Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 18, 1850, Image 4

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Tho iilcanilvnnroil by snmr, thrt potalnrn
planted in rows nltornaling with corn, would
prevent the polntoo rot, induced many laM
year to try the experiment. As tho potatoo
disease did not prevail so extensively during
the last season as usual, the results of the ex
periment in this respect are not so definitely
ascertained ns wo could wish.
It has also been believed, by some, that
this is a better mode of raising these two
crops than by planting them separately.
We have been reminded of this idea by
reading tho address delivered by Mr. New
hall, before tho Essex County Agricultural
Sooiety, at their last Cutllo Show. We find
thai he advances tho same idea, and brings
forward some facts corroborating it. Premi
um had some years ago been offered by
that Society for mixed crops of coin, beans,
potatoes, &c. Mr. New hall says--'-But one
premium had been claimed, which was for a
crop of corn and potatoes planted in alternate
rows ; the experiment made at the time, by
measurement of land and produce, showed
that the mixed crop yielded some nineteen
per cent, more than that which was planted
eepatately. The corn and potatoes planted
in this way wcro mutual help to each other J
tho potatoes alluding tho roots of the coin
and protecting it from tho effects of drought,
and the corn in the months of July and Au
gust screening the potatoes from the rays oT
the sun. The crops planted in this way, ad
ding the value of potatoes in corn, yielding
from eighty to one hundred bushels peracro."
Mr. Nowhall quotes a remark of Lorain,
on this subject, who pays that he "frequently
plantod Indian corn in single rows, eight feet
distant from each other in the rows, so as to
stand in single plants. When tho corn was
ridged, potatoes wcro plantod in the clearing
out furrows which wcro filled with rotted
dung, and closed by two furrows backed over
the potatoes by the plow. I have hail re
peatedly forty to fifty bushels of shelled corn,
and one hundred to 0.10 hundred and fifty
bushels of potatoes to the acre. In weight
the crop always exceeded the best coin cul
tivated in the common way. The mode was
suggested to mc by .Gen. Washington, who
told me that he had great success in it."
It is probable also that another reason why
theso two crops are better (taking in for gran
ted that there is no fallacy in the above
named experiments) is this. The air can
circulate freely through them, and lire sun
also has its genial effect, while the mutual
shade which one crop gives to the other,
tempers its rays, and prevents any excess of
heat which would be injurious in other
words, tho temperature is more uniform.
This experiment is so easily tried, that we
hope it will be more generally instituted next
cummer, and its results noted. Maine Far
mer. We Rr.Ati the following anecdote, for the
truth of which we will not vouch:
"A country schoolmaster, one day announ
ced to his pupils that an examination would
soon take place. "If you aio examined in
geography," said he, "you will surely be
asked of what shape is the earth ; and if you
ehould not remember, just look at me. and I
will shew you my snuff-box, to remind you
that it is round."
Unfortunately, tho schoolmaster had two
6nufl'-boxes; n round one, which ho only
used on Sunday, and a square one, which he
carried during the week.
Tho fatal day having arr ived, tho class in
geography was duly called out and the ques
tion asked, "what is the shape of theearlh '!''
The first boy, appalled at tho imposing ap
pearance of the examining committee, felt
embarrassed and glanced at the magister,
who at onco pointed to his snuff-box.
"Sir," boldly answered tho boy, "Vis round
on Sunday, anil square all other days in the
"No you Don't Junta:." Scene in a Court
of Justice Hoy, wit nr as in awe if assault
on Mr. Jhoicn.
Justice, (with dignity) Young man, do
you know this Brown ?
Boy (looking roguishly at his Honor, and
shaking his head) No yer doif t Judge.
Judge (indignantly) What do you mean,
by that, sir? Answer my question Do jou
know this Brown !
Coy (with a peculiar wink)- No ycr don't
Judge (in a rage) Answer me, you young
villian, or I will commit! you fur contempt of
Court Do you know this liiown 1
Boy (applying ids thumb to the tip of his
noso and wringgling mysteiiously his elonga
ted fingers) Yer can't come it, Jtidje; I
know what yer want ycr want mo to ask
vital Brown, nnd then yer goin' to say liroirn
Stout ! No yer don't, Judge !
A Ftxi't) for. Assault and Bat
tery. "Father Strain," tho Catholic piiest
at Cabotville, Mass., was lined $ Ma few days
since by a justice, for assault und battery
upon a woman, according to tho Springfie'd
Republican, which says "On Sunday last
he undeilook to reject from ono of the slips,
in a forcible mannei, ono of his flock, and
that a female, because the had failed to
fay her slip! Shu was sitting at tho limn
by invitation, in a slip tho whole of which
was paid for, and ho was so inifonncd, but
rernaiked that ho was turning her out for old
ccores. Father Strain has appealed from tho
decision of tho justice." may now go from Pittsburgh
to Philadelphia in fifty hours, w ithout staging
at all taking the railioad at Jacks'.own. So
ays tho Pittsburgh Mercury.
It is saiil that lit: v. Mr. Il.irJy, formerly
of Lowell, Mass., is now llin successful pro
prietor of a nionto table, in S.m Francisco
and rejwjited to to worth one hundred thou
sand dollars.
Jenny l.txn is about 'JO yens of age, five
feet six inches hili, ol fair complexion, light
hair, fine figure and fcatuivs, which toino
Call homely, but which tuny bo pronounced
beautiful, if only I'm lie; i-xi.iesiini by which
they arc illumined
"Encourage Your Own!"
rPHE RuWrihcr respectfully call the attention
- of the public to their Inrtfc and splendid assort
ment of every qimlity ami price of
C Altli:i - WARE.
which cannot fail to recommend itself toevcry one
who will examine it, on account of its durable
workmanship nnd splendid finish, made tip of the
best stock to bo had ia the city. No effort it
spared in the manufacture of their ware, and the
subscribers are determined to keep up with the
many improvements which tiro constantly licing
made. Their slock consists of Mahogany
Solus, Divnii nnd I.oiingr,
UmriTUS, SccrctJirfrs, Sf&cbo.Trtrs,
and also VENETIAN BLINDS, cipml to Phila
delphia maim fact u re.
BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price,
in short, every article in this line of their business.
The y nlso intinufui lure nil kinds and qualities
nchiding varieties never before to be hud in
Snnhiiry, such us M iiihiaxt, Black Waixi't
AMI Ct'ltl.fcll MtCLK (illl'.CIAN ; AMI WlMISHH
ClIAlKs, AMiiANcv Pl.t no Stools, which arc of
the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by
none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere.
The subscribers are determined that there shall
be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture ill
the cities, as every confidence call be. entertained
about the quality and finish of tin ir ware and
Their articles will be disposed of on as good
terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun
try Produce taken in payment for work.
( cr" l NDEKTAKIMJ attended to on reason
able terms.
The Ware Itonni is in Market Street,
opposite J. Voting's store, and nearly opposite
Weaver's Tavern.
.Sunbury, April 28, IS I!) tf
In the Useful and Interesting Arts with a few
Simple anil Curious Experiment, in
TNCLCDINCJ Medicines, Perfumery, Chemistry
Cookery, Furriery, Dying, Confectionary, Do
mestic Economy, etc. etc. etc. Price fit cts., for
sale by " 1IENKY MASSEIl.
Sunbury, Dec. 8, 1819.
No. 90 North Third street, between Arch and
Rare, and 83 Duel.- street,
opposite Tin-: piiii.adi'.i.piiia exchange.
Patent Sonp-Stoiic Uiicdmitl Key
hole Cover
fr,r.:"N A umintcd to fMmid more IW:it
V ! p . T' A ' l'iitt-iil Air-ChamlHT Ir-'m
f-.' il,r-' : L lttstj. now in iitw. TIh-v
' l':f , L ''"ft ii iin- hi niitkc ll't- nrilmri-
R V i ry I'ire IV-fs. itt very I v prices
ft -C'-'V' H , I mint riiint .inn i- hi luckij. Willi
Ff y . jr l yi- whi' li can lr-eh:uiir-il
f7-7-..v.T,a'"v-.-f;''vt-r:'!tli Mis-mil tiun-ti ciiaiiurji- I
x-r --i!H-:-,v-- Mr in la.-t cvn v linn- tlu- ,vl in
nsi il n tl'-Miahlr. 'J itt'hC 1 .ticks arc pr.Mii" ;tcr:i ittst the must
r:;:n'i TMrvt ln-iii-r nu i'linl writ the ii-ni Krj-.i.,it
1'iivrr, tuul niMilf vt" cii'Mtr. tin y ranii"t trltivn open
t.v i i!m;-iv.i.-r. l in-v
n 'iir.s. sxrr.s. Ac
1.-K-' are inumkil i r li.XNKr
: i rcis. tircpii Hank
m'' t.Hii .l It( '"l
V':iIlt l-'i.lcvs
.'ia if1--. vvirr.mti'.t jinprri'-r to
Mi.. wit IJ.illis o Ihc Usl lll:il-
1 "li;.
V?' p.
i' liny "f thr nliovr nr
M. us Ihry bi.-Il clu'0er
li'-i. s. wt pi. -isc yivi' ll. ... II (
llian liny oilier in l!ie t'uili il Slnl.
li.Win l'.VANS.
jiiiani;s WATSON
PlnliHlilphia. Novem'.ier 10, l-4! Iv
53 TP AT" 3C1T1TET
No. 30 North Second street, opposite the
Madison Hnisc.
rSHIE subscriber would call the attention of
B Country .Merchants and .Milliners to their ex
tensive assortment of fashionable Sciunh .ami
Si mmkii lliiwi.Ti ami Hats of the newest sty les.
Also, a large and general assortment of French
and American Artillcial Flowers, Kililmns, Crown
Linings, Oil Siilk, Wire, Quillings, lluckruni, &e,
which they ofl'cr at prices that defy competition.
N. 13. I'alin Leaf Hats by the case or dozen.
V. M. ec J.E. MA I'LL,
lionnct and Hat Manufacturers,
30 North 2d street.
Philadelphia June S, IS 19
Xo- IhO l lieMiiut Ml reel,
(Opposite the Arcade)
T AXl FAC'l'I REliS of their improved style
Elastic steel Spring, S.lid Sole Leather, and
Si lid Riveted
which tank the only first premium, awarded by
the l'raiiklin Institute at their last exhibition.
H. V T. lake pleasure in informing the travel
ling public, that they have now on hand, a bean,
tttnl .i : ,. itnu nt of their improved slvle of Solid
Sole Leather Trunks; Double mid Single Folio
Trunks, t.f various stvhsj Ladiis' Trunks, Va
lice Tr.mks, lionnet lloxes, Cap Cases, Carpet
lings, ,,,, -, , , gant nssorliiient of superior En
ameled Patent liags, with every article
ill llicir line of business.
IV Old Trunks Repaired or taken in exchange
for New ones. ALEX. L. DICKEY.
1'liiladclphia, Nov. 17, 110.-
"I ELM! a progressive and Comprehensive Sys
U in of Orthograpy and Orthociy, including
a variety of definitions, adapted to the use Jf
Schools in the American Republic, by Allium
Tirknor, a Teacher of twenty-live year's vxperi
encc, and author of the Coiumbian Culculalors,
Piaetii ul Conimoii School Mensuration, A;c.
The alteution of Teachers, School Directors,
parents, Ac, is invited to this new Spelling llookl
which con forms to the modern spelling and usages
in Orthography aslieing one of the neatest, cheapest
lu st arranged, and Is-ttcr adapted to the wants of
children, than any other published in the I'niled
Stats. It is what it pui polls to lie, a Selling
Rook mid not a Reading Honk, and only require,
an examination on the part of Instructors of youth
to secure tor it a universal introduction into the
Schools of the 1'nited Stales. Just published, and
lor sale by Hi:miv Masskii, Suubury.
here Teachers and Director can procure
copies for examination.
August 4, If l'.l
flMssCE PAPER Yellow Tissue p,.H-r fur
A covering glasses, &c, for sale at ihe ulliec wt
the A inerican.
RAZORS. A superior article for sale at the
1 Btore of HENRY MASSEK.
Siinl.ury, Feb. 1C, 18.'0,
JETTER eiiwlop, g, cf variom kinds, for aal
J ut this Hue.
EP OMi OINTMENT. A fresh supply of thi.
4. excellent article for Tetter, A e., just received
and lor salo by HENRY MAiaER.
Wuiibury, July C, 18-19
EE DILLS. Jui-t'n es and Cnnstiibles t'ea
Hills bands j.uclv printed oiicjiiJ n.UH-r. for
alc .it tiiiiolliie.
. ... - -
1 1 F.SPF.CTFt'LLY informs the citizens of
Danville and the public at large, that he has
located in Danville, and is now prepared to prac
tice Medicine and Surgery in all its various bran
ches. He will operate on all the various forms
of blindness, cross eyes, club feet, harelip, cleft
palate, and attend to the extraction of tumors,
amputation of limbs, and all other surgical dis
eases. His collection of instruments comprises
all instruments in modern Surgery, of the latest
improvement and finest finish. He flatters him
self that many years' practice and experience will
be a siillicieut guarantee to those who may feel
disposed to employ him.
llis residence is nearly opposite the Montgome
ry Building, and next door to Isaac lfoscn-
bauin s store, in North Danville.
Danville, Dec. 1, 18111 ly.
I )K- J. IN. aLEI.EU & Bro. most respectfully
- solicits attention to llicrr tresli stock of En?
;', French, German ami Amrican Drvc, Med
icines, Chemicals, Puntis, Oils, Dye .Mull's, (ilass
ware, Perfumery, Potent Medicines &c. Having
opened a new store No. 2'J1 Market ft. with a
full supply of fresh Drugs and Medicines, we re
speclfully solicit Country dealers to examine our
slock before purchasing elsewhere, ntoinisinir nne
and all who may (eel disposed to extend to us their
patronage, to sell them genuine Drugs and Mcdi
chics, en lis liberal terms as any other house ill the
City, and to liiithfully execute nil orders entrusted
to us promptly and with dispatch.
One of the proprietors being a rcciilur iihvsieinn
lipoids ample guarantee of the genuine quality of
..n ..-.:..t i.i ... .i...:- . i i- . 1 J
minim lis n.,,,t 111 iiu-ir cKiaiiiisnmcni.
vie especially invite druggists ami country
merchants, who may wish to become ngciits for
I'r. Inli r . C ilihruhit lutmili M, ,ici iirs, (stall
dard and popular remedies,) to forward their ad
Soliciting the patronage of dealers, we respect
fully remain,
.1. N. KEE1.EH & UKO., Wholesale Drmrgists,
No. 2'.) 1 Market street, Philadelphia.
September 15, 18 lit ly.
TIHE Subscrils-rs have on hand Ihe largest as
I sortmeiit of Wall P ter ns in the city of Phi
ladelphia, W'lwlesnle ami Krttiil, consisting of
every variety suitable fur Parlors, Entries, Dining
Rooms, (Jiambers, &e., which for quality and
style cannot be surpassed. Doing a cash business
we arc enabled to sell a better article at a much
lower rale than any store doing a
On hand, a large nssortment of Winr. Pa pf; n.
for Curtains. Fire Prints, Rorders, Ac, which will
be sold for Cash. Paper Hanging done ill the
country at city prices.
N. li, Dealers are invited to call and examine
their slock before purchasing elsewhere.
No. 14'J Arch Street. South side
Philadelphia, May 20, IH l'J. ly
A N extensive Stock of Pocket and Table CI'T
LERY.of sale by
JC:--1T IrC. CCLZlAlT,
A'os. 32 and 33 ARCADE, nod Si North
THIRD Street,
Comprising 50(10 do7cn Penknives, Scissors and
Also, a choice assortment of Rodgers ,V Sons,
M'ostenhohn's (ireave's AV. i- S. Rntcher's and
Fennev's Cutlerv.
Also, Spanish. Dirk and Hunting Knives.
Also, (inns. Pistols, and Howie Knives.
Also, The American Razor Strop, a sujicrior ar
ticle, worthy the attention of Dealers.
('.inn Dealers in Cutlery, will find the nlsive
Stock worthy their n'tcntion. as the Subscriber's
chief bu.-incss is importing and selling cutlery.
Philadelphia, June !l, is III lv
C oitt entratetl Sars:tai iihi.
For the cure ol "I'ctlcr.Si roful.i. 1'rvsipalas. Piles,
Chronic Rheumatism and all disorders of the
Hlood, Mercurial Disease, A .
J T is rccoiiniu uilcd to Physicians and others, as
the strongest preparation now in use, and en
tirely dilli'icul from that put lip in quart bottles,
possessing little or no active principle of the Snsi-
paiilia, but intended to deceive the public. For
sale by M. A. McCAY, Northumberland.
HEYI.'S EMISROCATIOX f,r Horses will
cure Sprains, Hruises. Cut, Calls, Swcllin.'s, and
nil complaints requiring an external remedy. Ii
is highly useful in Spavin. Curb, Ringbone, still
ness .if the Joints, cracked Heels, Splints, &c.
It has also been used with great success bv per
sons alllieled with Rheumatism, und other com
plaints. Prepared only by XV. Marshall, Philadel
phia, ond for sale by M. A. McCuy, Northuiulicr
inml. Philadelphia, May 2(i, Ht9 ly
Ji A li I) LA M 1S.
1 on 1: 1. 1 r s tc t o.
No. Ill, t lietllllt M ,
Ksri'C'I'Kri.l.Y nniioiince ttuit llteyliave
Just llnUlicil tlie most extensive assortment
they have ever offered for sale, comprising
'Lit; I ITS. &o.
Ill ureal varietv. and of
Much atteniioii has been paid lo ECONOMY,
in the construction of these Lamps, and such are
made as will produce the greatest amount of light
liV'Ui the least consumption of Lard.
Re. cnt improvements in (lie torv, with
the introduction of new and pel fectc.l machinery,
enables them to sell at a very tiREAT REIH'C
TIO.N from former prices, and all articles licf.ire
leaving the manufactory, are carefully iu-pccled.
and arc wan.intcd perfectly light, and logive satis,
Philadelphia, June 8, 119 ly
illl. subscriber Would most rcsncctfnllv
itial form iiis fiicnils and a cciicrous nublie.
ne is iiuiuuiacluring the best quality of
in all its varieties, and is prepared lo sell b little
cheaper than any other manufacturer in the I nion.
Ho is also importing und dealing most extensively
which he oilers un the most reasonable terms.
His Potteries are on II. aid street north of Fay
ette, ami China store and dwelling al No. 8, E.
Haltiinore street.
No. 8, E. Haltiinore street,
HxLTiMaitr., Maryland.
February 3, lS.'ill. ly
Til .N.N Co, liubliidicr of Ihe KCIEXTI-
" hi; am 1:1
KICA.N," bate favouretl us willi
11 riiani,lilel eoiit:iiniii! tlie I'utent Laws of tlie
I uiteil States, tooetlier with all the forms necessa
ry lor ai,l wn lor a I'utent, infjirmulinii in retjanl
to lilinn caveats, with remurlts on iu uses, etc., a
luount of fee rciuire,l at tlie I'alenl Otliee, ulul
every oilier inforniulioii llml U ueeeswiry to iiixtrucl
a a isoii in niakiiij,' las own uiiliculions.
1'iice 1SJ cents single, or l'i copies for one tlol
lara sent bv mail to unv iaitnfthe I iiiled Mtutes.
AiMress Ml .N. & CO., New-York.
.March 10, ltil'J
Win. ti. ('oc lira ii A: Co.,
W liole.ale and Hetnil,
No. 72 II 'h,ih Street, Philadelphia.
AVE ulwavs on liantl n very lare sbK-k of
ines, I.iouora ami Senurs. of the ir own
uiiH.rlation. Store Keepers, Hotel Keepers, and
privule trentleincii, wiil lie sujii.lirj on the luo.-t
liberal terms.
I'liiUdeljiliia, Nov, 17, li?19
liigrntHiuIc 1a tlieliaMcnt crime of
IVF' "re not nmonir that class of Editorn who
' for R few dollars will, fat tho exnense oft ruth
and honesty) "crack up" an article nnd brimr it
lino rupni Bie ; neither are we willing to remain
silent, nflcr having tested the utility of n iin
proveinenl or discovery in seienco or urt. Our
rcaucrs will recollect we told them we were un
well with a sore throat and violent cold some few
weeks aifo. Well, we purchased two bottles of
and so sudden was the cure, that we forgot we
rver hail a cold. Those who tiro nfllicted, may
try it upon our recommendation. Leirixton Tee-
gin vh.
A fresh supply of the above valuable mcdicina
just received, and for sale in Sunhinv, by John
vv. r ruing, Mary A. AlcCuy at ISortliumberlnncV
and at wholesale by Frederick Klett, & Co., cor
ner ot 2d nnd Callowlnll streets, Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, cpt. 22d, 1849. 8 mo.
Vrw Hide Oil iiml Leather Store.
No. Ill North 3r( St. 3 doors below Hare St.
1 Itllildctvlliil.
HIE subscribers oiler to the tiinnnm nn tin.
most favorable terms their fresh iinnortalion
of Hide
COIlsislinil of llucnos Avre. I.nnlatn.
Caniccas, Laguira, Hunc-Dry, Chili, Salted Pcr-
mbueo and all kinds of Spanish Hides, dry nnd
salted. Also, (irrcn Slinighter, Drv Sailed, nnd
Ulack Dry Patna Kips,
Also, Straights, and Hank oil and a frrnrral as
sortment of Currier's 'Pools.
They will sell or trade for Spanish or Slaughter
Leather, the above Hides. Kips, Oil and Tools, en
neiier terms, man old Houses in the city,
Cash paid for Leather of all kinds.
Philadelphia, May V!0, I S J 'J ly
Tn irc iilinir llic public wiili n renmlr for the trmlincnl
nnd cure of I-'kvi'h ami A. on nniloilii-r liilimn. iliseaws.
no in ii.-i.lil. Vast muni- in llio t'niml Mutm,
who sull-r I r. m lln-sr iill'.rlions in Ihcir varinl forms, lire
coniprlliil to h k n-li.-r iroin otluT r-niivi than tin- iuiine-iliiin-
prrw ri.lions ol the n-cnlar physician. II hfciiiMt
lli.-n-f .re an o.i,-.-i ,.i linnrinitt-, us Well lit of inter
est. to brinir l.rtoii- thi'lii ii tioin much ex
I' 1 which may nlvv.'ivs lie r.-h.-.l ii..n ns .ik.
Kl'FKiTCAt.. MI IH1IM1.K.. To Til K Co sT IT r T loN . 'flint
such is tin- line chanii-li-r of tl.r I Sill A f II, AUDI 1 111,
' amply atti sl.-il I.) the universal success with which it has
been clnpli yetl.
IF l.xir.ict trotn n oiiiniiiiiinition
1 ttM Wonin HiriiiK, of the 1". S. St-uatt
of Ihe Hon. Wit.,
late of
Detroit, Oct
Doctor Chari.: Osnonn.
it, If 10.
Ili-ar Sir. 1 hav r.-o.l with much iittcrcsl. your lillle
TRarati-k iiiii Ihe "cans. , treatim at mill cnri-'' of the
lehnlr itlsonr. s which h ive s i i-.vl.-nfiv.-ly pr.-yall.-d in our
country ilnrinn tin-last lew in Nilhs nn' ml. -r. si ini-rcns.-.l
no iloiibt, by Ihc fuel that I hay,, in.bvi.lnallv KiulVri-,1 si
iniir-li t them. Though I myself very' incompetent
tt Jiolire, v- iijion a siil.jii-t ,i entirely professional, yet
your theory seems , nie well reasoned, nn.l v.iur c nie'lu
sionsjiiM. ami I llllt.K willial. Ih it tour Wlnnhlet is en leu
1 to pi Mtnee iniieli iraelu-a! fi.ssl.
.'-.iking ol Pie in.- li.-in I..- savs : It fn'ly insi ifie.t vour
lunierm expepatloi.s. an,, as a sue. convenient, and p. -pit-
.-.....,, ... 11 . ,. .c. , . uir. iiiaue.-s tue t . l-e-
h. ve that II will prove ,1 urevt'.ie ben-fit. i am pleaseil
1 . If-aln you have r 1 1 1 1 - e.-trtMMi.-d several aeueie.
t.-r .!,.,, ...j), I r.-;rr.-t that, vt ilii a view to n
III re --'.I.-, j! .l,--, lui.r.'ion "1 it. you should have l-ain l it
e,'-sa. i I-, r.-mo-.e lr .... t .ur pr. sent r. -.J.-nee mu-nig us.
1th nmct r. sj-. .-! I I,,,,,- 111.- h -not to I.e. nr.
Yonr o,iii-ed sertaat.
Wl! LI A M WtlODIiblDCf,.
1 1 i- i.i II n. M riiKN U. Tuowmm
u Sl.Ce S- a to .p at lie, 101 1.
"f Mi. I.i-
li':ti:v'-oi. (;, (',, W I t. Ml
M.-vi ,, tl i.!, in-I . iiii' .iui von whal I In iu- ii Dr.
O.-a -d's India I I.Lvtii... or, . uied.eiee. I do
l-.-l:.-t e tied i ll.e t nine aad eifl.-a.-y ol llns 111. -ill. -ine were
ka .ti n, the in n n tiiti would disappear iu
.VI ,el,,i;-,a.
1 ii-.eare.! a I,
rea-.: to ., Seye '
!e ill the spr'nis of 1 J I. nnd Itnvetr.snl
lat mt s.-h an 1 L.itulv cseaiietl tlie luue
las, season n, eonseipien.-e 1
j, no Si
p-inn-eila. b is Ihe fever an,
I ,-t. I h u.- r.-e aia..-,i,l.-.i
ft an. I wli. -1 !,. ,i-,
Ihe ,-kit! of ph : ai d
h is u-iivers-illy yvnl I ,
tiet e it has never h.-.-n exe,
Its ll.e.
e the
,eie I,
.lenient of .Ins fine
11 so tirevat. nl as the
i s nn-lieine 11. numerous ia
.' Lid lieeouie fixed and k-it;.-d
have never known il lad. .
111 -s' happy elfei-ts. and I bet
1-d l.y an,- liieili.-iae 111 reili.
Vintt li'- lair
d.s. as'-s 01 ihe i-liiiuitc.
i olllS. r-spce'l-illv.
si'i:imh:v v
A-nl f ! Saal.urv It. tt I r
Wl TIIIMiTovi A Co ; .Mi!,,, 11.
cove. MAY .V K 1.4 'SK.
.Mat ti, l-4t U'
lt. TROWmtlDdK.
SI'.lt Norlh.liiil.eil uiil,
J II ItASIIlt : Svlms.
,1 Xcw tsiNortnieiitof IH'li (Jooils,
1 M'PK(TI'IM.V infonus his frictuls. eus-
' 'rs iiml others, that he lias just received a
handsome assortment of
at llis store in Market .Sjuaro in Sunluiry, such as
Dry (iootls, (.Jrocerics, Queens
warc, Ilarilwarc, &.c.
Suubury, Juim 2:), Isli),
J. . GP.E 3 IT CTIGH."
(I.ale Keller OrernoiiIi.)
IViisEiln-(on, I). ('.
Ti lt;S ;tti, pupcr fur llio I':it,Mil
P .li-i". nti'ivin.,1 .in,! nil llicm..,.:., i Lo.
miii'ss, in ii'iiilii.ii I.) vfcnriifj put, nt,, tr;iii
acti',1, ntnl in.iiipily ntti'11,1,.,1 to, at their of
lief iipjuisiif tin- l'ati'tit Oilier;.
October 28, is is.
I , I ( j I J ( ) IIS, I N KScT.
'PHi: suhveriber has just received a new bupply
ol the best li,iiors that ever euine to 'uuliurv,
eoiiistiiin in part of
Superior old pale liratnlv.
Fine Cou'liiae lJrandv.
Kuperior Old Jamaica Spirits.
New Knu'l.inil liiiin.
Fine Holland Cin.
Superior I !,l Whiskey
Comm. ui do.
Superior ,M a.lci i.i Wine.
Lisbon tin. do.
."superior Tort Wine.
liuiL' I'ort do.
Sweet Malaiia Wine.
Superior Claret Wine in bottles.
Champaijiie do. do.
.'unbury, Mav Ufi 1849.
IONK milk I'aiis, stone JuB and J'itehers,
J nnd other articles of stone ware just received
and for sale by JOHN V". FKH.l.NO.
Suubury, June 13, 1S1U.
A small
lot on hand and for sale by
Funlmry, April ft, 18.'0.
IJAISINS, currants, citron, cheese, pepper
A .auce, e. For sula by J. W. FK1MNU
Sunbury, llec.S, 118.
CAI'S. An assorlmeut just re
ilk HATS ut ., for sule by
ived. Also
Kunbury, Dec. 2, 1SH.
711. F.VS COKi C.4NDY. .i excel-
lent it iuidy lor eoutihs, colds. For sale
at tlii ollieo
if i'vitv ilt'Kcriittion r
BpLANK.S of i'vitv .IfwripiioB mn ! liud by
' "H''S thcflic ( th American.
s.vnsA PAiniiiiA.
tpillf r.xtrnrf in put up in qnnrt hottlm. It In tix 1im
ftolil. It cim' ilietMifHw without vomitiiur. prnTjitiff, nick
new, or i1;liilitiiting the pnticnt, ami is piirticulurly adnpled
The yrrnt liMitty nml mipnrinrity of thin irmpnr.lln tct
omcx rcmoriic m, whiint it cmtiKntesuiKiiM,
it inviftomtifi the vy.
Ctiintinip1i'n rnrwt.
CUniiw mid Strwi(ftlin.
r.tiimnnptlni run In? rtirnl.
Hnmchitin. Cunsuiiiptinii, hiver Cntiiplnii.t, Coldn, CougliB,
Catnrrh, Awliinn. Spitfinof I1)onI. AnrtKKrt iittlit
ClifSl. Ilcrlic I'liiMi, Niht Hwrntn. Jiifti
ciilt und I'rofiirW f xptftorntkiii,
mitl 1'niu iu tho hide,
Af., Atr.,
Ihivc unit mu 1p curM.
TrnltaMy tlirre never w-n a rcninly tlint him hutn no mm.
fpssftil in ili-ttppnur crirn of ooimuniptmn un thin ; it clmn-
hi id RtrnitfilienB tlx? nvntrm. niiH unnfMim to hrnl the ul-
rT on ihr luu'B. and wiiit:uts grmluully reguiti their unuiil
iioiiiiii tiini Birr ninn.
Tlicrc Is senresly n ilny passes but thers are a number f
eases .. eousiiinpiion rep.irteil ns enreit liy till! use ot Jlr
Townsea'i ftaisajiniiliii. The following t' recently re-
Dr. ToWN.Pxn T)ear Sir? Vt.r lli hi.l Ih.en vrntrs
liuvc lieen uillieieil wit It uenenil ih liiluy, nml nert oiis eon
iimiition of the lust stinre. iinit iliit not eX(.eet to ever train
my health lit till. After (joinir thronuh n course of milieine
umler the enre of s nue of ihe most ilist iuiiisheil resnlnr
physleiaas nml inrmhers of Ihe lloliril of llnilth in New
V oik ami elsewhere, iiml spcniliutr Ihe most of tuy eurniiiL's
in nl tempt inif to retrain luv hcnllh, nml utter remliiiR in
sonic paper of yoiu SarKipKrilln I res aveil to try it. After
iisiiu! six hollies I foiia.l it ilone me onut (To.kI. unil enlltsl
to See you III Vonrolliee: veil), v-onr aileiee I Lent 11,1 10..I
do most heartily thank you for your nitviee. I persevere iu
lakniK Ihe SarsiiKirilta. 'nml have Is-eu utile to ntlcnil to tny
usual Inliors for the last four itinntlis. nml I hope I, y tin
lih ssimrs of (j,h tiini your Sarsaparilla to continue' niv
heallh. It helped tne jieyoiul the extn'clalions of nil who
knew my ease. f II It I.I'.rt 1JI IMI1Y
Oi autre. i:ex eo. N. J.. Aur. 9. IM7.
Stuteof New.b-rsev, lsex c.iuutv, ss. (liarles Qllilll
liy le-iuir iluly sworn iieeor.lili' to law, oil his oath smth.
Ilril Ihe foree iinu slotelil' ut is true iiee-.i-ilinj to the liest of
lll' l,ell.-l. CI1AHI.I.S tjl I.MHV.
Stv rn anil sahsenlinl to liefnni ine al Oranue. tl.e-J.1
Atiaust, 1-17. CVItl S BALDWIN.
.Instiep of the reaee.
Pl'irriNU IIl.tlllD.
rtea.t Ihe f..! .wiiij;, HI..I say that eonsiunption is in ineu
rahle it you pan ;
New York. April 1 -1 r
Dr. Iownspad : I Verily believe that vour S irsapal illa
lias liei-a ll,e iii.-aiis. liirouuh rrot nlenee, ,'.' i;avui iny lile
1 have for several years ha.l a bait eouj.'li. It hi nie worse
nml worse. At I raiseil laru"' ipian'ities of lilo-l. hail
myht swealsiuiil was greatly ilel.ilita'c.l nml rfiluee.!. anil
ilul not expeet to lit e. I have only iir.mI Vour Sfirsa(i.-.rilla
hut a shorl lime. a. 1. 1 there has a ' vv l-rful ehanee ueen
vvroiurht in ine. I mn nowtihle to walk all oyer theeity.
I raise no ,o,Ht. anil my roiitrh lias left ute. You i-au well
illiairine that 1 tun thankful for tin s' rR'iltn. our oImiIi
cut servant. W.M. Kl SSIll.t., U.5 Catharine st.
Tlie nnnex'-il cerlilieale tells a simple an. I truthful story
of snlTi-rinir anil relief. Tln-re me of similar ea
ses in this eity nml llro .klvn. anil yet there lire Ih-HlsailitS
of parents let their children die for fear of lieiii!rliuinbui:ieil
or to save a lew shil.'uik's.
rtr.v.ktvn. Sept 13. 117.
Dr. TowN-R-in: I take pleasure In slnlunr. for Ihe licue-
nt ol tti se whom it may eo rn. that luv ilauittiler. two
'"''I ' ni 'iilhs oi.t. was nllbetitl with general ile
bihly nn.l loss of speech. She was given up as past je
covcryliyoiir family physician j but lortiiuntely I was re
coiiiiuenilMl hyn fiien.l lo try your Sarsniniiiln. Itefore
luivinir nseil one bottle she reeo'yeretl her speeeli unit was
enalileil lo ty.-,k alone, to Ihe astonishment of nil who were
itcipiaiiiti-.l with the circumstances. She is now .pule well,
nn.l in much hetter health than she hat lie.-n for l mouths
past. Jlisr.l'll TAVI.OU, l-'" York t., Uruuklyn.
TWO rlllLDItr.N SAVI'.I)
Very few families III. In . I iu fa.-t we Jiace not heanl of
I one l hat im.-il Dr. T vt -n.r Sarsaparilla in tune, lost
" e , .--aiuiiier. vt nne itiose i aal iiai not,
siekene.l anil .Ii. .1. The e.-r.-ili.-ate we pnl.h.h 1,,-low is
ei inclusive eyi.leneeof its value, anil is only another instance
ol its siivmir the hy.-s ot elulilren :
Dr. Town -KM) Dear Sir: I hail two children eureil by
your Sarsaparilla of the summer complaint and dvseutary ;
one was only lo 1110.1th old and t ha 1 a h.-r :l vent's. Tlii-y
Vfere very inurli red -,1. and we eXH-eti d I hey Would die;
I hey wen- ,riven lit- two n speeial.le pht sieians. When
thedrrf-lor luiorin.-d us that we must lose them, we revol
ted lo l;y y S u.-Kinlla Vfe h id hi-ard So much of. hut
had 111'!.- calil.-nee, there ln-iair so luil.-h si all' advert iseit
thai is wort hh -S.S-. hat we are thankful that we did. for it saved the lives of In-th. I write I In., that olh
t rs may In- induced to use it. Yours, ropeel fully,
Myi'llc-uveiiuc, Itrooklyu. Sept. n, 47,
lilt: I.ADIKS.
tr.tltil.l. t is a s werei-11 and spr.ilv
I care f. r incipient s uapl
,,. and for ihe it.-n.-ral pr vera-
10 in;, 1,. 1 tvln -tin-r ,;e ri.!t 01 inhe
pr itl.iee.t l.y irre-.ilarily, illness or ue-
uise ,
' l'''. '-k
'.11 II-.
fka.-s.-. ;o
ui.-t and 1
d las
.11 of
Ml,' -.. i
, r 1 i.-t! .. 1
: le r- . '.. .. s . 1 t:,.-,
I I.;, r. nn.
It 11,111,.
I'riine, tt 11.-
lav ; i-aiee
It tv
t..' 1
Sv.S I,.
a re. 01-
Mv wife 1 -
! ..., by
: ih .Hil.'ii';. in
1 . II r.i-rn
pa Ml aid V. eh ',.
I vtin-re t -at im-di.-i
j li.-ail,,- 1, l.e..i,u,.
I oliiala-d a I. .11 e
lowed the ,hre.-i.
1 relll-v. d h-r e In,.
plea, III! for thf In
, tielillekuovyle'i;,.;
,-l r
Ins t iitriiii pir.i ( iii'K: inn) hIn."
( T '... -li c. w I,:.;,. .-Wnr1,
v lAtri.-: ..f S;i;vI;,;im;;i :in-l Tol-
i-.ts nn.l ;
1 tils sh
it, aial l i
iccut'l. I twl' iV:ifsut in
miiH-iii'.Di'.: n tt th pnt.iir.
Allj-yiy, Aug. IT. "11. c-ir. ir.ui.I VV l.wlitt hi a.
Nil fllllj or niediei
uift cvt-r Jiff ii ihc.)TiTil which w
'-ant lesi-inl-les 1 iras, 1 ie Jlllee 01
1 oil and slieiiL'thi-nin-j Ihe or-ans .
t.ihv;. in dtf,miMinif
l' Hi jt si ( in fluft itre-
j.!r;i!i..ii ni SMrsijui iJa. ll .hi lively tuitB every canw of
il;.-;i'(;fi(j, Ik iv v. r f-crr or'.
Il:mk Iti'iviitmi'iit, AlUmr. M iv 10. IM".
Ir. T"wiir:i(l Sir : I ivno Iwrn nthVtti! lor p.-vphiI
yrarn with ilynifpsiii iu its v..rM (rm. ntlrinl. ii with tnr
lifss ot" nf.'tn.t.-h. itjs oi' ;iiM-titc, fxtn-nitf hfiirllmrii, nml u
prc;it :ivi-rti..n tniill ktinl of l"'ti. nnd lor wcrk. (what I
culil nt) 1 hnvc lii-cii iiiint'le In rt'lani Imt n Btiiall jHruii
on my st'-uiacli. I irn-.l Hie remnhes. Inn H,ry hail
hnl hrito or ii effect in n-muviim tlu ('in1.l.iiiit. I wns m
ilucrtl. titx'iil two iiitinlliH aiiicr, to try y ir Kxtnict of Siir
!i;;irilla, nml I uiiiM ny with little ennhih-ncc ; hut alter
Uriinu nearly tw lnttlc-.' I mini iny npVtite n utonil nn.l
(hit tuaill.uiii entirely renin Vint; mull w'Ul"l eai nst ly r.
coiiuiifn.l the it t- tliojit wlf have Iw.-n Tiit!;-tr(t af I . urn. i'., W. W. M) T.
Aceiii fr Sunliirv ln V. l-(iMii; .or
1hiiml.erlaiiil. MAKY A. .MeCAV: liuiville. WAl. A.
Ml UliAV A Co.,
Apul 1-K IV
A&ntfor the sale of Sonthiearth Mniwfat !i -
rinjr Co's. Writing 1'op rs.
Hare lluitsio, Xo. a, Minor street
()() CAsllM of the above superior I'npcrs now
iu store, iiml for sale to trade ut the lowest
market prices, eoii.-istini; in part of
Fine thick Flat Caps, 12, 1, 15 nnd 10 lbs.
Hue ntnl white.
Superfine Medium and Drini Writings, blue
and white.
1'xtr.tMiper anil superfine Folio Posts, blue.
Superfine l'osts, blua mid white
plain and ruled
und white, plain mid ruled.
Extra siin'r Linen Nolc Papers, plain and eilt.
Superlinc and find liill l'.ipers. bum and broad.
Superfine nnd line Counlimr-House Caps and
Fosts. blue and white.
Extra super Connrc.-ts Caps nnd Letters, plain
and ruled, blue an, I white.
Extra suicr Congress Caps and Letters, yilt.
Superfine Sermon Cups und Fosts.
Supcrlined blue llath Fosts, blue and white,
plain and ruled.
Embroidered Note Tapers and Envelopes,
'Lawyer's" llruf Pupers.
Superfine und flue Cups und Fosts, rtilrd and
plain, blue und while, various iualilies and prices.
Also, 1IM10 reams white end asserted Shoe Pa
pers, ll.ilinet Hoards, white and assorted tissue,
Tea, rapping. Envelope, ussoited und blue Me
diums, Cap W rapping, Hardware Papers, tie.
Philadelphia, Nov. 21, IS 19.
;oi.t & waki:.
No. till Chesnut-st, at the sign of the Gold
Thiinldelbelii-en 2d. If 3d. sis., South side
MANl'F.U'Tl'ItES and keeps constantly
on hand, nl wholesale und retail, the fol
lowing articles, of a superior quality, ut reduced
prices : Hold and Silver Pencils, do Thimbles, do
Finger Shit Ids, Silver Table, desert, Tea, Suit
und Mustard Spoons, do Forks, Soup and Oyster
Ladles, do Combs, Purse Clasps, Scissor Hooka
ami Chains, Knitting Sheaths, ir.
ALSO, Jeweller)', Plated and llrittuiiuia ware,
(ierniim Silver Spoons, & e.; Cold Diamond poiii.
led Pens at various prices; Jackou' Sujierior
Everpointed Leads, Ac, Ac.
Philadelphia, May 20, 1819
C11F.S An excellent article, for sala at
ball ihe usual price, bv J. W. FKILINU.
Bunburv, July 7, 1749
Mill's celebrated Horse and Caltla Medi
cine for sale bv HENKV MAsSEK
Suubury Jan. Iith, 181'J
Jtnilall diseases arising from n disordered
vtver or z,lomaci in both MUe and
Female :
flitch RS rVnisliiuilinn t...-J ra- n, j .
lliJ.,rJ', i- '',','!f ,!''' f"niM-h, Nniisen, en,.u,
i ISKIISt for t nod. 1 ulluesl or Weiirhl in ll,. Hl,.mnel. ;
' J" 'i'k"n "', v,n" si the pit ,w the Stomach
Vh.., ?. . "M"""1' ""rri"' "'"i'"11 H'Clithiinr,
I " " ",e """'l' '. or Suirtcnti sen-nllon.
... ,. ... .. .,.,, is.siure liunnr-.s of Vision. Dolt or wclii
Cclchratcd (iennan Hitlers.
1 neir power over tne snove tlisense. is not exeelleil If
equalled by imy other prcpnnition in the I niteil Suite,
li. the cures attest, in ninny cine. ,ftt.r .killful physician,
hail failed. 1 1
iM i.inaemeut 01 ine i.iver nml stnnmeh nre s .urei-. f
w 111 aiso protiuee uisense 01 tne ileart, Skill,
Luiiirs nnd Kidneys, tun! lays the open to an slla..i .,1
the Cholera. Itilions, nr Yellow Fever, nn.l is uenemllv tli.
lirsl ..( . I .- , ..ui I .t: .. .. '
- ...nn... uise.ine, t.oiismupi 0,
Opinions of ihe Philadelphia Press.
1 rlllllof rlm not ..
. Ay, nVA.U;a,,,',: Al KDICI fc.-Ve linve fmnicntly
ii 1,1 '.en ituiers. inaiiulaeturett hv Dr
llootllaud. s.ken ol in term, of conimemlalion. nut) we
know desert idly si. It is a to. 1 comm. 11 practice, in cer
tain ipiai lers. t p(f all manlier of useless Irash. hut iu Ih
nlsive lliiters. hundred, are liviiitr witnesses ot llieir trreat
moral and physical worth. As 11 m.-lieuie of the lat er
t,..ii..l..t..r. J; liee. Nervous D.-bihty null Dyspepsia, it
,l'1"; " l"",id intahial.le, elfeeiina; cures nnd' tli.,roi..hly
eradieatnnr diseases, wli. ll nil other m.-ilieiues have faTle.l.
VVeteel coin iee,l. Hint in the use of the Hitters,
the patient,l .e.,ne del.ilitaled. Iu eostan: K iia.ns
flreiiKth and v,Kort,e ,a,nea faet worlhv of ureal
c..n.,.. ran .. II,,. Huiers are pleas.-,,,! in taste and s,a. II,
ami cm he mini mistered under any eireiiuistanees. n tho
,u si ,1 I-Mir stoma, h I I. 1 , .,. ,.., i. ,
S 'IIS W-ll'l l-
ll, ..' tf'l I lit,' In.;.
C'.i.ini.-iii'.. tt itli
I-....-, -ii.iy. 11 w.-til.l he w.-a tor
1 cled in the 111 rvous sts.eiu. In
,:' le-i nl'.. I or levs. and L'r.nlnalK i,..
k trout exiierien.-e. und nre of e tnrse. a
cr.vis.. vt ,-s
pr .,-r 'I',,
:r.-s . ir t-,.-
Iiot'i- un Mel In re
lo the atllielvd Vt
C..,,U,.-,,.Mlir . j
in at l-.i.Ii.,!1!- .i.h i
in-ill 111' !.-;,.. tin.
ih-ir in.-,..
'-IXMiru not l). I I lKNS !,., nre invalid,, knew
llieiii-.iiv,..t.,u,.!,,,li ,,,. nvo ,.,.,, ,.,,,,! ,,v
lr. II i.lllan,! s C.-l..l.iale, ti.-rinnn Hitlers If tli.-v if.
n .t. tv,- r.-c .,.iii,.-ii,l il., tt lirriuaiiMcliciiia S-lorr,''
nil who are llllt.-led with I.iver Complaint. Jaiin-lire. IHs.
pepsin. r Nervous IM.Miiy ; the l),-t.,r ha.eurnl ninnv'f
oiii citizen utter the 1,,-st phtsicia,,. I.: failed. We h'av.
""'ll " '; "ml to lie n llicllcine Hint et'ery
one should kn ,tf"l. und we retrain (rivhnr our ten-liiu-.iiy
iu then luvor, nnd that vvhi. li trif. s them im-aler
cluuiiiijsiiioiirliiiiiilileeilort, th.'viire enlirelj- Vegetable
.lulv 4th s-it-s : .
"W e spenk Itnrivvi.iali of I ir. II . ''s Celebrated Cer
man llill.-is. vt lu u we S1V ,t is a blesstntr of tins nre; nail
III diseases.,! th. l,il,.,rt-. dislive nnd .Nervous Srstems. il
hns not we think nil e.iial. It is n Veiretal.le I'r.'i.n.nlion.
and made vt ilhout Ale ,l,l. nn.l to nil invalids tve would re
eomincnd it ns worthy their confidence.
.V.'.'l ."'';'.' " holesale mid relnil. nl the principal tletsit,
o ' y,N M'-:U-'IXH STOKi:, No. Ul. Arch Kneel
l'liiladelpliin. '
For sale by M. A. MeCAV. Nortliiiluberland and Sun
S.'.plr"'"1 r,',l"'''!:lhl dealers g.-nerally tliraiigliout tl.t
April SI. l-lr. y
The. Pupil's friend and Teacher's com fort
'i 'lib i oi.i .MliiAN CALCl LATOR. This
Work is already. introduce.! into uome nl' .1,.
Iiest Acnil.imies and n large utimlier of Schools,
where its use has eiven decided nn.l ii.ii,n, .t
' u.x o in-, loeo itllll
tisfaciion, b.uh to teacher nnd pupil.
American iu its character, based up
beautiful ilrrimal siixtem uf rwr
It is purely
mum our own
iiuiiill nrci mat Mxfriii itt riii rnirn. It eo:, lams
more, the arrangement are better, and it is the
easiest and cheapest work of the kind now in use;
uuti it is so consnicrcd ley hundred ol the mo.-t
competent teachers and men nf science in the Uni
j tin, who h ue recommended it. It is the book.
. particularly nu, expressly prepared for our Am-
nc. i:i &:'i.,l,ir : Hi, A-' mint Tir.imr.
'I'" I'- o I Til's ( 'ol.l M HI t . ITOII. Thi.
j volume contains 1 pages, with about 1,01) exam
pie f.,r solution on the slnle. It embraces th,
, I ui:,!. .no nt al Litle. t ompound Kules, Simple
.in i t i.iuponmi Kt.:iii!i..n, iiu.c id 1 lire
Pi 'portion, .v.-,-.
I i ici. Mir s A tti ru "i:Ttc ti I'aiii i.s.i destined
. lor the use ol ounu'er classes in tb.i Schools of the
i 1 luted States. A beautiful little book and pica.
imt to ehil.licn, and the only oneol'the kind of unv
I value.
i There are Keys to both Arithmetics bound sin-
- t . . . I It . ,'.!. ...
ui 1. 1 oo.ioie, tor tuc convemcnee ot, is, in
wliic.i I lie solutions of the questions are given with
muci extra matter lor the black board. The
Kevs are the most complete works of the kind ev
puniisiict, nml contain, in ndditioii, about two
hundred examples in Mensural ion, ,Ve., for the
use of the Teacher. All that is wanted is to have
the alnne books examined, and no teacher who is
acquainted with the science of Arithmetic, will
hesitate to pronounce them the best works tha
liave ever Ih-cii published m this or any oilier
Although issued hut n few nionlhs, thrv have
already been introduced into the N ight Publir
Schools of New York City in nil the Schools
public anil private, except two, in the City of
heading. Also, in about twenty Aeailutnics in the
State of Pennsylvania in a large portion of the
Schools in the City of Wilmington, in the City of
Lancaster, and in the Uoroughs of Harrisburu
York, ( 'huiuber.sburg, Lebanon, Dov lestown, Potts-
ville, Orwigsburg, tfxe., iVe.
lors.itci.y iiKxiir M, Siiubury, Agent
for .xorlliuiubei'lau.l County.
Sunbury, Dee. 2, 1SJS.
FIIIUS Powder is wnrrantcd far superior to any
I thing in use for imparling a keen, sinoothed.ic
to i;,iztin, Surgical instruments, und all kinds of
tine Ci n.r.itr ; it may be applied to anv kind i f
strop. Also superior Itaor, Knives, und IVn'u
lnerv, whoiesule and retail, bv
Depot of Fine 1! i irs. Strops, Dru-hes, and
l heap I' ancy (, .No. IS South I llili street u
hove Chestnut Philadelphia.
Pun tiiKLi'iiit, Feb. loth, lSl!t.
This may certify that I have used one of the
Strops prepared with HAYNEs' MACIC DIA
MOND POWDEIi, and can attest in the most
unequivocal nmiiner, that there is nothing can be
found that will produce the same ellivl in my opin
ion, and must say to others, try it, and you will
Iiml it superior lo any bejel,, fore in use. I enn
truly say that I never knew what a sharp razor
w as iH'lore.
JOHN SCOTT, Iron Safe Maker, 41 S. Third si.
Fu 1 1 t in i.rut t, October, 1SH.
A very liaid heard and lender face has eomH-.
led ma to seek und lft many contrivances design
ed to make shaving easy and pleasant, but with
iuilitlerent success, until I made use of the Magic
DIAMOND POW DEK. sold by Alfred Dennett,
and KoiismT shut ing Cream. Their united pow
er act like magic, and impart a power to the Razor
to remove the most stubborn beard, without irri
tating; the skill or temper of their owner.
J. CO.Y, 411 South Fitlh Street.
For sale at this office Price 23 cts. jier Uoi
Noveiulsrr 3.", 1S4S bin.
Valuable Rooks.
T IFE op Cubist, handsomely hound, D'Ar
J Bl,.;'s Ills-roar or tiik Ibluiutrint,
Ilnxk Dav-hooks imi, full bounded.
For sale at tiie pul, Usher prices by
II. b: masser.
Sunbury, July 11, 1S49.
ev of P s, in, on v. n pnm '" lhp l'l,I)ePleten.
tn l. r li, ei' ). :""w'l'' M'" ""'I lives, fnin
In I he Sale, Bnek. lie. L. ftr sl,len flush, -s a(
lleat, I r,,,K i the l-'lesh, ConstHut Imaiininss of evil
ml great depression of Spirit. Cm lie eflt,"t,mlly enrett by
C Motion Yarn, Cotton Cariict Chain, Cotton Laps
and Wadding, Cotton Outlines, Heady made
Pantaloons, made Vests, Congress Knives,
Porcelain lined jireserviuu; kettles, iust received
for sale by II. MASSEK.
Sunbury, Dee. S. 18W.
IP TENT of all kinds, Harrison'
willing and in. 1. -II. Me ink, Col ion yarn and
laps, just received and lor sale by
Sunbury, Dec. l?ls.
a sovrrtntJN hemldy for.
" tndsor. Vrmnf
IVjrMAA, in or.f M,, Aei.fsi , 'rV. ,m."'' b Heartburn, hn.itnl
riles. Nieht Swents, "T'1"', " Appstit.,
Phthi.itvJ nml"'7 rh,l,i.u.amJn" .(?ywti
inent of ll,e St.tnmeh it..- ' fMe""l wit), denuife
Ilrealhllitr. which often resitlis fiZS '! "",) Difficult
l)t s,,e Syspnren.) i re ST di'"io"
their use tins been prove,! h,T UJ,"in
.tniptom, ,hat proc'eeil l'rn,n . Xt.ftn.i?f " ,h
tun. of the8t.,rnoe),i ,n In Vwml hii7 ""c emdiJ
npe or from the eifect. of IT1'11 'V '"' froirt
A(fiie. Femnle. unrini mulee .'.'Jt . rly eerer
"rising fnnn rrk,.iTftlf ' d'"sTme"
-.. excellent remer,,, . , in.
cine tn
,v u 'mdS 'fe'! . II hn. mnrl. M
nerns Nonrliheinl m. . h 'Zl ! OW"
rirty n,l thrnst if iiiT m,l,hX JlT". "" Vn "
"tore even l.een y ,"SZ l,eh"'1"1"'11- " n.vef
mnrknl.t. ' -.V'"1' ,n" hnvilW first a mi-n i..
mnrknbli. effiinev in ll ii.!. " "J ",K'n tf
"I""!!"" -t...i.n..erl to hi. J?Wl. !2! 11
qiiiiiulniiees with n I.I,.. r...,,i. - """ecu irintd. nnd
tc.''-.l until i, J',, ;V , ' ""''""i"" RJu.ll,
I ni "li. ..s n n,e,l. ... ?V ri''nit lurtl nf
i.ts. ,sm , , indifferent ,,',. ui in. cur. (
Asiluua r ', . , , r ""' "!"' lr the cur f
lis )se.. lt. .Vrv .'.f ill w ."'V ""' itton'r ut"r
ry instiiiK-e .r,. ,, : ' ' ' fnen.l to Ir.end. In va-
K,,w ,, ,e i:;:; - .j-. ;::
"::::rz t,rg"lnr em7 ;
r,.,ri,.,r- i:,v, t,,.,,. "',,,",'? poMsnwrn of th.
kiiown to tl,e p,i,t. 1 b' leriom already widely
"-IMWiIt, Vt., nrM?-,-, rraprirtor.
The fnllnw illg !,, , jinve
reeeiveil t
unr vn I... ;.. .. .
be l
finx.iTi.x. n
P.. .lev in IQift
I their r:Ii,
r.-i- .imi, ,.-.,. n.
snsl.un tl,o rii-
icy in other cos, ., weeheerl'nlly
.lie. Is- ievnis that they will fully
n "I the Proprietor. XV. ho
"i t" llieiml,
that this i i.i.. ...... " ie i-roprieior. vv. ho.a
throntrhont ,,P eon tn tie., l'i"'y ,"" K""-'rnly ""
..ill.e,. ,l "Hurt that it may ,e access ,1.1c t. .It th.
SAMt'KT, Hll' .
"''I'l'!! I I'll M. f. S. Senator frnm Termoat.
S. Senator from It. Islaad
. ii'oii.iii;a), f
' "I Ke,iti,-iy
. Senator and formerly Uovera'
,-,l..vll.XII .). V.,l re. .. . .
vern-.r ni I "" .nigrcs. nnn lormerly fj-
W -M. 'lCi:i;mi:l- i- s, o . .
vcrnor ,.f Mi, i, ,,,., 1 ' neiviinr aim tonneny O.
.xi. ,. X VICI'IV tv..,.
,,. .. ..... f.-ie;
'I'guta iu Congre.. frota Miminii
l el l lioi y.
rroin Hon.
D. Foteh. Member i'C.nre r...
I cnust lyiinin.
Dear Sir -I I,-.,-. "l"xTo, 1). C. Jc 10. tM.
'ns. nnd have res. ,rte V ', 1 1 """rrT 'ut te.f
lit sueeess in ' , i"iieiur. lor relie!
I hrive II, e l " ' ,"' V""" " '."F""""'
restored to
p.'rl eel
r,-, is'toes, ami nud mvMir
ease rli.,w
sl'.niaeh. I
,',! us
I 11,11 'he forms in which th. di
in iny case, xvere. .rent nei.litv r .h.
pation ..I hie I,,,,. . , '',,. ". natiiienee, .ever,
rons that a ku .i,-le.l,... . laiieiie. reeling den-
"Mierssi,,,,!;,; ; ,i 1 V"'"''""1'- 7"-'- -nay'reach
iu mi t.-ten',,,. , ,!' ' ' ' Frcat plemi... m ree.rd
re.:i,. taa "t' . . r"7"':'T l-w'r- would .!
nd.iiiu,.,,. .. ' ' "V , '"""" " " ". I
tt iil ir , s . T I." " """"r f ffl,e"4
should establish ,' "" ".'. -v "re desirous that y.n
where, , X 'T'"?' V "'r'"'- "r th.rn
ire to, v' " ' ', "",""1' "1'"h "" 'ar"e"t d" voiir lr ie ' '' h:'l'l'"i-i". I snhserihe mtatelf,
l.e- .i,:o. l Lees-X,-: II. I). FOSTKR.
st. .i.i it-,. .... : " 'r' i-
""" -''" by 'been
Jk Fletchw, M.
t , V ' ,r"'. I'lMla.lelplim.
Aje, f.r a,il,.,rt-II. It. Xsst:R.
.... ... , ,, ,iia.,.xi AI'K A V
' 11 A AC.
, ., i ;,,., t, ,
April lo, l-s
-J. i;. hi:nn
Ib'iit pciimt vour Horses or cattle to die, whaa
t ie means t.f erne are within the reach of all !
Tlie in,,'. ol' e
r cued has -petit several vears in tba
Hilary practice in "Loiefnii and K
' lias I'!--., availed bimseil of th resear-
' I.i
eh.'-of !
ol'ai:i:ii .
iu ll.e r,
re'--. l ,;,
sii.c.v ll (
tnciiie.i a
. ami otuereeh brated tncn.whohava
-.1 ,
mo. n tcvTii-ils n!cioi.jir....t...-t
: the priuc'i'lcs of our practice cormi.ts
en m oi.e. ral bleeding a, toU
ol ad iiieiii.-iues that experienca baa
'.' ! a dan jorous tetulaoev I'l.--
act in h.ii' with tlie vital principle and
'ten nccirdimr to the .lire.-H,..,. ,..i.:i.
. a niutii sc.-
any i-.ieh al Ucle they bio capable of exciting
increasing t;,P natural functions, without di'
s.i lei , i
.. M ,,i,.lr power, lienc art omuls ot everv one.
" (;. H. DADI), M. .
A List ut Horse and t aula Medletae..
Pl.t sic bulls, ;:,c. per box.
Alterative ball, 7.V do.
powders for bad condition, 75c per pack
Henvc powder for disease, of the lung., tie
I nne powder for " kidney., 75e
I onic powder lor bad condition glande'r., 75e
Cordial think lor inlbimalioii of bowela 75e
bottle. '
Liquid blister, 73c per bottle.
Ointment for promoting the errntli of hair,
I '
Healing balsam for wounds and saddle call. 78c.
per bottle. '
Wash for inflamed eyes, 50c per bottle.
Ointment for mange scratches, old sore's, Ae.. 30a
per bottle.
Embrocation for norc throat, ?5c per Imttle.
Hoof ointmeiit for sand crack, brittle hoof, Ac, 60e
per bottle. '
Horse l.iiiiincnt. the most celebrated article known
m England for lameness of everv description. 75c
tV s-1 pel boltle.
Distemper potvder for red water, 81 j-rr Mtle.
orm powders for the removal of worms from
the intestinal canal. 73kt packa.'e.
For sale by S J'l 1'st ). A K"KKn 8n Mf.
chii.ts Unv, nl,,, ilt DA I ID'S IlojjsK AND
I I ay market S piarc. Doston.
, 1'''U, libit ; th -e.ibing the diseases for which
I. a s,- rcnedics aieused can be i,t, gratis.
N'l.''os 'eitilicates .are in n.,s.;.. -r .u-
jiii. lo.s. oiVmrs performed by the abo,.
s,,l Iby (JKEKN A FLETCHEK, No. S6 South.
SIX I H .-street, Piuladelphi.1. and l.y his
An i:ts Hkmit Misstu, Suubury,
February 3, 1S19 tf
IJI'Ai) the lollovviiii; eeitifi.'i.te from Capt. Devoe. tha
'l'r ay"' i . j""w" i"'l"'li'r Shttin Captain (of th.
PiiiLAnFi.ritiA, OctolH-rSI. IRte.
I vva utuicketl with a brenklllt out
Several years since
on niv neei. ui tlie loriu ot retter.
was e .ulracled ut the llarlicr'.SItor
t-.l over n,y face uatil it rcni-licd
which 1 am eouvtited
i. ll uruiulually eateiHl
' lie u..xt port of lh
elieeks. lluriiiK tlie several muti.l
spitridini.'. I IIS.-.I dill. -rein uppliealioliL llie of which had
the rib-, i. appiei.lly at least, ol i.ierrasi.itf the dimue, but
l ,ll'ii"" Ill, in did I perceive the hint beneBt until I
applied ihe ItosK tlisrMKvr. Hy the use of one Jar of il
I wa s rltvtly euivd and hate remained free of the affec'
tn. u.
lluit it eoniinued
I have sin.- usisl the (liniment, liphtly npplied for r our h
ies ol the face, blotches, chapped hands. 4P. With per-
te.'l sue
I nave a.. Iiesilnlloii m, i. ii
the strongest manner to the public
Aceut llrviiT Masser, Suiiburv.
July i-, 1-pi.
(ireen'a Oxygenated Hitter, price reduced.
Old Jacob 'Fownsend'a Sarsaparilla.
llakt r'a Sarsaparilla.
Swayne'a Syrup of Wild Cherr
Swayne' N'erinifuge.
Ayrc's Cherry Pecloral
Dr. Drake's Panacea.
Dr. Culleii'a do
Tlbbit's Pain Killer.
Dr. Hoofland's Cerman Eitters-
Indian circtaMc Pill
Horse and Cattle Medicines
For sale by HENRY MASSER.
hunbury, July I I, lSI'J.
IHIOK.S and Cold
. .... ....... . . , ... limit. Kirisi i ..j
' i.'d of ibe lil' .,f ' ....1 ..1... . ,,mU. 1
1 1 i. ...i
tl pens which we will sell at tha Philadelphia.
prices. 1 or sule at Ihisolhce.
a ul TEN1NG.S A cheap and excellent artj
vie lor fasteninjah foit sale hy
J. W.
Sunbury, July 7, IS 19.