Vgrtcultural. POTATO F.S Til EIR CULTIVATION. 'A writer in the Harrisburij Telegraph fives trm foUovrltiR instmetione and advice regard ing the cultivation of the potato, now the moat valuable article In the whole cataloguo of escelents : The potato crop ia one of preat value and importance to the farmor. Perhaps we may assert and without rendering onrself amena ble to the change of extravance, that it ia the crop from which, when judiciously managed the hand of cultivation realizes its richest and most valuable rewards. True we hear iuch in commendation of the beet, the turnip, carrot and pamips, and thesd unquestionably possess a very high de gree of value, and, under favorable circum stance, maybe cultivated with conriderable profit, but the potato, from its peculiar habits of growth, its hardiness and great aflluance of nutritive matter in proportion to its mass, has, I think, after all, a legitimate and indis putable claim to superior consideration. The subsidence of the singular disease which has of late years so extensively injured this valu. able production, both in this country, and in Europe, gives occasion for the pleasing hope that the annihilation of It is not to bo any longer feared. Though, in particular locali ties, and under the influence of peculiar and erroneous systems of culture, if may re-appear, or continue, yet, that its ravages will be increased, as some have imagined, till the elpense of cultivating will equal or exceea the value of the crop, I cannot see any reason to believe or fear. At all events, its prevalence has not thus far, operated to the injury of the farming or producing classes, inasmuch as the diminu tion of crop, has more than been counter-ba lanced bv the increase of the price. This will be at once apparent, of we reflect that in those sections where potatoes were sold previous to the advent of the 'rot,' or 'plague, for ten cents per bushel, they have since its prevalence, brought from fifty toseventy-five T5 the producers, therefore, its prevalence has been a blessing rather than a disadvan tage, and the consumer, whose circumstances make him a purchaser, is the only one that should complain. For stock feeding, the po tato is itivaluublo. lis nutritive properties are considerable, it is easily raised, and may be led whole ; characteristics which do not appertain to any other vegetable of the root tribe that can be named. Besides, it is par tial to no particular soil, growing equally well with proper management, on all. As to the best, most successful, and most economical mode of cultivatiou there exists great discre pancies of opinion among both theoretical and' practical men. , For many years I have been in the habit of raising this vegetable, and in order to as certain the most philosophical system, have varied my practice so as to embrace almost the entile list of theories which I have been made ncquninted with either by oral instruc tion, or suggestion, or by the press. The ys tern, however, which 1 have found most successful, is the following: - As soon, as the grass has well grown in the sprine, or has made a sufficient crop to insure a considerable degree of enrichment to the soil when turned in, I introduce the plough, and invert the sward with a deep and even furrow.' 1 then take on a heavy roller, and traverse the piece in the same direction taken by the plough, passing sufficiently often over the surface to ensure a degree of smoothness such as will favor the operation of the hap row, which I pass both longitudinally and transversely until the surface is reduced to a fine and proper tilth. The manner is then carted on, and spread about eight carts to the statute acre, and harrowed in. Furrows are then drawn for the seed, which is depo sited with plaster, one gill to each hill, and the whole covered with the hoe. .As soon as the plants appear, a dressing of gypsum and house ashes, or lime, mixed thoroughly in the proportion of half and half, is applied directly around the hills, say large spoonful to each. This is repeated after hoeing, anj when the blossoms appear, one bushel of gypsum to the acre is sown broad cast by the hand when. the foliage it wet with dew, or just before night, if the weather be calm. In this simple manner, 1 have succeeded in raising excellent crops, year after year, in despite of drought and "rot." If the soil, at the time of planting, be wet, the roller will better be dispensed wiih. On lands also, which have much alumina in their textures, and which consequently from a con stitutinnal enor, are liable or evince a ten dency to consolidate, or become viscid, or plaster in wet weather, it had better not be applied, as by its action, the evil results of extreme moisture or actual wetness will be increased. I have practised the above method, with only such slight variations as appeared to be demanded by the difference of the constitu lional texture, on almost every description o soil, end with equally fortunate results. On sandy lands, the roller I consider indispensa ble. Its action, when it is of proper form and weight, produces a degree of consolida tion which is highly requisite to their success ful cultivation, and which cannot be to effec tually anj economically conferred iu any other wav. ' Al-THOicii Couhting is one of the mo, heavenly pasfimea ever invented, getiinjj married, we think one of llie most serious a'nd alupiJ. To white kid yourself is bud enough, but when you como to add to white kids "the blue coat and white trowsers of plighted affections," the position you begin Ui occupy forms a spoony sensation upon the mule lunatic, that even girls and orange blos soms cntinut appreciate. In our opinion, the most riilii-ulousday a man ever passes through is the day he gels man it'll, even if it be not attention wuu a un-panuioyicai serenade in the evening. Albany Dutchman. '"flow it Works, Proud men never have friends, neither in prosperity, because they know nobody; nor in adversity, because then nobody knows ihero. domcuodt advertises in an exchange paper m lost wallet, ' beloiigiinj to a gentleman "Encourage Your Own!" HAAS & RENN. FASHIONABLE MAKE OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS, Tlir. . .. ., .. ... HE subscnrespec fully call the "enUon . .... ,.,....v ....... .-. --r t of every quality and price of . ment i ttIlIYI?-W K which cannot fail to recommend itself toevery one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city. No effort is pared in the manufacture of their wire, and the lubscrihers are determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made Their stock consists of Mahogany Sofas, Dlv-nna and LoungeR, Bureaus, Sccrctavfrs,sncfcoartis, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DININQ TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of their business. 1 bey also manufacture all kinds and qualities of CHAIRS, nciuding varieties never before to lie had in Sunbury, such as Mahogany, Black Walkct M) timtn Mirudntnis isd Wtunsna CHAIRS, An taxct Piano Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in tlie Cities or elsewhere. The subscribers are determined that there shall 1 no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about the quality and finish of their ware and Chairs. Their articles will be disposed of on as good terms as they can he purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. IJf LiNDElii AK1NU attended to on reason- able terms. tUT The Ware Room is in Market Street, opposite J. 1 oung s store, and nearly opposite Weavers tavern. DANIEL HAAS, GEORGE RENN. Sunbury, April 28, 1849. tf THH PEOPLE'S VADE-MECUM COMPRISING A COLLECTION OF OVER 200 VALUABLE RECIPES, In the Useful and Interesting Arts with a few Simple and Carious Experiments In CHK.MISTRY ! T NCLUDING Medicines, Perfumery, Chemistry Cookery, Farriery, Dying, Confectionary, Do mestic Economy, etc etc etc. Price 61 eta., for sale by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, Dec. 8, 1849. FIRE PROOF CHESTS, l'Ull BUUK5, PAPERS, JEWELRY, tc, EVAMS & WATSON, No. 90 North Third street, between Arch and Kace, ana 83 Dock street, OPPOSITE THE PHILADKLl'HIA EXCHANGE. Patent Soap-Stone Lined and Key note lover SALAMANDERS, FIRE AND THIEF PROOF IRON CHESTS, Warranted to stnnd more Hsnt than any Chests in this Country. Also Potent Air-ChHtiiber Irtm f'liuarfai till Mi ai...a. i.. mi .1h'-'"S"'l IW"W ssT ill uac. A UCJf also riHiiinue to nuke the orditia- LiLrV t irf ITtmlsl nt Vru l.ntr nrinss V li Jlt n,ent '"nn'hinttnn kx'ks. With Giin0e KevH. which ran It flmnsrsMl 9rm "rtvrrni uumrcmu utnra CDRnsea- Me in fact every time the I-utLt is used if dntiinhle. These tVx-Ki are pnmf nguinit the most exiwrt Thieves, beins supplied with the Patent Key-hole Cover, and made very it roup, they cannot he blown nnen i iv iiuiip"vier. j iirne iah.'s ure inicnueu I or iAiria S'TOUKS. SAFES. e. h ii land lettei cupymir preew.1. fire proof doors for Bankt ami snnrea. Patent Slate Lined Kefriccrotori. warranted iiinerior to an otiien. titer t titers, nnower liami 01 the best qual- t'sT' Perannt wishinr to nnrehnse anv of tlie above ar- tu-lcs, will please irive them s call, as they sell cheaper i! uui auy ouier iu uie i aueu tnies. I1J l'.VA, JOHANNES WATSON. Philadelphia, November 10, 1H9 ly STP.AV" BOITITET 4' HAT MANUFACTORY, No. 30 North Second street, opposite the Madison House. yV& subscribers would call the attention of . Country Merc-bants and Milliners to their ex tensive assortment 01 lusuionauic BrRins asu Summer Bokmeti aku Hats of tlie newest styles. also, a large anil general assortment of French and American Artilleial Flowers, Ribbons. Crown Linings, Oil Silk, ire, Quillings, Buckram. Scc. n hich they offer at prices that defy competition. r. li. i'alm Leal Hats by the case or dozen. W. M. & J. E. MAULL, Bonnet and Hat Manufacturers, 30 North 2d street, Philadelphia June 2, 1849 HICKEY & TULL, Ao-160 t liexnut ktreet, (Opposite the Arcade) riXIX.ADEX.rHIA. i I A N I'F ACTL'RE ItS of their improved styla i'A Elastic Steel Spring, Solid 8ole Leather, and t-oliil Kivetcd which took the only first premium, awarded by the franklin Institute at their fast eihiuition. H. & T. take pleasure in informing the travel line public, that they have now on hand, a beau tiful assortment of their improved st vie of Solid Sole Leather Trunks; Double and Single Folio Trunks, of various styles ; l.adies Trunks, Va- lice Trunks, Bonnet Boies, Cap Cases, Carpet Bags, and en elegant assortment of superior En ameled Patent Leathar Bags, with every article in their line of business. I""" Old Trunks Repaired or taken in exeliange tor New ones. AL.K.V. L. HICKEY. RICHARD W. TULL. Philadelphio, Nov. 17, 1B49.- TICKNOR'S COLUMBIAN ftPELLINO BOOK. TJ EING a progressive and Comprehensive Sys tern of Orthograpy and Orthoepy, including a variety of definitions, adapted to the use of Schools iu the American Republic, by Alinon Ticknor, a Teacher of twenty-five year's eiperi- ence, and author of the Columbian Calculators, frac-tn-al Common Kchool Mensuration. Ac 1 lie attention or I eacliera, rH'hool Directors, parenta, &c, is invited to this new Spelling Book, which conforms to the modern stiellinir and usuirea in Orthography as being one of the neatest, cheanest best arranged, and better adapted to the wants of children, than any other published in the United Stats. It is what it puriorta to be. a Sncllina: Book and not a Reading Book, and only requires an examination ou the part of Instructors of youth to secure for it a universal introduction into tlie Schools of the United Stales. Just published, and for sale by HeNbt MassEb, Sunbury. Where Teachers and Directors can procure copies ror examination. August 4, 184 . ry ISSUE PAPER. Yellow Tiue paper for 1 covering glasses, &., for tale at lbs oAmc ol the A meriMa. 1 AZOKS. A surierior article for 1 store of 11 E.N it V K le at the MASSES. Sunbury, Feb. 16, 1850, LETTER savslopas, of various kinds, at this efl'ice. fVr sale At excellent article fur Tetter, 4C, juat received ami lor sale by HENRY MAaSEK. Sunbury, July 18, 1849. 171EE BILLS Justices and Constables Fee Bills handsomely printed on caid paper, for SK!tL-JI".? mm v-aS "A I ' SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAM0K1N DRFJ.J-UPDEGRAFF RESPECTFULLY informs the cittrens or Danville and the public at large, that he has located in Danville, and is now prepared to prac tie Madielrfai mnA Nnrcmra In all ita various bran- ehes. He will operate On all the various forms of blindness, ctobs eyes, club feet, harelip, cleft ,nd' ,,,,, J, tllwrttal of tum0, amputation of limbs, and all other surgical ais- tt. His collection of instruments comprises sll instruments in modern Surgery, of the latest improvement and finest finish. He flatters him self that many years' practice and experience will be a sufficient guarantee to those who mr v feel disposed to employ him. His residence ia nearly opposite the Mont frame ry Buildings, and next door to Isaae Rosen- baum s store, in North Danville. Danville, Dec. 1, 1849. ly. TO PHYSICIANS, MCGGISTS AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS. TAS. J. N. KEELER A Bro. most respectfully ' solicits attention to their fresh stock of Etur- lish, French, German and A meiean Dmttn, Med icines, Chemicals, faints, Oils, Dye Ottilia, Glass ware, Perfumery, Patent Medicines &c Having opened a new store No. S94 Market St. with a full supply of Fresh Drugs and Medicines, we re spectfully solicit Country dealers to examine our stock Iwfore purchasing elsewhere, promising one and all who may feel disposed to extend to us their patronage, to sell them genuine Drugs and Medi cines, on as liberal terms as any other house in the L ity, and to faithfully execute all orders entrusted to us promptly and with dispatch. One of the proprietors being a regular physician. affords ample guarantee of the genuine quality of -II .:.. IJ .I.-! . . IT 1 . an uriicics wuiu pi un-ir cstanusnmcni. We especially invite druggiats and country merchants, who may wish to become agents for nr. Heeler i eiedratea family Medinnes, (stan dard and popular remedies,) to forward their ad dress. Soliciting the patronage of dealers, we respect fully remain. J. N. KEELER & BRO.. Wholesale DruaeisU. ISO. 24 Market street, Phi adc D iia. September 15, 1849. ly. WALL PAPERS. riHE Subscribers have on hand the largest as 1 sortmcnt of Wall Parma in the city of Phi ladelphia, Wholesale and Retail, consisting of every variety suitable for Parlors, Entries, Dining Kooins, L-hambers, ace, which for quality and style cannot be surpassed. Doing a cash business we are enabled to sell a better article at a much lower rate than any store doing a TRADE BUSINESS. On hand, a large assortment of Wide Pahs, for Curtains, Fire Prints, Borders, Ac, which will be sold for Cash. Paper Hanging done in the country at city prices. N. B, Dealers are invited to call and examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere. MINIM & U L ktun, No. 142 Arch Street, South side Philadelphia, May 26, 1849. ly CUTLERY. AN extensive Stock of Pocket and Table CUT T.F.RV ..fl. K J0E1T 1C. COLEMAIT. Nos. 32 and 33 ARCADE, and 8, North 1 HIKU Street, Comprising 5000 dozen Penknives, Scissors and Kazors. Also, a choice assortment of Rodeers 4- Sons, Wostenholm'i Gieave's W. 4; 8. Bn teller's and Fi nney's Cutlery, Also, Spanish, Dirk and Hunting Knives. Also, Guns, Pistols, and Bowie Knives. Also, The American Razor Strop, a superior ar ticle, worthy the attention of Dealers. Cann Dealers in Cutlery, will find the above Stock worthy their attention, as the Subscrilier's chief business is importing and selling cutlery. Philadelphia, June 9, 1849 ly MARSH ALL'S Concentrated Saraaparllla, For the cure of Tetter, Scrofula. Erysipalas, Piles, Chronic Kheumatism and all disorders of the Blood, Mercurial Diacase, Ac. TT is recommended to Physicians and others, as 1 the strongest preparation now in use, and en tirely different from that put up in quart bottles, possessing little or no active principle of the Saraa parilla, but intended to deceive the public. For sale by M. A. McCAY, Northumberland. HEYL'S EMBROCATION for Horses will cure Sprains, Bruises, Cut, Galls, Swellings, and all complaints requiring an external remedy. I) is highly useful in Spavin, Curb, Ringbone, stiff ness of tlie Joints, cracked Heels, 8plints, Ac. It has also been used with great success by per- sous afflicted with Rheumatism, and other com plaints. Prepared only by W. Marshall, Philadel phia, and for sale by M. A. McCay, Northumber land. Philadelphia, May 26, 1849 ly LA III) LA 31 PS. C OR XELIl'l k CO. Ka. 176 Chesaat M, WP ESPECTFULLY announce that they have just finished the most extensive assertment of LAMPS, they have ever oflcred for sals, comprising ELEGANT NEW STYLE CHANDELIERS, yiVAUtl Kd A ajj C. A O. it 1.1 11 A CsLi LIGHTS, &c. In great variety, and of ORIGINAL DESIGNS. Much attention has been paid to ECONOMY. in the construction of these Lamps, and such are made as will produce the greatest amount of light from the leaat consumption of Lard. Kccent improvements in the manufactory, with the introduction of new and perfected machinery, enables them to sell at every GREAT REDUC- J 1UI from former prices, and all articles before leaving the manufactory, are carefully inspected, and are warranted perfectly tight, and to give satis faction. Philadelphia, June 2, 1849. ly STONX3 WARE. frMlE subscriber would most respectfully in I form his friends and a generous public that he is manufacturing the best quality of STONE WARE in all its varieties, and is prepared to sell a little cheaper than any other manufacturer in tlie Union. He is also importing and dealing moat extensively in CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSIVARE, which he otters on the most reasonable terms. His Potteries sre on Bond street north of Fay ette, and China store and dwelling at No. 8, E Baltimore street. DAVID PARR, No. 8, E. Baltimore street, BiiTiHaas, Maryland. February 3, 1650. ly EVEBY HAN HII OWN PATENT MLNN & Co, publishers of the "SCIENTI FIC AMERICAN," have favoured us with s Phampblet containing tlie Patent laws of the united States, together with all the forms necessa ry for applying for a Patent, information in regard to tiling caveats, witn remarks on its uses, etc. a- mount of tee required at tire Patent Office, and etery other information that is necessary to instruct : i i- .- a tiersou in making; nia own appucauona. J rice ii cento single, or V copies for one dol lars sent by mail to any part of the United States. Address At U N & CO, New-York. March 10, 149. Wm. O. ocliran JL Co., Wholesale au4 Retail, WlNB AND LIQUOR MERCHANTS, No. 72 H'oiiiut Street, Philadelphia. AVE always oa hand a very large stock of vt uics, Liquors and Began, ot their owa importation. Store Keepers, Hotel Keepers, and private gentlemen, will be supplied an the asaat liberal terms. . .'1 riwla til1 A VyT. tin 4 Willi i-A I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 "X i S)!J!ei- fjt.t'.o-. kaHHirifiirY vylHUMiiiimif.- n present u tf the public with remHjr for the trmfmnrt . and rare of Fivm ?to Aona end other bilioat diaouee. no ftpolocT is needed. Vast number in the Ilnitrd State. who tuner from thnte nffretiottt in their varied ft irais, ara enmnrtlwl to seek relief from other sources than the imme diate prescriptions of tha regular physician. It becomes theref'ire an object of humanity, aa well as of public inter eat, to brina hrftae them a remedy prepared fiont much ex perience, ana wntcn may aiwaye le relied upon aa satk, arracTCAL, ana HAaMLXsa to tox constitution- That such is the true eharaeter of the INDIA CIIUl.AOOOUE is amply attested by tha universal success with which it baa neen employed. f Extract from a communication of tha Hon. Wil.. Ham WonDBBinoB, of tha V. 8. Senate, late Governor of m icnignn. DlTBOlT, Oct. 11, 1810, DocToa CnALM Osoonn. near nit, i nave read witn mucn Interest, your little TXASATtsa upon tha "causes, trentment and eure11 of the febrile diwaacs which have an extensively prevailed in our country during the last few montiia an interest increased no doubt, bv the fact that I have Individually suffered m much from thera. Though I feel myself very inewnpetent to judpe safely upon a subject so entirely profeeeional, yet your ineory aecma 10 me wen reasonca, ana your ooncia sious just, and I think withal, that your pamphlet is calca nlrd to ptodnce much practical good. Bpeakmf of the medicine he anya : It fully Justified your flattering; expectations, and aa a safe, convenient, and popu lar remedy, mv own experience, so far. induces me to be lieve that it will prove a great public benefit. 1 am pleaaed to learn that you have recently estnlilUhed several aaenciea kt iu aiipwdon mourn regret mat, witn a view hj pfhb KBircnu uimi iiiiiHtiion oi u, -n, n.niH nave luunu nercsanry to remove from your present residence among ua. ft un mucn respect i nave ine nonor to ue, sir, Vour obliged servnnt. WIIUAM WOODBRIDOE. ITf From Hon. STKmsA V. R. Tbowbbiucb. of Mirhl. gan State Senate, to the Axrnt at Detroit. HIBMISQHAM, OAKLAND Co., Dee. 13, 1941. Sir you wish me to inform you whnt I know of Dr. Osgood's India Cholngoane, or anti-bilioni medicine. I do believe that if the virtue and efficacy of this medicine were generally known, the rrviB and aocs would disappear in Michigan. I procured a bottle in the spring of 1841, and have good reason to believe tlint myself and family escaped the ague last season in consequence of ita use. Perhaps in no summer since the settlement of this fine Kninsula, has the fever and ague been so prevalent as the t. I have recommended thia medicine in numerous in stances, and when the diacnae had become fixed and baffled the skill of physicians ; and I have never known it nil. I. has universally produced the most happy cfTecta. and 1 bet lieve it has never been exceeded by any medicine in remo ving the bilious diseoaes of the climate. Youra, reaperlfiillr, STEi'HKN V. R. TROWBR1DOE. Agent for Sunhury H. B. MASSER; Nnrthninlvcilniiit, WITIIINGTOM Co.j Milton, J. 11. RA8KR: Bellas grove, MAY KI.OSK. May 8, 1W8 tf WINSLOW'S BALSAM or IIOllEIIOUNB. Ingratitude Is the baaest crime of man. TlE are not among that class of Editors who for a few dollars will, (at the expense oft ruth and honesty) "crack up" an article and bring it into rapid sale ; neither are we willing to remain silent, after having tested the utility of an im provement or discovery in science or art. Our readers will recollect we told them we were un well with a sore throat and violent cold some few weeks ago. Well, we purchased two bottles of WINSLOW'S BALSAM OF HOREHOUND and so sudden was the cure, that we forgot we ever had a cold. Those who aro afflicted, may try it upon our recommendation. Lewiston Tele- giaph. A fresh supply of the above valuable medicina just received, and for sale in Suubury, by John W. Friling, Mary A. McCay at Northumberland' and at wholesale by Frederick Klett, tc Co., cor ner of 2d and Cullowhill streets, Philadelphia. J'liuaucipiua, Sept. vvu, 1(HX 8 nio. TANNERS TAKE NOTICE. Yew Hide Oil mid Leather Store. No. 1 1 1 North 3d St. 3 doors below Race St. Philadelphia. 11HE sulmcribers offer to the tanners on the most favorable terms their freah imnnrtalion of H idea, consisting of Buenos Ay res, Laplata, Caraccas, LaRuira, Hung-Dry, Chili, Salted Per anihuco and all kinda of Spanish Hides, dry and salted. Also, Green Slaughter. Drv Salted, anil Bloc k Dry Patna Kips, Also, Straights, and Bank oil and a eeneral as sortment of Currier's Tools. They will sell or trade for Danish or Similiter Leather, the above Hides, Kipe, Oil and Tools, on better terms, than old Housea in the city. (. i , i- . .... j ' vasa paid tor ueatner ol all kinds. KEEN & KIRKPATRICK. Philadelphia, May 26, 1849. ly JUST .HE.ITED. A Kew A aorf meutof Frenti Goods. IRA T. CLEMENT, T ESrECTFULLY informs his friends, cus AV tomersand Others, that he haaiuat rereivv,l naiiusome aasonment or NEW GOODS at his store in MsrketSquare in Sunbury, such as Dry Goods, Groceries, Queens- ware, Hardware, &c. Sunbury, June S3, 1849. J. J. GHEE1TOTJGZ. (Late Keller & Creenougli.) PATENT ATTORNEY. AND MECHANICAL ENGINEER, U aahlugton, li. V. "DRAWINGS and papers for the Patent Utlioe, prepared and all the neceseary bu siness, in relation to securing Datenta. trnna. acted, and promptly attended to, at their of- nce opposite ine raieui umce. October 28, 1848. LIQUORS, WINES, &C. rPHE subscriber has just received a new supply of the best liquors that ever came to Sunburv. couaiauug in pan ot Superior old pule Brandy. Fine Cogniae Brandy. Superior Old Jamaica Spirits. New Englaud Rum. Fine Holland Gin. Superior Old Whiskey Common do. Superior Madcria Wine. Lislton do. do. Superior Tort Wine. Burgundy Port do. Sweet Malaga Wine. Superior Claret Wina in bottles. Champagne do. do. HENRY MASSER, Suubury, May 36 1849. STONE WARS. CTONE milk Pans, stone Jugs and Pitchers, J and other articles of stone ware just received and for sale by JUH."M W. r RILING, Sunbury, June SI, 1849. rOLV PENS IN SILVER CASES. A small J lot on hand and for sale by H B.MAS8ER. funbury, April 8, 1850. A1SINS, currants, citron, cbeeee, pepper sauce, &e, ror aals toy W. rKlLINU Sunbury, Dec. S, 1848. OAP8. An assortment just received. Also sclk HATS at U25, for sale by H. MA8SER. Junbury, Dec , 1848. WWTILEY'S COVG1I ClNDY. An excei- T lent remedy for coughs, colds. For sale at this etflc BLANKS.' ULANKS of every description be had by JOURNAL. DR. TOWRSEND'S COIFOCRD EXTRACT OF BARSAl'AIULLA. THIS Extract hi put up m qnart bottlee . It hi eix timet cheaper, ptenmmer. end warranted auperior to any W. It cures dimm without vomiting, purging;, aick aeaa, Of debilitating the patient, and ia particularly adapted ara FALL AND BPRINO MEDICINE. The great bennty and auperioHty of thii tWmparilla ever ouier remeniea ia, wnim n aranimtee aieuaee, it invigorates the body. Ion cured. Clean and Strengthen, Conmmntlon can b cured. Bronchitis. Comunrption, Liver Complaint. Colds, Coughs, vaiarrn, Astnrna,cniuingoT mood, rrene mine Chest, Hectic Flush, Night Sweats, Dim cult and Profuse Ex peroration, and Pain in the Side, Ac, Ac, have and can be cured. Probably there never was remedy that has been an suc cessful in aespfraie eases of eonsumpiion ai tois ( if cieen sea ana streiiatneiis ine svmcm. ami anneun in neni ine ui ceri on the lungs, and patienta gradually regain their uiual healtn and strength. GUR10V8 CASE OP CONSUMPTION There Is scareety a day nssses but there are a number af wsw wniejuinjswiTii Tepurrea as eurea vy wia taw v Town-en's Sarmparilia. The following was recently re- Dr. TowwtNn Dear Sir For tha In at thrM viwri I have been aftticted with general debility, and nervous con- iption of the last stage, and did not expect to ever gain my health at aH. After going through a couraeof medicine miner the care of eome of the m st kiiitingnisihed regular physiciani and memben of the Hoard of Health in New ork and elsewhere, and spending tlie nnxrt of iny enriiingi in attemptina to renin my health, and after reading -me paper of ynui Sarsainrilla 1 reaolred to try it. After using six bottles 1 found it dime me great g-iod, and called to sea you at your office ,- with your "advice I kept on, aits' oo most heartily thank you for your advice. 1 persevere in taking the Snrmparllln, snd bsve been able to attend to my uai eiDora tor tna Mat lour months, and I hope by tn nteasinaaof fKt and your Sarmpanlla to c-mtinue my health. It helped ma beyond tha expectations f all who Orange, Kasex en. N. 1., Ang. t, 1847. Stateof New Jericv. Kaaea mtiiitv .r?hnrM Onim, by being duly sworn according to Inw. on his nntli snith thtt the foregimig statement ia Uue aceordiiig to the beat of nil knowledge and belief. CHAK1.KS CL'l.MBY. Sworn and subscribed la before me at Orange, the 3d August, 1847. CYRUS BALDWIN. Justice of tha Peace. FPITTINO BI.OOI). Read tha following, and aav that eonsumnlion is in incu rable if you can l New York, April 23. 117. Dr. Tmrsnsll t verile believe that v.Hir HarMnnrilta has been tha means, through Providence, of saving my liia I have for several years hail a laid couah. It became worse and worse. At last I raised targe quantities of blood, had light sweats and was greatly debilitated and reduced, and id not expect to live. I have onlv used vour SurRuiuiriiia but a short time, and there has a wonderful change been wonigiii in me. am now able to walk all over the city. I raise no Wood, and my cough lias left me. Yon can well imagine that 1 am thankful l-.r theae remits. Your obedi ent servuut. WM. KC8SKI.L. 65 Catliarine st. I-OST HER SPEECH. The annexed certificate tells a sininle and trntlifu orv of suffering and relief. There are thmiannds of aunilnr ca ses in this city and Brooklyn, and yet there are tliouniuls or parents let their children die for fear of being humbugged or to save a few shillings. mookiyn, ept. 1:1. 117. Dr. TAWMftBD: I take nleA cur in MMtinir. the hen. St of those whom it may concern, that my daughter, two rears ami six montiia old, was atliirted Willi general cle Itilily and loss of srieeeh. She waa liven up as past je coverv by our familv plirsieiaii i but furtunaiely I was re- cominemlH hy a friend to try your Saraananlla. Before having naed one bottle she recovered her speech and was eitaniea 10 wais alone, to ine aatotushmmt ot all who wera acquainted with the circumstance, ftlie is mw quite well, and in much better health than she has been for 18 months past. JWEI'H TAYLOR, 129 York St., Brooklyn. TWO CHILDREN SAVED. Very few families iiuleed in fnet we hnve nni henrd of one that used Ur. T-iwnsentl's sarsannrilla in time, I 'll V children the past Summer, while thine that did not. sickened and died. Tha cereiflcate we Dubliah below ia conclusive evidenes of its value, and is only another instance Ol ua anvittfc ine uvea ot rniltiren : Dr. Towsmo Dear Sir : 1 had two children cured by your Snrsaparilla of the summer complaint and dvseutnry one was only 15 month old and tha other 3 years. They were very much reiluced, and we utectat they would die ; they were given up by two reapectable physicians. When the doetiw iiif.irmed us that we mttat lose them, we resol ved to try your Snrsaparilla we had heard so much of, belt had little confidence, there beins; at muc-h stulf advertised thnt ia worthless: but ws are tlnnkful that we did, for it undoubtedly saved the lives or both. I write this that oth ers may be induced to use it. Yours, renpeetfullv. juii., Jr. Myrtle-avenue, Brooklyn, Sept. IS, 1M7. TO THE LADIES. GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE. Da.TowxtEXD's StaiAFABiLi. isa sovcrrhrnand a need v cure fca; incipient eonauniptinu, and for the geueml proatrn- uon oi me a-aiein no nutiier wneiner me result ol inhe rent cause or causes, produced by irregularity, illness or Oc cident. Nothlr can lie m re surnnsine than ita invieoratiiio- ef. frcu on Uie human frame. Persons all wenkuesa aiul kia- situde, from taking it at once liecoine robuHt and lull of energv Ulaler IIS litntielien. 11 imuHilinlely couiiternela the nervelesaneas of tlie female frame, which is the greiit causa Dorreuneaa. It will not be expected of ua, ui cases of ao delicate a nn- tare, to exhibit certificates of cures performed, but we can uasure ine smtetcu nuit buisiretis ot ensei iiave been rejior ted to us. Da. TowicsiND : Mv wife beiiur arnillv diatreased bv weakness snd genenil debilite, unit aiilli-rina cciiliniiull) by paiu ana wun outer aiineuinea, and having snovvn eaaca where your medicine hna effected greut cures; and also hearing it recommended for such eaaea ua I iinve deacnbctl, I obtained a bottle ol y,Hir t.xlrnet of rxirKip-inlta and fol lowed tha directions you gave me. In a ahort period it removed her eornpliiiuts and restored her to hciltb. Jlning greatful for the benefits she received, i tnke plenaure in thus acknowledging it, and recominendine; it to Die public. M. U. MUUKK, Altauiy, Aug. 17, '41. cor. Grand It l.ydia su. DYSPEPSIA. No fluid or medicina hua ever been discovered which ao neurly reaemMea the gnsirie uice or saliva in dccoiniioaiiig food and streneiheniiia the oraans of dnrntiiai ua Una nn- nanitioaof barsanarilla. It Doaltivelv eurea isverv euaa of u) pkjw, nuwn ci severe or euroilie. linnk Uernrtjneiit, Albanv, May 10, 145. Dr. Townseiat Sir : 1 have been arflicied for aeveral years with dyspepsia iu its worst form, ou ended with s ur neas of sbanach, loas of appetite, extreme heurtburii, and a great averaron to all kinda of food, and l',a- weeka, (what 1 eould eat) 1 have been unnble to retain but a small portion on my stomach. I tried the usual remedies, but they had but little or no effect in removing the ecaiiplniiit. I wua in duced, about two mouths since, lo try yo ir Extract of far- aaperiua, ana must any wua nine couliclenee ; but alter using nearly two bottlea, I fianid my apetite reatored and Ilia heartburn entirely removed; and 1 would enrueatly re commend lira uae of it to tiujae who have been alllii-ii-cl aa 1 have been. Youra, Ac, W. W. VAN ZAND T. Agent fear Sunbury JOHN W. FRIIJNO: Nor. thumberland, MARY A. McCAY ; Danville, WM. A. ML'UKAY A Co., April w, IMS. ly N. S. LAWRENCE, Agent for the sale of Southworth Manufactu. rtngCo't. riling Pap rs. Ware Uoune, No. 3. Minor street rHZX.AOEX.FHIA. 100 C-ASES of Uie above superior Papers now in store, and tor sale to trade at tlie lowest market prices, consisting in part of Fine thick Flat Caps. 12. U. IS and 16 lbs. blue and white. Superfine Medium and Demi Writings, blue and white. Extrasuper and auperfine Folio Posts, blue. Superfine Cammerical Poets, blue and white plain and ruled and white, plain and ruled. Extra super Linen Note Papers, plain and gilt. Superfine and find Bill Papers, long and broad. Superfine and fine Countiug-House Caps and Posts, blue and white. Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, plain and ruled, blue and white Extra anper Congress Caps and Letters, gilt. Superfine Sermon Caps and Posts. Superfined blue Uath Posts, blue and white, plain and ruled. Embroidered Note Papers and Envelopes, "Lawyer'a" Brief Papers. Superfine and fine Cape and Pouts, ruled and plain, blue and white, various qualities and prices. Also, 1000 reams white end asset ted Hlioe Pa pers, Bonnet Boards, white and assorted tissue, Tea, Wrapping, Envelope, assorted and blue Mr. diums, Cap Wrapping, Hardware Pupcrs, 4c. Philadelphia, Nov. S4, 1849. GOLD & SILVER WAUK. J. STOCKMAN, No. 60 Cifjnt4-jf, at the sign of the Gold I ftimolf, between !M. If 3d. its., South tide Philadelphia. M MANUFACTURES and keens constantly If M on hand, at wholesale and retail, tlie fol lowing articles, of a auperior quality, at reduced prices i Gold and Silver Pencils, doThitublca, do Finger Shields, Silver Table, Desert, Tea, Salt and Mustard Spoons, do Forks, Soup and OyaU-r Ladles, do Combs, Purse Clasai, Scissor J looks anu mains, Knitting Kliealhs, Vc. ALSO, Jewellery, Plated and Brittannia ware, German Silver Spoons. Vc.i Uoid Diamond twin- ted Pens at various prices; Jackson's Sujicrior sj'crpuuiu'a neaus, ore, ate. PluUdelphia, May St, 1849. w baUthi NOB AND SPRING MORTISE LAT- CHES. An excellent article, for sale at ball the asual price by J. W. FRIL1NU. Sunbury, July T, mt MVADD S celebrated Horse and Cattle Medj. WW cine for sale by HENRY' MASfWR LXV23XI COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE. DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY, DISEASE 01? THE KIDNEYS, A nd all diseases arising from a disordered MAVtr or stomach in both Malt and Female: neh as Conatipntlon, Inward Piles, Fullness or 1 tha Head, Aeiilitv of the Stomach, Nausea, Ilea Diiit for Food, Fullness or weialit in the Stomal ftkiodte lleart'hiirn. ffht In the HtofYMfh. aL,nr F.ructatloiM, Sinking or Fluttering at the pit of the Stomach Swimming of the Head. Hurried and niffirntt nrmlliinr Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Snflieatinf eenssts-ns wnen in ivoir p-iure iitinima or Vision, Dots or wet before the Sight, Fever snd dull pnin In the Head, Deficien ty of l'erspirntion, Yellowneaa of the Skin and Eyes, Fain in theSule, Back, Cheat, Liml. Ac., Sudden flushes of "i 'am uio riran, uonsrant imaginings ot eva and great depression of Spirits Can be eflcctually cured by DP.e EOOFLAITD'S Celebrated German Bitters. Their power over tha above diseases is not excelled if equalled by any other preparation in the t'uited States aa the cures attest, in many cases sfter skillful hyaicians had failed. Derangement of tha Liver and Btomnt-h sre s-mrrm rf rnsuiiityand wilt also pr-iduce disease of the Heart, SMtin, Lung. and Kidm-ya, and lava the body open to an attack of tlie Cholera, Bilious, or Yellow Fever, and ia generally tha first eause ot' that most bauelui disease, Consumption, Opinions of the Philadelphia Press. "THE DISPATCH." Deeemtier 31st anys: AN INVALUABLE MEDICINE. We have fV"cntly heard the Celebrated (icrinnn Hitters, manufactured l:' IT HoofllHiid, ssiken of in terms of c imineuduli ni, and we" aiiuw umcrveciiy ao. it ra a loo common practice. In cer tain quarters, to puff all manner of useless trash, but in tha above llilters. hundred, are living witneasea of their great moral and physical worth. As a medicine of the Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Nervous Debility and Dyspepaia, it has been found invaluable, elR-cling cures and tfi .ruughly eradicating diseases, when all oilier medicines have failed. We feel eonvilK-ed. that in Ihe iim ,f it, fir..,.. Uio.ra the patient cl -esn-K become debilitated, but coi,ataiitlygaina strenglh and vigor to the frame a fact worthy of great Tlie Hiltera are pleasant in taste and smell, and can lie ndininislered under any circumstances, to the ....... ucii.iur loniiien. iniieeci, iney can be tisetl byull per- ais with the m -st perfect anfetv. ft would Im wi II for Ihose wli.i nre muc h uH'-ctcd in the nervous avstrin lo e-nninence with one tea aiamnful or less, and gradually in crease, oespenk from e.Xien uee, and are of curse, a pMier jiidse. The press far and wide, have united in re ciiiiineiiilnie the (ierinan Hitlers, mid lo the Minified ws iiinc u.iiutuiiy uovise tneir use. Sl'IIUT OK TI1R TIM f-'S Jlluelh savs: ';D( Ol lt OOODCI TIZK.NS "wlsi are invnlids. knew the many nstimishing eun-s thnt have been performed bv Dr. Hoollland'e Cetcbrated Herman Bitters t If they do not, we recommend them tothe'-Oerman Medicine Store," all Wlm are inflicted with Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dys pepaia, or Nervous Debility ; the Doctor has cured many f our citizens alter the lieat physicians had failed. We have used them, and they hnve proved to be a medicine that every one should know of, and we cannot refrain giving our tes timony in their thvor, and thnt which gives them greater claim upon our humble clibrt, they are entirely Vegetable. "THE DAILY NEWS," Julv4thauvs: "We speak knowingly of Dr. Il.sifland's Celebrated Ger man Dilters, when we say it is a blessing ol" this nge: and in diseases of tha biliary, digestive nnd Nervous Systems, it htiauot wethiuk an eiiiial. It is a Vcireinble l'reHirntinn, and made without Ale hl, and to nil invalids we woukl re commend it as worthy their confidence. For sale, wholesale and retail, at the principal Depot, GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, No. 11 Arch Street, Philadelphia. For sale by M. A. McCAY', Northumberland and Sun bury and respectable dealers generally threughout Ilia State. April SI, 1W9. ly COLUMBIAN SERIES OF Slr(tttmct(r. The Pupil's friend and Teacher's comfort. 'THE COLUMBIAN CALCULATOR This 1 work is already introduced into some of the best Acadamics and a large mimlK-r of Schools, where its use has given decided and universal sa tisfaction, both to teacher and pupil. It is purely American in its character, based upon our own beautiful rtrrimal syttem of currency. It contains more, the arrangements are better, and it is the easiest and cheapest work of the kind now in use; and it is so considered by hundreds of the most cotniM-tcnt teachers and men of science in the Uni on, who have recommended it, It is the book, particularly and rxprpwly prepared for our Ame rican Scltoars : liy Almon Tirinor. The Yoi-th's Coli xbia Calci-Latoh. This volume contains 91 pages, with about 900 exam ples for solution on the slate. It embraces the Fundamental Rules, Compound Rules, Simple and Compound Reduction, Single Rule of Three, Proportion, cic. Tick Jon' Aiiithmetical Tables, is destined for the use of younger classes in tha Schools of the United States. A beautiful little book and pleas ing to children, and the only oneot'llie kind of any value. e There are Keys to both Arithmetics bound fill' gle or double, for tha convenience of teachers, in which the solutions of the questions are given with much extra matter for the black board. These Keys arc the most complete works of the kind ever published, and contain, iu addition, about two hundred examples in Mensuration, Ac, for the use of the Teacher. All that is wanted is to have the above books examined, and no teacher who is acquainted with the science of Arithmetic, will hesitate to pronounce them the beat works tha have ever been published in this or auy other country. Although issued hut a few months, they have already been introduced into the Night Public Schools of New York City in all the Schools public and private, except two, in the City ef Reading. Also, in about twenty Acadamiesin the State of Pennsylvania in a large portion of the Schools iu the City of Wilmington, in the City of Lancaster, and in the Boroughs of Hurrisburg, Y"ork, Chambersburg, Lebanon, Doyleatown, l'ott ville, Orwigsburg, &c, dec Forsaleby IIknbt Masseb, Sunbury, Agent for Northumberland County, Sunbury, Dec. 2, 1848. DIAIVIOND POWDER- FOR RAZOR STROPS. riMIIS Powder ia warranted far superior to any J. thing in use for imparting a keen, sinoothedire to ltatort, Surgical instruments, and all kinds of fine Cutllbi ; it may be applied to any kind of strop. Also superior Razor, Knives, and Perfu mery, wholesale and retail, by ALFRED BENNETT, Agent. Depot of Fine Razors, Strops, Brushes, and Cheap Fancy Uooda, No. 18 South Filth street a- bove Chcstuut Philadelphia. TESTIMONIALS. Philadelphia, Feb. 15th, 1848. Tliis muv certify that I have used one of the Strops prepared with HAYNE-S' MAGIC DIA MOND POWDER, and can attest in the most unequivocal manner, that there is nothing can be found that will produce the same ellk-t in my opin ion, and niufct say to others, try it, and you will find it auperior to any he.ieti.fore in use. I can truly auy that I never knew what a sharp razor was before. JOHN SCOTT, Iron Safe Maker, 41 S. Third st, PiiiLAiiKLrini, October, 1848. A very bard beard and tender face bus compel led ma to seek and leit muny contrivances design ed to mnke shaving easy and pleasant, but with inditfe-rent success, until I made use of the Magic DIAMOND POWDER, sold by Alfred Bennett, and Housscl's Shaving Cream. Their united pow er aet like magic, and impart a power to the Razor to remove the moat stubliorn beard, ieithut irri tating tlie skin or temper of their owner. J. COX, 49 South Fifth Street For sale at this oflice Price 35 cU. per Box November 55, 1818 6m. , Valuable Hooka. LIFE or ('heist, handsomely bound, D'Ac- lUVx'a HlSTOBX OP TEE RkPOBst ATIOST, Blaek Dax-buohs abb Lunulas, full bounded. For sale at the publishers prices by 11. B. MASSER. Sunbury, July 14, 1S49, Cotton Yam, Cotton Carpet Chain, Cotton Lajie and Wadding, Cotton Outlines, Ready mads Pantaloons, Ready made Vests, Congress Kitt.oa, PonwUiiii lined preserving kettle, iust rea-eived fur sale by , II. MASSER. Sutibury, Dec. S, 1848. ' PATENT Truaae of aU kinds, Ilarrison'a writing and iudellihle ink. Cotton yam and laiw, just received and for sale by J. W. rRILINQ. . Sunburv, Dec. 5, I1H. OXYGENATED X33 Q" "O 3ZX2J ZLX GS3m A BOYERetOIf REMEDY FOH DTSP2P3IAj PUTIII8IC. I. ' r - AND OlSIVZlBAL SBBtlXff 4 ' GEORGE I B. GREEN, Proprietor, rrinasor, rermont. TS a SnVerei, i sovereign remedy for DYSPEPSIA, Iff snant t Hf - venCAe:;Jb5eSm'h' HesrttaSM-J Nbt BwilTS Hf""l"t-he l-" Appefrta, ' I Wtgllt Bwe.Ha, and even Conaummio. Tlcmi. X forms, Cnstiveneas, PhthiaieJ and Asthma, or Phiu.7. ... ,"Tm"l'V"' ...... 1'i.iti cwmis, anu even f '......-.:..- m .: ' mem of Ui. Stomach lor Diaie ZZLZT . Breathing, which often $J2ffi',,t,e Sya,,.,) i. relieved $SE?Bto? Sort, their uss has bee. proved in tha relief if almosl aHtne' sj-mptcmis that proceed from a debilitated or Sonic lion of thsStorraich, also Id general debility .,IVrort' age or from Ihe effect, of Fever, partieuhfl Ter n Ague. Females sofferi.ainiaJer.irv nteri.H. demaremen. arising from weakness, will find the 'fi.. u J exceilenl remedy, and nrnj Mrfnaaed bv anv maali ciueinase. ' ' The history of this medicine Is peculiar. It has mads Its way to puhiie favor solely by the lores of its own- fmrinair merits. No artificial means have been used to glv if no ' torietyandthmat it npoit public attention. It Ins rlevsr nirl'Zr"'lL'nnm!vrn',"' ,mt bs"' BrW 'nown s rs marknWe etricacy in the family of the proprietor, and by h n a tertvaid. administered to his sfflictad friends and ac. nuaiutatiees with a UUm ,..), i n,!a,...i, -2; Dv.-?. rm.7'!cl!.""f """vailed virtues in the ear. of. vsrwHMia In ..1 i. j W vniueo in ,nv vm. w. sth3 or 1.1 ? l " Mr f""s, snd .! f,T the care ef .. 1 " 1 "n,"c- . Its only herald and ita onlv A has med proprietor, they have proved a Nnmerou.- ecrtifieaf's, attesting the singular effieaev af the"OxvG,TgDBiTra., arSin theSLUionth. rjwr,th'?,puiafc.thera "S'lai b5r .-""r WM.I, WINDSOR, Vt, OeM3?-,SSCREEN' Tke f.ll.wi.g Certlfieate. have recentlf kee received t 1,...., . WAsnitioTnjt, D. C Jxnn to. ls , 1-v Dr It :''?-' Bitters" prepare SAM1ET, 1 WILLIAM I I'llAtl! j t-9 JAMES F SIM.MCiNS V S Se J. T. MOREUEAD, f. S. Se,-t Senator from ermoat.- Senntnr tmn tt I.I 1 EAD, U. 8. Senator and formerly Ovrmw or of Kentucky. 1 H. ARNOLD. Meml. venmr of R I ' ' "B" imeny .- Trrffi1"08- C- 8- WI. C- TeVriiry.1 AR ' ''S Co"Te'" from Wiscnsi.. From Hon. H. D. Fa.TErMember af CifSfress freer l'ennaylvania. Dear irl 1,.,-- il"H,roT"- D. C.-Jr 10. ISM. venrs n iZli , f,,PP" sflfVr about ten Hitlers." 1 uv. ;...".7mn "V?V(reiiatel ""; . ' ""y sed aliout two bottles, and find mrself .b'we.'Tii'J.' -ra"h Tl,e f"" mwh.ehl'dhe. sll meil llsell. la mv ease, were . .t. rest' l .innrl, l .- , K,ctn sciuity I in . liZ . iTf. ni'rt'l'. extreme flalnlera-e, severeeonstl. Km. ha i k V'f- "" v",l-"' headache.' Kee!i.,f desi. oth'ri tlnJZZ h S5'," V,,lr,l"''' '"' may reach omcrs s m l.irly atllietnl. 1 take srreat olensura in-Vaeard. "nm A X, tlV' "" c"n,",r P"w: anclwonld ala. remnik. that while on u visit at home a short thiM sines 1 nlimnislercd . ,rt of a lnle to a of nrr amTerei ah n.l rZn! T"y r desiron. -tStT yi t """'" PittslairR. in- inform thVa here the medicine can lie obtained. With an earnest I). G.EEjr.Wind.,, Vt. - FOS"- s s E,'""1'')- reen A rietensr, Ne. 96S.,uth Sixth Street, Philadelphia. ' Aynrt for Snnlairv R. B M S8KR Agents for .Milton MACK AY A HA AO. A(reiit for I pWr Mahonoy J. li. RENN April 13, Hl--4j ' IMl'OKTANT TO THE i'UBLIC. :-:o?a3E 1TD CATTLE MEDICINES. Don't permit your Horses or cattle to die, when the means of cure are within the reach of all ! The undersigned has spent several years in the study of Veterinary practice in "London and E dinlioro " he has also availed himself of the resear ches of Lcibig, and othercelebrated men.whohave contributed so much towards a Judicious treatment of animals; the principles of our practice consists in the rejection of general bleeding and tlie total rejection of all medicines that experience has shown to 1 of a dangerous tendancv. These re medies act in harmony with the vital principle, and when given uc. ording to the directions which ac company encli article they are capable of exciting and increasing the natural functions, without di minishing or destroying their power, hence are sufcin the hands of every one. O. H. DADD, M. 9. A LUI of Horse and tattle Mediclaes. Physic balls, 75c. per box. Alterative ball, 75c do. " powders for bad condition, 75c per pack age. Heave powder for diseases of the lungs, 75c Urine powder for kidneys, 75e Tonic powder for bad condition glanders, 75e Cordial diink for inllamuuon of bowels, 75e bottle. de. do. do. par Liquid blister, 75c per bottle. Ointment for promoting the growth of hair, SOe per pot. Healing balsam for wounds and saddle galls. 7 Se ller bottle. Wash for inflamed eyes, 50c per bottle. Ointment for mange scratches, old sores, &e SOe per bottle. Embrocation for sore throat, 75c per bottle. Hoof ointment for sand crack, brittle hoof, &c, SOe per bottle. Horse Liniment, the most celebrated article known in England for lameness of every description. 75e & $1 per bottle. Distemper powder for red water, $1 per bottle. Worm powders for the removal of worms from the ink-stinal canal, 75 per package. For sale by STIMPSON & REED, 38 Mer chants Row, also at DADD'S HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINE DEPOT, Noa. 1 is Haymarket Square, Boston. Pamphlets describing the diseaaea for which these remedies are used can be had gratis. Numerous Certificates are in possession ef the Proprietors, of cures performed by the above Medi cine. Sold by GREEN & FLETCHER. No. 2fiS.,,.h SIXTH Street, Philadelphia, and by his Aiiests. Hembt Missta, Sunbury, February 3, 1849 tf ROSE OINTMENT, FOR TXSTTB "OF.AD the following ceilifieate from Capt. Devoe, tha I k well knowu and p-ipalar I ham Boat Caixain (of the liavcUer.) . Philadelphia, October 31, ISM. Baveral years ainee I waa attacked with a breaking oat on tny neck in the form of Tetter, which 1 am ciaiviueed waa contracted at the liarber'a Hhop. It prandually extend ed over my face until it reached tlw Ucxr pan of the cheeks. During the aeveral naailhs tlut it continued splt-adiue, I used diderent applieatuais. aonis of whwh had the ctfeci, apprently hi least, ,.i un-reaiing tha disease, hut from none ol them did I perceive the toast benefit until I applied the Hosa Oistmsw. Hy the uss of can jar of it, I waa perltvtly cuied and have remained free of tha affec tion. 1 liave since used the Ointment, lightly applied for rourh uess of the face. Idou-he. chapped hauda, Ae. With per fect success. I have uo hesiuuiou ui reccjsuuieiidinc ttuft Ihe strcaujeat maaiMr to tlie public. , , v JAMES DEVOE. As-etit Hi.ibv Masseb, Bunhunr. July BU, lota. FsAsTElIT lSDIC:ilTE3.- Green's Oxygenated Bitter, price reduced. , Old Jacob Townsend'aSarsaparilla. Baker's Saraaparilla. - ; Sway ne'e "yrup of Wild Cherr, Swayne'a Vermifuge. Ay re's Cherry Pectoral . ' Dr. Drake's Panacea. Dr. Cullen'a do . Tibbit'a Pain KUler. Dr. Hoofland's German Bitten: Indian Vegetable Pills Horse and Cattle Medicinee For sale by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, July 14, 1849. li OOKS and Gold Pens. On hand several cop LJ it-a of the life of Christ, and also a number of gold pens which we will sell at the Puilsdehihia prices. For sale at thisoffice. ' ENNEDY'S PATENT fiASH FAS TENINUS. A cheap and exeailant axti cle lor fastening sash (or aals by . - - i. w, rwuxo Sunbury, July T. U, uud of calf skin . ale at tuts enice. Philadelphia, Xe. IT, Ut pplvt at the ee el tsts Asnsneasi. unkosjr Jsa. t7tb, 1I4