SUNBURY AMERICAN "AND. SHAM0K1N JOURNAL. tn all Chrlatlanlti-d and elTilliwI ecmntriaa. as aaiisad a ' larjnt proportion at riVatlia than any otlwr malady thai fflltta the human family i and. nlittl within a law yaara, thua haa not hwn anjr rim Mmady to atop laa daraata ' Hon of lha dr.m.ror. Itut now BRANT'S INDIAN Caret avrj sniny of tlm ninrt ttrcmrly marked and darl. i.m:d eaaea of j'ulmnnarw eValoamiM natad raaaa of nreroterf and dilated LllSUS ancti Aopriut a art at ware nrrrr Is-lnre tnrvd by any other nirdiiiise. 80 uiurlf konclnt wern aoma of tlm altli.-li ,1 pertnaa, aa to hare been mnom-ed liy phyticiann and tn b acTUALkr iitins.. Some, who hnd thmr nurial-clotlira made, hare horn cured, and Tt live othnra. who it waa aaid would not lira another day, ara now aa well and nearly aa they ter wore. It nnaaeaaca all the rlramlng and tmrifvlnft virtue nearly aa powerful and active aa the preparation wbivh wa call BRANT'S INDIAN PURIFYING EXTRACT. TM dlffert frmn that, beranan tltla poatiaiea aMrrnl otkte Medications which ara pf.cuiiarlf adapted tu, aud ara aaes fialiy nrres5flry, to cure Coughs and Consumptions, and all dlteaece of a pulmonary netnre men diaea.ea aa tiauatly prure lo fatal uodar ordinary liaatuiont, waau thay attack the . Rrcnst. Throat, Limps, nnil Hcitrt. ' Thli ItA LSA M kralt and caret llUm h tkt Lnngt. and .elawwhere internally, at certainly and tatily aa the Prat. rrino KXTsarr eiires and heat nlrcr. etiernallii. Thia Balaam cum A'ine caara of Courk and CmininaffMl oat of Ten, after all other remediea have fiiiltd 11 do good. .. Thousands of Consumptions and Chronic Oiv'ht, alimidantly prove He n failing tfi. racy in ailrh diti.ava. and itt undoubted corntive power, and eoiithlnu. hcalini propf-rHra. in II"! following rum Jilalnte and dH-ntea. tiim Spitting of Wood, llleeding mt the Lunrt, Vain, in thr. llrraM and Side, yirht-.tveats. ,r emit Com)dainU, I'alpilntion of Ike Heart, Cholera Infan tum. Uynntery and Svmmtr Complainu in Children and Adulu, Aetkma, and ALL FEMALE WEAKNESSES & COMPLAINTS. Mo rr mrdy that hat been ott'ored to the public hat aver been half at certain and epclual in correcting ALL the in cidental venknetec and Irreffttlarili't of tlm li'maln era. aa UKASTS ITLSIOXAIlY llALKAM. It tnalcot no dif ference whether the deranovment he ivpnreition. t'ettt. or other incidental tteaknett it ltKOI'I.ATKS AM., by ttrrnrtkenlng the avtlnn. ttueill:tng tke circulation, ami toothing and allaying NKItVOUS IKKITA11I1.1TV. M ear PamphUu for pn.of. CONSUMPTION. A Dying Woman Cured! We lute thU cr to prnT tho potter to $art Ufa h Ihi RA1..SAM Is rd, mvn ntrr th ernon in considm-id by phyficinn nnii irtrntli to Ito In the lat tnpe$ uf ltit ftcttitlly rfytJir ". in thi rn. to Jar gvnt tint the throud and bttrM-ctathet wiro bmtrjht. For tho parties lars (if Uiis cnac, nmt the rttpeetnUt Hnd vndoubttd proof if all the rlruumitancet aud lacti. wa rtr to our Thia nir wm effectpil on Mr. DY REMAN, or Bnlhton Spn, Saratnfn CO.. V. Y. V can nrcirr. hryund tiixiHt, wiTtutht-r ntmart equntlp M hnp (. ml innu awo6tctiViif Cowghtwl Oinnmptinnt CUftED.vrkich wure prououncod iururahtt hy ikilt'ul phytieiant, LIVER COMPLAINT. Bra lha cure of Dr. Hnboard,of Stamford, C't., and slkara. Dyspepsia ! See the cure nf T. & Wilcox, merchant, of Attlea, Wyo ming Co., N. V., and many mora, in our PampNeta. Dysentery & Summer Complaint tn Ckildrcn and Adulu are afaviye cured. Weakly Children will hreomo fteeky. kcallhy. and Aenrty, and grow rapidly, bv the use of thia IIA1.HAM. No mother need ever mourn the death of her eblld ha fThnlrrai Infantum, while teethinit, if JlllAyVM PULMONARY BALSAM be admlni"tered. It Ihould IMS ler auch caaee, given tn larger tban the ordinary doaaa. .DOCTORS & PHYSICIANS RECOMMEND The following-named Doctor and fAv..i'rieaj have) hilhly rerinnmende.1 I1RAXT MKDICl.NES Dr. N. II I! Hit A K 1). filamfor.1. Conn. Dr. J. N. SMITH, W.tertown, N. Y. Dr. HUSSMAN. Henry ttreet, Brooklyn, M. V. ' I)r. T. M. HUNT, Aubuni, N. V. !r. OKO. FItANCIH, Miilriletown. Conn. . Ilr. GKI. A. ROtlKHil, Hath, N. Y. Dr. 8. W11ITK. Frednnia, N. Y. , Dr. C, B. GAI.KNTINE, Hyron, N. Y. Pr. J. ). Sllll'MAN. Kavetteville, N. Y. Dr. J. SKINNKIL llnnrv'tt, HnHiklyn, N. T Dr. O. S1IIPMAN. Curtiand. N. Y. FOR SALTS BY John W. Friling, Sunbnry Ta. Alary JV. meoiiy n'TiiiumouruuMj. John H. Rnaet Milton, .Henry J. Shnelfer Kdwurd A. Kutzncr AnnmConrhd Have ft MeCirintck, V'P. 1. Painter, J. r. Mmni It Co., fUlwurd Wtla-Mi, Thornton ft liuker, 8. J. Cr.iuae, V. H. Hieklev, no do PottatrroTe, MeKweiiaville, Money, lluheavilla, New Herlin, Lewiabtirf?, fv-linsiirnve, )):inville, K. P. I.eiix ft J hn K. M"yer, itl'Mimaltitre. All leitera nnd irdera mnat be addreaaed to Walkice ft ro. 1M Brondwuv, .New ork, tSunbury, July til, ltlfl ly. GEORGE J. IICKEliS, CITY CA11INF.T WAKEROOMS NO. 173 CIIESSUT STREET, (oaPOSITK THE STATS 1IOVSK.) . PUILADELFHIA. JVFFERSfor sale, low for cash or approved city paper, a larco and well aaaurtcd tuik of CABINET FL'K.MTURE, of the latest pnttorns nnd of the liost workmanship. The assortment rmltraccs every article, usrful ororiiaini'ntal.rom- iririni suiu of Drawing Koom Furniture in liose- wood nnd Walnut, extittiailely carved. Koscwnod Walnut, and MalirKrany Cliamlier Furniture j Pa- lent Extension Ltinini; Tallies, (ackmm ledneil to 1m tlte beat now in use); Library Look Cases, nnd a great variety of 'luin Parlor and Cliamlier t urinture. Curtains made and put up in tho latest 1'uria laehiona. . Spring Multrusscs, Huir Mutlraacea, and Fca- tltpr lleils, made to order, N. B. All articles purchased at this establish- ment arc warranted of the heat materiaU and workmanship, and will lie packed to carry safely to any part ol the country. , May 25, 1S50. ly 1 SFPJ1TG GOOES in imiilaii;l.iiii i. rp SHAKPI.E8S SO.NS, have j&t received .1 a applyof SPKIXti A.l) SUMMER :00U8 of rrtemlly und oilier blues, to which they invite attention, .fH AWLS All descriptions of Silk, woollen and worsted. DUES HII.KS Cro de Rhine, Cliamelcon8, and neat aud new fancy styles' India .Silks and baUns. DRESS GOODS Lawn, Barege, Mousse- lins, (iingliaintt, Alpacas, Mohairs, und all tho new fabrics. FUKMSHIXOfiOODS Blankets, Sheeling tuilts, Damask, Shirtings, and ull other fuiinsh- urn uimmIs. MK.N'S WEAR Cloth, Cassiinerea, Cashma- relts, ltrills, V estius ot all klutls, ami Jioya wear, SHOEMAKERS (iOOl)S and Curriaao Ma kers arlielea. T. HHARPLES & tSONS, 1 No. 32 S. Second Street, Philadelphia. .Mny 85, 18o0 l y J. H. ZIMMERMAN, t' JlSTItE OV TUB fEACE, Sunbury, Fa. Office in Deer Street, immediately opposite the . J ubltc ocliool liouae. W Maiiea collected uih! ail buaineaa pioinptly and caie- luny auteiwmt to. April SO, 1850 ki)vinmTaxl7 (LiTE or tke Fun or Watkixsos & Hm,) Nb. 2 Snuth Second Street, f , ' Philadelphia, P KflPECTFl'LLY inforinshi old friends and - custouters, as well as the public generally, lliatfae haa opened an entire new stock uf elegant styles of ' Spring & Summer Tress Goods. Ilia twsof Utiuiit consists of the httrat and most deai ralilu style of Knglinh, (iernian, French cV Ame- licau (ioods. Huch as Delaines , 1 issues, II era ges.Silks, Lawns, Muslins, Mmls,HdklU, lilovcs, and every variety of Dress and I" ancy Uoods. riiltad. March 16, 1850. ly 0. BKN KERT, . v. BOOT MAKEE, Xo. 40 South Fourth Street, V . '. 1'HiLtoai.rHii, ftrnEFl! very variety of French Calf Skin Morocco, Patent leather. Congress and liai- tiTiooli, of the best style and workmanship, are afistantly kept on hand or uiauulacluicd lo older. March Hi, I8.)0. tim A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At the Cabinet Ware llooiin of SEB'N IIOUrT & CO. Harket Square, Also at the torner of Fnipn street 4r the Railroad SUNBURY, PA. Thankful for the patronaee of hi friends and customers during the 17 years he has been in busi ness In this place, he solicits from tho public a con tinuance of their favors. Din-inn- this period ha ha endeavored to keep up with the improvements of the day, and haa accordingly extended his busi ness in everv branch and variety. Tho public are therefore invited to tho attention of tho present stock of . -..--nm .r a vivn a ihT-i-fc fiTT A 1TC UAUirVJVl tTAttuAlUi tiianw) Manufactured by SEBASTIAN HOTJPT & CO. At the Old Stand, Where in addition to their former stock ef the establishment they now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs Large Spring Sent Hocking Lrnirs, Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables, Marble Top Wash Stands, and a. variety oJolhcr new style and Fashionable l urnilure. Having secured a Hearse and made tho neee aary arrangement for tho purpose, they tire now prepared for Lndertaktng in all lis branches, in this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye mniils and mietrcaaea, nnd luialinndB too, Here's furniture of every atyle nnd hue, From aide boards down to kitchen tables, Prom rocking choirs to tucking cradles Fhould yon not have the rendy John to pny, We'll wait nwhils for n brighter better day, Or take potatoes, onta, corn, wheat nnd rye ; nark, hoop poles, staves, or lumber wet oiul dry, Or ony thing but yokes nnd threshing flails, From pica nnd turkics down tn little quails. Come on then friends, conio one nnd nil, Keen irndc n moving, so "goca on the hall." tW Orders from a distance promptly attended to and work of all kinds delivered Willi utspalcli. Sunbury, March 9, 1850. tf ii4nuin & iioLivs THOLESALE Commission PAPER nnd RAG WAREHOUSE, No. l'J MINOR Street, Philadelphia Where a general osaort- ment of all kinds of Paper is kept, and for sale nt the lowest cash prices. Cap, Letter and Printing Fapcrs, kc. on nanu. Plain and ruled white Cups, bluo Flat Caps. Plain und ruled white Letter. " bluo " Blue nnd white Folios. White and colored Printing Paper Tissue Puiicrs. Shoo " Wrapping " Envclotn " Hardware and Slcathing Paper. Tar Boards. Straw Boards. Bonnet Boards. All orders from tho Country will be attended to at tho shortest notice. All goods sold will lie carefully packed, and de livered at any place in tho city. The highest cash price paid tor Hags, or ex changed for Paper, as low as con bo bought else where. Please call and examine for yourselves. PI ldelphin, Nov. 17, 1813. REFORM your habits. Come ye, with gnrments bare and acedy, Yc Uteh'lors, wido'crs and hushnnds too, If, in the outwnrd mnn you'r needy, We soon can make you aa good na new. riHE subscriber respectfully inforinshi friend8 X and the public, that he will commence in this place, on the 8th of April next, tho T ILOltlXG 1IUS1XRSS in all its branches. He will lie careful to see that his work i made up in the best manner, and he flatters himself, that he will lie able to give entire satisfaction tn point of cut, fit nml style, a well a in price. He therefore rcsieclfully mlieitshi friends and the public generally to call and give htm a trial. His shop i a new building in Fawn street bo- ow V caver s Hotel. JACOB O. BECK. Sunbury, March 30, 1S50 Gin CHARLES W. II EC. INS, -TTOPalTET AT LAV", 1'OIINTIIIC, i'a. Will promptly attend lo collections and all busi" nesg entrusted to his care. June 1G, 1810, Ki owa's Essence or Jamaica Ciln- f?cr. Prepared only by Frederick Hrmen. at his Vfiiee and tlicmical Store, North hast Corner uf Fifth anil Chestnut streets, rhilailclphw, rilHK Essence is a preparation of unusual ex JL cellencc and of varied properties. In all cases U'lmrn lutu-nrr,,! an.l .!... I..... !.. ....... . --.ju. .,.., , ll is unrivalled loreiiicacy as well us iintuediiite action. '1 o the traveller and to the family circle it ia invaluable, as a few drops diluted in sugar and water present a sale aud aurccablo remedy to the invalid who requires immediate relief, as well to the convalescing patient who nods a gentle tonic, in a outlicrn climate, where tho relaxa tion of the system so generally induces thirst for stimulants, it will always be found an excellent substitute lor those tempting beverages which di Initiate tho stomach and causa a morbid condition of its powers. In dyspepsia, in relaxation of the bowels, in naussea and sea-sicliiess, it is an active und sale as well as a pleasant and refreshing: re medy, and is iirescrilied by the most eminent of the medical laculty. A supply of the above received and for sale bv 11. 1). .Manser, Minliury. April (1, 1850 bin "BTJATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's JL writing ami indelliblc ink, Cotton yarn and laps, just received and lor sale by j. w. nnuNG. Sunbury, Dec 2, 1818. STONE WARE. CTOMJ milk Pans, stone Jugs and Pitchcro. J mid otlter articles of slono ware just received just and for salu by JOHN W , PKlLlNli. &'unbury, Juno 83, 181U. w riLZ S VIH.UU UASUY. An excel lent remedy lor coughs, colds. For sale at this otlice Wk ADD'S celebrated Horse and Cattle Medi- jfJF cine for sale hy liblSKY MAiSXKIt 6unbury Jan. 27th, 184U P OLD PENS IN SILVER CASES. A small ' Lit nn haml and fur sale hv - - j H. 1). MASSKR. Funbury, April 8, 1850. IA11IH, curranis, ciiron, clieese, ieppcr -a-v SMiiei. Vv rr an la liv J. W. M(II.IC Buiibury, Due. 3, 1848. OAPS. An ossortment iust received. Also I v lk HATS at $'235, fur sale by I j, MASSER. Kunbury, Dec S, 1848. BLANKS. i of every description ci LANKS of every description can be had hj applying l the olHue at the American. C Motion Yam, Cotton (arpot Chain, Cotton Lapa and Wadding, Cotton Outlines, Keady made Pantaloons, Iteady uiado VwsU, Cougress Knives, Porcelain lined piecrvin ketlhs, just reivited lor sale ly II. MASEEH. Suubury, Dec. 2, IRU. I Equitable I.lfe Inmirance, Annuity and Trunt Company. OFFICF.74 WAt.Nt'T PTRF.F.T, rttll.ADF.LPHlA. Capital riw.iiim. uhts 1'ikpktual. THR Company are now prepared to transact buaineaa nnon the moat lihend and advnntagemia terma. They are authorised try their charier (sect. ;ij "lo meae an mm every ineurnnco appertaining to life riaka of whntever kind or nature, nnd to receive nnd execute trusts, limke endow- mente. nml lo emnt and nnrchaae Biimiillc." l lie tni- pnny aril annuities ami tttdowment, and act as Trustees lor minors awl hcira. Table of Premiums reqntred for the Assurance of 81011 for the whole term ot L.He. Age. Prem. Ifl 17 arm 3 4 Sfl'J 3 77 3 01 4 II 4 39 4 M 4 71 4 III 19 s:ci 5 .'.I It 7H 6 0.1 IS in SO 31 21 til ! an !!7 !!!) mi ' The premiums (ire less thnn nny other enmpnny nml Ihc tvilicirs nlftTd kiioUt iiiIviiiiUiui'S. 'I'ubles of hi ilf-ywirly nnd rpmrterly pmniimis. lailf cn-dil Tfitiv) of pn'iiniiin, short terma, joint ' livm, aurvivorslnps nnd enilnwnieuts; ill, form of Applicnlion (.for which (here are hlnnk ahecla') nrc to be hml on nppliiiitioit n( die office, or by letter to the Agent, J. II. rt uui , Miuiiury. Kates fob ixauanso S1IK1 on a amgle Life I Prom. I Age. I Prem. 1 (Ml 31 9 tit) 1 rwl IN 9 1.'. 1 i) ai 9 an 1 A'l :il 9 87 1 mi a 9 t l ti l mi 9 tn 1 tut :i7 9 47 I (111 !IH 9 .'! 1 7s nil s m t Til 40 9 711 1 M 41 3 Ml I Ml 4'J 9 !19 I ol 4:) .1 01 I !W 4 3 1-2 3 III 43 3 'or Life. I.mi 9.01 8,7(1 3..f1 ,().) KxaMPl.a A nerann nciil 3(1 venra next birlh day, by pnyinff the t'ompnny eenls wonhl aei-ure to his fninily or heirs slltl should te die in one year ; or lor ..ill he se cures lo Ihcin ljIISKP; or fur It 111 iluniinlly for ai-ven years he aeenres li them ll(KKI should he ilic m seven years; oi li 411,411 iid nmiiiialy during lite he nvurea ?liSI to be pnid when he diea. l'iie insurer ei-curing his own Ikhiiis, liv thedillerenee in mionnt of nreiuiuiua from those churuM by oilier olliees. Km lg.5(l the hcira would receive Sf.sASI Bh"iilo he me in one reor. 'ortns ma ol application nml all particulars innr lie had nt ice. PI'.TKH t'Ul.LKN, President. tile oilier. Vice President, u m. M. Haiku. VriAli i V. .ri.K. t.'eret'irv nnd Treasurer. Cot't.TlNO Piivkviax Dr. J. H. Masser. Simlmry. J. 11. 1'ukiit, Sunliiry, Agent for Northumberland coun ty. fiinbury, July 2, "Encourage Your OiviiT HAAS & HENN. FASHIONABLE MAKI2 OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS, rPHE stibserilrrs respectfully call tho attention -A- ,.f t,n mtlili, t. lit. ,lr birtri. n.i.1 tflll.'Oili.l lIRRlirl. ment of every j jality and price of lAIII.rl -AVAKli. which ennnot fail to recommend itself loevery one who will examine it, on account ot it durable workmanship nnd splendid finish, made up of the let stock to lie had in the city. No ellort l spared in the manufacture of their ware, and the suliscriliers are determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. 1 heir ttock consists of Mahogany Solas, Salt an and I.omme, lJut'ctus, Sccfctnvfcs, SRiclionvlis, SOFA, BREAKFAST A5D DINING TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. UKDS TKAliN, of every pattern anil price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE. STANDS, TOILK.T TABLKS AND EXTENSION TABLES, n short, every article in this line of their business, 1 hey also manufacture ull kinds and qualities of CHAIRS, including varieties never betorc to 1m hnd in Sunbury, such as M ihooaxt, Black Wai.m t AMI Cl 1ILKI1 MaI'I.F. (iltl.l'IAN ; AMI WlMlSOII CHAIRS, ami fancy Piano Stools, which arc uf the latest styles, nnd warranted to lie excelled by none nianiil.ietnreil tn the Cities or elsewhere. The subscribers are determined that there shall lie mi excuse for persona to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can la entertained about the quality und finish of their ware aud Chairs. Their articles will lie disposed of on as good terms as thev can be purchased elsewhere. Cuuit' try Produce taken in payment for work. 11 LNDElU AklNli attended lo nil reason able terms. fV The Ware Room is in Market Street, opposite J. Young's store, aud nearly opposite WcdM'rs Juvern. DANIEL HA AS, (iEORliE RENN. Sunbury, April 28, 1SIU if UlillT. L. SI-.TII . TIKIS. P. 11. SHTII SETII & 11KOT1IKII. WHOLES ALU GROCERS AND NO. 89 TRATT STREET, (XkR JittWI.Y's WllAUF;) BALTlMoni' Will pay uUi'iitiun to tliPKalooid'UAIN urnl all otlicr pnulurbi of llu liinn. Calliinun, Janunry tili, lHiiO. y THE rUO-FLE'S VADE-MECUM COill'UlSINli A COM.KCTION OKOVKK 2U0 VALUABLE UKCI PKS, T . IT..f., .... t I., ,-. , -,i r " V"J' J""'"",g iii n-ttn n jew Simple, ami Curious Dvprriiuiiita in C'llL.MISTHV : T NCl.rill.Nf! Medicines, Perfumery, Chemistry Cookery, Farriery, Dying, Confectionary, Do meslic. Economy, etc. i U-.. etc. Price ti els., for le by JllsMlV MASH 12 It. Hiiulniry, Dec. , IS 19. JTjrT -PaPalTED. A ItV ANNOI tllU'Ul Of I'l , lall aUuO.IS. Hi A T. CLEMK.NT, 11 KM'KC-TKn.I.V informs his friends, eus loincrsund others, that he has just received a handsome, assortment of NEW C.OODS at his store in Market .Square in uuhury, such as Dry (joods, Groceries, (uecns wtire, Hardware, iVu. .Sunbury, Juno 23, 181'J. Win. ii. Cochran A: Co., M'liul.aa1e and Ketall, WINK AMI LKil'Olt MLIILUAN I'S, No. 72 Walnut Street, Vhiltulrlphia. nAVE always un hand a very large slock of Wines, I.iiiiora end Negars, of their own importation. Noro Keepers, Hotel Keejiers, and private geiillciueu, will lie supplied on the most liberal terms. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1849 IJAZOItS. A superior article for sale at tho w store of 1IENUV MAlSJSLK. Sunbury, Feb. 10, 1850, WW USE OINTMENT A fresh supply of this Wj excellent article for TelU'r,Je., juslri ived and for sale bv 11 EN It V MAttsEIt. bunbary, July , 1H4U KNOIl AND HI'Hl.MJ MOKTIisi: I.AT CUES. An excellent urticle. lor sale at hall the usual price by J. VV. FIULlMi ounliury, July 7, 1719 ' Valuable Ituokw. T IFE or CHaisr, handsomely hound, D'Ai'- aitixs's Hisrosr or rsi KtroaanTioa, lluax llii-inuta uii Lkhukks. full boumlid. r or sale at tho vubusltere prices by 11. D. IUANSMv. Sunlmry, July 14, 1849. flltOWK'8 ESSENCE OF GINGER, WW A new of thia excellent article just received and tor sole by H. a. MASSE It. Sunbury, March 16, 1850, 1 1" n DILJ.S. Justices and Constables Fet Hills liandaaiiiH'lv printed oil laid Imih i, for .ale at t lilt, olliic. Ase. For 1 year. For7ycaia. w t-l pt 4(1 J, a, 1,(i4 611 1.4 9.117 6U 3, 18 3.u7 PHILA. AND READING RAILROAD. SUMMKR ARHAKHEMEKT tUOM PHILADELPHIA AND POTTSVLI.E. Office of the Phila. If Reading Ruilroad Co. ) Philadelphia, Murclt 39, 1850. J Two Pasncngpr Trnin Daily, (except Sunday.) gX and after Aprillst, 1H50 two trains will J lie run each way, daily, between l'htlailel phin and Pottsviltu. ftfarning Line, ArmmmntUitinn.) Leaves Philadelphia at 7 A. M., daily except Sunday. ; Leaves Pollsville at 7J A. M. daily except Sun- AJtrrnonn Line, taut J ram.) Leaves Philadelphia nt2 o'clock, daily, cxceid StindavR. Leaves Pollsvillo at 21 o'clock, daily, except Stiiidavs. PnKsengers cannot enter the car unless provi de! with Tickets. The nfli'moon, or fast trains, do not stop nt Au- liurn, Althouse's, Dirdshoro', linger' Ford, Val ley Force, 1'ort Kennedy, Spring Mill or Falls, NOTICE. Fifty pounds of bimgnge will Iks al lowed to each passenger in these lines; and pas senger are expressly prohibited from taking any thing as bngguge but their wearing upputcl, which will Ik? at the risk ol its owner. By order of the Board of Malinger. S. BRADFORD, April 13, 1850. Sccrelary. M l M.I AkTI-UYSriTIi; 17MXIH in, v illi the iitiiinRt rutifnlv ncc, n(t r il to llio Xld Meili,il l-'iicnlty mill Hit: nnhltt- lortliti run; i.f )v('p Hiti tir liulijifHliiiii, nml all tlisinso unking from il, such Nmitir:i, Hinlnr1ip, Vfrtll4, iMlMIKrWtlf Surlit, Drlnlily ot the iNcrvoiui Iy triii. Iln'hinilrin, .Iiuimlioo, ifttHHnl HppHitc, WitRliut; tt" Hir ntrriii;th. 1' fat n It tier, with trcipn'iil lu'lcliiiitf if wiiul, Viii:iliilli(Mlu, ItiliniiA Vomit iiic. ItimiiiiK aiiKiitifiii al tlifl mL hi thr nioiiirirh, I.ivrr (Minpliiint, i tppri'HiMu iiftrr rnliiK, 1'iilnilntiitii nl thr llt-nil. Piini in tin; pit "I tlie nt r r towiinir. tin' risrlil mii licprrjwioii til' tliu npiriHJi ami CtniKtihitimi and uncitsiitrw irriLiitnniy i u-iupci, txc. lift tie IhiWrl!, It'n wini! uf ilysjrpyui nh mid 1m nefrliM'trfl, moPt piti-ius rftrriH mnv riwin tor it kivn (lie t iniHl;iti"ii f'r, in tlm in pipcnl iiniiM' hikI vitj tn'(tu'iill) trriitiiiMli-t in rmnMnip ti"ii. I W'tulil iiupivwi upnu Hie tn i ml thut li tiittr with thin ilinriutr iimv In to nivirt with the rc.-wm wliich I'MtrKii- tuti-ii ni'in r.iiiiTt'Miiiii.Mil nuioiiir uniniiil licmurt, r to hitter exixlriire hy udtling u cunaci'HirJiifbcJ oi Icily to the penalty tf niiu. Tiiih iiiiiliniit is nrittly put an in Ix-ltlrK, with nniplc rtirrctinnii lor nap, tun! is Bold in innltun hv J"iin F HiLio. .1 A M I-;? 1 1 M A M S. Ttulimniivnf .Mr. Ahar !hm , hat t it. .Murkrl. flrn-t nil-ivy Sixth, rorrolc inilivo of tho cllicju-y ti Villi:nns Anti-Dyspfptiu F.lixir. Philadelphia, OHolnjr 3, Mn. Jamba Wii.liama : JJcar Sil : U hivcb mic cn-nt plrnsun: to know lint yon ere ntniin prcpantiir you innticinr tor ihc vuvv oi Oyrtptip sia, t'T inuity ol" my n.'tu;ihi1miiM' lutvc Tiwati-Hly nnk'tl mo wlirrr. ticonlil In: pnH'iiml, knowing Hint 1 hail Im-cu rnni hy it. An 1 think a pnhlic ncknowlcUrnirnt i thv ureal ln-nrlit I Imvi rweivnl inmi the iihi h' your aoif iriur in not only ihit to yu. hat liuy If uncial lo othurs, I nowmnkr it. For fcvcnil ycnrn I w t'roin Dypcp uia, wbirh iurrrjiHnl to nurh mi extent thnt my hralth mid roiiDlilittion xvrrr. inpnlly inkini; uadT it. I wiw r'n prlUil to rrxtrirt tity sell toihr Hiiwl Fiiupl: t'md. nml eVtil that. I ponld not ilij'rnt. 1 frit n low ol xtrniirlh. (Iininrli nation to exrrrine, nnd, yon hurt? it in your iidvrrtinr mrat. a frenrral frehnj; of " drprefmion anil indrserilmhle wnirinrjH. In Jm: year IKJ. hturiim from otlicrs hih re roininrudalion of vour Anti-hynprpiie T'-hxir, I pnriirt:d and i mnl it with the ni"ni hnppy clh-t ; uadrr it inlluenro Irtirzuor nml wnrinrict rinlartlly piiwuil mvsy. nnd my appe tite rttururd whirh I rould j:r:iiiiy with impunity. Trn yrrirs h:ive ii'w rhpurd, nnd my r'-nfidriirr in the eunilive p4wern of ytiur intiliriiir hint of cut rut inrrra.rd, lor it rimpletrly earwl me when I failed toolitnin relief lYomiuiy otliui aoarre. Very recpeeU'allv V"iirf. A UN Kit FKMKS. Trsliniony tf Flwanl II. Rowley, Wli.tlcKilr Mi rrh;int of the linn f Itowh-y, Anhhunner A t'o., o 5 S-iilli Vhiir'rc, in proof of the eiliruey of Williams' Anti-iyi-poptic l-.lixir. riiiLAiiK.LtiiiA, October 2l, 40. yr. Jamr Wiu.irm: l")mrSir: I lake pleasure in rreonuueniliiai Anti Dyipeptir I'lixir for the cure, of )yr.rwia. I have taken it myself for the dimisr, nnd have Ihimi entirely cured. Volirn rrsprrtlllHy, i;iVAHI II. TtOWI.HY Aqrnt. JOHN W FlilMMi, Sunhurv, Fa. March IKVI). ly ROSE OINTMENT, roa TETTER I KAD the f"llovnnr eeilifii-aiu from ('apt. l-eve. the well ku.iwu nml p uii!;ir t-'apiain ("f t'te Travcllrr.) . PlTII.AliKI.rilI . th'lohrr HI. Iwl. Sryenil yrrirn Kinrc 1 win M'lMrked with a hrraknii: i-ut on my iieek in thiMonn of'IVlter, which I nm eiiio oie. il Wim e-nitnirtfil at the 11'irlirv'r.Shi.p. Il iruntlu:itK extrud ed ov-r my face until it re-ieheil the iiptr sirt of the cheekn. lairiuiE thr Kr'rral iiimilliM lliat it cnlimifd npic.ii 1 1 nt:. I tih4'd thth-rrnt apiiliratimiK, Niuif of whirh IiniI llie rllt-rt. apr4iitly at h-asl, f mrrtvihim; ihr diseaie, hut from none ol 'tlnm dht I pr-ret-ire Ihr. ral iH-iu-fil until I lippllrd Ihe IxosK UTXl-: T. Ilylhruw ofniiejnr of it, I wan perfectly eureil and have remained free of the ullre 1 i'ii. 1 have ftiurt nm i the (liniuirnt. lightly npplietl 0r r-Mih-liruK of Ihr flier, hlotehtn. rhappul h ilitU, At'. With )hT frel xurrt-KK. I have no hrsitati.-n in revounucudui ll Ml theiilroiirMmannri to ihu puhhe. JAMF.S Di:V(K. A'jrnt Hknry Masiikr, Sunlxtry. July as, STONE WARE. riIU. subserilicr would most ress'ctfully in 1 form ilia friends and a genorotis public, that he is manufacturing the best quality of STONE WARE, in all its varieties, and is prepared to sell a little cheaper than any other manufacturer in the I'nion. He is also importing uud dealing most extensively cms. t, (;t.ass a sd quEExsii'Ani:, which be oilers on the most reasonable terms. His Potteries arc on llotnl slreet north of I'av- clte. and China sloic and dwelling at -No. 8, E. lulllmoic slreet. DAVID PARK, No. 8, V.. lialliuiiire street, II ui inaio:, Marvlanil. r'ebriiary 'J, 1 850. ly LI(ni()l,AVIS,l:C. 1 1 K Huhserilior has just riK-eived a new supply A of the U'sl liipiors Ihatcver eanio to Nunbtiry, eolisistnig in pari nl Siiicrior old pale llraudy. Fine t'ogiiiae Itniudy. SujK-rior Old Jamaica Spiiit.s. New England Rum. Fine Holland Gin. Su'rinr Old Whiskey Coiiiinon do. SiiK rior Maderia Wine. Liivboii do. do. s'iipeiior Port Wine, liiirguinlv Port do. Sweet Malaga Wine. Sua'rior Claret Wine in Isillles. Champaguo do. do. HENRV MASTER. Sunbury, May 2fi 181'J. FIRE PROOF CHESTS, toil IMH1KS, PAl'KRS, JKWKI.RY, &.:. KVANS &. WATSON, No. 00 North Third street, between Arch and iMire, ami 8J Dink street, OI'l'tiSlTK Till-; 1'UII.AIilU.l'lllA KXC11ANGE. l'alcnt Koap-Stono I.invil aud Key hole 1'ovcr SALAMANDERS, I'IRK AU TUILK I'HDOK IHO.M I llliTS, vVarraiiti.l tn aund u,ir ll.i B-atmaf rvnt .in an an; t n. ia in una u,iury, ilffifll t ' ;i"fV AlN. I'nlenl Air-ClunnlHir lr..a I1.-:--!, jir CheHOi. IfiOtl ii.ivw ii. ..... 'ri..... 'i ii... t' 1.1 uinhi! mo otiiiiim. I 11 rv Kire lr.iit!H. hi L,.u I uient cofliinnni ion ha'ka. With iiiaue Keya, which onil ticcliaiiuial aiM'Verill Ihouwind limes uliallftm 9 hie ill fuel everv time thu Ixick ia used ifilvailatile. 'I'liese la'ka lire pnait' uirnisal Ilin moat t'Xtt;rt TIlU'Viv. ta-lllK aupSltd with the Patent K:y-li,ilc Covtir, aiul ttuule very aiionii. they iiunsa lie Isovvn eii In ioniiow.l,'r. Th.c Locka uru intended lor HANKS, Wit IIIKS. 8AFF.S. . Siailmid Ivltci ei.pying pressca, fire proof iloora fur Ilanka anil Storca. Faleul Sailn Liravl Refriireratnra, wamilitnl to ill olli. ia. Water Flltera, Slumf Uallis ol Uiu Ussl ijuul- lly. I f IVranna wiahins to pnreknae any of the alaire nr. Iieliai, will pleMae Kive Ihin a cull, oa Uiey avlt cuiujier louii any oiuur in uic uuucu mawa. DAVID F.VAM), Jt!IANKS VVATSO.V. rkilnd.-lplna, Nnvetubei 10, IBtta ly QJTONE Ware, Earthen Ware, Raisins, Al- monds, Prunes and Cream Nuts. Planes of all kinds. .'.ilt ynd Plaster. Just received and fur sale hy . JOHN W. I'lllLINC fcuubuiy, Dee. 2!), IS l'J. N. S. LAWRENCE Agent for the sale of Southwarth Manufactu ring CoJ. Writing Papers, Ware llotifle, No. 3, Minor Mrcct rilHiADELrHlA. 100 ' f nbovc uiwrior rnpcru now fit More, and for unlo to trade at tho lowest market prices, roiiniting in part of rmo thick rial Uhph, 13, 14, 15 nnd Hi I'm. Iiluo nnd white. Superfine Medium and Demi Writing. Muo and white Extrasnper nnd suporfino Folio Posts, Mur. Sttiirrlitm Cninincrictil Pouts, blue and white plain nnd ruled nnd white, plain nnd ruled. hxtra miter Aote rtipcrs plum nnd rih. Huirrfinc nnd lind Hill Vhjmth, lontrnnd hroail. iSuperfinn and line Coiiiiling-l Iuuhc Ojpa nnd FohIh, iduo und white. Kxtm super (JotiRress Caps nnd Ia-etlrrn, plain and ntlril, Idite nnd white. Kxtm niiptT ('onjrrenK Caps nnd LeUers, gilU Superfine Mormon Cnpn. nnd Posts. Kuperlined hluu Hath I'omIs, Muo und while, phiiu nnd ruled. I'.inliroitlrrrd oln Papers and Envelopes. Lawyer's" Ilrief Pnperj. SujM'rliiitMiinl line ('upn nnd Poslft, ruled nnd plain, Hue nnd while, various ipialilies nnd prier. Alco, ItMHl reaiiin while end nsserted Slioe I'a prrs, Ihintiet Uoanls, white nnd ntwurird tissue, Ten, Wrappinir, Knvelope, assorted and bluo Mo diutos, Cup Wrapping, lliinlwnro Paper., ic. J'liilndelphin, Kov. 21, IHIO. to rnvsiriAXs, dbccgists axd cdixtky MK11CHANTS. T)K. .1. N. KEELEI! &. llro. most respect fully anlicits attention lo their fresh stock of linn , VwrA, (Imnnii civil 7'i'.t, Med icines, eiiPinieals, l'ainls. Oils, Dye "'lull's, lilass Hare, IVrfiunery, I'nlcnl Medieinea de. Having opened a new Hloni No. 'i'3 Market M. with u full supply of Fresh Drugs and Meilii ines, we re spectfully solicit ('ounlry dealers to exiiinine our slock liel'nre iurchasing elsewhere, promising one and till who may led disposed lo ctcnd Ions their patronage, to sell them genuine Drugs and .Medi cines, on as lila'rul li'ilus as any other house in the Cily, and lo faithfully execute all orders entrusted to us promptly ami with dispatch. One of the proprietors being a regular phvsician. nlVonls ample iruuranli'C of the genuine quality of all arliclf'S sold at their establishment. Wo especially invite. druirgislK nnd eoimtiv merchants, who may wish to become agents for -. AVri';'.v Vttibrittt-tl l-'amihi J!nirinrt (slair dard and popular remedies,) lo forward their ad dress. Soliciting tlic patronage of di alers, we respect fully reomin, J. N. KEEI.EK & l'KO., Wholesale Druggists, No. Mill Market slrcel, I'liiladi lphia. 8eiteinlifr lfl, 1819 ly. TICKNOR'S COLUMBIAN SPELLING- BOOK. 1 ) EINli a progressive and Comprehensive Sys tern nf Orthograpy nnd Orthoepy, including a variety of definitions, adapted to the use of Schools in the American Kcpuhlic, by Almou Ticknor, a Teacher of twenty-live year's experi ence, and author of the t'oluml'iati Calculators, 1'iactical Common School Mensuration, eve. The attention of Teachers, School Directors, parents. Ve., is invited to this new Spelling 15ook, which conforms to the modern spelling and usages ill t Mhngniphy as being oncoflhc neatest, cheapest best arranged, and belter adapted lo the wauls of children, than any other 'published in the I'uited Stats. Il is what it purports to be, a Sji'dliiitr liook and not a lieadiug Hook, and only requires an examination on the part of Instructors of youth to secure for it a universal introduction into the Schools of the I 'nited States. ,lusl published, and for sale bv Ht:Miv MAssKit, Suiiliurv. Where Teacher lind Director can procuro copies for examination. August 1, mi J aT-UIVDlKniAFF, 1 J EsPKCTFI'LLY infornn tho ciliens of ' " Danville and the public, lit large, that he has located in Danville, and is now prepared lo prac tice Medicine and Xurgcry in nil its various bran ches. He will operate on all the various forms of blindness, cross eyes, chili feet, harelip, elelV palate, and nllcnd In the extraction of tumors, of limbs, anil all oilier surgical dis eases. J I ik collection of instruments comprises all instruments in modern Surgery, of the latest improvement anil finest linish. lie Halters him sell Ilial many years' practice and experience will lie a sullicient guarantee to those who may li-el disposed to employ him. Jlis residence is nearly opposite tlm j1f.o."or. ry JStiiiiiisrx, and next door to Isaac liosen l.auiu's store, in North Danville. Danville, Dec. I, IS l'J. ly. HICIZE'Sr i TULXj JV. I't C'lli'MllIlt Sll'f'cl, (Opposite lite .tread ) PIIILADHLnirA, I AM I'AC J I REKSuf iheir impiovcl sKle I'.lanlic Sle. l .Soring, Solid Sole Leather, and Solid Kivelid which look the only first premiuin, invanlcil by the Franklin Institute at their last exhibition. 11. V '1', take pleasure in inbiriuiug llie liavel- liug public, thai tiny have now on hand, a b:- tu llt'ul assorlment of their iniprovcd stvlo of Solid Snip Leather Trunks; Double uud Siieile Folio Tiuiika, of various styles; Lailli s' Tiunks, a lice Trunks, lioliliet Duxes, Cap Cases, Carpel Lags, aud an elegant assortment ol superior En ameled l'nlent lings, with every urticle in their lino of business. I v' Old Trunks Repaired or tuken in exchange lor New ones. A LEY. L. IIICIvEY. RICHARD U'.TL'LL. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 181'J- 1'iiir. iici.iiii i MEDICAL HOUSE, KsTAl'.LISUKD 15 YIC.WIS AGO, 11 Y ). KINKKL1N, A'. Corner of Third and i'unm Streets. UUTW'KI.N Sl'Kt'tK AM) I'l.NK KTKKKTS. IH'TKI'.N i:.l(S !' exteimive nnd uuiuterrnntul u;ielieo iK;ut ill ihiH eily have rendered Ir. K. tJio in-tM cmri ami itteeetiui iriiciui 'ucr i;ir uim mur, llie trentiueut tn ull dine;! set) tt it nrivulu ivtlure. I'idkhui ntiiielul with uleeii tiMu Ihe IkmIv, Ihr.uit, or lcurt. t.'mm m the heatior lnnu'iy iiicn'iiruil rlK'uiiiuiiRiu. HiritinreM. rtivcl. 1 1 m; !!. iirij.iim I mm yu tht ull exccssi-a ur liiu.ui it icm i. ihc tiriMl. hereliv the eUBiilutin .uiu htx'.-iiic iiuccblctl, arc all treiitttl with iuit't. He whootHccai uuimi U uinler the run of r. K.. mnv r- liuionnly e-uilide in u hni'r at n m'iiilciii;ui, iuid ci'iilukul ly rely uhui tim "kill im ii iliviemn. I Aivr i .tn i iv i lam i ii r.. Yistliiif M'ti wh'i UaU'v luiured theiintclviMi tv n rerlnin pi net ice iuduketl tit l frcnututly leurnttl iitiiu rvil ttHiiiiiui(mH tr nt ifcdi'it4 tho eilceu n whit lj re uiyhtty felt, tiviHi when aMleep, nnd dftniy Uilh mind uud InhJv, kthi ill Id Up.l)' Ituilieihulely. WiMkllcM uiul enuttlltutlnilid tel.iliiy l"w..'t iiiuneuiar energy, plt au-ul lukuniutle anil u- n- er;d pr.wtniti.-n, irriitihuity nnd nit irtvoub, iisili )(ei(ia. wtut-tfiniiutiw of the lu ei, hiuI every die:uH-iu nny wny whii tin- iiiixirUiT nt Uic priaeruuuvo iunc cured. Hiid lull vvnr reat'irul. VOUTII AND' MANHOOD, A vigorous lift or a premaluie tluutli. KISREL1S on ut rnsmatiou. ONLY 23 CENTS. Thus n(K4jum puhlndied ii Ttlleil wttli tmi'ul inTomuliMii mi l)ie iulirwiiiirit unit itnte;iKt m n' lii- ticiierutive in It Mldr)M Hfc It ulikc tti V(iirt'll,MA.JUMJJiuid OiaD A'.K, uiul lMiUt he itsid hy ail. The valnad.k iidviev ami impn iwivrt wiiruiu? il itivea, Will prevent yirnl inisk ry andnuai-iiiig ajul mv uuuuid ly 'I'h.MiHtiMln oi l.ives. Vari iM hy rtwlii it will leum Uuw topf event theiLa tnieli.m m their ehiklren. A riinltUiiM e .4 a,i emtia, in a letter, ml drewil tn K, Klki;i.l. N. W.n-nir-r et TIIHIOA I NHJ.M hUoeti, ttweiu LSf111 J'l, I'bilmh lhm, will etiBiiru u Un'k, uudur wivi Ittpo, per return nl uuul. I'tiratknimt m iliMuuet- niuyiutdicu ir. K. hy it Iter, (Kt.t iu it I . and iMteuietl at tf-nte. 1'AI KAWI-S UK AlldMt'll-KS, DIltKri'lONS, Ap, forwnrthil tiy i-u.liiit! a letmiuiucc, uud imi un Kucuic innu UAMAiiK t C HISTy. l4. llera. New Aifoul,Pe4ltin, CnnvtiMers. nnd all ijthtira aupphtHl with the uivt Wk vl vury kiw rule. (r't-Uuury 9, I&jU. iy riMSSI.E PAPF.R. Yellow 'Pissuo paper for 1 ixiveiiug ylujo...,, Ac., loi -jlc ut tho utlitc ol the Ameiicaii, DR. TnWNSEXD'S COWC-UND EXTRACT OP SAltS.VFAItlLLA. THIS Extract fa put ap in qanrt botllea. It la six limea plicmier. plrnmntrr, anil wnrrnnlnl superior to nny ."lil. It piirfa iliavia' without voinitiinr, piirgiiip, aick tir, or rlcliilluiting the pnlicnt, and ia particalurly adnploil FALL AND SPRING MF.PICINE. The grmt limiity nnd auperiority of this ftirannnrilla over other reincvlim ia, whilat it ennlicntca diacaac, H invifinrntea the laaly. Ciiiianm,tion cnreil. Clmnan nml r!trciitllicn. , , "iontninptloii enn lie cared. Bronchitis. Cmwiimpiion, Liver Comphiint, CoMs, Congas, Catarrh, Alliiiin,Spiltinc,, fv.renraa initio Cheat. Hn-tin l-'lnah," Nitfht Slwillla. DilR cnlt ami Pr..fne Kxpertoraliou, anil Pnin in thu Bale, e.,fte., linVG Hill nn l. nrn,l ProlnMy there ih vit wna a reunily Hint hna been ao ane ceaai'nl in ilracni(e maim of roiiaiiiiipti,iti na this : it rlimi-ai-s anil strcnullifiia the at-alcm, ami appciira lo Iniil thr nl-r.-ra on the hiiiira. mitl palienla grailmilly regain their iianul simi mil I.IICIHO ll. Cl'KlOUii CASB OF CONSUMPTION. Then' in wnreely n day imwrs hul thrn nre n ninnher of enjMK oi eniiHiiiuiilion rrinirletl an eurrd liv the nor of l)r Tt'Wncen'ii arKijiai ilia. The follwin vun rwcnily rc eeivetl : Ilr. Tmvnknt Drnr Sir: Tor (hp lant Hirw ymra 1 have hern ntlln-tnl.wilh treiieril dehility, mid iirrvotiM eon ClMilpti'ni t'f lifi ttlaur, nml tliil ll l L'.Xprrt to evt-r mnn ii V health al nil. After ifoinu through n rcuiwr if nir li'-iu: niitler the pure of p-nne. of the ui'nt thfMmiruiv'jiil regular phjiei:tiiji mid liieinheri of Ihc Hoard of IJenllli in New Y oik ami elurwhere. and ("prndini; the ni"Hl of my rnniinyfi hi ntte'mit.itii: to retrain my liitillli, nnd niter tvi'liii;: in Hme paper nf yoni Nnrapirilla I nwlved to try it. After uini! t h 'lll'-p I t'ntnl it il inu lue tirrat p'vnl. und raUcd to m-r y-tt nt your other; with yur ntl ieu I kept on. and il'ttii'irit hrartiU thank "u lor yo'ir advice. I pinwvrre in la km-; tin- Sunapnrilla, ami have hern able t-tnttcml lit my usual hlw-ruf'T the listlnitr months, mid I hop-; hy lli'u hlewf inuK of (iii nnd yur S'trwnari!li to O'lnliatie my health, it helped luu jjeyond llie expeetjithum of tilt whii kin witty eafr. in AKl.l-W (LLMUV Onini:''. sex ro. N. J.. Aiit. tf. 1-17. liiiiuof Ntw .frrnry. KsHi-x ruiiHi y( ki. Ch;ir!rt Qnitn hy hrinir duly kavmi iirronlinj to law, on Ink oath wnth. I Irit Ihr " -ri ; -iiiir slaioirent is true arf.rilin lo tin- heel of hi-knowledge :mt I hrhef. CIIAIil.DS il Mil V. Sw-irnaii'l jtuhserihed to hul'ore nn in Orimut. tln-Jl, Iri?. CVitl S HAldWl. J'ttieu i if lh IVaeo. PIMTTINrt 1M,0(H. I tend the fc!l"wiiirt und Kay that e"H8iim;i!ion is in incu rahir if ymi v.ui ; New Y.rk April 'il, 1-17. Pr. ToWNcvTn: I verily hrlt.-ve tint V"iir Sarwiparilln has lrrit the nn aus. IliPniirli rpiviilrnr , t H-i-. iii-r my Itle I huvr for nevcral year had ;t had e'i-:h. ll hreann- W"if"' niHl worn. At, la'fl I r.iixeil laiv. ipr'uitilics of IiIo-hI. Irnl niiihl. swisit.-i ami wan greatly hintr-ted and rnlured, mi'l ilnl iM rxpeeL In live. I h ive oi,lv used vonr Sursnp-trilla hut :i nlrn tunc, und Iheru h.i u " w d i Inl elrmut: U-. n WfuyUt in nir. am now a Mr to walk nil over lin- city. I raise ii" hSitotl, and my ri.UL.dt has left. ine. You run wll iiii,i::nir that I uui tlianUi'iii tor tficsr rrsnlln. Your nbnli eut sui vant. W.M. K I SSi;idJt lij Catharine t. I.i S T Sl'KKCII. The nnnfxed errttlirnir trllft u dimple and trutltf'd i r y of fiith-i iiiLr :mil rrlitl. 'I'll. Te ure tlf.uwtmU of uniiihr e.- KrK in thin I'll)' und l!ri"klyn, and yi t I here are th"i -muds of pa i rut p let their eluidrrn tlic for fear of IilIiil; liimilnued ul lo Have, a few BtilihliL,rrt. ' Ilro iMyn. Hrpt. : 117. Tr. Townp.T: I takr p!eaitre in s'lalini;. for the 1 m; fit i if Ih'iM! wh'.iu it may eoiierni, that my daii'Jiti-r, two yeaiH und fix ninufh! old, wan uuiicted wild general tie hilily mid of ipeceh. Site was ivru up an pan je eovery l.y our IuiiiMv phnieian; It'll loiluuatcly I v rr roniiurudiil hy :t fririid to try yur Sar'ipaplla. Mct'Tc havoi iisril line l.iiileh!io reenvt-red her ppreeh ami was riial-lcil v:ilk alone, lo the as!.iiisaiil''a! .f all wlf were aripiainlrd with thr eirrunislanrcs. hlie is nmv ipuir well, untl in iiiueh In Iter Ik-iIiIi thnn she hai hern for m months pat,;. JOSKIMI TAVI.olt, Itfs York bt., Urooklya. TWO CllliaJlillN t&AVKl). Very few fnuii!ie iudeiil in fiet w Inve not heanl of onr that mted J)r. Townsrnd Saripai in time, 1-ml any eluldreti the past Summer, while t hose t Tint did not, niekruetl nnd dietl. Thu erreiheute m pnMish hrlow in eourliisive evidenee of it h value, autt in only uuther inulante of iln ki vim; the livif of rluldreu : Dr. TowKn Dear Sir : I hnd two children cured hy your Siirsaimrilla i'l Hie km i inner complaint nnd dyMentary ; one v.'us only J.'j inontliold und tin ot her 'i yearn. Tiiey were very much reduced, mid wu rxprrled liny would die they Were jjtvrn up hy two rrnpr-rtahle phy!irian. When the doctor inlornir.l ties that we inurt lone t hrm. wo rmol Vrd lo If y your S nr(aparill;i we had heard m much of, l,ut had littlr conlidcnce, lacre hciir's i Hiueh st nil ndvi rt ist d that l woi I tilths ; hut we nrt thankful that we did, for it uiidonl'ii ly ftived the lives o both. 1 write this tint oth ers may he induced Lo use it. Yours, resprrifullv, JOHN WILSuN.Jr. Myrllc-aveuue, Hrooklyn. Pcpt. 13, 1-17. JO Till: LADII'S. (WHAT I-'KM.W.i: jMIUJICINI". Pn.T'ivvNo.:NirsS'i;-l'iltiM.A isaS'ivc eaii' l r ia.-iiiiftit e niiniilina. mot fr t!..' a ntl-l spci'My pristia- ll-Ml "1 (III Sh-lll ll. tllltllT Wlt.-tll.-r tile MMlllMl lllllL'- rent e.nise ci'hnt. r causes, ruiluced hy iritalariiy, illucsa or uc- 'lini c:'n he in 're surprising Ihun its invi,.r,mtinL! fcrti;t.u the limuun t'ainc. 1'eiHcn ull rt !kncfN ;unl ! Kiiii'lc, tit'in t.ikin.' it. riL once ! .nn? r-inun :iitd ii'A .!' ("iT"y c.'r'.T j'M nttl'i e. It, iiuiiici!!!v i. it I 1. ,., . r!.'iK's .it" the IciiLiic trauni, which is Ihe -i. at cuij-xj Icirrcmi' sf. ll will in t he expeeted t'f us. ill rnscs i.f so d. !ie:il.; n in l;ire. to eNliil'it ecrtiticntcH nl cures pcu'Dnncil. Int we r:iu tu-si'ie Ihe ailiieUii that hniulrc.Id nl cadci have been rc,K)i teit In us. Jin. 'J'tiwNKNii : wife Wnvj cn-ntly distrenscl hv Wesikut s.s uiul j-i-ik rul il. l.ility, tiu.l hmtcrin-r p.'iiiiiui.illy hy (tniil nnd wi'h tiilit-r dtitieuli r. nul halii;4 kii vu casrs win-re your ntctliciue Ic.h ctlectcil jrrent enrct; nin! i henrni'j it rceniiiiuciided l''r Ftieh enscs :is 1 Inve ih Hi-t ihcl, I not. lined h ittlf nl' ymir Kxiruei n" Sartcipiirititi and the direetinuit y.u !i'ie lie1. In n hlmrt permd H reiimvitl Iter cnnpl. tints and rcntnm! Ikt tn lie.iltli. lii iu reullul nr the Ih-ih-IiIs retviivd. 1 l:ikc ie;iurr in lliuhacl.ii'iwlc.lini; it, and fecninmcmluit it In the puMic. Allaany, Aug. IT, Ml. rr. r.nind & l.ydiasta. JjVSPKIVIA. n fluid nr iiithliciu.i 1i:ih evr lieeil tliwnvpretl wlueh M ncni ly rcscintilcM thr iMsirie juice nr i.'ili"n in dee'inipnAiiijr JimiiI and ki ri-n ln.-itiiiiJ tin; meant nf tlicstmn as tma pre ii n nl' S.irxip.tNll;i. It puMiti fly cuicd every raw nf tljtp.'pMa, Imwever severe nr elimiue. II ink Department, AlUmv, Mnv tit, Ir. TmMWMnl-Sir : I h ive u aMliet'-d f.r ":veial vtvirM wiiti tlju-cpNia in it wnrsi f.-nii. ntiendcd willi s .iir iicss nt' Kii'iu. uli. I. 'Mm t'f nppcti!.', extri me he;iri!nun. nu t u Vli-at ne.isi'in Inull kill'!nf I'.md, MIL I l" t Wtckv. (what I ("ill.! ea!) I have lic.-n unfi le t.i retain hut. u nuail p.Hlu-ii on in ti-tmacli. I tried Hie nwinl reiiitvli.'. hut tle-v !nd Int htt!e nr nn eli'ct hi ii mm uiir Uic e.-uipl lint. 1 was m t Inert t. nit. mt lu'n m-'niIiM Mace, tn try v. ir I ,t raet nf .-ir-Kipanlla. ami I linisl i iv Wlin tllile e.uti.(. iice ; I lit ailcr J naii'... nearly tw- h"ltc-. I tnum! my nppc'.itc lesti .t'rd and j Ilia heaHhiiin eutirelj, i tin iv'cii ; nail I willd earm-silv c eniuiu.-iiil the u nl it 1. 1 vh' li.ue Ictii t 1 1 1 i t t . as have I..-.-.I. .n.-ii. At-, W. V. ' VMiT. A-.iMi! I T Sr-ni'.ury .Ull W . I lilldM.: nr- t! ..-M,.. r! aI,l. M KV A. .MeCAVs Uanvilie, W.M. A. At i i;ii vv a ., A -id -J. llH. ly !?;.H tf .: jiV. ..,. '..vl I w.y 1 ( , U . ( i if ,- ;i.i.,ttii;ii!liVti'i y. b4i-etrfvV&f .ayaeviitjlsryj vS . '.'.r':-u(i-.-aii kxMilfAh In prcHeiitmir tin puhlie with n reniedy fnr Ihe trcMtuu ut unit enre nf Fkvkh and Aura aintnihei- hili'ins dusi-asc, iv ncctltd. 'itt uu iuUth in 1'iiiltd States, whn miih r limn them nticctimis in their varied fnfius, are e-inpeHeii tn wt-k relief fr.'m mher .urecs than the iiniue thaie preM-riptiain nf the regular pliyMieinn. It iM-fnities th'-fcfnrc an l)ect f Iniiniuniy. an well attt.f puMir inter est. t In inu ht (' i I hem u ini dy pi'epaietl Hnlil lliueh ex pel it lice, and winch ui.ty ulw.'ij h Ik- relied up. n un aKk, KfrKtri'Ai., An n uyi.Ks- in riK enNfiTiTt rii,i. Tint mich m ihe tiue eli ir.u-i. r nf itie A t ilt H.At.itlit ,. is amply iitlesietl hy the buceuw with winch it hag heel i eiupliiytd. Irf Kxtruet frmn n rninmuntcaiinn nf the Itnn. Wir. I iam Wtmuuttinuu, id' the U- t. Sutiute, late UnVcru of Aiiehiyan. DiiTumTj Oct. 1MU. DtMTtin CltAltLK!! Omlt'tiTi, Dear Sir. 1 have read with much intercut, y.nir little TaktiiK U)mn the "eanaes. treat incut and cure'' if (lie fetnile itiM-iiKe.-t winetl htiYc H 1 clfiliVely pi'eailetl ill tmr (Niiiiilry itui inf! I In last lew it filths aa intt rtt iiicreanei nn dnul.t, h the I a el lint. I liie iu.inittu.iliy amlerul si mneh i mm tlit-iu. Timurh I feet my-.!' vuy iue iuicu-i.t Ui jmlire stiffly tiptui u mdijeet an entirely professional, et ynur thettl) Beeuil tn nie Weil read lred, uud Vnur cnetu nd him just, untl I think withal, that ynur pamphlet in uaIcu Luted in pi.atluee inueh pnietind p'Nad. KHiknei nl the u nil i t itle be ttiya : -It fultv juatifuitytiur flatlei uif ej(ii'taiinna, mt aa n aafe, etilVeiiient, und pp lnr remedy, im1 itwu experu tu-e, an fur, intlutva inetnU that it will pnn e n preat puhhe Unit (it. 1 mn p leaned tn lentu (hat ynu have reeeutly et:ihli.-iiiid several inreneiea fnr nn diini.itmn tlniU'jh 1 regret lliat, with u view tn it ui'.re pi'iieral iliaM-iiiiualinu nf it, yu uli nild Kive tniuid it net wwiry ruumve ynur preaent rraatenee uiuniig ua. With uiuch rojweL 1 have lite hminf tn Ik, air, Vnir nlihie1 Kfrviint, WIMJA.M XVlHUJIiltlDGE. ry Fmin II.h. lTpHit V. B. TBtwBatix,.uf Miehi gaji tola l c Seivitt. In the A'ut nt iMr.nt. JilkMIK'.IIAH. (liKUM) Co., Ihf. 13, I'M! Sir vnu until mt ti lulnrjii ymi what I kiK.w of lr. )muimn)'s lihlia Clintagntrue, nr inedieiue. 1 tin Micve. tltat if tiie virtue nnd t llieaey nl thia medicine weid tfeneiail kunwnt the VrVktt ASO AliLI Wnulrf diuppJUT Ut 1 pitteuml a Imttle in the spring i.f IMI, nnd have irtaml mintrii u Iseliuvu lliat uiyaetf and family eacwjied die u(,ue Lui aesuMiu iu WMUteifBejire iH tu tnttf. 1'erhapa in un anunuer Bineo thu aettleinent f thia Anu peninsula haa llie lever uiul nue lfeu an prevalent ua thu lout. 1 have riMVtjuiiiriuleal thia mtieiins in iiumertHta in aiaiit'ea. uiul wlieii llie diMctue kid lK? tixud ajitl Imitlt d the akill nt phxaieiuim; ami I have never aawii it fail. 1 liaa univerwillv r.iuewl the iftt kuppy rtfeeia, aud 1 hut lievr it him never U eu rxee.lnt hy any iimhIu'UiU in rem. vini; the bilmua iliaefiM n Uic el i matt;. Vnufa, reaimetlnllv. KtrtiiKN v u.TnovnuM0K. -it f a Simtstirv- II It. M I.H; ..iiiiiit.iiM-ih:nl, VV1 rill i. I'uvi A r..; M Ami i. 11 KAl.Hj tx.ii- ;lfVi M V A KIAI M.tyU i.ij u BANK NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. I'ENNflYLVANlA. I ClTt OF fHILADKLPHU. ' U. P. Hnnk notct 1,1 dm All lolvent I mnk b pnt rot'KTHT. I MAaSAriAtmprxat All fcilvent hnnke I dii HlltiDK IHLAND. All Solvent bnnVa I 4il CONNKl.TimiT nnnk of ChnmlxjTRhurg 1 din Aa soirent tvniaa I dial (tun ti ciirwpr (jO. f wri Hmik of Del. Co. Chester pnr MiW YORK. CITT. Alt aotvf nt Innka Idis riaiiKoi iicrinnmowii rmr Hank of (tctlyohurK 1 Uii ty Uk notra anrler W dis IWllK Ol JaCWtstnwn Hank of Midtlletown 1 dip Montgomery (To Hnnk rmr Hank of N'irthnmhurrnd. imi 1T'I..1TR1, All solvents hnnka 1 dla NKW JKKSEY. nelvulere Bniik ! dis l'oiiimreinl.linnk dis Hmkcf rittflmrti dill Hank of Danville pari Cnrlisln Hank 1 di- r nr. Hank Mont Holly par P. A M., Wiililletown Pt. par MiThnniea' Hk, Newark par Columhiit H'k A H'gcCo prr Doyelntown Hank pari I'.nfttoii Hank par Mis-li. Ilk of lliirliiiin.ui ir Much, ft Mnn. Ilk Trent pnr Morns Co Hnnk ! ilia I'.rie Hank S ilin Kxclmnro ll'k Titf shnrg 1 dislNewnrk Hk'g A 1m. Co ilia dis l;'arlnlTa, l!'k, Hacks Co pnr t ..X. ii. r, .....i.. -I i hit. , irnnce iiatiK FHile's Ilk l'nrtortorr Parinrra' Ilk, K'nuviaHT jiar CriTitu-rt.' Hk. ItirnlinjT ptir I'arin. Hk r. nivlkill Co par F k 0. Ilk Wnrneali'g I '.ilia Franklin Ilk. Wash'a llilis ll.irriFtnirir Hank l ilin dis rineeMn Hiink pnr par dia pnr .Salim llnnkine Co, Selllerril. Co Hank Slate Hank nt Cmnden State Ilk KlizahethKq, Slate Hank Newark ilia 3 dia ll'ini'Silale Itaak 1 .liv'1 1 ilin'Plnt,! Ilk, N. HrnntwieW nnr l.'incaflcr Itaak par l.i'liaii'in Hrink p-n-Mi'rcli. A: Man. Hank 1 ilia Miiicia' li'k, I'.illavillo per M'innr.'.-ili,-:i IJnttk 1 ili 'l'al..rsv'c Delll'nCn 15 ill Wrt Itratii'li Hrtnk par Wyiniiiii" Ilk, Witkcsli'e ir '.'rk Hank, 1 Snasi'X liank, Nowton dia I renton Haiikniir Co nnr I'liion Hank, Dover 1 dia Viinllcrv'ic&lVI Ilr Co fr-lia CVHk notes nmler ta.5 I ilia 1H.-I ili;iuL Hank of Delaware nnr Hank of Smvrna . par Delaware Citv Hnnk iwir l'J itctlff notes 1 Hk VVihni'n Hrnndvw. pur I 'nrincra- Hk Si Dclnwnre mt I'ni.m Hank. Wilniingtnn pnr I " l iidcr Wi dis .M.MM5, IVinkof Winilork fidii .Mcrciiililu Hk. Ilailgor 111 ilia1 All a-'h eat Innka ' ' ilia! OHIO. All aolvrnt linnks S dia i ? Hk m.tea under S'a 4 dia NdllTIt CAIlllI.INA. All solving lainks S dia r"l"ii.ler.5'a, S) dis m:v n.nicsiiiitK. All 8'ilvcit lanks J din r.o.iH i. 1 , Hank of St Allams 2 ilia AM a'.lceilt Iniuka ' ilm IMI'OUTANT TO THE i'UDLIC, E02.SE A1TD CATTLE MEDICINES. Don't permit your Horses or enttle tu die, when" the menus of cure tire within the reach of all! The undersigned lias spent several vears in th study of Veterinary practice in "London and E ihuhoro'," he has also availed himself of the resear ches of I.eibig, nnd olhercehbrated men, who have eoutiibuled so much towards a judicious treatment ot annuals; the principles of our practice consiste nt the rejection nf gem-nil bleeding and tho tobil rejccliiin of all medicines that evperieneo has shuwif to bo of a dangerous lendancy. Theso re-iu.-.lies:iel in harmony uiil, the vital principle, uud when given nccordiug to the directions which ne coiupany each urticle they are capable of exciting ami increasing the natural fuuclions, without di inintshmg r deslnryjiig tlit ir iwver, hrnce are salciu the hands of every our. J.'.H. DADD.lvL U.. A Mst of llnrxe ami t.allle .tfeilicini's. Pltysic halls, I.V. prr ,x. Alterative bail. 7.V do. " ponders for bad rnnilitfmi,75cprrpnck ntre. ' Heave powder for diseases nf the lungs, 75c do. I rim, pow.l. r for . ' l,i,llrV9t 7Sc ,i0. I onic powder for bad condition glainlc'm, 7.rc do. Cordial drink for iullamatioii of bowels, 7Sc per bottle. 1 l.i.pii.l hlisf.'r, T.'c per Indfle. Ointment foi pivni jiing the grmvth of hair, 50c per pot. Healing .als::m lor wounds and saddle galls, 75c. per bottle. e ' Wash for inll.uned eyes, 5(le per bottle. Ointment for mange 'scratches, old sores, &c., 50c per bottle. ' Lmhrocatioii f, ,r soro throat, 75c per IkiIHc. llool'ointim nt for sand crack, hrillle hoof, Ac, 50o per hollle. Horse Liniment, the most celebrated nrlicle known in Rim-laud lor lameness of every description, 'V l per I Ule. Disrcniiier powder for red water. 1 ier IkiIHc. U o-,n p ,-,v,'r:s lor Ihr removal of worm from '.he int. stiiinl canal, i'op.-r package. I ..r sale by K I I.Ul'.Si. ,v ofj chatii Row. also at DADO'S 1I()SK I'ATTLR.MKDlCINt-: DEPOT, Nos. 1 Mer ND li.ivinai-.ic'. ."uarc, Itoston. Pasuphicls describing the diseases for which these i-euie.lies tneuscd can be had gratis. Numerous Certilicali's are in possession of the I'roprielois, of cures performed by the abovo .Medi cine. s.-idby fan-1: .t fletcher, xscnouti, Sl.X'l'JI Kircet. Phil.iilr!phi;u nn.l bv his AtiKvrs. 1 1 1. v it v .Mvssku, fmihury, l'elniiai-y :j, l.-illl tf COLIJ.MUIAN SERIES OK t'Ctltmttfro. Tlf Pt'pi'i's frir, il and Teacher's comfort. T 111'. COLCMtJIAX ( 'ALCI'LATOR. Thi work is nheadv introduced into s,,.,,.. r Ix-M Aead.iiiiies uiu! u large muulier of SiHimils, where il i use has civen dc i.lci! and universal sa-iiUcti-.ii, both to teacher and pupil, h is purely American in Us character, based upon our own beautilul ,.-vW A-,- ,,,,, eim-rueg. IteoiiUiins more, t!ie arrau-i-iuenls are N tler, nrkl it is the cast.-; and Hu :'.-t work of the kind now in use; uud it is so consider, ! ,v hundreds of the mo,l competent teachers and men of science in the L'ni o;i, who have recommended il. It is the Isa'ilc. j particularly aud evprcssly pr.niared for our Ante- tei-iu eiHui.tri : 1j :.;, 11, i,t Jicinar. Tub 1 01 i ii's Con viiiiav ('.nn urnn, This volume cout.iius 'J! pages, will, about Ut 10 exam ples lor solution nn ihe slate. It embraces tho fundamental Rules, Compound Rules, Simple and Compound Reduction, Single Rule of Thren, Proportion, &( Tick nun's AniTiivtMirAi. TAflI.Ks,is destined for the use of younger classes in lh. Schools of the I nilcd Stales. A In autiful little book and ileas ing to children, und the only one of the kind of any value. There are Keys to 1h(1i Arithmetics bound sin gle or double, fort ho convenience of teachers, iit which the solutions of tho ijuestious are given with much extra matter for the black board. Theso Keys are tho most rumple to works of tho kind ever published, and contain, in addition, aliout twr hundred examples in .Mensuration, &c., for tho use of the Teacher. All that is wanted is to have the above Imoks examined, and 110 teacher who is anpiainU'd with tho science of Arithmetic, will hesitate to pronounce them the best works thu have ever been published ill this or uny other country. Although issued but a few months, they have already liecn introduced into tho Night Public Schools of New York City in all the Schools public and private, except two, in the City of Reading. Also, in alioiit twenty Aeiwlamics ill tho Slate nl' Pennsylvania ill a large portion of the Schools iii the Cily of Wilmington, iu tho City of Lancaster, and in the lloroughs of Harrisburg, York, Clianibcrsliur.;, Lebanon, Doylealovvn, Polls ville, Oiwigsburg, ec, Ac. For salu by lUxiir M.issek, Sunbury, Agent for Northumberland County, Sunbury, Dec. S, 1818. PATE ITT lEDIGHTES. (reeu's Oxygeuateil Hitter, prira reduced. t )d Jacob Towiiscud's arsapariilo. Raker's S.irsaparilla. Sway no' Syrup of Wild Cherr Swayne's Vermifuge. Ayre's Cherry Perioral Dr. Dnike's Panacea. Dr. Cullen's do , , Tibbit's Pain Killer. Dr. II Holland's iTcnnan Dillera: Indian Vegetable Pills Horse and Cattlo Mcdirinea For sale by HENRY MAS8ER. Sunbury, July 14, 1841). 1 IOOK.S and Cold Pens. On hand several cop-- ies of the life of Christ, and also numlr of gold pens w hich we will sell at Hie Pluisdclpluu liiicea. For sale at lliisollice. ... 1 KXXKDY'S PATENT SASH FAS TRXI.NtiS. A cheap and excellent tvrli lo lur latiiuiug Ji for oalc by j. w: I'liiuse o'unl uty. July , loll'.