt street and over the fences of the
gardens on Hammond street and made a
leap and a dash at the back window of(
Mullay's crockery store, into and through tho
Store; and then across the street and dashed
into tho large and brilliant window of Messrs
Henionway and Mersey, each costing 875
dollars, and smashing tho large astral lamp
and trotting across tiie glass show case.
When headed off it leaped through a side
lirjfht of small dimensions, nnd made his
escape across the street, juinpingovera large
loail of lumber into tho dry goods store of T.
G. Stickiiey, leaping through the window
and under railin?. and on taking a hurried
survey was attracted by a large mirror in
the rear end of the store, and lushed against
it, smashing it to atoms.
This shock caused it to sally back, but it
j immediately recovered and trotted along the
i - .
show ease, und when headed itglibly dodged
and escaped from the same place at which it
had entered. In tho chase it pushed ahead
into West Market place and into tho store of
J. A Whil.nore, whe.e it made itself eceed
inoy busy among tile barrels and boxes, un
til in its fright il dashed against the back
window, carrying the whole sash and strik
ing upon the wharf below, along the wharf
to the storo room of Messrs; Fiske nnd Dale,
In the window of which it was caught and
then slaughtered.
Mrs. Pabtikuton's Inc-i'Ibies. This ven
erable old lady propounds a number of ques
tions through the column!) of the Raleigh (N.
C.) Deaf Mute, from which we quote the
Whether Mason & Dixon's line was a line
of stage coaches or Steam packets ?
What kind of curiosities does Gen. Tay-
lur's Ctilnnet contain 1
Whether the Putcder Magazine contains
any good reading on the subject of ladies'
dresses 1
Whether the Pope is going to roam all over
the world before ho di ?s 1
Whether tus Mills nic as ferocious as
over 1
Weie tha liberty pole's, which were re
cently At to pieces iu Paris,' tho last of lhat
noble race 1
Under what special canon dries the Senate
of the United States tonIrm ministers?
When a committee in Congress makes a
report, (toes a not produce agitation among
the members?
Is the United Slates Mint any better for
juleps than the common mmtt
Has the "Double Eagle" two pair of wings
or not f
Is gutta perchti the dried entrails of kind
of fish if not, what is it 1
Do dead tettert ever revive after reaching
the General Post-oltice T
Do navigators have to double their capet in
all latitudes or is it only in cold regions t
In St. Peteksbukch, 690,500 bottles of
champagne are annually consumed.
Tub French Navy at the present mo
ment contains only lif vessel.
"VfHt doh't top fix toor aoor 1" said
a traveller in the West, to a certain indi
vidual, of a certain State, whom he beheld
composing himself into the corner, in a vain
effort to escape the rain which was pouring
in upon him. ' '
"Its raining, stranger, and I can't;'' was tho
reply. '
"Why don't yon do it when it ain't rain
ing V was Ihe next inquiry.
"Why, stranger, it don't need fixing then,"
was the reply, as tho owner of the domicil
nestled closer into the corner.
Considerable interest was excited on Sat
urday, in the neighborhood of the Trenton
Uasin, by a light between a rat and a weasel.
The battle continued with varied fort. .no for
an hour nnd a half, when the. weasel finally
proved victorious.
One hundred nnd sixty ! the crew of
the U. S. Frirate Raritan have lately joined
the teniperancr1 society.
i i; i.
In this place, on Thursday last, Mr.
GEORGE HALL, at the advanced ago of 90
In this place, on the same day, Miss
MANY RICHARDSON, of Philadelphia, aged
about 24 years.
l)c iltcirkcts.
Philadelphia Market;
August 14. 1850.
Flour. Flour is quiet at $5 25 a $5 37 J
Extra Flour at $5 024 a 7 00. Rye Flour.-
Penna. is selling ul $2 87. Cum Meal is
worth $3 00 per brl.
Wheat. There is a limited demand; small
sales of new red Southern at SI 14; and good
white at $1 16.
Rye. Penna Rye is held at 65o per bush.
Cohn. Corn is in demand at 68 c. for yel
low ; White is worth 63 cents.
Oats. Oats are still very scarce; sales
of prime Penna. from stole at 48 els ; South
ern are worth 30 a 38o.
Whiskey. Sales of Whiskey in bblsat 27c
and h lids ut -lie cents.
Baltimore Market.
Aug. 12, ISjO.
Wheat. Small sales of good to prime reds
weie made to-day al 105 els., and Peun.
white at 1 12 els.
Corn. White at I a (i.r cents, and of j el
low at fiG cents.
Oats Prices runae from IS to 3S cents.
WlllsKCY. Sales of bbls were made at 27
cents, and of hluU al 2d cents.
Corrected weekly bij Henry Mas&er.
Wheat. - - H'O
Kte. - .50
Coax. - - - - , 00
Oats. - - v 37
UlTTEIl. - - - - 12
Liics. .... 8
1'ollK. ... - 5
Fl.AXSF.Kll. - 1"5
Tallow. - - - 10
Dkeswax. - 25
Flax - - - - 8
Hixklkii Flax; - - 10
Dm eh Apples. - - 62
Do. Peaches. - - 200
S. IF Corner 6th Arch Street, Phildilelphiu.
f AS for sale all kinds of choice Family Grocc--
rics at the very lowest prices, vii!
Extra Fine, superior and common lilurk and
Grren Teas; old Gov. Jiva and othrr kinds of
Cofl'cc, nil qualities of Crashed Light Drown and
Drown Sugars ; best Skthi Oil and Kprrm ami
Amnntinc Candles ; Daker's Chocolate, Cocoa
and Droma; Farina, Tapioca, Sago and Whcatcn
UriUj Olive till, Isinglass, Ketchups and Sauces,
Marrarom, Yeiniicclli, English Split Peas, &c.
They will pack up all Roods lor the countrv
neully and securely and deliver them promptly lit i
any Depot or Hotel us desired.
S. W. Cor. lith It Arch Sts.
- Philadelphia,
Aug. 17, ltNd! lv.Miv
FM1IE suiisciiher has built himself a dry dock
JL in Noitluinilicrland, above the lirst lock on
the Yct Branch Canal, where he intends huild
inar and repairing canul boati,. 11c can take lio.tls
on the dock from two to (ivo dollars cheaier than
thev can he taken out, with machinery.
Thankful to those who favored hint lit fore, he
hopes by carefully nttciulliif to all the repairing
entrusted to him lo still merit a share of public
Northumberland, August 10, 1S30. otn.
joiiv c. lieuics estate:.
J OTICE ia hereby given that li tters of Ad
ministration Have been granted to the
subscriber, on this estate of John C. Liehig, late
ol Miatnok.n, .Northumberland county, dec U.
All persons indebted to said estate or liuvin? de
mands against the same, are requested to call
for settlnient. JOSEPH BIRD, Ad.u'r:
Shamokln, Aug. 10, 1830 6t
AM. persons Indebted (o the subscriber on
Notes, Book Accounts and Constable. Fcea,
are hcrehv informed that Ins books &c, have
been placed in the hands of J. II. Zimmerman,
Esq., for collection and w'll be put into suit with
out delay if hut immediately attended to.
Sunhury, August 3, 1850; St
TH E subscriber being dbout to' leave 5iihhur,
requests all persons having any claims a-
gainst him, to present than to FKEDEKICK.
LAAKI S, Esq., tor settlement, to whom also
all persons indebted to the subscriber, are rsoucs
Ud to make payment.
Sunbury, August 10, 1650. 5!
To the. Voters of jVorthumleilund (Jouniy.
Ikilow Citizens : -Having been encouraged
by a larpt number of niv friends, ! otter my
self as a candidate for the oftic of
at the next election, (subject to the decision of the
Democratic Convention.) Should 1 ho nomina
ted and elected I pledge irfyself to perform tho
duties of said office failhfu'lv and, to best of my
ability. DANIEL WOLF.
Jackson township, Aug. 10, 1850.
IELLOW CITIZENS : Encouraged by a
; large number of my friends, I otter myself
sa candidate for the office of
at the next election, (subject to the decision of the
Democratic County Convention.) Should I be
nominated and elected, I pledge myself to perform
the duties of said office faithfully and to the best
of my ability. PETER IIOl'GHAWOtT.
t FusW, tovrnhi, Jur I M.
How frftauoiitlv do i hear this einretf Ion. which Ift
tnemtl to ronvy to thft mind the lint 'lag "f it-kneafe
inai a ptiiiriit enn ra remieea 10, ana vo. mm. nmn
"n, a nirmber of th Tritiitv Church, vaa. aa the exorea
en hnrwir hrrtiiffht ritu-n tn "UeaLh'a dour." byHbea
tnatiam and Nervoim Heartache, when, like an angel of
mercy, Rnrtway Keady Holier relieved her of her aevera
paiiiftand Featured hr l her friend In perfect health.
The very inntnnt Kwlway'a Heady Relief ia applied, Ua
hem-ficiRl efltTta am 'experienced, it soothe, heala, clean
a'A and puriliea ; it iii"tmiily alliiya irritation, reduces in.
ruffir pnini, aivca enae to iMirna. tVaMn, Kirna, Eruption!
rurrta Khcumutiain ,itmlAgn. limit, i'aialyaia. Sprniita.
ftiruiitf. ripfiftm. Stiff Ncrlt, AVmikneaa in the 8uie and
mick, cris oi an Ktticis, umir, MruiM, unaiea, core
Throitl, Infliicnxfl, IIjnrHncPR-, Omifrlm, Olds,
This titrtnriiitr nfiVcti iti crm he rurnri in on iitettml, for
the tntHiii'iit tlif lift., t t inches thi nerve, the poin ia mi
UrJtct. S with Tie J liieiix snul HtMim-ruuni, Nutiral
pta tifi.lii.'W Ik-mbcluN U.iImi tltt purls where tlm pain
If hi:viti (uni iii n ifv iiiilint'-s yuii will lie entirely
relii vi-:!. Tnkeii iiii''iii:;!l)- it will uncut the m-'sl violent
f;Ki.-iiiv im I t 'liiiiij, v. uluii v.iimtiuir or to much ptiijiitiff
ill :iil V:fi h t will ;;ivO ft I i!ll'T!ll i T WuilktieSPj CJtSC lur
riiil. Iii-;:'.li " r r-i" ni'.Hf . N'' K'nv lifliel' if( tfemiilli! Ull
kw M!rn.'(! 1: j liAliWAV A. CO., 10-,' Fult:m tlr.Jil.
i; t tii!ii:t it Kii im ri:s.
TO L.'.iiJj.i.l.iSII AM) I.MIANCK Till; CHARMS
ok i:i-:ai;tv.
(I .tnv i ' l Kiii',n :. Poap.
i!ii!wm ' Mi,"!ie.itttil J im, h ) iuvorubW ktmwn thmiurh
m the t',mtii Miiililf wtM ht I r it r i.xtmiirlv hhtml, punu-
nur uitd Mthinv Mi-jet in the sl;iu ; while by its aeti it
nil the p -xi-ti .intl the liiintite Feeii'ti T VfJ'fels it tXels u!l
iuiui it leM i nun ttte mm iuee. u.iii s i very icwietiey t" in
fiuiiiiii;iti(in. mul eiFectiml'v ilii'ip'stes l fedms. tan,
piuille, Hpiji, I'refVu-Ji, iliHeil imti.tii!Mud ut her cntnucoiis
cni!iifi,s The rt.'hiiht 1)1 nun it impails tt the cheek, the
SMilm-Hs ruiil delitmcy which it imhices of tho hands in id
Bini". its ciruil'iiity nl a tilling inii-iii-m in id rem)viii cu
tnne mi itiMeet.-'. rendor it ln-lpctts d;le 1 1 every tni let.
ticiitleitien al ter nliMvintf will find it allnya nil iintttion
nmltetidcrnei3 ol ilie akin, und renders il milt, sinKt1i and
Dm ini( the heal mtd diit f fUiHtiiF.r, or fnmt nnd hlcnk
winds ni winter: and incusi.-soleiinliuru, stints ol 'insects
einlblnii.s, ehH,i)ed h;ui'U. or iueidentnl inltfimmntiuii, lis
virtu:s hnve l'iv and extensiv ely been nekn iwleded. Its
puriiVinti mi l retrenhinir prnperties h ive ohlniued its selec
tion fruin Hi'- ill- usaikls !" i'ilr:r c.suiettc, blh of Euro
peon ami d imestic inannfnetnrc. hy the twn ton of all parts
ol the findn nnt!i' world, from the burning tropica to the
frozen reitlnis if the e Kin?. Tho public will please
hear in mind that Undwny's .Medieiited Sip, is the only
ante prestation f rt the skin now in use; this hns been
certified to by onr must pi'inineiit chemists. Hadway't
S ap is free from poisonous, irritulintr and pernicious in
gredients, it can be used on the tender skin of the infant
with the wime happy results ns upon beauty in its prime.
See that each cuke is enveloped in a splendid label of
steel envrnvinc and further sec that the aitfiiuture of R.
O. RAD'WAY is upon each cuke. Trice 25 cents, large
Warranted the best Hair Tonic in use,
For Dressmp and Beautifying the hftir.
It cleansed the Scnlp from Dundruff, keeps it clean, cures
Scurvey. Bnldncsi. and Sores on the Head stops the hair
I torn failing out. renders it strong, fine, smooth, soft and
gl-ifdv. l'ers iiia who have hist their hair by sickness will
tind a cotnptcteuniiitiitc inKndwnvs CireAsion Balm. It
als'i gives it a d irk and beautiful color, and wdl prevent it
from turning prey. From its exquisite purity, it isadnii
rnbly adnpted for'lhe Imir of children of the most tender
ace.' It in s ild in liirgn bottk lor S."i cents per bottle, and
is w.'irniiUed the b:et Imir prepmut ion in use. it will not
s-mI (lie h:tt. c.Tti. oi the finest fnbric fce that the signn.
turc ft'HAlJWAY ,V CO.. ia upon each iKitll-r no Cir
crtriau Halm is irt'iiuiiiu w ilhiit the signature of ItudwHV
Jt I''.
A'Jkxt U. 1!. Mater Stmhurv.
Anjr. Ut. etlJuily
fJU; liocks r.f 'i'iionuirt A. II ill t nirt'Jtr , late
k lu r:iTof ."S irlliiiinticrlii ml county, have l)ec!i
Ici't in my'.s f'r nnllfviinn. vi II persons indcli
ti'd 1,1 liim t'.ir MicrilT iocs, nvc rcqnircil to call
iimncjhiti'ly l'"V solllcnifnt, nllirrwisc si'.iU will
In: liri:i;lit willmct ri'tpwt to persons.
Si;ulmry, Aurjusl 3, 1S50.
Corner of Eleventh and Ritlqe Road.
A'o. 134 South Second Street, below Dock St.,
PlIlLAPKl.tMlIA- '
nnlli; suliscriluTs would fall the (special attcn
1. tion of Cabinet Mukcra and otl.trs, to their
very eUeusivi; assortment of inaltfriui in tlieir
line, conxistini; ot Maiioffanv Vcnccr, Boards and
I'lank, Hair floth, Curled lluir, Glue, Varnish,
Looking Class l'lates, Mahogany .Knolw, 13ed
Posts, Murhlc Tops, nnd every description of
llnrdtrare rl'oli, Sec.
Culii.'l t Makers residins; out oftho City, would
find it (?featly to flicir advuntai-e to call at our
store to purchase vnch materials us they want,
connected with their business.
All our !h!s are WARIIANTKD,
of the best qmility,. and at verj- reduced prices.
Our Tcrhn ure C.i;!i, (no tnidti.)
Wo guarantee td givo every man the worth of
his ino.icv.
N.I!. Muhnpinv, Walnut nnd Hand Rail
Plunk, and Stair tf.iUustbrt for IJuilders. also
Ma. hie Mantles, always on hand, and every de
scription of turned work.
June S, ISiO. lv
c. fin
I.Ml'llltTKHS O V Fll 1! K 1 G N
Looks, Prbts,, Stationary
(Milt E'rauton nml Huslcul Ieistsu-
Nj. IS North 2nd St., between Arch ec Kace,
1 im. tiKt.i'aiA.
1 M POUT to onler and have constantly on hand
a very large assortment of goods in the above
named lines ul wholesale und retail. Principally :
In fi'erman, Latin, (neck, Hebrew, French, Ituliitrt
Spanish and other l.ittiruuL'es ; Classics, Diction
aries, lirainmers, Vocabularies, School, Juvenile,
l'icture. Drawing and Model Books for Architects
Cabinet, Carri iire sod other manufacturer.
MAl'S.til.OIJKfi anil lilrink Hooks of every
description. Splendid Lithographic and other
Accordcons, Banjos, Bows for ull string instru
ments, Briilae and Tailpieces, Clarionets, Kifes,
Flageolets, r lutes, I lUiturs, (Vtuvo r lutes, l atent
Heads for tuiilarsand Violincellos, Tanibourines,
Ttiuiiitr Koiks and Hammer's Violins, Violin und
Ouitur Pegs, Violincellos and Strings for ull kind
of Instruments Wholesale atid Ketail. Accor
dcons repaired.
Also constantly on hand, wholesale and retail,
a large assortment of thti very best
Pnteh Metal, French and Florence Leal .Metal
Thrjrmoiiioters,-i-IIairpcncilf.-rFi!bcr and other
Leadjiencils, Ited, White and Black Chalk Cray
ons, Miltheinutical Instruments', Scarfictttora,
5irinir Lancets Pocket Prescription and Gold1
Scale and Weights Letter, Fancy colored and
irilt Paper Plaiin? Cards and 0t!er Freifch and
(icrtnan Fancv Articles, for tho sale of which
Ihev are the M !VN VI' A CTt'HBUS AGENTS.
July 0, 18o0.
SUlf' AXI t II EMI 000ns,
john V7. ris.2Lir-ja,
Market Street, Sunbury, Pa.,
ffTTAiri just received and opened a lurgo assort
K ,3 incut of superior and choice Funey and
Staple Dry Goods, Wei! adapted to the eoming sea
son, wlui lthe willsrW ot the lowest prices. 11 is
slock'. of foneral atnortincnt of almost ull
urlieh s of unu in Ihe Dry Goods line, consisting
in purl of
ClotAs, Cusi) meres, Summer-Stuff for
Clothing and Vesting.
1 a die h llres (So odd.
Gloves, Hosiery, Laces, Shawls, Muslins, Sheet
ings Tickings, 1" ine Muslins, Ginghams,
Linens, ecc.
ALSO: A general assortment of ,.
' and every variety of article.
' L"F Country produce of all kinds ttk'n iti tt
change at the highest m'arlM pice.
Stinrury, Afri! j'Sft.
Relative to an Amendment of the Consti-
tutioit -
, RnoLTU T TH SlHATt HnitH o Rr.rncisKTA
biKUAL A.,t,BLr mkt. That ths C'HiMiuniuii of this
Conimnhwealth. be anirndnl in th second s-ction ,if ths
BHh .rtlcK o that il hall read as folk..: Tha Juilres ol
ths 8u jrma Court, W thr several Court., f Common I'.caa,
in of such other Courts of It word as are ot shall be esta
blished by law, shall he elected by the qualified electors of
ths Commdnweslth In the milliner folluwin, to wilt The
Judges of the Hupreme Ojurt, by Uis qushlied electors of
the Commonwealth at largu. The f resilient Jtnlses of ths
sveml Courts of Common Plms and of such' other Courts
ol Record ss are or shall be established by Mw, and all
other Judges required lo be learned iu Ihe law. by tl'e quali
fied et!cinri of the respective districts over which thuy
are to preside or act as Judgi s. And the Associate Judges
of I lie Courts nl" Common lc:n by the qimlifieil electors
of the counties respectively. The Judges of the Supreme
Court shall hold tlieir ollices for Ihe term of lilieen Vuurs,
if they shall so lung behuVe themselves well: (subject to
the nllotmeut hereinriltir provided f. ,r, suhsequeot to the
first election ;) The Preniueyt .tiojgcs of the several Courts
of tVnuuion 1'lens, and of sitcli utner e.Mirts iT Itcrord ns
ore or shull he eMt:ilili:'lu'l hy law, nod ull olher .Indies re
quired to be li'jiiiied in the liiw. fliall hold ihcir irti"' lor
Hie term of ten years, i. Iliev shull so long liehsvo tln.Mii
sclves well : Tiie Ali'ciuti: '.Itld'jrs nf lie! t. tirt ol (:.n-
m)n I'lens slnll h ild their ollii-e. the tcntl ol' tivo ye-irs.
if they sliull i lung hehuVft llicinsclves wWI : rill of wli no
shnli lie c'iniiiiiBKi-tiied ,v th (i 'Vcrn ir. hiit l'.r any ren
somiljle eiiuse which shall ni.t liu RUin-ieot griinnds of
impeachment, the (Joveni"r sl!:ill rem ive :nty of tlictii on
Ihe nilLlrcHsoftwo-tlnrtls ofca.di brioich of the l,eeifd:iture.
The first election shull take nl:ire al the general elrclinn ol'
this Coiiunonwealth next sfler the inioption of this unieiid
tnenlj and the eomniimsions of ull the jedtes who may he
then in oifife shall expire on the iirst IUnd.iy oi llee-oii-lier
following, when the terms i f l he new '.iiulm-s shull
eonnrience. The persons who nhnll then hi' elected .ludjres
of the riitpreine Courl shall lio'd their offices ns I'otl.nvs:
one nl i hem fur three V'jiiri. one f r six i.-nrs, one f ir
nine year, one for twelve years, mil one fir fit teen yenrs ;
the term of ench to be decided by lot lie the siod iiidees. i.s.
soon sl'tei the election ns cnvciiii ut, unit the refill t erlil'"-i.T
by them to tho Governor, that the commissions may be
issued iu accordance thereto. The Judge wh'o cotnniis
sion will first expire slmll liu Chief Jititice during his lerni.
nnd Iherenller each jml(;e Wh -se vomntission shull fust ex
pire shall in turn be Ihe Chief Justice, nml if two or in 're
commissi ns shall expire on the fame dnv. the judges
holding them shall decide by lot which shall' be the Chief
Justice. Any vacancies happening by death, tesignation,
or otherwise. In any of the suid coutts, shall be "filled by
appointment by the Governor, to continue till the first
Monday ol" December succeeding the next general election.
The Judges of the Supreme Court and the Presidents of the
several Courlh of Common F!us shall, at staled times, re
rtive for their services an adequate compensation, to be
fixed by law which shall nt be diminished during their
continuance m office, but they shall receive nu lees ur per
quisites of ofhee, nor hold any other office of profit under
this Commonweslih. or under the government of the L'ni
led Plates, or any other Stnte of this Union. The Judges
of the Supreme Cuurt during their continuance in olnce
shall reside within this Commonwealth, and the other
Judges during tiieir continuance m office shall reside within
the district or county fur which they were respectively
Speaker of thi House of Representatives.
V. BEST, Speaker of the Senate.
IUMiltiii.Ro, January 2$, 1850.
I, (Mtmiel V. Pearson, Cluof Cler!; of the Senate of
feuusylvnuis,do hereby eertity that tj,e forgoing resiilutiou
No. 10 on the Scnate'filc of the present session. ciitilled
'Hesolulicn relative to on smendmen! ot !he Conslitulion.'
it being the same resoiu:ton whicli wns agreed to bv a
majority of the membeis elected to each IIo'.'?; of the lni,t
l.,eiilRl,,rp nt'icr tin, iii .1.. i.- n...l .1; a... .
sed ws tliisday uerecil to by a ina'joritc of the meinlvs '
elected to ami serving in the SenMe of l'eiinsylviiiiia. at lis
present session, an will appear by their voles given on the
final passage of res ,ution.i.s follows. u :
Those voting in favori.fth- res ilutiou wen-, ir. Jones !
niooke. J. Porter llrawney . WiLium A. Cre'.l. JollatlmnJ. j
Ciiniilnthaul. i lemias S. Ferii 'ii. riioneis If. I ,resvlh,
Charles Fmily. Itoljert M. Kriek.'llenrv Fulton. J..lni'V.
(iuernsev. William llnslett. Irnue Hugiis. Titm-thv lve-, '
m', ,",,,;rs',':rp!' K.. V-
mice. Mnnwell Al (..islm. i, uviluii A alone, beninttiln .
Matthias, llenrv A.."Mhi,i,!,e,s. William I'. Paelv', Wll-
Imill 11. Sadler. David Nmkcv. Pel.-e H. Sivcrv. Conrad I
Shinier. Hubert C. Slerrett. Ilaniel Farri K. .-rree-
tcr. J..l,ii 11. Walk.r and Vnleutuie lkst, Spaklk-
George Dursic, Augustus Drum und Alexander King
.i.eie viiiiinr uenuiM me p'ipsage oi the res null :i were i
.MIVS ,,.
.truct fromtlie Jouriinl.,
lNTiir. Horse of Hu'reskxtatives,
JIarrisburs, March 14, 1S50. )'
I, Willinni Jm-k. rliiol'Oh-rl,- of the llunse uf llcpn-wii-lativcs
i f IYntiivltVi!n; dn lii'ivipv ecrlil'v tluil the forgi
ins rcKilmii'ii, (No. Ill nit the fVi'ian fill! ami Xn. 31 1 dm
the ll.msf Jiiiirnnl of the pr,:ii-ut .) e.ntitlcrl "Hem-
iuti"ii n-miivelo lliy tiiilcti'liiiftil ot the l',nmtltatl"lr' it
lictii the 1:11110 rcoliitinn which was harceil tnl'Valiiu-
jorily nl" the member elected m laicli IJoaiV of the liint
Ijcciihlure alter fiavlnu lieii ilnlv cmihiilereil and tlncai-
aeii, wuk thin duy uirreetl In hv u.liuijiirlty of the iiieiiiliirra !
eleci ed to and servinir iii the Ib.ure i,f lteprc.:,,t.niv.- of j '" w uiouaaiwa an nerers wno ury not aware tnai tsar
I'cninylvai.iu. at ita pre-nt .,. aa vv.l appear hv ! ui be .H.edily and radically cured of . .
vutea, iriveu uu the final laisaiige of the rcj.iliui"ii, as tot- i FKVER AXD AGUE,'
Iowa, iriit: wilhonl the line of poisonous drugn, nauseous potion r
. 1 linn- v.itiiuf iu favor of Im pa'-'K'; "f Jh 'ln ion . tie 1.,;.,crio,1, e!f,xlf f quinine. It offered to the pub
wcr.,. .I.ilii, Acker .Mm Aliiami. V illtuiv Jfaker, Holiert ,w riee to place it within tiie reach o. all, aaaurad
HoWvy-.n, David J H. nt. train Middle. Jerctninh Ulai-k, ,j , who ua it accordinir to directioni wiU Bud it
r' " ii n'Wf"' ""J Hr",! Uamc H. H. '"wcr. t,11;,lnd ,liecdv cute for
C,inv;ilh:iin. Svlvestar rr'i,.bni,l. i,-,,i,ii!it II iCivul. WiU
liiuu J. tljbhiiis, James 1. Downer. Th"inn Duncan
Win. tluiiti, Wm. Kspey, John C. Kvana, Willuim Kviiiim,
A. rMrnlt Kwuii;, Alexniiii,-.- S. Feather, James Klmvcrs,
lleiijunnu r. 1'uitner, Alexander litl,b"tty. 1 humaa I4
. ruiini'r, A it'xiinuer ,iii,ii'iiv. j 14
h K (irillill. Juarph lillllfV, Jllcb U. Haider-
: II. Hart, l-ed'eit Hurt. John. Iliistiiuw, Wil
ipllill, John Hoce, lleilfv llllp'et. lxv.ia Iler-
urier, J'lsupn h
man, lieot're II.
liain J. Heuuiliill.
fiint, Washinirt'iu J. Jneka"u, .ieii"l;is Jonei. Jnlm W.
Killitici r, I liarlea li hmkead, Ht.lH it Kl nz. Hunis ui 1'.
Ijiird, Mnrris Leei h, Jonnthiin 1). l.cet, Ainvm Leonard,
Jiniiea J. Iwis. Henry Little, .tonus It. M'Cluitnck. John
F. MTnlloch, A lexunder f. M'Curdy. John M'laiuthlm,
John. M'Lijiii, Annuel .Mar.v. John 11,'Mei'':, Michael My
ers. John Miller. Joseph C. Mutiny, John D. Morris, Wiii.
T. Morisoii, Fzekiel Mowty. l-Slwnril Nickles'-n. Jneob
Nisly, ChnrlenOWeill. Joiin'll. l':iei;,T Jof-ph l Powell
Janice C. Ueul. John S. Khev, l-ii Kolvits. Siiuiuel
Itol. in in. J.,,n II. Huiluirforil. llleunl W. Sc. rielil. Tlioinua
O. Sr.iuler, Williiim Sliatl'ner. Hteharil Simps nl. Kli Slifei,
William Sniilh, William A. Smith. Dmiiel M.Mmyser. Wil
liiiiil II. S Miller, 'i'lioiuoK CV S!c;-1, D.ivitl fharli s
S: wkwell. Ldwiu I', 'rnme. Andrew V ule, Kotn-rt t.
Walkr. Thoniaa Wata n, Sidin-y 1). Wci:, Iltrniii A,
William. Driinel Zcrbi-y, ini'i John S. M'Calni -in. Siek
eb Yens e7.
Th"se v 'tiii'7 icsiimif th pri!ine iti the res 'Intion weie,
Augustus K. t'urnyii, llavid Kvim uad Jnin.'s M. l'orler
Ktract froinllic Journ.i!.
!?r.l R!".TARV's Ol'KICE.
I'llril Morrh l.i. ISM.
Dtp. Sec. of the CnmmuitiiTulih.
!i:i.'1'.ei .trty'a Ofuce.
Penssylvama ss:
I im CEsni v tli:it the hIiovp :n, l for.'j 'inir in n true nnd
cinreet copy nl l lit orilim! r, s ilutiou ol thr.tii neriil AMsem
Lly, eiiiitluiLi'Itcsohttion ri-lntlve lo nil iiii.eii.luienl of llie
Ciiti.nitatHin,': un Ihe Mruiie reinma on ltl: in linn oliiee.
..f. Ill te-'lil'l 'lltf v.hereof 1 h'lVe hi-r,'llllt'1
jO&itiffj, fenny blind, will caused tn he icruii. the
JjiwAlS;; l oi meSwtuiy'a .iice, nl llariis'aira:
kWj S Ihis lille.-.i'h ilnv of June, Ann' Domini
Vi'fiVpi! one th mrand c.iilil hundred and fifty.
Sec'ry rj the Commonwealth.
July 6, I8.,lt 3m"
At the Store formerly occupied by john Borar.
In Market Stleet, Sunbury.
ri'tflE subscribers respectfully inftirm the pub
A lie that they huve Jtit received, and are now
Consisting iii part of ,
Clotn, Casiimcres, Saltmetts, Vesting, Panta-
lo6n Stuff, Calicoes, Giapiams, Lairus,
Vesting!, Flannelt, Cambrics; Linenst
Fine Muslins, Handkerchiefs,
doles, t;c ,
list rd vi are, Qucciisju are,
Dltl OS 1NU Mlilllt IXKS.
A large assortment cf
Groceries, Fisli, Salt and Plaster.
Lailiea Shoes and (taiters, Fluid and Fluid Lump's
All of which will be sold on tho most rcasona
ble terms.
f V Country produce ef ull hinds iaken in c
ehunge at the best prices.
Sunbury, April 13,1850. ly
Letters TeBtaincntary,
TV OTICE is hereby given, that letters Testamen
L' urr on the estate of Anna Hunsicker, late
of the Borough of Norlhumberlsiid, dee'd., have
been granted lo the subscriber. Debtor and cred
itor ol the estate are requested to call for settle
ment. . DAVID TAGOART, Ex'tor.
Northumberland, July 6, 1850 6t
riEAS, from Uie New York Canton and Pekin
ire. Company. sal.
Sunbury, Dec 1.
BLANK rAcBiiiiiT rAfin Duos Just prin
ted and for sale st tills office.
GKE'oj INK for tale t thi oflue.
Fr ihe Csira f
This truly valuable Icnicdv for alt iliscasci of
the Liiiits ami Throat. hn bccninr the cruel reli
ance of the afflicted , , i ,, certain cure
known lor the bIkdvc complaintii. While iti a.
jlowrrful remedial aKenta in tho inoKt deaparata
and nl.nosl hopeless cas-s of Consumption, it ta
also, in iliininis'.icd doses one of the illildeat nd
most nsrccnbln t'unilv m', dicitiea for comirW
comtnou coituhs mill c'li's. l;ri liclow.the opin
ion of men who arc known to the world, tiiid III
world respect their opinions.
".luntesC. Aver Sir: I have used vour"Cni;a
rti PaiTotit,' iu my own case of dccp-aeatui
Bronchitis, and am satisfied from its chemical
constitution that it is an admirable compound for
the relief of larvur-ial and bronchial diliiculties.
It iny opinion as to its superior character can 1st
of any service you arc at liberty to uso it as you
think proper.
President of Amherst College,
rrom.thc "London Lancet."
ttie moat valuable preparations that Has fallen un
der our notice. After a careful examination, we
do not hesitate to say we have a large apprecia
tion of its merits and the fullest cotili'deuceitl ita
usefulness for coughs and lung complaints."
Dr. Brewster, of Windham Co., Conn., sends
us the following testimony.
Dr. J. C: Ayer Dear Sir: I enclose you t
certificate from Mrs. Catharine K. Cady, a highly
respectttble lady of this village, wife of Mr. Seth1
Cady, Deputy Sheriff, Windham Co., Connects
cut. Tho cvre in her case was very prompt, and
has attracted general attention,
Wist KiilixgLt, Ct.,Sept, 28 1848.
This rnay certify that I was alHicted with a very
severe cough in the winter of '47-8, which threat
ened to terminate in Consumption. I had tried!
many medicines in vain, and was cured by the
use of "Aver's Cherry Pectoral."
From Dr. Bryant, Druggist and Postmaster;
Cliicopcc KolU, Mass:
Dr. J. V. Aver Hear Sir: Kncloscd plcaM
e i ,; ,. , , . nm,Dm, , ,
find remittance for all the CHLRR PLCPORAL
last sent me: I can unlicsitatinsly say, that no
iei!icillP Wf Sell eives such satisfaction M VOUr'i
i . . i f i t
d"';' "r liac 1 ever seen a medicine which
cured so inanv discs of Co'jgh and Lung Com-
plaint Our PhWcians arc using it extensively
; . .. . . ... . J
llKir I'ractKc, unu Willi llie Happiest ellecu.
Trillv VOUls. t). M. BRYANT.
p k I't' t n l.i' iiv J.c. tn:B, ciikmist.lowkll, iiii.
. r .r. ..
Northumberland l)r. Gcnrhart, 8e-
j linsgrove ; Dr. Bcckly, Danville, and Druggiste
i generally.
j July ti, 150.- Ivec3in
Fon the CniK op Ftvr.R and Ague. War
ranted. THIS unri-allel medicine niay lie relied onwlien naar
Jv all nihi l remedies fail, lta value ta not urhcietill'
llimvii. Ihcretorc, the pinprieUir deaireS. to eillarga tha.
tiulil of its imefulueiinliv making" known its virtues and effi-
! KSviS AND lldtn.
l.t is rVt a disagreeable nanseulinir dompnund but an egraa
uhle Iniiic calcutaleil to tejnovelhc disease and give baaluiy
ui'lioii to the stoniuch arc' Imwells. t
Piepured only bvl4Mnrihsll it Co., and, sold yvholaaalse
and reiml hy Itiiwiniil & rson. No.. 1 rorth 0th Straet,
l'hi.iiilelphia Price ?1 jier aintrle bottle, and 8d per doi.
Juue'J'J, 1S.T0 ly
Southwest Corner of Fifth and Market Streets
A J 110 always keeps on hand a large stock of
every variety of clothing made up of good
materials, and in the latest and best styles. He
would ulso inform the public, that he ays consi
derable attention in gcttiug up Military Clothing,"
in ijood stvle and on reasonable terms.
J'ane l.'i, 1850.- !y
VaruiNii .llaiiufin tory and I'alnt
No 78 North Fourth Street,
nsx LADE LriHA.
Coii'tnnthj on hand and for sale, at reduced
f rices, and of superior quality, the fol
lowing urt'clr ,, viz :
Conch. Oiluni't, Jupiitmcrs' and (lit Cloth Varnishes ;
l)i vine ..:ij;iii : H ot unii Harness Varnish ; Hrowu, White
and Ited Spirit do: Transfer do; Artists', House and
Coueh I'liinlei and Yniuuhera' Aluterinla : PIn'Y IN
I'Allr li . i ill I MM. .1)1 A 1 1. im;; .ilinuiers' vannak,
f.lne und Acids: Illiek Japun fir Iron ; 'Adheaive do. for
huiiev W ork: l'icture miri vv iniiow tiiasa; Artists' Co
loina. Urv ami iu Tulies ; Neat'g Foot Oil : Oold, Silver.
antl Oerttuiu ..-nl ; liold. Silver, and Cnpiier Rrpnae : Gla-
xier s utuni'aHls. Also, very superior rhie Ulackihg atal
Writing Ink.
June in, IK'S!.
AT 7 E take this method to inform the readers of
the Sunbury American, that, should they
visit, riiilutU lphia, iu guest of
Good and fckeap Clotliing;,
and favor us with a call, they shall not be disap
pointed iti obtaining tlife best of garments at tha
lowest cash prices. We huve now on hand the
largest stsortinert evet Pll'crcd in Philadelphia
dmons which are DRESS and FROCK COATS
from !;5 to $18, PANTS and VESTS from 7&
which shall bcscld at such pi'tccs as to make it
au obieel for the people of Sunbury and the sur
rounding country to extend to us tlieir patronage.'
South East corner of 6th and Market.
Julv 13, llioO
OTICE is hereby given, that letters testa.
X nientury, on the estate of Thottias Vastine.'
lute of Shuiuokiu township, doe'd haA been
granted lo the subscribers. All persons baivin
dcmutitls ag iinst said estate, are requested to prej
scut them for exiimiuution and settlement, aWl
those indebted are reouesled to Disks imOiediati
Sbsmokin It-hp., July 13, 1850. 6t
GER, an excellent article.
RinwAt's Medicated Soap for sun bums, Un,
teller, Ac.
Radway's tircassisri Balm, for the hair daad.
rulT &c.
Radway's Ready Relief for Cramps, &&
Cholera Morbus, &c For sale by
Sunbury, Aug. 3, 1850.
AY RUM Aa eieellent article far mlm
.Sunbury Jan. 21rh, 18(9 1(.
.a 5