Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 01, 1850, Image 4

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3UfgtrUiiurou0 SWatttr.
A few weeks since, in coining down the
North River, I was seated in the cabin of
the magnificent steamer Isaac Newton, in
conversation with some triends. It was
becoming late in the evening, and one after
another, seeking repose from the cares and
toils of the day, made preparations to retire
to their berths. Some, pulling off their
boots and coals, lav themselves down to
rest ; others, in the attempt to make it seem
as much as possible like nome, inrcw on
more of their clothing each one ns his
comfort, or apprehension of danger, dic
tated. I had noticed on the deck a fine looking
little boy of about six years old, following
around a man, evidently his father, whose
appearance indicated him to be a foreigner,
probably a German a man of medium
height, and respectable dress. The child
was unusually fair and line-looking, hand
somely featured, with an intelligent an af
fectionate ex nression of countenance; and
from under his little (Herman cap fell his
chestnut hair, in thick, clustering, beaulilul
After walking about the cabin for a time,
the father and son stopped within a lew
feet of where we were seated, and begun
preparations for going to bed. T w.itchvd
them. The father adjusted and arranged
flu hoil Hit? child was to OCCUPY, which
was an upper berth, while the little fellow
was undressing himself. Having finished
this, his father tied a handkerchief around
his head to protect his curies, which looked
as if the sun light from his young happy
heart always rested there. This done, I
looked for him to seek his resting place;
but instead of this, he quietly kneeled down
on the floor, put up his little hands togeth
er, so beautifully childlike and simple, and
resting his arms on the lower berth, against
which he knelt, he began his vesper
The father sat down by his side, and
waited the conclusion. It was, for a child,
a long prayer, but well understood. I could
hear the murmuring of his sweet voice, but
could not distinguish the words he spoke.
But what a scene! There were men
around him Christian men retiring to
rest without prayer ; or, if praying'at all,
a kind of mental desire for protection,
without sufficient courage or piety to kneel
down in a steamboat's cabin, and, before
strangers, acknowledge the goodness of
God, or ask his protecting love.
This was the training of some pious
mother. Where was she now? How
many times had her kind hand been laid on
those sunny locks, as she had taught him to
lisp his prayers !
A beautiful sight it was, that child at
prayer, in the midst of the busy, thought
less throng. He, alone, of the worldly
multitude, draws nigh to heaven. I thank
the parental love that taught him to lisp
his evening prayer, whether Catholic or
Protestant, whether dead or living, whether
far off or nigh. It did me good, it made
me better, I could scarce refrain from weep
ing then, nor can I now, as I see again
that sweet child, in the crowded tumult of
a steamboat's cabin, bending in devotion
before his .Maker.
But a little while before I s-aw a crowd
of admiring listeners gathering about a com
pany of Italian singers, in the upper saloon
a mother and two sons, with voice, and
harp, and violin, but no one heeded, no one
cared, for the child at prayer.
When the little boy had finished his eve
ning devotion, he arose, and kissed his fa
ther most affectionately, who put him into
his berth to rest for the night. I felt a
strong desire to speak to them but deferred
it till morning. When morning came, the
confusion of landing prevented me from
seeing them again. But, if ever I meet
that boy in his happy youth, in his anxious
manhood, in his declining years, I'll thank
him for the influence and example of that
night's devotion, and bless the name of the
mother that taught him to pray.
Scarcely any passing incident of my life
ever made a deeper impression on my
mind. I went to my room, and thanked
God. that I had witnessed it, and for its in
fluence on my heart. Who prays on a
steamboat? Who train their children to
pray, even at home ?
Clerical Wit. The following anec
dote of Bishop Mountain, the first bishop of
the English church in Canada, and father
of the present Lord Bishop of .Montreal,
was related to us lecently by a clergyman
who was well acquainted with the worthy
prelate, and who assures us of its perfect
authenticity. It is possible that it may
have been in print before, but we do not
remember to have seen it ; and as it is cer
tainly a very happy example of a neat re
partee turned to a prudent and profitable
account, we venture to tell the story as it
was told to us. Shortly after the diocese
of Montreal was created, Mr. Mountain,
then a young man, was holding the office
of private chaplain to the Arclubisliop of
Canterbury. I i is grace, whose duty it was
to choose an incumbent of the new diocese,
was endeavoring to select the ruost suitable
person for the office ; but, bring at a loss to
make an election from a large number of
worthy aspirants, at length applied to his
chaplain for counsel. "Indeed," replied
the young clergyman, "I can hardly pre
sume to advise your grace in so weighty a
matter; but as I have a high opinion of
your grace's faith, I do not doubt that if
you should say to this Mountain, be thou
removed into yonder See, it would obey
you !" The archibishop was pleased with
the wit of his adviser, and as the applicant
was, in all respects, a fit person to receive
the mitre, he was forthwith appointed.
Boston Post.
" Theiic is a pleasant anecdote in a little
brochure just published, entitled "The Cru
dities of the Code and the Codifiers," of a
tall, raw-boned recruit, who was put on
drill by a little cocksparrow of an officer;
as every command was given to him, he
would look down to see his commander,
and was often admonished to hold up his
head. Repeated admonitions of the kind
at length had the effect to induce the re
cruit to raise his head at least to a level
with the si'tting sun, and the officer oidered
him to keej) it there.
"What, always1" was the impiiry.
"Yes, always !" was the stern reply.
( "Then good-bye, Itfttnar.t ; I shall nev
er lee yotf again ;'"
"S'.airoiirage Your Wwn!"
'THE suhscrilicr respectfully cnll thn attention
A of tlic public to their large nnil splendid assort
ment of every qunlity mill price of
AIUM, r -W A IS 12.
which rnnnot fail to recommend itself tocvery one
who will oxnmino it, on account of its durable
workmnnship nnd splendid finish, made up of the
best stock to be hml in the city. No elTbrt is
spared in the mnmifnt'turo of their ware, and the
subscribers are determined to keep np with the
many improvements which arc constantly being
made. 1 heir stock consists of .Mahogany
Sofas, Ilvnn nnil I.oiinrx,
Uuvcnus, accrrtnilcs, ,S(Jcloarts,
and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila
delphia manufacture.
BEDSTEADS, of everv pa Item nnd price,
in short, everv arliclc in this line of their business,
They also manufacture all kinds and qualities
including varieties never before to be lind ill
Sunhury, such as M AiimiaNt, Ui.ack Wn.xtT
mi Ct'in.Kii Mai-u: (fiiKi-i.ii ; ami Wixnsnn
(.'HA IKS. ami fancy l't ami Stools, which arc of
llie lalesl styles, and warranted to be excelled by
none niiinuliictured in llie ( lilies or elsewhere.
The subscribers are determined that there shall
be 110 ccuse for persons to purchase furniture in
the cities, as every euiilideiicc call be entertained
about the quality and finish of their ware and
Their articles will be disposed of on as good
terms as lin y can be purchased elsewhere. Coun
try Produce taken in payment for work.
t -iT I NPEKTAKlSO attended to on reason
able terms.
'' The Ware Room is in Market Street,
opposite .1. Young's store, and nearly opposite
Weaver's Tavern.
Sunbuvy, April 8, IS 19. tf
Li the Useful and Interesting Arts villi a few
Simple 11111I tin-ions Ivxperiuiciils in
INCLI'DIXG Medicines, Perfumery, Chemistry
Cookery, Furriery, Dying, Confectionary, Do
mestic Economy, etc. etc. elc. Price 0 cts., for
sale by HEN Pi V MASSER.
Sunbury, JJec. 8, 1849.
No. AO North Third street, between Arch nurf
t'nrr, and S3 Dork street,
oppositi; Tin: i'iin,ii:i.ruiA kxciiangk.
Patent Soat-$toiic Lined ami Key
hole Cover
ip" WiirriinH'rf to rImihI more HVtit
M'Tsir..-" than miv CMh'sIsi in tlii Cmuilrv.
hi ' i r'' t :f 1 ' 1 lAlsii piiirnt Air-Chamber Iron
i.'' 1 i.!.. l nii'stn. HIM now iti iim 'Vht-v
. : J ul. oxin iinit to mnkti th ontin:.-
P ' li1 ?; '! " T rv l''re ',r"",s- ft very l"v prices
M.-WrJjS3l:: i !'('. P:U'"1 '""'I'in itioii hVkn. Willi
t-ln- liT W:i5r Kt-y. vvliiehean heeliannetl
'wy th'iis;ii). timeii rlmmjea-
L---'! "JS-'-V'-iiff' Me in litet every time lm Lock is
lisi-il i! (l -ii;ille. These Urks are Jr""l' MirainM the ni'-Nt
exi'erl T!ii. es. liemix supplied with the 1'atent Key-lmle
t'u it, and nia.le vrv Mron;:. they rami l e lihnvn open
hv liuntviwiler. Thefi I.'k are inteiuled lor UANKr?.
sTiHii:s. s rrs, e.
Sr-ihnnt lettei mp inn prryei, fir proof dM trs for Hiinks
and Si'-iv. .
r.iicrt Slife Lined I -f i ini'tn t-r-. warranted superi t tn
n'l ntlit isi. AVaier Pi!tei. SIh.wt Itaili.s nf the best iptal-
t 'C Pers mis wifimitj to ptneliae uny of (lie above ar
tie!e:. will pit ase rive lh tn a call, as they tell cheaper
than aiiv other in the l iiiti tl Sfiten.
Piiiladt Iphin, November 10, iM'.u-jy
G T?7i. V" BO iflTE T
3(1 North Second street, opposite the.
Jlitilisnii House.
, fSIIE Kuhseribers would call the attention of
j Country Merchants and M illiners to their ex
: tensive assortment of fashionable Scrino ami
. Si-M Ml; II l!oXKT AMI II ATS of tllC IICWCKt fityU-S.
' Also, a large and general assortmeiit of French
! and American Artificial Flowers, Kiblions, Crown
i I.iniim's, Oil Silk, Wire, Quillinis, lliickrain, &c.
which I hey offer at prices that defy competition.
! . J). Palm Leaf II. its hv the case or dozen,
I W. M. A J.'K. MA I'LL,
limine t and Hat .Manufacturers,
30 .North 2d street.
Philadelphia June S, lS I'J
IVu. IhO ClaeNiiiit Nli-ta-t,
(Opposite the Arcade)
A T A.NKl'ACTL'KKH.S of their improved Ktyle
1 Plastic Steel iSpriu-,', Solid .Sole Leather, and
Solid Kiwted
wliirli took tlu' only first prrmiiim( nwanb-il by
tlic Friuiklin li.stiliitc at ihi-ir lust rxhibilinit.
H. V 'J'. t.ikc pU'asuiT in iiilbrmijig tiie truvcl
liiiLj pulilit, tliat liiev luive now on hand, a Ihmiu
ttl'ul assoitim-nt of llicir imjinived style of Solid
Solo Lfittlicr 'J'riinks; Double utul Single Folio
Tninks, id' variourt Mylut; I.adii's' 'JVimkn, 'u
lin 'I'iiiuks, Uoiint't IJoxts, Cap L'uiscs, Carpet
Ij.ius, niui un i levant ussorlinrat of nuprrior K ii-niiii'b-il
I'uU'iit IiOatluir Uays with eviry article
in thrir lino of Imsino.s.
fir" Uhi 'J'tuiiUb Uopairod or takon in oxclmno
for Ai-iv oncd. A KMX. L. IUCKKY.
Fliil.obdj.liia, ov. 17, 18J.-
TiLLMiu proi;res.-.ive unci Comprcliciisive Sys--LJ
tela of l)rtlio;;rupy und Oitliucpy, includinp;
a ariely ul' ill liiiitioii, adapted to llie umi of
ScliooU in llie Aim-rii an Kcpidilie, liy Allium
Tieknor, a 'J'euelier ol" twenty-live year's xieri
cine, and autlu.r uf the Coluuiliian Calculators.
Tiai-tii-al Coniiiion Scliool .Mensuration, &c.
Tim attention of Teachers, Scliool Directors,
parents, is invited to lhi new Sjielling Hook,
wliicli coiiforins to the modern miellinir ami usages
in Orlhoi-raphy usheinK oneof the neatest, cheiipest
hest arraujred, mid lietter adapted to the wunls of
childieii, Ihan any oilier puUished in tho I'nited
Slats. It is what it purports to he, a Spelling
Hook and not a Heading Hook, and only requires
an examination on the part of Instructors of youth
to n'curc for it a universal introduction into the
Schools of the I 'niled States. Just published, and
for Kale by Ilt'.Nur Masskii, Sunbury.
Where Teachers and Directors can procure
copies for examination.
August 4, 131!)
7T ISSUE PAPER. Yellow Tissue paper for
1 covering glasses, &c, for sale at the ollioc ot
the American.
J AZOHS A superior article for sale at the
store of HE.NKY MAtSSEK.
Sunbury, Feb. 10, 1850,
1 ETTEU euvilopcs, of various kinds, for sale,
ul this ollice.
Ji O.'E OINTMENT A fresh supply of this
ft, excellent article for Tetter. &c iust received
and for salu by HENRY MASSEK.
Sunbury, July 28, 1849.
"BfT'EE HILLS. Justices and Constables Fee
M. Pills liaiidsuiiitly printed ontjurd pajier, for
iuie si iiiisoiin:.
1 ) ESFECTFL'LLY infornin the eitizcnii of
Ilnnvillc nnd the public at larac, that he has
located in Danville, and is now prepared to prac
tice Medicine and Surgery in all its various bran
ches. He will operate on nil the varum forme
of blindness, cross eyes, club Icet, harelip, cleit
palate, and otiend to the extraction of tumors,
amputation of limbs, nnd all other eurcical dis
eases. His collection of instruments comprises
all instruments in nmdern Surgery, of the latest
improvement end finest finish. Ho flatters him
self that many years' practice and experience will
be a suHu ient guarantee to those who may feel
disposed to employ him.
His residence is nearly opposite the Moiilnme
rij iii!ili)ir.i, nnd nest door to Isaac Uoscn
baiun's stoic, in North Danville.
Danville, Dec. 1, ly.
to nivsiaiNs, ltRrcnisTs-asIT mm
1 "f!. .1. i. KKKLEH & l!ro. most respectfully
solicits nlteiitiou to their fresh stock of Eng
lish, Vrrneh, (rrrmoti and Aweientt J)rriErt Med
icines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dye 6'tutii), Glass
ware, Perfumery, Patent Medicines Ac. Having
opened u new store To. 21)4 Market St. with a
full supply of Fresh Drturs and Medicines, we re
spectfully solicit Country dealers to examine our
stock before purehasiiur, elsewhere, promising one
anil all w bo may leel disposed to extend to us their
patronage, to sell them genuine Drugs and Medi
cines, on as liberal terms as uny other house in the
City, and to faithfully execute all orders entrusted
to us promptly and with dispatch.
One of the proprietors being n regular physician,
affords ample guarantee of the genuine ipiulity of
nil articles sold at their establishment.
We especially invito druggists and country
merchants, who may wish to become agents for
Dr. Killer's Vilrlinitrtl l'umiif MiUrines, (stan
dard and popular remedies,) to forward their ud-
Soliciting the patronage of dealers, we respect
fully remain,
J. N. KICF.LKU A- HliO., 'Wholesale Druggists,
Ao. S!M Market street, Philadelphia.
September 15, 184!) ly.
rjlIIK Subscribers have on hand the largest ns
fl sortnient of Wall P.U'i us in the city of Phi
ladelphia, WliulcKili: anil llrlaif, consisting of
every variety suitable for Parlors, Entries, Dining
Itooms, Chambers, Ac, which for quality and
style cannot be surpassed. Doing a cash business
we are enabled to si ll a better article at a much
lower rate than any stoic doing a
On hand, a large assortment of Vihe I'ikj,
for Curtains. Fire Prints, b'orders, ixre., which will
be sold for Cash. Paper Hanging done in the
country at city prices.
N. 15, Dealers are invited to call and examine
their stock before purchasing elsewhere.
FI.N.N & 1U TiTO.V,
No. 142 Arch Street, South sido
Philadelphia, May 2d, 1819, ly
AN" extensive Stock of Pocket and Table CL'T
LEKY, of sale by
N'os. 32 und Xi ARCADE, and 8i North
THIRD Street,
Comprising 5(100 doen Penknives, Scissors and
Also, a choice assortment of Itodgers iV Sons,
Wosteiihohn's (ireave's W. iV Dntcher's and
Fenney's Cutlery,
Also, Spanish, Divk und Hunting Knives.
Also, Guns, Pistols, and liowie Knives.
Also, The. American Kawir Strop, a superior ar
ticle, worthy the attention of Dealers.
Caiui Dealers in Cutlery, will lind thn above
Slock worthy their aitrtitiou, as the. .Subscriber's
chief business is importing and selling cutlery.
Philadelphia, June 11, IS-IO ly
Coitcr nl rated ariiarin:i
For the cine of Tetter, Scrofula. Ervsipalas, Piles,
Chronic Kliemntitism and all disorders of the
lilood, Mercurial Disease, Ac.
1 T is recommended to Physicians and others, as
' Ihe strongest preparation now in use, and en
tirely dillcrout from that put up in quart bottles,
possessing little or no active principle of the Sarsa
parilla. but intended to deceive the public. For
sale by M. A. .McCAY, .Northumberland.
HEYL'S EMMliOCATION" for Horses will
cure Sprains, llruisis. Cut, Calls, Swellings, and
j all complaints requiring an external remedy. Ii
i is highly useful in Spavin, Curb, Ringbone, still
j ncss of the Joints, cracked Heels, Splints, &.
It has also been used with great success by per
! sous allhctcd with Khcuuiatisin, ami other com
plaints. Prepared only by W. Marshall, Philadel
phia, and for bale by M. A. McCav, Northumber
land. Philadelphia. May 2(1, 1810 ly
L A W I) L A M I' S.
c ) ii x i: mis v co.
No. nil f licsllllt M ,
r.sPICCTKl'I.l.Y announce that they have
ii. just linislii'd the most extensive asserlineiit
they have ever offered for sale, comprising
In ureal variety, anil of
Much iilleniion has been paid to ECONOMY,
in the cniiMruction of these Lamps, and such are
mnde as will produce the grimiest amount of light
from llie least consumption of Lard.
Kecent improvements in the manufactory, with
the introduction of new and perfected machinery,
enables theiu to sell at a very CHEAT liEDL'C
TIO.N from former prices, and all articles before
leaving the manufactory, are carefully inspected,
mid are warranted perfectly tight, and tugive satis
faction, Philadelphia, June 2, ly
flHE subscriber would I lost respectfully in
SL form ins fiiciidsiiud a generous public, that
lie is maiiulacturing the best iiuabty ot
in nil its varieties, und is prepared to sell a little
cheaper than any other manufacturer ill the I nioii.
lie is aio importing and dealing most cxtcusiu'ly
which he oilers on the most reasonable terms.
His Potteries are on Hond street north of Fay
ette, und China store and dwelling al No. 8, E.
lialtimore street. '
No. 8, E. Baltimore street,
U.iLTiMmiE, Maryland.
February S, ISoO. ly
fliitei r.
AT CNN iV Co, publishers of the "SCIENTI--L'l
FIC AMERICAN," have favoured us with
a Pliiimphlet containing the Patent Laws of the
I'nited States, together with all the forms necessa
ry for applying for a Patent, information in regard
to tiling caveats, with remarks on its uses, etc., a
mount of fee required lit the Patent Olhce, und
every other information that is necessary to instruct
a person in making his own applications.
Price 12 J cents single, or 12 copies fur one dol
lars sent by mail to any part of the United States.
Address ML NN & CO., New-York.
March 10, 1849
Win. ii. ot hraii &. Co.,
M'llulesulr uud Keluil,
No. 72 H'uhuI Street, Philiulclphia.
AVL always on hand a very lartre stock of
Wines, Liquor and Scours, of their own
importation. Store Keepers, Hotel Keepers, and
private gentlemen, will bo supplied on the most
iberal lerms.
Phiiadelnhia, Nov. IV, 1610. .
liign-ntltmlc In the basest crime of
WE are not mnonrr that class of Editors who
for a few dollars will, (at the expense oft ruth
nnd honesty) "crack up" an article nnd bring it
into rapid sale s neither nie we willing to remain
silent, alter having tested the utility of an im
provement or discovery in scienco or art. Our
readers will recollect wo told them we were un
well with a sore throat and violent cold some few
weeks ago. Well, wo purchased two bottles of
and so sudden was tho cure, that we forgot we
ever had a cold. Those who aro titlHctcd, may
trv it uiion our recommendation. Jjewiston Tele-
Bin nli.
A fresh supply of the above valunhlo medicine
just received, and for sale in Siinbury, by John
W. Friling, Marv A. McCny at Northumberland'
and at wholesale by Frederick Klett, fi Co., cor
ner of 2d and Callowhill streets, Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, Sept. 22d, 1819. 8 mo.
cv Ilhlc (Ml (mil Lcntlier Slorc.
No. lit North M St. 3 doors below Race St.
rfHE subscribers oiler to the tanners on the
I most favorable terms their fresh importation
of Hides, consisting of ltueuos Ayres, Laplat.i,
Caraccas, Lagiiira, Huiig-Dry, Chili, Salted Per
iimbuco and all kinds of Spanish Hides, dry and
salted. Also, (Jreen Slaughter, Dry Salted, and
lilack Dry Patna Kips,
Also, Straights, and Hank oil and a general as
sortment of 'Jurricr's Tools.
They will sell or trado for Spanish or Slaughter
Leather, the above Hides, Kips, Oil nnd Tools, on
better terms, Ihan old Houses in the city,
Cash paid for Leather of nil kinds.
Philadelphia, IVIay 20, 1811). ly
In presenting the pnblie with n remedy for the treatment
und rnre of Fkvkii An Aote and other bilious diseases,
no npoloiry is ueetled. Yast numbers in the I'nited States,
who Buffer from these affections in their varied forms, are
compelled to seek relief fnan other sources than the imtne
diate pn;seriptituis of the rrifuliir physician, it becoines
theref re an objer-t of hamanit y. ns well as nf public inter
est, to brinit befote them a remedy prepared fiom tnueli ex
perience, and whieh may always be relied upon as,
such is the true eharaeter of the INDIA CIlOhMiOfil K,
is amply attested by the universal success with which K has
been employed.
IV llxtraet from n r.aniaanication f the IIn. Yn,.
M.M W'oouuiiiDOE, of tiie I'. S. Senate, late fiovemor of
DETnniT Oct. til, HI0.
Doctor Chhu;. 0-(;oiid,
Dear Sir, I have read with much interest, yotir little
TnAK.Ti-K upon the "cansef. treatment and eiire' of the
febrile diseases which have s i extensively prevailed in our
country during the last few mouths an interest increased
n nlouht. ! the fact that I have individually sutfered so
much from them. Thonch I feel myself very incompetent
to judue Rifely upon u s:il.iect so entirelv profesaiunal, yet
your theory s-ems to me well reasoned, and vour etme'lu
sions iust. and I think withal, tint your pamphlet is enlcu
luted to pr.idnee niii"h practical g..xt.
Speaking of the niedieine he MVS : It fully jus'ified your
flatterinr exp'Ttations, ami as a MtV. convenient, and popu
lar remedy, my own experience, i far. induees me to be
lieve that it will pnvc a uveut public beiedit. I am pleased
t'i leiim jlvit " '-l IVlVe ri-ee;ity -( 0 1 litsl k -tl S-vcr;j agencies
fir iis divpittiii,!!! th mU I r"jret tiiat. wi'h a vu w t a
m rc j.'ei.eral i!is"i:niiati')ii fit it. you .v.inuld have I'. in in I it
necessary to reinive froni your promt rcsidenee intiong us.
With lunch respect 1 have the h -nor t.i be. sir,
Yo'ir nbliijed MTvant.
vi: li.wi o(jdbiui;i:.
tl From II. -n. Sn:ntKX Y. I
gau Mate Sen-.le, ft the Aireni at III
lllIOTl l. I) KI.AM) Co.. Dee f. 11.
Sir von wish me tn inform von what i know nf Dr.
Osu-Md'u India rho:!-.cne. or uuti-hile ais meiticine. I do
believe that if Hie virtue and ttheaey o (his meilicine were
generally known, the tfvi;u a.d agck wiild diMii.pcar in
I procured a bottle in the sprout of 11. and have ffod
reason to bi-heve that luyt-cli and family useuped the ague
last seaMtn in enimcinence o' its use
Perhaps in no .summer since the settlement of this fine
peninsula, lias the fever mid ague lieen no prevalent ns the
hut. I have leeounneiuled this medicine in numerous in
s'anceH. aiifl when th disease hnil become fixed nntl K-itlled
the sUill of phvMcmns; and I huve never known it fail. I
Ins universally proihieed the ni 'r happy rflerts, and 1 bet
lieve it h:i never been eeeedvd bv any' medicine in remo
ving the bib us diseast-s ot t lie elnuate.
Yours, respfclfntie.
STF.IMIKX V. Tt. TttowuniDfiK.
A :t" nt for Sunburv II. II. MASSKR ; Northniu!erlanil
WmilNCTOM Co.; .Milton, J, Jl. It ASKK : eIiHa
grove. .S' .V KI.OSK.
.Mav li, I-I- II
A Xew ANNoi titiiMiloi ri oNli Goods.
TJENPECTFI'LLY informs his friends, cus
tomers and others, that he has just received a
handsome assortment of
at his store in Murket.Spiare in funbury, such as
Dry (iooils, Grocer ifs, Quecns
wiire, Hardware, ike.
.Miuluiry, June 2;), 181'J.
" J . J. ' GSfSElTOTG-sT "
(I.alc I4.fl lei- & Gi ooiHiiili.)
WsiKliiniuii, I. t'.
f'NUAWlNtiS ami lmpers for tlm Patent.
jJ'Ollii'o. pi i'pai i.'d and all llie necessary bu
liint'ss, in relation to si'i-urinir patents, traii
nelcil, and pruuiplly allemlcil lo, at their ol
lice opposite the Patent Oliiee.
October 28, 1818.
rriIE subscriber has just receiied a new supply
of the best liipmrs that ever came to .s'unhury,
consisting in part of
Sup.-rior old pale Hraiulv,
Fine Cogniae Iirandv.
Superior Old Jamaica Spirits.
New England lium.
Fine Holland tiiu.
Superior Old Whiskey
Coiuiii.m ilo,
Superior Maderia Wine.
Lisbon do. do.
.Superior Port Wine.
Hurgundy Purt do.
Sweet Malaga Wine.
Superior Claret Wine in bottles.
Champagne do. Jo.
Sunbury, May 2fi 1S11I.
OTDXK milk Pans, stono Juys und Pitchprs,
O nnil other urlu-U-s of Mone ware just romved
and for sale by
.Sunbury, June
23, 1819
xi Jot on hand and fur sale hv
A small
runhury, April 6, 1850.
Ii AISIXS, currants, citron, cheese, pepper
amies. . Vor bhIa liu I W n.'lllVli
'. r or salt
Sunbury, Dec. 3, 1848.
... - , . - . ' J "...
CAPS An assortment just received, Also
silk HATS at $'3, for sale by
Sunbury, Dec. 3, 1843.
7ILEYVS Coi f; CMXDV. exc-.
lent remedy for couahs, colds. Kor sale
at this ollice
LAXKS ol" every ilcseriptiou cun In? had by
applinj al the alice of the Amoritaa.
THIS Kxtrnet li put up in quart bottles. It ! aix times
chenper, plentiuitfrt nnd warranted mi per a it to any
Wild. It eiiren difenRefl without Voinltintr. parffihg, irk
nettn, or debilitating tho patient, and ia particularly adapted
ftr a
The grrnt beitnty nnd superiority of thin ft.rmpnrilltt over
other reitu'dim i, wliilrt it ermlimteadiitotiHc,
it iuvigorHtcn the Ivxly.
('oiirmniption purrd.
rh-miBt! and Strut ia th'n.
r(iiHiiiiint ion can bo rurwl.
HroMchiiir'. Coiifliimptinii, J.ivpr t'omplaint, CoMn, roUfclisf
Catarrh, Asthma, Spitting nf Blond. St rftiirm Intba
ClM'fl, UtTlir FIiwIl iNitrht Swi'Jitjt. UilTi
cuU and PrfiiftK l-Ixpcctonition,
niui ram in tin: Mile,
Ac, Ar.,
hay mid ran br rtirrd.
Prnlmbly tlirre never wan a rnnedy that hn heen 8 miP in dt-Bprratr vnnen n connnniption an thin ; it clean
urn and Ktrmirthcnn thr Bystcm, nnd appearn to hrjil the nl
rrr on (lie hintrn, nnd patieati gradually regain their itnunl
liailth und Dtrrnitth.
There is (tritrrcly a day pannm but tltfre ore n number of
(uses of rnnsuinptmn reported ns curr-l by the use of Or
TnwiiKctfa Sursapaiillu. The following wns recently re
ceived :
Pr. Towxkmi Drar Sir: For the last three years I
have been atftirtH with gcurml debility, nnd nervous eon
Buiuntion of the last sta, and did not expert lo ever gain
my health nt nil. After going throuirh h ennrieof medirine
under the pare of smite of the numt di8tiiiKiiihnl refftilar
phyfliriuns and iTiembers of the Bnard of lb alth in New
York and elsewhere, und spend iinr the most of my earnings
in attempting to rronin my hrallh. and nflrr reading in
suine paper of your Snrsnpitrill.i I reS'tlved to try il. Al ter
upiag kix buttles I fniinrl ii done ni gnit goNt, tmd (tailed
to see you at your olfiee ; with yair adviee 1 kept on, and
do most heartily tliauk you lor your adviee. I persevere in
tattiiiif the Sarwinnrillu. nnd have been able to nttmd to rnv
nsnal labors for the titKt tour months, and 1 hope by the
blessings of (i'id and your Saisaparilla to continue my
health. It helped me beyond the expeetatimis of all who
knew my rase. Cll XllLLiS tiL IMUY
Oranije, Kwsrx rn, , J., Aug. a. lf-17.
State of New .lersny, Mssex roiuily, ss. Charles ((uiin
by ,rt;iiirr duly sworn nreordtug to law, on his oath smth.
tint the foreir-iing statement is true neeorditig to the best of
hi knowuxlgeniid belief. CMAKI.KS Ql'IMBY.
Sworn and snburribed lo Itefore me at Oramre, the ad
August, 1,-17. CYRUS BAldAVIX.
.Intstiee of tha Feure.
Read the following, nnd say that consumption in in meu
ruble if you can ;
New York, April 31, 1M7.
Dr. 'PnM'NsKxo : 1 verily believe that your Sirsapnrilla
has been the nieniiK. through Providence, of wiving my hie
1 have for several yefirs had a bad eonirh. It beraine worse
and worse. At last I ntied large ipiantities of blood, had
night sweats and was greatly debiliUitetl and reduced, and
did not expect to live. I have onlv used vour S;irsaiarilln
but ii short time, and there has u woudrrlul rhaiure been
wrought in me. I am now able f walk all over the eily.
I raise no blood, and my much has left me. Yon ean well
iinuirtnr that 1 utti thankful for these results. Your obedi
enl servant. VM. RI'SSF.M,, fij Catharine st.
i.osr iii;r hm'.ixii. t
TlnMinuPXcil ccriiliciih' tells ii Hinij!u nml truthful ftory i
of 8ntT-'riinr nnd relief. 'I'Ihtc ;irf tlniitFintls nf Miiuhr im'- j
fe in lliis eily nnd Hr.i'.kUii. tnui yet tliernnrr;nul 1
nf pnrents let their children dio fur i'eiir nf Imiiiy liinnbiitrnl )
nr in ftivu u few mliiliiiigss. " j
Jlrnuklyn. Sept. 1:1. 17.
Or. fI'nvNr;t : I tnkc ploiisnrc in Mjitinsr. fur t lie henr- !
filnf tii"sp wlmiii it mny tTunceni, thnt my dan filter, two j
ye;ua nnd nix inonthd old, wns iHllieteil with generul de
hility lind h?snf spreeli. Site wuh uiveii 1111 iih mint jf-
envrry hy nnr fmnily phyftirinn; Icit ff irtnintelv I was rr
enmineiideil by a friend tn try ymir Sarxi;irilla. Ilefnre
liavin? used nm; buttle fhu recovered her speech nnd wis
enabled In walk (iltuie. tti the tiKl-inisliincnt nf all win werft
(icipuiinted wilh tiie rirt'tiiiistiuices. She i imw ijiiite well,
mitt Hi ninch belter he-ilih tlmn hIic hut been f r nrnitlia
past. JOSi:iIl TAYMHt, I'J Vnrk ssl., Unwklyn.
Very few families indeed in fnri we have mt lienrd of
one thnt lined JJr. T'wnend' Sjirsapririllu in tinie. Inst
any children the past Hammer, while tlmse that did imt(
niekened nnd died. Tiie rerciliente we pnbliMi helmv is
("iieliifive evidfiiey if its value, nnd isnnly tumtlicr insLunce
nf its MviiiL' the liven nf children :
Dr. TmvNsFAo Dear Sir : I had two children Hired by
y-'iir Samparilln nf the mnntner e-nnplaiiit nnd dvscntrirv;
one was niily l.i innnth nld itipl tli.t "ihcr :i yeai-g. They
were very nnieli red need . mid we expected thev wnuM die ;
they weir jriveii np by !m rcs)ect;d.le physicians. When
thednct'-r informed i that we mtint Inse Iheni, we rent U
ved tn try y.Mtr S.trsapaiilla we had lieard sn nmcli nf. lint
liad litlle ennhdenee, then; l.einp M nmch stiilf ndvertised
thai is wmlhleHH: bill vc are thankful that we did, for it
undmihtedly saved the lives nf both. I write (his that oth
ers may be induced to use. it. Yntirx. nperf fnllv,
Myrtle-nvenuc. Brooklyn. Sept. lj, lf-47.
Dn. Tow.skd's Siwapaimlla isn snvereimi nnd speedy
cure fur incipient c iiKiiinptinn, nnd fur the general pmstru
lion nf the system nn matter whether the rt'snlt nf inhe
rent ennye i-r eauen, prodiu-ed by iriv-iiilarity. ilhu-ss or nc
Cllir lit.
i X'tilui ein b- in re snrpninir tlinn its inviirnrnt inj ef
fects.-n the linnrm frame. IN-rsnns nil weakness ami Ins
; sitnde. fnen taking il at mice lieeuine rnbit nnd full nf
t fiieii' ' niitler ns imf'teiice. Il imnie:!iate!y c ;mtcracifi the
i n t . ! sMit ul tiie female fiane-, which is the great nuisu
j Imirenness.
ieH!!'e the nllliried that hnndiedt of ea-s hnve Iwen r
tetl tn ii.
Ph. Townem: My wife beinu vreatly ditresf.d by
WeakneR.- mid (.'etieral debiiity, and wuiliTiiij e 'iitimialK by
jiain nnd with niher ditheiiltiej!. nntl having kn 'wn ease's
whtTe yniir meilieine Inn r fleeted iri'ent cures; nnd nlso
heariau it reiMinmended tor such cast- us I h;f e dcKeribed,
I nlttamed u Ijntile nf ymir I'.xti'aet f Sarsaparilla und fnl
InWeil the tlireeti"lis yn u:ie me. In n shni't perind it
reiii'ivcd her enpiplaints and retnred her to henltli. Keintf
frreatinl fur the benetits she reeeivetl. I tke pleasure ia
lhusackuMvie(li;iii;i it, and recnmilieiKlnn: it tn th- pnb-ie,
M. I). MOORi:,
Albany. Auf. 17. 'i or. (Jnmd A l.ydiu slti.
N' unifl or medicine haM ever been discovered which m
nearly reseinbles th jj.tMtriu .mice ni sabva in deemupusin
ftud and streiiu'llieiiiifj tiie nrunnsnf diuesti.-n as tins pre
paration of Samtpanlla. It positively cures every vntv of
dyspepsia, however severe or chronic.
Bank Bepaitnient. AlUmy. May 10, 5.
Dr. Towns'-nil Sir : 1 have been mHteied' for seveinl
year with dyspepsia in it worst form, till ended with s Hir
iichs of dtniuach, loss uf appetite, extreme hcartbiuii. nnil u
prent aversion Ui nil kinds of fiw.d, and for weeks, (what 1
cniild cut) I have been unable to retain but u small inrtin
on my stomach. I tried the usual remedies, hut thev Imd
em nine or no eui'ei in reluovniL' ine eo uuilaiul. i was in
duced, ulsuit two in. on hs since, lo try yo ir Kxtrnet of fur-
siiparilh. n i,m say with little couli ice: but after
Usui!.' nearly two Pottles. I f. .unit my npiielite restonil und
Hin heiutbui 11 entirely removed ; nnd I would earnestly re.
commend llie use ol It to those who have been nlllieieil ns 1 been. Yours. Ac, y. Y. VAX ' W'DT.
Au'int for Sunbury JOHN' W. KHILIMI: Nor
tluinibeiliiud, M Alt Y A. .McCAY: Danville, VM. A.
.Ml' HI) AY A Co.,
ApliltK. IMS'. IV
Agent for the sale, of Soiithworth Mianfaetu .
rins Co's. Writing Pup'rs.
Ware Hoiimp, Xo.. :J. .Minor street
100 ' ''' '" the above superior Papers now
in store, and for sale tn trade at the lowest
market prices, consisting in part of
Fine thick Flat Caps, 12, 11, 15 and 10 lbs.
blue and w hile.
Superfine .Medium nnd Demi Writings, blue
and while.
Extrasnpcr and superfine Folio Posts, blue.
Siipcrline f.'aniineiical Posts, blue and white
plain and ruled
and white, plain and ruled.
Extra super Linen Note Papers, plain and (jilt.
Superfine and find Hill Papers, Ion1,' and broad.
Superfine and line (.'uiiutin-l louse (,'aps and
Posts, blue and white.
Extra super (.'oimress Caps and Letters, plain
and ruled, blue nnd white.
Extra super Conmi'ss Caps and Letters, gilt.
Superfine Sermon Caps and Posts.
Superliued blue Bath Posts, blue and white,
plain and ruled.
Embroidered Xote Papers and Envelope,
"Lawyer's" Brief Papers.
Superfine and fine Caps nnd Posts, ruled and
plain, blue and white, xarious qualities ami prices.
Also, 1(100 reams white end asserted Shoe Pa
pers, Bonnet Hoards, white and assorted tissue,
Tea, Wrappimr, EnveloM, assorted and blue Me
diums, Cap WrappiiiR, Hardware Papers, &e.
Philadelphia, -Nov. 24, 1849.
ooMi .t Hisn:.
A'o. 60 Chesnut-st, at the sign of the Gold
Thimble, between id. If 3d. sts., South side
I'll It A HKI.1'11 1 A.
AXITAC'ITRES and keep ronstantly
on hand, at wholesale and retail, the fol
low iiig articles, of a superior quality, at reduced
prices : Child and Silver Pencils, do Thimbles, do
Finger Shields, Silver Table, Desert, Tea, Suit
and Mustard Spoons, do Forks, Soup and Oyster
Ladles, do Combs, Purse Clasps, Scissor Hooks
and Chain, Knitting Sheuths, &c.
ALSO, Jewellery, Plated and lSrittannia ware,
German Silver Spoons, &c.j (Jold Diamond poin
ted Pen at various price; Jackson Superior
Evei pointed Leads, (tc, &c.
Philadelphia, May SO, 1819.
ByL CUES. An excellent article, for sale at
half the usual price by J. W. FR1LIXG.
Sunhury, July 7, 1719.
ADD'S celebrated Horse and Catll Medi
cine for sole by HEXKV MAstiKK
Suiibusy Jan. -i th, ISi'J
Jlnd all diseases ariring from a disordered
Liver or Stomach in both Male and
Female :
Surh ns Cnnt ipntlnn, tuwiird Pilcn, PiiMnemi nr Hlood to
Hit) Henil, Ai-iility of Iho Htmniich, Nnnsia, lltmrt-hurn,
llnrio'l for I'ocnl, Fallai'ifa or wi iRlit In IheHioniiioh, Stiiir
HruclBtiiiin, Hinkinir or Fliilteriiin st thf nit il the Sinmncli
Swiiiiiiiinir of Ihr Hraid, Hurrinl ami Difficult Brmthinft,
Kliitlrriuv nt the Hiiirl. Cliiikins or Siilliiiilinir tu.nKiliimi
wlifii in n lytnir pomuri; Ilimni'Mi of Vision. Hots nr web
before Hie Hiirht, Kevr r nnil null pnin in Hie Hind, Dnflririi
ryof Pprsnirulioii, V..lownplfl of llin Skinnnri kv.i,
in tiie Miclr, Mni'R, Ulmm. l,imh. he, MiiiMi-n Hudii-n nf
fimi, nuriiiTin in inn r ii'nn, l onmiint lmntriningii nr tivll
aim trreni ai'iressiun ill rfpirils unn lie ellci'tllally Clind by
Celehriited German Bitters.
Tlmir rmwer over the nlmve ilincnxs in nnl exnrllnl if
f'liinlliil by iinyolln-r prepnmtimi ia th rniiml rinirs
nn llin nnrea attest, ill many rnsi s after skillful physicians
lind fuileil.
Deraniremonl of llie l.iver nnil Stnnini-li nri? S"irrifi of
Iimnnily, nil'i will also pnlili'e diRense of the llnnrt. Skill.
I.unirn mul Kiflneyf, and lays tile liody open tn nn attnek of
the Ivhulern, ItilioiiH, or Yellow I'ever, nnd i tretiernlly the
first ciuiFieil'tliiit most Imuellll disnnne, Cnnsiiinpiidn,
Ojiinionn of the Philadelphia Press.
Dereinliei Dtfit finys :
AN INVAI.LWHI.K Mi:illrlK Wel,iuefre,iiiinllv
henrd the Celehriited (iirlnan Uillers. millllUni.tureil hy I)r
lloiillliiiid. RKkeu of in terms of cominendniion, ond we
know iK'HiTveilly so. It isa too eniunini nrnetiee. in cer-
tmn rii:irter, to palTnll tn: ei nf useless trash, lint in Hit
uli-tve llilters. hundred, nre living witnesses nf their irrent
innnil nnd pliysieid worth. Asa niedieine of the Liver
Couiphinl, Jiiuudiec, Nervous Debility nud JJvspRaiiii, it
Ims heeu found inuilunhle, elleeliuir e'ures und' thoroughly
rriidieiitinn diseases, when nil oilier medicine have fuileil.
We fuel convinced, Hint in Hie use of the (ienniui llilters,
the patient docs not become rieliiiitntcd, hut constantly tains
slremi'li nnd viportothe triune n fuel worthy of (treat
consideration. The Diners lire plensiiut in Inste nnd smell,
nnd e:in he administered under nnv circumslnuecs. I'i the
in 'st delicnle sloinach. Indeed, llley can lie used tiv nil per
I "ns Willi the most perfect sil'ety. It would he "well for
I those who lire much inloctnl in the nervous system, to
j commence with nue tin spisiaful or less, und grruiluuHy ia
i erense. We speak from experience, and nre of course, u
! proper judi;e. The press fnr mid wiilc. Iinve nnileil in re
, commcndinif Ihe Hitlers, mill lo the ulllicted we
IlloHl cordially udvisetie-ir use.
June 2llh snvs :
; "Dfl tH lt nooncrriZKNS' who nre invalids, kimw
the iniuiyustouishinu cures Hint have liecu performed ty
Dr. Ilooil'lmiii's Celehraleil Ocrniua Hitters? If they do
I not, we recommend them tollie '( lerninu .Meilicine ore,"
, nil who nre ulnictcd with l.iver Complaint. Jaundice, Dvs
; pepsin, or Nervous Dehilily ; the Doctor Ims cured nianv'nl'
' Olir citiCUS ilflcr the hesl olo uieiinis le..l I'nileil We
useu iiiciii, u aey ii-ive proved to In-n llledlelue that every
one should know of. und we cnimot refrain Rivinir ur tes-tiin-ny
in Hieir favor, und Hint whn-h uives Ihein iircuter
claim upin our hninlile cllorl, Ihuynre entirely Yegulul.le.
Jul V Ithsriys:
"V spc:ik knowingly of Dr. Il.sinnnd's Celelirnteil (ier
man HiKers, when we say it is a hlessiini of Hiis ace; und
in diseitsesof the hi I jury, diireslive nnd Ni'rvousSvstetns. it
has not welhink on eiii:d. II is n Veiretuhlc l'remtnlion.
and iiiuile without Alcohol, und to nil invalids we would re
eoluiueiid it us worthy their confidence.
Kor Kile, wholesale and rcluil. nt the principal Depot,
riiilndelphia. '
For Sale liv M. A. AfeCAV. "nrlhi,n.K... anH .,.
bury and respeclulle dealers generally throughout lh
April 51, 1SIII.-
77ii! Pupil's friend and Teacher's comfort.
work is nlroailv iiitroiluccj into some of tlic
best Acnilamica ami n. Inrc-i? iiomlipr nf KelmnU
wlion- its use has trivon ik'i iilcil ami univcral sa-1
tislaction. lmtli to ti'iicliiT and niiil. It is purely I
American in it.i character, liaseil noon our own
lieaulil'nl ilecimal xgxtrm of currency. It contains
more, the arranrments am better, and it is the
easiest anil cheapest work of thn kind now in use;
nnd it is so considered l.y hundreds of the most
competent teachers nnd men of science in the Ini
011, who have recommended it, It is the hook.
particularly nnd expressly prepared for our Ante-
; 111:11 fr.'ta.'urs : Ity Ahitoa Tiriiior. i
I TllK YlU TIl's ClILl'MlllAN CaLCI LATOH. This
j volume contains 91 pases, with about !I(I0 exam-1
, pies for solution on the hIi.Ii. It embraces the
j rundameiilal Kules, Coinpoiind liules, Simple '
1 und Compound Ueihu lion, Kindle Kule of 'J'hiea, i
: l'roporlioii, Ac.
I Tn kmiu's Aiirni'i i;tical T.iiu.Ks. is destined ,
I for the use of younger classes in tlu !chools of tlu I
i 1'niled Stales. A beautiful litlle book nnd ideas- '
inn; to iliildren, and tiie only one of the kind of any j
value. " ,
Th ere are Keys to both Arithmetics bound sin
gle or double, for the convenience of teachers, in (
which the solutions of Ihe questions are given with j
much ctra matter for the lilack board. These i
Keys are the most complete works of the kind ever
published, and contain, in addition, about two
hundred ex pies in Mensuration, Ac, for the
use of the Teacher. All that is wanted is to have
the above hooks examined, nnd no teacher w ho is
aeipiaintcd with the science of Arithmetic, will
hesitate to pronounce them the best works tha
have ever been published in this or uny other
Although issued hut a few months, thev huve
already been introduced into the ISio'.it Public
Schools ol .New ork (. ity 111 all the Schools
j public and nrivate excen't two in tlw. f'.iv t'
I ',, l'"-. cx"l,r , HI tlic l.ll ot
Itemlinir. Also, in about twenty Acudainies in the
j State of Pennsylvania in a larop portion of the
Schools in the City of Wilininsitoii, in the City of
I Lancaster, and in the Boroughs of Hiirrish'urir,
York, Chamborsburir, Lebanon, Uoy lestown, Potls
j ville, Orwifjsburir, S.'c, iVc.
For sale by Hkmhv Masskii, Sunbury, Agent
I for Xorlluunberland Countv.
j Sunhury, Dec. S, 1848.
III IS Powder is warranted far superior to any
I thins in use for iiiiiiartiiiir a keen, siiiootbedo'e
to Kagart, Surgical instruments, und all kinds of
line Citlkui ; it may be applied to uny kind of!
strop. Also superior Razor, Knives, and Perfii-1
merv, wholesale and retail, bv i
Depot of Fine Razors, Strops, Brushes, and
Cheap Fancy (mods. Xn. 18 South Fifth street a
bove Chestnut Philadelphia.
PuiLtiiKLiHi.t, Feb. 15th, 1818.
This may certify that I havp used one of the
strops prepared with HAVNES' MACIC DIA
MOXD POWDER, and can attest in the most
unequivocal manlier, that there is nothiii" can lie
f.oo.,1 il.u .. .11 .i. ,v : ...
found that w ill produce the same elici t in mv oniii
ion, and must say to others, try it, and you will
find it superior to any hejetofore in use.' I can
truly say that I never knew what a sharp razor
was before.
JOHX SCOTT, Iron Safe Maker, 41 S. Third st.
PiitLAiii i.ciii 1, October, 1948.
A ver hard heard and tender face has compel
led me to seek many contrivances design
ed tu make shaving easy and pleasant, but with
indilli rcnt success, until I made use of the Magic
DIA.MOXD POWDER, sold by Alfred Bennett,
and Roussi I's Shaving Cream. Their united pow
er uct like magic, and impart a power to the Kuzor
to remove the most stubborn board, without irri
tating the skin or temper of their owner.
J. COX, 49 South Fifth Street.
For sale ut this ollice Price 35 cts. per Box
November 25, 1848 6m.
Valuable II 00 Kg.
T IFE or Ciihist, handsomely hound, D'At.
-J BIGNk' HlSTOBir OF TUB Ii l Hi H M ATI 0 1 ,
Blink Day-books anii Lkiiukhs, full bounded.
For sale at the publishers price by
Sunbury, July 14, 1849.
Cotton Yarn, Cotton Carpet Chain, Cotton Laps
and Wadding, Cotton Outlines, Ready made
Pantaloons, Ready made Vests, Congre Knive,
Porcelain lined preserving kettles, just received
for sale by H. MASSER.
Sunbury, Dec. 2, 1848.
PATENT Trusse of all kinds, Harrison's
writing and indelliblo ink, Cotton yarn and
laps, just received and for sale by
Sunhury, Dec. 5, 1818.
L33 H IZbj LO SS3 .
Windsor, Vermont.
Ff"rn,.V.r,ri," "mw,- '""DVSI'KPrtlA, In my ,f i
m S'SS
uon in ine rttonincli nlso in ireuera dehllitv srisin f.
Apue. Felnulci sulferiuininlerJ,.,- ..."
i?frou, w-nikuess. will fiudtnV "();,;,?'
...excellent remedy, ,, o, sarpn.sed b" "rrj S..
The history of this meilicine is peculiar. It has mails lis
ly to public tnvor so civ In- il,. i: e
l-forc even been ndvert i seil. but linv'itiir first shnwi ii. 'rL'
markable effiency in the fnmily t ?r, ,pr ".r n , Z
hnn terwaid. ndmhiistcrcd hi. .fflirwBi ."J 1Z
linen nntll it is known in Hie most distant nana nf th
".''"," iVmlhs'Tir"' m,-,iT"IM Wr,- ' S. .I
uyspi psin m ml us different lornu. .o ni. r... .1.
b,s been n,',',J,l'i"i'-f "" '"' 1'md and il. only eal,"
Inou-h VnJXZZt . told trZ
'nth to month or bv letter fro,', 1, .:. ... V.:
nieilv tl,e l,r"l'r'"i they have proved a re-
proprietoi '":. " '(',J" ' '"' ' poe,sio olh.
known to the pibiie. by """"'cady widely
wiMmm, vi., (etobeir,'1"5GRI':KN' Proi,,i"or-
The fulluwl,. f ertinente, ,nve recently be,,
received I
n , vr,TriN r c . Jrxs in ttus
Iliiviuir m 11 e use of o . , , .. 1M '
by Dr. tie.,. H uree,, , x,'"mK- l'reli
le,l:,e obtaiin'l o.he it e 1"" "'.V.'.'' """ f"".n ""?"
rce .nnneud H.em to ll. ,1 1.' il, . .., 7.recn"u 7
sn-lnin the reconunend,; , ,,'f ' !!
e'AMrr.i. piiKi.i'ft. .
WII.I.IAM I I'iiam I . S.fenntor from Vcrmsat,
or nf Ke,,,"'kv!,KA0' ' ' S' ii':"UU" U"U ,'"r","r
venio1,';. Im!"'"' M"m'"'r"(' CnnsTcss nnd formerly tH-
.m. MtionnuiDfiK, r.s. seni
enutoraud funneriy Us-
' 1 M-eiir-in.
.M. I..MAKTi., Deleputoi
1 in Congress from Visoonsi
r-ni lion. If. ii. Fnvriin. Member of Coiign-sa from
ll(ll IIIIIII.
Dear Sir. I h.
yenis. and ,.,VB
ASIIIMITON. I). C, Jl g w, m.
nee,) 1, I V-.liei,ti. Sll,l'e..r t. .. ... ...
rcsorteil tn vnrions mi.licines for relief
Hitlers o 1 , , ' or voiir "f ' VRrnnted
r 0 d to ,, e. T I! """.,.!"" ,""'1'"' ' hml myel
e'' , , ...' 1 'J '"u111' ''"" iii which tho dis.
liuout success, until I
t yo,tr --f Ixvirennted
si.. eh. lossof,,,,,,, iii, ... ; : "v. '"""' "ri""y'
r m , k In. . 1 eurnlive ,s.weri nnd would slM
11 on (..... ........ ... . . ... ...
Doet.iiK,,. I!. fiRi cv v .l. .. r-.
II. H. FUSTlill.
Aceui f.r Snnl.iirv II. . XSSIIII
Ace!s ,r Mitt,,,, I. K. V A HA5.0
AL-eiit 1 1, I ,,,er .Malionov. J. u. Hj.;v
April lo. 1.-1-;
Don t permit your Horses or entile to die, wbe
the means of cure are within the reach of all?
The mioVrsioiied 1 s)lf.t several venrs in tho
study ol ctenimrv ,ractice in "London nnd E
ilniboro !,e has also nvailcd liiinsrlf of thorescor
cliesofLeilnir, and otlicrcelelirntcl men, who havo
cuilnbuled so much towards a jii.licHtis-treatmeit
ol animals; the principles of our praiTiea consists
111 the rejection of em -ml blenlim; and the total
ri-iecttoii of all ineiliciiirs that evperienco bf
siunvn to be of a dan-,-rous tendancv. Theso ro
meihesaci , lmrmonv w ill, the vital 'principle, and
when uivpii ncconliui to tlic directions which ae
couipaiiy cael, arliclc they are capable ofexeitinf
ami iin roasinothe natma functions, without di
miiiislnna or ilestmvin their power, henco aro
sateiu th.i hands of curv one.
' (;. 11. da on, m. b,
A List of Morse nnil futile ledicines.
Physic balls. Toe. per box.
Alterative bull. Toe do.
" jiowdi-H lor bad condition, 7.')eTpaclt'
Heave powder fordiseases of the lungs, Tie
vinr powder for " kidneys, ?3e
Tonic powder for bad condition slanders, 75e
Cordial drink for inllamation of bowels, 75e
Liquid blister, 75c per bottle.
Ointment for promoting the growth of hair,
ici pill.
Healing balsam for wounds and sadiilo rails, 75tv
per bottle.
Wash for inflamed ces, 50c per bottle.
Ointment for maiue 'scratches, old sores, Ac, 50
per bottle.
Einbroviition for sore throat, 75v rr bottle.
Hoof ointment for sand crack, brittle hoof, &c.( SOt
per bottle.
Horse Liniment, the most celebrated article known
in Enirlaml for lament sg of every ilcacription, 75e
& 1 per botlle.
Distemper powder for red wuter, $1 per bnltle.
Worm powders lor the removal of worms from
the intestinal canal, 75 per package.
For sale by S'l'lMP.sOX A REKI), 56 Mer
chant Row, also ut DADD's IIOKsE XD
Hayniarkel Square, Doston.
Piiiiiphlets ilesciiliing tiie diseases for which
these remedies are used can he had gratis,
-Numerous Certificate are in possession of the
Proprietors, of cures performed by the above Medi
SIXTH Street. Philadelphia, and by his
Auk N'T. Hkkht Masher, Sunbur)',
February 3, lH4'Jtf
I 1 "A,) ,l,e follotvnnr ecitilicnte from Cnnt. Devoe, tt
' n- "m" J""1"""'"1 l'i'"hu- sham Jksit Cupunn (of the
I unvciicr.)
riut.nw.rniA, October 31, 184.
Sevenil years since I wns nttnckeil with breaking out
on my neck in the form ul Teller, which I sin cony men!
wns conlnieleil ul ihe Ifcirht-r's fhon. Il srnislnnlly eileml
ml over my face mini if readied the upper part of th
cheeks. During tiie several months thai it continued
siieuiliiiir, 1 useil iliilereiit uificutions, some of which had
the cilcct. iiiireutly ul least, of iiicrmiiiiir the disease, but
from none ol Ihein ihil I perceive the least IwiH-fK until I
applied the Itnsa lllx tmevt. Hj the use of one jar of it,
1 was jierfectly cuieU unil have remained frcjof the affac-
I huve sines usixt the Ointment, liahlly npplied for roef
uess of the luce, lilotclies, cluipptHl hunilii, Ac. With scr
fect success. 1 linve iio hesitation in recoimaeiidinf n iaj
tiie strongest liiiiimer U, the puliliu.
James pkvoe.
Ateut lll'Mir Maskks, Huiibury.
July 1W, l4'J.
fireen's Oxygenated Bitter, price reduced.
Old Jacob Townseud's Sursajisnlls.
Baker' Sarsaparilla.
Swayne' Syrup of Wild C'herr
Sway ne'e erniifuge.
Ayre' Cherry Pectoral
Dr. Drake' Punacea.
Dr. Cullcn' do
Tibbit' Pain KUler.
Dr. Hoolland's (.ierman Bitter
Indian Vegetuble Pill
Horse and Cattle Medicine
For sale by HEXRY MASSER.
Sunbury, July 14, 1849.
TJOOKS end Gold Pen. On hand several cop
ies of the life of Christ, and also a number of
gold pen which we will sell at the Philadelpbj.
prices. For sale at thisotlice.
TEXIXUS A cheap and excellent trti
cle lor fastening sash for sale by
.Sunbury, July 7, 1649.