Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 15, 1850, Image 4
..I '.'.'..LI -J- SUNBURY' AMERICAN -AND SHAM0K1N JOURNAL SltCsccUaucouf illattrv. Equitable lAVf, Intiirnnrp, Annuity nnd Trim I ompan?. ' 4 From the GeTmantown Telegraph.) CIRINO CLOVER HAY. Clover mnkes a most desirable nnd mitri. live hay, provided it be cut in season, and properly cured.' 'As a general fulo, it is nut itdiaablu (o permit it to remain slandiiip much after the period of inflorescence, as ih see'il'iii 'the field expose it to a certain de gree of dclorioration which consiiletably di minishe its value as a feed for stock, be tide insuring a certain degree of actual ami unavoidable Iocs in handling it, as those leaves, and beads which have become dry ar easily detached from the slock during the process of raking and pitching, even when. these operations are performed with the most consummate care. My plan of operalion in clover, is os fol lows: As soon as the heads are fully blown 1 commence mowing, care being had lo lay the Swaths as closely as possible, and to leave no scattering gtass between them, if it can be helped. About four o'clock in the after noon, provided the weather during the tiny hat been clear and warm, I have the swaths turned carefully over with a fork, and in this position they are allowed to remain till four o'clock the next day. 1 then, with a pilch fork, commencecocking the swaths pitching the half made grass in Hakes as much as pos sible, and making tny cocks compact but small say about eighty pounds uncured liny to the cock. Tltovnro then neatly raked off, the "scatterings'' cleaned up, and cocks per mitted to remain unopened and whelly un disturbed, till dry. Should the weather prove favorable, the making will proceed rapidly, and in two days from iho time the grass is cocked, the hay will be fit to mow. This in sures the entiro preservation of the tops and foliage, confers a beautiful green color to the hay, and prevents the stalks from assuming that dry, hard ligneous character which they are suro to possess when made by exposure to a hot sun. Clover made in this way is never mouldy, and even should the weather prove unfavorable, or even vtl alter cocking, the compactness of the cocks will prevent their becoming saturated, nnd a few houis' sunning will render them fit to mow. I have known hay cocked in this manner to remain out a week or ten days, and still retain all its original greenness and fragrance perfectly unimpaired. Making hay in this manner, is a practice not yet in much favor with American farmers but in England, Scotland and other European countries, the "giass-cock system" of cuiiugi has now nearly superseded every other, not only in the management of clover, but all other grasses, even the finest, when cut for hay, or at a dry feed fur domestic stock. In the case of clover, which usually grown thick and rank, the folk should always take the place of the rake, which is not required. ! A Practical Farmer. Bald Eaglo Farm, -May 20. 1S50. MARRIAGE WITHOUT COl'RTSIHF. . A Romance Without fiction. About three years ago, the Kev. K. S. M' Ciay, of Concord, Franklin county, Pa., (late of Gettysburg.) received a call oil the Board of Foreign Missions connected with the Methodist Episcopal Church, to visit China and preach the Gospel lo the benighted Ce lestials of the central flowery land. M'Chiy was young, ardent and enthusiastic, and. most willingly embraced the high and holy duty assigned him. In due time he arrived m China, and was stationed at Fail Clina, some seven hundred miles in the interior from Hong Kong. There he studied the native language, and commenced his labor of love among the Celestials, with the most flattering success. Still there was something wanting a void in the heart lo be tilled ho sighed for that best solace lo man, eiilier in weal or woe a wife. How to get one, was an indi cate question to solve. There- were no American ladies there from whom ho could make a choice, and as for a Chinese wile, OFFICE T4 WAI.Nt'T STRKF.T, rtI1I.ADF.LPHl A. CAriTAL f 'iVI.IMK). ( IIAKTIH I'MPXTVAL. rpllE Company are now prepared to transact huins I npoti (lie moat lils-ral mid ailvantaceoua terms. Thv ore authorize.! Itv their charter (sect. 11) "to mnkn til ana" very iinrursnce appertaining tn lite rinks nf whatever kind or nature, ana tn receive ann eaecuia wusia, mass ennow incnts, nnd to grant and purchase aiuillilieft." 'f ha Com pany aril aniiiiiuca awl eiHlowinema, ann act aa i ruiivsa for minora and heirs. ' Table of Premium required for Ihr AaauratHtft of s)100 far the whole term of Lite. Ape. IPrcm. I Age. Prcm. I Age. Pram. Ifl I SO SI 8 (Hi 4.H 3 30 17 153 nj sis 47 am 14 1 oft 33 12 -.XI 4S 3 fill 19 I fv 31 S 27 40 3 77 aa i an a- a 33 bo s 94 at 1 03 3 a 40 t 4 13 S-2 Kill 37 8 47 69 4 3'J S3 1UH UN 8 51 53 4 61 lil 1 1-i 3!l H3 4 4 "I a". I 7(1 40 a 711 95 4 01 an iKi 41 9-1 m s la 27 1 M 42 aW 57 4 33 4 I nt 43 3 01 AA S 5 a:i i n 4i 3 ia sit 8 5H ;:U a III 45 3 1 00 0 03 The premium nxe lea. than uny other company, nnd the policies nil'' 'I'd prrnler nilvtiiitnires. Tallica of lintf-yenrly STONE WARE. FTlIiE subscriber would most respectfully in II form his friends and a (rencrous public, that he is manufacturing the beat quality of " STONE WARS, in all its varieties, and is prepared to sell a little cheaper than any other manufacturer in the Union. He is also importing and dealing most extensively in CIllS A, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, which ho offers on the most, reasonable terms. His Potteries are on bond street norlh of Fay ette, and China store and dwelling at No. 8, E. Dnltiinore street. DAVID PARR, No. 8, E. Baltimore slrcet, Baltimare, Maryland. February 2, 1 850. ly nod quarterly premiums, hull credit rnt.-a of premnim. short tenns, joint' lives, aiirvivorsliia and eiMlownienia ; also, form ol Application (lor whirh there lire ltl-.nk sheets') nre to lie luul on ur'-iinti -n nt ilm oilice, or by letter to the Agent, J. It. l'illtllY, Siliiliury. Hatkk fok imojuisu feimi on u single Lift Aire, an 3D 40 60 611 For 1 veur. ft' (9 ' l.i-d 3,13 For 7 veara. For Life, fit 1.60 tail i.oi a.;o a.n7 3.g7 6.03 Trample A person aged 3(1 yenrs nest liirth day, by payinir the t'ompiiny im cents would seenre to his family or'hi-iift SHKI slionM lie die in one year ; or for Sy.flO he se cures hi Itirin 1 1 it : or for S13 niimnlly lor seven years he ceeiiri-s to tliem $?!li(Hl should lie die in seven years; or lor Sf'.'n.lll paid nnmially durinir hie he seeures SllKK) to lie iinitl when lie dies. The insurer serniiniT his own bonus, liy tlie ililli'i-enee in nmuntot' premiums from those charged h'y other oili"es. I-'or BIqiU the heirs would receive $5000 slioulil lie (lie III one year. 1- onus ol the o'liee Vice President. m. M. Haird Fnixrn W. Hawlk. Secretary nnd Treasurer. Oon'nt't.tixo Physician Ur. J. It. Mnsser. Snnhiiry. J. It. Pcnnv, Sunliury, Agmit fur Northumberland conn' Bnitlmrv, lulySS, 1910 1'npiilication nnd e!t pnrlientnrs mar be had at PKTKIt t.TI.I.UN, President. Ehcouras;e Yotir Own!" HAAS FASHIONABLE MAKE OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. 'T'HE subscribers respectfully call the attention of the public to their law and splendid assort ment of every quality and price of A2ili: .W .S'.E. which cannot fail to recommend itself toevrry one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to bo had in the city. No elVort is spared in the manufacture of their wave, and the subscribers ure determined to keep up w ith the many improvements which are constantly being made. Their stock consists of Mahogany 2Suvrn;ts, sccrctnrfrs, <ic uonris, SI1FA, RKEAKFAoT AD DIMNG TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, ctmul to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of even- pattern ami price, CTPUOAUDS, WOUK AND CANDLE STANOS. TOILET TADLF.S AND EXTENSION' TABLES, in short, every arlicle in this line of their business. They also manufacture nil kinds and qualities of (HIATUS, including varieties never before to be had in Suiihiirv, such as Mauogaw, Black Walxct ami ('r hi.i.ii M Ai'i.r. (lin.i i a ; ami WixnsnR C1IAIKS, ami kancy Pi a mi Srooi.s, which are of the latest styles, and warranted lo he excelled by mine miinutiictiired in the Cities or elsewhere. 'i'hc subscribers are determined that there shall he no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every cot. fidenee can be entertained about I lie quality and finish of their wure and Chairs. Their articles will be disposed of on as pood terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken ill payment for work. I'lT LNDEKTAKINU attended to on reason able terms. IT?"" The Ware Room is in Market Street, opposite J. Young's store, and nearly opposite Weaver's Tavern. DANIEL H AAS. (iEtllUiE iiENN. Kiinlmry, April 2S, IS 19. tl" KICKER & TULL, Al4 l.'iO C'liPNimt tutrccf , (Opposite the Arcnih) PIITLADELPKIA, VT AN I' V A CTL" K E RS of their im proved style J ' A Elastic Steel Sprinir, Solid Sole Leatlier, und Solid Riveted which took the only first premium, swarded by the l'riuikliii Institute si their last exhibition. II. it T. take pleasure in informing the travel line tiuhlie. that thev have now on hand, a beau tli'ul assortment of their improved style nf Solid Sole Leatlier Trunks; Double and finale Folio Trunks, of vnrious styles; Ladies' Trunks, Va lice Trunks, Ilonnet Boxes, Cap Cases, Carpet Bat:s, nnd an elegant assortment of superior Ln ttnieled Patent Leathar Bags, with every article m their line of business. t"if Old Trunks Repaired or taken in exchange for New ones. AI.KX. I.. DICKEY. RICHARD W. TILL. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1849.- " " ST?AV7 BOlflTET If HAT MANUFACTORY, 30 ATon7t Secono! utree.t, opposite the Madisim House. MIE suhscriliers would cull the attention of Country Merchants and Milliners to their ex tensive sssorlment of fashionable SrniNo an Scmmkm Bohsets Ami Hats of the newest styles,, a large and general assortment of French and American Artificial Flowers, Ribbons, Crown Linings. Oil Silk, Wire, ljuillings, Buckram, Ac w hich thev oiler at prices that defy eoniiietition. N. U. Palm Leaf Hals hv the eae or dozen W. M. ct 1. E. MA I'LL, Bonnet and Hat Manufacturers, 30 Norlh Sd street. Philadelphia June 2, IS 19. TO rilTSICIANS, PRinr.ISTS AND COl'MRY MERCHANTS. "VR. J. N. KEELER Sc Bro. most respeetfully ' solicits sttention to their fresh stock of ih, Frnrh, Grrmrtn tind Amriran Timet, Med icines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dye Stufls, Glass ware, Perfumery, Patent Medicines &c. Having otier.. d new store No. 594 Market St. with a full supply of Fresh Drugs snd Medicines, we rc- iicctfully solicit Country dealers to examine our stock bcloro purchasing elsewhere, promising one snd nil who may feel disosed to extend to us their patronage, to sell them genuine Drugs and Medi cines, on as liberal terms as any other house in the City, and to latthliilly execute nil orders entrusted to us promptly nnd with dispatch. One of the proprietors being a regular physician nfl'onls ample guarantee of the genuine quality of nil articles sold at their establishment. We estieeially invito druggists and country merchants, who may wish to become agents for 3)r AVeer' Ctlchrutril -VwnVy Mcriiriiir, (stan dard and popular remedies,) to forward their address. Soliciting the patronage of dealers, we respect fully remain. N. KEELER fc DRO., Wholesale Druggists, No. 294 Market street, Philadelphia. September 13, 1819 ly. AT0. DR. TOWNSEND'S COflrOlND EXTRACT OF SAHSAVAIULLA. THIS Entrant in pnt tip in qnnrt hnttlf. It In- nix timet c hen per, plmmntpr, anrl warranted iiprrl"T to nny antd. Jt rurf itivemwt without vomit in)f, pur mf, tick 11', or debilitating Die put lent, and ii pHrticulurly adapted FALL AND 8PRINO MKDICINR. ! Til grpfit Imiiitv mid mippririty nfthii Hnrniparilla over other ruinedim in, whilst it ernriir'nteadiaeate. it invift'tratea the xny, Consumption rurwl. " Clflniise and Htreriffthcn. Connjinption run le rurn,. Urnnchitia, Cnummipiiim, Liver Ompliiint. Coldn, Cu(!;).b, Cutarrh, Asihnm, Spittiuir of HUwtH, tircnrw intht Uhal, llfriir l'lunh, Niplit Swralft, l)itTi cult ami Prof tine KxMtnratioii, and Pflin in the iide, Ac. A p., hnve and ran he puree!. PrnbriMy Ihe re never wna a rrmedv Hint hnn hern ao aue- f rfwiCul in dt'upcrntn cnnn of cnumimptiun Ha tliia ; it elrain aca nnd nlreiigtln.iia Hip ayatem, and nppeiitn t heal the ul rvrn tin the liimrn, nnd pniicnla gradually regain their uniial heulth mid atrencth. CURIOUS CAPE OP CONSUMPTION. There ia anirrely a day pnaaea but tin-re nre a numlier nf ciiwHoi riuRuinpiion rejxineti aa rureu hy the ae ot ur T'lWiiwu's Stimmiil!ii. The foll-iwiug was recently re- 5 f t'.'i r-1 1 Z y; i r si f i; t iM Wiu xyf: I y ? tl-Q-T: t 'j ji v f i iivii .3 LIVER COIVirLAINT, JAUNDICK, DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DKRILITY, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, And, nil disensrs arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach tn both Malt and Female : Pncli as Constipation. Imvarrt Pil. Fullness or Ulnorl to the lleail. Aciillty ..f the Hmrmeh, Nausea, Ilrart-lmrn, tlisirnst i.n- Knot, Fiillnma or wci(lil in the Womnch. ttottr K.nictatiisis, Knikininr Klmtcrinif at tlie pit of thrrtoniach Jwimiiiiint of the llcml, Hurried anrl Diffirult llnitrhiiiBT, Kliitlerniirnt (lie llcnrt, Chokinir or Huflicatiiiif arnmtions when in n kinir p .store lliinm ssor Vision. Dots or wclia liofore tlie Hiirlit, Fever anil dull pnin in tlw Hcnil, Dcfirien ry of IVrspinition, Yellowness of the Skin and Fives, Pain in the !iite. Hnelc. Chest, l.hnlis. fte., SmMen dashes of llent, Homing in the 1'l.i.ti, (onslant Imniiiiinse of evil and great depression ol Spirits Cnn lie elb-cttmlly cured by OXYGENATED A BOVEHEIG REMEDY FOR DYSPEPSIA. PHTHISIC, AND GENERAL DEBILITT. GEORGE B. GREEN, Proprietor. Windsor, Vermont. I form."?,? f" f"fVSPRPfttA, in manyof 1 x inruia, turn ur nmn i.i tv.. i. . . t'Oatitmipaa, Arid Htomnnh. u.Hni.. t Ill Tf'.?"'1"""","' '''"hi-icatteilned with clerano the laws of the land forbailti it, neiilu-r iliil j Cannl., ALKXAXDKIt (J. CATTEI.L, PUCCESSOR TO JAMES M. IIOI.TON, DECD. COMMISSION (c FORWARDING MER CHANT, For the sale of drain, Flour, Seeds, Iron, Lum- i licr Sc. j No. 13 North ll'hiirves, I'llM.AHiaPHlA. I Cioocls forwarded with cure, to ull iKiinla on tb.c Si'lmylkill, Lniiin, &u6iiic!iuuna and Juniuta his inclination desire it. What tin..' was to bo done A fertile imairinnlitin can accom plish wontlci a firm determination can sur mount difficulties that woulJ ' -o'crlop old Pel ion." He wrote to the Hoard of Missions on the subject he wrote in pathetic wemiolit perhaps say poetic strains, of his lonely con dition for the want of one on w hom ho could bestovy his affections, and who would be the ' partner of his joy and sorrows ihrouoh life, and ended by asking that the Hoard send hint a young lady who would be willing lo be ' come his wife agreeably to his directions, which he sent in the form of a blank decla ration to be filled up by the lady kcoeptiug jhe proposition. This was a novel proposition, but the Hoard was of opinion that it was a just one, and ' proceeded with due diligence to search for the object desired, and strange to say, suc cess ero ned their effort. Some lime ptevious to the receipt of Mr. M'Clay's lettei, a young lady, Mis Henrietta Sperry of Brooklyn, N. Y., made application to the Board to be sent as a Missionary to China, but was refused on account of being unmarried. To her the application of Mr. M'Clay was shown ; she at once filled up the . blank application, und a correspondence en sued which ended in her leaving New Yoik in company with a number of oilier missiona ries, on the 12th of March lasl, in the ship Tartar, for Hong Konjr, w here she will be ' met by Mr. MX'lay, and the nuptial ceremo ny will bo solemnized. I The lady's personal attractions have been j described lo us, by one w ho had the pleasure of seeing her previous to taking sail on her mission of love. Slio is described as being ' beautiful and fascinating in her appearance, and possessed of that charm of loveliness which should adorn every female character well cultivated mind, stored with the ''richest gifts of knowledge from the fountain . of education, and a moral refinement which will bear with it the jewel of a bright in- heritance beyond the confines of time. A Chk i.n is being exhibited at Cincin nati that has four perfect wings and four well formed legs. ' Thisk js a fat boy in Cincinnati who mea sures foity-two incho. around the thigh. l"V?"!Sa!t, Plaster, Grindstones. &c, for sal ot tlie lowest prices. rMiilailelphin, June 8, 1S49 ly KOHT. L. SF.TII. THOS. P. B. PlITII SI5TII & IHiOTJIKH. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND e:.ttte$o.i SHcvfitauts, NO. 69 PRATT STREET, (Nkak Bowlv's Whauk.) BALTIMORE, Will pay particular attention to tlie stile ofGRAIN ami ull oilier products of tlie farm. Baltimore, January '-C, 18j0. lj TEB rHOPLE'S VADE-MECUM CO.Ml'llISINO A COLLF.CTION OK OVER 200 VALUABLE RECIPES, In the Useful and Interesting Art with a few Simple uud lurloua Experiments' lu CllKMlSTltY : INCLUDING Medicines, Perfumery, Chemistry x Cookery, Furriery, Dying, Confectionary, Do mestic Economy, etc. etc. etc. Price 6 1 cu., lor alel'y HENHV MASSEH. Suubury.Dec. 8, 1849. DUsT-.TUI'DrXiliAlT, j ) ESPKCTFCLLY informs the citizens of ' Danville and tlie public nt large, that lie has located in Dunville, nnd is now prepared to prac tice Medicine and Surgery in nil i' vnrinus bran dies. Hp w ill operate on oil the various forms of blindness, cross eyes, club feet, harelip, clel'l palate, mill attend to the extraction ol tumors, amputation of limbs, und oil other surgical dis eases. His collection of instruments comprises nil instruments in modern Sorcery, of the latest improvement nnd tinest finish. He flatters him self that tunny years' practice nnd experience will be n suflicient iiuaranlec to those who may feel disposed to employ him. His residence is nearly opposite the Movtzomr ii Builitings, end nest door lo Isaac Uosen batttn's store, in North Danville. Dunville. Dec. 1, 1849. ly. $ X extensive Slock of Poeiet and Table CUT- LrJKi , ot sale Lv j c::it i:. c clem ait, Son. 32 und 3TI ARCADE, and 8J .Voi-i THIRD Slrret, Comprising 5000 dozen Penknives, Scissors and Ka.ors. Also, a choice assortment of Rodders iV Sons, Viwtenholm's Greavc's W. iV S. Liilcher's and I'enney's Cutlery, Also, Spanish, Dirk and Hunting Knives, Also, (inns. Pistols, nnd Bowie Knives. Also, The American Ka'.nr Strop, a superior ur ticle, worthy the attention of Dealers. ('.win Dealers in Cutlery, will tind tlin ubove Slock worthy their a'tcntion, as the Subscriber's chief business is imporliu uud selling cutlerv. Philadelphia, June U, 184'J ly L A li 1) L A 31 V S. C OH N K MI'S iV CO. d, n ciirAiiut si , Jg J ESPKCTri'LLY announce thrvhnvp Li l- i ...: i... l .! . . :. . of LAMPS, they hove ever olTertl for sale, romprisin? ELEGANT NEW STYLE CILWDELIEUS, BRACKETS, PENDANTS, ilAXTEL LKJIITS, &c. In Croat variety, aivl of OKKilXAL DKsK.WS. Much atteiuiou Ims been paid to ECONOMY, in the construction of these L:inion, a ml eurh ure iikhIc ah will produce the 'jrculeit amount o! lilil jVoiii I he least consumption of Lard. luvent improvements in the manufactory, with the iulroiluctioii of new ami perfe-ted lnafhinerv, eiiaMeR tiiem to 8c!l at u ery (iKKAT KEDI '(' TiOX from former prices, uud ull urticles Itefore ; leaviniy tlie manufactory, are carefully inspecte;!, j and nre warranted perJcctty tight, and to give satis ! faction. j Philadelphia, June 2, 1819. ly In prvwiiiiw; the pnlilir with n renieily for the trwitment nnil cure of I'kvfb ami Aokr uticI oilier bili nt ilip;iw(i. im it polony in nmtcH. V:iM nmiiliiTH in tlip Vnited Stnti'n. who stiller Troin Itiete nttW'tiouR in their vuruil formn. nre C'tmprlltit to Fctik relief lm (jitier n Hirers limn the iimne ituiir prt-niTipIi'tus -if thf regular phyirinji. It Ifcuiicn ttuT:'i irr tin cl'jtft 01 hnni:niiy. im wHI :n of pulilir inlrr rrt, to triinr tM'foTe limn n rpimaty pri'pnrift fioin much -x-pprit'itrii. Mini whirh may nlwny !) fliril njoii tin fk, KKKKCTHAl, AND 1IAi:MLKr TO TDK eONTlTCTinX. Thlt mich in the true clmrui-tcr of the INDIA CHOLAOOnt'K, ir nmply titlpRtrrl ly the liiiiverKil success with which it has been employed. tlT Kxtrnet fmm n eominnnirntin of f lie Hon. AVn, mam WonDBBliKJK, of the U. S. Senate, late Governor of Miciiiciuu Dktroit,, 1SI0. D0"Ton CtlAHLE 0OOOI), DntrSir. I have rrnil with mnrh interrst, your little tr.ftir upon the 'e:nis'R. trrfitinnit mid cure'' of the fr-hrilr flift-asrs winch !i:ic extmsively prrvuiled in our country iluriit? the ht l'rv nrititlu an infrrrst iri'Trnurd irwt 'iit't. I)v thr f;trt tint I have iiidivitlunllv MirtWrd s liui'-Ii fr ifTi iln-iii. Tfii'iiLrh I ftfl mysrlf vry int'-'tupetftit j 10 jiuiirr MH-iy up tn a mumjcct fo rutirfiy proit-RHiouai, yi your theory kpimiih t i en wrll n-ng inctf, nml your c nilu fiio'is inst, und I think wiilnl. tliat your pamphlet is ealcti Intfd to print'u'p inifb imiciifvil irooii. Spr:iliiii(i nt thr nuslicinif he siys It fully just iffd your fl:i(irruii cxprpiiitinns. :uil hp a is if p. rouvntit'iit. nnd popu lar rr-uipdy. inv own fx;Ttt4ipp. s fur. ivturr me to br lirvr that it will pr ve n trt-ji pul'ltp Ittiirlit. I nin paused t'i Itviru ilml V"U havp rpft-iCly eMahMRhird preral iiurnrirR for iis dip iniiinn th.iiiL'h I rt'-rn l that, willi a viw lo a nvrr irniprnl diwininiuit-n oi it, y m should huve fouud it ui'wiiry t rptimve from your prcscul r'widi'iire uni'iiig us. . With nmrli rtsptct 1 liavc thr honor to t', sir. Your iMiir'-.l Ri-rvant. AVI! MAM WOODHIUIXJF,. ft" Troin Hon STF?nr V. R. TRnxvaniDGK, of Mielii pim Slute St'imlr. to tin- Ai'itt at Dt-lroit. Diit.MiX'iHAM. Oaki.ami rt Dre IU, HI. Sir vnn wili mp to infirm voti what I ku-ov of Dr. Ofsooifs k);ji rhoi-iff 'trup. or anti-hilt us im-di.-inf. I ilo Ih-iirvp t!i:ct if tin virrur find erfuvicy of thin ninltcinp were I p n-rdly kuuwu, the Ffc tkr and aoctc would d.sapinr in M irhicun. i 1 procured li itle in tlie sprinsr nf nd have eoml 1 reantn l heliece that uiyKrli' tmd family escnpeit the uue j liitt Pt-ison in einpqnpiice of its use. Prrhnps in no uuinnipr since thp Rpttlment of this fnw ' peniiisuiii, has llie fpvrr and itue tit-n so pri'valrnt ns the j i:ist. I have ret anmctiilcd tins mpdirine m iiuinrr mis in-j , staup'-s. nnd wlni the disr-nsf had lt-c.rnr (lxri iti..i b;ti!.(-d I t!ir fckill of phyfifiaiis: ntti I have iipvit known ii f:fT!. 1- ; na innvrrii.iii pr-tlucftl Dip tn t happy fll-'.'ir,. i.n.l I (Mt h-p it )t:t nt'CiT l-fi"i c:o'"ftl"d by any nioiliciiie in rrm -t vii y ihr billon disi-oifp of the rliiuati. l our, n'i'i'v : '!v. sni'iiiix v. it. Titowmt!pi;i:. A-tpii f i Sn-d.iirv II. It. -M XSSI'lt; NorT!,.,,,,! .-, and. WmilMiToM .V . ; .Mill on, J li. llASKIt : S-lms. ur- v, , MAY KM 'SK. .May 0, 1M- -l! LIQITOHS, WINES, kC. ryiYs huhscriiier has just received a new supply of the U- li-piora that ever came lo 'mihury, coiiHisiin in jutrt uf Dr. TiWJfiiwn-DmT Sir: For the last thrne yenrs I 1 have bf'en militUed Willi fietieral debility, and uprvons ein sumntion tf tlio limt Riavrp. nnd did not expert tn ewr (rain my nealtli at nil. AtVr iroinfr through n eoutupof mfiliciue undi-r the care of some of ihein tst distinfftiishrd retrain r pliy.ii-iotis nnd inrmtHTi of the II'Kird of llralth in New Yoik initl flsi-where, uud spending Hie most nf my eamiiiL's In at tempt uar. to TPirain my hrnlih, tmd after readinir in S'tme paper of yout tarwtjiurilla I resolved to try il. After usiiut t-ix botilt-s I found it done me trn-at p md, nnd called to ti-e you tit your oifire ; with your nd ire 1 kept on, ami do most heartily thank y'oit for your advice. 1 persevere in tnkinir I he SirRupnrilin.'Riid have lieeti ul)le tn nttend to my usual In I tors 1't the lust four months, audi hope by the bti'ssiiips nf (1'til and your Sarsapiirilln to contiiuu; my lalth. It helped me beyond the expeetations nf nil who knew my case. CIIAItDKS il IMBY Orane. Iex co. N. J.. Au, 2, l47. Statu of New Jersey, I'.ssi-x county, us. Charles Quitn by hMi!!j duly sworn nepordine to law. on his oath Riith. tint the forptfoiuir stutPineat is true accord ins to tin- l'st of hi knowledge mid belief. CDAUIJIS (I"IM HY. Sworn and subscribed to before me at Orane. the ild August, IS47. CYHl'S HALDWIN. Justice of the Peace. SPITTING RUOD. Rend the following, uud say l hut consumption is in incu ruble if you can : New York, April 1ft7. Tr. Townseno : I verily believe that your SirsaHirilla lias been the means, through Providence, of saving my lite I have for several years hud a luid eotieh. It became wuse and worse. At lust 1 raised large quantities of blood, hud nipht sweats and wnsgrcaily debilitated und reduced, and did not expect to UK. I have only urd your SarsuparilUt hut a snort tunc, an.l there has n wonderial ehange been vi rtitfhl in me. I Htn now able to walk all over the city. I raise n blond, nnd my cough has left rue. You can well imagine that 1 am thankful tor these results. Your obedi cut servant. M. HUSSKDL, (J,S Catharine st. LOST IIKR Spr.KCH. The nuupxed rertitieate tells a simple nnd truthful story of suffering and relief. There ure thousands of smulHreji- sea iii this city and Brooklyn, nnd yet there nre thousands of parents In their childrea'die tor fear of being humbugged or to save a few sliillmcs. " Rrooklyn, Sept. M. 1H7. Pr. Towx"eti: 1 take pleasure in staling, for the bene fit of iti ir wlmm it may concern, that my daughter, two years und six months old. was nlhVted with general de bility and loss of stieeeh. She was givnfi up us past je e tvery by our fatuity physician ; but fortuuatelv I was rc e aniiietHb il by a friend to try your Sarsapnulla. Hcf re having used one bottle she recovered her speech and was j enabled to walk alone, to tlie ast ohishuuait of all who were i ariju iiiited with the circumstances. the is now miite well, ntitl in much bett-r he-dih than she has been for I months ; pas.. JOSKPli TAVUIH, p York st.. lirookiyu. j tw o ciiiu)Iu:n savki). j Very few fmnilies indeeil iti fact wp have if -t heard of I one that used J )r. Towiisrnd's S irsaparilla in time, I si 1 nay children me pact Summer, while those that did not. sickened und died. J he cercih-ate we pulthsh below is conclusive evidence of its value, and is only another instance of iis s i ini the lives ii children : Dr. Ti tWNKN n Dear Sir: I had two children rnred by your S'.i of the Rummer mmphint nail dvsenrary'; nnewasnniv lf month old and ih other 3 yenrs. Thi- were very ni'ich reduced, nnd we exnect-il tln-v wnild die ; I hey were jriven up by two rcspeclable physicians. When thrdm-tor infoniied us that we must lose t hum, we reso. veil to try your Sarsaparilla we lud heard so much of, but hud little confidence, there being ro much stud" advertised thai is worthless but wp are thankful that we did, fur it undoubtedly saved the live of b th. I write this tliat oth ers may le induced to use it. Yours. resttei-tfnMv. JOHN WILSON, Jr. Myrtle-avenue. Ilrooklyn. Sept. la, 1S7. TO THE LADIES. GItKAT I- DR. HOCPLAITD'S Celebrated (.ennan Bitters. Their power over the above diseases Is not expelled if equallid by nny other preparation in the failed States ns the cures attest, in mnny cases after skfUful physicians had failed. Derangement of tbrt T.iver nnd Stomach nre n nres nf lusiniiy. and will also produce disease of the Heart. Skin. Duct's and Kidneys, nnd lavs the Irndy npen n nn attack of the Ch b ru. Ililions, or Yellow Fever, and is treiiTdly the first most liuuelul dim'iise, Consumption, Opinions of the Philadelphia 2 rata "THK DISPATCH." December Hist sivs: AN iNVAT.rAltl.i; AIKDU'INK. We have frequently liejud the Celebrated (ifiiiian Hitters. manuiae'.ureU by Dr fIiKj ind. spoken nf in terms of coinmcud.iti ai, and we ku ow d.'s.-rinlly so, Il i u loo common practice, in cer tain quartern, to putf all inaunci of useless tnish, but in the nb tve Hitters, hundred, are living witnesses of their greut moral and physical worth. Asa m.-dicme. of the Liver Complaint. Jaundice, Nervous Debiliiv ami Dspcpat it has been loimd iuvaln ible, etlecliiifr cures and" tii .roughly craiucaong oiseap.-p. win n nil older meilicmes have tailed. 1 We feel convinced, that in the iip of the (i. Titian Bitters, j the patient d h-siio become delulitatwl, but eonstnntlv cuius sir tiirh und vigor to the fraiiiu n fact wnrihv of" great ' consideration. The Kilters are pleasant in taste and smell, j and can be administered under anv circumstances, tn the most deltentc stomach. Indeed, they can Ih used bvatl per s -ns with the ni-st iK-rfei-t safety. It would be 'welt for tbse who ure much nlb-ctcd in" the nervous svstem. to cointueitee with one ten f;Moufiiior lcs. and (iradually in crease. Wespeakfroiu experience, and ure nf course, a proper judgp. Tlie press far nnd wide, have united in re eoiumendiniT the (icrtnaii Hitlcis, uud to the ulllicted wo most cordially Hilviselheir use. Sl'IKlT OF THE T1MKS," J il'ii Sltli mvk : "DO (!!!;ooiH rn.KNri ivh.i nrn inmliils. kimv tlio tinny n.loniflliiiiit rur. that Iiuvp hrt:n perKirnil l.v Dr. Il4n,'iii'l'a Oli'linitttl (li-rmnti Hill. rK If llit-v (! int. V r(.'inuil'nil litem lt llle -kt ..Tliitiii MiHltrinn Slnrp." nil wlni nrr iilllifinl with l.ivrr C.uiil:iint. Juuililirp. Dvh i"piii. ur Xrrvima Di-hilily ; the Unptur hnarnral iniinv nf our rilizcna nftor the lie.l plivniriiiuii linil fnilnl. Wc Ii'iivb iisi iI lln in. iinilllii'ylmvi-rivt(l l'i lira ninliriui' that every nne di-Milil kiin-iif. nnil wi: cuiinut riM'niin jrivinir our Ip. liiii.iny in their liivir, nml that whirh itivea thein irrinier claim iijmii our ciTirr, thev ara entirely Vegctalilc. "TIIK DAILY 'NEWS," .Inly 4:11 wiva : "We pe:ik knowinuly of Dr. H.virl inil'a PeHirateil fier. man Hitler, when we aiy it i. a hlewiinc of this ntre; tnirl in the hilinry. digestive niul NervoiuSvalenu. it Iniiliot wethink tin eipnl. II i. n Yenetilile IVrpiiniinii, nii.l nnnV wi:h iiit Ale .1. it. nml t i all iiunliils we wuiilit ri-c- irniTl. ti t il tin w'orthv their e nitiileiiee. I'it mil-, rvlwlfn-ile nnil ri-tnil. nt the itrineinnl Demit. menl nf the i,.. . i ' . ""'"nea Willi neranp Oieir -e ., lice,, "ta riOT'SS' t HhA" ZTfA,frmn '",ilil'"p'1 ' "'c "on tii.n nl the Stntuneh; nl.o m aeneral tlehllity ariainc fn ajre nr I he elfeet, flf Kcver, rriielL Fr . Airiir. Feirmlea anirerin, nnrler ny uterine demwenT an,,? wenknew. will find tha -OxTiaaTrSu 'I'he hiatriry of thin meilirina in peenliar. It ha made l.i,irr. .,..n ......... i..-ilii..ii. u naa ne nmrknl lore even lieen a.lverti-i.l. lint hnvin. fir., .t. " nrknlile rln in .. r..o.. .. " "7 . """" Imn nlterwniila nilininiilteral u. hia arnie e.l M,d q.i.,mlnn.-e, with a like result. I,. r. i"?.. r'ni n. .'! '""""'.''Olia m-art' diatnntVma of iiioii. na n nieilieine i unrivalk-d virtue in the etirr I u, i ioioi yf 'w"'l-rt-''"'rBrnrv, a. told fr r iii.tiiiiee , i "r '' ,,!,"!r ,r"m "" " f"'H. In e m '-.'ly. l"P"' they have prored a 11''"';;'?;'"- "',rin"" '" pronr ef. r itmm- r 7rKR"'" the poaaeaam,, of WI.NDSf.n, Vt, OrMaVa ,i3'5GnEEJI' Pr0P'ictm The following l erlinraie, mv, rerrntly b. en received I it . Wahiixhtiix, p. c.. Jttir tn iui Itiivinrr nimle me of tlie i, ,., i. ,i ,, ' l.v llr li..,. II i- ; X)tenute.l Hittera" preiai e:,j.i-,:l--v.; lltlllet e fA.MCKI. rilKI.PS, ) Wll.1,1 . i Cham f . f. Penntor frnin Yerm or .,f K,",' ,,ekvllhA,J' ' S- "" IfUr,rt, Uov. I.. II. A.i)I.D. Meml-r ..r n . , ir of It ngit:rB anu lormeriy vemor W.M. H i KlDimiDfiF, ot Mieliiuan. M. I.. MAItTLN, rernlory. I'. (. Senator anil formerly in Confrreaa from Witcai From Ho. H. D. Fj.te. Metnter of C.ngre.. fr. IVnoBylyiinin. Tlenr fir I have lm: ARIIINOTON. I). P w;i".Mh1M'':ui;l!K ru'K' iNw-wu Arch i ro'ii,;.; !;'k,;:; :mai.i: .mkiucini:. 1 Du. Tow Kn'ii ?Bpliu,t. is a s ivereimi and H;ieeiv cure f t iiieii'ient c .nsninp'i".!. mi'l for tlie u' ir.Mi.i ti 'tl oi l!ie . sli-ini., inuiter wii.'ihei t).,- lemiltof iti'ie re:il einise or '.uiin.'P, jir'KiaecJ hy a r.f; tii.n itv. illness or ue-cti'.-n'. otiiii pt enn he nvre mrprt.tmr than it. inviEronitinu' t'f-f-e'i. on tlie htnf,:iii iralne. IS-.'!!, ail wi'-ikii'-M ami las ti'.luiie. I'r.'lil : ilvilii: it nt onee !n-e. tine r il.u.-t ami loll of , eniL'V llnil'T i: iii.l'itMt.e. It iriillie ii i'e'y p inut'TTir-td the n. TV t !.-.- ,. li..- female liaine, w.'liell id llie gr.-lt ea i.u I kini'iu; 'M. j It yi- n .t he expei-tiil of na. in easew of r.i ilelie-ite a na- one. 10 eMiilill eeilll.'-aieij ol elirrx ierlnrnie,l. tint we e.-lll ussnre tin- titllieliHl liiat luliiilrtxls ol e.i.iea have li.-iai ruiior- Suieiior n!il ni Ic linnnly. Kinc t'o'jni-io UiMii.Iv. St:M-riiir tll.l .Ininniru Siiirils. Nrw I'luUml Kuril. Villi' lloliaiul (lin. Snjn-rinr OKI 'Vliir-!;iy t 'oitilli in do. Snn'ri.r Ma.K'ria. 'ino. I.inliuu t!o. do. .'tijn'rior Tort Winu. l'ort do. Kvvt Mtilnua ne. Superior Cluret Whip in liotllrs. CUuiiijiaguu da. do. IIENKV tiuKurv, Mav 2C 1S4!). te.l t Dlt. Tovvknii: My wife WenklieHM nnl irenerni il.-lnllty, pain in. I with other ililhcilii it" Where viir inetlieine ha. elle lieillj cr.atlv ilis'ri'Kse-l liy anil s-ill. riii e iiittiuially liy i. mid haviinj kn vu eai-'a l trrmt eur.-ii ; unit nts.i For a!e l.y M. A. MeCAV, Northiiiiilierlainl nnd Sim- i l.nrv respeetahlf dealers generally tiirotiL'liout the Stat" April 91, 1-ltl ly I COLUMBIAN" SERTKS OF Sfrttlimrtfro. The Pupil's friend and Teacher's comfort . 'PIIF, COM-MBIAN CALCl'LATOR. Tl.ia work in iilrcndv itilroiliupd into soinrt of the. I'cst Aradainira mid n la nre numKrr nf SclionN. wlirre its iho has privon dorided and univprsal fn tislaitinii, lioth to tcai hcr and pupil. It i purely American in its rliaractrr, based upon our own j lietllltil'ill rfrrimnt sy.itrm vf currency. Il rolltailis , innrc, llie arrati-rctni tils nru liclter, and it is llip j easiest and vlirapi-st work ofllio kind now in use; , and it is so consider-1 Kv lnindrcds of tin- moet i competent ti-nc'iicrs and nicn ofsi-iencc in tlie I'ni j (in. wltii have roeoninicndi-i! it. It js tlie '.ionic, I parlii-tilitrh and cpresslv pri rnircil for our Ann I rirmi Srl,iil,irx : ! Ani'iu Ticlnar. Tiik Yor rn's ('oi.t tiii A (Jau ihtop Tliis : volume foiitains 111 rarcs. witli nliont 'inn pvu.. pies for solution on tlie slate. Il pinlmires lint Fundamental Kiiles, Coinpoiiml Hides, Simp,, and Compound Ucductiou, Single Kule of Three, l'ropoitioii, &e. 'I'll KMMt's dritine.l for tlie us- of younger classes in thi Schools of the Jew in f(Ui veara. ami L . " f'T -"mum slA y, ,is -!(. .,, m. 0:(S . . . ' l'i ' Xtreirie nutlciict-. fvrm it pillllin HI IJlt O'lW'I', , Vl.llrilt hll.l:....N I.- iivlcdut. (if voiir vitln..l.l -...V....I.. ' ? .' r! ""'ieteil. I take tow ,,..' -.': 1 Us eii.-ative wer: and would . ,.,.- ...a ri"1""! i i-urwriiio lllv II. D. FOSTKi oil: llnr mv testiia .itv reiirnk. that v. h. tmlv your trietid !) ". (.no. II. i; v. S lid Vh . lea .le tt, (:. ,v- r JR S mill Si,n, Street. 1-i.,i,i..i;,i..-. Avent f t Siinlairv11. H. M Si;H Aireii'sfor liltonMACKAV A ITAO ArTl'" ' j'IW AL'I""""- J- U- KKNX. Fletchar, FIR33 PROOF CHESTS; FOIl BOOKS, PATERS, JEWELRY, &c. EVA A S & WATSON, No. SO North Third street, between .ticA and Race, and 83 Dock street, ffPOMTK THE l'llll.ADi;i.l'UIA KXCUAXOU. Iatt iit Soai-Sloait i;iacd and hi). Iiule 4 over SAZiAlVI ANDERS, MRK AND TIIItF FIIOUF IHO CIIi:si iarmnlcd to mniid nmre Umt 'V'f7 ' uny i nesis in Hum CViunirv it, : . tl I l-' i a . M . "" ' iiiioiuer irun -'. L fh.H.. IlillO l,.w in IIK. They rt.e.JfLlJ X,l "I"' eoniliiue to make the iirdmu R" i'lrr?".! vj r' Firr ''"""l". vcrv I w prieea rvliltB o' f, I'i'lt'lit eombinuii,,,, uU. Wuh &HJU VrzJlz jt I Ulinte Key., which Ulll be el,.n.,J EV11V WAN HIS OWN PATBNT AG EN r. MI NX A- Co. pulilishern of the "SCIENTI FIC AMKlilCAN," have favoured us with a I'hauiphlet containing the l'atcut I.awa of the I luted Slates, together with nil the forma necessa ry fur npplv ini for a l'atcut, information in reirard to lilini; .a veals, with remark, on its Uses, etc., a- mnunt ot tee re.iuired at the 1'ati-nt Otlice, and every other information that is necessary to instruct a person in making lua own applications. i rice l'-'A ceut.i kindle, or l'i eopic for one dol lars sent lv mail to any part of the United States. Address iM LA. (X CO., JNew-Vork. March 10, 1S49 i SflV KSrtltll-tt l l'l'l'!l (aUOOs. Hi A T. CLEMENT, r.f.Ti:CTFCI.T.Y it.forms his .lictids. c,is- "", ln. -oai or iiui-jusl recency a handsome assort iiient of NKW COO )S at his store in Mjrkct.uar in .Simlutrv. such as Dry (iooils. (Jniceiios, Cjuecns- v, nre, ! I;)t ih are, &ic. .Sunhury, June 23, IS 19. (I.atr Etcllf i- & (;i -'iii-!Ii.) PATENT ATTORNEY. AND MSCHAISriCAX. ENOIHEEU, VasIUiiluii, I). '. TtkUAWi.(JS uml papt'i for tho Patin. 3 JKOllit-e, prepurcj ami ull Iho necessary- bu siness, in reliition lo si'curitio; patents, trans acted, and promptly attended to, at their of- lien opposite the l'uteiit Oilice. October 3S, 1818. hearint; 11 reC"iimicin!etl for meh eaM-s a. I have tleiienbi il. I iihlaliied u l-'llle ol olir l-'.xtrnet of S.lisatvtrilla nail tol. lovve'l ll:e direetl"iis you L'ave llie. In n short period it remove.1 her .oin;ilauits uml restore I her to health. H. inn eiealt'lll for the lien. -Ills Pile rei'etveii. I l ike .ieasi-e III Ui.lsaekiiowiediiig it, uml recoiilliieiitlnar il lo llie pnhlie. .M. I). Miioiti;, Alliauy, Aiijj. I". '41- eor. Oranil Jt l.yili.i ta. DVSI'CI'SIA.' No Uuiil or mei'ieina hea ever Isan .liseovernl which m lievrly reseiiilih-s the y ivtnc jinee or nalivil in lleeoniiMMiuu; I'o nnil so-eiejlh'-'iin..' llie or'.Tois of ilu- -n ;;5 tJiis pre n irati ii of Si'sij.ri.ia. It positively can . every case of l!,i.:p:a. howev er severe or eimsiie. liank Di l-otmeiit, Alliat.r. Mnv II'. 1-13. Pr. T iwnsellil Sir : I have la-en lllilieleil' for several year, with ilysis-iisia in il. wor.t form, attended wilh s ur nessot Moiaaeh. I.ns of ap;-lile, exlreiue heartliurn. Mini u reat avem 'n lo all kiml.s of fo .(1, unil for weeks, (wlinl I e ill.! eat) 1 have heen uiial.le to retain tint a Ninall tMiriion MA.SKi;. j I'll my at miach. I tried the usual reni 'ilies. lint they htul Lilt intle or no e!l-ct 111 reiao me the e niijiliiint. 1 w.'i.h lil ilnenl. ah' -nt two itionlli!. since, lo try voir Kxlract of Sar stipanlla. mill I IlliiM Bay will) Utile c inhilenee ; hut nltiT nsiiiL' nearly two Ii idles, I fouuil my nipetile restored an, I tha hearthiiin entirely reiri'.vetl; ami I w'olilil eaniestlv re eoiiiiaeii'l the use of i: to those wh ' have hern aillae-il as I have heen. Yours, ir.. W. W. VAN 'AM: T. vj-cut for Suiil.iitv .mux w. KUII.IM;: Nor th iH-rtaml. MMtV A. .McCAY : Danville, W.M. A. All UK AY .V t'..., April -Jt!. l- - i-1v I M TOUT A NT TO THE 1'L'BL ::c?k3s aitd cattl: ilKDICIXES. IJont permit your Horses or cattle to die, w the means of cure are within the reach of all ! Tho itn:lrrsii,ie,I has spent several vears in s uilv of yotcnnarv practice in "London and dniluro 1. avuip(, lilllscf of ,lerrB chesof I.,., , .,tu.rcclc!,r.,tr.l n,en.wl.6l emitrthttlcl s,. m, li a judicious treulm ol a.uiii -.Is; t'. c principle, imr iractice cons liitlier.-jccl..ii; ofircueral Meclimj and the t. : 'M' ' i.on i ail meilictncs that I to I.- of a dan III." tfK oel o. t.i .i -. . I nited States. A l.eau.iliil litlle hook and nlcas- i when oi. ' '.i .l ' Pnnci,. to. mv; to c.iuiiren, ami tlie onlv one ot the kind ot anv experience -crous tendancy. 'J'liese tirr. wi emi inoiiaiiun nine. e luueen. -rfe- l.lein fact evorv time the l. k i. ucd if ile.iiuble. These t k. are pioof upuii.l the mow eiR.rt Thieve.. Iieimr aupplieJ with the l'alent Key. hole I'over, awl niHtle very atmmr, they cannot be hkiwn oiien hv liiintviwiler. Theae Locks ure iiiteadcd for BANKS), ST()ltl;S, HAFKS, Ac. Scalane! lettei copying presaes, fire proof doors fur Uunka au;l atorea. fuidit Slate I.iis-r1 Hefrirerators. warnuttrd aiiKTinr to all others. Wsler 1'iller., f-iioMir Bulln of Uie U.l quuU ily. W Pefsons wialiitift to purcliaw any uf the alsive ar ticles, will plruie give Ihrm a call, as they sell cheaper tlnui any other ui the United Suites. IAVID EVAN'S. J')tlANNi:s yVATSO.N. Pluladelphis, Novnnlier In, IHu iy TICKNOR'S COLTjr.iniAN ftPELLINO BOOK. T? KINO a progressive and Comprehensive Sys tern of Orthorapy and Orthoepy, including a variety of definitions, udaptrd to the use of Schools in the Air.eriiaii Kepuhlic, by Almon Tickuor, a Teacher of twenty-live year's experi ence, and author of the Columbian Calculators, l'lactical Common .School Mensuration, &c. The attention of Teachers, School Directors, parents, Ac., is invited to this new Spelling Hook, which conforms to the modern spelling and usages in Orthopraphv asbcintj oneof the nratcst, cheapest hest arriiinred, and better adapted to the wants of children, than any oilier published in the I nitcd Stats. It is what it purports to he, a Spelling liook and not a Reading Hook, and only rcuuircs nn examination on the part of Instructors of youth to secure lor it a universal introductiwn into the Schools.if the I'uitcd States. Just published, uud for sale by HuMir MassBh, Sunbury. here Teachers and Directors can procure ...... . . copies lor examination. August 4, 1 SIX- EE HILLS Justices and Constables Tee Hills liandamnrlv primed on caul paper, for ir at this oilice. J ISSUE PA PER. Yellow Tissue pniier for 1 coverinc e lasses. Ac. for sale at the oilier ut ine American. MA ZO US, store of A superior arlicle for sale at tho 1IE.MU MASsfcK. feuubury, Feb. 10, 1H5U, O.SE OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this excellent article for Tetter, cVc., just received ana lor suie ny 11KNKY MASStK. Sunbury, July 38, 1849 NOB AND SPRING MORTISE LAT CHES. An excellent article, for auln at hull the usual price hy J. W. FKILINU ifunburv, July 7, 1749. n. s. iiA?Kr:NCE:, Agent for the sole of Srithworth Minvifartu ring Co't. Writing Pop rs. Ware House, Xo. 3. Minor Mroot I-IIILADELPHIA. I value. There nre Keys to both Arithmetics' hound sin- j ; pie or double, fort he convenience of teachers, in j 1 which the solutions of the questions are given with I much extra matter for the black board. These ! heys nre the most complete works of the kind ever published, and contain, in addition, about two hundred examples in .Mensuration, itc, for the use of the Teacher. All that is wanted is to have the above books examined, and no teacher who is acquainted with the scicne.- of Arithmetic, will hesitate lo pronounce them the liest works tha have ever been published in this or nny other country. Although issued but a few months, thev have j already la-en introduced into the Nisht Public ! Schools of New York City in all the Schools I public and private, except two, in the City of Iu'iidimi. Also, in about twenty Acadumics in the I Slate of Pennsylvania in a Itirjre portion of the i Schools in tho City of Wilmington, in the City of I Lancaster, auJ in the Dorounhs of Harrishur, York, Chamliershur',, Lebanon, Doyleslown, PotU I ville, Oiwii;s'.!iirff, eve., Arc. j For sale by Hiixitv, Sunbury, Agent I for Northumberland County. I Sunburv, Dec. 2, 1818. iti-ou i..vor,;ni'r to the (hrectiona which j company eat h crnelc they arc capable of cxeit . ami i.icr.-.iMuirthe natural ftniclions, without iiiintshiinr or tlcstroyinrj their power, henca oi iiil- iiuutis oi cvi-rv one. SIAIilOND POWDSR. FOR RAZOR STROPS. 1 00 T Asl;s uf ''' "iperior Papers now ! riIMS Powder is warranted far auivrior to anv Hi etiirsi Ull. I xi.iln In tm ..In .. 1 ... I i . . ... Win. li. roc lira ii Ac o., XYhole.ale and Retail, Wl.NE AND Ll'JfOll .MERCHANTS, No. 72 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. AXE always on hand a very lartre slock of Wines, Liquors and Scgars, of their own importation. Store Keepers, Hotel Keepers, uud private gentlemen, will be sujiplied on the must liberal terms. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1119 STOf J33 WARU. OTONK milk Pans, stone Jui;i and Pitchers, k and othrr urticles of stone wave just received and for sale by JOHN W. FK1LING. .Sunbury, June SI), 1S1U. in store, and for sale to trade at the low market prices, eousistin in part of Fine thick Flat Cups,. IS, 11, 15 and 16 lbs. blue and white. Superfine .Medium and Demi Writings, blue and white. Extrasuper and superfine Folio Posts, blue. Suierline Cammerical Posts, blue and white plain and ruled and white, plain and ruled. Extra super Linen Note Papers, plain and gilt. Superfine and lind Dill Papers, long an.l broad. SuK-rlinc and tine Counting-House Caps and Posts, blue and white. Extra suK-r Congress Caps and Letters, plain and ruled, blue and white. Extra super Congress Cups and Letters, gilt. Superfine Sermon Caps and Posts. SuKrfiued blue liath Posts, blue and white, plain and ruled. Embroidered Note Papers and Envelopes, "Lawyer's" Br'ef Papers. Superfine and tine Cups and Posts, ruled and plain, blue und white, various qualities and prices. Also, 111(10 reams w hile end asserted Shoe Pa pers, llonuet Boards, whito and assorted tissue, Tea, Wrapping, Envelope, assorted and blue Me diums, Cup Wrapping, Hardware Papers, &.c. Philadelphia, Nov. 21, Is 13. 7 1 LEY'S COn: CINDY, excel- lent remedy for coughs, colds. For sale at this oilice ADD'S celebrated Horse und Cattla Medi cine for sale hv HENRY MAsSER r'unhuw Jan. S7th, 1819 r OLD PENS IN SlLYER CifsKS. A small lot on huud and for sale bv H B.MASSKH. funbury, April 0, 1850. 1) AISINS, currunls, citron, cheese, pepper V tuiir. Are. r'nr aula liv J. V. Fb'll.IVf; 8uubury, Dec. 2, 1818. i APS An assortment just received. silk HATS at ijiiiSS, for sale by H. MASSE R. Sunbury, Dec. S, 1848. Also 11LANKS. lLANK.S of every description ea.j be lutd ly applying at the oniee of the JVmeneM. JETfER envtlopc-, of various kinds, Sar aale J at this cilice. WINSLOW'S BALSAM OF ioia:uouNr). ItiKrallltstle H tlie basest crime of in ii ii. VX7E are not among that cluss of Editors who ' for a few dollars will, (at the exM-nse oft ruth and honesty) "crack up" an article uud bring it into rapid sale; neither are we willing to remain silent, after having tested the utility of an im provement or discovery in science or art. Our readers will recollect we told them we were un well with a sore throat and violent cold some few weeks ago. Well, we purchased two bottles of WINSLOW'S DALSAM OF HOREHOUND and so auddeu was the cure, that we forgot we ever had a cold. Those who aro a filleted, may try it upon our recommendation. Ltwifton U'tlt giaph. A fresh supply of the above valuable medicine just received, and for aale in Sunbury, by John W. F riling, Mary A. McCay at Northumberland' and at wholesale by Frederick Klett, oi Co., cor ner of Sd and Callow hill streets, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Sept. SSd, 181'J 8 nio. S thilur in use for imiiarlinir a keen, siuooibeilee o Rmor.1, Surgical instruments, and all kinds of i. Ccti.mii j it may be applied to any kind of strop. Also uH-riir Razor, Knives, and Perfu mery, w holesale and retail, bv ALFRED BENNETT, Agent. Depot of Fine Razors, Strops, Brushes, and Cheap Funcy Ciooda, No. 18 South Fifth street a bove Chestnut Philadelphia. TESTIMONIALS. PaiiiiiELPHiA, Felx, 15th, 1S18. This may certify that I have used one of the Strops prepared with HAYNES' MAC.IO DIA MOND POWDER, and can attest in the most unequivocal manner, that there is nothing can be found that will produce the same effect in my opin ion, and must say to others, try it, and you will find it superior to uny heretofore in use. I can truly say that I never knew what a sharp razor was liefore. JOHN SCOTT, Iron Safe Maker, 41 S. Third st. Fiiii.miM.rni a, October, IS 18. A very hard beard and tender face has compel led me to seek uixl test ninny contrivances design ed to make shaving easy and pleasant, but with iiplillcreul succesrt, until I made use of the Magic DIAMOND POWDER, sold by Alfred Bennett, and Rousscl's Shaving Cream. Their united potv. er uct like mujic, und impart a power to the Ruzrir to remove the most stubborn la ard, without irri tating the skin or temper of their owner. J. COX, 49 South Fifth Street. Fur sale at this office Price So eta. per Box NovcmUr 25, 1848 Cm. Valuable ItuoUn. ' T IFE or CitaisT, handsomely bound, D'Ar hiuxe's Hisrour iip tks Refohmatio-i, Blank D.r-books in Leiioxhs, full bounded. For sale ut tlie publishers prices by tl. B. MASSER. Sunbury, July 14, 1849. Ciotton Yam, Cotton CarK-t Chain, Cotton Laps ' and Wadding, Cotton Outlines, Ready made Pantaloons, Ready made Ye.ts, Congress Knives, Porcelain lined preserving kettles, just received for sure by H.MASSEK. 8unbury, Dec. S, IS 18. p: ATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's writing and indetlible ink, Cotton yarn and laps, just received and for aale hy J. W. FRII.INO. O. H. DADD, M. t A l.i.l of r,P nil, c uU1, Medicines. Physic balls, Toe. per box. Allcrame bull, ,) do. powders for bad condition, 75c pern; H'.rc. Heave powder fordi-cases of the lungs, 75e I inte powder for - .. kidneys, 75e 1 oiiic powder for bad condition glanders, 75e Cordial drink for inllamatioti of bowels, 75e bottle. i Liquid blister, 7oc per bottle. Ointment for promoting the growth of hair, i per pot. Healing balsam for wounds and saddle galls, 78c per btitlle. Wai.!i for iuilamed eyes, 50c per bottle. Ointment foi 'manSe 'scratches, old sores, Ac, 50c ier bottle. Embrocation for sore throat, 75c per liottle. Hoof ointment for sand crack, brittle hoof, &e, 50c per bottle. Horse Liniment, the most celebrated article knowr in hiuland lor lameness of every description, 75. j Distemper powder for red water, $1 per bottle. Worm powders for the reinovul of worms frorr the intestinal canal, 75 per package. ! For sale by STl.Ml'SOX & REED, 2 Vers ' e.itr.ils Row, uls i at DADD'S HORSE AN I CATTLE MEDICINE DEPOT, Nos. 1 &. I Hayinurket Square, Boston. 1 Pamphlets describing the diseases for whic j these remedies are used can lie hud grutis. ; Numerous Certificates are in possession of t) j Proprietors, of cure performed by tlie above Me 1 lines. ( Soldby GREEN & FLETC SIXTH Street, Philadelphia, and by hia 'lur' iinxKt aiassmi, Sunbury, Fela-uary 3, 1S4U tf ROSE OINTMENT, TOS. TETTE 1 KA1 the followtiar ceitificnte fniin Capt. Devoe, i 1 well known uml jsipulur (hani Bout fupluiii (of -"--'' PiiiLADELrHiA, October 31, Several years iie-e I wu. attaeke.1 with a hrmVinr . on my neck in ihe i inn of Teller, winch I am cnna. waa c mtraetcl ut ihe Harher'aSaon. Ii erandaallyexiei I eilover my face until it reached the upper pari of 1 1 eheeka. IM-rilig llie a. verul lll 'lllll. Unit it coiltmuf aiHuiilliur, I mail iliilereiil applleatliaia. aome of which III' llie elli'Cl. n;iri'll!l ill li-j.t, of inereu.inK the diamse, U irom none ol them Hid K-reeive the least Imietit unlit api.lie.lthe KosEOiNTMi.tlT. Hy tht use of one wr ol ! I was iKricelly curej aisl have ranuiul free of tha arlf tlou. I have sine ul the Ointment, lighllv npplied for ruag llesa of the nice, tiotd,ea. cimpni-rl huuria, 4c. With ne leel sueeeiui. 1 liave ilo hesitation ill reeiHnuieuJiiig it the alroneat lnauner Ui the public. JA.MK8 DKVOE. AirentHrxKT Masses, Sunbury. July SS, lolil. P-TZ1TT IEEIGJIITES (ireen's Oxygenated Bitter, price reduied. Old Jacob Townsa-ud's Sursaparilla. Baker's Sursaparilla. Sway ue'a Syrup of Wild Cherr t, Swayne's eruiifuge. Ayre's Cherry Pectoral Dr. Drake's Punucea. Dr. Cullen's do ' Tibbit'sPain Kvllcr. . Dr. H Holland's Herman Bitters: Indian Yepfelable Fills Horse and Cuttle Medicines For sale by HENRY MASStR. eiuubury, July 14, 1849. 1") OOK.1 and Gold Pens. On hand several co, 1 i-a of tlie life of Christ, and aixo number , gold pens which we will sell at tlie PhiladeluUi prices. For aale at thisotlice. KENNEDY'S PATENT SASH FAS TENlNUSe A cheap and excellent art cle lor fastening saslt for sale by 1. W. FRILUS'Q 4-uii'nuy, July 7, 1819.