SUNBU11Y AMERICAN AND SHAM0K1N JOUKNAL. .ADAMEBEAVF.LT' MTEM OF -WASHING MADE-EASY.- t. of tr.. - I.,., hm-a iApn in ftomn thrV nevMiapp. n t!vprtisempnt, hca.lei , "Washing Made Easy" of Mrs. Beavrlt, wlidreid ehfl promises to piyo cerium valua hU bints and information in regard to was -ink: for Ihe sum of one dollar. Below ! baTfonnd her great sreret, which we Ib thinking it mav possibly be useful to house wives.) Bradford Reporter. "Madame B. need not enter into a long .lissertotion the troubles of Washing Day. These are already too well known. Her ob ject is to impart information that will obviate all these troubles, and render Washing Day as pleasant as any of the seven and at the same time, save labor, wear of clothes, tear ing off buttons, skinning of hands, the cost of washboards, machines, pounding barrels, &c. DIRECTIONS. Tut your clothes to soak in soft water, (just enough to cover them,) the night before yon wish to wash. If a few quart of strong soapsuds are added so much tho better. Should the wristbands or binding of shirts be very dirty rub in such spots a little soup, be fore putting to soak, THIS IS ALL TI1K RUBBING about the whole washing. After putting tho clothes to soak, tako three ounces of fresh vinslaeked lime, half a pound of com mon soda, and halfa pound of good hard sonp (cut the soap in small pieces,) or hall a pint of strong home-made soil soap, in a vessel by themsolves, and pour on them ono gallon of boiling soft water; shake them vp ami stir them well, and let all stand till morning, when you must take this liquor and strain it, being very careful not to have the particle of settling poured off with the liquor. When you get ready to wash, havo ten gallons of boiling soft water in ynur kettle or boiler, into which pour the liquor made from the soap, lime and soda, (keep out the settlings.) ami placo an earlhern plate in the bottom of ihe boiler to keep the clothes from burning. (Some persons also encloso their finest linens and cottons in a bag before placing in the boiler ; Madame B. considers this a good plan.) First rinsing them in warm water. Then put your clothes into the boiler and boil ihp.m half an hour. (Tho same water will ans- wer for three lotsof cloths.) Then take them out. scald them, and rinse in clean soft water warm nr rt, 1,1. anil VOUl clolllCS Villi 08 US clean and white as driven snow, and all with out rubbing or machinery. By this plan the finest linens, laces, cambrics, &c can bo readily and easily cleansed. Woolens are not' to bo washed by this method. Madame B. can safely assert that her plan isthe easiest mode of washing ever discovered. By it, one person can do the washing of a family of twenty persons beforo breakfast, havo the clothes out to dry, and the house kept in good nrW ami iho p-entlemen of the lanulv. as well as all about the house, free from wash ing day annoyances. Should tho clothes to be washed require more or less than ten gal Inn of water to boil them in. mote or less soap, lime or soda, can be used in proportion. When there is any difficulty in always pro curing fresh lime, a liquor can be made from it which will keep for years, il coikcd up and always be ready for use. Madame B. would advise her patrons to divide their clothes into two or more parcels before boiling, as tho coarcst, dirtiest and most greasy ones ought not to be boiled with those of finer fabric containing If ss dirt, as the water in which Ihev are boiled must, of course, partake of its contents. Tho finer, cleaner clothes can be boiled first, or the water for boiling the clothes in, (containing he liquor of soap, lime and soda.) can bo di vided into as many parts as you have parcel of clothes, and thus boil each parcel its pro per lime. When put in soak before washin the clothes should be separate. ? To Wish Calicoes or Cotton Twisted Goods. --Take a pint bowl of wheat flour and maka it into a paste with cold water, the pour this paste into two gallons of boiling soft water and boil for ten minutes. Then add enough of cold water, wash the calicoes with out soap. After this water rinse the clothes in clear cold water, and if stillness is required add to the rinsing water a little flour starch made as above. By this system of washing calicoes seldom or ever fade. The quicker calicoes are washed, rinsed and dried the better. They should be dried in the shade if possible. Beef's gall mixed with the wash water improves the colors. Old Bullion Cri stt. Mr. Grund, corres pondent of tho Baltimore Sun, has been writ ing a series of pungent paragraphs against Benton, and his hostility to the Compromise Committee. A few days ago, Mr. Grund met Mr. Benton in the ante-chamber of the Sen ate, when tho following short conversation look place. Mr. Grund (bowing politely) Ah ! Good morning Col. Benton, how is your health this morning sir? Mr. Benton Your name, sir, 1 believe is Grund 1 ,Mr. Grund Yes sit, that is my name. ' Mr. Benton And you write letters for the Baltimore Sun, over the signature of X ? Mr. Grund Yes, sir, that is my signature. Mr.'Benton Well, sir, I have only to say that while! can stand your abuse, 1 can di" pensa with your bows. Good morning, sir' Mr. Grund (bowing again) Good morning, sir Exeunt omnes. Of course Mr. Grund is more severe upon Mr. Benton than ever. "Itncourngc Your Own!" irAAS&IiENN. FASHIONABLE MAKE-OF FURNITURE JLND CHAIRS. THE subscriliers respectfully call the attention Tif the public to their Urce snil splendid assort ment of every qnlil J and priro of -" " CTAIHNKT-WA KK, which ennnot fuilto recommend itself toevcry ona who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made, up of tho best stock to be hnd in the city. No effort is ijinrcd in tlio manufacture, of their ware, and the subscribers are determined to keep up with the ninny improvements which arc. constantly being made. Their stock consists of Mahogany SofttA, IMrnn ninl Lounges, jjurmus, actrctarfes, sweboarts, SOFA, BRUAKFAST AND DINING TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pnttcrn and price, CUPBOARDS. WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLKS AND EXTENSION TABLES,, in short, every article in this line of their business. They also manufacture all kinds and qualities of CIIATKS, ncludimr varieties never before to lie bail in Sunbury, such as Mahohast, Black Walsit mi (-i BLr.n MAi'i.itGnr.ciA! Wixpsoa HAIKS. aidfaxcy Piano Stools, which arc of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscribers arc determined lliat there shall lie no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the emeu, us every confidence can bo cntcruuncii Iwui the quality and finish of their ware and hairs. Their articles will be disposed of on as good terms hs they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken inpayment for work. p-T UNDERTAKING attended to on reason able terms. The Ware Room is in Market Street, pposite J. Votings store, ana nearly opposite Weaver's Tavern. D A MKT. HAAS, GEORGE RENN. Sunbury, April 28, 1819 tf FIRK PRO 03P CHESTS, FOR BOOKS, PATERS, JEWELRY, fcc. EVANS & WATSON, So. 90 North Third street, between Arch and Knee, and 83 Dock street. OITOPITU I'HI-: l'llll.ADI-.I.l'IUA KXCHANGK. Patent Soap-Slone IJiictlaml Iiey Iiolo I'uvcr SALAMANDERS, FinK AND T1IILF PROOF IRON CHESTS, ,r- ,Vnrriii:t) to ntnud more l!at t-'.""i.' .Jl Alao ltiti'Nt Air-Clmnilicr mm r-ki u t if I l....l 1 til Ml iwiw in ns TIipv ;- .:; ' b1ki continue to make theoruuin rv Fire Prm-i. ft very low pnrri ll:itcnl roiiibiimiion liH-ki. With liuttcc Key, wni oh enn Ik: ehnnijct. FeventI ttu)ustti)tl timctt clmniim He in fwt every time tlio Lock ii nml it , TllPfie lKH'kH Hfr? MtKll tipilllHt Hie fill UK Ynfrt Th ..vwi. hit Bitnn iui Willi me ruiem nry-iiuw Cover, and mtwle very Mmnp, lliry cnmint lie blown n V (illUP'tWilf T. I tlftte lKhB " uiicuucu ii VAnc?, inland luttui copying prewes, lire prooi ooonior ounni 1'utnit tlit Lined Rernecrntor. WHrmnren siieTior n nil others. W'uXvv Filters, MiuwtT liullis ol tlio best qual- rp" Pent-ins wirtiiiic to pimiinM nny 01 me nove r- riritu, will pluii-o jrive Dhiii a cull, an thvy tell chreper tliuu any oilier m lite I nittil Jtuirs jnil ANN'i;9 ' WATSON. Pliiladelphia, Novemlwr 10, 14U ly J)- J. J UPDEGllAFF, RESPECTFULLY informs die citirens of Danville and tbe public at large, that he ha located in Danville, anil is now prepared to prac tice Medicine and Surgery in all its various bran ches. He will operate on all tho various forms of blindncnt, eross eyes, club feet, harelip, cleft palate, and attend to the extraction of tumors, amputation of limbs, and all other sunricnl ili eae. His collection of instruments comprises all instruments in modern Purqcry, of the latest improvement and finest finish. Ho flatters him self that many years' practice and experience will bo a sufficient guarantee to those who may feel disposed to employ him. I Its residence is nearly opposite the MoiiUfome ry liiiiltthigi, and next door to Isaac Rosen baton's store, in North Danville. Danville, Dec. 1, 1849. ly. TO PIIYsTcimnDRCCRfsTS AnFToI'STRY MERCHANTS. DR. J. N. KEEI.ER & llro. most respectfully solicits attention to their fresh stock of linf Frrnch, German and Amriean Drus;t, Med icines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dys Stuffs, Glass ware, Perfumery, Patent Medicines &c. Having opened a new store No. 894 Market St. with a full supply of Fresh Drugs and Medicines, we re spectfully solicit Country dealers to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhero, promising one and all wliomny feel disposed to extend to us their patronage, to sell them irenuinc Drug and Medi cines, on as liberal terms as any other house in tbe C ity, and to railhiully execute all orders entrusted to us promptly and with dispatch. One ol the proprietors being a regular physician, fibrils ample guurautee of the genuine quality of II articles sold at their establishment. We especially invite drtiirtricts and country merchants, who may wish to become agents for J)r. Kreer's Celebrated Family Medicines, (slan- ard and popular remedies,) to forward their ad dress. Soliciting the patronage of dealers, we respect fully remain, N. KEEI.ER &HKO., Wholesale Druggists, No. 294 Jlurkot street, Philadelphia. September IS, 1819. ly. " T.LL PAPEP.S." IIIE Subscriliers have on hand the largest as I sortinent of Wall Pai-khk in Ihe city of Phi ladelphia, Wholesale and Hrlail, consisting of every variety suitable for Parlors, Entries, Dining Rooms, Cbamliers, &c, which for (pialily and style cannot tie surpassed. Doing a cash business we nre enabled to sell a better article at a inucn lower rate than any store doing a TRADE BUSINESS. On hand, a large assortment of WinK Papkh, for Curtains, Eire Prints, Borders, &c, which will be sold for Cash. Paper Hanging done in the ouiitrv at city prices. N. B, Dcnlers arc invited to call and examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere. FINN 6t 1J LUTON, No. 142 Arch Street, South side Philadelphia, May 26, 1849. ly GTPwAV" 201T1TZT it HAT MAS U FACTORY, So. 30 Sorth Second street, opposite the rjMIE 1 Cu Madison House. CUTEEllY. AN extensive Stock of Pocket and Table CUT I.EKV.of sale bv JOS1T 1. COLEIAIT, ATos. 32 and 33 ARCADE, and 8 North THIRD Street, Comprising 5000 dozen Penknives, Scissors and KazorM. AUo. a choice assortment of Rodtrer 4 8ons, Wotdenholm's Grcave'i W. A 8. Un teller's and Fenney's Cutlery, Also, Spanish, Dirk and Hiintmir Knives. Also, (juns, Pifltols, and Bowie Knives, Also, The American Razor Htrop, a suierior ar ticle, worthy the attention of Dealers. C'xnn Healers m Cutlery, will find tho ahove Stock worthy their attention, as the Suhscnler s chief business is importing nnd selling cutleo'- Fhiladelphia, June U, 1849 ly In presentitwr the pwWl' wlih s rrniwlv fur the tritmpnl ami cure nt Fktrr An Anrs nml other bilious (lisensns. no nnolnffy is hclt. Vnst mi miters m Ihe ITnitetl (States, who suffer from these nfTelioits in their vnned forms, sre compelleii to seek relief from other s-mrees ihnu the Imme ilinte prescriptions of ihe nrulnr phstrinn. It becomes inereiore nil onjeei ni nnmiiniiy, ns wen ns m puimc iiiut est, to brine; befine them a remnly prepared fiin miirh ex perience, mitt which mny slwnys lw relie1 upon ss savk, EFFECTUAL, A?ID HAHM1.KSS TO THK eoNSTtTL'TIOW. Thnt stieh is the true elwrnrter of Ihe INDIA ClIOhAGOrU K, is nmply nllejiteit by the univerKil success with which it hns been eiiiplo)c4l. w tV Kxtrnet from a rommmiiention of the Hon. Wir,. mam WttnDBRiDGC, of the U. 0. Senate, late Governor of fliicnignii, Detroit, Oct. 21, 1HI0. DocToa CnAnrw OsnooD. Dear Sir, I have rend wilh much interest, ymr little Tsakatimi iipun th 4rnuses. trcHtinent and cure" of the febrile diseases which Imve so extensively prevailed in imr coimtn (liirinp the Inst few months an interest inerensed no doubt, bv the fuel that 1 have individually suffered much from them, 'numch I feel myself very ine.tmtetent to indre snfely upon a subject so entirely professional, yet your theory seems to me well rens'Hied, and your conclu sinus just, nml I think witlml. Dint your pamphlet is calcu lated to modnee much nraetieal sood. Hpenking of the medicine be snys : It fully just ified or flnUerint; expect nt ions, and as u safe, conyenicnt, and ponu liir remedy, my own experience, sit fur, induces metolte lieve thnt it will prove a irreat nnblie Itenefit. I am pleased to learn ihnt Von have recently entililishel several agencies for its dispositmn thouch I nirret tnat. with a view to a m re ffenentl disseminalion of it, you should have found it necessary to remove from your present residence among us. vt iui much respect 1 tiuvo tne nonnr to ije, sir, Vonr olttiired servant, WU IJAM WOOMiltlDGK. fT" From H'n. Stephen V. R. Trowbridge, of Michi gan Stale Stu:tie. to the A pint at iMroit. HlUMIV'illAM. (lAKI.ANn Co.. Tec. 13. tPll. Sir von wish ine to inf irm yon what I know of lr, OsiriMtd's liirlin Chohirninie, or anti-bilious inedietue. 1 d (K'lieve that if the virtue ;tul eilr:icy of this inedteine were peneinlly known, the vvvkr axd aole would disappear in .tiicniau. I prm-ured s bottle in the snrin? of 111, and have j'tm1 is-tri b beltei'e that myself and family escaped the ugue last season in conserpietiee of its use. Perhaps in no sitinifi'T since, the sttlement of this fine eniiisuh. has the fever and aijue been so prevalent as the Inst. I have rce iimitendcd tin medicine in numerous in stances, and when the diseti" IituI heroine iixed ami tviUletl the skill nf physii-i:ms ; wm I have never known it fail. I hns nnivcrsidly pro-lneed the nnst happy elT'-cts. und 1 Itet lieve it lin never I teen exeeed-d by any nuilicine in renvt ving the bilious (listviseji of the cliin.Uo. Yours, rtspwliullv. kit.imu'A v. n. TnownKiunrc. A?cnt f-u Stiubiirv II. It. MASSKU; Northnmlterland, WlTHINtsTOM At"(v. Milton, J. H. KASKK ; Sclius irrove. MAY & K!(HK. May 0, 1H1S tf WINSLOV'S BALSAM noiu:irouNi) li!?ra(iliulc Is I lie basest crime of man. f E are not nmnng Hint elsss of Editors who for a few dollnni will, (al the expense oft ruth and honesty) "erark an article and lirinu it into rapid mile ; neither are we willing to reinnin nilent, after having tented the utility of an im provement or diseovery in M-ienrc or art. Our readers will reeolleet we told them wc were un well with a sore throat and violent cold some few week airo. Well, we purchased two bottles of WIXSL0W8 BALSAM OF HOREHOL'ND and so sudden was the euro, that wc for;rot we ever had a cold. Those who aro (il)lirted, may try it upon our recommendation. Leaiston Trie-graph. A fresh supply of the ahovc valuable medicine just received, olid for sale in Sunbury, by John W. Frilms, Mary A. McCay at Xorthumlierlumf and at wholesale by Frederick Klclt, & Co., cor ner of 2d and Callowhill street, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Sept. "i'-id, lSl'J. 8 mo. : I)R. TOWXSEND'S COMPOCXD EXTRACT OP ! SAltSxVl'AIllLLA. THIS Kxtraet is put up in mtnft bottles, ft Is six limns cheaper, plenwmter, and warranted snperhir in any sttld. It cures diseases without vomitinsr, purfrinsr, sick ness, or debilitating the patient, and is particularly adapted r-t PALL AND BPHINO MKDIC1NB. The BTSft beauty sml SupVrlorlty of this mTsnparUM yst Ottier reinedies Is, whilst it ersdicstesdisoasS) " l . it invifjtunttes tlie Itoily. , (V -J ' Consumption cured. Ctastisp snd 4trti?thcil. ii i enn ba cured. Bronchitis, Consumpihn. l.iver tmiplaint. ods, Ooufrlis, vaturrn, jsTnma.ri'Htingoi inoou, ruTrcnewB mui Chest, Ilwlie Flash, Night Sweats, Dim- cult and Prof n so pectoral km. and lin in the Side, Ac, kc.t have and can be cured. Prolnhlr there never was s remedv thnt hns lteen so sue- cessful in despernte cases of consumption ss this ; it clean ses auu srruiiLMhcus ttie system, sihi appears to neai me in eers on the lungs, and patients grndnaliy regain their usual nenun sun sirennin. CtRIOt'fl CASK OF CONStrMPTION. There is scarcely n day passes Imt there are a number nt if m.-fj n CTMTiniifiMni reMrieii n rtirni ny 111c hwi n m Townseu's irsiipui illu. The following was recently re ceived : Dr. Tow?rE?ii Dear ftir : For the ktst tliree years I have been atllicted with Rcnernl debility, nisi nervous con sumption of the last staire- and did not exnect to ever sum my liealthatnll. After going through s course of medicine 1 mider the enro of some if tne most distiinrnisbed regular physicians and tncmlers of the Hoard of Health in New Voik uud elsewhere, and spending the iwst of niy earnings in attempting to retrain my heidth, uud after rending in smnc (taper if youi Sarsntufilla 1 resolved to try it. After using six bottles I found it done me great and called to see you at your oifiee with your ailviee I kept, on, anil do most heartily thank you for your advice. 1 persevere in taking the Hcirsnpnrilta, and have been able to attend to my usual hdstrs for tbe last four mouths, audi hope by the blessings of tJod and your Hnrsn par ilia to cmtinne my health. It helped me beyond the expectations of nil who knew my ease. CMAKLKS Ijl'IMUY Orange, Ksaex en. N, J., Aug. 9, 1S47. State of New Jersey, Kssex county, ss. Charles Qnim by being duly sworn according to law, on bis onth saith, tint the fnreg tinir statement is true according to the ltest of hi knowledge nndlielief. C:IAItl.Ki ql'lMKY. Sworn and sulcrilcU to liefors me nt Orange, the 2d Adgust, mi. CYIH S I1AI.IWI. .Instice of tits Peuce. SPITTING TU.OOO. Rend the following, uud say ttrtt consumption is in incu rable if you can : New York, April 1. tM7. Dr. Townsknd : 1 Verily Iwlieve that your Sarsupirilla has Itecn the means, through Providence, of saving my lite 1 have t"pr several years had a bad cough. It beemne worse and worse. At Inst I raiseil large quantities of blo'td, hud night sw eats and was greatly debilitated and reibiceil, and did not expeet ttt live. 1 have only used your Sirruiinlla but n short time, and there has a wonderful change beeu wrought in me. nm now able to walk all over the city. I raise no Mo d, and my cough has left me. Yon can well imagine that 1 um thankful tor these results. Your obedi ent survnnt. VM. Kf 'SSKJ A,, Go Catharine st. otuitry Merchants nml Milliners to their ex tensive assortment ol lushionalile rHi?to axi Sum m kh Uonnkts ami Hats of the newest styles. Also, a lurc and general UBHortineiit of rrench and Amerirun Artilleial Flowers, Kilihona, Crown Linim.", Oil Silk, AYire, Ouilliiis, liuekr.ini, &.c. whicli thev "Her ut prices that drly competition j, U, Pulm Lent Hutu by the ease or dozen V. M. J. E. MAL'M, Bonnet Mamilaeturers, 30 North 2d street. Philadelphia June 2, 1619. FTMIE Biihscrihcr would most respectfully in I. form iiix friends and a generous public, that he is manufacturing the best quality of STONE VABB, in nil its varieties, and is prepared to sell a little cheaper than any other manufacturer in the Union. He is also importing and dealing most extensively in CHINA, CI LASS AND QUEESSWARE, which he offers on the most reasonable terms. Hi Potteries are on llond street north of Fav- ette, and China store and dwelling at No. 8, E. Ijaltimorc street. DAVID PARK, No. 8, K. Baltimore street, Diltimbkk, Maryland. February 2, 1830. ly ZXZCmV&TUZiLj KO' 1!Q ClicNiiut street, (Opposite the Arcade) FIItX.ADEt.FniA, 1 ANl'FAC'TL' KE llij of their improved style l't- Elastic Steel BpriiiR, Solid Sole Leather, and Solid Kivcted Til TA'KS, which took the only first premium, awarded by the Franklin Institute at their last exhibition. II. & T. take pleasure in informinj; the travel ling public, that they have now on hand, a beau ttl'ul BMsortuient of their improved style of Holtd Sole Leather Trunks; Double and Single Folio Trunks, of various styles j Ladies' Trunks, Va liee Trunks, llonnct ljoxes, Cap Cases, Carpet Buss, and an elegant assortment of superior En ameled Patent I-allur Bags, with every article in their line of business. ITr" (Mil Trunks Repaired or taken in exchange for New ones. ALEX. L. MICKEY. RICHARD W. TLLL. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1810.- MAHSHALL'S Coiiicnt rated Smsapm Ilia, For the cure of Tetter, Scrofula. Erysipalas, Tiles, Chronic Rheumatism and all disorders of the Blood, Mercurial Disease, tkc. IT is recommended to Physicians and others, ns the strongest preparation now in use, nml en tirely diircrent from that put up in quart IhmIcs, possessing little or no active principle of the Sarsa- parilln. but intended to deceive the public. For sale by M. A. McCAY, Northumlierland. HEYL'S EMBROCATION for Horses will cure Sprains, Bruises, Cut, Galls, Swellinirs, and nil complaints requiring an external remedy. I) is highly useful in Spavin, Curb, Ringbone, still ness of the Joints, cracked Heels, Splints, eVc. It has also been used with great success by per sous atllicted w ith Rheumatism, and other com plaints. Prepared only by W. Marshall, Philadel phia, and for sale by M. A. McCay, Northumberland. Philadelphia, May 26, 1849 ly TANNERS TAKE NOTICF.. Vow lll'ic Oil mill Ijcatttcr Store. No. Ill North .Tf St. 3 doors below Race Si . l'hiMelphht. ft'UIE siibscril its ulti-r to the tanners on the B most favorable terms their fresh .importation of Hides, cotisirliug of Buenos Ayres, Lu!:ita, Caraccas, Lauira, Hunir-l)rv, Chili, Sailed Pcr ambui'o and all kinds of Spanish Hides, dry and salted. Also, lirccu Slaughter, Dry Salted, and Black Dry I'atna Kips, Also, Straights, and Bank oil and a general as sortment of v urricr s liols. They will sell or trade for Spanish or Slaughter Leather, the above Hides, Kips, Oil and Tools, on better terms, than old Houses in the city, Casli paid tor Leather nt all kinds. KEE.N ei KIKKl'A'i RICK. Philadelphia, May 20, 184tf. ly Hs who takes the papers, Ami pays hia bills when due, Can live in pence wiihOd anil aiaa, 1 Ami with tbe priatei too. i How to do It. Punch saytta resuscitate a drowned Yankee search Lis pocketa. To resuscitate a drowned Englishman broil ft piece of beef-steak under hr nose. 1 A Frenchman may be brought to life at any time, by the skilful imitation of a bull frog in his ear. A SpaniarJ, by applying garlic tohisol factories, - Wit A sparkling beverago thnt is highly ' fxhileratini and agreeable when taken at tbe expense or others; but when used at your . it heroines Litter and unpleasanl. TZCKNOZi'S COI.TJMBIAN BFELLXNO BOOK. BEINU a progressive and Comprehensive Sys tem ofOrthograpy and Orthoepy, including a variety of definitions, adapted to the use of Si'liooU in the American Republic, by Almon IVknor, a Teacher of twenty-live years experi ence, und author of the Columbian Calculators, Practical Common School .Mensuration, &c. The attention of Teachers, School Directors, parents, flic, is invited to this new Spelling Book, w hic h conforms to the modem spelling and usages in Orthography as being one of the neatest, cheapest best arranged, and better adapted to the wants of children, than any other published in tlie I. mum Stats. It is what it purports to be, a Spelling Book and not a Reading Hook, and only requires an examination on the part of Instructors of youth to secure for it a universal introduction into the Schools of the United State J ust published, and for salo by HtNar Masses, Bunbury. here Teachers and inrcciors can jiutui copies for examination. August 4, 184S. Groceries ! Groceries ! ! coiro. &, Co. S. W. Corner Arch If 6lh Street Philiuletphia, FFER for sale to the iuhibitants of Sunbury w and vicinity, Family Groceries of the very finest quality consisting of Extra Fine, Superior and Common Green and Black I eas. ColVecs of all kinds and prices. Sugars of every kind. Rice. Farina, Sago, Hominy. All kinds of choice Pickles, Sauces, Ketchups, Olive Oil, Preserves, &c, warranted to be of the very finest grades in the market and at the cheapest rates possible. Al goods curciuuy packed anil promptly lor warded. COLTON ot CO. S. V. Cor. Arch & 6th St. riiila. Oct. 28, 1849. che3m ly ray 20, L.VRI) LAMPS. CORNELIl'S fc CO. !No. 170 t'liesnul M , F.srECTFl'LLY announce that they have H & just finished the most extensive assortment ot LAMPS, they haeever offered for sale, comprising ELEGANT NEW STYLE CHANDELIERS, BUAGU'ETS. PENDANTS, MANTEL LIGHTS, Lc. In great variety, and of ORIGINAL DESIGNS. Much attention has been paid to ECONOMY, in the construction of these Lamps, and such are made as will produce the greatest amount of light from the least consumption of Lard. Recent improvements in the manufactory, with the introduction of new and perfected machinery, enables them to sell at a very t.KLA 1 KtULX TION from former prices, and alt articles beforo leavina- the lnaiiutacUiry, are carefully inspected, and arc warranted perleclly tight, and to give satis faction. Philadelphia, June 2, 1849. ly JUST A Xew ANworliiioiit or Fresh Goods IRA T. CLEMENT, "pEsSTECTFUMA" informs his friend, cuh tomem and others, Ihut he has just received a handsome assortment of NEW GOODS at his store in Market .Square in Sunhury, such as Dry Goods, Groceries, Queens ware, Hardware, &c. Sunbury. June 23, 1849. t.ost ii i-:n srr.ncii. Tim m,nrrt1 poriifimtr Miss oiinple mid trntlifiil ftory nf fnitliTinir mid relict". TIhtc iirt tli iih. um!j f t" umiilar . a Bt' in thin rity mid Itnftklyii. nnd vet tiirre are tlnMiwimla of irircntn lef tln-ir rhtMrru tlie 1'nr fear nf heiiiitmuibuced or tti BHVe n tew nhiiliiiifB. Brnnklyn, Sept. 13. 147. "Dr. Town rno : I take plenouro in cuilinif, fur tbe Iwne fit nf th'w wht'in it mny eniiccrn, ilmt my (lnuclitr, two yenrs mid t'tx in'Hiths old. wnn HttliPtM with gfiiornl de bility riuI low of it-e )i. Klie win pivuu up ui pmt ie covery lv our fminly pltysicinn ; but fortuiiulely I wim re ciminfiitlctlhy fncml to try your SarKipruiiln. Hel'ore li'ivin uwd tm; liotilt she recovered her Rpcech and wis emti'ltil to witk Hloiie, to the nM'Hiisbiiieiit ot' till whn were nipmiuted with tbe circunifrtaiier. She is now quite well, and in much U'tter h-ilib thmi nbe hni Ik-ii for 1? uiDiithi jnir. JOSKI'II TAYI.OK, 1S8 Ytrk nt., Brooklyn. TWO rHIIsUR K 8AVKD. Very few fmniliep imli-eil in fm-t we liuve n-U heard of one thnt used Dr. Twimmd's Stirmpjirillu in time. I i any ehililren the prift Summer, while tlioe th:it did ift, sirkenet nml dit-d. The cereifieate we pubtib Im'Iow IS roiirluvive evidenr-e tif itn value, nnd in only uu ther init;uic of itn Mivini; tbe liven of ehiltlreu : 1 Jr. TowNrD Dear Sir: 1 Itatt two children cured by your S.irwipnriila of tbe mourner eoinplaiut nnd dynunttiry ; one wu only 15 month old nnd ttu other 3 yeur. They were very much reduced, and we expected they woukl die ; they were given up by two renpt'clnhle ph pii'inus. When the tKirtor iuf-inned us thnt we tnu lose them, we resol vel to try your H-irsupurillu we had heard so much of, but hail little eonlidi'iiee, there beinir no much stun advertised that is worthies!) : but we nre thankful that we did. for it tmikmhtcdty saved the lives of both. 1 write this tbut oth ers may be induced to use it. You, refpeetfullv, JOHN WIUSON, Jr. Myrtle-avenue, Brooklyti, Sept. 15, lt47. TO THE LADIES. liUKAT I-IIALK MIUMCIXK. Pr.Towxsend'Sahspahiixa is ii sovereign and speedy cure for iueipient consumption, rim! for Ihe peuend pnwtra tion of tbe system no matter whether Ihe result of inhe rent eaime or ':aimeF, protlueed by irregularity, illness or ae- ridetit. Noihii ir can be nvre surprtsnitr than its iuvitromtin ef fitou t!ie btiiiriii I nunc. INthous nil wimWiib nnd lu- situJr. from t.ikimr it at oiiee boron le r luxt and lull enTL'y under i: iniluenee. Il immedialHy eouutTieU the iuTv i itin'.-8 f the ft male t raine, which in the great eausn barreitiifKH. It -ill not be expeeied of us, in cas-s of so delicate n na- tare, to exhii-it certilieates ol en res peifoiiued, hut we can Ufisure the uiuu'UiI that huiulrtua ui cas have been repor ted t't us. 1)K. ToWNiKNn : My wife Nans cnntly ditriwd by weakness imk I "Piienii il'-oiiiiv, anil iiUi-iui'; e-'iuiniiaiiv by (niia and with oilier diHicnlr ies, und havintr known ni-s wnere your nietiH'iMc lias uieeieu urtiii rurea; mxi kih) lu-ariiii; it rtM'.iniiieii'li'.l for such caseins 1 have deM-riln-d, I oiitaiuul n In He of vour Kxlruct of Sarsutuirilln und f"l- l owed tbe direct i' im you pave me. In a short period it rein- ved her coiupLtiuiN ami re&tortnl her to health. Jlcmg ire:itful for the Irmi'-IiIs she neeivi;.l, I take pleMSure in thusarknowledtfiug tt, and re'oinnieutttiuf it to the puhhe. M. I. MiMHtti, AlUmy, Aug. 17, '41. (r. Omnd Jt Lydiu sis. DYl'iM'SIA. o fluid r medicin. has ever U-en iliseoveretl which so nenily rewiuiU s !he i;;ts(ne juice tr saliva hi deeoiiip'tsiuji looil and Htreiii!llu--iinig Uie ortiuns of digestion uh this pr parati 'ii of S;irKiuilla. It positively cures every catie t dvspepHia, however severe or chronic. Bank DetvirUnenl, AlUuv, May 10, lI.V Dr. Town wnd Sir: 1 have tteeii utliictetl for several years with dyepsia in iu worst form, attended with sour liens ol Biotniirn, loss oi apiiciite, extreme uenriuurn, biiu oreut aversion to nit kinds of food, ami for weeks, (what 1 could ait) 1 Imve been unable to retain but a small portion on my stomach. 1 tried the usual remedies, but they had but little or no effect in removum the complaint. I was duced. nlout two months since, to try yo ir Kx tract of Snr anpnnlBt, nml I must any with little confidence ; hut after usiiifr nearly two bottles,' 1 found my appetite restored and tha heartburn entirely removal; audi would en meat I v re connuend tlie use of it to those who have lieen ntttieted as 1 have been. Yours. Ac.. V. W. VAN ZANDT. Aaent for Hunbury JOHN V. VHIIJNO; Nor thunitK-rlund. MAilY A. McCAY: Danville, VM. A Ml RRAY A Co., Apulfci, IMS. ly LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE. DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC Oil NERVOUS DEBILITY, DISEASE OF , THE KIDNEYS, i . Jlnd all diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach in both Mae and ". .. , ,Femah: ', ', , flltrh as Cnitftlimtlnn. Iiiumrrl PilB VmUnnmm mr Mlnnd to th HctkI, AHtlity of tlie Rlotnnrh. Nsuwu. Ilcnrl-lsirn. DiiWiisl ff Fotsl. PuIhipss fit urciirtit in the Womsrh. fWiur l,niflnll"li. !iiiklnr ir 1 lullrriiiir nl Ihe nil o( lP,r Hli.mnrh f immiiis" tho limit, llurrinl and DitHrnlt Brrslhinit, r iiii-iini ii uie limn, itDKiiig or rnmcsuiis seiisntiuiis whni ill n lymi posture Dimiins of Visinn. Uiils or -elis before the Hislit, Fever sivl dull iwiul in the Hmit, Drfieim. ry of IVrntirntUHi. ellowneMi rf IIm Hkin ami Kves. Pain ill the Picle, Uiirk. diem, l.imlsi, fte., Hmklen flushes of llrnt, lliiriiuis in tlie Klh, Constant lmittinins of eYil sikI grent depression of riiiits Call bo eaectually cured bT IDE. ZOOFLAITD'S Celchrutcd German Hitters. Their power over the almve disenset fa not excelled if enunlled bv an v other nreiwrntifm in the United ftntes as the cures attest, in timuy enact after skillful physicians hnd fniletl. Derntigetnent of the Iiver and Htomnch ar rrra of tusnnity, nnd will nlio produce: disense of Ihe Ilenrt, Hkin, lnns-s and Kidneys, and Inya the tmdy open to an attack of the Cholera, Hili'-ns, or Yellow Kever, and is generally tha urn emtse tri that most hnneiiil tiiacose, utHimimption, Opinions of the Philadelphia Press, 'THE DISPATCH." DeremlrPT aist snvs: AN IWAfst'AHIsK MKUU'IM;. Wahnva frequently neani the Cejehnitcd (ierinan Hitters, nianulaeturnl ty UT lloollland, sToketi of in terms of coinmendntioit, and wa know desrveillv so. It inn too common nrncticc, in cer tnin (juarters, to puff all manner nf useless tntsh. but in tha above Hitters, hundred, are living witnesses of their grail mrl and physical worth. Asa medicine "f the Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Nervous Debility and ljsjepiia, it nns neen fouiiii invaluatile, etieetuia; cures nnu throuiiy enutirntiiiff difpfirres. when nil other nieiliciuea have failed. We (eel couviueed. that in the use of Ihe tieriunu Mitters. the patient tloesn t beeome debilitnted, but cnstnlly frairui streutrthnnn viportotiie Inuno a fnet worthy ol greut consideration, i he j.itters are plesisnut in taste, and mnrll and can be administered under nny circumstances, to the most delieate stomach. Indeed, thev can be used by all per mits with the m ist perfect safety. It would be well fo r tlt.isc who nre much nlf'-cted in tbe nervous svstem. to c aumenee with ope tett sfWHaiful or less, and gradually in crease. We spend from experience, nnd nre of course, a proper judtre. Tlie pre fur and wide, have united in re cominendiiiLr the liertnau Hitlers, and to the allltctcU wa most curd) ally udvisclbeir use. Sl'IIilT OF THE TIMES," June th nnva: ' DO OL'R GOOD Ci'l VZ K.N r" who nre invalids, knaw the nriiiy titniic'iinir enre that have been MTlonuctl by Dr."i:iud'H Crldimted Gen nan Hitters If they do n it. we reeoniiiiend theiu tothe'Miermuu .Mediein Wore," nil who nre attlieted with Liver Complamt, Jaundice, Dys pctfia, or c;rvoui Debility ; the oetor hascurwl many f our citizens alter the best physicians had failed. We have nsen limn, nnu iiey n ivp iroveit to hen metiiemcihnt every me siioni.i know in, mi l we caim t reinnn giving our tea- ii'Miy in iiifir iavor( tutu mat wiueii gives ineni greamr dm upon our bunibh-'enorr, they are cntircrj- Vegetable. "THE DAILY NEWS," Jnlv 4th MVS : "We speak knowingly of Dr. II.Miflnud'aCeWimteil Ger- u tfiiiers. when we say tt is n hlessum ol this iiltc ; nun tlisranrsiif thu biliarv, tliffettive awl Nervous ! stems, it lasnot wethi'ik nn eiprd. it is a Vegetable I'reparatmn, ml ni'ule w ii hi nit Alcohol, Hitd to nil iiivaluls we would re mnneud it as worlbv their c mtideiice. For sdi-, wboleKile and retail, at tlie principal Depot, Kit.M.W MKDICINK STOHK. Xu. I'M Arch Street, hiladetphi.-i. For atlo bvM. A.MeCAY, Nortltutnberland and Si m- burv mid rc$iecUible dealers jreiierutly tlirniighout the OXYGENATED Q3 ts "o a na m S53 . A SOVEREIGN REM EOT FOR " DYSPEPSIA. ' I PHTHISIC,' "' ' : '-: ' 'AND y. OENEltAt SBBILtTTi- GEORGE 11. GREEN, Proprietor. Windsor, Vermont. J I r.Trmi rf ,"m",)r fnr DVXPKPSlA. In Mny lt fuel Phtli nienl nf tlie ftumiseh Breathing, which often refill. I c'm, H.leh'e, lsof 'Appetil., hit Hie) snrl Aslhiim, or Phtl.inie ttei3l w,.V XZZZ.- " " Uie BUiniseh for Dnui. , nu i imperfeet difesuos (of J. J. GP.EE1TCTJGH. (L.uto Keller & (ireenougli.) PATENT ATTORNEY. AND MECHANICAL ENGINEER, akhlugloii, U. RAWIXGS and papers for tho Patent Ollice. prepared and all tho necessary bu- biness, in relution lo seeuruiK patents, trans acted, and promptly attended to, at their of- hco opposite, tlio l'liteiil vniee. Ot-luber Z, 1818. Win. H. Cochran & Co., Wkolesals and Retail) WlXR AND LUtUOR MKKCIIANTS, No. 72 H'ulnut Street, Philadelphia. AVE always on Uanil a very large stock of W n ics, Liquors and eegars, ol tlieir own iuiportaUon. Moie Kvrurrs, Hotel Keepers, ana private gentlemen, will Le supplied on tlie most liberal terms. PhiUJclulua, Nov. 17, 18i. LIQUORS, WINKS, &C. 'TMIE syliserilief Inis just reieived a new supply - of Ihe Iwst liipiors ih.U ever came to JSunliury, eoiibtsting in psrt of Superior old p:ile Uruiulv. Fine Cofrniae liramlv. ISiiprriiir Old Jsinuioa Spirits. New England Kuni. Fine Holland (Sin. Superior Did Whiskey Comm. in do. Suerior Maderia Wine. I.islion do. do. jS'iiNrior Tort Wine. Burgundy Port do. Sweet Malum Wine. Hui?rior Claret Wine in bottles, t'humpugne do. do. HENHY MASSER. uul.ury, May 26 1849. ... j-, .,.,, reueven h these Hitters In short ti.M1 i r ti.Viu!TL . ""a'l"tl or atone eondi-' Hon ol the Htomwhi slso in aemral nehltlt arisir from? Arne. Femsles sunVriiif iinder any uterine denranUerd r,.fr.nn wenkness, will fi.sJ iL stTb The history of this merllelne Is peenlinr. It hsa mad Its' wny to pnisie favor solely try the fores of tt. own nrtriW mem.. NoantKrial men hsve been used 'tZtfn biriety sml thrust it upon iml.lie It W nIr rn",' I'J hut having ArM show! rMe rrarkslite eih.ney i the f.mily of the" prorffletor?. hf hmi n ter-a,,l. ..hninistmed to hi. afflleUt'fnMro. qnn muniee. with a like result, it. reputation rrsdilsT V lin.? ." .7 C"T ' virtue, in th. ear ef 1 '" '" aiir'-re" f-rms, and also f.s- th. ear. ef h, l,?',",rV,.Ww,l'he"M Its only . .i . fyor its wonderful effieaey, as told froii- mo nth to nmmh or ,y letter from friend Sifriend In ev? s SrkoT,':ere.llT mter? h,ve bee" -dnd th. meo-v "" U' ,ht Pr"Pr, they hav. proved a w- the"i')7r."'W,i,io,M,' "'" sinpilsr emeaey ef n , .. ATKD "'I ' h isi.m oth. WtXDSOn, V... OeM"rFi,?.?.SRKEf' The following Cerllfientes have recently keea received f Tt. i . i Wsshisotow, D. C, JrJ 10, 194. TIn ins mmle n.e of :e "( Isvieimte.l Hitter." nrerarecf " i,r. v.r ... i . i-, ,., j,,r , vt.nii.l from know ledge "litninwl l ll.,r elli.Tiry in other rase., we cheerfully re.- ,inmeii, tin-in to Ihepul.lie. helievniR that they willfully siisiiuii the riv..iiiiiieii.lilii,,nof the Proprietor. W. hope thnt I hi. valim renuily mny Iw so (renemlly dilTtlsed tlironchout tlie country that it limy he acccssiul. te all th SAMIT.r. Pllt'.t.PS, WILLIAM I'PIIAM. jami:s SIMMO.NS. J. T. AIOHKIIKAU, I : " .'I' Kriittirkv. L. H. All.NillJ), Member of Comma and fonneriv a. vernor "I It. I. ' WAI. WOODIIRIUGK. IT. S Serine ...J r... l. n.. . Vertlor of .Mirhtiiri. ' M. L. MARTI.V, Ddegnte in Congress from Tisenia- lcriilnry. April SI, ISIfi ty P. Senator from Termnat. Senntor from R. t.lasd. Seiuitor and tVs-injrty O.erera-' EVERY MAN HIS OWN PATENT Auxin tr. All'NN & Co, putilisher of the "SCIENTI- FIC A.MEK1CAN," have favoured us with STONE WARE. CJ TONE uiillt Pans, stone Jugs and 1'itchers, O and other articles of stone ware just received and for sale by JOHN W. FlilLINU. Sunbury, June 28, 181U. fuuhury, April 6, 1850. a Fhamphlrt containing the Patent Lawa of the ,f)i n PENS IN SILVER CASES. A small United States, together with all the forms necessa- jj ut on nJ for .ttle by ry for applying tor Patent, inlormation m regard H B.MAKHKK U tiling t sve4iU, v. ttn rcmarns on its uses, eic., mount of fee required at the Patent Ollice, and every other information that is necessary to instruct person in making Ins own applications. I'rice ria cents single, or i s copies ior one uui tars aer.t by mail to any part nf the United States. Address Ml rv.'N ex tit, Iew.Jtorll. March 10, 1849 RAISINS, eurranta, citron, cheese, pepper sauce, Ac. For sale by i. W. FRILINO Sunbury, Uee.t, 1848. Also fl ISSUE P APE Re Yellow Tissue paper for 1 covering glasses, &.., for sals at the ethec ot the Asnerieaa. 1 AZORS A suiierior article for sale at t atoreof HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, Feb. 10, 1850, ri APS. An assortment just received. v- arilk HATS at J25, for sale by Jl. MASSLK. aiunbury, Dec 8, 1848. -er-SaTTII-EVS COVGH IMRUV. ln excel w lent remedv for coughs, colds. For aula N. S. LAWRENCE, Agent for the sale of Southworth Manufattu ring Co's. Writing Pap rs. Ware ISotise, o. 3, minor titrcet PIIIt.ADEX.rHXA. 1 00 C-Eii of the aliove superior Papers now in store, and for sale to trade at tlie lowest market prices, consisting in part of Fine thick Flat Caps, 12, 14, IS and 1G II . tlue and white. Superfine Medium and Demi Writings, blue and white. Extrasuper and superfine Folio Posts, blue. Superfine Canuneriial Posts, blue and white pluiii und ruled and white, plain and ruled. Extra super I.itun Note Papers, plaiu and gilt. Superfine and find Dill Papers, long and broad. Superfine and fine Counting-Houso Cups and Posts, bluo and white. Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, plain and ruled, blue and white. Extra super Congress Cups and Letters, gilt. Superlino Sermon Caps and Posts. Suiicrfined blue Bath Posts, blue and white, nluiii and ruled. Embroidered Note Papers and Envelopes, "Lawyer's" Uricf Papers. Superfine and fine Cups and Posts, ruled and plain, blue and white, various qualities uud prices. Also, 1000 reams white end asserted Shoe Pa pers, Hound Uoards, white and assorted tissue, Tea, Wrapping, Envelope, assorted and blue Me diums, Cap W nipping, Hardware Papers, &c, . Philadelphia, Nov. 24, 1849. cToi.t & sixvr.u wiii& J. STOCKMAN, No. 60 Chesnut-st, at tin sijfii of tlie foM Thimble, between id. tf 3d. sis., South side Philadelphia. Tfl ANUFACTURES and keeps constantly 7 ,1 on hand, at wholesale and retail, the fol lowing articlca, of a superior quality, at reduced prices : tiold and Silver Pencils, do Thimbles, do Finger Shields, Silver Table, JJesert, Tea, Salt and Mustard Spoons, do Forks, Soup and Oyster Ladles, do Combs, Purse Clasps, Scissor Hooks and Chains, Knitting Sheaths, Ac. ALSO, Jewellery, Plated and Urittaiiuia ware, German Silver Spoons, &.C4 Hold Diamond poin ted Pens at various prices Jackson's Superior Everxiuted Leads, &c, dec Philadelphia, May 26, 1849 C0LUMI1IAX SERIES OF SltUfiwctttai. The Pupil's friend and Teacher's comfort THE COLUMBIAN CALCULATOR. This -1- work is alreadv introduced into some of the best Aeadiimies and a Inrge number of Schools, where its use bus given decided and universal sa- tiKtactinn, lioth to teacher and pupil. It is purely American in its character, based upon our own lientiUhil dreimal xyttem of currency. It contain more, tho nrrnnireinents arc Is-tter, and it is the isicst and cheapest work of the kind now in ur: uud it is so considore.l by hundreds of the most competent teachers and men of science in the Uni on, who Imve recommended it, It is the book, mrticiilurlr anil expressly prepared for our Ame rican Srtolnr.f : Jin Almon Ticlnor. 'I'll n Ynrru's Coli'MIiia CxLCfUTiin. This volume contains 01 paces, with about 000 extun- les tor solution on the slate. It embraces the Fundamental Rules, Compound Rules, Simple and Compound Reduction, Single Rule of Three, Proportion, Ac. J ircMin s AniTUMKTicAL 1 a nit:, is destined for the lu'-e of vomig'T classes iu tho Schools of the United Slates. A beautiful little book and pleas ing to children, nnd the only one ol tne Kind ot any value. There nre Kevs to both Arithmetics bound siu- jrlc or double, for the convenience of teachers, in which the solutions of the questions are j;iveu with much extra matter for the black board. These Kevs arc the most complete works of the kind ever published, and contain, iu addition, alsnit two hundred examples in Mensuration, &c, for the use of the J rac her. All that is wanted is to have the above liooks examined, and no teacher who is acquainted with the science of Arithmetic, will hesitate to pronounce them the best works tha have ever been published iu this or any other country. Although issued but a few months, they have already been introduced into the Nitrht Public Schools of New York City in all tbe Schools public and private, except two, in the City ef Reading. Also, m aliout twenty Acadamies in the State of Pennsylvania iu a large portion of the Schools in the City of Wilmington, in the City of Lancaster, and in tho lioroughs ot tlarnshurg, York, ChamlHTsbunr, Lebanon, Doy lestown, Potts ville, Orwigsburg, &e., cVc. For sale by Htsar Masskh, Sunbury, Agent for Nortliuinl-crlanil County. Sunbury, Dec. 2, 1SI8. From Hon. II. D. Footkr, Member ef Cengrew frsai Pcnnsvlvnnin. ii.-nr Mr. I imve been a dyspeptic sullerer f.s- sliout ten years, nnd have res ,rtcd to various medicines relief JV1'1 '"'":''!'" "t'l 1 "in.le use nf y,mr -Oxveeiiated Hitter.." I Isivo nlut two bottles, aixt find myself restore,! to perln-t henlth The form, iu wlilHi 111. riis. ease shoived itself, in my ense, were, eyeat acidity ef tha M nnell. I K I nr.!. . til,, crtreine II:.,,, I iti mi in the h-iwels, nml violent hewhehe. Feeling desi. r ' I . i ll a ko nvl. due ..I v,,ur valuable rimeitv may reach ishera siiinluriy nlllii I take sreat plensur. in reeorri uit my tesliin .ny to its curative power: aisl would alM reinaik. that while on a visit at home a .lion tun. inee, I a hiii, re( a jarl of a Imttle to a nnuilier of my afflicted triciiils. wilh ( suei-n. Tln-v are ilcsinms llrnt ym alraild i,lili an agency nt I'litsbnrc. or inform th.ia where the medicine can be oMuincd. With an earnest da sire ,r your pronperity and luppiiiem, I sutaierih. mvaelf. truly your Irieud . V. FOSThlK. lbs t. I!ko. It. liRKKN.Wiuds ,r. Vt. S.,1,1 Wh led,. n,l Iteiail by citeen A Fletcher, Ne. !mlh Sixth Slr.ft. Phihnlelphia. Aent for Sunbury II. B. MAS8KR. Aitents for lilton M ACKA V A 11 A AO. AiTHii. f ,i I 'ppiT Muhouoy J. O. KH.VV. April l.i, 11 DIAMOND POWDER. FOR RAZOR STROPS. rilIIS Powder is warranted tar supenur to any aV thin; in use for imparting a keen, smoothedire IMPORTANT TO THE l'UBLIC. ::C?.GE C.TTLUC 3tKI)ICINES. Don't permit your Horses or cattle to die, when the ini-ans of cure are within the reach of all! The undersigned has spent several years in the study of Veterinary practice in "London and E diiihoro'," he lias also availed himself of tin resear ches of I.ciYitr. and other celebrated men, who have contributed so much towards a judicious treatment ofBniiiia's; ths principles of our practiee consists in the rejection of general bleeding and the total rejection of all medicine that exH'riencs has shown to be of a dangerous tendancv. These re medies act in h.innony with the vital principle, and when Riven according to the directions which ac company each nrtu-lo they are capable of exciting ni'l ineieasinj the functions, without di- iiiinisoiu or destroying their power, hence are sati iu the hands of every one. (i. H. DADD, M. 9. A I.Ul of Horse nml Cattt. Medicines. Physic balls, Toe. per box. Alterative ball, 75c do. " powders for bad condition, 75c per sack- nee. Heave powder fordiseases of the lungs, 75e . de. Urine powder for " " kidneys, 75c do. Tonic powder for bad condition glanders, 75c do. Cordial drink for iullamation of bowels, 75e per bottle. Liquid blisl.-r, 7."e per Isittle. Ointment for promoting the growth of hair, 0e per pot. He.ilir j balsam for wounds and saddle galls, 7Ce, per bottle. Wash for inflamed eyes, 50c per bottle. Ointment for mange scratches, old sores, Ac, tOc per bottle. Embrocation for sore throat, 75c per bottle. Hoof ointment for sand crack, brittle Iwof, &e, 0e 1st bottle. Horse Liniment, tlie most celebrated article known in England for lameness of every description, 75c cfe $1 per bottle. Distemper powder for red water, $ 1 py duffle. Worm Hwders for the removal of worm from the intestinal canal, 75 per package. For sale by STIMPSON A REED, 28 Mer. chants Row, also at UADD'S- HOMSE AND i A I u.b MKllIL IAE DEItrr, ios. 1 V S to Itatars, Surgical instruments, and all kinds of ! H.iymnrket Square, Boston. he mt tiu, omce r ETTEK envelopes, of vsnrieus kinds, for A- at l : this alike. ,15V BLANKS. LANKS of every description can lie had by pplying at the ollice el tlie American. fine Ci timii ; it may lie applied to any kind of strop. Ali-o superior Ka.or, Knives, and Perfu mery, wholesale and retail, bv ALFRED BENNETT, Agent Depot of Fine Razors, Strops, Brushes, and (.'heap Fancy Goods, No. 18 South Fifth street a bove Chestnut Philadelphia. TESTIMONIALS. Philadelphia, Feb. 15th, 1848. This mav certify that I have used one of Ihe Striqw prepared with HAYNES' MAOIC DIA MOND POWDER, and can attest in the most unequivocal manner, that there is nothing can be found that will produce the same effect in my opin ion, and must say to others, try it, and you will find it superior to any hcjeloloro in use. I can truly say that I uever knew what a sluirp razor was lielore. JOHN SCOTT, Iron Safe Maker, 41 8. Third st. PniLAiirLriiiA, October, 1848. A very hard beard and tender face has compel led ins to seek and test many contrivances design ed to make shaving easy end pleasant, but with indifferent success, until I made use ot the Magic DIAMOND POWDER, sold by Alfred Bennett, und Roussel's Shaving Cream. Their united now- er act like magic, and impart a power lo the Ruior to remove the most stubborn beard, wiikant irri tating Ihe skin or temper of their owner. J. COX, 49 South Fifth Street. For sale at this office Price 25 cts. per Box November 25, 1848 6m. Pamphlets dcscribinir the diseases for which these remedies are used can lie had gratis. Numerous Certificates are in possession ef the "rop.-ictors, ol cures performed by the above Medl ines. Soldby (JREE.X & FLETCHER. No. 26 Seuth SIXTH Street, Philadelphia, and by his Auksts JlKNBT .Masses, Sunbury, February 3, 1849 tf rSOB AND SPRING MORTISE LAT CUES. An excellent article, for sale at half the usual price by J. W. rKlLliSU. Sunbury, July T, 1749. A.DD'8 celebrated Horse and Cattle Medi cine for sale by HENRY MASHER 6unbury Jan. 27th, 18W Vultiable Hooks. T IFE or Cubist, handsomely bound, D'Au stliXIl IllSTOHT or THI lUroHM ATIOS, Blamk Dat-books isn Lkuukbs, full hounded. For sale at the publishers prices by Sunbury, July 14, 1849. H. B. MAS8ER. Cotton Yam, Cotton Carpet Chain, Cotton Laps aud Wadding, Cotton Outline, Ready made Pantaloons, Ready made Vests, Cuugress Knives, Porcelain lined preserving kettles, iust received, for sale by II. MASSER. Sunhury, Dec. Z, 184(1. TBATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's writing and indellible ink, Cotton yam and laps, just received and for sale by J j. w. rniLiNG Sunbury, Dec. 2, 1818. KOEB OINTMENT, FOR t&TTBX 1) l '.AD tlie followiiur eeitifimte from Capt. Devoe, the i well known and isipular &liuiu tiuut Cantsiu tut the fraveller.) ' rniLADELFHiA, October 31, 184. Several venr. .inee I tin .lttnrkel wilh a iM-eakins out on my neck ui tlie form vi Tetter, wbu4 I ain eiaivuiead wiu d intrude! ui Hie U;irlMi s rotop. It graiuluslly eiteiKl etl over mv face uunl it nicked the biidot part at taw cUt'tks. liuriiitr tie at-versi mouths tlist it eisitiiiued .prendimr, I used .tittenirt appri.iitious, ataxte of whira had the ellect, ujHH'etHly ut lesat, oi' increasing th diaaaae, hot from iLiiie ,,i t hem did 1 perceive the least benefit ssttil I npplml tlie Moss I it.vkt. Hy tlie use uf one )ar of it, I wa. perfectly cured and have remsiued free of the affec tion. I liuve .me. used the Ointment, Iiirhlly applied for much- ueMS IS' the tsce. bi schtA ctiaiMid ImisJs, Ae. With pf fect sMTtm I have no hesitation in recsnraeuduaj st a. tlie urougest muiUKir lo the pubUo. J.UIU Dl-.YUE. Atrent Hkkt MasskSi etuuhurf. July HP, 1.-1(1. FATE1TT UlEDICIlTSS. (ireen's Oxygenated Bitter, price reduced. Old Jacob Towusend's Sarsuparilla. Baker's Sarsaparilla. Swayne's Syrup of Wild Cherr Swsyne's Vermifuge. Ay re's Cherry Pectoral Dr. Drake's Panacea. ' Dr. Cullen's do Tibbil's Pain KUlcr. Dr. lioorland's lierman Bitters: ., Indian Vegetable Pills Horse and Cattle Medicines ' ' For sale by HENRY MASSER. . Sunbury, Joly 14, 1849. BOOKS ami tiold Pens. On hand several Mf ies of the life of Christ, and also a numee ef gold pens which we will sell st th Philadelphia, prices. For sale at Uiiaoflic, . KENNEDY'S PATENT SASH fA-. TENINOS A cheap and cxcelleAJ, cle lor faskiiung assih iojt sujc hy ' J. W, FRIUXO Sunbury, July 7, 1849. :' Vnif vwwj