Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 20, 1850, Image 4
SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. iv n " iu ii n ii ii ii ii x'a ..... n iTA n n ir n n n 1 1 frLAUd.j. -W.. r St-mfulL Cnnrtr. frtphW. and thrr impure diw of the lthod-and if the trrw ,V.U A UU . ...1. . . . . i - t..U.tmt tn eft fist Cam iiAn i i i t which nw oi of sac Ithar. hr any fr! ''' fnwt mrdiml cr in (As MfdMnt vhuk ha nuhdurd and mnqutrvd suih DUAe-thn thin it vnqnetionabte ntainn wm BRANT'S INDIAN nvivn nvmn IJA 1 ill U nrk t Unlii-lnr, In mnf rraportj and there In atnin daut pnatl', In jrrtnl enrt ettei:trn that ONE BOTTI.K of It coatains men imrilj-iru, .IiimiIiiis vimm. noil mnlicnl MKT thud there i" rontainwl In Fo-tr Kmlln ot any 'f ... .1 ... -.II....... .I.... ........ ..M.....! KiparilM, UT WIIJ ,"'" mm ili.c-i rr ..... for sale. There It utiilutiliti'd nrnnf In unr pmnphlcta, ' thnt hr the o of Iliis ureal Inrlinn Pttritr. thry that warn llriNo yet I.ivk tliny lint m I.amk mill I'mr pskd tan now Walk ihrv ihni were Hick, Sckarrtnt-a, ud otherwise dlaentcil, huve been He also and (AatD. Hundreds Thousands wh live ed Bhaht'h I'onirisa. alter lnvim mod id teaterf ALL the tnrtepariUftt and other metlir.iiipa recun weeded tu euro bliwd iliseaace, have lieriikd that Brant's is the Cheapest, became Ont Itolllt of ll haa mor medii?al. curative mat ter In It, and. In conArqueiiee, cures nore diuat to Biuuta . U Iinm, than one hotU ul' any nthnr im-riinno. If, thfii. f)Vfi Vlolfleiif nptvr'a PuairiEa will taro Fr'UK TIMES morn diwaan thnn on hnlllt of tartnpa TiUo, - Hunt a PmiviFR" would Ih- n r-np at or iol Jon a holtln. aa MrtajiariKa at tne tinlltr. But BRANT n I'L'lUI'IKil la sold lor only ONK 1)1)1. 1. Alt a botllo ; and a bottlo il' it cured, and i mwMe of curing. Ftr Timet aa much dinw a ont bortU of nmparill. tbani foro. aaraaparilla, in eonscqiirnco of it , power and J in.'diml clHcary. ahonld 1)0 "old at awr tunai Ttxnti-Firt fat por bottle, to Iw aa rcn a tho rl riaa at Ont Dollar. One DoUar's Worth! How much :nce how much ivrmi.iii-hnw mart ScaorULA will One Dollar' trorlol llraitl t I'UItlt cure ) Head lite following atatcineut, which la apcii Baen of ita power. . CANCEROUS SCROFULA! , 'rh U the caw ol a Vyirtr man who ytt Uvea. Urn wc enrtd ol wurr cn ol licrolula, lj only Twin ItottU ft' Hrnnt'n 1'iirilirr. Umti ever win rured by th une ol Trctrc (iaUoimnf the 65f nra)arUla tlmt wm err mnio, ' Snrapfirillii hat not tvjfrriml tnalical imcr to etlccl tku un of mch rtrottiniriir hofxic cum. Mr. J. H. IIaskin, ol iVomf, One'uta Co , .V. K. hid ,,Ttf mla four ytr was continvd tu 111 bt:il tlte ri( yenr he was to much dir!(nM?(l mid dfhilitHtud hb tu lie uiml.le to rttiw ht hand to hi lieml. Ho hud the het uudical ad Ttre hd ummI ail ot the Att $ureejMtriUnn tu nu piud eftect got wartt nnd irone. nnd whs ronsidcri'd to be in a Dying State, Hiid could not live ticmty fiutr konr toncer, whiji he cununt-nred tising ltl( ANT'.S rUIiriKK. His tri wns cairn marly ojf, irom tjr ro rnr h ror whs cntnn tliruush hi xoindpii. undrr hi chin, so that he lmiiihd through thtt hule liia car whh ao untcu around that it could bft t(fted up out nt its tlacof it only liulijin; by n small piere tho uhc of one arm wim datroyed by two 11 crrn an lllrtr under the arm. us lnrp b a nntn's hand, had nenrly entcn tht oneli his riile tutu hi bn-ttf. 'I hut, he waa' tr-d with Ttecntjf aurh putrid, arrid. offentipg til cert, ou various parts tit hi purcun. For tin lhuraud lull partiruUrs, we our i'mAa. Doct. Thomas Williams, one of the most skilful phy sicians ol lloiw, was rnlied to iui llatkin 111 riutj brjort lie com rue nerd uuiu Brants Pvrifiir. lUwt. W, exarn uwd him, un.l thru tuld hint that ail tho medicines 111 Uie world could not curt him that Ins caae wus Worse than Hopeless ! Now hear Mr. IIASKIN'S stntcmcnt of run, lift said : My wife procured one buttle ol IIUAXrs FUMFYiya EXTRACT ol Busrll Leonard, DmgL'lats. of Itome I commenced uxini; thut, and bgan to L'ct better that bottlk enabled mu to fid off my bed, where 1 had beta confined one year the second bottle enabled me to xrt. ntt of the haute the Tittnu buttle enabled tne to W alk Tito Miles, to Rome Centre, whero I procured Sir. Battles more t and when I had tiniehed using them. A rcnttie out of 7Venfy Ulcers had hralkd it nnd three bottle more ftlected a I'KRFKC.' X'ltE of all the tlcors. aoU re stored me to good hralth. FOURTEEN WITNESSES! Mr. IIASKIN hat aworn to the abore facta, and the facta are witneMcd and certiricd to by DOCT. T. WIL LIAMS Mr. Ii. II. IIHOWN. proprietor of the n'tM Rmu Haul Meaara. UISSKI.L Si I.KONAKI), Wholeaale and retail Druuiata and ELtVEN other rcsptctablt cilncuea. We Challenge the World To rROYK ii Curt of aa revolting and vurrly tpttt9 Caaa of Scrofula, by tho use of TEN TIMES aa much rmnparilla, or any other n, 'dicine, aa waa uaed of Brant t Purijier to effect the abuTe cure which cure ahall ba proved by na many axU-ilciiorn, rtKjMaoi vitntuu, aa U) the above cure. FOR SALE BY John W. Frilinj, Sunlmry Ta. Mnry A. McCay N'ortliumberuliHl. John H. Knael Milton, llniry J. Shucffcr do Kdwiml A. Kutzner d AduiuCoiirlMl lVtliaprove, Hnyea ft MrCnrmirk, McKwenaviUe, W. P. I. Hninlor, .Mimcy, J. P. Mitlill A; Co., HtilicHville, . Kdward Wilaou, - New llcrhn, Tbirnton A Uuker, lcwiitbur f. J. Cpmae, fvlinriive. W. H. Bicklvv. Dmmlle, . K. l'.Iiu ft John II. Mnj'er. Ulnomslmrif. All lettcra nnd onlcra niuat be addressed to Wullooe ft Co. 11 Brnmlway, New Vnrk. Suubury, July 21, 1?19 ly. GEORGE J. 1IEXHELS, CITY CABINET W A II 1! II O (I .11 S , JVO. 173 CHESSUT STREET, (OPPOSITE TIIK (TATE HOUSE.) . riZIX.ADEI.PHIA. "VFFERSfor sale, low for cash or approved clly v-' paper, a larRC anil well assorted slock of CABINET FUK.MTL'RE, of the latest patterns and of the best workmanship. The assortment embraces every article, useful or ornameulal, com prising suits of Drawing Hoom Furniture in Kokc wood and Walnut, exquisitely carved. Hosewood Walnut, and Mahogany Chamlier Furniture ; Pa tent Extension Dining Tables, (acknowledged to be tho best now in use); Library ISook Cases, and a great variety of -plain 1'uaior and Chamber Furniture. Curtains made and put up in the latest Taris fashions. , Spring Mattrasses, Hair Mattrassea, and Fea ther Beds, made tu order, X. B. All articles purchased at this establish ment are warranted of the liest materials and workmanship, and will be packed to carry safely to any part of tho country. May 85, 1850. ly SPHI1TG GCOLS IN PII1LADEL.PIII 1. Til SHARPLES.S & SONS, have just received l their supply of Sl'KKNCi AND SL'MMEK fiOODS of Friendly and other styles, to which tlicy invito attention. SHAWLS A II descriptions of Silk, woollen and worsted. . DKESHtSlLKN Grodo Iihines, Chameleons and neat and new fancy styles India Hilks and Rutins. DRESS GOODS Lawns, Bareges, Mousse- Iins, Ginghams, Alpacas, Mohairs, and all the new fabrics. FURNISHING GOODS Blankets, Sheetings Quilts, Damask, Shirtings, and all other furnish ing goods. MEN'S WEAR Cloth, Castimercs, Ca.hina retU, Drills, Vestingsof all kinds, and Boys wear. SHOEMAKERS GOODS and Curri'au'0 Ma kers articles. 'J'. SliAlirLESii & SONS, No. 3-J S. Second Street, Philadelphia. May 25, 1830. ly J. H. ZIMMERMAN, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Sunbury, Pa. OtKce in Deer Street, immediaU ly opposite the Public School House. I V Monica collected and nil buaiuciia pioia,tly iukI care fully atutidcd mi. April U0, 1850 (,Latc or tue Finn or Watkixsox &, Hall,) No. 2i South Second Street, Philadelphia, pESPECTFULLY informs his old friends and At customers, aa well as the public generally, that lie has opened an entire new stock of elegant atylcs of Spring & Summer Brest Goods. H is assortment consists of the gtest and most desi Table styles of English, German, French &. Amo rican Goods. Such as Delaines', Tissues 11 or a Jges, Bilks, ljiwin, M uslins, Shawls, Hdktrs, Gloves, and every variety of Diess and Fancy Goods. Philad. March 1G, 1850 ly 4 C. HKNKEltT, , . BOOT MAKER, ; u South Fourth Street, PuiLAUttrillA, yyHERB every variety of French Calf Skin ; Morocco, Patent leather. Congress and Gai ter boots, of the best l le and workmanship, are constantly kept on luud or manufactured to order. March 16, 1630 (im . A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At the Cabinet Ware llooiti of SEJi'N IIOUPT & CO. Market Square, Also nt the torner of Fawn street k the Railroad suNbury, pa. Thankful fur the pntronaprj of his friends ami cuHtmners during the 17 years he hint lieen in busi ness in this plnco, ho solicits from the public a con tinunnro of their favors. Durinit this period he has endeavored to keep up wilh the improvements of the day, and has accordinly extended his busi ness in cverv branch and variety. Tho public ore. therefore invited to tho attention of tho present stock of CABINET WARE AND CHAIRS, Manufactured by SEBASTIAN HOUPT & CO. At the Old Stand, Where in addition to their former slock ef tho establishment they now nmnufucturc Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs Large Spring Scat Rocking; Chairs, Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables, Marble Top Wash Stands, and a varietij of other new style and Fashionable Furniture. Havinii secured a Hearse and made tho neces sary arrangements for tho purpose, they arc now prepared for undertaking in all its branches, tn this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Yo inniila and mistresses, nnd lmshnndn too, Here's furniture of every style nnd hoe, Tri'in aide bin. s down to kitchen tables, From rocking is :-s to forking cradles Should yon not hn Iho ready Jons to pny, We'll wait awhile or a brighter bettor day, Or take potatoes, on a, com, wheat nnd rye Dark, hoop poles, stnvea, or himlier wet nnd dry, Or nny tiling but yokes nnd thrcahing lluila, Fiom piirs and turkies down tn little qimili. Come on then friends, coino one nnd nil, Keep inula a moving, so "goes on the hull." C Orders from a distance promptly ntlended to and work of all kinds delivered with dispatch. Simbury, March 0, 18.r)0. tf HAK1)I & IIOLIS IIOLESALE Commission PAPER and RAG WAREHOUSE, No. HI MINOR Street. Pbiladelnhia Where a general nssort- nient of all kinds of Paper is kepi, and for sale ut the lowest cash prices. :ap, lectttT ami Prinlliis Papers, &r. on liuntl. Plain and ruled while Caps. " blue Flat Caps. Plain and ruled white Letter. " blue " Bhto and white Folios. Whito and colored Printing Patier Tissuo Papers. Shoe " Wrapping " Envelope " Hardware and Sl'catlung Paper. Tar Boards. Straw Boards, Bonnet Boards. All orders from tho Country will be attended to at tho shortest notice. All goods sold will Ins carefully packed, and de livered at any place in tho city. The highest cash price paid lor Kags, or ex changed for Paper, as low as can be bought else where. Please call and examine for yourselves. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1849 REFORM YOUR HABITS. Come ye, with garments lore nnd seedy, Ye twli'lors, wido'crs and husliands too, If, in tho outward man you'r needy, Wc soon cun make you us good us new. THE subscrilier respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he will commence iu this place, on the 8th of April next, tho T ILOllIXG BUSINESS in all its branches. He will lie careful to sec that his work is made up in the best manner, and he flatters himself, that he will bo able to give entire satisfaction in point of cut, fit nnd style, as well as in price. Ho therefore respectfully solicits his friends and tho public generally to call and give him a trial. His shop is a new building in Fawn street be ow Weaver's Hotel. JACOB O. BECK. Sunbury, March 30, 1830. (im CIIARLKS W. 1IK!NS, .TTC2.1TE7 i-T L. Putlsiiile, Pa. Will promptly attend to collections and all busi" less entrusted to his care. Juno 10, 18IU, IlroiVu'H Enncw-c or Jamaica Gin ger. Prepared only In Frederick lirown, at liis Drug and Chemical Store, North East Comer of Fifth and Chestnut streets, Thilatlclphia. THE Essence is a preparation of unusual ex cellence and of varied properties. In all cases where a powerful and safe stimulant is mpiircd, it is unrivalled for efficacy as well oh immediate action. To the traveller and to the family circle it is invaluable, as a few drops diluted in sugar and water present a safe and agreeable remedy to the invalid who requires immediate relief, as well as to tho convalescing patient who needs a gentle tonic. In a Southern climate, where tho relaxa tion of the system so generally induces thirst for stimulants, it will always bo found nil excellent substitute for those templing leverages which de bilitate tho stomach and cause a morbid condition of its powers. In dyspepsia, in relaxation of the bowels, iu naussca and sea-sickness, it is an active and safe us well us a pleasant and refreshing re medy, and is prescribed by the most eminent of the medical laculty, A supply of the above received, and for sale by II. B. .Masser, Sunbury. April 0, 1850 (im PATENT Trusses of nil kinds, Harrison' writing and imlclliUu ink. Cotton yarn and tups, just received and lor sale by J. VV. PRILING. Sunbury, Dec 2, 1818. STCNSWARE, STONE milk Pans, stone Jugs mid Pitchers, and other articles of stone ware just received and for sale by JOHN W. FR1L1NG. Sunbury, Juno 23, 1819. II.EY'S C'OI G VAXUY. Aa ece lent remedy for coughs, colds. For sale at this office ADD'S celebrated Horse, and Cattle Medi cine for Balo by HENRY MASSKIi Sunbury Jan. 87th, 1849 GOLD PENS IN SILVER CASES, lot nn bnml anil furanlA Iw A small . - J II. B. MASsKR. F unbury, April 6, 1850. RAISINS, curranls, citron, cheese, peptier HH11CA A Vit anl. I.u I W VIMItH'l 8unbury, Dec 2, 1848. JAIS. An assortment just received. Also silk HATS at $225, for sale by H. MASSER. Wunbury, Dec S, 1848. BLANKS. BLANKS of every description can be had hj WLm I'P"ying ai ineomce ol uie American. Cotton Yarn, Cotton Carpet Chain, Cotton Laps and Wadding, Cotton Outlines. Iteadv mule Pantaloons, Ready made Vests, Congress Knives, Porcelain lined preserving kettles, just received for sale by 1, MASSER. Suulury, Dec 2, IS 18. Equitable I.I re Inxiirancc, Annuity ana Trust company. OFFICE 74 WALNUT 8TRKF.T, PHII.ADF.IJIIIA. Capital t'iO,uno. CHAaria rsariTOAL. rtillR Company are now prepared M transact bu'inew I npon the moat liberal and sdvantoreona lerma. They authorised by their eharter (acci. a; "io rnnae an Sim every inatiranee appertaining to me riaica nt wnatever Kino or nature, and to receive sun execute trusts, make endow ments, and to grant and purchase annuities." f lie ixim pnny ai'll annuities and endowments, and net as Trustees for minors and heirs. Table of Premiums required for lite Awnrunce of 81W for tho whole term of Life. Ago. irrcin. I Age. I Prem. I Ago. I Prein. tit l mi in 4 nn" in 3 nn 17 t .':! ,14 i IA , 47 !M in i :a : a 4H n iw III I.V.I :il !!!)7 4I 1T7 so I ai 9 :h no 3 tl J I I (i I .111 '1 III AI 4 13 W Hal 117 1 47 'J 4 3 2:1 111 3s a 51 M 4 .II SI 17i 3!l SKI 01 4 71 S" 1 7 411 9 70 fi) .4!'! ill I M 41 4 n fid 5 IS U7 I i-!l 4'J S !IS , fl7 fi :tl SI lift 43 3IU ft" fl ftl Sit 1 IN 413 IS Oil 8 7M 30 SOI 4.1 3 S3 I'll "(13 Tltc preiniuuia lire li:ss Ihsn any oilier cuiviuy, mid tho policies afford rhiiIit ndvanlagra. Tablra of Inill'-ycarly and ipiartcrly pruiiiiuuiK, half credit rates of prciiiniui. abort Icrina, joint bvca, survivoridiipa nnd cndownii-nla; iiIm, lorin of Applicnti'si ll'tif which llicre are blank aliccla') ale to lie had on iippliratl"!! at the otlice, or by letter to the Agent, J. II. I'l Kin , Hllubury. Katk. ron issurino IOOon a single Life For Life. I. (Mi 901 9.711 3..,l 6,11) KsAMrnt A pcraon ngi-il 30 yenra next birlli dny, by paying Hie CisnHiny no ceuta would aecure to hia family or htais Hf loll ahoukl liu die in one yenr : or for $o.q0 he ae eurea to them JjfliKHI; or for A13 nnnunlly for acven yenra lie aecnrea to them tMIXM alanlld he die iu acven yenra ; or for $SO,40 paid nmuiRlly during hfu he aeeurca aillOO tf) b paid when he dies. The inaurer seeming hia own bonus, liy the (Inference in amount of premiuma f rom thoae ehnrped by other nftieea. For IS9,50 the heira would receive $5000 alionkl he die in one yenr. Forma ofapnlieation nnd nil pnrtieulara nrnv he had at Hie office. CULLKN, 1'rcaidellt. Vice Prcaidcnt, AVm. M. Haiho. Frasi-i. W. Hawlr, Hfcri'tnry aial Trenanrer. Cnsani.TlNG Phviciax Dr. .1. II. Mnaner. Snutiury. J. II. 1'liKliv, Sunbury, Agent for Nortliumlivrluiid conn Iv. ' Sunbury, July 2, lPlit. "X'licoiirae Your Onu!" FASIIIONA 15 LP, MAKH OF FURNITURE AND C If AIRS. rPJI E subsi riliers rcsiectfully call tho iitteti of the public lo their hirgi' and splendid .tsi. til ion ISOl I incut of every qualily and price of isir j-waiii:. which cannot fail lo recommend itself loeverv one who will I'Miinine il, on account of its durable workmanship mid splendid linisli, made up of the l'st stock to be had ill the city. No cliorl is spared in the manufacture of their ware, nnd the sulisciilicrs are determined to keep up wilh the. many improvements which are constantly K ing made. Their stock consists of Mahogany Solas, IHvans ami Lounges, Uurcnus, sccrttailcs, SfHtbonins, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DIXIXG TABLES, and ulso VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern nnd price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILKT TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, n short, every article in this lino of their business. They also manufacture all kinds and qualities of CIIAI11S, ucluding varieties never before to he had in Sunbury, such as'MAHoiiAxr, Black Walnut AXI) ClIltLEII MaI'LE GltKClAX J AMI WlNIISOH CHAIRS, a-vii fanct Pi a mi Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to lie excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriliers are determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture iu the cities, as every confidence can be. entertained alout the quality and finish of Uieir ware and Chairs. Their articles will be disposed of on as good terms as they can Iw purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce tiikvn in payment for work. VHr" UNDERTAKING attended to on reason able terms. fiT Tho Waro Room is in Market Slreel, opposito J. J ouug 8 store, and nearly opposite Vt caver s I uveru. DANIEL H A AS, GEORGE RENN. Sunbury, April 2, I !!). If KOIir. L. SF.TII. TIH IS. P. II. SI'. I II SK'l'II &. lUtOTIIKIt. WHO LEU A L E ailOCEJIS AND eomuUsi.oCoit HXtvt nt$, NO. 89 PRATT STREET, (Nkar Bowi.v's Whaiif,) J! ALT J MO HE, Will pay parlieuhir attention to the sale ol'G RAIN uud all other producU of the farm. Baltimore, January 2(i, 1H50. ly TUB PEOPLE'S VADE-MECUM ( OMI'ltlSlNli A CULLKCTIUN OFOVEH 200 VALUABLE RECIPES, In the Useful and Interesting Artt with a few Simple and Curious Experiments in CltKMlSTllV : T NCLUDINO Medicines, Perfumery, Chemistry A Cookery, Farriery, Dying, (Confectionary, Do mestic Economy, etc etc etc. Price (I J eta., for sale by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, Dee. 8, 1849. 4 JTT3T JLRRITBD. A lYcw ANNoi tiiieiitorFrrNti floods, IRA T. CLEMENT, ii:.vri:(rrn;ij(v iiiUm his trinui, nw- (oiiiorsaml otliPM, thut he husjuid nrt-ived a lmiulsiMno aKsorlint'nt of new noons ut hii. store in Murkt'tijuare in .uiifcury. biuIi aa Dry l-oods, Groceries, (jueens varc, Hardware. &.c. i'uiihury, June Win. Cochran X, C o., AVliuli;ite ami It el a 1 1, Wink and unroll mkkcii wtt. A'o. 72 Uutiiul Strict, riiilwUlphia. A u always on luiul a wry hirv. Ktm-k of Whips, liiijimrK aiui St i-urs, fit thrir uwu itnjiortation. Store Keeper J,h Krpprs, and pmuU gpi.tlrmvii, will he buiIu'J on thu Jmwt lihorul terms. lniiluilflphiu. Nov. 17, 1819 1 RAZORS. A superior nrticlc fr bale nt tho W store of HKNRV M AfSSKR. Sunhury, Feb. 10, 1850, 11 OaSK OINTMENT. A fresh stipplv of this J excellent article for Tettor, 4 c, just ron ived uud lor sale by JUJAK MAH.SK. unbury, July 28, 1819. rNOU ANU tspiilNU MORTKSK l.AT- I HLS. An excellent article, for sale at halt the usual price by J. W. FK1LING. . Sunbury, July 7, 1749 Valuable Books, T IFE or Cheiit, handsomely bound. D'Ar -iowK HiHToar or rut Rkporii atiom, Ulask Dat-sooks and Lbuokhs, full bounded For sale at the puhUshera prieea by H. B. MASSER. Sunbnrjr, July 14, 1849. it ROWN'8 ES8ENCE OF UlNGER- A new supply of this excellent article just rvceived and lor sale by 11. IS. MASTER. Sunbury, March 10, 1850. 171 EK UILL8. Justices and Constables Tf liilla handsomely printed on card paper, for "le ai uuboiucc. Aire. For I year. For7veais. so 81 p't 30 M 1.30 40 1,si IM AO l.H S.II7 fit) 3,IH 3.o7 PHILA. AND READING RAILROAD. I BUMMER ARRAMOEMEST FROM PHILADELPHIA AND I'OTTSVILLE. ' Office of the Phila. If Reading Ruii. oad Co. Philadelphia, March 29, 1850. ) Two Passenger Trains Daily, (except Sunday.) ON and after April I si, 1850 two trains will le run each way, daily, between Philadel phia and Putlsville. Morning Line, (Actammnilalion.) Lenves Philadelphia at 7J A. M., daily except otiiKlays. Leaves Pollsvilleat 7J A. M. daily except Sun days. Aftrrnwn Line, (Fast Train.) Leaves Philadelphia at 2 J o'clock, daily, except Sundays. f Leaves Putlsville at 2 o'clock, daily, except Sundays. Passengers ciiuuol enter the cars unless provi ded wilh Tickets. The nflcriioon, or fast trains, do not stop at Au burn, Allhntise's, HirilsboTo', Roger's Ford, Val ley Forge, Port Kennedy, Spring Mill or Fnlls. NOTICE. Filly pounds of baggage will beal lowed to each passenger in those lines; uud pas sengers are expressly prohibited from Inking any thing as baggage but their wearing apparel, which will tc nt the risk of its owner. By order of the Board of Managers. 8. BRADFORD, April 13, 185Q. Secretary. WILLIAMS' ANTI-DYSPEPTIC fMJXIR is, with the utmoaL confidence, offered to tha 'j Medical Faculty and the public for the cure of Ilyapep. aia or Indigeation, and all disease arising from it, such Nhiiww, Ifrniinrhe, Verriffo, nimtietwof t?iht, Dnbility of the Nervouii Hys tem. Hypochondria, Jaundice, Ijowiof appetite, Wnntinp if the utrcnirth. Flatulence, wilh frequent Bilioiia Vomiting, Huming Knsation at tha pit of the ffemmch, iiver com plaint, Oppression after eftting, t'nipitation ot the nntt, Vnm in the pit of the stomach or towards the riutht tide, lielchinaof wiiul. 'H.'illowncM of complexion, Vitiated tMe, IDepremion of the RpiriM and Conrtitiition and uneasiness irriUihility of iciniwr, lc. ol the bowels, I Tf a tiise of rfyoprppin should ttc neplifcted, most serious rftVrtu fiuiy ensue. lir it l.ivs the fxiimlitti 'ii for. is thu in piM'iit rutiHe nt", iiitd vry 'retpit-ntly tpnninitti in c"iimnp ti n. 1 w"iiM impi't'K iimu Hie mind tlmt to ii itt with t Ii im diMe:i8c tuTiy Ih- fi ftpitrl with 1 1 r-' ifiim whi'lu'oimti tnt'' ncni Kiipi'rriiniif'ni ti i m tiur oiiimnl hciir.". t t" cui lultcri'xiptctn'v by m'dni" n ct'itsici"iiniit ss t'ully t the jtrimlly of i : i i 1 1 . 'I'liin initlicmt' if in ntly put tip in biittli s, wilh innplc ilirct'tioiis for lisr, uiid is sold tn nti'mrv lv Jons V . I'imi.imi. .1 AMi:S SVII.I.IAMS. 'V8tiniiny of Mr. Aimer l'Jnir'. tmiti-r. Murk'1 Klifi-t :il..ii' ixlli, c.-ui'l. )-;iti nt llii' rii'u';u ol W'illiiitui Alllll)rijH'JiiK r.liMi. 1 1. A i'Ki niiA, (i'M-r ;i, lllt. Mu. Jami Vim.ims : Dcjir Sn : It ivcs nn rt"it plf-nmrt' t kn-ivv 1 1 - I n lire nywin pri'i:irom yu MH ftn-iin' tr tin run- -'I hyp'-p-si. fnr fiKiny nfniy ncii:iiiit:iiif'-s lrivt r'p'':m dlv nki il lilt; wli'Ti itcntild !tL pr'M'ini-d, kn-iwintf licit I Imd Im-'-ii eurrd by il. An I Hunk lli;i! u pubiie :ii'kiiowld':iii' nt of the jn:it benefit 1 hnvc rcct'ive! frinn the nw tf yur BSnlr ifim is H"t only due t. yn. but m:i In- useful .i lu i, I ll"V lil-ike. it. I'nr Keiu";il ve;irn t nn tiered irom (hupep fin, wlneh iuert:;is-d hi meb nu extent tlmt uty lie.iltli ttinl e'usiitutii'u were r ijmlly Minkiui; uinier it. I wuh eiin pelled I- renlriet myseii the ni"H y tuple I'-kmI, nnd c en Hint 1 emild ll'tt digest. I felt n h -sn nt" utieuiitll, ihsint-ll-natlitn )i e.ereirte, nnd, ns ynu have it in yenr ndvertise nient. ll ireuernl t'eeliut; il dept thu'v m mul irnlesenb:itik weiiriut!ss. In tin! u- I1-:!-, luviriuu' frnnt ot'neif lnti re eomiuentl:ition tif vour Autt-lKKiientic I'lixir. t itrtN-nred nnd uaed il with the nmsl huppy elleet ; under it ititlurueu In uuor tinil uiirincKs umitiuuly pinmtit uway, ami my n piso lite, ri turned which I enuM ijnitily with iinpiutity. 'IVii yetirs huve imw eliipRtd, run I my eonfutence in tin eurutive nuwt'rs of vnur metiieine hus of rout-no inoreiiwl, fur it fouyiletoly rtired uie when I I'm led tonbUiiu relief fminuny otliet source. Very resicctiullv vmo-s, AltXKR KfATI'S. Testimony of Kduiird II. Howlev, Wholcjuil Merclmnt of the linn of 11" w ley. Anhbnuuer A Co., u A Smlh Vh:irvf. in prof if the efficacy of Witlinms1 Anti-Dyspeptic Klixir. I'liiLAPKLriiiA, i'Utier t., iri!. Mr. Jamks Wilmsms: Denr Sir : I Uike pleasure in reenminendint vour Anti- nyspeptic Klixir fr the cure of )yipepsin. have taken it myself for the diaenne, and huve een entirely curcil. i ours respmiuiiy, F.DWAKI) If. ROWLEY Aobtct. .TOH W FRH.I.XG, Hunbury, Pa. Mureh'2, 1HSU. ly ROSS OINTMENT, FOR TETTER 1FA0 the followimr ceitifioam fr-m C:tt. Itevoe, the V welt known and jhipular Mimn Ikml Cnptnm (f the Traveller.) rnn.ADn.riuA, OcIoIkt HI, IK. Scvenil years siuoe I was ntuiekrd with n hre:ikiiiu nut on my neck in the form of Teller, which 1 am convinced wan ttqilrnctril at the tfarlicr shin. it firaudiuilly extemt dover my face until it renched the upper virt if the cheeks. During the several months that it continued spreading, 1 used dirlerent nppliontioua, some nf which hud tlie etTect, npprontly at least, f inerti8iiiff the diwiiw, but from none of tin-in did I perceive tlie least Iwneftt until I applied the Kosa Oistmknt. H theuw (if tine jar of it, l was ten eel ty curett nnu nave reiunuiett tree ot Iheulfeo limi. I have stuew usnl the Ointment, hyhilv applied f.r rou-'h- uoks of the luee, blotehef. chopped Ii;iuIm, .V e. With per teot sniH'e. I have im heNii:iiiiiii iii reeoiiHueutliiiir it m the utroii'jeht luauucr lolhe public. j.ii. nr. vir A rent IIkmiv Masme( Sunbury. Jul l-l!i. STONU WARE. riMllj subscriber wonlil must respeeirullv in L liirin liis frii'lulx mill a I'l iieroiis imlilic. that lie is iiiaiiiilacluiiiiir tlie best iiialily of STONE WARE, ill all ils varieties, ami is iiri'imreil to sell a lillle elieais'r Ibnn auv oilier 111:11ml u llirc r in tlie I'uioii. lie is also i 11 1 J i rt i 1 1 u; anil ilealiug iiiohI evleusively in CHINA, (i LASS ASl) QCEENSIVAllE. v liicli be olli rs 011 the most reasonable terms. His 1'olti'iies are 011 Itouil street uortli of Kav- etle, anil t'liina store ami ilwctliug ut No. 8, E. lialtuiiore street. DAVID PARR, No. 8, E. llultiinore street, . Kltimre, Maryland. Kcbruary 2, 1850. ly LIQUORS, WINES, &C. nHE aubserilsr haa just received a new supply of die best liquors that ever came to Sunhury, consisting in part of Superior old pale Brandy. Fine Cofrniae Brandy. Superior Old Jamaica Spirits. New England Rum. Fine Holland Gin. Superior Old Whiskey Common do. Siis?rior Maderia Wine. Lisbon do. do. vtierior Port Wine. Port do. Sweet Malaga Wine. Siiierior ( ! la ret Wine iu hollies. ('lliiuipairne . do. do. IIE.NRV MASSER. Sunbury, May 'M IS 111. riRU PROOr CHESTS, FOR llmivS, 1'Al'KRS, JKVKLI!V,&c. :'As & watsos, A'o. !H) A'oi7i 'Y'iiYii street, between Arch and .'lire, i;i( 8:1 )ti k street ori'oMTK 'i in; i'iiii.aiii'.i 111 A ;.i'll ANtiE. I'alfnt Suap-Siuno I.liiccl antl Key- liole t otcr SALAMANDERS, ruiE a.m j iiii;f pkouf iro iiitsis Wurranled lo sUmd iuiru 11 al LhtMU in this Country, lent Air-Chuiulter In hi loot! nw in use. Tliev continue U make thenrdmu 'root, ut very kw nnrea 1'hIcuI fximbmutidii k-eks. With lfcr t"Ke Keys, which eau he changed Kivonu irurUHHitu uuit cii;uuf: ca ble in (net every time the Lock is nsttd if deajiiahlo. These lH'ks are pnml afitinal the nul eifwrt 'i'hievea, being euplicKt with IIm fateirt Key-hol lver, UKt nuule very strung, iiiey cuinioc lie bkiwu oprtt bv fiunpowder. These locks are iiitewlod for UANK8, STOitlis. HAPKH. Ae. Henlond Iciui copying presses, fire proof doors for Banks Uid Htores. Fatttnt Hluta Lined Refrigerators, warranted superior tn an outers, wutur r liters, Miower wuii ol Uie best qual- uy. tW Persons wistiiiif to purchase any of the above ar ticles, will please give Ihetn a cull, as they sell cheaper uiau auy outer iu uie untied EMauai. PAVID EVANS, JHHANNKH WATSON PhiUJelphia, Nftreraber 10, lM'j ly 4?iTONfc: Ware, Earthen War. Kmjimiu, Al- monuti, rimuT und Cream MuU. I'lanei of all kinds. iSalt sad J'liAfctfr. Jui4 received and fur sale l-'f'aW!k'' "! : Crv l-ire by JOHS W. KI(IL1.(j- Sunbury, Dec. 29, 81'J. N. S. LAWRENCE, Agent for the sale of Snnthioorlh Manufactu ring Co' nVtfing Papers. Ware Iloune, Ho. 3, niluor ntrect PniI.ADEZ.PHXA. 100 E3 "f ,nB above superior Papers now in store, nnd for sale to trade nt the lowest market prices, consisting in part nf Fine thick Flat Caps, 12, M, 15 and 16 lbs. blue and white. Superfine Medium and Demi Writing, blue nnd white. Extrasnper and superfine Folio Posts, blue. Superfine Camntcrical Posts, blue and while plain nnd ruled and while, plain and ruled. Extra super l.nicn iVilc Tapers, plum nnd Rill. Superfine and find Bill I'iicra. long and broad. Superfine and fine Coiniliiig-llouno Cups and Posts, blue and white. Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, plain and ruled, blue nnd white. Extra super Congress Cop ami Letters, gilt. Supcrhnc Sermon Cups und Posts, Siiperlined blue Hath Posls, blue and while, plain and ruled. Embroidered IWc Papers and Envelopes, "Lawyer V Br'cf Papers. Sicrfiiie and fine Cops and Tosts, ruled and plain, blue and white, various qualities and prices. Also. 1000 reams while end asserted Shoe Pa pers, Bonnet Boards, white and assorted tissue, Tea, Wrapping, Envelope, Assorted and blue Me diums, Cap Wrapping, Hardware Papers, &c. Philadelphia, Nov. 24, 1849. TO PHYSICIANS, DRLWISTS AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS. TR. J. N. KEELER & Bro. most respectfully solicits attention to their fresh stock of J?y lish, Frtnch, Gtitmnn and Anuitan Dnig, Med icines, Chemicals, Paints, OilsDyc Stuffs. Glass ware, Perfumery, Patent Medicines tec. Having opened a new store No. 294 Market St. with a full supply of Fresh Drugs and Medicines, we rc sjsrctfully solicit Country dealers to eiamine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, promising one and all who miiv Ice! disposed tn extend to us llieir patronaire, to si ll liiem ei niiine Dnijs and Medi cines, on us liheral lerins as ;inv other house iu the City, and to faithfully exeeule all orders entrusted to us pioitiitlv and with dispalvli. One of Ihe proprietors being a regular physician, a (fords ampin guarantee of the irciiiiinc qiiulity of all articles sold at their establishment. Wc especially invite druggists und country merchants, who may wish l.i lieeome agents for Ih. Uf l.-r'x (' .'.,(.. I'tuiiili Mulirho , (stan dard ami popular remedies,) lo forward their ad dress. Soliciting Ihe patronage of dealers, we respeel fullv remain. J. S. KEELER A -BRO., Wholesale llniwsUts, No. '-Ill I .Market street, Philadelphia. September 15, Its 1(1. ly. TICKNOR'S COLUMBIAN SPELLING BOOK. .)EIN(iu progressive and Comprehensive Sys- -' Icm ol Oilliourapv and OrthiH'pv. including a variety of definitions, adapted to Ihe use of Schools in Ihe American Republic, by Allium Ticknur, a Teacher of twenty-live year's experi ence, ana autlior ol the Columbian Calculators, Practical Common School Mensuration, Ac. 'I he attention of Teachers, School Directors, parents, Sec., is invited to this new Sclling Book, which conlornis to the modern siN-lling and usages in Orthography as being one of the neatcst,chenpest bct arranged, and better adapted to the wants of children, than any other published in the United Stats. It is what it purports to lie, a Spelling Book and not a Reading Book, and only requires an examination nu the part of Instructors of youth to secure for it a universal introduction into the Schools of tlie I niti'd Stales. Just published, and for sale by If kshv Massith, Sunhury. M here Teachers and Directors can procuro copies fur examination. August 4, IN til. DUalalUPDrMiAEF, 11 ESPECTKI'LLY infornis the citizens of Danville and the liublic at large, that be lias located in Danville, nd is now prcpanul to prac tice .Medicine and Surgery in nil Us various bran ches, lie will operate on all the various Inrma of blindness, cross eves, club feel, harelip, elell palate, and attend to the extraction of tumors, amputation of limbs, and all other surgical dis eases. Jhs collection ol instruments comprises all instruments in modern Surucrv, of the latest improvement and finest finish, lie Hatters him self that many years' practice ami experience will be a siillieieut guarantee to those who uiav leel disposed lo employ him. His residence is nearly opposite the Moiitznnie n linililinx. !. d next door lo Isaac R"seu haum's store, iu .North Danville. Danville. Dee. 1. ly. HICKUU & TTJLL, o. !( ( Ili-Mllll M ! !, (Opposite the Arcade) PHILADELPHIA, AT ANL'FAC'l'lREIW of their improved style J'A Elastic Steel Spring, Solid Sole Leather, and Solid Riveted TltlKS which took the only first premium, awarded by the Franklin Institute at their last exhibition. II. & T. lake pleasure iu informing the travel ling public, that they have now on hand, a beau tiful assortment of their improved style of Solid Sole Leather Trunks; Double and Single Folio Trunks, of various styles; Ladies' Trunks, Va lice Trunks, Bonnet Boxes, Cap Cases, Carpet Bags, and an elegant assortment of superior En ameled Patent Leathar Bags, with every article in their line of business. CF Old Trunks Repaired or taken in exchange for New ones. ALEX. L. HICKEY. RICHARD W. TULL. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 181!!.- PlIM ADKLPIII l 1YIEDICAL HOUSE, KSTAKLIMIKO 15 YEARS Alio, BY 1)11. KINKELIX, Ar. IT. Comer uj Third and Vimm 8ticrtet HKI'WLKN BI'ltUrE AND 11 N K KTKt.ETS, PHILADELPHIA t"ll'TKi: KAHS of extensive and iinrnterrupled 4 praetieti eiil in thin ciiy have mulertl r. tv. tlie ui'tsl i-AKit and noeeiuil pritc(tli"inr fur itul tuixr, in the trealim-iit ul all tlist K i a pn;itc ltttuiu. ' rn iiilhetetl with uleers ujxmi iheh.Ntv, ilin;ii, ir let:, p-ous in Ihe Utuuior iMiueK. uktoui lal i lu-iiutittisiu, tl rictui urav rl. duuj ai'Oiiuu loan out lit nil t'Svt'ci m r uiiuiim ti itie IiI nnI. wherrbv the enrutiiiiiu iuw U-eoinc tiitci blctl, mu all in-.ittil with sut na. IU- wlwpl tees luuwt li uudei the eore of Dr. K., inav re lii;iutly ctiultde tu lux im a i en I It man, und ttailltltul ly rt U uihin hti fkill as a plomeiiiu. TAKK I'MlTlt'l liAll MiTim Young ieii who iiavtMiuurtxl iliemxelviis by a crrlain piaetiee iintulgcl luu liulul Iretpieuily lesiruttl Inuii evil ettmpaniiins r atsehitol tlie, oibrU o which nre uiuhtly felt, even when imleep, and dtfimy I mill iiuud and bil). sIiduIiI apply imitioduilfly. Weaknejui uud Ciutttilulioii.-d dt bihiy 1 "an of muin'iilar energy, phHieul latttiiude uud geii eral powlialion, irritubduy uud all ut i viih iiHeeiiotMi iu'Li geslioii, (tliij."4ishiiefs of the livi'i, uud every ilincacni any way etmneoled with Ihv tliirder nt Uie prtM-ruuliv time liins cured, uud l ull vigor restored. YOUTH AND MANHOOD, A vigorous life or u premature tleuth. KIXKELIN on itlf rrtsrrvalion. ONLY. 25 CENTS. Tliia B.4jal pulilialied ia &Ual wita aaelul uifonnaluai on the llitinuiut and dlaenara is' Ui (ieiieiuliva tligaua. It aislrraara ilarll'alika to Yul' I'll, MAMIDl U) ami Old) A(f, usl akuuiil ba featl by all. Tha valuable advice and iinpreaaive warning It gives, will prevent yrnra of misery aistaudcriiuj aisl aav. aiuuiaj ly 'rhuuaajids of Lives. Parnua bv Mudiuf if will leaf a bow to prey ant Ihe dea truvthsi of their chllurell. A renittuuice of S3 renia, f ivrloaed in a letter, ad dreaaed I41)H. K1NKKIJN, S. W. oorner iHTIIIKDt UNION Bueela, bolwoca ttpruce Hme, l'hileilelihui, will eiiaure s Uk, under euvel'is', iter rcJurn ol mail. Pitraiiiiaal a l.wm' ina' aildrvaa Ur K. by Ivttvr, ((st uuid.) and bfrrtirMd at hirie. I'Ai lvAUKi tK IHIiiMKKf, niKr-OTIONH,e., furwimkil by aeisliiiff a re iiniuuicv, and put bp acuue Insn HAM Alli: I'I KIilS'i'V. Hiiik-a-llera. New Ai-nU 1'e.H ira. Oanvnaaeia, and all othera aupfSied wilh tlw alitfvv wHk si very low ruUav . t-uUuju) V, laM ly rnpiSSCE PAPER Vellow Tissue pajsr for 1 covering glass, 4c, for tale at the otlici ol .the Auieiicaii. v BR. TOWNSEND'S COMrOUXD EXTRACT FO 8AUSATAUILLA. tplllfl F.xtraet Is put up tn qttnrt bottles. It fs wit times X chwipor, plcftmnter, and warranted superior to anr sold. It enrrs diMmsfs without vomiting, purtri ng, sick jwi ordchilitatiiif the patient, and ia pnrttcalarly adapted TALI AND SriTINO MKPICINK. The greal liemily and snperinrity of this Harmparilla ove oilier remedies is, whilst it erndicntcsdisuasu, it invigornles Oie iKMly. , C'liiKiunption curcil. CleniHW- nml tlrrngthen. Consumplitin can Ite euri-d. UroiKhnis, Consnmpti.m, l.iver Vmplnhil, Colds, Ctglis, Catarrh, Astlmmtrpittiiignf IIIinnI. Hmmess ihths Chenl, Heche l limh, Niirht Hwctits, Difli ctilt and I'mfuw Kapff t-irnliiHi, and l'uin in the JnJe, Ac, JVc, liaveutsl can iMjcureil. Trnlnbly (here tu-ver was a remedy that Iimk Itpen ro sue ersKiiil in deiqienite vtmn of ci-nmiinpiiou im this ; it c Icau sesund fUrcML'iheus the system, und npeiiiti to heal the Hi rers on Ihe huigs. nisi patients grwhiaJly legion Ihcir usual heulth and iln-m-ih. cniiors. cask of :osi"aiptu. There iti m-nreeK- a dny pawn but there nre a number of east tit ciiiifiuuption lep-irted a cured by the u-e of )r Town-en's Niimipm ilia, Tim following was recently re ceived : lr. TontKMi- lle:it Sir? l-'nr the tint three veins 1 have I wen with t;euend debility, and nervous enn miiiiptinn of the lie-it intaue, and did not expect, to ever gain my health nt all. After gnim- thr nirli a e.imwof mediehie under the e'ue of norite o flw: ni'-Kt fti.tintnihei regnlnr phyfieiaim ;iM. nieinhers ttf tin: Ivaird -! 11 call h iu New Yoik and elsewhere, and spending the most of uiv eonihefs in uttrinpiing to nirnu mv health, and uiler reading in a-me priper of y -in S-irHiKirilla 1 res dved totrvit. Afler limine six b ililus I f nn.l it d ne inc grmt good, and called I ' see y ai nt y-nr xilv-t ; with your advice I kept on, and do most hwrtilr thank you frr your advice. 1 persevere in taking the S;iis-i.ariln.'n!id have been able to attend lo my usual labors f the lam f-nr months, and I hope by the blessings nf G-d and y-nir irsan.nlln to continue my health. It helped mu beyond the expectations of alt who knew my case. CH Alt LBS tUlMJIY Orange, F.sseg ro. . J., Aug. 9, 1847. Htnteof New Jersey, Essex vounty, ss. Clmrles Quim ny being duly sworn Recording to law, on his nalh saith, thit Iho foregoing statement is trac according to the best of hti knowledge aiHlMief. CHAR I. EH QllMBY. Sworn nnd subserilxil lo before me nt Orange, the 2d Aupust, 117. cvhi;h IIAJAIVVIN. Just tee of Ihe Peace. SPITTIM B1.0(tl. Read the following, and su tliat consumption is in incu rable if you can : New York, April "XI, 1M7. Ir. Towxsrxn: t verily l lieVp tlmt vour SHtcijKiiilIn has been the means, through Trovid' nee, of wiving my lilo I have for several h:i-l a luul -It. It became worse and worse. t l.-rt 1 r:ii.. hr-.'e mrmtitun of hltHil, had mght swii's and u.ii" -reattv il.-i.iliiated anil reduced, nnd did n-'t c f to live. hue..,i n.d vour Santaitrilla hut a : . lue.;. mi l tfie l im u woiiilerlul etiaug Is eil WH';iclil in inc. I am n-'W al-le lo w.ilk ail over the city. I nn! no I.I ...(!. :tn l in, eifuuh ha left me, A ou eau w ll iniat uie tli il I aut Ih ii i Iv in I l if ihese i.-sii1!h. S our niiedi em aervmit. AS AI . lit 'SSKI.L, .i Catlurun- st i.osr hi;u sii:i:cn. Tlie ainie.vd eerl ilicate tells a MinpV and Irulliful ftory of uiler ne.; and reli'-f. Tin n; aii- (li' of fimilar ea s'f m this cit and llr.tolilvM. and y I there are IIi'miwukIx of purentH let iheir eluMren j j, ur fear o being luiuiliiiucd or to save n fw shtliingK. Iho .klyn, Sept. :t. tsT. Ii Tuvrvi): 1 H.r plensiire in slating, for the l-enr-In t'fke win ii 1 1 it mux- concern, thai my daughter, lw yeai.s iiitd six nr'iillis old. wns aiiiicted with general de bihiv and I'wsot' HjM'ech. She was eiveii up us p.isi jr-eoi-ry b tun laiielv phynecm ; it f. n i unatelv J y.x re e iiiiiiu'u.IcI bv a ttit inl to try your Sar.-npririll'i. Ih ft re; hti !ilg nw. il file ln.c xlie reci.Y. rel le-r fpeeeh and wan enat.leij to waM, nlmie, to Ihe ast. nislnu'-ii! l I'll who wero acquainted wilh tho eireumsttniei-M. She. in now tpute ;wrll, ami in iiiih-h lietter health than fhe ha f.r I uinlhs (niki. Jnsi.l'll TAVIfUfi, York bt., Mrooklyn. TWO I!ILMKI', S.VJ;i. Very few fiiimhe imleetl in f.iet we have ti'. heanl of one that iiw-d Dr. Towii.'M'udVS.-irKaiiarilla in lime, ..Kt any ehtlitceii the piiMt. Suuimep, wliiielhoxn that did no. siekeneil and died. The cetvilicate Wl. putdlsli below IS eonehisiv evidence o it vulue.riud iiioul) nisther niHtanco of it sttviug ihe hves of children : Dr. Tow nkmv Diir Sir : 1 had two children cured bv your HarKtpariHa of Hie summer complaint and dvMctitmy ; ! one was only la month oltl und tlu other II year's. They were very mueli rolueeil, and we expix-leil they would die ; they were given up by two respectable physicians. When IhedtK'tor informed ns that we must lose them, we resol ved to try your Surisipardlu we hud heard so much of, but had little confidence, there being so much ntuff advertised that is worthteiw: Uu we are thankful tliat ( did, for it imdoulitnlly in veil the lives of both. J write this thut oth ers may be induced to use it. Yours, respectfully, JOHN WILSON, Ji. Myrtle-avenue, Brooklyn, IVpt. 15, W7. TO THE LADIES. GRKAT FEMALE MKDIC1NE. pR.TowssKsu'sSAH!ArARiu,A is ft sovereign uud speedy cunt for incipient consumption, niid for the general prostra tion of the system no inatlcr whelhcr the result of inhe rent cruise or uiuses, produced by irregularity, illness or ac cident. Nothiigcan be more surprising than its invigorating ef fects on the human frame. IVrxons ull weiikness and Las situde, from taking it ut once become robuxt mid full of enerv muter its luilneme. It inuuedialely itiuuteraeU the uer elensucAs of thu female frame, which m tin; groit cuum burrriuiess. it will not le expeetetl of us, hi cases of so delicate a iia tnre, to exhibit eertiheiiles of cures performed, but we eau ustaire Uie uthtctitl that huiidreils of ciues luive been repor ted lo us. Dr. Towshend: My wife being greatly distressed by wiuiknciM and general debility, and suireriug eontimiully by viiiu nnd wilh other dilficulties. uud having known ciikcs where your medicine has elleeitHl prwii. cures; nnd also hejiring it recommended for tvueh ciih-m ma ( have described, I obtained a I ml lie of your Kx tract of SarsaviriMa ami fol io wet I the directions you g.avo inc. In n short periHl it removed her cumpluiuls and resioreil her to health. Heing gl eat I ul for the iK-iielitH she received. I take pleafiiru in thuKacknowleduiu il, and itiMiinneudiu . lo the public. M. i. u miki:, Albany, Aug. 17. 'II. cor. (.rand Jt L)dis bts. D SPKI'SlA. i fluid or iiieilii iiia bar. ever be. ii fli-- iverad which tvi nearly r.xiut leu th' L'"ti ic noee or s ttu n in d-f inriosiag I bfl and Hitcnyih' nit:-; the tirgaus of ibj.'ehli ni a hue pre j parati iini' Sii'ipaii!l;i. ll p..Mt i e!y cm e every ease uf , tltiit-pi.i, hovi'cvef severe or chronic. Ilo.k I ie: ailment. AtUuiy. May H, lli. Dr. Townseiid Sir : I hive be n attliet. d "fur several ycatt wilh dvM.H'psia in its worst form, aueuded wilh s au- iickis j.i imaeti. ,ss o iippeliie, exifeiiit; hvari bam. and a U rcat nvct sioti o all kiluU of and for Week". ( h o 1 entld ea') I Irive been unable to r:1ain but a smalt ponton on niv t aaich. I tinil the iisiliI remedies, bat (hey leal but little or no etlccl in removing Ihe complaint. 1 was in duced, about two month smcc to ti y yo ir Kxuaci i Sar Sinuirilla. ami I tniiil nt w ith little cntiih-itce ; but alter tiiint! neailv two btUM'-M. I I'ound my anp,,!ile restored tinil lha heiiriliLiin ciiiuely nanoid; audi would ernsily re commend tin- oe of il to those who e been atlliettif an I hu'je Im-cii. Yours, Ac, W. V. V AN ZWDT. Agent tor Simlmry .loilN V. FKILlNti; Nor-thumtK-rland. Y A. Alt-CAY j Danville. VYA1. A. Ml BKAY A Co., Apll! lftlH. Iv Hiil I Sa-,--4CafaV J4vJililOi .1 1 1 1 1 f . In picbentms the puMie with a reutnly for the t real incut and et.o-oi Tkvi i; AM Aot K :mtl olhet bilious dotcjiFtcs, HO Hivrloyv is needed. 'iij( umilhern ill Ihe I 'lilted Stales, who tinier from ihcse alieetions in their vamxl forms, ure coinpt lied lo m i-h, lehcl I rom other tf 'iirecK than lUe iiiuue diah' prt w rii'l Ioiik ni' ihe regular phvsieiau. It Ikh-oiiics Iherdon' an ob.ieet of huiuantty. well an of public inter chl, to brim; befoie them a remedy prepaied Itoin much ex perience, and whnh mv ul ways Ins ivhed uimu us ,t'K. Kl'fKrrrU., A II H .ll.LKj lO TtlK CoNs. TI I'UTION. That such ik lln tit I.araet.i of lheHI f 1 1 ), AUOt i I K, is aiuplv itll U tl b) (he muvettul succt w Willi which it h;m lueu empl'ijed. It? Kxlraet from a comniuuicalioii of the Hon. Vn. 1 . t a t WtMUM'.iu.K, of the l; S Staiaic, tale liovernof of Michiiii. Dktuoit, (cl. ai, IMii. 1octoi: CiMltl.r.M Oiaioli, Ih-arSir. I h.ive read with lnileh interest, your bltl TKakaihk upon Ihe "etiuiHH, licaluteiu ami cure'' of the ubi ile iti!.-aiM h tiich ha c t i-xleuMVety pri'Viulcd ill our roimli 'duiiiu tlie 1. 1 st frv iu ul Iih an mlert i iuenviM-tl no doubt, Ihe faet th il I luivn imliv idually sutlcreil so much i rom thm. Tiiouvii I Icclimmlf vcy intfimpetciit lu judtfo safely ui n a Miluect i entu tjly roieii.lojiaal1 yet your theory weiiot to me well rent nctl, and your couclu si'nm tut, and 1 think withal, that Tour p; imp) del in eslcu luletl lo pox luce iniM'h praclietil j-tnj. Scakmj oi the medicine be says : ll fully jinttilietl your Oatlcring cxpeclalions, anil as it wife, convenient, and jiopu fan remedy, mv own iuipiiciKe, ho fur, induces me to Im lieve that i I will prove s gout public bemdit. I am )4eaed lo U-iH ihut you Isivs nviiilly unlnlflislitxl severul m;ihics for its itnpobilion thtuiiih I regret that, wilh a view hi a iiioftf iteiieral diHHt'iuiiuiiiou l it, you should huve lound it iitxfKtfnry t reuiove fmu rur pretwail restdciH'e among us. With much resnocl 1 Iwvc the tumor to le, sir, Your obJirtl Borvant, V1LIJAM WUOUHHIDGE. IV Fiom Huii. HTKrHicx V. R. TiowBiiuB,oi' Michi gan Stale Senate, lo the Ayent at Detroit. HlKMtNr.HAM, ilABXANO Co.. DST. 13, Sir you wish we to iiUortn yuu what 1 know ol' ir. Osgood's India Cholaofrue, or anti-bilious UMsticino. I do Udtere that if the virtue and erticaey ot tins mvdieiiia wero neiaiiy suown, uio vrvu aau auub wousl omMftstmr ui 1 prtKurt1 a bottle in the snriiur of and hsvs fond rfsnsut lo bunts ve thut aiyath bjm! finally vacaped the ugue lust stsisoM ui oonocuenc rf as use, , i'erlutpa in ihi sun it net simw Uie aettlciewnt of ibis ftn Ciiiisulu, hits the fever' and aue heva so prevalent as the . 1 have renMtuueiHttJ this UHtUiutiie iu ouiaerous in stances, and when lite tlisuise httd tiet-uuic h"d and Ikutfird the skill of physktuns; and 1 huve never kswu it fail. 1 lias utuversully produced ihe most hapiy Hiects, and I liet beve it lias iievur bueu ximhkI1 by any atdM-4iM Ui reiuu vuiy ihe biuous distvm-s U Uie cUmutc. ' , . Yhus, resiMx hidlv, H'iT.i'KKVV. R.TROWnRllKlK. Airent f.H I4mibunH. Jl. M ASS;H ; N.-nhuinVrlai-d, YlTlllNOTnM A t'o. ; Mdiou, J U KAS1.H; Kliaa nvc. MAY k KMISK. Mty t'- to -U . .. , - 1JANJC NOTE TABLE, CORRECTED WEEKLY. PENNSYLVANIA. M Am ACA VRKT-N eirr or raiiMnELmia All aufrrnt hank. ditr Banknote. idia RHODE IHLANTf- j. boith ranks pai AH vifrent bank, it Bank of Chninlwrsimrg 1 dis AI tnltent banks 't tit Hunk nffli.. I i-..r.w wnii r.i t,j a. Itank of Dol.Co. Ctictter pari NEW YORK. crrt. Kiiiwm uorninntown Slr llsnk of OrllyslHirn 1 dis All solvent bank. lala iljriik notea onder tS I dig IfSIIK oi iwiatown eottarar. All Kifvrrrfa hnnka 1 dla NBV KKREY. nelviikire Band I dis IN'imii.Tcial Bank 1 di H:mk of Aliildletown 1 dia Mimlpmii-ry Cn Dunk par Itnnk of NnrtliiimberPtnl. nat! ltinkof Pitlatmrg 1 ilia Hnnk of Dunville pnr t'iirlintc Itnnk t ilia rultimrun ll'k A H'peCo pnr llnyrlRlown Itnnk pnr r at. Hank Mm Holly par K. A M., .Midillffotvn Pt. par Mwlmnira' Hk !rark par Mnch. Bk of Burnnton par Mwh. A Mnn. B t rent par f.nsion H:inl par Krie Itnnk 9 ilia Kxflimmr B'k PiUnlniTg 1 dia l-'.vlininrc irk. Mranrli I dia it par Jdi di dis dm ..inn ui naiik i Ncwnrk Ilk Aim. Co ormiiie Hank FiiniHra' ll'k, Burks Co pnrjl'cnpic'a Hk Fattersorl rniiin-r UK, iinriino.T par Princrtrtir Bnuk par l' iiniici a UK, Kinilmg ir I nnii III; S. liu Ikill Co pnr F l. Bk Wlivncsira; IJdla Fniiiklin Ilk Wimli'ii ll.lis llnrriKhnrir Hnnk t ill. I' Inli: llitnk 1 dis irtilein Banking Co, iS.'tnerret Co Btmk tstr 1 di Slute Hsnk at :amilsn State Hk Klmibrlnton' par I di di Slate Bunk Newurk Stiite Bk, N. Brniiawick nar liiiiniatcr Hnnk inr,?nwi'x Unnk. Nnntnn Snwcx Hnnk, Newton die Treiibni Kiinkirnr Co par I .ctKitir.ii Hnnk .rl M- rrli A Mnn. FlniiV I ,1,. Mind.' B'k, PoUsvillo pnr M iv'nhch Bnnk I li 'r-iyl.nv I r-l H'efo Iftaiia t Htnn. h Hank pnr AV)-..innii: Ilk, Wilkcab'e pnr York Bank, Hi, t iimn bnnk. Hover J dia Ysnllevvlr A Onl l)r Co lsdiv IVHk not iindr 5 dis DKIjA WARE. Bunk of llclawnr. fair Hank of Smyrna par Delaware City Hank par t V llcllel il'itfa (,g Hk Wihne'n A Brandrw. nar 1 AIIE. Farmera' Bk ft I la ware nar Hank of V htlnrk 5 dia Mcrrantile Bk. Baneor lodia Union Bank. Wilminaton nmr lf Under ll'i 1 dis All anlvrnl hanka I diai NRV HAMPSHIRR. I OHIO. '; All wtlvent banka Idle All solvent hanks I dla VKRMONT. Bank of St Alhsns 8 dia All aolvent banka j dia IV Bk notes nder S't 4 di nTH CAROLINA. All anlvent banka Aim 17-UnderS'a, , . SJ dis IMPORTANT TO THE PUBLIC. H0P.SE A1TD CATTLI MEDICINES. Tlon't permit your Horsrs or cattle to tlie, when tlie menus of cure arc williin the reach of all ! The tm!ersttrncl has spent several years in th Kiwly ot VetiTiimry practice in "fKindon and K diiilioro'," he lins ulso nvniled himself of the resear clicsof.ciliiur, nnil othercelelirntecl men.whohavs coiitril.nlrd so much towards a judicious treatment ol iitiuiuils; the principles of our practice consists til the rcji ilion ol'jrciienil lileeding ami the total rejection of n nieilieinea Hint experience has shown to he oCu diin-erous temlnnev. These re incdii siici iu hunnonv with Ihe vital principle, and when niven nccordins to the directions which ae eoiiip:mV each article they nre capable ofexettini and iucreiisiin; the natural functions, without di iiiiiiisliin.,. or ilcslroviiur Iheir power, licnc. are salriii I lie hands of every one. ' Ci. II. 1)A1)I), M. B. A I.InI nf Horse nn.l ( altle .tleilicinea. I'hv ic !:i Toe. per box. Alterative hall, .V. do. " powders for had condition, 7.rc per pack age. Heave powder forilisensps of the luniis, 75c de. ' I :rine powder for " kidonv.. 7. ,l 'runic powder for Imd coudilioii "landers, 75c do. Cordial drink for inllaiiinlioii of bowels, 75c per bottle. 1 l.iiiiid blister, 75e jier bottle. Dinliociil for promoting the growth of hair, SOe pi-r pot. Healilii; balsam for wounds and saddle rails, 7Sc per Isitlle. Wash for influmed eyes, SOe per bottle. Ointment lor milium scratches, old sores, Ac- 50. er bottle. KnibriH-alion for sore thront, 75c per bottle. , Hoof oiulmcnt for sand crack, brittle hoor, Ac, SOe per bottle. llorse Liniment, the most celebrated article tnown in England for lameness of every description, lit fc I 1st bottle. litcniHT powder for red water, $1 fry hrttflr. Worm powders for Ihe removal of worms from Ihe intestinal cniiirl. 75 per pm-fci!r. Fislc liy STIMI'SON A KEE1). 28 Mer chants Row. also at DADO'S HORSE AND c.vrn.K MKiueiNE depot, Nos. i a a 11 ay market Square, Hostisi. I aiiiplilcln ilfseribiuir the diseases for which llics.' romi'dim arrnsed can Is? hud gratis. Numerous Certificates are in H)ssessioii of the I'rnpriclors, H' cures icrforniCil by the above Medi cines. Sold by IJI.'KH.V A n.ETCHEI,No.26.loueb SIXTH Street, I'liiladelphia. und ly his Aokv is.- Hivhv .Maseeh, Suulniry, I'cliru irv !l, I S i!). tf COLK.Mlil.W SEU1I0F n'tnturtfro-. 77ii- Pupil s frir.ul and Teacher's comfort. in: com vim cAi.cri.ATOR.Thi work is already introduced into some of the '1 best Ai-ad.imies and n hr.'c iiiuuber of .Schools, here its use has iriveti dreiileil and universal sa-ti-l'.ietion. both to teacher mid pupil. It is purely American iu its diameter, based upon our own heauliliil ,lf,il of curi-iurcy. It conluitltt more, the airanenienls are Isttrr, ami ilia the easiest and cheapest work ol'lhe kind now in use; nnd it is so considered by hundreds of the most competent teachers and men of science in the Uni on, who have recommended it. It is the book, particularly and expressly prepared for our Ame rican SrAonr : iy Tielnor. Tint Youth's CoLriACLCCLaTm. This volume contains 91 pages, with about 900 exam pics for solution on the slate. It embraces the Fundamental Rules, Compound Rules, Simple and Compound Reduction, Single Rule of Three, Proportion, Ac. Ticknor's Arithmetical Tiat.z,,ie destined fur the use of younger classes in tho Schools of the I'nited States. A beautiful little book and plraa im( to children, and the only one of the kind of any value. Therr are Keys to both Arithmetics bound sin gle or double, fort he convenience of teachers, in which the solutions of Uie questions are given with much extra matter for the black board. These Keys are the most complete works of the kind ever published, and contain, in addition, about two hundred example in Melioration, Ac, for the use of the Teacher. All tint is wauled is to have the above hooks examined, and no teacher who ia acipiniiitrd with the science of Arithmetic,' will hesitate to pronounce them the heat works tha. have ever been published in this er any other country. , . Although issued hut a few months,' they have already Ken introduced into the Night Public Schools of Mew York City in all tlie Schools public and private, except two, in Uie City of Kcudiii);. Also, in about twenty Auudaniics in the State of Pennsylvania in a large portion of the Schools iu the City of Wilmington, iu the City of Lancaster, and in tho boroughs of Harrisuurg, York, CliuiubcrshurjLclianoii, DoyIostowii,Ptia ville, Orwigshurg, Ac., Ac. For sale by Hr.r Masski, Sunbury, Agent for Nurthumlvrland County. ' Kuiilmry, Dec. 3, 1848. .( , i , .. pIteitts-oiciite3 (ireeu's OxygcuaU'd Bitter, price reduced. : Old Jacob Townsend'sSarsapaiilla. . linker's Sarsaparilla. Sway ne'a Syrup of Wild Cherr ' . .. Sway ne's Vermifuge. , .. Ayre's Cherry Pectoral Dr. Drake's Panacea. Dr. Culleii'. do ' " ' ' ; Tiblai'a Pain Killer. . . . ; r , , Dr. Hooflaiid'i (ierman Bitterf: , Indian Vegetable pill , Horse and CatUe Medicines Per sale by HENRY MASSES. i tSuuhury, July 14, 1849. BOOKS and Gold Pens. On band several eop ioa of the lite of Christ, ana eio umbel of geld pens which we will sell t lite riuladelpbia prices. For aulo at thisotfioe. . KENNEDY'S PATENT SASH . TAJS TEN1NUS. A cheap and cxcelleot arlj i le for fastenins stub for sale by J. W.fRILUia 1 Sunbury, July 7, 1 819. ' -'