Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 03, 1850, Image 3

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'f ! i ' ' tFor Amertcwi.)
Th vain man Molina ViU own pefnon, and
here he it wrong; but tie cannot beat Ms own
company and here he is right Lscoit.
How various the thoughts which Ve vxg
feited, its we come In contact with different
individul: Some, by their raVe and medi
tatire means, remind us bf the face which
Nature presents on a calrtr summer sabbath,
morning greatness and power seem to dwell
In their every par) others, only half as
thoughtful, recall to us the appearance of the
ekyin the latter part of Autumn, now serene
And sprightly and anon cloudy and agitated,
While a thM class, call into our memory the
bags full of wind, which Homer tells us his
herd teceited as a gift from yEolus, those
ire the vain.
Vanity manifests itself in three ways: af
fectation, a desire to be applauded fot that
which is not possessed, but imagined, and
speculation, which results in what are corn
monly termed air castles. Those in whom
vanity takes the form of affectation) ate ma
ny, and the most disgusting of all the vain.
We can scarcely go to any place without see
ing it pass before us in this form, at almost
erery turn I If we go into the tamtiy circie,
we find it there if into the social, our at-
tention is called to it J in our court rooms,
it is prevalent t the pulpit and prayer meet-
ing, are even not exempt from it ; in short,
every walk of life is filled with it, more or
loss. .
The terms girl and boy have become al
most extinct ; those whom they used to be
applied to, are now called young ladies and
gentlemen. If you enter tho family circlo
of those that belong to the "uppor ten," or
at least, feel strongly inclined in that way,
you are introduced to the young Miss and Mr.
though perhaps not more than a dozen of
winters old ; and their conversation soon ac
quaints you with the fact, that they are big
people too. Yon soon observe, that every
"thing is done up according to Chesterfield,
that every word must bo pronounced accord-
'ing to a certain rule, wmcn migm siarue
Noah Webster, yes, surprise the whole squad
of lexicographers, from the first one down to
the last, the head must be kept in a certain
posture, while the hands and feet (I should
have said extremities perhaps, to suit the
taste of the times) are made to move o la
Francaise. While your common sense is al
most scared out of you, by these affocted
niceties, of course not affected to them, but
according to the latest fashion, you know,
you are put to a still harder trial J tho mother
tells you with how much credit Miss Jane
and Mr. Henry acquitted themselves at the
last ball. "Oh! how they tripped so lightly
over the teiselated floor." You are told, too,
peihaps. that an evoning party is shortly to
ba given for their special benefit; and that a
billet doux has been received from such a one,
and that Henry intends sending one, to the
aneelio little sibyl, in a such and such a part
dfthatnwn. Indeed, thosa charming little
creatures, moulded in the mould of affectation,
remind you of tho soap bubbles, which you
' sometimes see the boys blow as you pass
alone the street.
But, more serious, let us suppose those
youths to have arrived at the age of manhood
and womanhood, and follow thorn into the
nnial circle. There we see the effects of
wch parental education. The young lady
and gentleman, who are perhaps, naturally
grateful and inviting, appear ridiculous to
the eye of the sensible, because they have
been taught to make themselves "what tney
are not, what they will." How disgusting I
to see the young lady give herself up to con
tinual laughter, for the simple reason, that
ha may draw the attention of thoso around
her to her teeth, which she conceives to be
r. bountiful, or to hear the vonnir man con-
- -j 1 - " "
tinuallr passing censures upon his shoemaker,
because he made his boots loo large, as he
says, !n order to get the company to observe
his small feet just, as if such wete the un-
dmtdndirtgs most to be desired.
Affectation, when we find it in the family
and social circle, Is certainly odious, but
what must it bes when it comes under our
notice amongst thoso Whose calling and in-
telligence seems to recoil at the very name?
indeed contembtiblai To see the counsel at
the bar, upon whose speechj perhaps, a fel
low creature's life is suspended, or his char
acter, dearer than life, with his voice screw
ed up on the same key with the dandy's, and
trying in his gesticulation to Imitate the graces
of the schools, Is, indeed a spectacle both to
be commiserated and deprecated. But, what
are we to think, when we see this child bf
vanity ascend the pulpit and give direction
to the words of those, who, are to be the ora
cles of Christ t We feel shocked, end are
almost ready to susped the profession of the
most zealous christians. Yes, if some of the
clergy can thus permit themselves to trifle
with men's souls, need we to wonder that
the world is ftlll of infidels, atheists, and
other unbelievers. Shame upon those who
are so much wrapt up in vanity,
that thev
cannot even forget e(f in the piifpit (
Our prayer meetings too, are often infested
wtth this same vice. It is nothing uncommon
to hear some of those that lead in prayer, utter
every word in a tons wLich is not their own,
or give their voice' inch an unnatural twang
in tinging,- thai the attention of all present is
fixed upon them. What strange" infatuation,
for one to permit itself thus to trifle with
acred things, in order to attract the atten-"
lion of men. Methinks, whenever I hear
such affected praying and singing, that 1 see
the lip ef deity curl witb honest scorn, at the
The next division of the vam which t have
made, also, comprehends the third, that is,
those who are delirious of being applauded
for such qualities as are nut real, but imagi'
nary, also, build air-castles. The young are
generally addicted te this kind of vanity,
For, as toon as persons become somewhat
advanced in life once, they are not so likely
to imagine themselves possessed of powers
which do not belong to them, since experi
wee has placed before them, a pretty exact
picture of what they are. Still there are
mma who never learn ; tbey are as vain and
mAeulative at middle life and in old aee. as
hey were at twelve and one and twenty. It
vould seem, that such were constituted as
hey are, to help to make up the diversity
vhic.b we find among men. A. C.
July, 1840,
Tub Overlamd Routb to CAt.troamA
Fearful Scbmes. A correspondent of the St.
Louis Republican gives a frightful account of
1 . . . ? . . ...
the scenes he has witnessed during the pro-
gress of his overland route to California. Wri
ting from 250 miles west of Fort Kearney,
he says:
"During the past wesk we have witnessed
a n-reat amount of sickness and distress in
different trains.
In fact I have not yet heard I
of a train that has escaped sickness,
and in
nearly all. the monster Death has taken one
or more victims. To give you some idea of I
. , , . : nni l will
the sickness on the olains this year, win i
only mention a few cases that have come
under my own personal observation. 1 visi
ted a train on Tuesday last. Or the 17 men
composing it, 16 were sick. Another train I
passed buried T at oue time, 5 or 6 more sick,
and one dying as t passed. In two instances
I haVe passed trains whero all llili One had
died. In on instance 1 saw at an encamp
ment one tent left standing and another
"struck," but lying on the ground J also a
barrel ol crackers, several blahketSj bix br
eight pair of boots, hats, coats, shins, ko.,
iic, and near by five graves. It was a sad
The following particulars Wore given mo
j,y a gentleman who overtook lis yesterday,
Lpj 1 have every renson to believe them true
although he neglected to state explicitly every
thing of interest. He states, on tho 7th, about
fifteen miles west of Plum Creok, ho found a
small train of three wagons, about half a
mile from the main road, and but one man
able to sit up; that thero wcro originally
twelve men In the train ; that six werO al
ready dead and and buried four were about
dying of cholera ; one had the measles, and
the other well, but so fatigued from nursing
that he could hardly stand.
Fort LaramIe, Juno 17, 1850.
Tho heavy tide of California emigration is
passing this post at this time. About 10,000
have passed within the last four or fivo days.
Tho wnoe number registered hero as having
sted this Spring stand as follows :
Mules, -
The leader of an orchestra in a fashionable
Church, imagined that he found some de
fect in tho tneasuro of the following two
lines in a sublimo hymn :
"Oh may my heart in tuna be found.
Like David's harp of solemn sound."
And suggested to the pastor of the Church-,
that ho should chango it as follows :
"Oh may my heart be tuned within.
Like David's sacred violin."
Tho Minister replied that if the only ob
ject was to quicken the measure, the follow
ing would be still more appropriate i
"Oh may my heart go diddle diddle,
Like Uncle David's solemn fiddle'
We believe the result was, that the words
of the hymn remained unaltered.
in charging the jury, in the trial of Professor
Webster, used tho following: ;"lt is a settled
rulo, that no provocation, with words only,
will lustily a mortal blow, llien it upon
pr0voking langunpo the party intehlionally
revenga himself with a mortal blowj it is tin-
questionaDly murder."
XUfcKLHAIN l'is UAUULllNli UlL it is
worthy of special remark, that besides the
great and extraordinary powers in the cure
of diseases of the horse in which its virtues
first attracted the attention of the farrier and
farmer, and the wonder of the public gener-
ally, it has been successfully employed in a
great variety of tho maladies which affect
the human race; and it has proved, by the
wonuertul cures it has performed on the
lower animals, that it is endowed with cura-
live properties not found in other horse oils,
which has established its claims to geneial
confidence. A pamphlet of description may
bo had gratis of the agent.
Sold by H. Manser, Sunbury, and other
Druggists in the U. States.
D I K D.
In this place, on Sunday last, Mrs. CHRIS-
11AIN, wiio ot John Christian, aged about 30
In this place, on Monday last, WILLIAM,
son of Dr. John L. Reed, aged about 4 years.
&l)c illarkcts.-
Philadelphia Market
Augftdt i. 1850
f lotia. Flour is quiet and the price stea
dy : shipping brands are selling at 9 25c brl
Kxtra flour at fc6 oO brl. Kye flour is held
at $2 87. Corn Meal is worth $2 87 per brl.
I tir ri i. - t : .1... 1 r
ithkai. iiiuio is a iiiijiivu uciuuim tut
ted Wheat at SI 18c prime White atSl 2Sc.
kyb. Penna Kye is held at bac per bush.
corn.--Corn is in demand at vo c. lor yel
low i White is worth 62 cents.
Oats. bouthern are worth 45c; and J'enna
Whishev. Salesof Whiskey in blrts at 26c
ana nude at 200 cents.
Baltimore Market
July 2!T, i860,
WtfBif . Smafll sttles of cood to prime redi
weie- made to-day at 118cts., ana jrenn.
wtiita at 1X3 cts.
Corn. White at a W cents, and of Yel
low at cents.
Sales of Maryland Rye at 62 a 63 cents.
OATS. Prices ranue I'rotti 46 to 48 cents.
Whiskky. Sales of bbls were made a( 26
cents; and of hhds at 29 cents.
Corrected weekty ty Henry Masief.
Co. '
ltxESWII, s
Heckled Flu.
Dkilu ArrLsu.
Do. Plain Lb.
TVl DT1CE Is hereby given tbnt the several courts
Lj of Common Pleas. General quarter Sessions
of the hence, and Orphans' Court, Court of Oyer
d Terminrr an,i ()cnt!mi JM Df.Uvrry, in and
lor Hie county oi norinuniiicrmiiii, to commence
at the Court Hdtinr, in the borough ol Hunbury,
at 10 o'clock, A. M. onMlnnlaV, 6th of August
nctt, will continue TWO WEEKS.
The coroner; Justices of the Peace and consta
bles In and for the county of Northumberland, are
requested to lie then and there lit their proper per-
l"",,B VY,,1 iiuir mils, recoron, nnjuieiii""",
oinor rememnranccs, 10 uo mono imnirs o mcir
gevCTni 0irlen nnorriniiiinrT to la done. And all
witnesses prosecuting in bchhlf of the Common-
weiiiiu uenmsi miv prisoner urc also n-'iii.-'.ieo iii
. ,! ... , .t..:.
commanded to lie then and there attending in their
proper persons to prosecute against him, as shall
be just and not to depart Without leave at their
peril. Jurors are requested to lie punctual in their
attendant, at tile tirtie appointed agreeable to
their notices.
Given under my hands nt Sunbury, the 9th day of
MarcH ill tlitf year of our J.ord nun thousand
right hundred and fifty and the Indeiondeiice
of the United States of America the Villi.
God savo tho Commonwealth.
OF Northumberland Comity Tor August Term
A, D. 1850.
Grand Jurors
1 Win. Nesbit, Farmer, Chiliwiuuque.
2 Robert Campbell do Rush
3 Geo. Rulirubucli, Founderer, Sunbury
4 .Ins. Ruchler, Carpenter, Up. Augusta.
5 John Vnnant, Farmer, Sliiiniokiu.
6 Henry Haas, Innkeeper, Coul
T John Voris, farmer, lliiliwiiiamte
8 John Schniick, Tailor, Sunbury
9 Hubert Leshur, Boatbuildcr, NorlllulnMiind
10 Henrv Shine,
farmer, l.ow. Augusta
dn Delaware
do Jackson
do Low. Augusta
do Rush
do do
Carpenter, Lewis
Farmer, Low. Augusta
1 1 James Catlluart,
12 Jacob Weiser,
13 Michael Shivu,
14 Samunl Johnson
15 D.mi.'l Hiirslt
IB Jus. Wilson,
17 John Coldren,
18 David Dnnkelburser, do Lit Mulmuoy
19 Geo. Young, Bricktnakcr. Sunbury
20 John S linns, Farmer, Up Augusta
21 Isaac Suiler, Blacksmith, Low Mahunoy
22 Isaac Do Witt. Farmer, I.oW Augusta
23 Wm Vastine, do Rush
24 John F Kline. do Up Augusta
Traverse Jurors
1 Geo Mutuhler, Farmer, Rush.
2 Clias Alexander, do Shamokm
3 Andrew Armstrong, do Tuibut
4 John Scibert, do Delaware
5 Geo Tritcsbach, do Lewis
6 John W Miles, Gentleman, Norlhumb'd
7 Wm Conrad, Faimer, Low Auuusta
8 Peter Cubul. Tanner, Jaokson
9 Wm M Anten, Millwright, Chilisnuuque
10 Michael Derk, Wheelwright, Coal
11 John Mover, Farmer, Up Mahnnoy
12 Michael Wert, Miller, Low Mahouoy
13 David Mulich, Farmer, Up Malionoy
14 Jacob Spatz, Gent., Low Malionoy
15 Joseph Morgan, farmer, Up- Augusta
16 John N. Oyster, do Delaware
17 Geo Pimm, do Lewis
18 Benj lroxel, do Unlisquaque
19 Jos Weil zel. do , Low Augusta
20 John Hull, do Shamokin
21 John Biugaman jr., Boatman, L. Mahouy
22 Simon Polke, Millwright, ChilisqUaqtie
23 Edward Buy,
24 Jacob Geise,
25 John Malich,
26 Jos Snyder,
27 Hugh H Teats,
Up Mahnnoy
do do
Low Augusta
Up Malionoy
Low Augusta
28 Jesse leats,
29 John Ebright
30 Jacob Evert,
31 Henry Jackson,
32 Jacob Shipinau,
33 Daniel Kaufman,
Up Malionoy
34 John Hart, Blacksmith, Low Augusta
35 John D Cowden, SlioOmaker, Milton
36 Isaiah Miller, Farmer, Shamokin
37 Benj. Troon, do Jackson
38 Dairl Hileman, Carpenter, Low Augusta
39 Reuben Snyder, Wheelwright, Shamokin
40 Geo Gaul, Sin"le, Up Augusta
41 John Zimmerman, Farmer, Low Augusta
42 Philip Weaver, ito ltusn
43 Benj. WolVerton, do Shnmokin
44 Joseph Wallis, Gentleman, Point
45 Henry Repluy, Farmer, Shamokin
46 Jos Burmam Boatman, Milton
47 Alex. Colli Blacksmith, Northumberland
48 Michael Lenker, Justice, Low Malionoy,
Petit Jurors)
1 Jacob Shaffer. . Farmer,
Low Malionoy
2 Dan'l Hilbish, do
3 John Snyder, do
4 Jas Smith, do
5 Anthony Watson, do
Low Augusta
Up do
6 Alex Reed, Plasterer,
7 Adam GilKer, Farmer,
8 Chas Gule, tlo
9 Bonoville Holshucj Merchant, Up Mah'ny
10 Wm Forsythe,
do Northumberl'd
11 Comly Vincent,
12 John Hummer,
Up Muhonoy
13 Solomon folk,
14 Ab Troutman,
15 Chas Morgan,
16 Dan'l Brautisam
Gent., Northumberland
17 Jacob Stitzu), Farmer,
18 John Wert, do
19 Jas Lowrey, do
20 Jas Hayes, dn
21 Elias Walton, Carpenter,
22 Ab. Lawrence, Boatman,
23 Samuel Lerch, Farmer,
24 Jas D Barr, Justice
25 Jo Hays, Laborer,
26 Reuben Gariner,
Faimer, Up AugUsIa
27 Dan'l McKalls,
28 Mark Mack,
29 Peter Reitz,
Up Augusta
Low Augusta
do do
Low Aneusta
30 Dan'l Do Witt, Farmer,
31 John B Heller,
32 H. H. Knoeble,
33 Jos Hoover,
34 Samuel Reeser,
33 Ceo Knrich sr.,
38 Wm Hayes,
Low Malionoy
Merchant, Delaware.
Pf)R trial in the Court Common Pleas of IS or
thumberland County at AugnstTerm 1850.
P Hileman adm'r. of Geo.
Tho heirs of Thus.
Grant, dee'd.
" Grant
Dowers Lowber et al
vi George Miller &. son
giime vs Jonas Dewinali
Jonas Dowman et a1 vs BauiucI Kauthnan
DanvHle & Pottavtlle
vs Haywdttd it Snyder
vs Georgo Hitkcrt
vs Wm. Avrfs
Rail Kosd Co.
Wm & R. Fegcly
Frederick Keener
Henry H.Burr
vs Wm. McCay's Sdra'rs
Lafh 8troecker
vs Jacob Ilolloiaii
vs Dodge cV Uarret
Peter Riehter's ei'ra"
Ann Myers
vs 1 h v. art & .Ionian etal
Rachaet McCarty
vs Elizatieth We'tlzeletsl
Wm. & R. Fegely &Co. vs John Khisalcr
Jacoo Karchner
vs Daniel Kryntire et al
Chas. W. Richsrds
vs Joseph Fcttlt
vs Kubert W hnM
vs James Dunn
vs Jacob Cabel
vs Hniiiuel R Wood
Mary Bnydcr ct al
Wm H "Thompson
Pontius Thompson
tora. lor oauu r uri... t. MeJ Jrtf(Un
John B Miller vs Joun U Hoyd s e rs
Robert McCay vs Kward A Kutxuer
Jseob Philips vs George I- Weimer
A o lwrence Mm r oiVf peter & p Weim et si
cmrau jigiiou.
J Clayton for J McWilljamsvs John Boweri
O'Donnell for Wni t" r4ale vs.John Dive!
Mary Viclery
vs Peter Fesaler
vs Peter Urosious
vs Johrt'Uobb
vs Daniel Gon&ert
Chailes H Piii k
vs l.n Mi lor
Tbos Cuuiiuiiigs ct al vs J Psikc & D R Riutl
Jonathan Leedam et al vs Wm McCay's adm'rs
Christian Udlllrigcr
vs Charles Housel
lieorgo XToxel
Chn. A. Andre '
Daniel HannabdcK
Moses Bower
Bamuel Reaman
8. A. Jordan et at
vs Benj. C. Clayton
vs F. Matthews
vs John Cmrad
, vs Richard Goodman
vs Philip Spsyd
vs Geo Bowman
Vs John Arnold
Vs John N Lane el al
Jas Carothersrt al
J Dixon by O A Diidh Vs Bonham R Kase
1 Hunter cfc wife Vs Dr. J S Dongal
Del Caul & G LawreltcHvl H fc F Wilhelrrt
Hannah Montgomery vs Joseph Rhnsds '
Green cfc Bros, for T itbWdrd va Henry Lant
David Perry . .V Abraham Luneor
same vs Henry HaldvrmaH
Com. for P Hileman vs '('bos A Billingtorl
Elizalictli Krick's ex'rs vs ilohn F rick's cx'rS
Montffoinery A Kwcny va Jnmca Covert
John Bailv
vs Samuel li linn
vs P;tmucl A Leiilv
" vs I'hilip Clotl'eller
vs The" ex'r of II SuinmV.r
W K Shoemaker ndm r
,8 of John Hans, dee'd
H .full n Itomniet
Wm MeClcry
Benj Hummel
Margaret Hummer
Jas Kirkpntrick
JiDinlhan Stiver
Jas T Sutton &. Co
vs Hainuel Kvlo
J P Miller Indorsee A c vs J Sweny fit Roh
Clayton for Mr Williams vs Jos SiiVidnti
Win L Dewart vs JSnrlliumh'laiid county
11 D C'Utliiniu vs Monbroiiiin-v eV Miistcllt r
M Miiler vs II & V Willltlili
Jacob Stltttd vs Samuel L Beck
B K Knstt . vs Geo A Diton
G P ysnn folr Job Tyson vs Daniel L. Si-hlleck
John Hano rtild Wife vs Susan Hit mtltiH
Jas ('arolher et al vs Kdward I) I'etirce
Philip Billiliyer vs D H Watson
Jacob Niltniinfl1 vs Siimucl Jarre!
Frederick Shell vs G V Kiill's ailni'rs et al
R MoCorinic.k vs John Bailey
William Persing vs Peter AdumS
John Kessler Vs Geo Sliullcr
John Dalesman Vs Hullihen
(ieoApsley Vs Aorlhuiiibi'ilaiid county
James Dicllcnliach Vs same
F Fryer ci Wm Mojcf vs l'.liasGurniaii
Wm M Autcn Vs Tlioinus Ittiwr
Wm MeClcry Vs R I) (.'iiiuiuimjs
George Lawrence Vs Alll'ii Shreyer
Prothonotary koII'ico
Sunbury, July ti, IN 50.
fYllffj undersigned, appointed hy Uid ttrplians'
JL Court of Northumberland county, to make
distribution to anil among the cretlitors of the
estate of John Bloom, deed., hereby notifies all
persons iiili-ml, that he will attend to the duties
of bis appointment on Wednesday, the olst day
of July 1850, at bis office in the borough of Silu
bury, at 10 o'clock A. M.
CHAS. J. BRUKER, Auditur'i
July 20, 1850.
NOTICE is hereby given, that letters testa
mentary, on the estate of Thomas V (inline,
late of Shamokin township, ilee'd., hav been
frranted to the subsrribers. All iersiiiis having
(lemaiiils against said estate, are requested to pre
sent them for examination and settlement, ami
those indebted arc requested to make iniineiliale
Shamokin tsbp., July 13, 1H50 6t
I Y Virtue of certain Writs of Veiu -Kwiim,io
tlie directed, will bo sold at 1 oYlm-k P. M.,
011 Monday Ihc fith tiny of AiiRUst next at the
Court House in the borough of tSiinluiry the fol
lowing real estate to wit i All the interest of llm
DelV. supposed to lie the uhiliviiled one-tenth part
more Ur less, of and in
A Certain Tract of Land.
siutate ill Point township, in the enmity of Nor
thumberland, bounded by titnd of Joseph Priestly,
Jnmes Ncsliit, Charles Parksi Henry Paul, Mrsi
N nurse and Franels tlraily, containinc in tlio
whole 134 acres ninro or less, whereon are cree
ted a Log Dwelling House, a Log Barn, u .Spring
House, tin Apple orchard and other lruit trees.
Seized taken in orcctiilli and to bo sold as tho
property of John Crutchley, jri
A Certain Tract of Land situate in Lower Au
gusta tdwhxhin in said county, bound north by
of Janill Seasholtx, ettst by lands of Adam Benn,
south by lands of Daniel Hollobach and west by
lands ol the heirs of Henry IiOuk, dec d., contain.
nig 7 acres moro or less, wliereou aro erected a
log dwelling hnusc 1 striflcg high anil a trig stable
Seized taken in execution and 10 be sold as tho
property of Henrv Long.
The interest of the DiTt., supposed to ho the
undivided third part of Slid in a certain Tract tif
Land, situate 111 the township and county aforesaid
1; . . 1 , 1 f t.i . . 1 i 1
aiijoining lunus, laio oi y m. oiiipiiian, uec u.
Conrad Raker, Leonard Reed, and others, con
taining In the whole Two Hundred acres moid or
less, aliout 30 acres of which aro cleared, w hereon
are erected a small log dwelling house and a l'ariit
barn. Seized taken iu execution and to be sold
as the property of James Boss.
A certain Tract of Lami, situate In tlpiwr u-
guta township in Baid county, bounded on the
north hy laud ot Samuel dim ir., on too east liy
land of Mark Slack, 011 the south by the laud of
Samuel Gulp, snr., and on the west by land of
Benjamin Kattermau, containing 15 acres more
or less, whereon are erected two small ibvelling
houses, a stable, &c Seized, taken in execution
ml to bo sold as the proiicrty of Benjamin f
Wainpolo and George ampule.
JAMKts tUVliltr, Bhrlt.
Sheriff's office, Sunbury, )
July 13, 1850 Is J
"MTOTICE is hereby given td till LegaU-es Cre-
11 ditors and other iiersons liiti-resUnI in tho
estate ofGeorge Miller, dee'd, settled by his aiboi
nislrator John Wolf; of Mary h Miller, dee d.,
ttlcd bv her adm'r John Wolf; of W ilbani DeiH
pin, doe'd., settled by his adm'rs Abraham lleppiil
and Alexander Depnin; of Sarah ulp.ilec'd, set
tled by her adm rs t.yrus liartiln; ol Jbstlier
ltivki fi llcr. dee'd. settled bv her fluni r James
Fdrfester; of Jacob Weikel, dee'd., settled by his
exec'r John Boycrj of Benedict Pbolcnlwrgcr,
dee'd.. settled bv his exec'r John and Jonathan
Siiydhr; of Samuel Smith, dee'd.. settled by his
adm'r F.dwardH. Baldy ; of Martlnfeartman, dee'd
settleb by his exec'r John Zartmiin j of John Pen
svl. dee'd.. settled bv his adm'rs John and Leonard
Pensyl ; of Thilip Kohl, dee il, settled Ills ailm rs
Johri arid Daniel Kold; of Enoch Hower, dee'd.,
settled bv his exec'r Isaac Vincent. The account
of Philiii Fo'llmer, Guardian of Jacob 8. Strauli ;
tlm aee.mnl nf CnnnrA ( ?niirad. Guardian of Sarah
Ann Chaiftlierlain formerly M alien, llannab Ma
liclt, HettV Mallick, LydiaMalick, Charlotte Ma
lick. Jeremiah Malick and Mary Malick ; Iho ac
count of Da'Hicl Dutikelberger, Guardian of Esther
and M dry Pliilips ; the account of Daniel Swarts,
Guardian of Calhariuo Cressingcr i the account
of Georire Geise. Guardian of Moses Lcitzrl ; the
account of Alrfaham Wolf, .Guardian ofJutol)
Shive ir.. of Sarah JJraher, dec d., si llied by bor
adm'r John Dtahor I of Martin Kelter, dec d, set
tled by his exec'r John F. Wolfldgcr, Esq.
That the Executors, Administrators and liuar-
dlans Of said estates have filed their accounts with
the Register of Nurthumlicrland cOulllv, dud that
tlie satno will be presested to the Orphans' Court
of said eoajnty on Tuesday the tith day df August
ntxt, for tontirmation ana allowance
JUH. r. iteifisiur.
iiegisU-r's office )
P6nbrjrJf,Jury 6, 1858. $
FiHB subscriber will continue to receive and
JL accommodate few transient or permanent
BoilDiRs, at her residence in tSunbury. 1 he
location is in Market Hiiusre, oue door west of Ihe
"KunburV American" ollice, haudsomo aud
pleasant part of tlie town; To persons from the
eitv. who wish to epend si few rnohlHs in the
country during the summer season, Hunbury af
fords deligrrtftd retreat,
June 23, 1800.-T-
WR take this mclhod to inform the readers of
the Sunbury American, that, should they
visit, Philadelphia, in grU'st of
Good and Cheap' Clothing,
and favor us with a call, they shall not bo disap
pointed In obtaining tho best of garments at the
inwoul cash prices. We have now on hand the
largest assortment ever offered in Philadelphia,
among Which am DRF.S8 and FROCK COATS
from $5 to 1S, TANTS and VKSTS frdm 75
its. to $5, OVER COATS, CLOAKS, BUSt
U hii'll shall tie sold at such prtecs as to nlilki) it
an object for the pcoplo of Sunbury ami tin! sur
rounding country to extend to us their patrditage.
- Soiith East corner of Old and Market.
July 13, 18.10
Letters Testamehtary,
NOTICE is hereby given, that letters Testamen
tary on the estate tif Anna lliinsiekcr, late
of the Borough of Northumberland, dee'd., have
been granted to Ihesiibscrilier. Debtors and cred
itors of the estate are requested to call for settle
ment. DA VII) TA tit I ART, Ex'tor.
Nortbiimbc-rland, July li, 1850 (It
ELLOW CITIZEN:-: I'licoiiniced by i
i! number of my frienils, I oiler niysei
:(s a caluliiliile lor tho ollice ol
al tile next cltvti (siilijirt to tin! division of Ihc
DeniiMTiilic. Ciiiintv Coiiveiitioii.1 Sbibild I be
nominated anil elected, 1 pledge niVMflf tti perform
llic lliitii-H of Kiiil ollice failhfullv ntid til the best
ol my ability. PETER HOUGH AWOUT.
Iiuch township, June 'li, 1K50.
M VllOUANY AND MAItllfitt.
t'onio of Eleventh and liidgc ttnad.
No. EI4 South Second Street, below Dock St.,
FIHE subscribers would call the siiecial alien
X lion of Cabinet Makers and others, to their
very extensive assortment of materials in their
line, consisting of Mahogany V eneers, Boards and
Plank, Hair Cloth, Curled Hair, Olne, Varnish,
Looking Glass Plates, Mahogany Knobs, B
Plists, Marble Tops, and every description of
Hardware Tool, &c.
Cabinet Makers residing out of the City, would
find it greatly to their advantage to call at our
store to piin liase such materials as they want,
connected with their business.
All our (roods are WARRANTED,
of the Ix-st quality, and at very reduced prices.
Our 1 cruis are Cash, (no trade.)
We guarantee to give every man the worth of
bis money.
N. B. Mahogany, Walnut and Hand Rail
Plunk, and SUiir B.ilblsters for Builders, also
Marble Mantles, always on hand, and every de
scription of turned work.
June , IS.. ly
Books, Prints, Engravings, Stationary
;ilt rramesi anil niiiMlcnl instru-
Ka. '8 Norlh 2nd St., Iietween Arch & Race,
I'll I l.A 1Kl.PII I A.
TM POUT to order and have eanstnntly tin hdnd
a verv larim assorlilifcnt of goods in tlieamiv
named lines at wholesalli and retail. Principally
In German, Lathi, Greek, Hebrew, Frericb, Italian
tSinnish and other languages ; Clasaica, l.'Ictioii
hries. (irainmers. Vocabularies, School, Juvenile,
Picture, Drawing and Model Hilt for Architects
Cabinet, Carriage and oilier manufacturer.
MAI'S, GLOMES and Itlank Hooks of every
description. Splendid Lithographic and other
Accordeons, Banjos, Bowa for all siring instru
ments, Bridge and Tailpieces, Clarionets, Fifes,
Flageolets, Flutes, uuitars, Octavo r lutes, l atent
Heads for Guitars and Violincellos, Tainlmtirines,
Tuning Forks and Haiiimera, Violins, Violin and
Guitar Pegs, Violincellos and Strings lor all kinds
of Instruments Wholesale and Retail. Accor
deona repaired. . ,
Also constantly on hand, wholesale and retail,
a large assortment of the very best
DuU-li Metal, French and Florence Leaf Metal
.Tlierniometers.-i-HiiiiTieneils.-Fabcr aud other
Lrndocncils. lied. White and Black Chalk Cray
ons, Mathematical Instruments, Scarncatora,-
fipring Lanceta Pocket Prescription and Gold
Kcnles and Weiuhts Letter. Failcv colored and
gilt Pawr- Playing Cards and other French and
German Fatlcv Articles, for the sale of which
they are the MAN UFAOTURllRS AGENTS.
July 0i lSoO:
NEAV 8T011E!
a kf.V stock or c.oous,
Ai the Stoic formerly ociilvicd by John Vogar
In Market Street, Biuibury.
f V. subsi rlliers respectfully tnlorm Itie pun-
JL lie that they have lust received, and are now
a li WDso.Mi: A?iiiT.Mi-.?it oi-; mix goods.
Consisting in part of
Cloth, Cassimcres, Saltmctls, 1 esfiiic, 1'antU
loon Stuff, Calicoes, (ingwms, Lawns,
l mi'mss, Flannclt, "Cumin icx, Lineiis,
Fine Jliisi'iw, Handkerchiefs,
Gloves, tft ,
Haul. i aro, lneeiUvarc,
liui'iis axu MajuciNkS.
A largo ttsaorliiiiJiil of
Groceries, Fish, Salt and Plasteh
Ladies Shoes and Hiliterlt, FlUkl and Fluid Lamps
All of which will bb sold oil the most reasona
ble terms. .
IV Country produce ef all kinds taken 111 ex
cliange at the best prices.
Butibury, A pr'd l!t; 1850; ly -
JOHN vr, FltilClNG,
Market Street, Sunbury, Pa.,
TTAB iust reteivc'tl andoheHt-d a ISrgb assort-
I I men t of siiiverior and choice Fitncy and
Sbrnle Drv Goods, well adapter! to the coming sea.
son, which he will sell at the lowest prices. His
stock consists df general assortment ol almost oil
irticles nf iisii in tlie Dry Goods line, consisting
in part of
Cloths, CnMmtre$i bummerJsluff for
Clothing and Vesting.
Ladici Drem ooi. .
Gloves, Hosiery, Lscei, cihawls, Muslins, fcUeeU
. ings, Tickings, r Uie Muslins, tiiugtiShis,
, Linens, 4c
ALHO: A general sssortliieiit of
and every vdrieiy bf atticies.
If Chunuy produce of all kinds tsken In ex
change at the Inuiliebt market price.
bunbuiy, Apul , luM.
Relative; to an Amendment of the Consti
ltm.viti St tnfc Sit-iATK xd Ilntm or Rmnnti.
Ukxkkai. AmBMBLY MBt( Tllllt tti ol this
Cimiii..iiweullh m niilimki b, the kcuimI suction of thu
fifth antvle, ni thnt It nihil fbntl as fnlkiWa : Tha JihIki-s ol'
sral of rnrh other CourU ol Iteriinl as fire or shall be eiitai
lii r norinufl t-.iurtnti h.Min.iA.M.r.wnn... ui.-.-
muiieu ny mw, mail in eiectud by the qualified eleotum of
the rotimmmvilth In tile illnnner f. illuwing, to wit: The
Juihres of the Hupreme Coiirti hy the qnalifinl etecturs of
the Commonwealth at lurK,. The Framilent Joitgei of tho
several Courts of Cnnnium Plens and of mich other Courts
of Hoeord as are or shall lis cstaHlinhed by law, and nil
other Judges required to lie ISartiett In the InV, liy the qimli.
lied eloetom of the resiK-elifw districts oyer which Uiey
are to preiiiile or net as Judir:S. And the Amocinte Judges
of the Cumin of C'lmmon bleits by the qualified eleet.ira
of the conntiea reapfietivuly. Thu Judges of the Snprerrie
umiri aimn HDid tneir unices mr ine terra 01 nituen yeura,
if they shall to lunir thihave thetnMves Well : (ubjeet to
the allotment hereiimftt-r provideil fur, sillieeqiient to the
firt eleetion ;) The Pres:li-irt Jndires of the aevernl Conris
of Cuinui'in IMenn, and of .im-Ii nliier cnlltts of KiH'iird us
are nr Ahull lw ..inl.tiliral i.v Iniv. nn,l nil nther Jmliri re
quired to be Iciirneil in the lu ,v, sltull hold their otlirs for
tue term ot ten yenrn, if they slmll so lone heliove ineni
elves well i The Awieiate Ju.'ti'n of IhR tlnurt of Cuni
nmn l'lenn Shutl hold their oiheen for the term of five yen",
II they hall So long liehavu lliemm'ives well : lilt ol Whom
nhull bo ciiiiinlinninniMl by tlie (inventor, but Pr nn'y reu
snnaMo cause tvhieh nhnll nut be aurtVicut irnuiuiln i.f
iniiM'uelnnont; the Governor nlmll reinwo nnv of them on
Ihe niblriim of ttviMliinln of iru h hnineh of the I .i-ffislmiire.
I he firnt eleetlnn nlirt'l bike nluee nt the rrenertil electiod 'f
this Cniiunnuweulth iicxl after the att'ipii"ii ol'lhinmni'iid
ineut. and Ihe nonuninKidim of all the .iudjren wlm may bij
then in olfiee nlmll ejplrc on Ihe first Mnudnv of Decein
lT fnll'ivving when the terinn of the now 'judges nhull
C'liiuileneo. The pernoim wlm nlmll Mini lw elei tt-d Juduc-n
f theSiimeme Coiitt shull hold their nffieea nn follow s:
oue of lhem for three ymirn. one for aix yi-urn, one for
nine yenre, one for twelve venrn, and one for til'leun yi-urn J
the term of em li to be ilei-idi-d liv lot by the mid jadci. ns
ninin ullei tlie election unconveiiii'ut.iind then-null eerlilied
by them to the lloveru or; thai, tile rnmminnions iiuir l)B
isnueil iu neeoriluni e thi-reto. 'I'lie iudce whose eniiuuia
nion will lirnt expire nhnll be Chief juntiev diiriiiclns term,
and therenl'ler eni-h .indue wltone c'omniiFnion vhi'ill lirnt ex
piru nh:ill iu turn he tho Chief .'unliee, unit if two or more
eoinminni.inn nlmll expire on the nuine dny, I lie judges
holding lhem nh:dl decide by lot ivhiHl nlmll lie the Clilul
Jllnliru. Any vneiiiieien lniiieniiiir livilenlh. lejiL'imtion.
illierwine, in liny of the itiid coiu'l'. nlmll lie. filled hv
nppoiniiuciil by the Oxvernor, to continue till Ihe lirnt
IMoniluy ol December aneceiHlintr the nejtt i;ener;tl eliK-tlou.
I lie .luiluen ol the Mipreme Court nudtht l'remili litn of the
nevend tourlnof Common l'lenn nh;ill. hi nlnti.,1 .tlinen. rn
ei-ive for their nervieea nil ndirmiiile eoiniieumilioil, to lie
fixed by law, which nlmll not be iliuuninlied iliiiinir their
eonliiiiiimce in olfiee, but they shrill receive no fees or per.
ininitea of office, nor hold liny other olfiee of profit Hdcr
nun t:oinmoiiwt-iilth, or under tin: governmunl ol tue t in.
Hit ftnlen, or nnv olbcr Slnle ol tin's Union. The Jiideen
rt the Niuneine Court durtue their eoutiuunnee id ollic
nhnll remde wilhm lliin Collimonwi-ullll null tin) other
tiiilecnduriut' their coiitiiiuiiiice in ollice nlmll reniile veittiin
tue nmiriet or county lor which they weru reniiittivcly
SpcdLcr of the Ilimsc of llrprescutativcs.
V. BEST, Speiiker of the Senate.
IlAimiaiiUHo, Jnmiiiry, l.XI. $
I. satintrjl w. Penrsoll; Chief rieri of 1I..1 e,..,. f
1 cnnnyiviuua,no neruliy eertilythat the forifoinR resolution
l;Vi. Ill on the r?cilale hie III Ihe present sesnioil. enlillcd
i.ri .iiiii.-ii leiiuivw to un ,11 cm I Mini I lie I onn ilntioii.
u lieing tlie Kline resolution which wtm agreeil to by a
mneiriiy 01 ine niemoern elec eil to euc , Houm of il,e .-ml
IrfKinlntiire after linvnig been duly considered nud ilinem-si-d
wiui this dny airreed to bv a umiorilv of tl.a in,-i.,l.-.n
cm-icu luanu urriiiH 111 me wuaie ol fi'lllinylvunui, lit Its
present icnsiou, on will uppeur by tlicir voles given on the
tinnl pusnune ol resolution, ns follows; viz :
I aose voting in Invorol the renohltlou were. II. Join-
HKnike, i. Torler llmwley, William A. Crubb. Jonathan J.
i.uiiniuiiimui, inotimn !. Kernon. Thori'ns It. Foresvlli
tlliarlui r nuly, lloliert M. Prick, Henry Fullon, Jolni W.
,.u,Tiiii,ev, ..iiiiinii nanieu, isiiuc union, Tiiuotliy iven
Jonhiia V. Jones, Joseph Konieintieher, (icireo V. law.
rence, Mnxwell M-Cnnlin, llciii onnl Mnlohc; Itenjiimiii
iiiniiuuis, nenry A.ninnieiiiM-nr, Willmm K. ralker, Wll-
nam It. duller, llnvid Muikrv, I'eh-g 11. ftnvety. Conrud
!hliner, Hobert C. Sterretl, iJaniel Sline, l-'arrin II. Stree
ter, John II. Wulker ami Valentine IJestj SrKAKEB
. none v.hiuk aeHinni ine passage oi the reaoiiition were
Renre-u Ilursie, Augustus Drum and Alexiuuler Kms
t :.lruct from the Journal.
8A.MI.. AV. 1-KAHSON, Clerk
Ijithe IIoi'se ok Representatives, )
llarrisbure, March 14, 1850. J
I, William Jucki Chief Clerk ol Hie House of n cpritirii
tutives of I'cnusvlvaiiiu, ilo lu ruliv ccrlily Hint llm i.Tg i.
ins resolution, (No. 10 on thu S-nuti! file, uml No. all un
llm House Jouriuil ot'llic irt'S.MitiK!iion,) cutilliil "Itcso
liHiiin ri-lulivcto this inn. -iiiIiii. -in ofiho Oiinxtitiitioir' it
ikiiii! inr mine resolution wlllili n nmwd to liv n uiu
Jorily ol llic ini-mliers t-lixlwl to tui li llousn ol" the lusl
lirgislutiiri! utter having Ina-ii Uulv and ilisc-us
stsl, whs tins day nsreed In hi- a utiionly ol llm ineniliers
elect 1 to and serving in the House of HepmuruUttivi'S o
l'eiuisylvuuia. al ils present session, us well nniieur hy Ihei
votes, given on the liuul imssugt! oi'llis itsolution, as lol
lows, viz:
Those voting in fnvor of the pusxipe of tha resolution
were, John Acker, John Allison, William H iker, Holiert
iKi'uwiu, i.nviu J. in-Ill, I niiir uiilille; Jeleiuiall llluek.
John!, ilowen, Williiun Hriudle, Uuniel II . II. lirower,
Jesse il. Harden, John Oesnnn, Henrv C'liuri'li, John N
Ciinyiiglnun, Sylvester Criillnnd, Ileiijiiinln (1. Wil
Ibiu J. IJohliiiis, Jiiiuea 1. Downer, Thomas Duncan
Win. Dilniii Vni. Ksney, John C. Kvnns, William Kvann
iip, Aiexunuer n. reamer, jiiuies c lowers,
leiljiiuiin P. Former, Alexander CiliUiuy, Tin is li
.tier, Joseiih r. lirnhil, Joseph HuiIi-v. Jucoh P. luidei
nan, lieorgc II. Hart. Iflert Hnrt. John llaslii. Wi
luiu J. Ileiuntull, Jolui Hoge, Henrv HuimiH, Ijvtt io Her
ford, llallilixtoll J. Jui-kson. it-holas Jones. Jolm W
hillint-er, Charles K Klnkrail. Hobert Klotz. Harrison 1
airdj Morns Lerch, Joiinthan I). I .eel, Aunoti l.eoimril
ones J. U-wis, Henry Utile, Jonim K. .M'Clinlnck, Jolni
. M'Cull.n-li, Alexander (J. M'Cnrdv, John M'l Jinu'hlin
ilui M:I,m; Samuel Man, John 11. Meuk, Michael My.
ers. John Miller, Joseph C. Miillov, John J. Morris, Win
i . i.iiinnou, , r.geKiei niowrv, r.ilwanl .Meklenoli. Jaeo
Ninsly, CliarlenO'Neill, John' 11. Packer, Jonenh C. I'owe
jKiinai c. Held, Joiin h. llhey, Lewis Kolieris, Summ
Ho tinou. Jolm H it nil, ,.r. tp.l ii .; u ..i;ui.i n.i.
C. couler, William rihaltner. Kii lulrrt Simps. in, Fli Sluei
... iiiiiiiii f-iiutii, iinaiit a. riuil i. uauie .VI. rinvser. I
hum H. SiHidrr, TluHrias c. Sieel. David Ptelvaid. Charles
Miv-kwell. Kilwin c. Trone. Andrew Wiule, Koliert
Walker, Thomas Watson. Hidmiv 11. Wells, liiriun
Williiiius, Daniel Zerliey, and John 8. M'Caluiuut, St'EAK
ka Yeas 87.
Thoae voting airaiust the nnssntre of the resolution were.
Augustus K. Curuyu, Duvid Kvaus uud JuiueS M. I'orter
rttiys :i.
Lxlnct from the Journal.
Sx-REf Ally's tii'Fici!.
Fileii March 15, 1850.
Dep. Set. of the Commourccalth.
Skcuei-aiiv's Office,
'knnsyi.vania ss:
I 1k ckbtify tliiit the aliovo and forrjoine in a true nml
Correel ei ,,y nl I lie nri:illlll reisihitiotl ol Un. ( ueml Asw ia
lily, eulltleU,"lelloluLloil relative Ui nil llllleudlilellt ul the
l.olislllutlou," as the saute remains o.i hie in tins otliee
- III tesllmoim whereol 1 have hereuiit.
et inv Itutul. in kil jiiiiuti it Im. niiivii
)y of tlifSirrcti.ry' Ollice, nt IliiniKlnirn
UW un'uoiiiw v-iiil iiuihuvii uuu ail).
SetWy of the Commonwealth.
July It, 1M0 3m:
Monday, the l-lli day of Auguxt next, nt
tho Court House iii Sutjiury, ut 10 o'clock
A. M., will Iks exposed to sale,
Two jLoIm of Ground
in said Borough, on Water street, Nos.90 and 91.
On lot No. 01, is erected, a large Two SroHr
DwelLiko llouss. Lato tho estate of Mary
Lvon, dee'd; 'J'he Idts will be sold together, or
ocjiaratcly to suit purchasers.
1 lie terms oi saio, win ue mauo Known on the
day of sales by
ufcuiiUH LIUINjExecrt
Sunbury, July 0( 1850 M
(LATE 0l' C. SCtlHAfKJ
Varuish Alauuractury aud l'alnt
iVo T8 KortK Fourth Slrerl,
Cdiistantly on hand and for saic, at reduced
prices, dild of superior quality, the fol
lowing articles, vis :
Coach, Cahmet, Jauners' and Oil Cloth Varnishes ;
rirviiifi Jaisiu : Ilisii and Harness Varilt'h ! llrown, White
aiut Red rlpirit do; Trunslur rln: Arlisw1, lliiuse and
Conch IMiuters' and Vanilsllers' Sturertid j Pt'TTY IN
tjtlANTVriKI1l'.IM'fl, DHV. IN Oil, AND l'UK
l'AKID Fflt 1MMF.DIATK tmKj MUliuars' Varuiuli,
(ilue and Acuta: lllnek Japan for irml J Aitliesive do. I'm
Fancy Work; Piclure and Window China; Artisu1 Cih
asirt. Dry and in Tuls-s ; Neat's Foot Oil : lioM, mivor,
and Uerniad U'lU' liold, Hdrer, and Cofasr Hniam ; (Vu,
zier'a Diuiismds. Also, veiy luncrioc Sttoo UUokiug ois)
VVriiiuff Ink.
JUne S9, 1SJU.
lMTlllj UOOItlS,
Southwest Cornet df Fifth aiUl Market Strteis,
iniO always keeps on hand a large utock of
every variety oil' clothing made up of (rood
materials, and m the latest and liesl styles, ils
would also lillorin tit' putdic, thai be psvs roni4
drrable attention in getting up Milil.tiv f'lolliin,
in g'Mid btvle and on uaiuUe turn:..
Juus li, laoO. ly
II. K. II.
R ADWAYW BEAUY KLIKf for p.. in Is trulv bins,
sini to silfiinlfig humniiity. ThvlJimenre rejoici-d at its
curutive iimiierties. fur they enn dinmin with their onn.
Chen and walk. The Weak Wcnn il nn nn iiinlruuieut in the
hands of Providence, for by its hcalinr; sail strengthenine
qunlities they become atiouir. The Hiil-UnWcu wetauine
it as a blessing fnitn liipll henvmi, for it relieves them of
their pain and misery, cures their diseases whether it be
nnenmatlnm, laiinlsigo, lirnt. I'tnilynin, Ktrnlna, Hums,
mum, C7nuiie, nil,, niicv.-,joiin Ol Ilie jpilie, OT Son.
eit Tendons, for bv ils ri llier urn enahlud to .,
nn their ln.d of aielcmiM. eml etiion Him nl. aMi
blessinus of health. The Hullcrcr of Xenrnlgin aud Tie
lAilereux, welcomes it as their ohly rethcily in relieving
them of the cruel paine, sliinHiiiii like electric shocus tliroasU
the face, head, and system, pnml) zinji ill sh instant tbair
.u iiriKntcst nopes, lor tie) vend llellef is a
rsm-erlnl aniidnte for oil Nervous and llhcuinntic AAee.
lions, and will cure this powerful disease vt-herl til other
remedies have failed to give relief. The sufferer of Tooth
Ache in a few seconds.
ro nuiek, powertu . ami .ir.-innl nn,hn,'. t?i...i.
lief in all coses where pnin is enuned by elliTiml iiijuries
'' -""n'"inii, inui. ii ana reneveu trie inont se
vere pains of Chronic Kheumatisin durins omi ili)ilicatioit
ins lleliel.
hAflWAY'S H1-.AI1V BEMPe i. ' l -j
I ..... i - . I.UII.MHL-IIPFM nflllHI
mieul mi-dir-iH in use. it can he n.,-,1 v. ith the most hsp-
nu islni II lliternnlly oud exliinmllv. Crampk ill the
aeh, Colic, or Cholera Morbus, are relieierf in inn
mutes, nnd cnrtit entirely In fifteen nr twnntv ill., if
wind to in-ike an ointment of it. for il... ...
I.iis; (lllinpeit l''leh, Pnalular Knipliiais. take n lun-SinMiu:
ulol the jtelicf. and n talile.noooiii'nl of
on. of lihl, and yoii have a better ointment or Knives thai.
uuy oilier urt tele uov iu uiie.
il tail, thin inc.licinc, ivhen reiturcil to two
own strenirth hy addinir as niueli spirits of wine, will sive
nt liettcr l.mmicMt ilinu nnv now iu use.
ec that eai-h Imtllc bLars ihe fni-.nimile simmrnm nf
f Kadway A Co,, none other is genuine rjticu aj cents,
i un ooiiies.
TtifccRou ixo bnAMEt Bf KkAIty
The lad? or gentleman who desires a beautiful aitiete
dressthcir liair. ore iidvisiHl to make unoof KuiUvuv's
rcasian Halm il possesses many advantages over all
icr Hair tomes unit prcp-irations. First; dentines the
dp fnnn ilanilruir gires tones and yiiror to tho kjves ti
i roots nml bulbs, invigorates to healthy action the genu
life, which uives lo the Imir a hcahhv rmit. nud forces
in huir to arrow, it cures llalducs. stoes the hair from
ill i m out, makes it fine, stroiig, sort nml ulossv. keens it
nun turiiiii-j erev. or bcconihm diseoloreil. It is trnlv u
luxury to dress the Iiuir with this delicious nrcuaration.
R ADWAY'8 CIllCASSlAX ItAT.M r..!- i..i.,,..-
Ihe hair, cleansing the sculp, removinir damhull', nud curing
Isiklnens, is truly a valuable preparation. A lady who hud
been sick for some lime had lost every imrticle of tier hair
prevlousto her nieknenn, her Imir would fall out j she was
recommended to try the Circassian Bulin, as u hair restor
er, she used slxbotlles with the most hippy 'results, her
..... .. .nt, ,iik, aim inxuriunl. Thu
pteparatloli makes Ihe h.ur m.iint, line, soft, and silkv. ami
ucliBKses it to curl ; ye, with baldhends, weak hair, had
, l,j " " -.o.; me ,.oe:imu uuiiii, presired by Kud
vny& Co.,and you will soon have a luxuriant bend of
iiur. Mold lor o cents in brecbnltlc. Ask forHadvviiv'a
ircassinii Halm, till Fulton Street, New York.
During the summer season We freolienilv tnent with
em. ms who are solely annoyed with black spots, abeut the
ise or a pill's head, just under the Itnintf df tHfc SiirliicrK
these spels ure truly annoying and repulsive in appearance:
theyot-o rlothiiijr luore or lens than duSt, the nkifi being
warm anil the iudividnul porspiriiur freely, lhedtlstciug;iii(;
up Ihe duets of the neUiceoun glands, tlicir oily secretions
bib not aiven otr, rind consequently n cheesy deposit is tlie
rcnulln ; this becomes rnncid and turns black, disfigures the
complexion, and often inllatncs mid suppurates. Let Rail
way's Soap lie free y used, absorption will take place, au4
the niots spcmlily ilisaprn-nr. Also, if Railway's Soap was
" ...,1 iio'iikii ine nav, inese spois,
uuil otlier annoying exeresweucen, would not trouble you.
eiwniottimnry cucets oi Kadway's in removing
iu, Sim llurnn. I'lninlcn. l!li,il..- P.ionl.. "tvii.-r
Itanh. Scurvy, Mornhew.iiiidthc Ho,-uilSo,,....,f i,,.,.
in truly astonishing ; besides, it is certulii of tronsforlnin!
" i "o aun repulsive visage, to a c enn and
lieuutilul nunnlexion. In nil CnSen nlr r.,r n.,.l-..,-i. .,,
and take none other. , .
N. H. Iludwiiv's Meilicalel Sonniil nteel enirrnvinirn nrm
2i cents, ull others ure counlerfeit. Usik fot Ihe steel en-
aokxt II. n. Mnsser, Sunhurv.
JuueS-J, le-50. ci-Juily
For ihe Cure of
MA, WHOOFizra-oouazt
This truly valuable Xemcdv for all diseases bf
the Lungs and Throat, has brcoiitc tho ebicl reli
ance of llio nlllictcd aS it is the most certain curd
knovvh for the above complaints. While it is a
pdvvcrlul reiticdial agents in the most desperate
and almost hoiiclcss cases of Constlitiption, it is
also, in diminished doses one ot the mildest and
most agreeable fumily medicines for common
eriHimon coughs dnd colds. Read 1h?1ow the opin
ion of men who are known to the' world, and the
world respect their opinions.
"jalucsfJ. Aver Sir: I have used your ''Cain
nr l'aiToEAi,' in my own case of deep-seated
Bronchitis, and am satisfied from its chemical
constitution that it is an admirable, compound for
the relief of iaryhgial and broiicliial difficulties. -If
my opinion as to ita superior chnractef tan bo
of any service you arc at liberty to use it as you
lliitik prnticr;
President of Amherst. College;
From tho "London Lancet."
the most valuable preparations that has fallen un
der our notice. After a careful examination, we
tlo not hesitate to say we have a large apprecia
tion of its mcrhs and the fullest confidence in its
usefulness for coughs and lung complaints."
Dr. Drowsier, of Windham Co., Cdnh-, sends
us the following testimony.
Dr. J. C. Aycr Dear Sir : I enclose you a
certificate from Mrs. Catharine K. Cady, a highly
respectable lady of this village, wife of Mr. 8eth
Cady, Deputy Shcrill', Windham Co., Connecti
cut. J lie cvre in her case was very prompt, and
has attracted general attention,
Wr.s-r KiilikgLi, CU.Sept. 28 1848.
This may certify that I was atllictcd with a very
scvero cough in tho winter of '47-8, Which threat
tencd to terminate in Consumption. I had tried
many medicines in vain, and was cUred by the
use of ''Aycr's fcherry Pectoral."
From Dr. Bryant, Druggist and Postmaster
Chicopce Falls, Mass :
Dr. J. C. Aycr Dear 5ih Enclosed (ilea
find omittance for all the CHERRY PECTORAL
last seiit me. I can unhesitatingly say, that no
uicdiciitd we sell gives' such satisfaction as your's
docs; nor have I ever seen a medicirie which
cured so many cases of Cough and Lung Com
plaints. Our PhUicians are using it extensively
in their practice, and with the happiest effects.
Truly youis, D. M. BRYANT;
rm. passu bt J.c. xttn, chemist, lo will, mass;
lT Sold by Henry Manser, Sunbury; Mary
A. Mi-Cuy, Northumberland' Dr. Uearhart, fee
linsgrovc ; Dr. Beckly, Daiiville, and Druggisu
July 6, 1850.- Iyce3m
For the Cure or Fkver ad Acue;War
Tl'lS unrivalled medicine may b relied ort when neafi
ly all taltei remedies Init. lu Value is rioi eutneieiitlv
known, theretore, ua ptopneti desires hi enuirss tne
held irf Us uset'iiliicss by inakiiui known ils viituusaua eft:
cai-y lo thouwuits ol euHerers v. so are riot awars Uwl thev
cau uu siHivuiiy anu rauicauy curca ut
without the use of pnismious drag, ususeoof potjohl a
Ihe delete riiwis rilects irf quinine. It u isfeted to the pob.
In- sla S'V ivice to rls' a within the reach is all, assured
thnt Uhshi who use il uceordiag to directions will aud it a
ealu and .jictdy turn tor ,
, Fkvfca srdHoi'S.
II is mil a rlihiirueiilile naiiseeiiuir ooinaound hut an afreo
iihle Uuiie euleutnied lu remove Ui diseuse aud give health
nclloh to ihu stonsM'h and howells.
l'reiierruiaily hy AlimUslI (., Slid sold whoWsslea
mid remit liy Itowiuut t tisi, No. SI North Sih flueet,
lMnlHililhiii I'riee fl ms( single bottle, end to per doiv
Juuc', IKsJ ly m '
AY Rt'M.An excrllent article for sal
. t
huiilniry Jan. STth, 149 tf.
; f, Iroiii lie New Yoik Canton and Prkirk
ia t 'onip.iuv. Pea sjle bv
J- W. tiilUAO.
'uubuiy, Dn lets