Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 13, 1850, Image 3

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' Kl meeting of the citizens of ShamoVin
township, In the vicinity of Petertburgh, prin
cipally composed of the yonng mCn of raid
township, on the 4th day of July, i860, the
following person were selected to preside :
' " President.v-GEORGfi CUNNINGHAM,
1 " Vioe , Prenidonts AMANfeVs S. Miller '
and David M. Kitrria.
' Secretary Dr. Galen 'S. Robins.
. After partaking of a colli collation, lha fol
lowing toasts vrete drank by cold water, and
amongst the cheeis of the company, viz:
1. The "Declaration of Independence,"
imbibed sentiments that can never be eradi
ated.; ' ft. The sirt'er. of the Declaration of Inde
pendence, may they, with their enlightened
Views, belauded down to posterity till lime
'shall be no more.
3. Gtoiioc Washington, the father of his
Country, may we ever adhere to his councils,
tond scorn all attempts to dissolve the Union !
4. The Constitution of the United States,
the watchword and war cry of all trite Ame
trans. 6. Our young men, in war brave and heroic;
in peace peaceful ane docile.
. 6. The surviving officers of the Revolu
tion ! 1 !
6. The men'who bravely sustained the of
ficersof the first struggle against the tyranny
of Great Britain.
8. "Buena Vista," Zachart Tatlor.
9. "Old Bullion. Not dead, but may be
a hold to clinch the Union, and cuuse i! to
remain firm.
10. Andrew Jackson, the leader of a Pro
tective Tariff and a payer of Public Debts!
It. Pennsylvania! She wants only that
which is right.
10. The Governor of Pennsylvania. Wm.
F. Johnston, in him the people have found a
13. The ladies of our township, not to be
excelled for modesty and virtue.
Volunteer Toasts.
By the President Zachanj Taylor. In war
inferior to none. As a statesman, prudent,
frank, intelligent anil superceding even the
ntrongesl expectations of his friends and ad
'mirers. By A. S. Miller. The 4th of July, may it
ever be kept as a holy day, and a day of re
joicing throughout the land.
By D. M. Kieffer. The beauty of the rose ;
and the friirjrance of the lillies, are eclipsed
by the charms of Phamokin ladies.
By J. J. John. The UNION. May she
ever.remain as a UNIT; undivided and irre
proachable, growing in extent and increasing
in prosperity.
Byil. F. Titsworth. The ladies. The gar
dinn of our morals, may we ever honor and
respect llipm.
By ihe Company. Thanks be to the Presi
dent, for the nble manner in whirh he dis
charted hi duty. Long may he live honor
ed, blessed and respected.
The Si. Louis Republican, of the 27th nit.,
has the following:
Among the passengers in one of the steam
boats from ihe Missouri, yesterday cveningj
was the 'well-known and intelligent Major
Filzpatiit'k. U. S. Agent for the Indians of
the Plains. Major Fitzpatrick passed a por
tion of lhn winter ut Fort Laramie. We
lnrn from liim. that he 'eft Laramie late in
Fubtnary -travelled over the plains to the
head of the Arkansas, and down it to the
crossings of that river. In doing so, hu col
lected delegations from several tribes of Indi
ans, who were assembled for about n nionih
at the crossing of the Arkansas, in the ex
pectation of commissioners to hold a council
with idem. The delegations were fiom the
Cheyennes, Xrn'pahoes. Sioux, Apaches, and
Kiowa I and 'iii answer to messages cent to
them, the Cainanches said they could not
meet the whiles this season, for fear of the
cholera, but that they would do so hereafter,
and would engage in no more hostilities
againnt Ihe Americans. Not receiving in
structions from the Gpverumeut, the Indian
separated, and Major Fitzpatrick determined
to return to Ihe Stales.
The Major represents the Indians to have
been rulet fdr some months past. Ho ex
presses the opinion, founded upon all the at
tending circumstances, trial Ihe recent massa of Flourney and his party, near the Wa
jon Mdtind, was not committed by Indians
al all but that it was the work of a band of
about 250 Mexicans and Pueblo Indians, who
sire known to have been in that vicinity ubout
that time. Authentic information upon this
oint will soon be received.
All the trains destined for Santa Fe were
, getting along very well. Major Fitzpatrick
tnet a company of about 200 Cherokees, hay
ing sixty wagons wilh them, ori their route to
Caft.14 acoart's Patent Flying Machine
Successful.' At Lowell, on the 4th, at 4, P.
M.:, Captain Taggart made a balloon ascen
sion with bis flying machine attached. He
was up 11 hours, travelled about 79 miles,
and showed himself over Dracut, Tewksbnry,
Haverhill, lteading, Andover, Panvers, Ips
wich, Georgetown, Lawrence, Methuen, Sa
lem, and other towns. He alSo went some
distance out to sea. On his way Lack to
Lowell at Middleton, the gearing to his fly
ing machine broke; Had not this accident
happen he would have landed in or near
Lowell, where he started from Boston
Peoplf. are tod prone td condemn in others
what they practice themselves without scru
ple. Plutarch tells of wolf, who, peeping
Into a hut where a company of shepherds
were regaling themselves with a joint of
mutton, exclaimed, "what a clamor would
they have raised, if they bad caught me at
Such a banquet!"
Th Ntlv York bay Boole gives the fol
lowing items : "The last promenade fashion
is for ladieS to lead ptippiesin a string. They
used to take them by the arm."
Don'T get in a fluster, and go on a bister,
nor allow yourself to terrified be ; but keep
a cool bead, and wet be Jed, to' join in a
hurrah anJ spree ,
Inmams qx the Rio Gbamdb and Gim,
$erious difficulties to parties emigrating by
tha Rio Grande and Gila Riven are appre
hended from tho Indians. Representations
have been made to Gen, Riley nd ajd hs
bjen iskedl. .
Sukbi'RT, July 11th, 1850.
Hugh Bellas, Esq., of Northumberland
county, and Hendricks B. Wright, Esq , of
Luzerne county, severally addressed the
Court and in a feeling and eloquent man
ner announced the decease of the President
of the United Stales, GENERAL ZACHARY
Whereupon after the adoption of the follow
ing preamble tt resolutions offered by H. B.
Wright, Esq., the Court after same pertinent
and judicious remarks by Chief Justice Gib
son directed an adjournment, and ordered the
following proceedings to be entered upon the
"in Suprkmb Court of Pennsylvania."
Whereas it has pleased Almighty God, in
the dispensation of his Providence to remove
from this life, General Zachart Tatlor,
President of tho United States who died at
ihe City of Washington on the 9th of July,
1S50. Therefore
Resolved, That this Court, as a testimonial
of respect, lo now adjourn.
Resolved, That the members of the said
Court, and the bar, wear the usual badge of
mourning for thirty days.
Resolved, That these proceedings be enter
ed on record, and that the Prothonotary fur
nish a copy of the same for publication.
The United Stales Mail steamship Georgia,
Captain Porter, airived at New York, on
Monday. She sailed from Chagres on the
27th till., the day before the sailing of the
Philadelphia, stopping at Havana.
The Georgia brings a large amount of gold
dust, and a number of passengers. She
brings also the United States Mail fiom San
Francisco to June 1st, received ut Panama
by the steamship Oregon.
She sailed from Havana on the 4th of July,
and the British mail steamer, at Mobile, pub
lished in another column, brings news seven
days later than we have received.
The United States frigate Congress, and
sloop of war Germantown, were still at an
chor in the port of Havana.
Nothing definite has yet been ascertained
as to the fate of the American prisoners con
fined on board of the Spanish man of war
Soberano. It was reported, on the authority
of the British Consul, that nine of the priso
ners had died, but the chief authorities said
that they were all alive.
The Cholera has ceased its ravages, and
Havana was very healthy.
The Georgia has on board the Captain and
crew of the bark Lucy Ellen, of Boston, sunk
off Costa Rica on her way from Chagres to
Gray Town. The Nicaragua Mail from the
United Slates, containing Government, des
patches, was lost on the Lucy Ellen.
It was reported lhat a revolution had bro
ken out in Costa Rica. No particulars are
given, but it is said that Gen. Flores was
The steamer Gold Hunter has been sold in
California for S150,000, and is to run as a
regular packet between San Francisco and
Kossuth. The New York Tribune learns
from Count Dembinski that Kossulh intends
coming to America, as soon as he is permit
ted to leave Turkey; and that forty of the
one hundred Polish refugees who lately ar
rived at Southampton are now on their way
here the others obtained employment in
A Scorn Bagpiter was arrested by the
high constable of Wilmingon, DjI., a few
days ago, on the complaint of some ladies
who were shocked at the sight of his bare
The Proposed Tunnel, connecting the
east and west side of the Boston and Troy
Railroad ihronghllhe Green Mountains, is es
timated to be four miles long !
From tho peculiar nature of Merchant's
Gargling Oil, and the unparallellod success it
has met with in the hands of thoso who have
the care of hoises, it is but justice to sayi
that of the great number of medicines which
have been offered, none have been so welj
adapted to the piompt cure of some diseases
to which horses are liable; it has been very
justly called a complete Panacea tor the
For a trifling sum, the farmer may be in
possession of a balm that will relieve him of
much anxiety and expense, and rescue his
favoi he animal from Ihe jaws of deaths, or
at least from unnecessary pain.
For particulars, get a pamphlet of the
Sold by H. Masser, Sunbury; and other
Druggists in the U. States.
In Danville, on Ihe 4th of July, by the
Rev. P. Williard,. Mr. Wm. A. Iktter, of
Danville, to Miss ErrEe SandeHs of Mahon
ing township.
O I fc u.
At Albion, Noble enmity, tndiana, on the
17lh ult., suddenly, WILLIAM F. ENGEL,
Esq., formerly of this place, aged about 37
years. .
iir. Engel was ut the time of his deaih,
Postmaster at Albion, and was nominated by
the Democratic County Convention, as a can
didate for Treasurer, but 48 hours previous to
his death. A young widow deeply mourns
the early loss of a kind husband,- and the
community that of a valuable citizen and
steady friend.
In this place, on the 6th inst. after a, pro
tracted illness, . Mis. ELlSABETll (lILE
MAN, wife of Petef Hilemau, aged about 61
vears. ...
At Philadelphia, on the 26th ult., after a
short illness, ANNA G., daughter of Wm. T.
and Anna U. SnOilgfass, aged 2 years,
month and 24 days
In Little MahonoV township. On the' 28th
ult., JOSEPH NICHOLAS, son of Nicholas
Easton; gpd 5 months anil 17 tluys.
t . i on the 21st ult.. Mrs
CHARITY,' wife of Hon. Tbos. Murray, late
of Clillisq'uaque, in the 7lib year of her ago.
. In' Miltom on the 15ih ult., in lier 33d year,
Mrs. MARY, wil ol 'roes mass.
a'i MiiUrtiown., on i the 3d inst., Mrs.
CATHARINE GRAYPILL, aped 100 years
married the daj lb? M"a of Bud jrwine
was. fought.
I)t ittarkcte.
Philadelphia Market 10, 1850.
... Ftova. Flour is quiet and the price stea
dy; shipping brands are selling at 85 12o brl.
Extra Flour at 85 62 brl. Rye Flour is held
st2 87,. Corn Meal is worth $2 87 1 per brl.
Wheat. There is an active demand for
red Wheat at SI 20c. prime White alSl 27c.
Rye. Penna Rye is held at 65o per bush.
Corn. Com is in demand at 62 c. for yel
low ; White is worth 60 cents. ,'
Oats. Southern are worth 41o, and Penna
Whiskey. Sales of Whiskey in bbls at 25o
and hhds at 24 cents.
Baltimore Market
July 8, 1850.
Wheat. Small sales of good to prime reds
weie made to-day at 115 els., andPeun white
at I IS cts.
Corn. White at 60 a 61 cents, and of yel
low at 63 cenls.
Oats Prices range from 42 to 43 cents.
Whiskey. Sales of bbls were mude at 25
cents, and of hhds at 24 i cents.
Corrected weekly by Henry Master.
Heckled Flax.
Dried Applis.
Do. Piachks.
Relative to an Amendment of the Consti
Resolved by the Senats and House or Hei-keiexta
tivfs or the Commonwealth or I'knnsylvania in
liENKHAL ASSEMBLY MET. That the Constitution Ol this
Commonwealth be amended in the second section ol' the
huh article, s that it shall rend as follows: The Judges ol'
the Supreme Court, ol' the several Courtsof Common 1'Jeas,
and ol such other Courts ol Record as are or shull be esta
blished by law, ahull be elected by the qualified electors of
the Commonwealth in the manner following, to wit : The
judges of the Supreme Court, by the qualified electors of
the Commonwealth at large. The t'resnlciit Judges of the
several Courts of Common Pleas and of such other Courts
of Record as are or sha'l be established by law, sikI all
other Judges required to be learned in the luvi, by ttie quali
fied electors of the respective districts over which they
are to presido or act as Judges. And the Associate Judges
of the Courts of Comm.ui Pleas by (lie qualified electors
of the counties respectively. The Judges of Ihe' Supreme
Court shun hold their oincefl tor me term 01 nitecu years,
if they shall a ) 1 mg behave themselves well : (subject lo
the allotment hereinafter provided for, subsequent to the
first election :) The President Judges of the several Courts
of Common Pleas, and ol such other courts of Record us
are or shall be established by law, and all other Judges re
quired to be learned in the law. shall hold their offices for
the term of ten yeurs, if they shall so long behave them
selves well : The Associate Judges of the Court of Com
mon Pleas shall hold their offices for the term of live years,
if they shall so long behave themselves well : all of whom
shall be commissioned by the Governor, but for any rea
sonable cause which shall not be suiftcicnt grounds of
impeachment, the uovernor snail remove any ol them on
the address ol two-thtrde of each branch of the Legislature.
The first election shall take plure at the general election of
this Commonwealth next after the adoption of this amend
ment, and the commissions of all the judges who maybe
then lit office shall expire on the first Monday of Decem
ber foil iwing. when the terms of the new judges shall
commence. The pera ins who shall then be elected Judges
ol the Supreme Court shull hold their offices as tjllowst
one of them for three years, one for six yeurs, one for
nine years, one for twelve years, and one for fifteen years ;
the lerm of each to be decided by lot by the said judges, as
soon aflct the election as convenient, and the result certified
by them lo the Governor, that the commissions tnuv be
issued in aucjrdance thrreto. The mri're whose cominii
sion will first expire shall be Chief Justice duriiiglus term,
and thereatler each judge whose commission shall first ex
pire shall in turn be tho Chief Justice, and if two or more
commissions ahull expire on the same day, the judges
holding them shall decide ny tot wnicli snail be the duel
Justice. Any vacancies happening by death, lesignatlon,
or otherwise, in any of the said couits. shall be tilled by
appoiiiunent by the Governor, to continue till the first
Monday of December succeeding the next general election.
The Judges of the Supreme Court and the Presidents of the
several Courts of Common Pleas shall, at stated times, re
ceive for their services nn adequate compensation, to be
fixed by law, which shall not be diminished during then
continuance in oliice. but they shall receive no fees or per
quisites of office, nor hold uuy other office of profit Under
this Commonwealth, or under the government of the Cni.
ted Stales, or any other State of this Union. The Judges
of the Supl erne Court during their continuance in ollice
snail rcsuie wiinui iios ioiumoiiweunn, aim me otner
Judges during their continuance in office shall reside withm
the district or county lor wuicn they were respectively
Speaker of the House of Representatives
V. BEST, Speaker of the Senate
IIahhisbcuo, January 2e, 1850.
t. Samuel W. Pearson, Chief Clerk of the Senate
Pennsylvania, do hereby certify that the forgoing resolution
No. It) on the Senate file of ihe present session, entitled
Resoluticn relative to ail amendment of the Constitution,"
it being the same resolution which was agreed to bv a
majority ol" the members elected to each House of the last
Legislature alter having oeenduiy considered auu discus,
seu was this day agreed to by a majority of the membeii
elected to and serving in the Senate of Pennsylvania, at its
present session, as will appear by their votes given ou the
111:1 nasKiae 01 rewiuiiou. us lonows. viz:
Thosevoting ill favorof the resolution were. H. Jones
JJinoke, J. I'orier Jirawiey. vt 1111am A.cratt, jonatlianj
Cunningham. Thomas S. Fernon, Thomas H. Foresyth,
Charles r rally, Kotiert jvt. r rick, Henry r ulton, Joini v
Guernsey, William Haslett, Isaac Jtugus, Timothy Ives,
Joshua Y. Jones. Joseph KoniiriTiacher. George V. Law.
rence, Maxwell M'Caslin, Benjamin M alone, Benjamiii
Matthias. Ilenrv A. Muhlenlierg, W illiam F. Packer, W II
liam R. SadlerDavid Sankev. Pelei B. Savery, Conrad
Shimer, Robert C. Sterrett, Daniel Hiue, Farris B. Stree-
ter, John 11. Walker and Valentine Best, bpeaees
Ycss an.
Those votinf against the passage or the resolution were
George Darsie, Augustus Drum and Alexander King
ISays J.
Extract from the Journal.
In the Hot'SE or Representatives, )
Harrisburg, March 14, 1850. J
I. Willhm Jack. Chief Clerk of the House of Represefj
tatives of Pennsvlvania, do-hereby certify that the forgo
ing resolution, (No. In on the Senate file, and No. Ql on
tne tiouse journal 01 tne present &ession,j entiiien "neao-
lution relutive to the amendment of the Constitution1' i
heinff the some resolution which was sereed to by a ma.
jority of the members elected to each House of tha last
legislature after having been duly considered and discus
sed, was this day agreed to by a majority of the members
elected to and serving in the House ot Representatives 01
Pennsylvania, at ita present session, as well appear by thei
votes, giveu on the bnal passage ot tha resolution.
as ft
tows, viz :
Those voting in favor of the nass-isn of the resolution
were, John Aeker. John Allison, William Baker, Robert
lialtlwin, Davin J . tselit, uralo; uinnie. jeiemtan jjibck
JohuS. Bowen, William Brower
Jesse R. Burrieu, John Cessna, Henry Chureh, John N
Conyngham, Sylvester Cndland. Benjamin G. David. Wil
liam J. JJoltbins, James V. Downer, inoinas uimeaii
Wm. Dunn, Win. Espay, John C. Evans, William Kvaus,
A. Bcoit Ewimr, Alexander 8. Feather, James Flowers,
Brnuiinlii P. 1 oitner, Alexander Gibbony. 1 nomas i.
Grier, Joseph E Grifhn, Joseph Gtiuiy, Jacob 8. Haider,
man. George t. Hurt. LefTurt Hart. John Hastings, Wi.
liam J. Hemniiill. John Hose. Ilenrv Hunlet, Lewis Her.
ford, Wadhiitfton J. Jarkson, Nicholas Jo"es. John W
Klllincer. Charles H Kinkead, Robert Klotz, Hariis m P
Laird. Morris lerh. Jonathan D. Leet. Anson Lcaiard
James J. lwis, Henry LitUe, Joiuts K.M'Clintack, John
F. M rnlloch, Alexander C. M 'Curdy. John M Langhim,
John M'Lean. Hainuel Marx, John B. Meek, Michael My.
era, John Miller. Joseph C. .Mull jv, JoIui f) Morris, W ni
T. .Morison, Fz'kiel Mowiy, l'dward Nicklossin, Jacob
N'issly, Charles O'Neill. John B. Paeker, Joseph C. Powell
James C. Keid. John 8. Rhev. Lewis Roberts, A-imuel
Hobison, John B. Hutharford. Gteniii W. Scufield, Thomas
C. Heouler. W illiam ntuiftner. Richard Simpson, Lu Bluer
w;niu. ttm;.i. u.'inium a &....i. rtu.,i-.i ki Wit
liam H. Souder', Thomas C Steel, bavid Steward. Charles
Mickwell, Kdwm C. J rone, Andrew Wade, Robert
Williams, Daniel Zerbey, and Juhn 8. M'Calinont, Srui
vt atker, 1 nomas vaisn, iinev B. ens, nirsin
SB Yeas 67.
Augustus K. Corn) n, David Evans and James M. Porter
Those votnur aaainst the naasave of the rcsoluUon were.
avs. , ,
Extract from the Journal.
Secretativ's Orrici.
Filed March IS, 1850.
Dep. Sc. of the Commouweatth.
Secretary.'!' Orriic.
Pkn-vstivaKia ss;
I Do cistift that the alnve and forrgoiiig is a true and
correct copy of the oriental resolution. . he General A
bly, entitled, "Hesolutiou relative loan wuendment ol' tlie
Cvustiiutiou," as the anme remains on bis in this office.
ttl teatimong whereof 1 have hereunto
iVJJt act my hand, and caused to be afhied the
S V seal ol the secretary's Oifiee, at Hariisburg
Z' XZ thia fifteenth day of June, Anno Domini
C Com thousand eif hi hundred and fifty.
, " Sec'ry of the Commonwealth-
July 4, 1650 -Urn. ' (
tst of cttcr0
SUNIirjRY, June 30, 1S30.
Arlley Mrs. Catharine JleCleaster
Beuhler Eli
MoMacen Dinah
Berger Martin
Bowen Jonathan
Castles Robert
Corwin L. Jacob
Christ Miss Mary
CarJin E!i
Clark Philip'
Dix, W. Wm. Esq.
Haupt Jacob
Harrison George
Klini Frederick .
Kembt'l Emanuel '
Keefer Daniel
pifer Michael
. Reader John
Roger John
Rake Amelia
' KossSamnel
Reade Jesse
' Shilp George
Shipman John
Sunbury R. 8.
' Seigfried Benj
. 2 Stuck Abraham
Se raced Samuel
Weiser John
Wingerd Edmond
Landow John
Xist of Ccttcvs
At KortUumbcrland , Juoe 30, 1S5C
Baum '
rial lord L. Butler
Bowman John
Batlerfield F. Edwin
Baile Alex.
Cundiff T. H.
Cuming D. R.
Levnu M. Catharine
MarlZ George
Minief D. G.
McCarty Win.
' Middleton John
Pike Asa
Porter Mr.
Peters Mrs.
Coryell M. Martha
Craizenberger Nathan Pickle Jacob
Choller Justus
2 Purcell Jonathan
Donaldson Juhn
Division S. of T.
Davis Joseph
Denison Susan
Dunn W. R.
Daniels B Charles
E'ipparil H. James
Eberly Samuel
Echard B. John
Fulmer Joseph
Hegins W. C.
Hoover William
Holoomb Judson
Hughes Chat lea
Kevser J.
Reed J.
4 Hoot C. Wm.
2 Sones Peter 2
Smiih M. J.
2 Schectry S.
Sumners C. J.
Snyder Charles
Shiley Peler ' -Thatcher
M. John
Thompson Georpe
2 Vastine Elizabeth
2 WiHheiss John
Wilson H. Thomas
Wilson Georrra
WillseaO. Warner.
C. G. BOYD, P.4M.
Lloyd A. John
Letters Testamentary,
OTICE is hereby given, that letters Testamen
' tarv on the estate of Anna Hunticker, late
of the Borouch of Northumberland, tlec'd.. have
been granted to the subscriber. Debtors and cred-
itort of the estate, are requested to call for settle
menL UAVtu TAUUAKi.Mtor.
Northumberland, July 0, 1850 6t
OTICE is hereby given to all Legatees Cre-
lyt ditors and other persons interested in the
-itnt nfCi nrno Miller, dpc'il. settled bv his adml-
nistrator John Wolf ; of Mary E Miller, dee d.,
settled by her adm'r John Wolf i of William Dep.
pin, dee'd., settled by his adm'rs Abraham Dcppin
and Alexander Deppin ; of Sarnh Culp, dee'd, set-
tied bv her adm'rs Cvrus Barton 2 of Esther
. - . . .
. ' - ...... . . . I
T?1 nrl .AtiUH hv iir amn-r James
Forrester; of Jacob Weikcl, dee'd., settled by his
"-"- --, "J."" . . T . . 1
xcc'r John Boycr; of Benedict Sholenberger,
dee'd., settled by his exce'r John and Jonathon
Snvdor: of Samuel Smth. dee'd.. settled bv nts
adin'r Edward H.Baldy; of Martin Zartmsn, dee'd 8 perches more or less, with tlio appurtenances,
settlec by his exec'r John Zartmnn; of John Pon- they the said Defendants deny that Partition there
svl. dee'd.. settled by his adm'rs John and Leonard of be madebctween them, according to the Laws
Pensyl; or Philip Kohl, dec d, settled tits adm rs nu cuaiuins 01 una otnnioiiw-ami, anu ine ata
John and Daniel Kohl; of Enoch Howcr, dee'd., tutes in such case made and provided, and the
sealed by his exec'r Isssc Vincent. The account same to be done will not permit, unjustly, and
of Philip rollmer, Guardian or Jacob 8. Straub ( cumrary 10 ine lows anu customs ana 10 me sia
tho account of George Conrad, Guardian of Sarah ttc aforesaid, as is said, &c, and have you then
A nn ChamhM-lu in formr-rlv Ma ch. Hannoh Ma-
lick, Hcttv Mallirk, Lydia Mslick, Charlotte Ma-
lick. Jereminh Mslick and Mary Malick ; the ac-
count of Daniel Dunkelberccr. Guardian of Esther
and Mary Philips ; the account of Daniel Swartz,
Guardian of Catharine Cressinger; the account
of George ueist, liuardion ot loses lettzcl; the
account of Abraham Wolf, Guardian ot Jacob
Shive jr., of Sarah Draher, deed., settled by her
adm'r John Draher t of Martin Kefter, dee'd, set
tled by his exec'r John F. Wolfingcr, Esq. ;
That the Executors, Administrators and Guar
dians of said estates have filed their accounts with
the Register of Northumberland county, and that
the same will be presented to the Orphans' Court
of said county on 1 uasday the btli day ot August
next, for confirmation and allowance.
JOHN P.PLKSEL, Register.
Register's office )
Sunbury, July 6, 1650. J
Far Ihe Cure mt
This truly valuable Jtemedy for all diseases of
the Lungs and 1 hroat, has become the cruel reli
ance of the afflicted as it is the most certain cure
known for the above complaints. While it is a
powerful remedial agents in the most desperate
and almost hopeless cases of Consumption, it is
also, in diminished doses one of the mildest and
most agreeable family medicines for common
common coughs and colds. Read below the optn
ion of men who are known to the world, and the
world respect their opinions.
"James C. Aver Sir: I have used your "Car.a
at PacToiaf.,' in my own case of deep-seated
Bronchitis, and am satisfied from its chemical
constitution that it is an admirable compound for
the relief of laryngeal and bronchial diliicultiri.
If my opinion as to its superior character can be
i t
....... j . :J
k nw i an h rr Hr in k 1.111
President of A mherst College.
i'vrnv rupcmr pfrr'-rnti it r
"AYEK S LHfchKY 1 ELI ORAL is one of
the most valuable preparations that has fallen un-
der our notice, ATter s careftif examination, wa
. ' . ,
do not hesitate to say we have a Urge spprecia-
tion of its merill and the fullest confidence in its
usefulness for eou'nhs' and lune comulsinls.,,
Dr. Brewfter, of Windham Co., Conn-, sends
us tne lonowing testimony.
Dr. J. C. Ayer Dear Sir: I enclose you a
certificate from MrsCat'iiarine K. Cai'.v, a highly
ro.,lnhl h.,l nf till, villus wlf f M. S.lh Demit 'filwritr. Win.lliam iv
cut. Tho evre in her case was very prompt, and
hasattracted general attention,
Wsst KilliruLt, Ct.,Scpt. 28 1818.
This Aia'y certify that I wp.s afflicted wiih a very
severe. cough in the winter of '47-8, which threat,
tened to terminate in Consumption. I bed tried
many meaicines in ve.m, snd was cured by ths
l,u nf II Avar's Plierr .. l t 1
From Dr. Bryant, Druggist and Postmaster,
Chicopcs Falls, Mass:
Dr. J. C. Ayer Dear Sir ! Enclosed please
find remitt-iiiceforaU ths CHERRY PECTORAL
last sent me. I can unhesitatingly say,' that ho
mediciae we sell gives such satisfaction ss your's
iliwi! nnp hiv. I .,.r a mii.t oihink
cured so many case, of tough and Lung Com-
Dlaints. Our PbUicisns ire usins; it .iten.ivlv
in their practice, and wiln tna bappieit ctlecta.
Truly youts, D. M. DRVANT.
rf SABS BT I.e. , ATI, CataIIST,LOWSl.r.,MiSS.
ITT Sold by Henry Masser, Sunbury; Mary
A. McCsy, Northumberland Dr. Gearhart, So
li negro v Dr. Beckly, Danville, rind Druggists
July 6, 1850.- lycebrn
Books, Prints, Engravings, Stationary
Gilt Frames and Musical Instru
ments. fto. 78 North 2nd St, between Arch & Race,
Pmtjtstt rat .
T MPV)RT to order and hare constantly on hand
' a v'trv large assortment of goods In the above
named lines at wholesale and retail. Principally t
In German, t'dtln, Greek. Hebrew, French. Italisn
Bpanish and other languages Classics, Diction
sries, Crammers. Vocabularies, School, Juvenile,
Picture, Drawinfc'tnd Motlel Books for Architects
Cabinet, CarriaireVnd other manufacturers.
MAPS, GLOBES and Blank Books of every
Wscription. SplentTiJ Lithographic and other
Accordeons, Banjos, Bows for all string instru
ments, Bridge and Tailpieces, Clarionets, Fifes,
FJsgeolets, Flutes, Guitars, Octavo Flutes, Patent
Heists for Guitars and Violincellos, Tambourines,
Tstaing Forks snd Hammers, Violins, Yiolin and
Gsntar Pegs, Violincellos and Strings for all kinds
eaf festrumcnts Wholesale and Retail. Accor
deoaa repaired.
Aho constantly on hand, wholesale and retail,
a large assortment of the very best
Dutch Metal, French and Florence Leaf Metal
TliermomctsTS, Hairpcncils.-Fsber snd other
Leadpencils, Red, White and Black (Jhalk.Cray.
ons. Mathematical Instruments, Scarficatoni.f
Spring Lancets Pocket Prescription and Qcld
fScaVs and Weights Letter, Fancy colored and
gilt Paper Playing Cards and other French and
German Fancy Articles, for the sale of which
July 6, 1850
Northumberland County, 88.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the
Sheriff of Aorthumberland County, Greeting:
If William G. Moore make you secure of prosecu
ting his claim, then summon by summoners, C has.
G. Moore, John W. Moore, Isaac Moore and
Francis Moore, late of said County so that they
be and appear before the Judges of our Court of
Uommon Pleas for the county of iorthumberland,
at a Court of Common Pleas to be held at Sun
bury, on the first Monday of August next, to
answer Wm G. Moore of a plea wherefore, where
as the said plfV. and delta, do hold together, and
undivided all that certain Tract of Land, situate
in Rush township, Northumberland county, dc
scribed as follows to wit : Beginning at a pine a
a corner 01 me line 01 jonn ucarnan, inenre oy
the same south 55 dcg. east 23 perches to an Oult,
thence south 80 dcg. cast 63 perches to a Post,
thence bv land of Jacob Ucarhart, seuth 49 dcg.
east 23J perches to s post in the edge ot the rum.
pike Kood; south 29 dcg. east 9 perches to a Post;
south 30 dcg. west 33 perches to a small Chestnut
Uok, south so dcg. west 9 perches to a white
rA I. 1 . I. n. , 1 . 1 1 I . .
u, sua mum oj) ucg. iweive percnes 10 posi
in aline of land of Herman Gearhart, and by tho
ric, south 51 deg., west 20J perches Id a pine,
south 44 dcg, west 10 perches to a chesnut Oak,
south 3 deg. east 36 perches to a white Oak, and
.l.t-v-1 . n n , . t! L
souiu 1 1 aeg. west 00 nercnes 10 a Dircn. iticnce
1 f 1 rrt" t .1. i , . y.
uy lunu 01 uiaoein uepue anu jacoo ucarnan,
" oeg. west o percnes 10 a post anu mence
h.v land of John Guhck, north 8 deg. cast 209
percnes iu me ucginmiig, cumavmiE o 1 acresunu
"'ere me summoners ana mis wm:
" "ness the Hon. Joseph, h. Anthony, Esq.,
President ol our said Court at Sunbury, the th
dBy of April, A. D. 1850.
"All of which the parties aforesaid are hereby re
quired to take notice.
Sheriff's office, Sunbury,
June 1, 1650.
Corner of Eleventh and Ridge Road.
r , AND
No. 134 South Second Street, below Dock St.,
rptH E subscribers would call the special atten-
X tion of Cabinet Makers and others, to their
very extensive assortment of materials in their
line, consisting of Mahogany V eneers, Boards and
Plank, Hair Cloth, Curled Hair, Glue, Varnish,
Looking Glass Plates, Mahogany Knobs, Bed
Posts, Marble Tops, and every description of
nsifdwnre Tools, &c.
Cabinet Makers residing out of1 the City, would
find, it greatly to their advantage to cull Ut our
store to purchase such materials as they want,
connected with their business.
All oijr poods are W AltRANTEU,
of the best quality, and at very reduced prices.
Uur 1 firms are uasn, (no traile.)
.We guarantee to give every man the worth of
his money.
N. B. Mahogany, Walnut and Hand Rail
Plank, and Stair Ballusters for Builders. also
Marble Mantles, always on hand, fnd every de.
senpuon oi turneu worK.
June a, isau. ly
Varnisli Manufactory and 1'aluft
No 78 North Fourth Street,
Conjfimru 0i hand and for sale, at reduced
prtces, ana oj superior quality, tne jot
towint article, sat:
1 . . . 7 :.
Coach, Cabinet, Japenners' and Oi Cloth Varnishes ;
Drying Japan Boot and Harness Varti'sh ; Drown, While
uu iru Bikini 10 iraiisier noi. Arusia-. iionse ana
X'.c1r"""er vannsiiera- sinteriais t-t in is
quaNTITiks. paints, dry. in oiu and pre.
PARiD FOH IMMEDIATE USUi Milliners' Varnish,
glue "J.AcJd"i, Hl,"'k j82 "rJ1""1 -, "'I'? .d, "r
Fuiicy Work j Picture and Window Glass; Artists' Co.
.wt, Dry ,nd i Tube, j Neat's Foot Oil : (iold. Silver,
arid German Leaf j Gild. Silver, and Opper nmnze j Ga-
f.'f A, veiy superior rVioe uiacking end
June i9,"lSiO.
TELI.OW CITIZEN'S : Encouraged by a
l nbniioer of my friends, I offer myself
candidate for the office of
,t the next election, (subject to the decision ofthe
Democratic County Convention.) Should Ihe
nominated Snd elected. I pledge myself to perform
flle duties of said office faithfully Sfid to the best
of my ability. PETER HOLOHAWOUT,
Rush township, June S3, 1890;
riHE subscriber will continue, to receive snd
I accommodate a few transient or permanent
BoiUDsrfs, st hst residence) in Sunbury. The
locstipn is in Market Square, one door west of ths
"Sunbury American qthce,, a hsndsome and
P.le"n V At ""'. persvns flora the
clty. w0 ! fw ..month in the
country during ths summer season) Sunbury af.
i fords delightful retreat, i .
AKiS C. MnRriw.
June 99, 1850
Qi;iife. TO REN'T- Tbs premises on Mar
,ket ttliset, lately occupied by Kiroon Marts.
Apply to HENRY NAfeSER.
Sunbury, April 6, 1800.
' ' -' I
wm a aa a aa 1 1 i t I
No. 140, tomsr of Fifth If Chesnut srs., t'Ja-
delphia, and 363 Broadway corner of
' Franklin Street, New York.
ft sitting for Portraits or Miniatures, and
receive them beautifully cased, In morocco, Silk
velvet, Papier Mache, or other fancy styles, or sets
in Medallions, Lockets, tVc-, in S few minutes.
Daguerreotypes, Paintings, Drawings,
,. &c Copied.
Out door Views, snd Miniatures of deceased
persons, tsksn at short notice.
. For Portraits of Adults by our process, and Im
proved Instruments, cfovdy day is quit as fa
vorable as clear weather.
For Children, ft ejear day (between 1 1 and S)
is preferable. (yIn Dress 'avoid white, blue
or light pink.
Our Gallery with Its Six Prize Medals and
Works of Art, is open at sll hours, and free.
Whether visitors wish pictures taken or not, we
shall at all times be happy to see them.
June 22, 1850.
No. 2131 Market Street, above Sth ft.
Wholepale Druggists,
BRUGS, Mkdic'ixs, PaixTs, Otis, Wisiiow
Glass, Vabxishzs. Dts Srvn, Ptsst
Msdicises, .Mxdiciki Cnssrs, $rRoicAt. Jw
STacsiKSTS, &c, &c; and manufacturers of the
celebrated -
Congress Ink,
Black, Blue and led. The quality of this Iuk is
unsurpassed, and we are now prepared to furnish
it of all sizes, neatly packed in boxes from one to
three dozen each.
Li 8. & Co., endeavor to have always on hand
a full assortment of good and genuine Drugs, at
the lowest possiblo rates. Particular altcntion is
also paid to the mtinper of putting up and packing
their goods, so that they feel prepared to warrant
their carrying any distance with perfect safety.
All orders by letter or otherwise will receive
prompt attention.
Philadelphia, June 15, 1850. 6m
Halt em Association,
Cor. of 6th and Chestnut Sreet, Philadelphia.
"CONTINUE to make and sell a finer and more
durable Hat for tho money than any other
establishment in the United ftatcs aiandard
price of Hats $3 00. Gents and Boy's Cloth and
Glazed Caps, Umbrellas, Carpet Bags, Calafy
Panama and Straw Hats at equally low prices.
May 25, 1850. ly
JOJSV C. FA It It & Co.
Watches, Jewelry, Plated Ware,
1 12 Chesnut St., between 3d If 4th Streets.
A LWAYS keep on hand an excellent assort
mcnt of the above articles, which they will
sell on terms as low as any in the city.
June 15, 1850. 0m
S. If. Corner 6(H Arch Street Philadelphia,
7 HO was formerly in the firm has now sue-
cecded Colton &. Co., in the business arid
odors for sale at the very lowest prices, sll kinds
of r ami lt GRociniis of the choicest kinds con-
isting in part of
rine, Superior and Common Green and Black
Teas. Old G. Java Coffee and other kinds. Su
gars, Sperm Oil snd Candles, Olive Oil, Ket
chups, Cttrrie Powder, Isinglass for Jellies, Parma,
Bakers Chocolate, Cocoa and Broma, and every
thing in the line, which ho will pack up careful
ly and forward to order as promptly as has been
the habit of the old firm.
(C7 Will the housekcctcrs of Sunbury snd vi
cinity who wish to have Groceries of the choicest
kinds please to try us once ?
S. W. Cor. 6th & Arch Sts.
May 11, 1650. ly
Ornamental and French Style Framfe
801 rraJnutst , tftu'crn 3d and ith sirec.
T ESPECTFULLV directs the attention ofthe
public to his superior stvlcs of Plain and
Fancy Frames, which am of the latest and most
beautiful designs.
As a handsome Frame at a LOW PRICE,
has been much desired, he was induced some
months since to commence the manufacture of
these Frames. In a short, time the demand has
been so great, that he has been obliged to iucreass
his facilities, and new offer at
Singly, or in thousands, the most beautiful Frames,
suitable, for Paintings, l'rints, Daguerreotypes,
lards, etc,, etc.
For Duraliilitil Unsurpassed.
Hotels, Public BuilJineff, Steamboats, Stores, Ca
binet Furniture, ite., decorated hi imitation of
carved Rose-Wood.
t Please call and see specimens.'
May S5, 1850 ly
No. 207 ChUnitt Street, f '-oiit Arcade,
TMrORTEIl and Manufacturer of all kinds of
Musical Instruments, Fancy A rticles and Toys.
His prices are lower than those of any other store
in Philadelphia. All kinds of Musical Instru
ments repaired in tho neat workmunslnp, ana also
taken in trade.
Philadelphia, May 23, ISjO. ly
Foh Trie Curb or Fkvek and Accc-
THIS unrivalled medicine may be relied on when rvear
lv all other remedies fail. . Its value ia not fiiincicutly
known, therefore, the proprietor desires to enlarge the
field of fts usefulness by making known its virtues and efli
oacy to thousands of surTerera.whoare not awure that they
can be apeedily and radically eured of
without ths uae of puistmous drugs, pauseoua potions
the deleterious effects of quinine, lt is offered lnlhe',uu.
lie a; a tow nriee to plane it within the reach of all. u ,red i
that those who use ll acourrtini! to directions wtU rMUj n a
sjio and speedy cure for
rtvia axdHovs.
It is not a disagreeahte Oauseatiiif cxnpnur ,d but an agree
able tonie ealcuUted to remove the disease ,llU g,vt healthy
action to the stomach anil howella.
Prepared only by Marahall ( o., a , wbolrsalea
and retail by Howand Jr Bon, No 'ji N,.rth S'h Htreel,
fhiledelBhia.r-rrice it per aiugl bottle, and e per dot.
June -is, taoo ly
. CLOTVilXsU nooais,
Southwest Corner of F,fth and Matke! Streets,
TXT HQ always kospa on hands large stock of
" every va'rie'.v of clothing mads up of good
matcrisAa, and In lb latest and best styles. Ha
would also inform ths public that lis pays eonsi
dctabla attention in getting up MiliUry Clothing,
in good 'jtyU and on rtasonable terms.
June15,18S).w.y '
"jB-OTICE is' hereby, given that lettsrs ssfAd
Jj miiiistrauon ha been grsntsd to Alio
subscrfbti', on the estate ot Ssrsh . Nswbsrry. (a
of Point (ownsh'u)', Northurnberlsnd county, dee'd.'
Alt persons indebted to said etuis or bavin; de
mands S.niBst ths Cam's, are revested to call
fo setthnsBt. DAVID fAOCiAR T.
Northurnberlsnd, una IS, 165 6 1
' XI. Re XI.
. RADWAyS READY kHUHf f. pain Is truly W
sing m sunerinf Humanity. - The Lame are rrjowrd et ita
'" propeniop, inr msj- dispense with ihcir crot.
chee end walk. The Wmlt rriew K ss an irwuiiment la the
hand, of Providence, Tor by its liealine- and streugihenine
qualities they become stitnir. Tlie Hod-Ridden weaxme
it as s Wctsiiia; from high lisavcn, for H relievwi them of
their pein and misery, wn their dlaraaes whether it be
Rheumatiem, Lumbago, limit. Taralvsis. Strains, Bnrna.
, i. F T ' v . or eon
trom tneir oea 01 sicsneiM, ann enjny the pleamtree and
blessings nf health. The Suff erer ot' Neunlaia and Tie
Dolereux, welcomes lt as their inly remly' in rrHevinf
them of the cruel peine, shooting- like electrir sliopas tbronf n
the fare, head, snd system, paralyzine tn en infant thoir
ener lea and brightest ho-, flt the Iteady Kelirf is
powerfal antidote for all Nervnne and Hheumatir Affec
tions, and will cure this pnwerfnl diaraae when all other
remedies have failed to give leltef. Tlie sniTerer of Tooth
Ache in a few seconds. .
So oaick, powerful, end effectual is Radway'a Heady
Relief tn all eaaea where pain la caused by external injuries
or internal derangement, that .t lias reliet ed the moat ss
verepsina nf chronic Rheumatism during: one auolicatiun
of the Relief.
RADW AY'S READY RELIEF ilsKKilhe most econo
mical medicine in use. It can be need with the most hap
py lean la, both internally ami esteinally. , Cramps in the
Stomach, Colic, or Cholera Moibiis, are reflered jn ten
minutes, snd cured entirely In fifteen or twenty. Also if
your wish lo make an ointment of it, for the curs tit Sure
I.IUS, Olianped Kleah, Pnwular Emtton. take a tea-spoon. I
ful ol the Kollef. and a table-apo.mful i Sweet Oil, ot t .
o. of lrd. and yon have a httior oinimeut or salves tha . .
any other article now in use.
in tact, this medicine, when rlncl to two thirds lis
own strength by adiliinr as much spirii. oi wine, will five
yon better Liniment than any now iu tn. .
See that each tsillla Iwam the lac-simile signature of
of Ksilway ft Co., uoue otiicr is genuine price 36 cents,
large bottles.
The lady or gentleman who desires s beautiful aitlcle
to draws Uieir flair, are advised lo muke uso of Radway'a
Cirousieii Balm ; it poasf-saL-s nmny elvantares over all
other hair tonics and preparation.. First, cleaivca the
scalp frwm dandruff, gives tunes Slid vigor to the giv a tn
the roots and bulbs, invigorates td healthy action the getm
of life, which gives to the hair a healthy root, ul'.d forces
the hair to grrow, it enrea Ualdnrim. slops the hair fioin
falling out, makes it fine, strong, ajl't and (lossy, keepa it
from turning grey, or becoming; discolored. It is truly a
luxury to dress the liair with this delicious preparation.
RADWAY'S C1KCASSIAN BALM tor invigorating
tlietuir, cleansing the scalp, removing dandruff, aud curing
baldnen, is truly a valuable ireraliii. A lady who had
uoti ic ior aoine uine nau loat every particle ol her hair
previouato her sickness, her hair wouki lull out ; she was
recommended to try the Circassian Uaim, as a hair restor
er, she used six bottles with the moat happy reaults, her
bair is now fine, son. gl.aay, long, and luxuriant. This
preparation makes the hair moist, fine, soft, snd silky, and
predisposos it lo curl ; ye, with bukllieads, weak hair, had
hair, try a bottle of the Circassian lialin. nretvireJ hv n.H.
way Co., and you will Boon have luxuriant head of
hair. Sold for its cenls in I. tire bottles. Ask for Railway's
Circassian Balm, 1C1 Futon Street, New York.
During the summer season we frequently meet with
peraona who are s ilely annoyed with black auots, about the
sixe of a pin's head, just under Ihe lining oi the surface
theae .pels are tiuly annoying and repulsive in appearance:
they are nothing more or less than dust, the skid being
warm and the individual perapiring freely, the dnst clogging
up the ducts of the sebaceous glands, Uieir oily accretions
aie not given off, and conaeuuently a cheesy deposit is the
results; this becomes rsncid and tuma black, disfigures the
complexion, and often inUuinus and suppurates. Letilad
way's S up be free y used, absorption will take place, and
the spots speedily dimppcar. Also, if Radway'a Soap was
made use uf as a Toilet Soap through the day, tiiese spots,
and other annoying excressences, would not trouble you.
The extraordinary effects of Radway'a Sap In removing
Tan, Pun Bums. Pimples, Blotchca, Pustules, Tetter,
Rash. Scurvy, Morphcw, and the Uitcs snd Stuitra of insects
is truly astonishing ; besides, it is certain of transforming
a dark, discolored and rentilsiva vimvm. tn . ai m,.A
bcautilul complexion. In all cases ask for Radway'a Soap
and take none other. . .
N. B. Had way's Medicated Soap in steel engravings are
... uuivi, i. iiiiicncii, iu ior uieateeien.
Aokst II. B. Masscr, Sunbury
June , 1 850. ccitn 1 y
Isaciug Subscription Office,
iPHE Proprietors beg lo arindunce that they
a- have dpened Classes for Sweepstakes. UDon
the system which, has obtained a large sliijre of
the public support in England SHd elsewhere, by
extending as it does to the public at large, the in
tejest otherwise felt by few only in racing events,
and enabling all whether conversant with Sport
ing matters or not, to participate in the chance of
gaming a large sum, by the result, si proportion
ablj i Small risk ! As will be sceiiby the subjoined
t-clicme, tne suuscriocr in ULis a, may
o o a o
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of this 5weepstake will take jilace publicly on the
'23d day of August, 1850, the day on which the
rsee will Ik' sun the place and hour being first
duly announced by advertisement; when the
names of all the horses entered, will be allotted
amonestthe subscribers in each class, ami on the
SOth day of September next, by which time the
result oi' tlie face will be known, the Prizes will
be distributed ; the holder nf tUc name of the
winning Korso in CIbss "A." receiving a Prise 61
that of the second, Tv.cutv-live Thousand Dolfars,
Alc. &.c, in accord? nee with the above Scheme.
A commission of 10 per cent, to cover expenses
w ill be deducted, on payment of sll prae.
j4ny furl'.itr information required, w ill be sfford
edby Sc reUry, Mr. William BarroII, at the offi
ces ss vnovo to whom all applieatiorts for Agen
cies 4nJ other communications are to be. addressed
Post paid, ind all remitunes, either by Bill or
r . , . r w i J
iot to be moe. m return ior which, nuiuur
Cerlifiratos will be forwarded as directed.
Lists of Horses f frtcred for the above, and all
other Races of Importances may be seen, together
wl'h Schemes of Swccpatako in' the furthcoming
St. Lvg'r, &e. Ac.&c
June S9, 185U
. . . . i . ; --
(orrostts ths stats bopss.)
FFERSfor sals, low for cash or approved city
narjM.. a. larire and well, sssorted stork of
CABINET FURXtTL'ftB, ofthe Istest patterns
s nil of ths best workmanship. Tbs sssorlment
emhrares every article, useful orornsmenlal.eorn.
prisins uiu of Drawing Room PuVnitUrt In Rose
wood nd Wslnut, sxquisitely csredj Rosewood
WalmiL ndMahossnvChsmberFurniturs; Pa
tent Estension Dinjng Tsble. (scknowlsdyed to
k. ih. hai now in use): Library Book Cases,
and a great variety of plain Psrlor and Chamber
Cuftsitis made snd put upin the latest Paris
fashions. ,
6pnng Msttrasers, Hsir Msttrssscs, sn Fe.
tbor Beds, made to order.
' N. B All articles purehsscd st tHik caUbliah
mrnt are warranted of the best ihsterisls and
workmantUp, snd will he packed to carry safely
to any part ol the country.'
My S, 180. ly
':...'". ' I i