suNiwuY American" and sii amokin journal. Tub Oalphisitw. Thelf asfcingfon Union enumerate the ciaims which havo been al lowed by tho present Administration, without the authority of Congress, and estimates the aggregate at nearly one million of dollars There is no good reason to doubt the correct ness of the estimate. It is more than proba ble that all the claims will be subjected to the scnitiny of Congressional Committee?, and that the people will, ere long, be posses led of the facts in every case. Is there no proof, in all these disgraceful nonactions, of mir assertion, made long since, that the aid liven by prominent Whigs to the election of General Taylor, was nothing but u pecuniary speculation upon his ignorauco and incompe tency 1 Spirit of the Times. ' Tub North Carolinians hare given up he Nashville Convention. The deleentes elected to it by the only Congressional Dis trict which seemed to be in earnest decline going, on the ground that under existing cir cumstances a Convention "could do nothing at least but mischief;" and that if tho vote or tho district would now be taken, a very large majority would (probably) even forbid than logo. DMKKIIM). On the 21st ult., by the Rev. V. M. Jwynn, Mr. Sauiri. Gii.kkr, of Petersburg, o Miss Ei.i.a Yastine, daughter of Joseph leader, of Hush township. On the 2:id ult., by the sanve. Mr. Daniel fjser, to Miss Mahal I.vti.i:, of Lowei ugusta township. i i i: i. In this place, on Sunday last, Mr. JACOB j AUDSH tit, aged about S3 years. ' ., ,. i I All At h reidence of Geora Hill. rsi., Ill ielinssrrove. on Wednesday the 15th lilt., liss"Sl.'SAV WELKF.U, daughter of Peter nil Alary Ketliii, aged 11 years ami seven nunths. Iljc iUavkcts. Philadelphia Market. May 2S. 18j0. Fi.oin. Flour is.tpiiet and tho price stea y ; shipping brniiiU are selling at So 'Joe brl. vvtra Flour at 5 75 hi I. Kye Flour is held t S2 K7n83. Com Meal is worth 3 UO per brl. Wheat. There is an active demand for ed Wheat nt SI 2Hc. prime White alSl 2Cc. Bvt:. IVuua Rye i- h"ld at tile. per bush. Corn. Corn is in demand at til cis lorycl v ; White is worth .r7 cents. Oats. Southern are woith 3Sc, and Penua 2c. Wiiiskkv Sale-- Whiskey in bids at 2.V nd hlids at - I cents. Baltimore Market May cr, is.-,o. Will;., r. Smiill sale of good to prime reds eie made to-day al 121 els., uudPeiui white t 127 cts. Corn. White at 65 a 57 cents, and of yel v at 00 cents. A sale of Northern Rye at G4 cts. Oats Prices range from 3 to 40 cents. Whiskey. Sales ul bbls were uiudu at 25 cuts, and of hlnls al 21 cents. SCMU.IIV I'P.KT. IM'IJHXT. Corrected weekly In Henry Master. Wheat. .... 100 Ktk. - - 50 Cuhn. - - - .50 Oats. - 37 UlTTKII. - M KtiOS. .... 8 PcillK. .... 5 Pi.Axsfcr.ii. .... 125 Tallow. - 10 Dr.r.sWAT. - So Fl. - - . 8 Hr.CKi.Kn Flax. . 10 Diiir.ii Au'Li s. - - . - 62 Do. I'laihi.s. S00 NOTICE. IS hereby Riven, that n Jieetiiu; will 1 held ut Gcoraclnwu, Northumberland county, at the public lloie.e of George lirusions. on the Mill 'day of June next, to ortram.c the .Mahouoy and Wineonisco jiail Koad Coiiiiany and choose offi cers for the same. May 25, lSf.Q. NOTICE. X election of one President and four Mana cers of the Trcvorton. .Mahonov nod tSusooe- A hanna Rail Road Company wiil be held on Satur day, 1st of June next, in "he 'isw li of Trevorlon. Trcvorton, Mnv 11th. ISoO. 3t. MUSICAL I X STHUM EXTS. CHAS. .No. 207 Chesuut Street, fror.t Arcade, PlIILAIlF.l.rill v. IMPORTER and Manufacturer of all kinds of Musical Instruments, Fancy Articles and Toys. His prices are lower than those of any other store ill Philadelphia. All kinds of Musical Instru ments rapuired in the best workmanship, and also taken in trade. Philadelphia, May 25, ISoO. ly ut:oitt.i: j. iiii.Mii.i.s, CITY CABINET UAIILKODMI, AO. 173 CHESXUT STREET, (OPl'osiTIC THE STATE 1IOVSK.) FIITI.ADELPHIA. FFERSfor sale, low for cash or approved city puper, a larRe und well assorutd flock of i CABI.NKT ri-'K.MTntK. of the Intrit imttrrni i . I'l'. iji." ..i.e. i . ' and of tlic best workmanship. 'J'lir ussorunent mliraceii every artielc, useful or ornamental, ruin- i prising suits of Drawing Kooni Furniture in Hose- I wood and Walnut, exciuisitely carved. Itosrwood j n oiiini, aim .iianoiraiiv i naiuner r lirnilnre ; i'a- tent Eih'ura Uinins Tables, (aeknowle,lre,l io I be the best now in use); Library Hook Cases, j and a great variety of plain I'urlor and L'liamlier j furniture. ( Curtains made and nut tin in tlic latest ' taaiuuus. Spring MattruKHt'i, Hair Muttrasses, and Fea ther Beds, made to order, N. B All articles purchased at this establish ment are wurruuted of tlio best material and workiuansliip, and will be packed to carry safely to any part of the country. May 25, 1861) ly SFFJ1TC- G-CCE3 IN 1 1 t:Liiii t. SHAKI'I.dsS & Sl).8, have jum received -I their supply of SI'HI.NU AM) Mr.MMUK GOODf) of Friendly and other sly leu, to which they invite attention. SHAWLS All descriptions of Bilk, woollen and worsted. JjKESfS tSlLKfi (irode Ithines, Chameleons, and neat and new fancy styles India bilk and Latins. DKES8 OOODS Lawns, Uaregei, Mousse tins, Oinglianis, Aljiaeas, Mohairs, and all the jiew falirics. rVUS 1SH L'G GOO U Blankets, Sheetings Quilts, Dsinask, shirtings, and all other furnish ing Roorls. MEN'S WEAK Clolli, C'assimeics, Casbma ltts, Drills, Vrstingsof all kinds, and Uoys wear. SHOEMAKEHiS GOOUs ar.d Carriage Ma kers articles. T. MlAKI'I.Ess ft SO.Ns, So. 3S b. b'rvHf,i street, 1'hiladelphia. .Vv S.'i, ISuO. ly ' J. II. THOMAS, Ornamental and French Stylo Frame Manufacturer, 801 Walnut st , bctveen 3d and ith street. PHILADELPHIA. 1 5 ERPI'CTFL'LIjY directs tho attention of the public lo his superior stylos of Plain nd Fnnrv Frames, which nre of the Intent and most Urantiful ilrstirns. As a hnntlsoino Frnme at a LOW TRIPE, lias been much desired, liu was inilucrd some months since to commence the ninntifnctim? of tlirsp Frninrs. In a short timo tho demand h lirrn so ureal, tlint he has horn obliged to incrcsss his facilities, anil now offer nt i-xci-i-.1)Igi.y i.ow rrticr.3, finely, or ill tliniismiils, tlio most beautiful Frames, snitiiliie fur Paintings Prints, Daguerreotypes Cards, &r., eVe. t'or Ihmthilitif Unsurpassed. Hotels. Public building. Steamboats, IStorrs, Ci bim t Furniture, Ac, decorated in imitation of carved Rose-Wood. I Please call and nee specimens; .May 85, 1850 ty IVE1V YORK & IMIILitDEM'IKA, JOURNEYMEN llaltcrN ANM04'ia(loii, Cor. of 6ih and Chestnut Srcet, Philadelphia. ""ON'TINCE lo make and sell a finer and more dnriihle Hal fur Ihc money than any oilier establishment in the foiled 'liitcs standard price of Hals $3 III). Gents mid Uoy's Cluth and (Hazed Cups, fmbrellas, Carhet Harrs, Calaly Panama ami Straw Hats at equally low prices. May So, 1S50 ly ""'DAVID PEAiSE, rASIILV GROCER & TEA. DEALER, j S. II'. Corner fift &' Arch Street Philadelphia, ' J 111) was formerly in the Arm has now sue- reeded Colton cc Co., in the business mid oilers for sale at the very lowest prices, nil kinds uf Fami lv Gkoi litui.s of 1 lie choicest kinds con- l,i,rt.r r ",0-n1",,T"T " I .1'"" 1 cus. Old O. Java Collie ommon Green and lilaek und oilier kinds. Sn- pars, Sperm Oil and Candles, Olive Oil, Ket chups, Currie Powder, Isinclass for Jellies, Farina, l-lakcrs Choi'olalc. C'ocoa and IJroina, and everv t'aiiiLy in the iin, which he will )iack up careful, ly and forward to order as promptly as has been the habit of the old firm. O " Will the housekeepers of Snnbiiry and vi cinity who wish to have Groceries of the choicest kinds please to trv us once ? DAVID PEAsE, S. W. Cor. lith A; Arch Sts. Philadelphia. .May 1 1. 1k;0 ly NOTICE TO HEIRS, TOT1CE to tlic Heirs of Henry Fetter, dee'd., hereby tTivc that bv virtue of a certain Writ of Partition and Valuation to me directed an imposition will be held at 10 o'clock A. M., the (itb dav of .lune 1S50 upon the premises in fp per Mahouoy township to enquire whether the Real Estate of the said Henry Fetter, dee'd., can be epiallv parted and dmded to and anions all tho heirs and lei.d representatives of the said ilec'll without prejudice thereto or spoliation of the whole at which time and place the aforesaid heirs are borcbv warned to be and appear il'lhev think proper. " JAMES COVERT, Shr'tV. Shi'iill's olVice. Snnbiiry, ) May 11, lS")0.-fit' S NOTICE TO 1IZIR3. ; .TOTK'E is herebv iriven lo the Heirs of John j Eeiiihaih, dee'd., to a linear at an Orphans' i Court, to be held al Snnbiiry in and for the conn- tv of X'oriliuinberl and. on the lirsl Monday of! A nuns! next, then and Ibeie lo accept or lefuse the , Real Estate of the said dee'd., at that valuation I lived upon said Real Estate by an Intpivst duly : awarded and coiil'u ni-.'il by t!ie said Court, or shew j cause w hy the same should not be sold, Ac. j JAMES COVERT, Shr'll' j .sheriffs olllce Snr.bnry, ) May 11, I 50. fH S ; CENTRE TURNPIKE ROAD. I I ""THE Stockholders arc hereby notified that an I election will be held at the house of JAMES ! ' l.EE, io the borouuh of Northuniberland, on ' 1 Momlav the :!d day of June next, between the j hours lif 10 o'clock A.M. and 4 o'clock P. M., for j I the purpose of choo.-iiur ollieers to serve for the i i cnsueiii- vear. J. R. PRlKsTI.EY, Prrs't. ! Ajiril SI, l'-'.iO. it j J. II. ZIMMERMAN, 1 1 Sunbury, Pa. : loiiice in Deer Street, immediately opposite the ! Public School House. j I IT Monies rollfctrtl ami uit hasinvwi piniii'.ill)' and care. ' i fah HUenilil to. j i April 'iO, 1550. j "GREAT ATTRACTION ! ! j XEW Al !Js:ai goods, I : JOHN W. miLING, i Market Street, Sunbury, Pa., ?JS AS just reteied ami opened u larjic assort- ' M nient of superior and choice Fancy and ' Staple Dry (ioods, well adapted to the couiinir sou- t ! son, which he will sell ut the lowest prices. His . stock consists of general assortment of almost all i ; articles of use in the Dry Goods line, consisting ; in part of I Ciolfis, Casi7)icres, Summer-Stuff for ! Clottinq and Vesting. I, a d i e s r e ( notli, 1 (ilovos. Hosiery, Laces, Shawls, Muslins, Sheet- j ; , vm, Tickings, Fine Muslins, Ginghams, I ; Linens, At, ALSO: A peneral assortment of GtiOCEItlES, HAIIDWARE, qi'EE.XS. I WARE, LIQUORS, DRUGS, AX1) ! MEDIC1SES, PAISTS ASH DYESTUFF, ' and every variety of articles. j ETU Countrv ltrnduee of all kinds tskpn in pt. i eliance at llie li'mliest market nriee. , . ...... tinliury, April ' lOU. NEW STORK! 4 VF.IV S TOCK OF GOODS, ... , , , T , At thc Store ftr' orc"Pml lH John Boar, In Market Street, Sllhbury. rpHK subseriln rs respectfully inform the iul). lie that tliey liavc just received, and arc now A IIANDSOMK ArSfnTU"NT nv DltY U(HH)S i Coiibistintr in iurt of Cloth, Cassimeres, Sutlinctls, Vesting, Panta luun Stuff, Calicoes, Ginghams, Lawns, Vestines, Flannels, ('aridit ies, Linens, Fine Muslins, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, i'c , llardvurr, (ueensvare, Diu us jxii M Kiiicixis. ALSO: A large assortment of Groceries, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Ladies Shoes and Gaiters, Fluid and Fluid Lamps All of which will be sold oil the most reasona ble terms. fit?" Country produce ef all kinds taken in ex change, at the best pi ices, JOHN BUYERS & CO. Sunbury, April 13, 1H."0. ly UOl'SE TO KENT. The premises on Mar ket street, lately occupied by Simon Marts. Apply to 11 tfuiibury, April 6, 1850. HENRY MASSER. AVMIITE BRANDY for preserving brandy pearhts of an excellent quality, for sale t H. MAiSSEB !uneury, epi, ;:;d, ,J j?, PHILA. AND READING RAILROAD. SIM.VtF.n Ann.AMiEMEJST VttOM I'llIt.ADKLPUIA AND 1'OTTSVtt.l.n. Office of the Fhiln. Reading Ruilroad Co. ) Philadelphia, March 29, 1850. ) Two riisscnser Trains Doily, (except Sunday.) ON and after Apritlst, ISoO two trains will be run each way, daily, between Philadel phia and l'otlsvillo. Morning Line, ( .'IrromniooVioii.) Leaves Philadelphia at 7 J A. M., daily except Sundays. Leaves Poltsville at 7J A. M. daily oxcept Sun days. Afternoon Line, (Fust Train.) . Leaves Philadelphia atSj o'clock, daily; except Sundays. Leaves Tott-iville at Sj o'clock, daily, except Sundays. Passeneers cannot enter the ears unless provi ded with Ticki ts. '1'he nflernoon. or fast trains, do not slop pt Au burn, Althousc's, liirdsboro', Roger's Ford, Val ley Force. Port Kennedy. Sprint; Mill or Falls. 'NOTICE. Fifty pounds of hniranuo will be al lowed to each passenger ill these lilies j and pas seuircrs are expressly prohibited from takiup any thintr as but their wearing apparel, which will beat the ri!c of ils owner. Ev order of the Hoard of Manacers. S. BRADFORD, April 13.1850. Seeretsry. CHERRY PECTORAL: For llm Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRON CHITIS, CROUP, ASTH MA, WHOOPING-COUGH AND CONSUMPTION. The uniform success which has attended the use of this preparation its salutary elli'et its power to relieve and cure affections of the Limps, have gained fori; a celebrity equalled by no other medicine. Wc ot'.i r it to the alllieted w ith entire confidence in its virtues, and the full belief that it will subdue and remove the severest attacks of disease upon the throat and Liuurs, These results, as they become publicly know n, very naturally attract the attention of medical iiieu anil philan thropists evcrvw here. What is their opinion of CHERRY PECTORIAL may be seen in the follow in? : VALENTINE MOTT. M. D Prof. Sur pcru Med College, Xeic York says : 'It uives me pleasure to certify the :iluc and ctuYacy of Ayer's CHERRV RECTORIAL, which I consider peculiarly adapted to cure di seases of the Throat and Lungs." C1;h;K Jl sTICE EI .-TIs, of Louisiana, writes "That a youm daughter of his was cured of severe attacks of Croup by the CliEliRVPUCTORAL." ASTHMA AND EKOCHITIS. The Canadian Journal of Medical Science. states, "That Asthma and lironrhitis so prevalent in this inclement climate, has yielded with surpri siim rapidity to Ayer's CHEURY PECTORAL, and we cannot too -uron-zly recommend this skilful preparation tot lie Profession and public generally." LctTiio reliowd sui'.' speak for himself: 1 i v it 'on ii. Jan. VMI, 1 ! 17. Dr. .1. ('. Aver Hear Sir: Havim; b.'eu res cued IVoin a paiuiid and daniM'Oi's disease by by your medicine. Lialinnic prompts me to send you this in know leil.'.i'ieii!. not only in justice to von, but for the iufori'i.ilion of others in like af lliction. A s!i..!it cold upon ': lisi-s. neglected at first, becalm so (.,-w re that .- (liitiier ol blool. a violent couch au.i pmluse iiilit sweats followed and fas tened upon inc. I became emaciated, could not sleep, was dk'tres cd by my cough, and a pain through my cbet. and in short had all llie alarm ing symptom of quick consiiiiiption. No tnedi cine seemed at all to reach my case, iintl I provi dentially triccl your Cnt:ui: Pi ctohal, which soon relieved and now has cured me. Yours with respect. E. A. STEM ART. en ir i tun ii v J.e. it i. a, iiii.mi.t',lowi:li., iass. tV Sold by Henry Manser, Sunbury; Mary A. MoCay. .Nortllulll!lelland Dr. (iearliarl, Se linsgrove; Dr. lieekly, Danville, and Druggists generally. April 0, lh'50.- Iycc3:u ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE. IETTEHS of Ailiniiii-tr.ition upon the estate J late of Hon. I'ulviii Lih the. dee'd., have his day been rninteil lo the subscriber. 11 persons liaviup claims naainst Miid estate nre uotilied to present tliem without delay. FUEDEKiC'K LAZARUS, AJ.n'r. Sunbury, April 27, ISJO lit 1KII1T. I.. fl'.Ti!. THUS. V. H. SKTIl SKT1I vV DI'O'I IIKU. WHOLESALE GROCERS Commfssfon iHrrrtmutici, KO. 89 PnATT STItEET, (t:n Iiuwi.v's Wiuui.) HALT I MO RE, Will pay particular attention to the sale of GRAIN' and all oliier products of the farm. Baltimore, Jauiiaiy Sfi, lS.ili. ly XKW A H WAN ( i KM KXT And 1'rlt'CM Itctlutc.l. THOMPSON'S Susquehanna Express and Freight Line, ts sow niLT.umn to ronwAKD diooiiN iiml B'ackat'N, Daily from Philadelphia to Set in m;ro ve, A urtiumbtrbi rt d, Sunbury, Danville, Bhionixbunr, .Villuil, Lewis, burg, Muncy, Willinmxport, Sic DtRailKomi am Canal Boats' XEW EXPRESS Off,ee. 38 Xorlh Third St. Freight Office at CRAIG A' BELLAS' Corner of Broad :id Cherry streets, Philadelphia. April li, lo0. if THE CHEAP IH10K STORE. ID AIT IE LS & SICITH'S Ciikap Nkw & Skcono hand Hook Sjore. .Yo. S6 X. Sixth St. be ween Market if Arch, VliHuileltihla. Law Cooks, Theologiral am! Classical Books, MEDICAL BOOKS BIOGRAPHIC A I. V HISTORICAL BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS. Scientific and Mathematical Bo ies. Juvenile Hooks, in great variety. Hymn Books and Prayer Books, Bibles, all sizes and prices. Blank Books, Writing Paper, aiid Stationary, II . nin lit tail, TV Ocr prices are muehl ovver thnn the arnvLAS prices 1'" Lititirit ttisl mllall lureels ol Ijookl puichaseil. LV HoxkM luiHirtet to order fr.un l.uiul'ja. Philuilelpliia, Jane , IMil y C. PKNKEUT, BOOT MAKER, Nb. 40 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia, VHERE every variety of French Calf Skin Morocco, Patent leather, Congress and Gai ter boots, of the best style and workmanship, are consttin!v kept on hand or rosnwfuetiirsd to ordjr flatch'tn, ISfiO.- ti! mmmm mnmrn r. n. n, A new slid lirillinnt liplit has Intcly nrisca suit nowsiomls lliuh ill llie ti"ri sle ililinn its noiilell If'llt ol ll 'ie upon tl.f clurk it. spniriiur niimls if ihc Is'il-ialaVn mid iiiinvnsl W illi piua, like ih-liiiimnre l.iriboi llie n.uifenisl ruys of tliv kiiii itr'i Oie enlfl, iti'ihsl lerions of the lntiil v. am. TIib lliriai Inters which htiiU Oils punigrapli is llm sigmti eiili"iiof RADVAY'S READY RELIEF. An liimnnlanrdiifl Antidntn f r Pninii nf ll kitidn, tlio Very iiilnnt KiHlwuy'i Hntly Knln-t is npplicl, tin I'.-tn-rt ht'Viiiii qunlitiv uru militll. it will u ti. v. the tmmt Vfri'tiinii nt' HIm iimi'tiii. I,innlitir i, lunl, l'lirutyfi, Tic: It'ilnri'iix. A: v... in n lew minute?", t' IIiiKi ma rtf .vt liu (JiiuFcK, Tmilinont mid Curr. Al.l.IillKl AI ATlC V.XINS lTA.TIA Cl IU:D tl l(AUV.' lir.AUY KKMKK. Itltfi'innti'-iiinri'ti' inilillT. i,t r;tui. I'Ht "'1 Cfttf rnllv pr-irt't'iln trnm CuMn. i-urr t' ntM (tamp wiHikt, hi id !ci't,iiii' in flinin tiiiiirlnifiiln. 'I'lim roinnluiiil isdivi- lt;il iuin two cliiMtx i I he fiisl lntlrtin:;l"ry. ciilieil , frmi 1 r nv!liit!T nin) iiitliimninlinit llmt niii'iids liu? piuns in tin j pmtH iiuVch'i ; m.v .mi, l"l:ioni.- Ithvuiirni'. 'fin Imhi Uv I u. if cnntiiiUiiiic; tftiif ilisnt! . I infill) Kivwiium I ii nil f i i. 't pi'in m tit- Inn-!.: S i:iti'-iii. nr pnii-.t in Utr j hip it ur mi : Aiilhrilyiiiit, i pin m tht.- j-iim. T; j Ac.itc it lnMili::it;tii pi-nci ;tMy I i inm:tt h itittii'U'' 't tlii'ft und bee hiu'm ti clirciiii' liiint. to hki-ikvi; Yuru Toirniu:. I Apply TT;idvny'f Itnuly Itciii t". on n wnrm H'liin-! cloth. ( pri'Vi'u'lv ImthitiK i Ik? pnrts with wrm wntT. tilsn ihUp ;i0 r 40 (IfpH ul tlio litlioi mti-riir.iy m ""-' m la'", . twu r tlin-if litiK-8 11 dayj tliis will !iiv wmhiuIi t ' Ihc I Hliiiiiiich, mid mirclv n-lit-vi"' ymi i'mhi nil I'it.-uiiiniic puins. It isnlfi i H''dv mid i llci't im'l in itH iipcniti n in liu 'iiru ' . '..,..'., . ...mi tun i Mi ill (iiiM'Hied M'l m,.miii ii i. i nr. i. ' iv, i...-n MS. St)HKNKS(F TI 11. .lOI.N 1'S. Wfiiknenn. mid Kiih in the ni.l". Nerv. mn ll-riti:itd:r. Tn ! .lrrrux mid Tif'lh A die, ,i;i.sni5, i;:iii'.s Cramps lit tin-' St"iii:idi. I'ik'H. St--, llnrim. S-iiMs. l'.rnpti'vi" !' the Skin, J tir Sl.itiiiirh. f leurt Hutu, l'nr''iM-ssimd sm Thnat. II:n Jrr, it v.'ii liavc tliu iiiist inniu' to Ik; tnmUrd with i illn-r of i In nil e disti i-Hhintr e-'inpi'tintw. In tlimiklitl llii'l an nntifft-' tr v.,ur puiiik it- at IkmkI in HAPW A Y 'f1, HKA UY iKtdKi'. It is Miir tn ive ymir inln-it nfc. and tv yunr " will cnmirr V' in u spi-i'tiv and pet It-el cur'-. S'': llmt 1'irh li'HttU' hi in Iho I'ne piuiile siL'iialnre of KiidWiV iV; Co, up -ll (Jiiidi luhrl ihmiu nliu-r i genuine. a hi:ai in 1 ri n:u:. A XKW KAIir.L-STl'.KI KNUH AVI(.i. T'i pr'ituet. thf pul-lie ulmiii.-i ptiiviinsmc ciMinU-nViii: of Hadw:t Cliiiu'M- .Mnlieiilei! Sup, H. if Hudway. the eelelwriiul Cln-iniM "I New Y tI;. hit nt n jrn-at expeiihc enpiffeil the n-rviees nt' file ' llie iirRt uiiiRtB of wtet-l en ffnivmi; in Am:i-it:;iii, und will n tl;e dm ul April, ic.'di, ismie hiuHviiv 's Mi HiraU-.l S an ill il iu-W la1 't. It is u j tK-aiiufti! iHfd etn-r.iviii:!, it nrpn'M-ni vy l'.-.nalf Itiin'rH ft hcnliu Jind hi-rtiity. n i-liiiiir tul'iet mid mt dl Wjr, ' n whii-li an-llie wnnis "linkway's .Mf.liiMh-il S nip" in j illiiminiilcil It-tttif. tin the nppMt mde of t In labli't if the iae .simik-Mirimtnre f It. ti. ifadway. The desiyn I li neat, eliar. atli.-tie. and r!eiantlv exr.-n!id. tiii; Yiii'n;ior tiii; sow I rr ulS'i inipmvtd. the hijrh p "piilnnty whiehthiR exrellent Roup Un ntlalnt-f! I T Its nptTi'rity iver tilt 'Ulifrw ir I m let. Metlif. initl. tmd Slmvinv; pMrMoii. hn impeiled tin to utrive und iinpri tnp'm im menu, inftoud ul ' niMtiug n: tidied on its ulieady pained liturtlf. We have now entered into flrrani; fineiits ior the imp' i Intion diretM from our e r iTjKuidt.,!i!R m C 'iivlanim p!e in Turkey, und Canton in China, for mir nfverul oils. miiHs. balfiiiii. ami extraeis ol I r;in-inrdiciiK I virtm-u. which wc iie in tit urmniiM-nire i of Itndwjv'f Soap, infte:id ol n.-ei'tvinfi them tioin third , pari i ex. sii tiii i mnv we haw the P:iliMii'.ti 'n of knowluf? thil th- hifrlil, ini'dical mill liiilfmnie pripeilies of oui P tupure pure f nd iiiiflnlleriitril. as rKArnrii:i! ov tiii: skin. It inrniiK'-jt e (rvthm:' ot t!ie kind in the world, it re. I ii'oten ItednrwH. riiiiplrn'. It! 'tchea. 'u?l nle. Ti'tter Hash, j It i.ureMS;tlt llhcirn. Itins Worm. !nre Meads. S in. I'ns I tulir Krupti'ins, It imparls health tothenkm and beauty i ti the eornplexion. Asa nmsery timlToih-t S np, it i hf j yord the rraeh of rtva'ry, imd t'r Mmviiifi puvpom- it i the lw .t in use. One e tke of itadw.iy's S up will last l"n I ult than three eaken of : le samt- mi(:u 'l nnv other S:ip in : iie, tlu-rci"re it i the eliT:.;!!' and l ul Swip in t!ie wrM. 1 l'life 'Jo efntf. taiye eaki-s i.i eiiLTMVeil wnip)t.Tif und the j rigintmi' of It. li. Had way nd n eaeh wrapp-r. ow throtiedi lie- Mnri-ni eliniii!-rf many light ( M' tmyy shap'f pr elr. iui the t rnrhts i Whiir'tt !!! luiiiir li:il'ii tr Mil Cire:is-mt fair, j To tlifsi nad Iw unify '.hiir I vi'ly H.ur. ' Which nriki ft the in ii of Cucmsshhi sirr Willi in the Krafts oi k - n: pnivdivf infpim. I to i)i:i:ss am) in : x i nrv Tin: iiaiii. ; K'tdway'i Circavi:i, (t-.l.n - I..- nnimr ihUi p tpnl-ir, , ttith' e 'I..'- of tun-' u -r'-,.. iv ,.yr pnynrati n , in n". it rims lri:tiiiw. v,ml:I:",s the hair. T'tdic:itr i la nt 1 1 till, and unk-'s tin- Inn t. ''miv and l'i -v. My m-ins: ; Ihf I mini a.'- pT d,i rcti. ,n. H will m;iK it rurl luiintilulK', I resm,;injr nature. I'rif - V:" rt;;.. in larf b 't th.'S. lee lhat I Jladv.-ay v C . i" np n "ic'i h ft!c. ! A .km H U. .MaV-cr. Si'.nlutry. i April li. I- id ei-jiuly Al.KWMll'.ll (J. CA'ITKCI.. SlXfr.SOH TO J.MtE M. BOLTON, IlV.Cll. 1 CCi MM ttS MX iV FORWARD IX t'f MF.R- CilAXT, ! Tor tin' siik or drain. Fluiir, Stttls, Iron, ! In r Sr. j Xj. 13 Aipi'.'i li'Vi.'ii'rr.t. I'llll. lt.l I'll! A. ' (ii)otis roruiit'ilt il w iMi eare, to all points on the ' SelinylLill, l.iiijii, riusiieliaiiua and Jiiuiuta (.'.nulls. I Salt, l'l;ivier. ( ! rii iiKtones. e.e., for Mile nt I the lov. e.-,t ,riees. Hllil;l.lel.ln;l, June 2. I S i!) ly I C HA 1M.ES V. IIECINS, jAT-CP.lTZT AT LAV, 1'iiIImUIc, ;. ! Will ironiitlT atteml to colle'lioni anil all huxi- lie eiitriitej to liis eare. June lfi, ISiii, JA.MI'.S l'IIIH'1',1!. COOI'EPic&CAMKllON, ATrOR.E J .S AT LAW , i'u v v . "ii.ii-:, Shnll:ill Comily, I';t., ATIl.I. collect niouii s, attend lo litigated cases, ' anil net as a'nU in the maiiaiieiiieut of Estates. rVc. Persons .lesiriin tlieir services, mav refer to the follow in;; (ri l.tli inen : l'lllLAliKl.l'IIIA. Ilavi.l S nr . ii. I!. D.ivis. (ii.le,ii O. Wwteott llrmv Wlill". I'rjie-is . IJac!.. Win. II. H.-.-.l. li;i Kq. Co.. K , 1J. 11. Ilicws'.-r, l.vj. C 'J'ili'illJHf ill Ji'lUh. lis . NtV YORK. Hon. Muse. It, .i i j i t rl.-I: . it n.O-ileii II nfni.-in, H.iM. .Irillll'l M1 'III Ol;, II Ul. l'.ilW.O.i I III lis. II hi.AMmU liwr.'uee, illislo.N. Joiui Allies, Ksi, LuwelI June 'i. IM'.' I'll I I. A ii:i, U I 4 MEDICAL HOUSE, i:staiilisih;d i.-. ykars ago, by K I NK KLIN, X. U , Comer of 'llurd and Cuion Streets, li K r W K V. X SI'lllTli AND PINK STKIZC'IS. PIIILADEIiPHlA LirTr.l-.X i:.US ( i-xti-;n;vi? tw imintcrri-pinl ti.ictn'tf sik.-iii in tln.s cuy havf rfMulrrcd lr. K. iii 'Hi cvt:rl uno! Mirc-tifinl pr.iiniiii:r lur ami iitur, in iv trt;;tiiir-r.l kI' nil diM -jstu i a iriv;itr iimurc. l-r u ntiiit'tftl Willi tilocin tiftiiii ilittii nly. tliMHl. tr Wka. ymiun in the ln-inl'T 1 'nit s, iiiiTfiii i tl rfu-iiiiritiiii). ptrit-ituvN, rav l. tdsriiHc :iriM,.' ti mi y.mi lilt ill t-Xi' i-scb or iuii'in i,vs ul liu bl Mrtt. v!ht'-. v ihf f ii-UUit i u Iicoimhc i nit't-td-jil, utv ult treat nt with sticcis. Jit; win j!nc' i huiiricll' niulft tlir i-ire nf Dr. K , m:t- r' Ui uifly CMifufe in Ins lu'ipT vs n uciitlniuii, umt ciiitiitunt !y rely Ui m his u us a plivsici-'Mi. TAKK PAltTirli.AH NoTlcn Yi'unc M-'ii wh have i'iiart-,1 tii mvivfs hy n pertain piac'ii't' inituii.'r'i in a li.iliit I'rt'nii 'Mtly learinil tVom r A f 'iiiuim"iih t r at n it I iiil el "i wlnrti tu t mainly llt, i:Veil li-ll Liitf'ji. niiil il'-Jtiiy h lll liliinl nil i Uniy, rsDniiM i i j 1 1 1 ' iiiiuu' tiat'-ly. WVikm-M nml c 'iistitutii'iiul ilrtiiiilv 1 i;' iii!i.- ii tr i nt'iL'v, i)!iv.-4iral Itis.-itHtU- anil s ti- cm I pmslt.(ti .ii. in ilat-ili! y anil a;; jlt.rv , nili--ti .jis, inih (If!"ti n. feli'".r;s:i!H-!f "f llii. und t-vi:rv ili.-pari!i jnv way t'tiiiuei'i' il wi'li ihi- Tiler ot the prucicative luiic liuiik cured, ami l ull i' r 't-i-rc I . YOUTH AM) MANHOOD, A vigorous I i to or a preirmturi (loath. hlKKI.I on si if rrurrvutiuu. ONLY 25 CKNTS. This R lokjnn'. i.ulilmliiil ifi fillet w'th uset'ul iiil'onriHli 'ii in thi: iiiliriiiee s unit ilis s, s iii'ilie li.-ii-rut i f. llipiiis. ll ii UreM.-e lis. li alike u 111 i II, M AMilHU) nml CU.l) AUK, uml klioiil.1 In- ie:ul ly nil. '1'iic valimlilt: riilW' i' niiil iir'i'r.'F'ivt? viTinilnt; it civea, will pri'Vi'in in...-i'y uiulsuli.uiny a. lit Bave aiuiaal ly 'I'll lusaiuts ol l.ici-H. rarmi'.s liv reuilinu it wi'I ii-uril liow to prevent llie tls truetlLin of tiirir cliiljri.-u. fcs. reuiilt-iiH e hi" ' n il's, enrhrrtl in u trttr, nil-drrss-il ti Dlt. KINKI'.I.IX. N . V. c .rnor ef 'I llllili 4 I'MON h'.reuls, bet ween !,.raeo A I'lne, rtlllilrl'lllo, Will ensure Tl Li mii. unji.-l elivi;l'ie. per ri-tlli ll 'l mull. IVrs a ilisMin-i- may wlilrcsb Hi K. hy Idler, lit puiil.) ami lieeiiieil at h"ine. I'Ai'K.Ull'.S ul-' MKiJl-.-l MHKiTIOXP It.. I'lirw.iiili-it !v sriiilinp ri-iiiinuiice. unit iut upsveulf truiu IJAMA'.iK of I I HIOS TY. Ho .k-fc.-l'rs. Xi.-v Aiti-ii's.PtilLirs, C'unvasei. sad all ollii-ri suppli.-d with llm ubovt work st verjr low ruti-s. February fl, ltili ly CJTONH Ware, Earthen Ware, Huisius, Al inoiuls, l'i lines and Cream iuts. Planes of all kinds. Salt and Plaster. Just received and for sale hy JOHN W. FKILING. 5unhury,Pcc. 29, 1S49. AS, from the New York Canton and Pekin Tea Company. For sale bv J. W. FKILING. Sunlmrv, Dfc. 1KIS BROWN'S rstrENCB OK Gl.NGKU... A new supply Cf tins excellent (iil'-'e ju,t t(iivi and for sale by H. R. Er. fiinrun-, Msrrh I. lKo In nil t'hii'.iiiiii. J t'lid etv'.l'M rniiiitris In -m ii til n (mit f piii;Mt'i'M ot" .l"ilh limn mir rither mnlniK thai n:lli't tin liuiniin tiitnlly: ntnl. until within n lw yi tlit-rtt h.t not i torn any vr'iair n-mrdy tu ti t.i di;vitaia lltai ul th" tlt"tn'Vfi." Jtut now BRANT'S INDIAN piiyioAfir urn 'i-i .'rf iti i'i,-i t n-id n-, i; . i. fn.'.ouhttj 2. f. V' i ' - tn 1 1 . '.-fifm iti- M H- tn v'i' )n r.tii.l i.v :t- clii-i' ntf i.-Ut. .i vrr-'ri" h . -1 -,.. . r ii- t.-i,ii.9, m ti' ! - 'i- i ii :" i : . : .li ' '.in -ti J ''-irtiits, it, l H'lt'lIT l''.:vn. Sin," v .tt. in.-.) liniN.i:ltithei l U.v llf-:. t. I ;.! I.v. .-nth-.- wij it fU .;.l n-ii'iM nut ;nM;i.r tijy. it J u h t-li Ml J i.f it ty n- lit v t v( t t rt . It h.i--(tim'- i''.' t' 4 :-')iin h- i purl', it-e TirhiM tfHt'l (11 ii'tn:U .Ml I MUfifU Hrl till! ttVWUI ,ll,UII WUlL'h IV,- t-Hi: GRANT'S INDIAN PURTYING F.XTHACT T'li tl fV r- l" i bt n -1 1 : m... .M tti'-ral citi M- 'i af. tn s . h riri' m-itttc-lj a.'a.;?.I t,. bu n! mim titiUtf nr 'euvru. tn fUt! en ! :ti iti'fi. . .i" h tiHtlli--- f ut li t'i'r'N- 9 n-tii- lir ji",'i' .u t"-.t;-t iiniie ' ttii.:irjf tit .tn--,:, wb"tt lliTi-sl. Tiir inl, l.n;!2s, mi l HphiI. Tli . UAl.t.WI limit an-J tin L't-n in th- Ivnpt. rt.l t1 I. !' (...'' Iir'tu. f ctr-.u'. .i i'tt.i fit-ii-j ll) JVpi- KriNfi I x i ii At-- t ,rr mill K rt i,'i 'i p trt-'taLu Tin l;.lirii rm-ff Sir' c im-s nt tjfit ,ui i C itinr.aiion tijt )! Tefl. IUUT Hi! nl. If, II MD-il .i-t. linVr fi'lir.! tn u'lt fvOti. ThouaCiiicls of Constiraptions dn.-i i 'oiinl.- i.i,iph. tIiiii1i nt1 v jr'tv. , vnfnih'nw ti i. ut h ifi-i. i-f-, mill ii- ii'iil.M,ht''l t ii Hiivti .t.vr-r, tnt -n..f ..(,-.. ii, t,:iiiL' i:i'l-t'l'i.-s. ill Ml' t ili.iw Oi; mil,. -''"' i'tl iii-vi.'... : .li'tiur n Merlin e a t'tf ':' in thr f.rejt r:.' Si f t-.'i!-StrfU; AVr- run. fr',,;. i ul; i.'Hi:. i f thr , ,;-.', (.7. (,:, jian ! "-rr'r-; hi 1 W ."f,- Cvt;hntiti iti C'liiJrsm ncl Afttl:-.. A.tKfii t, ami ALL FEMALE WEAKNESSES & CGiLAiaTS. Ni n iti- iv tli t; lri 1'f-n '.!'i-t ) tn (; ,in,!;(. Inn r-r li.-ni h t a .f.V'i hi il rfr ti in i-or z. '.un ALL the io--i'.'itt.l tr'ii nr-f nt,-t irn flrvl'iti c, tin- ti nnlu try. if IJHAS'TS I'l LMny tay JULSAM. It imtkin nu titf 1'i'liT.if Win I 'nt tin- t.t nilijii'iii.'iir li.- ?p i j.y..y4tj. tittlt. nr utlii r in. -i ?r- nV it 1M . ill , I l.s Al.l,. I ftrrue'hrniti t''f v!' It-. r"vfi'ivp thr first, tn'ttt-i, ntH n.t:',-usr ,, eU'i'-tr, M;i;L lliiiil Alill.U'V. A' our J'.itn'.'.lTts :ui j t it" CONSUMPTION. A Dying Vc.nan CuvoS! Yr -l,iif t'. a fun- tn pfur l '"rr o tare U'r bv. tlii M I A M ii - ,1. f v-ii h'.'fi t 1 1. ,-.. it i .ani iprH l.y jt'ijd- iT.ii In.-i-N I. tn '.U,' ,.( ,i"-i -ii-'.u 1 y c', '.. ' mi,.1, ni i!m- n .-'i t a 4 .j,,t thm ld hr,it' i.i:, hurt t' )','-. Wi rr 1... ..'-; ,ciy Lirs - I lit It- m ,it( (lit rt--, .l'V i,,l tr.i,nil'rii t.r'tit' t" m'I lit.- t ii uiu-tiiiH f ; ti- ;. v.- n lor in imii i'AM I'M: l. ! S Tin- ...r -A-- r'i't.-tl n M i :: HYKf'MAN. o' i V-,: Sftt:.tra ' .V )' V. t; r ..w i...,, i,.f H it.itc ;, vi .if. i- .r.'if? t -;tV.'i m ln.. :, . ) inw meraltU ; t -t- nf (" j 'c 'r -im-I f oni U'f 'U.r.i f ".'i, ,ilCn Writ i-iii.iiitii-f.l in -iff.r''.'.' hy -K . t i I il'f-i i-rt. LIVER COMPL &IiV r. llif im .-r Htr.' ( riutn'..ul. t.'i.. mid others Dyspepsia ! St'f ll.i ( '.in- uf T .S' ll il rr vwn lun.r (if At'icn. Wyo iii.n; I ti . N. Y.. iiimI tinuiy iiiuftr. in our l';i'iif 1 .lit Dysentsry Sc Simrmer Complaint :n ( '.rr.i mi ) -f 'ur f,v nbrn rirr I. r i '.i- ( hi'drrt wjl! li.'i-.,),,,. firshy hr,xUl,'i wiil hrar'.v hi i ,ri.v, r) i v, l,v tn n.. ui ur li A I.r-A M Nu ni-'fii-M icil i'?. r Miintrn tli1 ij ! )i i.f Irr r'-'..1 1t 'li.-r:i t 'H'miP-in, wli It- tf,-:lni.. il LVAVTS Pri.T:.S.UtV PAL'i U .i'm.n-. -ivil It thouM be, Ur ucii chi). iicii iii l-.i-cfi ili;ui tl.f iit.lnmry tltnt-i. iJLUIuii.) ?:iV3iciA;:s recommend . i. i.- 'i tiii.... I .. 1 1 Mil rv.ti,'i,iiij htva 1, .,,..,.,..,.,.., I.. i i:j;v i'Im:: Hi. " I!: ';i'.'.l;:i. ,-i:,i,r' :-,. Imn Ii . .1 v. -Ml I II. W ,:..:... N. V. tl:. 1! 1"IN, :i- 11,:. ,v ,tti, I.muklTll, .1. T. !!. 'I' M. IK S I' K;K'U. N V. lir. i;i;ii. i iiani'is, ,i .;(!:(-iii-..ii. (mn. Ur. lii .i. itin;;:i:.. mt!,. x. v. lir. s Winn-: l'i. I,,. n. N y. Ur. r. p.. ii m,i;n -:n-; f.n X. V. Ur. J ll M!l".t'.'. K.nv:;. N. V Ii.-. i skiVN'-'I:. 1 t.-n - v , . i:- ,i;iv:i, N. T !V. (I. f Illi'.M.lN, I :!. in I. N. V. ' I'f'tt SAl.K HY Jnhii V. Fri!i-iir. Sun'.iirv Pa. Marv A, .'it'-l'.v .1 .!ui 11. ili.-M ii.-,-,a .1 M,-...,r-r l itw ii ; A. limzai r A.latlil.' .rrli.l ll-n.-s iV l -r .rniii k, W; P. I. t' lin'-r, .1. I'. M I'"., IM:.r.! Vi .i:. 'I I: .rat. .ii ,V liii:,.-r, S .1 'r W II Itickt.-V, It. P. .V .1 'I'll It Al .i'T. .-'r;!ni:iihcra!aa. Mill 'ii. P fi-M... M.-Ilwi-nsville, M nii'.-v. IlllU'll. m-!.-. X.-W Il.-rliii, l.'wivpiiri'. S -im--, r -ii", 1 H'llVl!ll PI i .lll.',i!rL'. A!! .-l!''r. anil ":.t-i inns: lM: u.i.lrcvnl i, ullni- l'i. . ti ll Hi i:i lC:c. , New Y.iin. Siiiil.nry, Ju!y tfl, IM'.' ly. IK IttltlVI. & IKH.JS WVrTllfll.KSALK Commission PAPKK nnd MMi WAIil'.llOI.Si;, No. Ill MINOIt Mlrei I. I'liilatlelpliia W here u general ussort- nient nl all kind" of 1'nper is kept, and for Mile at the lowest cii-H prices. ai, I.i'tUi' sind 5"rltil !s5f I;;crs, 2s.v. on liaiitl. Plain and ruled white Caps. " '' Hue " Plat Cap-. Plain and ruled v.hito Letter. " " l'llle " Illiie and white l-'olios. While and eolmej priutiiig Paj er Tissue I'.ijiers. Mime Wr.ippitnr " lhiM'lope ' Ilarihvare nnd til entiling Paper. Tur liiianls, Siniw Hoards. Uoiinct Hoards. All orders from tho Country wiil he attended to al the shortest notice. All quods sold will he carefully packed, and ila liered ut any place in the city. Tho highest cash price paid for Ris, or fx elianucd for Paper, as low as can he liou-ht ele where. l'!eae i all cud evitn:iue for voinsclvns. J'liiladcipiiia, Nov. li, lSr.l.' MII.UIMV I.XTI-IJVilTl'TK; Il.lMtt i--. with ttif ut'ii.-m coiifi'lciicf. ntt'.-r.'tt to tlie j Atcili.-'a! l-'uciiay unit llie Uil'lic I.M tin- care i f l. "'v ma or liidicNllJii, und ail iliscaiio from it, mu-li ; ;iii;i, livi.riclie. VtTUun. l)inun'i.i of Sn;lit. Di-hilily i tin- s wm.' !!vp -td .i.tliin. Jiuiivtifu, I.- !.!!. I :ttijM-ti'.i V;iS;mii: ' I Uit sif,'Mi!lli. I'li'ltil'iici-. wifli l'niu-nt lit'ii'lnni: of wuitl. Mili 'im Vimiiliipr, Hu ni tn si'iiKiiiini! ut Urn tit t'1 the M lii.irJl, .iviT-iiiiii!;iin:. ( ipprftMnti n'lrr i-;'1!'!?. IVtil'll.'tti mi ul tit- 1 1' ill I, I'ii'ti in !)'' n. l lliu l.iiKi(ti nr ti';iiilo tin1 riL'Iit hiiir. S.HI AVilt'Ht nl l''illinlt xi". Vi'uiiiilt.iB'e, CiilllllUll HI -'iIkI ItlU'U: at' l!it b V U, J)riiTt-iiMn nf ttir Hinrixn mul ;'iliiy i-f tiinifti . Ac. Jf m v.ifir m" ttyp"p.ij j.H'iiil'1 ! tifplci'tcfl. in-si .-imn cll.-t -s tii'iy im' n !;it, tiit- f 'uii'Uti i: fr, i tlir ui- L'l; it iil i JtilK'' "I. mul MM J ' i'ci 'lU-iltly trnillll.'il i k inc iiih'illtp ti in. 1 w uM iinpiTCK upiMi the nnii'l th:tl to niiii witii tilis ilis;if III iv tC' t' .t Tllll tin r'Siil vlilt.',u"lls!l tklt"J( IIIlIM bUl''l' UIMU'tlt Illll 'lli.' uniinul Ik I ll. nr to fill li:Her t'M(ii-n -c by skLIui;; u cninici.'UHin-pS t'olly to tlie (ifii. il'y of inm. Tiuh iin-'li'Miir is ncatlv put up in Ifittlt-t, with muplc liiri.-ct i -nu Tiit nf, imJ 1.1 fcuMin -itn! tir' hv .l-mr V. Fb.uv. jamt.s Wii.i yi 'l'MtiMi 'iiy ot" Mr. AUi.t r Kliii' b, h-iiu-r. AIiirli-t treel alnte 'xru, c ir- b 'rutue i liic tilii-iicy ul Wiliimim Aiiu-lit':u- l.lixir .'llli.JlDKM'llIV Ocinbtrr 3, In. .1 AMRt Wit. 1 1 w : Ut'ur Sn 11 niven me ((rent plfitmire to liiiow Mint ym ate ifjvtii prt'pni 1111; y 11 in-ilirint t'.-r llit, rure of )cji-.1.-1, t r iiiimv of my iioni'iint-inci e rfpfiitf.lly uskttl me wIhti m rmutt I proi-me.!, kii"viiii( that I b:tii tn-rii nin-il by il. . 1 Inn.'., a Miiilit- tii;tninvU'iiiiiiiit ol tht; jij.-iMi liem tit 1 trivi roi-i v-i 1'i'nn the um- it Voiir inett M'Uir if n il oiilv dm- t' V'Hi, bill IMJiV be liset'ul t otluT:, 11 v nuke it. Ti-i Mevertil ytsirs I nifl red tvm lypej-ii-i, wiiieh iii'-it'iif t in mieli un extent tlmt n.y honlth nm c Mixiituti 11 wi it: r.tpi.lly FiuKiiijf i.ii'ier ii. 1 win com-pt-llut ( r u-t imwit i ihc in -st tiiip!e U, ui even tli it I cmlitip't tliL't-ft. 1 lU 11 t.f-n o Mf'-imlli. ibfinell uuti 'ii tu tweivise. ami, ui you tm e it iu ottr nltrtiho- llli'llt, general leeluit; ibirenM' HI Jtlnl Ullt''i'lliiblf wem incH. In 1 In ritr tnuint! Itoin otln-rx biyh r?- P'Miinieit'liuion m mir Anti-nyHjiciiiie Klmr. I prueured iiit iirl it wnli llie m st hn;iy efle.t ; timier it iiiitneiiee laniun uuJ vv;irius t,"tibiiili p-'tsM-d uwuy. t"ii my unjH lite n iur.'.i'J wliii lil i-. mill im ;1 n y With uupuiuiy. iVu yeur liav e now rlnteil, ami my r 'iifuienee 111 ihe rurative p wern i" ytntr iiirHtirin lum ol" coiirsn i 111 reused, lor it completely cuitd uh when 1 lulled toobtaui relit l liouiany tttei urte. Veiy rekper ifullv vour, AllVKIt FIMI.S. TuMiiniiiynt" F-dwyrd It Kow'ey, Wholesile .Merol'mt of the linn ol Kou iey, Atiiunuei Jt. in.t ,j f .utt, Wlnrveti. in proof nl' the eilleaey of Willimi'V nti-ly peptic UliAir. m , . rtiitAwarau Octolr -29, 1h49. Mr J.vvFi W iliims ; D-iir Mi:-I . plenmr in rccommeiKiinp ymu A011 nvHpepne M.xir nrilKrir(.f 1)v, ,,SU1 ( h:lVe tukea it mysiilt tor 1 he diflu niit nuVc b,.n vuW9ly curfd Youri remi.Ttfi.My, KiVAtI f. ROWIJIY. Agent Hu y riUiit SuiilMuy, IV HpAY KL'M An exrcllont artii lo for 9 2 HENRY MAKR. -?unl urv ,Nn T. ;h. 1 s 4 'i --tf. rqiillnblr Mfr Isistiranro. AuTTriTrf tintl Ti iiNt ( onipaiir. fiFFU'ltTI WAt.Mt.'T STUI'.l'.T, l'lllI.AIIKI.l'llU I'SPITAL Wl.ll. tllAHTKK I'KK PErUAt. 'I'lir. Cnnipan) nri ivnv preiml to Irnnmii liuinrt .1 livni tlic iniKt htH-riil uml lirl'niiui?e.iuii li-nns Thry nre nntli irizfil hy tliHr rlmrlrr (m-nt. a) "t nmke sll mid every inRurniiof. m ,,...r in , 1 1 1 1 1 tu lii ri.ks nf wlmlrvnr kinrl or imliire, mul tn ri'ieivn nml fwiile trumn, mnVr riiil.iw ments, nml In (mint ainl purrlni.r niiniiilu-n.'i 'fhe Com pnny 'll snnnitin nml ciiliviiitnts, and act Truitns Inr minor rind heirs. TbMc of Pr-minm. ip.iilrrl fur tii Ai!nuiro nf 9100 fnr tl'B wlmle twin nf Life. Ann. Prtm. I Aire. Prpm. A cp. Prr-m. in 17 IS 19 SO !?1 y-i '.'i at I .',11 S (19 J II i ill i 11 37 a x) 2 III a it a it 2 ii:; u 711 3 -l 2 ! li 01 :i I-! tiii 3 19 Sfl'J 3 77 3 ! '4 4 13 4 M A At 4 71 4 PI 11! .1 R.' 5 .'.I f) in t, i.:i 1 mi 1 81 I li I II I I T'i I Tli I "i I in I ul I ti ii ni S7 .':i till l Hi' rirrniuiiri' nr.- tn;.n any nlli. i ,in,n'iv. unit lli imli'-iiM nllnril pn-ilrr inlvrMiliml . 'Y;,n n i'inli.y,-ir! mul iii:irtrrly iri iniiiniF. Iinll rn ilil rn'i's i' pn niiiini, slmri IffrliH. jitim hvi'i. riirvivnrnhiiia ami .,'ri.ln wiii'-iiim : n Ik i, lunu ul Aii.Iinili. ii (lur wln.-ii llii-rc- :in- l.'unk l. i'i In- Iiml .in iiiv ,it Hi., mli,,.. nr l,v Ii m.t ta i... Al-.- ill. .1. II. W ItlJV, Siiiil.nry. 1!aie Pur ixstniMi Slim nu a diiiLjIi.' t.n'e Av'p. I' ir I year. M l'ur 7 Viiiiib. ti'l t. in I'll l-'or l.iie. I. ltd I'M j :u :t..,l G."S t:i 4" Till 1.- I -li y.ii :i..,7 piTSMli r...i! ::il yi ;im nrvl Lull, ,-,v. l,v isivinn III" l.'i'lllinv f(, .-, nl:i v..,u,l ,.(,,. ,, I,,, '.,;;;. nr Iii irs ITU.'ll vlmiiM I,,.- ,;,. i v.-nr ; ,,r fr : ,,n . v,.'. enri". tn tin-in (iihhi; ,,r t-. .r Sl.l niiitunllv t'. r m"'u-ii u-jn In- j.i-ur,- ila-m siiiihi S,,;, ,r , Kev,. , li-rf jll.',!! :i i-iliv ,,,rinu. In,. I,,. r,.,.llr,. S.IIHMI .i l.e .:n.l wlii li he ili.-. Tin-insni.Tr wi miira liis .nvii li.-.i, "Y ""' " onvi, in rim nun nf iiri-iniiuilM iniin lln.s,.l.',:ir.,., liy nlli:r mlii-L-i.. l',,r hUj.V) ii,,- .-,i wi,, rri-i;ii c Sjiiuii Hlmill'1 III! Mil- in iini. VL;il. l-'nnilt ..rtlp;,lit, ,.! ;, ,nni,.,l,ir, nnv . ,lt ""''' , , I'K'I'KItt I l.l.l'N. IT,,;,!,-,,,. icr Pri..i.l,-Mt. y M. .11 . Ilvii:ri. I'lUM-n Y. IUwi.r. S...T.-1 lr.. :,ni! 'I'ri.-11'iri-r ('"i uim; Pitv.iriAs- Hi . .1 II. Mwr, Sm.ln.rr J. II. Pikiiv, 5ini!jnry , Agmil i.t M.irlliuiiiin.i-laiiil "cciuii- Sunl'iiry, July 2 s;;l, i;i uvi:.s I:kk('2H p ' Janiait a ;iu-St-i . Prepared oni In Fred.-riik llrnwn. at his Drrs and Citcmictd Store. Xnelii E"?t Comer of Fifili end Cius!r.t strei ts, Pliiladi Iphin. rjpllE Essence is h preparation of iinusmd r 1. ecllciii'C anil of vurieil pmpi rlies. lit nil ea - cs wliern a powerful and sa li: stiiiinlant is required, it is uiiriMil'ed lor I'liieaev us well us iuum ijiate arlion. To the trim-ller nml t.i the 1'ie.ilv ciri'le it is inviiliialilo, nsn few ilj-iijis diluted in susar innl water present a safe nml nureeulile remrilv in tin liiviilid who requires iiinii.-iiiate relief, ns well us to the ronviilesi iier jiatient who needs L'ei.tle tonic. In n Southern ellinale, wliere the relaxa tien of the syslein so p-enerall v induces thirst fur stiiii'i'iints. it will alwinslic jniiinl nu e xeellent siil.stiiute fur teiiipiiui; licveriiL'cif which di liilitilte the stomach anil caue a nmrhiil eiitulilinn of ils powers. In dyspepsia, in relaxati inof tiiu liowi-ls, in naiis-eu und sca-.-ic.1. ncss. it imin aetit ami safe as wi 11 as a plnismil uml relreshiie; re niejy. and is prescribed liy the most raiim ut of ' the lucilical fai'ulty. i A si;pph of the alieve rec-ived and for sale fv ! II. II. Muster, Siinhurj. I April (i, Is.'iO.-lli'ii j to r.uiuuts ao mv.s or i:i mn,:ss. ! OILS, CANDLES AN!) (1UAXO. T 11IE sulwriU-r olU'i-i'., al the lowest rail's, in any ijuantity to suit piiicli isi is, tii'.M iM: viax r;i;.Mi, nnd every variety nf si'KiiM. WHAl.n, I.AK1). Wll TANNER'S Gm. Mjiuijactdrcrs. Tar.i.c,. Fm ntrrt, rso'fiicrs. are to f ;i:o. v.'. liib'iav.w. No. !JT North V.'lmrves, tlic iir.-,t ;i. mtu':;: lieii April ti, Im.'h'. MK.C11AN1CAL I'eiee .;tn ct. riid.,.:. ipl.ij. AIST.S AND SClF.Xa !). AIMM-I.TON &. 1 O., M:Y VOIIK, Have in eour49 of I'iinluut ioil. IN PAKTS. I'KICE TWr.NTT-I'lVi: CLMS l.At'U A LICTI0ITALY CrLIachines, Mecha:aic3lEi!g;iac-,vor:;a::cl i;xt;iM:ri:EM; ; Designed Jor Practical Working mm and those i.itimiid fur the Engineering'efiinn. Edited tuj nl.IYl'K UY KNK.. form, ri,, Pro. ftfsor cf Maihcmutiis (.'.'. xe of Cirtl En gineers, Loudon. Author ami Inreulur of 'The l.'af 'dns of Form.'' '-The Xc:! ami Improved System of I.o.iariliiiiis.:) "Tile Etc mails of Eucclid In Colors,' i!e.. cfe.. de. This work is nf of 1 1; Svh. sie, I'.Miini.i iii' iii'arly two run; sis n imi,i. uj.u.u.U i.i' -ii i'i:i:s lUMiui-.i) i'i.ATi:-i. ;tn,l m vii.ii ,jn wu.iii-ri'is. 1 1 will ;.-..'iil woil'.in-ili.iw-iiija ami ili'Si.ini;iin;s ul' ill': tnu.t inijio.l.uit iiiui'iiiin's in me bun, m Haiti's, iikI.-jumiiIoiiI ol tin; result of Aitmi i.':tii iii-,' it will eimt;iiii cniiitilete prai-tic-;il tre.ttise.s 'mi .Me oluiiit's. Maeliiueiy, Kiciite-work. iiml Ka-.'iiii.-eriii ; with all that is Useful in mere thtin one. tliiiustml dullais' worth of fuiio vol-uiiic-b. liinyiiiiies, ttiiil other luniks, among wlit'-h may lie meutiiiiiej i tie fnil'nviie.. ' 1. l'lbliotiiollieiino ties Arts liklustriels. (M.isson, l'.nis.l 2. I'tvil Kniriiieui uml Aroliiteet's Journal. j (I.niiiloii.) J. hii'iiieer utul Murliiiiist's Assistant. ( Hi.iekie, Gl.isuoiv. ) 4. ri.lilieaiioM, liKliis'.ti.'lle. I A rinenijainl Ainu, Kuis.) 5. J.iinu.soii's Meehanii'j of FluiiU. li. Treatise on Mechanic's. ( I'oix-i:!. ) 7. Ailiremeine lijiixeiluii mil AliliilJungPti. ( l'nister. Wien.) H. Organ t ii r ilio Koi'tpcl'rittn des Kisetitnihu- wevns in teehiiiseher KeziehaiiL'. (Yon YValile-'. VieBba,en ) !l. Mierwia's Logarithm!-,. Ill U V I lie's Luijatitlmis. 11. The Mechaiiiutilaiul Woiks of ( lliver 11) rue. 12. Sillmian's Journal. IS. Allui.'inoiiiiJ Masehiiieii-KneyL'lripailii!.- llu!sseo. tl.fip.i. 14 Cotton Mainilaelnre of (Ireal Hritain an, I America contrasted. 15. Hultzaiillel's Turning ami Mechanical M.tnipnlalinn. 18. The Steam I'ngine. (J. I'oiirne.) 17. F.isenbahn-Zeiitini;. (Sluttarl.) IS. Tredol.l on the Steam f'.iiitiiie. 111. Tike's Mathematical and Optical liiMrtt. meiiH. 20. Diclionnaire de Arts ct Matiufacltiies. (I.abuufayi', I'aiis ) 21. Sijanziirs- Civil Kngineering. 22. Hnnvn's Indicator and 1') iiatinmetT. 23. Origin and progress ol Steam N.-ivigalion. (Wooilcroft.) 24. Kessai sur rindttstrij dps Maticri'S Tex tiles. (Michel Alcai' l'aii.A 25 Macneill's Tables. 26. (iriei: Mecl'.a'.ic'g 1'oiktt Dictionary. 27. Templclon's. Millwrighl's and Knginecr' rocket Companion. 28. T.ady and tientleman's Diary. 9. 'ianno Steam Kn(;iiu. (linuvn.) 30. W'eisbach'a Mechanics und Kngiiteerini 31. The Mathematician, (lajiulon ) 32. Hurlow on Strength of Materials 39. Ilnnn' Mechanics. 34- Meclviniral l'tincipl') nf K tginecrmg nnd Aichitecture. (Moely.) 35. Journal ol ihfi Franklin Institute 38. The Tianniietioiis ol tli,, Intilutu of Civil Enaineer. (London. 37. Tho ArtL-ati. 38 Qnartorlv Papsrson Engine. (Pnl lislied E"(.! by W'palo, IonHo.i i fippi ut' Pn lif nary frlnsjfw V irStmlcnt'i fluid,, to tl,e I.oromotire 41. lunlway Liigint, carrikiM Wd Cu low, London. I 42. HciMiif-l des Macliinra lust lumens el Ap. pareili (l.e Blnnr, I'aiis.) 43. liiicliiinnn nn Mill Woik. 4 I. Practical Eviimplfs of Modern Tool srrri lMacliitirs. (G. Hi'iniie.) 43. Hcpertoire dp I'lndustrie Francaise et Etrnneoro. (L. Mntliias, Pari.) 40. Trpiitirno on the Manufacture of Gal (Anrtim, London.) 47. Suiting out Curves on Rail way. (Law London.) 4S. I lodge on the Stsarn Eligine. 49. Scii'tililic Americun.. St. Rnilroiul Journal. (New York.) 51. Anirriean Artisan. 52. Mfflianics' Maaainr-. 53. N'irliolsiiti'i (I'ettr) Dictionary bf Archi' I Ifftnrp. 54. IJictionnnirn tin Marins a Voilca et a V' P"ir. (1).. Hnnnefoiix, Paris.) 5.i. Ci-invay and Mcniti Tubulur Bridges. ( r.-iii barn. 50. Int'i's' 1J tiiwny Piaolicp. 57. liailow's Mathematical Dictionary; 55. Ilinvilitch's Nnviiiutioii. 5'J (Jrrjjory' Miitlicmatics for Practical Mi'ii. liO. EimirwrV and M'nhiiiiios' EncyciorJedi. (Lnku llmbcrl.) 01. Patent Jmunal ; I HJ. P..-1'es' Closiiry of Eiminecring. 03. I'.'icylopedia of Civil Enjlneotitl j; ' (CniKV.) fi-l. ( j'aiKlock's'tutes on the Steam Eo "i't". R5 iiiiant Kn;iiiieci ' Railway Gaide. (Hamuli.) 0(i. Mechanical Principia. (Leonard.) Tin.' great object of this publication is, Id place before practical mf.n and stutlents Siibh an ut'.iotint of theoretical and Scientific kiidtv-leil-e, in a condensed form, as shall etlable litem to work to tlm bet advantajre. and to avoid tliosi! mistakes which they might other wise commit. The amount of useful inftfr mat ion thus brought together is almost be yond irecedetit in such works. Indeed there is hardly tiny subject within its range that is not treated with such clearness anil precisibn, that even a man nf the uicst ordinary capa city cannot fail of understanding it, and thus learning i'rnm it much which it is important for him to know. 1-Yvn Iho annexed lit of the jirintdpal tu thors mi l subjects comprised in thiswoik, it is self-evident that all citizens engaged in the pi.ii'tieal and useful arts, ect., may derive es sential advantages from the possession and study ot this publication; the following rnay bn especially designated : Millwrights. .Moulders and I'oiler Makers. Aitilicers in Brass, Copper and Till. Cullers and Workers ol Steel in general. Carpenters. Uriel, makers. VVoiki-rs in Ivory, lljne ami Horn. C ivil Engineers' Hailway Contractors, arid Contractors lor Earth-work and Masonry o! every description. Architects and Uridgo Builders. IS :il I'-rs. Master Masons, and Bricklayers. Ship 1'iiiluVrs, Masters Of Vessels', Shin Car. polite:', and others connected with build liig and il'ickiiig ships. I!i;ick and Pump Makers. III. inn riii.ii ..,,,1 p., ilnt. i,,,1,r.,,.i,m,r.'r 1 r',i. -p.l..:-. M; aiui.icti.iets of Siiimiinn Machine. Rovin? I Maeliiii' s. LV.rd Hreakers and Finishers, D..tvii:'4 Frames, Willows ami Pickers, t :.'.. comipcie.l with Cotton, Flax, anil Vi i.ol M:iriini"iy.,..,lei. i-i!i'i-.c!i.'ts ami Calico Printcri. ; Cii.'.U Ful lers and Measure, and persons in-' 1 t-,:.'.-.-..-'d iri Sewinsr Machinery. : A'-ehor ami Chain Cable Manufacturers. ! Ctif.u.rt .im! Turnins Tool Makers. , Fin a.i-1 ;;,i!.. Makers. Nail I ii iv. t Makers. I'oi: ii'i.l S Tew ao!t Makers, j Niiil IV.. I Cuill(-M. j I."."i'!:!;r F.esrrs and Currierx. I .Miir.u.'actuiers cf Cicat Oatii and Stnalj I Aiins jCin,:i.' Mukers. I'-iseuit and Cracker Makers. I.i .' IS. l'i Weaveis. CiittiM-s and Marbli! Masons. Clotli Washers ami Scoursrs. Stijiic Oyer Caop Cide, Cuiw as and Cheese Manufacturers. '. Civ-tal, and Plale (ilass Makers. Sii'ar Puilors anil Keliner.', with Proprietdri- of sugar plantations. Maiiiiiacliiii is of Railway, Bar, Round, Rib- I'.'ii an 1 Roil Iron. Wheel. !e, and Spring Makers. KtiUi-.-. Driver aiul persons connected' with' til : .aco.notivu general lv. Ivi; s and Captains of Steam Vessels. j Mati.-jers of S'.atiom'ry Engines. ' I. timber Dealers and owners of Saw Mills. ! Veneer Cutters. I lu nei of Planing Machinery. ! Corn Millers, and persons connected with I I'oiiiii and Hian-separatins Machinery. Farmers, and persons using Grain-shelling and Threshing Machinery. lliiiil Woikers. Carvers, Engravers, and Orna ment M.ikcis in general. Persons e'.nployed ill the mnnnfacture of Gas.' Makers of Copper ami Lead Tubinj. Linen and Straw Paper Makers. Ship Owners, Harbor Masters, and others in terested in Dredging Machinery. Well Sim-en. AsttonomiMs. Pliilosopliers, and oMiers using PiiilnMihical apparatus atnf instruments. Miners, I'. i'ziiieers, and others interested1 in; Pumping F. igines. Peisun interested in Canals and Afltledocts.' Warehousemen, nnd others using Hydrsulic Presses, Dynanoiiieti ic Cranes, Jack Screws. Common and Feed Cranes. Woi kers in Metals and Alloys. Tin Plale Winters. Sptini; Miiiit'uictnrers. Wheelriyhts, Clock Makers and Horologrsl's. F'.c. ele... etc Tie- publishers' have expended a large Sum of money to irot original drawings of ma chinery in practical use in this country, and have prncuicd nearly every work on the sub ject, w hether published in England, France, or (iei niany. llie most essential parts of which being oompiised iii this Dictionary, render it as perfect and comprehensible as" possible. The publishers hava endeavored to use great economy in type, so lhat each page of the' j woik contains at mast lour tmies the num . ber of vor,'. fnnud in ordinary pages of the7 I ame. si.e. This has also secured to eacli j pl.iti: wm kinaalrawings of ample size and j clearness, so lhat a miclianie may construct , accurately any iiuichino described. I The publishers aie. In short, determined, I regardless of cost, to make the work al com I pleio as possible ; and tt is hoped every one ilesirenJ in obtain the work win prrtcnfe It IS issued in itumbers. uud thui encourage the enterpris The w uk will be issued in semi-monlhly uniiibis, coiiiinencing in Januaty, 1850, and will progress with gieat regularity. The hole work will bo published in 40 numbers, at 25 cents per number, and com pleted within the current year, I8SO. A liberal discount will be made lo agents. Any one remitting the publisher SlOklftd' vnnee, shall receivo the work through th post-otlice free of expenso. April 13, 1S50. 5t. IZr' If the foregoins advertisement is in. scried live limes dining the year, in nf newspaper in ihe United Slates or Canada, and a pafer rentaining it sect to us, copy of ths work will b sent gratis in psyrosat.