SUNBUHY AMERICAN AND SHAM0K1N JOURNAL. more news from the plaijis. Trouble among tht Emigrants and Indians Important from Santa Ft. St. Louis, June 4. A. gentleman arrived here last night from a point, 300 miles beyond the frontier. He sonfirms the previous reports relative to sick' nets and dath among the emigrants on the Plains. Dr. Garber, just returned from the Plains itates that a difficulty had occurred between in advanced party of California emigrants md a marauding party of Indians. The depredations of the Indians, however, vcro montly confined to the borders of the I'ermillion river. On the 12th of May the Indians attacked a mall train of Californians, and succeeded in unning off 30 or 40 mules and horses. A ding Pottawnttoinie chief, named Wawas ih, proposed to follow and rescue the tock. i two days he came up with a small party f Pawnees. A skirmish ensued, which re ailed in the victory of Wawassah, who shot te Pawnee chief. On the person of the Pawneo chief was iur white and nino Indian scalps, apparently icently taken. A number of horses were covered. The Pottowattomies ate said to 3 constantly annoyed by the Pawnees. Letters from Santa Fe to the 14th of April ive been received. Several meetings had sen held in relation to the presence of Major eiphbors, Commissioner to take possession " the Territory in the name of the Texan overnment. A good deal of bad blood was (cited. Tho meeliiip; terminated without ling anything. On the 6lh of May, Major Neighbors ar vl at Santa Fe, and was welcomed by nny firm friends, but coolly by the authori se. The 12th of the month was appointed ; hiip to meet the people and show them eir rights. On that day he stated his ob ct in cominjr, and said he intended on some lure day to isnie orders of election, under ;an governments. Mr. James lost his entire train of mules id about $3000 in merchandise, by an ni ck of Indians, between El Passo and Chi tahua. The following is a list of Senators whose rms e.vpire iu 1851, and whoso successors ill be chosen by the legislatures to be elect I Ibis fall. Tha Whigs are given in italics1 Phelps, of Vermont, Webster, of Mass. Green, of U. I. Dmton. of N. J. Wales, of Delaware, Mason, of Va. Turney, of Tonn. Cass, of Mich. Benton of Mo. Rusk, of Texas, Dickinson, of N. Sturgeon, of Pa. Howard, ofMd. Davis, of Miss. Coricin, of Ohio. Bricht, of la. Yulee, of Fa. Dodge. 12 Democrats 6 Whigs Re-elected. William Forkgst, a low comedian of racuse, New York, has within a few days en left, by a friend in New York, the large m of 5175,000. TltJHT l'.UEKCllES AN D TOBACCO. The mber on the sick list at West Point last ar caused some investigation to be made, .d the surgeon represents the causes to be e inordinate quantity of tobacco used by t em, and the practice of wearing pantaloons b i tight aronnd the waist as to interfere with li'igestion and cause many unpleasant symp' tiAms. He recommends that the cadets be inquired to take a full inspiration before be ing measured around the waist by their tai lors 1 Commodore Benjamin Cooper, of the United States Navy, (lied in Brooklyn on Saturday lust, aged about 57. His father is said to be still living, a Commander in the navy ; the sou having held a higher rank in the service than his father. The son entered the service in 180!), the father in 1812 Roth have been gallant officers. The Wheeling Brinou Case Settles in Favor ok Pennsylvania. A private des patch to M. Riddle, of the Journal, received yesterday, annonnced the very gratifying, though not unexpected intelligence, that this case has been decided in favor of Pennsyl vania. The only question before the Court was that of jurisdiction, which has been set tled as above stated. Chancellor Walworth has been appointed a commissioner to take tuslimony as to the practicability of elevating the Bridge. If this cannot be done, it must come down. We presume no intelligence ?uuld be more gratifying to our citizens at least to our river men. Pittsburg Despatch. Kamahameha, son of tbe King of the Sand wich Islands, accompanied by Professor Judd, is quite a lion, just now, in Boston. TRUE ECONOMY. The unparalelled suc cess of Merchant's Gargling Oil, in the clue if diseases in Horses and Cattle, and even in luman flesh, is daily becoming more known o the farming community, ft cun hardly ie credited, except by those who have been in the habit of keeping it in their stables, what a vast amount of pain, suffering, and time, are saved by the timely application of this Oil. There is nothing in the shape of a remedy for such diseases as Fresh Wounds) Galls of all kinds, Sprains, Bruises, Cracked Heels, Ringbone, Pull Evil, Wind Galls, Cal lous, Spavins, Sweeney, Fistula, Sand Cracks, Founders, Scratches, or Greese, Mange, ko than can at all compete with it, in point of activity and cheapness j as the quantity of this Oil obtained for the amount paid, is much greater than that of any other Horse Oil, and is therefore much cheaper, without taking into consideration it superior strength. A pamphlet of description may be had gratis of the agent. Sold by H. Masser, Sunbury, and other ' Druggists in trie U. States. MARRIED, Soms time aao, by Rev. J. Winecoff, Mr Samuel Witnek, to Miss Lima Apr, all of Selinsgrove At Blooinsburg, Columbia county, on the 13ib of April, by tha Kev. v. 1. waller, rtr. George W. &ldv. of Lockport, 111., to Miss I,., eldest daughter of I'rnman M. Hub Ml, lals rf Philadelphia ftljcittarkct Philadelphia Market June t, 1850 Floir. Flour is quiet and the price stea dy j shipping brands are selling at S3 25o brl. Extra Flour at 85 78 brl. Kye Flour is held at S2 87a$3. Corn Meal is worth 83 00 per brl. WHftAt. There is an active demand for red Wheat at 81 22c. prime White atSl 29o. Ryk. Peruia Uve is held at 65o per bush. Corn. Com is'in demand at 674 c, for yel low ; White is worth 60 cents. Oats. Southern are worth 40o, and Penna 43c. Whiskey. Sales of Whiskey in bbls at 26c and hlids at 25 cents. Baltimore Market June 5, 1850. Wheat. Small sales of good to prime reds weie made to-day at 121 cts., andPenn white at 127 cts. Coiin. White at 55 a 57 cents, and of yel low at 60 cents. A sale of Northern Rye at 64 cts. Oats. Prices range from 38 to 40 cents. Whisk sr. Sales of bbls were made at 25 cents, and of hlids at 24 cents. SUNBURY PRICE CURRENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Master. Wheat 100 Rtk. .66 Cons. .60 Oats. - 37 BuTTEH. ... 16 Eons. .... 8 Pork. .... 5 Flaxseed - 1 25 Tallow. - 10 Rr.sswAx. 55 Fiax . . . . .8 Hkcklf.ii Flu x. ... 10 DiiiF.n Arrr.r.s. - - . 62 Do. Prai'Iirs. ... 200 NOTICE. SS hereby given, that a Meeting will lie held at Georgetown, Northumberland county, at the public House of George Brosious, on the 14th iloy of June next, to organize the Mnhonoy and Wiscoiiiscd Avail Koud Company and choose offi cers for '.'no same. May 85, 1850. M US I CAL I X ST Ji U IM EXTS. CHAS. DUItlXtXIG-, No. 207 Chesnut Street, front Arcade, Philadelphia. IMPORTER and Manufacturer of all kinds of Musical Instruments, Fancy Articles and Toys. His prices arc lower than those of any other store in Philadelphia. All kinds of Musical Instru ments repaired in the best workmanship, and also taken in trade. Philadelphia, May 25, 1850. ly .j:(mE j, iiki:ls, CITY CABINET W A R E R O O M 8 , NO. 173 CIIESNUT STREET, (OPPilSITK T1IF. STATS HOUSE.) PHILADELPHIA. OFFERS for sale, low for cash or approved city paper, a large and well assorted stock of CABINET FURNITURE, of the latest patterns and of the best workmanship. The assortment embraces every article, useful or ornamental, com prising suits of Drawing Room Furniture in Rose wcod and Walnut, exquisitely carved. Rosewood Walnut, and Mahogany Chamber Furniture ; Pa tent Extension Dining Tables, (acknowledged to be the best now in use); Library Book Cases, and a great variety of plain Parlor and Chamber Furniture. Curtains made and put up in the latest Paris fashions. Spring Mattrasscs, Hair Mattrasses, and Fea ther Beds, made to order, N. B. All articles purchased at this establish ment are warranted of the best materials and workmanship, and will lie packed to carry safely to any part of the country. May 25, 1650. ly 3F3J1TC- GCCES 1 1 V II 1 L, A D E L. I'll I t . rp SHARPLESS & SONS, have just received 1 their supply of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS of Friendly and other styles, to which they invite attention. SHAWLS All descriptions of Silk, woollen and worsted. DRESS SILKS Gro de Rhinrs, Chameleons, and neat and new fancy styles India Silks and Satins. DRESS GOODS Lawns, Bareges, Mousse- lins, Ginghams, Alpacas, Mohairs, and all the new fabrics. FURNISHING GOODS Blankets, Sheetings Quilts, Damask, Shirtings, and all other furnish hit; goods. MEN'S WEAR Cloth, Casshnercs, Cashma reft a, Drills, Yestings of all kinds, and Boys wear. SHOEMAKERS GOODS and Carriage Ma kers articles. T. SHARPLESS &. SONS, No. 32 S. Second Street, Philadelphia. May 25, 1850. ly J. IE. THOMAS, Ornamental and French Style Frame Kannfacturer, 60 i lliiliiul .it , between 3d and 4th street. THIIi ADELPHIA. " "O ESPECTFULLV directs the attention of the 1 public to Ins superior styles of Plain and Fancy Frames, which are of the latest and most beautiful designs. As a handsome Frame at a LOW PRICE, has been much desired, he was induced some months iiince to commence the manufacture of these Frames. Jn a short time the demand has been so great, that lie has been obliged to incrcass his facilities, and now offer at EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICES, Singly, or in thousands, the most beautiful Frames, suilub'e for Paintings, Prints, Daguerreotypes, Cards, &c, &c. For Durability Unsurpassed. Hotels, Public Buildings, Steamboats, Stores, Ca binet Furniture, Ac, decorated in imitation of carved Rose-Wood. tV Please call and sco specimens. May 25, 1850 ly XtW YORK &. PHILADELPHIA, JOURNEYMEN Hatters) AsMoilatlpn, Cur. of 6th and Chestnut Sreet, Philadelphia. "CONTINUE to muko and sell a finer and more durable II ut for the money than any other establishment in the United Plates standard price of Hals $3 00. Gents and Boy's Cloth and (Haicd Caps, Umbrellas, ('arbct Bags, Calafy ranama and Mraw Hats at equally low prices. May 25, 1830. ly " DAVID P.TJASE, FAMILV GROCER & TEA DEALER, S. il . Corner 6th tf Arch Street Philadelphia, V7 HO was formerly in the firm has now auc- ' reeded Colton & Co.. in the business and offers for sale at tbe very lowest prices, all kinds of Fa mi lt Grockhics of the choicest kinds con sisting in part of Fine, Superior and Common Green and Black Teas. Old U. Java Coffee and other kinds. Su gars, Sperm Oil and Candles, Olive Oil, Ket chups, Curne Powder, Iunglass for Jellies, Farma, Bakers cnocolale, Cocoa and orouaa, and every thing in the line, wliicli he will pack up careful ly and forward to order aa promptly as has been the nabit ot tbe oia lino (C7 Will the housekeepers of Sunbury and vi cinity who wish to have Groceries of tha choicest kinds please to try us once l DAVID PEASE, S. W. Cor. 6th & Arch feu. Philadelphia. Msv II, S-,n.y GREAT ATTRACTION!! SEW AM) CHEAP GOODS, JOHN W. FRILING, Market Street, Sunbury, Psl, HAS just received and opened a large assort ment of superior and choice Fancv and Staple Dry Goods, well adapted to the coming sea. son, which he will sell at the lowest prices. His stock consists ol general assortment of almost all articles of use In the Dry Goods line, Consisting in part of Cloths, Casstmeres, Summer-Stujf for Clothing and Vesting. tin die Dress Goods. Gloves, Hosiery, Usees, Shawls, Muslins, Sheet ings, Tickings, Fine Muslins, Ginghams, Linens, Ac AL80: A general assortment of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, LIQUORS, DRUGS, AND MEDICINES, PAINTS AND DYESTUFF, and every variety of articles. p" Country produce of all kinds token in ex change at the highest market price, Sunbury, April 27, 1850. N EW "STOIIE ! A XF.W STOCK OF GOODS, At the Store formerly occupied by John Bogar, In Karkot Street, Sunbury. TIHE subscribers respectfully inform the pub. Jl lie that they have just received, and are now opening A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS, Consisting in part of Cloth, Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Vesting, Panta loon Stuff, Calicoes, Ginghams, Lawns, Vestings, Flannels, Cambrics, Linens, Fine Muslins, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Ifc , Hardware, Qtieenswarc, Drigs AM) MkUICIHESi ALSO: A large assortment of Groceries, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Ladies Shoes and Gaiters, Fluid and Fluid Lamps All of which will be sold on the most reasona ble terms. t3T Country produce cf all kinds taken in ex change at the best prices. JOHN BUYERS & CO. Sunbury, April 13, 1850 ly NOTICE TO HEIRS. NOTICE to the Heirs of H enry Fetter, dee'd., is hereby give that by virtue of a certain Writ of Partition and Valuation to me directed an inquisition will be held at 10 o'clock A. M.i the SOth day of June 1850 upon the premises in Up per Mnhonoy township to enquire whether the Real Estate of the said Henry Fetter, dee'd., can be equally parted and divided to and among all the heirs and legal representatives of the said dee'd without prejudice thereto, or spoliation of the whole at which time and place the aforesaid heirs are horcbv warned to he and appear if thev think proper. " JAMES COVERT, Shr'ff. Sheriffs office, Sunburv, May 11, 1850.-6t" ) NOTICE TO HEIRS. TR.TOTICE is hereby given to the Heirs of John J9 Lcinbach, dee'd., to appear at an Orphans' Court, to be held at Sunburv in and for the coun tv of Northumberland, on the first Monday of August next, then and there to accept or refuse the Real Estate of the said dee'd., at that valuation fixed upon said Real Estate by an Inquest duly awarded and continued by the said Court, or shew cause why the same should not be sold, &c. JAMES COVERT, Shr'tT Sheriff's office Sunbury, ffs office Sunbury, ) ay 11, 1850 (it' ) Ma NKW ARRANGEMENT And Price Kcduced. THOMPSON'S Susquehanna Express and Freight Line, IS NOW PREPARED TO FORWARD Goods and Packages, Daily from Philadelphia to Selin-sgrbve, Xorthumberland, Sunbury, Danville, Bloomsburg, Milton, Lewis, burg, Muncy, Williamsport, Sic BtRailRuau and Caxal Boats, NEW EXPRESS Office 39 North Third St. Freight Office at CRAIG If BELLAS' Corner of Broad and Cherry streets. Philadelphia. April 6, 1850. tf THE CHEAP BOOK STORE. D A1TIEL3 & SMITH'S Cheap Nkw & Second hand Book Siobe, A'o. 36 N. Sixth St. be ween Market If Arch, Philadelphia. Law Books, Theological and Classical Books, MEDICAL BOOKS BIOGRAPHICAL It HISTOH1CAL BOOK?, SCHOOL BOOKS. Scientific and Mathematical Books. Juvenile Books, in great variety. Hymn Books and Prayer Books, Bibles, all sixes and prices. Blank Books, Writing Paper.andStationary, UVtolfile ad Hi tall. r?r Ons prices nre mnchl ower than the arjiciAa prices Ifr l.llimnes ana small parcels oi u.hikb puttnaKu. iy ltonks imported to order f rom Umiloii. Philadelphia, June U, 184(1 y C. BENKERT, BOOT MAKER, Wo. 40 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia, VyHERE every variety of French Calf Skin Morocco, Patent leather. Congress and Gai ter boots, of the best style and workmanship, are constantly kept on hand or manufactured to order. March 10, 1S50. Bin ALEXANDER O. C ATT ELL, SUCCESSOR TO JAMBS M. BOLTON, DECD. COMMISSION & FORWARDING MER CHANT, For the sale of Grain, Flour, Seeds, Iron, Lum ber if. No. 1 3 A'or Wharves, Philadelphia. Goods forwarded with care, to all points on the Schuylkill, Union, Susquehanna and Juniata Canals. ITT Salt, Plaster, Grindstones, fee., for salt at the lowest prices. Philadelphia, Junes, 184a ly BOOT. L. BETH. TH08. P. B. PETH SETII& BROTHER. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND Commto&foii llUtclinuto, - NO. 89 PRATT STREET, (Net Bowlv's Wharf,) BALTIMORE, Will pay particular attention to ths sale of GRAIX and all other products of ths farm. Baltimore, January 26, 1650 ly J. H. ZIMMERMAN, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Sunbury, Pa. Office in Deer Street, immediately oppositn tha Public School II ouse. . (T Manias coll acted and ail buuness promptly and care fully attended to. AptU i'0, 1 850 JAMES COOPER. BRCA CAMERON COOPER & CAMERON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, POTT8V1XI.E, Schnrlhlll County, Pa., WILL collect monies, attend to litigated cases,' and act as agents in the management of Estates, &c. Persons desiring their services, may refer to the following gentlemen i PHILADF.LPH1A. David S. Tlrown, Fsnac R. Dsvis, Gideon O. Wrsfcvitt Henry White, Francis N. Bark, Wm. B. Reed, Esq., :hn. Gibbons, Esq, Joel Cook, Esq., B. II. Brewster, Esq. C. Thompson Jours, Esq. HEW VOHK. Hon. Moses H. Grinnell, llon.Ogden Hoffiiisti, Hon. Jsmcs Monroe, Hon. Edward Curtis. Hun. Ablmtt Lawrence, Boaron. John Aiken, Esq, I.OWIM. Junt S, !S1. CHARLES W. HEOINS, ATTOP.1TET AT LAW, Pottsvllle, Pa. Will promptly attend to collections and all busi ness entrusted to his care. June 10, 1849, CHERRY PECTORAL: For ihe Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRON CHITIS, CROUP, ASTH 2VXA, WHOOPING -COUCJH AND CONSUMPTION. The uniform success which has attended the use of this preparatioii its Balutary etl'ect its power to relieve and cure atl'cction of the Lungs, have gained for it a Celebrity equalled by no other medicine. We oflbrit to the alllictcd with entire confidence in its virtues, and the full belief that it will subdue and remove the severest attacks of disease upon the throat and Lungs. These results, as they become publicly known, very naturally attract the attention of medical men and philan thropists everywhere. What is their opinion of CHERRY PECTORIAL may be seen in the following : VALENTINE MOTT, M. D., Prof. Surgery Med College, New York says : 'It gives me pleasure to certify the value and efficacy of Ayer's CHERRY PECTORIAL, which I consider peculiarly adapted to cure di seases of the Throat and Lungs." CHIEF JUSTICE EUSTIS, of Louisiana, writes "That a young daughter of his was cured of several acvere attacks of Croup by the "CHERRY PECTORAL." ASTHMA AND BROCIIITIS. The Canadian Journal of Medical Science. atatps, "That Asthma and Bronchitis so prevalent in this inclement climate, has yielded with surpri sing rapidity to Ayer's CHERRY PECTORAL, and we cannot too utrongly recommend this skilful preparation to the Profession and public generally," Let tho relieved sufferer speak for himself : Haiitfoiid, Jan. 20, 1847. Dr. J. C. Aycr Dear Sir: Having been res cued from a painful and dangerous disease by by your medicine, gratitude prompts me to send you this acknowledgment, not only in justice to you, but for the information of others in like af fliction. A slight cold upon the lungs, neglected at first, became so severe that spitting of blood, a violent cough and profuse night sweats followed and fas tened upon me. I lecamc emaciated, could i)ot sleep, was distressed by my cough, and a pain through my chest, and in short had all the alarm ing symptoms of quick consumption. No mcdi cino seemed bt all to reach my case, untl I provi dentially tried your Ciicunr Pkctobal, which soon relieved and now has cured me. Yours with respect. E. A. STEW A RT. rRF.PAIlEU T J.C AYEH, CU EM 1ST, to WEIL, M ASS. lT Sold by Henry Masser, Sunbury ; Mary McCay, Northumberland1 Dr. Gearhart, Se- linsgrove ; Dr. Beckly, Danville, and Druggists generally. April 6, 1850.- Iyce3m PHILA. AND HEADING RAILROAD. SIMMEIl ARRANGEMENT FROM PHILADELPHIA AND POTTSVILLE. Office of the Fhila. If Reading Ruilroatl Co. Philadelphia, March 29, 1850. $ Two Passenger Trains Daily, (except Sunday.) N and after April 1st, 1850 two trains will be run each way. daily, between Philadel phia and PotUville. Morning Line, (Accommodation.) Leaves Philadelphia at 7J A. M., daily except Sundays. Leaves Pottsville at 7J A. M. daily except Sun days. jijlernoon Line, (last lram.) Leaves Philadelphia at S J o'clock, daily, except Sundays. Leaves Pottsville at 2 j o clock, daily, except Sundays. Pussengers cannot enter the cars unless provi ded with Tickets. The afternoon, or fust trains, do not stop at Au burn, Althouse's, Birdeboro', Roger'a Ford, Val ley Force, Port Kennedy, Spring Mill or Falls. A(U IL t. t my pounds ol baggage wul be al lowed to each passenger in these lines ; and pas sengers are expressly prohibited from tuking any thing as baggage but their wearing apparel, which will be at the risk of Its owner. By order of the Board of Managers. 8. BRADFORD, April 13, 1850. Secretary. I'll I U A DELPHI A 1YEEDICAI4 HOUSE, ESTABLISHED 15 YEARS AGO, BY DR. K1NKELIN, N. W. Corner of Third and Union Streets, BETWEEN 81'KUCE AND PINE STREETS, PHILADELPHIA IMFTKEN YEARS of extensive and uninterrupted 1 practice spent in this cily have rendered Dr. K. the m.Mrt expert and successful practitioner far and near, in the treatment ot' all diseases of a private natura. Persons afflicted with ulcers upou the body, throat, or legs, paiua m the head or hones, mercurial rheumatism, strictures, gravel, disease arising from youthfull excesaes ur impurities 01' the ul.xtd. wherebv the coustituuou has become enfeebled, are all treuled with success. He who places himself under the care of Dr. K., may re ligiously eonhde in his lunair aa a gentleman, ami couaaeni' ly rely upon bis skill as a physician. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Ymimf Men who have iniured themselves bv a certain ptactlec iialulged in a habit frequently learned from evil companions or at school the eilecis or which arc nightly felt, even when asleen. and drslrov both mind and body, should apply immediately. Weakness and constitutional debiutv lia of muscular enerrv. physical lassitude and gen eral prostration, irritability ana an nervuus anecuuiw, inui gestion, sluggishneaa of the livel, and every dlseuaein any way connected wua UIS uisoruer ui lue prucnu iuim.- tions cured, and full vigor restored. YOUTH AND MANHOOD, A vigorous life or a premature death. MKELIJi on iclf Prfttrvation. ONLY 25 CENTS. This Book iuat nubhshed is filled with useful information on the uifiriuiuea and diseases ot tbe oeneraliv organs. It addresses itseli alike to YUU Tll.MAIMluuijena U141 AtiK, and should be read oy aa. The valuable advice and impressive wsruinc It gives, will prevent years of misery audaufluruig aud save aiuiuai. ly Thousands of Lives. Parents by reading it will learn how to prevent the des truction ol their rluuiren. -A remittance of -a rents, enclosed ia a letter, ad. dressed to DU. K1NKF.IJN, N. W. cornet ofTHlltD. I'M O.N streets, between Bpiuce c rine, riiitaanpui will ensure a book, under envelope, Mat reluru oi mall. Persons at a diatanoe niay address Dr. st. by letter, (post paid,) ana beeuied si home. PACKAGES OF MEDICIKES. DIRECTIONS, ere forwarded by sending a remittance, and put upaecuie from DAMAGE or Cl'RIOhTY Book-sellers. New Agenfs.Fedlart, Cairrasaers, and all niters supplied witn tne aoovs worn as very kiw isiet,. February , ISjO ly II A II D I NO k IIOMS 7HOLEFALE Commission PAPER and f RAG WAREHOUSE, No, 1U MINOR Street, Philadelphia. Where a general assort ment of all kinds of Paper is kept, and for salt at tha lowest cash prices. Cnp, Letter and Printing Papers, Kc. on hand. Plain and ruled White Caps, ' ' blue " Flat Caps. Plain and ruled white Letter. " " blue ' Blue and white Folios. White and colored Printing Paper Tissue Papers. Shoe Wrapping " Envelope " Hardware and SI eathiug Paper. Tar Boards. Straw Boards. Bonnet Boards. All orders from the Country will be attended to at the shortest notice. All goods sold will be carefully packed, and de livered at any place In the city. The highest cash price paid for Rags, or ex changed for Paper, as low as can be bought else where. Please call and examine for yourselves. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1849. U'II,I,It!tIS AXTI-DYSPRPTIC ELIXIR Is. with the utmost coiifidrnce, offered to the Mtxlira! Faculty and Ihe public tor the cure of Dyspep sia or liiuigesliou, and all disease arising from it, such Nausea, Headache, Verligu, Dimness of Piffht, Debility ot the Nervous Sys tem. Hypochondria, Jaundice, !. MS of appetite, Wasting ol the strenptli. Flatulence, with Irerpient liclchiiiff of wind. Unions Vomiting, Hurtling lensHtiou at ths pit ol' the sti imnch, Liver complaint, Oppression al'ler entliig, Palpitution ot'the Heoil, l'ain in the pit of tha stomach or townrds ths right side, HuIIowiicks of complexion, Depression of the spirissand irritability of tamper, kc. Vitiated taste, Constitution and uneasiness of the bowels, I If a rose of dyspepsia should be neplreted, most serious effects insy ensue, lor it lays the foundation for, is the in eipent cause of, and very 'r'f;qiieutly terminates in consump tion, 1 would impress upon the mind that to tiiHe with this disease limy bo to sport with the reason which consti tutes man supefeminent amnnfr animal beinps, or to em bitter existence by adding n consciousness of folly to tbe penalty of pnin. This medicine is neatly put up in bottles, with ample directions for use, and is sold in Sunburv by Jon W. Krilino. JAMK9 WllXIAMS. Testimony of Mr. Abner Elines, batler, Market street aliore f ixlh, corroborative' of tho clBcacy of Williums Anti-Dyspeptic Elixir. Philadelphia, October 3, 1819. Ma. James Williams : Dear Sii : It gives me ETeat plrasnre to Vrrw that you are again preparing yon medicine for the cure of Dyspa sia, for many of my oct)U.'iinUtnces have repeatedly asked me where iicould be nrocuied, knowing that I had been cured by it. As I think timt a puunc acKiiuwiengmeni oi the great benefit I have received from the use of your mid icine is not only due to yon, but may lie useful to others, I now make it. For several years I suffered from Dyspep sia, which increased to such an extent that my health and constitution were rapidly sinking under it. I was com pelled to restrict mvsell tolne most simple loon, ann even that I could not digest. I felt a loss of strength, disincli nation tu exercise, and, as you have it in your advertise ment, a general Icelnig of depression and indescribable weariness. In the vear 1KH. hetirimr from others high re commendation of your Anti-Dyspeptic Klixir, I procured and used it with the most happy effect ; under it influence languor and wariness gradually passed away, and my appe tite returned which 1 could gmtify with impunity. Ten years have now elapsed, and my confidence in the curative powers i,f your medicine has of course increased, lor il completely cured me when I failed to obtain relief from any othei source. Very respectfully vours. AHNKR EI.MES. Testimony of Edward II. Rowley, Wholesale Merchant of the firm of Rowley, Ashlamnel Co., No 5 S mth Wharves, in proof of the efficacy of Willioms' Anti-Dyspeptic Elixir. riilLAriiLiniA, Octolier 89, 1819. Mr. Jamks Willisms : Dear Sir : I uike nlcasure in recommending your Anti- Dyspeptip Elixir for the cure of Dyspepsia. I have taken it myself for the disease, and have Wen entirely cured. aura resperttuiiv, EDWAUD II. ROWLEY. Aokxt JOHN W FRIIJNG, Sunbury, Pa. March 3, K5tl. ly R. R. R. A new and brilliant light haw lately ariwen ami inw Hands hipli hi lh horizon, shedding iU jrniflcn lht of h pe upon the dark (Ujiirinc mimU efthe bedridden und aitiicled with finin, like ttr; Imnlinjr fnrth ot ilin congeiUH. rays ot thf Bitn upon the enlil, dismal re pi nun of the frieid me. The liireo letters which heud thin anigr:ih ia the nigniti ciitiun of RADWAY'S HEADY RELIEF. An Iitstuntniipoui Antidote for Painn nf all kinds, tht verv instant Kiidray HejiJy Relief in applied, its pain relievuip qtwlitien are realiztii, it will relieve the niont w VfrepaiiiB of Hheuirmtmm, Luintmgo, Gout, Paralysis, Tic LMoreux, Ac, in a tew minuter. , C7KnRL'MATi4M Iti fhnsei, Trent rnent and Cure. ALL RHEUMATIC PAINS INSTANTLY CURED BV RADWAY'S HKADY RELIEF. Rheumatism arisen fronulilTerent cnuaea, hut moat gene rally proceed from Cokts. exniaure to cold damp weather, aud slcepiiif in dump apartments. This rximpluint ia divi ded into two classes ; tiie lirxt lnflamatory. so called from the welling and in Hum million that attends the pains in the parlaurTtH'leri; second, Chronic Rheumutie, so called from the Iftny continuance nf the diaease. It isnlao known as LumlHifro, or jKiin in the hack; Sdnticui. or pa nut in the hip or urroin : Anthrodynia, or paiua iu the joints. The Acuta Ithcuinuiitm. generally ttTiniuatea into one of these and becomes a ch ionic complaint. TO RELIEVE YOUR TORTURES. Apply Radway's Ready Relief, on a warm flannel cloth, previously bathing the part with warm water, alv take 30 or 40 drops ol tho Relief inlernally in some motaBscs twice or thiee times a day; this will give warmth to the stomach, and surely relieve you from all Rheumatic pains. It isalso speedy and effectual in its operation in the cure of diseased SIHNE, PTITCH IN THE BACK, LAME NESS, SORENESS OK THE JOINTS. Weakness, and nam in the aide, Aervous Headache, l ie Dolereux aud Tooth Ache, Spasms. Strains, Cramps in the Stomach, Piles, Sres, Burns, Scalds, Eruptions of the Skin, Sour Stoniarh, Heart Burn, lliarteiieuiujid Sore Throat. Rea der, if you have the misfortune to be troubled with either of the above distressing complaints, be thankful that an antidote for your pains in at hand in RADWAY'S REA DY RELIEF. It is sure to give your infant ease, and to your joy will ensure yiu a speedy and neiiect cure. See that ftch botule has the fac simile signature of Kadway fc Co, upon each label nunc other is genuine. A BEAUTIFUL PICTURE. A NEW LABEL STEEL ENURAVIXli. Tj prjtect the public against nurcliasmg counterfeits of Radway'a ChineMtj Medicated Sup, K. ti Kadway; ths celebrated Chemist o New 1 ork. has at a great expense engaged the services ol ne o the brst artists ot steel en- graving in Anierican, aud will on the fiist i April, lsoO, issue if anways Jieuicaieu n-sip in us new tauei. 11 a beautiful ateel engraving, it represents two female figures I health und beauty, reclinicg on a tablet and iter ill work, on which are the words Wladway'a Medicated Htaip" iu ilhuninuted letters. (Jn the opposite aide ot Ihe tablet is the luc simile siguature of U. G. Railway. The design is neat, chaste, ai iodic, und cietrautlv executed. THE VIKTl'ESOF THE SOAP are also improved, the high popularity which this excellent soap has attained: lor iu superiority over an oiners ior toi let, Medicinal, and Shaving pur p. .uses, has iniclled us to strive and improve upon its menu, instead ot resting sa tisfied on its alieady gained laurels. We have now entered into arraiweinents lor ihe imtKiriation aireci irom our cor respondents m Constantinople in Turkey, and Canton in China, for our several oils. gums, balsams, and extracts ol rare medicinal virtues, which we use in the manufacture of Radway's Soup, instead of receiving them liuiii third parties, s that now we have the suiiKiaciiou ol knowing tiat the hijrhlv medical and i-aisamic progenies 01 out Soap arc pure and undulterated. Aff oi!-.i. 11 r irn vr 1 in, nii.ij . It surnames evcfvlhiiia: ot the kind In the world,- it re. moves Redness, Pimple. Blotches, Pustules, Tetters Rash. It cures Salt Rheum, Ring Worm. Sore Heads. Sjrcs, Pus tular Eruptions. It imjiarts health to theskiu and beauty to the complexion. As a nursery and Toilet S trip, it is be yond the reach of rivalry, and tor Shnvtng purposes it ia the best in use, Ode cake of Radway's Soap will last lon ger than three cakes of tbe same of any other Soap in use, therefore it is tne cheapest ana oem tsiap in me world. Price 23 cents, large cakes in engraved wrappers, and tho signature of R. G. Kadway udm each wrapper. Now through the Harem chambers many lights Of busy shapes proclaim tlw toilet rights While some bring IhiIiu from CircsKftia's fair, To dress aad beautify their lovely Hair, Which makes the mtiids of Cirrassian sires Within the breasts of kings pure love inspire. TO DRESS AND BEAUTIFY THE HAIR. Itndwav'e Circassian Balm is becomiue: quite popular. iu the course of time it will supersede all other preparation iu use, tt cures buldncflB, strengthens the hair, eradicates dandruff, and makes the hair son, fine, and glossy, jjy using the balm us per directions, i4 will maxe it curl 'jeauttinlty, reaembling nature. Price tioets., iu large bottf. tce that Kadway t Co., is uponeacn bottle. Aoknt 11. tf. Masser, Suubury, AprilS, ia0. erUu'. TO FARMEB AMD MEN OF BlalNESS. OILS, CANDLES AND GUANO. rilHE .uWriber olVera, at the lowest rttct, in ,JL f.ny quantity to suit purchasers, GENUINE PERUVIAN GUANO, and every variety of SPERM, WHALE, LARD, AND TANNER'S OIL. Manufacturers, Tanners, Farmers, Dealers and Consumers, art invited to call. GEO. W. RIDGWAY. , No. 37 North Wharvet, the first OIL 8T0RE below Rate itreet, Philadelphia. April 8, 1850. 2m BAY RUM An excellent article for aale bT HENRY MAfPER. frunbury Jan. 57th, 119 tf. ' tlMtmdi tf Ovrm af ,rvfut. Of Dan, .sypfrV.i ni tth'tr inpurr lamm C thi Jluwii a ifiKu Mrs SMALL HUAKTITT ikUh kM ww! of MuHihu IS rf.rt Vwm 9f mteA Pumwi. bt ativ proof the purifitinf w4nt pew tr in Ihi AMirtnf Mirk Aa't tuhdurd tiiil ronrwmi ml Di9MMlhn laeri u aa, a .fwnaAJf eshfas Uaf BRANT'S INDIAN PIJIlltfllMi EXTRACT in sticA a fedictnt. in errrt rMpet : and tr I alma dnnt proot in rreat cure i-Herted. that UNK HOI I'Ls.' erf It contains mart purilyin. hf-alitig virtue nad aueWtW power, than there Is contninM in Fr llotttn of aay sr teparillm, or any 9tker mtdiein that has er heeii utHireal for aale. There ia undoubted proof In our pnaph)U. that hv tha u-s of thi pit-nt fndiitn furitr. ttivy that wwre Dvitv Tft Livr tht that wara f .amk and Cair fi.Koean mw Walk thev that wfrHicic, dcaurt r.eis, and utherwina dliraaed. hsv been Hkalko huJ t.'tmu Hundreds Thousands-- '.! have uaed Ham r' I'vau ixa. after Imviag o-ed sad teed. all the laroepariiUt and other riirdicuien ncm invaded to cure blood diprti. have dtiidtd thilt Brant's is tbo Cheapest, hecaurti One liottU of It has murt medieal. eurhtirs in al ter In tt, and. in uunquetiee, eiireai nor 4itM ia muub tup tint, than one battit of any other indiciue. II. then. 0E DoUlf of Uban r i Fi aiMKa will rare FOUR TJVES more diieua than vnt butth ctf rr$ao ilUt. " Ha a nt's Puairira" would he ex cAwip at fcurdui inrt a bottle, as lartapaiMa at air dollar. But BRANT I'l'RIFIEit la aold for oulv ONfe. DOI.I.Att a buttle; mid ai a buttle of It has cured, and i" rapublf fit" cuHnjf, Fvr 7Vmf much disease in one lotilt u( iamimtUI. tbara tore. sarflipaiitla, In eutiat-mieuue of it (, power and Un nmdionl emeacy, abould bu sold at n nor ttisa Trsntp Fivt (Vni pr bottle, to be aa cktap ai the 1'tai ritta at On Otllar. One Dollar's Worth! How muck Canceb how much how nttte caori'l.A will One iHtllar't worth o Brauft I'L RlFlMlt iuit? Kcsd the tollowing autement. wknh is a spati men of It power. CANCEROUS SCROFULA! 'Hum is the. ree of a tying rwi ho ytt tires. H ares cured of a worse caae tit Seinfiiln. by only Twtlvt Iiottlw of Hinnr'a Puriticr. Thau ever wa cured by the ue of Ttrtlrt (itilion$o( the bft rnrajiarill that wia ver made, (tiniapariDa has tint tvjfit irrit tiu diml ptwtr tu e fleet the cure uf such a reroltinmtv htiptle.t e-e. Mr. J. H. Haskin. of Rome, Onridn (,'0 , X Y.. had Serty ira four yrart wm coutined to his bed the lart year- ha was no niue.h dieHed and tlel,jitktted aa to he una(le ta raise hia hand to Im head. He had th hett medirsl ad vicebail Uied alt ot tint bast tursaparUla tu no pood efleet njot worse and tcore toid wm i-nnsiderrd to be la a Dtfinff State, und could not live tventv four kour$ loiir, when he conuncncM using lUIANT'r IM'KIKIKR. Ilia itvA eaten vtnrly ajf. fi oin tar to ear a kule was eatea through hia windpipe, under bis chin, ao that tie breathed thrnut;li the hole hia ear whs au en ten around that it could tn li'ltd up out of its pim-e. it only holding bv a imall piece the uie of one arm was destroyed by two Ul cers itn I't.-er tinder tlie arm. aa lrr" as a rami's hand, had nenrly enttm thruueh his side ivto his lvdy, 'I bus, he was afflicted with TVvny sm h putritl, acrid. ofir$sit$ tl crrs. on VMtinua paits of his HHAon. For ladher aud full particulars. s-o our Pamphlet. Doet. Thomas Wm.mams. one of the moat tktlful phy ficians of Koine, was called to see llsskin thai day before tie commenced using Urnnt't Nnf-r. Doet. W. exam ined him, and then told him tlmtaW the medicines iu tae KHrrld could not cure him That his ca-e whs Worse than Hopeless ! Now hear Mr. RASKIN'S statement of ears. He said : My i'e procured one bottle ot HRAXTel rCRIFYIXO EXTRACT of j!jeH Uonart. Dnigsista. if Rome I comtuciiced aing thht. and began to aret bettor that bottlk ennbled me to rrt off" my hvtl, where 1 had bea coiifinrd one year th second bottle enabled me to out of the Aouve the thihd bottle enabled in to Ir'aik Tm Milt, to Rom Centre, whore I procured Six Roitim more: and when I bad finished uninj; them. Seventeen oat ol 'ivrniy ('leers had t:r and three bnV.les mure enectiM a I I K h I ( 1 1:1 Kii ot an iha Ulcers, ana re stored me to good health, FOURTEEN WITNESSES! Mr. IIA-KIN lias sworn to tha above facts, and tha fart, are w aud ri-rtitlJ to by POCT. T. WIL I.IAMS Mr. O. II BROWN. iropnrtiirof ll' irai-Kmt 7n"!-.M.!rs. HIS5KI.I. I.KONAIID. Wholensln snj retail Druutriau and Kl.KVKN other ruptctabU mtnwa.. We Challenge the World To TROVK a Cars of as rrolliw. and utterly koptUtt a casn nf Hrrofala, by tun lit nf TK.N TIMKS as nmeh tarsajiorilla, ur any other medicine, a. was used of Rrmnt'l Purifier to etfeet the shovr cure whli'h cure shsil ba proved hy n many lectl knoru, rt.pectattU witawsss, ss is the shove cure. FOR 8ALK UY Jolm W . Friling, Punlrary Pa. Nnfthumheraliid. Miltou, du d.i Pntisprnre. Mi-Kweusville, Muticy. Hiifrliesvilln, New Uerlin, I.evisbnrf, Seliniurrovi:, Marv A. McCav Jiihn II. Pasct Henry J. hacflur Kdwnrd A. Kuiziur AditiiiOinrhd Ilavcs A McConuick, W.' IV 1. Painter, J. I. Mnnn Co., Ivhviml Wilson, Th 'rntrm tc linker, R .1. Cr uise. W. II. Ilicklev, K. I. I.eili ft' John 11. M vcr ininville. W'nifcinirrr. AI) letters and orders must be addressed to Wsllsea h Co., 100 Brdwiiy, New York. Pnnbury, July 31, ltMO ly. Equitable Ilfe Insurance, Annuity and Trust Company. OFFICE 74 VAT.RlT STRr.ET, nill.ADr.I.PHIA. Capital 83w,wo. lhauter 1'erpkti'al. rplIE Company Bre now prutttred to transact businei I iipr'ti the ni'ist liberal and ailvantnitcoiis terms. Tiiey are authorised by their charier (sect. .'I) "to make all ana every insurance appertaining to lite risks of whatever kind or nature, ajul to receive and execute Irnrts, make ctiflow nienls, and to (rrunt and purchase annuities. The Com- pany sell unniiil les and endowmenlr, and act as 1 rusUws for minors and heirs. Table of Premiums required for the Assurance of 8100 fr the whole term ol uue. Ae. Prem. I Age. Prem. Age. Prem. Ill 1 SO 31 S U9 48 3 W 17 1 53 31 !i IS 47 .'1 4 19 lit 31 S 1 49 3 SI 19 I 1 59 .H S -J7 49 3 77 ao x bo as a :w si 3 m ai i3 a 411 si 4 13 aa 1 06 37 a 47 sa 4:1a 83 16 M a 54 A3 4 51 ai 1 78 311 X 03 54 4 71 a5 1 76 40 a 711 5 4 91 ao 1 m 4t a hi 56 5 ia 27 1 e9 4a a na 57 5 ;u 1W 1 ol 43 3 01 5S 5 54 a 1 ! 44 3 13 59 5 7M 30 8 04 45 3 83 CO 0 0.1 The premiums are leas than any other company, and the policies alffrd trreater advantages. Tables tu hulf-yeariy and quarterly premiums, half credit rates of prcniuiin, short ternia, joint livea, aurvivorships and enilowuiuursi als.i, form ol Application (lor which there are Uank aheets') ate to be had on application at tho orTice, ur bv Ictlor to the Agent, J. II. I'l'HUY, Sunbury. Hates foe SIWI on a single l.ila Age. an 30 40 50 so For I year. HI 9 l,b 3,48 For r years. For Lite. 1.60 9.04 8,70 .!! 8.0.) ol l..J 1.04 3,W 3,,7 Kxamplv A person sged 50 ye:irs next birth day, by paying the Company 90, cents would secure to his family or heirs 8100 should he die 111 one year 1 or lor o.-q0 he si. cures to thein 81000; i- for 813 ru'iuuallv for seven years he serifres to them 1000 should he die Iu seven years ; 01 for gao,40 punl annually during life he secures Slbuo to Is paid when he dies. The insurer aecuiing: his own bop'is, by the difference in sin nun of premiums f rom those eh'.njred. by other ottiees. For SiOiO "ie I'eirs would receive $.'mjO0 slioukl he die In one year. Forms of application and sll rvirticubrs ni ha hral at lha office. 1'LTF.R CI LLE., President. Vice President, Wm. M.Baibd. Fbascis V. Kawlc, Secretary hj Treasurer. Cossvltixo Phv.iciaji Dr. J. H. M-aser, Sunburv. J. 11. 1'VRDY, Sunbury, Agsut fir N jrHiumucTland coun tv. Sunbuty, July 33, 1&19 Urown'H Essrnco of Jamaica GIu ger. Prepared only by Frederick Brown, at Aii i)rg and Clumical Store, North East Cormr of Fifth and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia. TtlH '1 Essence is a preparation of unusual ex X rcllence and of varied properties. In all cases vhoro a powerful and safe stimulant ia required it ia unrivalled for efficacy at well aa immcduiU) action. To the traveller and to the family circle it ia invaluable, as a few drops diluted iu suirnr and water present a sale and agrceuble. remedy to the invalid who requirea Immediate rchcl, aa well as to the convalescing patient who neeJs a gentle tonic, lit a Southern climate, whi r the relaxa tion of the system ao generally induces thirst for stimulants, it will always be, found an excellent substitute for those tempting beveragea which de bilitate the stomach and cause a morbid condition of iu nowera. In dyspepsia, in relaxation of the bowels, in nausaea and tea-eicduveaa, it it an active and safe aa well as a pleasant and refreshing re mcdy, and is prescribed by the nlost eminent of the tucilicul faculty. A supply of the above received and for sale by II. U, Masser, aunbury. April 6, 1850. 6m aTesROWN'S ESSENCE OF GINGER If A new supply of this excellent article just received and for aale by H. o. MASSEK. Sunbury, March 16, 1850. HOUSE TO RENT The premises on Mar. ket street, U'e'.y oreupicrl bv Simon Marti. Apply to HENRY MA.J-EF. i-unhtity, April b, lt0. Caution. U&lra. A man by tha nam of CI.APP has enfstMl Iwitk a j-ouns mm of the name of S P. ToU-nsenil. and a en ai name to put op a Hnrsjarilla. hirh thnr rail Ir. Ts-sra-send's Aarsuarilla denominating it CKNtlNK Orlrlaal, m This Townaend is no ooctor, and nevar was ; hat was for merly a worker on tha railroad., canals, and tha like. Tat he assumes the title of Dr.. for the purpose of ftininf cradil for what he ia not This la to caution tht public not to aa deceived, and purchase none out lha Oenoins Ot if Inal Old Dr. Jacob Townsend'a 8sriiarills, liavinf on It las Old Dr's. likeness, his family coal of arms, and Irra dsatai across tut ooat of arms. OLD DOCTOR JACOB TOWIHSEMB, THE ORIGINAL DISCOVtRER OF TUB Genuine Ton use nd Sanaparillat OIA) Dr. Townaend is now abouj 70 years of afe, and has loiii; been known ss the author and discuverat the Ocuulne Orieiual "Towuseud Sarsaparilla " l)a inepojr, he wns conipelleil to limit its manufacture, by which means it haa been kept out of market: and tht aslaa circtimscrilied to those only who have proved its worth and known its value. It had reached the ears Of many, nsrar. ineiexs, as i nose persons wno nau lieen healed Bore dis and saved from death, proclaimed its exedletica aud lenui HEALING POVER. Knowing, many years ago, that lie bad, by kls skill, Mi' euce, and experienced, devised an article which would lia of iucalcnabte advantage to mankind, when ones knows and extensively used, lie hoped and persevered, expecting ihe time to arrive when the meana would be furnished 14 bring it into universol lattice, when its iuestimahhi trirM'aa would be known and appreciated. This time has cams, tak means are supplied ; this URANU AND UNEQlEU-ED PREPARATlOflj Is uianmaclured on Ihe largest scale, and is called far throughout the length and breadth of the land, especially as il is found incapable of ilcgencralion or deterioration. Let every man ring throughout the land, that Old Dr. Jacob Towuseud is now manufacturing the real 'Townsead .Snrs.'iniilla,' which never sours, never ferments, and neiat chanucsits character. 1'iom Hits day forth the people shall havt tha Pure Oea itine Townaend Sarsparilla, which shall never tour in Ikt bottle, or in the stomach, and il shall yet banish from Ikt land all Fermenting. Souring. F.xplodiug, Vinegary Bar saimrillaa, now in use. A good Sarsaparilla, ulra aad genuine, ought to live; a poor aourinf, tlip-slop Haraapa rilla ought to droop and die. The Old Dr's. Kirsaparilla will keep pufa and petfett 100 years. 1 I iilike young S. P. Townsend'i It Improves with age, and never changes, but for the better; beitust tt it pre pared on scientific nrinciples by a scientific man, Tha highest knowledge of Chemistry, and the latest discoTsrie of the Art have all lan brought into requisition iu tht manufneture of ihe OLD DR'S. SARSAPAllILLA. Tha Kirsaparilla root, it is well knovVn to medical mt, con tains many medicinal properties, and aotna propartist which are inert or useless, and others, which; if retained in preiiaring it for use, prodnce fermentation arid aeidj which is injurious to the system. Some of tha prtpertist oi Sarsaparilla are sn volatile, thut they entirely evaporaia and arc lost in the prcjiarutioii, if they are not preaervtd hj bya acieutific prooss. known only to those experienced ia its iimuufucture. Moreover, these volatile principles, wtiea liyorl in vapor,nrasau exhalation, under neat, are tnt varii essential medical prujicrtiea uf tht root, which girt ta j all its value. Any person can boil or stew the root till they get a dark cloied li'iuid, which is more from the coloring matter ia the root than from anything else ; they csn then strain ikie insipid or vapid liquid sweeten with tour molasses, and then call it "Sarsaparilla Extract or Syrup." But tack at not the article known aa the GENUINE OLD DR. JACOB TOWNSEND'S BAl SAPAHlLLA. This is si prepared, that all tho inert propertiat of tki Sarsparilla root hie first removed every thing capaklt of becoming acid or of fermcntiation, is extracted and rejeofc. ed ; then every particle of medical virtue is aecured in a pui e and concentrated form ; and thus it it rendered iiiea- tuhle of losing any of its valuable and healing propertiat. 'repnrcd in this way, it it mails the most ptvrerTuI tgaal in the ClrflE OF INNUMERABLE DISEASES. Hence the renson why we hear commendations on attry t side in its favor by men, women, and children. We find it j doing wonders in the cure of Consumption, Dyspepsia, and j l.ivcr Cunipliuil, and in Rheumatism, Bcrofule; Pilta. 1' stivcni!M, all Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimplet, Ulotraaa, and all aliccllonsaririnc from I.Ml'l'RlTY OF THE BLOOD. . H piisscAsca a nmrvollous eiricacy, in all complaints trisiag from iii'liesiion, from Acidity of the Stomach, from aa tpiul circulation, determination of blood to the head, palpi tation of the heart, cold feet and cold hands, cold chills and hot Hushes over tha body. It has not its equal in Colds and Coughs ; and proinolea easy expectoration, slid gentle per. spiraiiou relaxing stricture of Ihe lungs, throat, and every other mil. Kilt in nothing is its excellence more manifestly sect tad acknowledged than in all kinds and stages of Female Cots- plaints. It works wonders in cases of Fluor Alius or Whiles. Fulling .il the Womb. Obstructed, Suppressed, or Painfnl Menses, Irregularity of tht menstrual periods, and thtlikt; and is a clleclual lit curing all the forme of Kidney Diseatt. By removing obstructioua, and regulating the general eye tein, it gives tone and strength to the whole body, end tattf cuics nl! forms of NERVOUS DISEASES AND DEBILITY, And thus prevents or relieves a great variety of other tea. ludn s, as S'linal Irritation, Neuralgia, St. Vital Dante, Swooning, Epileptic Fits, Convulsions, etc. And yel lie would fain have it understood that Old af. Jacob Townscnu'a Genuine Original bursaparillt, it aa IMITATION of his inferior preparation! Uciveo lorbid that we should deal in an article whisk would bear the most distant resemblance to S P. Towa scud's article ! and which would bring down upon the OIA Dr. such a mountain load of complaints and eriminatioat from A treats who have to!d, and purchaaera who have aaed S. I. Townaend's Fermenting Compound. We wish il understood, because it is the sbeolute truth, that ft. P. Townaend's article and Old Dr. Jacob TownseiKl's Sarsa pariitu are heaven-wide apart and infinitely dissimilar ; that they urn unlike in every parliculai, having not out tingle thing in common. As S. p. Townscnd ia no doctor, and never wet, it aa chemist, no piiammuceutist knowe no more of medicina or disease than any other common, unscientific, unprofes sional lltuu. what guarantee can tho public have that they are receiving a genuine scientific medicine, containing al the virtues used in preparing it, tnd which art incapault of changes which might render thein the ageuts of disease la iuptcad of health ? But what else ahotild he expeeted from one who knowe comparatively of medicine or disease ! It require a peijn of some experience, to cook and serve up even a common decent meal, how much more important is tt that the pera ins wno manufacture medicine, designed for weak atomacha and enfeebled systems, should know well tht medical properties of plants, the best manner of steering and concentrating their healing virmes, also an extensive knowledge ot the various aiscases wrucn aneci in na .-... cm. and how in adant remedies to these diseases ! ' It is not possible for this medicine to do good ; it asi nt thiuc iu il which can ever harm, it can never lour or spoif, aud therefore, can never loose itt curative properties. It ciciui.m the blDod, excites the liver to healthy action, tones the titouiach. and gives good dige-lion, relieves laa bowels of torpor and constipation, allays innamalion, pari, ties the kin, eiuliies Ihe circulation of the blood, pro ducing iienlls wai inth equully all over the body, and at tha intenuiilr iiernpiration ; relaxes all obstructions, and uiviga ratea thcenute nervous system. Istiot this, then, the medi ciii' von pre-eminently need f But can any of Iheae things humidors P Townsends inferior artids Thit yetaj man's liquid is not to be COMPARED WITH THS uuj un a. Because of one grand fact, that the one it incapable of deJ terioraii. ii. uiuiN'EVEK SPOILS, while the other does; it sours, ferments, end blows tne rjotiiea containing n mi. imKinruis; the sour, acid liquid exploding, and uamagmf other ! Must not this horrible compound be potaoia oua to the system I Whut ! pul acid into a system already diseased with acid! What causes Dyspepsia but acid Do we not all know, that when food eours in our etoraachtj what mischief its produce! r natuicnce, neannuuiu, i ro tation of the heat t. liver complaint, diarrbaa. dysenteryj colic, and corruption ot Ihe blood f What it Scrofula bat an acid humor in tha body I What produces all the hutnord which bring uu Eruptions oi uie oaiu. i Rheum, Krvsiiatlss, White SweUings, Fever Sores, and sY ulcc.alious internal and external! It is nothing uudef hmven bat an acid subatanee, which spurs and thus spoilt all the Hunts of the body, more or leas. What causes Rheumatism, hut a eour or scia uuiu, wnicn iuu..j. -sell last ween the joints end elsewhere, irritating end ln Haming the tender and delicatt tissuet upon which it aclt ? So oi nervous disease, ol impurity of the blood, of de ranged cirrutai ions, and nearly tit tilt tillmeutt which tr-UH-rhuuttin nature. . . Now is it not horriule to make and sell, and uinnttety worse to use this SOI RINO, FEHMF.XT1NO, ACID ' COMPOUND" OF 8. P. TOWNSEND! It is honlble to think, and to know how cruelly the af llicted are imposed upon by presumptuous men lur lbs take of money ! Fortunes niakeont of the agonies of Ihe tick t and no equivaleill rendered the despairing sufferers ! It is to arrest frauds upon llie uniortuiuue. to your balsa into Wounded huirtanltv, to kindle hope iu the despairitur boaoni, to restore health and blisau and vigor into tht crushed and broken, and to banish infirmity, that Old Utj Jacob Townaewt haa sought ami found Ihe otprtUDity end liimna to bruit his (iraud t nivei-sal CHicenlraied Kenjsdy wuliin the reach, audio the knowledge oi eU who need Hi that Ihey mav letrn and kiaiw. by joyiul experieiuret Its TKANSCESDKNT POWER TO 1IEAU nd ihus In have the unpurchaseable atliffaetkHt rf hSTiar taiscl ihoiiiudsand lillllloiil Irom the bed iu sicknsae ss4 desp rlilrncy to hone, hcslth, and a kaig lite of vigor aa uarinlutiesj o theinrolvee. their families and menus. Anrtvr IIKMIY MASSER, Mililbury. July tfA, IM!'. lv eow STONE Ware, Earthen Ware, Raisins, Al monds, Prunes and Crestn Nuts. '"Planes of all kinds. &!t and riaster. Just received and for sat by JOHN W. FRILING. , Suttbury, Dec. 59, 1849. fltEAS, from the New York Canton and Fekia 1. T Comttny, Far sal j. w. rinxiya. Junbury, Pec. 5,