SUNBUKY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOUKNAL. - . . . .. y . . . . . .. ,.iJ.. ... . - California Kct0. V month Latkh from cAliforjiia. ARMtilTw til 'it STEAMSHIPS SMJIEE CITY AND GEORGIA 19,000,000 ! OsU BmH Ik Chcrskes. The Empire City bring about thirty pas engen, but no gold. On her passage from Chagres, he met with an accident to her machinery, by which it became necessary to diipenae with the use of one paddle wheel. Her arriyal has been seriously delayed by this accident. The steamship California left San Fran xisco on the afternoon of the 1st April, with the Tegular mails and 450 passengers, for Panama She reached Panama on the 23d of April, and her passengers immediately set cut for Chagres. The California steamer a, Manama brought down one million seven fcun 'dred thousand dollart in gold, on freight. The great depression in business affairs, noticed when the previous steamer arrived, has not been removed, and matter continue to look down. There have been a number of failures among the merchants. Among them the house of Frank Ward & Co., one of the heaviest houses in San Francisco. The miners are commencing their summet operations. It is estimated that over one hundred thousand are either in or on their way to the mines. This immense number of diggers will soon send a current of gold to San Francisco, in view of which business af fairs are beginning to look easier. , Money continues the scarcest of any arti cle, the exorbitant sum of 10 per cent, per month being still the current rale of interest. Rents also continue to be very high: 8100 per month per square foot of floor being about the price, or t200 per month for a room 10 feet by 20 feet. Lumber is si ill depressed, and great quantities arriving. The current price is $S0 to $100 per M , for American. Furniture of all kinds is very high. This is in consequence of the arrival of ladies. Many families, having ben sent for to come out, are now arriving, and as they must have furniture wiih which to commence house keeping, the articles bring extravagant pri ces. Under the head of advancement the Alia California says lhal the condition of San Francisco is as progressive as a locomotive ngine under a full head of steam. We have now two theatres nightly open for the amuse ment of the public, concerts, balls, dinner parties, and splendid military nippers. The shop windows exhibit all the elegancies that civilization and art has produced in all quar ters of the globe, for the comfort and decora tion of mankind ; all the products of- the earth, capable of templing the palate, may also be had in our market in cans, hermeti cally sealed for cash. Ladies, gaily attired, may now be seen in our streets, and dashing horsewomen astonish us by their grace and knowledge of the equestrian art. We have marriages, loo, and our divorces, separations and unions, alimony and pin-money. , The information from the Southern mines generally is quite encouraging. Those who worked faithfully, during the winter in the gulches around the Mokrlumae and between the Stanislaus and the Tuolinne, have done well ; better perhaps than those on the Ma riposi and further South. The impression which to generally prevails among new-corn, rs, that nothing is to be learned from expe rience in gold digging, isquile erroneous. Those who remain a length of time in the mines,'(a few month say,) exercising judg ment in selecting place to work, and who choose at the same lime to be industrious -anil economical, can undoubtedly make money. Most of those who leave the mines discouraged, are men of no nerve, persever ance or energy. If they do not succeed in taking a rich place, on the first atlempt at digging, they abandon the business in dis gust, and retire to the towns or cities to loaf or starve. Lieut. Duer, U. S. N., has in contemplation the erection of a Jelegraph to communicate 'with the sea-cost from this place. The sites for the staffs are well selected, and his enter prise has the encouragement of ihe mercan tile community of San Francisco. A year ago the project was conceived, and prepara tions made by Lieut, D. to carry into execu tion his plans. Unfortunately the conflagra tion in this place destroyed hi flugH and 'took, together with a grant of land on Tins ian llill, (the high laud to the irailh of the town,) which had been conveyed to him for the use to which his enterprise mijrlit apply the same. He has petitioned Ike city coun cil, and requires but an appropriation of $5000 to enable him to proceed at once to Ike erection of the work. ADDITIONAL INTELLIGENCE FROM CALI FORNIA. Steps were being taken to form An inde pendent government. Com. Jones, it is said) is about to take certain measures to prevent it. A law has also passed the Legislature imposing a lax of twenty-five dollars a month on every foreigner. The day previous to the sailing of ihe Cali fornia, Ihe Collector of Customs, in San Fran cisco, was notified that the monies collected fat duties must be paid over to the Slate Go vernment, in accordance with a resolution passed by the legislature. ' A bill has been introduced in the Assem bly to provide for ihe inspection of steamboats at San Francisco. Also, a bill to suppress gambling, Coai Discovcaro. The San Franriisco Journal announces the discovery near lhal place of what has Ihe appearance of a rich mine of ooal, which promises an ample sup ply of that most important material of fuel, both for domeslio purposes and those espe cially of steam navigation. Wo notice an advertisement in Ibe Pacific News, for a prac tical engineer, who has had experience in the mining districts of Pennsylvania, which has probably some connection with this dis. covery. Tsara ar una fcoaoms auk an draaf, Which aa aawattrM 4n or. j Yst than, s carious y may uaca . '..SstBS (railing spot, Sam vtrdaut pitas, ' i: Wkara butt Cowan, ths r4a hatwatn, bptni tlicii toft frac race, ail auMeu. i'l ' ' ' " '. THE HORSE WAS SAVED. The follow ing anecdote was related by an individual from blarence, N. Y. " A splendid horse be longing to his neighbor, had his fore leg be low the knee badly broken after laying three ieeek, and nothing done for it, the ani mal in the mean time by thrashing about in hi agony, had worn the hair nearly off him. The owner with axe in hand was about to put an end to the sufferings of his favorite beast, when our informant solicited and ob tained a present of the horse, and with help got him home. lie suspended him in ailing, replaced the bones, and applied faithfully, Merchant's celebrated Gargling Oil, which caused the bones speedily to unite and im parted strength to the limb. In a few weeks the horse was sold for a handsome sum hav ing no other blemish lhan a slight enlarge ment and, stiffness of the pastern joint. Sold by H. Masser, Sunbury, and other Druggists in the U. States. S1)C iitavlicts. Philadelphia Market May 8, 1850. Flovr. Flrrur is quiet and the price stea dy J shipping brands are selling at 35 25 brl. Extra Flour at $5 62 brl. Rye Flour is held at 82 87a$3. Corn Meal is worth 52 75 per brl. Wheat. There is a limited demand for red Wheat at SI 15c. ptiine White al$l 21o. Rye. Penna Rye is held at 61o per bush. Cobs. Corn is in demand at 60 els for yel low. Oats. Southern are worth 36c, and Penna 38c. Whiskey. Rales of Whiskey in bbls at 2-lc and hluls ul 23 cents. Baltimore market May 8, 1850. Wheat. Small sales of good to prime reds weie made to-day at 116 cts., andl'enn while at 120 els. Corn. While at 54 a 55 cenls, and of yel low at 57 cents. Oats Prices ranco from 37 to 42 cents Whiskky. Sales of bbls were mude at 25 cents, and of hhds at 24 cents. SUNBURY Vllicr, CURRENT Corrected weekly by Henry Masser. Whiat I"" Kte. - .56 Coax. - -50 OiTs. . 37 SALE OF HEAL ESTATE. BY virtue of a power in the Will of Henry Shaffer, Esq., formerly of Sunbury, tlcc'd., will be exposed to sale, at the premises, on Satur day the Soth day of May next, at 10 o clock A. M, of said day, A House and Lot of Ground on the corner of River and Market streets, at pre sent occupied by Mrs. VV Iiarton, as a public house. i lie location is a good one lor business the house is a largo two story brick building, frame dining lloom and Kitchen large and convenient stable, &c. The terms of sale will be made known on the day of sale by JOHN FARXSWORTH, Trustee to sell. Sunbury, Moy 4, 1850. 3t GREAT ATTHACTJ0X! i:W Al CIIKAl GOODS, JOHN W. FRILING, Market Sheet, Sunbury. Pa.. rif AS just received and opened a lorge assort- I s mem oi superior and rlioice Kinrv ami Staple Drv Goods, well adanted to the son, which ho will sell at the lowest prices. His mock consists oi general assortment of almost all articles of use in the Dry Uoods line, consisting in part of Cloths. Cassimerex. Summer.SiutT fnr -a, j w. Clolhimr and Vestincr. Ladies Dregs Hoods. Cloves, Hosiery, t.aces, Shawls, Muslins, Sheet ings, Tickings, Fine Muelins, Ginghams, Linens, &c. ALSO: A general assortment of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QVEEXS. WARE, LIQUORS, DRUGS, AND MEDICINES, PAINTS AND DYESTUFF, and every variety of articles, ty Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market price. Sunbury, April S7, 1B50. CENTRE TURNPIKE ROAD. '"FHE Stockholders are hereby notified that an 1 election will be held at the house of JAMES LEE, in the borough of Northumberland, on Monday the 3d duy of June next, between the hours of 10 o'clock A.M. and 4 'o'clock P. M.,for the purpose of choosing olBcers to serve for the ensueing year. J. K. PHlES'f LEY, Pres't April 27, I860. 4t ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE T ETTERS of Administration upon the estate ' late of Hon. Calvin blvtlie, dee'd., have his day been granted to the subscriber. All persons having claims against aaid estate are notified to present them without delay. FREDERICK LAZARUS, Adm'r. Sunbury, April S7, 1850 Gt To all Whom It may Concern. V OTIOE is hereby given that the following 1 ' certificates of Shares of Stock, in the Centre Turnpike Company, have been lost or mislaid, vis: one share in the name of Sartiuel E. Grior, dee'd., one share in the name of Henry Fisher, dee'd., one share in the name of Jos. Hogeudobler, dee'd., one share in the name of Jacob Vanderalice, dee'd., and one share in the name of William Dcwart, deceased. Application will be made by the sub scriber, to whom the above shares have been le gally transferred, for new certificates of stock to be issued to hiin. WM. L. DEW ART. e'uubury, Muy 11, 1860.--3t sTiFiuWsa"lks. IJ J!" Virtue of certain Writs of Vtn. J'Tjmnan, to B9 me directed, will be exposed to sale by pub lic outcry at the house of William Weaver in Shamokiu town, Coat township, at 10 o'clock A. M., on Saturday ths 1 1 th day of May next, the following real estate to wit: a certain Lot of Laud, situate in the town of Shamokiu, Coal town ship and county of Northumberland, bounded by Independence street, Franklin street and the Dan ville and Pottstown Itail Road, containing one eighth of an acre more or less, Whereon is erec ted a frame Machine Shop and Locomotive house 44 by 40 fret, a frame Blacksmith shop 42 by SO feet, s frame Carpenter Shop 33 by 24 feet, and a frame Engine and Boiler bouse 18 by 30 feet Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of the Danville and Pottstown Kail Road Company. ALSO i At the house of Frederick Sticker in the Bo rough of Milton at 10 o'clock, A. M, on Monday the 13th day of May next, a certain Lot of Land, situate in the Borough of Milton in said county, in that part of said Borough called Lower Milton, bounded on ths north by an Alley, on the east by an Alley, on the south Ferry Lans and on tli west by lot of Mrs. Old win, containing one-eighth of an acre mora er less, whereon is erected a two story frame Dwelling House. Seized taken in execution end to be sold as ths property of ChsJ. Rourbach. JAMES COVERT, Bhrrt . SbehlT'a of5c,6unbunr, ) April SO. 1SV) Is' ) NEW ST011E i Ml A NF.W STOCK OF GOODS. At the Stoft formerly octupiri by ofch Bogar, , In Market Street, Sunbury. , -, , THE subscribers respectfully Inform ths pub lic that they have just received, and are how opening A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OP DRV bOODS Consisting in part of ,. .', . , " Clolh, Carsimcrts, Sattinctts, Vesting, l'anta loon Stuff, Calicoes, Ginghams, Latens, Vestings, Flannclt, Cambrics, Linens, Fin Muslins, Handkerchiefs, , ' Gloves, Ire t Hardware, qneemware, Dnuss axe Msdigikssi ALSO: ; A large assortment of Groceries, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Ladies Shoes and Gaiters, Fluid and Fluid Lamps All of which Will be sold on the most reasona ble terms. 5 Country produce ef all kinds taken in ex change at the best prices. JOHN BUYEKS & CO. Sunbury, April 181850. ly PEACH TREES FOR SALE. SEVERAL Thousand peach trees, about 50 ra- rictics of ths very best selection, ripening iu succession from the earliest to the latest Also, a very choice lot of Al 1'LK, CHEKKY, 1 EAR, Al'lilCUl, NECTARINE, Quince, and drape Vines Also, a lorge quantity of ORNAMENTAL TREES, Prrsons wanting Trees, will please forward their orders to the Fair View Nurseries, Morristown, Burlington countv, New Jersey, or to P. B. MINGLE, comer of Front and Market Sts. Philadelphia. Orders from unknown correspond ents must he accompanied with the cash or satis factory reference, Trees will be carefully grafted when required for reasonable charge. Descrip tive catalogues with prices attached, will be fur nished gratis to post-paid applicants. JOHN PERKINS. Morristown, N. J. H. B. Missr.a, Sunbury, Agent. April 30, lSiO. J. H. ZIMMERMAN, Jl STICK OF Til 12 I'CACE, Sunbury, Pa. Office in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public School House. 1 1T Monies collected and ail business pioiiiptly and caro-full- attended to. April "0, 1850. PHILA. AND READING RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRATV'GEMEST FROM PHILADELPHIA AND rOTTSVILLE. Office of the Phila. If Reading Ruilroal Co. i Philadelphia, March 29, 1650. $ Two Passenger Trains Daily, (except Sunday.) ON and after Aprillst, 1850 two trains will be run each way, daily, between Philadel phia and Pottsville. Morning Line, (Accommodation.) Leaves Philadelphia at 7J A. M., daily except Sundays. . Lcuves Pottsville at 7 A. M. daily except Sun days. Afternoon Line, (Fast Train ) Leaves Philadelphia at 8 o'clock, daily, except Sundays. Leaves Pottsville at 2 o'clock, daily, except Sundays. Passengers cannot enter the cars unless provi ded with Tickets. The afternoon, or fust trains, do not stoD at Au. burn, Althouse's, Birdsboro', Roger's Font, Val ley Forge, Port Kennedy, Spring Mill or Foils. NOTICE. Fifty pounds of baggage will be al lowed to each passenger in these lines; and pas sengers ore expressly prohibited from taking any- uiiug as oagcago uui tneir wearing apparel, which will beat the risk of its owner. By order of the Board of Managers. S. BRADFORD, April 13, 1850. Secretary. NEW AKUANGlilMEXT And Prices ICeduccd. THOMPSON'S Susquehanna Express and Freight Line, is bow rnrfAlltD TO FORWARD Goods and l'aikages, Daily from Philadelphia to Selinsgrove, Northumberland, Sunbury, Danville, Bloomsbura;, Milton, Lewis, burg, JMuncy, Williumsport, J c. Bt Kail Road and Exracss Caxai .Boat. NEW EXPRESS OiTire 38 .VoriA ThirA Si Freight Office at CRAIG If BELLAS' Corner j of Broad and Cherry sheets, Philadelphia. April 6, 1850 If TO FARMERS AKO MEN OF BUSI.XEH. OILS, CAXDLES AND GUANO, rilHE suhscritier offers, at the lowest rates, in A any quantity to suit nurrhssers. GEXLINE PERUVIAN OUAXO. " and every variety of SPERM, WHALE, LARD, AND TANNER'S Oil.. Manufacturers, Tanner; Farmers, Dealers and consumers, are invited to call. GEO. W. HIDGWAV. No. 37 North Wharves, the first ' OIL STOKE " - below Kace street, Philadelphia. April 6, 1850. 2m ORPHANS' COURT SALE. EX pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Xoi thuhiherland county, will be exposed to public sale on Haturduv the llthdavof Mav ueiL. at the late residence of Jacob Moore, of Lower Augusta township, deceased, to wit: A certain Tract of Woodland, adjoining lands of Peter Snyder, Jesse L'mniel. Jacob Krrps end others, containing Setentv-nine acres and forty-eifht perches and allowance, situ ate in the township aforesaid. Late the estate of Jacob Moore, dee'd. Sale to commence at 10 o' clock, A. M. of said day when the terms of sale will he mude known by PETER H. MOORE, Adm'r; lly Order of the Court John Pi Furael, Clk. O. C. Sunbury, April 6, 1850. ) ti ESTATB OP PETEB TASULISO, dee'd. NOTICE is herctiy given that letters of Ad ministration d botiit volt have been Bran. ted to the subscriber, on the estate of Peter Vsnd ling, late of Upper Augusta township. Northum. berlund county, dee'd. All person indebted to said estaU or having demands against ths same, art requested to call on Ihe subscriber for settle ment. WILLIAM REED. A dmiuistrator ioms uoh. , Upper Augusta tshp., April 13, 1850 Ot ROUT. L. BETH. THOS. P. B. SETH SETII & BROTilEIt. , WHOLESALE GROCERS AND ' Commtoslou litrrcJiAuto, NO. 89 PUATT STHBET, (t Bowly's Whast,) , BALTIMORE. . , ; Will pay particular attention to the sal of GRAIN and all other product of th farm. Baltimore, January S, US0 ly ' .f J' ' ' " .) . . ' ' ' 1 t 1 1 i , A now and brilliant light tins latH? arisen and nnwstsnd. high in tli horizon, .bedding It. golden lijrhi of hope upon the dark despairing mind. f the bd-riiklcn and alHicted With pain, like the sirting-forth of ths cnngemnl ray. of q) nin iiMin ine eow, aismsi lepionsoi me insiu t"ns, The three letters which head thi. paraaTana is Ine Sigma Oalion f I IIADWAYS READY RELIEF. t An Ii.titntftfiftou4 An ti (Into fur Paint of all kinds, tlia t cry Mutant Railway's Hrmiy Relirf ia applied, iti pain frlicving qunhtma are renliiwl, It will relieve th moat t. vereptiim nf Kheumattam, iAimbngn, Gout, Parnlyiia, Tie vojiirtMix, rc.,inB iow minium. IV K he cm at ibm lis Cnusns, Treatment and Curt. ALL RHEUMATIC PAINS INSTANTLY CUBED BY RADWAY'8 READY HKI.1EP, tthpuTnntWmnrises f'rm different caunc", hut moat fune ral It proererii from CuKIa, expoaura to etHrl damp went her, and aleqpinf in damp aparlmeiita. This complaint isdivt rled into two classes ; the first Inflanmtory, so ended from Ihe ewrtlm; and inHatirminliun that attends lite pains hi tit parts aOcvted !cimd, t'liromu Hlieuuiatie, s railed from the long continuance of the 1i.vj;iso. H ia also known as Jaimbogo, or pnin in the hack; tkinlitin, or pstnk in the hip rui.iiu Atiihrodynia, or paiitti hi tne jMnte. The Acute Rheumatism geuerally Uriutnatca intu oiie of these aud becomes a tlnouic complaint. TO RKLIKVIi YOUR TORTUKErt. Apply Radway'i Ready Relief, on a wnrtn flannel clth, Sreviouily tattling the parte with warm water, also take or 40 drupe of the Relief .htrrnnllr in aome molastoa twice or throe tunes a day; thi wiH five warmth to the stomach, and surely reliuve jtmi from all Rheumatic paint. It isnlsi siwcdv nnd eftwuird iu its npcrali'ii in the r-nre of disotist-d M'JNK, STiTf'H IN TH K RACK, LAMK NK!S8, WmENESOK THE JOINT. Weakness, and path iu the aide, Nervous Ilojdaelie, Tie Dolercux and Tootli Adhc, tpuamsi Siriiiuf, Cramps in the Stomach, Piles, 8 ires, Burns, tScnlda, Kruptitmn of the Hkin, Mmr Stomach, IT'yirt Hum, Iloiirciutaiil Sure Throat. Rea der, if you have the misfortune, to be troubled willtcither of Ihe above distressing complaints, be t him km I that an antidote for ymir nuius ia at hand hi ItADWA Y'S HEA DY REMEF. It is aure to give your Infant etse, and to your joy will ensure ymi a aecdy aud peifert cure. ee that each bolt Ho has the fac simile signature of Radway Jc Co, upon em-h lot? I none other la genuine. A BEArTIFIL PICTtRK. ANEW LABEL !TUEl ENGRAVING. To pr.itect the public atraiust purchasing counterfeits of Rad way's Chinese Mcdiculed H np, R. U Radway, the celebrated Cheiuiat of New York. Inn at a great expense engaged the services of one of the first artists of steul en gruvimr in American, and will on the titst of April, 1&M, issue Katlwny's Metlicated W wp iu its new label. It is a bcnutilul steel engraving, it represents two Icinnle Htrures of iiealib nnd beauty, rtif-ltnicy i n a tablet and iter. 'II work, on which are the words "UtrKrny's Mcdicatt-d S ii" in illuminated letters. On the onpok'ne side of the tnblet is the lav simile niyuaturc of It. O. HiuUvny. The design is neat, riuifte. ai tiMic ami eh naiilly ex!euted. TllE ViUTl ESOi' THE SOAP are also improveil, the high p -j-ulunty which this excellent soap has atlainetl for hits. iuriority over alt others for Toi let. Medicinal, and SUavinn purjtosua, has impelled us to strive and improve upit iii uicriU, instead ol resting sa tisfied on its alieady g.'ined laureU. YYe Imveti'jw entereil inU arruiigemeuts ior the imp riutiou direct from our cor respondents iu C aistantinople in Turkey, and Canton iu China, for our severui oils, gums, halium, and extracts of rare mt dichial virtues, winch we use iu the mauutuetiire of Radway1 Soap, uistcud of receiving them limn third parties, so that now wu have the satisfaction of knowing that the highly medical mid balsamic properties of out Soap are pure and undnttcruted. AS BEAL T1EIER OF THE SKIN. It surmises everything of the kind in the work!, it re moves Reducm, Pimples, III itches, Pustules, Tetters Rash. It cures Sdt Uheum, Ring Worm, 8,re Heads. rcs, pus tular Erupti.iu. It iniarl health to the skin a nd beauty to the complexion. Asa nursery and Toilet 9.p, it is be ynd the reach ul rivalry, and tor Shaving purposes it ia the best in use, One cike if ltadvay"s Soap will Inat lon ger lhan three cakes of the same size oi any other S wp in use, therefore it in therheanest and best Soup in the world. Price J3 cenlx. laigv cnki-piu engraved wrappers, and the aigiwture of R. O. Radway ml 41 each wrapper. Now through the Harm chftinbers many lipliis Of busy shupes proclaim the toilet rights AYhilc une bring halm from CirraMsu'a fair, T drens and bemlify their lvelv Hair. Which makea tlie maids of Circassian sirea "Witimi the breasts of kings pure I n e inspire. TO DRESS AND BEAl'TIFY THE HAIR. Radwny's Cin-asxiiin Itilui is nfeomitig quite popular, hi the cmree of time it will supersede all other preparation in use, it cures baidues. atreur hena the hair, eradicates dandrull, and makes the hair a nt, fme. and glossy. By using ine nuun as per uirertmtis. it will mint it curl heautuullv, reaenibliiig nature. Price 2"cts., in large bottles. See that Kudwny & t'o., iaup'moaeh b.ittle. Ayr.NT It. li. .Masa-r, Sunbury. April fl, ci-Siuly CHERRY PECTORAL: For 1 lie Cnre of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BROS! CHITIS, CIIOUP, ASTZZ. ZVIA, WHOOPINO.OOUOH AND CONSUIrlPTION. The uniform success nliuli has attended the una of this preparation its aulutary ellect its power to relieve and cure ullei'lioiis ol'thc Lungs, liave gained for it a celebrity equalled by no other medicine. We otlirit to the alllirted with entire ronlulciicc in its virtues, and the full heliefthat it will stilxlue nnd remove the severest atturks of disease upon Ihe throat and I.uni;. These results, as they U-conie pulilii lv known, very naturally attract the attention of medieal men and philan thropist everywhere. W hat is their opinion of LJit-KKi I'J.UJ UIUAI. may he seen In the following : V A LEX TIX E MOTT, M. D., Prof. Surgery Med College, Neic York says 'It gives 111c pleasure to certify the value and efficarv of Ayer'e C1IEKKV PECfORIAL. which I considor peeuh uly adapted to cure di- seases oi the 1 liroat and Lungs. , CHIEF JlVI'lCE EUSTIS, of Louii'una, writes "That a young daughter of wa c,lrc1 of severe attacks of Croup ''' lhe "-'l'EliUYi,ECTuHAL." ASTHMA AND HKOCHlTlS. The Cana lian Journal of Medical Science. states, "That Asthma and llronrhitis so pre'Hlent in this inclement climate, hits yielded with surpri sing rapidity to Aycr's I'll EHUV PECTORAL, and we cannot too strongly recommend this skilful preparation to the Profession and public generally." Let the relieved sufferer speak fur himself: Hsarroun, Jan. 20, 1817. Dr. J. C. Ayer Dear Sir: Having been res cued from a painful and dangerous disease by by your medicine, gialitudc prompts me to send you this acknowledgment, not only in justice to you, but for Die information of others in like af fliction. A slight coKl upon the lungs, neglected at first, became so severe that spitting of blood, a violent cough und profuse night swruU followed and fa teued upon uie. lccanie emucioted, could riot sleep, was iiutresseJ by my couh, and pain through my chet, and in short had all tho alarm, ing symptoms ol" quick consumption. N medi cine seeiucd at ull to reach my case, untl I provi dentially tried your CiiEuur Pkctobai, which soon relieved and now has cured ine. Yours with respect. E. A. bTE WA RTj rar.pini:u bv j.c. svtu, rniaiir.iswiUi mass. t"S Sold by Henry Masser, Sunbury; Mary A. McCay, Northumberland- Dr. t'.rariiart. Be linsgrove ; Dr. Beckly, Dunville, and Druggists generally. " Ajiril 0, 1850.-' Iyce3m TllE IIIEAP BOOK STORE. Cnr Ntw H Skcomi iiikd Poos Sioss, o. 88 N. Sixth St. be wen Market A- Arch l'hlladelsihla. Law Books, Theological and Classical Books, MEDICAL DOORS BIOGRAPHICAL HISTOMICAL BOOKS, SCHOOL UOOKS. . CciiNTiric and Mathkhaticai, Bo.ias. ' Juvenile Books, in grtut variety, Hymn Books ind Prayei Books, Bibles, all site, and prices. Blank Books, Writing Paper, and Stationary, W Vi, and ttttaU, (W Osa prievsare marW uvm than the ssocus prices ft Lilxanc. awl sumU parcel, of book, purchased. C?" Uioik. importKi tn nr.Uir iroiu Londuu. , I Philadelphia, June , Wll y PERSON'S in want of any Fruit of Ornameu- Ui trees can be ammlicd everv few dava from the nurseries of Mr. Prikiua iu .New Jersey, by applying to H. B. Masser, his aaent for this place. . uuiumfj, April O, JOJO. , ;t . BROWX'8 ESSENCE OF GINGER!. A new supply of this excellent articla iui received aud for sale by H. B.'M ASER. r-unnury, .T ircn I o, lni. ' XI. IV XX. ; : IliUlllNGAIIOLt'S UTIIOLESALE Commlsion PAPER and WW' HAG WAREHOUSE, Nd. 19 MINOR Street, Philadelphia. Where t general assort ment of all kinds of Paper is kept, and for Sal at the lowest cash prices. Cap, Letter and Printing Pnperi, &.C. on liaud. Plain and ruled white Caps. . " blue , ' . . Flat Caps. Plain and ruled whit Letter. " " blue M . Dine and white Folios. White and colored Printing Paper Tissue l'evs. . Shoe " . , W' rapping M .. . Envelope " , .... , v Hardware and fi ealhiug Papnr. Tar lioanls. . Straw boards. Dounet Uoards. ' . , All orders from the Country will be attended to at the shortest notice. ' All goods sold will be carefully packed, and de livered at any place in the city. The highest cash price paid for Rags, or ex changed for Paper, a low as can be bought else- wlicro. . . Please call and ex limine for yourselves. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1840. WILLIAMS' AVri-IYSIM.PTIC EI.I X I H. is, with Ihs utm '.l coiifuk'nen, offered to th. Medicul 1'iirulty aud Ihe imMic ior the cure of Dy.pcu sis or Indigestion, and all disease arising from it, mch Nausea, Ilcndnchfl. Vt-rliei, DiinneMnf fliehl. Ttilious Vomillns. Hunting senmioa at the pit Debility ol Ilia Nervoli. ?s- m ine m inncn, f.ivercomnliiiut. tern. H ychondrifl, J.undics, Oppression after eating, ornitpetite, iRilnitntion of the Ileal t. Wiuiing oi theidfenpth. Pain in th. pit nf the stomach r luiuience, wiin ircqucnn or tnvvsro. Ine nsiit aide, belching of wind. 'Hiillownefis ol" eomnlesion. Viliatedlaslc, ,l)e)reii.i-n of the .pins, and ennsmunon nnn unea.inesni irriuinnity ol temper, Jtc. ol the bov-els, I If a cue f ily.pepiiiH .hoiilil he nrptefted, most Krinns edecl. limy enmiv, lor it lay. the foundutniti for, 1. the fu ci;cnt cnniie ol, end very fm;ucnlly teiniiiiHtt'. fncon.umv ti 'ii. 1 W"ilM impress" iijvmi the'tnind that to tiifle with this disease may he to sport with the reannii which conti-tut.-. ninn .upercinineul aiunns animal ueiupi, or to em bitter cxiatcnee by odding a c.m.ciouineu ul lolly to the K'imlly of min. Thni ineilirine I. nerilly put up In ItoMh , vilh ample direciimi. for uk, and i. sold in !unlMirv lv Joun W. Frilixo. JAMKS V1'.1.1A.MS. Testimony of Mr. Ahn?r K'me., hntter, Morkt street abve SiiUi, e. rr .hoiutive of ihu ellicacy of Wiiuwiu Anti'Liyapeptic Khxir PliiLAPCLnilx, October 9, 1SI9. Ma. JkyiK William. : Ueiir 8ii i It give, me arent le:i.ure tn know that yod are again preparnif you metlieine f r lhe cure of Dv.,h. in, f'T many of my acntMiutnnee. have repeatedly suited me where it'emihl 'be pnwuted, knowing that 1 hnd been eured hy it. A. I think that a public acknowledgment of the grenl benelit I hove received frmtl:eUKe of your med. icine in n .t only dne t' yKi, but may b. useful to ntheri?, I now make it. l-'or iM'vernl yesr. I suffered from llvhpep is. which incrcnttcl to .n h' nn extent thrit mv healih and conatuution were rnpidly sinking under it. I wa. com pelled to restrict inyfelf tolhe in ft .implc foiMl, and eveu that I coulil mi dip cat. I fella loss of .trcngih, dinineli nntlmto exerciae, hnd. an you have it in vour advertise ment, a general fueling of depression and inilcncribahle wenrines.. In the year 1p3S, henring from other, high re cninientlation of your Anti-Dysieilic Klixir, 1 procured and lined it with the nvt Imppy ell'eet ; undtT it inllueuce languor and worinwa gradiiaily p.a.-cd away, nnd my onne tite rt turned which 1 culd trntu'y with iinpuni:y. Ten year, have n iw ehp.-d, and my e nfidrnee iu the curative p'uver. T v-'iir nieilicine hn. of c urae increased, for it completely cured me wlicn I I'uiled toobtuiu relief from any olhei nurco. Very re.peclfulle vonra. ABNKR EI.MES. Tetim nyof F.dwnrd II Rowley, Wh lcsile Merrtant of the firm of Kovclev, A.hliunne.i A Co., Xi 5 S 'lith W'liarve.. in proof of the efficacy of Williams' Anti-Dyspeptic Klixir. Philadelphia, October 129, 1819. .Mr. Jamts Wtt.LtM : llear Sir : I tnke plenmre In Tflcmnmendinrr vfur Anti Dyaeptic Klixir for the cure of Dynpcpaia. I have taken it niya?!f for the dincnRi. and have been entirely cured. Veura respretfullv. KDWAHD II. ROWLEY. Aosnt JOHX W l'RIUNU,e)uuburr, Fa. Mur. h 4, l-;.o. ly a i .kx a x .jYiTcTT c a ttelu' SUCCESSOR TO JAMES M. IIOI.TUK, DEC I). CO MM m Iti ' & FORWARDING MER CHANT, For the su!c cf Grain, Flour, Srcils, Iron, Lum- ct r Sr. No. 13 North Wharves, PlIILAUEU'HU. lioods forwarded with care, to all points on the Schuylkill, L'nion, cJusuehunua and Juniata Canals. I.IT'Snll, Plaster, Criiidstoues. Ac, for sale at the lowest prices. Philadelphia, June 2, 1819. ly . CHA "hTrVvTirEG INS, ATTOE.1TEY -T LAV. l'otlNvlilr, I'a. Wijj promptly attend lo collections and all busi" ness entrusted to his circ. June 1G, 1S49, JAMES COOfEIt. UK I" A CAMERON COOrEIl&CAMEKON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW; I'Ol'I'SV'ILLE, SthujIUIll County, I'a.; Vni.L collect monies, attend to litigated cases, ' and act as aeuU iii the management of Estates, &.c. Persons desiring their serv ices, may refer lo the following gentlemen: rillLAOKLritlA. Pavid S. Brown, Ihjhc R. Divia, Gideon O. Weatoott lleniy While, Fraucia . li nk, Win. 11. lieed. Kan,., Th.. Gilitxsu. En, Joel Coik, Eq., U. 11. Brevt uer, Eaq. C. Tiidini'kou Jouca, F.g;. Nt VOIK. II ju . M'ises II. Ciiiiincll, Iloii.olen H .irimu, Hon. James Montue, H in. Eilwanl fun la. Hon. Abbott ljawrence, lloaro.i. Joini Aikes, Iiq, Lowell' Jans , 1640. PIIIMDEL fill A IMEDICAL HOUSE, ESTABLISHED 15 YEARS AGO, BY KINKKMN, N. W. Corner of Thrd and Union Streets, HCTWEEN SfKUCK A.NU I-1NE STKKtlS, PHILADEUBIA IIFTI'.F YEAHtt uf exteuaiva aud uuinterrapted pr.ictice apcut in Ihi. cily huve rendered lr. K. lite lil-t excrt und mieresnful pructiti ner far anil neur, in tb. treatiiiem mall diaeiKvs of a priests naiure. Per. his altiicleil Willi uleeia up .il lhe li Kly. liiroal, or leg., pam. U lhe head or h ini ti, uigreuiiuJ rheum ilism, .triclurcN.gruvel. 4iHene nn.iui;! y tlttlnull cxivabi ot itnpuriti' of llie bfol. wherehv the e insiitutiou hua become eillcublcd, sre all treated with surreu. lie whopheea hiuih" under the care of Dr. K., nwy re liioualy ciaiUHi ui his b.aior .. a geiukuuuii,aud cJiilulent ly rely upon hi. .Will a. a phywcuiu. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Young Men wlui Uavs injured Ihsmaelvc. by a certuiu piucllee indulged Ina hatilt frequenlly learned from evil compiiiiioria of atk-hool the crtccti of Which are Might ly felt, even when a.lep, and destroy both mind Snd Dody, alioiild apply ioiuiediately. Weukueaa and uouatltutiouul debilily I is. of muscular energy, pliy.ical lawitild. and ften .ml tr. ml rati' m. irritability and all iiervou. alteelioua, ljt.ll gcMian, aluggiahiu-a. of ths livei, aiut every diacnaeiu any way couuecLn! with tli. dia rder of tlic procrealiv fuuc tiou. cured, and full vujor reaireJ. YOUTH AND MANHOOD, A vigorous life or a premature death. KINKED X on lf Pritrrrallon. ONLY 25 CENTS. Tlii. 0 iu.l pubhslK-d is filled with useful information on me iiiuruuiiea una uiaenea ol the Ucileriitlve Organs li sAlrcua iueh uhke lo YOUTH, MANHOOD uid OLD ni'i mm .iiiuii pc icue ny au. Tha valuaole ailtu-s ami imprcMlva warning It gives, will prevent i ear. oi nuwry aud sud'erius und kivs uuuuaj. ly Thraiunds of Lives. Fuf cms by reiuli.ut it will learn how to the das. tfilellon iS tin ir childieu. remHianee ol 5 eenia, enekwed in a letter, ad rlrJ ui bH KJ.liKU, N. W. eoroer of THIRD Iv.MO.N Snceut bdwiwi gpruca Fine, FliiuWi.hui, will ensure a Uok, under envrkw, par return of nuni. "'.'"! f tmuMr ""y addreaa he. K. by letter, (noat. paid,) aud be eured at a. una. PAl KA(.i:a OF AlKjJlCIFES, DIRECTIONS, t-'Vl-?. . .by ",",,"J a reniltiauca, and put up aecure from DA.MAUE or CUHIOSTY., New Afeiita.Pedlara, Csnvasser., and .11 other, auuplied witb) thu above work at very law rale.. l-ebiuary 9, tUJU iy KJTONE Ware, Earthen Ware, Uaiaina, Al monds, Prunes and Cream Nut. Plane, of all kmJm. - . . .. . , . . Salt and Plaster. Just received and for sale 0f : JOHN W. FBILING. uhkury.De. S9, I6t9. rpEAS, from Uia New York Canton and Telia jl iraiompiny For sal by ' J. W. TFIMXC. Mil 1 ' ftmlmr) , fief. ?, If tkntit of Okm tf ffrofuU. Ctrt, &ymkili mn4 MhiT irnytirf 4ieu of fA' Wwl-Mi. ifOutry f.U (HJAXi'IVY tthifh ttt used of MtdUin to tgret Omrm of ruck t)i$arB. h on frft of ttn pvriftnf wudivol pom er tn the Mali, tm tekl k ha nuhrlut d And cm ft-4 ruit lut4uulkm ther U nH4$twnohU nidtneo tkmt BRANT'S INDIAN PDIIIPHXD EXTRACT t$ ftt-Jl n 3Wi 1t. in tr-rrv Tpot ( oni fhmrm thuu iUnl proof, in tneU cxrrvi fivsU d, that ONK HO I I I, C rf U fiintnins Mrfr niriljih?, Iit-Alinf virtui. mMmi power, tlmn there In coiitmifil In f our Botttu u( omw omr Bopnrilla, or uny other wtedUini tliat hn tTr ooo uiSrm4 for ). ('hci' it ndiul)ttJ proof in our pflmphlvU, thm by tint uoti of thi pi-rut Indimn Pwiir, they that wcrr PyiFfO y LtvKilipy tlmt Mrr I. auk mik V u rn t'mn now V.4LK--thr-,T Hint wmo Sick, ScanrrLous, nd uiLerirtlfss diMfrd, lift turn Ucalku mid Cvrkb, .Hundreds Thousands whv 1it Rrakt'a Puntrttct. tftr Imvliif t4 tpiWil all llta tomjaxritta mill other inrlk iiifi rucctm uim.lrd to curt btoud tlirno;, hurt dtciJ:4 iIimI Brant'3 is tha Cheapest, hpcfttie One Vt:lt of tt litt more inrdl.-nl, cumtira ml hr in it, ami, tn cini.irqmMi'-r, trt- -tare 4i$e&st m nnivli law time. thni one bottle of tiny other mrHicitit. It. ltitn. ONK Itattle oi HiUnt i I'trtiiriKft will urn FOl ll TIMES m nti ilittnae tiin one boUU f wnreopti- Uiuivr'a Pi;mriFn" would x- me rhrap at four tiol late n IikiiU. e earsaimrilin nt m-te UoUitr, hut lillAN I'L'HM'IKli i sold tor oii: t N L Mj.l,A)t hutilt ; hiiu hottlsj of it ArtJ rurptl. rni t capable of ctiritig, Kt7ur 7"trt ) in iph di'nR.- a out bwle -tt' tnrtaparillm th art tore. tArsnijMtll!!, in contrqimnut! nf it lue, powrr anil lte nifdit Ml lll:Rry, titnili m o.l at no inure thaa Tioctf Five (ntf cr bolt!, tu be at cA:ap at Ui 1'vn riaa at V ie Dott tr. Ona Dollar's Worth! How mm h dsc hiw much h iw mnli ScaoruL will One rxlar'$ wrAof front e tt RIFIMlt cure ? Kent ih it.lluwiiif ttatLiment. which it a tpaci men of iu power. CANCEROUS SCRbULA! 'I hm it tlot cunt of a Vying man who yet tiree. Ho woe enrri of a worm co ot irt:iotiila, hy only 'furl re liottlee of Binht'sj 'iirifi.T. than ever wa rnred hy th use of Twtivt 1 tftltone ttt the btrt twr 'frymriUo ttiat m ovr nibda. Hrnpiirilla hns not .Vul jwucr to rtleet tfaa cii!-- of ewU h rcrnLrnxiy hti)itti vtr. Wr. J B MasKin. ot Humr. Onrijtt Co , ,V. T.. iv,1 $ro) utn J'tar jmn-wm contiiii'il to hi b.-d the ititt ycor he ai mi iii in. h J:-eatt-d aid dli:iittfd at to 1e una'tle to riie hi htnd to hit ht d. He had iht let lie dicid ad ite had ww alt of the rt rrra:arilia$ lo no food rft'.-i-t gut ttV-te mid ror nnd w t rumidcird to be ia a hying Slate, rind fonid not 1 tv irrntyjeiur houre longer, whi n h eomntt iirvd iuln RM AN'j 't l'L'lt:rilrt. llie neck wai r.i.'n nearly off, ti om eAr fa rnr a ve w oata throiU'h hi v:inipie. innlrr hi ( Ian, to that he hiealhad tin tmii 1)19 hoie hit ror w hi to en ten t round that it could he titod up out of ttt phuv, it only holding by a email decv thu ne of one arm wet destroyed ,y two Ul curt an t'i rr inuler llie arm. a lartfe n invn a hand, had ncr!) attcn throni;)i his nide )nto his body. '1 hua, ha wa tifdii-tt d wt;h Tirtnty em-h piitrid. turi i. ojfeneirc 1 erro, on varlout aiU of lite i'troii. t or further aud full particular, v our Vnxijiki'X. loct. TtroMAS, one nf the mntt ikHfu! phy. ii.iant of KoiiD1. wi ral'tti to se IIk n lha day btfwe he enimnMii'ed utins flranfs Purijitr Dtt. t. V.tsm. meil linn, and ihrn told hun llint ait tint medicine iu Uit tcorlU toiilil not cure him tlmt hi- cn-o Worse than Hopeless ! Now hear Mr. IIASKIN'S stud ment of eura Ho '.4 : My wifn proiM.riMl tnir hoitln ol HtlA.S T9 PI It It'l JXtj EXTl'ACT of tiUtell t t.mnnrd. lJ;ujsitJ. of I roiiimnr.'d tht, and be con to beiierTUAV DOTTI.C eimhled diu tO'FttaJ'my bed, wlif-re I had li-tn cohfWd p;ir trar-tlh! hkchd totiie eitaiilcd tne ta get out 0 the hju-e -tin) Tiimu hottla rnai.Ied me lo Ituik Tteo Mitre to Home Outre, vheiv I procured .c."r Kettle mora ; nnd when I had finithrd utiti(j them. Srctnteen oat of Tweithf Ph-era hd iikam'D it n.t three bottles mora ctlrd a l'LHKM; I' lAUt ol alt lha Lie era. aud re stored me to good htnUk. FOURTEEN WITNESSES! Mr. IIAKKIN hat sworn lo the above facta, ami Lha facU are,cd and renilicd to by DOCT. T. WIL-.1AMS-Mr. O. !t 15HOWN. propHrtor of the WettRome sW-Mera. BIS5KIJ, ft l.KONAHp. Wholetale and retfttl Uriu'tfititt and Kl.LVLN other respectable ititneeeee. Wo Challenge ths World To PROVI:! a Cure of at rerottiitg and utterly hopeleee a cai of HcruUsa. by tho um ot I tN TIMKS aa much mrnparilla, or any oih r medicine, at wa uaed of Drntt e Purijitr to ctfeet the ahovt- iu:u huh curn thall ba pro r d hy n many tetll krtfvn, rupertable nf as is tin above euro. FOR SAl.r. DY Jjlm W. KiilLig Mary A. McCay J'hll II. lltrei Henry J. Slai-iTur Kdwitrd A. Kutzuur AflnmCohrlul lliivea k MnCorinlck, W. P. I. Puinirr, J. IV Miiiiu V Cd., Milwnrd Wilson, Th .niton Ilakcr, 8. J. Cr.uiL., W. II. liicklev. 1'.. P. Ijsitz Jk' Join, IS. M yr, All lertcra and order, iiiiiki be i Co., 100 Uroa.Hvay, New Vorlt. ?a:i'nry Pa. NorthuiiiKeralud. Milton, (I i d P'-ttagrov., MfKweiyiViUa, IMnncy, HtiKlieaville, New Hn !iu, I.ewisburif, Se;in;;', Iliiuviiie, 111 iin.lmr;. iddrewrcil tj WilnK h Blllil.uir, July 21, 1IB ly. i:iultable l.ll'e liiaiiriin c, Auuulty and TriiMt ( ompnny, OFFICK74 WALNUT STRTIVP, PIIIl"ADr:i.PHIA. Capital SiiO.OHO. Cn tRTia Ptiii-ariAL. fl'HK Coiiiiny lire now prcSirsJ to trennrirt kuaiiieM 1 ii iii the iu i.l libenil nnd uilviinlHL'eoii. turius. 'i'li.r arc nathorizetl liy their dinner (ai-et. U) "to mnWc all anil every iiuuiuncc appertaining to lite riaa of wlmtevur kind or luiturc. and to receive and execute trimta. nuk eiulow inenla. and to crant mid piircliuae a!UIl:ilua.,, The roru- nny .ell annultira and eildowineul., and act a. Trunin, r uiluoi . un'l heirs. Tall, of Premium, required for Ihe Aoukiucs of 8100 fsr ths whole tcrin of l,ii. Af.. Prem. I Aije. I Prem. Age. Prom. Id I SO 31 i 09 411 l' a 30 " 1 53 3J 3 15 47 3 40 19 1 M 33 9 SSI 43 3 0i 9 1 61) 34 S7 49 3 77 40 1UU 91 IIII &u 3H4 Jl 1 63 3(1 8 40 51 4 13 w i ea 37 a t7 m 4 23 19 3H 1154 Ht 4 51 ft 1 i 311 li 0.1 51 4 71 U5 1 70 40 70 55 4 Ul V.U IbS 41 Bl 5fl i 14 '-'7 I ? 4St S 93 57 5 .tl 1 lit 43 3 01 5 5 54 a I 8c II 311 5!l 5 78 30 tOI 45 U Si 00 S(i3 1 he premium, sre lea. than any other rauiaiiv, and Ih. policies lllford rc:ilcr advuuUif;. a. 'J'tihlr. rl l::ili-ycur!y and quarterly premiums, h.ill" ciwllt rales ol' prciniiini, .h;irt trniu, lolnt livea. snrvivorahli. and rudou nleula ; sis i, form ol Apilicuion ffnr which there urc bbnk slu'cta-) ai. tu b. hail on application al the iRcc, ur by letter to Ih. Agent, J. II. PL'KUV, (Sunbuiy. Hatls voa issuaiNu CIOO on a aincla Lii's Aire. For Ufa. I.u Sill a. :o 3M 20 SO 40 40 aw B.tll Ksaaiple A person ased 3U yc.ira nrxt birth day. by paying Ihe Cumpuny ) ceuu U'ouM sacare lu In. iiunily or heirs SI0D aliouUI lie die in one year : or for So.pO he v enre. tn ll. nn tHOOO; or for 013 uiniu.illy lor .even year, he secures tit thctu tlotaj sh'iuld heilie in .even veara; ni for jf'Ai.40 ouid luiuually durum lite he accurcs itloim to lis Cuid wlicu be diis. The lusuirr aw ui injj hiiiowu bouun, y the didereiice in nm'iunl of nrciinilms troin those chnrecd by other tsficea. Km l,,..yj the bent would receive Sjuou sit iiK1 lie tl'e in one ycai. Forms ul'upplicaiion and al ptirticulnr. nv ! lud nt the ortice. CI I.I.KN, Wrsidcnt. V ice Preanlent, Wat. M. Haird. Fkancis W. Kawlb, Secretary mid 'Pre:;mirr. Cilsn.tlSc PiiYilcl.v Ur. J. II., Smilutiy. J. 11. I'ibdv, Sunbury, Agenl lor N 'nlhuuilerlai,a i-oun Sunbury, July S8, 10. IlrbtTit's) Essence or Jamulca Cilu ner. Prepared only by Fredrrick Brown, ut his 11 . . . Avrug una l utmtcai srore, JXnrtli East Corner of Fifth and Chestnut ttreets, I'hiladilohia. rtHE Essence ia a irfiaratioii of unusual ex-M- rellciire anil ofvaricil oioiii.rii.w. In ult a. where a powerful and safe sliinul.nil is rfyuircd, it is uniivalled for clTn aftton. To the traveller and to tho family circle it ia invaluable, as a fe w drops diluted in stiijar and water present ui safe and agreeuliln remedy to the invalid who rrttiires jiiifncjiuto relief, as well as to the con'valcscitiir uatient who needs a rcntle tontc. In a .?outhotn climate, where the lolaxa: tion oTIhe system so pcnerally uiduees Uiirst for stirfiulants, it will always he found an excellent substitute for those tempting beverages which de bilitate the stomach and cause a morbid condition of iu powers'. In dyspepsia, in relaxation of the bowels, in naussea and sea-sickness, it is an active and safe as well as a pleasant and refreshing re medy, and is prescribes by the uio.t eminent of the ruedicul faculty. A supply of the above received and for sole by II. II. Masser, Sunbury. April 6, 1890 6nl BOOT MAKER, Xo. iO South Fourth Strict, hftllAUKLrMIJ, YU11ERJ5 very wiety of Trench Cttlf Skin Morocco, Patent leather, Congre. ind Oat. ter booti. of the beat ntvle and worhmaMftrip, arc constantly trt on hand or inimtfcttirrj to urjor. For yoar. Fur 7 venia. 81 it 1,-'9 l'l 5l'7 3,IS 3cj7 Caul ion l?tra. A man trr ths mma of CI.API ku crsratHI wttli jmunft man nf th. nam. of 8. IV IVvummI. and am aat aame to put op a Saraponlln, hirh thsv call In. Towa ariirl'a !iirpnrilla dmomiimliiif it GKN L'INK Orinliml, w. Thi. Townaciid 1. no doctor, .nd never wa. ; but waa for merly a worker on tli. railmada, cainta. and th. liks. Trt ha anrume. the tills of Dr., for the iurpn of (sininf arsdit for what he i. not This i. to cauliun ths fiuldio not U b. deceived, and none out Hi. Ocniiin. Orisin.1 04 Dr. Jacob Tuwnaend'a Saripnrilla. harinf on It ths OI4 Dr's, likenein, hi. familjr coat of aroia, aud ail tifMtara Scross tba cost of srms. yap f OLO DOCTOR JAC OB TOW!KSEKD, T1IK ORlOINAh DISCOVLRKR OF THE Gcn nine TounHml nVSaiarilIa t Ol.D Pr. Towitaoiv.1 it ik.w aUui) 70 yrartnf afi, and has I iig breti known at (lie author bih! ditcurarar af the (ipiiutne Oripinnl ''TDwnm-iid Suraaierilla K inff pmir, h wia cotupHlMl to limit its iiianufactura, by wliii-h in wt lift it lint been kept out of market, aitd the aalaa ciruumtrribeil tt thoaeonly who have proved itaj wtrth anal known ita vat tie. It hail reached the ears of many, nerar thlem, aa those persons who had been healed aura disaaaaa, and savwl from death, proekimediti exeellenca and wua derful II li A LING POUTIIt. Knowing, nuihy yenra ago. tlmt lie had, by bit ikill. aal Cure, and rxpenmced, devised nn article which wntld b ol iiteulruMbte ndvuntuKe W indnkind, wheit one knows and extensively uwd, he hoped and persevered, expecting the time tn arrive whert the menna would be iUrnithtd im bring it into uuiveraot notice, when iti inestimable Virtaaa Y uUl le known nnd nppreciuted. This time has coma, laa hti-ntiB nrc supplied ; this UUA.ND AND tXKQUEM-KD PREPARATlblV, In mnndtV tured on the lartrrat amle, and ia called tot thruunituut tlii length and breadth uf the land; especially aa it is louiid intMpyUc nf drtrt-nerutioii or deter turation. Let every man ring throughout the land, thnt Old Ir, J:icob TowiiMcud is ii jw inHiuuarturiug the real Towneea4 tirapaiill,' which never a un, never fentieiits. and nataf fhuntTLMita cli.iructir. From this day forth the prop! ahall have the lra Oaa Ume Townscud Sursrmrilla, which ahull never Sour in the lotllMr in the stomach, and it thall yet Lmniih from the kind all Fermenting, Souring. Exploding, Vinegary Bar siipunllas, now in mho. A good Snrsuparilla. pure aad gfimlne, onirht to live; a poor stiUriug. alip-slon furtapa nlla oniiht UidiiKip and die. The Old Dr's. tursaiiarilla will keep pure and pcrfaal 100 yrars. L alike young S. P. Townfml'a it improves with aga,j nnd never chniies, hut for the better; because it ia pra twircd on acicntilic nriwiplt-a by a scientific man. Tka liiirrlifBt knowlclLTr ol Chemistry, and the latest disrovtriaa of the Art have all been brought into requisition in the manufacture of the OLD Dlt'S. 3AUSAPAR1LLA. The S,ira:ip:iTilU ro.t. it is well known to medical men, eon tuins niuuy mcdit-iiml properties, ami ( ajma propartita which uic inert or ugtlfRa, hu1 others, which, if rctaiuad iu preparing it fr use, pr xluce fermentation and acid, wlili;h is iiij'iviotis to th syaiotn. Home ot' the prapertiaa of Sarauitinllu nre so vilat!l, tlmt they entirely evaporata oiulitri'lust in tlie prepnrution, it' they are not preserved of by a toituitific process, known only to thoue expe.ienced ia lis intnmfui-ture. Moreover, these Volatile nriiiciplea. wkiek t'yofl iu vapor, or n nn exhalation, under lient. art the varii e wnt ml medical propertiua of tlie root, which give te f Uil Iti YUillt. Any (frs ii enn Imil or stew the rot till they get a dark r. A nii lifiiul, whicli is more from the n'ring matlar ia liie r ot tlia-i from inutility elue ; thev can then at rain tbia insipid or vapid liquid aweeten wttfi aHir molnaaeat and then fill it "Sarsapunlia Kr.tract or Syrup' Uut sack at n-U the article known as the OENLi.NE OLD Dit. JACOB TOWNSEND'S SAB SAPAIULLA. Thista nr prepared, tlmt all the inert properties of ike SuiNjianl'ii root are lirttt retnovml evry thing capakla ef hecomintt acid or of fermentiution, ia extracted and rejtat' cd ; then every purlicle nf medical virtue ia secured ine piirunnd c:ifuiruUil form ; nnd thus it is rendered insa- liable of lfsiitir any of i!s valuable and healing propertiaa Prcp:trcd in this way, it is made the moat pawerfui agaat iu iliO ct he or lNXUMEiiAm diseases. iL'rcthe rcnn why we henr oonmiemlations on evaVy f'uk in its lav or hy uinf women, and children. We find it tl inf Uiiiuk tk iu tli: cure ct t'tfiisumption, Dvananaia, aiU I Ltvr 1' 'inpUiiiit, mill in Rheumatism, Scrofula, Pdaa,' j C yivfiitB, iilM'uti'iicrnis Krupluns, Pimples, Ulotckaa i u::? ti it ml :c:l ni -ipin-j- from mm ui rv or tiii:rlood. 1 It p'i?si's'N a nnrvollouscflii'ticy, in all complaintt arising? fr.Mii indii'it ion. from Aridity of lhe Stomach, from a-' '' "n cirtttilatiuu. d'-tcrmimiticii of blood to the head, palpu taU mi f the heart, cold feet and cokl hands, co,!d chilli and hot fi islit.i t(VT tli hotly. Iilias not itsnmal iu Coldaajid ui;ii ; nnd promotes 'eas- espetnraiion, aiid gent la pf , r, iiuuou rclaiin ttiictureof ilia lungs, tiirout,' and at try otl' .r part. ! Hut m n tilting is its excellence mora ntautfestly aeea Cad ' -kn iwUvli;".! than in all kinds and ftiiget of I'cnjaia Gvom ! plaints. It v iks wor.dc-s in caFf of Eluor Albas or Waitta Pulling ol thu Wotnb, ObsiruL'tel, Suppressed, or Painfal Mcntu-d, liretuluri- of ttiemenstruol peiioils, and the like; ami isu clfectual in curing all thefornif of Kidney Disease. Uy rein nuig obstructions, and rceululii'ir the aentral srsv Irui, it irivm tone and .strength lo the whole body, and Ik ad cuirsull fiTtnstif NLUVOl'S DISEASES AXD DEBIIJTY, I Ami thus prevents or rHievra a great variety of other mm ' ladies, ua S:nu:tl trrttntton, Neuralgia, St. Vitas Paaat' ! SvvooiiiitT, llpilcplic l-'its. C 'nvuUi-'iin, Ac. And yet h w Mild fnin have it undcrttosd that Old If. 1 Jac.i rowiiNs-ud's liciiuine Original Sarsapaxilla, ia aa l.MIT VTJtt of hit, im'cri -t preparation I ll'.a rn fori. id tlmt we s'ioiTM deni in an" article wkiak I woiiiil boar lhe m -si distant rrseniUunce to S P. Towa ! aend's article ! mxt which w m Ul bring djwu upn tha Old j Dr. su.-li u in 'in it am l-md ot' eoiuptumta and crimination j trom Ai:eulB who hure s-i!d, and purcliusera w ho have aaadf J S. I'. TowiL-ieiKi'i. rermenttii CiuikuihJ. We Wit umK-riiicHHl, bi:c)iiisc it it the olt lute truth,' tlmt 1. i owuiciiirs ui tii'ic and nu in. Jacob lowusettd a Saraa jku ilia are he: e he iveu-wide apart and minutely disaiuulur ; that tihlike in every pirticulai, having not ont single ( may urp limn; in cotmuon. A S. 1 T'iwiwcud U v d cior. and nevei' waa. ia aa clifinii't, no phiiraniULetitiM knows no more, of medicius or di-si'-atL th.-in any other coiumou, unscieutiiic, tmpritfca aioiml mill, wh it irrirnntee ran the pirtuc have tliat tbay are rccei, init h ueiiuine M-ieutitic meuieine, r.aitainmc al j Vtc virtm ft iih- I in prciuring it, and which are incapable or ; change which might render theiu the agents cf lUaemae la : iiiKlead i htaltii .' Jint elaa shou!J be rxpeeted from one who know I li ihiu ci.iiparatively of medicine or disease ! It reuirea ' a pets u oi b iue e.ierienee, to cook and serve up tvtft ef ; v nam ii tijcenl iiiuui, how much iu re imporUiul is it that ; the peiH UH whomauiifacture medicine, deaigm-u ('of weak j ttdmiaclm and emeebleil systems, should know well Uie. i m (lical projierlies of pluutK, the best uunuier o(" aecaring mid e ineeiitrating llteir hrahng virtues, al an eilfiiaiva ' ku letlfcc m the. various disejisea which aiTcct th iiaoue , system, and how lo adapt reidcdifs t" these diseaaes ! ! ll ia noi pof-oible for this medicine to do good ; it has ne ) thing in it which can ever harm, it ran never sjur or : ; a and therefore , call never loose ita enrativt proparUaaV Iti'IeaiiM-s the blood, excites the Uver to heulthy aefioav tour the st unaf h. und gives good dige lion, relieve ike ' Ifiwela of torjwr and coustipniiou, h11ub inrlainattuii, peri : net tlie skin, equalize the circulation of the blood, proa. diKini; penile Wdrmili equally nit over llie body, ancT at th i iuaeiiMhle reiTpiial' ju ; rebxet ull obstructions, and mvige 1 rates ihe en l ins nervous system. Isuot this, then, the anedi' cine you prc-nuineutly tieeil ; Hut catiaiy of these tkutgi , heandofH. p Towuseud's inferior artule? This foaaaf ' maira liquid ia ivtt to be, j COMPARED WITH THE OLD DU'9. 1 Uecatise of one trmutt fact, that the one ia incnibl aW I tcriorali at. and XK ER Vl'OJI-3, while the iKhcr doaaf , it sumuk, leiuiruit, nnd blows llie iiotiles c mUiiiiiug H mi inieaieniH; th Hif. urul liquid cttodiug. and daraaguif oilu-r go ! .Musi u 'l tins horrible compound be pvMKo oils' t the ny -trm f WhM ! put acid into a system already l '.itl with n id . What causes Dyspepsia but acid j , U j we nof ill kn w, that when food saira in our stomachs, wliat mm Met its pr.tducea f flatulence, hearthburn, palpt 'tatiunot ine hcti t, liver I'onipkout, duirrhtra, dvaenterya ; c1tc. and rorrupti on of the IiIockI What ia Serfula b 1 nn iu' id ItuiU'ir in the UkIv t What producesnlt tba humorf hieh bring on Eruption's of the Skin, Htkl I lead. Bait I Rheum, i:r4eja. While Swelhnge, Feyar ibvrog, and alt ! uie Lraii ins internal and rxtenwi ! ll is nothing atkdar j hen ven tail an acid atdsttnuee, which arwrs and thus apcula hii me nuius oi me os-oy, mora or teaa. v bnt rauaaa Rheunmlitm. but a a our or aCid fluid, whiek insinuatta IU aeif between tlia j-ntitt and ettewhate, trnUOJng and He flaming the teikler and ueheate tiastiea upon whica it aetat So o m-rvous dioaes, of impurity of lha hanl, of nu.ig-d ircuhitiiMit, and nearly all the adlinetits w aick aJ tli 'I human iiatuu. Now is u n t li.untke to maka and sell, and ui&uitel' W rne t i lite thia SOl'RIXG, FERMEXTIVO. ACID 'COMPOtND OF S. P. TOWXSEXD! ll is honiMe to Ihiuk, and to know how cruelly Ike it Dieted are imposed upon by prenumpluou menlVir tk aakd ol money ' Fortunrs timkeout of the agonies ot' tht aick ( and u eqtuvahiu rendered the desjiairing auiTerera ! It is to uireat frauds ujhui the unfortunate, lo pour halal into wouudtxl huHiauitv, lo ktndhe lop in tka Jefnmg bosom. 1 1 re. tore hea.ih anil bloom, and Vigor into Ik (Tuahed ami broken, and to banuh inBrm.ty, W Old Ttr Jacob Towuaend has aaighi and haual the opportunity and mnira. to bring hit timml L ull eraaJ Coot enl ratd Reasady wuhm lha reach, and lo lite knowledge o all who nad n, that they imy km and kih-w, by ful einerienc. lie THAXSCENDENT POWER TO HEAL, And ihua lo liave the uupurclwaeabte aaiiaiartion of kafvteW mihet th 'uhuhU and nuoo Mta noni the Ud of aickiveaa eae doap udeiK'y l hope, health, and e fong life of vtgor aad Ubt'utimeM lo thetrmelvea. their fumihcsaml friend. AoKJtT. HKXRV MASSER, Siuibury, July JH, ly euw BAY lrM. Art xcelletit ertirU for eeldl y HEXRY MAS8EB. eiunliury Jan. 2Tth, IBii tf, TTOLtE TOKEXT.T " kotetreet, lately fUpir( by Simon Marti, AP,ly lo IIEXKV MA6SKK. tfutihurj, April 6, 1930, HITE BRANDY for uressrvin. kr.-- peachss of an rxr.ll.iil quality, for sls) unburv, fnt. sj, 1S15,.