SUNBUKY AMERICAN AND tSHAMOKlN JOURNAL. 3VU Sorts of Uttxw. 'Smoiita it H fcftwtNd Party. The pro (if ringing ong at an evening party may thai b deaoribad ! The young lady, on being led to tha piano, first throw a timid ulance round the room, oatenaibly to evince genfle condition ; 4n reality, te aee who ia looking at her. She then obaervea to the irriitres of the house, "that ahe ia not in very good voice, having a alight cold," which ahe confirm! by a faint sound, something between a aigh, a smile, and a single-knock cough. The hostesa replies, "Oh, but you always -aina- ao delinhlfullv." The young lady an 'awera, "that ahe is certain she cannot this 'evening; to strengthen which opinion sue tnakes some young genllemnn exceedingly Joyous by giving him her bouquet to hold ; and, drawing off her gloves in iho most np tproved style, tucks them behind one of the ttmndlestk'ks. together with her flimsy hnnd- kerchief. in such a fashion, that its deep laced border or embroidered namo may be aeen to the best advantage. Some discussion is had in the English pe riodicals of the question of revising the litur gy of the Church of England. The Athnna aian creed is objected to; a paswgo fn the ordination of ministers concerning the for giveness of sins by the clergy ; a clause in Ihe baptismal service speaking of the bap tized child as regenerated, and the words ur and certain hope," in the bmial ser vice. , A sleiuh, manufactured of gutta pcrcha, convertible at pleasure into a boat, is to be -aetit out with the English Arctic expedition on the fust of May. Wager. A bet was made at the Astor House on Saturday, of S100 to a hat, that the -steamer Atlantic would go to Liverpool in ten days from this port. S. Y. Day Book. P. W. Porter, of Memphis, has made a nelf-loading rifle. It has a revolving wheel perforated by forty chambers. The discharge of one chamber loads the adjoining one. This is an improvement on Colt's revolver. The city of Cleveland has subscribed t200.000 to Ihe Cleveland and Columbus Railroad, and given her bumls, with coupons -annexed, having twenty years to run. ,Foa California. Twenty individuals be longing to Carlisle, in this State, are about to leave for California. Cakmiiamsm. According to the Minesota Pioneer, the Chippewa or Muskicgo Inilians) who live in the northeastern part of that ter ritory, arc in such a deslitulo condition as to le compelled to die or eat their fellows, un less they get aid. Alexander Ramsey, (Whig,) the present Governor of Minesota Territory, retires from office in March, 1853. Salary $2500 per an num. It is rnstomary with some young ladies to divine future events by inspecting the sedi ment in 1 lie bottom of a bieakfast cup, and they will actually build theii hopes of getting -a husband on no better grounds than those of lea or coffee. ! Question and Answers. A lady corres. jxmdent asks the following question : "Can til be possible, as my physician says, that a dry hectic cough which 1 have arises from oo large a quantity of hair, which he advises me to have cut V To which Major Noah replies: "It may le so. A superabundance of hair may irrr pede a required ventilation of the hair; and the perspiration of serous humor, for want of auch discharge, may fall upon the lungs and create the cough. Cut your hair. Keep it 'thin and open." ... Half a crais of the tartrate of antimonyi with two ounces of water and a drachm of tincture of opium, "and an equal quantity of nitrous ether, or colctiicum, nrc said to be an ffectual cute of delirium tremens, allaying Ihe excitement of the limiti nnd promoting the healthy action of the skin and the kid neys. An Iiish tailor, making a gentleman's coat and vest too small, was ordered to take them home and let thorn out. Some days a after, the gentleman was informed that his gar ments happened to fit a countryman of his, and he had let them out at a shilling a week. C A Boston gill has accepted an offer of (400 a month to go to San Francisco, and act in the capacity of book-keeper (or a merchent In that city. It is shrewdly suspected that the arrangement will end in a partnership. In a storm on tho 17th ult., a lady in Juf fersonville, lnd., was turned heels over head, for'nearly a square, before sho could regain her feet. There ha been just born at Enostown, Iowa, a female child, with a perfect mark of the cross or crucifix on her breast. The mark is large and distinct, extending each aide regular to the arm-pits, and down to na val. It ia indeed a marvellous perfect mark of a crucifix. The mother ia a Catholic. ' Roche, the French seronaut, recently made an ascent at Bordeaux, when hi balloon hit a chimney, upset the car and threw him into the street, where be was picked up with one broken arm and two broken legs. The Pittsburg Commercial of the 22d inst., ays a party of 209 Mormon emigrants, prin cipally from New England, leave to-day for St. Josephs, on board the De Wilt Clinton, dpt. John S. Devinny. Tbey take the over land route for Salt Lake. A female, in male attire, joined a Califor nia company, and on Saturday last, went aboard the steamer Jewess, of Cincinnati, with the company. She was not detected until the boat was almost ready to start, when aha wat discovered, and proved to be the wife of one of the company. She had expos tulated with. br husband against going, but be being determined, she resolved to accom" pan? Jfin n4 'parP 111 'oftunp. .V Two sister af the Irish Patriot, Mitchell, are now in Washington, They are represen ted, as )h pictprea of goodness, adorned with all the accomplUhmeuts of the ladies of ihd 'Green isle." ' THE LILT to Tub valley. Sweet, modest flower, that shuns parade, Whose sweets all other sweets excel, Oft have I sought thee in the shade, And watch'd thy Slowly opening bell. In life's fair morn, when I was young, And sigh'd, like others, to be gay ; Pale flower, the hear my breast I hun( And threw the blushing rose away. Yet 'twas not hatred that did guide Mv youthful choice, and move my scorn : The thought the rose was shown with pride, And thou neglected and lorlnrn. May pity ever thus prevail, And softly all my soul incline To listen to Ihe plaintive tale, And make the cause of sorrow mint?. Brutal.--Two individuals in Newark undertook for a Waaer to drink a nnnrt of rum a piece. They both had to have the as sistance of ihe stomach pump nnd emetics to restore them to consciousness. Two years ago there were sixteen divis ions of Sons of Temperance in Cincinnati There aie now but six. Oh, rum, what on influence hast thou ! The fidelity of the dog is wonderful. A small dog, the property of a gentleman in Albany, on the death of a child it had used to romp with, whined and pined away, re fusing to be nourished until death ensued. Magnificent Onion. A cotemporary pub lished the following the other day : "Re solved, That the federal Onion, sealed by the blood of heroes and patriots, must be pre served." About 52,000 bodies are yearly buried in the city of London. HI A R III ED, On the 23d ult., by the Rev. David Long- more, Mr. John v. kei-set, oi Middlesex county, Connecticut, to Miss Margaret, old est daughter or Mr. Samuel Ulain, ot iurbut township, Northumberland county. On Thursday afternoon, the 11th ult, by Rev. L. F. Morgan, Mr. Samuel H.Lamborn, of Ohio, to Miss Virginia E. Kieiber, of this city 1 ashtnirton Linton. In Canton, on the 9th ult , by James Allen, Esq., printer, Mr. Charles S. Burr, printer, to Miss Sarah W. Malsdury, also a printer "Oh, that my words were now wiitten! Oh, that they were printed in a book !" Job xix. 23. I) I K I. On the 18th ult., near Lewisbnrff, Union county, Dr. THOMAS VA. VALZAU, aged 89 years. In Lewisbnrz, on tho 22d nit., LYDIA, wife of John Pross, aged CO years, 5 months, and 21 days. At Pekin, Illinois, on the 1st inst., Mr. SAMUEL MORRISON, formerly of Milton, aged about 3Z years. At Northumberland, some time ago, Mr. RICHARD HUZZEV, aged about 55 years. (EI)C ittavlfcts. Baltimore Market May 2, 1S50. Wheat. Small sales of good to prime reds wcic made to-day at 121 els., audl'unn white at 125 cts. Corn. White nt 53 a 54 cents, and of yel low at 57 cents. Rye. Sales of Md. at 55 cents, and of Penna. at 65 cents. Oats. Prices range from 37 to 42 cents. Whiskey. Sales of bbls were made at 25 cents, and of hhds at 24 cents. Philadelphia Market May 2, 1850. Flour. Flour is quiet and the price stea dy; shipping brands are selling at 85 25 brl. Extra Flour at $5 62 brl. Rye Flour is held at $2 87. Corn Meal is worth $2 75 per brl. Wheat. There is a limited demand for red Wheat at 81 17c. piime White atSl 22o. Rye. Penna Rye is held at 61c per bush. Corn. Corn is in demand at 60 cts for yel low. Oats. Southern are worth 39c, and Penna 40c. Whiskey. Sales of Whiskey in bbls at 24c and hhds at 23 cents. SUN'RURY PRICE CURRENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Masser. Wheat. ... ion r6 50 37 M 8 5 125 10 25 8 10 62 200 Kit. CuH.v. Oath. Bctter. KdliH. I'll UK. Fl.IXSKI'.II. Tallow. " Hkahwai. -Flax. Hkcki.kii Flax. Dhikii Ari'i.Kn. Do. Peaches. APPEALS. ri'IIE Board of Commissioners in the co'uniy 1 of Nortlniinlxrltind, have agreed upon the following dates anil places named in the several townships and Boroughs in said county, to hear mid tWide upon all apiie uls agreeable to the seve ral Arts of A ssciuhly , in such case made and pro vided, to wit : April 82, at the house ofMichael Spatz, in George town Lower Mahonoy. April 23, at the house of Widow Raker, Lit Mali. " 84, - or tieo. Hnutb, Jackson Uhp. " 25, - of P. Beisael, Up. Mahonoy. SO, M ofWm. Weaver, Coal. " 27, " " of Ct Leiaenring, Slieinolin. "29," of Geo. Conrad, L. Augusta. " 30, " School house where election is held In Hush township. May 1, at Commissioners olhce for Upper Au gusta, and sunbury Borougm " 3, at the house of Jaa. llilhurn, for Point township and Northumberland. " 3, " "of Benj. Foreman, Chilisquaque " 4(M "of Frederick Blrieker, Milton. " C, " " of Ab. Kissinger, TurbuU - 7" "of H.J. Koedcr, Delaware. " 8, " " of Michael Keeder, I.ewi. JACOB HOFFA, t'HAS. WEAVER. VM. WILSON. Commissioners office, Comm'ersi Sunbury, March 23, '50. J TO FARMERS AND ME OF Dl'SISESS. OILS, CANDLES AND GUANO. riHE subscriber offers, at the lowest rates, in JL any quantity to suit purchasers, GENUINE PERUVIAN GUANO, nd every variety of SPERM, WHALE, LARD, AND TANNER'S OIL. flimuacttutTM, Tanner, Far men, Dealer I and ,onsunert are invited to call. fiEQ. W. HIDQWAV, No, 37 JVorth Wharves, the first OIL 8TORB Miw Race street, Philadelphia. April , 1850. 8m 47 VTTt't i . mm CHERRY PECTORAL: For ike Car f COUGHS, OOX.DS, HOARSENESS, BROW. OHITX8, GROUP, ASTH MA, WHOOPING-COUGH AND CONSUMPTION1. The uniform success which has attended the use of this preparation its salutary effect its power to relieve nnd cure slTnctioiis of the Lungs, have gained for it a celehritv eipinlled by no other medicine. We olTcrit to liie nlllicted with entire confidence in its virtues, and the full belief that it will subdue and remove the srverent attacks of disraKC upon the throat anil I.nngR. These result, as they liecomc publicly known, very nnlurnlly attract the attention of ineilical men and philan thropists everywhere. What is .their opinion of CHEKKY PECTOKIAI. mny bo seen in the following i VALENTINE MOTT, M. D., Prof. Surgery Med College, Keie York fays : 'It gives me pleasure to certify the value nnd efficacy of Ayer's CHERRY " PECPOKIAL, which I consiilur peculiarly adapted to cure di seases of the Throat anil Lungs." CHIEF JUSTICE EUSTIS, of Louisiana, w rites "That a young daughter of his was cured of several sevcro attacks of Croup by the "CHERRY PECTORAL." ASTHMA AND BROCHITIS. The Cana lian Journal of Medical Science. states, "That Asthma nnd Rronehitis so prevalent in this inclement climate, has yielded with surpri sing rapi.lity to Ayer's CHERRY PECTORAL, and we cannot too strongly recommend this skilful preparation to the Profession ami public generally." Let the relieved sulferer speak fur himself: Hmri)iui, Jan. 2fi, 1847. Dr. J. C Aycr Dear Sir: Having been res- rued from a painful and dangerous disease by by your medicine, ciatitudc prompts me to send you this acknowledgment, not only in justice to you, but lor the tnlormation ol others m like af fliction. A slight cold upon the lungs, neglected ot first. became so severe that spitting of blood, a violent cough and profuse night sweats followed and fas tened upon me. I became emaciated, could not sleep, was distressed by my rough, and a pain tnrougn my rlicst, anil in sliort nnd all the alarm ing symptoms of quick consumption. No medi cine seemed at all to reach my case, untl I provi dcntially tried your CiiEmir Pectoral, which soon relieved and now has cured me. Yours with respect. E. A. STEWART. rnr.PAnKD mv j.c. aveii, ciiemist.lowell.tiass. t iT Sold by Henry Atusser, SUinburv; Marv A. McCnv, Northumberland Dr. Gearhart. Se- insgrovc ; Dr. Uei klv, Danville, anil Druggists generally. April fi, 1850.- lycem 'ORPHJNS' COURT SALE.' IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will he exposed to public sale on Saturday the lltlwfivof May next, at the late residence of Jacob Moore, of Lower Augusta township, deceased, to wit : A certain Tract of Woodland, adjoining lands of Peter Snyder, Jesse Ummel, Jacob Krcps nnd others, containing Seventy-nine acres and forty -eight perches nnd ullowanre, situ ate in the township aforesaid. Late the estate of Jacob Moore, ilec'd. Sale to commence nt 10 o' clock, A. M. of said day when the terms of sale will be made known bv PETER H. MOORE, Adm'r, Py Order of the Court ) John P. Pursel, Clk. O. C. Sunbiiry, April 6, 1850. ) ts ESTATE F PETER VASDLIXG, dct'd. OTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad ministration tie tioni lion have Itcen gran ted to the subscriber, on the estate of Peter Vand- ling, late of Upper Augusta township, Northum berland county, dee'd. All person indebted to said estate or having demands against the same, are requested to call on the subscriber for settle ment. WILLIAM REED. Administrator lie bom unii. Upper Augusta tshp., April 13, 1850. Ct r. n. n. A new mill lirillimil liL'lit li:i. Iiil.-lt'nri.ii ntt.l n ...Bi..n.U highin the uori-m. ihnlitiii it. ifoiilca lisht ol hopr .lie .H.I a ui-nMin iii iiiiini. ii, uiu ihii-i nimi OI1I1 IlllOOItll with mill. IlkR I lit, linrstliiir Inrtliot (Iim p.miiih.I m.a the sun upon Die eoltl, diftniat legions is" tltc Irisul z me. The tlirts letturs whirli Ueail lln. imrampli is Itie .igntli. eutioaoi' RADWAY S READY RELIEF. An IiiaLmUuifMus Anliilolo for VuUia of nil kiml. the very intitaDt Hjiilu-ay'd Jtcidy Uclict' u npjiticd, il mu rchcviiig ijuiililu'i urr rwilizctl, it will rt licve the limit Vcrc jutiiui i KlH-uiiiiititiiu, l.umuug i, (iuiit, rurulysi, 'i'ic l(i.rt'iix, Vc.tiiiti lew minuit'H. I'Uhki MATit-u It CuiiHiw, Tieittmciit nnd Cure, ALLHIirA MATIC PAINS INSTANTLY CUltKD BY Rliruniiitiitinsirifi'Sf'roiiKlilit rtnl f;Mic, hul inot irone- mllv procettl irom l:iKIi), iv riurt to cold (lamp w eather, uml nJeepmir in tl;uiit uitiirinii'iiii. Tina ciiipitiiil is tltvi-ih-d into two vi j men ; the lirnt lulluiitiH ry, mo riillctl i mm the swelling tuxt uttluinriuilimi tliut nttetil8 ilt jminn hi the imrtsaiftTtiHlj wrtnul, t :intMiie iht--unmUe. Bn-Mlled lr.nn the long co(iliMunn( if thr tiK;if. It tiilt kii'wnji Lutnlxig i, er (will in the ut U ; SiHntiriii. tr puius in the hip or ur.iin ; AtiUirixivnin, r wiiuu in llie joint. Thtt Acute lthttiiiiatimn gt-ucriillv t riiniiaie tutu one oi Uirue untl bee tint a a hi nine cuipiiiiiit. TO RKUKVK YOI R TORTl'RliH Apply Riidwuv'i II Kt'lirf, on n w;trm fliuiiicl cl itli. previouNly Uiiliinx the piirt- with wnrtti wutirt ultn titke ;wi or 4 drop ol the Kelu'l iiitenuiLly in iiie iiiulutwes twice r thin- time tiny ; tlii will jiive warmth i.i the toinarit, ami Riireiy relieve yon irntn all Kiu-mnutn pit in. It mala.) speedy hihI rtfertiial in its operuttu in the cure ot'dioeHUedSIMNK. STITCII IN THK HACK, I.AMIv NKSS. tStHKMSO 'I IIK JOINTS. WralineM, and pnili in the aide, Nervmia lleadaehc. Tic jKdereux ami J'ttolU Aehe, Spusiua, Sirniim, C'rnniiM in the hionmrh, I'iiei, S-tres, liurns, St-ulda, llrntiiHniti o' the Skin. tur toiiiiu-h, Heart Hum, lloarseneusund Sre Thruit. lieu der. if you have lite muiortuite to lie trouble I with either ot the aUve ilUtretvKiiig coinptuitita, h thanktul tlmt un antidote tor your puins ui at hand in KADWA Y'H Ul'.X- It 1 aurc to give your infant ease, and to your yy will enuire yoU a pedy and ieit'eet euie. 8ee Htat cneu botttle tiaa the lac aiuiile igiutttue of R ad way h Cm, njnm each lubel none other ia genuine. A BEAUTIFUL PICTIKE. A NEW LABBI-TKKL KNG HAVING. To protect tha public (rtnt ptirelmniny cmnterfeita of Rudwuv'a Chineaa MwlinatnJ tioau, H. ti Hudwav. the celebrated Chetmatof New York, hua at a (ireot e&veiu0 et waited the aervirea of one oi the niat artiata of atevl eu a;raviiif in Aiaeriean and will oh the at at of April, lt0, iaau naawaya meutctaica rap in ita new aiiiei. it ia a beaut i tul alee! etigmviiur, it rereaeuta two feuuile 6urea of health aial beauty, recliniec u tablet ami acroll work. on which are the wimla "lliMlwav'a Medicated Htwii in illuminated lettera. Ou the tmpoaite aide of the tablet ia tha lac at mile aiguuture of R. G. Had way. The cleaigu ia neat, cliate, aitiatic. and eletfantlv executed. TliK VIKTl l-OF TI1KSOAF are alao imroved, the high prHikirity which thia excellent aonp haa attuined tor iia auiieritmty over ail others tor Toi let, Medicnuil, mid Sliuviitg puqiosea, has impelled ua to strive and improve upon its merits, inst end o renting aa tiMbed on ita ulieaily (ajHined luurele. We have now entered into arrangements for the iinporiatiou dirucl fntin our cor. reapmdfiiia in C-HutUuitinoplu in Turkey, and Canton in China, fur our aevanil nils. (iims. Ituhfuma. and exlmcta of rare nieflit-inal virtues, which we ttae in tlie nmnuiat ture ol Railway's ft dip, instead of reeeiving litem limn third parties, ao that now we liave the aiituiacUou of knttwlng tluit the hifflily uiedical untl Uiltsuuue propeiiica of out Soup are pure and undiiltenitrd. AS JiKAL I TiCIKR OPTHKHKIN. It Mtrtuieru-a everything oi the kind in the wirld, it re moves RedueM. ini !en, UI itches, Funtiltea, Tetters Unsll. It cures Kilt Rheum, Hunt Worm, Soreilcuds. ires, lua tular Krnptions. It iiiiatrta hentih to the akin and beauty ttt the complexion. As u uiirfierv ami Toilet tttp, it ii Ike yond the reach of rivalry, and tor t&haviiifr puroaes it is the beat in use, One uike of R tut way's feoap will bat Un Uuui three oukea of the suiiie of any other etp m Ufcie, theretore it is the cheu)eal and beat 8oup in the world. Price cent, hirpe cukes in ciiftruved wrappers, and the signal are ol ti. G. Had way oduu each wrapjiex. Now throufh the Hare in rhambera many lights Of busy sltttpet proclaim tltu unlet riftlils While ataue Iving buliu fioin Cirevasia's fuir, To dress aud beautify their lovely liuir, AVhich makea Ui nuods of Circaamuii aire! Within the breasts of kuura pure love inspire. TO DUEftS AND BEAUTIFY THE II AIR. Rad way's Circassian Hnlm is beromina; quite popular, in the ooureeof time u will aupersude all other preparation in Mi it cures buklncM. atrengtlieus the hair, cimiaulea danaruit, ajwiiiako the hair soft, tiite. a id aloasy. fly Uaiutt Uie bulni as per directions, it will inuae it euil oeauiilutty, reseniblinf nature. Hrtce ii"cts., in huge bolllpfl. bee that Kadway 4 Co , lanpooaarh bottle. H B Maaert unbury. April, le-'jO trinity II AHIHNU & IIOL17S WHOLESALE Commission PAPER and RAO WAREHOUSE, No. l MINOR Street, Philadelphia. Where k general assort. mnt of all kinds of Paper is kept, and for sals st the lowest cash prices. Cap, Letter and Printing Papcn, S.C. on hand. Plain and ruled white Caps . t,lus Flat Caps. Plain and ruled whits letter. " " blue " Dine and white Folios. White and colored Printing Paper Tissue Papers. Shoe Wrapping " Envelope " Hardware and SI ealhing Paper. Tnr Boards. Straw Hoards, Donnet Hoards. All orders from the Country will be attended to nt the shortest iisjlice. All goods sold will be carefully packed, and de livered at nny place in the city. The highest cash price paid for Rags, or ex changed for Paper, ns low as can be bought else where. Please call and cxnminr for yourselves. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 18 tO ALEXANDER (J. CATTELL, PlCCKSSlin TO JAMES M. nOI.TON, DF.CD. COMMISSION & FORWARDING MER CHANT, For the talc of Grain, Flour, Seeds, Iron, Ltim- hrr kt. No. 13 Nortk Wharves, PllII.AllKI.rlHA. Goods forwarded with care, to nil points on the Schuylkill, Union, Susquehanna and Juniata Cnmils. 11?' Salt, Plnstcr, Grindstones. &c, for sale nt the lowest prices. Philadelphia, June 2, 1819. ly C MAUL ES W . II EG I N S , sA.TTOP.lTE7 AT LAV", Pottsivlllc, Pa. Will premptly attend to collections and all busi ness entrusted to his care. June 16, 1849, JAMF.3 COOI'1-.It. lllllA CAM Kit ON COOPEK& CAMERON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, POTTSTIMK, Stliiiylhlll County. Pa., AT7ILL collect monies, attend to litiirnted rases. ' and act as agents in the management of . Ti :: .1...: : i.siuirs, ivi. i crmius urmrin uicir services, may refer to the following gentlemen: ruiLAm-.i.riiiA. Dsiriil S. rtrnwn, Iwiac H. Duvis. l.i leon O. Wrstrotl llrniy v nltr, I- mttriit i . i:m-K, vt in. 11. Hifd. t-.s., Cliiu'liibljoht. t'q. .I.iel Cook, Ki(., H. II. lliewctcr, !.. C Tliomiwun Jones, Kin. NEW YORK. n'jn.Mcs''. TT. OrhmHt, tl'n. f icilfii II 'Tunn, Hon. .littnrs Alnnrnc. Iton. I'lwtirfl Curtis. Hon. AbUjlt livrciu-r, Itosro.N.Jolm Aikcs, l, LoweliA Jans 3, 1M0. FRI'lT &. OKV4IU i:T4L, TREES I.) RSONS in want of any Fruit or Ornatnen- till trees can tic supplied every few days from the nurseries of Mr. Perkins in New Jersey, by applying toll. I). Masser, his agent for this place. Sunbury, April 6, 1850. THE CHEAP BOOR STORE. DA1TISLS & SMITH'S Ciirap Nfw & Skcond hand Rook Siork, A'd. 36 Jv. Sixth St. be ,r-cn Miirhet Arch, Vhilaiteliihln. Law Cooks, Theological and Classical Rocks, MEDICAL BOOKS HISTORICAL ROOKS, SCHOOL liOOKS. Scientific and Mai hk.matical Ro.-iKs. Juvenile Books, in great variety. Hymn Cooks and Trayer Cooks, Bibles, all sizes and prices. Blank Books, Writing Paper, and Stationary, UVwl tare and Hit all, W Oca prices nre niuelit owcr tlian tlie prices 7 I.iltinrirs and sinnll parcels o! iMHiks purclvisctl. 17" Itooks tinpiirted to uriler I'roui Lomlou. I'lillsdrliitiia, June (1, lt-l) y C. liKNKKUT, BOOT MAKER, b. 40 South Fourth Street, PlIILAIIHLrlllt, HERE every variety of Frcneli (,'alf Skin Moroeeo. Putent leatlier. Cnnirress nml f,i. ter lioots, of the best stylr nnil workmnnship, arc constantly kept on band or manufactured to order. JUan-li It), 16 jo. tnu l'llir.ADEL PHI A ZSDICAIi HOUSE, ESTABLISHKf) 15 VEAHS AGO, BY mi. KTXKKLIX, V. V. Comer oj 2 hud aai Union Street. BETWEKN SI'HL'Ci: AND TINE STREETS, IlFTKI.N YEARS if extensive mvl iininterrnpted pr.tetice spent in thin city have rendered Ur. K. the ni'ial expert nnd micri-aatul praetiii-iner t'ar and near, in (he trenttiieut oi'nll diatiicifN of n nrivnte iriture. Peru ns aiilietcd with ulcers up mi Hu b mv. throat, or les, paniK m the tieuilor b-im s, murcuiial rhetnuitiitni, striclnieji. i; ravel, dist-nm; iiriyin I nun youlhiiiU exceMtes or impurities of the bl hwI. whereby the poustiiuiiii hus become eiiiecbled, nre iremtii won snceews. Ie whoplacefi himself under the csire of Dr. K.. inav re- liimialy confide in bis hon"r as a Ketillcinait, tual conntltot ly rely upon bin skill us a phymcian. TAKE PARtlcrisAIt NOTICE. Younff Men who have injured tliemitelves bv a tvrlnin pinetice iuduliel in a hubit fremientlv learnetl front evil coiupuuit'iuf or at sinooi-i-uio ellects ot wlneh are wikthily tell, even when unieep. aiul destruv b ilh miml and blv. sli n !d apply immetliately. Weakuena and eoiiRtitutioiuil debility liM of inusenlar eiirrfry. phyairul laffsitmle and (ren vrnl prosiratioit. irritnbihty nnd nil nervous infectious, indi gemion, slutruimieas of the livci, aud every tlueioji m any way conue ieii won me tun rtier 01 uie procieutive tunc tions cured, and full vigor restored. YOUTH AND MANHOOD, A vigorous lifo or a premature death. KINKELIN on srlf m serration. ONLY 25 CENTS. Tliis n Nikjasl ullitiril ii Glial willi uKful inhinnstim on intii aiiiif unit ilntt.jtii.-s of tlie Oraerstive Orgaits. It aiklresiK iu.'Hslike lo YOUTlI.MAMlOOUand OU) AliK, anil .hould lie rewt by all. Tlie vuluahle atlv iee aisl ' inirt.ssive waruiaa; it fives, wilt prevent years i A miser)- and sullering aud save auuuul. ly Tliousamls of Lives. I' hv rewlina il will learn how lo prevent the des truction ul' their children. A rciultUince oi 2.1 cents, encloseil in a letter, ait. drctmed to lilt. KINKKI.IN, N. W. coriter ofTIHRD I'MON Ktteeu, lietween S,ruce k Pine, Fhilailrlphua, will ensure a b nk, under envelope, per rclurn ol' null. l'ersouiHt a di.iance limy address Dr. K. by letter, (post. Htiil.) untl lieeiueil at home. i'.m kai.ks tip Aiimiriri'.s, duif.ctions. tc, forwurih-d by scmlinff a ri'imluiuce, and mit iinsecuie I'miu JJAMAtiK of t'ritlOSTY. Ho ik-sellers. New Aeuts'edl'irs, Ciuivssfters, ami all oihera siLiplit-d With the abova work ut very low rules. l-'cbruury 0, Itwo ly TONE Ware, Earlhrn Warn, Raisins, Al nioiuls, Pruiirs ami Cream NuU. I'lanos of nil kinds. Suit auj l'lasti-r. Just n i'i'ivi j and for sale by JOHN W. rnitJNG. tfunbury, Ve. S3, 1619. KROWN'8 ESSENCE OF tilNtiEliTI A new supply of tins excellent article just ricoiveil und for stilo liy 11. 11. MA&SEU. Sunliury, March l(i, 1850. R AY RUM. An exrrllrnt article for sals by HENKY MASSEtt. Sunbury Jan. 57th, 1849 tof. nOI'HE TO KENT Tlie premises on Mar kct street, lately occupirU by Hiinon MarU. Apply to HENKY MA8SEK. Sunbury, April (1, 1850. WHITE UKANDY lo7 7vi"irgb7andy ' ' pcacliss of an excsllciil quality, for sal by H. AlAWEIf. funburv, Sejit. SSd, l43. WlI.LIA-tlS' ASTIDYPEPTIC Ef.tXirt is, with th nlirlost eonndenfje, nffereilto th Werllcnl r'rrm1tyrld the public lor lbs cure of llrspen. ia at Indigestion, and all disease anaisf from ii, soch Nnnsea, Ttcndnclie, Vert if o, Dimiiepsof Wijht, Debility of tha Nervous tys tern. Hyp-K-hrnvtrls, Jnuudics, lissof ajipetite, Wasting uf the strsntrlh. Tlillolis Votnltimr, lltirnina: scnmtioa at the pit rt me stomncn, f .ivcr crminlaiirf. Oppression after entliif , rslpltsttofi nrthe'flmlt, Pnin in the pit of the sfsnseh or towards the richt side, ftiillownrss of complcsl'ii, jDeprrssimi of 'the spins snH Flstulence, with frequent lirlcninf oi wnul, Vltistnltnste, Conntitetion ami nncasiness mummy oi ictiiper, ere. of the bowels, If a esse of dyspepsia sSould be nrrlrrtcd, most scriom efliTis may ensue, for it lays the foundation for, is the in ciK.iit cause of. and very frerpiently tcrmlnutesln cous'imp li'.l. I wnlld impress upon the mind tluit to tiille with this disense mny lie. to sport with the reason whk-h consti tutes nmii snpereniinciii ninoux aniintil Itcines, ot lo cni biller existence by adding a consciousness of folly u) the penalty of iiuin. Tliis nieilit-ine is ucrtt'y id up in 1iott!es, with smple directiius for use, and is sold iii Suulnirv by .Inns W, fsinxo. Jamks Williams. 'r.'Siiuionv.'t Mr. Aimer KImes, hniu-r, Atnrkei street nbne Xiiili, ri rrd)initive of I ho cllicnt-y of Will nun. Auti-Dt'spc ptic 1-lixir rn.At)Ei.fliiA, Octolwr 3, 1PI9. Mr. Javri Wn.i.nitsi Dear tii It aivt-s me rrf;it ptra.ure to kii w that you nre strain pn-jiarind yon uinttrinc fr (lie cifre of Dyspep sia, fir ol' my ncipriinlnuccs hnve rcpcnliilly nkift me where it c'MiI'l tie procureil, knowina tint I hud been cured liy it. As I think thut a public acknowledgment of the i;re:it IjL-nc'il I have riM-civi'il t'run the ufc of your med icine is n il only due lo yon. lint mny be useful to others. I How ni'ike it. For several year I sulT'Ti-d from Dyspep sia, which iii'.-riMip-'d lo sneli nu rstfiit Hint my hc-ullh and coiiihiti hi Were rapidly sinUiii'i nuili-r it. I was com pllrd to restrict nivi'lf to tlie most sipiple fund, nnd even Ihnt I c-iuld not ilitrvst. I aVIl a Iom of utrcmitli, disiucti nntl:n to exercise, nnd, ns you hnve it in your advertise ment, a ireneral fee'iin'i of ileprefsion nuu inde.serilinble wenrines.. In lite year T-.'la. Itciriul! from others hinhre e.uiunendnlion of your Anii-l)ysicp(ic J-'.lixir, I pneured sail used H with the most happy cllect ; uiitlef it infiucnee liinufir anil wariness urnibinlly pnRsed nwnv, nnil my nppc lile retnrneti which I e inlil crulily wilh impunity. Ten years h.ive ir-w elapsed, and my e infidenee in the curative p iwers "f y.uir uitiliriiie hns of course iucri'nsetl, for it cnipletely e'urt d me wtteu i f.iiletl to'ibtitin roliel' from nny oilier source. Very respeelfullv vnifs, aiwkh r.LMr.fs. TVtliininyof l-.hv.nd IT. I! iwlev, Wleiles ile Merchant of the firm of Rowley. Ashlniunei fc Co., No !i South Wlnrves, in pr onfnf the clheaey of Williams1 Auti'Dys peptie l-l i xir. PmnnrLMiiA, October 20, 1P19. Mr. Jamks Wim.isms i l)enr Sir ! 1 take pleasure In Tecommendiuir your Anli Ilyspeplic I'.lixir for Ihe cure ol' Dyspepsia, 1' have tnken it myself lor lite ihsensc, met hnve lieeu entirely cared. Yours respeelfullv, I'.DWAIII) II. "ROWLEY. AokxT JOTTX W Fnil.INO.Suiibury, fa. March 1. IP.jO. Iv KOUT. L. Sl-Vfll. TItOS. P. B. SETIl SRTII & IsllOTIIKR. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND Commission ilTr tritAittK, NO. 89 PRATT STREET, (Near Bowi.Yrs Wharf.) BALTIMORE, VilI pay partirnlar attention to tlie sale ofORAIN anil nil other products of the farm. "Baltimore, January 26, 18.r0. ly Ilrown'H rsienrc of Jamaica Cln prer. Prepared only by Frederick Brown, al his )rii'i and Chemical Store, North East Corner of Fifth and Chestnut f reels, Philadelphia. rip'TE Essence is a preparation of unusual rx jL rellenoc and of varied projirrtirs. where a powerful and safe stimulant is required, it is unrivalled for eli'ieacy as well ns immediate action. To the traveller and to the family circle it is invaluable, as a few drops diluted in sugar and water present u sale and agreeable remedy to the invalid who requires immediate relief, as well ns to tho convalcscinir patient who needs a gentle tonic. In a Southern climate, whero the relaxa tion of tho system so generally induces thirst for stimulants, it will always be found an excellent substitute for those templing beverages which de bilitate the stomach and c.niso a moi-hid condition of its powers. In dyspepsia, in relaxation of the bowels, in nausse.i ami sca-sirA ness, it is an active and safe bs well as a pleasant and refreshing re medy, nnd is prescribed by the most eminent of the medical facility, A supply of the above received and for sa!e by II. 1). Master, Sunbury. April C, ISjO. fim MECHANICAL ARTS AND SCIENCES. P. APPI.I'.TON & CO., NEW YOItK, Have In rsursa of rtthlicattort, IN PARTS. riUCIl TWEHTT-riVl CENTS EACH, A DICTIONARY Of Machines, Mechanics, Engine-Work and liXGINEHKIXfi; Designed for Practical Working men and those intended for the Fnixincering Profession. Edited by OLIVEIl liVKNE, formerly Pro fessor of Mathematics College of Civil En gineers, London. Author and Inventor of 'The Calculus of Form," "The New and Improved System of Logarithms," l-The Ele ments of Enechd by Colors,' etc., etc., etc. This work is nf of nr;a 8vo. size, contain ing nearly two tiiolsano pai;es, upwards of m'TKEN lUNnm.o i-i.atks, nml six tiidisaxd wood-cuts. Il will prosonl working-drawings nnil description of tin; most important inacliiiiis in the United Slates, independent ol the result of American ingenuity, it will contain complete practical treatises on Me chanics, Macliineiv, Engine-wink, anil En Hineeiinjr; with u fi that is useful in more than one llimis.iuj il.illais' worth of folio vol umes, inauaincs, and other books, among which may be mentioned tha follow nig: 1. liibliolhotiieijuo ilea Arts Judiislriels. (Masson, I'aris.) 2. Civil Eiiyineor and Architect's Journal. (Loudon.) 3. Knoiiieer and Machinist's Assistant. (Blackio, Glasgow.) 4 Publication, luiiustriellc. ( ArmenauJ Aiue, Paris.) 5. Jamiesnii's Alecbauics of Fluiili. 6. TreatMj ou Mechanics. (1'oisson.) 7. Allgeineino llaiixcitung mil Abbildmigen. (Foister, Wieu.) 8. Organ lur dio Fortscliritto des Eisenbahn weseus in litehiiiselier Hczichang. (Von Walilegg, Wiosbaileu.) 9. Sherwiii's I.ogarillims. 10 HyriuvH Logaritlims. 11. The Mechanical and Malliematical Works of Oliver Byrne. 12. Silliman's Journal. 13. Allgemeinu Mascliiiicn-Eiicyclopadie. , llulssee. (Leipzig. 14 Cotton Manufacture c!f Great Britain anil America contrasted. II. Uollzapder Turning and Mechanical Manipulation. 10. The Steam Flngine. (J. Bourne.) 17. Eisenbaliii-Zeitung. (Slnltgarl.) 18. TredgoUl on the Stuani Engine. 19. l'iko's Matheiiiatical and Optical Instru ments. 20. Dictioiniaire des Arts et Manufactures. (Labou)aye, I'aris.) 21. Soauzar's Civil Engineering. 82. Brawn's Indicator and I'yiianomater. 23. Origin and progress of tSieam Navigation. (Woodi'ioft.) 24. Ees.-ai sur I'lndustrie des (atieres Tex lilos. (Michel A lean. I'aris.) 25 Macneill's Tables. Sfi. (iriors' Mechanic's l'ockci Piclionary. 27. Tenipletdu's MilKvtigllt's and Engineer's Pocket Companion. 28. Lady and Gentleman's Diary. 29. Marine Bleatrt Engine. (Brown.) 30. Weisbach'a Mechanic aud Engineering. 31. The Mathematician. (London?) 32. Barlow on Strength of Materials. 33. Iluiin's Mechanics. 34. Mechanicjij Principles of Engineering and Architecture-. (Mostly.) 35. Journal of the Franklin Institute. 30. Tha Transactions of the Institute, of Civil Engineers. (London. 37. The Artisan. 38. Quaitoily Paper on Engines. (Published Eng. by Weale, London. 30. Impi'iial Dictionary (GUfgow.) 40. Student's Guids to the Loromoti. 41. Railway Engint tarrige Wd'Cu low, London.) n 42. Kecuinl dps Machines Instiumens et Ap parels (Le Blano, Paris.) 43. Buchanan on Mill Work. 44. Practical Example of Modem Took) nd Machines. (G. llennie.) 45. Repertoire de I'inHustrie Frmncaise tt Etrangere. :(L. Mnthias, Paris) 46. Treatiese on the Manufacture of 3as ( A cottm, 'London.) 47. Setting out Corves on Railway. (Law, London.) 48. Hodge on Ihe Steam Engine. 49. Scientific American. 50. Railroad Journal. (New York,) 81. American Artisan. 52. Mechanics' Mngazinn. 53. Nicholson's (Peter) Dictionary of Archi tecture. 54. Dictionnnire de Marine a Voilel 01 a Va pour. (Da Bonnefoux, Paris.) 55. Conway nnd Mcnai Tubular Bridges.- (Fairbarti. 60. Brees' Railway Tiae-lieo. . 87. Barlow's Mathematical Dictionary. 58. Rowditcli's Navigation. 59. Gregory's Mathematics for Practical Men. CO. Engineers and Mechanics' Encyclopedia. ' (Lnko Herbert.) 61. Patent Journal ; London. 112. Brees' Glossary of Engineering. 03. Encyclopedia of Civil Engiucoting. (Crasy.) 04. Craddock's Lectures on the Steam En gine. 03. Assistant Engineer Railway Guide. (Haakon.) 00. Mechanical Principia. (Leonard The great object of this publication is, to place before practical men and students such an amount of theoretical and scientific know ledge, in a condensed form, as shall cutrble them lo work to the best advantage, and to avoid those mistakes whii'h they mlglit other wise commit. The amount of useful infor mation thus brought together is almost be yond precedent in such woiks. Indeed there is hardly any subject within its range that is not treated with such clearness and precision, that even a man of tho mcst ordinary rapa city cannot fail of understanding il, and thus learning from it much w hich it is important for him lo know. From the annexed list of Ihe principal au thors nnd subjects comprised in this wotk, it is self-evident that all cltiens engaged In the practical and useful arts, ect., mny derive es sential advantages from the possession and study of this publicat ion j tho following may be especially designated : Millwrights. Moulders and Boiler Makers. Artificers in Brass, Copper and Tin. Cutlers and Workers ol Steel in general. Carpenters. Brickmakers. Wotkers in Ivory, Bone and Horn. Civil Engineers., Railway Contractors, and Contractors for Farth-work and Masonry of every description. Architects and Bridge Builders. Builders, Master Masons, and Bricklayers. Ship Builders, Masters of Vessels, Ship Car penters, and others connected with build ing and docking ships. Block and Pump Makers. Hemp Dressers and Rope Makers. Manufacturers of Linen and Cotton Fabrics. Manufacturers of Spinning Machines, Roving Machines, Card Breakers and rmishers, Drawing Frames, Willows and Pickers, etc., connected with Cotton, Flax, and Wool Machinery. Calenders, Bleachers and Calico Printers. Cloth Folders and Measures, and parsons In terested in Sewing Machinery. Anchor and Chain Cable Manufacturers. Cutting and Turning Tool Makers. Pin and Needle Makers. Nail and Rivet Makers. Bolt and Screw Boll Makers. Nail Cutters. Ceiners. Leather Dressers and Curriers. Manufacturers of Great Guns and Small Arms. Candle Makers. Biscuit and Cracker Makers. Lace Makers. Ribbon Weavers. Stone Tntters and Marble Mason".. Dyers, Cloth Washers and Scourers. Coopers Cider and Cheese Manufacturer?. Crown, Crystal, and Plate Glass Makers. Sugar Boilers and Refiners, wilh Proprietors of sugar plantations. Manufacturers of Railway, Bar, Round, Rib bon and Rod Iron. Wheel, Axle, and Spring Makers. Ensine Drivers and persons connected with tho Locomotive generally. Engineers and Captains of Steam Vessels. Managers of Stationery Engines. Lumber Dealers and owners of Saw Mills. Veneer Cutlers. Owners of Planing Machinery. Com Millers, and persons connected with Bulling and Biun-sepaiatii;g Macliiucry. Fanners, and persons using Grain-shelling and Threshing Machinery. Buhl Workers, Carvers, Engravers, and Orna ment Makers in general. Persons employed in the manufacture of Gas. Makers of t'oppei and Lead Tubing. Linen and Straw Paper Makers. Ship Owners, Harbor Masters, and others in terested in Dredging Machinery. Well Singers. Astioupiners, Philosophers, and others using Philosophical appaialus and instruments. Miners, Engineers, and others interested in Pumping Engines. Persons interested in Canals and Aqueducts. Warehousemen, and others using Hydraulic Presses, Dynanomelrio Cranes, Jack Screws, Common and Feed Cranes. Workers in Metals and Alloys. Tin Plato Workers. Spring Manufacturers. Whcelrights, Clock Maker and Ilorologists. Etc., etc., etc. The publishers have expended a large Sum of money to get original drawings or ma chinery in practical use in this country, and have procured nearly every work onthei sub ject, whether published in England, France, or Germany, the most essential parts of which being composed in this Dictionary, render it as peiiecl and comprehensible as possible. Tlie publishers have endeavored to use great economy in type, so that each page of the work contains at least four times the num ber of words found in ordinary page of the same size. This has also secured to each plate working-drawings of ample size and clearness, so that a mechanic may construct accurately any machine described. The publishers are, in short, determined, regardless of cost, to make the work as com plete as possible ; and it is hoped every one desirous to obtain the work will procure it as issued in numbers, and thus clicourage the enterprise. The work will be issued in semi-monthly numbers, commencing in January, 1850, and will progress with gieal regularity. The whole work will be published in 40 numbers, at 25 cents per number, and com pleted within the current year, 1850. A liberal discount will be made lo agent. Any one remitting the publisher SI0 in ad vance, shall receive tho work through the post -o I lice free of expense. April 13, 1S50. 5t. Qv" If the foregoing advertisement is in sorted five time dining the year, in any newspaper ill Iho lTinld Slates or Canada, and a paper containing it sent lo us, a copy nf tho woik will be sent gratis in payment. In nil ;hriJmitd unrl rtvll'izcrl eotitMHr-f; hw rau-J A lurtur proportion ol rirntln ihm mny tflKr tt-tuUrlt tbiil fili ft the hiunnw family : mid, until wIlliiM fe Jmrwi there hi not tarn ny ctrtain rrmtly to Hup ruM dUnii tinti nf the detroyr. Hut nuw BRANT'S INDIAN PULMONARY BALSAM Curt$ wry af of th nif-nt $trnn,vtf murVtod nnd nV-ml: npd Ca-ttf of pulmtmmy nipinnnk mndtmkud cmtt-j of ulctraUei nnd HixAttd M.Vf tuch kojHlt$ ra- m Wf-re iwrer hHbra rtftrd hy any other mwliriMi 8o ftry koptttM wr mnt nf tli ntllii t- d iwrwma, 4 to hmw nxi pnniuanrtd hy ftyfiitri mid frlrnda to ACTtULl.T DTTN4I, fi(4ne. who -titi tfrlr liurftil -c lotlit nifule. hnTi ikftrn rurrd. nnil yft'lYvr of!if-ii. who tt wm mM -fVmtid not lira unotlier y, art nuw wall ft) hfurty u thfy vr wsttb. rt poiitMii ti ttm rtPHnMrrf nnd fwirlff tn? Tlrtntf ntrly iu pcmerlul and tuMiftj m the iirwimrntitfft which frf ml! GRANT'S iHSlAN fURirYINO tXTftXt. Till- tffr-r from thut. liprmiet, piir!iei icrfral bJk yfrrtiratioK wlu. Ii me fKcutidHg a'adrf t, Mid are twJ' tuilly nrrtMMrv, to r lira Coughs and Consumption atifl all iliflrnsirB if a pultn'mnry ntur tm-h diaeaaea 4 un"Hy pn ..'( fninl under iinliiitiry trrntment, wtHra) tluy nttm-k tltf Urcastt TIirfiat luncs, nnd IIrrl. Tliii li.'i f.SA V hrnl rtrtrV cure H-frr in the .wwr. an1 .whrre inttrmiUi, nn rftrinlv mm)-entity nt th Tiran FY i Nil I'Ikth act cure nihi halt iilrfri" ertcrnally. Thii !!! -in mrrt Xnr cntfi nf Chf,vk timl Cntwnpiton out of Ten, alter nil oritur run?ilit. liuve aiUJ M do good. Thousands ot Consumption pnil Chronic Owie-hs, aluinrlnntly prnra ttl ttnfnilinp tfi rrtry in ntch din-nf. anrl iti unmuhtl etinrtlm (Httlriff anil rMHitliinc. iH'wling prni'itira. in Ihe followinfr ruhi. pluint atitl ilirnri, vi. s ftttttinf of tttrtod, fttttAinr M the Lnnptt Pain in the JlnaM nnd Su)e, Mgkt-tbrmtt, JVrr, rru$ Crmiftlaintt, 1'alpitation of the tfrtirt, Cholrrn tnfnn tntn, ty'ffffrry and Summer 0mptaint$ in'Childrtn nd Afivlia, Astitm, and ALL FEMALE WEAKNESSES & COMPLATnTS, Ko rrmrdy thnt ha bvn orti rrd to th pOhlle'hM aVtr lpfn hal f a. certain and rjferfuat In corrtriinf A 111, fh In rid ntHl irrnknfitfi nnd ir regular it ie of tha ten-tula mx, a HRASr. VL'I.MOXARY HALS AM. It in a It M 'ho dlf. fi-irnro wlirth'T the (lorntiiiemt'iit In fuppreetion, ere, or othrr incidtntnl Kvnknrt it HK(ii:i.A I KS ALL. by ttreitftheninff flm ytfm. mrtmliiinjr the efrrnlnflvn, and oothinr ami nHayi'n tiAX OL'S iUUITABILlTY, ? our Pamphlet lr proof. CONSITMPTIOIT. A Dying WotAatt Cured! We ttste this cure to prove the pr.rrr ft ute'lift, -whefl till. HAI.riAM It im d, srt'n slier the person ia dituWtrut by phrskian snd fririid. lo lie In Ihe lit ttnfi, nf dlfeV sctuslljr dying- anil, in this rsae, ra far gtmt that . Ihe throud snd burial clothrt were honght. Kur the pArtiri ttlri nf this esse, snd the ropmnlU snil mdoutlM prool of all the rtruirmtsnres sud facts, wa rekr to oaf PAMPIII.V.T5. Thi enra Was ell'ortivt on Krs. .tnA tlYKEMAN. of Bullion S-pa, SarittngH Co.. It. Y. W i-sn nrnVe, Hefond a dool't, masynthrra almost raunlly sa.hnpefrs.. sndvrate "9iurablt esses of C'Asnd CossrfnitioSf Ctrnkht tehie wera prononneed inrurnolt hj skilful phytirfaht. LIVER COMPLAINT. era tha cure of Dr. llnHmri. of Stamford, CI., snd other, Dyspepsia J Srf Vhe ftirp nf T. ft'ilcoz. merclisnl, of Allies, Xvo. m:ng Co . W. V., and many mors, in our rahiphlrfs. Dysentery & Summer Complaint In chil lrrn nn.l A lnUi srn almyt rurnl. VetOtlf CiUUrtn will become ftt'liy. hrahhy and kctirtf, and trow rayidlv. lit the me of this HAI.HAM. No mother nerd oT.'r mourn the death of her rlil4 )r Cliolfia Inrxiiln.n, while teething, if nkAXrM rCI.MOXAIIY ItAl.SAM ho adminiab-rrii. Il .hould be, Ur luc'.i caaes, giTeii in linger than the ordinary doses. DOCTORS & PHYSICIANS RECOMMEND 'I'll fiilliiwincr-nnmed llnrtort and fvrielw Taaf htish'.T nrotnnieii.led l'.KA.N'l"r MLUlClHlWl-- Ur. N III'PIIAKII, ." Conn. Ilr. J S. ,-MlTII, Watertown. N. V. Ur. lto.-MMAN. i:w Henry ureet, Brooklyn, N. T. Ilr. T. M. Ill'NT, Auburn. N. Y. Dr. lil'.ll. FKAM'H, Mid.lletown, Coan. Dr. CiKO. A. lt')(!KIW, Hsth. N. Y. Dr. WIHTK. 1're.lonia. N. Y. Dr. C. II. (iAt.KN'I'INK, Brron. K. T. Dr. J. O. 8HIPMAN, I'avctterille, N. Y. .. Ilr. J. HKINSKH. Henry' at., Hrooklyo, N. t lr. O. Hlin-MAN. Cortland. N. Y. Ffin .M.E BY John V. Frilinj-, Suiaiurr Pa, , . jiuiry .. .iici ny iMirinuiiiDerauMi ,l"liii !' HitsL'i Milton, I l.-itry i Shiieifisr KilWiird A. Kiluuer Ailuiu Coiirlid IIuvi"s At MeCurniick, V. V. I. I'ninler, ,1. I. Miiiiii I'D., Kilwnnl WilseS.1. Tliorntoii A H iker, K. J. rruise. V. II. Hiekli v. no do JPiitisjffoTa", MrKwensv.B'ei .Muncy, ., Ilugheavillei New Berlin) J-ewialinrfr, SelinspniVe, Danville,, I. I.euz A J.'lni It. M.iver, All It-it. rs vuil iinters must l, addressed lo Waliaaa 4 Co.. Ili6 llrisiilwiiv, New York. tSiinbury, July til, lsltl ly. Cquitablc Life Insurance, Aiinult and Trust Company. OFFICE TI WAI.Nl t TRF.RT, PHir,A!)f!lnili Capital Siiu,UU0. Chabtsk PaarCTSAL. ri'IIE Cirnrsmy nre now preiwreil to fraussct imajueaal 1 iii.ii the ni'ial litiernl nml nilvantrireoua terms, 'they' are authorized by their charter (sect. 3) uto rnnk alt ,an4 every iiuiirniiee npMTluiuinff to life risks of whatever kin or iiiilure. nml to receive aiul execute trusts, make eildcwJ inents. and Iii pniut tuid jiurcluise nimuilica.' Ttta Cosa puuy sell nuninties and endowments, and act as Ttiiste for minors and heirs. lil'Miuialiurir. Table of Premium" rruirM for tha Assuniueo of 810 M the whole term of Lite. Age. Prem. I .V) I .1 I M I .'ill I ISI 1 U.I I Kit I I 7-J I 7U I f 5 1 "u 1 '.it I ! 2 Ul Ajre. Prem. if. ( ITeaa. II) 17 IS 1!) 'ill SI Ji Jl a.i 911 a 7 ti-i jo ju Tin 3 ISJ 11 IS i 211 4 27 m a 4ii 9 47 iH J 0.1 ii TO 2 Kl a w 3 III 3 Ili 3ffl sr. 3 6 77 H 4 13 43 4 51 4Tl 4l 13 3.f M 7 I 03 prt-miuiiis nrc less ihtin any other rohiisiiir. aud1 tki polieies n ril greater ail'niitni;ea. Tnhlea ut" hall-yearrf iiikI i;iitiin-r!v preiiiiuins, hull' ereilit nites of preinuiin, short lenna, . i.t fivea, aiirvivurships ami enn.iwmeuts; also himi of A pplirntiyu (for which there are Jilank sheets') are) to Is- "ii ri the otTicc, or by letlet let la Agent, J. II. I'l'HUY, Smibury. It atki ron isnraixo tluO on a a.iifls I.ifa Al'c. For Lit. 1 SO .04 S.79 .ii :ni 4U 60 S.04 4,01 Ky ample A peroon ajred ill yenrs next birth day, by priyiiifr the Ooitiiany up cuts woukt aecura to his fiumily or heirs ss liai rli.iukl he die in one veur; or for aVgO ha sa riirit to Ihem or for 61:1 niuulally fiar seven years lie aiTiin-a to them p nasi sliould he die 111 seven years; or for sl'Jll.411 Slid iiiitiuny diiriit;; hTe he secures 81IKSJ 10 ha paid when he dies. The iiiauror accuiinft his owa bonus, by tlie iluf'Teuce in am Slut of iireuiieius from th.iseeharitea lit- "llii'.r oibecs. For Ho 5U ll't heirs would receive tMD an si!il he the ill one yeui . l'onnv 01 upnlirati'iu and nil pnrlieulnrs mav ha had at the oiliec 1'1-TI .H C I L1.KN, President. Vice rre.-.i.tciit, Wm. M. IIaird, I'lAMii W. ItAWLa, rJecretnry and Treasurer. Cohi i.tio Piivticus l)r J. H. Mnsacr. Hunbury . J. It I't unv, Sunbury, Agent for NocUiuuuMrauad ousasti tv. Sunlniry, July?, 1M9 "siMiutY'coioiiC COMMISSION MERCHANT for the sale of Fish and Provisions. i'o. 9JWRTHW1L1RVES, -PHILADELPHIA. Markcrol; Sliad CuJ and Pun Fulif Kaluiiiii, . . Herriiig, t'hecsc. . I'liilud. li'liia, May 61I1, 1S4U. ly. TUB PEOPLE'S VADE-MECttM ril.Ml'HISINti A COLLECTION OFOVCB 200 VALUABLE 11ECIPES; Iu the Useful and Interesting Artt ititk a fe feiiuple and rurlous KnprrlrueBU ia 1'IIK.MISTRY t 1 NCM'DIXi Medicines, Perfumery, Chemistry ('ookrry, Farrier)', Dying, Confectionary, Dow mrstic Economy, ftc. etc t'tc. I'ricsj 6 askV, ftst sale l.y HENRY MASSER. tSunliury, LVc. 8, 1849. O.SE OIXTMENT- A frh supply asf this exrcllettt rtkk lot Teller, i c jus racaivsj aud lor . hy HENRY MAUSER. Sunliury, July (8, 1649. r I1KA8, from tlie New York Canton an4 Pekin X 1 ea Company, r or aale by J. W. TRILINO Kunbury, Dee. S. 1848 EE IiILl.8 Justice and Cauiatajale ftt bills handsomely printed on cud papor. fo ate at tlii.oHV.c. For 1 year. For 7 years, bl et 09 ':lu ),5u t.iu 1,-fl '.7 3.H .v7