SUNBURY: AMEIUUAXW iUasIjhtgtdn News. orretpouilence (if the Vtiita. l-nlger FROM TTASHtNaTOMi Washington, April 20. flic compromise Committee has boon np Ixjintcd ft little differently from what t had Uason to suppose, owing to the different vo ting on Bentou'i amendments the day pre vious. The Committee have taken a fortnight for heir labor. They will report earlier, how ever, and in a single bill provide for the ad mission of California as a Slate, and for the establishment of territorial governments in Utah and New Mexico. The other subjects in controversy will be disposed of in separate tills. There is not an earthly doubt that the bill reported by the committee will pass the Senate by a decided majority. But what hen! The bill will be sent down to the llousej and there a vain effort will bo made Ho separate the two bills tho admission of California from the Territorial Bill. Should that effort succeed, which is extremely doubt fulthe separate bills will go back to the Senate. In that caso the Senate will either take up tho Territorial Bill first, and strike out the Wilmot Proviso contained in it; or if i r l 1.1 a motion to laKe up auiornia nisi emuuiu prevail, Mr. Clay stands pledged to hitch the Territorial Bill to it. The vote on uniting the two bills into one will bo a stronger one than the vote for appointing a Compromise Committee; it will exceed thnt vote by at least three by sewn in a full Senate. Mr. Douglass has pledged himself to vote for tho union of the two bills. Should the House ngreo to let the Senate bill, providing for the admission of California and the establishment of territorial govern ments, stand, then it is not improbable that the Wilmot Proviso will be added to it ; but if this be done, it will bo more to satisfy con stituencies than the individual convictions of members. A great majority of those want the question settled; and as all sensible men here in Washington agree that, practically, it docs not matter three straws whether the Wilmot Proviso is attached to the bill or not, no such desparate fight will be made on that point as might bo expected at a distance. If, however, the Wilmot Proviso bo attached to it. iiml the bill goes buck to the Senate, it will be stricken out by a vciy largo majority; nnd the House will ultimately ngreo to tho Senate bill by what would now seem an im possible majority. And thus the ijncslion will be settled Yesterday, the Democratic S.' held a caucus. It wits agreed that l'n.s should be proposed as Chairman of the Compromise Committee, inasmuch as Cass was the first to stay the torrent, and his party the most pow erful in Congress. But the old General rose ami declined the honor which he conceived due to Henry Clay. Had Clay been in that caucus, and heard the voluntary tribute paid to his genius and character by men, the most prominent in the land, and opposed through life to his politics and measures, how it would have wanned his heart an J increased his faith in the generosity and virtue of his countrymen '. After the adjournment of the Senate, Clay, being sunounded by ladies, is usual and women are better judges of cha racter than men Several Senators passed him, when, remembering the old ad.igei :business first and pleasuio afterwards"'--lhe old Roman cried, ' I shall call the Committee together to-morrow !" Ollsp.UVKR. Washington, April 22d, 1850. The two Houses are now in tho best con dition for a settlement, and it i with infinite pleasure that I can now say the bill trill pass both Houses. Mr. Douglas' bill for the admission of Cal ifornia, which, together with the territorial bill, will no doubt bo a. (opted by the Com piomise Committee, is by some supposed liable to lead to tho alienation of the public domain; but this, I belieVe, is a mistake. The Supreme Court has ovci and over again decided that question in favor of the United States. To guard against accidents, however, (it beiiis rumored that certain families hail pretty well leathered their nest that way.) I Mr. Douglas himself piepared and amend- 1 ment to this effect : ! Section 3. That California shall be admit ted into the Union upon the express condition that said State shall do nothing to impair or question the title or the United Slates to the public lands within her limits, nor interfere with the disposal of the same, nor impose any taxes on tho public lauds : and that her navigable waters shall be public highways for ever; free from taxes, &c. This third section will bo explicit enough for all reasonable purposes, and completely meet the ease. Tue original bill hud only two sections. Ia the House we have had Mr. Richardson's resolutions up to investigate tho claims which i . i i. it.. 1....1. r ik. c...i.mi r passeu luroujju iuo uuiiu. w me -vv.,c.. j the Interior, by the appointment of a commit tee with power to send for persons and papers, t have no doubt in my mind a third cotnmir tee will examine the Stale Department, and the agency of certain persons with the Fran da claim. The Convention with England, of w hich I wrote you on Saturday last, has actually been signed. So the Nicaragua question is now settled. The treaty was sent into the Senate to-day, and tead in secret session. 1 gave great satisfaction, and will no doubt be rati fied, tiem con, 1 gave you a synopsis of tho treaty in my letter of yesterduy. A California Tue The editor of the Mobile Advertiter has seen a letter from a gentleman of integrity and veracity, now in California. He writes as follows: "1 send yon the dimensions of a redwood tree near mvcamD. measured by tnveelf. Height of - the tree 363 feet; circumference, six feel above tne ground, 57 feet 4 inches ; height to Ibe first branch, 130 feet; estimated dia meter at the first branch, 6 feet. Tho body of the tree is perfectly round." Fifty-seven feet 4 inches circumference would give very nearly 19 feet diameter. Think ol that, yo whose parlors are less than 19 feet square, Flt TaAf. A patent was granted at Wash jngtou, last week, to a man in Massachusetts, lor trap for catching flies. A Card from Mr. Benton. The follow ing letter, we learn from the National Intelli gencer, was, on Thursday, communicated to tho United States Attorney for that District : C Street, April 18, 150. To Thilip R. Fendall, Esq., United States District Attorney, SirA pistol was drawn upon me yester day in the Scnato Chamber, and, although the Senate has taken notice of that act, and commenced a proceeding upon it, yet this proceeding is no bar to the action of a court of justice, and, besides, tho power of tho Senate is limited. I think it a proper subject for a court of justice, and wish it to be i t. i r . i i r. . . r .1. ! iirougiii I'eiore inu criminal conn oi ung District or tho examination and decision which tho laws would give it. I enclose National Intelligencer of this morning, an official reporter of the Senate proceedings, and have mniked tho passages to which I invito attention. I do not send the paper as evidence ; but as n guido to the inquiries of tho Grand Jury, and hnvo to add that I will be ready to appear before that body, if re quired, and perhaps give tho namesof some persons as witnesses. Respectfully, sir, your ob't servant, Thomas H. Benton. Joking with a Barrer. A correspondent tells us a story of onr "Jeems," which we intend to tell again for the edification of the public. Stopping for a day or two at a little village a short way out of Boston, Jeems went to get shaved. On entering and casting his eyes about the room, he perceived that tho barber drove the double trade of tonsor and grocer. "Shave, sir V said the barber to his customer, whoso face sufficiently indica ted the object of his visit. Jeems made no reply, but drawing himself up to a lofty height, proceeded, in tho attorney fashioi to interrogate the barbnr as follows: "Sir, are you the barber V' "Yes, sir have a shave V "And do yon also keep this oyster cellar." "Yes, sir have any oystersl" 'Well, sir, this double occupation of yours rives rise to the most horrible suspicions. It is a serious thing, sir, to submit one's head to the manipulation of a stranger; but if you can answer me a couple of questions satisfac tory, 1 should like to be shaved. " The barber said he would try. "Well, sir," vaid Jeems solemnly, "do you shave with your oyster knife?" , "Xo, sir," said the barber smiling. ' One question more," continued the inter rogaloi ; "and lemember you are under oath, or rather, recollect that this is a serious busi ness (the baiber stared I one question more do you never open oysters with your ra:or!" "Xo sir," exclaimed the barber indignant ly, amid tho roars of laughter fiom the by standers. "Then shave me," said Jeems, throwing himself into the chair and untying his neck cloth, with the air of a man who has an un shaken confidence in human nature. Boston Post. A Father Shot 11 v a Sox. On the 8th iust., at Coiiuiiia, Michigan, a boy, 12 years of age, laid in wait and shot his own father with a rifla. He only wounded his parent and attempted to finish his brutal work with the butt of his gun. As ho approached himi his father grasped a billet of wood lying near by, and as his son came up, knocked him down with it. The neighbors found father and son lying senseless upon the ground. A deaf and dumb couple were married at Pittsburg, 011 Tuesday last. The ceremony was performed by writing. They are said to be wealthy, and highly respectable. There is no danger of the lady being a "scold ing wife." The recent session of the, Legislature of Ohio chartered 50 companies for the con struction of plank roads. iti a u u 1 1: i. On the 23d inst., by the Rev. J. P.Shindel, Mr. Samikl Zimmf.hman, to Miss Maut j IUhtiioi.omy, both of Lower Augusta. In Muncy on the lSih inst., by tho Rev. George C. Drake, Thomas Wood, M. D., to Lavka 1'.., daughter of the lato Samuel John son, of X. J. U I 1: 1. In l.owisburg, on tho lllhinlt., DAVID SANDS, aged about 43 jears. On the 15th inst, in Muncy Creek tp., Ly. Co., Mrs. MARY, lelict of tho lato Benjamin Shoemaker, Sen., in the 79th year of her age. Philadelphia Market. April 23, 1850. Flour. Flour is tjuiet and the price stea dy ; shipping brands aro selling at S5 12. !' vim Vlnur :il S l1 l.rl T! Kl.mi- i l,l,l ' - ...... ." . at S7 corn Meal is worth 82 62J per brl. Wheat. There is a limited demand for red Wheat at $1 12o. prime White atSl 20o. 1!vk. Penna Uye is held at 60o per bush. Corn. Corn ia in demand at 58 cts for yel low. Oats. Southern are worth 39c, and Penna 40c. WmsKET. Sales of Whiskey in bbls at 23 and hints at 22 cents. Baltimore Market April 21, 1850. Whfat. Small sales of good to prime reds weio matlo to-day at 114 cts., andl euii white at 1 10 cts. Coiin. While at 52 a"53 cents, and of ycl- luw at 55 a 56 cents. Rye. Sales of Md. at 55 cents, and of Peuua. at 02 i, cents. Oats. Prices range from 33 to 37 cents. Whiskey. Sales of bbls were inudo at 21 cents, and of hhds at 23 cents. SUNWJRY I'HICK CUHUKNT. Corrected u-ctkly ly Henry Masscr. W lit AT. lilt. Coax. Oats. Dl'ttkb. Knus. PoHK. Flaxseed. Tallow. . Ukkswix. Flax. Ilr.cKLtii Flax. DaiLD AprLts. Do. I'l AIHL.-,. 100 56 50 37 14 8 S 125 10 25 . 8 10 . 62 21)0 l)c iUavkcts, TREASURER'S SALE. AGREEABLY to in act of the General A we m bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania), passed the 13th of March, 1843, and the supple ment thereto, entitled "An Act directing the mode of selling unseated lands for taxca and other purposes," will lie exposed to puhlic sale hy Geo. B. Younfrman, Treasuret of Northumberland county, at the Court House in the borough of Sun bury, on the 10th day oi June, 18S0,at 10 o'clock, A. M., tho following descrilied tracts of land, for arrearage of taxes due, and the costs accruing on earh tract of land, respectively, unless previous ly discharged, to wit I IVarrniitees names. Tulip. Coal. No. acres, nm'l tttic. Antis Frederick 445 .I53i ROB J 353t 443j 47 398 4U 433 3111 344 255 152 848 no 290 4?5J 425j 30C 412 95 329 4 fit) 437 30 458 308 3S8 407 450 170 295 411 390t 382 300 410 437 433 203 228 35 1 808j 405 197 2G0 319 4 1.1 412j 458 50 424 10 250 4 19 121 CJ 410 111 313 4001 lid 327 ::(45 174 411 41b 303 352 117 415 390 440 407 150 410 803 421 107 4231 412 200 130 420 03 135 341 311 313 150 10 50 S73J 125 21 107 19 HI 88 18 20 IS 98 14 48 13 31 7 02 11 IS 1 08 7 03 9 41 4 00 4 38 3 80 8 04 2 04 8 70 14 40 14 40 5 22 17 52 3 92 5 58 1 58 3 70 01 14 60 3 04 78 C 12 20 80 1 48 8 10 14 98 10 32 11 41 20 84 21 00 3 CO 3 C2 15 10 13 41 15 11 6 30 9 90 1 70 11 31 2 40 17 48 14 00 15 40 5 30 7 20 30 7 00 10 81 4 21 ! no j Antis Henry Adams William A dams Thomas Adams Robert Boyd John C Bovd John (one-half) lleilas Hugh Brooke Jesse Hriuilicmii Daniel Bower Christian Boyle I.tilto Bailey John N Ballon Samuel Brnsioua Peter Cousert JhiupS ('nmplnin Robert Camplaiu Thomas Cook John Cowden John Dering Charles Dering Charles Davidson Mary Dnrr John Derr Lawrence Evans Jesse Eliott William Kvans Smith Footer Thomas Fidler Luke File Luke 'askins Thomas Greer Jumes Greer Thomas Gilliert Wni Green Win Gray Wm Grant Thomas Gardner Archibald Gray Roliert (frav Roliert Hull' Edmond Hepburn James Hamilton Thomas Koglin John Hoglin Luke Hunter Alexander Hepburn James Hamilton 1 liomas Hiinmelrieh Henry llouls Daniel Hu'uley Bernard (one-half) Ilorsli I'll ilip Irwin Robert Jenkins James Jordan Alexundcr Jordan Joseph Kennedy I)vid 13 50 31 7 73 20 70 15 78 2 70 2 90 2 90 12 4G 18 42 9 1? 2 20 8 58 18 58 11 72 11 22 7 02 4 50 9 40 1 48 0 12 38 17 90 I t 00 5 20 Kit-Ill Geo W Lane Wm Lane Mary Surah Lukins Siniilt Lukina Abigail Martin John G Miinninii Richard Morrison Wm Miller Isaac ( Morgan Samuel Prince George Shannon Win Salmon Richard Shubcr Andrew Siepliensoii James Starr Merrach Sheets George "eedmnn Win Stoll Hester Smith Abigail Scott Samuel Scott Samuel Siniih Peter Seely James Scott Alexander Taylor Isaac Taggert John Tunis Richard Walker Lewis Wilson William Young Benjamin F Yoxtheimer Henry Yoxtheimrr Henry Zimmcr Mabs. Zicglcr Isaac KiiM'iifus Peter Zigcnfiis Peter Zifrcnfus Peter 4 14 02 50 2 4 22 18 9 48 3 7 4 19 90 01 52 3 40 10 42 8 50 72 3 02 01 7 28 Upper Mukanog. Bettertoii Benjamin 4'2o Chilisqnaque. Betterton Benjamin 23 Levy Aaron 200 Point 1 Chilisquatpte. Xoddinot Jamea llfl Gardner Archibald 25S Boyd John 105 Luke Richard 100 Augusta !f Little Mahonoy Dewart William 39:1 Dctvart Joint 893 1 Smith Daniel 295 Kidd John 57? J AvauSta. 48 80 01 00 t4 08 01 72 02 32 52 I 90 1 10 ! 01 00 I 02 ! 98 ! 82 ! Dering Frederick 30 Coal If Upper Mahonoy. Did John 401 Dar .Mary 307 Dar Peter 230 Dar Luke 3(13 Meodling Johil 223 Smith John .'JH0 Irwin Hubert U-17 Point. flardner William P 129 1 01 Martin Peler 316 S 22 Mctzner John D SO 1 f0 Coal, Shainokin If Augusta. Hunter Alexander 414J 7 02 Harrison Wm 3"0 3 90 Housel John 140 2 34 Coal, Jucfoon If Little Mahonoy. (l.rdncr Archibald Jr. 4004 3 40 Little Mahonoy (f Jackson. Gardner Wm P 400 6 72 Itees Thomas 331) S Trickel Charles G 40M 3 Lake ltichard 40 3 Little Mahonoy. Hunter Jame. 426 j 7 Holla Alexander 57 1 Lyon Joseph 80 1 MoscrUeorge 100 3 Coal ff Little Mahonoy. Petery Peter 145 0 16 Shainokin If Coal. Tuggart Roliert . 3'JlJ 5 C2 Jackson Jeremiah 400 16 40 Lake Kichurd 415) 3 34 Tulund Henry 38ti 13 22 Fill IT Si, O It 4. i:TAli TKELS- PERSONS in want of any Fruit or Omamen tal tree, can be supplied every few day. from the nurseries' of Mr. Perkins in New Jersey, by applying to 11. I). Masser, his Agent for thinpluc. Sunbury, April 6, 18S0. TyiHTE BHANDV for preserving br.ndy ' pucliM of an xc.U.nt quality, for sal. Iiy H. MASSER. Bunbury, Sept. 33d, 1S49 TTEE BILLS. Justice, and Constable. Fee B' 11 ills handsomely printed on card paper, for sale at thisollice. LETTER env.lopM, ef vniau. kind., at tkis .fflcs. for ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to public sale on Saturday the 1 1th day of May next, at the late residence of Jacob Moo'e, of Lower Augusta township, deceased, to wit : A certain Trnct or Woodland, adjoining lands of Peter Snyder, Jesse ITmmel, Jacob Kreps and others, containing Seventy-nine acres and forty-cii;ht perches and allowance, situ ate in the township aforesaid. Lato the estate of Jacob Moore, dee'd. Sale to commence at 10 o' clock, A. M. ef said day when the terms of sale will lie made known bv PKTKR IT. MOORF., Adm'r, By Order of the Court John P. Purscl, C!k. O. C. Sunbury, April 0, 1850. ) U EXTiTE.OF PETER YANI)Lln, dre'd. NOTICE is hereby pien lltnt UHits of Ad niiiiU;trUioM tf bunts Htm have lieeii ifri111 toil lo tlm (tuhnrribrr, cm t!ic Mt;ite of lctcr VaiuI linir. lair of 1'pppr August si township, Northum berluml county, uYr1. All riFnii iinlibtetl to said fstato or lt.tvut (Icm.iti'U u gainst tUe iamo, arc rrqurstoJ to cull on thr Piihrf!or for wtt le nient, "wiujam n.;i:r, AilminiMrulor htmix totr, Fpprr Augusta tfilip., April 13, 1 ,)(. (It APPEALS. flH E Hoard of Commissioners ill the county 1 of Northumberland, have agreed upon tile following date and pi. ices named ill the several tnwnxhipa and Ilormi'dis in xniil county, to hear and decide upon till appeal:! nprecabic to the sevc ral Acts of Assembly, in such case made uud pro vided, to wil : April 22, nt the house of Michael Spat., in George town Lower Mahonnv. April 23, at the house of Widow linker. Lit. Mali, 21. of Geo. Smith, Jackson tslip. " cfr. licisscl, t p. ."1 nlionoy. " of Wm. W eaver, Coal. " of C Leiseiirimr, Shainokin. " of tieo. Conrad, L. Augusta, school house where election is held in Hush township. Sfi, 27, 29, 30, Mny 1, nt Commissioners oliice for I'ppcr Au Kusla, and Simhury Poroutdi. " 2, at the house of. las. Hilburn, for Point tow nship and Northumberland. 3, " 4, " (!, " 7, " 8, " " of I'enj. Foreman, Chitis,piapic " of l'rcdci'uk Strieker, Milton, "of Ab. Kissinger, Turbut. "of H.J. Kcedcr, Delaware, ''of Michael Kcedcr, Lewis. JACOH HOI'TA, I'ltAS. WKAYLI!. WM, WILSON. Cominissinners office, ) ('oniin'crs. Simhury, March 2-1, '50. ) JESSE UKEL'S ESTATE? NOTICE is hereby given, that letters testamen tary have been granted to the suhsi ribcr, on (lie estate ol Jesse lincl, dee'd, latent Lower Augusta township, Northumberland county. All persons limine claims to said estate, nrc requested to pre sent 1 1 if ni 1't caniinat:n, t'iose indebted to the eslate are sled to make immediate payment. SAM t Kl, It r. I I X, lAeculou Li'Wtr Aupistn, March 10, Ki. (it ESTATE OF JACOB CREK1EH, decU "V OT1CT" is hen by irivcri that letters of adnii lustration tic f.nais ntnt., have been uranted lo the subscriber, on the estate of Jacob (irciner. late of t'pper Augusta township, Northumberland county, decM. All persons having claims to said lull', are requested to present tiiem lor examina tion, those h! bud to the estate are requested to me.kc immediate payment to the subscriluT in Sun burv. ' CEO. C. VI l'.LKl'.K, A-l::iiivtrutur V louts uont iinbiuy' March 10, ls.'0.-Ct TO I AHVIU'.S AMI !Mi:X OP III MNIAS. OILS, CAM)l,i;s AM) (HJANO. fSIIK subsrril'or oiVcrs, at i'ic lowest rules, in 1 any quant. tv l.i sir.t pinc';asi'rs, tiKNt iNi; pu"i;l ian ciwno, and tverv variety of MT.iiM, WHA1.?:, LA Rl). AN O TANKERS OIL. M ni'ijutnit) j, J'uiiiu r.i, Farmers, lh-alers uad Consumers, are invited to (all. (;i:o. w. mix; way. No. 37 North Whares. the OIL S'J'OKK below Uacc street, Philadelphia. April C, 1850. 2m XI. R. 11. A now ;unl lit. lit !tas hit civ m i!tti rtii1 11 v strut'! Iil'ti in liir Ii-ii i. ii, Klictiiil.i'j it j-i-'Mru ItliL i'l li.'iif UjX'il llu-.Ink tU si'itinim nun;lf ij'iln- In ,!-iitiil- n ru-.l ;iii::riet itli liMiii, like Hie lunMii"j T'ii i It nt' (lie f.'ii'!i'i Au r i g oi lilt' SI Ul lll"ll tilt' '-l, lilMtl'll ICItll.S !' I1L!1I . ill'. I in i Live iclli-i.s wmi'ii lt':td i .i in ii ii;tr;iji( ih Uie nuiuli- calr'uoi IIADWAY'S HEADY EELIEF. All litslJinL'illtn lil Ahllil lo lei ry iiriani i';i'lvvii' iit- tuv ii r l'' nil llie cll.-l I. aillc.l, IIS J.-iln- rt'licviii' (iirtlii't-H uvn rtnlii .l. it u rr!u-v IlK- IJU'M Vt; i;iiiia nt Kf)i'ijiii:itisiii. l.;miUtt; O , lVlOilisia, 'l ie li'l"r ux, At, in a li-w luihLiii .'J Hmzi'SiA r mm lis t-'auut-'s, TiTHtOicut iiml ritrc. ALMIUKI -UAT1C I'Al.NS l.XSTANTKY CL IUJJ U KAim-Al f Itl.AU Ul.Ml.r. Kliruiu'iti-iu irist-s iV"mtliilrt'i:( cativcM, )nil np'nt oin.' mllv prutcfiltt I'lt'iii L'ul.lx, i xp.nuic Ut cltl dump w;.iIut, mid lffpimi in diiiup urutiiiiit'iitn. This coiiipluint lsdivi tl'd into Um rlMf! i lite titsl iTiii.tmttl'irv, cillril in mi the n we'll i lie kimI iniiHiMin ii i"n utirnds tir pumti m t Ito purls uiliM-ii .l ;, i l.r n-.iv lilu'um un', raik-d irin l'if Imiir Miilmu!iiifu til!;' i'( It i a!o kn viuik LiiiulKiri. ti p utt in tin- Uie!; ; t i.-iliriu. cr puttis i I'll, lnp iTrnin; Aullii'tfytiiu, ptmm m list i. uti. Ttic Acute klieiiliKilietu fii-iii iul l i nuiiult's iulu unc i'l tin iiml bt'ciiii'S a t lin iiu' otii;;. to iij:i.n;vi; vol it tortl'i:s. An;iU ntiihv.ivV Iti'ii'lj- 11. ii. i", ii n w irm il ium-1 cL-th, pri;vr',4itv Utfliiii the hurts w itli wttrui Wi'l'-f, nlfi t:ikf ' u or 10 drp i 1k liilici ,ii!i-iii:tiiy in c nit? in il:ixr.t lwi'c tr tiiicL- tiim-H a dtiv ; tliin will ivi w tumli tu tin fel-iiuii'li. in "I surtly rt-hfve u ir tin ail Ulnii'ii ttic pjnu. ll n! tiilv nnd ril'-'clH il HI V -i;-T;tlltu in tin enrv tu tiiifitF.ii I'iM:. s n r ii in tih; ii.w k. j,a..i: m;ss, Sin:i;Msoi' Tin; jtu is (;ikn... wi iKidi in llio Kute. Nr-i'v-uu lli'tid trhr. Tie l.drrtix it it. t TiMtli A he, S,iithtu. Jiriins. L'liiinpn in itt Jtttiii:irli, I'll;, Sin, Ifurnt. S-iiltlf, Knipfjuim thr Skin, I utr St"iii;u'li, ITiiul H;irn, U' arsnuss nnd Stp Thr !tt . lira iltT, il yu have the niifcirl mi-' ti l: IrtxiMrti witii Hli.-r ol llw iitiuvu diriirt-win cimipl tnnt lc iliMiikud I hut tin milil-tf t'r vmir 111118 m at liund in KAIAVAV Ui:A 1)V KKUKK. Il i fcure hi flive y-ur mi.i;t euv. ami to jtut j y will CllKlirv 'Ml H fcprwly m:d pi il; i'l fllic. i-c tSal ear il liolllle lint I lie luc nnnle Hi'tt:ilnieil UutUvuy & L"s up' ' lalnd n-mc oilier n gt'immc, a hi:aitii i i vt n iu:. A XKW LAIir.I.STKl.h I.NtiH AVIXO. T" prott-ri tlie puldii' :i:iint imifli:tsiim v 'iiiittTUili of lludwuy1 rliiin-siu Mt-tlicali-d S up, H. O liadn'ay, the eclfhrnittl (.'hfiiunt ol .New ork, has nt u prml fXiiciise t"iiirai,'fd tin Kcrvict'ti l' lint ol tin-tiivt art ml it ol" nict-l ea- tfravun? in Aiiierieau, and will on Ilut fiiiil nt" April, ine Kudwa MfthruttMl S np m it new lalicl. it ih a ue-iiulilut l;tl enniavoi. it lepu s nt lw leiu.iii Kjrnre ttl tiealtb unit ln-anty, irx-lntirji on u l;tllet mid 'r.-ll vnrk, on wliifti are f lie u'ortln ''Hiidwwy' .Milieu el Snip'" in illmiiiiuittxIlfilRis. On the oppMte h tic ttl the la Mel ik the inr numle muattue ol K. H. Kudway. Tlie tliiiigii in ueul, cluifrte. uiUHie. uud clftfuiiily ctvtu-d. TI1K VIHTl i:S(F Tin; SOAP tire uUo improvt-tl. the ltigh popularity which thus exoelit nt onp has tittuiiietli'or it miperioi uy over ull other l"r T"i- lel, Aleilieiiiui, anti Mia piirpij( 4, nua iiiiK'ii-i us 10 wtnvf mid improve up-'ii it h nn-riii. instead ol rustin? ua tlflird on iu ulieatly ameil UinreU. We liavt-Mi 'W enlerwl iulo urranm'tiu nis lot the imp n'liiii n diteel iVoni our t"'r-rtKpMidi-iiii in I' iu!aiitiiriplts in Tiirkfy, und t'Hiii ii in t'lilita. f"r onr wveial oili. unm. liubanui, and eAlrueU 4 run iiifdiemal Vtrtiu-.s, win. a wi-iiw in Hie iii-muiaetun ol lludwa ' S -ap, iintlcad o" rec' iviim them liotn third IKtrlic, no ilrii n v x-? vi' Hm t.;iiii:itiiou ot k'.mwlna the lii".hl)' tlifdie.d nnd kilt-Jimc prpe!lir 'l nui Stipule pure and uiHtnltnultd. AS UKAI'TiriCH (irTi;i: SKI. It miriwihs-'u fvT tliinji fa lite kind in tlie wuM, il r IIIOVPH Kediii'HH, lltupl i. HI ttelieU, lunttllt-t, Tetteii Kimll. It eui't'H Kilt IMieiitn. llni?: Worm, Sviie. lleiuU. S r-, I'n Hilar r.rnptionH. Il imports lieallh lo lltf kni und l ennly Iti the complexion. A a nn.neiy and "IV nt.-t S nip. it n lie. yond i?n- re.ieli ol rivalry, uud l'r Wiuvinir pmp it ik the beat in um, Oim r-ike oi I tad way's S ap w ill liihl lon ger lh:ui three raUt-s l the s-nne t,Ut; l iih itln r rviap in n tip, tl.erelort! it is the t heHUl nnd ImkI S.Ktp in the w m id. Iru-t! ,! r.t. luier etket in ruenivcNl wranix ri, uud the Bignaftire til K. ti. Had way ud n each wrappir. Now Dironiti the Hare m eliamliein nuuiy light! Ot' Imsy khupe pr-M-ltiiin tho t-'iU-t ritints Inle ine lirinf Uihn Iroin t'lreuawia i t'air, To drt'Ki and lnitily ilieii lov't ly Hair, Whu li muk the niiiid m Orcadian sire WiLhiu the liruikla ol kuiK purel ve inspire. TO rH KfS A X 1) II K A V TI P V Til K 1 1 A 1 II . ltndwuy's Cireaswiaii Halm ia iKyoinntc ipiita popular, in the course ol time U will MiiHrrmxle ull nlhej- prqwiHtnni in use. it rare Utlthu-iH, aimuithtiia the huu, rrndnalt s iIuikItiiiT. nnd makes the huir aU. line, and 1 My. Hy uinj the ImIhi as per dirreiions, it w ill make it enrl U-aniitttll- , itwrinMniR n.-iiurc. fuce V iet., in Vnr little, hev that Itutlwav t'tt.r np"n nn li Ikitile. A'ihfi II H Mnwr. auhuiy Apul fi, l!jtl C'-ulV CHERRY PECTORAL: . . for I lie Cure ( COUGHS, COXiDS, noARssifsss, Bnorr- CniTIS, OHOUP, ASTH MA, wuoopii;ocouoh AND COIJSUIW:PTION. The uniform success which has attended the use nf this prcparalUHi its Military ellect its power to relieve nnd cure nll'ections of t!ie Lunq;s, imve (iniiicd for it a celebrity equalled by no other medicine. We oiler it to the alllicted w ith entire confidence in its virluen, and the full lxlirf that it will subline nnd remove the severest attacks of disease upon the throat and Lungs, These results, as they become publicly know n, very naturally nllniclthc atte ntion of medical men and philan thropists everywhere. What is their opinion of iii.iii;i I i A : 1 1 1 t.i.i I , may lie seen in the follow in.r : VALENTINE MOTT, M. 11., Prof. Surgery Meil College, JVf York snys : 'It j(iv-s me pleasure to eertifv the value and eliVacy of Ayer's CHEKliV PUn ulUAL, which I consider peculiarly adapted to cure di seases of the Throut ami Lulls." CHI E V J OTIC E EI TI3, of Louisiana, writes "That a yonnir daughter of his cured of several severe attacks of Croup by tho ' ('llEiniVPECTOKAL." ASTHMA AND KROCHITIS. 77ie Cuna-iian Journal of Medienl Science. stales, "That Asthma and Bronchitis so prevalent 111 Una inclement climate, tins yielded w ith surpri sing rapidity to Ayer's CIIKKHV PKCTOUAL, and we cannot too stronply recommend this skilful preparation to the Profession and public generally." Let the relieved sullcrer speak for himself: Hi m roup, .Inn. 20, 1817. Dr. J. C. Aver Dear Sir: Having been res cued from a painful and danerou. disease by by your medicine, platitude prompts me to send you this acknowledgment, not only in jiutiee to you, but for the information of other, in like af lliction. A slight cold upon the Inns, neglected at first, became so severe that spilling of blood, a violent cough and profuse niiiht sweats followed and fas tened upon me. I became emaciated, could not sleep, was distressed by my emi 'h, and a pain through my chet, and in short bad all the alarm ing symptoms of quick coHHiimptiaii. No medi cine seemed at nil to reach my case, iintl I provi dentially tried your CnKlli: V Pi:i roll IL, which soon relieved and now has cured me. Yours with respect. E. A. STEW A I!T. I'll 1. 1' A 11 KI1 II V J.C. A VLB, Clll.MIST, !.(IV EL!., Miss. rX" Sold by Henry Mas.ser, Sunbiiry ; Mary A. McCay, .V.irlbumberlaud- Dr. Ceariiart, Se-lins-rove s Dr. Ueekly, Dam ille, and Druggists (jcncrallv. April (i, lp.'.tl.- lyceSm JAMi: l'Oll'i:i!. llltl A CAMKIttlN CO 0 1 K I cc CAMERON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, irrsvii.i,i:, Schuylkill t oiiikty, IaM TILL cnllect monies, attend to litigated cases, and uct as iiiri nts in the management of Estates, &c. Persons .1, siring their serices, may refer to the following gentlemen: 1'iui.AHn riiiA. llavi.t S. tlr.wvn, !mc- 11. lliivin, Ciilpon n. llrnry Wliit... Kronen . H ick. Win. II. liertl. I'.m.i ,'; Hit-'Hsis. Ksq. J.. i:o. k, Vm., II. It. Urewatcr, l.sq- C. 'riloui;"..jn'S. I'.si. MOW YORK. firianrll, II -n ( i-,.-ii lt-,iT.n:in, H Ml. Jam.- V,,,iro.-. Don. K-Uvar.l Cm lis. lb-n. AbU.l! l-ivun..-f. l!oro.. J-.Ijii Aimok; liu., l.oWEMJ Jim. 5, ln ALKX.WDKK CI. CATTELL, ST(:rrsi!n to jamrs m. boi.ton, pecd. COMMISSION iV FOPjrAllDlS'U MER CHANT, For the sale of Grain, Flour, Smls, Iron. Lum ber kt. Xo. 13 .orth ll'itnrvcs, lj 1 1 1. a ij Ki.r ii i . ClixiiU fnnvniilrd iili rurr, to all loints on tlie Sclinx lkiil, t ni.'ii, .viis,jUc',i,iiiua and Juniata t'amiU. i i"'f:.i'l, l'histor, (Miii.Utoiirs. Ac, fur! ut llio liUVf il Jirirt-s. J'liila.Mi-hin, Jum- 2, 1 S i :. ly THE CHIMP 11UUK STOKE. DA1TISLG & SMITH'S I'llltAP N'.W & Sk( ,'IM1 I1AM1 I'OOK SlonK, A'o. 3G X. Si.rl.'i St. he ic-ci Market If Arch, I'littuiUlpltl.t. Law Books, Theological and Classical iTooks, MEDICAL BOOKS lilOGiiAVUlCAL H1STOU1CA L liOOKS, SCHOOL liOOlCS. SriENTii'ic asu Mathematical Ro-.k.. .htvenitc Boohs, in great viirich. Hymn Books and I'rayei Hooks, Hibles, ll sizes and price. VAank Pxiohs. Writing Paper, and Stationary, U'iol, file and Hit alt. ".' OiH iii.-r. mi-h iHii.-M (iW-i-r Oitni llitMtf.-.ri.AR prices Is' l.i!,l:ni, (. tui.t sti,;il! i:.rr. ... ni 1 . .X M piirciiascil. I"' ll .,,k niii,.iu-.l l.i.iul.-r ir.'iu l.iu,.n. I'liil ul- l,ln.i, .limp !i, i-i'iv c. iM':NKi:in tOOT IIAKEit, Ab. ) South Fourth Street, I'll I LA IIKirill 1, IIKHi; every viiriety of Krcnrli t'alf Plin M.Mi.rro, Patent leatlief, IVnsrrss iiml tiai-lei- lioots, nl' the liest slvlu niul uiirkniansliiji, are i-on-lunllv l.ejit mi hand or maniilai-luinl to order. .March' l(i, IS50 (in! slro-tvii'!. rftsrm r ol Janiiilcn (;in- ft'CT. Prepared uuhi fu; Frederiit Wfoirn, ut his Drug and Cltenitctd Store, North F.a:'t Corner of Fifth and Chestnut tt recti, Piulad( Iphiit. ritlll. Eseonec is ii ri arstioii of iiur.Mial ex L eelli m e inn) of vm icd (iroju nies. In till caws where u powtrl'iil and snii- sliimiliint is reijuired, it is niiria'li d lor ellii ui y us well us inlin. .li.ilc a. lioii. To the Iran Her uud to llio liiiinlv circle it is iiivaluitlile, asu lew drojis diluted in suuar and water I. resent a ato and a'jreeiilile remedy to the iiiMilid who teijuires imniediate relief, us well ns to the roiiMileM'ini; patient who needs u penile tonic, in a .s'outherii elnoalu, where the relaxa tion oflhe system so ceurrullv induces thirst for stiiiiulauts, it w ill n!w.t x he found an excellent substitute for thorli temidin Is-verajes which de hilitate the slom.ich and c.-iiijc a morbid condition of its powers. In d sicc-ia, in relatiition of ll bowels, tu tiausNca uud .c.i-Mr.v.uer;, it i-iiiti active t.!co-.iiit and refreshing re, nnd is jirvseriU-J hy the most eminent ul the. uiedieal lu. lilt v . A supply of the uhoxc reeeivetl and for salti hy 11. u. .MiibM-r, iinhury. April (i, lKiil. liia srKniiVcSiCck)!!, COMMISSION ME RCIIA NTS, lot ttic sale of Fisb anil Provisions, .Vo. 0 AVIITI1 U1L1RVKS, rillXiADELPHIA. Mackerel, Khud Cod and Dull Fish, Kilinon, llerriuir, I'Iiccmj. Philadelpliiu, May 5th, 181!) ly. r ItKAS, from lli New York Canton and Tt 1. Tc t'oiiipunv. I'or ..ile bv kin J. W. I JJII.ING. Pmilmry, Dtf Klft T1IXIA9IS' AITI-IVSPEPT1C IJM.tXtR Is, with Ihs nttnost ronflileiire, oltvreAto th. j Mnlicnl 1'sriillysn.l Hie imlJic for His cure nf I)vSip si. or Indigestion, ami sll disease arising from it, such Ninisen, tlesdsrlis, Verliso, Dimness of flislit, Debility i.t the IScmim H tern. Hyp.K-hin.tris, inun.lics, miinus Vomilins, Burning sensaliuii at Ui. pit of the tt-'insrh, t.ivercnmpliitnt, sfler stinr, uwoi sppriitc, WsRlintr ut the slrenffth. l'lnliiliiire, wilh; lrtiueiil M-Iciiiiirnf wind, Vitiiitriltimle, rniiiuiii.m oi I lie limit, 'Sin in the mini tne stomsch or tlie riiiht siile. Witliiwm-wi of cfimplexi.m, ueprrsstrtn oi the splrtwi sua irrltshililjr of imtiper, fto. CVhiri itui inn nnd uucasine ol the Uiwels, If s ense of dyspepsia ssnnl.1 be nenlrrted, most serinus eflcets limy ensue, t'.ir il hys the I'minilutiiiti fur, it the in eipent ennse nf, nnd very frequently terminntM inroiisuinp ti.n. I would impress the mind tlmt to tiille with this iliimnM mny lm to spnrt with the which eoiniti. tutes nmn U.eremiiient mn.injr suinisl Im-iiic, nr to em liiltcr exinl.-nce by adding a conit-inusncSs ol fully to the penn II y f.f iviiil. 'I'liiii ui.-Ji.-inc is ncntly put up in Imtiles, with ample llire.-l .,r MP.', Ulul is B..I.I in Sunl.iirv liv .l'.Hc V. I'I'll.lMl. JAM US II.I,IA.MS. 'iVsliinony .if Mr. Aimer I'.lin.-s. Imlti r, Market nirret nliove Sixth. .,irr..b,inilive of tlie nlicary of Williams Auti-Dlnpeptic l;il.xir. rmr.Aiini.piiiA, Oclotmr 3, 1910. Mn. Jams. Vii.mi : Ileal Sn : It rivcs tne trr.-at t.lensnre to litlw thnt y-Mt nr.- iiL.yin prt i.-inn y.MI ni.-.ltcine f-,r the cure l lly.ji.-p-sin, l",.r iimny of my' c.jiriintaii'-..-s have r.-peiite.lly'n.keil nie wli.-re itcn'i:il l, pr.K-nie.1, kn.,-iiiff thai I hail lic.-n eared by it. A. I think Hint n public nekiii,M-I.-ili;ili.-lit of the ijrcnl hen. (it 1 have receiycil I'roni thi- u.e of y,.ur nie.l ii ine t not only dur to you, but limy be useful to nlln-rs, I li 'iv make it. For several years I enlfi nnl fruit Drspt-p-sia. which iucrnasril lo mieh an cxlent llial mv licallh ami con.lilulion wen- rapidly Hinkimr under it. I was no. pcll. d to r.-slri.-l ln sell to the .-.t anuple f.s.1. nnd cv. it Dial I ron 1. 1 not diiicsl. I fella lrr of strenitili, di.ineli ualiou 1. 1 ex.-reise. nnd, n. you have il in via n.lverlis-e. m.-nt. a iri-neral fecline of il.-presKion nnd iii.le-.-rilKil.le wcirinef.. la I he year Istf", heaiinv from olhers hlsh re. eoniiucn.Taiion of your Auti-Dvspeptie l:iixir. I pr.K-iircl and m it with the most happy i lb et j under it lliliileuce l:n',2uoraiid ivariues. irrniliiiillv pas.e.1 awav. and tuy nppe lile returned which I could pralily with inipunily. Ten years have n iw elapsed, and my c infidence in the cumtive powers of y, air iiiciheitiu has of course increased, for it Completely cured mi; when I failed toobtnln relief from any oilier source. Very respectfully vnurs, AiiNKii r.i.Mr. Testim any of F.dwnrd II. ftowlev, Wholesale Merchant oflhe linn of Itowlcv. Ashbuiuicr ft Co., No 5 Saith Wharves, in proof of the cllieacy of Williams- Anti-Dyspeptic lllixir. rmtATiKLriitA, October id, l49. Mr. Jam Wit.T.tsM. : Dear sir I lake pleasure in recommend in? your Anti Dyspeplic I'.lixir for llie cure of Dvspcpsiu. have Uiktal it mi'Hclf foi l he disease, nnd liave iH-en entirely cured. Vollrs reepeetinllv, I'.DWAUU If. HOWI.F.Y. AosT .KUIM W l ltll.l.Mi. Sunbiirv, I'o. March a, leili. ly TUB PEOPLE'S VADE-MECUM COMPniSINO A COLLECTION OFOVKB 200 VALUABLE RECIPES, In the Useful and Interesting Arts with a few Simple mid Curious Experiments In CIIKMISTflY : INCLUDrNG Medi, iiirs, Perfumery, Cheinislry A Cookery, Farriery, Dying, Confectionary, Do mestic Economy, etc. etc. etc. Price (it cts., for sale hy HEMtV MAsi.sEH. Ntniliury, D'ee. 8, 181!). CHARLES W. HEGINS, ATTCP.1TET AT LAV". I'otlMvllto, ia. Will jirnnijitly attend to coHeclimis nnd nil lnp,i-Iic--s eiiliuslcd to liin rare. June 1(5, lf l'J, itour. I,. Sr.TII. THUS. P. H. !KTII SKTII & T5UO WHOLESALE GROCERS AM) CommtosCoti SHrrrfiiiut0. NO. 89 PRATT STREET, BoWLY's WllARK;) n alt i mop, i-:, Will my parlicnlar attention to t'.ie sale of GRAIN and all oilier products of the furin. Baltimore, January 26, 1S.")0. ly II tltDIVC. & IIOLL'S WHOLESALE Commission PAPER and RAG WAKEHOLlSi:, io. VJ MINOR Ire.-t, Philadelphia Where a general assort ment ol all kinds of rnper is kept, uud lor sale at the lowest cash prices. 'ap, letter nml I'rlitting I'apcrx, K.r. on liai.'d. Plain and r:led white Cups. ' blue " Fl it Cups. Plain nnd ruled white Letter. Mint Blue and white Folios. White and colored Printing Paper 1 lssuo rupcrs. Shoe " Wrappinp; I'nvel.iio " Ilurdware and l eatliiug Paper. I ar Hoards. Straw Boards. llmim t Boitrds, Ml orders from the Country will lie attended to ut the shortest notice. All goods sold will he carefully packed, and de livered ut any place in the city. 1 he highest cash price p ud for Ru;, or ex changed for Paper, M low as cun he lior.-jht else where. Please call and examine for Yourselves. Philadelphia, Nov. IT, 1S1U. I'll i i ii r 1. 1 1 1 1 a RlBDICAIi HOUSE, ESTABLLSI1ED 15 VKRS AGtt, BY mi. KlXKliLIX. V, U . Corner of Thrt.l uud Litton Sheets. ntT WKKN si-Kurt: and visr. sthkkts, IT'IKTIT.X VI-" AltS if rthiinue runl uiiinterrujifil ii.icnic HjM'tii in Uun ciiy n hilt-ntl Jir. K. (lie ui"M PxiKM't nul micivwihI pMrtmimcr liir nml neiir. in tttf tnuliiM iti oi ul! iltwas s n u rivtti ii;iture. lYra nm nltltt-l-ti u ilii 'Hi ei uthiu tii: itu . thr-'itl. H ley, iuiuim lit lit"nl or 1 1 ii'?. iin'i. tn tul ilnii'iniliMii, n!t trlun h, uritvt l. iliw'ifu' in ifVMi i'l 'in yi ui lit ull t'Vt'Wn tt iiiiiiiu it us the ll vol. iM-rtl'V I ho CiiKiiiuttt'ii li-ui lHriiie tin ct bled, ate till in -ml ft I witli nict'i-Mi. !! whu ilii'ro buiiiit' l uii-Vi iim- c:rv ot Or. K , mny r liiinifly I'niili'lt- in hi liiHurf n n p'ulleiuun. nnd conluk'iit ly rely ujvii bis skill an a ptiyKicua. takk r.HTicri.Au xonci:. Vii;: Mi-ii w h ) have iniuretl tlu'imu'lvf-i ly a rrlaiii pKit'lK C IllUlll'ftl Ml U llithll llt'llt-lllY i-iirilfl llOIll t'V il fonwiiiioiiH t al fc hws the t ilt'ts nl whu-li are iiililly (i ll 'Vfii wlitn m,lt-ip umi il-iriy t tti inintl ami tt-nly. klii'tiM ajiply intincttialt'ly. Wf-tkncsw nml vonatitiitiiitinl tl- liilily ot uniiwMllar rucry, !n njcal laMiliitto uiut vr;tl proxtrnti'tn. iirltaltillty uud all ntTvtui itll'-fti if, null- t'Hlinii, fclUftt'-MUit't'S t llin H t'l, nml every ilineiivciii any uui rtiiiiuN'lnl Willi Ih tiirilr i the nriKrrtsitive Hutc ti mi curnl, anti lu'l viot rt'sturl. YUDTIl AND MANHOOD, A vigorous life or a prcnuiltiio ilcntlt. EINRELI.N on stlf Prismutiou. ONLY 25 CKNTS. rto. It M.k iust is CI1.-.I Willi us. ru! -;i oil tlie luliriitili.-H ami iIim-hs.4 ol tlm to'io-mlne tlrr-ms. It ail,lr MK lisrllulikc to YUt I'll. .M A MItlOD aad OIJJ Alll'., uii.l should In: rcai1 tiy ull. The a.lvli-e Itn.l liuirf-piuHVS viO-ulfT It uivcs, will liicvcnl years ol uiiM.Ty uulI hulicl ins uiul 4av annual ly 'riioiiKiiKlii til Javi-fi. Pur.-iils ly rculin.. it w ill learn how toi.revcnt the tks truci'ii ot llt.-ir clolilicii. A rciiilitaiH-e ol vi.-cntK, cii.-loscil ut a Icitcr. s.l- ilrcss.-il to UK. KIKt:i.l. . . c .in.r ol'TIHKD A 1'MHN Wreels, Mtwh S.rucc I'inc, llUi. will ensure u b i--k. iiii-l.-r euv.-lopc. h.t rciurii .a irut. I'.-r- in. ui u .'istauc- may udj.vfe. Dr. K. by Litci, (Mist i.t.) tlll.l lr c'lio.1 ut h"iiu-. I'Al KAl.l.S Ol-' Mi:i'.riFKS. IiltllX'TKlNS. 4c . I.trwic.l.-il hy .-inlunj a rcuiiimiice, ami oul iiimculc trom I) VMAt.i: or ft l'.,i)STV. Ho ,k-.c!l.-rs. Tt-w- Ayciit..lN..I!;ir!.. Cauvnr., a ui all lh-ra uiio'oil Willi tho above work ut very low rstcs. t'chlCaiy I), loiu ly tJTONE Ware, Kurthen Wine, liutsins, Al js ninnds, Pi line, und Ciruiu Nuts. Planes of all kinds. .Salt uud Piaster. Just received and for sale by JOHN V. I'KlUNli. .Suiihiiry, Dec. 53, 1S19. IIOW.N'H tsSEXCK OF til.MiFR A new ftn mil v of this excellent article iin.1 received and for sule by 11. B. Sunhury, March 13, 1850. St AY KL'M. An!. ut articls for .ul by IlUMjy MASSEK. Sunbury Jan. J7ih, 184'J M". FTOI SK TO 15KNT. The premises on Mnr l kel slitet, Idlely ociu i.l by Marlr.. Apply'" , iir.Mi'n(A;-:-i;R. 'im'uii . Ap'nl fi. lMii), TfthtutmntU nf Cvrm ef S mfkl. Ccm. Syphilii at .W impure Awvet oi f. L:oJ sss" if Ike rv SMALM iil'AM I I'Y wKick ru kw' ml m u rject CWs tuek 'O'fl.-i, ht siiv tirtuf Ik' t'.irififiHjf mtdUml ssssj cr Is M'Ji. in 4icA hmi HitbUittd eni rvs.Hvss issn IHMi$-i km thtrt U mfiiiititionoilt .staVsM 1.1st DRANT'S INDIAN PDRIPHXIJ ilXTILlCf i wh a Xf'dl int tn t-T'.rr rptrt ; ar tl tam tAmm- ttulit, in rrta curt . ::.. tt,l. ONIC BOTTLK r it- cnnoini mr$ puritjintt, hri'inf virtu, aad awAaaf piif.T tlin thet ii com -i-'tl ia fvtr ton lit ul aTMr $fifmriita, nr any o'htt mtdi in th it hu vir hn vtr4 for !. 1 ).r j uililoiht-H ("nuf tit tmr mhlla, Uui h th u of th' 'At inMmn furiir, thf tbtrt TvTa pt 1 i v a t ! t t that war Kami aiiil't'air ni l) n ww WAi.K-.ihry liiat f Hick. Hc RurcLava. :ul w.l;-rv!i ilisrn hav lrm ad Cl.'ftB. wl, liitrft nftl II r nt'i Pvtunit, aTu-r hating id taa, ('vt-tl at T. ibn -tr:ur,anflrtt t-'lir rr-M-iiiea rl4 iqJp tu cut h'.in disrMat. ba?e duuttd tht- Bi wit'a ia Ibo Clioapoflt, hceaasr Ont Hot It wf it hi wt i-nMiral. enratiT aiai tr in it an I. in "nt --r;tTin-p, run- men ditrmti ia auaaal itli timt. 1 i:-iri o;t i '(" ol iy other nHicia. If. h-. oi: .- 4if r.iin 1'i'itirira will tar-i Ft Wit TIMt'l nvr- tut than e.t bnult of itraM W.u "lirisnl'i'innrn" wi ni.J hi- at tAa; at fouraot' lirt n Li.!'A.. H4,ct I thW,r. Uut n'RaMT'a. !'i:;t!KlKfi ii ,.M k, i' on:- tiNh. Uol.tJIl a hottl ; aad m n huttlti ul ii Aj rii:'pi a 1 ia ni--n' it of nirtt. VVki iri'irh il;ti..ic at oi bo:.U i f mrntmrUi, tar foi'i. tC' il'n, tti e'tj.t. ; i-m ut ita ltt. (tower aad let ttM.-ul ri.'try. hi;;!'t ha a -1 . 1 at awr tbaat J KtKtf fiv fVuM ir butt;, lu b ai ckt4p aa tfaa Fvbi' Ktau Ai O'tt lU4r. Ono Dollar's Worth! How much ririB hi nvirh STfmtn how aaaakt Scanri'i. will out IfoHar $ itvr:hu Brml t VURlTlEkX t'uif T l.r,-l thu i.tlUiwiM autruieat, which it a ap men of ita power. OANCEaOU3 SCROFULA I 'I'lt'i it the n-c nt a Vyinkj man who yat Itvtt. ll aia ttirti t a wn'.ifi cac ol .riolnla. by on It 7Wa BHtU I H niit'e I'luiti r. than ftrr waa curd by Ut ua of Twelvt f!'t!hntf th brtt tar.npnrilla that waa pr madu S.-r.aiitril!a hna tint fjhcimt melicl fawr to cflaal ike) c,ir- t.f sjnrh n trvol:tnlv hnpthst ra. Mr. J 11 IIa.ikin. of Rome. Oneida C'9 . T.. had $ermf. ula our ycrj w aa rto.tin-'il hi hia bed th latt year a wai tn niU'-h itiirairi un4 (lti1itatcd ea to t unabl m raiau his bniid tu hii hral. lie hail th bttt medical ad fice-haJ uat-d all ot th .?! $wiarari!la to to focd f t .w ami ujrtt, nnd waa comidered to ba tea a .ii ..u.'. bjmI t uni.l uui l:tt ttctnty-four hourt loaiaf wh. n be ctMinrt' nefd uiing llllAN T KtHEK. Ula itsk vvsti ta tn nearly oj limn ear to tar a kolt wa ataat through hia vinivt umlei hia dim, ao that ha bria4 tliKHiii ti h" ii---hia tar waa ao fatn aiaiind that tt nmid lv li'tH up nut nt ita .lm:, H onlr holdlnff by tmnll re tli tue of tne arm waa dtttroytH Uy two m ren an l ninlr thr arm. aa larf aa a man a hmnd had iifnrly tnten thinirh his ai.le infa hit body. Taae, hva waa aill.t't-'-l wish Tvcrtty uch ywriJ, avrvi. efftnriv lf cert, on vat t. mi at ta of hii penon. for farther aad full pfirttrulnri, ai-e our pamphlet! . iK't. '1 iit-MAi Williams, oh of th moat akilfal pby. iiclkua ol Hottir. was ralird to Ilaakin th day tr lit! C"i;!iijnT,l tjiuift prant'i i'urijir, Doct. V. xana itietl him. ';ii i! i t'll l him thnt ail th mtdiciHtt id test Id com!,) TKf curt him that hia cue waa Vorso than Hopeless! ?f ,w hrr Mr. PARKIN atat,reM nf eare. If eal4 I Mr wii i.rrrmnj t. b;il ol PRjyr.V PURirTl&Q Eni.4'T it A J.eon-rr-t. Irtnata. of Kom I ciinM.-irr;-.-!'!! a-iitif l hi t, a"d begin to ,-ft htttir inni t.n ij.v. em-; !rt mv to art of my bfl, wliete I had ba) Ci'iifiil ont v' ir - the asi onD hoitl ettadied tii li gdj c t of :e .'nvt-the tu i uti hott! enabled m to Wttm l'v Sh'.rt tn H'i;if Ceiitrc whera I proeme-l Six Buim : .r. I r I . - ii I l.a 1 fniiahM uaing them. Sevtntttn oa ol 'i "U- I 'ii-t-ra iitn iiei m vp ftnd thrtt botilu mar t !' --i' i a ';:; I ! r fll:Z wf all tba I'lcata, aa4 w at 'il me t. ; I h"U. FOURTEEN WITNESSES I Mr. WAr-K'N l,s tivora ,i tlse iioft fncts, and Uld .r W!-t,ew.l s-i.l c-i ;.f.d u by DOl't. T. WIL-I.IAMS-flr. ti. It lUIOWN. nf ths IT-tRm .' -Me..i-s. B1VI.I.I. I.I.ONAKH. WholM.1. d4 retail I iriL'sists smt 1.!. LVKN other rMtveclabU smnssMS. We Challenga tho World To TRilVK s Oir i,f it rnicln'n suit U:rr!f ktptU i- .,1;s. I the in,, .if '1KN TIMKS mink nrSTn','.'a. ur H.iy .Mlu-r iiic.iiciiir, St wti tiacd of Rrmnti I'urijirr to e:lrt tlie sli.-vc curs which eur shall b prov.'.t l y a siany wet', .'iijws, rtiptctabU teitnmsu. mm kf tu.' a'M.rc core. run SAl.i: nV J .hit . rrilmg, Sunl.srv Pa. .Mary A. Mi l sy N,irlhuiu!lr!Hj. J'.lui II. It.-is.-t Mill. in, ll.-nrj J. Mi. i. iT.T lMwtinl A. Kulzuor do A. bun l',i.iri-.,l r.illsrnra, lluycs Ar .MclVrimck, M.-Kivenayllls V. I'. I. I'liinliir, Miinev. J 1'. M mn -V Co., IlusVtlvills, r..Uuir.l Wilt .ii, NcW ltcrlin, 'I'll -rut, ii A: Itakcr, Lrwiilmrtri S. J. t'r -inc, Schn..i;r,.t, W. II llickl.y. Duuville, 1!. I. I.t-il7. A; J.'tin R. Morer, Ili.Minsl.nraf . , All I.-H.-1.4 iin.t ..r.l.-rs must l a Ulrcssed to Wallas, a Co.. HO IIi'.ki Iwiiv. .New .rk. SiiiiI.iiiv, July til, I II ly. j:itiltaMc 1,1 fe Insurrtiicc, Auuultr . and Trust tompnny. (irricr. ;t wai.m t strkkt, vtiu.ADKi.rHii. Capital -I'lti.iiiiti. CtiiiTER TEKrETrAL. "t!I C-Muivniy nr. ii.iv prcjwircd to tranract htitincW ii). 'ii l! .: ni M IiIktiiI nml'iiEus terms. Ttisy ur.-u-ith -ri.'-il l,y th.-ir cli;irt,-r (ni-t. :i) -ti iimke all mi4 cv.-iy iii.Mirjin,-.. iipH-rtiiiuinif tn hie rinks of n-listever kind i iintur.-. rtini t' receive uiul t-xn-iile truMs, uiske eudow ineiit!.. nml t,i uniut uii.l purcliuse uiiiiiiilics." 'fit, Cosa ,;my v.-ll aiiunili.-s nu:t cajolements, act net .9 Trusts. l..r uvn rs uii.l heirs. T;iUe ul' rreiniums rcpur.l ,r the AsxtmiiH-. of 8100 fsi the wli.ile terni ul" l.ils. As. Prcm I Aec. Prcni. I Age. Press, it i mi m 9ti 4(t 1 9i IT I .".1 : i 15 47 3 4H; H 1 ".' &l S Sll 4S 3 69 VI I 1 '.tl .ll a-.i; 49 3 77 Jil I .,il ll., S! i.1 Sll 3 04 ji i tn nti -i iii ii 4 ( JJ I li'i 117 li 47 5-2 4 31 j:) I til :w a 51 S3 4 St ji i -) .hi ait) m 4 it j. i "ii i a Tii m 4 ( -.11 I fS 41 -l 5 fill -'7 1 fj 4 J i !r S7 i 3: i- 1 ul I J 3 HI SS 44 j: I ' 41 3 l-J 69 4 7. M jut 45 3'-J 01) 03 Tin- j,riiii:iir.!i nrc less tl.iin any nthcr cnnj-anyi and IK. 1.11,-ies ml i,l !it-:iier iul i.!ih;.-k. 'J'uf-lca uf nail-yearly uii.l ,ju:.r!.-i ly pr.-iimiuiii. hull cro.lii talcs.. l' preinumi, short l.-iiim, j--i'it ll-'.'. sin v'iv-r"hipp m.,1 cikIlu-iiipiiir; alsn I. u ui oi A;,pl.i :.ll. -11 l,.r m'I'I.-Ji tliere ure liluiik sheets') aa t,i l- h,i,l "ii upp'ii-'iti ii nt ihc nii";,-.', or by letter ta th. Aijeul, J. II. I L IiUV, Suiilmry. 1.ATH4 roR lN-.rBINO SHU on a single l.ii". A-je p.. ' -jur. r.r ; yeais. For l.ils. 1 Jut S.70 s ci 1)1 1.1 Mil a.n7 3.u7 mi 4.1 ill 5;i tm 1 I ti 3.I- -A p ru l iil oil t-urs tieAt birlli dar, tit n.i.n'' th t ., input!!' t,j eeiits w.iiilil secure to his l.'iuilly nr li.-im Sj. t lH. should he die in one vr.-ir ; or I'or r9 1)0 hs ttc ciir.-a lo ih. ni Iihi ; or lor iblil aimually lor seven year, he s-citr.-s to lli.-ui iuihi lihouiil he .lie ill fceven reals; or lr -Jl i. Ill p-ii'l iiii'iui.lty tl.iiiiii! lite he F-ciiics tHN)U to u. mill u'heC he ili.-s. 'i'iie insurer secuiintr Ins own bisius. I.v the liii'.-r-u e in tiin niiit ol' premiums lroii lh.ecluiryad l.y other . -lli. i s. I',,r lo.rm tlie heirs vrocld receive iSUOlt sh.'iil.l he .lie in one yenr. Kornu ol'npp'irati.iii nil.1 sll pnrtiuliira mnv h had .4 the .irti.-e. I'l . I I. It CI 1.1. t:., President. Vice Pn-M.-iit. Wm. M Hiiuii. I's ist is W. IIaw-lk. t,'.-reUiry and Tresstirar. r..'ci.liMi PilYli l4 llr.J. II. Miisscr, Sunbury. .t. ll. Pi'Rl-v, riiint-Miv, Agstil I'or Northumberland oon ' Simkirv; Ju'y 2", lin. FiaC PROOF CHESTS, i-'on lKxiKs, r.rF.ns, jewelry, &e. KVANS & WATS OX . So. 90 -Ytifc Third street, beticeen Arch and lime, and 83 Dock street, CHTOSITK Vlir. PIULADlXPIllA l'.XCHAXGfi. I'a'.t-iil Scai-Stono Utictland Hej" liulc lover SALAMANDERS, r I ll Ii AM) THIf V lltOOK IKO (HBTt; r - W'firnuitttl Ui alani mora Haa' i . y -V H,1V "i thia t.untry. 2 ; I ' j , Mn liitt-nt Air-t'lutmlNrr Inn I ' rVaV-'W' i !L t'hfta, Iihni now in oaa. T 1 ilii.HZ. i '"" "" r,-M f n,o cut, nut-to tin li"liJ'try iL''1 , i r" t ire I'roi is. nt K 'Tr'-'-JtZ1 ' fl-I'lilcm cimi,iutlioii ftiliiisS L-iif I.iii.k. Keys, vhi.-h tTA'lgsa' .cgfcvcrnl thou'.nul Hi ri'iitiiHtc ti ninke thewtluta- very hv pricrtf iimhoti lork. Wita) h ciin he rhaiitfed -Jfc hie in lat t f. -TV tmw th Laak is uii,1 it ilt'Niuihie. 'nit. ''-ktuif pMi "miiitt th nmtt fx-x'tt 'i'hifvrj.. liinia! ni.ilu'tl vviili the INU'iit Kry-hoU t'uvvr, uml iiiH-tt! vt-ry atruiiu. tht-y ciuiittit Itehluun oncai t (him-v'w.iit. 'I'lu'so ure iiitcatJcil Ut ItANK, h-vtlani Icttci e-'jAUig prciwra, fire prti.("d.ora for Danktl ami Siorcf. P;t iit tSiatt ti Rnri-jcnit'ira. warrants) attparlor a all otlura. Water l iltera, hlmwrr Hatha ot the brat qua! ity. PerBnna wii-liiiig tn piirrhase any nf the ahnva ar Im It a, will ltitw artv thnn a call, aa Uicy aeii caaapc tuau any oilior ui Uie I'niieU Siuica. HAVID KVAM. JtHAi:8 WATSON, riiilaiklphia. N'ovmiiher 10, lt-4U ly RU.vE 4H.NTMUNT.A frcah aupply oflhw cxfpllf nt artt- le for Trtlcr, A c. iutl recaivei an.lrbale l v 11 l.S Ii V MASTER. luubury. .Inly t, l(i1t