ACOB REED'S " s CXOT1UIMA ROOMS, Southwest Corner of Fifth and Market Streets, PHILADELPHIA, WHO always keept on hand a large stock of every variety of clothing made up of good material, and in "the latent and beat styles. He would also inform the public, ftiat he paya consi derable attention In getting up Military Clothing, in good style and on reasonable tcrmi. -June 15, 1850 ly JOIIIY C. FA It It & Co. IMPORTERS OF "Watchei, Jewelry, Plated Ware,' AND FANCY GOODS, 112 Chesnut St., between 3d If 4th Streets. PHILADELPHIA. ALWAYS keep on hand an excellent assort nient of tha above articles, which they will ell on terma aa low aa any in the city, June 15, 1SS0. 6in - ADMINISTRATOK'SjrOTICE. NOTICE ia hereby given that icttera of Ad ministration have been granted to the subscriber, on the estate of Sarah Newberry, Inte of Point township, Northumberland county, dee'd. All persons indebted to said estate or having de mands against the same, are requested to call for settlment. DAVID TAGGART. Northumberland, June 19, 150. Gt THE ASS AIM TEA COMPANY, No. 136 Greenwich Street, New York. THE proprietors beg to call the attention of connoisseurs in Tea, and the heads of families to the choice and rare selection of Teas imported by them, and hitherto unknown in this country, which, by their fragrance and delicacy, combined with virgin purity and strength, produce an infu sion of stirpamin; richness and flavor. THE TEAS OFFERED, ARE THE FOL LOWING: The Jeddo Bloom, a Black Tea, at $ 1 00 per lb. " Niphon, do 0 75 " " " Diari, do 0 50 ' " " Osacca, a Green Tea, 1 00 " " Too-tsiaa, do 0 75 ' " Ticki-tsiaa, do 0 50" " 1,'d-fi Mixture, a compound of the most rare and choice Teas grown on the fertile and genial soil of Assam, I 00 " " With a view to encourage the introduction of these matchless Teas, it is the intention of the pro prietors to distribute by lot, among the purchasers, a quantity of Teas equal to ' The first years' profits on the salea effected. Each purchaser will receive enclosed in the pack age, a numbered certificate, entitling him to One Chance in the Distribution!!! CVroR nrTT cextsJI laid out, & on the receipts amounting to $20,000, llie undermentioned parcels of Tea, to the volua often per cent., or Two Thousand Dollars, will 1 given away as bonuses, according to the follow ing SCALE: 5 Prizeanf fln lbs of Tea each at $1 00 per It) a.iflltiorSMn 20 Ml 1110 is III .VXI ' ' sun " " son " MO " " 42' Prim in all. a.oooihs S2.000 Those persona who prefer lower priced Teas, 'can receive their prizes in proportion, or they will lie re-purchused fur cash, at a reduction of 1 0 per 'cent. Country Agents required. Applications to be addressed (pout paid,) to the Company's De 'pqt, as above. June 8, 1850 "maiiooany AND V1AhRLE7 STEAM SAW 'MILL, AND Tt RNlAG SIIOI, Corner of Eleventh and Ridge Rmd. CABINET MAKERS, GENERAL FURNISHING STORE, No. 134 Sbitft Second Street, below Dock St., fHILADKLPHlA. rriHE Siltiscribcra would call the opccial atten X tion of Cabinet Makers and others, to their very extensive assortment of material in their line, consisting of Mahogany Veneers, Boards and Plank, Hair Cloth, Curled Hair, Glue, Varnish, Looking Glass Plates, Mahogany Knobs, Bed Posts, Marble Top's, and every description of Hardware Tools, &c. Cabinet Makers residing out of the City, would find it greatly to their advantage to call at our store to purchase such materials aa they want, 'connected with their business. All our goods art; WARRANTED, 'of the best quality, arid at very reduced price. 'Our Terms are Cash, (no trade.) We guarantee to give every man the worth of liis money. T. A, 1,. THOMPSON. N. B. Mahogany, Wanut and Hand Rail Plank, and Stair Ballusfcrs for Builders, also Marble Mantles, always on hand, and every de scription of turned work. June 8, 1850. ly M iniOVS IN PAKTITIOX. Northumberland County, ss. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the Sheriff" of Northumberland County, Greeting i , If William G. Moore make you secure of prosecu ting his claim, then summon by suinmoners, (Jhas. ,G. Moore, JoliA W. Moore, Isaac Moore and T'rancis Moore, ia'te of said County so that they lie snd appear before the Judges of our Court of Common Pleas for the county of Northumberland, at a Court of Common Pleas to he held at Sun bury, on the first Monday of August next, to answer Wm G. Moore ofaplea wherefore, where- 'ss'tlie said pi (11 and delta, do hold together, and 'undivided all that certain Tract of Land, situate in Rush township, Northumberland county, de scribed aa follows to wit ! Beginning at a pine a a comer of the line of John Gearhart, thence by the same south 55 deg. east 23 perches to an Oak, thence south 80 deg. east 62 perchea to a Poat, thence by land of Jacob Gearhart, south 49 deg. 'east perchea to a past in the edge of the Turn pike Road ; south 29 deg. east 9 perches to a Posu, south 30 deg. west 33 perches to a small Chestnut Oak, south 55 deg. west 9 J perches to a white , Oak, snd south 85 deg. twelve perches to post In a line of land of Herman Gearhart, and by the same, south SI deg., west 20 perches to a pine, south 43 deg, west 10 perches to a chesnut Oak, south 8 deg. east 38 perches to a white Oak, and 'south 17 deg. west S6 perches to a Birch, thence hy land of Elizabeth Depue and Jacob Gearhart, . south 70 deg. west 84 perchea to a post and thence by land of John Gulick, north 8 deg. east 209 perchea to the beginning, containing 87 acres and 18 perchea more or less, with the appurtenances, they the said Defendants deny that Partition tllere of be made between them, according to the Laws and customs of this Commonwealth, and the eta tates in such case made and provided, and the same to be done will not permit, unjustly, and contrary to the lawa and customa and to the sta tutes aforesaid, as is said, etc., and have you then there the aummonera and this writ: Witness the Hon; JoA-ph B; Anthony, Ztt., President of our said Court at Sunbury, the Oth day of April, A D. 1850. JOHN FARNSWORTH, Proth'y. "All of which the parties aforesaid arc- hereby re quired to take notice." JAMES COVERT, Shr'ff. sheriff's office, Sunbury, ) June 1, 1860. ) TREVEItTON. LABORERS, Miners and others who wish to purchase lots in Trevorton at private sale will And ah agent on the premises or at the town or Bharaokin. Labor on the Rail Road will be taken in pay. - then pf lots and half the wages of the laborer ad ' vanced in eatk. D. MONTGOMERY "MVp, .sent. June Irt, l0.-tf. ' TREVEHTON. NOTICE is hereby given that I will visit the following places at the times below mention ed, to deliver the necessary papere to persons who purchased lota on the S 8th of May at the public sale at Trerorton. On "aturday June 15th at Mr. Johnston, St. Clair, from 1 1 until 4 o'clock. On Monday the 17th at Penna Hall, Pottsville, from 8 until 6 o'clock P. M. On Tuesday the 18th at Mr. Hughe's Hotel, Minersvillc from 8 until 13 A. M. Same day at Mr. Hippie's Tremont from S till C P. M. and at Donaldson after 6 o'clock. On Wednesday the 19th at Georgetown, at ftpatt'e Inn from 3 till 6 P. M. On Thursday the 20th at Smith's Tavern from 8 till 13 A.M.andatSelingrovefTom8till 6 PM. On Friday the 21st at New Berlin, from 9 till 13 AM, and at Northumberland from 3 till 6 P.M On Saturday the 32tl at Sunbury from 8 till 13 A M at the office of Hegina &. Donnet, Esnrs. Same day at Danville, at the Montour House, from 3 till 6 P M. On Monday the 24th at 8 A Brady's Hotel, Bloomsburg, from 9 till 13 A. M. D. M. HOI V, Agent. June 1, 1850. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that I have purchased at Constable' Sale, as the property of Joseph Davis, of Chilisquoijiic township, the following property, viz: 1 Mare, 1 Colt, 7 heads of Cuttle, The undivided half of 13 acres of Oats. " " " of 10 acres of Corn. All of which I have left in the possession of the said Joseph Davis, during my pleasure, of which the public will take notice. WM. H. WAPLES. Northumberland, June 1, 1850. 3t GEORGE J. IIEKKELS,. CITY CABINET W A R E R O O M S , NO. 173 CHESNUT STREET, (OI'PIUIII THE 9TATE HOVSI.) PHILADELPHIA. OFFERS for sale, low for cash or approved city paper, a large and well assorted stock of CABINET FURNITURE, of the latest patterns and of the best workmanship. The assortment embraces evetv article, useful or ornamental, com prising suits of Drawing Room Furniture in Rose wood and Walnut, exquisitely carved. Rosewood Walnut, and Mahogany Chamber Furhituro ; Pa tent Extension Dining Tables, (acknowledged to bo the best now in use); Library Book Cases, and a great variety of plain Parlor and Chamber Furniture. Curtains made and put up in the latest Paris faxlliona. Spring Mattrasses, Hair Mattrasses, and Fea ther Beds, made to order, N. B. All articles purchased at this establish ment are warranted of the beat materials and workmanship, and will be packed to carry safely to any part of the country. May 25, 1850. ly NOTICE TO HEIRS. OTICE to the Heirs of Henry Fetter, dee'd., is hereby give that by virtue of a certain Writ of Partition and Yaluutiou to me directed an inquisition will be held at 10 o'clock A. M., the 26th day of June 1850 upon the premises in Up per Mahonoy township to enquire whether the Real Estate of the said Henry Fcttor, dee'd., can be equally parted and divided to and among all the heirs and legal representatives of the said dee'd without prejudice thereto or spoliation of the whole at which time and place the aforesaid heirs arc horeby warned to be and appear if they think proper. JAMES COVERT, Shr'llj SherilVs oflice, Sunbury, i May II, 1850.-GI J NOTICE TO HEIRS. NOTICE is herehy given to the Hrirs of John Lcinbach, dee'd., to appear ut an Orphans' Court, to be held at Sunbury in and for the coun tv of Northumberland, on the first Monday of August next, then and there to accept or refuse the Real Estate of the said dee'd., at that Valuation fixed upon said Real Estate by an Inquest duly awarded and confirmed by the said Court, or shew cause whv the same should not be sold, &ct JAMES COVERT, Sht'fC Sheriff's office Sunbury, ) May U, 1850. Gt $ NEW STORE ! A SF,W STOCK OF GOODS, At the Store formerly Occupied by John Bogar, In Market Street, Sunbury. rpHE subscribers respectfully inform the pub JL lie that they have just received, and are now opening A flANDSOME ASSORTMENT Ol DRY GOODS Consisting in part of Cloth, Cassimeres, Sattinelts, Vesting, Panta loon Stuff, Calicoes, Ginghams, Lawns, Vest tugs, Flannels, Cambrics, Linens, Fine Muslins, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, be , Hardware, Queensware, Drcg akd MiDicivr.s. ALSO: A large assortment of Groceries, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Ladies Shoos and Gaiters, Fluid and Fluid Lamps All of which will he sold on the most reasona ble terms. W Country produce ef all kinds taken in ex change at the best prices. JOHN BUYERS &. CO. Sunbury, April 13, 1850. ly GftEAT ATTRACTION!! SEW AND CHEAP GOODS, JOHN W. TOILING, Market Street, Sunbury, Fa., HAS just received and opened a large assort ment of superior and choice Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, well adapted to the coming sea son, which he will sell at the lowest prices. His stock consists of general assortment of almost all articles of use in the Dry Goods line, consisting in part of Cloths, Cass-imeres, SummeriStuff for Clothing and Vesting. 1j a 1 i e 8 Dress.Goodi. Gloves, Hosiery, Laces, HhavUs, Muslins, Sheet ings, Tickings, r ine Muslins, ninghams, Linens, Ac. ALSO : A general assortment of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS. WARE, LIQUORS, DRUGSlAND MEDICINES, PAINTS AND DYESTUFF, and every variety of articles, W Country produce of all kinds taken hi ex change at the highest market price; nunuury, April T, I8SU. NEW ARRANGEMENT And Prices Reduced. Thompson's Susquehanna Express and Freight Line, 1 U OW PREPARED TO FORWARD Goods and Package, Daily from Philadelphia to Seliriigrove; Northumberland, Sunbury, Danville, Bloomsburj, Milton, Lewis, burg, Muncy, WUliamsport, &c. lit Rail Ross isi Exraxss Cisai Boats. NEW EXPRESS Office 38 Nor Third St. Freight Office at CRAIG If BELLAS' Corner of Broad end Ch'rrn tlr'ett. FhilnH'lrhn. Ayrild, 18,,fl. -t( ' SUNBUItY AMERICAN AND" SHAM OKIN C. BKNKEttT, BOOT MAKER, JV o. 40 South Fourth Street, pHiiinxLrniA, TV HERE every variety of French Calf Skin Morocco, Patent leather, Congress and Gai ter boots, of the best style and workmarfship, are constantly kept on hand or manufactured to order. March 18, lsSO 6m MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. CHAS. DUBUVIIG, No. 267 tVicitniif Street, front Arcade, PniLAnr'.LriiiA. TMPOKTER and Manufacturer of all kinds of Musical Instruments, Fancy Articles and Toys. His prices arc lower .than those of any other store in Philadelphia. All kinds of Musical Instru ments repaired In the best workmanship, and also taken in trade. Philadelphia, May 25, 1850 ly DAVID PEASE, FAMILY GROCER & TEA DEALER, S. W. Corner 6th If ArchStreet Philadelphia, WHO was formerly in the firm has now suc ceeded Colton & Co., in the business and offers for sale at the very lowest prices, all kinds of Fault Groceries of the choicest kinds con sisting in part of Fine, Superior and Common Green and Black Teas. Old (1. Java Coffee and other kinds. Su gars, Sperm Oil and Candles, Olive Oil, Ket chups, Currie Powder, Isinglass for Jellies, Farina, Bukcrs Chocolate, Cocoa and Broma, and every thing in the line, which he will pack up careful ly and forward to order as promptly as has been the habit of the old firm. ITT W ill the housekeepers of Sunliury aim vi cinity who wish to have Groceries of the choicest kinds please to try us once 1 DAVID PEASE, S. W. Cor. 6th & Arch Sts. Philadelphia. May 11, 1850. ly J. K. THOIVIAS, Ornamental and French Style Frame Manufacturer, 80 J Walnut st , between 3d and 4th street. PHILADELPHIA. p ESPECTFL LLY directs the attention of the public to his superior styles of Plain and Fancy r ramcs, which arc of the latest and most beautiful designs. As a handsome Frame at a LOW PRICE, lias been much desired, he was induced some months since to commence the manufacture of these Frames. In a short time the demand has been so great, that he has been obliged to increass his facilities, and new offer at EXCEEDINGLY LOW PIIICES, Singly, or iii thousands, the most beautiful Frames, suitable for Paintings, Prints, Daguerreotypes, cards, oce., Ac. For Durability Unsurpassed, Hotels, Public Buildings, Steamboats, Stores, Ca bmet Furniture, Ac., decorated in imitation of carved Rose-Wood. fy Plcune call and see specimens. May 25, 1850 ly SPPJ1TG GCCES IV PIIILADLLPHI 1. rp SUA RPLESS & SONS, have just received 1 their supply of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS of Friendly and other styles, to which they invite attention. SHAWLS All descriptions of Silk, woollen and worsted. DRESS SILKS Grodc Rhines, Chameleons, and neat and new fancy styles India Silks and Satins. DRESS GOODS Lawns, Bareges, Mousse. lins, Ginghams, Alpacas, Mohairs, and all the new fabrics. FURNISHING GOODS Blankets, Sheetings Quilts. Damuak, Shirtings, and all other furnish ing goods. MEN'S WEAR Cloth, Cassimcrcs. Cashnm rctts. Drills, Vcstings of all kinds, and Bovs wear. SHOEMAKERS GOODS and Carriage Ma kers articles. T. SHARPLESS A. SONS, No. 32 S. Second Street, Philadelphia. May 55, 1850. ly Ilrotvu's Essence of Jamaica Gin ger. Prepared only by Frederick Brown, at his Drug and Chemical Store, North East Corner of Fifth and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia. THE Essence is a preparation of unusual ex cellence and of varied properties. In all cases where a powerful and safe stimulant is required, it, fs Unrivalled for efficacy aa well as immediate action-. To the traveller and to the family circle it is invaluable, as a few drops diluted in sugar and wafer present a safe and agreeable remedy to the invalid who requires immediate relief, as well as to the Convalescing patient who needs a gentle tonic. In a Southern climpte, where the relaxa tion of the system so generally induces thirst for stimulants, it will always he found an excellent substitute for those tempting beverages which de bilitate the stomach and cause a morbid condition of its powers. In dyspepsia, in relaxation of the bowels, in naussea and sea-siokuess, it is an active and safe as well as a pleasant and refreshing re medy, and is presctflicd by the most eminent of the medical faculty, A supply of the aitove received and for sale by II. li. Manner, Suuhurv, April 6, 1850. Bin JAMES COOPER. HltfA CAMERON COOrEll &ti AMEllON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, . POTTSVILLE, Kcliujllilll Count-, Pa., 'XTTII.L eolleet monies, attend to litifrsted eases, ' and act as agents in the nianagement of Estates, &c. Persona desiring their services, may refer to the following gentlemen : - PHILADELPHIA. David 9. Hrown, Isaac K. Davis, OMeon G. Westeott Henry While, Francis N. Buck, Wm. R. Reed. Kiq., Cha. Glhuoni. Fm, JiwI Conk, Esq., B. H. Brewner, Kiq. C. Thommnn Junes, Kq. NEW YORK. Hon. Mrs H. Griuneil, iltti.Ordcn Il'tffrhan, Hon. Jnincs Mtmroe, Hon. Howard Cnrtis. lion. Abltl Luwrenee, UturoN. John Aikes, Kj, Lowsll J nn, s, IMU THE CHEAP LOOK STORE. .DA1TIELS & SIITS'S Cheat Nkw & Skcond hand Book Store. No. 36 N. Sixth St. between Market tf Arch, I'htladtlpMa. Law Books, Theological and Classical Books, MBDICAI. BAOK8 BIOGRAPHICAL ir HISTORICAL &OOKS, SfclRNTIFIC AND MaTHSMATICAL BopKI. Juvenile JJooksi in srreat wrt'eiu. Hymn Books and Prayer Books, Bibles, all sizes and prices. if mis; Books, Writing Paper, and Statioiuiry, WheUealt and Retail, it ura prices are utiRM nwer man I lie scoi'iAa prices i i,iuiii. mitu miuiii nsrccis oi iiok puniiairca. iy BiMk imported u oi.ler from LoiiniMl. rhiUuJt lpln, June t, IMO y SEW YORK & PHILADELPHIA. JOURNEYMEN Hatters Amoclatlun, Coir, of tth and Chestnut Sreel, Philadelphia pONTINUE to make and sell a finer and more durable Hat for the money than any other establishment in the United States standard price of Hats $3 00. Genu and Boy's Cloth and GUued Caps, Umbrellas, Carpet Bags, Calafy ranarua and hlraw Hats at equally low prices. May 25, 1850. ly HOUSE TO RENT The pre muss on Mr kst street, lately occupied by Simon Marti. Apply to HErVK 31 AriKn fSunbury, April , ls.'iO. IIAnilft&IIOLIS WHOLESALE Commission PAPER and RAO WAREHOUSE, No. 19 MINOR Street, Philadelphia. Where a general assort ment of all kinds of Taper is kept, and rcr sale at the lowest cash prices. Cap, Letter and Irlntlng Taperi, &.C. on hand. Plain and ruled white Caps. " ' blue Flat Caps. . Plain and ruled white letter. " " bitra M Blue and white Folios. White and colored Printing Paper Tissue Papers. Shoe " Wrapping " Envelope Hardware and SI entiling Paper. Tar Boards. Straw Boards. Bonnet Boards. , AH orders from the Country will lis attended to at the shortest notice. All goods sold will be carefully packed, and de livered at any pluce in the city. . , The highest cash price paid for ftagn, or ex changed for Paper, as low assail be bought else where. Please call and examine for yourselves. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1819. CHERRY PECTORAL: Tmr ik Cyre mt COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BR ON CHITIS, CROUP, ASTH MA, WHOOPING-COUGH AND CONSUMPTION. The uniform success which ha attended the use of this preparation its salutary effect its power to relieve and cure affections of the Lungs, have gained for it a celebrity equalled by no other medicine. We offer it to the afflicted with entire confidence in its virtues, and the full belief that it will subdue and remove the severest attacka of disease upon the throat and Lungs. These results, as they become publicly known, very naturally attract the attention of medical men and philan thropists everywhere. What is their opinion of CHERRY PECTORIAL may be seen in the following : VALENTINE MOTT, M. D., Prof. Surgery Med College, New York says : 'It gives me pleasure to certify the value and efficacy of Ayer's CHERRY PECTORIAL, which I consider peculiarly adapted to cure di seases of the Throat and Lungs." CHIEF JUSTICE EUSTIS, of Louisiana, writes "That a young daughter of his Was cured of several severe attacks of Croup by the "CHERRY PECTORAL." ASTHMA AND BROCHITIS. The Canadian Journal of Medical Science. states, "That Asthma and Bronchitis so prevalent in this inclement climate, hasvielded with surpri sing rapidity to Ayer's CHERRY PECTORAL, and we cannot too strongly recommend this skilful preparation to the Profession and public generally." Let the relieved sufferer speak for himself: Hartford, Jan. 26, 1847. Dr. J. C. Ayer Dear Sir: Having been res cued from a painful and dangerous disease by by your medicine, gratitude prompts me to send you this acknowledgment, not only in justice to you, but for the information of others in like af fliction. A slight cold upon the lungs, neglected at first, became so severe that spitting of blood, a violent cough and profuse night sweats followed anil fas tened uiHin me. I liecume emaciated, could not sleep, was distressed by my cough, and a pain through my chest, and in short had all the alarm ing symptoms of quick consumption. No medi cine seemed at all to reach my case, untl I provi dentially tried your ChErrt Pectoral, which soon relieved and now has cured mc. Yours withrcspect, E. A. STEWART. PRCPARKO UT J.C A V KR, CH EMI9T, LOWELL, X ASS. Cir" Sold by Henry Masser, Sunbury; Mary A. McCay, Northumberland- Dr. Gearhart, 8e linsgrovc; Dr. Beckly, Danville, and Druggists generally. Aprii'B, 1850.- Iyrc3m " CHARLES V.HEGiNS, ATTCPslTET AT LAW, I'oiiNviiic, ra. Will promptly attend to collections and all busi ness entrusted to bis care. June lfi, 1849, J. H. ZIMMERMAN, JIST1CE OF THE PEACE, Sunbury, Pa. Office in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public School Hoilse. 17 Monies collected and sil business pioinnlly and care fully auewh-rf lo. April 20, 1850. TO FARMERS AND MEN OF Bi t.! NESS. OILS, CANDLfcS AND GUAM3. fl'XHE subscriber offers, at the lowest rules, in A. any iiuantity to suit purchasers, GENUINE PERUVIAN GUANO, anil every variety of SPERM, WHALE, LARD, AND TANNER'S OIL. Mtinnfiirtiircrs, Tanners. Farmers, Dealers and Lonsumers, are tnvitea to call. GEO. W. RIDGWAY. No. 37 North Wharves, the first OIL STORE below Race street, Philadelphia. Apr!l 6, 1850 3m PHILADELPHIA MEDICAL HOUSE. ESTABLISHED 15 YEARS AGO, BY DK. KTNKELIN, N. W. Corner of Third and Union Strcit's BETWEEN SI'Hlt'E AND PINE STREETS, PHILADELPHIA IrMfTKKN YKARS f exlcntive and uninterrupted practice pent in thia city have rendered Dr. K. th moat expert mul wieceaia'ul nrMcti turner lar and near, in the treutment ol all diwttiwa of a privute uuture. Peraoua atllicied with ulccra uptni the body, Ihrout, or fctra, pan m the head or bmira, mercuriul rheuiiuiUnm, atrielurea, gravel, diieaae ariaiiia innn vouthhlll eltcbieea or imnuritira ot the blo-wi. whtTf lv the emiatmuinn bat become eniceUcd, are all trwm with luouean. lie whopliieci luinnrlt under the care of l)r. R., may re ligiously enifitle in hia htmiw aa a geiUleman,ajid ooiihdent ly rely cnoii bin nkill n a phvnit:iuit. TAKK I'AKTICt'tiAR NOTICE. Yminp K.Ten who have iujurid lliemselyet by t rertain piat'tuo induced ill a ht.; frefiuaitly iearned (ram eyil r.omMuihnia or t achoiil the tmoctt of which are uighOy felt, even when aaleep, and destroy Unth mind and hudy, a)ii)uld apply immediatfly. WmkntM and court Uutional drbitily lMta o( inuacular energy pi)-aical lauituda and gen eral prosiratinn. irritabiHty and all nervone adeutioiw, mdi irettion. BilifTrliffhneaa oT the livei, and every diwawiii any way ecmiiecUd with the dinorder of the procrtative tunc tiona cured, and full vigor restored. YOUTH AND MANHOOD, A vigorous life or It premature death. klNKELIN oo self Preservation. ONLY iS CENTS: This fiool iiisi published is 8liJ with nietiil inf"nn.lnw on the infanniuMi uid diseases nf ths Oenratie Ors.iw It addrexes itscli alike lo YOUTH, MAXUOODaud OLD A(,H, and sliotlld be read by aU. . . , The valuable advice and inipreMivs warning it fives, will prevent years of misery sitdaulleruig sad save siutual ly Thouautda of Lives. Pwenu by readins il will learn sow topraveat the des truction of their ehildieu. A reiuliianec of 89 cents, enclosed ia a lelttr, ad drened lo DR. KINKEUN, N. W. eomer ofTUIHO UNION fllreeu, between tHrue k. Pine, Philadelphia, will ensure a book, under envelops, p reiura o mail. Persons al a dieuncs niay addreu Ir. K. by letter, (post, paid,) and be aired at home. PACKAGES OF MfcDICIFES, DIRECTIONS, ke , forwardrd by aendina a remitlaues, and put up secure Horn DAMAGE or CI'RfOhTY Btok-ieller.. New Airenlt.Pedlirs. Csnvaraert. ind all Mlim eupfli'd with h Mie work st verr lw rstf. Fehrnsry S. lfc0 1) ' JOTJHXA1-". PHILA. AND READING RAILROAD. SIMMER ARRAXEMET FROM PHILADELPHIA AND POTTSVILLE. Office of the Thila. Reading Ruilroad Co. Philadelphia, March 89, 1850. $ Tw6 Passenger Trains Daily, (except Sunday.) ON and after Afirillst, 1850 two trains will be run each way, daily, between Philadel phia and Ppttsville. . Morning Lint, Accommodation.) . leaves Philadelphia. 'ft 1 A. Mn daily except Sundays'. Leave Pottsville at A. M. daily except Sun days'. Afternoon J.iiie, (Fast rrain.) Leaves Philadelphia at 8 J o'clock, dailyfcfcpt Kuiidsys. Lenves Pottsville at 2 J o'clock, dairy', lipt Sundays. n Passengers cannot enter the cars unless provi ded with Tickets. , The afternoon, or fast trains, do not stop at Au burn, Althouse'e. Uinlsbnro', Roger's Ford, Val ley Jorge, Port Kennedy, spring Mill or Kalis. NOTICE. Fifty pounds of buggage will be al lowed to each puascnger in these lines ; and pas sengers are expressly prohibited from taking any thing as buggage but their wearing apparel, which will he at the risk of its owner. By order of the Board of Managers. 8. BRADFORD, April 13, 1850. Secretary. IT I IJ J 4 Ills' ANTI-I.YSi'KPTIC ELIXIR is. with the utmost confidence, offered to the Medical r'nculty and Ui public tor the our of Dysnsu la or liidirMtiOii, awl all uitcnx arising iroiu it, such nn ten, Ifciadarlii. Vertigo, Dimm'Mof Picht. Uehiiity oi tlie Nervous t$ys lem. IIy(KK'litndrio, Jaundice, lytwol nixMilr, Pilioim Vomit-in, Buttling n,-tatn.'ii at Uit pit oi the atomnuli, Liver complaint, OpprcMioit arter entitle;, Pulpitutioit ot'theHctnt, Pain in the pit oi the tninach Waiting oi the utrenpth. Flatulence, with Irequcutl or tuwardR the right aide, belching ut wind, 'rallowneM of complexion, Vitiated tuate, tDepreiwmn of the apirist and Ctmnlitutioti and uiienaineiwl irritability of tamper, Jcc. of the bowela, I If a raae of dyapepaia ahould be neglected, most aerioui eflreti may enne, lor it lava the foundation fur, ia tha In ripent cauaeot, and very frequently terminateii incoimump tiun. 1 would impreaa vk the mind tint to trifle with tltia diaeaae tnny be to ipt with the reaaou which coneti tutea mm i aupereminent otnong animal lieiinrg, or to em bitter exiatenee by adding it onitciuu inert of lolly to the penalty of pain. . Tins medicine it neatly frtH up irt, bottle, with ample direfti'MiN for ute, and ia aild in f' in I wry by Jntis Fmuso. JAMK3 WiUJAMS. Tcxtiinonyof Mr. Abner r.linei, hotter. Market, ttreet aliove Sixth, ovMionitivtB the efliency of Williaint Attli-Dyapeptic Klixir. , rittLADELriiiA, October 3, 1&49. Mr. Jamr William : ... Dear Sii : It givea ine (treat pleaaure to know thn, you are avin preparing you medicine fur the cure of Dyapep aia. finany of iny ac'iittimtancea hnve repeatedly aaked me where it could 'be procuiod, knowing tlmt I. had been cured by it. Aa I think that a public acknowledgment of the great benefit I have received from the uae of your irtwl iciue ia nut only due to you, but may he uael itl to othera, I now make it. For several years I suffered from Dyapep sia, which iucreused to auch an extent that my health and conatitiitioit were rapidly ainking under it. I was com pelled to restrict rnynelf tolhe most simple food, and even that I could nt digest. 1 t'ett a low of strength, disincli natlunto exerciae, and, as you have it in vour advertise ment, a general feeling of depression tutd iudcarribable weiirinKN. In the year ltO1. hearing from others high re rommendation of your AntiDyspcptic Klixir, 1 priKitired and used it with the must hnppy effect ; u inter it intluenre languor atut wariness gradually pasaed awav. and my appe tite returned which I could ajnitiiy with impunity. Ten years have now elapsed, and my confidence in the curative powers of your medicine has of course increased, for it completely cured me when 1 failed tit obtain relief from any othet source. Very respectfully vows, AfclNRR F.I.MKS. Testimony of F.d ward II. Rowley, Wholesale Merchant of the 6 rm of Rowley, Ashbunncr & Co., No fi Smith Wlnrves. tit proof of the ctncacy ot Williams1 Anti-Uys-peptic Klixir. PuiLADELfiliAj October 29, 1B49. Mr. Jamks Willisms: Dear Sir : 1 tke pleasure in recomtnendillg ynur Anti Dyspeptic Elixir for the cure of Dyspepsia, f hove taken it myself lor the disease, and have been entirety cured. Yours respectfully, KDWARD II. ROWLEY. AnRKT. JOHN V FRIMXO. Sunbury, Pa. March 4. 150. ly C1TONE Ware, Burthen Ware, Raisins, Al inotids. Prunes and Cream Nuts. Planes of all kinds. Salt and Plaster. Just received and for sale by JOHN W. FRIMNU. Sunbury, Dec. 59, 1649. MECHWICAL ARTS AND SCIENCES. D. AI'I'I.KTON & CO., NEW YORK, Have In course ot Publication, IN PARTS, PRICE TWENTY -FIVE CENTS EACH, A DICTIONARY Of Machines, Mechanics, Engine-Work and ENGINEERING; Designeii for Practical Working men and those intended for the Engineering Profession. Edited by OLIVER BYRNE, formerly Pro lessor ot Mathematics College of Civd En gineers, London. Author and Inventor oj "The Calculus of Form," "The New and Improved System of Logarithms," "The Ele ments of Eueclid by Colors,' etc., etc., etc. This work is af of large 8vo. size, contain ing nearly two thousand pages, upwauls of FIFTEEN HUNDRED PLATES, and SIX THOUSAND wood-cuts. It will present workinc-draw ings anil descriptions of the most important niHL'iiniL's in i lie unuea aiates, independent ot th renult of American ingenuity, it will contain complete practical treatises on Me clianic, Maohineiy, Engine-work, and En gineering', wiin an tnai is uselul in more than one thousand dollais' worth of folio vol umes, magazines, and oilier books, among which may be mentioned the following : 1. Hiblioihotheque des Arts Industriels. (Masson, Pans.) 2. Civil Engineor and Architect's Journal. (London.) 3. lMigmeer and Machinist s Aisistant. (Hlaekie, Glasgow.) 4. Publication, liuustrielle. (Armengand Aine, Paris.) . 5. Jamieson's Mechanics of Fluids. 6. Treatise on Mechanics. (Poisson.) 7. Allgemeine Baueilung mit Abbildungeti. (Forster, Wien.) 8. Organ lur tlia Fortschritte des Eisenbahn wesens in technischer BeJ;iehan. (Voh Waldegg, Wiesbaden.) 9. Shervvin's Logarithms. 10 Byrne' LogaritHms. 11. The Mechanical arid Mathematical Works of Oliver Byrne. 2. Silliman's Journal: 3. Allgemeine Masuhinoii-Encyclopadie. Hulssee. (Leipzig. 14 Cotton Maritllacture of Great Britain and America contrasted. H. Ilulizaplfel's Turning and Mechanical Manipulation. 16. The Steam Engine. (J. Bourne.) 17. r.isenrann-eitun. (Stuttgart.) 18. Tredgold on the Steam Engine. 19. Pike's Mathematical and Optical Instru ments. 20. Diutionnaire des Arts et Manufactures. (Laboulaye, Paris.) 21. Sgmiisar'a Civil Engineering. 22. Brown's Indicator and Pynanometef. 23. Origin and progress of Steam Navigation. . (Woodcrolt.) 24. Eessai sur I'lndustrie des'Matieres Tex .tiles. (Michel A loan, Paris.) 25 Macneill's Tables. 26. Criers' Mechanic's Pocket Dictionary. 27. Templpton'a Millwright's and Engineer's , Pocket Companion. , 28. Lady and Gentleman's Diary. 29. Marine Sieani Engine. (BroMri.j 3Q. Weisbftcn's Mechanics and Engineering. 31. The Mathematician., (London.) 32. Barlow on Strength of Materials. 33. Hunn's Mechanics. 34. Mechanical Principle! of Engineering and Architecture. (Mosely.) 33. Jonrnal of the Franklin Institute. 36. The Transactions of the Institute of Civil Encineer. (London. 37. The Artisan. 8. Quarterly Papers on Engine. (Published Eng by Weal, London. 3T Imperial Pitrinnary (Glssfivr j 40. Sfudent'i (Juide to the Locnti 41. Railway Engine crriRge Wd Cu tow, London. ) 42. Retnlel d Macftinea Insttumens el Af pareili (Le Blanc, Paris.) 43. Buchanan pn Mill Work. 44. Practical Examples of Modern Tools and Machines. (G. Re.nnie.) - 43. Repertoire le I'lndnstrm Francaise et Etranpere. L. Mathias, Paris.) 4fl. Treatiese on the Manufacture of Gas (Accum, London.) 47. Setting out CurVes on UaiVwayi. (Law, London.) . 48. Hodge on the Steam Engine. 49. Scientific) American... 50. Railroad Journal. (New' York.) - 5 1. American Artisan',. 52. Mechanics' Magazine- 53. Nicholson's (Peter) Dictionary of Archi tecture. 54. Dictfonnaire de Mnrinft ft Voiles et u Va pour. '(De Bonnefoux, Paris.) 55. Conway and Mctiai Tubular Bridges.4 .Eairbarn. 66. Brews' Railway Practicfi. t , 57. Barlow's Mathematical Dictionary. 58. Bowdit'ch's Navigation. j. 59. Gregory's Mathematics for Practical Men. .i-i 60. Engineers' aiid Mechanics' Encyclopedia. (Luke Herbert.) , , 01. Patent Journal : London. H2. Brees' Glossary of Engineering. 63. Encyclopedia of Civil Engineering. (Crasy) ft A n ... 1 J - f Bnl,n. n. .... C . En- i S'"e. . , ., ... ! 65. Assistant Engineer's Railway Uuide. I (Hnskoll.) . 66. Mechanical Pnncipia. (Leonard.) The great object of this publication is, to ! place ueiure practical men aim simiems bul-ii an amount of theoretical and scientific know I i.i i i r .I..II ....(.I- ! eugt:, ,,,.ruw,,i, a, u , lliein iw wvi uro licsi nu.amuc, nu ii . avoid those mistakes which they might other wise commit. 1 he amount ot nsetul inlor mation thus brought together is almost be yond precedent ia such wftks. Indeed there is hardly any subject within its range that is not treated with such clearness ami precision, Ihnt even a man of the meat ordinary fa Da- city cannot fail of understanding it, and thus earning trom it much which It is important for him to know. From the annexed list of the principal au thors and subjects comprised in Ihiswoik, it is self-evident that. all citizens engaged in the practical and useful arts, e'c!., may derive es sential advantages from the possession end study of this pjblication ; the following may be especially designated : Millwrights, , . moulders and boiler makers. Artificers in Brass, Cupper and Tin. Cutlers and Workers of Steel in general. Carpenters. ISriekmakers. Wdrker in Ivorv, Bone and Horn. Civil Engineers, Railway Contractors, and Contractors for Earth-work and Masonry of every description. Architects and Bridge Builders. Builders, Master Masons, nnd Bricklayers. Ship Builders, Masters of Vessels, Ship Car penters, and others connected with build ing and docking hips. Block and Pump Makers. , Hemp Dressers and Rope Makers. Manulacturers ot Linen and Lotton raDrics. Manufacturers of Spinning Machine., Roving Machines, Card Breakers and Finishers, Drawing Frames, Willows and Pickers, etc., connected ( with Cotton, Flax', and Wool Machinery. Calenders, Bleachers and Calico Printers. (.loth holders and Measures, and persons in terested in Sewing Machinery. Anchor and Chain Cable Manufacturers. Cutting and Turning Tool Makers. Pin and Needle Makers. Nail and Rivet Makers. Bolt and Screw Bolt Makers. Nail Cutters. Coiners. Leather Dressers and Curriers. Manufacturers cf Great Guns and Small Arms. Candle Makers. 'Biscuit and Cracker Makers. Lace Makers. Ribbon Weavers. Stone Cutters nnd Marble Masons. Dyers, Cloth Washers and Scourers: Coopers Cidur and Cheese Manufacturers. Crown, Crystal, and Plate Glass Makers. Sugar Boilers and Refiners, with Proprietors of sugar plantations. Manufacturers of Railway, Bar, Round, Rib bon and Rod Iron. Wheel, Axle, and Spring Makers. Enine Driyers and persons connected with tha Locomotive ci'ncrallv Engineers and Captains of Steam Vessels. Managers of Stationery Engines. Lumber Dealers and owners of Saw Mills. Veneer Cutters. Owners of Planing Machinery. Corn Millers, and persons ebniieclrtt with Bolting and Bian-epaiiiliug Machinery. Farmers, and persons using Grain-shelling and Threshing Machinery. Buhl Workers, Carvers, Engravers, and t)lna- ment Makers in general. . . , . Persons employed in the niannfacttire oT Gas. Makers cf Copper ahd Lead Tubing. Linell and Straw Paper Makers. . . Ship 0ners, Harbor Masters, and others in . teresied in Dredging Machinery. Well Singers. Astronomers, Philosophers, and others using Philosophical appatalus and instruments. Miners, Engineers, arid ethers interested in Pumping Engines. Persons interested in Canals and Aqueducts. Warehousemen, and others using Hydraulic Presses, . Dynanomelric Cranes, Jack Screw, Common and Feed Crailes. Workers tn Metals and Alloys. Tin Plate Workers. Spring Manufacturers. Whee-lnghts, Clock Makers and Horologists. Etc., etc., etc. , The publishers have expended a large sum of money to get original drawings of ma chinery in practical use in this country, and have procured nearly every work on the sub ject, whether published in England, France, or Germany, the most essential parts of which being computed in this Dictionary, rentier it as perfect and comprehensible as possible. The publishers have endeavored to use great economy in type, ,so that each page of the work contains at least four times the num ber of words foiiud. in ordinary pages of the same size. This has also secured lo each plate working-drawings bf ample size and clearness, so that a rrtecliariio may construct accurately any machine described. The publishers are, in short, determined, regardless of cost, to make the work as com plete as possible j and it is hoped every one desirous lo obtain the work will procure it as issued in numbers, aud thu encourage lha enterprise. . i 1 The work will be Issued in semi,-mnrir'hly numbers, commencing in Jarinaty, 185C, m will progress with great regularity. The whole, work will be piiblish'stl in 40 numbers, at 2S eenta per number, ml com pleted wjthln the current yer, 1850. A liberal discount will be made) 0 agents. Any one remitting the puMishur 810 in ad vance, shall receive the vrork through ihe poat-otfioe free of ezpeirse. April, 13, 1850. St. rj- If the foregoing, advertisement is in serted five time dunns 'ha year, in any newspaper In the United $rute, 6r Canada, snd a papt containing m sen e us, a e opv ef the work will be wpt gratis in paj-meot. Caulion fcxtra. A man br the nnm of .k)P Ms nrval k r'" "" of the lm. of hT V, TnWeiIiIaEskI i tw '".f ""T1""' " NlflKfAits". This Townond is nn ikx-tor, and never was . wJ 7Z fte wnme the title of Dr.. ft the imranM of nmiii MM icroM th boat of irml. . ' ,rt OLD DOCTOR JACOB XtiwEwlJ. THIS ORIGINAL DISCOVERER. OF Tfcit Caeauinc Tow mend SarAiitrill t 01.D Dr. ia now abmi, 70 yAnr.u ioi has long tm-n known an the mill and JiVcorem the Oenuuie Original "TowuKiid Harmoarliia Ba ms nortr. ha m enninfllid n U...; 1 TZVT: . Tl yhic!i JiieMim it t.a bevn kept out of market, aitf tha jLtak cTcuuisiTiticd to thvnt only who have proved iti wojUI kihiwii its value. . Jt had rsaulie'l tha Mr nr.m.. -L ' 111'lew.MtWgrrrsoiiswlm had been healed nri'duJU.; Sved IroiuJ-jith, proetaimeditsexeeUencs M I derfu' WAUvopowrrt jt,;,;. nwnv 0. . hJ 1 -; wnmeed, daviaea a artfcts VkAJ and rxteiisiv the time to brinait into w.mld be k,.m-.i wul sppwiated. ftis tot BM.Ihs iiieans are mippnvu ; tins URAND AND tNEOlTF.I.t.ETl tttt'tlO AlV Is inanufactured on the UrieM scale, and ia aaSsi VV throughout the leiwtn and breadth of the knd, espsciaUr as it is IuuikI incapable ot degeneration or detcrioratioa. , l- every uiaii ring throughout tha land, that Old. Br. Jacob Townaend ill tiuw inanutacl urine Uteres! 'Towaaa4 Saraaporilla,' which never sours, never ferments, and never changes its character. ,. i ml Fium this day forth the people, shall hay's tlia Para Dair uine Townaend Sorsporilla, which shall never sow ia dTi bottle, or in the atoninch, nnd It .shall yet banish from.ti J Ki'ul all Ferment iug, Souring, t-'xploding,, Vinegary fcrt aaporUas, now in use. A gotnj, Sareauarilla, pur aa4 genuine, ought to live; a poor souring, slip-slop Maraaaa rills onvnt tn droop and die. , , The Old ir a. Sarsupurilla will ketb pars and perfsst 100 years. . t . , Unlike young . P. Townsend's it improrti.. witk if niiu iicvbi viinugfs, UUI ii'i iiic dciki) OCISUM it IS Sra- liigheat knowledge jarm on arieniinc nriltrnjii-a dv acieni Mired on scieniifio principles by a scientific maa. .Thm of Cheimstn', and ths latest diaosyariaf ot' the Art have all been brought into requisition in inamnaciurv m me XJUU im 15. D Alto A r AKlLilA. jTaa Saraiparilla root, it is well known to medical mm. in, tains many medirinal properties, and soma propartiis which are iliert or useless, and others, which, if rataiaaa in preparing it for use, produce fermenwtion and acid, which is injurious to the system. Soma of tha properties oi Saraaparilla are so Volatile', that they entirely msnia and are lost in the preparation, if theyara not preserved try by a scientific procesa, kuowii otlly to those expericneed isi its inanufucture. Moreover, there volatile principles, wkitjk rly tiffin vupor.oraaan exlialation, Under neat, are tha ferit eciitial mnlical properties of ths root, which firs Is t ull its vulue. . ... ..J. Any person can boil or slew the root til! they ret 8 aar eoloied lnuid, which ia more from the cwlohMg matter, is) ine root timn I ruin amimng eiae ; tney can the.; it-Ala Uii insipid or vapid liquid aw:cteu with sour inolaaeeij am ft then call it Sursaptinlia Extract or Syrup." fiattMcll j not th- nrticiP Jtiism uuu the GENUINE OLD 1)R JACOB TOWXSENDf SAft SAPARIIXA. Tli in is a prepared, that all the inert propertied ef tk SarnpuriUa Tool are firat reinuvet every thing oapaM t bccitnin$ acid or ol" ferment. ation, extracted and rej siev ed ; then every particle or medical virtue ia aecarad ia pure und conceattutvd form; and thus it rehdtred ftiaa nnble of kwing any of it vmiiahle and heatiif fsrotnlta. Preiwrud in tint Way, it ia nuda tlia moat pawarful af aal iu the CURB OF INNUMERABLE DISEASES. Ileneethe reason why w hear com men da tiona on ararf :iie m its furor by men, women, and children. Vt fcnd it doing wonder in the cure of CoimumpUou, pyapapaia, aiwl ,xf,r Complaint, and in Rheumatism. Scrofula, Pilta, C artivnism. all Cutaneoua Eruptions, Pimplea, Blotcaat; nd all uiluctlonnanniiutfrum IMPURITY OF. THE BLOOtt'. ..... Tt posnessieit a innrvullous efficacy, in all cowpjainta ariaia from indigestion, from Acidity of the Stomach. roi aj etimil circulation, determination of blood to the Lead, palpi UUion of the heart cojd feet and cold handa, cold chtllaaad hot rluxhea over the body. It has not its equal in Coldsan4 Cuughn ; and promotes euay expectoration, and gantlapar spirutton relaxing strictureof Ute lungs, Uuoat. and a art other part. Hut in nothing is its excellence mbrt manifesttj aaat al acknowledged tliun in all kinds and stage of Felix bata plaitits. . t t,. . s It works wonders in cases of Fluor Albas af Waitaal FalUns; of the Womb. Obstructed, ttuppreased, r Paiafti Mmtcs, Irregularity of the menstrual periods, and the like; una isu cucciuai in curing au uiaiorma oi ivianey Itu ny rcnH-ing uimructKMiN, ana retnuating tn genaral aye tent, it gives tone and strength to tbi wbola aody, aa4 tasai cut e ull forms of i;RVOL8 DISEASES AND DEBILIYi And tlms prevnits or relieves a great variety of otkar saW Jjtihcs, as Spiii:d, Neuralgia, 8t. Vltia l)aat fevu.ning, kpileptic Fits, Convulsions, e' And yet he would fain have understood (hat OM D. Jacob ''ownsend's Ueuuiua Original harsapajiUa, ia a IMITATION of hia inferior preparation! J leu ven furbid that we ahoukl deal in ad artlcla Irkiae would bear the mtt distant resemblance to S P. Tosra seml's article! and which would bring down upon lit Oil . Or. such a mountain load ot' complaints aitd criminatia I from Agents Who have ao!d, and purchasers wiio have aaad . S. I'. Towuieml's Fermenting Compound. Wm arisk il I understood, becauae it ia the abeolute truth, that S. P, TowiuKiiK,' article and Old Dr. Jacob Townsend'e Ssraai purilla are heu veil-wide apart and infinitely dissimilar : Ual I ,..u11;it,;jIiM every V". ' sin, i. Aa r. I'. Towimcnd ia no doctor, and never was, Js ae) ctit-mit, no pliardiiui-eutist knows no more of medieius or dnuaa!e tlutu any other comtr.on, uiiarieutinc, unprofea aioitid man, wluit gunnuitee can. the public have that tSar nre m-civinff a gcmutie acientilic medicine, containinf al the virtues uwd ia prcring it. arid which are ineapaUs ot cli;in;ri which might render them the agents of diasasa ia inalcutl of health ? ... Hut what clae ahould be expected from ona who kaawa nothing comparatively of medicine or diaeaae ! It rsauiras a Kia.iu of some exirience, to cook and serve up aveo s coniiii'Mi derent meal, how much more important la it taai the puraona who mnimfuclure medicine deaigned for waalK atouutcha and eufocbled ayatems, should know well ths medical prnpertica of plume, the lieat maimer of secaring ami coni-fiitrating their healing virtues, also an extensivs kn;wUlye of the varioua diaeuacs which affect tha haiaaat ayatem. and how to adapt reinedira to these diaeasea ! ' It ia noi poktfihle for this medicine to do food; it has aav thing in it which can ever harm, It can never soar ar apoii, ami therefore, can never louse its curative properties. It cluuniH-a the hlood, excites the liver to healthy actios, tones the atonmch, and gives good digestion, relievas tka Itowels of torpir and cotriinsitai, allays inflamatioa, pari. h!s the akin, equalizes the circulation of tha Wood, )jfr duciug grutle wurmth equally all over the body, and at hs iiiacnsihie (wrkpiration ; relaxes all obstructions, and Jnvife rales the enure nervous syaiein. If not this, then, Jhs aeadii cine vou pre-eminently need ? But can any of tjaeas things be aa'id of 8. P Townacnd's inferior article ! Thn faa( man'a liquid is not to be . COMPARED WITH THE OLD Dlfi . Becauae ot' one grand fact, that the one is ineapaua ot da trrionuuai, and NKYKK PUlLt, wlulf tha,oiher,daaa it aoura, fcrmrnis, and blovs the bottles containing it iais fragments ; the sour, acid liquid, exploding, sod aamafuf other gonda ! Must not Una horrible yonipound ba poisoa oua to the ayatem What i put acid mto a system alieady dmenscfi with acid t What cauaes Dyspepsia but aeid . Do we nit all know, that when fai sours in anf stomachs. iniaclud' its produces ! flatulence, hearthburn, pli bitlun ia the lieait, liver complaint, dwrrhcea. dyaautary. eol'c, and corrupiion of the hkmd What, la Scrofula bat an acid humor in the body t What produecaail the kuaaors wlit h bring on Kruniitnis of the hkinw Hoaid Head, Salt Rheum, Kr)!"". While SweHirsrs, Fever Sorea, and al ulcerations iniinud Sod external I It is nothing andsK hmven hut an acid suhMsnee, which sours and thus spoil all the nuida ot' tha body, rhora or leas. What eaaa Khenmatiain. but a sour or arid fluid, which inarauataa it self lietween the joints and elsewhere, irritating and law gaming the lender and itelicate tuniea anon which it acta So nervous diacaaes, of impurity of tha blood, ot de ranged circulations, snd nearly all tha ailhnema which af flict human nature, j,- 1 - Now is it not horrible to make and sell, and uttnitefy worae to uae thijt , . SOURING, FERMENTINO. ACID "COMPOUNB OK 8. I. TOWNaKND! : . It is Ivnihlr to think, and tn know how crpallyttl Sfa (1 ir lwl arc imposed iiign hy presumptuous men for tha aaka of money ! . I' ortunrs nwk e out of the agonies of ths sack t and no equivalent rendered the deapairiug sun'erera ! '. It is to arrm frauds upon ihe unlortunate, to pour Wlsa irto wounded humuuitv, lo kindle hops in ths despairing tnwmi, to renuire health and brionv and vigor ints lha orm.hodK.nd broken, and lo bauiih iulirmity, that. Old Dlj Jacoh "1'ownaeiirt hna aonjjhl snd fimud tha opportnnity and aieois to bring hia Grand U mveusil Coneentrated Resseff v;.ihm Ihe reli, and ui Ihe knowledge of all wl, Mutt Uiry mav learn and know., by (oyl'ul expertenca, its TRANCE-NDKNT POWfcR TV IIEAh,, And thus to have the unpurchaseable satisfaction of hsvtag rained lliouannds and millions from la bed af aiekr)ees aad dean-ndeocy lo hope, health, and a long life of vigat aa usrfuhuicai to themselves that faaiiliesaod friends- Aoixt-HKNRY MASaER, Sunbury. July W, IW -ly sow BROW,s"lisSENCE Or GINGER A new supply of this ejcfllent ajticla jnat received and ibr sals by . ,, H. B. MA89EJL Sunbtiry, March Ifl. 18S0. riEAS, from ths Nsw York Canton snd Miiit J. Ts Company. Tor ssk by , . j. w. rsiuMs. juribury, Dec t, 1848 . BAY RUM. An eics'.'.ar.t sit'. frr sal by HENRY MA89ER. . Sunbury Jin. U7th, ISO . ( JTf rly used, he hnned and neraevenJ. luxi arrive when the mesne would be lurmitsjl univertol notice. vi-he It. iMafiiMU. w2.