Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 06, 1850, Image 3

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There ni an oxnibiilon. yesterJay, l Uio
machine manufactory ofM. da Costai of a
new rotative piihling machinB. . M. Balm,
Of the Debars, M. Firtnln Didot, and several
Of the first printer of Paris, were present and
saw the I ha mnt-.hina work. It consists of a
erici of lateral cylinders, end occupies litils
more than half the spaco of the American
machine with which the Patrie is prwttHi,
costs less than half the money paid for that,
and u free from the cords and tapes which
' to frequently throw that machine out of ac
tion. ; The number of men employed for each
of these new machines is only three. The
printing is from stereotype, not from thr me
tallic type, and the number of copies thrown
off by one machine per hour, is '.5,000. Each
cylinder carries a continuous sheet eqnul to
2,000 copies of a journal, and each copy i
cut off by the machine and folded.
The paper is not dnmped J the impression
is superior to any produced on damped pa
per. v The stereotyping is an almost miracu
lous process. ' In the ordinary course of stere
otyping several hours are required ; here it
is the work of fifteen minutes. A few sheets
of tissue paper are placed together and pas
sed upon the form containing the types. Thus
the mould is formed, the metal is poured upon
it, and as soon as it is cold the stereotype are
ready for the cylinder. Thus the wear and
ter of type is avoided, and a fount of typo
will of course be as perfect at the end of a
year as at the commencement of it. M
Emilo de Girardin was in treaty for the pur
chase of the patent right of this invention ;
but he demanded a monopoly, and this was
impossible, for no monopoly can exist where
there is no patent. The total cost of one of
these maceines, ready for action, is $5,000.
Correspondent of the London Globe.
Lumber and A California let
ter, by the last account, says. "Lumber is
going down, but females ure ncnrce in the
market, and on tho rise.
.Thomas Wildie, tho founder of Odd Fel
lowship in America, is still living in Balti
more. He is said to be a good, honest, clev
er, fat, jolly old gentleman, aged about sixty.
(For llie American.
teachers cowkntio.v
It ha long been the earnest lcirc of ma
ny teachers, that an association be organized,
calculated in its tendency to improve and
clevatn the dignity of the leaching profession.
While all other professions have their Col
leges and Journals to advocate llieiriloctiiues.
and instruct their pupils lo practise their re
spective branches with liunor and success;
the education of the teticlns is almost entirely
neglected. No wonder then, that so large a
portion of this class of individuals, are unlit
to dischaige the important duties devolving
upon them. They possess neither thu means
nor the inducement for qualifying themselves
to fulfill the responsible station consigned to
tlieii charge. Here, then is need ot reform.
And let teachers be the first to make an ef
fort in this noble cause. Let them convene
together, hold conventions, foim associations,
and adopt such resolutions, as are calculated
to promote the welfare ol tho profession. Let
them regulate the wages, investigate the art
of teaching, and examine, select, and recom
mend such school-books, as meet with their
approval. And in order to commence the
work of reform in this region, a Convention
will bo held at Elysbtirg, on the second Sa
turday in April, at 1 o'clock, 1. M.; to which
the Teaciikhs of tho 1'ublic Selionls, of the
several adjoining Districts and Counties ure
respectfully invited lo attend.
OEOUUK W. WEST, Committee.
Elysburg, March 2Sth 1850.
d i i: u.
At Philadelphia, on the 3d iust.,
CAROLINE TOR BET, aged about 17 years.
SIjc iHavkcts.
Philadelphia Market
April 4, 150.
Flour. Flour is quiet and the price wea
ker; shipping brands are selling at S4 81 J.
Extra Flour at 35 06 brl. Rye Flour is held
at 82 81 & 92 87. Com Meal is worth J 2 60.
Wheat. There is a limited demand for
red Wheat at SI 05c. piime White atf 1 10c.
Rte. Penna Rye is held at COo per bush.
Corn. Corn is rather dull at 63 els for yel
low. Oats. Southern are worth 32c, and Penna
34 Je.
Whiskey. Sales of Whiskey in bbU at 22c
and lihds at St cents.
Baltimore Market
Wheat. Small tales of good to prime reds
weie made to-day at 106 cts., audPeun white
at 111 eta.
Cork. White at 48 a 49 cents, and of yel
low at 60 a 51 oenls.
Oats. Prices range from 33 to 35 cents.
WhiskeT. Sales of bbls were made at 221
23 cents, and of bhds at 22 cents.
Corrected weekly by Henry Manser.
"WaiAT. .100
Rti. . .56
C. .... 50
Oats. 37
BcTTSB. - . .14
Eoes. 8
Pobk. .... 6
Flaxisib. .... 125
Tallow. .10
Bihwii. . 85
Flax. - . - .8
Hicklss Flat. - - 10
Dbisb ArrLta. - . . .02
Do. Pkachis. . .200
NOTICE is hereby given that the several courts
of Common Pleas, General Quarter 8eaiona
of the peace, and Orphan' Court, Court of Oyer
and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in and
for the county of Northumberland, to commence
at the Court House, in the borough oi Sunbury,
at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, 1st of April
next, will eouunue jw u w EEius.
The coroner, Justices of the Peace and consta
bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are
requested to be then and there in their proper per
sons, with their rolls, records, inquiaiiioiia, and
other teineaabranees, to do those tiling to their
eeveal offices appertaining lo be done. And all
witnesses r-ruwc tiling in behalf of the Common
wraith against any prisoner are alao requested and
commanded to bo thcimiid there attending in their
proper persons to prowute Hgainst him, as shall
be just and not to depart without Inave at their
peril. Jurors are requested to lie punctual in their
attendance, at the time appointed sirfeealile to
their notices, ' .
Given under my hands at Sunbury, the 0th d:iy of
Alnrcli in the year or our Lord ono thousand
eight hundred and Arty ami the Independence
of tho United Ktiitca of Amerira the 73d.
OF Northumlicrland Comity for April Term
A, D. 1850.
imid Jurors
Nak. OrcorATios. Rairninra.
1 Charles llotletisliue, Farmer, Tuibnt,
2 Juhn Deppin, " Jackson.
3. Stephen llursh, " ltush.
4. Jacob Seilor, " Jackson.
5. Win. L Cook, Gentleman, Norllium'land.
6. Henry Reiser, Funnel, Lower Augustu.
7. Joseph lloupt, " Shnmukin.
8. Joseph Sharpies, " Kusdi.
9. Dnniel Lesher, " Point.
10. Levi Ralhr-t, Merchant, Delaware.
11. Conrad Khebock, Farmer, Jackson.
12. Enoch Wolveiton, Rush.
13. F.llis W. M'Caity, Blacksmith, Delaware.
14. John Gippin, Farmers, Chilisciunque.
15. George Miller, " Shamokin.
1G. Daniel Hverl, " Coal.
17. John n PnnmI I. 4nirin
18. Edward Moyer, Merchant, L. Mahanoy.
19. Sebastian lloupt, Cabinet Ala ker, Sun bury
20. F.A. Clark. KHrmnr. Shamnlin.
21. Andrew Nye, " Delaware.
22 Nunuel John, " Shamokin.
23. Nathan Hans, " .Up. Mahonoy.
21. Samuel Lantz, " Low. Augusta.
Tra verse Jurors
1. Jacob Snyder, sen., Fanner, Up. Mahonoy
2. Elias Emerick " Low. Alahonov.
3. Michael Moore, Rush.
4. Wm. Slroecker, " Jackson.
5. Htinj. Krohn, Boatman, Sunbury.
6. Amos Vastinc, Farmer, Shamokin.
7. John B. Leinbach, " Delaware.
8. Jacob Bower, " Jackson.
9. James Reeder. " l.nwnr Amni.ta
10. Joseph Spats, Low. Mahanoy.
11. Michael 1'aul, Up. Mahanoy.
12. David Wilson, Delawnie.
13. Conrad Yost. Slinnmkin.
14. John Johnson, " Point.
19. John llensvl, " Little Mahonoy.
16. Walter Siktcp. Mill Vii"!it. L. A, , ,!..
17. John Ili-lriiili, Farmer, Up. Mahanoy.
18. Gideon Adam, " "
19. Henry Ilonpt, Tailor, Sunbury.
20. Solomon k'ramcr. S:ivvnr Latvia
21. Michael Wilvert, Laborer, Sunbury.
a. J.ii'oD tvertman. Larpcnter, I.ewH,
23. Andrew Geist, jr., Farmer, Up. Mahonoy
24. Illioll M. n.iviufiii rhuirmfiL-or. Mil,.
25. Jacob Rhoadi's, Fanner, C'hilis'piaquo.
26. Fred. Lazarus. Gentleman, Sunbury.
27. "John Lvon. W.-lt'oii Alnkpr. '
2?. Iaac Fisher, Farmer, Up. Augusta.
29. Robert limner, ' Lewis,
30. Andrew Runion, " Rush.
31. Christ Roup, Lewis.
32. Joseph Gas.-, " L. Aiigurin.
33. John Adams, : Jackson.
34. John Clark, son.. " l'n. Anmnii
35. lliMirv Weise, " Sunbury.
36. Jcdin'llaas, Cleric "
37. John risher, Miller, Shamokin.
38. Solomon Marl. Farmer. Coal.
39. Peter SlurlTer, Miller, Delaware.
40. fcdward Liiterline, Tanner, Up Mahonoy.
41. Charles Kollcy, Farmer, Ru.-h
42. Samuel UnJi. " .Ln-kann.
43. Wm. Shaffer, " L. Mahanoy.
44. Robert bitlm, " Chilisquaque.
45. Samuel Gilyor. ' Shnmnkin.
46. Wm. Kares, Mirchant, Jackson.
47. John Oberdorf, Farmer, Rush
48. Thomas Wolf, " L. Augusta.
Vvtii Jurors
1. Hugh Caul, Farmer, Chilisqunque.
2. James Kirk, " Delaware.
3. Alex. CuMwell, Laborer, Coal.
4. Wm. Weaver, Inn Keeper, "
5. Jacob Leisenrinir, " Shamokin.
6. Elias Brosious, Shoemaker, Sunbury.
7. Georgo llaruer, Farmer, Jackson.
8. John Woir, jr., ''
9. Peler Swartz. " "
in A..r.,.. 11 .if.. ii 1' at.. t
" null"; ' I lUiiimiiii, .
11. J.unes Tayart, Merchant, Northuurland.
12. Philip Henn, Farmer, Up. Augusta.
13. Jeremiah Adam, " Jackson.
14. Adam Yandlimr. " Point.
15. Samuel Robinson, " Up. Augusta.
16. Isaac Deppin, Single Jackson.
17 IY,n;..l II, Kili l-'r.r..,..r II
18. Henj lleflner, Merchant, L. Mahanoy.
19. John Nivon, Farmer, Point.
20. John Boush. " Delaware.
21. Geortre Ivuos. " Tuibnt.
22. Robert Castles, " Delaware.
23 Daniel Gonsort, " Up Mahanoy.
24. Ab. Shlpman, Surveyor, Lower Augusta.
25. Wm. M'Carty, Gentleman, Sunbury.
Jo. Wm. lleinn, Merchant, fllilton
27. James Shriner, Farmer, Northumberland.
29. Daniel llelriek, Tunnel, Up. Mahanoy.
30. Jonas F.Uenhait, Farmer, "
31. John Fleming, " L. Augusta
32. Elijah Bveilv. " L. Mahanoy.
33. John Colkett, " Rush,
34. Edward Grady, " Point.
35. Samuel Gillinuer, " Rush.
36. (Jeo. Penny!, " Shamokin.
OR trial in the Court Common Plena of Nor
thumberland County at April Term 1850.
Bowers Lowberct al vs (icorue Miller & son
same va Jonas Bowman
Jouua Bowman et al va Abraham Sliipman
same vs Samuel huulhnan
Danville & Pottsvllle ,. 1.4- ,
Rail Road Co. - "j""
Win & K. Krgely vs (ieorse Heikcrt
Frederick Keener va Wm. Ayrea
John Carver's heirs va I.rali hirot'eker
Henry H. Burr va Win. MeCay'sadin'rs
l.acti iStriH'cker vs Jaeob lloll'inan
Peter Kichter's ex'ri vs l)oli.'e St Barret
Aim Mvera va Deuurtdii Jordanetal
K irhaei Mi Caily va Elizalietli Writzelet al
Wm. & W. 1'eely iScCo. va John Hlii,.er
Nouli S Maekev vs rjamuil Finney Uoilae for Mojio &. Biddle va W. V K. Fegely
Jucob Kai'iluier vs U.nid rrvaiire at al
Aaron Ki'part va Ira T. Clement
("has. W. Riehurda vs Jomi1i Pettit
.Mary (Snyder et ul vs Roliert W Uunn
same vs James Dunn
Wru II Thompson vs Jacob Cabcl
Joai'ph Vand ke s Cornelius iSniilh
Pontius ff '1'hompson vs Samuel K Wood
, , SI) JorJun, S Hunter
Com. fo. Suu.l F uruin va Ji)ri,,in
John B Miller vs John B Boyd's ex'ra
Roliert MeCay vs Eward A KuUuer
Jaeob l'hilips va George L. Weiiner
J (lay loii for J Me Williams vs John ltowen
K O'Uoiuiell for Win P Nairle va John Divers
ir....i. .- ... U hi. Reed, adm'r of
J.UUU UlllM I, 1 . o i .
0 1 . J rt . I.rant
Mary Vickery
John I'rlien et al
vs Peter Feaaler
vs Peter llroaious
va John Botib
vs Daniel Oonaerl
vs Murrick 6i bliriner
Franklin Piatt & Co., vs aame
Char lea 11 Prick vs Eli Slifor
Thos Cummiuga t al vs J Parke ADR KUhel
Jonathan Leeduin et al vs Wm MeCay's sdiu'rs
Chas yieaeunta vs James & Wm Roas
Daniel Rhonda vs Jucob Wertiuan
(i P Tyson for Job Tyson va Daniel L. bchneck
Christian Bollinger vs Charles Houael "
tieorge Trojel vs Uenj. C. Clayton '
('has. A. Andre vs F. Matthews
Daniel Hanuabacli vs John Conrad
Moses Bower vs Richard Goodman
Pk.. mi...i' it' v.. 1.
Chas G. Dotts Vs Andrew Fetjer's ei rs
Snmnel Seanisn vs Philip Bpsyd
same vs Geo Bowman .
1. A. Jordan et al vs John Arnold
Benj Fordsman va Frederick Sticker
Jna Carothrrs et nl vs John N Lane et al
J Dixon by G A Dixon vs Bonhain R Kase
J Hunter V wife vs Dr. J H Douul
118 Caul eV G Lawrence vs H . F Wilhelm
Hannnh Montjromcry vs Joseph Rhonda
(recn A- Bros, for T Howard vs Henry Lantx
David Perry vs Abraham Lunger
same va Henry Hiildermnn
Com. for P lli'emnn vs Thos A Uilliiigtoii
Elinlieth Friek's ex'rs Vs John Prick's cx'rs
Montiromery A Sweny vs James Covert
John llnily vs Samuel Blnin
Win MeClery va Samuel A Leidy
Benj Hummel vs Philip Clotfelter
Margaret Summer vs The ex r of H Summer
I'rotlionotary s oflice
i's oflice )
h 9, 1850. J
Bummry, March
Come re,' with frarncntf bnre mid seedy,
Ye lftrijr, wiitoers and hurimnilii t,
It, in the outward muu yon'r needy,
Wt smu cim mnlie y in as g od ni new.
TIHE sulweriher respect fully informs his fiiemls
A and the public, that he will commence in this
place, on the 6th of April next, the
TAii.oitivd ursi-vr.s
in all its branches. He will lie careful to sec that
his work is ninde up in the best manner, and he
Matters liimsell, that he will lie able to uive entire
satisfaction in point-of cut, lit and style, as well
as in price. He therefore respectfully solicits his
friends and the public generally to call and give
him a trial.
His shop is a new building in Fawn street be
low Weaver's Hotel.
Sunbury, March 30, lS50.-6m
jV OTICE is hereby given, tliHt letters trslnnicn-
" tarv, have lieen granted to the subscribers on
the eptatc of Hannah Vastinc, late of Rush town
ship, Northumberland county, deo'd. All persons
indebted to said estate, or having demands ngninst
the same are requested to call upon the. subscri
bers for settlement. BENJ. F. VASTINE.
Rush township, March 23, 1850. 6t
PIM! R Board of Commissioners in the county
of Northumberland, have agreed upon the
following dates and places named in the several
townships and Boroughs in said county, to hear
and decide upon all appeals agreeable to the seve
ral Acts of Assembly, in such case made and pro
vided, to wit :
April 22, at the house of Michael Spatz, in George
town Lower Muhonov.
April 23, nt the house of Widow Raker, Lit. Mali
of Geo. Smith, Jackson tsbp.
of 1 . Ueissel, Lp. Mahonoy.
of Wm. Weaver, Coal,
of C. Leisenriug, Shnniokin.
of (ico. Conriid, L. Aiurustn.
" 30, " schrvil house where election is held
in Ru-di township.
May 1, at Commissioners olliee for Upper Au
gusta, anil Sunburv Borough.
2, at
3, "
4, "
0, "
7, "
8, "
the house ofjas. Hilhurn, for Point
township and Northumberland.
" of Benj. Foreman, Chilisnuaime
" of Frederick Strieker, Milton.
"ofAb. Kissinger, Turliut.
" of H. J. Reeder, Delaware.
" of Michael Reeder, Lewis.
Commissioners oflieo, ) Comm'ers.
Sunbury, March 23, 'oO. )
Silks, Ribbons, and Millinery Coods,
So. 45 Smith Sccmid Sireett
I'll I L A HKI TH 1 A.
VI701T.D call the uttenlion of Merchants and
' Milliners visiting the city, to their large and
rich assortment of
received bv late arrivals from Fiance, such as
(luce Silks fur casing Bonnets,
Fancy lionuetand Cap Ribbons,
Plain Mantua and Satin Ribbons, from No, 1
to No. 12,
French and American Artificial Flowcra,
While nnd colored Crupes, "
French Chip Hals,
Fancy Nets and Laces,
Fancy Trimmings, Quillings, Crowns, Tips,
Covered Whalebones, Buckrams, Cnne, Ac.
Together with every article appertaining to the
Millinery trade.
March 23, 1850. 1m
Ab. 40 South Fourth Street,
HERE every variety of French Calf Skiie
Morocco, Patent leather, Congress and (ini
ler Imots, of the best style and workmanship, aro
constantly kept on hand or manufactured to order.
March' 10, 1S50. 6m
NOTICE i hereby given, that letters testamen
tary have been granted to the subscriber, on the
estate of Jesse I inel, tlce'd, late of Lower A urusta
township, Northumlicrlaud -county. All iH'rsons
having claims to said estate, are requested to pre
sent them fur cxaniinution, those indebted to the
Cbtatu arc requested to liiakc immediate payment.
Lews.' August ii, March 10, 1S5II. 6t
Minify, I. cumins County, Pcuua,
Rkv. JOHN SM ALLEY, A. M., Pkivcisal.
Mm. M. 1). SM ALLEY, Associate Phiscifai.
Assisted by IwoutU qualified Tetuhers.
' " HIS Seminary is designed to a (lord as good an
- education, in Imlh the solid and ornamental
branches, as can be obtained in any school in
Pennsylvania. Hence, instruction will be given
in all tho branches usually taught in the highest
order offemule schools.
The Summer Session will commence on Wed
nesday, the 1st day of May, and continue livo
"I I'll M St
For Boarding, and Tuition in all the English and
'cientillc blanches, together with Drawing,
Painting, and Embroidery, per Session, $t)U 00
EXTRA.--Instruction on tho Piano with
use of Instrument, (per session.) 20 00
Lutin, French, and Wax l'ltovcis, each 6 00
Washing, (per session) 4 00
(If Thirty Dollars must be paid in advance,
and the remainder at the close of the Session.
For further particulars inquire of Principal at
March 23, 1850 3t
The Susquehanna Packets will commence run
ning on tho lHth iust The Packets will leave
Northumberland every evening at about 10 o'clock
for the Junction and arrive in time to take the
cars to Philadelphia, tlie same day. They will
also connect with the cars lor nttsrturg.
The Packets for Williaiusport will bssv$ Jv'or
thumberland at about o'clock in the nionni.j.
, A. E. KAPP ic GO. .
Nonb'd Jjlsih 16, lRjn, .
(Lati or Ti Fin o Watkikso & Hali,)
.Ab. 24 Sovih Second Street, .
p F.SPECTFULLY informs his old friends snd
t customers, as well as the public generally,
that he has opened an entire new stock of elegant
styles of
Spring & Summer Dress Goods.
His assortment consists of the latest and most desi
rable styles of English, German, French & Ame
rican (ioods. Such as Delaines', Tissues, Bcra
ges, Silks, Lawns, M uslins, Shawls, Hdktl's, Cloves,
and every variety of Dress and Fancy Goods.
Philad. March 10, 1850. ly
" ESTATE0F JACogREINER, dee'd. "
V OTICE is hereby given that letters of admi
' nistratiou ite lunis noa, have been granted to
the subscrilier, on the estate of Jacob Greiner, late
of Upper Augusta township, Northumberland
county, decd. All persons having claims to said
estate, arc requested to present them for examina
tion, those indibted to the cstato are requested to
make immediate payment to the subscrilier in Sun
bury. ' GEO. C. WELKER,
Atlmittixtrator tie Ionia Hon,
Sunbury' March 10, 18S0.-Gt
rpiIE Subscrilier has just completed at his Boat
Yard in this place, two large Cnnul Boats,
which he oilers for sale. These boats ary construc
ted in the best manner and of the best materials
and will be sold ut reasonable rates bv applying to
Sunbury, March 16, 1850.
T) Y Virtue of n Writ of Vrn. IZrpnHti to me di---rccted,
will be exposed to public sale, at the
Court house in the borough of Sunburv, at one o'
clock, r. M. on MONDAY, the 8th of APRIL,
next, the following real estate, viz: A certain
Lot of Ground, situate in the borough of Milton,
Northumberland county, in that part of said lio
rough, enlled Lower Milton, bounded on the north
by an alley, on the cast by an alley, on the south
by Ferry land, and on the west by land of Mrs.
(ildwine, containing of an acre, more or less,
wbercon is erected a two story frrme dwelling
house. Seized, taken in Execution and to be sold
as the property ofX'harles Robrbach.
Sheriffs office, Sunbury,
March 1G, 1 8.30.
Al Hie ti!)isii't Ware tloam ol'
SEirx HourT & co.
Market Square,
Also nt the corner of Fuirn street If the Unilroml,
Thankful for the l'atronnge of lu's friends and
customers during the 17 years he has been in busi
ness in this place, he solicits from the public a con
tinuance of their favors. During this period he
has endeavored lo keep up with the improvements
of the day, and has accordingly extended his busi
ness in every branch and variety. The public are
therefore invited to the attention of the present
stock of
Manvkactuukd bv
At the Old WkiiiI,
Where in addition to their formrr stock
establishment they now manufacture
Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs
Liirtre Sjinntr Sent Rocking Chairs,
Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables,
Marble lop Ivimi Stands,
and a variety of other
new style and
Fashionable Fiirisiturr.
Having secured a Hearse snd inado tho neces
sary arrangements for the purpose, they are now
prepared for Undertaking in all its branches, in
this vicinity or at any convenient distance.
Yc maiitp and mistresses, and tuinlmists tsi,
Here's furniture of every style anil liar,
I'r. ul siilr l Hints it wil to kilclien tables,
)Trlll rHMug chairs to lH-'ftiaK cru'Mcs
Mi mlit y-'ii iv 't have tlie putty John to pay,
VW'll wait nwtiilu fa l.riyhl.T tn-tter day,
Or lake jM'tiitors. oils, c rn, wheal and rye;
Hark, h-sip p 'Ics. slavc, it luiutjcr v-t mill dry,
Or any tiling tsil y kes anil ttiresliiug ttalli,
l'li'ia piirs unit lurkics down to little ipiails.
Come on then uieinti. cnne one suit all,
Keep trade a moving, "g' on tin) ball "
I'S"" Orders from a distainc promptly attended
to sod work of all kinds delivered with dispatch.
Sunbury, March 9, lb.'iO. tf
"V OTICE is hereby given, that letters of Admin
i ' istralion on the estate of (leorge Deppin, late
of Jackson township, Northumberland county,
dev'd., have lieen granted to the subscrilier. All
persons having claims against the estate, will pre
sent them lor examination and settlement, nmt
(lions indebted will please make immediate pay
ment. WILLIAM DEPPIN, Adui'r.".
Jackson tshp., March 9, ISoO. tit .
I " I.IXllt is. Willi the tituiosl eoiirnlenee. oA'eredta the l;is-alryaivt die pnMie tor the cure of Dyspen
siu or lmliestl u, unit all disease arieiiijj from it, sueli
Nau.'U. tleii'laelie,
Verlifo, llliimersof Sulit.
llitnlilyoi tiie .Nervous en
1 1 y p K'lioiiilria, Jaundice,
l'Mtol ilpelite,
Wuslins of tin-slreniith.
Hili'Mis Vtiniilius,
liurniiig Ki-niliouut the pit
of llir nt 'itmeti,
lavereoiupl.unl, afler eiitinfr,
l'alpilntion nt ttie Ileal!,
t'aiil in tlie nit of the lloiimrh
Klnlulenee, Willi frvijuent or towards the ri"ht side,
1,,-leliinilof wiial, 'SNillowness ol roinplexi. n,
Vilialrd taste, l)epressi.-u of the spiriris mm
ConslitaUoii mid iiueasineiisl irtilttbility of teuijHir, Ac.
ul the bowel, '
II a case of (Iy8;ea.ia shnuti iice.)reirt1, lust B-iioils
erteel, uuy ensile, lor it IsyS the touuilatt ai for, is th in
cipenl einuieof. Mint very t reiliently tenilinalefl in eouslltnp
lion. 1 wsilit iuipress iiNu the iHiud that to u ute M il li
litis iliseaae may tic to sport witti I lit- reason which consti
tutes limn supereuiiuenl unions' annua! beings, or to em
bitter existence by adding a consciousness ol fotly to the
js'iialty (4 pain.
This medicine Is neatly put np ill bottles, Willi niar'e
d i reel ions for use, and is sold in Sunhiirv tiv Join W.
Fnu.iMi. J AM I IS V1 1.1 JAMS.
TVsllinony of Mr. Aimer J. linen, li illor, Market lrt
uUiie Kixth, e rrob "waive of ttio ciftenty of Williams
Anti-UvsiKpUe Elcxir.
riiiLADiii'HU, October 3, 1819.
Jin. Jimsi m :
Dear tii : 11 gives uie erent pleasure to kn nv tluit y m
ie acais pr"nn you nuoieuie for ilie rure of Hysi!!
in, l"r many ot' nry' ac-iuiuilaiices ha e reiieatedty saked
me wliere itcnulil "tie prorated, kfl iwiiia tlist I laid been
cured by iu As I think that a public acknowledgment of
the great beuebt I bsve leceived toun the use of your med
icine is iu a only due to you, but may Is- useful to others, I
now make it. For several years I suffered from Dyspep
sia, which increased to such sn extent that mv health end
conciliation were mpntly iiikmB under II. I was rom
pelleit to restrict myself to ihe nvst simple ist, ail eveu
that I could not digest. I fella lose .H strength, illiieli
nalbsi to exercise, autl, as you hiu e it iu your advertise,
lueut. a pcueru) feeling of depression and bstescriliuble
wenriiKss. In the year IKW. houiina from others Insh re
coinmenitation of vour Auti-I)vpeptic Klixir, 1 ptooureu
and used it Willi the most happy effact i under il inrtueiKo
languor and wariness gradaully iinnscd awsy, uud my anne
lile returned whieh I r aiUt cratify with Impunity. Teu
years have u-w etatss-,!, and my e sindenre iu Hie rurativ
p .wen of your tueillciiie has of r. wiv increased, lor it
completely cured uie wliea I lulled to obtain reiiel from any
oilier source. Very respectfully vours.
Testimony of Fat ward II. Rowley, Wholesale .Merehiint
of the firm of Kowley, Aslihiiunfll A O., No 5 Kuilh
Wlmrves. in proof ol tlie erticaey of Williums' Auti-Uya-peptie
Flin.ADU.rnu, October it), 1H9.
Mr. Jamss Wh.lisI :
Dear Kir : I luk Measure in roroniniendina your Aati
Ilyspeptir F.lixir for the cure of DyKpsui. I liave lakra
il myself foi the disouse, and have Wn entirely cured.
Yeurs respeetiulty.
Agist JOHX W FRIUNU, Sunbury, l'a.
March , l-5U. ly
KOSa OINTMENT. A Aeau supply of thia
, excellent article for Tetter, 4 c., jut received
and for ual by 1IENKV MA&dEK.
flunbury, July 8, 1849
Yl'HITE BRANDY for preserving brandy
v peach) of an excellent quality, ut aU
by . II. MASSES. -
Kiu.bury, rpt. Std, 1S49.
. r STONE WARI3. .!
THE ittbscribcr would moat respectfully in
form his friefidsand a (tenerous public, that'
he if manufacturing tlie boat quality of .
in all lla varictiea, and la prepared to aell A little
cheaper than any other manufacturer in the Union.
He is also importing and dealing moat extensively
which he oilers on the most reasonable term.
His Potteries are on Uond street north of Pay
ette, and China store and dwelling at No. 8, E.
lltittimore street.
No. 8, E. Ihillimore street,
11 a t.Ti mark, Maryland.
Felirunry 2, 18.-0. ly
shtii &
eommfosrfou Urrcftiiut0,
(NesR HllWLV'a WllAHF;)
"Will pay partienl ir attention to the ale of GRAIN
and all other products of the farm.
Iiultimorr), January '-6, 1850. ly
In the Useful and Interesting Atis with a few
Simple and furlona tvsperlmeiiU In
T NCI.l'DINO Medicines, Perfumery, Chemistry
Cot.kery, Farriery, Dying, t'onfeetionary, Do
mestic Economy, etc. etc. etc. Price (if cts., for
sale by II EN U V MASSE R.
Kuiibury, Dec. 8, 18-19.
MIII',TT &. IliltDI.VCi'S
HOLES A LE rommission PATER and
km; waueholsk. No. iu minor
Street, Philadelphia. Where a general assort
ment of all kinds of Paper is kept, and for sale at
the lowest cash prices.
'up, Letter and Pi Inthij IMipcrs,
&.C on Is a nil.
Plain and ruled white Caps.
" ' blue "
Flat Caps.
Plain and ruled white Letter.
" " blue "
lliiic and tthito Folios.
AA'iute and colored Printing Toper
Tissuo Papers.
Shoe " ...
Wrapping "
Euvvlojio "
Hardware and fcleathing Paper.
'Tar Hoards.
Straw Hoards.
ISonnet Hoards.
All orders from the Country will bo attended
lo at the shortest notice.
All goods sold will be carefully packed, and de
livered at any place in the city.
The highest cash price paid for Ratrs, or ex
changed for Paper, us low as can be bought else
where. Please call and examine for yourselves.
Philadelphia, Nov, 17, 1814.
No. I.rO l liCKitut Stl t't l,
(Opposite the Arcwlc)
T AXITACTrUEIl of their improved style
Elastic Steel Spring, Solid Sj!c Leather, and
Solid Riveted
which took the only first premium, awarded by
the Franklin Institute nt their last exhibition.
II. & T. ttke pleasure in infonning the travel
ling public, that they have now on hand, a lieau
ttl'ul assortment of their improved style of Solid
Sole Leather Trunks; Double and Single Folio
Trunks, of various atvlcs; Ladies' Trunks, Va
liec Trunks, Bonnet Loses, Cap Cases, Carpet
Dugs, and an elegant assortment of superior En
ameled Patent Leathar Bags, with every article
in their line of business.
IaT Old Trunks Repaired or taken in exchange
for New ones. ALEX. L. 11ICKEV.
Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1(519.-
III 1 1. A O r.Ll'll I A
A. IV. Corner oj 'Hard and Luton Streets,
IIFTKKX VKAltS of rxrniive 8m! iinmterr.iirteil
prariuc 8H-nt hi tliis city (riVr rfiulerH r. K. the
in wt Ptpert ni" wtivewt'iil inirtititmcr lur uiul nenr,
in tlm lr!itiiiyit 01 all UiiM-s vi a private iminre. I'tra nm
ctlli.'ittl Willi uUvrs up ii Uu- It mIv. llir mt, it (vt, pa him m
lln; huatlor Imim, uicivut uti rliuunuitn4u, sirictitrcs, tirurcl.
thewiHe nrlMii!; frm jMutlilnll fxt'm itT impuriiira i the
bl')iMi, wlieirliv the cnuiiituiiuii liafe leC'lJit; enietbied, mie
all treuti-i.. willi hiicrcr'S.
whnphrrt liinw. 't Unili-r tin pnr ul" lr. K., nmy rr
Ik'i.mply rantitti; tii his hoirir as n Kfi.t!eiii:iii,aiul coiiti.l'jut
ly rd up ui his akin ti a phymriuii.
Youug M hi vU Iuivb iujurt! ihemwlvf ty a corluiu
pirtrtice iti'lulgfJ iiv liul'iL t ifpit nliy It-.irutril ifirtJl evil
ci'inpninoni if ut R-hivil rffiTfn m whii li nrt i.i'irliily
h it, even whfit nitrfiip, ainl rtcmrov tnh ittinil and IkH:,
upply tmifietlialWy. e;ikil and t(riKlituUiHi)ti
debility I m o(' niiimMiinr rtiermy, pliyniful lui.ttiu1 nnd j:ii
tral pr litruii mi. irritubili'y umf uli ntrvmi Hfcii-tn, nuli
fru ii, tntrisituHM t tite tirt. and every ilimmtifin any
way (mu-W'd witli tlie ii rdRi tit tlie pntcroitm e luuc
ti'HU I'liicil. autl lull M&tt rent .red.
A vigorous lifo or a premature ituath.
KIMiELIN on silf rnscrvutiou.
Tim II HikjuM puMilicd it tillnl with nni-ful mt rntaU.tit
fit the iiitiniiiut-a mid diM-itm-a nt the (ifinTHtn Oruiin.
It aMrrf itsc-li alike to YOL'TIJ, MAJliHHiutJ OJ J J
A l-I, mid utinutd le iiiii by nil.
The valuable advire and miprejtfive warning It ffivt a,
will prevent miaery uiidautferlng und sure autmuU
ly Tu juhjikU ul' iaivm.
rarciua bv reatbitu it will karn how to prevent tlie clc
triK'ttoii oi liirir t'luldreit.
aaA reuilttmire t 2 rrutt enrloM'd in a lettrr, ail-
drt iwod to Itlt. Kl.NKIJd.N. -V W. e .rnir I IJIUDA
I Mtei'Ui, lH-lecn fpruptj A Vme, l'lit!iithl;'hia,
will eiiBttre a b Nk, umb r euvt'lor. rwf rrtun of mail.
1'rrsotia at a diMiite nmy aiUlrc br. K. by letter, (ioat
iiunl,) and U riiu il til It tn-.
iu'KA(ii:s of .Mi:i)hTrrs, mrkction-. &.,
forw-militl by ttfiubni rt-miuauct and put iipaeoure trtau
Bj ik'in.lU'ia, tv Ani'ntf.Ptsllara, CauvniuMMB, and, all
Mhcri iiippbfd vuh the alne wurk at very low rut ft.
rewuarjru, levHi ly
A V i n t e v A r ru n m c n t
I s
N and after November Ut, 1349, the Pas
seiiKer Trains will run between Philadeluhia
and Pottsville aa followi :
Leavea Philadelphia at 8 J A. M., drily- except
Arrives at Readinir at 1118.
Arrivea at Pottsville at 13 t.
Leavea Pottsville ut 8J A. M. daily airept Sun
day a.
Arrivea at Heading at 10.
Arrivea at Philadelphia at 13 SO.
PAHES. Pottavillo and J'hilaJelphia 3,50
and 3,00; Pottsville and lleailiug 1,40 and 1,30;
Heading and Philadelphia 2,25 and 1,90.
Pasaengera cannot enter tlie care unless provi
ded' with Ticket.
There will be no Afternoon Train.
NOTICE Fifty pounds of baggage will be al
lowed to eaob, pauaHingor in tliese lines ; and paa
teiigera ra expressly prohiUned front Inking any
hiug as baggage but their wearing apparel, which
will be the risk of tlie owner.
By order of tlie Board of Managera.
Nov. 81, 1849. tweretary.
ETTER envaletM. oif vsnoua kinda. (ui aale
J al ftiit nre.
n at! rfcH-tlfair.M pA c?v h A eotiiii , ban-i.n-. ln
Inrci r prnpoi tion nt tb-Mln Hi 111 nnv b r inttlndy -'mt
alHif ti the htirtmn f.riljrt and. until wbh rt a lem- yen
tlu're Imx not be n atijr t't.tmn r.-mtug to io uie Tut ta
li on of the deptruyar. Hut tin
Currt vr mnrtH nf th( mnt itrnnpl nrnl-., it n-d dvM
'rd t-ni-ii nf 1'ii'mtnnttj ( u i -. t nn'i th :e i
caPfi ol vlxmtM toid rlLicwcd l.l'MIt ni It ktp'r.a cn
fen n vvrr nrver hMloio cured by hut v iuli1. im..
riu Utterly hoprfmg wrro iimo of Him fttllirb d ptThorn, hj
to havn bien prrmouiiTd hy pSylcinn and Ii U-vA to In
4TTUAI I.T tlYINff. !i ni, will) bl.d tllt'ir kill inl rlfttb
mule, h ivc bf ii fured, itlitl yt-t livu t. wimiiwu
HtJ would tint live another' liny, tt: n a v.v:j ar.j
hrmty hi xhry ev. r w. rt.
It 'HfBB) nM (Jul l;it;'ili n-1 p:i !(;. t T'i-
Hourly a,-. poWiil"ul uutl active as tlx pi'-.tti'tiU.-a wiiltL
vi rail
Tli! d'tl'-i' Frtnn lli nt. b"toir 1bi pcj rr fh f
ytrtli wionti wlii.h are pd iilinrif n .i;.v I to, uaU nvtt ct.:in
tiaHy nrrciaru, tn cure
CciTh3 and Ccn."ji,.r.iiil2;m,
nnd tilt (ifn'ct tif n pidmnmry ii"!:n-- -f '-'-It i!i-c-.- -
tnutiHy! so t'ltitl utirliir uulinmy t: citi.j'iit, vrli-v
Ih.-y titt i, It dm
lirciist. Tlirnn!, Limips, ntvi llnr!,
Tln ft.41. 4 V tr-nlt an-J rvr? W-m in :'t T'rrtft. ta
r1t.-h.-rt iiiUrJinlly, n- crrtninhi xitil en i';' i'J !. I t ,t
rviMi lixiiittT ruret Plltl a 'U. n!i-or- entm .;' 'I',,':
lle!-im ftnvt .Vim cn"e ol' Cmrk met f'-nttr:;.ti".'i cnt
j Ten, titter nil i th :r rem' t'ics h ivc .''; f l-hjL
Thousands of Ccrifirjnlcn.!
nnd ("nonf Cljitifh., abundnnlly prnv in vifn'lhtsf -ft-tn
; m . h Ui htnl jis btiiitmbti-.i i ui-'irvH ww r,
mi I Mi.itHiu. lifi,Uti2 pinjirriir'. In t':- i !!--vji.' c,
pliint and di'rntr. viz.: .VfH'rhif nf I'lnn . at
th: l.utttf, I'ain in th Hr,at and site A ." s.ut. ,r.
rni l"t't;i,i).i!,;f.,, P'tl"ii't' Of' tt' ffrjrt i':r!t.-,i Ji' ini
turn. lentrttf and Summer Cot- '!.'..' in V'i't-fu t "niui
Adultn, Af-tttna, and ALL
N'n n-fiT'dy tliHt bi''n ofTi ti .1 to h-1 -i'- 'r )rn t v r
Imtu hntfa rrrtein nnd rfritvnl in r-r:t t e .-ILL ia
( iditt il fr. aknrtffF and cTf irliri.'ird .,1 U-nilt. r, r
HR AMI'S J'l'I.MOMARY BALSAM, h m-.Wr no d i
l' n nri w h. tln r ihi dr rimi! "iiii nt b- j, -".i. rr - r',
ir (iihfr insihntul ffV'jf.-) it IM't.r'l. v i s Al.l.. In'
HWigtheninif Wm yti'iu. rj'tai::htf the rir. t.l i:ta, ni'i
wnthiuv Hiti niifi'irtif M:i:ui .s i::j;.'j'A;i i.ii . ,st.
our V'ltnj'hhtu nn pu,.t.
A Dying Woman Cnr.?Jl!
V t tie t.iia curp t )rcvr ho fmc. r e I- , w Vt i
tin R.M.iSAM It H-d, i' veil n:ry tin- ) i t n i t..j; d
by jibyji.-imi ami tVicmlf tu m In tlm rn,'' il di-ti r
uriu-l y dii'mir - mill, in lhi ran. n u.r t.n.e tii,;t t!i;
rhrnu i nnd burial chills Wt;ro bti i.b:.' Jurt if'. i:
Uirt ( thii rnsr, and the rfyvrt.iitc widti h tl n-i.i
i t' a'l ibt- I'tiiiu. It.iu-ii und lui't , n: itlt r Iu u.n
v.s M ihi.f:ts.
'I iiii. iiiMwi rn'r' if on Mrr ZllIA DYKIIVAN. nr
r,itlht)it Sjtt, S-ira'pfa A". ). S c.n pr-i-. i '-ni'ti
a dtiuM. vmiij iib.i d'mo.-t n;uaVtt n l:npr l, ; r,,J
mrruhlt ftii ul' C"t' fhfi nnd C!itiiint';fmis f'i !? f D,:.rh
wiuu foiiiiuniu d In HtnhU by killnl pKyi. in ij.
Sec dm cure of lr. in! bar. I, of fhmr.n 1, l'l., auj
Dycpspriia !
s. e It, cure .,f T . WV.'-or. men ti i.t. ,.f A' i. r, vjo
m:n ( 'o . N. Y . nnd eiiicy nuirs. in our l'. c; it
Dysentery : Summer Co:rp?.a:::t
In 'kUJrtn Hit-1 A la nrf a'icvj r:r-,l. Ji'7.'', '"'..7 t.t
wll, .rf, h:' f.r' t. hralhv a:id hmr: m i r.v. j
by tlm a id iha BALSAM.
No im-ih-r f."-,l t r.-r mviurn ihr d-fb ( f I - ' y
4'boti-tn 1 nfii ii( tint, V't ,.)(?. ii i 'i'S
i't'LMOMAf. Y BALSA V '.v umr X n ,1 It -!i..i.U l.-,
Ur m-h cami, Riven in btrp.:r thun otdti-m-y (buci.
T ic t'i!' pv:ri n-i"i- t li-n-t I .'"..m'isi hsva
V- .v ;,M.- ,. l I'ltAST"" .VKMUiM-a:-
t'r. .N. 1. 1 I:!'. ;!: It. .'n:n!ur.l. Ci.ii'i.
I'" S. m: ;!, S. V.
Ur. liO.-'s:.; tv i:;-! II. ,.-v -rt, llrc-A'Tt.. N. T.
II; . T -.t ur:, .v.,:,.,.,,: s. V.
I'r. )i:u. HI.C.T,.', Mi l.l'.-ln.Tn. f. an.
Ir. i;i:o. a K'Kir. ". s, n,ii.. n. v.
Dr. M. V!l!Ti:. I'r. .I..11X ;. v.
Ur. r. . II tt.KNTINK. l-vc.ii. V. V.
I'r. J. (l. Hil'i'M N. J--sv.'ttrv:it... Ii. Y.
I'r. J. KiVS'l'!!. Il-iicv.!.. I'..-. Vvu : y
Dr. o. f l f-.tiN. i.uiiluii I. N. V. '
FOU SAI.H 11V J..1.U V. ViUing, Stuitmry l'a.
Murv A. Mi t v
J.'hu II :.i
H'-ury J. Hi-t. iTiT
Kdw;ird A. Kmzner
A'liiti t'onrhd
lluvea V Mt'f.irmii'k,
W'.V. I. Painti-r,
J. P. Mum ft ('.,
Kdwiird Wih ni.
Thornton ,V U.ilscr
B J. Cr uiic.
W. II. Itickb-v.
P M?ZI IT1!.
Mi l! cum b'.e,
New Iterlin,
'.. Leitz ft R.Mnyer,
All h'tb'ra and order inimt la adilrcatd t atlaot ft.
Cn.. Kifl llr.Ktdwnr. . w York.
Sinbury, July ttl, l-J! ly.
Kqultalilc Life IiiNiirnnco, Atuiully
OFl'ICK?! M'AI.M'T STRKKT. PI1I1, ATH'.l.nilA.
Capital SXMhhi. Chaktkr Punnm-xL.
'IMIK Ctiii)nny ore iinu-pre;mre. to trniiwict biiHutrfvj
1 iifvu thk in l ItU-ntl ;iik1 udvuut:tc. out trriiti. Tliev
art inzed by Uieir ehaitrr (wt. :l) "t nnke i ll and
every iiuurnnre iippTtiiininR to hie risks nt" wh;iier.r kind
or nntun uud t rweive uud execuie trui, m:ik rn.lnw
n irnt n, niiil to finiut nnd purrh:mr tuuiiiii it k." Ti c t'urit
n.iny at-ll nnnuilii-K and eiid-JWiuenU. uui act as Trusaea
titr itinera ami heir!.
Tnile of Premium ret, rr ilia Asunuii-c ii t li.;o tjr
the wh "Ie trun of lA'.e.
I P;em
:i 'i
i v.:
a i.i
4 ii j
4 ol
4 71
4 Ul
5 U
6 54
5 ii
Tt: preiniimi are le Hiii anv olbir c uri'H'iv.
am! ilia
p. lu-ii' ull ird irrtMtcr uilvimtaL'ea. 'I'ul.l.a of l-ntl-l .iirlT
uihI quarterly pr.Miiiuui. Lull cnttil ralt ol itri'.nuiiii, miml
Irrnm, ji.inl lui-n. iiriic..rili;)a uiul i'i,.i . n.nit,: uls .,
form of Appli-nli"ii (l" 'i wliich l ii.-ic nr.- Iil-mlf Kli.-ts') nta
to Im Inel on iiilii-ati 'ii nt the nliicu, or iiy Iw-iler to the
Agcnl, J. II. l'l K1JV, Sinili.irc.
Hate rna inscbinj Slinlou a sins!u l.n'a
Ape. ( Pi-em. A?re. Prttn.
I 1 Hit :tl ti
17 l i ;fj
H I .V Si -2 il
i I l j' :il fl -J7
1 tut : li :.
01 1 HI :( 3 40
i-i Iti-J U7 2i7
tw 1 ' .-
'Jl 1 1'2 a;i a tw
Si J Ti 40 TO
S IM 41 a HI
J7 i mi u a i
an l pt 4a 3 oi
JO 1 tr 41 3 I J
no Ol 45 3 1
I I'. r l..i.
1 IS',
A ticrm BCCil m wars l'..-i l,;rii, I.v
paiii.e 111 I'oiilp .iiv (a, . 'nm wonl.l .Hri;n to Iii liniily
or lifiii 4s HW !iiMikl lie ill. in ona vr ; or for fci, (ill he w
eiini, lo lliun flliuu; or l'..r St."1 aiunially ..r iii.ii vcara
he ..-nr.- tu tlirni HWKI uli lit hr .lie in n-veu yeari ; oi
forSf.n.Ill imiil miiiiciliy dn.u,,. lnc ,e vurc5 n',i t.,
iiaiil wlicii lie ilica. Th miurer aitriiiiiia Ina own Uunn,
hy llieilllicrciicc in aj'..,ni,lol iiri-iniilliui iroinlUowi'liare. il
by oilier oil.i'n. For tlie licira w.mlJ reccr, e 5"..hicu
li ml:! tie din 111 one yenr.
Fornia m ai.ucaliun ami nil pHrtioiilari niav t ut
the (MUe. ft. TIIU l.L U.K.N, I'le-ailcn!.
lc Prrai.trnt, Wm. M. Hviru.
VaA-fciu V. ItAiVLi, h.-crclary nn'I Trci.cnirer.
Cixi'i.-,iNc lHTici.a Or. J. H Muvt. unl.iii v.
J. 11. t-t'uuv, Sunbury, Aeut for Noi uiuui.yrUtail coun
tninbury, July SS, tf 10
riiirs proof cii us v.
Ton books, rArni.s, jewelry, ic.
jYo. 90 Xorth Third stre't, letirren Arch end
Race, and 83 Dock sheet,
I'atcut Soap-Slono MuttlticJ ricj
liole Coior
"''X'T M'arriuUe.1 lo at -il m.te Haul
inaii any i ncsii tit mn cuuuirv.
f-' Iii "
Also lutoitt A:f-riuiintR-r In 11
t h- Bta, I'iuU ii-uv 111 uk. Thrv
ukk continue U iimke il.c t-rtliita-ry
1'iie ln . tit wry I n nrin'a
1'uteut nuiitbiitHtitiii tin'lis. Wiih
a-m irvi'Dil thouauiul tnut-a chjmum-
fc1 r - -jjfc--f- b!e ui t'urt every time lliw it
lined if deatiubi-. Tlieae Lock are pr. acatiiat ti niat
tfX)trt Tbievea beai au'bed with fhawratent Keyh l
Cuver, aud made very am-iifT, they cann. r he bl.mii rn
hv Ginir'wder. Tlime Lck ra intended br HANKS,
tSraland lettet copitig piesica, fire prof derail Bajika
and Ktore.
talent bia'e IJned PeiViseiatrira. warmntLd anre'Kr to
all oihera. Watei Filiera, Shower Baiha ol the U.i dual
ity. IV Parena wiahiut; to rurcha my e tha ahova ar
ttclea, wiil piaaaa aia thain a caJl, a they ah
than any other m tht L'u.ted Siatea.
PbiJadclphia, Norembet 10, l&iW ly . .
CHtS.-An excUi.t artii la, for at
half thuaual ptta bv J. W. rKTtl.XG- y
5unhury, July t, 1743. ,
A pe. I Tor 1 year. I t'or 7 v
91 I 81 I i,l
ail 9fl I l.:u
40 l.'J.i 1.1)1
611 I l.HJ I 'J.n;
611 j 3, IS U.U7
taut icn i:.lrn
A mail hy th mm 01 I I.AVP tut rr;ii4 Willi
fniiiifT niiin uf Ih imin nf 51 I. 'rf,wiinH. ut hi4
liniim tn pill p a nnr(rilla, hlh (ty cull Ur, . Tim
nrl S:irinriila dcii iniiiutii.-r it lil Al. 1 I. (Irinimi. at.
Thia Tnwnneiid i 110 dncttr, am) ni-r wim ; IhiI waa for
merly a worker 011 lli nti!rmtl. cniiiilc. and tli lik. YI
h nwuiii llietitletif 1irn fitr Hi f'lirpii nf aaininf eradit :
fur wtwt he ia not Tin i 1 j cnicin th puiilic .a I ba
d'?reiv'il. anil ptirrhn inn- lull the OemiiDe Orif iiwif Ol
llr. Jactib TuwnnriMl' bnrfrilJl. bavinf on it tha (J14
llr1. Iikip. In fniiii'j' 1 ml yf nru'i. mt hit llf iia'.arf' '
aurus Uit Gt of arms.
.T- .tm J.
I, .V,
I Tin: ni.iMNAL, Ijsc-ovi:hi-:ii of the
Moriuis: Towiih crl arsnparllla (
"I-T) Dr. T.'vnvid if n-iw ab-ni 70 ytri t- aj, u 4
J haf l--ni li'ti hiM'wn as the nulli'T and tacovertr mi
I tlif f tr:iiinr ( ;tifiiiil "Tuwiirip'id S-traajainlla " b
i inpp .r. hf waa cviinpHJrd ti limit it ni-Hiuianur, br
) wiin h im-mii it h in been kt-j.i nut i 1 ai ket. and tha aalaa
titt iiinnf rib.-d i lb hp r-nly win bnve prctvrd ifg worth anrf
kiidttn iir: ihIu"?. lth;id rt-Hi-hptl the a of inuny, nerar
Hi. b p. r. th i prr 'iin !i i lnitl b'en h)ib.d ihircditeaaM.
I and Hiivtl ir iu i'ca:li, pr.eiaimwl its fjieellcnc ftitd won
j dvii'ul
I Iir.lMNU rowER.
i Kit iri:t, m ;iv yirs uc that h h4, bjr kit fcil!, aai
i Purr. ni"l j.'rt' ti. d-vi 1 an arlide whiHi would ba
I el iiHib"t:' t Hdvaiitiure bi mankind, when ont-a knows
j ami " xt t ' use!. h- jirtl nnd i crnrvred. aiiteclinf
. t'n- tim-1 i te wln-n llir mrnim would be fwrinthed tm
! Iniim K imivt r l ii'ti':e, when it ineatiinibl virtuaa
rv- ul'i ! kn vn im.i ni picciatt-d. Tim lime ha c.Jtu, U
i inran ur f'!iipln:d j thia
at.M and L'.i:(ivr.iixD rnr.rARATio.f,
I la tti it. l!:".! :irc .1 on tins lin-rst acfihv and ii failed fjr
thr,.tiL'Iiint ihf) Uv ulh mid br'.ilth ol the hind, eipecialty u
' it i.- i'iij-1 I iucM;.;i!,iti .( (fvwK'r:i'i'.n ut ileten ralijn.
' 1 .t-t f.'eT) i i iii riiiir Ihruiigb 'iii th land, that Old Dr.
i J kmI ni i it u ,w urinuufiuriiig the real 'T'Jwuswid
t'tj-jii!!:'.' w u !. iic, er s-.mia. iiover feimeuti, and navar
. rl'iiiiy ii.i CiditifbT.
I'i in Hiii -i iv i ith tbe pf j !r hii!l hflve tha Tura Oen
j 'im- 'I'-'W i i : ti ,p'N ul i, hiidt Blthll nftr a-'Uf iu tha
! bii;,-,..r in : de i.ii fh. tm1 1 p. ainli yet Umiah frwm lUa
: li u l itlj lcu.u if b)r. S tiring, I'xpl xliniTf Vim-gary Sai
; iitlia.'. it rv iii i.. :. A h '' fuparilla, pure an4
i jr'int!ii'', t ur' t t ' li f ; a j r Kouring, hlip-aiwp Sumps
j r I i 1.1 )rtl!4llt t ' lb- ll'l .-llld l)H'.
The (M lu's. Sivipitrhia will Kcfp rir tu perf
1k) y 11 is.
j I i. like y um.' S. 1 T. W'iS'iit it improve wiih fft,
I and nevtr rlm:ii'o. but t.r ihv bitter; bwauae it pra-
! p iied i'ii a-. -u-nt tii" i-iii'-i, lr by a n-ieitiific man. j'aa
; .'K'lirjt l.ii- it tb.'- of t'lifriiftry, "and the !atet ilnroTeriea4
' ol the An luive ull bn brn-.iybt inbi requittlinn in tha'c ,. tij- dldJ DII'S. SAliAVAI'JI.LA. Tlia
irhln r i.t, il ip well known tj medu:d men, cm
nutty in - ik i:ni i ; 'urtK-p. and a ine prnperiiaa
In !i u:f ir.ort ii::.-!-i.i
pr-'pitrii ii t .ir u'
mul itber, which, if retainej
. pt' dur e trtiientati'iii and acitf,
nvvt'-m. S me ! the prunertiea
' l
; "I Siirr.jai it'-i r.--e 1 1 v.l;Uile, thHt they entireW evaporate
, an. I Ji.t- i t iii i,:f j r '-r.i: i-.;t, it t!iey aie n"t pre aerved fcy
I by n p -i-n'i'lf ; i.'f. s ., kiuiwit 'n!y to thi te experienced iu
' i' in i.iii .ic; .ii o. Mri-t;ver, lUt c voluiileiirinciplei. whica
ily :T in v.ip rsi'ii cx!:j1 tin. urrler tieai. are I ha Taril
; ey,...-! u I'Kilii-.ii i : n e.:.e i tl.a r.-t, hich gtra to j
j Any i-m r i 1 .il r-r f -w tVe r till ihy jetiltrk
. r. '1 -,e : .i !. ! It a . i;L -re ii mi il e c ! rn. natter ia
! t'.r r -ii :i:n:t :'- . i m,v; h.j? f ; t;i-- Cbti tlien arain thia
1 r,i(. iii r a ....I t.-.u l r.vv.e-i v. ; i a ur tu lursea, anc
lhe:i c'; ';: -T-tr i;".i;;'. l'.'u;t ii yrui:." Hut iac)
II 1 I r'-'.r i:t.'W'. t! -
Vi'AUil LA.
I T,'ii'si.f"1MM,l i! .i i!,e itsrrt prnpfrtita of tha
? irf ,! t:!a r -:t: -t r.n e1 evtry tiiiiijt ea-aaia ai
hrr.m.n:e si' i i .ji t f .M'.',ut! n, is rxtructeil and rejeal
' e-1 ; t,'i-p"t; ff tv.r h ;il virtue ii leeu'td ins
; p ;i:l .i r-'i.'f rin ; uii-1 thus it ie renderevt inea-
pi!.;-i ly ;-.:: ol f." v.u.iit' !p and heia!injr propeniaa.
Vvc' itzl i i i....' v;iy, it is tha ni t pawen'u! ayaal
, m ibe
I cvv.r. cr iswy.v.iwv.i.r. iirASF..
TL'.iC t' e r.-.i-: ii ' y w lifnr c ,1-ini'iidnti on rary
!'. i.i i.- i .iv. r i.y ri",'. w. mm m.h!m1 riiiMrcn. find it
i ip w " I. i in "pt - i ' i.i'i!iiii'.i"u. Dypa;.Fi. atut
1 ! i i-r 1' : -i,',i! ; . mi. I in K:i'''nr(,.it;i, S'r.'tula, Pilwa,
I ... . ui t'-.i.- i- l.i .ij .i.::s, I';:ay.!ct, iiiotcaaa
a:id :i.l f -i; fniu
i iwvi in i ip Tiir.m.onD.
j 1 :st i..-!-v.!i-.;ivfir:iy, in all C'-inp!aiiita arieirtf
; fr u:i ii; :..: i -r. u 'in A' i.iiiy ot' tlis h, fn;m an-
e f tl ci .vi'i'i. .!. (Vt ri:i-!,-j'i -n .'H'lx'd tlie head, palpi'
i bui'.n of the h.r-r. c.'it! ler-1 ui;d cold handa, c.Md rhilia and
j U i! . ..- i'..; ii y. It hits n t ita t.pial in t'uldi an4
' C 'itu'i : r.n-l pr-'iii it'-a easy expetturation, awl enllapar
a.-ii :ii nut r-:!it?.i.;2 !-.uc:u:cif lha, Ujoat, ami araif
i (j'lt'T ll!"
! lb;i ki t .
i .'J.i.iij i? i'. rz; Vr :irt ::i.r mnif''..Tly teen ana
'j- ! iVmii in all uv.v'.n aiiJ :: cf l'emala Com-
a.-1.. i
vl-r?!'i ci.-j.f rin'.r AlHii ar Vhiita,
inl.. O! iu:c-l, h.ipi.rmarHl, cr Punfml
i: ,l t'.c !ii'iiriiril . il!. and llie Ilka;
.i! m i tun!!: n'! I lie I. TN'R nl' KlJnev Ll.ieaM.
rjiii:ip.n 1
d.'Hi--P, li
fi'i:l is a ell'
It, i. in iv . r tr i in ii -us. in; I rf-'iiiinir llie tr nerl
l.-iii, ii vi-i- i 'ii mul ..rmgili Ij iii who! Iwuy, ana Uaa
cm .'s;i!! i rii. s i '1
xttttvot iir.vt: and dkihutv,
An t liitis , rr'v'ii's i-i ri h crii vaaciy ol other in.
Iiiji"!. iih ii ! ! ::: i 11, Neiiriicia, St. Vila I'lnee,
c' n u: 'ii. Ac.
ne it iindiMt k l V U It.
An.l v.'
J. .-..I.
l.ll l'A'l';
It.' 11 -II I 'I.I
tvoniil if i r Id
s.-iul's t.r.i' '-!
it d iMiii Oii;iiLiil r-uruanii, ia aa
i tin i . i r .iviru in !
I il...; wa..u!l ilc I in tu arih-ta whiak
in l Hi1- ant rM-inMiiilce lo H I. Ti'WI-
. t 1 1 . 1 1 ' . l lin. il iwii nni.ii tha Ola
I (r n.i.-li ii in - i-i'.
II III. A','('i!.S w n I
S. f. 'I'.., ".
ii.i.K-s ,r. !, I .1!
T . .iv ir a.i.
l .ri:i.i m- lie i.-;i-
t':.- mi. lin.r.i ;..
tiil:i" in CiM:l
As S. IV '1' w.ii
';'..'u ! -:i.l "f c .Mj.luini suit ni iniiimtioiia
i I ;c. u p mI, cn-l pu: cl.Jr. who have ai4
I'.-, i'.'h. C'.'in,' nut. e wiili il
.... it i 1. 1" ii'ii liu.ri. ll-al . I.
:, r, 1 U..1 I):. J..c .h 'lvi!ii.' a Sra-
r rj :irl :c t ni:i'ii"-iy iliaimiiir ; that
r. ir.i.. t...i, ImviMg no; on King!
. .-fr. and never waw. ia na
-kn ay.-, n i lifre cf medieina
t.Mti n, unsMiilifii-, luiprofea-i-c;iii
pi.bhc h:.e that laa
niiu'hie. r Mtl-'iiuinf aU
! i:. :-. 1 winch ave m-.-nnable oC
it ciji-'ase l;i iii rt. ly
H 'll.ii u: ill. U i.
lire Hi-en in n r.-il
til:.' irlll' l" u;-,l I
p)i met-', w hu-h nt'u .t render lliviit the ag'-n'.a ,f diea ia--i.l!t-;td
ti l.-ruhb .'
Tin; V ;ibl be e;-id fr-vri cna who inira
n liiiic oinnurdtivcij ot in ..licnte tiiaeaae ! It reou'r
a pr: it 4-1 r t t'lei-.i-r. lo r. t)n ui;d rrvf up t an a
r iii.n ni .(( -nt intvi!. h r.- hut'4 i.itjfrTant ia it thai
the ptTi 'ii- . it in it.' iff"! ii . nifvli-'nie, lieiueti t waafc
at'iiinclin im 1 eTift-"!,d -, "fbviis. ti "itVi wU tha
ui.'.Ucul pi.t: -ti'r r.f r;a'j4. t'.e Im.-i iiuitiirr vi a.arinf
uiivl c.' O.c'i'i l.-ili.;: vi.i:i" a', un extena.fa
knimlrdge ,f (. . v;iii-.usdi'-nf.-n wb'th af.t lha hataaa
sit-in jn,d l;.lvv i i it.n. ii -sl lVec dneuaei !
l( in' ,..ts ii :.- i ;I i.. 'i: ..e t i ti gxwl ; it Int n ia it wliifM i:i!i e..-i- h itia. il can nvar a -ur at
mi I i'.cr. i -ii v. rt .... i.i rural ive properttea.
,s tin I.:--). -ti.-a the Ir er t heulttiy at'i iai,
r-: n.,. t1'. ::: .1 f ' U Hun, reiiewe ilia
i : ri -r ;.!!! f . r"i u-i n. r'i-ty ititUnw!' n. puri-
I t Htt 111
j lwia
' li'i tin-
: r.iirs .i.i
' r;:i v i
1- .
,:h. eit: iliA'S tin:
itttiii.'ii ft the uUhI, pn
L.i it lie b hIy. fnd at tha
r i sttir.- i;-i
. pre-f-.-nlii
I S. t T
.. n; ri'i , ?. uit fbriirit- ita midnivn"
v ni: Pv.:i-ti, U iliia. thni. tiie meji--n'.!)
V'" I' d r..n a. iy il lbeae tiiuifa
, :.'t .... a tuie.t-c a:lu!f TU. fuaaf
in : i. j'i.u :-i n .1 t 1-c
t oMrAiiri) wi r:i Tin: oi.u rii'!.
i i -iiti of ,i,4 i ni' A fj.r t. tbt the i'ii ia innanalMaof 4a-
I.-... ntti n, :.n.l MAT.Ii Si 'OILS, vl.ile tha o.her tl.aaj
; p ; 1-iifn, ti iiiienif. tmil Ll..". the b e 'tuaiiuiif it naa
jit imiciiin ; tii- s .tr. ai-.d b.jia.l fx; i duiL. und (lainarinf
t tJn-r ;m -i's ! n l thi h -rnble c 'iniii'uiid la p.'ia..n-
uti y -'cm f V;::'.: ! pu: u. :d mti a aytlem alreatiy
! i!i.m .1 Willi :tv ' l Whnt r.ii;fi l apej tia but ar.d
1 w-- it -t nU la!i.)w. that whtr f-ind a .i in our a;ituafha.
' lall'iitt Hip hr-i t, Itver i-i nt;!:ntit, di''riSH', dysentair;
j C 'iiCj 'ukI inn.p'. 'ii oi tiiti 1'l.h.i f h-l ia tSrofula but
j nit m id 1. n i in r hi ' h 't'v I '.'lint pr.idui't anil the hutnora
I whirli biniK "it Krupti"ua i-f the Skut, fcH-ald Head, Halt
litirtim. .r miu Itiic SweHin-ja, V'ever Stiro. and ail
Ui'Truti ma iiiu rn..i bihi exu-rn ii: ii ia noinnig nuaar
hi-itvcn but un tii -id an! jai.-Miee, which auraand thuaajan
i1 1 bo tiitidti f -h- holy, more ir a-. What eauaa
UheuiuiUMti. but u -ur r arid Uuid, which iiiniiiuatea U
lf b!, ci'. i t'i j.'i.i'n inrl fls. here, in urn nig and in
riaiuina the ten U r ai delete tic.viea iijioii whuh il artaf
S.MH ihtv. 'iw dtwua. ?, i f uin'iirily nt" the blk -d, cf da
riMijff.t eirctilatiftiu. uitd nt-iuy ail iht ai!.!iieuta which af
tii't huiiuni ure.
ow if it u t h.irr;! !e to maka a. A ar:!( and iiifinitalf
w.rise to iia: ;h
soi'itiNo. Fr.nvr:NTiv. Ann coMrorM
t'F rt. F TOWNShND!
It ia h 'ruble t think, and to know how erutfr taa af
lli;tej cire inij id u ..n by pu-Hampfuna niejifor tha aaka
of m mey ! rorninea ntaki i-ut of the aiui-a 't tha aiuk !
and u etjiuvalLii! renJertd the deapatriiu; aufl'Tera !
It ia t ) TMifsi rp.i-.Ai up ii tha uiifinuii'ite. to pnur !ala
iu w.NiiidiNl liuitwniiv. to k India upe in ha deatauinai
L 'Mun. b i nre hftiitii at: l I km. in, and tno thrf
eruMhed uitd binLfii. nnd to txntikh luhrmilv. tlinl fUd fr.
Juc 'b wi.5-td Ir.f tijiTii an I f-'und tlu opprtu:iiT anrf
tnmnii to bruit hi t.miul I'ltiveraa! Cowentrutttf. ITeiuaaT
wi'hm the rtifii, an 1 1- lite kifiwltdae of all who uead U,
thut tlu y nriv b in it n?id know, by joyful expenema, tit
TKANSiTADlNT FOVi:H TO 111'. A la.
And tin in to ntf the Hiipuielmseubbe aaliai'uj.-Mon of fcaviar
iuia.ll tli u':ii'U u-id ti;-itii t.a from the tx-d ot aielrneat ana
dfp i)diK t i h 'jifl, h'-jaltri, and a lti life m awaV
itaM-iulitiK-tiii I ' thfui-st 'vri thiir f:urttraai.d i'ntulk,
A..t:vT.--tU,NiiV MAS:-iHtt SMuit-my.
July iM'J Ly eow
wtRowNs KSftExcie of aiisofsR
B Jf A row aupplv ot'lhia rxc-liciit artJcU jua
rccftvej anJ fa ae ly )i. U. MALSEK,
Sunbury, Miuh Ki. 1550.
&AY KUM.r-Aa xff.JJent artida for m!
SuijWy Jan. t7th. 1S4W if.
UAILXH, curranu, citnvn,' cheraa PPp
aiii-, iVi-. Vot h9 by 1. W. I- RZLIvi
fvtl.hui v, Ptf
1 1