f, H. B.' MASSES, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. ' OFFICE, MAftKET &TIIEET; OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. yflf iFamUg .ftctosp.w-Dct.otrt to ajolftfes, attcraturc, iWoralftg, jForcfurt an Domestic .ftctos, Scfctto ana the art, STflrfculture Ularluts, amusements, c. NEW SERIES VOL. 3, NO. 91. SUNBURY, NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. PA., SATURDAY, AUGUST 17. 1850. OLD SERIES VOL. 10, NO. 4y; ,. t ' '' 1 n t . . ? f r : ' ' ' IMfEIMN. l : II II II 11 1. X MS ALy JL VIA TERMS OF THE AMERICAS. THE AMERICAN is poWithwl vwy rVitnrAiy at TW (DOLLARS pr annum to be pnil hitlf yearly in itjlvairce Na piper discontinued onlil ali. .rrwiraK.-. are I""'- All onmrnunieatiniia m lettrr. nn hron. rrtjtiiig W ,n a.ns. In Inun attention. mut lie POST 1 Alii. tlGca. to insure attention, must TO CLlTB9. "Three eonies to rats eddrean, .r.a D - IV. DO Kin' so o" Fir. dollars hi advance will pay for three year's sulwjrip" tioa to the Amsnosn. Ona Boa.of 16 lines, 9 timet, Every subsequent Insertion, Vtaa Square, 1 months, feis months, hmineea'carrlt of Five lines, pet annnm, Cerchants and others, advertisiiw by tlia rear, with the privilege of inserting dif ferent advertisements weekly. tW Larger Advertisements, as per agreement. 100 as a.vi 373 , 8IK) SOU 1000 ATTORNEY AT LAW, 6UNBTJRTT, PA. Business' attended' to in tlic Counties of Nor thumberland, Union, Lycoming nnd Columbia. Refer to I I, a a. n .1 1 " V i l,o wk & Bsnnow, BOMIIM & SSOIIOHASS, Usi-soliis, McKam-ahii & Co, 8r-mti", Goon & Co., KOOT, OAGtKIUtEAIM ARTIST, 'No. 140, corner of Fifth If Chesnut sts., Phila delphia, and 363 liroadxcay corner of Franklin Street, New York. CITIZENS AND STRANGERS can have a sitting for Portrait or Miniatures, and receive tlicm beautifully cased, in morocco, Silk "Velvet, Papier Machc, or other fancy styles, or acts "in MedelliOns, Lockets, &c, in a few minutes. 3)atttterrrJotype, Paintings, Drawings, &c. Copied. Wot uoor Views, and Miniatures of deceased persons, talien at short notice. For Portraits of Adults l.y our process, and Im proved Instrtitifnt-s, ft domly day is luito as fa Vorablo as clear weather. For 'Children, a clear day (between 11 and 'is preferable. K7In Dr.s avoid white, blue r fight pink. Our Gallery frith its fix Priio Medals and Vorks of Art, is open at nil hours, and Free. Whether Visitors wish pictures taken or not, we shall at all times lie hf-.pfy to see them. June. 2, lgf0. New Voufc & rmt.VMuLi'iiiA latter ANNOcliitloii, tor. of '6th and thetthiit Srcet, PhrAdclplM. I ONTl.M'.E to niaV.d and sell a finer and mdre durnl.lulInVfor the mOrtVy than any other VitShlUliiNcnt in the United State standard .rico of Hats $3 00. ttcnts and boy's Cloth and (jsv;ed Cap. UmbrelWs, Carpet liilss, CnlAly rnsma and Straw Hals at equally ldv prices'. May H, ifrttr. ly . J OH ft C. 1MKU & Coi lMi-ontiittS hi' Watches, Jewelry, Plated Ware) AXI FAIXCV iOUS, i 1 2 ChetnUt St.; between 3d If Alh Streets: PHILADELPHIA. ALWAYS keep oti hand an excellent assorU nient of the above articles, which they will kali en terms as low as any in tho city. June 15, 1850. Gul DAVID PEASE, PAMZLV GROCER & TEA DEALER, JS. If. Comer 6tli ArchStiect Philadelphia, WHO was formerly in the firm has riow suc rteded Coltoil & Co.. irl the businc's and bll'ers fdr sale at the" Very lowest prices, all kinds bf Family Gnocsaiss of the choicest kinue con sisting ill part of Fine, Supfcridf arid Chmmorl Gfeen and Black Teaa. did O. Java ColVee arid oilier kinds. Su feara, Siierm 6il and Candles, Olive Oil, Kel ehups, CiirricfdwiWr, Isingltisf P!r Jellies, Faririil, Bakers Chocolate, Cocoa and broma, and every thing In the llhe, which ht will pack up careful ly and forward to order as promptly as hat bee'ri th habit tit thts old firnt. (7 Will Hie housekeepers of Sunbury and yi Unity who wish to have Ofdce'rlcs of the choicest kinds please (d try us once1 ? DAVID PEASE, S; W; Cdr. 6llt A Arch Str. PltiladclpHtR. May ii, lSfSO;-! LINN, SrITH & CO., Nd: i i3 i Market Street, above Sth St; ' PuiLAiirernii, Irttlolesale DriiCKUtH, ND DBAliinS IN BKiJgS, Winicjiti, Pa ists, Oils, DOW CIlasS, Taixishks', Dt &TVrr, Patekt Medi6inx, Miimmi Chests, HiRiiiciL In TsrmjiT, Ac., oi,c.; and mariufacturcra of the telebratt'el Congress Ink, B Jact, B'futf ariil Kcd. The iinali'r of this Ink M ntisurpadsed, nd wa ar now prepared to furnish It of all sizes, neatly packed Iri boxes from one to (hrec toi.tn each. L. 8. & Co., enrfeavo'r to' ha'vt always on hand M full tsortme'n( of gotfd a'nd genuine Drugs, at (he lowest possible rates'. Particular attention is lo piid to the manner of putting up and packing fheir poods, to trrat they feel prcuared to warrant fheif tarfyfrg' any dutaiice with perfect safety. All order by letter or otherwise! witt receive ttdrtrpt attenfion. Phila-dtlpMa, June 19, lSSO. 6m' fHitUMtCLfllfX WiXE aV LfqUOta. STOKE. , BlTTlKG & WATERMAN, Importers and i)ealerg in Liquors, iff 220' Market itreet, Phildtielphtt.- ftfttL for sale, the cheaiest and best assort-' rYrefrt of Liqnors in Philadelphia, such as fc'rWrlVpa-grte; Sherries', Port, fcteek, Claret, Bur gundies; SautUTrf, BaVarfc, Made'rii, Lrrimrr, Teneritft enrr Sicily Wine Brandies of the choicest brands, viz r Maelina. OUrd. Poliet Hcnuesv, Ac, &c Fine Holland Gin', Mohongaheiu', Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Ac, Ac Hotels and the country trade supplied all Phila delphia prices on the most liberal terms. July 13, 1850 ' " MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, OH AS. DUIVIXVIIG, '' Jio, 207 Clutnut Street, front Arcade, PaiLABtLmlA. f MF0BT1TK Miri Manufacturer of all kinds of A Kaeteal kurtrumentt, Faney ArticleandToys. Hia frloes are lower than those or any otner store in Philadelphia. All kinds of Musical Instrw makts lepaked in the best workmanship, and- also taken in trade. , rhUadelfhia, My S3, 1830. ly SELECT POETRY. A CHARGE OF INFANTRY. Belsey'a got another baby! Dai liny, precious litllo tyke! Grandma says nnd she knows, surely That you never snw its like, Isn't it a beaming beauty Lying there so sweet and snug? Mrs. Jones, pray stop your scandal j Darling's nose is not a pug 1 Some one snys 't is Fa' all over, Whereat IV turns rather red, And to scan his features, quickly To the looking glass has Heel ; But recovers his composure When ho hears I he nurse's story. " Who admits, that of nil babies This itulecd's the crowning glory ! Aunt Belinda says she guesses Says indeed she knows is, po; That 't will prove to be a greater Man limn e'er it's father was; Proving thus tho modem thesis, Held by reverend doctors sao, Thnt in babies, as in wisdom, This is a 'progressive" age. Uncle Tom looks on nnd wonders At so great a prodigy ; Close nnd closer still hu presses, Thinking something biave to see. Up they hold the bit bo before bim, While they gather in a ring, But, alas ! the staggered uncle Vainly tries its praise to sing. An he stares, ftie lovely infant, ' Nestling by its mother's side, Opes its little mouth, and smiling, Gurgles forth a milky tide. Uncle tries to hide bis blushes, Looks about to find his hat, Stumbles blindly o'er a cradle, And upsets the startled cat. Why, oh ! why such awkward blunders? Belter far have staid away, Not have thrust yourself where woman Holds an undisputed sway; Do you think that now they'll name it, As they meant to, after you? Wretched mortal ! let me answer. You're deluded if you do ! Bound about the noisy women Pass tho helpless stranger now, Raptured with each nascent featuic, Chin and month, and eyes nnd brow; And for this young bud of promise All neglect the rose in bloom, Eldest bom, who, quite forgotten, Pouts within her lonely room. Sound tho stago horn ! ring tho cow bell! That the waiting world may know; Publish it through all our borders, Kvon unto Mexico. Seized your pen, oh! dreaming poet, And in numbers smooth as may be, Sjiread afar tho joyful tidings, Betsey's got another baby ! Knickerbocker Magazine Jor July. TllltlLMNO AND ROMANTIC INCIDENT. A 1'oiish Girl's Rerene--l1ie Seducer shot by his Intended Victim. Our headers will remember the account which We gave, a short time since, of the elopement of a young girl in New Orleans with a married colored man by the name of Joubert. That statement was calculated to leave an unfavorable impression of the character of the young woman. The se quel ot the affair, however, which we find in tne JJeita, proves mat sne was grossly deceived in regard to the caste and charac ter of the villian who sought her ruin. The article already published, gave an account ot the Kgal pioceedings and the manner ot her recovery oy ner lamwy. It will be remembered that she was con veyed hdme in a carriage by her brother-in-law, much against her will. The Delta thus continues the singular history : Taken home, she raved all night ,ln a state of delitium. In tho morning, how. ever, her senses and reflection having re turned; tier sister developed to her the whole history of Joubert the fact 6f his being a colored and a it.anled man, Gnd of the deception ho had played off on her. The girl listened to theCe exposures with astonishment and horror: They produced the immediate effect of restoring her to hef senses and calmness. She quietly dressed herself, declaring that she would kill hiin, and asked for a pistol. Accord ingly, accompanied by several menus, she went yesterday, 2 o'clock, to the boose ol Joubert, and inquired for him. Jcubert saw her, and asked her to come into his room. She replied, "No, I will not go in to your room you must Walk with me a short distance." Joubert consented and put on his coat. His father, however, who was present, cautioned him against going; but he re plied that there was no danger. Itebecoa and Joubert walked in the direction cl An nunciation and Kace streets, and daring the walk Rebecca Was silent, whilst Jou bert continued to declare his passionate de- votion to her that he hid offered a thou sand dollars to a man to decoy hef from her guardian, and would lav down hra lite tor her. He concluded by asking her il she did not love him. "Love ycu:" re plied the indignant and passionate gir "love you,- a negro ! LoVe you a married man, Who has endeavored, by such lalse h'oo3s, to' deceive a vounz girl !" "I am as good as any white man in the country," replied Joubert, "and as (o being married, I love only you, and am billing to'abSndon every body tor vouy With these words he advanced towards her holding out his hand. She indignantly rejected it, and then poured out a torrent of reproaches and imprecations upon his nean. was raining at the time,- and in the violence of her gestures, her bonnet was thrown off hef head, arid her Ions rinS' lets hung over her shoulders in wild dis array. Some oue was passing at the time. The moment was not favorable to her put pose, and she continued her reproaches, to which he gare no' other reply than a con fession of his guilt and his passionate devotion- to her:. At last, when they stood face I to face, and Joubert who has long been considered as a remarkably brave man, having passed successfully through several desperate duels, quailed before the indig nant giance oi tne iniuriated girl. "row," she concluded, "You must either kill me, or I must kill you." Joubert shrunk back at the suggestion. As he did so, she drew a pistol from her dress and shot him in the face, the ball penetrating his cheek. lie staggered. As quick as thought, she drew another pistol, and applying it to his lore' head, pulled the trigger, but it snapped, and she threw it indignantly on the ground Her friends then came up to interfere, ap prehending that Joubert might use vio lence, he being armed with pistol and bowie knife. These friends were young countrymen of Rebecca, Who had oflVred to avenge the insult offered to her, but she refused to permit them, and declared that she would allow ho one to interfere be tween her and the object of her hate. Each of these young men remarking that Joubert was armed, and that he professed to be a man of chivalry, oflered," if he would go into the square, to fight him in any manner he might choose. One b! them drawing a pistol for that purpbse, Rebecca snatched it out of his hands and advanced towards Joubert, but some of the bystanders interfered, and with some vio: lence took the pistol from her hands. A watchman came up to arrest the parties ; and took possession of the cab. Joubert then came forward and declared that he had no charge to make against the girl, that he had induced her to leave her friends, that he had had two interviews with her, and both in the presence of others, that she was free from blame and crime that he had deceived her, and de served even a worse punishment then he had received. These statements were made in the presence of a number of persons, and being deemed satisfactory by her friends, the parties rode off". This, we hope, will be the sequel of this extraordi" nary affair. BOOTS WITH NAILS IN. About a year ago, last November, there were gathered a party of about a dozen persons in the store of Major D. in one of the small towns of Texas. It was an ex tremely unpleasant day, and the wind shook the large frame building to its very centre, as it howled and whistled about it, whilst it rained in torrents. In fact it was a rainy northern a specimen storm that none but a man who has lived in the south west can appreciate. The party within, with propensity for fun, which all Texas possess, were doing their best to drive away all dull care. Some were throwing "high die," some playing cards, and all amusing themselves as well as their means would allow. Cut soon all were gathered round two of the number, who always fell nto an argument whenever they met. One of these was Tom H., a' perfect specimen ot an English gentleman, but an inveterate boaster of the superiority of England over every other country. His opponent was our circuit judge, who when a mere lad, had been badly wounded at Lundy's Lane, and ever after cherished an invincible ha tred to the English. The subject of dis pute was the superiority of English manu factures. They had both become very warm on the subject. At last Tom offered what he considered a knock down argu ment. The Judge had been talking of his native State, Massachusetts, and the quan tity of shoes manufactured. "Talk about shoes," said Tom, contempt uously, "Just look here once," at the same time thrusting out his dexter pedal so that all might see, "That's what I call a pair of shoes ; none ot your d d things without any shape, and nailed together ; why there ain't a single nail in those shoes !" "What will you bet of that?" said the Jud&e. "Ten dollars, and the liquors!" said lyDmj .wilh the air of a man who had given his opinion, and was willing to back it. The major was called to hold the stakes, and the Judge told him the bet, that there was Hot a nail in iom's shoes. Tom, in a great hurry to pocket the money, eagerly removed Ins shoe and handed it lor exami nation, at the same time feelingly commis- serating with the Judge on the on the loss of the X. "Hold on," said the Judge, "take off your stocking." torn, in amazement, did so. "Well," cried the Judge, "if there are not five good sized nails I'll eat shoe and all !" Poor Tom put ori his shoe and stocking amidst shouts of laughter, and has never to this day bragged of the superiority of the hnglish manufactures, Baron Jovitii, who surrendered the fort ress of Essegg into the hands of the revolu tionary party October, 1818, after having served the State fifty-eight years has been condemned to die, but the Lmpefor has commuted the sentence of death into twen ty years' fortress arrest. On his trial Jov- ich contessed that his motive for surrender ing the fortress was to save the Hungarian estates of his wife from being plundered. Cast Iron Pio Trowhs. In these days of iron, when it is substituted lor wood so universally, we should like to know, says the Buffalo Express, , if cast-iron troughs have ever been used in this country lor feeding hogs. They are quite common in Creat Jlritain, and we have no doubt, if once introduced into the United States, they would be highly approved. Forty-six females arrived at San Fran cisco from Adelaide, New South Wales, on the 23d of June. This is the largesf hfpment of that article yet made fo Cali'-f sorniu in any single bottom.' flail ii i $1 M fiftrWiWi faf (ml JAYXFS BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA. This immense structure will, no doubt, bo , eight feet below the surface of ttm minimi tho grandest and most imposing edifice of ( tho kind in tho United Slates and probably in ino world. I he above engraving will givo home idea of tho proportions and magni- tilde of Iho building, and we now propose to give our readers a full description of it. j 1 ho mam iront is on Chesnut street, nnd occupies 42 feet in width; the depth is 136 feet, to Carter's allpy, on which it has an. other front of corresponding width. The building covers the whole lot, and is lighted in the middle by side windows, opening on the adjoining properties, which have been purchased by the Doctor, mainly for the pur pngo of admitting light and air. Tho height of the building above the pave1 ment is 96 feet, and tho height of the cupola 33 feet, making the elevation above the pnve menH29 feet ; to which may bo added 27 feet, for the depth of the foundations ma king the entire altitude from the bottom of the stone work to tho top of tho cupola 15D feet. Tho Chestnut street front is wholly com1 posed of granite, from the Quincy quarries a Massachusetts. Tho first story consists of massive pillars, some of which weigh 10 tons, supporting a heavy entablature, en riched with corbels, and crowned with an iron railing. A singlo piece of this entabla ture weighs upwards of 37,000 lbs. From the top of the first story spring eight cluster columns, which run thiongh five sto ries, and terminate at the top of tho sixth, in rich Gothic capitals; the seventh story is formed by shafts springing out of tho capitals, and terminating in pointed arches, forming seven Gothic windows. The lines of these arches are continued above, and interlaced so as to form seven quutre-fuil panels, en riched with deeply sunken tracery; these panels are pierced, and form seven ample windows for lighting tho eighth story. The front is crowned by nn appropriate Gothic cornice, and surmounted by a block ing, terminated at the ends by pedestals, supporting tasteful vases intended to repre- sent mortars. The cupola rises out of the centre of the front, aad is embellished with Gothic win dows, and crowned with an embattled para pet. The top will be approached by an easy flight of staifs, and will afford one of the most commanding views that can any where be found, to which the Doctor intends lo af ford access to the public, undet such restric tions only as will preserve it from depreda tion. The front on Carter's" alley fs composed of Connecticut granite, from bottom to top, and is likewise eishl stories in height above tho pavement and two stories below. The r.T, or principal story, consists of massive pillars, some of which weigh' 14 tons, supporting an architrave of 2 feet 9 inches in width, ly 4 feet 8 inches in height, a sii.glo stone of which' weighs 13 tons. The remaining seven stories have seven windows' in each story, with granite pillar's and entablatures, embellished at the ends with corbels. Eafh extremity of this fro'nf is crowned with Gothic turret, 8' feet square, rising to tho height of 18 feet above Ihe roof. Thcso turrets are intended to contain ma chinery for hoicting, and directly under each' a line of hatchways exteuds from the lower cellar to the upper slory. Tho building will be lighted on the sides by 132 windows, 93 of which are entirely above the surrounding houses. -One of the mpet remarkable features of this gigantie structure is the foundations, the magnitude and perfection of which are alike worthy of admiration. They are all laid in hydranlio cement, and are composed of mas sive blocks, some of which measure 10 feet in length; their depth below the pavement is about 27 feet, which brings the in neaily springs: those of the front arid back Walls are eight feet thick ; tho centre wall six feet and tho side walls five feet. In oidcr to ac complish this part of the work, the water had to be constantly pumped out by n steam engine for many weeks, and notwithstand- nig the difficulties that were thus encounter ed, every stone was as accurately and as sol idly laid as it could have been under the most favorable circumstances. The side walls of tho cellar are 3 feet 4 inches thick ; those above, to tho top of tho fourth story, 2 feet 2 inches; the firth and sith stories 2 feet; and seventh and eighth stories Is inches. The interior is divided by n range of six teen cast iron columns in each slory, extend ing from front to back, makinc j all lfin columns; the lower girder is also composed of cast iron. Each cohim fl at.lMllil fill ft nn.i iron base, or shoe, which rests immediately on the column below, nnd is so constructed as to allow the girder to pass through it, thus forming a complete irori connection from tho bottom to the loji of the building: the bear ings of all iho columns and shoes are liirned and fitted in a lathe, so as to insure the great est possible degree of stability. ' Tho weight of the columns and girders alone will exceed 322.c'oo lbs. or 144 tons, in addition lo which a large amount of cast iron will be used in other parts of the building. The water from the roof will be discharged into four reservoirs, holding 10,000 gallons, and the surplus water will be carried off by means of eight inch cast iron pipes extend ing through the centre of the building. . Each story will be furnshed with four complete water closets, nini hydrants, with nil tho necessary appliances for promoting the cleanliness and comfort of the numerous operatives employed throughout the estab lishment. The first story will bo divided info1 two stores, extending from Chesnut Street to fcar ler's alley, one of w hich will be occupied exclusively by the Doctor ;; the front on Ches nut street will be appropriated to the retail business, and ttio wholesale department will have its outlet on Carter's alley; while the centre of tilts building will be occupied is a counting-room by the clerks, who number about twenty. This department of lira es tablishment has a fire-prOof 3J feel by 18 feet, furnished with a moveable book-rack of 15 feet in length, made lo'draw out into the counting-room on a railway.' The front store will have a rich' Gothic finish, with a ribbed ceiling, embellished with borses and pendants, the counter will be 50 feet long, composed entirely oT Italian marble, and the floor will fe composed of marble appropriately tesselaleif. I he second story will contain a! suite 6f richly furnished apartments, consisting of a receiving room, A parlor, a private office and consulting rooms, also a compounding roo'm and store rooms'. Tho principal part of the OppcVr stories villi be fitted up for the manufacture of the Doc tor's Celebrated ''Family Medicines," and for filling, labelling and packing bottles, bbx in 2 and wrapping ianative and Hgut pills, also for engraving and printing copper-plate lubeli and' cards connected With his business, in which be keeps cohsla'iVfly employed more than 200 hands, in6luding nearly 80 deserv ing women. The basement will he devoted to the pack ing and putting up of wholesale drug orders. This story,-with the cellar, extends under the pavements hi Chesnut street and Carter's alley, making the entire length' of each in the clear IbO feet. The whole establishment is to be warmed by furnaces constructed in the lower cellar, and ventilated on philosophical principles. The original design of this magnificent pile of buildings is from the pencil of the lale A fioe ilia dRBlrl of thai tnl- ented architect, the iJdclor purchased the ad ioininrr nrrtnerlips. nnd resolved on incteas- ' " r -r 1 , ing the height and width of the building, and rlailiallv remodelling it. to accomplish which - . he brought into requisition the services of Thos. U. Walter, Esq., an architect ot wen known ability and taste, and the building is now progressing rapidly under his superin tendence. Tho granite work is being executed by Mr. S. K. Iloxio; the carpenter's work by Samuel Rain; the masonry by Mr. M.S. Carman ; the brick work by Mr. John G. Moore, and tho cast-iron work by Messrs J. K. & E. K Smith, of Tamaqua; and it is due to all these gentlemen to say, that as far as tho work has progressed, it has been done in a most faithful and masterly manner. Cost of ground for main building, $52,000; cost of main building (supposed) about $i00, 000; entire cost of ground $144,000 ; and the entire cost of Iho whole, when comple ted, will be upwards or S300,0d0. HAlltTS OF THE LION. One of the most striking things connected with the lion is his voice, which isextremcly grand and peculiarly striking. It consists at times of a low, deep moaning, repeated five or six times, ending in faintly audible sighs; nt other times he startles tho forest with' loud, deep toned, solemn roars, repeated five or six times in quick succession, each in creasing iti loudness to the third dr fourth, when his voice dies away in fivo or six low, mullled sounds, very much resembling dis tant thunder. At times; and not nnfrequenl ly, a troop may be heard roaring in conceit, ono assuming the lead, and two, three or four more regularly taking up their parts, like persons singing a catch. Like our Scot tish stags at the rutting season, they roar loudest in cold, frosty nights; but on no oc casions are their voices to be heard in such perfection, or so intensely powerful, as when two or three ?trange troops of lions approach a fountain to drink at the same time. When this occurs, every member of each troop sounds a bold roar of defiance at the oppo site parties ; and when one roars, nil roar to gether; and each seem to vio with his com rades in tho intensity and power of his voice. The power and grandeur of these nocturnal forest concerts is inconceivably striking and pleasing to the hunter's ear. The effect, I may remark, is greatly enhanced when the hearer happens to be situated in tho depths of the forest, at the dead hour of midnight, unaccompanied by any attendant, and en sconced within twenty yards of the fountain which the surrounding troops of lions are ap proaching. Such has been my situation many scores of times ; and though I am al lowed to have tolerably good taste for music, 1 consider the catches with which I was then regaled as the sweetest and most natural 1 ever heard. As a general rule, lions roar du ring the night ; their sighing moans com mencing as the shades of evening envelop the forest, and continued at intervals through out tho night. In distant and secluded re gions, however, I have constantly heard them roaring loudly as late as nine and ten o'clock on a bright sunny morning. In hazy and rainy weather they are to be heard at every hour in the day, but their roar is subdued. It often happens that when two strange male lions meet at a fountain a terrific combat en sues, which not unrrequenliy ends in the death of one of them. The habits of the linn are stiictly nocturnal : during the day he lies concealed beneath the shade of some low bushy tree or wide-spreading bush, either in the level forest or on tho mountain side. He is also partial to lofty reeds c'r fields of long rank yellow grass, such as oc cur in low-lying valleys.' From these haunts he sallies forth when the sun goes down, and commences his nightly prowl. When he is successful in his beat, and has secured his prey, he does not roar much that night, only uttering occasion ally a few low moans that is, provided no intruders approach him, otherwise the case would be ery different. I remarked a fact connected with' tho lions' hour of drinking peculiar to themselves they seem ed unwilling to visit the' fountains with good moonlight. Thus, when the moon rose early, the lions deferred their hour of watering until lale in the morning; and when the mooit rose late, they drank at a very eaily hour in the night. Owing to the taw ny color of the coat with' which nature has robed him, l:b is perfect fy invisible in the dark and although I have often heard them loudly lapping the water under my very nose, not twenty yaids from roe; I could not possi bly make out so much as the outline of their forms. When a thirsty ffon comes to water, he stretches out his massive arms, lies down on his Dreast to drink, and makes a loud lap ping noise in drinking, not to be mistaken -He continues lapping up the wate: for a long while,' and four or five t fines during the pro ceeding he pauses for half a minute as if to take breath, One thing conspicuous about them is their eyes, which, in a dark night,' glow lilte two b& of fire. Fit yeari in Africa. Grief. Deeply1 were we afeeied on reading the other day of a young lady, who, being told that her lover was suddenly killed, exclairhed, '-Oh! inat splendid gold watch of his give me that give me something to' remember him by ! The Jmnencg Tortoise,' sent as a present to the Queen of England, from the Cape of Good Hope, is 178 years old. I A BRIDGE OF MONKEYS). The following curious nefd'enf is related by ,Capt. Reid, in his "Mvekurn hi Southern Mexico?' This fs the most hovel way fc'f erecting a Suspension Bridge, ever invented, and we think the Mexican Mon keys are entitled to the patent : "They are coming towards the dge ; they will most lifiely cross by the rocks' yonder," observed Raoul. "How swim it?" I asked. 'it ii a1 torrent there !" "Oh, lib!" answered the Frenchman i "monkeys would rather go into ,the fir than water: If they cannot leAn the stream, they, will bridge it." , "Isridge if ! and how ?' "Stop a moment," Captain you shall see." The half human , voices now sounded nearer, and we could perceive that the ani mals were approaching the spot where we Ifty. Presently they appeared on the op posite bank, headed by an old grey haired chieftain, and officered lifce so many sol diers. They were, as Raoul stated; of the cdmndrega or ring-tailed tribe. One, an aid-de-camp, or chief fiioneer. pethaps ran out upon a projecting rock,, and, after looking across the strerim, as if calculating the distance, scampered back. and appnnred to communicate with the leader. I his produced a movement in the troop. Commands were issued, and fatigue parties were detailed, and marched! to the front. Meanwhile several of the comadre- jas engineers no doubt ran along the. bank, examining the trees oh both sides of the arrhjo. At length they all collected around a tall Cottonwood, that grew over the nar-' rowest part of the stream, nnd twenty or" thirty of them scampered up its trunk. Oa reaching a high point, the foremost, a strong fellow, ran out upon a limb, and taking several turns of his tail around it, slipped off, and hung head downwards. The next on the limb, also a stout one," climbed down the body of the first, and vi-hipping his tail round the neck and arm of the latter, dropped off in his turn and hung down. 1 lie third repeated this man- o-vre upon the second; and the fourth upon the third, and so on, until the last one upon the string reited his forepaws upon1 the grtjund. J he living chain then commenced swinging backwards and forwards", like the pendulum of a clock. The motion was slight at first, but gradually increased, the lowermost monkey striking his hands vio lently on the earth as he passed the tan gent of the Oscillating curve. Several others upon the limbs ab6ve aided the movement. This continued until the monkey at the end of the chain was thrown among the branches of a tree on the opposite bank. Here, after two or three vibrations, he clutched a limb and held fast. This move ment was executed adroitly, just at the cul minating point of the oscillation, in order to save the intermediate links from the violence of a too' sudden jerk ! J he chain was now fast at both ends,' forming a complete suspension bridge, over, which' the whole troop, to fhe number of four or five hundred, passed with the ra pidity of thought. It vas one of the most comical sights I ever beheld, to witness the quizzical ex pression of countenances along that living chain. The troop was now on the other side.' but hoV were the animaTs" forming the bridge to get themselves over? This was' the question that suggested itself. Mani-' testly by number one letting, go his tail. But then the poikt tVappui on the other' side Was much lower down; and number one vith half-a-dozen of his neighbors,' would be dashed against the opposite bank,' or soused info the water. Here, then, was a problem, and we waited with some curiosity for its solution.' It was soon solved. A monkey was now seen attaching his tail to the lowest on the bridge, another girded him in" a similar manner, and so on, until a c6zen more were added to the string. Thef'e last were all powerful fellows;' and running up to a high limb, they lifted the bridge into a po sition almost horizontal. Then a scream from the last monkev of the new formation warned the tail "end thai all was ready ; and the next moment the whole chain was swung over and land ed safely on the opposite bank. The low' ermost links now dropped off like a melted candle, while the higher ones leaped to' the branches and came down by the trunk.' The whole troop then scampered off into' the chap'peral and disappeared ! What is beauty . Not te show Of shapely limbs and features. No ;: Thciie are but flowers, That have their dated hours', To breathe their momentary sweets, then gov 'Tis the stainless soul within,' That outshines the fairest skin.' A Blue Chan was' caught on the shore in' front of Burlington, or Sunday evening last by Mr,. Jamea W. 'White, of p'niladelrjhi'aV Mr. White obeerved lie bird to be, in so'tni' trouble as n'e fell from the top ot A large tree,' and threw a stone at hira, which' Struck' niriff on Ihe head and brought . bim trj a aland'.' Mr While then ran and secured him,' arid; discovered the cause of the rioor fellow's:" un'easinusi he wa choking with a fiaa twelve inches long in bis' throat, which he could neither get up nor down. Thia bird stoM four feet high, and his winga were. about eight feet from tip to tip. , A Marriage of a pair of infants took place in Connecticut last Sunday. ' They were.from Norwich, aged respectively, 0 and 15 a