Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 27, 1850, Image 3

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aliforma 2Ccu?s.
Over Three Hundred Houses Burned.
9300,000 la Cold Dust.
(Front the Ssn Francisco Herald, June IB.)
We have scarcely courage or spirit to at
tempt calmly to record this last and most ter
rible disanterto our apparently doomed city.
We know not how to sufficiently collect our
thoughts or our energies under this stunning
tlow. In little more than three hours, at
least two thirds of the wealthiest portion of
the city hare been coniumod. The property
-of the heaviest houses in town the hard
earnings of years of successful industry
tare been swept away. Gloom and desola
tion has settled on many a stout heart. Ma
ny a man. in easy circumstances has been
"brought to the verge of ruin. The commer
cial greatness of this fair city has received a
shock, from which it will not recover for
many a month to come. It is tho will of
God we bow with humility to this awful
dispensation of an All-wise Providence.
The fire originated in a back building at
tached to the Sacramento House, between
Sacramento and Ciay streets. It commenced
a little before eight o'clock, A. M., and ns
the wind was high at the time, it communi
cated quickly with the adjoining building.
When we arrived at tho scene of conflagra
tion, the flames were roaring in an immense
yolume from the direction of Sacramento st.
to the corner of Montgomery and Clay.
The Mayor and all the principal citizens
were promptly on the ground, but the supply
of water being limited, no effort was of any
avail to arrest its progress short of Clay street.
Here a determined stand was made, but not
withstanding tho most active and ceaseless
exertions, the flames spread to the north side
and extended as far as Mr. Nnalo' unlinUh
ecl building on Montgomery street. The
banking honso of Mr. James Kim:, of William
was lorn down, and tlii? enabled the citizens
o arrest the progress of the fire at this point.
Mr. Nagle's loss was comparatively trifling.
If any man more partiruhuly than all other
'deserves tho thanks of the community, it is
tol. Jack Hays Wo know no terms of com
rheVida'tion sufficiently strong to express our
admiration of the conduct of iliis zallant of
ficer, feut for his noble exertion'!, ihe whole
(if the block bounded by the north side of
fclay street, anil from Montgomery street to
the water, would have been sacrificed, lie
formed a line' from the Artesian well in the
building known as the Pacific Ratlifi, in Mont
gomery street, to Clay Street, and by the
most untiring efforts kept the lire at bay.
Several times ho was obliged to descend
from tho ladder, reeling under tho most
seorchin" heat; blit, even after llie lire had
been partially subdued, he remained on guard
till 4 o'clock in tho afternoon.
Pkofessor Wi:r.sTF.i:s Dkatii Warrant
Sio.NKD. Professor Webster is said to have.
been fully prepared for the decision of the
Executive Counsel at least, when he
learned it from the evening papers, he did
not appear to be disappointed. His wife
and three daughters ; also, Mr. Soliier, one
of his connsel, had an interview with him
in jail yesterday.
It is understood that Prn!"s-or Webster
had expressed a wish that if Ik; were to he
executed, an early day niidit be lixed ; and
that his family might be kept in ignorance
fcf the time. For a long time the family
have abstained lrom reading any news
paper whatever.
The prisoner was visited this morning
by High Sheriff Eveleth, who found him
calm and appearently resigned. Professor
Webstpr had probably lon before abandon
ed all hope of the favorable action of the
Governer and council. His Excellency,
Ihe Governor, has affixed his signature to
the "Death Warrant, which has been duly
transmitted to tfie High Sheriff. Boston
Transcript, Saturday.
A Mammoth Printing; Pnns. Messrs.
Hoe & Co or New York city, are construc
ting a printing machine for the "Sun"
newspaper, capable of throwing out from
fifteen to twenty thousand copies per hour.
It will be thirty-three feet lonr, with eiht
printing cylinders and its cost will be not
far from 21,000. It is the first of the
kind ever constructed.
A Western paper. Bays : "Never plead
guilty to poverty. So far as this world is
concerned you had better admit that yon
are an infernal scoundrel."
Mens hats arid the coverings of umbrellas
are now made in London ol'Outta Percha.
A Pious. African at Louisville stumbled
while talking, one very dark night, and
was pitched head foremost down a celler,
which afforded him an "open entrance."
Springing to hid led, he exclaimed, "Bress
de Lord dat I lit on my head ! If dis nig.
ger had scraped bis shins bo hard, I spec he
broke his leg."
cried a stump orator. "No, "exclaimed
his shoemaker, "you stand in a pair of boots
that have never been paid for."
Lower Turkeyfoot, Fa., isa great place,
flavn't the trost remote idea, however, in
what section jf the State it lies.
Twelve hundred and fiftv-seven ves
sels have left the Atlantic ports for Cali
fornia, since the first discovery of gold in
that region. .
This Summer has been peculiarly hard
upon children, and the summer complaint,
or cbolera-intantum, has been much more
fatal than in past years.
A Facetious friend says that dancing
women wear their dresses at half mast, as a
mark of respect to departed modesty. Our
friend had better be careful or he may be
arraigned at the bar of fashion, and forced
to take It " bail.
Tire rHYBioiANS says that when the first
symtoms of cholera appear, the patient
should lie down on his back, and remain
Ijc iHorkct
Philadelphia Market
July 24, 1800.
Flour. Flour is quiet and the price stea
dy; shipping brands are selling at S3 12o brl.
K.vtra Flour at 5 37 brl. Rye Flour is held
at $2 81. Corn Meal is worth $2 75 per brl. '
Wheat. Thero is a limited demand for
red Wheat at SI 17c. prime White al 81 25c
Rye. Penna Rye is held at Coo per bush.
Corn. Corn is in demand at 64 c. for yel
low ; While is worth 58 Cenls.
Oats. Southern are worth 41c, and Penna
4 3c
Whiskey. Sales of Whiskey in bbls at 2Go
and hhds at 24 J cents.
Baltimore Market.
July 22, 1850.
Wn bat. Small sales of good to prime reds
woie rnado to-day at 118 els., ami Perm while
at ISO els.
Corn. White at 60 a CI cents, and of yel
low lit 05 cenls.
Oats. Prices range from 43 to 44 cents.
Whiskey. Sales of bbls were mude at 25t
cents, and of hhds at 24 J cents.
Corrected weekly by Henry Masser.
Wheat. . ICS
Ktk. .56
Conx., - - . .(10
Oats. . - - 37
DcTTEH. ' - - . .12
Ecus. - - . . 8
111 II K. .... 5
Flaxseed. - . - - I S3
Tallow. - - 10
litEJIVAJ. - 25
Flax - . . -8
IIki Flax. 10
Dhikii Arri.Es. - - . - C2
Do. Peaches. - . 200
JV OT1CK is hereby given that the several courts
of Common Pleas, General Quarter Sessions
of the pence, and Orphans' Court, Court of Over
anil Terminer anil General Jail Delivery, in and
for llic county of Northumberland, to commence
ut the Court Ilouse, in the borough ol Sunbury,
at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Mnnilnv, 5th of August
next, will continue TW O EKKS.
The. coroner. Justices of the Peace and consta
bles in mid for the county of N orthumberland, arc
requested to be then nnd there in their proper per
sons, with their rolls, records, itniiisilioiis, and
other TiMiirmhrunccH, to do those thintrs to their
several otiiccs itpuerlainint; to be dene. And all
witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common
wealth against any prisoner arc also requested and
commanded to he then and there ultendiinr in their
proper persons to prosecute iiirainst him, as kluill
be junt and not to depart without leave at their
peril. Jurors am requested to be punctual in their
attendance, at the timo appointed agreeable to
their notices.
Given under my hands al Sunbury, the 9th day of
' March in the year of our Lord one thousand
eiiibt hundred and filly and the Independence
of the United States of America the 7-llh.
God save the Commonwealth.
F Northumberland Countv for August Term
A, 1). lS.ul.
r:tEB" Jciroi's
Win. Nesbit. Fanner, Chilisquaquo.
Robert Campbell do Rush
Geo. Rulirabach. Fouuderer. Siiiitiurv
.las. I'.aehler,
John Vanzant,
Carpenter, Up. Aususla
Fanner, Shaniokiii.
Innkeeper, Coal
Fanner, Chilisqnaque
Tailor, Sunbuiy
Roat builder, Xurliiutn'lniv.l
0 Henry Haas,
7 John Voris.
8 John Sehmick,
9 Robert Leslier,
10 Henry Shipe,
1 1 James Cat heart,
12 Jacob Weiser,
13 Michael Shive,
Farmer, T.ow. Augusta
do Delaware
do Jackson
do Low. Augusta
do Rush
do do
Carpenter, Lewis
14 Samuel Johnson
15 n.miel Hursli
lfi .las. Wilsun,
17 John Cnldren,
runner. Low. Augusta,
18 David Dnnkolbernr, do Lit Mahonov
19 Geo. Yiiimj, Rriekmaker, Sunbury
20 John S Haas, Farmer, t.'p Angiibla
21 Isaac Seiler, Blacksmith, Low Mahonoy
22 Isaac Do Witt, Farmer, Low Aumisfd
23 Win Valine,
24 John F Kline,
Up Augusta
1 Goo Mntchlcr,
Tin but
2 Clias Alexander,
3 Andrew Armstrong
4 JiiIiii Suibert,
5 Gen Tritesliach,
6 John W Milos, Gentleman, Northumb'd
7 WmLonrait, 1'aimer, Low Augiibla
8 Peter Cobcl, Tanner, Jackson
9 Wm M Anten, Millwright, Chilisqnaque
jo ;uioriaei ueiK, n neeiwrif.Mii, coal
11 John Mover, Farmer, Up Mahonoy
12 Michael Wert, Miller, Low Mahonoy
13 David Malieh, Farmer, Up Mahonov
,41 I. C ' . ' I 1 . J
n jacou cipaiz, went , l.ow iWalionoy
jo josepu isjurgnn, farmer, L!p Augusta
16 John . Oyster, do Delaware
17 Geo Dimm, do Lewis
18 Bnj Troxel, do Chilisquaquo
19 Jos Weitzel, do Low Auustji
20 John Hull. do Shamokin
21 John Biniaman jr.. Boatman, L. Mahony
22 Simon Polke, Millwright, Chilisquaquo
23 Edward Buoy, Farmer, Point
24 Jacob Ueise, do Up Mahonoy
25 John Malieh, Jtistice: do do
20" Jos Snvder, Gent., ' Coal
27 Hugh H Teats, Farmer, Shamokin
28 Jesse Teals, do do
29 John Kbright do Low Augusta
30 Jacob Lvert, do Up Mahonoy
j I iiunry jackson.t iviiuoier, imiiiou
32 Jacob Sliipmnn, tanner, Low Augusta
33 Daniel Kaufman. do Up Mahonov
34 John Hart, Blacksmith, Low Augusta
ja junii i Lowuen. Minemuker, JMillon
30 Isaiah Miller, Farmer, Shamokin
37 Beni. Treon, do Jackson
38 Pmii'1 Ilileman, Carpenter, Low Augusta
39 Reuben Snyder, Wheelwright, Shamokin
40 iren Gaul, Single, Up Augusta
41 John Zimmerman, Farmer, Low Augusta
ii rump weaver, do Rush
43 Henj. Wolverlon, do Shamokin
44 Joseph Wullis, Gentleman, Point
45 Henry Repley, Farmer, Shamokin
4b' Jos Burman, Boatman, Milton
47 Alex. Colt, Blacksmith, Northumberland
43 iMicnaei i.enker, Justice, Low Mahonoy
Tclit Juror
1 Jacob Shaffer, Farmor, Low Mahonoy
& I'uu i uiiuisn, no I'omt
3 John Snyder, do Low Augusta
4 Jas Smith, do Up do
5 Anthony Watson, do Point
6 Alex Keed, Plasterer, Chilisquaquo
7 Adam Gilger, Farmer, Shamokin
8 Chas Gulo, do Chilisonanne
9 Boneville Holshue, Merchant, Up Mah'ny
A lt 1? . . L,
1 J III roiB llir,
,11 Comly Vincent,
12 John Hummer,
13 Solomon Folk,
14 Ab Troutman,
15 Grim Morgan,
no iNorthumberrrt
Farmer, Lewis
Up Mahonoy
16 Dan'l Braniirain. Gent..
1 17 Jacob Sliizel, Farmci,
18 John Wert, do Jackson
19 Jas Lowrey, do Delaware
20 Jas Hayes, do do
21 Elias Walton, Carpenter, Milton
22 Ab. Lawrence, Boatman, do
23 Samuel Lerch, Farmer, Lewis
24 Jas D Barr, Justice do
25 Jos Hays, Laborer, Delaware
26 Reuben Garinfcer, Farmer, Up Augusta
27 Dan'l McFalls, do Turbut
28 Mnrk Slack, do Up Augusta
29 Peter Roitz, Miller, Low Augusta
30 Dan'l De Wilt, Farmer, do do
31 John B Heller, do Chilisqnaque
32 II. H. Knoeble, do Shamokin
33 Jos Hoover,
do oo
do Low Ansusta
34 Samuel Reeser,
35 Geo Enrich sr.,
36 Wm Hayes,
do Low Mahonoy
Merchant, Delaware.
rtn .1 : . f r-nmmnn PUmnf IV nr.
thumberland County at August Term 1850.
T Hilcmttn adm'r. of Geo. Tho heirs of Tlios.
Grant, dee'd. Grant
Rowers Low-beret al vs George Miller &. son
same vs Jonas Bowman
.Tonus Uowman et al vs Sninuel KaulVman
Danville & Pottsville , c i
Rail Iioad Co.
Wm tV. R. Fegely
Frederick Keener
Hcnrv II. Burr
vs George Hcekert
vs Wm. Ayres
vs Wm. McCay'sadin'rs
vs Jacob HolVman
vs Dodge & Barret
vs Dew-art cV Jordan etal
vs Elizalieth Weilzcletal
.aeh Stroecker
'eter Richtcr's ex'rs
Ann Mvers
.ichaej McCartv
Wm. & R. Fcgcly & Co. vs John Slushier
Jacob Karchner
vs Daniel Frvinire ct al
'has. W. Richards
vs Joseph Pettit
vs Kobcrt W Dunn
vs James Dunn
vs Jacob Cabel
vs Samuel R Wood
Mary Snyder ct al
Wm 11 Thompson
Pontius ij Thompson
S D JorJiMi, S Hunter
Alex Jordan
Com. for Saml Furman vs
John B Miller
vs John B Boyd's ex'rs
v Eward A Kutzuer
vs George L. Weimer
Robert McCay
Jacob Philips
I S Lawrence adm'r of n . t t, . i
Sarah Leighou.
Clavtonfor J Mc.Willianis vs Jchn Bewen
F O'Donnell for Wm P Aaclo vs John Divert
MaiT? Vickery vs Peter Fcssler
sunie Vs 1 ctcr Hrosious
same vs John Bobb
same Vs Daniel Gun'crt
Charles H pruk vs Eli Slifor
Thos Cuinniings et si vs J Pnrke A: I R Rishsl
onuthan I.eedum etal vs Wm McCay's adm'rs
'hristian Bollinger vs Charles Housel
George Troxel vs Bepj. O. Clayton
Chas. A. Andre vs F. Matthews
Daniel Ifannnbac'ii
Moses Bower
vs John Cmrad
vs Ric-hard Goodman
vs Philip Spayd
vs Geo Bowman
vs John Arnold
vs John N Lane et al
amuel Seaman
A. Jurdan ct al
Jas Curolhers ct al
J Dixon l v (J A Dion vs Bonbam R Kaso
Hunter oV wife vs Dr. J S Doueal
DS Caul ec G Lawrence vs II & V Wilhelm
Hannah Montironicrv vs Joseph Rhoads
Jrccu A. Bros, for T Howard vs Ilenrv Lantz
David Perrv
vs Abraham LmiL'ei'
om. for P Hileman
vs Henry Ilahlerman
vs Thos A Billington
vs John Frick's ex'rs
Elizabeth Prick's ex'rs
Montgomery A Sweoy vs James Covert
olm nailv vs Samuel ii lain
Wm McClery vs Samuel A Leidy
lienj Hummel Vs Philip Clotliller
Margaret Summer vs The ex'r of H Summer
, r r.r .1. i. i.
Jas Kirkpatrick vs ' " T'
Jonathan Sliver vs John Hummel
las T Sutton iV Co vs Samuel Kvlo
P Miller Indorsee Ac vs J Swcriv t Son
.'laytoii for Mc illiams vs Jos Savid'c
Wm L Drwart vs Torlliumh'lnnd county
D Cuiuniim:s vs MniitLr-imcrv A Mastcllcr
M Miller vs 11 A F Wilhelm
aeob Stitzel vi S.imucl L lleck
IJ I! Kate vs Geo A Dixon
i P yson lor Job Tyson vs Dnniel L. Schneek
John Dane and wif
va Susan I Iniienstine
vs Edward D Pearce
vs D II Watson
vs Samupl Jarret
vs G F Hull's adm'rs ct si
vs John Bailey
vs Peter Adams
vs Geo Shall'er
vs Hullihen
vs Northumberland county
vs same
as Carolher et al
Philip Billinver
Jacob Niltrnuer
Frederick Shell
K McCorinick
William Pcrsing
hn Kcs.ilcr
obn Datesuian
Geo Apslev
James DietVenbaeh
Fi ver A Wm Mover
vs Elias Uurm.lli
vs Thomas Kuscr
vs K D Gumming!
vs Allen Shrcver
Wm M Anten
Win M.-Clcry
George Lawrenco
I rothonotarv s olncc
Sunbury, July fi, ISoO.
TT'E take this method to inform the readers of
' the Sunburv American, that, should they
visit, Philadelphia, in truest of
Good and Cheap Clothing,
and favor us with a cull, they shall not be disap
pointed in obtaining the best ot garments at Ihe
lowest cash pi ices. We have now on hand the
largest assortment ever oll'ered in Philadelphia,
among which are Dlt ESS and FROCK COATS
from 5 to $1, PANTS nnd VESTS from To
which shall he sold at such prices as to make it
an object for the people of Sunbury and the sur
rounding country to extend to us their patronage.
South East corner of tith and Market.
July 13, 1850
Letters Testamentary,
TV OTICE is hereby given, that letters Trstamen
' turv on the estate of Anna Hunsicker, late
oftlio Borough ofNortbiimberland, dee'd., have
been granted to thcsubsrrilK-r. Debtors and cred
itors of the estate, are requested to call for settle
ment. DAVID I AGGAR1, Ex tor.
Northumberland, July C, 1S50 Ot
TftTOTICE is hereby given to all Legatees Cre
1( ditors and other persons interested in tho
estate of George Miller, dee'd, settled by his admi
nistrator John Wolf; of Mary E Miller, dee'd.,
nettled bv her adm'r John Wolf; of William Dep-
pin, dee'd., settled by his adm'rs Abraham Dcppin
and Alexander Dcppin ; of Sarah Gulp, dee'd, set
tled bv her adm'rs Cyrus Barton ; of Esther
Rockefeller, dee'd, settled by hor aam'r James
Forrester; of Jacob Weikel, dee'd., settled bv hit
exec'r John Boycr; of Benedict 8holenberger,
dee'd., settled by his exec'r John and Jonathan
Snyder; of Samuel Smith, dee'd., settled by bis
adm'r Edward H. BaMy ; of Martin Zartman, dee'd
settlec by his exec'r John Zartman ; of John Pen-
syl, dec d., settled by his adm rs John and Leonard
Pensyl; of Philip Kohl, dee'd, settled his adnlVs
John and Daniel Kohl; of Enoch llower, dee'd.,
settled by his exec r Injur, Vincent. The account
of Philip Follmer, Guardian of Jacob 8. Struub ;
the account of George Conrad, Guardian of Sarah
Ann Chamberlain formerly Malieh, Hannah Ma
lick, Hettv Mallick, Lydia Malick, Charlotte Mi
lick, Jeremiah Malick and Mary Malick I the ac
count of Daniel Dunkelberger, Guardian of Esther
and Mary Philips ; the account of Daniel Swarti,
Guardian of Catharine Cressingerj the account
of George Geise, Guardian of Moses Leitzcl ; the
account of Abraham Wolf, Guardian of Jacob
Sltive jr., of Sarah Draher, dee'd., settled by ber
adm'r John Draher I of Martin Keftrr, dee'd, set
tled by his exec'r John F. Wolfinger, Esq. j .
That the Executors, Administrators and Guar
dians of said estates have filed their accounts with
the Register of Northumberland county, and that
the same will be presented to the Orphans' Court
of said county on Tuesday the 6th day of August
next, lor confirmation and allowance.
JOHN P. PURSEL, Register.
Register's office
Sunbury, July (1, S
ITJELLOW CITIZENS : Encourafred by a
. large number of my friends, I oiler myself
s a candidato for the office of
t the next election, (subject to the decision of tlis
Democratic County Convention.) Should I be
nominated and elected, I pledge myself to perforin
the duties of said office faithfully and to the best
of my ability. PETER HOUGH AWOUT.
Rush township, June S2, 1850. '
Corner of Eleventh and Hidge Road.
No. 134 South Second Street, below DockSt.,
flHE subscribers Would call the special a'.ton
JL tion of Cabinet Makers and others, to their
very extensivo assortment, of materials in their
line, consisting of Mahogany Veneers, Boards a rid
Plank, Hair Cloth, Curled Hair, Glue, Varnish,
Looking Glass Plates, Mahogany Knobs, Bed
Posts, Marble Tops, and every description of
ISai'dwarf! Ton!, Ac.
Cabinet Makers residing out of tho City, would
find it greatly to their sdvnntaga to call at our
store to purchase such materials as they want,
connected with their business.
All our (roods are W-AKIIANTEJ).
of the best quality, and at very reduced prices.
Our Terms are Cash, (no trade.)
Wc guarantee to give every man the worth of
his money.
N. B. Mahogany, Walnut and Hand Rnil
Plank, and Stair Ballusters tot Builders. alsfl
Maililn Mantles, always on hand, anil every de
scription of turned work.
Juno 8, 1S50. ly
linn, '"sMiTsTaTcar
No. 2134 Market Street, above 5th St.
Puii-iDEirni t,
TV Iiolcsule OrnzlstM.
AXi DEAi.nns in
"IRUGS, Mcmcie, PrxTs, On.s, Wisnow
' Glass, Vahniskes, Dir. 6'Trrr, Patent
Meuicixes, Med.-cixe Cuests, SiRoicaI. I
TRi'MEifTs, Scc, &c; and manufacturers of the
Congress Int,
Black, Blue and Red. The quality of this Ink is
unsurpassed, and we are now prepared to furnish
it of all sizes, neatly packed in boxes from one to
three d 'Zen each.
L. S. &; Co., endeavor to have always on hand
a ftill assortment of good and genuine Drugs, nl
the lowest possible rates. Particular attention is
nlso paid to the manner of putting up and packing
their goods, so that they feel prepare.l to warrant
their carrying any distance with perfect safety.
All orders by letter or otherwise will receive
prompt attention.
Philadelphia, June 15, 1S30. Gai
YOltU & I'HlCilHCLrill.i
llattfiH .4no( lullou,
Cor. of 6A and Chestnut Sreet, Philadelphia.
( 'ONTINUE to make and sell a finpr and mure
durable Hat for the money than any other
establishment in llie United States standard
price of Hats $3 00. Gents arid Boy's Cloth and
Glazed Cups. Umbrellas, Carpet Bags, Calaly
Paiiuma and Straw Hats at equally low prices.
May 25, ls.'.O ly
.BEZ. i IM'ltSB A: Co.
Watches, Jewelry, Hated Ware,
A.l I'l.M V ItO'ltiS,
112 Chesuul St.. between 3d if 4th Streets.
A LW A keep on band an excellent assort
ment of the above articles, which they will
seil on terms as low as any in the city.
June 15, 1S50. liin
riuu.AiH i.i'in i a im: i.kji oi; stork.
Impoiters and Dealers in Liquors,
No. 2J0 Murk't street, Philutelpha,
fTVV.R for aalc, tlie clirapest and b!3t auort-
' mi'iit of Liquors in l'liilndulpliin, such as
rhainpiiRUP, Sliorrics, l'urt, Sli-rk, Claret, Hur-
guinlios, (Saiitiirn, IJarsur, Muderia, Lisbon,
'lVneriiu; and Sicily Willis.
Dratulios ol'tlie rlmicrst dnitida, viz:
Maglina, Olard. l'onct, llcnnesv, &c, vtr.
Finn lliiUanil Oin, .MonoiigiiUi'ia, Scotcli and
Irish M'hiskry, iVc, Ac.
Hotels and the country trade supplied at Phila
delphia prices on the most liberal terms.
July 13, 18:0.
("".N Monday, thu l'-'.h day of August next, at
' the I'ourt HoiiFC in Sunbury, ut 10 o'clock
A. M., wi!l be exposed to sale,
Two f.nls) oT Ground
in said iorou!h,on Water street, Nns 90 and 91.
On lot No. t)l, is ere -ted, a large Two Srouv
PwELliNH lorE. Late the estate of Mary
Lyon, dee'd. The 1U will be sold together, or
sepurutely to suit purchasers.
The term of sale, will be made known on the
day of sales by
Cr.OROE LYOX, Exec'r.
Simbiiry, July 0, 185H ts
Varnish MamifaHory and l'ulnt
No 78 North Fourth Street,
Constantly on hand and for sale at reduced
prices, and of superior quality, the foi
lowinu articles, viz:
Cnarh, Cabinet, Jiianner' ami C 1 Cloth Vamiphea ;
DrvitiL' Jnim) : Ilt unJ Ujrnru Vuruinh: Iirowii, VVhi'e
ami lied Suirii 4o; Transf'T d ; AriiH', H-'iue and
Cch PniiiTer' and VI1i(hn, Mntcrinla ; PI'TTY IN
Ql'ANTlTli:?-, PMNTS, DKY. 1 OIL. AM) I'llK-
PAK U 1'OK IMMI J)! ATIi L JE ; Milliner' Vtrmah,
Glue und A rids ; ULick Jupun f-r Iron ; Adhesive du. for
Khiicv Work; Picture and Wind v G-i: Arhats' Co-
Lmra. Drv and ill Tuhea : Nai' FikH Oil: frold, Silver,
and Oerman Lmf; (i-'ld. Silver, and (Vpptr Urunze : Gla-
zier:a liam.nda. Alat, veiy auperior ishoa Blacking aaid
Writinp Ink.
June tin, 1B.50
Ornamental and French Stylo Frame
801 Ifra!m' st , between 3d and 4th street.
I1ESPKCTKLI.LY direct the attention of the
I pulilic to lila superior ilylca of Plain and
Fancy Frumca, which are of the latest and moat
beautiful ilcinng.
Aa a hanJaome Frame at a LOW TRICE,
has'ii much desired, he was induced some
months since to commence the manufacture of
Iheso Frames. In a short lime tho damand has
heen o (rrcai, that he ha been obliged to incieas
his facilities, and new olVer at
Singly, or in thousands, the most beautiful Frames,
suitablo for Paintings, Prints, Daguerreotypes,
Cards, iic., 6ic.
For Durability Unsurpassed.
Hotels, Publrb Buildings, Steamboats, Stores, Ca
binet Furniture, &c, decorated in imitation of
carved Knse Wood.
riT Please call and see specimens. ,
May S5, 1850 ly
"MINERAL WATER, from the OaW Oi chard
1 ' - Acid Springs, highly valuable in chronic di
seases, and tonic remtoies, for sale by
Pu'iburv, June 29, lS'.n. - tf
Relative to an Amendment of the Consti
tution; Rmolvid r Tits Smati! aku Ho mil o Resreskkta
UlNKRAL Ast MMLT mm, That the Coiiilitutioo of this
Commonwealth I amended in tin second lecti'jn of th
fillh srllcls, to that it shall read as follows: Tlio Judres of
the Supreme Court, of the severa l Courtsof Coninr 'll Pleas,
and of such other Courts of Record re oraliall be eela
blmhcd by law, shnll be elcrtnd Viy the qualified electors of
the Commonwealth in the manner followin, to wit: The
Judges ol" Ihe Supreme Court, by the. quslitied electors of
lh.j Commonwealth at lr(tc. The 1'rmiclmit Judges of the
several Courts of Common Pleas nnd of such other Courts
of Record ss are or shall be i-.tlubliahed by hiw, and all
other .tu'hrot reqnirori to be learned in tho law, by the quali
fied eloctois of the respective '-liatrict a over whicli they
are to preside or act as Judges. And t be Associate JuVgoa
of the Count of Common l'lesii by tl.e qualified elect-ra
of the c.mnliett resiertively. Tin, Jui'gea of the Supreme
Court shall hold their ofticta for the t inn of Alteon years,
If they shall a Ima; lichave t hemselvcs well: (subject to
the allotment liereiunfier provided for, sulaeqiient to the
first election :) The President JurlgcH f the several Cotilti
of C ilinii n Pleis. and of siiclt other ei urts of Heeord as
are or ahill lie est:ililished by 1 iw. nnd : Jl other .bulges re
quired to be Irarucd in the law. shall t Md Iht.-ir odices for
the term of ten years, it they shall so long behave tlu-in-selves
well : The As'K'iate Jndecs of the Court of Com
mon Picas shnll hold their nlnees for the term of live years,
If they kIihII a i long behave tlisira'ilvcs well : all of wll na
shall In; cijin.iiissioned bv the Uovernjr. but for any reu
sjuable cnusu whieh a)iall ivH be su Ticient grounds of
imjienchinent, the Oovernor slutll remo e any of llieiu on
the address ol two-lhirds of each branch of the l.cirislHlure.
The lirst election shall take plaee st the general election of
this Common wealth next after the a. lop; ion of tins amend
ment, n ml the commission of all the judges who inn y be
Ihcu in olTice shall expire on the firal Monday of lleeem
bcr foil 'wine, when the terms of the new judp-es sliult
ecmimencn. The perpoiia who sinll t'len be elected .liutiies
of the Supreme Court phall hold ihel r otiiccs as follows :
one of tticin f ir three, venrs. one fir six veins, one f"r
nine yenrr, one f.r twelve Years, unit one for !iiecn years ;
the term of ench to be decided by I it by the suid judges, lis
soon nflcr the election n convenient, tin;l the result eerlilied
by them to the Governor, that Ui coimnisalons mny be in accordance Ihereto. The judae wbso eoininis
si'in will first expire slnll be Chief .1 vstice dtirimr his term,
and Iheri-niter euch juigc wIiohc tomniissioH shrill first ex
pire shall in turn be the Chief Justice, mid if two or more
commissions shnll exoire on the sa-ne dnv, the judges
h ddins lhin sh ill decide by ! t vhic '1 shall ho the Cluei
Justice. Any vacancies Imppeiiinir t y dentil, lesiirnotion,
or otherwise." in r.ny of the said oou its. shall be filled by
nnpointnieiil bv the' Governor, to e )nliiiue till the first
Monday of fleeeniber succeeding the next ireiicral election.
The Jiidnes of the Supreme Court oni1 the Presidents of the
Beverat Courts of Conitii jii Pious sliaL , at slntcl times, te
ceive for their services nu adequate eomi?:isition, to be
fueil by law, vhi"h shall not be aitnmiched during their
Cinliiiunnee in olTice, but they shall rorcive no lees or per
quisites of oflice. nor h"ld any ether o;fjeo of prolit under
this Commonwciiltli. or under the government of the Tin
ted Stales, or any other Suite cf this Union. The Judces
of the S it'icmc i' aut during their ct ntiuuauce in oflice
shall reside wi'.hm this C immotiwei'th, nnd the other
Jules durinir tiieir coot inns nee in oihci- nhali reside within
the district or county lor which ihey were reductive!)
Speaker of th9 Ifanw of Rcim'szntalives.
V. BEST, $prccr vf llic Senate
SKXATK fit AM UV.ll. )
Hakrmbui.u. .Ihe uarv 100 J
I, S:ini(uI W. rcfiraon, Chief Clerk f tlie SetiMte cf
PcniiFyl-mi!i,(iO hiT'jy irtil'y tlnl ihr rtr.;.iir rt-'s-jluti 111
.N. 10 rt the c;iats file 01" itie prwoiif 'S?ivn,J finitMl
'i.r'iltuicn reliuivc t n einendi'neMit'i' ihi t' ttix'itiilioii,1'
it Iwing the name ros -iuii n winch M-a ucreud t' by a
mai ri'y fili! iifinhers rlnrttti tn mrh 1Iu,sp the ktst
Le jririlinnrc niter huvirg bnru duly cons xU f'-d nn-l UiJk'us
rt'id wis t!iin day iifcrot.-d tti by n rua.i rity f tin; niunihcit
elected to and Stjrviiiir in t?je Senate ! i'.nn: Ivmia. ut its
pri-si'iit nRi.'n, a; will n;pr by tli-ir votes givon on the I pusvuje ol" rcs.'hiti 'ii. :f f 'II ws. via :
'I'll -bc voting in f iv oTt Hi- res tint ion wn. II. Jonci
B:'OAt. J. l'.Ttf-r Br.iwloy. Wilhntn A. (;rul!, JontlumJ.
(;im:iiiihu:n. Tivniuis rcrni'ii, K jinnus Ii. l-"rc(vth,
rimrl.:s l-'rHily. Ro'-rrt M. Trick, H"nry FiiM-.'n. .MmAV.
GuernsL'y, thiatn llurlclt. Ituuc ilnini, Tiimttiy Ivtrjt,
Jolma S". .1 n.'d, ,! srph Kniiftinu'lior, ritri;eV. my
rencf", Miixwell M'Caaiui, lienj nnin Mul mv. Bni.iniin
M:itlliii!. HMiiy A.-MiihldiU-rtr. Wnlitmi P. Pucker, W1U
1mm It. Sadler, David f-vmkfy, Pel'-ti li. Kivery, Conrud
Shini'sr, Knbrrt C. Sicrrult, Daniel Stinv. Kmiif It. Strfc
tr, J .hn li. Walker and Valentine II st, Spharer
Those volinn acuinst tltc rvi-jiie ot" Iho rcs?lutinn wre
Oe'Tc Dji sic, Atigusius Arum and A'.exnd-r King
lixlract frorntlie Journal.
SAML.AV. r EAtSON, Cleik.
In the House ok Kkprepest atives,
llarrisbure, Marrh 14. 1850. J
I, Willifini Jiick. Chief Clerk of the Hnuic of Hcpreflrn
tativen of I'enusylvnni'i, do hereby cenify thnt thu i:r "
lug rfsiluti'Ui, (i. 10 on the Senate file, un i Nu. till vn
liie 11.'Uiu Juurunl ol llie present S- ssi -n.) mitl'.M lioft.
hiti n rrlative to the aineulin:iH if the L'CiiKiitutioir' it
Iwiinj the sJine res hit ion which wan ttire d tu by u mn
j irity of tlie iiiiiiher clccl'tl t ( aeh Houw; of the last
Lc'il-iture niter Imving len duly cnsitler-'d find discuii
aetl, wan this day aprc&l lo by u niajnrity ot in inenilx'in
elected t nnJ serving in Ih'j il-niaunf lieprt Keulniivtn ut
Pcnnsylvuniit. ut itf prt sent ht"10u. s .veil upeur by tln-ir
v-'t-, gtV'-n tm tJn1 iusipe oi inj resjtuiion, h t 1
low, viz :
J'ui.t,. v itinn in fiiv'.ir of t!ie pusf nt? of th rc)!ution
were, Ji'hn Ai-ker, J.ihn AlliHitn, WiUni.i 1 taker, Jtl"i t
linldwin, Duvid I. H'Mit, Craiji Jliddlc, .(eronnnli Hlack,
Jihn S. ."veii. William liriiiih, Danit l H . H. linnver,
Jefse H. Hurd'-n, J.thn Ci'fb.ui, Henry t'li'iicli. Jt'hu N.
tVnviu'ham. Svive-ttei CrrLuud. Heus.iiTiin O. bttvul. Wil-
liim J. lVtbhin, Jnines P. Dinvii'T. Tiioiiam ltutiun,
Wm. Dunn, Win. K,ey , J-'hn C. Ivvjihn. Willi:iiu I '.vuus,
A. S-.iti Hwmi, AlexuuJvT S. Featfit-"-, Juries KluwerF,
fie;ijumm P. Koitner, Al'-xuuiler (iii,btnyf 'I'hiuima V,
Grier. .l.'K'f,h K (iriinn. J sefih (iiifli;y, Jatvli S. llnlder
limn. Oe..rcf II .Hurt, LiVert Hut. J-hti l:iatinLH, Wil
liam J. llemi'hill. J hn II-'ke, lienry ll'iplet, Lewis Hot
tVrd. Wushml -n J. Jaei a n, .ih'lu.s Jn't, J-'hii V.
Kiilmsrer, Charlei V. Kiuknd( Hubert Kl t., Ha.riinm P.
Laint. M"rri Leeeh, .Ii-nntlnn l. Leel, Aimoii Le-imid,
.Htnex J. Lewis, Henry Little. Jouna K. M :C lintiek, .l"hu
F. l ull.-fh, Ak-x-uider C. M'l'unlv. Jhu MI niiL'hlin.
John M-L-m. Samuel Jl. Meek. Michael My.
era. .Ihu Milh-r. J (";ih C. Mul! y. Jfhn l. Ivlftrns, Win.
T. M'Jpann, Lztki'-I .Miwiv, F.dwuni .Niek 'c;n. J:ie!i
Nissly. Ch:irlea U'Neiil. J.-hn" II. Paeker.. J.fe h C. P-twell
Jnniea C Heid, Jihn S. It hey, Lfwis R1 irl?, S:uiitiel
Itohia n, J 'hn H. Hnili.irf'.'rd, Vilenni V. Scot elil, 'i'h n:us
C. Svuler. Willi'un SluiUuer. Kiehnrd linipa i, l'.U S!iiW,
Wilintm Smith. Williuui A. Smith. Itauir l M . t-ruyner, Wil
li:iin H. S md'-r. Th ma C Steel, 1avid Stew ard, Charh-a
St H-kwell. IMwm '. Trn., Andrew W.tde, Itoberl C.
Wal'ter, Thouiufl Whi m, Sidney U. Wei a, Hiram A.
Williams, Daniel Zerbey, ami John S. M'Cala out, Si-kak-ck
Yena ;7.
Th1' vofiniy niuij!t the p-inxotre of tl.r resolution were,
Aut!Uru K. Ci-ruyii, David Kvana and Janua M. J'orlcr
Extract fnm the Journal.
Filed March l.i, Ib'iO.
D.'j). Sec. of the Common wealth.
Secketarv's O-.'vick.
Pk.NN'Y lv am , s :
I vn csrtivy Ihi! alK've ami forrp illiir i' n trno ami
c ii'.ct't capv ol lln uriiiinl res luli'm i't li'- lit'ii. ml s.-'.mu-bly,
fiiEi'lf.l, '-Itt r "ilmutn ri-litivi In an iiinrii'lii.ent il tlie
I'oiiMitulion," nslhc Biinr rt'inains nn file m Ihi. olTi .c.
Ill tislilil'inir wllnri'Ol" 1 h:ivc llnrciltllri
mtfiT9rft sol my hniiil. anil cnnscfl t-i br ntliv.'il Ilio
"tM i'i ,'J,'nf tliScrl'iry's (lll'i'.e, nt Hurt ishiirg
' this liitci'.ilh rlny of Jiui, Anri'i IXiilllnl
Vr.aV t-T flic lh iis;iiil eicht liun.lrcd anil lift.'.
Src'ry of the Cummonweid. h.
Ju'.yO, ISM .'fm.
DAf.l l i;itl'A ARTfKT,
No. 14(1, funicr of Fifth 4' Chesnnt sts., Phila
delphia, and 'idi Broadway earner of
Franklin Street, New iork.
a sitline for Portrait or Miniatures, mul
receive them Lrautifully cased, in morocco, tnlk
velvet, Puiier Machc, or other fancy styles, r sets
in Medallions, Lockets, Ac, in a fc .v ininulca.
Eajuerreotypcs, Faintuigs, ErawJiigs,
&c. Copied. t
Out door Views, and Miniatures of deceased
persons, taken at liort notice.
. ror I oi traits ol Adult hy ourpro'eas, atU im
proved Instruments, a tloudij day is quitu as fa
vorable os clear weather.
For Children, a clear day (between II and 2)
is preferable. DCTIn Dress avoid white, blue
or liirht pink.
OurOallery with, its Six Vina Medal and
Wotks of Art, is open at ell hoiin, and Free.
Whether visitors wish pictures taken or not, we
shall at all time bo happy to ee them.
June S3, 1S30.
W. Corner 6th !f Arch Street Philadelphia,
J HO waa formerly in the firm has now suc-
cecded I'ollon & Co., in the business and
offers for sale at the very lowest prices, all kinds
of F.milt (iRorsaias of the choieer't kinds con
sisting in part of
Fine, Superior and Common Green a id Black
Tea. Old U. Java Coffee and oilier kind. Su
gars, Sperm Oil and Candles, Olive Oil, Ket
chups, Currie Powder, Isinglass for Jellies, Karma,
Bakers Chocolate, Cocoa and Broma, and every
thing in the line, which h will pack up careful
ly and forward to order as promptly as has been
tlie habit of the old firm.
VTj Will the housekeepers of Sunbury and vi
cinity who wish to hive Groceries of tha choicest
kinds please to try us once I
S. W Cor. 6th & Arch cits.
Msvll.lSMV It
R. R. R.
nXDWAVS RRADY RKIJKP for pntn It tnitr blea
ting to ttiftering huninnily. The Lame Are rejoiced at itt
cumtive properties, for they can diapenae with their arm- I
chen and walk- The Weak bleu itaa an inatrument in the 1
hand! of Providence, for by itt healing and et rang then ing
qualities they become attong. The Bed-Hidden welcome
it an a Mewing from high heaven, for it rclieree them of
their pain and mieery. ciuea their diaeaaea whether it le
Hhenmntiam, Lumliago, Gout, raralyaia. Straina, Bum,
tesld... ?orea, Spranm, and aflectiona of the Spine, or eon
tractefl Tendona, for Ijy ill ubo they are enabled to ariae
from their bed of tiekneaa. and enjoy the plenanrea and
bkaaingsof health, Tlio .rinlTe.rer of Neuralgia and Tic
Dvtereiix, welcome it aa their nty remedy in relieTing
them of the cruel paim, ahoxrting like electric ahocaa through
the face., head, and ayaU'rn, puralyzuig in an inatant their
energiea nnd brightent hopea, for the Heady Belief ia a
powerful antidote for all INervoue nnd Rheumatic AfTec
tiona, and will rure thin powerful daeaa when all other
remediea have failed to give relief. The aufferer of Tooth
Ache in a few aecondl. , .
So quick, powerful, ana effectual ia Radway't Ready
Relief in all canea where puin in caused by external injuries
or internal derangement, that .t has relieved the ni"t ae--erepaina
of Chronic Klieumatinn during one application
of the Belief.
RADWAY'S RKADY RKMKF in alaoihemosl ecmo
mical incdieine in uae, it can be iiFcd with the moat hajv
py leaulta, h'th internully and extcrinlly. Crainps in the
Stotnooh, Colic, or Cholera Morbua, nrn relieved in ten
minntea, and cured entirely in fifteen or twenty. At if
vrnirwish to make an ointment of it. fr the cure of Sre
tjip. Uhanped Kltffh, PiifitularKriiptiona. takente-Snon
lul of the Belief, and a Uible-S.Kmt'ul of Sweet Uil, or I
o?.. of Lard, and yon have a hotter ointment or aalvea thu..
any other article noT in U!e.
In fnet, thin medicine, when reduced to two thirds ita
own atrenjrih by adding aa much apirita ol" wine, will give
you better Jmiinent thun any nw in uw.'.
See thnf ench bottle benra the faC'fiiuile ti?nature of
of HmlwHv & Co., none other ia genuine prieu il5 cents,
lurpe bntllca.
The lady or guntletn:ni who de-iren a beautiful citiela
to idresstlu-ir Hnir.nrc uilvil to iniike tiau of BadwHy s
CirciiMinu Balm; it po-w.-wcH many adi'milagca over nil
other htiir tmiicH and preparations. First, eleaiinea the
a:alp fruiii d.i!idrutr, k'ivvh l urii nnd vigor to th give to
the rHtta and bulbs, tnvigorai(ii to hejLliy action the iteitu
ol lite, which givea tothehnira healthy not, und foim-a
the Imir to grrow, it cure L;il.lness, utoua t lie hir from
Oillinir out, initkea it fine, Jtrmj, n itt antl glonsv. keepa it
fro. n tuiiiinir grey, or Iwmmug diseoiored. Ilia truly u
luxury to dices tha huir v. ilh tin deUctouu prejiuralion.
HliR HAlll WAS A1X tiONK.
RAP WAY'S TKCAS,S1AN HALM for iu ig ruli:ig
the h-Jir, cleinsing the Kealp, removing dnndrutl, und euiing
b:ildnei-s, ia truly a VHlunbb priiirjti'n. A htdy who had
l'i ii aick for aomc tiuie hud 1 il cvciy parliclu of htr lmir
previouato lier aickin.j, her iuur would tall out; shn was
recommended to try tin Cirmssinu Buinu a a hair restor
er, ehe used atx bottler with th. movt kippy reKultr, her
he.'r ia now h'ne, aott, ctraay. lon, und luMirutnt. Tins
prepurattou timkca the hiiir m ifit, li:te, a ft, and silky, und
nieilisiw)nea it to curl ; ye, with buldln'ad, weuk lmir. had
hair, try u b-Jttte ol the Cirejt-ssiiii H'jhu, prepared by Had
wuy & C'.,niid you will floou h:ivo u luxuriant head of
hair. Sold tor 'J.j cent a in htrire houlea. An!t for Htuiwa;
Circassian Dulni, 101 Full-'ii Street, New York.
During the mimmcr fcaaou we iVetpuntly ui'ct with
rsjii8 wh:ure'lclyaunoyeil withbluck viif. alwitt tlie
kic of a piu'H head, jiinI, under the lining of the wrimjc
thesj speiji are truly annoyimrtiii'I rcju.Isn; in uppeiiraiiee;
they me nothing m -rfi or lepi than d'.ist, tl o sk tti heiu
wurni and the individual .enlpiniiif t"p:ly. tln-diis! - cuiii'J
tin the iliicw of the m-iiicc juh 1 oi lf, tin ir oily seor;
Hte not given oil', nnd eniiKequHiitly u rheesy tlfpocit in the
renal! ; lliii b'j'ioiiitu ruiK'id nnd turns blaeit, disiiiitires the
e iuMlt'xi-M, and oii.-u in;i inii and tnppur;it-a. l,rt Hud
way's S.Hip be tree y ustd, aba 'rptioit will take place, und
the sp-fdi'.y '.Kappr:.r. A is , it" R i.lvva; 'h wxt
made use of us a Toilet S tap through the day, theFe H; U,
niiitotiicrnnnovinc exereneet, would not trouhle you.
The extraordinary ef,eela:f Had way 'a Soup in retno ing
Tan. Sun Burn-. Finiiilea, BhitrheM, Fuslules, Teller,
Basil. S-jurvy, M:rph'w, nnd tlie Bites ir.d Siuich of inoeeta
if? truly i nishinu ; heiud- n. it i eeriuiu of tnm-i'oiining
a dark, discolor'-) unit repulsive viange, to n c enn and
lMautiiul eomp!"ioii. In a!l raaea ;iak lor Uadwuy a Soup
und tuke none other.
. B. Hudwuv'H Medirnted S up in teel engnivinira are
2"i eenta, all uthers are euuiiteriVit. 1a k fn the Bteeleu
gidviiifr. Aoent II. H. Mnaer, Sunbury.
JuiieJi, ts-IU. eeiiuly
For the Cure of
Tliis truly valuable Ai mcdv for all disease", of
the Liinu.s and Throat, lias become the chiel reli-
a nee of the alllictcd as it is tlie most certain cute
known fur the ubove coinplainl. While it ia a
powerful remedial aqcuts in tlio must desperate
und almost hopeless cases of Consumption, it is
also, in diminished doses one of the mildest and
most airrecable family medicines for common
common enmhs and colds. Read below the opin
ion of men who are known to the world, and tho
world respect their opinions.
"James C. Acr Sir: 1 have used yoiir"
ut Pai'TiiKAi.,' in my own case of deep-sealed
lironchitis, and nm satisfied from its chemical
constitution that it is an admirable compound for
the rdicf of lar tibial and bronchial diliieulties.
If my opinion as to its superior character can be
ot" any service you are at liberty to use! it as you
think proper.
President of Amherst College.
From the 'London Lancet."
the most valuablo preparations that has fallen un
der our notice. After a careful examination, we
do not hesitate to say we have a lar'e apprecia
tion of its merits and the fullest confidence in ils
usefulness for comjli? and In ut; complaints."
Dr. Brewster, of Windham Co. Conn., send
us Ihe following testimony.
Dr. J. C. Aver Dear Sir: I enelo.i you a
certificate from Mrs. Catharine K. Ca Iv, a highly
respectable lady of this illume, wile of Mi". Sclh
Cady, Deputy SlieviiV, Windham Co., Connecli
cut. Thecvie in her case was eiy prompt, und
liasatlrai'ted geueml attention.
W. A. BLEV.'.STER, M. D.
West Km.iNiii.i-, Ct., Sept. 2rt 181S.
. This may certify that I was inhVted with a very
severe cough in the winter of '47-8, which threat
lened to terminal, in Ci nsumptioii. I had tried
many medicines in vain, and was cured by flic
uso of 'Ayer' Cherry I'ei loral."
From Dr. Bryant, Drusist and Postmaster,
Chii'i pee Falls, Mass:
Dr. J. C. Ayer Dear Ss h Enclosed plcaso
find remittance lorall the CHERRV VI'. CTO R A I.
last neiit me. I can unhesitatingly say, that no
medicine wc tell irives such satisfaction as your's
does; hor hac I ever seen a medicine which
cured so many cases of Couh and Lung Com
ulainls. Our Phisicians uro usin,; it rvtensively
in their practice, and with the happiest t -fleets.
Truly youis, D. M. BR V A NT.
ncnntD ut j.c. jivf.k, wkli, mass.
t7 Sold by Henry Masser, Sunbiyyj Mary
A. McCay, Northiunherland- Dr. tiearhart, Se
linj;rovc ; Dr. Beckly,, Danville, and Druggists
July 6, lSfiO:. Iyec3iri
Foi the Cikk or Fkvrk and Alice. War
rant!: r.
THIS iinrivnlM mHicine may be relied n when tirnr
ly all nllirl remwlles tail. lis value is not tiirtieiently
know", the lelnre, tha pmpriftor ileaires lo eillurno ih
arid ol" its uselaluesa by makinc known n virtiiea und rifi.
eacyto Ihoeaaiui ol up'frifra whoar a awute tliul Ihty
cuu be siieeilii) and fadieullyeured of ,
wilhont the use of poisonous drupa, naur'noiia notions or
the delrtenoua efloclaoHiiiiiiinr. It is "ll'red to the pub
lic al a low price to place it wuhin the roach o all.assnied
thai Uione who ue it sccotdnifj to duecUona will find it a
aula and apeedy euie for
Ksvta amd Hoc.
It ia not a disagreeable naiist-atinK com-iund but an agree
able tonic eali ululed to remove the, disease und give healthy
action lo the aioinach and hnwetla.!t d only by Miiiah.ll A t o., and aold wholesales
and retail by Kwand A Kxi, No. -Jl North ftih hiroM,
fhiladelphia. Krioa 81 per single bottle, and per do.
Juiia'Jv, IbaO ly
AY RUM. An excellent article for sale
Sunbury Jan. 27th, 1849 if.
rpEAS, from the New York Canton and Prkii
aL Tea Comrsnv. For sale bv
j w rpir.TNn
Pmtburv. Dec C, 11 .
Caution Itra.
A man by the iwma of CLAPP haa tngagwl fwitk
young man of the name of S. P. Tnwneend, and mtm kit
name to nut np a Snrananlla, which thev cnll Dr. Towa-
aend'a Sarapfinlla denominating it GENUINE Orighwl, at.
Thia Town send ia no doctor, and never waa ; but was for
nierlya, worker on tha ratltmda, canalr. and tbalik. wm
he aaeumea the title of Dr., fnrthepurpoaeof gaining tradii
for what he ia not Thin htio caution tha oublie not tm b
deceived, and purchase none nnt the Oenuina Original Oht
it. jacoti j ownaena'a rarpnniia. naving on h mi vm
Dr'a, likenraa. hia family coat uf aim, and kia aifaatwt
acroaa the coat of arma.
i.ciidiuc TotviiNcnd SarNciiuirinai
OLD Dr. Tjwnsrml is now aboui TO yours of pnl
lnis l'niii liei-ii kuow.-i uh Ilii? autliur 'and discuverol f
tlm (teiiuine Oriilml ''Tovvusmid Stiraapsrilla " js
in;rp it. lie whs cotnpiillcd to limit ita iimmirarture, by
wiik-Ii meiiiis it lias been kept uut of market, and lha miti
-ircuiiii.-ribi-ilto lli'jsrunly vli linve prin'cj ita wurtb aad
kiinwii ilHViilnp. It had piachrd the ears of many, narar its tliuse pers us who hud been healed aordisaaaaav
und -yu cd iVrin death, prucliiimed its c&eclleiica and woa
ui:ug POWER.
Kniwmgr, pinny y.-rs ai? j. that had, by hit skill, aar.
eiicir, and eMinriciici'd. devi.i;d un article which would ba
oi uii-iilcuiibii. uiU-iiiitiiKe to iTiuiikind, when ont-a knowa
."nu i-xiensM-eiy uiwn, lie li'iped and persevered, sxuactli
tlx.- time t'i arrivt- when the menus would be fumiuied
briui it into uiiivltb .1 notice, when its inestimable virtaes
wjiilct knoun und appreciated. This time haa come, tae
tiieatis anj supplied ; li,i:i
Is iiuuiulactiireil on th,.. lunest scale, and ia called roc
tliroui;lu,ut the lenirlli and breadth of the kind, especially a
It is lounil iiioniubie ol degeneration ot deterioration.
Let every iiiun riiiK lln.,U(;lioiit tlie laud, that Old Dri
Jaeub T ownsend is now iiiaiiiilucturing the real 'Townaead
S'iiMi.ariia.' winch never ajurs, never ferments, and never
ciiTiiiu.'Mils cl'iiiocter.
. Vt this day forth the people rhiiH have tha Pure Oea-
tuni! Towimcml Siiispaniiii, which thnll never sour in lb a
boitlu, or in the skuiincli, and it sludl yet banish from the
kind till I-'i!na.-ijtiii(t, Sourins, Eipl,.linjr, Vinegary Sat,
s'ipanllua, now ui u:. A a)t'd foraapHrilln, pure aad
genuim', uurlit toli v i a pour soumig, alip-slop Saraapa
nibi uii-ht to droop uikI di;.
The Hd li -. Sursnpariliu will keep pure und perfeot
llio j-imi.
L iilike yotuvj S. P. Towiisriid's it improves with aga,
nnd never eli.iiii;es. but lor tlie belter; because it is pre
pared un scieniuu: r-niicinlea by a scientihe man. Tha
n;elie. knowledge ol Cheiuistrt", and the latest discoveriee
of llie Art havi- all U-en brought into requisition ill tha
tiwaiiliie'.iiru of the OIJI DU S. SARSAI'AKILLA. Tha
Sirsup-tiilla rout, it in well kliiiwu to medical men, con
tiiins timny inciliciiiiil properties, and nie propertied
wliit-li nre ineil or useless, and others, whiih, U' retained
in pr-iuri:!t; it for use, prtidnce tenncutation and acid,
which in injurious to the. system. . liiiie of the prapertles
ul'Sarsaptiulla are so volaiile, that they entirely evunorata
and :tre l.t in tbe prifpnration, ii'theyure not preserved f
bya seieiililie prnci-s;!, known only to those experienced ia)
its iniiiiiiiaettiri:. .Moreover, thtve' volatile principles, which
lly oil in vnpor.criiHuii e.-lmlation. under heat, are the veril
essential inedic-id properties of the root, which give te f
alt ils vulne.
Any pi-i-wti can lmil or stew the foot till they get a dark
c doted liquid, which is more, from the coloring matter ia
the root Until from uu tiling else ; they can then strain thi
insipid or vapid liqniil MV.-ctcu vilh a-mr molsssea, and
then cuil it :irsanirilla Kxtruct cr Syrup. M But such ia
ii 'l tin -irlirle knowutis the
."Al'Altll.LA. T:ii.i i s prcpunil, ilmt all thu inert properties of the
S:irspin ilhr root nre first removed every thing capable af
iH-eoMiii.e: acid oi of fertneutmtinn, is extracted and rejeolr
l : tlieti every particle uf medieul virtue ia secured la a
pure nii'l coiiceiiiiated form ; and thus it is rendered ines
iiTihlc of lofcini. uny of ils valuuUlu and heuliiur properties,
rifpiired in this wuy, it is mude tlie moat peweri'ut agent
in die -
II'neetliH rtisiiu w!iy we heur eomniendutiona on every
.idem ils liivor by men, wouien,and chiklren. We find it
il-iiin; woudi:ra ill the c ure of Consumption, Dyspepsia, and
Liver r..inpLniit, und in Rheiunutism, Scrofula, Piles,
i.'.'siiveneKH, nil f 'u';tncniis li'iiptiiins, fimplvs, Ulotehea,
und all allcclloiisurisinu; from
i.Mi'ruiTv oi'Tiin nr.ooD.
It possess: a nrirv-'llousi'iticney, in all complaints arising
fr.'l.l iml;i;i v:iu, fiolu Acidity of ll.e Stomach, from an.
e 1' cireiikitioii, (U-tcrmin:itiou of hlooU to the head, palpi,
fit'. ti ' tin- hcjrt . cold feet und cold hands, cold chills and
h t li'hes over llei body. . It hue not ita ennui, in Colds ana
t'onciis ; tnii promol(!s eary expertorulion, and genlla per.
si-iiaiioM rctaxiu eiricturuof the lungs, throat, and every
oUi-r pi't. ' ' i
liul in ii ithiwj i j its excellence more manifestly aeea sad
arkii'i'.vledged u.ji'.uiuil kinds und stages of Feinaia Gesa
plaiuu. ...
li works wonders in ciisoh of Fluor Albus or Whites
I-'a!lii:i! ol the Womb. Obstructed, Sppprcaaed, ur Painful
.Meuvei., lireulttrityof the cieistruuL peUods, add Ihe like;
mid is a uireeliiid m curiii all the forms of kidticy Diaeaaa.
Ity rem viiii: obmructioiis, and reirulatiug the general ayat
teui, ii cjv c tone and strength to the whole body, and tho
cuies un l"iuis of . ,
And thos picveiits or relieves a trreat variety of other rasp,
ladies, us Spinal Initutioii, Ncuruliu, St. Vitus Danee,
vH'iiiiiu'. I )ileplic K its. Convulsions, Ac.
And y l he t. ouM lam have it uiidert xid that Old Sr.
.Iiicol, Townseud's tieiaiiiie Original ftwaaparilla, is Sal
l.ill TATiU.N of his interior preparation 1.
Ile iveii iorl.i l that we ahoulil cjunl in nn elide which
woiil-l bear the most distant resemblance to S P. Towa
gciid's .trucle ! mid whi'-h v.-ouid brimr down upon th Old
Dr. sin-li a ui'itiittuiii fsid ol' (Mniptauils and criminations
lrom Accir.H wii linve s.i!d, mid putchusera who have used
S. 1'. Townseiid's l-'crmciiiuir t.'oui(i.iiinl. , W wish i
uiklcrsloiil, liccaiiyu it is the ubnolute tnlth, that ft. P.
Towmriid's Hrticle mid Old Or. Jiicob Townsend'a Sarea.
iar:i..i arj h. ivai-w ale upirt and iutiiiitely diasimilur thai
lliey are unlike in every lii'rtieulai, liaviug not one single
tilling in c 11.1. n. ai.
As S. I'. Tovviwen.l is ni d'K'tori.and never was, is a
cheitii!.'. i'. i I'lu'irai.-iaceiiti! knows no more of medicine
or di -:t.e llian any other coiuiiioii, unscientinc, unprofes
sional ncni; w hat u-iitiraittt-e can the public huve that they
are liver, me a irenuiiie acicuulic ineiliciue, Oieitaiuing al
the Yuiai'" ue-l i,i preiarinir il. and winch ure incapabla of
chaacN -.vhi.-h in:ittt render them theugentaof disease ta-iul.-aii
ol heallh !
H.ii w !iai elHe uliould be expected fnim oua who knowa
iioihiiat eoinparativcly of medicine or disease ! It require
: peiM n ot a. ana t-ierieuce, to cisik and serve up even a
cotaiii at dcct'iil uie-il, how iiineh more im.iruuit la it thafi
lite N-i s 'lis wli iiiLutuiHi'ture uieiiicine, designed for waaa
Kl-aii-a-as und cateeble.1 aveleins, should know well the
medical properties of plains, the best manner of securing
und c anviuraltug tli.-tr hisiling viitnea, also. an axtenaive
kn 'vlc le- -ijlti' various disuses hiuh ad'ect tha humaa
syificiii. anil isw 10 udapt remedies bi these diseases!
' Ii ii. not .Miit.le for this mediciiie In do good ; it has ae
thing in it which can ever harm, ii can never sour or
Kp al. mid th'-ret'ire. cantun-ei luisn ils curative nropertias,
it cic.iiiM'. tne til-.K). excite, tne liver to healthy action,
l.aa-s ihf ! oiiiach, ai.d fives govst ilifieMiiin, relieves the
biwds of iirjer mil cotitinit!oi!. alia), indaination, pnri.
lies the skin, eipiuUz'-s Ihe circulation of the blood, pro.
dnciiu: tieaiic wariu.h eqiuiily all over tha liody.and at the
iiaeiii!.li' perypiiiilion ; reiiues ull obst ructions, and invigav
raics the enure nervous sysieiu. Is not this, then, the medi.
euie you neeil ; Hut can any ol thee thing
be sai l of ? I' T-iwnsi-iid's inferior article? This josuvg
likiii . li and i. not to he
t'O.MI'AUF.Il WITH 'ITIE OLD btl8. . 01 one erand lact. thai the one is inaipablsof de
t.iionc.i. . and K Kit Sl'oll., while Ihe, other, doe ;
ii .tour-, i-!rni'-tiiH, and blows theuotrles ciuituiuing ,U int
lr:-tiienis : tlie s air, uid liipiid exploding, aial damaging
other o h!v : Mast not this hotrible coniiound ba poiaoa
011s t tha viv.rni ; hat ! put acid into a Svstem already
ilistased wiiii iical! W imi cause l)ysepeia but aeld J
11 we 11. 'tail know, tbst when fi,.Kl siurs in our atocnachs,
whni mix-in. r na pr."li'cea iiat'iience, neartnuurn, paint
tan ai 1 the hcut. liver cemple'ul, diarrhoea, dysentery,
c 'lie, and corruption ol the Mood f What la ticrol'ukk but
an ii'-i l humor ill the body ! Wlait priKlllcesall the humors
winch bring on Kruptioiis oflheHkin, Scald Head, Salt
llheiim. Krvsipeies V i'le Swellings Fever Sores, and all
uicer.irii ni uuer-utl awl external ! It 1 nothing andcf
heaven bat an in id siilii'lanee, which sours and thus spoil
all th. ll'ii'l of ihe h-nly, more or leas. .' What eaase
lilieuu.alisiii. but a sour or acid tjind, which insinuates iu
s. h la-uveeii llie "inis and elsewhere, irritating and ia
n ulling 'he tenilcr and delicate.tissiiea upon which it acts!
S 1 of nervous, iu' imptirUy of the bluvd, oa
ru-.i;e.l circulnti-'as, und'neaTly all tha aithuenta which af.
liicl biiawu nam e. ., 1 ,
Now is it n 't h irrildc to make and sell, and innnitaty
worse to iii'e this . ,
OF S. p. TtWNKND'(. ., , . .
It is hori ib'e to think, and lo know how cruelly the af.
Iln-iol are umvikcit iiuoitny preaitnipukHi uieulor the sake
ot rc nev : V ortuues makeout 01 the agomea of tha ate-!
and no eipiiyiuenl rendered the despairing sulfereoi !
It is bi arrest iraiid. upili me iiulortuiuite, lo pour eel
into wounded humanity, to kindle laipe in she despairing
b aajip, .to restore health anil .bkiHn. and .vigor int h
cn.ihiil nnd broken, and to Ijn'.ish infirmity, that Oat Dri
JiMb Townseml hassue;hl aial fmiiid tlie. opportunity aies
tneiuia to bring his tireud t'liiveraid Ciascentraied Jleasadf
willuit the reach, and bi the knowledge nf all who ae4
that they may nuru and kianv. by joyful experience, il
Are" thus to have the uiiptirchaaeabla salialactioa of havtsia
raiMst thouaanda aud million. Imaa the bed " auikaeaa a
dop ndeney n uM, health, and long life at gujof aad
uaelulmteaa to thi-nwlvea. then; fa mule, and friends.
A.iknt. HKNHY MASHER, bunbury.
July lit1, ItvlJ. dy aw
ixorni.; Hoo.fis,
South' vest Corner of Fifth and Market Streets,
"IT T1IO always keeps ou hand a Urge stock t
' . every variety j" clothing mad up f foeal
maUriulsv ,r.d in the latest and best st) Ir. H
would n!uf inform the pubUc, that be pay toaai
dcrb!c attention in getting up Military Clolhiaj
m toed m l and an leisonabU teims.
.Lin. 1. I'P.. ly