SUNBUHY AMERICAN A1ND SHAMOKTN JOURNAL. Ifthoumnd ( Cm tf Smful. Cmrer. Sirpkil!. mi ttkrr impart dinmrtmf tkt Blood nnd if iktnrf Sit ALL QUANTITY which mi ntd if a Afd(.i It 'f' Cur OftMck VUrmn, hi proof 01 VU pHnW" mrmwmt rrintlui MedMnt k,rh a rmbdurd d conqiurnd imtk Outosmthrn.tJiert it vnutMioHiMu nldew urn BRANT'S INDIAN PtlRIFFLXG EXTRACT a. L.a m i- at-ar reae-eef i anil there Is tbua das proof, tn ml rare, juried, Ihat ON C BOTTLK f It emtaiiH -Mr nuril-inif. healing !" "ad oaater. than there to euiiteinwi in rr imam oi aav er aopariUa, or utr merfirim that has iw Hen gtrred for There to undoubted iirmif In oiir paaaphleta, that by tii aa of this IndM twicer. U'.y '" war Prlic vet Lrva liny that oar I, AMI and fair sxtD sen now Wal they lht were Sick. tfcaoruLesa, and aiharwiM, hae been lUcAian and Cum. , " Hundreds Thousands Wia have ed RaAWT's Ptiaimo, after Carina -d aid 4eteii all lha amtparitlt and olhar wrdicinaa racana jnaaded to cura blood dln-aica, hare dmdtd that Brant's is the- Cheapest, Ibaca'ina 0n Bdtitt of It h aiori mfdiral. curarlra mt lar In It, and, in couaequrnce, mirea more disttut la anuab It time, than own hotlh of any othor meriifina. If, thfn, O.VB BovU of nANT Puaixtra will fra TOVn TIMF.t mum dlf n thnn on battl of tmrmp. rilld, " lltiT' Pumnra" would bn a chrap at four dol lar a bottle, aa tarMparilld at ane rfoHor. But BRANT' PUKIUKR U aold for only'ONli DOI.I.AH a bnttla i and a a bottla of It Aim cnrcd. and to rapnbl nf cin lnj, Fw Tims aa much di--aa at u bouU of araan'a. tbara. tore, aaraapai-illn. in aonarqii-nva of ita It, power and iaaa m-diral rflicacy. .hmild ba auld at aa mor lliaa '7'wnuy fiM Onla mr bouia, to ba aa ekp aa Ua t VIM at fa MUr. .- One Dollar's Worth! Bow much Cawcia how much PrrHiLH how raaek .ScaoruiA will On Dollar want oi itranM PL RIFIIR .vurs J Kead tha following auteinant wblcli to a apaai tnen of ita power. CANCEROUS SCROFULA! ;Th!i 1i the r- of Dvinf man who M lirn. H wu nred of m wone cm ot temlul. by only Twttr Pettis of Jr.rnnt'i liiritirr. than err wi rurnl by th uh of Twlve (Tftiiftuof th bnftarNijxirilla thnt wm Tor mtd-s. 'ursnpsrilm Iim not mpiHfnt medial 'vr to tttrat lh 'ture of rtch n reroltinly kopeks rune. '- Wr. Haskin. of Home, Oneida V , V. T.. Arntf - va our mrt wn coutinvtl to bit bed th iVw( ftarh -ttat to much diWHieil nd debilitated to tm unnble to niM bis bHnd to hi head, lie hid lha btvt medical ad ''(! bid uttd atl of the ur$mpmrilla to no food effect (?ot wow nnd tw. and w ennflideird to be la thinf SH&u, and could not lire twrr.ty fmtr hour lunger, 'When bfl tJomnwncfHt uitnv J1KANTH i'L'HIKIKR. liu tntrk wm enun nearly off, from ear to nr n Aafe wh4 eHtea through hia windfiipe. uniler bta thiu, ao that be breathed - through the hole hia tor wa to enter, around that il oould be lifUi up out of ita pi nee. it only hulding by a ommU piece the ue of one arm wm dtitroyed by tw o III. cere an Vicar under the arm. aa larte as a raan't land, vbad nenrly mttw through his aide into hi body. Thut, he , vree aittictrrl with Twenty aurh putrid, acrid, offentiv LH iaccrii on vnriona parU oi hia perauo. For further aud full particular-, eee our I'amphtag. - Doct. Thomas Williams, one of ttif moit tkilful pby tliciana of Koine,. whs railed U Huikin the day htfort be commenced u.jng lirant' Verifier. Loct. W. exam ined him, nttd thou told him thnt all the mtdicinu m Ue world could not curt him that hi-t case wua Woro than Hopeless ! Mow hear Mr. RASKIN'S itatcmrnt of cure. He eal4 : My wife procured one bottle of lUU.ra PURJVYlXiM EXTRACT of Busell V Leonard, UruggUta, of Home 1 commenced uning thnt, ami befan to pet bttttr that Bottlb ermbled mo to vt off my bel, where 1 had beca eonflned ont ywr the skcond hottle enaliled me to go, oiii of tkt houn the third buttle enabled me to WoOt 7to0 Alila, to Kunie Centre, where 1 procured Six Bottlm more; and when I had finished using them. Seventeen out of Twenty Ulcere had h rat. id vp nnd three boUlu more t effected a PERFKCT THE of ell the Ulcere, en4 re a tore d me to good hatlth. FOURTEEN WITNESSES ! Mr. HAS KIN has sworn to the above facts, end the facts ere wioieewd and certified to by DOCT. T. WIL I.lAMS-Mr. G. 11. BROWN, proprietor of the West Rem ' jVrfW Mewrs. BIS5KI.1, & I.KONAliD, Wholeaale end retail Druegiate -and KLK.VKN other respectable tsunestes, r We Chiillenge the World To PROVK a Cure of as revolting end utterly kepeUse a case of Scrofula, by the use of TKN TJMKS aa mueh tarsaparilla, or any other medicine, aa was used of Brant't ? purijier to eftect the a bore cure which cure shall be proved by as many totll-knovn, respectable, witneesta, as is - the above cure. rOR SALE BY John W. Friling, Sunbury Pa. v AJary A. McCay 'prtlumberallle,. -ilohii H. Kuset Milton, nenry j. r(mriicr do do Edward A. Kutziter Aduiiiuoiiriul ' niiverf i'McCofinick, W.-Pl. Jutiiter, . J. P. Jlimri 4 Co., llward Wilson, Thoruton V linker, S. J. Grouse, W. H. Uictlev. Port terror e, IMcKweusvills, Muney, Hiiffhcfiville, cv He rim, 1-ewislmrp, Selijisprove, Dnnville, E. P. Leitz Ai John R. Mnyer, HlooinHburg. All letters and oribtrs uiuri be addressed to Wallace h Co.. 1CKJ Broadway, New York. . Smib.ury. July 31, 1(540 ly. n. r. xi. A new and brilliant liglit has lately arisen and now stands " high iu the. horizon, sheildiug itn golden I i trill of hope upon the dark dciiwiriitpr minds of the hed-ruldcii and afflicted with poiu. like the burstinp; forth of the eonyenitil niys of . the sun upm uie cold, UiHimil legions o tuelricm zone. . The thrra letters which head this paragraph is the signili i cation of ; KABWAY'S HEADY RELIEF. Aa Inatantineotia Antidote for Pnina of all kinds, tha g very instant Rtidway'a Ileai'y Relief is upplicd. ita pain relieilnf; quntitit's are rt'ftlizwl, it will rHk've the moBt sc. vereiiaina of Hhcuniutisin, l,umlagot (iuut, raraljais, Tic t Dolurenx, A; c, in a few iniiiutrH. .. I7"Huf.uhatiam llwCnu.t.'s, Treatment and Cure. ALLKHliLMATIC PAINS INSTANTLY CUBED BY UADWAY'S KKAUY KKIJliF. RheumnlisniHriseafrdinclill'ereiit causes, hut moat gene. raily.prQeeeda I'rom Coals, exposure to cold dump weather, and Bleeping in damp apurlmcuts. This complaint isriivi. ; aed into two clasara ; the iirsl infhiumtnr)-, ao culled from , ' the awetliug and inilanimation thut attends the pnina in the parta tuTectod ; second, ?lironic Hlicmuatie, i culled from the long continuance of the discas. It iaalso kimwiina Lumhujro, or Miin in the hucl;; rk-iaticia, or pains in the hip or Rmin i Anthrodyniu, or pnina in the joiuta. Tha v Acote Kheuinutism generally tcriniiuUes into one of Iheaa 6 and becomes a cliiouic complaint. TO RKIJKVE YOUll TOHTURK8. Aprlly Railway's Ready Relief, on a warm flannel cloth, , previously bathing the parts with wurin wuter, also take aOfr 40 drops ol the Relief internally in some iiiolnasea . twice ur thiee times n day; this will'frive wurmth to the J stomach, mid surely relieve yon from nil Rheumatic puma. It isalso speedv and efTeetinl in its operation in the cure ,, of diseased Pl'iN'K, STITCH IN THK RACK, LAMK NKSS, SOIIKXliSSOF THE JOINTS. Weakness, and , jwili in the side, Nervoua Headache, Tic Dolereux aud , iVoth Ache, tiasm8t Stntins, Crampa in the rMoinuch, t Piles, Bores, Hums, Scalds, Eruptions' of the Skin, Hour Btouiach, Heart Hum, lloarsi-nessand Sore Thr-art. Rea- di-r, If you have the misfortune to be troubled witheither if theafiovf diatreiwnijr complaints, he thankful that an antidote for your iiaiua ia at hand in RADWAY'8 REA- " DYTiKLIt:!--. lt'iaaure to (tiye your infant enao, and to your joy will : riimre' yotj a apeedy and inMiect cure. ' -See that each botttle lias the fae simile aislatura of ' KadwQy a; Co, upou each Inbel none inhcr ia genuine, 'u A BEAITIFIL PICTl'RE. ' ..V A NEW ..ABEL STEEL ENURAVING. T pnitevt the publie atrainst purchasiua; counterfeits nf Hadu'y'a AJhiucae Medicated taim R. 5 Rudway, the . . i-oittbruted jjhemiatol New York, haa at a gruut expense . ' anigaired Uie services of one ol the first artiata ofaleeleu . Biruvuur in American, nnd will on the hist of April, ln.iU, i . isaue.Kadway'a .Metlu-aled fcionp in ita new label. It ia a beaajifui ateel eiigruvluo;, it represents two female hjrurea - ui' hoalth uud beauty, rechuii'ii ou a luhlet and scroll work, :- ftti whicB ure tlie worda '-Rudw-iy's Medicated Sain" in iUmjiinaicd letters. On the opposite ' aide of the tablet ia --' the-fue simile signature of R. U. Rudway. The design Uafat, cuaHie, auiatic. and eleiruully executed. . THE VIRTUES Ol-' THE SOAP -'. ar also improved, the Ingh ppulurity which this excellent aoap hua attained lor ila superiority over all others for Tol let, Medlciiuil, and rihavilur purpiaica. has impelled ua to atrive and improve upm its merits, instead ol resting aa . ., tialied on lit alleaily gained laurels.' We have now entered into arrungementa for the iuipariutiou direct from our e-ir-.-. respondents ill Constantinople iu Turkey, and Canton iu , . Clmia, for our several oils. gums, huumnis. and extracts of , . raremediciiuil virtues, which weuae in the manufacture of Rudway's Scaip, instead of receiving them Horn third partlca, ao that now we have th aaliaiuctiou of knowing Chut the hiirhly medical and tialsamic jirouertiea oi' out boup are pure nnd unilnlterated. AS UEAl'TI K1ER OP THE SKIV. . ' It suriiiaaea every thing of the kind in tlie world, it re ; roovea Hediieaa, Viniph-a. Illotche., Pualiilea.Tettera Kaah. It cure. Salt 1! Ileum, Ring Worm, rloreileada. Korea, Pus. . tular Eruptions. It imparls health to the skin aud beauty to the complexion. Aa a uuraerv and Toilet ttip, U ia be yond tha reach of rivalry, and for Shaving purpoaeaitit the beat in aae, Una cake of Rudway's tvaip will lust Lou. i - - ffer than three cukes oi the aaine size of any other fekaip m K ? nse, tiwret'ore it ia the clieajicat uud brat Soap in the world. Price cents, laiue cakua in engraved wrnppere, and tlu) aignutura of H. ii. Radwuy udoneach wrapper. Now through the Harem ehniubera many lights Of hnay alaipea pria-taiin Uhi toilet riglita " '. NVlti le feome tiring latlm Iroin Cirousaia'a fair, n . To dreaa aud beautify their lovely Hair. Yhill uiukea the inaiils of Circassian aires Within lha breusta of kinga pure love iuapira. TODREStl AND BEAUTIPY THE HAIR. ( RjulwaVa Ciri-essiau Kalni ia becoming quite popular, t.athe'uraanf time M will anperaeda all othur preparation Invar, It cures laiklueaa, atreiurtheiia the hair, eradicates darlntf, and makes the hair anil, fine, aud glnasy. By uaing the la-lin aa per directions, it will inuae it curl beautifully, arranisblmg liuture. prioa Mets, in targe bottles. He that Kaihvaia 4l tV., ia auoaaauU uoitle. , AosntJI. B. Muaaur, buubury. ' . ji pjd f , la-Mi Umly EA8, from tlie New Yorli Canton snj Pskin 1 eaXoinpany For sale br I. W. FRILING. Sunbury, Dee. 8, 1848 8, 15 AY RUM All eircllent article for sal bv HENRY MAhatr.R. Sunbury Jan. I7lh, 1819 M. Equitable Ure Innnranre, Annuity "i nnd Triiot Company. OFFICE 74 WAI.fft'T HTHF.KT, PIIII.ADKLPBIA. ' CAPITAL fPAW.OOO. Cl!ATSa PSMPSTVAlt. . rpiIF. Cotnpony are now prepored to tranaaot businass I upon tne most liberal and advantageous terms. They are authorised by their charter (sect. 3) "to make all and every insurance appertaining to life risks of whatever kind nr nmure, aim to receive nun execute trusts, make endow ments, and to grant and purchase Rnimitien." Tha Com- puny sell annuities and endowments, and act Trustees tor minors ana ncirs. ' - i..: - -.i Table of Premiums required for the Anruranea of tlOO fai ths whole term of Llla.1 i - Age. Prem. Age. Prem. Age. 1 1'rctn. ia l so ; si sue . t o s 17 1 6.1 St a 1-1 47 ,14 18 1 GS 3.1 120 ' 4" 3 6 1" I 1 9 ' 84 W 97 ' i 49 1 77 90 1 HO II 1JI (0 1M SI IU 30 8 40 fit 4 13 24 I OH 37 47 N 131 123 10 3S S54 M 4 61 t ITS 39 a 0.1 64 4 71 9 I 7 40 70 6.1 4 01 26 IM II 181 66 t 13 S7 1 eO 4-1 IN 67 6 33 28 lp4 43 3 01 6X 6 54 20 1 fif II ill 69 6 7H 30 SIM 45 3 S3 00003 The premiums are less than any other company, and lha policies afford greater advantages. Tables of half-yearly and quarterly premiums, half credit rates of premuim, short terma, joint hvea, aurvivorshlpa and endowments ; also, form of Application (for which there are blank aheeta1) are to be had on application nt the office, or by letter to Hie Agent, J. H. PURDY, Sunbury. Ratiu fob insuring 8100 nn a single Life For Mrs. 1,60 2.04 S,7l 603 Examfli A person aged 30 years next birth day, by paying the Company 99 cents would secure to his family or heirs 8100 should ha die in 0110 year 1 or for Ofl.oO he ae eurea to them 01000 1 or for 813 annually for seven years he eecuree to them 81OOO ahmild he die in seven yenrs; nr for 920,40 paid nnnunlly during life he aeenrea UtOOO to bs taid when ne dies. The iuaurer seeming hia own bonua. y the difference in nmonnt of premiums from those charged bv other offices. For 8lg,50 the heirs would receive $5000 should he die in one year. Forme ofapplicatlon and nllrairticiilnrs may he had at the office. PETTO CULLEN, President. Vice President, Wm. M. Haid. Francis W. Rawls, Secretary and Trensnrer. Consulting Physician Dr. J. B. Mnsser, Sunbury. J. 11. Purdy, Sunbury, Agent for Northumberland court. Sunbury, July SS, 1649. "Encourage Your Own!" HAAS &KENN. FASHIONABLE MAKE OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. 'T'HE suliscrilio respectfully call tho attention of tlie public to their larrc nnd splendid assort ment of every quality and price of CAlaltflil-WAKaR. which cminot fail to recommend itsolf tocvery one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city. No effort is spared in tho manufacture of their ware, and the subscribers nro determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. Their stock consists of Mahogany Sofas, Divans and Lounges. Bureaus, Sf cretarfes, SftcboatUs, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUnSOAKUS, WUKK AM) UAINULli- STANDS, toilet tables and EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of their business. 1 hey also manufacture all kinds and qualities of ' CIIAIUS, including varieties never before to be had in Sunbury, such as Mahogatct, Black Walsut ami Ci hleii Matlf. Gkectax ; and Wixnson CHAIKS, and fancy Piaso Sfoois, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to bo excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscribers are determined that there ahull he no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can lie entertained about the quality and finish of their ware and Cnairs. Their articles will be disposed of on as good terms as they can lie purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. LNDEKTAMNli attended to on reason able terms. The Ware Koom is in Market Street, opposite J. Young's store, and nearly opposite W eaver a X avern. DANIEL HAAS, GEORGE RENN. Sunbury, April 28, 1849. If ALEXANDER G. CATTELL, SUCCESSOR TO JAMES M. BOI.TON, DKCD. COMMISSION If FORWARDING MER. For the sale of Grain, Flour, Seeds, Iron, Lum ber sr. No. 13 North Wharves, Philadelphia. Goods forwarded with care, to all points on the Schuylkill, Union, Susquehanna and Juniata Canals. fir"" Salt, Plaster, Grindstones. &c., for sal at the lowest prices. iMuladelplnu, June 2, 1849. ly ROBT. L. 8ETH. THOS. P. B. SETH SETII& BROTHER. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND CowmteGfou .fHrrrltauto, NO. 89 PRATT STB.EET, (Nehii Bowly's WharFj) BALTIMORE. Will pay particular attention to the sale of GRAIN and all other products of tht farm. Baltimore, January 26, 1850. ly TUB PEOPLE'S VADE-MECUM COMPRISING A COLLECTION OF OVER 200 VALUABLE RECIPES, In tht Useful and Interesting Arts with a few simple aud Curious Experiments ia CHEMISTRY : a INCLUDING Medicines, Perfumery, Chemistry A Cookery, Farriery, Dvinir. Confectionary. Do mestic Economy, etc etc etc. Price 6 rts., for lo hy HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, Dec. 8, 1849. FIRE PROOF CHESTS, T - , It llrt.MM, . 1 . ........ . n ' tun nuuivs, rAt'liliS, JEWtLKY, kc. EVANS & WATSON. No. 90 North Third street, between Arch and nact, ana 04 vuck street, OPPOSITE THE PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE. Patent Soap-Stone Lined and Key note 1 over SALAMANDERS, FIRE AKD THIEF PROOF IRON CHESTS, Warranted to ataiaa more Heat than any Chests in this Country, Also Patent Air-Cluimher Iron Cheats, WOO sow iu use. They alao continue to make tha ordina ry Fire Proofs, at very low prices Patent oombinatkiu kicks. With (iuage Keya, which can be changed several thousand times ctiaugea ble in fsct every time the Luck ia seed if deauable. These Locks are proof against the most expert Tbievea, being supplied with tha Patent Key-hole Cover, and made very atrong. they cannot be blown open hv Gunpowder. Tueae Locks are intended for HANKS, STORES, SAFES, c. Seal and lettei copying presses, fir? proof doors for Banks and Stores. Pateut Slats Lined Refrigeratore, warranted enperioe to all others. Water Filters, buower BaUis of tlis beat quab ity. (7 Perarms wishing to pUToaae any of lbs above ar ticles, will please give Ihi in a call, aa they aell cheaper than any other iu tha Umled States. DAVIT) PVANH, JOHANNES WATSON. Philadelphia, November 10, lbttt ly IEE BILLS Justices and Constables Fee . Bills Laiidsomly printed paper, for sals at this office. Age. For 1 year. For 7 yeara. SO 81 pi so m Lao 40 1,-4) l.ftl 80 l.bfj 2,07 . 69 3,43 3,u7 STONE WARE. THE atibecribef would most respectfully In form his friends and a generous public, Hint ha hi manufacturing the best qunlity of STONE- WARD, . in all its varieties, and is prepared to sell ft little cheaper than any other mniinfucturcr in the Union. He is also importing and dealing most cxtansively in CHINA, GLASS ASD QUEESSWAtlE, which ho offers on the most reasonable terms. His Potteries nro on Bond street north of Fay ette, and China store and dwelling at No. 8, i'. Baltimore street. DAVID PA I5R, No. 8, E. Baltimore street, Baltimhrk, Maryland. February 2, 1850. ly IIICKE3T & TULL, Ro. i:U C'lieNiiul street, Opposite the Arcade) PHILADELPHIA, ! I ANUFACTUKEHS of their improved style Ly l Elastic. Steel Spring, Solid Sole Leather, and Solid Riveted TllVWHS, which took tho only first premium, awarded by the Franklin Institute at their last exhibition. H. & T. take pleasure in Informing the travel ling public, thnt they have now on hand, a beau tiful assortment of their improved style of Solid Sole Leather Trunks; Double and Single Folio Trunks, nf vnrious styles ; Ladies' Trunks, Va lice Trunks, Bonnet Boxes, Cap Cases, Carpet Bags, and an elegant assortment of superior En ameled Pateut Leathar Bugs, with every article in their line of business. tt?" Old Trunks Repaired or taken in exchange for New ones. ALEX. L. IIICKEY. RICHARD W. TL'LL. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1849.- Z??JjVr 301T1TET !f HAT MANUFACTORY, No. 30 North Second street, ovnosite the flfnttisnn Iftifi. T1HE subscribers would call the attention of I i 'A....t. A.fn-t , 1 t:n: ... .i.: -m. -uuiiiij i,i-i nniiit, lino ifi iiiint-rn to IIICll CA- tensivo assortment of fashionable Sprixo ami Su.m:wf.r Bn?!(KTS ami Hats of the newest styles. Also, a large and general assortment f French and American Artificial Flowers, Ribbons, Crown Linings. Oil Silk, Wire, (jtiillinis, Buckram, Ac, which thcy.ofl'or at prices that defy competition. r. d. I aim i.ent lints hv 11111 case or dozen. W. M. oc J. E. MAI LL, Bonnet and Hut M-iiiufacturers, 30 Norlli street. Philadelphia June 2, 1S-19 mi J-J-UrDEGllAFF, IJESPECTFULLY informs the cilizens of Danville and the public nt larire, thut he has located in Danville, ami is now prepared to prac tice Medicine and Surgery iu all its various bran ches. He will operate on all tho various forms of blindness, cross eyes, club feet, harelip, cleft palate, and attend to the extraction of tumors, amputation of limbs, and all other suroical dis eases. His collection of instruments comprises II instruments in mttdern Surgery, of the latest improvement and finest finish, lie flatters him self that niany years' practice and experience will lie a sufficient guarantee to those w ho may feel disposed to employ him. His residence is nearly opposite the Monttfomr. ry Buildings, and next door to Isaac Rosen heim's store, in North Danville. Danville, Dec. I, 1849 ly. CUTLERY. AN extensive Stock of Pocket and Table CUT T.PKV ,,f.I.U J CHIT 2. C0LE1CA.1T,- Nos. 32 anti 3:1 ARCADE, and HJ North THIRD Street. Comprising S000 dozen Penknives, Scissors nnd itazors. Also, a choice assortment of Rodevrs A- Sons. Wostenhulm's Gieavc's W. & S. Butcher's and I-'enney's Cutlery, Also, Spanish, Dirk and Huntimr Knives. Also, (inns. Pistols, aud Bowie Knives. Also. The American Razor Slron. a suncriur nr. tide, worthy tlie attention of Dealers. Card Dealers in Cutlerv. will lind tha above Stock worthy their attention, as the Subscriber's chief business is importing and selling cutlery. 1-llilailclpliui, June 'J, 1819 y L Alii) LA MPS. t Oil N ELI t : S A CO . INu. Ill) I heaniit M , ESPECTFULLY aiinounre thut they lnivc just finished the most cxU-nsive ansertuieiit of la Mrs, they have ever offered for 6ale, comprising ELEGANT NEW STYLE CHANDELIERS. BRACKETS. PENDANTS. MANTEL LIGHTS, &c. Ill great variety, and of ORIGINAL DESIGNS'. Much attention has been paid to ECONOMY, in the construction of these Lamps, uud such are made as will produce the greatest amount of light from the least consumption of Lard. Recent improvements in tho manufactory, with the introduction of new and perfected machinery, enubles them to sell at a very GREAT REDUC TION from former prices, and all articles U-fore leuving the manufactory, are carefully inspected, and are warranted perfectly tight, and to give satis faction. Philadelphia, June 2, 1849. ly EVERY MAN HXS OWN PATENT AGENT. VTUNN tV Co, publishers of the -SCIENTI-L'A FIO AMERICAN," have favoured us with a Phaiuphlet containing the Patent Laws of the United Mates, together with all the forms necessa rv for HPIil vinur for a Patent, information in rcmr.l to filing caveats, with remarks on iu uses, etc., a moiuit of fee required at tho Patent Olliee, and every other information that is necessary to instruct a iM-rsou in niuKiug nis own applications. Price 11! J cents single, or IS copies for one dol lars sent bv mail to any part of the United Slates. Address MI NN & CO., New-York. March 10, 1819 TICZZNOR'S COLUMBIAN SPELLING BOOK. IDLING a progressive and ('oinprclieinixc Hys iJ tein of GrtliOCTiinv anil Orlbn..iiv. iii. li,.li,r a variety of cleliiiitiniw, udaplcd to llio use of Schools in the American Republic, by Allium Tieknor, a Teacher of liveiilv-live war. cvn.-ri. ence, and author of tho Columbian Calculators, Practical t oininon ScIumjI Meusurulion, &c. The attention of Teachers. School lli,.., i.,ra parents, &c, is invited lo this new Sin-llim; Book, .. i.:i. i- .....1.. 1 1, 1 which i-iniiiiiiiia 10 inu jiiotieril siu-llllig anu Usages iu Orthography as being one of the nealest,clieupest best arranued. and better sdanted to tli. u-miu nf children, than any other published in the United "--U1U1. 11 is Wllttl 11 uuroorts to lie. a Plle lllinr Book and not a Reading Book, and only requires an examination on the Dart of inatriu-tni-a nf vm.ii. to .ectire for it a universal introduction into the Schools of the United States. Just published, and lor sale by Henst MassKs, 8ifnbury. VV here Teachers and Directors can procure copies for examination. August 4, 1849. f'I8SUE PAPER. Yellow Tissue paper for 1 covering glasses, for sale at tht othec ol the A AZOKS. A superior article for sale at the store of HENRY MASSEK. Sunbury, Feb. 16, 1850, . . ROSE OINTMENT. A fresh supply or this excellent article for Tetter, Ae., juat received and for sale by HENRY MASSEK. Sunbury, July S8, 1849, KNOB AND SPRING MORTISE LAT CHES. An excellent article, for sale at half the usual pries by J. W. FlilLLNG. Hunbury, July 7, 1749 to rnTsiniA5s,; drhgrists and COCNTKV MERCHANTS. D' R. J. N. KEELER ft Bro. most resneetfullv solicits attention to their fresh stock of ? Iirh, I'rtnrh, Grrman and Amriran Prnsft, Med icines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dyo Stud's, Glass ware, Perfumery, Patent Medicines rVs. Having opened a new storo No. 294 Market St with a full supply of Fresh Drugs and Medicines, we re spectfully solicit Country ilenlers to exnmine our stock beforn purchasing elsewhere, promising one and all who may feel disposed to extend to us (heir patronage, lo sell them genuine Drtnrs and Medi cines, on ns liberal terms as any other honse In the City, and to faithfully execute all orders entrusted to ns promptly and with dispatch. One of the proprietors being a regular physician, affords amplo guarantee of the genuine quality of all articles sold at theii establishment. We especially invite druggists and country merchants, who may wish to become agents for Dr. Krclrr't CrebriUr l'amity Mtrtiriven, (stan dard and popular remedies,) lo forward their ad dress. Soliciting the patronage of dealers, we respect fully remain, .1. N. KEELER cV BRO., Wholesnle Druggists, " No. 2U4 Market street, Philadelphia. Scptemticr 15, 1849. ly. In prewntinu the ptil.Hr- with a remeilv for the treatment mid cure of Fkvkb Ann Anna and other hili-uia dim-Jises, unaHilngy is lu-iih'il. Vast uiiuiIhts ill the 1'niti-il SUlt- J, who sulli-r from Iln-se nflVi-tiuna in their vnried f-inna, am compelled to seek r-'lief from other aoureea than the inline, dmte priscriptiousof the regular physician. II. latconnis tliercforc un nhjerl of liuninnily, ns Well as of piihlie interest-to bring them a n-iniily prepared from much ex-perieiv-e. mid whi-h may always Imi n-tied itwin as mrn, F.FFKCTCAL. AMI HAHMI.KI". TO TIIF. CO.NaTlTCTION. That such is the true character of the INUIA t'llOLAIiflRI V ia limply nMroicil by ihc universal snt-ccrv with which it has been empl'-yed. Tt? I'.xtrni-l fnan a eoiuniimiration rim ouiMRirxiK, of the l.'.t. Minatc .lli-hti;.ill. f the Il.,n. Wir.. late Giivcrii-ir of Dktiioit, Oct. SI, l--n. llnrTOR ClHHI.K. O-GooO, lcar Sir. 1 have read with macli iuterrst, yoar little trikatik iifnai ihc 'eans-a. Ireatiut-nt nnd ciin-" of the ft'l-rile dl-aat s wha-li liave so cxleiiaivcly pn;yaileil in oar country tlurjne 111- l:it lV-y m-intha an iuterc!! im-rraaed - .1 -nt.1. I,,- tin- furl that I have individually silll-Ti-d so niiir-h fr.. m them. Tlinuch 1 feel myself very iia-)ini,cti-iit lo jatiire Ktfcty upon a so entirrly pr-if-siiiiiii:il, yet your theory s-eiiis to me well rea. -tied, mid your com-'lu aiona just, and I think withal, that your aiuphlcl is enk-u liil-'d to prnihu-i iinicli practical gi h h I . Spi-iikmg of the medicine he says : It fully justified your flattcriiar expectations, and us a safe, convenient, and popu lar remedy, my own experience, an far. induces me to be lieve that it will prove a great public lienefit. 1 run pleased t-i learn ihat you have n ntlv established aeverul uceiieies for its disposition though I regret Hint, with n view to a more general dissemination of it, you should have found it necessary to remove from your present residence among us. With much respect I have the honor to lie, sir, Your ohlitred servant, WILLIAM WOODIJRIDGF.. f?F" From Hon. Stkmifx V. It. TRowsainr.i. of Miei.i. gan Slate Sen ile, to the Agent nt Detroit. Kikmixoham, Oakland Co., Dec. II. KI. tr von wish me to inform von wlml I a ,... ..r llr Oairood'a India t'holagogne, or niiti-bilioiia medicine. I do believe that if the virtue and ellieacv of this medicine were eeneially known, the ffveh a. aocb would disappear iu Michigan. I procured a bottle in the spring nf 111, and have good rcaaon to U-lieve that myself uud fiimily escaped tho ague lust season iu consetpieiice of its use. Perhaps in no summer since the settlement of this fine peninsula, has the fever nnd ague been ao prevalent as the last. 1 h ive recommended Una medicine onerous in stances, and when the iliio-nse had become fixed anil baffled the skill of physicians: nnd I have never kn-'wn it fail. . has universally produced the most happy etr- i-ts. and I bet lieve it h is never been e.xceeil-d by any' medicine iu remo ving the bilious discuses of 1 lie climate. Yours, rcspecll'nllv, t-TEi'HKN V. R. TROWIIlillKii:. Aleut f..i Siinlmry II. li. AI.S.-i:i! ; .N. irl hiinil-eilanil. WITIli;ToT ,V fo.j Milton, J 11. RASKIi: Selia,' grove. MA V ft KI.DSE. " .May ti, 1xS tf LIQU()nS,AVINKS,ccd T'HE subsi iiber has just received 11 new sinuilv ..Cll.o t... i; II ... c. 1 J ... .... ... .,.,.,.,.3 ciei vauic 10 ouunury, 1 oiisL-uii- in pari 01 Superior old pale Brandy. Fine Coguiiie Brundv. Superior Old Jamaica Spirits. New England Ruin. Fine Holland Gin. Superior )ld Whiskey Coiniii:)u do. Sii.'i-rior Madctiii Wine. Lisbon do. . do. Superior Tort Wine. Burgundy Port do. Sweet Mulaua Wine. Superior Claret Wine in bottles. Champagne do. do. HENRY MASSER. .Sunbury, May 2fi 1849. A etv tNoi tmcrttol ri-i-Mii .ioiIs IRA T. CLEMENT, T E.'PECTFULLY informs his Ak- tomorsonr! otlien, thut he bus just received a iiauusiiiiiu BMsurinirni ii NEW GOODS Bt l.i. Klnr. i.t M. V- c , . iquurc in ounnury, such as J)ry (loods, Groceries, Quecns wiire, Hardware, &.c. unliurv, Juna 8;i, 1819. (Late Cif-IU-i- &, Crf.nougli.) PATENT ATTORNEY. AND IVIECIIAITICAI. ENGlNErS, 1V:ishhivrtun, 1). c. TlAWIN'tJS ami papi-M f(,r H.n p LsOilif..', r.;iiari'il ,iik1 all lite necessary hu K'ss, ia ri-lalion to Ki-i-iirinir nali-nts. t,:,,,-. iti-lf.1, mid promptly rtin-iuh-,1 i0) at t.j, t,f. lion npjHisilu Uui Patent Olliee. OcloU-r 28, 1818. Win. Ii. rocltran fc t'o., M hulesule nnd Krlnil, WINK AND LKjl'OR MERCHANTS, No. 72 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. B S 'V. ulwa)'s 011 ''and a cry large slock of U il Wines, Liquors and Sizars, of their ovu niporlaliim. Store Keencra. Hotel Kceners. and private gentlemen, will be supplied on the most liberal terms. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1848 GTONE WARE, 1 ONE milk Pans, stono Jugs and PiU-hcre, J and olhrr articles of stone wuro just received and for sale bv JOHN W. FRILING. Sunbury, June 23, 1849. WILEY'S t'OUG t?i.NDY An "excel, lent remedy lor coughs, colds. For sale at this oll'u-a E B AUD'S celebrated Horse and Cattle MeJi J cine for sale by HENRY MASSE K Sunbusy Jan, 87th, 1819 QOLD PENS IN SILVER CASES. A small lot on hand and for sale by II. B. MASSER. funbury, April 6, 1850. T) AISINS, currants, citron, cheese, pepper sauce, iu. For sals by J. W. FRILING Sunbury, Deo. S, 1848. GAPS. An assortment just received. Also ailk HATS at $225, for aula by H. MASSER. 8unbury, Dec, 2, 1848. KLANKS of every description can ba had by applying at theoflice af the Auicriaaa. I 'ET'I'ER envelopes, of vuriaus kihds, for sale at this ellii e. pill iTjfi -i vf-fy iffi?? 1 1 (Siff? It vi 1 : i tK-Vi DK. TOWNSfiXD'S COlirOl'ND EXTRACT OP SAItSAlMUlLLA. THIP Fxtrnet Is put np in quart bottles. It la six times cheaper, plonsnnter, and wnrrnnteil snjicrior to any sold. It cures discuses without vimuting, purging, eick-m-as, or debilitating tha patient, end is particutarly adapted far a FALL AND SPRING MEDICINE. Tha great beanly and superiority of this Snrsnparilla ever other remedies is. whilst it eradicates disease, it invigorates tho body. Consumption cured. ' 'Cleanse nnd Strengthen. Consumption can la) cured. Bronchitis, Consumption, Liver Complaint. Colds, Coughs, Catarrh, Asthma. Spirting of Rlnori. Soreness in tha Cheat, licetic Flash, Nieht Sweats, Dilii cult and Profnpa Kxpectonitiou, and Pain in the Side, c, Ac, hnve ami can lie cured. Proltnhlythere never was a remedy that has been so sue ressfnl in despcrntu cases of consumption as this ; it clenn. sea anil strengthens the system, and npnears to heal the ill cera on the limes, aud patienla gradually regain their usual health and strength. . CURIOUS CASE OF CONSUMPTION. . There is scarcely a day passes but there nre a number af cases of consumption reported as enred by the use of llr Towuseu'a Sarsnuniillu. The followioa wna reeentlv re. Dr. 'I'owxsKNn 1)ear Sir: For the Irist three years I have been nlflieted with general debililv. ami nervoits con- sumption of the last stage, and did not expect to ever gain my health nt all. After going thrnuah n course of medicine under thn enro of some of the most distinguished regular physicians and mem ers of the Hiwird of Meallh in oik and elsewhere, and spending the most of inv earnings iu attempting to regain my health, and after raiding in some paper of yout Sarsnpnrilla i rcsolveil to try il. After using six liollles I found it done me ureal good, and called to see yon nt your office j with your advice 1 kept on, anil do most heartily thank you fin- your advice. 1 persevere in hiking the Sarsnpnrilla. and have been able lo attend to mv usual labors for the Inst lour months, audi hope by the blessings of liod and your Samirilla to continue my hcnlth. It helped me be. -Mid the expectations of all who ..r.w my ease. t;HAKl.L IJUIAIUY Orange, Lsk-x ph. N. J., Aug. S, IM7. Slate of New Jersev. t-'.ssea ci.mi.Iv r-hnrlc O.tim. by being duly sworn necording to law, on his oath aaith, mil me loregoing statement Is true nec. .riling to the best of iii-Kiiowicu-.-eniHI IH-Iiel. CI1AR1.KS OtlMliV sworn ,md subacrilx-il to ln-foro in- nt (Irnnue, thegd Augusr, 7. CYHl S HALUWIN. Justice of the Peace, SP1TTINO ni.ocn R'-n-l the following, and say that consumption is in ineii- ..iine n you can : New York. Anrit A-V 1R17 Dr. TowxsKxn: I verilv ln-lieyn that your Sirsapnrilln ' a me iiieaua. iiirougn rrovuieuee, ol saving my Ilia i nave several ywira n:ul a liau eo'iiili. Jt tiet-amc worse unil worse. At list 1 ratsei larire onai.liliea of l, l.ii.l night sweats and was greatly debilitated and reduced, nnd did not expect, to live. 1 buys only used your Saraniirilla bat a short time, and there has a wonderful change been wioairht iu me. 1 am now able to walk all over the city. raise no Mood, and my conch has left me. You can iv- ll imagine mat am thankful lor these results. Your ohedi oil servant. W.M. HI SSI XL, 05 Catharine st. LOST I1KR SI'I'.KCII. The Hniixci! certificate tells a simple and truthful story of suffering and relief. There ure thousands of similar ca ses in tuie erty and Hrooklyn. and yet there are ih-.iisnuils "l parents let their children die lor tear of being huiulmggcd --. u at, l a lew snilllljl-s. Itnsiklvn, Sept. IS. 1KI7. Or. Tow.-Fxn: I take pleasure in suiting, for the bene- .a .a ii may eonccru. that inv iliiaghter, two yi"irs and six mouths id, was alHictcd with general de- ......v ..i i-rooi sp.-eca. r-ue was given up as past je- ,-.-. ..j oi ypioaicinu; nut i .rinuatetv l was re- commcuilcd by a friend to try your Snrsuimriila. Ilef.ire Having used one leittle siic recovered her spceeh and was ciiai.a-o lo wain alone, to the ustoiusliiiieni m nil who were aei.iiainieii won i lie circumstance. She lauou'mi tewell nnd iu much l-iter hoilth Ihun slut has been for IM inouths pasi. jiiM .l-ll I A i Mill, las York St., Urooklyu. TWO CIUI.DRKX SAVi:i). very few families indeed in fact we have not heard of one that used Dr. T-iwnsend's Snrsnparillu iu time, lost i.n, ciuiorcii mid pasr rtuiuuier. while that did not, sickened and died. The ccrciKi-atc we publish below is conclusive evidence of its value, and ia only another instance of Its saving the lives of children : Dr. ToivssKND Oear Sir: I had two children cured by your Sarsaparillu of the sniiim-r complaint mid dvsent-iry j one was only la nv. nl hold nudtlMolher 3 yeara. They were very much reduced, and we expect i-d they woukl die ; they were, given up by two respectable plus. cuius. When informi-il us that we must lose'thein, wc rcsol veil lo try your Sursup-irilln we had heard ao much of, but had little confidence, there being so much stuff advertised that is worthless: but wc are thankful tint we did, for it un.l..ui.teiliy saved the lives of both. I write this that oth ers may be induced to use it. Yours, respectfully, JOIIX WILSON, Jr. Myrtle-avenue, Hrooklyn. Sept. 13, IM7. TO TUG LtlllKS. ORKAT FEMA1.F. MI'.niCIXE. IlR.TowsKxn'sSMAPARii.LA is a sovereign and speedy cure f r incipient c-nsuiiiptioii. unit for the general prostra tion of the system no matter whether the result ol" inhe rent ciillse or cuusi-a. nroduccd liv irrcimlni itv. ill..,-u nr i-i.lenl. ,..:hll g can be inr-re surprisiiig than its invigorating ef fects on the Imninn frtnic. Peraona nil weakness and las., Iroin tiikinir IL ul onee hcc.iiiie r-ilmist and lidl of ::c ir.nlei i:s i,:ti. lenec. Il immediately cuuteniets the iiervelcssness of the female I r.iuie. which is the ereai .-in.. billtenuess. It will n .t be expected of us, in cases of so delicate a na ture, -ales of cures pci formed, I. 'it wc can unti-re the ;:tliicl.xl that luiudrciis in eu-a ha e b.-en reiair-li-l louv ' Da. TowNsE-in: My wifo being grwitlv ilistrcssed by wcukm-ss uud general debility, an d snllcrimr oiuinnnllv hv and with other d.llieultics, uud h lying ku own eases Win-re y-.ur mcilieliie has clleetnl creat cures: hihI nlao hc:iring it rcc uuucuiled for such can-a as I have d-.-s.-ribc.l, I oni.-iinnl a Iv.lth: of your Lxlract of S.rsaivirilla and fol I .will the direciioi.s you gave inc. In a short period it removed her coinptduts uud restored her lo health. H,-ing grc.itful for the iM-uefits she received, I in iliusacknowledging it, and rccomiiiL-ndiug it to the public. -U I). .MllOKK, Albany, Aug. 17, Ml. cor. dnind .V. Ljiha sis. DYSI'I-PSIA. o fluid or tnediein., has ever been discovered which so nenrly resembles ihc gastric juice or saliva in dccmnnisiing Haul ami sireuijtheiiing the organs of digestion aa this pre paration ol Sarsuiurilla. It cures every case nf dyspepsia, however aeyere or chronic. Hank Uciwnnieiit, Allmnv, Mnv 10, IBIS. Dr. Towiisend Sir: I have lieen slilicted for aeveml years with dyspepsia in its worst form, aticuded with s ur ilisff of si .ni.ich, loss .i'a. l.le, exlrcinc heartburn, llnd a grenr aversion to nil kinds of food, mid lor weeks, (what 1 c.tuld cm) 1 have been unable to retain but a sin.ill iortlon on my stomach. 1 tried the usual remedies. 1ml they hud 1-ut little or no effect in removing the complaint. I was in duced, nli-ail two mouths since, to try vo ir Kxtrncl of Sar aaairilla, nod 1 must any with little r.iihdeis-e ; but after using nearly two bailee, 1 fouud mv appetite restored mid lha hmrtl.urn entirely removed; nnd I would earnestly re commend the use of it to wh- have been afflicted as 1 have been. Yours, 4c., . W. V. VAX SCAXOT Agent for Snnl.nry JOIIX W. KRII.1XG ; Xor. thuiulterlnnd, MARY A. McCAY: Danville, WM. A. MURRAY ft Co., ApnllW. lm ly N. S. LAWRENCE, Agent for the sale of Sottthworth Manufactu ring Co's. Writing Papers. ' l'a'o lloiisie. Wo. 3, Itllnof street fUXX.ASSI.PHIA. 100 "E of the uhove superior Papers now in store, and lor sale in trade at the lowest market prices, consisting in part of Fine thick Flat Caps, 12, 14, 15 and 10 lbs. blue and white; Superfine Medium and Demi Writings, blue and white. Extrasupcr and superfine Folio Posts, blue. Siiierliiie Caiumericul Posts, blue and whit plain and ruled and white, plain and ruled. Etra super Linen Note Papers, plain and gilt. SiiX-rfinc and find Dill Papers, long and broad. ISiiM-rlino and lino Counting-House Caps and Posts, blue and white. Extra super Conirrcss Caps and Letters, plain and ruled, blue und white. , Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, gift. Supcrliuo Sermon Cups and Posts. Superlined bluo Bath Posts, blue and white. plain and nil -d. I'.niliroidereil ISole Papers and Envelopes, 'Lawyer's" Hrief Papers. Superfine and fine Cups and Posts, ruled and plain, blue and white, various qualities and prices. Also, 1000 reams white end asserted Shoe Pa pers, Ilonnet Hoards, white and assorted tissue. Tea, Wrapping, Envcloj-, assorted and blue Me diums, l ap Wruppmg, Hardware Papers, &c I'liiludelpliia, Aov. -u, 1!4. WINSLOW'S BALSAIM or IIOIiEIIOUND Ingratitude Is the Iiasest crime of tnnn. Y17E are not among that class of Editors who ' for tew dollars will, (at the expense oft ruth am honesty) "crack up" an article and bring it into rapid sale ; neither are we willing to remain silent, after having tested the utility of an im provement or discovery in science or art Our readers will recollect we told them we were un well with a sore throat and violent cold some few weeks ago. Well, we purchased two bottles of WINSLOW'8 BALSAM OF HOREHOUND and so sudden was the cure, that we (orgot we ever had a cold. Those who aro aUlicted, may try it upon our recommendation. Ltwisio Tclt- giaph. A fresh supply of the above valuable medicine just recerved, and for sale in' Sunbury, by John W. r ruing, Mary A. Met ay at Noruiuinnerlund' and at wholesale by Frederick Klett, & Co., cor ner of 2d and Cullowhill streets, Philadelphia. 1'liiladclpnia, Sept. 22i1, 1843. 8 mo. LIVER COMPLAINT, mPJS dyspepsia, chronic or , NERVOUS DEBILITY, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, Jlnd all diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Sioniach tn loth Male and Female: DiJiM f Stomach, Nausea. Heart-lmrn, lSwiolS."!',,! W-i"ht '" omach, Sour Swnrminaof he He ""he pit of the Stomach fVZ7i t au ie l en.'lT1"1 Breathiiut, whei'i in"; I Tv, h Ilimnef. ? "T Inline STcl; W", Pain T,T i,, ihe FsK "'g nnrgVorev-M ami great depression of Spirits Can be effectually cures" by EOOFLAITL'S Cold) rated German Hitters. Their power over the almve diseases ia not excelled if equalled by any other prepnrntion in the United tntes hd fiiTled""1""' '" ma")r cu"t' ofler kilu'ul physicians Denmgemcnt of the Liver and Stomnch nre aonrcca ef Intuuity. nnd will also produce disease of the Heart, Skin Lungs ami Kidneys, and Inys tha laidy open to an attack of the Cholera, Dillons, or Yellow Fever, and ia generally the hrst cause id thut most Imneful disease, Consumption, Opinions of (he Philadelphia Press. "THE DISPATCH." December lllat says : heard ,V2 r ' A1 KUI CI N K-We h"ve frequently heard the Celebruted Oerman Hitters, manufactured by Dr H.Kni,,nd,.,ke.lofin terma of commendaliou, and we kuowdeserveillyso It la a too common practice, in cer lHTu o"' t"J,uffnll "f traah, but in tha ?. i i"' h,,ndrH- ''Vtait witnesses of their grenl aornl and physicnl worth. Aa a medicine of the Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Nervoua Debility and Dyspepsia, it has been found invaluable, effecting cares and t aimg'hlv enidicatniR disaiscs. when all other incdicinee have failed lh.e7ilST,,,ml.',m, "heasenfthe Oermnn Bitters, the ,xi lent d-sts n- .1 become debilitated, but constantly gains strength and vigor to the frame a fact worthy of' ireat Z'l'e-Ki1"mVre P'""""' in tae and amell, and can I ndministere.1 under any circumstances, to the m-tsl ilelien'e stomach. Indeed, they can l iw-d In-all per sons with the most perfect ,a,ety. It would be well for those who are much affected in the nervous system, to eminence - with one ten spoonful or less, aud grndu.tllv i. crease, "c speak from experience, and are of course, a proper judge. Hie press far and wide, have united in re. most cordially advise their use. SPIRIT OF THE TIMES." JuneSlth teii-a: the n o,. ' l0(;OUc"''ZKXS who are invadids, knew Sir l v - i'!"",!",1R, ''"rCT ,h,,t 1,,,ve performed by Dr. ilistfriand's Crlehnilnl German Hitters ? if they do not, we rei-ommcnd then tnthe"Uerinnn Metliciu. Slore," all who art inflicted with Liver Comprint, Jaundice, Dys pepsia, or .Nervous Debility ; the Doctor has cured many af our citizens alter the best physicians had failed. We have used them nnd they hnve proved to lies medicine thnt every one shoal,) known!, nnd we cannot retrain giving' our trs-tnu-tny in their lavor, and that which gives Iheiu greater claim upon our humble effort, they are entirely Vegetable "THE DAILY NEWS," Julvlthsnvs: "V e speak knowingly of Dr. llooflaniPsCelehmted fier inuii miters, when we Buy it is a blessing of this age; and in diseases. .1 the biliary, digestive and XervousSvslems, it has n, w-ethmk nn epial. It ia a Vegetable Preparation and made Alcohol, nnd to all invalid, we would re conituend it as worthy their confidence, r-i-u ""'I retail, t tha principal Depot. .' ? W MKUICINB STORK, Nn. lit) Arch Street, For sale by M. A. McCAY, Northumberland aud Sun. State"" r,'!,l1eetuul dealers generally throughout the April SI, 1610. 1y COLUMBIAN SERIES OF Slrftfuuct(r0. The Pupil's friend and Teacher's, comfort. 'piIE COLUMHIAN CALCULATOR-This work is already introduced into some of the best Acadamies and a large number of Schools, where its use has given decided and universal sa tisfaction, both to teacher and pupil. It is purely Apiencan in its character, based upon our own bcuutiful drcimal system of currency. It contains more, the arrangements arc better, and it is the easiest and cheaest work of tho kind now in use; and it is so considnrr-.l hv l,,m,i-n.iM r.i. . ,rJ ..uumvun ui liib niOSl rompctcut teachers and men of science in the Uni on, who have recommended it, It is the book, particularly nnd expressly prepared for our 4ic. ....... . jy silMdU J-lCAIWr. Til K Yolvni's fai.cwai , v C. . .. tpi.: -' ..'-'.bilMII.II-lllll volume contains 01 pages, with almut 900 exam- i-n- nouuiuu on me siate. il embraces tho Fundamental Rules, Compound Rules, Simple and Compound Reduction, Single Rule of Three, Proportion, etc. TicKMin's Arithmetical Tahlksis destined for the use of younger classes in tlu Schools of the United Slates. A beautiful little hook and pleas ing to children, and the only one of the kind of anv value. There nre IvnV. tn l,oib A i. i : T.. ... ...,. ..iiii.ii,-... . ooiiiiu sin gle or double, fort he convenience of teachers, in which the solutions of the questions are given with much extra matter for the black board. These Keys nre the most complete works of the kind ever published, and contain, in addition, about two hundred exnmtiles in Mensuration. Arc. for use of the Teacher. All thut is wanted is to have the above books examined, and no teacher who is acquainted witli the science of Arithmetic, will hesitate to pronounce them the liest works tha have ever been published in this or anv ntber country. Although issued but a few months, they have already been introduced into the Night Public Schools of New York City in all the Schools public, and private, except two, in the City of Reading. Also, in about twenty Acadamies in the State of Pennsvlvnniu in a Lr.i rw,-,;.. Ar i. - . --- ' , - - .!'., VI 11. U Schools in the City of Wilmington, in the Citv of ... i t. . . . . . J me uorougns ol jlarnshurg, York, Chamlasrsburg, Lebanon, Doy lestown, Putts ville, Orwigsburg, &c, Ac. For Sale llV HlVBr finnUH. A . J -'--'""" WUIIUU.J., lvill for Northumlterland County. Sunbury, Dec. 2, 1848. , DIAMOND POWDER. FOR RAZOR STROPS. riMUS Powdur is warranted fur superior to any 1 thing in use for imparting a keen, smoothedge to lla tors, Surgical instruments, and all kinds of fine CuTLtar ; it may lie applied to any kind of strop. Also superior Razor, Knives, and Perfu mery, wholesale and retail, by ALFRED DENNETT, Agent Depot of Fine Razors. Strons. Brushes, and Cheap Fancy Goods, No. 18 South Fifth street a- bove Chestnut Philadelphia. TESTIMONIALS. "' Phi lap RLPtt i a. Feb. 15th. 1848. This may certify that I have used one of the Strops prepared with HAYNES' MAGIC DIA MOND POWDER, ami- can attest in the most unequivocal manner, that there is nothing can be found that will produce the rame effect in my opin ion, aim iiuisi say to ol Hers, try it, and you will find il superior to any hejetoiore in use. I can truly say that I never knew what a sharp raaor was before. JOHN SCOTT, Iron Safe Maker, 41 S. Third st PaiUDnrHiA, October, 1848. A very hard lieurd and tender face has cunicl led ma to seek and lest many contrivances design ed to make shaving easy and pleasant, but with indilli-rent success, until I niacin i.u of il, f..i.. DIAMOND POWDER, sold by Alfred Bennett, IT, 1 1 L.-I no . . ' snu nuubwi s oiuvuis ireain. I loop ohOa.! er act like magic, and imuut a power to the Razor to remove the most stubborn beard, without irritating- the akin or teuiiier of their owner. J. COX, 49 South Fifth Street For sale at this office Price 85 eta. per Box November 25, 1848 6m. Valuable Hooks. T IFE or Christ, handsomely bound, D'Ac lj msxt'i History or tri RtroantTios, Dlakk Dat-rooks ahd Liuoirs, full bounded. For sale at the publishers prices by H. B. MASSER. Suukary, July 14, 184. Cotton Yam, Cotton Carpet Chain, Cotton Laps and Wadding, Cotton Outlines, Ready made Pantaloons, Ready made Vests, Congress Knives, Porcelain lined preserving kettles, just received for sale by U. MASSER. Sunbury, Dec. 2, 1848. PATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's writing and iudcllible ink, Cotton yarn and laps, just received and for sale by j. w. rniLiNG. Sunbury, Dec. ?, 1848. OXYGENATED A SOVEREIGN It EM EOT FOR PHTHISIC, - , AND GENERAL DBBIltTT. GEORGE B, GREEN, Proprietor. Windsor, Vermont. . Co.,ive,?e, Acfd'' ts' htu.l Piles, Nigh Swmts"snd T e'veiTS U,ot APe"e. phthisic fsnd aZZ vM,iZ3T , Pr ment of Uie Stomach foe iw J !t'n"ei with derange B'eathing, thlZiTZil rilfci!-) Dytic Sl-srsw.,, is relief by.hT'T!-' their use has been proved in the T ril ?Zr '"""ort, ptam.-.VPd a. del.n?iferfcJ,,T,, ,hi tion of the Stinria-h f llmZ JnZ ?Lh. T"" "T"" age or from the tfravfl'J Afrue. Females tferin. uiZZiXJ chie inIse rBnwdy' nd " W"by mj him afterwrnd. L . faroilr of the proprietor, and br quniuume w!i 'l"!,tm'i afflicted friemri and u. tended S Tt I. j "Potior, gradually ex l uinn, M a medi i Ul9 mott ,s"tmt lrts of the A.thnii or JJ n Me h'. T' "" (o ,lM hnahwnthe Jt ArV..-nlyJ,, d ,n l" kary mouth toZ,X!,t teXT,6?1 "to f ry instance where theVl nZ. 7 fr,end m friend- crrihrpn,rbnfe.,hem-' WINDSOR, Vt, Octoc2iSSGREEN' P-P"""' The following CerOncates have recently bee. sustain the re.. m,mendP,h 1 lc ,!" "at ''"X willfully nllllcied. "'"'"ry thnt it may be ncceuibla Is all tha SAMCKL PHELPS WILUAMI-pham,' I U .'AMIS V SHIMOVa . n 8. Senator from Yermost. J. T. MORKliFAD ' tr' ""' ,lntor:n"i R. Islaad. or of Kn,,U, llUD' U- S- """"r and forrwrly Oovera- Senator from R. Islaad. mn H ' I0U' Mcmber of Connn ''"nly Oa- ver,,arfV,!c:S.IDGK' U' S' Sen"""d '"7 -TerVitory.IA"': Dfl'ra,e Co"f from VT.n,i. From Hon. . D. TCn .f C.n(rfwB fr.. Penuaylvama. Dear Sir.-I have beCA"," iUTO''' D- C- Jt; " year,, and hiiTed?o',Pri,P,u,.C Tr " " without succesa until I rlL mdiemea tin- relief m'ers.;. I Z,rtZ .a,,e.Urs,i7M,",e1'r restored to perfect heattli Tl.- r ""'' rld Bisi myself t-mik.thTw.iv.?l P"WCT; ",ld wnuld edmini.ter.vl a p rt f a h"nle i,!'l'"e " t friends, with gm t ,,iccss Thl" ,"""'rr."f V dieted should establish8 " " ev' . iZ V de"ln'" '"t vau where then d c""e ,?o oh, ' or '"form then sire for ym frZZr .t . t Wlth "" de' truly yoL fric d' 5 ""' l'l,1"e,i I subscribe mvsalf, Ppyhi,'M" " Agent fir Sunbury H. B. M ASSI-ai Acem"rr','ri-,il,n,T!l'ACKAV "' Aprll'lSMfir M"y-J- O- KKNN. I M I'OIITA NTTO THE I'lBUG, HCP..SE A1TD CATTLE n MEDICINES. Don t permit your Horses or cattle to die, when me means of cure are within the reach of all! stmlv "? ?:';frsin,d hns Pt wveral years in the i; , I , .ete"ni,ry practice in "London and E son r ', "imselfof theresear c n rS ofa I "t'l n"" towinri! " j-'i-x-'trealtnent fo. m ., ; the pnucple, of our practie. consist. eWHonJ 'y"f '''-li..S"..J the total shown , f ""' that experience Ua. shown lo l-n of a dangerous tendanev. These rs meihesaettn harmony with the vitalprinriplc, and he gnen according to the direction, which ac company each arhcle they m capable of exciting and increusuig the natural functions, without di- -" o i-trrv one. " G. IL DADD, M. B. A List of Horse nnd Cuttle Medicines. Physic balls, por box. Alterative ball, 75c do. oge " powdcf"rl'aJtl"1'"on,r5cperpack- Heave powder for diseases of the lungs, 75e dr Lnne powder for .. kini ?5e ' I oinc powder for Iiad cot.dition, 75c do. boulc '"nuniatioii of bowels, 75e per Liquid blister, 75c per bottle. Ointment fur promoting the growth of hair, 0o per pot ' Icriwtfle,aImf0rW0Un'1''"''d "aJl11" eaI1.76 Wash for inflamed eyea, BOc per bottle, 'r bLTtle """'50 ctaU:hn' old onm' 0e Embrocation for ,re throat, 75c per bottle. prTboTuc ""d CraL'k' b"tU boo; ic 500 Horse Liniment the most celebrated arUcl. known in England for lameness of every description, 75e cc M per bottle. Distemper powder for red water, $ 1 per bottle. Worm powders for the removal of worma from the intestinal canal, 75 per package. For sale by STIMPSON & REED, 28 Mer chants Row, also at DADD'S HORSE AM CATTLE MEDICINE DEPOT, Not l A ? Hayinarket Square, Boston. Pamphlets describing the diseases for which these rrmches are used can be had gratis. Numerous Certificates are in possession ef the I ropnetors, of cures performed by the above Modi cines. Sold by GREEN cV PLPTcnro w. ooo.-u Sl 1 H Street, Philadelphia, and by his Arknts. Hkkrt Masslh, Sunbury, February 8, 1849. tf EOSB OINTMENT, TOR. TETTER 1EAD the following certificate from Capt. Devoe, the Truveahlr j"owu t,uS P"PuUu 6lmm u"at Capuin (of the Philadelphia, October 31, 184t. Several veors since I was attacked with a breaking out on iny neck in the form of Tetter, whic h 1 am convinced was contracted at the Harber'a Shop. It gnuidually extend ed over my fuce until it reached the upper part of th. checka. During the several raoiitiia lliat il eouiiiued spreading, 1 uaml dim-rent applications, some of which had the effort, apprcntly at leaat, of increasing the diseaae, but Iroiiiwiueol Ihemdid I perceive the least benefit until I iipiuual i he Rn Oistmsst. Hy the use tf one jar of it tiou" P"lx'iy cllred reI1"'"1"l free of tha sflee- I nave sines used the Ointment, lightly applied for rough neas of the lace, blotches, chapped lunula, Ac. WuaTpar. feet euccesa. 1 have no heaitatiou iq rocouinjeudiiur tt ia the strongest manner to the public. JAMES DEVOE. Agent Hinbt Masbir, Sunbury. JulyW, 184. ' PATE1TTCEDICI1T33. Green's Oxygenated Bitter, price reduced. Old Jacob Townsend's Sarsaparilla. Baker's Sarsaparilla. Swayne's Syrup of Wild Cherr Swayne'a Vermifuge. . Ayre'a Cherry Pectoral Dr. Drake's Panacea. Dr. Cullen'i do Tibbit'a Pain Killer. Dr. HooAaniTa German Bitters: ' Indian Vegetahie Pills - Horse and Cattle Medicines . v ' For sale by HENST If ASAZJL Sunbury, July It, 1849. TJOOKS and Gold Pens. On hand several eop. - ies of the life of Christ and also a number of gold pens which we will aell at the Philadelphia, prices. Fer sale at ttiisoffice. -; t KENNEDrs PATENT SASH rAS TEN1NGS. A cheap and excellent art cle lor fastening sash for sale by J. W. FRILIN9 Sunbury, July 7, 1149, . 'av